Airfix 模型飞机模型制作工具说明书
Lesmaquettes Airfix fêtent plus de 50ans de fabrication de maquettes en plastique.Visitez ce site web très populaire oùvous pourrez admirer une base de données complète de plus de 300images,avec l’histoire et les détails de décalcomanie de chaque modèle.Guettez les dernières nouveautés Airfix et ne ratez pas nos mises àjour continuelles.Humbrol stellt schon seit über 50Jahren Airfix-Plastikmodellbausätze her.Gehen Sie zu dieser äußerst beliebten Website und schauen Sie sich eine vollständige Datenbank mit über 300Bildern an,wobei für jedes Modell Angaben zur Geschichte und den mitgelieferten Abziehbildern gemacht werden.Es werden ständig neue Airfix-Modelle hinzugefügt und Aktualisie-rungen vorgenommen.I modelli Airfix celebrano oltre 50anni di esperienza nella produzione di kit per modelli da costruzione.Collegatevi al nostro popolarissimo sito Web per accedere ad un’esauriente banca dati che contiene oltre 300immagini e fornisce informazioni sulla vasta gamma di decalcomanie applicabili ad ogni modello.Non mancate di passare in rassegna le novitàAirfix ed i continui aggiornamenti!Los modelos Airfix celebran más de 50años de producción de kits para modelos de plástico.Visita esta enormemente popular página web y echa un vistazo a una completa base de datos de más de 300imágenes,con historia y detalles de los distintivos de cada modelo.Permanece atento a los nuevos lanzamientos de Airfix y a nuestras continuas actualizaciones.Airfix models celebrate over 50years of plastic model kit production.Log on to this very popular website and view a full database of over 300images,with history and decal details of each model.Check out Airfix New Releases and watch out for continual updates.Humbrol Ltd.,Marfleet,Hull HU95NE,England.T el:004414827011912Primary weapon display (17)Tech level counter (18)Secondary weapon display (18)Speed gauge (18)HOT KEYS (19)House Editor controls (19)Paint Room controls (19)In-game controls (20)Trouble Shooting (20)C r e d i t s (21)S t a r t i n g A i r f i x D o g f i g h t e r c a n e i t h e r be done by clicking on the appropriate choice on the Windows Start menu or by inserting the CD.C r e a t i n g a P i l o tT h e f i r s t t i m e y o u s t a r t A i r f i x Dogfighter, you ll be prompted to create a New Pilot. Simply entery o u r p r e f e r r e d C a l l S i g n,s e l e c t aP h o t o,c l i c k E n l i s t a n d y o u v ec r e a t ed a ne w P i l o tf o r y o u r s e l f.You ve now reached the Login window where you can control the P i l o t p r o f i l e s.H e r e y o u c a n c r e a t e additional pilots by pressing New or remove obsolete ones by pressing D e l e t e.B y p r e s s i n g I n f o,y o u l l o p e n u p t h e P i l o t R o s t e r f o r t h e c u r r e n t l y s e l e c t e d P i l o t.(s e e T H E P I L O T ROSTER)On the main menu screen, select the Campaign option to start a single player game of Airfix Dogfighter. The Mission Selection menu will now appear. Here, yous h o u l d f i r s t s e l e c t w h i c h A i r F o r c ey o u w i s h t o e n l i s t i n.E a c h A i r F o r c e, b o t h t h e A x i s a n d t h e A l l i e s,h a s i t s own campaign containing 10d i f fe r e n t m i s s i o n s.B y c l i c k i n g o nthe campaign book in the top left corner of the Mission Selection menu, you can select or change your Air Force. You can switch between the different campaigns at a n y t i m e.Now, select the mission you wish to play by clicking in the book down in the left corner. When playing fort h e f i r s t t i m e,o n l y t h e f i r s t m i s s i o n is available, and you must complete each mission in order to gain access to the next one. The missionsyou ve completed are all checkedw i t h a t i c k a n d t h e c u r r e n t l ys e l e c t e d o n e w i t h a r e d t i c k.A f t e r4used and understand their speciala b i l i t i e s.B y c l i c k i n g o n t h e H i s t o r y f l a p,y o u l l f i n d a c c u r a t e i n f o r m a t i o n about the fighter models you ve unlocked. Everything from technical s p e c i f i c a t i o n s t o t r u e p i l o t s t o r i e s from the war can be found here.When you re finished with theM i s s i o n B r i e f i n g,c l i c k O K t o s t a r tl o a d i n g t h e m i s s i o n o r c l i c k B a c k t o r e t u r n t o t h e M i s s i o n S e l e c t i o ns c r e e n.COMPLETING MISSIONSMission ObjectivesIn order to complete a mission, you must fulfil both the primary and the secondary objectives as described in t h e m i s s i o n b r i e f i n g.W h i l e p l a y i n g, extra messages will appear near the bottom of the screen. Pay attention menu to find out what you missed.In-game menuPressing TAB when playing the game will produce a dialogue window, containing information about your mission objectives, the latest messages that have been displayed and maps of the house.U s e t h i s i n f o r m a t i o n i f y o u g e t l o s t or forget what you are supposed to d o.Pick-ups and Tech LevelsThroughout the game you ll encounter many different types of pick-ups. Special pick-ups such as Keys, Kits, Plans, Glue and Weapon Schematics are often part of them i s s i o n o b j e c t i v e s.O t h e r s,l i k e t h e different weapons, ammunition,r e p a i r,f u e l a n d t e c h l e v e l i n s i g n i a are commonly found in enemy units and breakables.6f o r t h e d i f f e r e n t f u n c t i o n s i n t h e game. Under the Aircraft, Weapons a n d M i s c.f l a p s y o u l l f i n d a l la v a i l ab l e s e t t i n g s.B y d o u b l ec l i c k i n g on them with the mouse, you can assign new buttons and keys to the d if f e r e n t f u n c t i o n s.Click Apply when you re happy with y o u r n e w s e t t i n g s,o r c l i c k D e f a u l t Ke y C o n f i g u r a t i o n t o r e s t o r e a l lc o n t r o l s t o t h e i rdef a u l t s e t t i ng s.here and click Apply.Game OptionsIn t his m enu y o u c o n t r o l t h e v i s u a l settings of the game. You can turn o f f e f f e c t s i n o r d e r k e e p u p t h e frame rate or maximize them ifyou re running Airfix Dogfighter on a fast computer.8By clicking on the New House button, you can select which part of the house you would like to use. These are predefined and can t bea l t e r e d.W h e n c l i c k i n g S e l e c t,t h e highlighted house will be loaded.Loading a HouseIf you already have a house layout in which you would like to add, remove or re-arrange the furniture, you can load this by pressing Load House. Highlight the house you would like to open and press Load.I n t h e o r i g i n a l i n s t a l l a t i o n o f A i r f i x Dogfighter, there are a number ofpre-furnished dogfight levels and these can also be loaded from here.Controlling the CameraThere are two ways of controlling the camera. The default is the Fixed Cam, which you move by clicking on the three of the buttons in the bottomleft corner of The House Editor. From screen, and keeping it pressed. By moving the mouse you turn the camera and by using the arrow keys you can zoom in and out and strafe l e f t a n d r i g h t.Using the Map and Floor selectorI n o r d e r t o s h i f t b e t w e e n t h e d i f f e r e n tr o o m s i n t h e s c e n e s,y o u h a v e s e v e r a l options. By pressing the up-downA r r o wB u t t o n s,y o u a u t o m a t i c a l l y s h i f t b e t w e e n t h e d i f f e r e n t f l o o r s(i f t h e r e i s m o r e t h a n o n e a v a i l a b l e i n t h e s c e n e!).B y p r e s s i n g t h e M a p b u t t o n y o u l l g e tt h e p l a n s o f t h e h o u s e o n w h i c h y o uc a n c l i c k o n t h ed i f fe r e n t r o o m s i n o r d e r t o z o o m i n t o t h e m(a l s o h e r e y o u c a n use the up-down Arrow Buttons if more t h a n o n e f l o o r i s a v a i l a b l e.).T h e l a s t w a y i s t o m e r e l y f l y w i t h t h e F r e e C a mt h r o u g h t h e d o o r s o f t h e h o u s e.Selecting and placing objectsB y c l i c k i n g o n a n y o f t h e t h r e e b u t t o n s m a r k e d w i t h b l u e s i g n s,y o u l l b e a b l e t o s e l e c t n e w o b j e c t s t o b e i n s e r t e d i n t o10B y c l i c k i n g o n t h e c a n s o f p a i n t a n dt h e b r u s h e s o n t h e M a i n M e n u,y o u l l launch The Paint Room. Here, you can c r e a t e s t i c k e r s t o u s e o n y o u r p l a n e i n t h e m u l t i p l a y e r g a m e.Y o u c a n e i t h e r m o d i f y t h e v a r i o u s s t i c k e r s w h i c h come with the game, or create your own.Selecting model and camouflageI n o r d e r t o s e l e c t w h i c h f i g h t e r y o u w o u l d l i k e y o u r s t i c k e r t o b e previewed on, click on the Modelb u t t o n i n t h e l o w e r l e f tc o r n e r,a nd choose the one preferred from the list. You can also switch between the available camouflages by clicking on the Camo button next to the model button.Using the Paint ToolsThe tools you have at your disposal t o c r e a t e t h e s t i c k e r s a r e a l l f o u n du p i n t h e t o p r i g h t c o r n e r.T h e r e a r e P e n,L i n e,F i l l,E r a s e,C i r c l e a n d U n d o w i l l c a n c e l t h e l a s t a c t i o n performed. The Clear button erases t h e c u r r e n t s t i c k e r i n t h e d r a w i n g window.Place, View, Fetch and RemoveT h e b u t t o n s o n t h e l e f t s i d e o f t h e screen allow you to place and view your stickers on your chosen plane. In order to preview your sticker on t h e f i g h t e r,y o u m u s t c l i c k t h e P l a c e b u t t o n(t h e p o i n t i n g f i n g e r).B yd o i n g t h i s,t he s t i c k e r i n t h e d r a w window will be placed on thep o s i t i o n s e l e c t e d w i t h t h e1-2-3 buttons above. They represent thed i f fe r e n t l o c a t i o n s o n t h ef igh t e r where the stickers can be placed. By clicking on the View button (the eye), the camera zooms in on thes e l e c t e d s t i c k e r p o s i t i o n.C l i c k o n i t again to zoom back out.12T C P/I P o r t h e I P X p r o t o c o l.(T C P/I P i srequired for Internet games.)Click on the telephone on the Main Menu to get to the Multiplayer Menu.S t a r t i n g a S e r v e rC l i c k i n g o n t h e S t a r t S e r v e r f l a p w i l l bring up the dialogue window in which you can start a server to which other players can connect.F i r s t,e n t e r a S e r v e r N a m e.N e x t,s e l e c t o n e o f t h e A v a i l a b l e L e v e l sf r o m t h e l i s t.I f y o u h a v e d e s ig n e d a l e v e l u s i n g th e H o u s e E di t o r,i t w i l l a p p e a r h e r e.C l i c k o n t h e S e t t i n g s button to bring up the Settings menu. Use this to set the maximum number of players allowed (up to 8), s e t a t i m e l i m i t a n d e v e n a c r a s h limit, which prevents players from destroying themselves by crashing i n t o t h i n g s.T o s t a r t t h e m u l t i p l a y e r g a m e,c l i c k o n t h e S t a r t S e r v e r button. To exit from the multiplayer m e n u,c l i c k o n C l o s e.Under the Join Game flap, available A i r f i x D o g f i g h t e r s e r v e r s w i l l b el i s t e d.I f a t f i r s t n o n e a p p e a r,p r e s s R e f r e s h L i s t.I f y o u h a v e b o t h T C P/I P a n d I P X p r o t o c o l s i n s t a l l e d,t w o servers will show up. Over a LAN,I P X i s u s u a l l y f a s t e r t h a n T C P/I P s o s e l e c t t h a t o n e.T o j o i n a n I n t e r n e t game, connect to the Internetb e f o r e s t a r t i n g A i r f i x D o g f i g h t e r. For an Internet game, only TCP/IP servers will show up. These servers must be entered in your Address Book. Once you have selected a game, click on Join Game. Click on Close to exit the multiplayer menu.Your Address BookT h e l a s t f l a p i n t h e m u l t i p l a y e r m e n u is the Address Book. In order to add computers to your Address Book, which is necessary in order to reach t h e m o v e r t h e I n t e r n e t,e n t e r t h e I P number or the Server Name in the New Address window and click Add.14b i t t r ic k i e r.B ydef a u l t,y o u c o n t r o l t h e m o d e l w i t h t h e A r r o w Ke y s,a d j u s t t h e t h r u s t w i t h D a n d C a n d f i r e y o u rweapons with SPACE and Z. (See IN-GAME CONTROLS)INTERACTING WITH THE ENVIRONMENTDoorsMany of the doors in the Campaignsa r e l o c k e d a n d o n l y s o m e o f t h e s e c a nb e o p e n e d,e i t h e r b y f i n d i n g t h ec o r r e c t k e y o r b y s h o o t i n g a t t h e m.B e w a r e o f a n o p e n i n g/c l o s i n gd o o r,t h o u g h.I f i t h i t s y o u i t w i l l de a l a l a r g e a m o u n t of damage, most likely enough to destroy y o u r f igh t e r.Light SwitchesB y s h o o t i n g t h e l i g h t s w i t c h e s i n t h er o o m s,y o u c a n t u r n t h e l i g h t s o n a n d o f f.T h i s f e a t u r e w i l l o f t e n d e c r e a s e t h e v i s i b i l i t y a n d m a k e i t h a r d e r t o s p o t some targets. However, most unitsg l o w i n t h e d a r k,w h i c h a c t u a l l y m a yh e l p y o u t o t r a c k t h e m.Many of the accessories scattered throughout the house can be shot to pieces. When these are brokeny o u l l g a i n a l l s o r t s o f u s a b l e p i c k-ups so wreak havoc and you ll be rewarded. Other objects might start to burn when you shoot them. Beware of an open flame since it will damage your fighter.O t h e r i n t e r a c t i v e o b j e c t sI n d i f f e r e n t p a r t s o f t h e h o u s e,y o u m i g h t f i n d o t h e r s p e c i a l i n t e r a c t i v e objects that will come in handy. Look f o r a n y t h i n g s u s p i c i o u s a n d f i r e ar o u n d o f b u l l e t s a t i t t o s e e i f i ta c t i v a t e s a n y t h i n g.The WeaponsYour primary weapon is always the machinegun and it s fired with SPACE. The secondary weapons change as you find new ones scattered about the house. By16the amount of ammunition left. Tech level counterHere you can keep track of how many Star/Cross insignias you ve picked up. Every time you reach an e v e n10,y o u l l g e t a h i g h e r t e c h level on your basic weapons (atl e a s t u n t i l y o u r e a c h50o r m o r e). Secondary weapon displayYour currently selected secondary weapon is shown here. The colouro f t h e i c o n d i s p l a y s t h e t e c h l e v e l o f each weapon as on the primary weapon meter. Remaining ammunition for each weapon is also shown here. Some of the more advanced secondary weaponsa u t o m a t i c a l l y s t a r t a t t h e h i g h e s tt e c h l e v e l.T h i s d o e s n t r a i s e t h e level of your other weapons, however!produce, by steep diving etc., these might differ from time to time.The RadarT h e r a d a r i s a v e r y h e l p f u l t o o l w h i l e y o u p l a y.U s e i t t o l o c a t e p i c k-u p s (b l u e d o t s),f i n d h i d i n g e n e m i e s(r e d d o t s)o r t o a v o i d p r o j e c t i l e s(y e l l o w d o t s)a n d t h e i n t e r i o r o f t h e h o u s e (g r e e n l i n e s).Y o u r a l l i e s a p p e a r a s green dots. Important pick-ups will appear as blue dots with pulsating red circles around them.18Y o u l l f i n d t h e t r o u b l e s h o o t i n g guide in the README document,i n s t a l l e d t o g e t h e r w i t h A i r f i xD o g f i g h t e r . A c c e s s i t b y c l i c k i n g on the appropriate link under the Windows Start Menu.For technical support, the EON Digital Entertainment Helpline***********i s o p e n t oUK callers between the hours of 8am and 7pm Monday to Friday and 9 am till 5 pm on Saturday.Automated support will be provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Email will be answered within 48 hours,****************************TROUBLE SHOOTINGTECHNICAL SUPPORT12345678KEYPAD 0TABUse Cannon Use Rockets Use Bombs U s e T e s l a C o i lUse Particle BeamUse Homing Missiles Use Para-mines Use Atomic Bomb Toggle weaponM i s s i o n i n f o / M u l t i p l a y e r i n f o20。
无线电遥控直升机模型完全手册第一章 从“青蛙跳”开始一、找一位好老师吧!相信99%的初学者在刚要想飞遥控直升机时,都会觉得:遥控直升机很难吧……原因是大多数的人,看到遥控直升机在广阔的天空中自在穿梭飞行的模样时,自己也想开始试着做做看,但实际上却觉得“到处都不对劲……”。
1.) Fold and unfold.2.) Fold and unfold just the corners.3.) Fold and unfold just the corners.4.) Fold and unfold.5.) Fold and unfold.6.) Flip overDragon In Flight (Version 2.5)By Charles Esseltine.I suggest that you should use a large (9 inch or larger) piece of foil (Florist foil is the best in my opinion.), for your first model. You can make the model from just about any paper (Kami, Washi, waxed, plain, etc...), but the model will tend of suffer paper spread. So foil is the bes t. And Florist foil is very forgiving. If you make a mistke, I mean mistake, it can be undone, and most creases can be pressed out. Begin the model white side up.16.) Fold the flap backand forth.19.) Petal fold. Now youhave a small Bird Base.7.) Fold and unfold. Then flip over.8.) Fold the sides in. The corners willform mini-preliminary bases.9a.) Choose one corner forthe head.9b.) Fold the flap10.) Fold into thecenter line.11.) Unfold one flap.12.) Squash fold.13.) Fold it back.14.) Repeat steps11 - 13 on the otherside.15. Petal fold.17.) Unwrap the outerlayers. You will have topartially unfold it to doso. Refold the bottom.18.) Squash fold.Press flat.X20.) Fold the other three corners as shown.22.) With the X layers in front, fold the sides to the X24.) Sink the tip on the fold. If you partially 25.) Open up the sides.29.) The tail should looklike this. Flip over.34.) Flip all of the layers of the head, to the other side.35.) Repeat steps 31 through 33 on the otherside.30.) Fold the layers of the head together.31.) Fold the top layers to the center. Then unfold.32.) Squash fold33.) Flip this layer back.36.) Open thelayers of the head,38.) Using the other side as a guide for thesefolds. Make a rabbit ear.39.) Squash fold.40.) Petal fold the tail.41.) Inside reverse fold the wing outward. Opening the wingtips as you do. The leading edges will line up with line AB37a.) Fold the edges into rabbit ears. 37b.) The completedfolds. Now flip over.43.) Fold down the front and back layers.46.) Now we get to the fun part! First bring the Far edge (A) to meet the unfolded edge (B). This will bring the first bisector fold (C) to the center line (D). This will bring the wing's leading edges up as well. Fold the same as with the body, bringing the val l ey fold (c) to meet the leading edge (d). When the folds are complete the model wil l not lie flat. In fact the two edges will be at right angles to the rest of the model.D47.) Now fold the standing layers down.48.) Compound fold the remaining layers along the same lines as in step 43. The model will now lie flat.49a.) Now repeat steps 45 - 48 on the other sides.49b.) The model should look like this. This is also a goo dtime to flatten the dragon as much as possible. Make all ofthe creases as sharp as you can. Here is where a hard flatsurface comes in handy. You can also use a rolling pin, ifone is handy.50.) Open out the model. Pulling the head and tail sections out, so that they lie flat, with the center section above thewings standing perpendicular to the rest of the model. This easier done than said. You'll see what I mean, by looking a tthe next step.51a.) The next few steps deal with the center section. First open the middle. Spreading as you go.51b.) As the bottom spreads out it will form a square box.51c.) Finished. The edges don't have to be sharp, but it helps.52a.) Bring in the sides, while you pull the front and back outwards. Flatten the model.52b.) It will look like this when done.54.) Fold the head and tail sections to one side.55.) Fold the edge into the center, shaping thewing as you go.56.) Flip both layers of the wing forward.57.) Repeat step 55 on the back.58.) Flip the wing, head, and tail over.59.) Repeat 55-57. And return thewing to its' starting position60.) It's starting to look like a dragon, isn't it?Rotate 90 degrees.61a.) Fun Time! No we fold the model ALMOST in half. The center section is rather THICK. So we fold the head and ta il in half (a), but the bottom is to be folded in a U shape (b) with thebottom almost flat.61b.) The wings should be between 30 and 90degrees depending on what pose you want the dragon to have. For the next steps we zoom in to the legs.62.) Roll the leg down as far as it will go.63.) Pinch the tip.64a.) Repeat steps 62 & 63 for the other legs.64b.) The legs are done. Let's move on to the wings.65.) Fold the leading edge back. This willcause the wings to move forward. The modelwill not lie flat.66b.) The wings are done.67.) Wrap the sides of the tail fin overthe tail.68.) With a soft crease, curve the tail fin.69.) Outside reverse fold all layers ofthe head as shown.70.) Fold the first layer to the top tomake the eyes.71.) Inside reverse fold down themouth. You don't have to pull it all theway down. Do the mouth to taste.72.) Inside reverse fold the teeth.73.) With a pencil, or a similarly pointed object,open the eyes.74.) Spread the ears slightly.75.) Dragon done!72'.) Inside reverse fold the bottom teeth like before. But this time outside reverse fold the tip backwards to form the nose.75'.) The other Dragon is done! But we aren't. Remember h ow I said it can "Spit" fire? Now it's time to make fire with paper. And this fire is73'.) With a pencil, or a similarly pointedobject, open the eyes and the nose. Pointy things in the eyes, and nose?Ouch! Don't do this at home kids!Well....... It's only a paper dragon.Just don't do to a real dragon!For those of you that have already folded the Dragon in Flig ht (Ver.2.5), here is a bonus. One of the earlier dragons (2.4) had the ability to "Spit" flame. The differences between the two are minor. Just the way you fold the tip of the nose.F1.) To make fire we first start with water. A waterbomb base that is. Fold it color side out.F2.) Fold it in half. And rotate it 90 degrees, so that the new centerline is on top.F3.) Roll the ends up part way , leaving an unrolled section in the middle.F4.) Now that you have the fire, it's time to put it in theStep 2: Pull back the head (B).Umm, are you still holding the head? Step 3: Let go!。
二、产品组成1. 机翼:提供飞行的升力支撑。
2. 机身:承载电池和其他关键组件,保护内部结构。
3. 飞行控制系统:包括遥控器和接收器,用于控制模型飞机的姿态和飞行方向。
4. 动力系统:由电机、电池和电调等组成,提供飞机动力。
5. 起落架:支撑机身并保证起飞和降落的平稳。
三、产品安全使用说明1. 组装前请确保您已经阅读并理解了本说明书中的所有内容。
2. 在使用之前,请检查模型飞机的各个部件是否完好无损,确保螺旋桨和机翼连接牢固。
3. 在飞行过程中,请确保远离人群、动物和易燃物品等危险物。
4. 飞行前请检查电池电量是否充足,避免因电力不足导致飞行事故。
5. 在室外进行飞行时,请确保风力较小且没有降雨等恶劣天气条件。
四、产品组装与调试1. 请根据配备的拆装工具和说明书进行组装,按照顺序逐步完成各个部件的安装。
2. 在组装过程中,请确保各个部件的连接牢固,避免出现松动导致的安全隐患。
3. 组装完成后,请对模型飞机进行相应的调试。
4. 调试时,请确保遥控器处于远离其他无线干扰源的地方,以确保信号传输的稳定性。
五、产品飞行操作1. 在进行首次飞行前,请选择一个宽阔、无障碍、无人群的开阔区域进行操作。
2. 飞行前,请确保电池已经充满,并检查模型飞机的各项控制功能是否正常。
3. 在起飞前,将遥控器的油门推至最低点,确保模型飞机处于静止状态。
4. 缓慢推动油门,将模型飞机加速至适当的速度,然后轻轻向上推动遥控器的油门,使其离地,开始飞行。
5. 在飞行过程中,请注意及时调整飞行器的姿态和飞行方向,以保持稳定的飞行状态。
OMP T720 航模练习飞机 快速上手指南说明书
Packing List 开箱内含:①. Fuselage 机身 ②. Left Wing 左机翼 ③. Right Wing 右机翼④/⑤. Horizontal Stabilizers 左尾翼/右尾翼 ⑥. Controller 遥控器⑦. Battery & Charger 充电器、电池 ⑧. Manual & Screw Driver螺丝刀、说明书T720 TRAINERRADIO CONTROL AIRPLANEQUICK START GUIDE OMP® T720 航模练习飞机快速上手指南Joystick Operation 遥控器摇杆与飞行姿态控制:抬头左侧右侧低头左转右转10. FCC Warning 警告:This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:此设备符合FCC的第15部分,操作时需要满足以下两个条件(1) This device may not cause harmful interference,and(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.NOTE 1: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment doescause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.NOTE 2: Any changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. SunnySky USA LLC 2041 Builders Place Columbus,OH 43204, USATel: +1-614-465-6688Fax: +1-614-636-4516********************珠海市边锋智驱科技有限公司注1:该设备已经经过测试并符合FCC规则的第15部分中关于B类数字设备的要求。
二、使用设备符合国家管理规定1、空中用频点——40MHz(MHz带)频带(MHz带)频带40.770 77 40.830 8340.790 79 40.850 8540.810 80空中用频点——72MHz窄带(MHz带)频带(MHz带)频带72.130 17 72.190 2072.150 18 72.210 2172.170 19空中用频点——72MHz宽带(MHz带)频带(MHz带)频带72.790 50 72.850 5372.810 51 72.870 5472.830 522.4G 5.8G 所有发射功率不得大于1瓦三、飞行安全1、用电安全(包括用电池的安全)2、飞行安全两个方面:一是自身安全,二是他人的安全。
二、安全须知1. 使用模型飞机前,请确保您已经熟悉并遵守当地的飞行规定和法规。
2. 避免在人员密集区域或有障碍物的地方使用模型飞机,以防发生意外事故。
3. 在室外飞行时,请选择广阔的空地,并确保与建筑物、电线杆等障碍物保持足够的距离。
4. 飞行时请避免接近动物或人群,以防惊吓或伤害到他们。
5. 使用模型飞机时,请不要飞越禁飞区域或限制区域,遵守地方的相关规定。
三、组装说明1. 在组装模型飞机前,请确保所有所需的零部件齐全,并按照说明书一一检查。
2. 请按照说明书的步骤进行组装,遵循正确的顺序和方法。
3. 在组装过程中,务必保持清洁,避免灰尘和异物进入模型飞机内部或零部件之间的接口。
四、充电与电池1. 使用适配器连接充电器,并将充电器插入电源插座。
2. 将模型飞机上的电池连接到充电器,并等待充电完成。
3. 充电时请确保周围没有可燃物,保持充电器与模型飞机保持适当的距离。
4. 使用过程中请注意电池电量,及时进行充电以避免电量不足导致飞行中断。
五、起飞与着陆1. 在起飞前,请确保模型飞机与遥控器之间的信号连接正常,控制摇杆的动作灵敏准确。
2. 寻找适合起飞和着陆的平坦开阔区域,并确保没有起落的障碍物。
3. 在起飞前,请确保模型飞机的电池电量充足,以免在飞行过程中掉电导致事故发生。
4. 起飞时,请缓慢推动油门杆,控制模型飞机的起飞速度,避免急剧升空。
5. 着陆时,请控制模型飞机慢速下降,注意恰当时机将油门杆降至最低,使其平稳着陆。
六、飞行技巧1. 在操控模型飞机时,请保持手腕的平稳和稳定,避免剧烈晃动。
2. 在飞行过程中,请注意气流和风向,避免强风或气流的影响。
A3 Super 4 中文使用说明书
A3 Super 4是一款专门为遥控固定翼模型飞机设计的高性能、功能强大的六轴陀螺仪和平衡仪产品。
安装方法注意事项• 切记不要用热熔胶或尼龙扎带等方式将陀螺仪硬性地安装在机身上!• 一次安装使用1块双面胶即可,太厚或太软的双面胶都有可能影响陀螺仪的性能;•陀螺仪是敏感部件,安装时应尽量在陀螺仪周围预留足够的空间,与其他电子设备或连接线保持足够的距离,避免挤压。
第二部分:产品特点1. 高精度制作:宇星模王21007采用先进的制作工艺,能够实现高精度的模型制作。
2. 多种材料选择:宇星模王21007支持多种材料的制作,用户可以根据自己的需求选择合适的材料。
3. 快速制作:宇星模王21007配备了高效的制作工具和系统,能够快速完成模型的制作。
4. 灵活性强:宇星模王21007具有良好的灵活性,用户可以根据自己的需求进行模型的调整和修改。
5. 易于操作:宇星模王21007采用简洁直观的操作界面,用户可以轻松上手并进行模型制作。
第三部分:产品使用1. 设计模型:用户可以使用宇星模王21007自带的设计软件或者其他常用的设计软件进行模型的设计。
2. 导入模型:设计完成后,用户可以将模型导入到宇星模王21007中进行制作。
3. 调整参数:在导入模型后,用户可以根据自己的需求进行模型的调整。
FMS 80MM BAE Hawk 飞机模型用户手册说明书
REALISTIC RIGIDRETRACT & FLAPS INSTALLED STRONG DURABLE EPO STABLESMOOTH FLYING PERFORMANCE As the user of this product, you are solely responsible for operating in a manner that does not endanger yourself and others or result in damage to the product or the property of others. This model is controlled by a radio signal subject to interference from many sources outside your control. This interference can cause momentary loss of control so itis advisable to always keep a safe distance in all directions around your model, as this margin will help avoid collisions or injury.Age Recommendation: Not for children under 14 years. This is not a toy.·Never operate your model with low transmitter batteries.·Always operate your model in an open area away from cars, traffic or people.·Avoid operating your model in the street where injury or damage can occur.·Never operate the model in populated areas for any reason.·Carefully follow the directions and warnings for this and any optional support equipment you use (chargers, rechargeable battery packs, etc.)·Keep all chemicals, small parts and anything electrical out of the reach of children.·Moisture causes damage to electronics. Avoid water exposure to all equipment not specifically designed and protected for this purpose.·Never lick or place any part of your model in your mouth as it could cause serious injury or even death.Lithium Polymer (Li-Po) Battery WarningCAUTION: Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe use and disposal of batteries. Fire, property damage, or serious injury can result from the mishandling of Li-Po batteries.By handling, charging or using a Li-Po Battery you assume all risks associated with lithium batteries.If at any time the batteries begin to swell or balloon, discontinue use immediately!Always store the batteries at room temperature in a dry area to extend the life of the battery. Always transportor temporarily store the battery at a temperature range of 40-120F. Do not store the battery or model in a car or in direct sunlight. If stored in a hot car, the battery can be damaged or even catch fire.Never use a Ni-Mh Charger to charge Li-Po Batteries. Failure to charge the battery with a Li-Po compatible chargermay cause fire resulting in personal injury and property damage.Never discharge Li-Po Cells below 3V.Never leave charging batteries unattended.Never charge damaged batteries.Use a battery charger that is designed to safely charge the Li-Po Battery. Read the charger instructions carefullybefore use. When charging the battery, make certain the battery is on a heat resistant surface. It is also highly recommended to place the Li-Po Battery inside a fire resistant charging bag readily available at hobby shops or online.Introduction Contents of Kit Model Assembly Battery installation Connectors Diagram Get your model ready to fly Important ESC and model information The transmitter and model setup Check the control throws Clevis Installation Control Horn and Servo Arm Settings Center of Gravity(CG) Before flying the model Flying your model Troubleshooting Spare parts list content ESC instructionThe British Red Arrows, officially known as the Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team, is the official display team of the RAF based at RAF Scampton. The team was formed in late 1964 as an all-RAF team. Initially equipped with Folland Gnat trainers inherited from the RAF Yellowjacks display team. In late 1979, they made the switch to the BAE Hawk trainer.FMS is proud to reproduce this classic British single-engine, jet-powered advanced trainer and combat aircraft.FMS has created in this model a fully detail aircraft. Complete with CNC-Machined shock-absorbing metal landing gear and gear covers, detailed panel lines, a realistic pilot figure, removable fuel tank, extremely bright LED lights and retracts and flaps.In terms of performance, a Predator KV1930 motor and a Predator 100-amp ESC power the BAE Hawk’s EDF, resulting in tremendous power and speed using a 6S battery. A bonus to the blistering power is the realistic sound produced by the 12-blade Predator EDF. Not only can you see the BAE Hawk's power, you will hear it.Coupled with durable, damage resistant EPO foam material, environmentally friendly water-based paint, vibrant color schemes and 13g analog metal gear servos throughout aircraft, the BAE Hawk is an absolute must have for both pilot and airplane collector.Features:1. A Powerful 3270-KV1930 motor 2. 80mm 12 Blade Fan 3. High-quality Predator 100A ESC 4. Integrated wing set 5. Extreme scale detail throughout: Gear covers, accurate aircraft panel lines, detailed pilot figure, remov-able fuel tank, High Lumens LED lamps.6. No glue required, screw-together construction (6 screw assembly and disassembly for ease of transporta-tion)7. 13g analog metal gear servos throughout for better control 8. CNC-Machined shock-absorbed metal landing gears 9. Full Function Flaps and retracts 10. Button-type canopy hatchTable of ContentsIntroduction..........................................................................................................................3........................................................................................................................4......................................................................................................................5...................................................................................................................8.................................................................................................................8......................................................................................................9........................................................................................9...............................................................................................9........................................................................................................10..................................................................................................................11........................................................................................11.............................................................................................................12...........................................................................................................13.................................................................................................................14....................................................................................................................15.. (16)Our ESC allows you to program parameters to fit your specific needs:1. User programmable brake setting (we recommend using brake for only folding props applications)2. User programmable battery type (LiPo or NiCd/NiMh)3. User programmable low voltage cutoff setting4. User programmable factory default setting restore5. User programmable timing settings (to enhance ESC efficiency and smoothness)6. User programmable soft acceleration start ups (for delicate gearbox and helicopter applications)7. User programmable governor mode (for helicopter applications)8. User programmable motor rotation (clockwise\counterclockwise)9. User programmable switching frequency10. User programmable low voltage cutoff type (power reduction or immediate shutdown)Settings:1. Brake: ON/OFF* ON-Sets the propeller to the brake position when the throttle stick is at the minimum position (Recom-mended for folding props).* OFF-Sets the propeller to freewheel when the throttle stick is at the minimum position.2. Battery type: LiPo or NiCad/NiMh* NiCad/NiMh – Sets Low Voltage protection threshold for NiCad/NiMh cells.* LiPo – Sets Low voltage protection threshold for LiPo cells and automatically detects the number of cells within the pack.Note: Selecting the NiCad/NiMh option for the battery type, triggers the ESC to automatically set the cutoff threshold to the factory default of 65%. The cutoff threshold can then be subsequently altered through the Low Voltage protection function, if required. The ESC will read the initial voltage of the NiCa-d/NiMh pack once it is plugged in and the voltage read will then be used as a reference for the cutoff voltage threshold.3. Low Voltage Protection Threshold (Cutoff Threshold):Low / Medium / High1) For Li-xx packs- number of cells are automatically calculated and requires no user input apart from defining the battery type. This ESC provides 3 setting options for the low voltage protection threshold; Low (2.8V)/ Medium (3.0V)/ High (3.2V). For example: the voltage cutoff options for an 11.1V/ 3 cell Li-Po pack would be 8.4V (Low)/ 9.0V (Med)/ 9.6V (High)2) For Ni-xx packs-low / medium / high cutoff voltages are 50%/65%/65% of the initial voltage of the battery pack. For example: A fully charged 6 cell NiMh pack’s voltage is 1.44V x 6=8.64V,when “LOW” cutoff voltage is set, the cutoff voltage is: 8.64V x 50%=4.3V and when “Medium” or “High” is set, the cutoff voltage is now 8.64V X 65%=5.61V.4. Restore factory setup defaults:Restore - Sets the ESC back to factory default settings;Brake: OffBattery type Detect: LiPo with Automatic CellLow voltage cutoff threshold: Medium (3.0V/65%)Timing setup: AutomaticSoft Acceleration Start Up: MediumGovernor mode : OFFFrequency : 16kHzLow voltage cutoff type: Reduce power5. Timing setup: Automatic / Low / High.* Automatic – ESC automatically determines the optimum motor timing* Low (7-22 deg) – Setting for most 2 pole motors.* High (22-30 deg)-setting for motors with 6 or more poles.In most cases, automatic timing works well for all types of motors. However for high efficiency we recommend the Low timing setting for 2 pole motors (general in-runners) and high timing for 6 poles and above (general outrunners). For higher speed, High timing can be set. Some motors require different timing setups therefore we suggest you follow the manufacturer recommended setup or use the automatic timing setting if you are unsure.Note: Run your motor on the ground first after making any changes to your motor timing!6. Soft Acceleration Start ups: Very Soft / Soft Acceleration/ Start Acceleration* Very Soft – Provides initial slow 1.5 sec ramp-up from start to full rpm intended to protect delicate gears from stripping under instant load. This setting is recommended for either fixed wing models equipped with gearboxes and / or helicopters.* Soft Acceleration- Provides initial slow 1 sec ramp-up from start to full rpm. This setting is recom-mended for either fixed wing models equipped with gearboxes and or helicopters.* Start Acceleration – Provides quick acceleration start ups with a linear throttle response. This is recommended for fixed wing models fitted with direct drive setups.7. Active RPM Control (Heli Governor Mode)* RPM control off* First range: There will be a 5-second delay from start to full rpm, but if the throttle is cut off after starting, then the next start will be as normal start.* Second range: There will be a 15-second delay from start to full rpm, but if the throttle is cut off after starting, then the next start will be as normal start.Note: Once the Governor Mode is enabled, the ESC’s Brake and Low Voltage Cutoff Type settings will automatically be reset to No Brake and Reduce Power respectively regardless of what settings they were previously set as.8. Motor Rotation: ReverseIn most cases motor rotation is usually reversed by swapping two motor wires. However, in cases where the motor cables have been directly soldered to the ESC cables, motor rotation can be reversed by changing the value of setting on the ESC.9. Switching Frequency: 8 kHz/16kHz* 8 kHz – Sets ESC switching frequency for 2 pole motors, e.g. in-runners.* 16 kHz – Sets ESC switching frequency for motors with more than 2 poles, e.g. out-runners. Although 16 kHz is more efficient with our Thrust motors, the setupdefault is 8 kHz due to the higher RF noises caused at 16 kHz.10. Low Voltage Cutoff Type: Reduce Power / Hard cutoff* Reduce Power – ESC reduces motor power when the pre-set (recommended).* Hard Cutoff – ESC instantly cuts motor power when the pre-set Low Voltage Protection Threshold value is reached.Programming Mode Audible TonesBuilt-in Intelligent ESC Safety Functions1. Over-heat protection: When the temperature of ESC exceeds 110 deg C, the ESC will reduce the output power to allow it too cool.2. Lost Throttle signal protection: The ESC will automatically reduce output power to the motor when it detects a loss of throttle signal for 2 seconds, a subsequent loss of throttle signal beyond 2 seconds, will cause the ESC automatically to cut power to the motor.Powering up the ESC for the first time and setting the Automatic Throttle CalibrationThe ZTW ESC features Automatic Throttle Calibration to attain the smoothest throttle response and resolution throughout the entire throttle range of your transmitter. This step is done once to allow the ESC to “learn and memorize” your transmitter’s throttle output signals and only repeated if you change your transmitter.1. Switch your Transmitter ON and set the throttle stick to its maximum position.2. Connect the battery pack to the ESC. Wait for about 2 seconds, the motor will beep twice, then put the throttle in the minimum position, the motor will also beep, which indicates that your ESC has got the signal range of the throttle from your transmitter.The throttle is now calibrated and your ESC is ready for operation.Normal ESC start up procedure:1.Switch your Transmitter ON and set the throttle to its minimum position.2.Connect the battery pack to the ESC.3.When the ESC is first powered up, it emits two sets of audible tones in succession indicating thestatus of its programming state.* The first set of tones denotes the number of cells in the LiPo pack connected to the ESC. (Threebeeps (***) indicates a 3 cell LiPo pack while 4 beeps (****) indicates a 4 cell LiPo pack).* The second set denoting Brake status. One beep (*) for Brake “ON” and two beeps (**) for Brake“OFF”.*The ESC is now ready for use.Entering the Programming Mode:1.Switch your Transmitter ON and set the throttle to its maximum position.2.Connect the battery pack to the ESC.3.Wait until you hear two short beeps (_ _**) confirming that the ESC has now entered theprogram-ming mode.4.If within 5 seconds, the throttle stick is lowered to its minimum position, an audible tone is emittedconfirming that the throttle calibration setting has changed. If the throttle stick is left in the maximum position beyond 5 seconds, the ESC will begin the sequence from one function and its associatedsetting options to another. (Please refer to the table below to cross reference the functions with theaudible tones).5.When the desired tone for the function and setting option is reached, move the throttle stick down to its minimum position. ESC will emit two beeps (**) confirming the new setting has been stored.6.The ESC only allows the setting of one function at a time.Therefore should you require making changes to other function, disconnect the battery pack and wait 5 seconds to reconnect the battery and repeat the above steps.General Safety PrecautionsDo not install the propeller (fixed wing) or drive pinion (helicopter) on the motor when you test the ESC and motor for the first time to verify the correct settings on your radio. Only install your propeller or pinion after you have confirmed that the settings on your radio is correct.● Never use ruptured or punctured battery cells.● Never use battery packs that are known to overheat.● Never short circuit battery or motor terminals.● Always use proper insulation material for cable insulation.● Always use proper cable connectors.● Do not exceed the number of cells or servos specified by the ESC.Wrong battery polarity will damage the ESC and void the warranty.● Install the ESC in a suitable location with adequate ventilation for cooling. This ESC has a built-in over heat cutoff protection feature that will immediately cut power to the motor once the ESC tempera-ture exceeds the 230 Deg F/ 110 Deg C high temperature limit.● Use only batteries that are supported by the ESC and ensure the correct polarity before connecting.●Switch your Transmitter ON and ensure the throttle stick is in the minimum position before connecting the battery pack.● Never switch your transmitter OFF while the battery is connected to your ESC.● Only connect your battery pack just before flying and do not leave your battery pack connected after flying.● Handle your model with extreme care once the battery pack is connected and keep away from the propeller at all times. Never stand in-line or directly in front of any rotating parts.● Do not immerse the ESC underwater while powered up.● Do fly at a designated flying site and abide by the rules and guidelines set by your flying club.Issue Possible Reason ActionMotor doesn’t work, but there areaudible tones of automatic detectionof the number of cells after powering up ESC.Motor doesn’t work and no audible tone emitted after connecting the battery. Servos are not working either. Motor doesn’t work and no audible tone emitted after connecting thebattery BUT servos are working. Motor doesn’t work after powering up the ESC. An alert tone with two beeping bones followed by a short pause (** ** ** **) is emitted.Set up the ESC throttle calibration.Clean connector terminals orreplace connector.Replace with a freshly chargedbattery pack.Re-solder the cable connections.Check and verify cable polarity.Check the ESC cable connected tothe ESC to ensure the connectorsare in the correct polarity.Replace ESCClean connector terminals orreplace connectorsReplace motorRe-solder the cable connectionsReplace with a freshly chargedbattery packCheck battery pack voltageThe ESC throttle calibration has notbeen set up.Poor/looseConnectionbetween batteryPack and ESC.No powerPoor soldered connections (dry joints)Wrong battery cable polarityESC throttle cable connected toreceiver in the reverse polarityFaulty ESCPoor / loose connection betweenESC and motorBurnt motor coilsPoor soldered connections(dry joints)The battery pack voltage is not withinthe acceptable range.Motor doesn’t work after powering up the ESC. An alert tone with a single beeping tone followed by a short pause(* * * *) is emitted.Motor doesn’t work after powering up the ESC. An alert tone with continu-ous beeping tones(****) is emitted.Motor doesn’t work after powering up the ESC. ESC emits two long audible tones followed by two short beeps(_ _ * * )Motor runs in reverse rotation Motor stops running in flight.Motor stop running.Motor restarts abnormally ESC OverheatsCheck and verify that the ESC cableis connected to the Throttle channelon the receiver.Check the transmitter and receiver toverify that there is throttle signaloutput.(Connect a spare servo to verifythrottle channel operation)Move the throttle stick to theminimum position.Enter the servo reverse menu onyour transmitter and reverse thethrottle channel.Note: For Futaba radios set thethrottle channel to Reverse.Swap any two of the three cableconnections between the ESC andthe Motor or access the MotorRotation function via the ESCprogramming mode and change thepre-set parameters.Check proper operation of the radioequipment.Check the placement of the ESC andthe Receiver and check the route ofthe receiver’s aerial and ESC cablesto ensure there is adequate separa-tion to prevent RF interference.Install a ferrite ring on the ESC’sthrottle cable.Land the model immediately andreplace the battery pack.Check and verify the integrity of thecable connectionsThe normal operation of the ESCmay be susceptible to surroundingRF interference. Restart the ESC toresume normal operation on theground to verify recurrence. If theproblem persists, test the operationof the ESC at a different flying field.Relocate the ESC to allow betterventilationUse servos that are adequatelysized for the ESC. The maximumBEC current drawn should be withinthe BEC limits.Prop down or resize the motorThe ESC is unable to detect thenormal throttle signal from the receiverThe throttle stick is not in the minimumposition at power up.Reversed throttle channel caused theESC to enter the programming mode.Wrong cables polarity between theESC and the motor.Lost throttle signalBattery Pack voltage has reached theLow Voltage Protection threshold.Possible bad cable connectionPossible RFInterference at theflying field.InadequateVentilationServos drawing too much current andover loading the ESC.Over sized motor or prop。
FUTABA 6EXAP固定翼版使用说明
FUTABA 6EXAP固定翼版中文说明书一、发射器电池电压除了模型的序号,LCD荧屏也显示发射器电池电压。
当电压低于8.5V 时,"电池"的图标将会以闪烁的状态出现在荧屏上,伴随着闪烁,发射机还会发出"哔哔。
在你飞行的时候,你应该杜绝发射器电压低于这个电压数值 ,如果出现这种情况的话,请立即降落。
注意:当发射器电压显示8.9V的时候,在损失遥控距离前,你大约还有十分钟(甚至更少)的时间,因此8.9V能够进行 飞行的最小电压。
指导建议 :9.4V 不能继续飞行,建议重新充电8.9V 短时间内可以安全着陆8.5V 紧急状况- 立刻登陆屏幕显示功能名称:1、Model .........可记忆6台飞机的选择功能2、Revr........改变舵机反向3、D/R..............设定大小动作4、EPA...........设定舵量的左右摆动的大小角度5、TRIM............微调功能6、PMIX...........可自行选择1~6,任二个通道做混控,使用这个功能时,要把(Inh)改成(on)7、FLPR...........襟翼混控功能8、V-TL...........V型尾翼混控功能9、ELVN...........飞翼混控功能7、操纵杆模式....有四种模式(我只知道1,2,3)设定方式:先不开电,然后同时按住MODE和SELECT键,再开电就会出现选择画面1.....左操纵杆控制2,4channel、右操纵杆控制1,3channel2.....左操纵杆控制3.4channel、右操纵杆控制1.2channel3.....左操纵杆控制2,1channel、右操纵杆控制3,4channel二、遥控器设置的英文和中文对照REST:重设D/R:大小舵EXPO:最大舵角与D/R配合使用EPA:舵量TRIM:微调PMIX:混控MAS:主SLV:从FLPR:襟翼6通道用FLTR:襟翼6通道用V-TL:V尾混控ELVN:升降、副翼混控F/S:只有PCM接收机用到的失控保护和混控有关的报警讯息:如果与混控有关的开关被打开的情况下,打开发射器时会出现报警讯息。
电动遥控飞机模型的操作指南-航模-遥控飞机-遥控直升机-遥控模型电动遥控飞机模型的操作指南2008-06-26 08:51:27 来源: 作者:目前,市面上有大量出售的电动遥控飞机如火鸟2000等入门级别的模型飞机,由于价格便宜,很受消费者的欢迎,在一些普通的百货公司玩具柜台也可以随便买的到。
后来,人们发现,选用车模比赛常用的540SV、3 60S之类的中型电机配以7.2V—1200mAH从一类的大容量电池块可以降低成本。
1. 充电:首先需要确保直升飞机已经充满电,可以通过连接航模机身上的充电线与电源适配器进行充电。
2. 启动:在飞机上找到开关或启动按钮,打开电源开关或按下启动按钮,等待飞机的电子元件和传动系统完成初始化。
3. 遥控器连接:使用遥控器与直升飞机进行配对,通常会有一个遥控器电源开关,打开遥控器电源。
4. 操控杆:遥控器上通常有两个操纵杆,一个用于控制飞机的上下移动(油门)、前后倾斜(俯仰),另一个用于控制左右旋转(航向)。
5. 起飞:操纵杆的油门控制飞机的上升和下降,将操纵杆向上推动可使直升飞机上升,向下推动可使其下降,推动杆到适当位置以实现飞机平稳的升降。
6. 控制航向和俯仰:操纵杆的左右移动可以控制直升飞机的旋转方向,将操纵杆向左或向右移动可以使飞机顺时针或逆时针旋转。
7. 降落:飞行结束时,将油门操纵杆缓慢推向最低位置,直升飞机将逐渐降低高度。
- 在操作直升飞机之前,确保读取并遵守产品说明书中的使用和安全指南。
- 在室外飞行时,确保飞机周围没有耽误其他人或动物的障碍物。
- 不要在风太强的天气条件下操作直升飞机,以免飞机失控。
- 飞行结束后及时关闭飞机和遥控器的电源开关,以免耗尽电池或损坏电子元件。
- 定期检查飞机的螺旋桨、电池和其他关键部件的磨损和损坏情况,及时更换或修理,确保安全飞行。
WRINKLES :Your airplane was packed in plastic at the factory without any wrinkles in the covering. You may notice some wrinkles now; more likely, you will notice a few in a day or two or the first time you take the plane out to the flying field. These wrinkles are the result of wood shrinkage and/or expansion. Balsa wood changes size and shape slightly as it is exposed to varying humidity in the air. This is a natural property of balsa wood. As your airplane adjusts to the weather in your part of the world, wrinkles may appear and disappear. Wrinkles may be removed with the gentle application of heat to the covering material on your airplane. The best tools to use are a heat gun and covering iron. Apply the heat gently: the covering material will shrink as you apply the heat, and this will remove the wrinkles. BE CAREFUL! Too much heat applied too quickly can damage the covering, either by causing it to pull away from the wood at seams and corners or even by melting it. The covering will shrink at low temperature with patient application of heat. Wrinkles in the covering DO NOT affect flight performance. If you must shrink on a color-seam, use the iron and go slowly and carefully to avoid any pulling or lifting at the seam.Remove the canopy before attempting to use heat on your covering! The canopy is made of thermo-activated plastic and WILL deform with the application of heat. Do not apply heat to the canopy.PAINT:If you need to clean your airplane, we recommend using a damp towel. The paint used on the canopy and cowl is not safe for all cleaners. In particular, DO NOT use alcohol on these parts, it will remove the paint.HARDWARE:Hardware included in the kit is organized in separate bags for each group. Example, landing gear hardware is in one bag while elevator hardware is in another, etc.Let’s get started!Slide one wheel/axle assembly into a wheel pant, and install the wheel assembly on the landing gear leg. Tighten the locknut as shown to secure the assembly onto the gear leg. Repeat for other side.Attach the gear to the fuselage with short 3mm screws, use loctite.Install gear cover plate as shown, with clear tape, thick CA or epoxy glue.Remove covering over wing spar tube hole and wing pin holes in fuselage as shown.Remove a square of covering on bottom of fuselage behind wing as shown. This is to allow cooling airto exit fuselage.Now is a good time to go over all joints of the motor box with this CA.Center the horizontal stabilizer, measuring each side until even.Measure the distance of leading edge of stabilizer to wing tube. Adjust until even. Be certain all fourmeasurements are even before glueing.When stabilizer is centered and aligned, drip Thin CA glue onto the stab-to-fuselage joint top and bottom. NOTE: We do not remove any covering form the horizontal stabilizer. This keeps the stabilizer strong, and thin CA makes an excellent joint to covering material. If your stab joint is not tight enough for thin CA glue, or if you have to trim the opening to align the stab, you can use medium CA glue tofill the gap.Install the elevator half with the fiberglass joiner rod onto the stabilizer. Makes sure it flexes easily at least 45 degrees up and 45 degrees down, and has approx 1/32” of gap in the hingeline. Apply thin CAglue to the hinges, 2 large drops on each.Place a piece of removable tape on the elevator counterbalance as shown. This will hold the right side elevator in perfect alignment with the horizontal stab. Install the other side elevator without glue and look at its alignment. Make sure you can align both elevators, sand the elevator joiner slot in the elevator if necessary. Make sure you are happy with the alignment of the elevators.Use medium CA or epoxy to glue the elevator joiner, apply to joiner slot in left elevator half.the elevator hinges and allow everything to dry.Once the elevator assembly is dry, install the elevator control horn. Be sure to sand the portioninstalled in the elevator. Note picture for elevator control horn slot location. Open the slot and installcontrol horn with medium CA.Install elevator servo and pushrod as shown. The ball links are mounted to the elevator control arm and servo arm with 2mm bolts, washers and lock nuts. We are using a 1.25” servo arm for the elevator.Rudder InstallationOpen the slot for the rudder control horn. Use picture for reference in locating the slot. Rough the control horn with sand paper where the glue joint will be, so the CA may adhere better. Install the rudder control horn with medium CA. Center the rudder control horn in the rudder.Tailwheel AssemblyBefore installation, use blue Loctite on all set screws.The tiller wire will need to be bent slightly to be inserted in the installed bracket on the bottom of therudder.Attach the tailwheel assembly to the fuselage with two wood screws as shown.The rudder pull-pull cables are assembled as shown in the above diagram.Assemble end of pull-pull wire as shown, double-looping the wire through the brass crimp sleeve before crimping. Crimp the brass crimp sleeve tightly with pliers and apply a drop of thin CA to the crimp. Install the ball links onto the rudder horn using the 2mm bolt (screw), washer and lock nut. Assemble rudder servo arm with servo connectors as shown. Be sure that the connectors are free torotate on the arm, and use medium or thick CA to lock the nuts.NOTE: the pull-pull cables cross over once inside the fuselage, forming an “X”It is easiest to connect the pull-pull cables to the rudder servo first, then connect to the rudder control arms. Tape the rudder counterbalance with removable tape. Be sure the rudder servo is centered.Install the ball links on the rudder control horns.Assemble the front ends of the pull-pull cables as shown, double looping the wire through the crimp sleeve. Adjust your pull- pull cables to be snug, with no sag, but not too tight. “Banjo-string-tight” pull-pull cables only sap the power from your rudder servo and cause poor handling. Just snug is all you need. Check the cables again after a few flights and retighten if necessary.10S will require .25” spacers.First, make small holes into the plywood squares through the covering, with the cowl and canopy off. Tape small pieces of paper over these holes, as shown, and mark the hole locations on these pieces ofpaper.Use masking tape to hold the cowl in place.Drill pilot holes for the wood screws using the paper markers as a guide.Install the 4 wood screws.Tip: remove screws and cowl, soak holes left in mounting tabs with thin CA. This will strengthen the area. Mount cowl again after CA is completely dry.Open the aileron servo opening and control horn slot. Here we have cut an X in the covering for the aileron servo, no need to remove the covering over the opening.Rough the control horn as with the elevator control horn. Glue with medium CA.Install the aileron servo, using the installed strings to guide the servo wire to the wing root.Install aileron servo as shown. Assemble the aileron pushrod using two ball links. We are using a 1”servo arm for the ailerons. NOTE: the correct size aileron pushrods are included in the bag marked“REPLACEMENT HARDWARE.”Repeat the aileron assembly for other wing.Mount the wings to the fuselage using the aluminum thumbscrews.Side-Force-Generators (SFG)SFG's are included with two spacers. The small spacer can be used with the SFG's for conventional placement. The differential-drag wingtip blocks may also be used. We encourage you to try flying the Yak with either system and without SFG's, to see which best suits your flying style.The SFG's are mounted with 2 wood screws. Locate the precut hole in both spacers and SFG. Note: additional longer wood screws are supplied in hardware bag marked “REPLACEMENTHARDWARE.”。
航模初级入门资料目录一、根底知识 0A.机身与器件 0B.工具、耗材 0C.飞行及控制原理 (1)二、飞行教程 (2)A.飞行流程 (2)B.方向控制操作 (2)三、Su-27技术参数 (2)四、主要元件 (3)五、考前须知 (19)一、根底知识A.机身与器件〔1〕机身材料:KT板〔2〕器件:1.遥控:①.遥控器②.接收机2.动力: ①.电子调节器〔简称“电调〞〕②.无刷电机+电机座③.航模专用动力电池〔锂电池〕④.桨与桨夹3.方向:①.舵机②.舵角+快速调节器③.拉杆B.工具、耗材1.工具:①钳子②螺丝刀③热熔胶枪+胶棒④美工刀⑤尺子2.耗材:①纤维胶带②魔术贴③魔术扎带C.飞行及控制原理1.飞机向前飞行:桨高速旋转向后推动气流,使飞机向前飞行2.方向控制:例如飞机向上飞行时两个尾舵都向上翘,气流通过尾舵时把飞机尾部下压,机身上仰,飞机向上飞。
3. 制作及调试流程初级:购置器件——组装〔机身、电子器件,最后装电池〕——调试〔重心位置、舵面偏角微调〕——试飞中级:设计图纸—打印图纸贴在KT板上--切割--组装〔机身、电子器件,最后装电池〕——调试〔重心位置、舵面偏角微调〕——试飞高级:除了学会设计机身,组装机身和调试飞行外,我们还应该学会一些电路和单片机编程的知识,可以维修电子器件,设计和制作遥控设备及飞控〔飞行控制器〕等。
二、飞行教程A.飞行流程起飞前检查--起飞--微调--正常飞行--降落--检查是否受损B.方向控制操作1〕尾舵全向上,机身上仰,飞机拉起2〕尾舵全向下,机身下俯,飞机俯冲3)尾舵左上右下,机身左翻转4〕尾舵左下右上,机身右翻转5) 1和3组合,混空形式下尾舵会左上右中立,飞机左转弯。
依次类推三、Su-27技术参数A.材料:KT板/PP板B.尺寸:机长110cm ,翼展70 cmC.控制间隔: 1公里左右D.续航时间:10分钟左右E.充电时间:一小时左右F.飞行间隔:1公里左右G.飞行高度:300米左右H.颜色:不固定,可定制I.附加功能:夜航,投弹,发导弹,拉彩带,拉烟,航拍等四、主要元件遥控器无线电遥控器的主要功能是将我们的手部操作转换成操作指令,通过无线电波将操作指令传给接收机。
厦门极极飞行模型(Extreme Flight RC)MXS-EXP 64公英寸电动ARF组装说明书
MXS-EXP 64 Inch Electric ARF Assembly Manual1Please take a few moments to read this instruction manual before beginning assembly. We have outlined a fast, clear and easy method to assemble this aircraft and familiarizing yourself with this process will aid in a quick, easy build.Please read the following paragraph before beginning assembly of your aircraft!THIS IS NOT A TOY! Serious injury, destruction of property, or even death may result from the misuse of this product. Extreme Flight RC is providing you, the consumer with a very high quality model aircraft component kit, from which you, the consumer, will assemble a flying model. However it is beyond our control to monitor the finished aircraft you produce. Extreme Flight RC will in no way accept or assume responsibility or liability for damages resulting from the use of this user assembled product. This aircraft should be flown in accordance to the AMA safety code. It is highly recommended that you join the Academy of Model Aeronautics in order to be properly insured, and to operate your model at AMA sanctioned flying fields only. If you are not willing to accept ALL liability for the use of this product, please return it to the place of purchase immediately. Extreme Flight RC, Ltd. guarantees this kit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 30 DAYS from the date of purchase. All warranty claims must be accompanied by the original dated receipt. This warranty is extended to the original purchaser of the aircraft kit only.Extreme Flight RC in no way warranties its aircraft against flutter. We have put these aircraft through the most grueling flight tests imaginable and have not experienced any control surface flutter. Proper servo selection and linkage set-up is absolutely essential. Inadequate servos or improper linkage set up may result in flutter and possibly the complete destruction of your aircraft. If you are not experienced in this type of linkage set-up or have questions regarding servo choices, please contact us at**************************************.Itis your responsibility to ensure the airworthiness of your model.2Tips for Success:1. Before starting assembly, take a few minutes to read the entire instruction manual to familiarize yourself with the assembly process.2. Please take a few minutes and go over all the seams on the aircraft with a covering iron on a medium heat setting.3. Use a fresh bottle of thin CA with a fine glue tip when attaching the CA hinges. This will ensure that the proper amount of CA wicks into the hinge and surrounding balsa wood and creates a proper bond between the wood and hinges. We are big fans of the Mercury line of adhesives as well as the glue tips provided by them.4. Apply a couple drops of CA to high stress areas such as anti-rotation pins, landing gear mounts, servo trays and motor box joints .5. All of the G10 control horns are the same with the exception of the elevator horn. Its base has been shortened to fit the depth of the elevator.6. When applying decals, first clean the area where the decal will be applied with alcohol. Mist the area lightly with Windex or Rapid Tack before applying the decal which will allow you to properly position it, then use a rubber squeegee to push all of the liquid from under the decal. This will result in very few air pockets trapped under the decal.7. Take the time to properly balance and trim your aircraft and set up rates and exponential values. Your flying experience will be greatly enhanced by doing this.8. If repairs become necessary, the Ultracote colors used on the 60 inch MXS are as follows:Yellow/Black/White color scheme: Bright Yellow #HANU872, White #HANU870, Black #HANU874 Green/Black/White color scheme: Green #hanu880, White #HANU870, Black#HANU874Please note: The MXS assembles in the same manner as the previous 60 inch airframes. As a result some of the photos in this manual may be of other aircraft if we determined they better illustrated the assembly step.34Items needed for completion-Masking tape.-Hobby knife with #11 blades.-Razor saw.-Hobby sealing iron.-Thin and medium CA. We highly recommend Mercury M5T thin and M100XF medium formulas as well as the Mercury glue tips.-30 minute epoxy. The new Mercury Adhesives Epoxies have worked very well for us.-Denatured alcohol.-Paper towels.-Blue Loctite.-Electric drill with an assortment of small drill bits.-Small flat head and Phillip's head screw drivers.-Standard and needle nose pliers.-Metric balldriver or allen key set.-Sanding block and sandpaper.-4 mini metal geared servos. All flight testing was performed with Hitec HS-5245MGs and JR3711HVs. -Dubro Long Super Strength servo arm set. (Dubro part #670 for Futaba, #671 for JR and #672 for Hitec).-Torque 4016T/500 Brushless Outrunner or Hacker A50-14XS v2 Outrunner motor.-Airboss Elite 80 Amp ESC.-5S-6S 3300-4000 mah LiPo battery.-2-24" extensions for the 2 rear servos and 2-6"extensions to go between the receiver and the aileron servo leads.-Adhesive backed Velcro and Velcro strap for battery retention.5Let's begin!1. Locate the 2 wing panels with ailerons as well as the 2 G10 aileron control horns and base plates. Remove the covering over the slot for the aileron horn on the bottom of the aileron with a sharp hobby blade. Make sure you are doing this on the bottom of the aileron! Insert the horn into the base plate andinto the slot in the aileron. Use a fine tipped felt marker to trace the base plate.2. Remove the control horn and scuff the portion that will be glued into the aileron with sandpaper.63. Use a sharp hobby blade to remove the covering 1/16 of an inch inside the line you traced around thecontrol horn base.4. Mix up a batch of 30 minute epoxy and apply liberally to the slot in the aileron and to the scuffed portion of the control horn that will insert into the aileron. Install the aileron horn and base plate ontothe aileron and wipe away any excess epoxy with a paper towel soaked in denatured alcohol.75. Remove the covering from the aileron servo location and make sure the hinges are centered in their slots. Slide the aileron into position making sure the outer tip of the aileron is flush with the wing tip. Apply a drop of CA at each hinge location on both the top and bottom side of the wing. Use a fresh bottleof thin CA and a fine glue tip for best results.86. Before installing the aileron servo take a minute and apply some CA to the servo tray, root rib and theanti-rotation pins.7. Use the screws provided by the servo manufacturer to secure the aileron servo in the designated location with the output shaft toward the leading edge of the wing.98. Locate the 2 threaded metal pushrods that are the same length and 4 ball links along with 4-2mm screws, nuts and washers. Thread the ball links onto each end of the pushrods and secure to the servo arm and control horn using the supplied hardware as shown in the picture. Use the second longest set of servo arms included with the Dubro Long Super Strength servo arm kit for the aileron linkages. (Dubropart #670 for Futaba, #671 for JR and #672 for Hitec).9. Repeat this process for the other wing half. When finished take a few minutes to go over all of theseams in the covering with a sealing iron on a medium heat setting paying special attention to stripe edges and ends. Clean the wing panels with a soft cloth and put them away in their wing bags.Fuselage assembly10. First lets assemble the landing gear unit and bolt it to the fuselage. Locate the main wheels, wheel pants, one piece carbon fiber landing gear, 4-3mm socket head cap bolts with 4 washers, 2 axles, 2 wheel collars, 2 large washers to fit the threaded portion of the axles, and 2 nylon insert locknuts.11. Place the wheel onto the axle and secure with a wheel collar. Place the threaded portion of the axle through the hole in the carbon gear leg. Place a washer on the threaded portion of the axle and screw the lock nut onto the axle, but do not tighten completely. There is a slot pre-cut in the wheel pant to allow it to fit over the axle. Slide the wheel pant into position over the axle and tighten the nut on the axle, taking care to make sure the wheel pant is positioned properly. Repeat this process for the remaining wheel pant. Again this is probably better explained in the following series of pictures.101112. Secure the landing gear to the fuselage by inserting a 3mm bolt into a washer, through the carbon fiber gear and into the pre-installed blind nuts in the fuselage. Make sure to use a drop of blue Loctite on each bolt to prevent them from backing out.13. Next lets mount the horizontal stab and elevator. Please pay close attention to this step. You MUST insert the elevator into the stab slot BEFORE inserting and gluing the horizontal stab in place You may also find it easier to glue the elevator control horn in place (using the same technique as you did with the aileron horns) before inserting the elevator into the fuselage. The elevator should be turned upside down with the counterbalances facing the rear of the fuselage, carefully inserted into the fuselage slot and then rotated 180 degrees into the proper position. Please see the following photo for details.1214. Slide the horizontal stabilizer into place. Slide the carbon fiber wing tube into place to use as a reference to ensure that the stab is properly aligned. Use a ruler to make sure the stab is centered in the slot. Sand or shim the slot as necessary to make sure the stab is parallel to the wing tube. Once satisfiedglue the stab in place with CA.1315. Slide the elevator onto the hinges in the stabilizer and secure with thin CA. Again a fresh bottle of CA and a fine glue tip work best here.16. Glue the rudder control horn into place as you did with the aileron and elevator horns. Slide therudder onto the hinges and into place and secure with thin CA.141517. Locate the carbon fiber tailwheel assembly in the hardware package. Secure the tailwheel bracket to the bottom rear of the fuselage with the provided wood screws. Make sure the pivot point of theassembly is over the hinge line of the rudder for best results. Secure the tiller using the provided screw,but do not over tighten as the tiller should be able to move on the screw as the rudder is deflected.18. Use the hardware provided with the servos to install the rudder and elevator servos in their respective locations in the rear of the aircraft. The rudder and elevator servo linkages assemble and are installed just like the aileron linkages. For maximum control surface travel we highly recommend using the Long Dubro Super Strength servo arms. (Dubro part #670 for Futaba, #671 for JR and #672 for Hitec).1619. Lets prepare the Torque outrunner motor for mounting. First slide the provided collar over the motor shaft and secure in place with the set screw. Place a drop of blue Loctite on the threads of the set screw so that it will not back out.20. Next secure the radial mount to the motor using the provided short Phillip's head machine screws.Again be sure to use a drop of blue Loctite on each screw.171821. Secure the prop adapter using the 4 socket head cap bolts. Again blue Loctite should be applied toeach bolt.22. Mount the Torque motor using the supplied 4mm black socket head cap bolts and washers. The bolts are to be inserted into the blind nuts which are pre-installed in the motor mount plate. Be sure to put a drop of blue Loctite onto each bolt to prevent them from backing out. Be sure to add some CA to allmotor box joints!1923. Mount your ESC on the bottom of the motor box and secure all wires with Velcro or nylon cable ties.24. For quick, easy and accurate mounting of the cowl we recommend the following method. Tear 4 short pieces of masking tape from a roll. Place each piece of tape on the side of the fuselage so that each piece corresponds with one of the 4 cowl mounting tabs. Use a fine tipped marker to mark the location of the center of each mounting tab. Roll the tape back and slide the cowl into position. Install the Extreme Flight 63mm spinner onto the motor shaft for reference and once satisfied with the cowl position roll the tape back into place and secure the cowl. Use a 1/16" drill bit to drill a hole at the location of the dot on each piece of tape. Remove the tape and secure the cowl with 4 of the included small wood screws thathave large heads. Very simple!25. Place a strip of Velcro onto the battery tray and onto your battery and use a Velcro strap around the battery and tray to prevent the battery from being ejected during high G maneuvers. Mount yourreceiver on the portion of the battery tray that extends behind the wing tube with Velcro.2026. If using the included Side Force Generators or racing wing tips or both now is the time to mount them. There are 2 clear spacers the shape of the wing tip that are to be placed between the wing tip and SFG or racing tip to prevent them from rubbing against the aileron. Each SFG or racing tip mounts using 2 3mm bolts (and 2 clear plastic washers for the SFGS). There are 2 laser cut holes in each SFG which correspond with 2 laser cut holes in the tip of each wing. Insert the bolts into the plastic washers and through the laser cut holes in the SFG and clear plastic spacer. Mount the SFGs or racing tips onto the wing tip by inserting the 2 bolts into the pre-installed blind nuts in the tip of the wing. Again apply a drop of blue Loctite to each bolt and be sure not to over tighten the bolts which may crush the wood in the SFG.21Set-up and flying tipsThe CG range for the MXS starts at 4.5 inches from the leading edge of the wing and extends back to 5 inches, measured at the wing root. There is plenty of room on the battery tray to move your battery to achieve this CG location. This is a safe place to start and depending on your flying style you can adjust the position of the battery to alter the CG to accommodate your preferences. For this type of aircraft where I am going to predominantly fly aggressive 3D I typically set the airplane up with a neutral CG, meaning that when the aircraft is flown inverted straight and level it requires no down elevator to maintain altitude. If your flying style leans more toward precision aerobatics then I recommend setting your CG using the 45 degree line test. Fly the aircraft from left to right or right to left, whichever direction you are more comfortable with at 3/4 to full throttle. Pull the aircraft to a 45 degree up line and establish this line and immediately roll the aircraft inverted. Establish this line and let go of the elevator stick. Ideally the aircraft will continue to track on that 45 degree line for several hundred feet before slowly starting to level off. Adjust the position of your battery to achieve this flight condition. Once satisfied with the location of your CG scribe a mark on the battery tray so that you can position the battery in the same location each flight and achieve the same feel and flight characteristics each flight.I also highly recommend taking the time to properly set up your rates and exponential settings. Setting up low rates for precision maneuvers and high rates for aggressive aerobatics and 3D flight will allow you to experience the best attributes of the MXS EXP or any aircraft for that matter. The recommended elevator set up will allow for close to 80 degrees of throw! While this is great for really aggressive tumbling maneuvers, positive and negative waterfalls and straight down dropping elevators, it can wreak havoc on stable harriers, especially if you are just learning the maneuver. If your radio will allow I suggest setting up 3 elevator rates or a flight condition that will allow you a rate for precision flying, another for harriers and the majority of 3D maneuvers and a final rate with as much travel as you can get for the crazy tumbles and flips.Here are some suggested rates to get started with. These are the rates and exponential values I feel comfortable with. They may feel awkward to you and if so please adjust to your taste.Elevator: Low rate-8-10 degrees; 15-20% Exponential3D rate-45-50 degrees; 50-55% ExponentialInsane tumble rate: As much as possible! 65-70% ExponentialRudder: Low rate-20 degrees; 45-50% Exponential3D rate- As much as possible; 50-60% ExponentialAileron: Low rate-15-20%; 40-45% Exponential3D rate- As much as possible; 60-65% Exponential22。
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