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1. Part I Use of English (20 points)

Directions: In this part there are ten incomplete dialogues. For each dialogue there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the dialogue.

(1) — Do you know the exact time of her arrival? —

____________________ I’m sure.

(A) Two twenty-eight.

(B) Rubbish!

(C) C heer up!

(D) By all means.

(2) —What’s the weath er like in your hometown? —


(A) It’s freezing cold.

(B) It’s a quarter past eight.

(C) I t’s not your fault.

(D) It’s out of the question.

(3) — Are you certain that today is her birthday? —

____________________ Let’s get her some flowers.

(A) I’m against it.

(B) I’m positive.

(C) I can’t make up my mind.

(D) I’d prefer to go shopping.

(4) —Do you think that he’ll like the life there?

—____________________ Don’t you think so?

(A) Take it easy!

(B) I’d love to.

(C) W hat a pity.

(D) Of course.

(5) — Hello, may I talk to your father now? — ____________________

(A) Sorry, he’s busy at the moment.

(B) You’re mad!

(C) Y ou’re really great.

(D) You are right.

(6) —Good-bye and thank you very much for a wonderful time. —_____.

Hope to see you again.

(A) Thank you for your coming

(B) Not at all

(C) I t was nothing

(D) Never mind

(7) —Could you show me your passport?—_____.

(A) Yes, I could

(B) Sure

(C) I haven’t it with me

(D) I don’t want t o

(8) —Would you mind if I turned the radio up?—_____

(A) Yes, please

(B) No, go ahead

(C) N o, thank you

(D) Yes, that’ll be right

(9) —We are going to London for holiday next week. Would you mind taking

care of my garden while we’re away?—Not at all. _____.

(A) Sorry, I have no time

(B) I’d rather not

(C) W ith pleasure

(D) No, I wouldn’t

(10) —Please help yourself to the beef. —_____

(A) Thanks, but I don’t like beef

(B) Sorry, I can’t help

(C) D o forgive me

(D) No, I c an’t

2. Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points)

Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or statements. Choose the best answer to each question or decide T/F for each statement.

Passage One

Very few people were coming to eat at the White Rose Restaurant, and its owner didn’t know what to do. The food in his restaurant was cheap and good, but nobody seemed to want to eat there.

Then he did something that changed all that, and in a few weeks his restaurant was always full of men and their lady friends. Whenever a gentleman came with a lady, a smiling waiter gave each of them a beautiful menu. The

menus looked exactly the same on the outside, but there was an important

difference inside. The menu that the waiter handed to the man gave the correct price for each dish and each bottle of wine; while the menu that he handed to the lady gave a much higher price! So when the man calmly ordered dish after dish and wine after wine, the lady thought he was much more generous than he really was!

(1) The waiter gave a beautiful menu to the guests when a gentleman and his

lady friend came into the restaurant.

(A) T

(B) F

(2) The menus for the guests were the same on the outside but different


(A) T

(B) F

(3) The male guest could remain calm when he ordered dish after dish

because he was rich.

(A) T

(B) F
