丹麦简单介绍 英文ppt课件

1.种植业 丹麦最主要的农作物是小麦、大麦、甜菜、土豆和牧草。作物产量受气候影 响很大。谷物种植面积占全国农用地的60%左右,豆类和油料作物约占11%,甜菜、草种 等经济作物约占4%,马铃薯和蔬菜园艺作物只占3%。 2.畜牧业 畜牧业在丹麦农业中占主导地位,产值约占农业总产值的3/4。发展谷物种 植业的主要目的是为畜牧业服务。1994年,畜牧业产值达到340亿克朗,占农业总产值的 73.3%。其中,养猪业又占畜牧业总值的43.7%,奶牛业、肉牛业各占34.5%和11.8%,其余 为养貂、养马和家禽业,约占10%左右。由于欧共体的限产政策,猪和奶牛的数量呈稳定 或减少的趋势,但单产稳步上升。同年,丹麦畜产品的出口值达到了390亿克朗,占同期 农产品出口总值的78%。 3.渔业 丹麦是世界的渔业大国,捕鱼量占欧盟的1/3。从业人员约1.2万人,辅助生产 人员约1万,各类渔轮3200艘(1980年代中期数字),2/3是20吨以下的中小型渔船。1989 年捕获量曾达到193万吨,人均占有量接近3.7吨;后来产量有较大的减少,仅140多万吨, 1996年恢复到187万吨,在欧洲居第二位,仅次于挪威的264万吨。如按农业劳动力平均, 在1970年到1990年期间,丹麦已从4.6吨上升到11.3吨,居欧盟国家之首。 4.农产品加工业 丹麦的肉类加工业非常发达。丹麦在农业部门就业的人数从1982年的 15.26万人减少到1988年的8.65万人,下降了43.3%;但是同期为农业加工和服务的就业人 数只从12.68万人下降到11.68万人,只减少了7.9%。 5.农产品对外贸易 丹麦是世界上重要的农产品出口国,农业的净出口额从1980年的 28.6亿美元上升到1998年的近50亿美元,名列世界第八。
丹麦风俗ppt 中英文对照

In Denmark, was invited to visit private homes should be at the appointed time of the 1 quarter of an hour to arrive. Should be addressed to the mistress of the house according to the custom of sending a bouquet of flowers, or chocolate, wine, etc. as a gift. At the table, there are many Danes toast rules. Propose a toast to the guests should not have to wait for the owner to propose a toast after toast. In addition, the owner did not say "please" before, no one should touch glasses. Denmark drinking warm hospitality, some people simply make it difficult to accept, and even take advantage of customers often pay no attention to, to add low-alcohol wine to show their intention is sincere. Denmark conversation with the guests, with a total of a little used to the two sides far away from the usually more appropriate to about 1.2 meters.

所谓“开放式” 所谓“开放式”是因 为这种三明治上面没 盖子” 有“盖子”,只有下 面一片面包。 面一片面包。面包片 抹上黄油,撒上蔬菜, 抹上黄油,撒上蔬菜, 堆上烤牛肉、烤猪肉、 堆上烤牛肉、烤猪肉、 水晶虾仁、 水晶虾仁、鱼子酱或 鱼排, 鱼排,再浇上独特的 酱汁, 酱汁,就成了最受丹 麦人欢迎的食物。 麦人欢迎的食物。
Bikes are a neccesary mean of transportation in Denmark, especially in jobs where you need to travel around town.
Meat balls (national danish dish )with cabbage in white sauce
(一)State (二)Culture (三)Food (四)Famous people (五)Famous places
(一)地理概况— 自然地理 地理概况
位于欧洲北部,日德兰半岛上。 位于欧洲北部,日德兰半岛上。南同德国接 西濒北海,北与挪威、瑞典隔海相望。 壤,西濒北海,北与挪威、瑞典隔海相望。 地势低平, 地势低平,平均海拔约 30 米 。海岸线长 7314 公里 。 属温带海洋性气候。年降水量450一750毫 属温带海洋性气候。年降水量 一 毫 大致由西向东递减。 米,大致由西向东递减。全年有雨 夏、秋两 大致由西向东递减 全年有雨, 季较多。 季较多。
1)丹麦第二大城市,是日德兰半岛上最大的城市、 丹麦第二大城市,是日德兰半岛上最大的城市、 主要港口和贸易重镇,交通极为便利, 主要港口和贸易重镇,交通极为便利,工业以轻工 业为主 2)一直是日德兰半岛的文化中心 一直是日德兰半岛的文化中心, 2)一直是日德兰半岛的文化中心,是世界上第一个展 现城区建筑文化的室外博物馆。 现城区建筑文化的室外博物馆。 3)海滨是夏季的度假胜地 海滨是夏季的度假胜地, 3)海滨是夏季的度假胜地,具有典型的欧洲田园风光

白色十字红旗,是现今仍在使用的国旗之中最为古老、 历史最为悠久的一面,为“丹麦人的力量”。呈长方形, 长与宽之比为37∶28。旗地为红色,旗面上有白色 十字形图案,稍偏左侧。
6月15日,即为丹麦的“国旗日”,即“瓦尔德玛 日”。每年的这个时候,丹麦都要进行庆祝活动。
(二)安徒生童话作品: 《海的女儿》、《国王的新衣》、《丑小鸭》 等。
• (三)麦面包 • 4、主食:以面食为主,爱吃面包等食品 。
口味 一般不喜太咸,爱微酸带甜味 。
• 三明治:是当地
的传统美食,没 有别的东西比丹 麦三明治更能代 表丹麦食物了, 这是一种开口三 明治,从最简单 的到复杂得像雕 塑品的都有。通 常是一片裸麦面 包,上面盖着烤 牛肉、小虾仁、 烤猪肉、鲑鱼、 鲱鱼、鱼子酱或 鱼排、再加上各 种装饰的配菜。
哥本哈根市内还有众多的这类青铜雕塑, 使这一古城充满了诗情画意。
• 3、蒂伏利公园
• 1843年开始对外开放。公园最初只是聚会、 歌舞演出的场地。后来经过上百年的不断建 设,如今的公园成为北欧最著名的游乐园。
• 公园里有各种娱乐设施,有各种表演的露天 剧场、剧院、电影院、音乐厅及北欧最大的 动物园和水族馆。
• “丹麦酥”:
将面片擀 0.3CM左右 厚度,这就 是酥皮了, 接着就可以 根据自己的 喜好做成各 种造型了。
丹麦人喜欢用鱼类、鸡、鸭、蛋类、猪肉 等为副食。
• (一)哥本哈根 • (二)博恩霍尔姆岛 • (三)安徒生博物馆

4、政要 女王玛格丽特二世 (Margrethe II), 1972年1月14日即位。首 相赫勒· 托宁· 施密特 (Helle ThorningSchmidt),2011年10月 3日就职。 5、首都 哥本哈根(Copenhagen , København), 人口551.94万。
国鸟:天鹅。天鹅是鸟 纲、雁形目、鸭科鸟类。 是体型高大的白色天鹅。 嘴黑,嘴基有大片黄色。 黄色延至上喙侧缘成尖。 游水时颈较疣鼻天鹅为 直。分布在北欧、亚洲 北部。繁殖于北方湖泊 的苇地。
约公元985年形成统一的王国,于11世纪20年代征服 整个英格兰和挪威,成为欧洲强大的海盗帝国。14 世纪走向强盛,15世纪走向衰落,1532年瑞典脱离 联盟独立。1814年丹麦同挪威战败后将挪威割予瑞 典。1849年颁布第一部宪法,结束世袭君主制,建 立君主立宪政体。两次世界世界大战中均宣布中立。 1940年4月~1945年5月被纳粹德国占领。1944年冰岛 脱离丹麦独立。1945年5月德军投降后,组成包括各 政党及抗德人士在内的联合政府。1949年加入北约, 1973年加入欧洲共同体,至今仍拥有对格陵兰和法 罗群岛的主权
丹麦国旗是现今仍在使用的国旗之中最为古老、历史 最为悠久的一面,被 称为“丹麦人的力量”。呈长方 形,长与宽之比为37∶28。旗地为红色,旗面上有白 色十字形图案,稍偏左侧。据丹麦史诗记载,公元 1219年丹麦国王瓦尔德玛· 维克托里斯(也称胜利王) 率军对爱沙尼亚异教徒征战。6月15日隆达尼斯战斗中, 丹军陷入困境。突然,一面带有白色十字的红旗从天 而降,并伴随着一个响亮的声音:“抓住这面旗帜就 是胜利!”在这面旗帜的鼓舞下,丹军奋勇作战,转 败为胜。此后白色十字红旗就成为丹麦王国的国旗。 至今每年6月15日,丹麦都要庆祝“国旗日”即“瓦尔 德玛日”。

Kongeriget Danmark
Geography of Denmark
• Denmark is located in Western • Europe (it is one of the Nordic (日耳 曼)countries) on the Jutland peninsula and several islands in the Baltic sea. It sidelines both the (Baltic Sea) and the North Sea along its 7,987 km coastline.
Natural Resources
• The
country's natural resources include Petroleum, natural gas, fish, salt, limestone(石灰岩), stone, gravel and sand.
Land Use • 60% of the land in Denmark is arable.Arable land: 60% • Permanent crops: 0% • Permanent pastures: 5% • Forests and woodland: 10% • Other: 25% (1993 est.) • Irrigated land: 4 350 km² (1993 est.)
World War II
Denmark declared its neutrality at the beginning of World War II and signed a non-aggression agreement with Nazi Germany. Denmark succeeded in smuggling most of its Jewish population to Sweden in 1943 when the Nazis threatened deportation; see Rescue of the Danish Jews. Denmark succeeded in smuggling most of its Jewish population to Sweden in 1943 when the Nazis threatened deportation; see Rescue of the Danish Jews.

丹麦王国(丹麦文:Kongeriget Danmark),简称丹麦,为北欧国家,拥 有两个自治领地,一个是法罗群岛,另 外一个是格陵兰岛。丹麦本土则包括日 德兰半岛、菲因岛、西兰岛及附近岛屿。 丹麦是欧盟成员国之一,也是北大西洋 公约组织创始会员国之一。丹麦经济带 有浓厚的社会主义色彩,一般收入者的 个人所得税率超过百分之五十,拥有农 业、小规模企业化工业、宽松的福利制 度、稳定的货币以及对国际贸易的高度 倚赖。丹麦是典型的福利国家,。丹麦 亦是北大西洋公约组织创始会员国之一, 欧盟成员国之一。丹麦是欧洲联盟成员 国,是北大西洋公约组织创始会员国之 一。
National Flower
National Bird
天鹅指天鹅属(学名: Cygnus)的鸟类,共有7种, 属游禽。除非洲、南极洲 之外的各大陆均有分布。 为鸭科中个体最大的类群。 颈修长,超过体长或与身 躯等长;嘴基部高而前端 缓平,眼先裸露;尾短而 圆,尾羽20~24枚;蹼强 大,但后趾不具瓣蹼。喜 欢群栖在湖泊和沼泽地带, 主要以水生植物为食,也 吃螺类和软体动物。
哥本哈根(丹麦语:København;英 语:Copenhagen),丹麦王国的首都、 最大城市及最大港口,北欧最大城市, 丹麦政治、经济、文化、交通中心。 坐落于丹麦西兰岛东部,与瑞典第三 大城市马尔默隔厄勒海峡相望。哥本 哈根市容美观整洁,市内新兴的大工 业企业和中世纪古老的建筑物交相辉 映,使它既是现代化的都市,又具有 古色古香的特色,是世界上著名的历 史文化名城。丹麦标志美人鱼雕像在 海边静静沉思,充满童话气质的古堡 与皇宫比邻坐落在这个城市中,古老 与神奇、艺术与现代.
丹麦 英文介绍

丹麦英文介绍Denmark, officially known as the Kingdom of Denmark, is a Nordic country located in Northern Europe. It consists of the Jutland Peninsula and numerous islands, including Zealand, Funen, and Bornholm. The capital city is Copenhagen, which is also the largest city in Denmark.Denmark has a population of approximately 5.8 million people and is known for its high standard of living, progressive social policies, and strong welfare state. The country has a rich history and is famous for its Viking heritage, medieval castles, and picturesque coastal towns.The official language of Denmark is Danish, and the currency is the Danish krone. The country is a member of the European Union, although it has opted out of certain EU policies, such as adopting the euro as its official currency.Denmark is renowned for its design and architecture, with iconic landmarks such as the Little Mermaid statue and the futuristic Copenhagen Opera House. The country is also known for its contributions to the fields of science,literature, and philosophy, with famous figures such as Hans Christian Andersen and Søren Kierkegaard hailing from Denmark.In terms of cuisine, Denmark is famous for its open sandwiches known as smørrebrød, as well as its pastries and dairy products. The Danish concept of hygge, which emphasizes coziness and contentment, has gained popularity around the world.Denmark is also known for its commitment tosustainability and green energy. The country has set ambitious targets for renewable energy and has invested in wind power and other forms of clean energy.In terms of attractions, Denmark offers a wide range of experiences for visitors. From the vibrant city life of Copenhagen to the stunning natural beauty of the countryside and coastline, there is something for everyone in Denmark. The Tivoli Gardens, a famous amusement park in Copenhagen, and the historic city of Aarhus are just a few of the many must-see destinations in Denmark.Overall, Denmark is a modern and progressive country with a rich cultural heritage and a high quality of life.Whether you are interested in history, design, or simply enjoying the great outdoors, Denmark has something to offer for every traveler.丹麦,正式名称为丹麦王国,是位于北欧的北欧国家。
丹麦简单介绍 英文(学习课资)

He is the father o汉汀f 斯·f安a·i克徒ry 里生ta斯les
Danish people like using flowers as gifts, especially with 3,4carnation flowers, representing the meaning of gratitude.
NaNtiaotniaolnBairldD: ay:Apr.16th
Danish Food
Denmark Sandwiches
Danish pastry 丹麦酥
Denmark cookies
fairy tales
Famous people
Hans Christian Andersen
Danish people avoid 13 and Friday as taboos. They are unwilling to be disturbed or talk business on that day
They do not like to talk about the topic of political and social problems and do not like other people to inquire about their private affairs.
White flowers in addition to the funeral,give to the bride at the time of the wedding ceremony and the time of baptism, the other times are considered to be taboo.
丹麦英文介绍 Denmark

She married her second cousin, Baron Bror Blixen of Sweden, thereby acquiring the title Baroness. Following their separation and divorce, she had a long affair with the safari hunter, Denys Finch Hatton, son of a titled English family. In 1931, after losing the coffee farm in the Great Depression, Karen Blixen returned to Denmark and embarked on the writing career that lasted until her death in 1962. She was played by Meryl Streep in the 1985 film Out of Africa.
Karen Blixen (1885-1962), also known by her pseudonym, Isak Dinesen, is famous for her memoir, Out of Africa, and for several works of fiction, including Seven Gothic Tales (1934) and Winter's Tales (1942). A 2007 poll of opinion in her native Denmark lists Karen Blixen as one of the most representative personalities in Danish history. She was twice nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature. She wrote in English, after living on a coffee farm in Kenya from 1914 to 1931.
丹麦王国 英文介绍

Faroe Islands
national emblem
national flag
• Copenhagen is the capital and largest city of Denmark. It is a major regional centre of culture, business, media, and science, as indicated by several international surveys and rankings. • Life science, information technology and shipping are important sectors, and research & development plays a major role in the city's economy.
• Hans Christian Andersen(18051875)was born in the small town of Odense(奥登赛) in 1805.He is known beyond Denmark for his fairy tales, such as The Emperor's New Clothes, The Little Mermaid and The Ugly Duckling. • Every man's life is a fairy tale written by God's fingers. • 每个人的生活都是上帝 亲手书写的童话。 • ---(丹麦)安徒生
"But he hasn't got anything on! " a little child said.

His famous fairy tale
Margarete II
Studied at Copenhagen university, arhus university, French Paris university, university of Cambridge, UK and the London school of economics. On January 14, in 1972 to reign. In 1967, June 10, and prince Henrik, France (Henrik earl) to get married.
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Statement Denmark is a country full of romantic fairytale colour.
长:宽 37∶28
The national flag of cross patterns to say Iceland history with Denmark's special relationship
In Denmark, it has a large population of 55,194,000.
丹麦简单介绍 英文

Denmark also has special feelings for the ducks. In some cities, cars and pedestrians in the face of ducks, the ducks through comity.
Danish people avoid 13 and Friday as taboos. They are unwilling to be disturbed or talk business on that day They do not like to talk about the topic of political and social problems and do not like other people to inquire about their private affairs.
Capital: Copenhagen (哥本哈根)
It is the largest city of
Denmark and the largest airport in
the Nordic countries(北 欧国家).
The city is the governmental centre of Denmark; it is one of the major financial centres of Northern Europe
The country Thehappiest kingdom of fa in the world iry tale
The southernmost of the Nordic countries, it is southwest of Sweden and south of Norway, and bordered to the south by Germany.

Listening training
Improve sensitivity to Danish English pronunciation by listening to recordings, watching movies, or communicating with Danes.
Aarhus accent
The residents of the Aarhus region use this accent, which differs from standard Danish English in pronunciation and vocabulary.
Rural accent
Question sentences
The word order of imperative sentences in Danish English is similar to that in Chinese, but attention should be paid to the original form of verbs used.
Introduction to Danish English Danish English Vocabulary and Expression Pronunciation and accent of Danish English Danish English Grammar and Sentence Patterns The Practical Application of Danish English How to improve Danish English proficiency
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Denmark also has special feelings for the ducks. In some cities, cars and pedestrians in the face of ducks, the ducks through comity.
TThheehkaipnpgiedsot cmouonftrfyai irnytthaeleworld
The southernmost of the Nordic countries, it is southwest of Sweden and south of Norway, and bordered to the south by Germany.
White flowers in addition to the funeral,give to the bride at the time of the wedding ceremony and the time of baptism, the other times are considered to be taboo.
He is the father o汉汀f 斯·f安a·i克徒ry 里生ta斯les
Danish people like using flowers as gifts, especially with 3,4carnation flowers, representing the meaning of gratitude.
Danish people avoid 13 and Friday as taboos. They are unwilling to be disturbed or talk business on that day
They do not like to talk about the topic of political and social problems and do not like other people to inquire about their private affairs.
NaNtiaotniaolnBairldD: ay:Apபைடு நூலகம்.16th
Danish Food
Denmark Sandwiches
Danish pastry 丹麦酥
Denmark cookies
fairy tales
Famous people
Hans Christian Andersen
Amalienborg Castle) 阿美琳堡宫
Statue of the Mermaid in Langelinie
National Flag
National Emblem 国徽
National Flower: Holly (冬青)
National Song:《Der er et yndigt lan》 《有一处好地方》
Capital: Copenhagen (哥本哈根)
It is the largest city of
Denmark and the largest airport in
the Nordic countries(北 欧国家).
The city is the governmental centre of Denmark; it is one of the major financial centres of Northern Europe