



购物必备的实用英语下面是学习啦小编整理的购物必备的实用英语,欢迎大家阅读!在世界商业中心-美国购衣可是一件惬意的事,尤其对于M M,语言交流本身就是一种购买的乐趣。


1.I m j u s t b r o w s i n g.(我只是随便看看。

)当你走进商店,营业员通常都会走过来问你M a y I h e l p y o u?(需要帮忙吗?)或是A r e y o u l o o k i n g f o r s o m e t h i n g?(你想买什么衣服?)如果你只是随便看看,不妨客气地说I m j u s t b r o w s i n g.或I m j u s t l o o k i n g.这样你就可以在商店里随便逛了。

如果你要找某种衣服,如毛衣,你就可以说,I m l o o k i n g f o r a s w e a t e r.C o u l d y o u h e l pm e?(我想买一件毛衣,你能告诉我在哪里吗?)或是D o y o u h a v e a n y s w e a t e r?(你们卖毛衣吗?)2.M a y I t r y t h i s o n?(我能试试这件吗?)如果想知道自己看中的衣服能不能试穿,可以问营业员M a y I t r y t h i s o n?当然,在美国,大部份衣服都是可以试穿的,倒是可以问营业员W h e r e i s t h e f i t t i n g r o o m?(试衣间在哪里?)有时进试衣间前,有人会在门口问你H o wm a n y?这时你只要告诉她你拿了几件衣服就可以了。

比如拿了两件,你回答:T w o就可以了。


3.I l i k e t h i s t a n k t o p.I t g o e s w i t h m y b a g g y j e a n s.(我喜欢这件背心,它很配我的宽松牛仔裤。



英语口语国外旅游砍价必备十大宝典1. Could you give me a discount?能给我个折扣吗?2. Are these clothes on sale? 这些衣服打特价吗?3. Is the price negotiable? 这价钱可以商量吗?4. How about buy one and get one free?买一送一怎么样?5. Can you give me a better deal? 可以给我更好的价钱吗?6. I'd buy it right away if it were cheaper. 便宜一点的话我马上买。

7. The price is beyond my budget.这价钱超出我的预算了。

8. I'll give 500 dollars for it. 五百块我就买。

9. That's steep, isn't it? 这价钱太离谱了吧?10. It's too expensive. I can't afford it.太贵了。


英语口语国外旅游购物时使用的短句我们去(商店)逛逛吧!Let's go window-shopping.I'm flat broke. (我身无分文。

)Let's go window-shopping anyway. (不管怎么说,我们去逛逛吧。

) Why don't we go window-shopping?Shall we go window-shopping? (去逛商店吗?)人多得要命!What a crowd!It's so crowded!What a big crowd!商店几点开门?When does the store open?When does the store open? (商店几点开门?) It's closed today. (今天休息。



[国外购物实用英语]出国买东西常用英语国外购物实用英语国外购物实用英语在美国商场购物时需要学会10句对话国外购物常用口语Where is the shopping area in this town 购物区在城镇的什么地方Where is the biggest shopping center 哪有最大的购物中心Is there a department store around here 附近哪有百货商店Is it far from here 离这远吗Could you tell me how to get there 能告诉我怎么到那吗Where is the nearest supermarket from here 最近的超市在哪Where can I buy a roll of film 在哪能买到胶卷Excuse me. Can you help me 打扰一下。

能帮我一下吗I’d like to buy a swim suit. Where can I find it 我想买件泳衣。

在哪能找到Do you have something special in this area在这有什么特别的吗I’m looking for something for my mother. 我在为我妈妈找一些东西Hello, may I help you 你好,我能帮你吗I’m just looking. Thank you. 就是看看,谢谢Do you have sweaters 你有毛线衫吗Could you show me some small sweaters, please 能给我看看一些小号的毛线衫吗I’d like to see this 我想看看这个I’d like to buy a leather jac ket. Could you recommend a good shop 我要买一件皮衣。



购物必备的实用英语1.I…m just browsing.(我只是随便看看。

)当你走进商店,营业员通常都会走过来问你“May I help you?”(需要帮忙吗?)或是“Are you looking for something?”(你想买什么衣服?)如果你只是随便看看,不妨客气地说“I…m just browsing.”或“I…m just looking.”这样你就可以在商店里随便逛了。

如果你要找某种衣服,如毛衣,你就可以说,“I…m looking for a sweater. Could you help me?”(我想买一件毛衣,你能告诉我在哪里吗?)或是“Do you have any sweater?”(你们卖毛衣吗?)2.May I try this on?(我能试试这件吗?)如果想知道自己看中的衣服能不能试穿,可以问营业员“May I try this on?”当然,在美国,大部份衣服都是可以试穿的,倒是可以问营业员“Where is the fitting room?”(试衣间在哪里?)有时进试衣间前,有人会在门口问你“How many?”这时你只要告诉她你拿了几件衣服就可以了。



3.I like this tank top.It goes with my baggy jeans.(我喜欢这件背心,它很配我的宽松牛仔裤。

)tank top就是背心。



“baggy”是“宽松”的意思,如男生穿的宽松短裤就叫“baggy pants”。

而我们熟悉的直筒牛仔裤是“straight jeans”。

4.Could you help me pick up a dress?(你能帮我挑一件礼服吗?)在正式场合,每位女士几乎都有一套正式礼服(即dress),特别是那种低胸(low cut)连身裙(evening gown)。

美购物口语—Shopping Beg

美购物口语—Shopping Beg

Retail Shopping (Beg.)About this lesson我們在這課要學習﹕- 了解美國服裝的尺寸大小- 如何詢問你想買的東西是否有貨- 如何告訴售貨員你要試穿或買衣服I'm just lookingCan I help you find something?您想買點什麼﹖No thanks, I'm just looking.不用了﹐謝謝﹐我只是隨便看看。

Do you have any more of these?這個還有更多的貨麼﹖What colors does this come in?這個都有什麼顏色﹖Do you have this in stock?這個還有存貨麼?In the back為了保持店面整齊﹐美國大部份服裝店只把一部份尺寸的衣服擺在貨架上﹐其它尺寸的則被放在商店後部的庫房里。

你可以把放在貨架上的衣服稱為"out", 或者"on the rack". 如果想找貨架上沒有的尺寸和顏色﹐你可以問售貨員他們是否還有更多的衣服"in the back".I can't find my size on the rack.貨架上沒有我合適的尺寸。

Do you have this in a size five?這件衣服有5號的麼﹖Do you have a size five in the back?庫存里有5號的麼﹖Everything we have is out.我們所有的衣服都擺在貨架上了。

How many items?Would you like me to start a dressing room for you?我能為您準備一間試衣間麼﹖Could I have a fitting room?我能用一下試衣間麼﹖在美國﹐百貨商店和小店鋪在商店的一個區域﹐或是在商店每層的一個區域都會設有專門的試衣間﹐在英文裡叫"dressing rooms"或者"fitting rooms". 售貨員可能會問你﹐需不需要幫你把已經挑好的衣服拿到試衣間去。




只要学了下面十句,却能保准你购物无忧,一起来看看吧!购物英语口语:美国商场购物时10句万能英语口语1、Charge or debit? (Credit or debit?)使用信用卡或是电子钱包?Charge (Credit) 指的就是一般我们说的信用卡,信用卡使用上很方便,但若是没有收入又没有社会安全卡,是很难申请到信用卡的。

而我们的提款卡 (ATM 卡) 就是 debit,它会从你的支票户头直接扣钱。

一般而言,只要去有刷卡的地方都会被问这一句,刚来美国的人常常对这句话感到莫名奇妙,不知道这句话到底在问什么,其实只要了解什么是 charge 什么是 debit,这句话就不难了解,视你是使用信用卡还是 ATM 卡而回答。

使用信用卡就说charge,使用 ATM 卡就答 debit。

2、Cash back?是否要找回现金?在美国跨行提款的手续费是 $1.5,够吓人的吧? 可是偏偏美国那么大,你要找到跟发卡银行同一家银行的提款机谈何容易? 那这是不是意谓著每次去提领现金都要负担高额的手续费?其实只要你善用 cash back 这个功能,那情况就完全不一样了, cash back 就是说假设你买 10 块的东西,但刷卡时你可以刷 30 元,剩下的 20元他会拿现金 20 块找你,如此出门就不必带著大笔的现金,又不必负担高额的提款手续费。

缺点是有金额限制,有些店最多可 cash back $50,有些店只能 cash back $20。

一般的情形是只有 ATM 卡才能 cash back 的,一般的信用卡是不行的,但是有些特别的信用卡,如 Discover,也有提供cash back 的功能。

他的优点在于不受发卡银行提款机的限制,我在亚特兰大拿的 ATM 卡到波士顿一样可以 cash back,而且完全不收手续费,请大家多加利用。



两分钟做个小测试,测测你的英语水平美联英语提供:商场购物必备30句口语1. What's your favourite brand?你最喜欢的品牌是什么?2. But no, I don't like to splash out on designer clothes too much但是,我不喜欢在品牌服装上花钱太多3. Oh, I love your t-shirt! Where did you buy it?哦,我喜欢你的衬衫!你在哪买的?4. I like to often just wear vintage clothing.我时常穿一些复古服装。

5. Would you be happy if you could afford to buy lots of brand-name products? 如果你买得起很多名牌产品,你会觉得幸福吗?6. My favourite brand is Zara.我最喜欢的品牌是Zara。

7. I usually shop around this area.我通常在这个地区购物。

8. Your pants look really great.你的裤子看起来真棒。

9. How much does that cost?这个多少钱?10. I can’t afford these branded goods.我买不起这些品牌。

11. Well, this, I got this for my 16th birthday.这个是我十六岁生日的时候得到的。

12. So, I'm not like a brand or a label person.所以我不是追求牌子或者商标的人。

13. Well, I like the red shirt, but it's too tight for me.我喜欢这件红色短袖,但它太紧了。

14. What's your favorite brand that you can see around Union Square? 联合广场这边有你喜欢的品牌吗?15. It's called "The East End Thrift Store".它叫做“东区旧货店”。




精心收集了美国日常购物英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!美国日常购物英语对话篇1Clerk:Good afternoon, miss, can I help you?下午好,小姐,可以为您效劳吗?May:Yes, I’d like to buy this dress, please.好的,我想买这件衣服。

Clerk:It’s certainly a pretty dress. I can ring you up at the register over here.这件非常漂亮。



Clerk:Will you be paying by cash, check, or credit card?您是付现金、支票还是信用卡。

I want to use a credit card. Do you take Discover?我想用信用卡。

你们收Discover卡吗?Clerk:Sorry, no. We only take MasterCard or Visa.抱歉,我们不收。

只收Master 或Visa卡。

May:I’ll put it on my Visa card, then.那我就用我的Visa。

Clerk:Very well, ma’am. Oh, there seems to be a problem, it says it’s rejected.好的,女士。


May:There must be something wrong with the system. Try my MasterCard.肯定是系统除了问题。




1.Charge or debit (Credit or debit)使用信用卡或是电子钱包?Charge(Credit)指的就是一般我们说的信用卡,信用卡使用上很方便,但若是没有收入又没有社会安全卡,是很难申请到信用卡的。

而我们的提款卡(ATM 卡)就是debit,它会从你的支票户头直接扣钱。

一般而言,只要去有刷卡的地方都会被问这一句,刚来美国的人常常对这句话感到莫名奇妙,不知道这句话到底在问什么,其实只要了解什么是charge什么是debit,这句话就不难了解,视你是使用信用卡还是ATM 卡而回答。


2.Cash back是否要找回现金?在美国跨行提款的手续费是$1.5,够吓人的吧?可是偏偏美国那么大,你要找到跟发卡银行同一家银行的提款机谈何容易?那这是不是意谓着每次去提领现金都要负担高额的手续费?其实只要你善用cash back 这个功能,那情况就完全不一样了,cash back 就是说假设你买10块的东西,但刷卡时你可以刷30元,剩下的20元他会拿现金20块找你,如此出门就不必带着大笔的现金,又不必负担高额的提款手续费。

唯一缺点是有金额限制,有些店最多可cash back $50,有些店只能cash back$20。

一般的情形是只有ATM卡才能cash back的,一般的信用卡是不行的,但是有些特别的信用卡,如Discover,也有提供 cash back 的功能。

他的优点在于不受发卡银行提款机的限制,我在亚特兰大拿的 ATM 卡到波士顿一样可以cash back,而且完全不收手续费,请大家多加利用。

外国人逛街 常用语

外国人逛街 常用语

外国人逛街常用语1. "This place is a shopper's paradise!" (I exclaimed as I walked into the bustling city center with my friend. There were shops everywhere, from high - end boutiques to little quirky stores. It was like a wonderlandfilled with all kinds of treasures waiting to be discovered.)2. "How much does this cost?" (I asked the vendor at the street market.I was eyeing a beautiful hand - made scarf. I didn't want to break the bank, but I really liked it. It's always important to know the price beforegetting too excited about something.)3. "Do you have this in a different color?" (My sister said to the salesperson in the clothing store. She was holding a cute dress, but the color wasn't quite right. It was like trying to find the perfect piece of a puzzle that just didn't fit yet.)4. "I'm just browsing." (I told the overly eager shop assistant. I like to take my time when I'm shopping, look around at all the options. It'slike exploring a new world, you don't want to be rushed.)5. "This is such a great deal!" (My friend shouted when she saw the discount sign. We were in a big department store, and she had found a pairof shoes she had been wanting for ages at half the price. It was likefinding gold.)6. "Can I try this on?" (I asked the store clerk while holding aleather jacket. I needed to see if it fit me well. Shopping without trying things on is like buying a pig in a poke.)7. "Where's the fitting room?" (A tourist in front of me asked the cashier. He looked a bit lost. It's a common question when you're in a new store and eager to see how the clothes look on you.)8. "Oh, this is too expensive for me." (I sighed as I looked at the price tag of a designer watch. I really liked it, but it was way out of my budget. It was like a beautiful star that was just too far away to reach.)9. "Is there a sale going on?" (A lady asked another shopper in the mall. Everyone loves a good sale, it's like a secret code to getting more for your money.)10. "I love shopping here." (I told my local friend as we strolled through the local market. The atmosphere was lively, the products were unique. It was like coming home to a warm and inviting place every time I visited.)。



日常购物英语常用句型实用对话出国旅游,即使没有一口流利的英语,了解一些常用的旅游英语口语也是很有必要的!今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些日常购物英语常用句型,希望这些实用口语会对大家有所帮助!日常购物英语常用句型:购物英语1.I'm just looking我只是随便看看。

在美国逛街买衣服,“I'm just looking.” 这一句一定要先学会。

因为一般当你走进一家店时,小姐们通常都会走过来亲切地和你打招呼,问你“May I help you?” (需要帮忙吗?) 或是“Are you looking for something?” (你想找什么样的衣服?) 如果你只是想随便看一看,不妨客气地跟她说声:I'm just looking. 这样子她们就不会继续纠缠下去,会让你在店里随便逛。

但如果你是真的要找某一件特定的商品,比方说你想找一件高领毛衣,你就可以说:I'm looking for a turtle neck sweater. Could you help me? (我在找一件高领的毛衣能帮我一下吗?)或是 Do you have any turtle neck sweaters? (你们有卖高领的毛衣吗?)2. May I try this on? 我能试穿这一件吗?3. Let me ring that up for you! 让我帮你结帐吧!买方结帐最标准的讲法是check out,例如你衣服都买好了,就可以拿到收银台 (cash register),跟店员说,“I want to check out.”她就会帮你算钱。

4. 对不起,我们这儿只有…… Sorry, we only have +其他商品.5. 看看这些。

Look at these ones.6. 您要什么颜色?What color do you want?7. 您要多大号?What size do you want?8. 我穿…号。



想当然尔,男生常常会拿女生的 cleavage 来开玩笑,例如电视上看到的,"She's got so much cleavage that she can hide a fully-equipped platoon in between there." (她露太多了,多到可以让一整个排的兵力,带著全副武装躲在里面。)
相较于 off-the-rack 这种便宜的衣服,custom-made 或是 tailor-made 指的是「量身定做」的。例如,"I need to get a custom-made tuxedo for my wedding." (我必须为了我的婚礼去买一件量身定作的燕尾服。)
7. This shirt is very stylish and not very expensive.
当我们要称赞某一件衣服时髦的时候,我们可以用 good-looking, stylish 或是 becoming 来形容。Good-looking 是单纯的好看, stylish 则是好看之外还非常地时髦,而 becoming 则是指穿在你身上之后非常合适而好看。所以要是你陪好朋友去买衣服,他挑了一件看起来不错的衬衫,你就可以说,"It's very good-looking." ; "It's very stylish." 或是 "It's very becoming to (on) you."
3. I like this tank top. It goes with my baggy jeans.




小编精心收集了美国日常购物英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!美国日常购物英语对话篇1Clerk:Good afternoon, miss, can I help you?下午好,小姐,可以为您效劳吗?May:Yes, I’d like to buy this dress, please.好的,我想买这件衣服。

Clerk:It’s certainly a pretty dress. I can ring you up at the register over here.这件非常漂亮。



Clerk:Will you be paying by cash, check, or credit card?您是付现金、支票还是信用卡。

May:I want to use a credit card. Do you take Discover?我想用信用卡。

你们收Discover卡吗?Clerk:Sorry, no. We only take MasterCard or Visa.抱歉,我们不收。

只收Master 或Visa卡。

May:I’ll put it on my Visa card, then.那我就用我的Visa。

Clerk:Very well, ma’am. Oh, there seems to be a problem, it s ays it’s rejected.好的,女士。


May:There must be something wrong with the system. Try my MasterCard.肯定是系统除了问题。


Clerk:Alright. Thank you. Yes, it seems to be working fine. Your total is $199.00, sign here, please.好的。



国外购物实用英语在美国商场购物时需要学会10句对话国外购物常用口语Where is the shopping area in this town购物区在城镇的什么地方Where is the biggest shopping center哪有最大的购物中心Is there a department store around here附近哪有百货商店Is it far from here离这远吗Could you tell me how to get there能告诉我怎么到那吗Where is the nearest supermarket from here最近的超市在哪Where can I buy a roll of film在哪能买到胶卷E_cuse me. Can you help me打扰一下。

能帮我一下吗Id like to buy a swim suit. Where can I find it 我想买件泳衣。

在哪能找到Do you have something special in this area在这有什么特别的吗Im looking for something for my mother.我在为我妈妈找一些东西Hello, may I help you你好,我能帮你吗Im just looking. Thank you.就是看看,谢谢Do you have sweaters你有毛线衫吗Could you show me some small sweaters, please能给我看看一些小号的毛线衫吗Id like to see this我想看看这个Id like to buy a leather jacket. Could you remend a good shop我要买一件皮衣。

能介绍个好的商店吗Are there any unusual things produced in this town 这个镇有什么特产吗Where can I buy it我在哪里能买到Is there a duty-free shop这有免税店吗What time do stores open什么时候商店开始营业Id like to buy kitchenware我想买厨房用具Which shop has the best range of goods哪个商店有最好的商品Could you remend a boutique which is popular among young people你能推荐我一些年轻人喜欢的流行店吗Where can I buy cloth在哪能买到布料What do you sell on the second floor你们在2楼卖什么Could you show me something in my size能找个我这么大号的吗Can I pick it up我能拿下来吗Do you have one like this你有像这个一样的吗Id like the one in the window我想要个橱窗里的Could you show me another one能给我看看另一件吗What kind of colors do you have你们有什么颜色的Im looking for a shirt for a 10 years old boy 我在给10岁的小孩找衬衫Do you have anything smaller你有一些小号的吗Do you have any other style你有其他风格的吗Do you have a red one有红色的吗Id like something casual.我喜欢随意的风格This is not what Im looking for这不是我要找的This is too big这个太大拉Do you have a bigger one你有更大的吗This is too flashy (plain)这个太浮华拉(朴实)I dont like this color (design)我不喜欢这个颜色(设计)Do you have the same thing in any other colors 你有其他颜色的这个东西吗Id like something in cotton我喜欢棉制的What would you remend你有什么建议Can I try this on我可以试穿吗Where is the fitting room换衣间在哪This is just my size.这就是我的号It doesnt fit这个不适合This is too short (long/tight/loose)太短拉(长/紧/松)May I put it on again我能在穿一下吗It feels tight here我感觉这紧What size shirt should I have我应该穿什么号的Could you measure me能给我量一下吗Do you have a dress in white你有白颜色的吗How do I look我看起来怎么样What is this made of什么做的Could you show me this ring能看一下这个戒指吗What kind of stone is this这是什么石头This is very beautiful非常漂亮Its too e_pensive for me太贵拉Do you have anything else around 80 dollars 你有大约80圆的东西吗Im sorry. Ill e later.对不起,我就来Could you show me this bag我能看一下这个包吗Do you have another design你有别的款式吗Do you have one a little smaller你有小一点的吗Do you have something with keys你有带钥匙的吗Can I get a little discount我能得到些折扣吗Can you order it for me你能为我定购吗How long does it take需要多长时间Ill take this我要带着这个How much it all together一共多少钱Does it include ta_含税了吗Could you give me a little discount 能打些折吗Can I buy it ta_-free我能买它免税吗Do you accept travelers checks你们接受旅行支票吗Do you accept this credit card你们收这种信用卡吗What kind of credit cards do you accept 你们接受什么样的信用卡Is there a money e_change counter这有两替所吗Ill take this我要这个Id like three same as this.我要3个这样的This is a present这是个赠品Can you wrap it as a gift你能把它作为礼物包装吗Can you wrap these separately你能分别包装吗Anything else还有其他的吗No. thats all不,够拉Can I have a paper bag能给我个纸带吗Can I pay in Chinese Yuan and US dollars mi_ed 我能付人民币和美圆吗Is there a mistake in this bill是不是帐单有错误Could you check it again你能再检查一下吗You gave me the wrong change.你找错钱拉Can I have a receipt, please能给我个收条吗I dont have my change back yet.还没有找我钱呢I already paid我已经付钱了Could you tell me how to make it ta_-free能告诉我怎么使他免税May I have the form for ta_ refund能给我张退税表吗Where can I get a form for ta_ refund我在哪能得到退税表Could you deliver it to Boston hotel你能把它送到波士顿酒店吗Id like to have it today我今天想要What should I do to send this to Japan把这个送回日本我需要做些什么Could you send it to my address in China你能送回在中国的这个地址吗By air (sea) mail, please空(水)运How long does it take to reach Chinese by air mail 空运多久能到中国Can I take an insurance能带上保险吗How much does it cost by air mail空运多少钱Do I have to declare我要申报吗Will I have any difficulties with customs我过海关有什么困难吗I think this is broken here我想是这坏拉It doesnt work at all根本不好用Could you fi_ it or give me a refund你能修好他或是退款给我I found a stain here这有个污点Could you e_change this, please能换这个吗Could you change it for a new one能换个新的吗Id like to return this我想退掉它Can I have a refund能退给我钱吗Could you alter this, please能改变这个吗The waist needs taking in (letting out) by 3 centimeters腰需要收(放)3公分Could you make it longer (shorter)能做长(短)点吗Does it take a long time用很长时间吗Can you make it a little earlier能早点做吗I put money in this vending machine, but a coke didnt e out.我放钱进自动售货机拉,可是没有可乐出来。






































这双鞋真漂亮!Theehoearegreat! Theehoearewonderful。



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1. I'm just browsing. 我只是随便看看。

在美国逛街买衣服,"I'm just browsing." 和"I'm just looking." 这两句一定要先学会。

因为一般当你走进一家店时,小姐们通常都会走过来亲切地和你打招呼,问你"May I help you?" (需要帮忙吗?) 或是"Are you looking for something?" (你想找什么衣服吗?) 如果你只是想随便看一看,不妨客气地跟她说声,"I'm just browsing." 或是"I'm just looking." 这样子她们就不会继续纠缠下去,会让你在店里随便逛。



但如果你是真的要找某一件特定的商品,比方说你想找一件高领的毛衣,你就可以说,"I'm looking for a turtle neck sweater. Could you help me?" (我在找一件高领的毛衣能帮我一下吗?) 或是"Do you have any turtle neck sweater?" (你们有卖高领的毛衣吗?)
2. May I try this on? 我能试穿这一件吗?
在美国大部份卖衣服的地方都是允许试穿的,所以通常要是我看上了某件衣服,我通常就直接拿去试穿了,不会再画蛇添足地问说,"May I try this on?" 要是不知道试衣间在哪里的话,则可以问店员,"Where is the fitting room?" (试衣间在哪里?) 。

但是如果是不太确定能不能试穿的话,特别像是在大拍卖的时候,或是有些男生的衬衫是摺好用别针固定的,则这时候最好还是问店员一声,"May I try this on?" 免得作出一些愚蠢的事。

有时候在试衣间前面会坐著一个晚娘面孔的女人,在你进去之前她会挡住你的去路,问你,"How many?" 这时你就要告诉她你拿了几件衣服,例如三件的话你就说,"Three." 这时她会给你一块上面写著3 的狗牌,在你进去之前要把这个牌子挂上你的门上,表示你进去的时候是三件,出来的时候也要是三件才行。

3. I like this tank top. It goes with my baggy jeans.

人家都说美国人比欧洲人和日本人不重视穿著,据我的观察也是如此,美国女生的标准穿著通常是一件T-shirt 或是露出肚脐的小可爱背心(tank top),再配上一件牛仔裤(jeans)。


上面提到这个tank top,就是中文里所讲的背心,也就是那种无袖的上衣。

有一种男生穿的纯白的背心,看起来像内衣一样的tank top,老美把这种tank top 戏称为wife-beater。


这给人的感觉就是回家之后喜欢打老婆,所以这种white tank top 就被腻称为wife-beater。

baggy 这个字是宽松的意思,有一种男生穿的宽宽松松的短裤就叫baggy pants。

而baggy jeans 则是指「布袋」牛仔裤。

其它正常一点的牛仔裤的样式还有有诸如直筒裤(straight jeans)、靴型裤(boot cut jeans) 等等。


4. Could you help me pick up a dressy dress?
上面所讲的美国人不太重视穿著是指平常的时候,但在正式的场合给她们一打扮起来,我只能说,"I am astonished!" (太震惊了!) 她们几乎每个人都有一



所以dress 一般指的是女生正式的服装,特别是那种低胸(low cut) 连身带裙子的礼服(evening gown),有时候我们还可以用dressy 来强调这件dress 很漂亮很时髦,例如,"Her dressy dress really caught my eyes." (她漂亮的礼服吸引了我的目光。

) 而dress up 则是男生和女生都可以用的一个片语,意指作正式的穿著打扮,女生dress up 的话当然就是穿dress 了,而男生dress up 的话自然就是穿西装打领带了。

例如,"Lulu is dressed up today. She looks so nice." (露露今天穿著很正式,她看起来好美。

) 建议各位当你不管看到任何女生dress up 出现时不妨赞美她"I like your dress!" 或是"You look so nice today!" 我想不管任何人听到你赞美她都会很高兴的。

5. I don't like too much cleavage. 我不喜欢太暴露。

Cleavage 这个字在英文里有一个有趣的解释,就是指女生胸部之间的低垂部份,特别是指当女生穿低胸的礼服时,会若隐若现的「乳沟」。

但是一般提到cleavage 这个字其实就是指「暴露」而言。

例如朋友试图游说你买一件低胸礼服,你就可以回答,"I don't like too much cleavage." (我不喜欢太露的衣服。

) 或是"My mom will kill me if she sees too much cleavage." (如果让我妈妈看到我露太多,她会杀了我的。

想当然尔,男生常常会拿女生的cleavage 来开玩笑,例如电视上看到的,"She's got so much cleavage that she can hide a fully-equipped platoon in between there." (她露太多了,多到可以让一整个排的兵力,带著全副武装躲在里面。

6. I just want to buy some off-the-rack clothes.

Rack 指的是一般在商店中用来吊衣服的衣架,所以off-the-rack 指的是那种由工厂大量制造的成衣,通常暗指很普通、不是特别好的衣服。

例如我朋友问我,"Your jacket looks very nice. Where did you get it?" (你的外套很好看,是在哪买的啊?) 事实上那件外套是
我在某夜市所抢来的地摊货,但英文里没有「地摊货」这样的讲法,所以我就可以回答他,"It's just something off-the-rack." (只是件普通的衣服啦!)
相较于off-the-rack 这种便宜的衣服,custom-made 或是tailor-made 指的是「量身定做」的。

例如,"I need to get a custom-made tuxedo for my wedding." (我必须为了我的婚礼去买一件量身定作的燕尾服。

7. This shirt is very stylish and not very expensive.

当我们要称赞某一件衣服时髦的时候,我们可以用good-looking, stylish 或是becoming 来形容。

Good-looking 是单纯的好看,stylish 则是好看之外还非常地时髦,
而becoming 则是指穿在你身上之后非常合适而好看。

挑了一件看起来不错的衬衫,你就可以说,"It's very good-looking." ; "It's very stylish." 或是"It's very becoming to (on) you."。
