

法律文本翻译第十二章 常用法律文本翻译示例

法律文本翻译第十二章 常用法律文本翻译示例

•பைடு நூலகம்中华人民共和国民法通则
• ……
• 第一章 基本原则 第一条 为了保障公民、法人的合法的民事权益,正确调整民事关系, 适应社会主义现代化建设事业发展的需要,根据宪法和我国实际情况, 总结民事活动的实践经验,制定本法。 第二条 中华人民共和国民法调整平等主体的公民之间、法人之间、公 民和法人之间的财产关系和人身关系。 第三条 当事人在民事活动中的地位平等。 第四条 民事活动应当遵循自愿、公平、等价有偿、诚实信用的原则。 第五条 公民、法人的合法的民事权益受法律保护,任何组织和个人不 得侵犯。 第六条 民事活动必须遵守法律,法律没有规定的,应当遵守国家政策。 第七条 民事活动应当尊重社会公德,不得损害社会公共利益,破坏国 家经济计划,扰乱社会经济秩序。 第八条 在中华人民共和国领域内的民事活动,适用中华人民共和国法 律,法律另有规定的除外。 本法关于公民的规定,适用于在中华人民共和国领域内的外国人、无 国籍人,法律另有规定的除外。
• 法律文本主要是由具有区别性特征的法律语言构成的, 学界一般都赞同把法律文本划分到特殊用途语言 (Language for Special Purpose,简称LSP)这一大类中。 当然也有人把这类文本称为专业语篇(professional discourse)。
第一节 翻译示例
法律法规类文本 商业协议类文本 司法文书类 经济组织内部法律文件类
• ……
二. 商业协议类文本
此类文本是法律翻译实践中使用最广、实用价值较高, 也是从事法律翻译应该、必须掌握的文本。此类文本的 主要特点是格式化,受国内法调整,但不以国内法为依 据,而是以贸易惯例、全球通行的法律原则为起草依据 而制定,即当事人合意的任意性条款较多。



在任一缔约国提出的保护发明的申请都可以 按照本条约规定提出国际申请。 Applications for the protection of inventions in any of the Contracting States may be filed as international applications under this Treaty.
• A:判断语,根据价值或事实所 作出的判断。 • Acquit • Calculate • Describe • Analyze • Estimate • Assess • characterize
• B:裁定语,表示赞成或反对某 事或某过程。 • Order • Command • Direct • Recommend • Appoint • Dismiss • Nominate • Declare • Announce • Warn • proclaim
• Unless otherwise provided for herein, failure or delay on the part of any party to exercise any right, power or privilege under this Agreement shall not operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege preclude further exercise thereof or exercise of any other right, power or privilege.
语言明确,2)条理清晰,3)行文严谨,4)符合规 范格式。

























二、诺德翻译理论概述 20 世纪 70 年代以来,德国功能翻译理论逐步发 展,其主要代表人 物 有 翻 译 理 论 家 凯 塔 琳 娜 · 赖 斯 ( Katherina Reiss) 、汉斯·弗米尔 ( Hans J. Vermeer) 、 赫尔兹·曼塔里( Justa Holz Manttari) 和克里斯蒂安· 诺德( Christiane Nord) 。 诺德在弗米尔的“目的论”基础上,将功能翻译理 论发展为“功 能 加 忠 诚 ”来 解 决 文 本 翻 译 过 程 中 的 激 进功能主义问题。她的功能翻译理论分为两个方面: 功能加忠诚。诺德认为,功能指的是使疑问在目标语 环境中按预定的方式运作的因素; 忠诚指的是译者、原 文作者、译 文 接 受 者 及 翻 译 发 起 者 之 间 的 人 际 关 系。 忠诚原则限制了某一原文的译文功能范围,增加了译 者与客户之间对翻译任务的商榷与沟通。 三、法律文本的翻译原则 根据“功能加忠诚”理论,法律文本翻译原则可以 分为三项原则: 1. 精准性原则,即译文应当忠诚于原 文,就忠诚程度而言,法律翻译要求最高。法律文本如 法典、判决书、合同等,无一不是用词精炼准确,一字之 差可能给当事人带来巨大的损失,这就要求译者态度 严谨,以“信 ”为 首 要 原 则,其 后 再 追 求“达 ”与“雅 ”。 2. 简练性原则,用词精炼是法律文本一个显著的特点, 因此翻译法律文本时切忌冗长繁琐的语言,译者应当 在保证精准性原则的前提下,尽量使用精简的语言进 行转译; 3. 专业性原则,法律文本不同于其他文本,其 对译者本人的法律知识的储备要求极高,因为在法律 文本翻译中,专业术语的使用是不可避免的。倘若译 者本人并不通晓法律知识,那么其便不能将原文文本 用专业术语精确的翻译出来。 法律文本翻译的这三个原则是逐层递进的,译者 应当首先做到精确翻译文本,其后尽量使用简练的语 言进行传达,最后通过法学知识将源语文本使用法言



2.3 Antonymity
“对义词”是指词语的意义相互矛盾、相互 对立,即词语所表示的概念在逻辑上具有一 种矛盾或对立的关系的词(relational opposites)。

Right—obligation Plaintiff——Defendant Appellant——Appellee Mortgagor—— Mortgagee Promisor——Promisee Debtor——Creditor offeror——offeree Lessor——Lessee
3.4 Use of modal verbs
The payment of the aforesaid expenses shall be effected against presentation of original vouchers after being checked.

上述有关费用均须凭核实的原始单据支付。 *No departments of the Central People’s Government and no province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government may interfere in the affairs which the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region administers on its own in accordance with this law. 中央人民政府所属各部门,各省、自治区、直辖市均不得 干预香港特别行政区根据本法自行管理的事物。


To exercise rights and perform obligations行使权力,履行义务
The principle of good faith 公平原则
To act in accordance with 依…做
Administrative regulations 行政法规
Under the protection of law 受法律保护
To exempt itself from its liabilities, weights the liabilities of the other party, and excludes the rights of the other party, 免除其责任、加重对方责任、排除对方主要权利
unfavorable to 对…不利
To commence 开始
From the date on which the telegram is handed in for dispatch 从电报交发之日开始
Instantaneous communication 快速通讯
Facsimile 传真
Transaction practices 交易实践
In case the State issues a mandatory plan or a State purchasing order task based on necessity国家根据需要下达指令性任务或者国家订货任务的
Where standard terms are adopted in concluding a contract, 采用格式条款订立合同的
To request the other party to note the exclusion or restriction of its liabilities in reasonable ways, 采取合理的方式提请对方注意免除或者限制其责任的条款

法律文本用词特点及其翻译 ——以《香港基本法》、《中华人民共和国学位管理条例》为例

法律文本用词特点及其翻译  ——以《香港基本法》、《中华人民共和国学位管理条例》为例













法律语言要求表达精确,法律文本的写作更是如此。但是 社会生活纷繁复杂,有限的法律法规往往难以包容万象, 因此法律文本不可避免地要使用模糊性词语,如about, average, similar, adequate,reasonable等。法律语 言的模糊性,是指某些法律条文或法律表述在语义上不能 准确界定,一般用于涉及法律事实的性质、范围、程度、 数量等情况。模糊性词语的一定程度合理的运用可提高语 言表达的灵活性,增强法律法规的适用性.
China, China's 和 Chinese作定语时大有区 别
• China Law Firm VS. Chinese Law Firm
China law firms是指“在中国的律师 事务所”,未必是中国人开的,它应 包括获准在中国设立的“外国律师事 务所”(foreign law firms)。若指中 国律师开的律师事务所,应用 Chinese law firms。
• “中国专利法”(China's Patent Law) 等用 语中,几乎都用China's而不用Chinese。
• 着重“中国人的”意义时,应该用 Chinese。如 “中方”(Chinese side);“中国人”(Chinese nationals);“中国政府”(Chinese government);“中国执业律师”(Chinese national registered lawyers)。
• “合同任何一方当事人不得转让本合同”英文法律文件更 可能表述为“Neither party hereto may assign this contract”,其中“hereto”表示“to the contract”。




























中华人民共和国仲裁法Arbitration Law of the People's Republic of China主席令第三十一号(Adopted at the 8th Session of the Standing Committee of the 8th National People's Congress and Promulgated on August 31, 1994)颁布日期:19940831 实施日期:19950901 颁布单位:全国人大常委会Chapter I General ProvisionsArticle 1 This Law is formulated in order to ensure that economic disputes shall be impartially and promptly arbitrated, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the relevant parties and to guarantee the healthy development of the socialist market economy.Article 2 Disputes over contracts and disputes over property rights and interests between citizens, legal persons and other organizations as equal subjects of law may be submitted to arbitration.Article 3 The following disputes shall not be submitted to arbitration:1. disputes over marriage, adoption, guardianship, child maintenance and inheritance; and2. administrative disputes falling within the jurisdiction of the relevant administrative organs according to law.Article 4 The parties adopting arbitration for dispute settlement shall reach an arbitration agreement on a mutually voluntary basis. An arbitration commission shall not accept an application for arbitration submitted by one of the parties in the absence of an arbitration agreement.Article 5 A people's court shall not accept an action initiated by one of the parties if the parties have concluded an arbitration agreement, unless the arbitration agreement is invalid.Article 6 An arbitration commission shall be selected by the parties by agreement.The jurisdiction by level system and the district jurisdiction system shall not apply in arbitration.Article 7 Disputes shall be fairly and reasonably settled by arbitration on the basis of facts and in accordance with the relevant provisions of law.Article 8 Arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the law, independent of any intervention by administrative organs, social organizations or individuals.Article 9 The single ruling system shall be applied in arbitration. The arbitration commission shall not accept any application for arbitration, nor shall a people's court accept any action submitted by the party in respect of the same dispute after an arbitration award has already been given in relation to that matter.If the arbitration award is canceled or its enforcement has been disallowed by a people's court in accordance with the law, the parties may, in accordance with a new arbitration agreement between them in respect of the dispute, re-apply for arbitration or initiate legal proceedings with the people's court.Chapter II Arbitration Commissions and Arbitration AssociationArticle 10 Arbitration commissions may be established in the municipalities directly under the Central Government, in the municipalities where the people's governments of provinces and autonomous regions are located or, if necessary, in other cities divided into districts. Arbitration commissions shall not be established at each level of the administrative divisions.The people's governments of the municipalities and cities specified in the above paragraph shall organize the relevant departments and the Chamber of Commerce for the formation of an arbitration commission.The establishment of an arbitration commission shall be registered with the judicial administrative department of the relevant province, autonomous region or municipalities directly under the Central Government.Article 11 An arbitration commission shall fulfil the following conditions:1. it must have its own name, domicile and Articles of Association;2. it must possess the necessary property;3. it must have its own members; and4. it must have arbitrators for appointment.The articles of association of the an arbitration commission shall be formulated in accordance with this Law.Article 12 An arbitration commission shall comprise a chairman, two to four vice-chairmen and seven to eleven members.The chairman, vice-chairmen and members of an arbitration commission must be persons specialized in law, economic and trade and persons who have actual working experience. The number of specialists in law, economic and trade shall not be less than two-thirds of the members of an arbitration association.Article 13 The arbitration commission shall appoint fair and honest person as its arbitrators.Arbitrators must fulfil one of the following conditions:1. they have been engaged in arbitration work for at least eight years;2. they have worked as a lawyer for at least eight years;3. they have been a judge for at least eight years;4. they are engaged in legal research or legal teaching and in senior positions;and5. they have legal knowledge and are engaged in professional work relating to economics and trade, and in senior positions or of the equivalent professional level.The arbitration commission shall establish a list of arbitrators according to different professionals.Article 14 Arbitration commissions are independent of administrative organs and there are no subordinate relations with any administrative organs nor between the different arbitration commissions.Article 15 The China Arbitration Association is a social organization with the status of a legal person. Arbitration commissions are members of the China Arbitration Association. The Articles of Association of the China Arbitration Association shall be formulated by the national general meeting of the members.The China Arbitration Association is an organization in charge ofself-regulation of the arbitration commissions. It shall conduct supervision over the conduct (any breach of discipline) of the arbitration commissions and their members and arbitrators in accordance with its articles of association.The China Arbitration Association shall formulate Arbitration Rules in accordance with this Law and the Civil Procedure Law.Article 16 An arbitration agreement shall include the arbitration clauses provided in the contract and any other written form of agreement concluded before or after the disputes providing for submission to arbitration.The following contents shall be included in an arbitration agreement:1. the expression of the parties' wish to submit to arbitration;2. the matters to be arbitrated; and3. the Arbitration Commission selected by the parties.Article 17 An arbitration agreement shall be invalid under any of the following circumstances:1. matters agreed upon for arbitration are beyond the scope of arbitration prescribed by law;2. an arbitration agreement concluded by persons without or with limited capacity for civil acts; and3. one party forces the other party to sign an arbitration agreement by means of duress.Article 18 If the arbitration matters or the arbitration commission are not agreed upon by the parties in the arbitration agreement, or, if the relevant provisions are not clear, the parties may supplement the agreement. If the parties fail to agree upon the supplementary agreement, the arbitration agreement shall be invalid.Article 19 An arbitration agreement shall exist independently. Any changes to,rescission, termination or invalidity of the contract shall not affect the validity of the arbitration agreement.An arbitration tribunal has the right to rule on the validity of a contract.Article 20 If the parties object to the validity of the arbitration agreement,they may apply to the arbitration commission for a decision or to a people's court for a ruling. If one of the parties submits to the arbitration commission for a decision, but the other party applies to a people's court for a ruling, the people's court shall give the ruling.If the parties contest the validity of the arbitration agreement, the objection shall be made before the start of the first hearing of the arbitration tribunal.Section 1: Application and Acceptance for ArbitrationArticle 21 The parties applying for arbitration shall fulfil the following conditions:1. they must have an arbitration agreement;2. they must have a specific claim with facts and argument on which the claim is based; and3. the arbitration must be within the jurisdiction of the arbitration commission.Article 22 The party applying for arbitration shall submit to an arbitration commission the arbitration agreement, an application for arbitration and copies thereof.Article 23 An arbitration application shall state clearly the following:1. the name, sex, age, occupation, work unit and address of the party, the name address and legal representative of the legal person or other organization and the name and position of its person-in charge;2. the arbitration claim and the facts and argument on which the claim is based;and3. evidence and the source of evidence, the name and address of the witness (es)。



3. 法律英语的对义性
“对义词”是指词语的意义相互矛盾、相 互对立,即词语所表示的概念在逻辑上具 有一种矛盾或对立的关系的词 (relational opposites)。

《中华人民共和国合同法》对不同合同及合同中对应 的双方都有具体的规定:


法律术语和行话: alibi( 不在犯罪现场 ) 、 appeal( 上诉 ) 、 bail( 保释 ) 、 burden of proof(举证责任)、cause of action(案 由 ) 、 c o nt r ib ut or y n e gl ig e nc e( 与 有 过 失 ) 、 damages( 损失赔偿金 ) 、 defendant( 被告 ) 、 due diligence( 审慎调查)、felony(重罪)、lessee(承租 人)、lessor(出租人)、letters patent(专利证书)、 negotiable instrument(流通票据)、novation(更 替)、plaintiff(原告)、prejudice(损害)、 reasonable doubt(合理的怀疑)、remedy(救济)、 secondment(临时调任)、tort(侵权行为)。 套话:for no other purposes, shall not operate as a waiver, shall not be deemed a consent, including but not limited to, or other similar or dissimilar causes, without prejudice to, nothing contained herein shall 等。



• 长句 • 例子 :
财产的一般处置须解释作包括立遗嘱人 有权以其认为适当之方式指定收益的任 何财产的处置,并按照该权力的执行而 实施。除非遗嘱内显于相反的意愿。 A general disposition of property shall be construed to include any property the testator may have power to appoint in any manner he may think proper and shall operate as an execution of such power unless a contrary intention appears from the will.
补出主语式: 原文:储存、运输,处置城市生活垃圾违反本法规定的,按照国务 院关于环境保护和城市环境卫生的有关规定予以处罚。 分析:补出主语式与上文第一式“whoever”式,第二式anyone who 式不同之处在于它根据原文的上下文,补出了一个具体的主语,使 行为者更加具体、明确。这儿补出的主语是“any person or unit”。 翻译好这类句子的关键是找准行为者,使之与上下文协调。 译文:If any person or unit stores, transports or treats urban house refuse against the provisions of this Law, he or it shall be punished in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State Council regarding environmental protection and urban environmental sanitation.

法律文本翻译第五章 法律文本翻译的原则

法律文本翻译第五章 法律文本翻译的原则
法律文本翻译第五章 法律文本翻译的原则
教学目标 背景知识 本章知识剖析
TEACHING AIMS 教学目标 • 学习本章之后,需掌握以下知识点:
• 1. 了解一般翻译的基本原则 • 2. 掌握法律翻译的基本原则 • 3. 能够初步进行法律文本的翻译
• 翻译是有原则的,翻译原则与翻译标准紧密相关,其实翻译的 原则和翻译的标准在本质上也是一致的,区别在于前者是从译 者的角度来考虑翻译活动,而后者是从翻译评论家的角度来评 判译文。
C. The translation should have all the ease of original composition ( 译文应该有原作一样通顺流畅的文笔 ) 。
• 美国著名翻译家尤金·A·奈达从语言学的角度出发,根据翻译的 本质,提出了著名的“动态对等”翻译理论,即“功能对等”。 “动态对等”中的对等包括四个方面:1. 词汇对等,2. 句法对 等,3. 篇章对等,4. 文体对等。在这四个方面中,奈达认为 “意义是最重要的,形式其次”(郭建中,2000:67)为了准确地 再现源语文化和消除文化差异,译者可以遵循以下的三个步骤。
《天演论.译例言》中提出“信、达、雅”三 字标准。“信”是指强调译文必须忠实原文, “达”是强调译文应该通顺易懂,“雅”是在 严复时代指的是桐城派风格,当代我们赋予 “雅”以新的含义,即指译文要有文采。
• 在西方,第一个对翻译原则进行探讨的翻译理论家 是泰特勒( Alexander Fraser Tytler,1747—1813)。 其 “论翻译的原则”一文中提出了著名的翻译三原 则:



承租人可以要求减少租金或者不支付租金。(《中华人民共和 国合同法》第228 条) The lessee may request a reduction of rent or not to pay the rent.
2. Shall
Shall在法律英语中的词义不同于普通英语中的词义。《兰登书 屋法律词典》对shall 的法律释义包括以下三项:
If the Buyers fail to provide such letter of credit in the Seller’s favor as prescribed above, the Sellers shall have the option of reselling the contracted goods for the account of the Buyers 如果买方未能向卖方提供如上规定的信用证,卖方有权转售合同 中约定出售给买方的货物。
3)Shall不译的情形 在具有较长时效的一般性法律条文中(如宪法),即对象较
为笼统的面对广大民众普遍生效实施的法律,而不是时效性 强、实施范围窄的指令、通令和命令中。
All residents shall be equal before the law. 居民在法律面前一律平等。
在立法文本和合同条款中,当shall之后所跟的动词本身就能 表达权利、义务或责任以及主句的基本结构为shall + be + predicative (表语)时,通常也不译。
II. “依法”、“守法/约”套语词
“依法”或“守法/约”的概念词属于出现频率最高的法律套语 词,几乎所有的立法或合同中都包含大量要求或强制相关主体“ 依法”或“守法/约”的内容。《中华人民共国公司法》使用了 135个表达“依法”、“守法/约”概念的汉语词。



法律文书翻译一、定义(Definition of legal instrument)Legal instrument is a legal term of art that is used for any formally executed written document.二、分类(Categories)Examples include a certificate, deed, bond, contract, will, legislative act, notarial act, court writ or process, or any law passed by a competent legislative body in municipal (domestic) or international law.三、基本原则(Basic principles)对于法律翻译,译者不宜片面追求形式上的对等,要求译文的词类、语序和句子结构与原文基本保持一致。



1. 公正性(impartiality)是法律专业人员要遵守的最为基本的原则。

2. 准确性( veracity):要求语言使用者对法律概念及所涉及的行为进行严格表达。

3. 合适性(appropriateness):合适性反映翻译的度,主要是对文本原意传达的充分程度。

4. 简洁,精练(conciseness):The simplest, most concise English is the best for legislation:四、用词的基本特点(Features of words )1. 措词精确、避免歧义(precise words)原文:自9月20日起,甲方无权接受任何订单或收据。





尤其是在经贸法律文本中,“shall”的译法种类繁多,通常被译为“须”、“应”,有时被译成“应当”,也有时译成“要”、“将”、“可”,还有被译成“必须”,举例如下:1. …the election or recall of chief procurators of people’s procuratorates shall be reported to the chief procurators of the people’s procuratorates at the next higher level for submiss ion to the standing committees of the people’s congresses at the corresponding level for approval.选出或罢免人民检察长,须报上级人民检察院检察长提请该级人民代表大会常务委员会批准。

(宪法)2.One who instigates others to commit a crime shall be punished according to the role he plays in the joint crime. One who instigates a person under the age of eighteen to commit a crime shall be given a heavier punishment.教唆他人犯罪的,应当按照他在共同犯罪中起的作用处罚。



应用文体对比与分析对《Deed of Covenants and Guarantee》英译文的对比赏析——从语篇角度对比分析法律文体翻译1.应用文体1.1应用文体:应用文体是人们在日常工作和社会生活中为处理公私事务时所常用的具有直接使用价值和某种固定程式的各种文章的总称,包括人们用来解决和处理日常工作、学习、生活中的实际事务和问题、有直接应用价值、有约定俗成表达要求、行文简洁的各类文章。













4.1The scope of party B’s responsibilities of shall be stipulated by party A's deputy general manager or designated management personnel at any time according to the needs of party A.After consultation with Party B, Party A has the right to adjust the scope of Party B's responsibilities according to Party A's management needs, Party B's professional competence and work performance.Party B shall perform its duties diligently and exert its best effort to cooperate fully with superiors and colleagues, comply with the terms of this contract and the working regulations included in Party A's Employee Manual or other documents issued by Party A in accordance with the instructions of its superiors.中文ຫໍສະໝຸດ 英文4.工作范围和工作时间
scope of work and working hours



三、“subject to”的翻译
“subject to” used in Legal English in the way as follows: 1. 与法律文件名称或法条连用,通常译作“按照---、根据---、受---限制
/约束、见---”等。 示例11:Subject to this section ,an repossession of the Pledged
译文1: 为第三款目的,许可必须提前30个营业日以书面通知的形式做出。 译文2: 就第3款而言,必须提前30营业日以书面通知的形式做出许可。 示例2: 借款人未偿还本协议项下任何一笔贷款的,贷款人有权向借款
人收取约定年利率150%的罚息 。 译文1:If the Borrower does not repay any loan under this Agreement,
译文:除非另有约定,作为乙方为甲方指派的法律顾问,律师无义务为甲方职 员提供法律服务。
示例9: Unless otherwise agreed in writing by and between Parties hereto, Party A shall pay Party B the above charges for attorney’s legal service in a lump sum within thirty days commencing from the date on which this Contract comes into effect.
示例12:合营企业各方的权利义务见本合同第8条规定。 译文: Rights and obligations of Parties to this Equity Joint Venture
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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如果本合同的条款或与本合同有关的执行文件,在合同签订以后, 根据适用的法律,任何方面被确定无效,(1)其他条款的有效 性不受影响,将继续完全有效,(2)那个无效的条款,由最接 近于表示该无效条款真正意图的有效条款来代替。
• 2. 句子结构复杂 • 英语法律文本的句子结构通常很复杂,一个句子就是一个
Assist (help) 帮助,
partake (take part) 参加,
render (give) 给予,
forthwith (immediately) 立即,
assign (transfer) 转让,
require (ask) 要求,
amend (revise) 修改
notify (inform) 通知,
在实施上述事项时,双方同意,保证人将按照甲方已经订立 的协议,或此后参照已经订立的协议可能订立的新协议所 明示或暗示的条款向乙方履行付款义务。根据本保证书, 保证人的付款义务不得解除,但本保证书里提出的付款义 务已充分履行的情况除外。
3. 英语法律文体中喜欢使用正式词语,不使用同样意义的其 他文本里常见的词语。 在英语法律文本中经常见如下正式词语:
刚才提到的 20. Thereon = on that thing just mentioned 就刚才提到的 21. Thereto = to that 对那,与那 22. Thereunder = in accordance with the thing mentioned 按照那
As implementing the foregoing, it is understood and agreed that the Guarantor guarantees that the obligations will be paid to Party B in accordance with the terms and provisions of any agreement, expressed or implied, which has been or may hereafter be made or entered into by Party A in reference thereto. The obligations of the Guarantor hereunder shall not be discharged except by payment in full of the obligations as herein provided.
本协议以及本协议规定的权利或义务,没有另一方的同意就不得 擅自转让。
• 5. 英语法律中频繁使用here, there, where 与介词 in, by, of, to, on, upon, with, after, before, under 等结合构成的副词,在句子中作状语或定语。这 种结构在其它文体中极为罕见,所以构成了理解 法律文体的难点。
16. Therein = in that thing, in that place, in that document, in that respect 在那点,在那里,在那法律,在那方面
17.Theretofore = before that time 在那以前
18. Therebefore = before that time, before that place 19. Thereof = of the place, thing, event etc. just mentioned 关于
convene (call together) 召集, furnish (give) 提供,
construe (explain) 解释,
alter (change) 更改,
title (ownership) 所有权, supplement (add) 增加,
surrender (present) 提交, repatriate (send back) 返还 …
• 英语法律文本的形式特征 条理化:法律条文都以章、条、款、项从小
• 语言特征: • 1. 不厌其烦的重复 为了确保并体现法律的严密性,英语法律文本中很多语句诘屈聱
牙,复杂难懂,有些词或词语的重复在远离法律工作的普通人 看来简直到了无可复加的地步。
If any of the provisions of this Contract or any document executed in connection herewith is hereafter determined to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect under any applicable law, (i) the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired, and such remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect; and (ii) the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a valid, legal and enforceable provision that comes closest to expressing the true intent of such an invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision.
• 4. 同意反复的成对词语的使用 • 法律文体中使用成对词是历史的沿袭,是法律严
格、周密的体现。不但副词成双,介词成双,谓 语动词、分词、不定式、形容词、名词也都有成 双成对的。 e.g. The parties may, through consultation, make amendments to and revisions of this Contract as and when the need arises. 双方可在必要时通过协商,修改本合同。
12. Thereafter = after that time, after that place 此后 13. Thereby = thus, by that means, as a result of that 因此,由此,
以此 14. Therefore = for that reason 为此,因此 15. Therefrom =from that 从那里
This Agreement is made and entered into by and between ABV Co. and XYZ Co.
本协议有ABC 公司和XYZ公司签订。
Licensor agrees to furnish and provide Licensee with technical information such as …
第二人称表示讲话人的命令,用于第三人称表示 讲话人的决心。在法律文体中shall表示法律意义 上的约束力和强制性,或表示条约或合同对签约 双方的约束力。
This Guaranty shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of the People’s Republic of China to the jurisdiction of which the parties hereto submit.
whereon = on which, on what 在那上面 whereafter = after which 此后 whereto = to which 对于那
whereupon = immediately after which
• 6. 情态动词shall 使用多 在非法律文件中shall用于第一人称表示将来,用于
23. Thereupon = as the result of that; immediately or shortly after that 因此;此后立即
24. Therewith = with that 与之,与此
whereas = considering that, since 鉴于,因为 whereby = by which 据此,以此 wherein = in which 在那里,在那点上 whereof = of which, of what, of whom 关于那事,
Furthermore, Licensee agrees to pay and shall pay a royalty of …% on the Net Selling Price of all products manufactured and / or assembled by Licensee during the term of this Agreement.
9. Hereunder = under this, as provided for under the terms of this document 据此,按照本法律条款规定
10. Hereupon = after this, as a result of this 此后,由此, 就此
11. Herewith = with this document 同此,于此,附此
法律文体 的分类
法律文本 Legal text
法律条文 Legal provision
如:国际法, 国内法, 政府颁布的具有法律效力的 法规、法令 ……