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收到…的来信 receive a letter/a E-mail from sb 有很大区别 make a big difference 感到自豪 be proud of oneself 购物 do some shopping 富含… be rich in
对健康有益 be good for health 成功做…事 succeed in doing 卖得快 sell fast
1.帮助戒烟 help quit/give up smoking 2.控制血压 control blood pressure 3. 改善不健康饮食 improve unhealthy diet have a balanced diet 4. 得了心脏病 have/suffer heart disease 5.好的生活方式 have a good lifestyle 6.给..关于…的信息 give information about
有机会做…事 have a chance to do 健康状况良好 be in good health 引起很大破坏 cause great damage to 是解决问题的关键 be the key to settling problem 改变现状 change the present situation
24. 文化差异 culture difference 25. 培养社会技能 develop social skills 26. 提升跨文化理解 increase cross-cultural understanding 27.当…谈及…的时候 when it comes to…
28.你可以根据自己的兴趣选择一个。 You can choose one based on your own interests. 29.是…的发源地 be the home to 30.在…有天赋 has a gift for doing 31. 被认为是… be thought to be 32.在…有明显的上升 There is a sharp increase in…
练习: 1. 他大学毕业后每天忙于工作面试。 He has been busy preparing for job interviews everyday since he gr来自百度文库duated from college. 2.在日常生活中,我们都应该珍惜分享的感觉。 In our daily life, we ought to value the sense of sharing. 3.Tom 在唱歌方面有天赋。 Tom has a gift for singing. 4.长城被认为是中国的最著名的历史遗迹。 The Great Wall is considered to be the most famous historical interests in China.
May2-Cloze 1.扮演角色,起作用 play a part/role in 2.节约每一分钱 save every penny to do 3.面对挑战 face the challenge 4.完成学业 complete one’s study 5. 开办公司 start a company
1. 最近,北京的房价有明显的增长。 Recently, there has been a sharp increase in housing prices in Beijing. 2.Tom对我借给他自行车表示了感谢。 Tom expressed his thanks to me for lending him the bike. 3. 四川是大熊猫的栖息地。 Sichuan is the home to the Giant Panda.
14.上…课 take a course 15. 犒赏sb sth treat sb to sth 16. 只有那时他才意识到 only then did he realize… 17. 开始意识到…的重要性 come to realize the importance of
18.给予同样的关注 pay equal attention to 19. 面部表情 facial expressions 20. 做什么事有困难 have difficulty in doing 21. 参与 participate in 22. 收集数据/信息 collect data/information 23.和…相对比 in comparison with; compare …with
7.感到后悔 feel regretful 8. 实现抱负 achieve one’s ambition 9.按照…的建议做 follow one’s advice 10.如何用电脑 how to use a computer 11. 失控 lose control 12. 感到同情 feel pity for sb 13.下决心做…事 determine to do
33.培养兴趣/天赋 develop one’s talents/interests 34.珍惜分享的感觉 value the sense of sharing 35.表达感谢 express one’s thanks 36.忙于准备工作面试 be busy preparing for a job interview
6.获得力量 gain strength 7. 犯错误 make a mistake
发生在早高峰时段 sth happened during the rush hours. 费力地走向… make one’s way to 花时间做… sb spend time in doing It takes sb time to do 准备做… be ready to do 正要做..突然 be about to do… when…