
Hale Waihona Puke 一、设备内容设备内容规格型号
图像传感器1/2.8" SONY 3M Exmor CMOS;像素不低于300万像素;水平解析度≥1000TVL,20倍光学变倍,12倍数字变倍;视频制式1080p/25fps;最低照度0Lux(红外灯开启);信噪比大于50dB;白平衡自动、自动跟踪、室内、室外、室外自动、钠灯模式、One-push、手动;电子快门1/1 - 1/10,000s;焦距4.7mm - 94.0mm;最多支持10用户同时在线;支持256预置位;日夜模式自动ICR滤光片彩转黑;红外灯距离≥100米;支持多码流;视频压缩格式:H.264/MPEG4/M-JPEG;音频压缩格式:PCM8/G711A/G711U;功耗≤35W(红外灯、加热器同时开启);工作环境:温度-40到60℃;湿度<90%;防护等级:IP66,4000V防雷、防浪涌和防突波保护,符合GB/T17626.54级标准。
大华DH-IPC-HDBW2831E-S-S2 8MP Lite固定焦点红外半球网络摄像机说明书

· 8MP, 1/2.7" CMOS image sensor, low illuminance, high image definition· Outputs max. 8MP (3840 × 2160) @15 fps, and supports 2688×1520(2688 × 1520) @25/30 fps· H.265 codec, high compression rate, ultra-low bit rate· Built-in IR LED, max IR distance: 30 m· ROI, SMART H.264/H.265, flexible coding, applicable to variousbandwidth and storage environments· Rotation mode, WDR, 3D DNR, HLC, BLC, digital watermarking,applicable to various monitoring scenes· Intelligent detection: Intrusion, tripwire· Abnormality detection: Motion detection, video tampering, no SD card,SD card full, SD card error, network disconnection, IP conflict, illegalaccess, voltage detection· Supports max. 256 GB Micro SD card· 12V DC/PoE power support· IP67, IK10 protectionSystem OverviewWith upgraded H.265 encoding technology, Dahua Lite series networkcamera has efficient video encoding capacity, which saves bandwidthand storage space. This camera adopts the latest starlight technologyand displays better color image in the condition of low illumination.It supports SD card storage, dust-proof function, waterproof functionand vandal-proof function, complying to the standards of IP67 and IK10(Supported by some select models).FunctionsSmart CodecWith advanced scene-adaptive rate control algorithm, Dahua smartencoding technology realizes the higher encoding efficiency than H.265and H.264, provides high-quality video, and reduces the cost of storageand transmission.WDRWith advanced Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) technology, Dahua networkcamera provides clear details in the environment of strong brightnesscontrast. The bright and dark area can get clear video even in highbrightness environment or with backlight shadow.StarlightDahua Starlight technology mainly applies to the environment oflow illuminance, and it can provide clear colorful video. Even in theenvironment of ultra-low illuminance, the technology can guarantee thegood image effect.IVSWith advanced video algorithm, Dahua IVS technology supportsintelligent functions, such as tripwire and intrusion.Protection (IP67, IK10, wide voltage)IP67: The camera passes a series of strict test on dust and soak. It hasdust-proof function, and the enclosure can works normal after soakingin 1 m deep water for 30 minutes.IK10: The enclosure can stand the punch more than 5 times from a 5 kghammer falling from a height of 40 cm (Impact energy is 20J).Wide voltage: The camera allows ±30% input voltage tolerance (widevoltage range), and it is widely applied to outdoor environment withinstable voltage.8Mp H.265+StarlightVandal-proofIVSRev 001.001© 2019 Dahua. All rights reserved. Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.Pictures in the document are for reference only, and the actual product shall prevail.PFM114TLC SD CardAccessories Optional:PFA136Junction Box PFA200W Rain Shade PFA106Mount Adapter PFA152-E Pole Mount PFB220C Celling MountPFB203W Wall MountPFM321D DC12V1A PowerAdapterLR1002-1ET/1EC Single-port Long Reach Ethernet over Coax ExtenderPFM900-E Integrated MountTester。

大华 DH-IPC-HDW1431T1-S4 4MP入门级固定焦点红外球型网络摄像机说明书

· 4MP, 1/3” CMOS image sensor, low illuminance, high image definition· Outputs 4MP (2560 × 1440) @25/30 fps, and supports max. 4MP(2688 × 1520) @20 fps· H.265 codec, high compression rate, ultra-low bit rate· Built-in IR LED, max. IR distance: 30 m· ROI, SMART H.264+/H.265+, flexible coding, applicable to variousbandwidth and storage environments· Image Rotation, WDR, 3D NR, HLC, BLC, digital watermarking,applicable to various monitoring scenes· Abnormality detection: Motion detection, video tampering, networkdisconnection, IP conflict, illegal access, voltage detection· 12V DC/PoE power supply· IP67, protectionSeries OverviewWith features of simple installation, easy operation, and highperformance-cost ratio, Dahua Entry Series camera is applicable to smalland medium-sized scenes, such as homes/residences, small-sized retailstores, and other small and medium-sized enterprises.FunctionsSmart H.265+ & Smart H.264+With advanced scene-adaptive rate control algorithm, Dahua smartencoding technology realizes the higher encoding efficiency than H.265and H.264, provides high-quality video, and reduces the cost of storageand transmission.Motion DetectionWhen moving objects appear in the monitoring image, Dahua MotionDetection (General) technology triggers alarm or records.WDRWith advanced Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) technology, Dahua networkcamera provides clear details in the environment of strong brightnesscontrast. The bright and dark area can get clear video even in highbrightness environment or with backlight shadow.Smart IlluminationDahua Smart Illumination technology can display image in theenvironment of low illuminance or completely dark environment.According to the distance of the targets, the camera adjustsIlluminations intensity automatically to display the details of the movingtarget.Cyber SecurityDahua network cameras employ a series of security technologies,including security authentication and authorization, access controlprotocols, trusted protection, encrypted transmission and encryptedstorage. These technologies improve the camera's defense againstexternal cyber threats and prevent malicious programs from comprisingthe device.Protection (IP67, wide voltage)IP67: The camera passes a series of strict test on dust and soak. It hasdust-proof function, and the enclosure can works normal after soakingin 1 m deep water for 30 minutes.Wide voltage: The camera allows ±30% input voltage tolerance (widevoltage range), and it is widely applied to outdoor environment withinstable voltage.4MpRev 001.001© 2020 Dahua . All rights reserved. Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.Pictures in the document are for reference only, and the actual product shall prevail.AccessoriesOptional:PFA130-EJunction Box PFA106Mount AdapterPFA152-E Pole MountPFB203W Wall MountPFB220CCeiling Mount PFA136Junction Box PFM900-E Integrated Mount�esterLR1002-1ET/1EC Single-port �ong �each �thernet over�oax �xtenderPFM321D 12V DC 1A PowerAdapter。
大华 IPC-HDBW1435E-W-S2 4MP红外Wi-Fi球形摄像机 用户手册说明书

· 4MP, 1/3” CMOS image sensor, low illuminance, high image definition· Outputs max. 4MP (2560 × 1440) @20 fps· H.265 codec, high compression rate, ultra-low bit rate· Max. IR distance: 30 m· ROI, SMART H.264/H.265, flexible coding, applicable to variousbandwidth and storage environments.· Rotation mode, DWDR, 3D DNR, HLC, BLC, digital watermarking,applicable to various monitoring scenes· Supports 256 G Micro SD card· 12V DC power supply, easy for installation· IP67, IK10 protection· Supports Wi-FiSeries OverviewWith features of simple installation, easy operation, and highperformance-cost ratio, Dahua Entry series network camera is applicableto small and medium-sized scenes, such as homes/residences, small-sized retail stores, and other small and medium-sized enterprises.FunctionsSmart H.265+ & Smart H.264+With advanced scene-adaptive rate control algorithm, Dahua smartencoding technology realizes the higher encoding efficiency than H.265and H.264, provides high-quality video, and reduces the cost of storageand transmission.Smart IlluminationDahua Smart Illumination technology can display image in theenvironment of low illuminance or completely dark environment.According to the distance of the targets, the camera adjustsIlluminations intensity automatically to display the details of the movingtarget.Motion DetectionWhen moving objects appear in the monitoring image, Dahua MotionDetection (General) technology triggers alarm or records.Day/NightDahua Day/Night function provides color image when illumination isadequate; when illuminance is inadequate, it switches night mode andprovides white and black image. It can guarantee that the networkcamera can work normally when illuminance changes.Protection (IP67, IK10, wide voltage)IP67: The camera passes a series of strict test on dust and soak. It hasdust-proof function, and the enclosure can works normal after soakingin 1 m deep water for 30 minutes.IK10: The enclosure can stand the punch more than 5 times from a 5 kghammer falling from a height of 40 cm (Impact energy is 20J).Wide voltage: The camera allows ±30% input voltage tolerance (widevoltage range), and it is widely applied to outdoor environment withinstable voltage.Day/NightSmart CodecPFA136Junction BoxPFB203WWall MountPFA152-EPole MountRev 001.001© 2021 Dahua. All rights reserved. Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.Pictures in the document are for reference only, and the actual product shall prevail.。

功 能 要求 检 查 守望
球机 宜具有模 式路径 功能
符合 合格
球机 宜具有守望功能 ,当 球机待机 时 间达 到设置值 时 ,可 自动运 行调预置位 、 自动 巡航 、 自动扫描 、模 式路径 等功能 时钟 启动功能
球机 宜具有定时启动 功能 ,可 定时运 行调预置位 、 自动 巡航 、 自动扫描 、 模式 路径等功 能 屏幕字符 显 示
汩 丶亠
云 台 定位 准确 度 试验 转动 平 稳 性 试验
云 台定 位 准 确 度 :± 0r
符合 符合
合格 合格
№瑙产“〓 ″‘ ’ 〓〓
球机 转 动 应 平 稳 ,允 许 有 轻 微 抖 动 ,但 不影 n nl图 像 的观盾效果 dl输 出 信 号 幅 度 :(l± 02)Vp p(负
载 75Ω
位 ∷ 单 检 受 料 资 讯 通
o571 28822025
核 幸 舛
⊥ 忠 翩或 皿
期 日 扛
∷ 唧 ∷ ∷
报 告编 号:公 沪检 126⒛ 8
检 验 报 告
检验结果 汇总
序 号
共 5页 第 2页
检验项 目
技 术要 求 球机表 面不应 有 明 显 的凹痕 、划 伤 、 裂缝 、变形和 污渍 ;表 而盈色 泽均 匀 ,不 应有起泡 、 龟裂 、脱落和 磨损 TL象 ;金 属 零 部件 不应 有锈蚀 ;文 字标 识盈 清晰 、 完 整 球机 的零部件应装配牢 固 ,连 接 可靠 球 机 安堞 半 球 形 下 罩 以后 ,图 像 不 应 出现 明 显 色 散 、 变 形 和 重 影 现 象
04 红外分光光度计验证报告

红外分光光度计验证报告YZ-YQ-BG004-00湖北长久瑞华药业有限公司目录1.概述2.验证目的3.验证条件确认4.验证小组签名5.验证项目(验证过程总结)5.1设计确认5.2安装确认5.3运行确认5.4性能确认6.结果分析及评价(验证结果审批表)7.最终批准1. 概述:红外分光光度计可以记录物质在4000cm-1~400cm-1范围内的红外吸收光谱或红外反射光谱。

安防产品型式检测报告1. 引言安防产品在社会治安和个人财产安全方面发挥着重要作用。
2. 检测目标和标准本次检测的目标是一款新型监控摄像头产品。
主要包括以下方面的要求:2.1 外观检测外观检测主要查看产品的外观是否完整,无明显缺陷或损坏,并确保产品的标识和警示标志清晰可见。
2.2 功能检测功能检测主要验证产品的各项功能是否符合要求,包括画面清晰度、夜视功能、远程监控等。
2.3 安全性检测安全性检测主要评估产品在使用过程中对用户和环境的安全性,包括电气安全、防火性能、涉及个人隐私保护等。
3. 检测过程3.1 检测准备检测人员根据检测标准准备相应的仪器设备和相关测试软件,确保能够进行全面、客观和有效的检测。
3.2 外观检测检测人员首先对产品外观进行检测。
3.3 功能检测接下来,检测人员对产品的各项功能进行测试。
3.4 安全性检测最后,检测人员对产品的安全性进行评估。
4. 检测结果根据本次检测的结果,该监控摄像头产品的外观完整,无明显损坏或缺陷。
5. 结论根据本次型式检测的结果,该监控摄像头产品符合相关标准和要求。

工程材料/构配件/设备报审表致:山西神剑建设监理有限公司我方于2017 年 5 月13 日进场的工程材料/构配件/设备数量如下(见附件)。
附件:1、数量清单: 1 份2、检验报告: 1 份3、自检结果:合格注:合格证原件存放于本公司承包单位(章)项目经理日期复查意见:经检查上述工程□材料□构配件□设备,□符合□不符合设计文件和规范要求,□准许□不准许进场,□同意□不同意使用于拟定部位。
建设单位总/专业监理工程师日期材料/构配件/设备数量清单及自检结果工程名称“拉菲香榭住宅小区”(1-2#)智能化系统工程分部(分项)工程名称网络监控系统序号材料/构配件设备名称规格型号单位数量生产厂家编号施工单位自检结果1 电梯专用摄像机DS-2CD3210D-I3台19 浙江海康公沪检134596合格2 红外智能球机DS-2DM1-774P台 2 浙江海康合格3 50M红外防水摄像机DS-2CD3210D-I5台80 浙江海康合格4 电梯前室红外摄像机DS-2CD3210D-I3台50 浙江海康合格5 摄像机电源12V 2A 个149 深圳小耳朵合格6 摄像机支架G4110 台106 浙江海康合格7 NVR DS-8632N-E8台7 浙江海康合格8 高清切换器一切六台 1 深圳合格9 硬盘希捷2T 块16 台湾合格10 硬盘希捷3T 块20 台湾合格11 无线传输 5.8G 对15 卓联合格12 交换机8口台20 华山合格13 交换机24口台 2 华山合格14 交换机48口台 2 华山合格15 解码器套 1 海康威视合格16 42寸液晶高清屏US-M4201PZW台 4 深圳优色合格17 监控机柜600*800*2000套 1 定做合格18 主控电脑M4800N-34 套 1 联想合格2017年05月13日。

1安全措施1.1对安装或维修人员的素质要求具有从事CCTV 系统安装或维修的资格证书。
● 避免湿气和灰尘为了避免摄像机损坏,切勿把摄像机设置在有油烟或水蒸气、温度过高或有很多灰尘的场所。
大华DH-IPC-HDBW2431R-ZAS-S2 4MP宽动态红外球形网络摄像机产品说明书

· 4MP, 1/3” CMOS image sensor, low illuminance, high image definition· Outputs 4MP (2560 × 1440)@25/30 fps, Max. supports 4MP (2688 ×1520)@20 fps· H.265 codec, high compression rate, ultra-low bit rate· Built-in IR LED, max IR distance: 40 m· ROI, SMART H.264/H.265, flexible coding, applicable to variousbandwidth and storage environments· Rotation mode, WDR, 3D DNR, HLC, BLC, digital watermarking,applicable to various monitoring scenes· Intelligent detection: Intrusion, tripwire· Abnormality detection: Motion detection, video tampering, no SD card,SD card full, SD card error, network disconnected, IP conflict, illegal ac-cess, voltage detection· Alarm: 1 in, 1 out; audio: 1 in, 1 out; supports max. 256 GB Micro SDcard· 12V DC/PoE power support· IP67, IK10 protection gradeSystem OverviewWith updraded H.265 encoding technology, Dahua Lite series camerahas efficient video encoding capacity, which saves bandwidth andstorage space. This camera adopts the latest starlight technology anddisplays better colorful image in the environment of low illumination. Itsupports SD card storage, waterproof function, dust-proof function andtamper-proof function, complying to the standards of IP67 and IK10.FunctionsSmart(H.265+ & H.264+)Adopting advanced algorithm of auto stream control according to theenvironment, Dahua smart encoding technology realizes the higherefficiency than (H.265 & H.264 ), providing high-quality video, andreducing the cost of storage and transmission.Wide dynamic range (WDR)Dahua adopts advanced Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) technology. Youcan get clear details in the environment of strong brightness contrast.In high brightness and back- light environment, bright region and darkregion with strong light source, you can also get clear images.4Mp H.265+Vandal-proofStarlight IVSStarlightDahua Starlight technology mainly applies to the environment oflow illumination, and it can provide clear colorful video. Even in theenvironment of min. illumination, the technology can guarantee thegood image effect.Intelligent Video Analysis (IVS)With advanced video algorithm, Dahua camera supports intelligentdetection, such as tripwire and intrusion and so on.Protection (IP67, IK10, wide voltage)IP67: The camera passes a series of strict test on dust and soak. It hasdust-proof function, and the enclosure can works normal after soakingin 1 m deep water for 30 minutes.IK10: The enclosure can stand the punch more than 5 times from a 5 kghammer falling from a height of 40 m (Impact energy is 20J).Wide voltage: The camera allows ±30% input voltage tolerance (widevoltage range), and it is widely applied to outdoor environment withinstable voltage.Rev 001.001© 2019 Dahua . All rights reserved. Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.Pictures in the document are for reference only, and the actual product shall prevail.PFM114TLC SD CardPFM900-E Integrated MountTesterAccessories Optional:PFA137Junction Box PFB203W Wall Mount PFA152-E Pole MountPFA200W Rain Shade PFA106Mount Adapter PFB220C Celling MountPFB200C In-Celling MountPFM321D DC12V1A PowerAdapterLR1002-1ET/1EC Single-port Long Reach Ethernet over Coax Extender。

a) 不要拆卸本摄像机,机内并无用户可自行维修的零件。 b) 请勿直接碰触到感光器件 CCD(或 CMOS),可用吹风机除去镜头表面的灰尘或污垢。若有必要清洁,
请将干布用酒精稍微润湿,轻轻拭去尘污;当摄像机不使用时,请将防尘盖加上,以保护感光器件 CCD(或 CMOS)。 c) 清洁机身可用柔软的干布擦拭,若遇污垢难以清除,请用干净的软布蘸取少量中性清洁剂轻轻拭去, 之后再擦干。请勿使用如酒精、苯或稀释剂等挥发性溶剂,或者强烈的、带有研磨性的清洁剂,否则 会损坏表面涂层,或降低摄像机工作性能。
3. 声明
1. 产品请以实物为准,说明书仅供参考。 2. 产品实时更新,如有升级恕不另行通知。若需相关升级信息请与公司客服部联系。部分功能在产品更
新前后允许存在细微差异。 3. 最新程序及补充说明文档敬请与公司客服部联系。 4. 本说明书中包括多个型号产品的使用及操作说明,请用户根据所购型号的说明对照进行操作。 5. 我们已尽量保证说明书中内容的完整与准确,但由于真实环境不稳定等原因,部分数据的实际值可能
1.1 简介............................................................................................................................................................. - 1 1.2 功能特性..................................................................................................................................................... - 1 -
大华DH-IPC-HDW1230T1-S5 2MP入门级红外固定焦点网络摄像机说明书

· 2-MP 1/2.8" CMOS image sensor, low illuminance, high imagedefinition.· Outputs max. 2 MP (1920 × 1080) @25/30 fps.· H.265 codec, high compression rate, ultra-low bit rate.· Built-in efficient IR illuminator, and the max. illumination distance is 30 m.· ROI, SMART H.264+/H.265+, flexible coding, applicable to variousbandwidth and storage environments.· Rotation mode, DWDR, 3D NR, HLC, BLC, digital watermarking,applicable to various monitoring scenes.· Abnormality detection: Motion detection, video tampering, network disconnection, IP conflict, and illegal access.· 12 VDC/PoE power supply.· IP67 protection.Series OverviewWith features of simple installation, easy operation, and high performance-cost ratio, Dahua Entry series network camera is applicable to small and medium-sized scenes, such as homes/residences,small-sized retail stores, and other small and medium-sized enterprises.FunctionsSmart H.265+ & Smart H.264+With advanced scene-adaptive rate control algorithm, Dahua smart encoding technology realizes the higher encoding efficiency than H.265 and H.264, provides high-quality video, and reduces the cost of storage and transmission.Smart IlluminationDahua Smart Illumination technology can display image in the environment of low illuminance or completely dark environment. According to the distance of the targets, the camera adjusts Illuminations intensity automatically to display the details of the moving target.Motion DetectionWhen moving objects appear in the monitoring image, Dahua Motion Detection technology triggers alarm or records.Image FlipFor narrow and long scenes, Dahua image flip technology flips the im-age by 90°/180°/270° to realize better surveillance in rotation mode.Cyber SecurityDahua network cameras employ a series of security technologies, including security authentication and authorization, access control protocols, trusted protection, encrypted transmission and encrypted storage. These technologies improve the camera's defense against external cyber threats and prevent malicious programs from compromising the device.Protection (IP67, Wide Voltage)IP67: The camera passes a series of strict test on dust and soak. It has dust-proof function, and the enclosure can works normal after soaking in 1 m deep water for 30 minutes.Wide voltage: The camera allows ±30% (for some power supplies) input voltage tolerance (wide voltage range), and it is widely applied to outdoor environment with instable voltage.Rev 001.001© 2021 Dahua. All rights reserved. Design and specifications are subject to change without notice .Pictures in the document are for reference only, and the actual product shall prevail.Dimensions (mm [inch])PFM321D12 VDC 1A Power AdapterAccessoriesOptional:PFB203WPole Mount BracketPFA106Mount AdapterPFB220CCeiling Mount BracketPFA152-EPole Mount BracketPFM900-E Integrated MountTester。
大华单 双灯高清红外防水枪式网络摄像机_快速操作手册_V1.1.1

●请使用满足SELV(安全超低电压)要求的电源,并按照IEC60950-1符合Limited Power Source(受限制电源)的额定电压为DC 12V、DC 5V或AC 24V供电(供电要求以设备标签为准)。

3.6mm镜头+60°灯 板,画面亮度均匀
3.6mm镜头+60°灯 板,画面亮度均匀
3.6mm镜头+40°灯 板,红外灯角度小 于镜头视场角,画 面边角偏暗(无红 外光返回)
3.6mm镜头+30°灯 板,红外灯角度小 于镜头视场角,画 面边角偏暗(无红 外光返回)。这是 典型的手电筒效应 。
16mm+60°灯板, 画面偏暗
16mm+60°灯板, 画面偏暗
16mm+40°灯板, 画面偏暗
16mm+30°灯板, 画面仍不够亮
16mm+30°三层大 功率灯板,画面亮 度提升明显
16mm+30°三层大 功率灯板,画面亮 度提升明显
大华红外摄像机(IR0~IR3系列)的镜头选型是根据拍摄距离、视场角(跟镜头焦距有关)而定的。 需要配合不同焦距的镜头。本报告通过实际拍摄验证其合理性。
1、540线红外半球(IR0和IR3各一台(含标配灯板)),3.6mm、6mm、12mm、16mm镜头各一个,双层40 2、PC、电视卡 3、室外 晚上 注:IR0 和IR3对 灯板的供 电电流是 不一样 的,IR3 高一些, 所以IR3 的功率 大,红外 灯的照射 距离远一 些。
IR2 红外灯30
IR3 红外灯30
°(三 层,高功
红外灯30 °(三
层,高功 率)
模拟摄像机 产品线 董 小燕、张卫
大华DH-IPC-HDBW1431R-ZS-S4 4MP 变焦型入侵红外网络摄像机 产品说明书

· 4MP, 1/3” CMOS image sensor, low illuminance, high image definition· Outputs 4MP (2560 × 1440) @25/30 fps, and supports max. 4MP(2688 × 1520) @20 fps· H.265 codec, high compression rate, ultra-low bit rate· Built-in IR LED, max. IR distance: 40 m· ROI, SMART H.264+/H.265+, flexible coding, applicable to variousbandwidth and storage environments· Image Rotation, WDR, 3D NR, HLC, BLC, digital watermarking,applicable to various monitoring scenes· Abnormality detection: Motion detection, video tampering, no SDcard, SD card full, SD card error, network disconnection, IP conflict,illegal access, voltage detection· Supports max. 256 GB SD card· 12V DC/PoE power supply· IP67, IK10 protectionSeries OverviewWith features of simple installation, easy operation, and highperformance-cost ratio, Dahua Entry Series camera is applicable to smalland medium-sized scenes, such as homes/residences, small-sized retailstores, and other small and medium-sized enterprises.FunctionsSmart H.265+ & Smart H.264+With advanced scene-adaptive rate control algorithm, Dahua smartencoding technology realizes the higher encoding efficiency than H.265and H.264, provides high-quality video, and reduces the cost of storageand transmission.Motion DetectionWhen moving objects appear in the monitoring image, Dahua MotionDetection (General) technology triggers alarm or records.WDRWith advanced Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) technology, Dahua networkcamera provides clear details in the environment of strong brightnesscontrast. The bright and dark area can get clear video even in highbrightness environment or with backlight shadow.Smart IlluminationDahua Smart Illumination technology can display image in theenvironment of low illuminance or completely dark environment.According to the distance of the targets, the camera adjustsIlluminations intensity automatically to display the details of the movingtarget.Cyber SecurityDahua network cameras employ a series of security technologies,including security authentication and authorization, access controlprotocols, trusted protection, encrypted transmission and encryptedstorage. These technologies improve the camera's defense againstexternal cyber threats and prevent malicious programs from comprisingthe device.Protection (IP67, IK10, wide voltage)IP67: The camera passes a series of strict test on dust and soak. It hasdust-proof function, and the enclosure can works normal after soakingin 1 m deep water for 30 minutes.IK10: The enclosure can stand the punch more than 5 times from a 5 kghammer falling from a height of 40 cm (Impact energy is 20J).Wide voltage: The camera allows ±30% input voltage tolerance (widevoltage range), and it is widely applied to outdoor environment withinstable voltage.4MpRev 001.001© 2020 Dahua . All rights reserved. Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.Pictures in the document are for reference only, and the actual product shall prevail.PFM900-E Integrated MounttesterPFM114TLC SD cardLR1002-1ET/1EC Single-port long reach ethernet overcoax extenderAccessoriesOptional:PFA106Mount AdapterPFA152-E Pole MountPFB203WWall MountPFB220CCelling Mount PFM321D 12V DC 1A PowerAdapterPFA137Junction BoxPFB200CIn-Ceilling Mount。