



少儿英语课堂用语100句Language for English Teaching[/B][/B][/B]一、 [/B]上课([/B]Beginning a class[/B])[/B][/B]1. Stand up, please.2. Sit down, please.3. Class begins./Let’s begin our class./ Let’s start now.二、[/B] [/B]问候([/B]Greetings[/B])[/B][/B]1. Hello/Hi,boys and girls/children/kids.2. Good morning,class/everyone/children/kids/boys and girls.Good afternoon, class/everyone/children/kids/boys and girls.3. How are you?-Fine, thank you.4.Nice to meet you!/ Nice to see you/ Glad to see you!5. Give me a hug.6. Give me a kiss.7.Take off your coat (schoolbag).8. You look pretty today.9. What’s the weather like today? / How is the weather?10. What day is it today? / What’s the date today?11. What time is it ?三、[/B] [/B]考勤([/B]Checking attendance[/B])[/B][/B]1. Who’s absent? / Who isn’t here ?2. Where’s Tom[/B]?3 Do n’t be late.4. Go back,please..5. Come in, please.6. - What’s your name?- My name is Tom.[/B]- I'm Tom.[/B]7. -Are you Mary[/B]?-Yes, I’m Mary.8. Is everybody here?9. Who’s on duty today?/Who’s helping this morning?10. Let’s have a roll call.11. Why are you late?[/B]四、[/B] [/B]提起注意([/B]Directing attention[/B])[/B][/B]1. Ready?/Are you ready?2. Is that Clear?/Clear?/Am I clear?3. Understand? /Got it ?4. (Any)Volunteers?5. Look out !/Watch out !6. Be careful !7. Be Quiet, please.8. Look here.Look at me.9. -Attention !-1 2 !10. - Eyes on me !- Eyes on you !11. Are you watching?12. Please look at the blackboard.13. Pay attention to your spelling/pronunciation.五、课堂活动([/B]Classroom activities[/B])[/B][/B] Useful language[/B]1. Let’s begin. / Let’s start.Let’s do it .Let’s play a game.Let’s sing. / Let’s chant.Let’s learn the new words.Let’s watch carto on.Let’s count.2.Have a seat.3. Warm up time.4. All Together! / Together!5. Review the words.6. Story time. / It’s time for story.7. In pairs, please.In a group, please.In groups, please.8. Now you, please.9. It’s your turn.10. Lines up.11. Turn around.12. Follow me.13. Repeat after me.14. Clap your hands.15. Stamp your feet.16. Open/Close your eyes.17. Come out.19. -Give me a book.-Here you are.20. Give me a five.21. Next one,please./Now,you do the same,please.22. Bring me some chalk,please.23. Put the tape in its box(cassette)./Plug the tape recorder,please. Questions[/B]21. Whose turn?22. What’s this?23. What colour is it?24. What number is it?25. How many ?26. What do you like?27. Where is the crayon?28. Is that a blackboard?29. What do you see in the picture?30. What’s the matter ?Activities(Craft)[/B]27. Draw a cat on the paper. / Draw eyes,ears,and nose.28. Find the number. / Find the circles. / Find all the Bb words./Find a partner(friend).29. Match it. / Match the flowers to its shadow.30. Circle it.31. Colour the ball.32. Cut out.33. Glue on the …32. Trace it.34. Paste it on the picture.35. Complete the picture.六、请求([/B]Requests[/B])[/B][/B]1. Could you please try it again?2. Could you please try the next one?3. Could you help me/do me a favor?4. One more time,please.七、鼓励([/B]Encouraging[/B])[/B][/B]1. Cool!2. Woo!3. Ouch!4. Bingo!5. Nice work6. A big kiss.7. A big hug.8. Try again.7. Much better!9. Outstanding!10. Do your best.11. Beautiful work.12. You are smart.13. OK./ That’s OK.14. Congratulations!15. Good. / Good job!16. Super!/ Super star!17. Good job!/ Well done18. I am proud of you!19. Don’t be afraid/shy/nervous.20.Excellent!/ Great!/ Very good.21. I like the way you…22.What a surprise!23.You make me happy!八、指令([/B]Issuing a command[/B])[/B][/B]Useful language[/B]1. Repeat/Read after me, please.2. Look , Listen and repeat.3. Listen,point and repeat.4. Follow the words.5. In English, please.6. Remember it.7. Hurry up!8. Slowly! / Fast(Quickly)!9. Come here,please./Please go back to your seat.10. Please come to the front./Come up and write on the blackboard.11. Please answer my question.Actions[/B]9. Pass me the book./a pencil.10. Open the door. /Close the door.Open your books(at page 2) . /Close(Shut) your books, please.11. Touch the ground./Touch your nose( toes).12. Show me your pen( glue). /Show me your fingers.13. Put the book on the desk.14. Put up your hands, please./ Raise your hands, please. /Hands up!15. Put down your hands, please./ Hands down!16. Please take out your books.20.Stop here, please./Now, let’s stop.九、禁止和警告([/B]Prohibition and warning[/B])[/B][/B]1. Stop talking.2. No kicking.3. No running.4. No fighting.5. No pushing.6. No yelling.7. Settle down.十一、布置作业([/B]Setting homework[/B])[/B][/B]1. Do your homework.2. Recite/Remember/Memorise the new words.3. Write /Copy the letters 3 times.4. Listen to the tape.5. For today’s homework.6. Practice after class/at home.7. Do the next lesson./Do the new work.十二、下课([/B]Dismissing the class[/B])[/B][/B]1. Time is up.2. Let’s stop here.3. Class is over.4. Goodbye./ Bye.5. See you next class./time/tomorrow.6. One by one.7. Hand in your workbook,please.8. The bell is ringing./There’s (goes) the bell.少儿英语教师课堂用语(二)(信息来源网络)三.课堂活动用语e here ,please.请过来。



课堂用语(包括口语和肢体语言)指令性用语(发出课堂指令): 固定、重复Line up!Find a partner!Work in pairs!Work with your neighbor!Make two lines!Make a circle!Hands off the table please.Open your book to page 10.引导性用语(引导课堂行为):固定、重复、引导Say / Read after me.Follow me, please.Do what I do. / Do as I say.Who is sitting nicely?示范: 但学生不知道如何表达时,可以给出正确的示范,该示范可以来自老师,也可以来自能正确表达的班上同学”My name is Louis. What is your name?” you can say” Myname is …” “very good. One more time. What is your name?” Now tell me “Myname is …”重复:对每个英语学习者提供的答案给予肯定的确认。

如果回答是正确的, 重复学生所说的清晰, 响亮的声音, 并以较慢的节奏。


”Yes, very good. This is her book.”修改格式:重复一个答案使你能够为响应建立正确的格式。


当你重复答案时, 纠正任何语法或发音错误。

“He si---ts-----on the chair.”“We are….. students.”解释性用语(解释上课内容):可理解性输入直观图片、视频、感知解释apple, sour同义反义对比解释glad-happy示例和情景演示解释surprised语言+ 动作解释Tom is a little boy. He sits on a big chair. He likes eating bananas.正常定义解释(或者简化语言)Nouns are words that name people, places or things.教学目标用语(语言本身就是教学目标内容或者为达成教学目标而精心设计,包括老师和学生两个主体的用语):编辑、固定、重复、输入、输出1.Glad means happy. (首先要判断的是glad是新学词汇,happy是以前就学过的词汇,符合用已知的内容去教授新的内容的要求,这一步是编辑语言)What does glad mean? Glad means happy. (在教学的过程中重复的输出问句和答句,让学生理解和记忆编辑好的内容,那之后老师在提出问题检测时学生能够输出所学的答案。






1. Good morning/afternoon/evening. 早上好/下午好/晚上好。



2. What's your name? 你叫什么名字?这是一个常用的句子,用来询问他人的姓名。


3. How are you? 你好吗?这是另一个常用的问候语,用来询问他人的身体状况或者情绪状态。


4. What's this? 这是什么?这个句子常常用来询问物品的名称,对于小学生来说,通过这个句子他们可以学会认识一些基本的英语单词,帮助他们扩展词汇量。

5. How old are you? 你几岁了?通过这个句子,孩子们可以学会如何表达自己的年龄,也可以学会询问他人的年龄。


6. Can you help me? 你能帮助我吗?这句话可以帮助孩子们学会如何请求帮助,也可以教会他们如何礼貌地向他人提出请求。


7. Thank you. 谢谢你。





少儿英语教师课堂用语(一)(信息来源网络)一、问候用语1. Hi! Everybody!嗨,大家好!2. Hello! 你们好!3. Good morning/ afternoon/Evening!早上/下午好/晚上好!4. Good morning/good afternoon, class/everyone/boys and girls/Children! 同学们,上午/下午好!5. How are you? 你们好吗?Fine, thank you .我很好,谢谢你。

6. Nice to meet/see you. 很高兴见到你们.Glad to meet you .见到你很高兴!Nice to see/meet you again.It’s nice to see you again.很高兴再次见到你们!7. Happy Children’s Day.儿童节快乐!8. Merry Christmas Day.圣诞节快乐!9. Happy Mid-Autumn Day. 中秋快乐!10. Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐!11. Happy New Year! 新年快乐!12. Happy Teachers’ Day! 教师节快乐!13.What’s your name?My name is Bobo.你叫什么名字?我叫Bobo。

Now, let me introduce myself.现在我介绍一下我自己。

14. Are you Andy ? Yes, I am .你是安迪吗?是的,我是。

15.Where is Andy?I am here.安迪在哪里?我在这里。

16. Give me a big hug .给我一个大大的拥抱。

17. You look so pretty today! 你今天看上去真漂亮!18. What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样啊?It’s sunny/rainy/cloudy/windy/snowy today.今天阳光灿烂/雨天/多云/有风/下雪。



小学英语课堂用语100句(带音标)1. Let’s get ready for class. 准备上课。

/lets//get//'redi//fɔː//klɑːs/2. I’m sorry I’m late. /Excuse me for coming late. 对不起,我迟到了。

/aɪæm/ /ˈsɒri//aɪæm/ /leɪt//ɪks'kjuːz//miː//fɔː//ˈkʌmɪŋ/ /leɪt/3. Please come earlier next time. 下次请早点到。

/pliːz//kʌm//'ɜːlɪə//'nekst//taɪm/4. Class begins. 上课。

/klɑːs//bɪˈɡɪnz/5. Who’s on duty today? 今天谁值日?/huːz/ /ɒn//'djuːti//tə'deɪ/6. Is everyone here? 都到齐了吗?/ɪz//'evrɪwʌn//hɪə/7. Who’s absent today? 今天谁没来?/huːz/ /ˈæbsənt//tə'deɪ/8. What day is today? 今天是星期几?/hwɒt//deɪ//ɪz//tə'deɪ/9. What’s the date today? 今天是几号?/wɒts/ /ðə//deɪt//tə'deɪ/10. Li Hong, have you collected all the exercise-books? 李红,作业本都收齐了吗?/li//hæv//juː//kəˈlektɪd/ /ɔːl//ðə//ˈeksə bʊk/11. Here are your exercise-books. Please hand them out. 这是练习本,请发下去。





1. 课堂开始用语•Good morning/afternoon, class! (同学们,早上好/下午好!)•Let’s begin our English class! (让我们开始我们的英语课吧!)•How are you today? (你们今天好吗?)•Are you ready for some English fun? (准备好来玩英语了吗?)2. 学习目标用语•Today, we are going to learn… (今天我们要学习…)•The learning objective for today is… (今天的学习目标是…)•By the end of the lesson, you will be able to… (在课程结尾时,你们将能够…)3. 检查作业用语•Let’s check your homework! (让我们来检查你们的作业!)•Who would like to share their answers? (谁想分享他们的答案?)•Did you find the answers? (你们找到答案了吗?)•Let’s go through the answers together. (让我们一起过一遍答案。

)4. 学习内容介绍用语•Today, we will learn about… (今天我们将学习关于…的内容)•This is called… (这被称为…)•Can anyone give me an example of…? (有人可以给我举个…的例子吗?)•Let’s look at some examples. (让我们看一些例子。

)5. 练习用语•Now, let’s practice what we have learned. (现在,让我们练习一下我们所学的东西。




It’s time for class.2.请安静。

Please be quiet。


Sit up straight,sit up properly.4.看着李老师,认真的听讲。

Look at Miss Li. Listen carefully.5.现在我们开始上课了。

Now let’s begin our class.6.首先我们来点名。

First,let’s have a roll call.7.你迟到了,下次早点来。

You are late ,come earlier next time.8.大家上午好。



Good morning ,every one./Good afternoon./Goodevening.复习环节:9.现在我们来复习上节课的知识。

Now,let’s have a revision./Let’s review.10.谁能读这个单词?Who can read this word?11.谁能拼写这个单词?Who can spell this word.12.这个单词什么意思?what does this word mean?13.谁能造一个句子?Who can make a sentence?14.谁能翻译这个句子?Who can translate the sentence?15.请大声说。

Speak louder.16.再来一遍。

Once more./Once again.17.注意你的发音。

Pay attention to your pronouciation.18.打开你的书。

Open your book.19.合上你的书。

Close your book.20.看黑板。

Look at the blackboard.21.把我说的句子翻译成汉语。

Translate my sentence to Chinese.热身环节:22.现在我们来热身。


1)Time is up. Class is over.
2)The bell is ringing.
3)Let’s sing good-bye song.
4)That’s all for today.
5)Let’s stop here.
23)Who can tell me?
24)Paper, stone, scissors!
25)Yes or no?
26)Pleaselisten to the music.
27)Hands up. /Hands down.
28)Who can answer my question?
10)Stand up, please.
11)Sit down, please.
12)Let’s warm up.
13)Are you ready?
14)Do you want to sing a song?
15)Do you want to play a chant?
1)Is everyone here?
2)Is anybody absent?
3)When I call your name, please say“Yes!”.



1. Be quiet 安静点
2. No talking, please. 请不要讲话
3. Listen to the teacher, please. 请听老师讲
4. Put the chair down gently 轻轻放下小椅子
5. Please speak quietly 请小声说话
6. Please don’t rub your eyes with hands. 请不要用手揉眼睛
7. Please cheer for your team, say :“ come on!”
8. Let’s help him/ her. 让我们一起来协助他.
9. Please put your hands on your Knee. 小手放在膝盖上.
10. Please look at the teacher . 请看着老师
11. Please look at the whiteboard. 请看着白板
12. Let’s clap for her请为她鼓掌
13. Listen to me carefully, 仔细听我说,and try to remember what I say. 尽量记住我所说的内容.
14. Repeat after me please. 请跟我读.
15. I’d like to tell you what are you going to do today.我来告诉你今天要做的事情.
16. Can someone answer my questions please?有谁能回答




以下是一些常用的儿童英语授课口语表达:打招呼和问候:Good morning/afternoon/evening, class! 早上好/下午好/晚上好,同学们!How are you today? 你们今天好吗?引导学生注意力:Let's get started! 让我们开始吧!Look at the board, please. 请看黑板。

表扬和鼓励:Great job! 做得好!Excellent! 太棒了!You're doing well! 你做得很好!提问和回答:What's this? 这是什么?Can you say [word/phrase]? 你能说出[单词/短语]吗?Who can answer the question? 谁可以回答这个问题?教学指导:Repeat after me. 跟着我重复。

Listen and repeat. 听一遍,然后跟着重复。

Pay attention to the pronunciation. 注意发音。

故事和游戏引导:Once upon a time... 从前,有一天…Let's play a game! 我们来玩个游戏吧!时间管理:We have 5 minutes left. 我们还有5分钟。

Time to clean up. 是整理的时候了。

告别:Goodbye, everyone! 再见,大家!See you next time! 下次见!这些口语表达可以根据教学内容和学生的年龄层次进行调整。




幼儿英语教师常用课堂用语200句问候Good morning. 早上好!Good afternoon. 下午好!Good morning, class. 同学们早上好!Hello, everyone! 大家好!课程开始及休息It''s time for class. 上课的时间到了。

Let''s begin our class. 开始上课。

Let''s start. 开始。

Shall we begin? Yes, let''s begin. 我们开始吧?好,我们开始。

Please look at me. 请看我。

Let''s have a break. 我们休息一下。

Let''s have a rest. 我们休息一下。

Break time. 休息时间。

Time is up. 时间到。

结束课程That''s all for today! 今天就到这儿。

We stop here. 我们到此结束。

Let''s call it a day. 今天就到这儿。

Class is over. 下课。

Goodbye everyone! 大家再见。

See you next time. 下次见。

See you later. 回头见Goodbye. / Bye-bye. 再见。

Give me a hug. 拥抱一下。

游戏及活动用语-1 Let''s play a game. 我们玩游戏吧。

Let''s begin./start. 我们开始。

Are you ready? 准备好了吗?One, two, three, go! 一、二、三,开始!Who is the first one? 谁是第一名?I''m the first one. 我是第一名。





Let’s have a try;
I can do it;
You can do it!
Don’t worry;
Never mind;
It’s alright;
It doesn’t matter.
Let’s think about it;
Think about it again;
Let’s review it;
Let’s try another way;
Let’s do it differently.
Good job;
Great work;
You’re so brilliant!



小学英语课堂教学用语大全一、Before class begins(上课之前)•Has the bell rung ?•打铃了吗?•Will the bell ring soon ?•快打铃了吗?•Is that the bell?•是打铃了吗?•How many minutes are there to go before class ?•还有几分钟上课?The bell will ring in a few minutes. •还有几分钟就打铃了.•It’s nearly time for class.•快到上课时间了•Let’s get ready for class.•让我们准备好上课。

•Take out your books, please.•请把书拿出来。

•10.Put your books on the desks, please.•请把书放在课桌上。

•There are still five minutes to go .•还有五分钟。

•Take out your notebooks, and put them on your desks. •拿出笔记本,把它们放在课桌上。

•It’s time for class.•该上课了。

•Shall we start?•我们开始好吗?二、开始上课Beginning class1.Greetings问候•Good morning,boys and girls!•早上好,男孩儿、女孩儿们!•Good afternoon,class!•早上好,同学们!•I hope you are all feeling well today.•我希望大家今天都感觉不错。

•I hope you have all had a nice weekend.•我希望你们周末都过得愉快。

•What day is it today?•今天星期几?••Let’s start.•让我们开始吧。




课堂中老师通常用哪些句子呢?问候Good morning.早上好!Good afternoon.下午好!Good morning, class.同学们早上好!Hello, everyone!大家好!课程开始及休息It's time for class.上课的时间到了。

Let's begin our class.开始上课。

Let's start.开始。

Shall we begin? Yes, let's我们开始吧?好,我们开始。

begin.Please look at me.请看我。

Let's have a break.我们休息一下。

Let's have a rest.我们休息一下。

Break time.休息时间。

Time is up.时间到。

结束课程That's all for today!今天就到这儿。

We stop here.我们到此结束。

Let's call it a day.今天就到这儿。

Class is over.下课。

Goodbye everyone!大家再见。

See you next time.下次见。

See you later.回头见Goodbye. / Bye-bye.再见。

Give me a hug.拥抱一下。

Let's sing the "goodbye" song together.我们一起来唱“再见歌”。

点名Is everyone here? 每个人都在吗?When teacher calls your na me, please stand up and s ay “Here.”老师叫到你的名字,请站起来说“到”。

Do you remember your name?还记得你们的名字吗?Is ______ here?______在吗?Here!到!Who is not here?谁没有到呢?______ is not here._______没到。



课堂用语Good morning! 早上好!1.Good morning, everyone! 大家早上好!2.Good morning, boys and girls! 男孩女孩们,早上好!3.Good morning, children! 孩子们早上好!4.Good morning, my smart students! 早上好,我聪明的孩子们!5.Hello, my students! 同学们好!6.How are you today? 今天怎么样?7.How’s going? 你好吗?8.What’s up? 你好吗?9.How are you getting on? 你好吗?10.How are you feeling today? 今天感觉怎么样?11.Are you feeling better today? 今天感觉好些吗?12.How have you been? 别来无恙?13.I’m happy to see you again! 真高兴又见到你们了!14.I’m happy to be with you again! 很高兴又和你们聚在一起了!15.Hey, we meet again! 嘿,我们又见面了!16.I didn’t think I’d see you here! 没想到会在这里碰见你!17.Long time no see! 好久不见!18.Is everyone here? 都来齐了吗?19.Who is not here? 谁不在这里?20.Who is missing? 谁不在?21.Who is absent today? 今天谁缺席了?22.What’s wrong with XX? XX 今天怎么了?23.Does anyone know where XX is today?有谁知道XX今天去哪了?24.Hurry up! 快点!e on! 快点!26.Let’s get started! 让我们开始吧!27.Hurry up so that I can start the class!动作快点,我们好开始上课!e in and sit down! 进来坐下!29.Sit in your seats! 坐在座位上!30.Take your seats! 快坐下!e in and close the door! 进来把门关上!32.Don’t slam the door like that! 不要那样用力关门!33.I hope you are all feeling well! 我希望你们都好!34.How about you? 你怎么样?35.What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?36.May I know your name? 我可以知道你的名字吗?37.Oh, it’s a good name! 这真是个好名字!38.Let me introduce myself! 让我介绍一下我自己!39.Is everyone ready to start? 大家都准备好上课了吗?40.It’s time to start now! 现在开始上课。



小学英语教师课堂用语seek; pursue; go/search/hanker after; crave; court; woo; go/run after小学英语教师课堂用语及使用策略课堂教学用语是教师组织课堂教学活动时所使用的语言,是成功课堂教学的保证之一.教师课堂教学语言的质量在某种意义上是教师基本素质的缩影.教师在使用课堂教学用语时应注意使用策略,要注意体现‘人本性’,注重学生的情感因素.教师的课堂教学用语从教学功能上可分为五大类:1.招呼/问候语2.提问语3.反馈语4.指示/演示语5.告别语1.招呼/问候语:教师的课堂教学实际上从其走进教室的一刻起就开始了.A good beginning makes a good ending. 一个好的开端对于一堂课来说非常重要.教师主动、友好地同学生打招呼,不仅可以唤起学生的注意力,使其为开始上课作好准备,还可以创造一个平等、和谐、愉快的学习氛围, 以保证课堂教学的顺利进行.参考用语:Hi, there Good morning/ afternoon.Good morning/afternoon, kids.It’s so nice/I’m so happy to see you again.Good kids, you look great/ wonderful today.How are you doing, KidsHow’s it goingYou look so happy, any good newsOk, kids, are you ready to have classInstead of saying: “You”May I know your nameThat’s a nice name.Could you tell me your name, pleaseYou’ve got a beautiful name. I really like it.Shall we begin our lesson nowLet’s start our class, shall we2.提问语教师在提问时态度和声音要和蔼、可亲.提问语的使用要注意体现对学生的尊重, 不要让学生感到紧张,有压力.注意提问语的使用策略可减轻学生的学习焦虑情绪,保护学生的学习积极性.参考用语:Who’d like to answer the questionWho can answer the questionWho knows the answerWho’d like to have a tryWould you like to try, MaryTim, would you like to have a tryDo you want to try, LeeWould you like a second tryWould you like someone to help youWho’d like to helpWho’d like to read the textWho can spell the word “…”Can you spell the word “…”Do you know the Chinese/English of the word…What’s the English/Chinese for “…”Any volunteerAny kidHave I made it clearIs it clear to youYou see the pointGot it / Did you get itAre you alright with itAre you OK with the practiceHave you done/finished your work/exercise yet3.反馈语反馈语是课堂教学活动的重要组成部分,是教师评价和评估学生课堂表现的重要手段,也是推动教学活动进展的有效方法.对学生英语学习的评价现在提倡多种方式和多元化.这其中反馈语是教师对学生课堂表现的一种评价方式.教师要注意树立评价意识.不仅要对学生课堂上的学习表现给予评价,对学生情感、态度的表现都应通过评价给予鼓励,达到激励学生的目的.在使用语言行为评价时教师要注意语气和目光的注视,使学生对老师的表扬和肯定感到真切.对学生有创意的,创新的思维火花及灵感要及时地、充分地、大大地给与肯定.不妨使用夸张些的语言.在语言评价中教师一定要注意语言的使用及使用的策略性.教师的一句话有可能会影响学生的一生.如果教师总是说某个学生笨,这个学生有可能就会认为自己不是学习的料,因而放弃努力.当学生对自己没有信心时,教师的一句鼓励的话,就有可能激励他获得成功.因此,教师在课堂上一定要注意所使用的语言,要注意体现反馈语的‘人本性’,注重学生的情感因素.反馈语可分为肯定式评语、参与式评语和启发式纠错.1肯定式评语:教师在使用肯定式评语对学生的课堂表现进行肯定和表扬时,一定要让学生感到老师是在由衷地夸奖他.要避免敷衍和流于形式.不要滥用‘Good’.有的老师过多地单一使用‘Good’评价学生的表现,很难使学生从中受到激励,激发学习的积极性.参考用语:Not bad. Thank you. I’m sure you can do better next time. GoodThank you. I could see you’ve practiced a lot.Good kid. That’s a good answer. Thank you.Quite good I really appreciate your effort.Very goodI really enjoy it.Great You did a good job.Excellent Let’s give him/her a big handWonderfulI’m so proud of you.Well done Good boy/girl/kid.Your answer is very good I admire your work.Nice going You make a great progress.对学生有创意的、创新的思维火花及灵感,发言中的闪光点的肯定可以使用以下的用语:What a bright idea Thank you.That’s a great answer. I really like it.You did a good job We’re so proud of youGood point I really enjoy it.Good job I'm very pleased with your work.Smart What an adorable babyClever I envy you very much.Perfect You're very professional.You are such a smart boy/girl/kidYou got sharp eyes/ears.I couldn’t believe my ears2参与式评语在采用学生之间互相评价的手段时,教师要注意不要拿学生跟别人比,要拿学生同他自己比.教师可以说:同学们说某某同学说得好不好呀进步大不大呀在让学生参加评价时可以使用疑问和反意疑问句:Is it goodIsn’t it a good answerDo you like his/her answer/readingDid he/she do a good jobThat’s a fantastic answer, isn’t itHe/she did an excellent job, didn’t he/she3 启发式纠错当学生犯错误时,教师要避免使用否定的评价语言,如:You are wrong. It’s not correct. 对回答不出问题来的学生不要简单地使用“Sit down”,要给他们可能获得成功的机会,鼓励他们,保护他们的学习积极性.如:That’s very close. Go onIt’s almost right. Try again, please.Come on Think it over. I’m sure you can do it.I’m sure you can do it if you really try. SeeYou did it really well.Sorry, I’m sure you can do it better next time.I’m sorry. Would you like a second try /Would you like to try againNot bad. Go on, please.Come on, It’s very close.It doesn’t matter. I’m sure you can do it better next time.非语言评价及策略非语言评价—既运用手势,表情眼神、面容、微笑及其他肢体动作语言body language 来对学生的学习进行的评价.在使用语言行为评价方式的同时注意非语言评价方式的使用可以加强评价效果.方式和策略:1.微笑加语言2.用力点头--是一种肯定.3.惊讶的表情+ 可表示赞赏.5.竖起大拇指,可表示一种高度的赞赏.-增强自信心,获得成就感. 6.一只手手心朝上不断煽动四指同时说道:Yes, come on, come on. 或Yes, go on.这种语言行为和非语言行为手势的同时使用,不仅对学生的发言是一种鼓励和肯定,同时还可以激励、引导学生将发言进行下去,启发学生思维.不断的启发和鼓励能够起到引导学生思维,培养思维习惯的作用.5.鼓掌- 当学生任务完成得出色时,教师可鼓掌表示赞扬.也可以号召学生一起鼓掌. 掌声可以使人产生成就感,增强自信心.6.抚摸孩子的头,拍拍孩子的肩膀也是一种鼓励性的非语言行为的评价手段.这一手段的使用会使回答正确的孩子心中荡起美孜孜的幸福感和对老师的亲近感.这种感觉可以拉近孩子和老师的距离,拉近他们和英语课堂的距离,使他们喜欢上课并激发表达的欲望.对于回答错误的孩子,这一手段的使用可以起到安慰、消除他们心中的不安及沮丧、缓解焦虑情绪的作用.4.指示/演示语在组织课堂教学时,教师使用的指示语和演示语要避免过长和含糊不清,要力求简洁、清晰并且和蔼、可亲,避免过于生硬.例如:Now, kids, class begins.Now, good kids, let’s begin our class.Today, we’re going to learn …Now, open your books, please. Turn to page ...Now, kids, please look at the blackboard/picture/your books/ page five.Please read the … together. One, two, three, goNow, let’s sing the song… together.Now, let’s enjoy the song from the tape.Well, let’s go on. Please look at page …This time, you do it one by one.Now, listen to the tape.Now, listen to me, please.Now, I’ll read the …, please follow me.Now kids, read after me/ the tape.Follow me, please.Just follow me, kids.Yes, please. To answer “ Let me try or let me answer the question ”Please show me how well you can do/read it.Come to the front, please. / … please come to the front. Thank you.Thank you. Please go back to your seat.Thank you. You can go back now.It’s your turn, Sue.OK, kids, please stand up.Please sit down.Please do it now.OK, goPlease work in pairs/ in groups/ individually/ by yourselves.Now, kids, write/put the Chinese/English under/next to each word/picture.Now, let’s do the exercise.Now, kids, find a partner and role-play the conversation. Work with your partner and answer the questions.OK, kids, time is up. Please stop working/talking now. Please stop here.Now, break time.Let’s have/take a break.Good kids, be quite, please.Now kids, here’s your homework. Please do … and …Don’t forget your homework. It’s … on page …, …on page…5.告别语课堂教学结束时教师需向学生宣布,并向学生道别.OK, kids, that’s all for today. I’ll see you next time. Let’s call it a day today. I’ll see you the day after tomorrow.Alright kids. We’ll stop here today.We’ll end up the class now.Class is over.Class dismissed.See you next time, kids.See you.See you later.Goodbye, kids.Bye, kids.Wish you a good weekend.Have a good weekendHave a nice day小学英语教师课堂用语100句1 Let’s get ready for class. 准备上课.2 I’m sorry. I’m late. /Excuse me for coming late. 对不起,我迟到了.3 Please come earlier next time. 下次请早点到.4 Class begins. 上课.5 Who’s on duty today 今天谁值日6 Is everyone here 都到齐了吗7 Who’s absent today 今天谁没来8 What day is today 今天是星期几9 What’s the date today 今天是几号10 Li Hong, have you collected all the exercise-books李红,作业本都收齐了吗11 Here are your exercise-books. Please hand them out. 这是练习本,请发下去.12 Monitor, would you please fetch some chalk for me班长能帮我去拿些粉笔来吗13 Open your books, please. 请翻开书.14 Please turn to Page 12. 请翻开书本十二页15 Please take out your notebooks/exercise books. 请拿出笔记本/练习本.16 No more talking, please. 请安静.17 Attention, please. 请注意.18 Let’s have a dictation. 让我们来听写.19 We’re going to have a new lesson today. 今天我们要上新课.20 First let’s have a revision. 首先我们复习一下.21 Who can answer this question 谁能回答这个问题22 Do you have any questions 你们有问题吗24 Let me see. 让我看看/想想.25 Put up your hands if you have any questions.如果有问题请举手.26 Raise your hands, please. 请举手.27 Hands down. 把手放下.28 Repeat after me/Follow me. 跟我读.29 Listen to me, please. 请听我说.30 Look at the blackboard/screen, please.请看黑板/屏幕.31 All eyes on me, please. 请都看着我.32 Can you solve this problem 能做出这道题吗33 Let’s read it together. Ready, go 大家齐声朗读,预备,起.34 Read slowly and clearly. 读慢一点,清楚一点.35 Who wants to try 谁想试一试36 Who wants to do it on the blackboard 谁愿意到黑板上来做37 Are you through 做完了吗38 Have you finished 做完了吗39 You did a very good job. 做得不错.40 Very good./Good try./ Well done 完成得不错.41 Terrific/ Wonderful / Excellent 很棒42 Please give him her a big hand. 请给他/她一些掌声.43 Can you follow me 能跟上吗44 Do you understand 你听懂了吗45 Don’t be nervous. 不要紧张.46 Any one can help him/ her 谁来帮他/她一下47 Any volunteers 谁自愿回答48 I beg your pardon 对不起,能再说一遍吗49 Take it easy. 请放心/别紧张.50 Be brave / active, please. 请勇敢/主动些.51 Who wants to try 谁来试试52 Come up to the front, please. 请到前面来.53 Go back to your seat, please. 请回座位.54 Come on. You can do it. 来吧你能做到的.55 Come on, you’re almost there. 来吧你快做/答对了.56 I’ll give you a clue hint. 我给你一些提示.57 You can do it this way. 你可以这样来做.58 Let’s play a game. 让我们玩个游戏.59 Are you tired Let’s take a break. 累了吗休息一下.60 Look up the word in the dictionary. 在字典里查这个词.61 Take notes, please. 请作笔记.62 Are you clear 明白了吗63 Is that right /correct 那个正确吗64 Can you find the mistakes 你能找出错误吗65 Do you know how to correct the mistakes你知道怎么改错吗66 Are you ready 准备好了吗67 Can you guess it 能猜猜吗68 Yes. You’re right. 对,你对了.69 I’m sorry. Can you say that again 对不起,能再说一遍吗70 Take your time. 慢慢来.71 Use your head. 动动脑筋.72 Good idea That makes sense. 好主意.有道理.73 Whose turn is it 轮到谁了74 Now you’re going to read one by one. 现在你们依次朗读.75 Who’s next 接下来是谁76 You’re next. 接下来是你.77 It’s your turn. 轮到你了.78 Just hands. No voices. 不要说,请举手.79 Do it on your own. 自己做.80 From the very beginning. 从头开始.81 Please read it to the end. 请读到结尾.82 Stop here, please. 请停下来.83 Hands up before you answer. 回答问题前,请举手.84 Here’s your homework for today. 这是今天的家庭作业.85 Hand in your homework tomorrow. 家庭作业明天交.86 Please pass the exercise books to the front. 请将练习本递到前面来.87 Who wants to come to the front 谁愿意到前面来88 Come to my office after class. 下课后到办公室找我.89 Come and see me after class. 课后找我.90 Watch me and I'll show you. 看着我,我来演示.91 I want all of you to answer this question. 我请大家一齐来回答这个问题.92 That’s all for the new lesson/ revision.新课/复习就到这儿.93 I want you to work in pairs/groups.请大家做对子/小组练习.94 I’m sorry to have kept you so long. 对不起耽搁大家了.95 That’s all for today. 今天就到这96 We stop here for today. 今天就到这.97 Let’s call it a day. 今天就到这.98 Don’t copy others’ work. 不要抄别人的作业.99 Class is over. Thank you, class. 下课.谢谢100 Good-bye./ See you tomorrow. 再见/明天表扬用语:Vell doneNot badFineExcellentGood job. You really did a good jobFantastyPretty goodWonderfulGorgeousBrilliantBrillStunningyou did a good job. 你干得非常好.we're so proud of you.我们十分为你骄傲.nice going.干得好you're so smart.你非常聪明.Do not worry. Try againTry you best.Excellent 优秀的Good 好的Outstanding 杰出的Super 极好的Beautiful 美极了Great 伟大的Remarkable 非凡的Fantastic 太奇妙了Bravo 好啊妙Well done 做得好How nice 多好啊Good job 干得出色You’re improving 你在进步You can do it 你能做到的You’re on your way 你在前进中You’re catching on 你是有吸引力的--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Let’s get ready for class. 准备上课.2 I’m sorry. I’m late. /Excuse me for coming late. 对不起,我迟到了.3 Please come earlier next time. 下次请早点到.4 Class begins. 上课.5 Who’s on duty today 今天谁值日6 Is everyone here 都到齐了吗7 Who’s absent today 今天谁没来8 What day is today 今天是星期几9 What’s the date today 今天是几号10 Li Hong, have you collected all the exercise-books李红,作业本都收齐了吗11 Here are your exercise-books. Please hand them out.这是练习本,请发下去.12 Monitor, would you please fetch some chalk for me班长能帮我去拿些粉笔来吗13 Open your books, please. 请翻开书.14 Please turn to Page 12. 请翻开书本十二页15 Please take out your notebooks/exercise books. 请拿出笔记本/练习本.16 No more talking, please. 请安静.17 Attention, please. 请注意.18 Let’s have a dictation. 让我们来听写.19 We’re going to have a new lesson today. 今天我们要上新课.20 First let’s have a revision. 首先我们复习一下.21 Who can answer this question 谁能回答这个问题22 Do you have any questions 你们有问题吗24 Let me see. 让我看看/想想.25 Put up your hands if you have any questions.如果有问题请举手.26 Raise your hands, please. 请举手.27 Hands down. 把手放下.28 Repeat after me/Follow me. 跟我读.29 Listen to me, please. 请听我说.30 Look at the blackboard/screen, please.请看黑板/屏幕.31 All eyes on me, please. 请都看着我.32 Can you solve this problem 能做出这道题吗33 Let’s read it together. Ready, go 大家齐声朗读,预备,起.34 Read slowly and clearly. 读慢一点,清楚一点.35 Who wants to try 谁想试一试36 Who wants to do it on the blackboard 谁愿意到黑板上来做37 Are you through 做完了吗38 Have you finished 做完了吗39 You did a very good job. 做得不错.40 Very good./Good try./ Well done 完成得不错.41 Terrific/ Wonderful / Excellent 很棒42 Please give him her a big hand. 请给他/她一些掌声.43 Can you follow me 能跟上吗44 Do you understand 你听懂了吗45 Don’t be nervous. 不要紧张.46 Any one can help him/ her 谁来帮他/她一下47 Any volunteers 谁自愿回答48 I beg your pardon 对不起,能再说一遍吗49 Take it easy. 请放心/别紧张.50 Be brave / active, please. 请勇敢/主动些.51 Who wants to try 谁来试试52 Come up to the front, please. 请到前面来.53 Go back to your seat, please. 请回座位.54 Come on. You can do it. 来吧你能做到的.55 Come on, you’re almost there. 来吧你快做/答对了.56 I’ll give you a clue hint. 我给你一些提示.57 You can do it this way. 你可以这样来做.58 Let’s play a game. 让我们玩个游戏.59 Are you tired Let’s take a break. 累了吗休息一下.60 Look up the word in the dictionary. 在字典里查这个词.61 Take notes, please. 请作笔记.62 Are you clear 明白了吗63 Is that right /correct 那个正确吗64 Can you find the mistakes 你能找出错误吗65 Do you know how to correct the mistakes你知道怎么改错吗66 Are you ready 准备好了吗67 Can you guess it 能猜猜吗68 Yes. You’re right. 对,你对了.69 I’m sorry. Can you say that again 对不起,能再说一遍吗70 Take your time. 慢慢来.71 Use your head. 动动脑筋.72 Good idea That makes sense. 好主意.有道理.73 Whose turn is it 轮到谁了74 Now you’re going to read one by one. 现在你们依次朗读.75 Who’s next 接下来是谁76 You’re next. 接下来是你.77 It’s your turn. 轮到你了.78 Just hands. No voices. 不要说,请举手.79 Do it on your own. 自己做.80 From the very beginning. 从头开始.81 Please read it to the end. 请读到结尾.82 Stop here, please. 请停下来.83 Hands up before you answer. 回答问题前,请举手.84 Here’s your homework for today. 这是今天的家庭作业.85 Hand in your homework tomorrow. 家庭作业明天交.86 Please pass the exercise books to the front. 请将练习本递到前面来.87 Who wants to come to the front 谁愿意到前面来88 Come to my office after class. 下课后到办公室找我.89 Come and see me after class. 课后找我.90 Watch me and I'll show you. 看着我,我来演示.91 I want all of you to answer this question. 我请大家一齐来回答这个问题.92 That’s all for the new lesson/ revision.新课/复习就到这儿.93 I want you to work in pairs/groups.请大家做对子/小组练习.94 I’m sorry to have kept you so long. 对不起耽搁大家了.95 That’s all for today. 今天就到这96 We stop here for today. 今天就到这.97 Let’s call it a day. 今天就到这.98 Don’t copy others’ work. 不要抄别人的作业.99 Class is over. Thank you, class. 下课.谢谢100 Good-bye./ See you tomorrow. 再见/明天表扬用语:Vell doneNot badFineExcellentGood job. You really did a good jobFantastyPretty goodWonderfulGorgeousBrilliantBrillStunningyou did a good job. 你干得非常好.we're so proud of you.我们十分为。



少儿英语教师课堂常用语1.Sit down ,please。


2.Stop talking.don‘t talk。


3.Be quiet, please。


4.Look at my mouth, please。


5.Quickly, /be quick, please.请迅速点。

6.Hurry.Hurry up, please.= Please a little faster。


7.Do you understand? = Do you follow me 听懂了吗?8.Can you follow me? 你能听懂我的话吗?9.Is that clear? 听清楚了吗?10.Listen, please。


11.What day is it today? 今天星期几?12.What‘s the weather like today? 今天的天气怎么样?13.Let‘s begin a new lesson。


14.We‘ll learn something new 。


15.Let‘s learn some new words/ sentences.咱们学些新单词/句子16.Let‘s review what we learned yesterday。


17.Ready? Are you ready? 准备好了吗?18.Start.开始19.All together。


20.Read all together now。


21.Let‘s start class.=It’s time for class.上课22.Hello, boys and girls / children。

同学们好23.Good morning /afternoon, boys and girls / teacher/同学们/老师们,早晨好/下午好24.Stand up / Sit down, please。

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少儿英语教学课堂用语一、问候(或点名)用语1. Hi! Everybody!嗨,大家好!2. Hello! 你们好!3. Good morning/ afternoon/Evening! 早上/下午好晚上好4. Good morning/good afternoon, class/everyone/boys and girls/Children! 同学们,上午/下午好!5. Let’s have a roll call. 我们点名(*点名时尽量和每个孩子都说一句话)everybody here 大家都在吗7. How are you 你们好吗Fine, thank you .我很好,谢谢你。

8. Nice to meet/see you. 很高兴见到你们.Glad to meet you .见到你很高兴!Nice to see/meet you again.It’s nice to see you again.很高兴再次见到你们!9.What’s your nameMy name is Bobo.你叫什么名字我叫Bobo。

Now, let me introduce myself.现在我介绍一下我自己。

10. Are you Andy Yes, I am .你是安迪吗是的,我是。

你是安迪吗11.Where is AndyI am here.安迪在哪里我在这里。

12. Give me a big hug .给我一个大大的拥抱。

13. You look so pretty today! 你今天看上去真漂亮!14. What’s the weather like today 今天天气怎么样啊It’s sunny/rainy/cloudy/windy/snowy today.今天阳光灿烂/雨天多云有风/下雪。

15. Happy Children’s Day.儿童节快乐!16. Merry Christmas Day.圣诞节快乐!17. Happy Mid-Autumn Day. 中秋快乐!18. Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐!19. Happy New Year! 新年快乐!20. Happy Teachers’Day! 教师节快乐!二.课堂组织用语。

1. Class begins!上课。

2. Now let’s begin our class/Lesson.上课。

3 . Time is up. It’s time for class.时间到了,该下课了。

4. Well, that’s the end of our class.下课。

5. Be quiet! 安静!安静!6. Silence, please. 安静!7. Stand up, please. 起立!8. Sit down, please. 坐下!9. Sit up/well. 做好!10. One, two, three, four , four ,four. (做好的前提语)11. No playing.不要玩。

12. Hands on knees.小手放在膝盖上。

13. Sit well/straight. 坐好/正14. Be careful.小心。



三.课堂活动用语here ,please.请过来。

Come to the front, please. 请到前面来。

back to your seat, please.请回到你的座位上。

3. Let’s listen.咱们一起听。

4. Let’s make.一起做。

5. Let’s chant.一起说唱。

6. Let’s sing.一起唱。

7. Let’s learn.一起学。

8. Let’s count.一起数。

9. Let’s do actions.一起作动作。

10. Let’s watch cartoon.一起看动画。

11. Let’s talk in English.一起来说英语。

12. Let’s play a game. 我们一起做游戏。

13. Let’s watch and play.一起看图说话。

14. Let’s do a Warm-up.我们一起做热身。

15. Are you ready 你们准备好了吗16. Ready, go! 准备,开始!slowly.快点、慢点。

Hurry up! 赶快!18. By turns. /One by one.按顺序一个一个的来。

19.Look at me ,please.请看着我。

Look at me/her/him. 看我她/他look at the blackboard/your books..请看黑板/书。

speak loudly.请大声说。

next to me.请坐在旁边。

23. Everybody together!/ All together!大家一起来。

’m going to tell you a story.我要给你们讲个故事。

,please listen carefully.嘘,请仔细听。


27. Look at the blackboard 看黑板/书28. Do you have any questions 你们有问题吗29. Understand 明白吗/ Clear 明白吗30. Pardon 再说一遍好吗23. Can you hear me 能听见吗24. Can you see it / the blackboard 能看到它黑板吗25. Listen and do the action. 听并做动作。

26. Listen and point.听并指。

27. Listen and repeat. 听并重复。

28. Listen and answer the question. 听然后回答问题。

29. Listen read and spell the words.听读拼出这些单词30. Listen and read twice for each word. 听并把每个词读两遍。

31. Read and write. 读并写32. Write it on the blackboard/in your exercise book/workbook/ a piece of paper .把它写在黑板上/你们的练习本上活动用书一张纸上。

33. Have a try. 试一试Try again, please./Once more, please. 再试一次再来一遍。

34. Pay more attention to this, please. 请注意这一点。

35. Put up your hands/Raise your hand/Hands up.举起手来36. Put down your hands/ Hands down. 放下手。

37. Now please work in groups/pairs 小组同桌两人讨论。

38. Talk to your partner. 跟同桌讨论。

39. Tell your desk mate 告诉同桌。

40. Let review the song/game.我们来复习歌曲游戏。

41. Open your books, please. 请翻开书。

42. Please turn to Page 12. 请翻开书到12 页。

43. Please take out your notebooks/exercise books. 请拿出笔记本/练习本。

44. Read/ say it after me, please. 请跟我读/说me, please.跟我做46. Repeat it. / Repeat after me. 重复一遍47. Once more, please. / One more time, please. 再读一遍answer the question(s). 请回答这个问题here, please. 请停下来50. clean the blackboard. 擦黑板51. Now, listen to the tape. 现在,听磁带! / Hurry! / Hurry up, please. 快点53. Ready/Are you ready 准备好了吗/ Understand听懂了吗55.(Any)Volunteers 有主动的吗careful ! 小心57. Be Quiet, please. 安静四、表扬鼓励用语1. Good! ( better best )好!(更好!最好!)2. Right! 正确!3. Yes! 是的!4. Very good! 非常好!5. Great! 太棒了!6. Wonderful! 非常精彩!7. Excellent! 很棒的!/Much better.好多了。

8. Great job! 做的不错!Exactly.完全正确。

9. Well done! 做的好!10. Cool! 太棒了!/Super! 超级棒!/Bingo!很棒!11. That was great! 非常好!12. You are great! 你真棒!13. You have done a great job.你做的非常棒。

14. He has done a good job.他做的很好!15. You are a wonderful boy/ girl.你是个很棒的男孩/女孩。

16. You are the winner! 你是获胜者!17. Congratulations! 祝贺你!18. Claps 鼓掌!/A big kiss/hug.一个热情的吻拥抱。

19. You are special! 你很特别啊!20. You are so clever.你太聪明了!did a good job! 干得好!boy/girl! 好男孩女孩!!太棒了!you!你很幸运!for you!你很棒!am proud of you. 我为你感到骄傲!a surprise! 真是一个惊喜!'re special. 你很特别!!太优秀了!!太好了!done!干得好!!太不寻常了!Star!超级明星!'s incredible!真难以置信!。

dog. 太棒了。

're beautiful. 你很美。

make me happy. 你让我高兴。

!好极了!job!超级棒!work!干得漂亮!job!出色的工作!!(因出乎意料的成功而表示兴奋的叫声)!太棒了!big hug!用力抱一下!for you!为你欢呼!trust you. 我相信你big kiss!使劲亲一下!! 完全正确!'s great! 太棒了!! 祝贺你!it over and try again! 仔细想想,再试一次。
