



you have problems?
Do you believe what he /she
Write to Teenagers magazine about your best friend!
What qualities are important in good friends?
(1) Hobo is hungry.What does Eddie give him ? Some pieces of cake.
(2) Does Hobo want to have something to drink? What is it? Yes, some milk.
(3) What else does Hobo want? He wants some more food.
Free talk
1. Do you have a good friend? 2. What is your friend like? 3.Why do you choose him/her as your friend ?
What makes your friend so special?
Listen and answer:
1. Why should good friends be honest?
Because we can trust them and they never tell lies.
2. Why should good friends be interesting?


TV series "Friends" is the United States NBC television broadcasting from 1994, continuous broadcast a 10 years of a humorous situation comedy, is also the history of the United States is even the most successful, influential global scope of one of the biggest TV series 电视剧《六人行》 (Friends),又名 《老友记》,是美国 NBC电视台从1994年 开播、连续播出了10 年的一部幽默情景喜 剧,也是美国历史上 甚至是全球范围最成 功、影响力最大的电 视剧之一。
In 1994, "friends" premiere, the main character of the six movies is $6500 per person per set. In 1995, "friends" first season ranked top ratings into, six leading role, earning up to $30000 per person per episode. In 1996, from the third season, rising up to pay $40000 per person per episode. In May 2000, $769000 per person per episode. In June 2001, the eighth season, per person per set up to $1 million. Movies In December 2002, the ninth season to planting the middle, NBC is determined to take out each set of more than nine hundred day price let warner to shoot a season only 18 sets of "friends", a half an hour TV series high prices of record. Each of the leading role was also an unprecedented level of $1.2 million per person per episode.


你说人山人海边走边爱,我说人潮汹涌 该怎么 将就。 习惯了 周末的 时候, 坐在电 脑前, 手机里 播放着 常听的 歌曲, 双手在 键盘上 敲打着 心情, 当然我 不知道 这心情 是好, 还是坏 ,只是 说不上 来的感 觉,就 像飘浮 于蓝天 中的白 云,浮 浮沉沉 。什么 时候, 有了这 种空洞 的心际 ,什么 时候缺 少了一 份关爱 ,努力 的在过 往的岁 月里寻 觅可以 清晰可 见的记 忆,努 力的去 寻回原 本属于 内心欢 快的声 音,却 总是无 处可寻 。 习惯了一个人单枪匹马的日子,却也习 惯了和 友人朝 夕相伴 的情怀 ,在这 喧嚣红 尘中, 我曾努 力的让 自己有 一天可 以远离 这人情 深海, 却又因 为情到 深处而 跌落, 我渴望 可以惊 天动地 ,轰轰 烈烈, 却又同 时期待 ,在平 淡如水 的日子 里,和 你从青 丝走到 白丝, 我不求 有一天 ,我们 双宿双 飞,生 死与共 ,只求 这一生 自身可 为真爱 而追寻 。
我们彼此都渴望被理解,我们清楚我们 是爱着 对方。 根深蒂 固的传 统已经 让我们 很羞于 去表达 自己内 心真实 的爱意 。只是 通过行 动来表 达对彼 此的爱 意。我 们所谓 的代沟 是自己 给自己 设置的 障碍, 由于沟 通未果 ,没有 耐心, 最终给 出的理 由。 对于这个障碍,是需要彼此一同去努力 的。
I have a friend. She’s very small. I always talk to her, But she doesn’t talk at all.
not….at all 根本不 I have a friend. We both like to play.
We go to the park almost every day.
这个家更像是一个短暂的落脚点。少了 温情, 只是一 个住宿 的地方 。 因为没有感知到父母的温度,所以并没 有很想 回家的 欲望。

Friends老友记的英文介绍ppt 适于翻译课(有很多内容挡在图片后面,放映时可见)

Friends老友记的英文介绍ppt 适于翻译课(有很多内容挡在图片后面,放映时可见)
此外,《老友记》学习纯正美语和了解美国本土 文化的良好工具,因此被无数英语学习者收藏, 视为珍宝。
So the translation work seems to be very important and tough.

Thus today I’d like to make a comparison on two different subtitle translation versions of “Friends”. You can tell how subtitle influences the foreigners’ understanding to the sitcom.
(三) 替换---Switch 例如 E7P05 Rachel: I’ll give you ten free Ralph Lauren shirts. 原译文: 我送你十件名牌衬衫。 Rachel向Joey许诺要送他十件拉尔夫·劳伦牌子的衬衫。拉尔夫·劳伦是美国知 名的服装品牌,但少有中国观众知晓,此处译为名牌衬衫,简洁易懂
The sitcom lasts so long isn’t for no reason. It had made too much laughter and tears. The typical American sense of humor in this serial attracts not only native audience but also foreigners. Its ways of humor made influence on later sitcoms, for example, The Big Bang(生 生 活大爆炸), 爱情公寓). 活大爆炸 and even Chinese sitcom Ipartment(爱情公寓 爱情公寓 这部情景剧能持续十年是有原因的, 这部情景剧能持续十年是有原因的,十年来它制造了无数 欢笑与感动。 欢笑与感动。其中所蕴涵的典型的美国式幽默不仅吸引着本土 的观众,也令外国人开怀大笑。 的观众,也令外国人开怀大笑。他的幽默方式对后来者影响深 例如生活大爆炸,甚至也被中国情景喜剧爱情公寓借鉴。 远,例如生活大爆炸,甚至也被中国情景喜剧爱情公寓借鉴。



And meets a handsome prince.
[prɪns] n.王子
Pr-- [pr] dr-- [dr]
soon 立刻,马上,不久 same 相同 different 不同 bored 无聊的,厌烦的 answer回答 almost 几乎,差不多 pretty dress 漂亮的裙子 both 两者都 princess 公主 dream 梦,梦想 prince 王子 volleyball 排球
Unit 1 Friends
1.一个诚实的男孩_____a_n__h_o__n_e_s_t__b_o_y____ 2. 分享我的快乐___s_h_a__re__m__y__jo__y_________ 3. 使你的朋友如此特别 make your friend so special _________k_e_e_p__a__s_e_c_r_e_t_/s__e_c_r_e_t_s_ 4. 保密______c__le_a_n__a_n__d__ti_d_y_________
5. 干净整洁____________a_g_o_o_d__-l_o_o_king and humorous girl
6__. 一__个__好__看__且__幽_默__的__女__孩______w__h_a_t__makes good friends 7. 什么c样a的re人a适b合ou做t 好朋友呢? ________________h__a_v_e__s_o_m_ e more food 8.关心__________s_o_m__ething to drink 9.有更多一些食物_____b_e_l_ie_v__e_w__h_a_t__h_e__s_a_ys 10.一些喝的东西_____b__e_li_e_v_e__h_i_s__w_o__rd__s 11.相信他t说el的l a话li(e1/)lie_s_____________________



Monica Gellar Monica was teased when she was in high school for being overweight..
However, now a head-chef at a top re excessive weight, and just wants to start a family with 'the right guy' to complete a happy life
Phoebe Buffay - Brought up as a fatherless child, Phoebe is a ditzy yet loveable hippy, her dream is to become a star in the music industry and bases her songs on her life experiences. The other 5 friends secretly believe that Phoebe will never make it, but still encourage her to write. Phoebe often performs at the 'Central Perk' coffee house, and strongly believes in herself.
The show is a comedy mainly about people in their thirties just trying to live everyday lives.
I think watching Friends is a good way to learn spoken English. It is not only a comedy bust also a English learning helper.



A neat freak, Monica is fond
of cleaning. She is picky.
naive and innocent, childish. She is talented, kind hearted, promiscuous and nosy.
Phoebe Buffay-Brought up as a fatherless child,her dream is to become a star in the music industry and bases her songs on her life experience.The other 5 friends secretly believe that Phoebe will never make it,but still encourage her to write.Phoebe often performs at the Central Perk coffee house,and strongly believes in herself.
innocent, kind hearted , straight forward, stubborn sometimes.
He is the sidekick,the wingman,t avoid getting too personal
stories in their everyday life.
The most popular situation comedy
Created in 1994 by David Crane Marta kauffman
Produced by Kevin S. Bright.

老友记Friends S01E13【声音字幕同步PPT】

老友记Friends S01E13【声音字幕同步PPT】
Oh,man! Please tell me one of them is Ma. 拜托你告诉我其中一个是妈
Of course one of them's Ma. What's the matter with you? 当然其中一个是你妈,你是怎
...your dad leads this double life. 你爸是个双 面人
-You're burning tomatoes. -You're one to talk. -你的蕃茄烧焦了 -别想转移话题
Your dad's in love. The worst part is, it's with two different women. 乔,你老爸爱得无法自拔
Now go away so we can talk about you. 快 走开我们才能谈你
Okay. I'll miss you. 好吧,我会想念你的
-lsn't he great? -He's cute. He likes you so much. -他很不错吧 -他好帅,也好像很喜欢你
I know. He's so sweet. And so complicated,you know? 我知道,他人很好,而
And for a shrink, he's not too shrinky. 有点神 经质,但是有又不是太神经质
Think you'll do it on his couch? 他会在沙发上 做吗?
It's vinyl. 聚乙稀做的 Okay,you guys want anything else? 大家还



Phoebe Buffay - Brought up as a fatherless child, Phoebe is a ditzy yet loveable hippy, her dream is to become a star in the music industry and bases her songs on her life experiences. The other 5 friends secretly believe that Phoebe will never make it, but still encourage her to write. Phoebe often performs at the 'Central Perk' coffee house, and strongly believes in herself.
Ross Gellar - Older Brother of Monica, he has always had strong love feelings for Rachel. A successful professor of science leads him to be often teased by the other 5 friends about his profession. Ross has experienced many misfortunes in life, including 3 divorces and bringing up a child with his lesbian wife. Ross now is devoted to finding a girl to settle down with, without a divorce, and makes it his personal goal to share happiness with Rachel.


You can … … A: Yes, that’s …
I think good friends should be …,too. They can… … B: Yes, that’s…/ I agree.
Why does Hobo choose Eddie as his friend?
Read and answer more questions
3. What qualities do Daniel and Amy think are important in good friends?
Honest, interesting and helpful.
Make a similar dialogue :
A: What makes good friends, …? B: I think good friends should be …
(4) Is there anything else in the fridge? No, there is nothing in the fridge.
(5) Will Eddie share his pizza with hobo?Can you guess?
Act the dialogue
• 1.Can I have something to drink?
eg. What about _s_o_m_e_t_h_in__g_ __to___ _e_a_t___?(吃的东西) There is _s_o_m__et_h_i_n_g_w_r_o_n_g_w__it_h_ (坏了) my computer. Therei_sn__’t_a_n_y_t_h_in_g__in_t_e_r_es_t_in__g_ in today’s newspaper. 今天报纸上没有任何有趣的内容。


Monica Rachel Phoebe Joey Ross Chandler
My favourite comedy forever
Top 1
Friends was aimed at young adults who, during the early 1990s, were identified by their cafe culture, dating scene and modern independence.
an intelligent nerd, bookish, boring sometimes.
"Friends" is popular, one because it is in high quality, and more importantly, it lets us to see another us in ordinary life, different guys because of the emotions, principles, interests, and personalities, lived together . Friends has become a mirror of people‘s daily life, can let us learn to appreciate the beauty in ours life.
《Friends》之所以受人欢迎,其一是因为它完全 具备消费良品的素质,而更重要的是,在不断的 笑声中,它让我们看到了另一种和我们一样普通 的生活,形形色色的人因为情感、原则、利益、 地位等问题产生矛盾、闹出笑话,同时,亲情、 友情、爱情也在这里升华。《Friends》无形中成 为人们日常生活的一面镜子,可以让我们学习生 活,去欣赏生活中的那些真善美。


❖ 养过一只叫作“马赛尔”的猴子且对它一往 情深。因前任老婆是同性恋而离婚但对她始 终无法忘情。在对感情的表白上显得十分胆 小,对婚姻缺乏信心,共计有三次离婚记录。 事事都爱与前妻的同性恋爱人苏珊竞争。不 能忍受别人对“人类是由猴子进化而来的” 的观点有丝毫怀疑。
❖ 博物馆考古学家,大学讲师,收入颇丰。
Joey Tribbiani 扮演者:马特·勒布朗Matt LeBlanc
乔伊与钱德为共租公寓的室友,自然也是莫妮 卡和瑞秋的邻居。
[角色特点] 四肢发达头脑简单型的花花公子。历经女友
无数但从未有过刻骨铭心的爱情。尽管对男 女之事甚是敏感,在其他各方面都显现出别 人所缺少的童心。极为宠爱他的七个妹妹。 意大利裔美国人,没有受过很高的教育。总 是会错意,老说大白话。他爸爸除正娶的乔 伊妈妈外,尚有一从事“宠物殡葬业”的情 人,养了一只小鸡和一只小鸭作为宠物。 [职业] 最大的骄傲就是曾在“我们的日子”中演出, 崇拜艾尔帕西诺,甘愿当其屁股的替身;却常 常只能当当临时演员,维持生计。 兼职过 许多工作,百货公司的香水试喷员,博物馆 解说员,广告模特儿等等,还在钱德的公司 混过饭吃。收入极不稳定,饱一顿饥一顿。
《Friends》它完全具备消费良品的素质,而更 重要的是,在不断的笑声中,它让我们看到 了另一种和我们一样普通的生活,形形色色 的人因为情感、原则、利益、地位等问题产 生矛盾、闹出笑话,同时,亲情、友情、爱 情也在这里升华。《Friends》无形中成为人 们日常生活的一面镜子,可以让我们学习生 活,去欣赏生活中的那些真善美。
Chandler Bing 扮演者:马修·派瑞Matthew Perry



Chick and the Duck...The Chick and the Duck deserve their own little page. Here are the episodeswhere they are mentioned.321: The One With a Chick and a DuckJoey buys Chandler a live baby chicken because they are on sale after Easter. Unfortunately, neither of them knows how to care for a chick. When Chandler takes it to an animal shelter, he learns that it would be killed if he left it, along with a duck that someone has brought in. He keeps the chick and takes the duck home too. Later Chandler asks Ross and Rachel how to get a chick out of a VCR. Chandler names the chick Yasmine.322: The One With the ScreamerChandler brings Yasmine and the duck through to Monica's and asks if they can go to see Joey's play. When she says no, a vindicated Chandler looks at them and says, "I just wanted them to hear it from someone else." Later, when Tommy is screaming at the innocent pair, we see that Chandler and Joey have left a little something in Yasmine's basket in case she gets bored - it's a Game Boy.323: The One With Ross's ThingThe duck, here named Dick, is taken to see Guru Saj as he has a bad cough. When Saj asks if the duck would be prepared to eat a whole bat, a marvellous synchrony occurs: the duck starts to flap its wings in a mad panic, with Joey having to hold it tightly.402: The One With the CatThey're housed inside the entertainment centre, with their own disco ball and fairy lights.403: The One With the CuffsDick the duck comes to see what Joey's up to. Joey without looking, waves him back into the bathroom and he waddles back in despondently.405: The One With Joey's New GirlfriendChandler lifts the chick in the canoe. When Kathy asks, "What about the duck?", he explains that the duck can swim. Later on he plays an unsuccessful game of hide and seek with the pets.407: The One Where Chandler Crosses the LineThe duck starts quacking during Baywatch, prompting Chandler to reassure him that his breasts are just as firm and juicy as Yasmine Bleeth's.408: The One With Chandler in a BoxThe duck and the chick walk out of the bathroom when Joey says he's leaving. Chandler begs Joey to stay for their sake: "They have had a very difficult year, what with the robbery and all."412: TOW the Embryo'sYasmine the chick is going through some changes. 'She' turns out to be a rooster.414: TOW Joey's Dirty DayThey follow Chandler out of his room and into the bathroom. "Will you give me one minute, please?" says the irritable Chandler.418: TOW Rachel's New DressYasmine and Dick still 'migrate' over their old apartment every now and then, which really freaks Joshua out - he's afraid of farm birds!422: TOW the Worst Best Man EverThey hide in Joey's room while the party is on. Joey tells the stripper that he has them totally trained, and proves it by getting Dick the Duck to stare at the wall, hardly move and 'be white.' Later on the duck swallows the wedding ring.501: TOA Ross Says RachelWhen everyone gets home, except Rachel, Joey says he's going to say hi to the chick and the duck. "Me too!" says Phoebe. Joey tells her that she's been feeding them for the last 4 days. Phoebe says she needs to go home and rushes out of the apartment. Joey rushes in their apartment to see if they're still alive.504: TOW Phoebe hates PBSChandler comes in and sees them watching a cooking show. "I've told you guys never to watch the cooking channel!" Also Monica comes in asking for her broiling pan back but Joey and Chandler used it when the duck was throwing up caterpillars.508: TOW the Thanksgiving FlashbacksChandler is sitting in his recliner when the duck runs past quacking. He says in a sarcastic way, "Oh, oh, I'm a duck, I go quack, I am happy all the time."511: TOW all the ResolutionsJoey is standing there with his fingers in his ears and his eyes closed so Chandler picks up the rooster and it flutters in Joey's face scaring him.512: TOW Chandler's Work laughPhoebe was pretending the duck was telling her a story. Later on Joey and Phoebe bet on who finds the tasty treat first. The duck finds it first.519: TOW Ross Can't FlirtWhen Caitlin was delivering the pizza's, the duck runs past quacking and she asks where the chick is and Chandler said his in the back because the duck pissed him off. Also, when Joey was making the home video about his part in Law and Order, he grabs the duck that keeps quacking and threatens to shoot him.521: TOW the BallRachel comes in with the cat and the birds start quacking and chirping like crazy. "It's not a cat!" Joey tells them and they shut up.610: TOW the RoutinePhoebe brings the chick and the duck in Monica's apartment as she thinks they might be able to find where Monica's hidden the presents.620: TOW the Mac and CHEESEChandler explains to the chick and the duck why they can't go over to his and Monica's apartment to visit. Chandler: "Oh come on guys, it抯not like I moved to Europe! I just moved across the hall. And we would have you over all the time if it weren抰for Monica抯allergies. (The duck quacks.) You抮e right, I could never lie to you. She hates you."702: TOW Rachel's BookThe duck ate Rachel's face cream and threw up all over Joey's couch and in his room.。



• Chandler: So I have a flaw! Big deal!...I accept all those flaws, why can't you accept me for this? Flaw这里是fault、drawback或shortcoming的意 思,吹牛的时候你可以说My father is so perfect, he has no flaw….,big deal单独用在某句话中多 半表示反语或者反问,用的更常见的是no big deal.意思是没什么大不了的。
Episode 3, Season 1
• Chandler's reunited with his beloved cigarettes, which the rest of his friends can't stand. Monica dates a man all her buddies love but with whom she's bored. And poor, honest Phoebe can't deal with the fact that her bank gave her one thousand dollars that isn't hers, plus a soda company gives her seven thousand more unwanted bucks after she finds a dismembered thumb in a can of soda.
• Monica: Okay, let's let the Alan-bashing begin. Who's gonna take the first shot, hmm? 好了,现在开始Alan的批判会吧!谁先来? (Alan-bashing是个有趣的组合,我们也可以用 的,比如看到Monitor欺负谁了,也可以来个 monitor-bashing嘛。“take the first shot”也值得 记下,各种场合都可以用,“谁先来?”)
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an intelligent nerd, bookish, boring sometimes.
Friends is not only a comedy but also an English learning helper.Besides Friends ,we all have many friends in the reality,if we learn to cherish them,we will get more.
A neat freak, Monica is fond of cleaning. She is picky.
naive and innocent, childish. She is talented, kind hearted, promiscuous and nosy.
Friends was aimed at young adults who, during the early 1990s, were identified by their cafe culture, dating scene and modern independence.
Friends received positive reviews thoughout most of its run;becoming one of the most popular sitcoms of all time.The series won many awards and was nominated for 63 Primetime Emmy Awards.(艾美奖是美国电视界的 最高奖项)。The series was also very successful in the ratings,consistently ranking in the top ten in the final primetime ratings.
I think watching Friends is a good way to learn spoken English.It is not only a comedy bust also a English learning helper.
Thank you
It was created in 1994,and broadcast from 1994 to 2004,ten seasons in total.The show has been broadcast in over one hundred countries and still continues to circulate in many other countries and attract thousands of people.
Circulate: vt. 使循环;使流通;使传播 vi. 传播,流传;循环;流通 Sitcoms:情景喜剧( sitcom的名词复数 ) Nominated: v. 提名;任命(nominate的过去分词) adj. 被提名的;被任命的 Primetime:黄金时段 Promiscuous: adj. 混杂的;杂乱的 adv. 偶然地;胡乱地
she was spoiled, self-absorbed, popular, snobby ,imageconscious.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
innocent, kind hearted , straight forward, stubborn sometimes.
Humorous, defensive