
军事英语口语系列:军事指挥员应具备的素质 736. Serious students of the art of war have been studying the future wars. 治学严谨的兵法专家们一直在研究未来战争。
737. Who are sure when and where a war will start? 谁知道什么时候什么地点战争会打起来呢? 738. Lessons must be learned from the past wars. 必须从过去的战争中吸取经验教训。
739. Commanders must be ready to go into battle. 军事指挥员必须随时准备投入战斗。
740. That's because war-fighting is your professional career. 那是因为打仗是你们的职业。
741. High ranking officers have their strategy and tactics. 高级军官有他们的战略战术。
742. Junior officers should know their fundamentals of training. 初级军官应知道自己的训练原则。
743. First of all, inculcate the army ethos and values. 首先,反复理解军人的特性与价值。
744. You vow to offer up your lives for our country. 你们都宣誓一定为祖国作出牺牲。
745. You are trained and shaped into warriors, not managers only. 你们是被训练培养成斗士的,而不仅仅是管理者。
746. Commanders are required to lead troops and have leadership. 指挥员必须会带兵,有领导指挥能力。

军事英语口语系列:军事训练 414. Every one knows the term of military training. 每个人知道军事训练这个词。
415. Who can make it clear in one word? 谁能用一句话把军事训练说清楚呢? 416. Generals have their missions. 将军们有他们的使命。
417. Soldiers have their duties. 士兵们有他们的职责。
418. The Navy has its tactics and training items. 海军有自己的战术和训练项目。
419. Have you taken part in the naval exercises? 你参加过海军演习吗? 420. If not, you should have seen some films involved. 如果没有的话,你应该看过有关电影。
421. "Surprise Attack on Pearl Harbor" is a well-known sea battle. 《奇袭珍珠港》是一个著名的海战战例。
422. You can learn more from the book "Sea Fight". 你可以从《大海战》这部书中了解更多的东西。
423. From TV, we often see a few aircraft carriers cruising the oceans. 从电视上我们常看到几艘航母在各大洋游弋。
424. A Russian submarine sank to the seabed in an exercise. 俄国一艘潜艇在一次演习中沉入海底。
425. A U.S. destroyer was heavily damaged in the Middle East. 美国的一艘驱逐舰在中东遭到重创。

军事英语口语系列:地面部队训练军事英语口语系列:地面部队训练450. Let's talk about the ground forces, please.咱们谈谈地面部队的情况吧?451. It is easier to do so.这样还容易一点儿。
452. The ground forces include many technical arms.地面部队包括很多技术兵种。
453. Artillery troops are trained to operate their weapons and equipment.炮兵部队的训练,是使炮兵能够操作使用他们的武器装备。
454. Armored forces are required to drive all the tanks.装甲兵必须能驾驶各种坦克。
455. There are many missions for the engineer troops.工程兵的任务很多,456. One of them is to construct field works in wartime.其中之一是战时构筑工事,457. In peace time, they provide the earthquake and disaster relief work.平时抗震救灾。
458. The tasks of communication units are more formidable.通信兵的任务更艰巨。
459. In the Gulf War, the Iraqis became "deaf and dumb".海湾战争中,伊拉克人成了"聋子哑巴",460. The command channels didn't work at all.指挥系统全部失灵了。
461. Bush could be in administrative and combat control of the U.S. Armed Forces.布什能够对美军全面实施行政与作战指挥.462. He could be in the chain of command even down to the smallest units.他可以指挥到美军的最小单位。

军事英语(共849句)军事英语问候用语1. Hello.你好。
2. Are you a new soldier?你是新兵吗?3. Y es. I am.是,我是新兵。
4. How old are you?你多大了?5. 18 years old.18 岁了。
6. Where are you from?你是那里人?7. I am from Beijing.我是北京人。
8. Y ou are an officer, aren't you?你是军官,对吗?9. No. I am a noncommissioned officer.不对。
10. Nice to know you.认识你很高兴。
11. Me too.我也很高兴。
12. How are you?你好吗?13. Fine. Thank you.很好。
14. See you later.再见。
15. Good-bye.再见。
Words and Expressions单词与短语commission v. /kE5mIFEn/ 任命,授权军事英语士兵生活16. How long have you served in the PLA?你服役几年了?17. I have been in the army for two years.我服役两年了。
18. How do you like the life here?喜欢部队生活吗?19. I like it very much.很喜欢。
20. All the officers and soldiers are close comrades-in-arms.全体官兵都是亲密战友。
21. Right.对。
22. We care for each other, love and help each other.我们互相关心,互相爱护,互相帮助。
23. What do you do every day?你们每天都做什么。

军事英语作文写作新兵训练New Recruit Training in the MilitaryIn the military, new recruit training marks the initial phase of a soldier's journey, laying the foundation for their future service. This rigorous training period is crucial for instilling discipline, teamwork, and the skills necessary to function effectively in the armed forces.The training begins with basic physical conditioning. New recruits undergo rigorous exercises to build strength, endurance, and stamina. This includes long-distance runs, obstacle courses, and weight training. The physical demands are designed to prepare soldiers for the challenges they may face in the field.In addition to physical training, recruits are also introduced to military regulations and procedures. They learn the importance of discipline and obedience, as well as the chain of command. This ensures that soldiers understand their roles and responsibilities within the military hierarchy.Teamwork is another essential component of new recruit training. Soldiers are often divided into squads or platoons and are required to work together to complete various tasks.This fosters a sense of camaraderie and trust among the recruits, which is crucial for effective cooperation in combat situations.Moreover, recruits are taught the fundamentals of military skills, such as weapons handling, field tactics, and survival techniques. These skills are essential for soldiers to protect themselves and their comrades in the event of an engagement.The training is also mentally challenging. New recruits are often faced with stressful situations and demanding schedules. However, this is intentional, as it helps to build resilience and the ability to perform under pressure.In conclusion, new recruit training in the military is a comprehensive and rigorous process that prepares soldiers for the demands of military service. It instills discipline, teamwork, and the necessary skills to function effectively in the armed forces. Through this training, soldiers are molded into the backbone of the military, ready to serve and protect their country with honor and dedication.。
a very stric is talking to some new soldiers

a very stric is talking to some new soldiers

军事英语口语系列:地面进攻 587. President Bush stated the Iraqis had to begin a large scale withdrawal. 布什总统发表声明,要求伊拉克必须从科威特大规模撤军。
588. It was by noon, Washington time, on February 23. 时间是华盛顿时间2月23日中午之前。
589. That just meant to announce when the Allied Troops would attack. 这等于宣布了多国部队何时发动进攻。
590. Just before dawn on February 24, the whole horizon suddenly began flashing. 2月24日黎明前,整个地平线开始闪闪发光。
591. Moments later, shells began screaming and exploding among the Iraqi positions. 不一会儿,炮弹呼啸着划破天空,在伊军阵地爆炸开花。
592. Meanwhile, the waves of 50 to 100 planes took off. 与此同时,50至100架飞机分波次起飞。
593. They repeatedly dove and added their bombs to the enemy positions. 他们轮番俯冲轰炸敌阵地。
594. It was the most massive artillery barrage and air strike. 这是最为猛烈的炮火拦截和空袭。
595. The Iraqi soldiers had never experienced such disasters. 伊军从未经历过这样的灾难。
596. February 27 was the fourth day of the ground attack. 2月27日是地面攻击的第四天。

combat readiness战备状态
conventional war常规战争
conventional weapon常规武器
cross fire交叉火力
"taking fire, need assistance"吸引火力,需要援助
"go" 前进
"fall back" 后退
"stick together team" 保持队形(不要散了)密集阵形进攻 ^
"get in position" 进入适当的位置
cover me" 掩护我
"you take the point" 你占据该要点
"hold this position" 待在(防守)这个位置
"regroup team" 重4;i'm in position" 我到达指定的位置
"reporting in" 报告自己的位置
"negative" 拒绝(接受)
"enemy down" 消灭敌人
"wait for my go" 待在你的作战位置,等我的命令
D Day大规模进攻开始日
D day battle of Normandy (“Operation Overlord”) 1944 年 6 月 6 日盟军诺曼底登陆(代号“霸王行动

军事英语口语系列:两种军事训练437. The military training can be divided into two parts.军事训练可分为两部分。
438. They are the training in academies and in units.分别为院校学习训练和部队训练。
439. There are large numbers of military schools in the world.世界上军校很多很多。
440. West Point and V olongze Military Academy are two of them.西点军校和伏龙芝军事学院就是其中的两所。
441. The PLA University of National Defense is called "the cradle of generals".解放军的国防大学被称之为将军的摇篮。
442. It is the highest educational institution of the PLA.它是解放军的最高学府。
443. You can't be a general without a diploma or a degree.没有文凭,没有学位不可能当将军。
444. Can't you have thought of it?难道你不这么认为吗?445. It's said that "Top Commanders'Qualities Have Roots in Military Schools".有道是:"高级指挥官的素质是在军校打下基础的"。
446. The military training differs from one unit to another.各部队的训练是不同的。
447. We can see warships sailing on the sea.我们能看到军舰在海上航行。

常用军事操练术语about turn(face)!face about! 向后转!Again !重报!All correct ./all present .全到。
All present except …除…外都到了。
As you were !还原!At ease!/stand at ease !稍息!At ease march!便步走!Attention !立正!Bayonet (fencing) exercises!拼刺(对刺)练习!By the numbers. 分解动作。
By the numbers,right shoulder,arms.One.Two.There.枪上肩分解动作,一!二!三!By the right (left) flank,march!向右(左)转走!By twos number!一二报数!Cease fire! 射击完毕!Ceremonial march! /march in review 分列式Change step! 换步!Close! 靠拢!Close ranks! 向前靠拢!Color guard! 护旗队Color salute !军旗礼!Column right (left)! 右(左)转弯走!Column half right (left ) 纵队半面向右(左)转!Command of execution 动令Commence firing !开始射击!Comrade(s) …is (are) absent…..同志缺席Count off ! 报数!Dead center !正中靶心!Dismissed!解散!Double march!跑步走!Double time !跑步前进!Dress !看齐!Dress right (left)(center)!向右(左、中)看齐!Drill with arms !持枪操练!Extend!散开!Extend (close )on 1st spuad!以一班为基础散开(靠拢)!Eyes front !向前看!Eyes right (left) (center)!向右(左、中)看齐!Fall in 集合Fall out 就地解散Fire !/open fire !开火!Fire at will 自由射击Fix bayonet 上刺刀Forward march !齐步走!Get down !卧倒!Guide centre! 以中间为基准!Guide on me !以我为基准!Guides on line !/Guides out !基准兵就位!Guides post !基准兵入列!Half step! 快步!Halt !/halt and freeze!立定!Hand (Rifle) salute ! two !徒手(持枪)敬礼!礼毕!Here !/resent !到!Hit the ground !卧倒!Hit (miss) the mark 命中(没有命中)目标Honor guard /escort of honor 仪仗队Hup ,two,three,four!一、二、三、四In action !准备战斗!Inspection arms (pistol)! 验枪!Left,right,left,right!左、右、左、右!Let ‘s practice bayonet fighting! 现在练刺杀!Lie down!/down! 卧倒!Light out ! 熄灯Line up !/stand in line ! 站队Live ammunition practice! 实弹射击Load !装子弹!March right (left) 向右(左)转走!Mark target! 标靶!Mark time,march! 踏步走!Move out !开始行动!Now,let’s call the roll. 现在点名。

low on ammo 快没弹药了
Scout / Recon 侦察
Clear 安全
Engaged / In coming 接敌/敌方炮火来袭
Friendly 自己人(提醒看不到自己的战友或友军)
Take one out when the other's not looking. 另个不注意的时候干掉一个。
There's more cover if we go around. 我们过去,那有更多掩体。
Four tangos inside.Don't even think about it. 屋内4个敌兵,不要想点子了。
Fire 开火
Cease fire 停火
Hold your position / Hold 在原位坚持住 / 留在原位
Hold the line 保持防线 / 队形
Take cover 找掩体
Cover me / him 掩护我 / 他
Cover fire 火力压制
Fall back 撤退Fire in the hole/Grenade 前方有爆炸; 有手榴弹(在附近)
Stay in ther shadows.he's circling back around .don't move.呆在阴影里别动!它正在上空盘旋。
They are on to us.open fire!他们发现我们了,开火!
Get down.now.趴下
Easy lad....there's too many of them,let them go.keep a low profile and hold your fire.

军事英语口语系列:令敌投降67. You are defeated!你们被打败了!68. You have been surrounded!你们被包围了!69. Give up, no harm!缴枪不杀!70. We don't kill our captives.我们不杀俘虏(战俘)。
71. We treat POWs well.我们宽待俘虏。
72. Hands up!举起手来!73. Put your hands up!Higher!举起手来!举高点儿!74. Come out and surrender!出来投降!75. You have no way out!你们没有出路了!76. Put down your arms!放下武器!77. Don't move!不许动!78. Halt or we'll shoot!站住!要不我们开枪了!79. Lay down your arms, or we'll fire.放下武器!否则我们就开枪了!80. Stop resistance!停止抵抗!81. Don't die for nothing!不要作无谓的牺牲!82. Security of your life will be guaranteed!我们保证你们的生命安全!83. Get going!走!84. Follow me!跟我走!Words and Expressions单词和短语captive n. 俘虏freeze v. 不许动give up 放弃guarantee v. 保障,保证halt v. 停止,立定harm v.&n. 伤害POW = Prisoner of War 战俘resistance n. 抵抗security n. 安全surrender v. /sE5rendE/ 投降surround v. /sE5raJnd/ 包围treat v. /tri:t/ 对待。

军事测绘map reading and map using are the basic skills of soldiers识图用图是士兵的基本技能。
without military maps you don't know where you are sometimes没有军用地图有时候不知自己处在什么地方。
the us military started desert shield with very poor maps of the region美军开始沙漠盾牌行动时使用的当地地图很差。
these maps were improved a lot with the help of the civilian satellites在民用卫星的帮助下这些地图有了很大改进。
later, they used computers to convert remote sensing data into colour maps of the theater后来他们用计算机把该战区的遥感数据转换成彩色地图。
a total of million maps were distributed to the forces总共向部队下发了万份地图。
the number was estimated to be ten times the amount done during the korean war这个数量约为朝鲜战争中的十倍。
services and arms need their own maps各军兵种需要他们自己的地图。
precision weapons have precise coordinates with them精确制导武器都装有精确坐标。

用英文说军事口令应该怎么讲军队英文口令Common Orders 起床!Get up!上操attention drill 快点儿!Be quick!集合!Fall in!一(二)列队On one rank (two ranks) 立正!Attention 稍息!At ease!向右看-齐!Right-dress!向左看-齐!Left-dr ess!向前-看!Eyes- front!报数!Count off!点名!Call the roll!rol l call 到!Here!立定!Halt!靠拢!Close!向左-转!Left-face(Left t urn)!向右-转!Right-face(Right turn)!向后-转!About-face(About turn)!齐步-走!Forward- march(March off)!踏步!Mark time-march!跑步-走!Double (time)-march!便步-走!At ease-march!右转弯-走!Right -wheel!左转弯-走!Left-wheel!前进!Advance!取(拿)枪!Take arms!肩枪!Shoulder arms!枪放下!Order arms!卧到!Down!装子弹! Load!退子弹! Unload!射击! Fire!起立! Get up (Stand up)!解散! Dismiss!用炮Prepare for action!收炮March order!架炮Seat/ Mount gun!置炮Lay gun!就炮Take posts!炮后集合Fall in in rear of piece!步操口令口令表1. Squad –Fall in (集队) 2. Attention (立正) 3. Stand at –ease (稍息) 4. Stand easy (休息) 5. Dressing in three ran ks –right dress (向右看齐) 6. Eyes –front (向前看) 7. Open Order –M arch (开排) 8. Close Order –March (合排) 9. Move to the right in threes –Right turn (合排向右转) 10. Move to the left in threes –Left turn (合排向左转) 11. Move to the right –Right turn (开排向右转) 12. Move to t he left –Left turn (开排向左转) 13. Squad will retire –About turn (向后转) 14. Squad will advance –About turn (反排向后转) 15. Squad will fall out –Fall out (暂散) 16. Squad will dismiss –Dismiss (解散) 17. Inclini ng at the halt –Right incline (右半转) 18. Inclining at the halt –Left incl ine (左半转) 19. By the left –Quick March (开步操) 20. Squad –Halt (停步) 21. Saluting to the front –Salute (行进中向前敬礼) 22. Saluting to the left –Salute (行进中向左敬礼) 23. Saluting to the right –Salute (行进中向右敬礼) 24. By the right –Eyes right (向右注目礼) 25. By the left –Eyes left (向左注目礼) 26. Eyes front (向前看) 27. Move to the left in t hrees –About turn (行进中向后转) 28. Move to the right in threes –About turn (行进中向后转) 29. By the left –Mark time (踏步) 30. Forward (前进) 体育课英语用语:Fall in! 集合!Eyes front!向前看!Count off! 报数!Extend! 散开!Halt ! 立定!At ease step!慢步走!Three steps for ward march! 向前三步走!Attention!立正!Stand at ease!稍息!Dismiss!解散!Close!靠拢!Quick march !快步走!Ready ! Set ! Go!各就位, 预备,跑!。

军事英语口语系列:高空轰炸561.A Tomahawk flew into the sky, heading north towards Baghdad."战斧"式巡航导弹腾空而起,向北朝巴格达飞去。
562.The first missile hit the communication building in the center of Baghdad.第一枚导弹击中了位于巴格达市中心的通讯大楼。
563.Pilots were in their cockpits, ready to be launched for action.飞行员已坐进驾驶舱,一切准备就绪,正待命出发。
564.The first planes to go were the F-117A stealth bombers and the electronic countermeasure aircraft.最先起飞的是F-177A隐形轰炸机和电子对抗飞机。
565.The Air Force and Navy planes took off to neutralize the Iraqi air defense system.空军、海军的飞机起飞压制伊军防空系统。
566. They were EF-111 Ravens, F-4G Wild Weasels, FA-6B Prowlers.他们分别是EF-111"渡鸦" 飞机,F-4G"野鼬" 飞机和FA-6B"徘徊者飞机。
567.All the planes could jam the high-powered signal sent by radar.这些飞机都能干扰雷达发出的大功率信号。
568.The Iraqi radar couldn't find where the aircraft were flying.伊军雷达无法发现飞机飞行的方位。

一、地面部队 (Ground Forces)1. 军队 (Army) - 一支由陆军士兵组成的军事组织。
2. 步兵 (Infantry) - 作战时使用步枪等轻武器的士兵。
3. 坦克 (Tank) - 一种装备有重型武器和装甲的陆军战车。
4. 前线部队 (Frontline Forces) - 首先接触到敌人的部队。
5. 掩体 (Bunker) - 供士兵躲避敌人炮火的地下建筑或工事。
二、空中部队 (Air Forces)1. 空军 (Air Force) - 负责空中作战和防空的军事组织。
2. 飞行员 (Pilot) - 专门驾驶飞机或直升机的人员。
3. 轰炸机 (Bomber) - 用于投掷炸弹的战斗机或轰炸机。
4. 歼击机 (Fighter) - 用于进行空中战斗的军用飞机。
5. 导弹 (Missile) - 一种通过自主动力或被发射器射出的飞行器。
三、海上部队 (Naval Forces)1. 海军 (Navy) - 负责海上作战和舰艇运作的军事组织。
2. 航母 (Aircraft Carrier) - 装备有舰载机的大型舰艇,可用于舰载机起降。
3. 潜艇 (Submarine) - 能在水下航行的战舰。
4. 驱逐舰 (Destroyer) - 一种用于执行护航任务、实施攻击和布雷的军舰。
5. 舰队 (Fleet) - 由多艘军舰组成的编组,用于执行特定任务。
四、战术与策略 (Tactics and Strategy)1. 防御 (Defense) - 针对敌方进攻采取的保卫措施。
2. 进攻 (Offense) - 发起攻击或进攻敌方的行动。
3. 侦察 (Reconnaissance) - 获取情报和敌情,以便做出相应的决策。

军事英语作文写作新兵训练New recruits training is an essential part of military preparation. It is a rigorous process that aims to instill discipline, build physical and mental strength, and prepare soldiers for the challenges they will face in the field. The training program covers a wide range of skills and knowledge, including basic combat techniques, weapons handling, first aid, navigation, and teamwork.During the training, new recruits undergo physical fitness tests to assess their strength, endurance, and agility. They are also taught basic military drills and tactics to improve their coordination and reflexes. In addition, they receive classroom instruction on military history, regulations, and the code of conduct. This knowledge is essential for building a strong foundation of military discipline and loyalty.Furthermore, new recruits are trained in the use of various weapons and equipment. They learn how to handle firearms safely, maintain their gear, and operate communication devices. This practical training is vital forpreparing soldiers to perform their duties effectively and safely in combat situations.Teamwork is another crucial aspect of new recruits training. Soldiers are taught to work together seamlessly, communicate effectively, and support each other in challenging situations. This instills a sense of camaraderie and mutual trust among the recruits, which is essential for a cohesive and efficient military unit.In addition to physical and tactical training, new recruits also receive education on the importance of mental resilience and adaptability. They are taught how to handle stress, make quick decisions, and maintain focus under pressure. This mental preparation is essential for soldiers to stay calm and effective in high-stress situations.Overall, new recruits training is a comprehensive and demanding process that aims to prepare soldiers for the challenges and responsibilities of military service. It isa fundamental step in building a strong, disciplined, and capable military force.新兵训练是军事准备的一个重要组成部分。

军事英语口语系列:海战678. Sea fight has been the main task of a navy.海战一直是海军的主要任务。
679. There were many sea battles known to all.人人皆知的海战很多。
680. The Surprise Attack on Pearl Harbor was one of them.奇袭珍珠港是其中之一。
681. This battle was launched on December 7,1941.这次海战于1941年12月7日打响。
682. Japan dispatched 6 aircraft carriers with 353 aircrafts.日本出动了6艘航空母舰,携载353架飞机。
683. Additionally, there were 2 battleships, 3 cruisers, 11 destroyers and 3 submarines.另外,还有2艘战列舰,3艘巡洋舰,11艘驱逐舰,3艘潜艇。
684. Behind the Japanese, there was chaos, 2,403 dead, 188 destroyed planes.日本人走后,留下一片狼籍,2,403人死亡,188架飞机被摧毁。
685. The U.S. Pacific Fleet was crippled with 8 damaged or destroyed battleships.美国太平洋舰队陷于瘫痪,8艘战列舰遭重创或被摧毁。
686. The Battle of Midway began on June 3, 1942.中途岛战役开始于1942年6月3日。
687. Japan attempted to capture Midway, a U.S. naval base in the Pacific.日本企图夺取太平洋上的美国海军基地中途岛。
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414. Every one knows the term of military training.
415. Who can make it clear in one word?
416. Generals have their missions.
417. Soldiers have their duties.
418. The Navy has its tactics and training items.
419. Have you taken part in the naval exercises?
420. If not, you should have seen some films involved.
421. "Surprise Attack on Pearl Harbor" is a well-known sea battle.
422. You can learn more from the book "Sea Fight".
423. From TV, we often see a few aircraft carriers cruising the oceans.
424. A Russian submarine sank to the seabed in an exercise.
425. A U.S. destroyer was heavily damaged in the Middle East.
426. The training of Air Force should focus on the pilots.
427. The old planes are continually replaced by new ones.
428. It sets higher demands for the pilots and machinists.
429. There are various aircrafts serving in the "haves".
430. They spend big money training the personnel of Air Force.
431. In the Gulf War, the Iraqi Air Force couldn't go into battle.
432. Some of its planes flew to Iran to survive.
433. The lost aircraft of the Allied Forces were due to their own accidents. 多国部队损失的飞机是他们自己引起事故造成的。
434. Have you watched a stunt flying?
435. A sophisticated aircraft crashed into the visitors.
436. It was reported that it was the faults of the two pilots. 有报道说是两位飞行员的过失所致。
Words and Expressions单词和短语
pearl n. 珍珠
harbor n. 港;港口
cruise v. 巡航于;游弋
Iraqi a. 伊拉克的;伊拉克人的
Iran n. 伊朗
Stunt n. 惊人的表演
sophisticated a. 尖端的
fault n. 过错;错误。