学术英语(社科)Unit1-8 Text A译文

在这种情况下,每个座位的平均成本是1,000美元/ 200美元,这是500美元。

Introduction: Understanding the Impact of New Media on Journalism 1Journalism is undergoing a fundamental transformation, perhaps the most fundamental since the rise of the penny press of the mid-nineteenth century. In the twilight of the twentieth century and the dawn of the twenty-first, there is emerging a new form of journalism whose distinguishing qualitiesinclude ubiquitous news, global information access, instantaneous reporting, interactivity, multimedia content, and extreme content customization. In many ways this represents a potentially better form of journalism because it can reengage an increasingly distrusting and alienated audience. At the same time, it presents many threats to the most cherished values and standards of journalism. Authenticity of content, source verification, accuracy, and truth are all suspect in a medium where anyone with a computer and a modem can become a global publisher.2Although the easy answer is to point to the Internet, the reasons for the transformation of journalism are neither simple nor one-dimensional. Rather, a set of economic, regulatory, and cultural forces, driven by technological change, are converging to bring about a massive shift in the nature of journalism at the millennium.3The growth of a global economic system, made up of regional economies, all interrelated (witness the volatility in the world‟s financial markets in August 1998, when drops in Asian and Russian markets triggered drops in European and U.S. markets) and increasingly controlled by multinational corporate behemoths, has rewritten the financial basis for journalism and the media in general. Deregulation, as outlined in the U.S. Telecommunications Act of 1996 and简介:了解新媒体对新闻的影响1新闻业正在发生根本性的变革,或许最根本的变革是十九世纪中叶的便士报的崛起。

Unit 7BehaviorWord Bankoutrageous: very shocking and unacceptable.令人震惊的/ 难以接受的; electric shock触电(terror->terrible->horror->horrible) abhor: v. to hate very much憎恶,讨厌; normal->abnormal [dress: (1)n. 连衣裙/ 长裙; (2) vt. dress<->undress->) address (discuss): v. to deal with处理(pathy=feeling) (a-: away) apathy (=indifference->indifferent冷漠的): n. lack of interest冷淡,无兴趣assign (->assignment=homework): v. to give as a share or duty分派,指派biology (->biological): n. the science that studies living organisms生物学board(->to ~ a plane/ a ship/ a bus; boarding card登机卡; ->boarder董事/房客->boarding school寄宿学校): n. an official body that has responsibility for a particular organization or activity 理事会,董事会(sequence: n.顺序->sequent: adj. 按序排列的) consequence: n. sth. that follows from an action or set of conditions; result后果,结果credit: n. a complete unit of a student's work that forms part of a course, esp. at a university学分/ 信用enlighten: v. t o cause to understand deeply and clearly启蒙,启发holler: v. to shout out呼喊[ID card= identity (card): n. 身份->identify: vt.) identical: adj. similar or the same相同的[machine机器-> machinery机械->mechanic机修工->mechanism机理/ 机制] mechanics: n. the ways in which sth. works, produces results, etc.方法,技巧mentor: n. a person who gives advice to another over a period of time, esp. to help them in their working, life导师pedagogy: n. the practice of teaching or the study of teaching methods教学法[perfect: (1)adj. 完美无缺的; (2)vt. =improve] perfectionist: n. a person who is not satisfied with anything that is not completely perfect完美主义者(plagiarism剽窃现象->) plagiarize: v. to take (words, ideas, etc.) from others' work (著作) and use them in one's own work without giving proper credit to the original author抄袭,剽窃police (policeman<->policewoman): (1)n.警察; (2)vt. to keep a watch on; control监督,控制routine: (1)adj. regular (regulate: vt. 调控); according to what is always habitually done惯常的,例行的; (2)n. 常规; routiner墨守成规者thrill (->thriller悬念片/ 恐怖片->action movie武打片): v. to have a sudden, strong feeling of excitement感到一阵激动Phrases and Expressionscome up with: to think of ; to produce想出,提出deprive sb. of sth.: to take sth. away from somebody剥夺(权利等)feel (be) obliged to: to feel it necessary to do觉得必要做prohibit sb. from doing sth.: to prevent somebody from doing sth.禁止; 阻止某人做某事take one's side: to support sb.; to agree with sb.站在……一边turn in (=hand in<->hand out发给学生作业的->handout 讲义): to hand in上交,交给Reading ComprehensionChoose the best for each of the following.1. In Para. 1 "had been plagiarized" probably means ( D )A. had cheatedB. had copied term papers from the Internet websitesC. had been copied by othersD. had been identified as cheating in term papers2. In Para. 4, "teacher apathy the norm" means ( C )A. teachers take interest in students' cheatingB. teachers show sympathy for students' cheatingC. teachers give a blind eye to students' cheatingD. teachers mind students' cheating3. The word "hit" in Para. 11 means ( C )A. attackB. strikeC. popular routineD. beat4. The tone in Para. 13 is ( A )A. jocularB. sarcasticC. encouragingD. discouraging5. Who are responsible for plagiarism at school, according to the passage? ( A )A. Professors.B. The Internet websites.C. Students themselves.D. Parents on their children's side.II. Complete the following summary of the text by filling in the blanks with words. The initial letter of each word has been given to you.Plagiarism is not a new thing. But with the development of the Internet technology, it has become more and more common. Where should the (1) penalty be placed (put), on the (2) cheaters, on the professors, or on the Internet? The answer is not as clear as (3) crystal (->crystallize). Beyond any (4) doubt, plagiarists ought to be punished. They need to do their own job and, at the same time, respect others. This is the basic (5) discipline (纪律) which they need to develop.What about the professors who show (6) apathy to cheating? They are (7) partly (partially部分地) (hold->) held responsible for the popularity (普及duty of passing knowledge (知识) to students, but also have the duty of cultivating the mentality (intelligence/ morality道德) of their students. If they were (8) apologists when (they are) dealing with students who plagiarize, how could plagiarism be controlled?The Internet websites seem to be to (9) blame, because the copied papers are mostly from the website (10) sources (来源->resources资源). But the purpose and function of websites are not to provide (convenient->) convenience (方便) for plagiarism. Instead (On the contrary), they are to make information much more easily accessible for people who can make proper use of (=use/ utilize使用) it. What's more, in the battle against plagiarism, haven't the websites played their role? VocabularyI. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.1. We (lose->lost->lost) lost the election because of the ___C__ to our supporters.A. (anti-: against; anti-Japanese war抗日战争) antipathy (=indifference)B. (sym-: same) sympathy (n. 同情-> sympathize with sb. vt.)C. apathy (n. indifference冷漠)D. empathy (移情别恋)2. She is ___A__ with having saved the company from bankruptcy (prevent sb. from doing sth.阻止…发生).A. credited (记功)B. praisedC. promotedD. attributed (n./ vt. 属性, 品质, 特征, 加于, 归结于)3. I never __D___ in dealing with such matters.A. stand sidesB. be sidesC. stay sides (stay aside闪开)D. take sides (=support)4. You made the wrong decision, and now you must take the __B___.A. resultsB. consequences (后果)C. outcomeD. effect (n.->effective)5. Tom is not __D___ clever in the class.A. specifically (具体)B. specially特殊C. especiallyD. particularly特别提及6. Basic English is a ___C__ in the curriculum for the freshmen (大学一年级学生).A. class班级/阶级/等级B. lecture讲座C. course课程D. lesson一节课/ 教训; I’ll teach him a lesson教训某人.7. The airline has __B___ a novel [(1)n.小说; (2)adj. new] solution to the problem of jet-lag (时差反应).A. come up to (amount to=reach the number)B. come up with拿出C. (fade out昏迷<->) come to苏醒D. come on=go on继续8. Peter (think->) thought the world was flat until I __A___ him.A. enlightened (启发)B. lightened (vt. 减轻, 照亮)C. (light-> lighted/ lit->lit) lightedD. delighted=happy干涉, 干预, 妨碍, 打扰) interfering.A. forcedB. pleasant D. respected10. Writing a [cheque (英) =check (美) is quite a simple __A___.A. procedure (程序)B. process (n.过程/工艺/vt.加工; processed food)C. move (vi.移动; n. 动作)D. action (重大军事行动)II. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary. thrill turn in quit routine identicalpenalty series faculty address sensitivementor database sinister tempt bargain1. This is a very tempting (=attractive) offer (n. /vt.) and I suggest you give it a consideration. [suggest sth./ doing sth./ that sb. do sth. #suggest sb. to do sth. (错误)]2. He ignored the side issues (side effect副作用) and addressed (dedicated oneself to sth.献身于…事业) himself to the main (major) problem.3. His term paper is identical (=same) to (介词) one thesis I've read on the Internet.4. What a thrilling (=exciting) game; the winner was in doubt (n.是个悬念) until the last minute.5. The soldiers have to turn in (=hand in递交) their guns (枪/炮) when they leave the army.6. She longed to (desire渴望) escape from the (stupid愚蠢的->) stultifying (vt.使显得愚笨, 使变无效, 使成为徒劳) routine of (homework家庭作业) housework (家务劳动).7. She had had enough and quit (=stop) working in the company.8. The patient [(1)n.病人(2)adj.有耐心的] is very sensitive (敏感) to pain.9. The increasing demand [(1)vt.要求; (2)n.需求] has given the company greater bargaining (讨价还价的) power.10. All faculty (一个机构的全体工作人员) members are required to attend the meeting. [(1) vt. attend a class/ meeting; (2)vi. to attend to sb.-> attendant服务员; flight attendant空勤人员] TranslationPut the following paragraph into Chinese.Plagiarists as victims. Teachers as oppressors. It's not your conventional reaction to cheating. Not surprisingly, it has been a hit with many college students, just as it was with the plagiarists at Piper High. The student newspaper at Stanford ran an editorial attacking the use of antiplagiarism software as a potential violation of the school's honor code, which "prohibits professors from taking 'unusual and unreasonable precautions' in their academic procedures." Moreover, the paper said, checking for cheating "might even harm the relationship between students and faculty."参考译文:抄袭者成为了受害者,老师们成了压迫者。
学术英语(管理)_Unit 7ppt课件

• firm • generic products • branding program • touch point • disconnect
• direct mail
• mailer • point of engagement • inconsistency • company • marketing communication
Unit 7 Brands and Branding
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
Lessons drawn from examples
Brand experience should be consistent and controlled by the organization at every point of contact
Unit 7 Brands and Branding
Several terms
• brand 品牌
branding: efforts on creating, mtaoi,ntaaibnrianngd,品a牌nd建a设dding more value
• brand value 品牌价值
• brand equity 品牌资产
Unit 7 Brands and Branding
Unit 7 Brands and Branding
• Text A
The Importance of Brands
1) Critical thinking and reading of Text A 2) Language building-up
Lessons drawn from examples
学术英语(第二版)医学教师用书Unit 7

UNIT 7 Doctor-patient Relationship Teaching ObjectivesAfter learning Unit 7, Ss are expected to accomplish the following objectives:Professio nal knowledg eTo have deep insights into the shift from paternalistic paradigmtopatient-centered paradigm in medical decision-makingTo be aware of the importance of a good doctor-patientrelationship in both the medical practice and thepatient’s recoveryTo have a clear understanding of what counts in maintaininganamicable doctor-patient relationshipTo learn how to communicate properly and effectively with the patientTo be well acquainted with such concepts as paternalistic approach and patient-centered or autonomous approach to medical decision-makingTo know how to shift from a paternalistic decision-making process to a patient-centered oneReading To understand the patient’s attitude toward patientempowerment/ autonomy and its role in doctor-patient relationshipTo be aware of the power of words when communicating withtheTeaching Activities and ResourcesPart 1 ReadingText ALead-inSuggested teaching plan1. Doctor-patient relationship is among the most controversial focuses and mostwidely talked about in medical and healthcare communities. It is a determinant factor of quality care. On the part of language, words are sometimes value-laden and possess magic power. The same relationship can be differently connoted by using different terms. Before starting the class, it is advisable to know the implications of these terms: doctor, physician, medical practitioner, provider and patient, client, customer.Doctor: referring to a “teacher ” to show, to teach, or to appear right, and carryinga connotation of being seemly fitting and decentPhysician: denoting a practitioner of the art of healingMedical practitioner: a technique term without much connotationProvider: a generic term more or less related to businessPatient: indicating a suffering or sick person under medical treatmentClient: referring to a person who is willing to pay for goods or servicesCustomer: denoting one who buys goods or servicesAwareness of the subtleties as incurred by the use of the different terms to indicate the doctor-patient relationship will contribute to a better understanding of the characteristics of an amicable and ideal doctor-patient relationship.2. Lead Ss to do Task / Lead-in .1) Ask Ss to think of at least three different situations where doctors may beasked to make “tough decisions ” for their patient s.Decide whether life-support system should be continued or withdrawn.Decide whether euthanasia should be taken into consideration.Decide whether a new therapy should be tried.Decide whether surgery should be the first choice or the last resort.Decide whether transfer or referral is needed.2) Have a quick check and a short discussion on what Ss have come up with.3. Make a summary on the discussion and introduce the topic of Text A.Text ComprehensionSuggested teaching plan1. Launch the topic of the text as a continuum of Lead-in.2. Analyze the text and lead Ss to discuss, integrating Task 2 / Critical readingand thinking / Text A into analysis and discussion. The presentation topics should be assigned to individual Ss for preparation at least one week in advance.Ask other Ss to preview the text with the guidance of the presentation topics.3. Lead Ss to do Task 2 / Language building-up / Text A after a discussion of thetext.4. When analyzing the text, ask Ss to pay special attention to the sentences listed inLanguage focus below.5. If time allows, ask Ss to do Task 1 / Critical reading and thinking / Text A inabout five minutes. Check out the task by asking one or two Ss to read their answers. This is done to get an overview about the text.Language focus1. He was large and powerfully built…miraculously shrinking down to theireye level whenever he spoke with them. (P164, Para. 1)句子运用了对比的手法(large and powerfully built / shrink down to their eye level),有利于加强文章的艺术效果和感染力。
学术英语(人文)Unit 7

Unit Contents
• Lead-in • Text A • Text B • Text C • Academic Language and Discourse • Listening • Speaking • Writing
Unit 7 Truth and Objectivity in Historical Research
Suggested answer:
(To be continued)
Unit 7 Truth and Objectivity in Historical Research
Text A
Classroom activities
The Empirical Approach to Historical Research
Unit 7 Truth and Objectivity in Historical Research
Text A
Supplementary information
The Empirical Approach to Historical Research
Work in pairs to compare your answers to the questions in Task 2 / Critical Reading and Thinking / Text A. P130
Unit 7 Truth and Objectivity in Historical Research
Text A
Supplementary information
The Empirical Approach to Historical Research
Third, the epistemic values and religious beliefs are also swing factors. Even Leopold von Ranke, the founder of history as an academic discipline, was under the influence of his religious belief as he maintained that every state was given a moral character from God. The historian may not be aware of personal bias which could well be rooted in his mythic assumptions.
学术英语(管理)_Unit 7

Activity 4
Which is more important for a brand, the physical attributes or the emotional associations?
Unit Unit 7 7 Brands Brands and and Branding Branding
1. The author uses examples to introduce the topic : branding (paragraph 1) 2. Definition of brand. (Paragraphs 2, 8,9,10) 3. Definition of brand experience (Paragraph 3)
Unit 7 Brands and Branding
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
Ultimate definition
• Para. 10: "A brand is a relationship between an organization, product, or service and a potential buyer."
Unit Unit 7 7 Brands Brands and and Branding Branding
Activity 3
What emotion do these brands arouse in you?
Unit Unit 7 7 Brands Brands and and Branding Branding
Activity 1 Exchange Time

露泽的嘴唇微微眯起,眼睛的底部闪过一阵寒冷,整个力量爆发,也变成了浅青色的溪流。繁荣! ! !两条青色飘带在空中相撞。可怕的风刀向各个方向射击,地面上的草被分开,在地面上留下了纵横交错的痕迹。陆泽的左拳挡住 了蓝狼的爪子,骨头发出轻微的声音,刺痛来了,显然骨头已经破裂了。但是他并不在乎,右腿变成了长长的鞭子,体力,精神力量,蓝色剑刃向蓝狼的腰部急剧风化。蓝狼感受到了威胁,尾巴摇晃着,陆泽的右腿猛地撞在了一起,声音 一阵哗哗。陆泽的身体被震动了。就在陆泽准备再次冲上去的时候,他突然变黑了。好?这是黑暗的?陆泽怀疑地抬起头,但看到一个巨大的金色眼睑看着陆泽,然后他面前是黑色的,他的身体剧烈疼痛。当他的视线恢复时,它已经在外 面了。死亡人数增加一个..
有一天下午, 看到他在一个护士站, 用健硕的胳膊比划着向一名护士抱怨一 位病人的家属, 我很惊奇。 这是位临终的病人, 这位年轻的医生安排了和病人家 属的病情通报会, 商谈撤掉生命支持系统和药物治疗并着手开始临终关怀。 在整 个过程中家属一直喋喋不休地问问题, 但最终拒绝做任何决定, 也不撤除任何治 疗手段。
; 美高梅集团 https:// 美高梅集团;
; 美高梅平台 https:// 美高梅平台;
先发现有些人敢在她面前如此瘦。果然,下次我见面时,铁拳制裁的程度会增加一级。但是现在她忽略了吕泽的话并且说:“等我再重新添加,我是你的导师。此外,一个月后,精英班将接受入学测试,你准备好了,不要死。”泽点 点头,回过头来说:“哦,好吧,我会做好充分的准备..”他只说了一半,突然发现自己听到了一个坏词?他咳嗽哭了起来,确认道:“老师,你说死不对,你的意思是什么?” “吨吨.嗝〜字面意思。”陆泽:“..”听着南宫悄悄地倒 了一口酒,满意的呼吸,冷静地给出了解释,陆泽觉得他的心态已经爆发了。哪所学校的入学考试将会死亡?入门测试不应该比虚拟现实中的比赛更好吗?他抽搐了一下口:“好吧,老师不会惹麻烦,入学考试将会死亡。” “当然,我们 联邦大学和帝国理工学院的入学考试可能已经死亡,但你可以放心,死亡率仍然非常低。只有不到10%。”我吃了! !真的死了?陆泽震惊了!他的眉头微微皱起,有些有尊严的问道:“南宫先生,我们的入学考试是什么?”南宫静带着 一点酗酒说道:“啊?没事。只要走到前线。”几场战斗,攻击几个城市,这是联邦大学和皇家学院精英班的传统。

学术英语unit1,unit3,unit4,unit9课文翻译 Unit 1 Text A神经过载与千头万绪的医生患者经常抱怨自己的医生不会聆听他们的诉说。
奥索里奥夫人 56 岁,是我的病人。
她锻炼不够多,最后一次 DEXA 骨密度检测显示她的骨质变得有点疏松。
以下是整个 20 分钟看病的过程中我脑海中闪过的念头。
我需要和她谈谈每天吃五种蔬果、每天步行 30 分钟的事。
我是不是应该再加一种降血压的药?药片多了是否让她困惑?更好地控制血压的益处和她可能什么药都不吃带来的风险孰重孰轻?骨密度 DEXA 扫描显示她的骨质有点疏松。

Introduction to Disaster Films (1)
Unit 7 The Day After Tomorrow
Section A Focused Activities Part 1 Lead-in Part 2 Watching & Listening Part 3 Fun Time
Unit 7 The Day After Tomorrow
Introduction to Disaster Films (1) Section A Focused Activities Section B Extroduction to Disaster Films (1)
Section A Part 1 Lead-in
The Day After Tomorrow shows a disastrous and abrupt climate change. Paleoclimatologist Jack Hall is at a research station in Antarctica when an ice block as big as a state breaks off the continental shelf. Jack senses that wild weather patterns (huge typhoons, large hailstorms in Japan and other temperate zones) might signal a coming ice age tripped off by global warming. Now identify the natural disasters according to the following pictures.
学术综合英语英语填空题翻译Unit 7

Unit7 Dishonoring the Honor systemVocabulary Development [P234-235]A:1.If reviews are not available within four mouths,authors are free to submit themanuscript to another journal and ask them to vet the manuscript.如果复核在4个月内没有得到录用,作者可以把自己的原稿投到其它杂志社,然后让他们审阅原稿。
修改成:如果四个月内没有通过复审2.Despite her great age,she was very graceful indeed,but so far,the archaeologistshave been unable to discover her identity.尽管她的年代久远,而且她确实看起来优雅,但是到目前为止,考古学家们没有发现她的身份。
修改成:1.她确实看着很优雅尽管她的年代久远//无法弄清楚3.Psychologists believe that children are easily influenced by their peer.心理学家认为儿童们很容易受他们同龄人的影响。
修改成:孩子们//儿童4.The old man was always sounding off about higher taxes.那位老人总是爱抱怨高税收。
修改成:抱怨越来越高的税收5.Man will go down into the pit and all his thougts will perish.男人如果进入这个坑里,他所有的想法将会消失。
6.The challenger leveled the champion with a mighty uppercut.挑战者用一记强有力的上勾拳击倒了冠军。

Unit 1A题1 Through language we share experience, formulate values, exchange ideas, transmit knowledge, and sustain culture.我们用语言来分享经验,传递价值观,交换想法,传播知识,传承文化。
2 Metaphor is an implicit comparison between things that are different yet have something in common.隐喻是一种隐含的比较,不同的事物却有共同的东西。
3 In fact, the skillful use of supporting materials often makes the difference between a good speech and a poor one.事实上,能否有技巧地使用论据会造成演讲效果的天壤之别。
4 To be more effective, though, they should be vivid and richly textured.当然,要想演讲效果更好,演讲本身必须生动且结构丰富。
5 Extended examples—often called illustrations, narrations, or anecdotes—are longer and more detailed.延伸举例——也叫解释、叙述或轶事——更长更详尽。
6 Hypothetical examples describe imagery situations and can be quite effective for relating ideas to the audience.假设举例描述的是想象的情景,能够很好地把想法传达给观众。
7 Statistics can be extremely helpful in conveying your message, as long as you use them sparingly and explain them so they are meaningful to your audience. 统计资料非常有助于演讲者传递信息,因为当演讲者适量地运用这些资料并加以解释时,听众就能更好地理解其中的意义。

研究生学术英语读写教程unit7研究生学术英语读写教程 Unit7 的内容如下:主题:学术论文的结构和写作技巧本单元重点:- 了解学术论文的基本组成部分以及各自的作用- 掌握正确的学术论文写作技巧和风格- 学会如何优化学术论文的结构和排版本单元拓展:- 学术论文的阅读和撰写对于研究生来说是非常重要的技能。
- 学术论文的结构和写作技巧是研究生学术英语读写教程中的重要部分。
具体内容:1. Introduction- 介绍学术论文的背景和目的- 阐述学术论文的基本组成部分以及各自的作用- 举例说明如何有效地组织 Introduction 部分2. Literature Review- 介绍文献综述的作用和意义- 阐述文献综述的基本组成部分以及各自的作用- 举例说明如何有效地组织 Literature Review 部分3. Methods- 介绍研究方法的重要性- 阐述研究方法的基本组成部分以及各自的作用 - 举例说明如何有效地组织 Methods 部分4. Results- 介绍研究结果的重要性- 阐述研究结果的基本组成部分以及各自的作用 - 举例说明如何有效地组织 Results 部分5. Discussion- 介绍讨论部分的作用和意义- 阐述讨论部分的基本组成部分以及各自的作用 - 举例说明如何有效地组织 Discussion 部分 6. Conclusion- 总结学术论文的主要内容- 强调学术论文的结论和贡献- 举例说明如何有效地撰写 Conclusion 部分 7. References- 列举学术论文中所引用的文献- 注意文献引用的准确性和完整性8. Format and 排版- 了解学术论文的排版格式- 学会如何优化学术论文的结构和排版本单元重点:- 了解学术论文的基本组成部分以及各自的作用- 掌握正确的学术论文写作技巧和风格- 学会如何有效地阅读和撰写学术论文,从而提高学术能力总结:研究生学术英语读写教程 Unit7 主要介绍了学术论文的结构和写作技巧。

Cultural Globalization1. Much of the early development of different languages, customs, and otherdiverse aspects worldcultures resultedfromthe isolation of groups of people from one another. It is not surprising , then, that a degree of cultural amalgamation has occurred as improved transportation and communication have brought people of various societies into ever more frequent contact . Analyzing the blurring of cultural differences inevitably includes a great deal about fast food, basketball, rock music,and other such aspects of pop culture,but such analysis does not trivialize the subject,. Instead , a long standing bottom up line of political theoryargues that the world`s people can build on commonplace interactions and increasing cultural commonalities that engender familiarity with and confidence in one another to create a global civil society that might evolve into a global nation. By the same process, if transnational civil societies develop, then regional andevenglobal schemes of governance could conceivably form and supplement or supplant the territorial state. Scholars who examine the bottom-up process of transnational integration look for evidence in such factors as the flow of communications and commerce between countries and the spread across borders of what people wear, eat, and do for recreation.1、不同语言、风俗习惯以及其他不同的文化背景下,世界文化的早期发展,是从彼此分离的人群中产生的。
学术英语(社科)_Unit 7

→ The most dominant assumption describes an ideal world in which convergence is a good thing and will happen at any rate.
Do the tasks on pages 142-143.
Unit 7
Change in Journalism
Unit Contents
Lead-in Text A Text B Text C Listening Writing
Unit 7
Change in Journalism
• Lead-in
– Lead-in task
Unit 7
Change in Journalism
Unit 7
Change in Journalism
Text A
Critical reading and thinking of Text A
Text Analysis
Supporting details: (Paras. 3-4) 1) The growth of a global economic system has rewritten the financial basis for journalism and the media in general. 2) deregulation 3) The end of Cold War has unleashed a variety of cultural and political forces
Task Watch the video clip and complete the sentences according to what you have heard.
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Unit 7
Change in Journalism
Text A
Critical reading and thinking of Text A
Text Analysis
A set of economic, regulatory, and cultural forces, driven by technological change, are converging to bring about a massive shift in the nature of journalism at the millennium. (causes)
学术英语 社科
Academic English for Social Sciences
Change in Journalism
In the era when technology is changing every aspect of our lives, the ways of reporting and viewing news are inevitably affected. How digital technology-driven products like iPad, Kindle are impacting traditional journalism is the focus of this unrnalism
Text A
Critical reading and thinking of Text A
Unit 7
Change in Journalism
• Text A
– Critical reading and thinking – Difficult sentences – English language for
academic purpose
• Specialized vocabulary • Collocations • Signpost language • Formal English
Text A
Critical reading and thinking of Text A
Text Analysis
Advantages: a potentially better form of journalism
Disadvantage: It presents many threats to the most cherished values and standards of journalism (authenticity of content, source verification, accuracy, and truth)
Task Watch the video clip and complete the sentences according to what you have heard.
1 The topic of the video clip is _e_-b_o_o_k_s_. 2 The benefits of e-books include: They can _s_to_r_e__h_u_n_d_r_e_d_s_o_f_t_i_tl_e_s; they are _p_o_r_ta_b_l_e_ and allow readers to _d_o_w__n_lo_a_d__b_o_o_k_s_; they enable people to _re_a_d__th__e_s_t_o_ry__o_u_t_l_o_u_d_. 3 The number of e-book titles stocked by is 3_0_0_,_0_0_0_e_-_b_o_o_k__ti_t_le_s_. 4 The reason to choose digital releases is to s_a_v_e__o_n_t_h_e__c_o_s_ts__o_f_p_r_o_d_u_c_i_n_g_a__b_o_o_k. 5 The critics think e-books are _n_o__t _a_s_e_n_g_a_g_i_n_g__a_s_t_ra_d__it_io_n_a_l_p_a_p__e_r _b_o_o_k_s. 6 The legal settlement dictates ___G_o_o_g_l_e_h_a_s__g_o_t_t_h_e_r_i_g_h_t_s_t_o_m__il_li_o_n_s_o__f _ _c_o_p_y_r_ig__h_te_d__t_it_le_s__in_s_t_e_a_d_o__f _A_m_a_z_o_n_ which is opposed by _M__ic_r_o_s_o_f_t _a_n_d_Y_a_h__o_o_.
Unit 7
Change in Journalism
Text A
Critical reading and thinking of Text A
Text Analysis
Read Para. 1 and find out the qualities of the new form of journalism
ubiquitous news, global information access, instantaneous reporting, interactivity, multimedia content, and extreme content customization
Unit 7
Change in Journalism
Unit 7
Change in Journalism
Unit Contents
Lead-in Text A Text B Text C Listening Writing
Unit 7
Change in Journalism
• Lead-in
– Lead-in task
Unit 7
Change in Journalism