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人教版初中九年级英语Unit8 SectionB(3a-Self Check)优质课教案Aims of knowledge and ability :

1. Have a general idea about basic writing.

2. How to write a narration.

3. Put useful information together logically.

Aims of emotion:

Get the students to be confident to write a basic writing. Learn to work in groups. Teaching strategy: motivations, information processing , cooperative learning Key points: Master the ways to write a basic writing, write a narration

Difficult points: search the phases, how to write the composition logically Teaching procedures:

Step1:Greetings Introduce myself and my hometown .

Step 2: Lead-in I’ll tell the Ss that I am busy and tired, ask them if they have the same feeling,(maybe some say yes)so how could you adjust yourself ?

Step 3: presentation : task


信息提示:1.平衡饮食… 2.参加运动…3.充足睡眠…

要求: 根据信息要求,把握重点,适当发挥,不逐字翻译。词数在80词左右。

I am a middle school student now. Many of my classmates feel tired and nervous these days. Here I have some advice.


Step 4: Brainstorming

Figure out the key words and phrases by working in groups

Step 5: Check their answers and offer a form of some key words and phrases they may use in their sentences.

Step 6: Make sentences orally in groups using the form I offered.

Step 7: Check their sentences by inviting some students to tell us all, and do exercise of conjunction words

Fill in the blanks with the words given :

if, first, so, although, such as, second, and

1.___________ we are busy with study, we have to find some time to


2.We can do kinds of sports _________ swimming, running ______ hiking.

3._______, we should eat more vegetables and fruit. _________,it’s

necessary to take exercise.

4._______we don’t get enough sleep, we’ll have a headache the next

day._____ we’d better not stay up late.

Step 8: Write the composition using some conjunction words, if the students can’t do it individually , they can discuss with their partners. After about 12 minutes the teacher chooses one to check together with students, and tell the students how to correct our compositions.

Step 9: Summary

Summarize the steps of writing a wonderful composition.

Writing steps(写作步骤)

1.审题(analyze) (人称,时态,文体,要点,要求)

2. 列提纲(list) (核心词汇,短语)

3. 连接(connect)(将核心词汇,短语整理成句)

4. 美化(beautify) (恰当运用关联词句,过渡自然,变换句型,美化文章)

5. 检查(check) (查拼写,要点,标点)

And show the possible version .

Step 10:Emotional education

Ask them to be confident in writing because winners never quit and quitter never win. Practice makes better.

Step 11.Homework

Write a composition using the way I have told the Ss.

假设你校英语报English Star为初三学生开设了一个专栏:谈谈你的一个坏习惯。请根据以下提示,用英语写一篇短文,向报社投稿。

(1) 你的坏习惯是什么?

(2) 产生该坏习惯的原因是什么?

(3) 该习惯产生的不良后果是什么?(写两点)

(4) 你打算如何改掉这个坏习惯?


(1) 所写内容必须包括以上要点;

(2) 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

(3) 内容连贯,并进行合理拓展;

(4) 100词左右;

(5) 题目已写好,不计入总词数。
