

2013年职称英语理工类b级新增试题 完形填空和阅读理解 共4题 已整理 可直接打印

2013年职称英语理工类b级新增试题 完形填空和阅读理解  共4题 已整理 可直接打印

第三篇Giant StructuresIt is an impossible task to select the most amazing wonders of the modem world since every year more _wonderful constructions appear. Here are three giant structures which are worthy of our _ admiration although they may have been surpassed by some more recent wonders.The Petronas Twin TowersThe Petronas Towers were the tallest buildings in the world when they were completed in 1999. With a _ height of 452 metres, the tall twin towers, like two thin pencils, dominate the city of Kuala Lumpur. At the 41st floor, the towers are linked by a bridge, symbolizing a gateway to the city. The American_architect Cesar Pelli designed the skyscrapers. Constructed of high-strength concrete, the building provides around 1,800 square metres of office space on every floor. And it has a shopping centre and a concert hall at the base. Other features of this impressive building include double-decker lifts, and glass and steel sunshades.The MiUau BridgeThe Millau Bridge was opened in 2004 in the Tam Valley,in southern France. _ t _ the time it was built,it was the world’s highest bridge, reaching over 340m at the highest point. The bridge is described as one of the most amazingly beautiful bridges in the world. It was built to relieve Millau's congestion problems. The congestion was then caused by traffic passing from Paris to Barcelona in Spain. The bridge was built to withstand the _ most extreme seismic and climatic conditions. Besides, it is guaranteed for 120 years!The Itaipu DamThe Itaipu hydroelectric power plant is one of the largest constructions of its kind in the world. It consists of a series of dams across the River Parana, _ which forms a natural border between Brazil and Paraguay. Started in 1975 and taking 16 years to complete, the construction was carried out as a joint project between the two _ countries The dam is well-known for both its electricity output and its size. In 1995 it produced 78% of Paraguay’s and 25% of Brazil’s _ energy needs. In its construction, the amount of iron and steel used was equivalent to over 300 Eiffel Towers. It is a _ truly amazing wonder of engineering.第八篇Why India Needs Its Dying VulturesThe vultures in question may look ugly and threatening, but the sudden sharp decline in three species of India’s vultures is producing alarm rather than celebration, and it presents the world with a new kind of environmental problem The dramatic decline in vulture numbers is causing widespread disruption to people living in the same areas as the birds . It is also causing serious public health problems across the Indian sub-continent.While their reputation and appearance may be unpleasant to many Indians,vultures havelong played a very important role in keeping towns and villages all over India clean. It isbecause they feed on dead cows. In India, cows are sacred animals and are traditionally left in the open when they die in their thousands upon thousands every year.The disappearance of the vultures has led to an explosion in the numbers of wild dogs feeding on the remains of these dead animals. There are fears that rabies may increase as a result. And this terrifying disease may ultimately affect humans in the region, since wild dogs are its main carriers. Rabies could also spread to other animal species, causing an even greater problem in the _ future.The need for action is urgent, so an emergency project has been launched to find a solution to this serious vulture problem. Scientists are trying to identify the disease causing the birds,deaths and, if possible, develop a cure.Large-scale vulture deaths were first noticed at the end of the 1980s in India. A population survey at that time showed that the three species of vultures had declined by over 90 per cent. All three species are now listed as “critically endangered”. As most vultures lay only single eggs and take about five years to reach maturity, reversing their population decline will be a long and difficult exercise.第十一篇When Our Eyes Serve Our StomachOur senses aren’t just delivering strict view of what’s going on in the world;they’re affected by what’s going on in our heads. A new study finds that hungry people see food-related words more clearly than people who’v e just eaten.Psychologists have known for decades that what’s going on,inside our head affects our senses. For example, poorer children think coins are larger than they are, and hungry people think pictures of food are brighter. Remi Radel of University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis,France,wanted to investigate how this happens. Does it happen right away as the brain receives signals from the eyes or a little later as the brain’s high-level thinking processes get involved.Radel recruited 42 students with a normal body mass index. On the day of his or her test, each student was told to arri ve at the lab at noon after three or four hours of not eating. Then they were told there was a delay. Some were told to come back in 10 minutes; others were given an hour to get lunch first. So half the students were hungry when they did the experiment and the other half had just eaten.For the experiment, the participant looked at a computer screen. One by one, 80 words flashed on the screen for about l/300th of a second each. They flashed at so small a size that the students could only consciously perceive. A quarter of the words were food-related. After each word,each person was asked how bright the word was and asked to choose which of two words they’d seen — a food-related word like cake or a neutral word like boat. Each word appeared too briefly for the participant to really read it.Hungry people saw the food-related words as brighter and were better at identifying food- related words. Because the word appeared too quickly for them to be reliably seen, this means that the difference is in perception ,not in thinking processes, Radel says.“This is something great to me. Humans can really perceive what they need or what they strive for. From the experiment, I know that our brain can really be at the disposal of our motives and needs,” Radel says.1. What does the new study mentioned in Paragraph 1 find?C Hungry people are more sensitive to food-related words than stomach-full people.2. Why was there a delay on the day of the experiment?B Because Radel wanted to create two groups of testees, hungry and non-hungry.3. What does the writer want to tell us?C Human brains can really be at the disposal of our motives and needs.4. What did the results of the experiment indicate?A 80 words flashed on the screen too fast for the participant to intentionally perceive.5. What can we infer from the passage?D Humans can perceive what they need without involving high-level thinking processes.第十九篇Musical Robot Companion Enhances Listener ExperienceShimi, a musical companion developed by Georgia Tech’s Center for Music Technology, recommends songs, dances to the beat and keeps t he music pumping based on listener feedback. The smartphone-enabled, one-foot-tall robot is billed as an interactive “musical friend”.“Shimi is designed to change the way that people enjoy and think about their music,”said Professor Gil Weinberg, the robot’s creator. He will unveil the robot at the June 27th Google I/O conference in San Francisco. A band of three Shimi robots will perform for guests, dancing in sync with music created in the lab and composed according to its movements.Shimi is essentially a docking station with a “brain” powered by an Android phone. Once docked, the robot gains the sensing and musical generation capabilities of the user’s mobile device. In other words, if there’s an “app” for that, Shimi is ready. For instance, by using the phone’s camera and face-detecting software,Shimi can follow a listener around the room and position its “ears”,or speakers, for optimal sound. Another recognition feature is based on rhythm and tempo. If the user taps a beat, Shimi anal yzes it, scans the phone’s musical libraryand immediately plays the song that best matches the suggestion. Once the music starts,Shimi dances to the rhythm.“Many people think that robots are limited by their programming instructions, said Music Technology Ph. D. candidate Mason Bre tan. “Shimi shows us that robots c an be creative and interactive. ’’Future apps in the works will allow the user to shake their head in disagreement or wave a hand in the air to alert Shimi to skip to the next song or increase/decrease the volume. The robot will also have the capability to recommend new music based on the user’s song choices and provide feedback on the music play list.Weinberg hopes other developers will be inspired to create more apps to expand Shimi’s creative and interactive capabilities. “I believe that our center is ahead of a revolution that will see more robots in homes.” Weinberg said.Weinberg is in the process of commercializing Shimi through an exclusive licensing agreement with Georgia Tech. Weinberg hopes to make the robot available to consumers by the 2013 holiday season. “If robots are going to arrive in homes, we think that they will be this kind of machines一small, entertaining and fun,,,Weinberg said. “They will enhance your life and pave the way for more intelligent service ro bots in our lives.”1. Which of the following is NOT true according to the first three paragraphs?B Shimi is the creator of the musical companion.2. What does Shimi do if the user taps a beat?D It selects a perfectly-matched song and plays it in sync with that beat.3. Which of the following about Shimi is true?D Shimi can be creative and interactive.4. What does the author want to tell us?A The research center is developing a stronger and more versatile Shimi.5. Which of the following is Weinberg’s assertion?B human lives will be filled with more fun if Shimi is going to arrive in homes.。



2013年职称英语卫生类B新增文章篇目*第二十九篇“Don’t Drink Alone” Gets New Meaning In what may be bad news for bars and pubs, an European research group has found that people drinking alcohol outside of meals have a significantly higher risk of cancer in the mouth and neck than do those taking their libations with food. Luigino Dal Maso and his colleagues studied the drinking patterns of 1,500 patients from four cancer studies and another 3,500 adults who had never had cancer.After the researchers accounted for the amount of alcohol consumed, they found that individuals who downed a significant share of their alcohol outside of meals faced at least a 50 to 80 percent risk of cancer in the oral cavity, pharynx, and esophagus, when compared with people who drank only at meals. Consuming alcohol without food also increased by at least 20 percent the likelihood of laryngeal cancer. “Roughly 95 percent of cancers at these four sites traced too smoking or drinking by study volunteers,” Dal Maso says. The discouraging news his team reports, is that drinking with meals didn’t eliminate cancer risk at any of the sites.For their new analysis, the European scientists divided people in the study into four groups, based on how many drinks they reported having in an average week. The lowest-intake group included people who averaged up to 20 drinks a week. The highest group reported downing at least 56 servings of alcohol weekly for an average of eight or more per day. Cancer risks for the mouth and neck sites rose steadily with consumption even for people who reported drinking only with meals. For instance, compared with people in the lowest-consumption group, participants who drank 21 to 34 alcohol servings a week at least doubled their cancer risk for all sites other than the larynx. If people in these consumption groups took some of those drinks outside meals, those in the higher consumption group at least quadrupled their risk for oral cavity and esophageal cancers.People in the highest-consumption group who drank only with meals had 10 times the risk of oral cancer, 7 times the risk of pharyngeal cancer, and 16 times the risk of esophageal cancer compared with those who averaged 20 or fewer drinks a week with meals. In contrast, laryngeal cancer risk the high-intake, with-meals-only group was only triple that in the low-intake consumers who drank with meals.“Alcohol can inflame tissues. Over time, that inflammation can trigger cancer.” Dal Maso says. He suspects that food reduced cancer risk either by partially coating digestive-tract tissues or by scrubbing alcohol off those tissues. He speculates that the reason laryngeal risks were dramatically lower for all study participants traces to the tissue’s lower exposure to alcohol.1. Researchers have found that the risk of cancer in the mouth and neck is higher with peopleA. who drink alcohol outside of meals.B. who drink alcohol at meals.C. who never drink alcohol.D. who drink alcohol at bars and pubs.2. Which of the following is NOT the conclusion made by the researchers about “drinking with meals”?A. It has a lower risk of cancer than drinking without food.B. It may also be a cause of cancer.C. It increases by 20 percent the possibility of cancer in all sites.D. It does not eliminate cancer risk at any of the sites.3. Approximately how many drinks do the lowest-intake group average per day?A. 3 drinks .B. 8 drinks.C. 20 drinksD. 50 drinks.4. Which cancer risk is the lowest among all the four kinds of cancer mentioned in the passage?A. Oral cancerB. Laryngeal cancerC. Pharyngeal cancerD. Esophageal cancer5. According to the last paragraph, tissue's lower exposure to alcoholA. explains why inflammation triggers cancer.B. accounts for why food can coat digestive-tract tissues.C. is the reason why food can scrub alcohol off tissues.D. reduces the risk of laryngeal cancer.答案与题解.1. A文章第一个句子就是答案。



2013年职称英语综合类B级真题及答案一、词汇选项(理工B/卫生B可参考)1. bust-break(Come out, or I’ll bust the door down.)2、wary—cautious(The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town.)3、rigid—inflexible(The rules are too rigid to allow for human error.)4、incredible—unbelievable(It seemed incredible that he had been there a week already.)5、migrate—travel(These animals migrate south annually in search of food.)6、circulate—spread(Rumers began to circulate about his financial problems.)7、came across—found by chance(She came across three children sleeping under a bridge.)8、as regards—about(I have little information as regards her fitness for the post.)9、manipulate—influence(As a politician, he knows how to manipulate public opinion.)10、tempted—attracted(He was tempted by the high salary offered by the company.)11、digest—understand(He paused, waiting for her to digest the information.)12、anchored—fixed(Make sure the table is securely anchored.)13、aggressive—offensive(She gets aggressive when she is drunk.)14、peculiar—strange(There was something peculiar in the way he smiles.)15、expire—end(The contract between the two companies will expire soon.)二、阅读判断(综合C考生可参考)Kicking the habit1、Boys usually develop bad habits when they are very young.——not mentioned2、We can only break bad habits if others tell us to do so.——wrong3、Bad habits may resume when we are under pressure. ——right4、Researchers were surprised by the answers that the volunteers gave in the first test. ——wrong5、The volunteers found the test more difficult when they did it the second time. ——not mentioned6、The study suggests that it is more difficult to respond to what we learn first. ——wrong7、If we develop bad habits early in life, they are harder to get rid of. ——right三、概括大意与完成句子(缺)Traffic James—No End in Sight四、阅读理解第一篇 Operation Migration(综合C考生可参考)1、 Whooping cranes migrate in winter toA. raise baby whooping cranes.B. get human help.C. find warmth and food.(正确答案)D. lay eggs.2、 Whooping cranes are native toA. Maxico.B. South America.C. The Persian Gulf.D. North America.(正确答案)3、 Operation Migration aims toA. lead young cranes on their first trip south.(正确答案)B. teach adult cranes how to fly.C. Breed cranes in special parks.D. Transport cranes to the North. (文章倒数第三段第一个句子,首次出现Operation Migration这个专有名词)4、 The distance covered by the young whooping cranes on their trips south isA. 1,200 miles.(正确答案)B. 120miles.C. 1,931 miles.D. 2,000 miles. (1931 kilometers,文章倒数三段中直接给出了答案,有个选项为1931 miles,是错误选项,数字正确,单位错误。





第一篇Energy and Public LandsThe United States boasts substantial energy resources. Federal lands provide a good deal of US energy production ;the US Department of the Interior manages federal energy leasing (租赁),both on land and on the offshore Outer Continental Shelf. Production from these sources amounts to nearly 30 percent of total annual US energy production.In 2000,32 percent of US oil,35 percent of natural gas, and 37 percent of coal were produced from federal lands, representing 20,000 producing oil and gas leases and 135 producing coal leases. Federal lands are also estimated to contain approximately 68 percent of all undiscovered US oil reserves and 74 percent of undiscovered natural gas.Revenues from federal oil, gas, and coal leasing provide significant returns to US taxpayers as well as State governments. In 1999, for example,$553 million in oil and gas revenues were paid to the US Treasury, and non-Indian coal leases accounted for over $304 million in revenues,of which 50 percent were paid to State governments. Public lands also play a critical role in energy delivery. Each year, federal land managers authorize rights of way for transmission lines, rail systems,pipelines, and other facilities related to energy production and use.Alternative energy production from federal lands falls behind conventional energy production, though the amount is still significant。



2013年职称英语(理工类)B级新增文章整理版阅读理解第十一篇When Our Eyes Serve Our Stomach1. What does the new study mentioned in Paragraph 1 find?C Hungry people are more sensitive to food-related words than stomach-full people.2. Why was there a delay on the day of the experiment?B Because Radel wanted to create two groups of testees, hungry and non-hungry.3. What does the writer want to tell us?C Human brains can really be at the disposal of our motives and needs.4. What did the results of the experiment indicate?A 80 words flashed on the screen too fast for the participant to intentionally perceive.5. What can we infer from the passage?D Humans can perceive what they need without involving high-level thinking processes.第十九篇Musical Robot Companion Enhances Listener Experience1. Which of the following is NOT true according to the first three paragraphs?B Shimi is the creator of the musical companion.2. What does Shimi do if the user taps a beat?D It selects a perfectly-matched song and plays it in sync with that beat.3. Which of the following about Shimi is true?D Shimi can be creative and interactive.4. What does the author want to tell us?A The research center is developing a stronger and more versatile Shimi.5. Which of the following is Weinberg’s assertion?B human lives will be filled with more fun if Shimi is going to arrive in homes.第四十篇Teaching Math, Teaching Anxiety练习:1. What is the result of the research at the University of Chicago,according to the first paragraph?D Female teachers' confidence in their math skills is related to girl's math skills.2. What is implied in the third paragraph?B A difficult subject like math may affect teachers' confidence in teaching the subject.3. According to the experiment,those teachers were probably anxious about math when they feltC uneasy reading the numbers of a sales receipt.4. The sixth paragraph tells us that the research findingsA prove a strong link between female teachers' math anxiety and their female students' math achievements.5. David Geary thinks thatB the research results need to be retested based on a larger sample.答案与题解:1.D 该段告诉我们女教师的想法(what female teachers think)和女学生的学习(what female students learn)之间有很大的关联度,也就是说,女教师如果对自己的数学技能没有自信,她的女学生很可能相信男孩子会在数学方面超过女孩子。



第十九篇The Family 家庭1. Another good title for this passage would be这篇文章的题目还可以是什么? A) What Makes a Family? 是什么构成了一个家2. A nuclear family is defined as_核心家庭的定义是什么?A) a married couple with their minor children3. The information in this passage would most likely be found in_这篇文章最有可能出自哪里?A) an anthropology textbook人类学课本4. The information in the first paragraph is presented mainly through _第一段的信息主要以何种方式陈述的?C) pointing out similarities通过描述共性而阐述出核心家庭的概念。

5. The word mobility means_ Mobility 是mobile 的名词形式B) readiness to move有流动性第二十篇Tales of the Terrible Past 讲述可怕的过去讲述可怕的过去讲述可怕的过去讲述可怕的过去1. This passage is mostly about__这篇文章主要讲什么? D) two novels that deal with slavery 关于奴隶制的两本小说2. Beloved is set__“宠儿”的设置背景是什么?C) in Ohio after the Civil War在内战之后的俄亥俄州。

3. The writer seems to feel that__作者的感觉是什么?B) the books are worthwhile but challenging这些作品非常值得写但又很有挑战性。

2013年职称英语考试综合类B级试题及答案_(二)包含新增文章) 22013年职称英语考试综合类B级

2013年职称英语考试综合类B级试题及答案_(二)包含新增文章) 22013年职称英语考试综合类B级



1 The high-speed trains can have a major impact on travel preferences.A forceB influenceC surpriseD power2 Can you follow the plot?A changeB investigateC writeD understand3 Even in a highly modernized country, manual work is still needed.A physicalB mentalC naturalD hard4 In the latter case the outcome can be serious indeedA resultB judgmentC decisionD event5 Norman Blamey is an artist of deep convictions.奢靡化学教案与老百姓的的劳作吃穿作对比化学教案其中描写“乐声之多与市井言语对比”的句子是:“A statementsB beliefsC suggestionsD claims6 Up to now, the work has been easy.A SoB So longC So thatD So far7 The report advocated setting up day training colleges.A supposedB excitedC suggestedD discussed8 Accordingly, a number of other methods have been employedA ThereforeB AfterwardsC HoweverD Furthermore9 The outlook from the top of the mountain is breathtaking.A viewB sightC lookD point10 Our lives are intimately bound up with theirs.A tenselyB nearlyC carefullyD closely11 The union representative put across her argument very effectively.A explainedB inventedC consideredD accepted12 He talks tough but has a tender heart.A heavyB strongC kindD wild13 It is no use debating the relative merits of this policy.A makingB takingC discussingD expecting14 Our statistics show that we consume all that we are capable of producingA wasteB buyC useD sell15 The fuel tanks had a capacity of 140 liters.A functionB abilityC powerD volume第2部分:阅读判断(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分)阅读下面这篇短文,短文后列出7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。



2013年职称英语理工B级,阅读理解方面没有新增文章,还是以2012年新增未考第四十篇Teaching Math,Teaching Anxiety 为重点。

完形填空方面同样没有新增,以2012年新增未考第十二篇Free Statins With Fast Food Could Neutralize Heart Risk为重点。

*第四十篇Teaching Math, Teaching AnxietyIn a new study about the way kids learn math in elementary school, the psychologists at theUniversity of Chicagol1Sian Beilock and Susan Levine found a surprising relationship between what female teachers think and what female students learn:If a female teacher is uncomfortable with her own math skills, then her female students are more likely to believe that boys are better than girls at math."If these girls keep getting math-anxious female teachers2 in later grades, it may create a snowball effect on their math achievement3 said Levine. In other words,girls may end up learning math anxiety from their teachers4. The study suggests that if these girls grow up believing that boys are better at math than girls are,then these girls may not do as well as they would have if they were more confident.Just as students find certain subjects to be difficult, teachers can find certain subjects to be difficult to learn -- and teach. The subject of math can be particularly difficult for everyone.Researchers use the word "anxiety" to describe such feelings: anxiety is uneasiness or worry.The new study found that when a teacher has anxiety about math, that feeling can influencehow her female students feel about math. The study involved 65 girls,52 boys and 17 first- andsecond-grade teachers in elementary schools in the Midwest. The students took math achievement tests at the beginning and end of the school year, and the researchers compared the scores.The researchers also gave the students tests to tell whether the students believed that a math superstar had to be a boy. Then the researchers turned to the teachers:To find out which teachers were anxious about math,the researchers asked the teachers how they felt at times when they came across math, such as when reading a sales receipt5. A teacher who got nervous looking at the numbers on a sales receipt, for example,was probably anxious about math.Boys,on average,were unaffected by a teacher's anxiety. On average,girls with math-anxiousteachers scored lower on the end-of-the-year math tests than other girls in the study did.Plus,on the test showing whether someone thought a math superstar had to be a boy,20 girls showed feeling that boys would be better at math -- and all of these girls had been taught by female teachers who had math anxiety."This is an interesting study,but the results need to be interpreted as preliminary and in needof replication with a larger sample6," said David Geary,a psychologist at the University of Missouri7 in Columbia.词汇:snowball /'snəubɔ:l/雪球;滚雪球式增长的事replication/repli'keiʃən/ n .重复,复现superstar/'sju:pəsta:/ n.超级明星练习:1. University of Chicago:芝加哥大学。





词汇:(理工B/卫生B可参考)1、 bust-break(Come out, or I’ll bust the door down.)2、 wary—cautious(The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town.)3、 rigid—inflexible(The rules are too rigid to allow for human error.)4、 incredible—unbelievable(It seemed incredible that he had been there a week already.)5、 migrate—travel(These animals migrate south annually in search of food.)6、 circulate—spread(Rumers began to circulate about his financial problems.)7、 came across—found by chance(She came across three children sleeping under a bridge.)8、as regards—about(I have little information as regards her fitness for the post.)9、manipulate—influence(As a politician, he knows how to manipulate public opinion.)10、 tempted—attracted(He was tempted by the high salary offered by the company.)11、digest—understand(He paused, waiting for her to digest the information.)12、 anchored—fixed(Make sure the table is securely anchored.)13、aggressive—offensive(She gets aggressive when she is drunk.)14、 peculiar—strange(There was something peculiar in the way he smiles.)15、 expire—end(The contract between the two companies will expire soon.)第2部分:阅读判断(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断;如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。




1.Rumors began to circulate about his financial problems.A.sendB.hearC.confirmD.spread【答案】D【解析】句意:他的财政问题已经流言四起。


spread 传播,散布。





2.The contract between the two companies will expire soon.A.shortenB.endC.startD.resume【答案】B【解析】句意:这两家公司的合同不久就要到期。







e out,or I’ll bust the door down.A.shutB.breakC.setD.beat【答案】B【解析】句意:出来,不然的话我就要破门而入了。


break 打破,弄破。





4.She gets aggressive when she is drunk.A.offensiveB worriedC.sleepyD.anxious【答案】A【解析】句意:当她喝醉的时候,她就变得咄咄逼人。





anxious 焦虑的。





1、Come out, or I'll bust the door down.A.shutB.setC.breakD.beat2、The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town, A.nakedB.CautiousC.blindD.private3、The rules are too rigid to allow for human error. A.generalB.ComplexC.directD.inflexible4、It seemed inCredible that he had been there a week already. A.rightB.unbelievableC.obviousD.unClear5、These animals migrate south annually in search of food. A.exploreB.travelC.inlaidD.prefer6、Rumors began to CirCulate about his financial problems. A.spreadB.sendC.hearD.Confirm7、She came across three Children sleeping under a bridge.A.passed byB.took a notiCe ofC.woke upD.found by ChanCe8、I have little information as regards her fitness for the post. A.atB.withC.aboutD.from9、As a politiCian, he knows how to manipulate publiC opinion. A.influenCeB.expressC.divideD.voiCe10、He was tempted by the high salary offered by the company. A.taughtB.attractedC.keptD.changed11、He paused, waiting for her to digest the information. A.understandB.withholdC.exchangeD.contact12、Make sure the table is seCurely anChored. A.repairedB.ClearedC.bookedD.fixed13、She gets aggressive when she is drunk. A.worriedB.sleepyC.offensiveD.anxious14、There was something peCuliar in the way he smiles. A.strangeB.differentC.wrongD.funny15、The ContraCt between the two Companies will expire soon. A.shortenB.startC.resumeD.end第2部分:阅读判断(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分) 下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断;如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。




The Tough Grass that Sweetens Our LivesSugar cane was once a wild grass that grew in New Guinea and was used by local people for roofing their houses and fencing their gardens. Gradually a different variety evolved which contained sucrose(蔗糖)and was chewed on for its sweet taste. Over time, sugar cane became a highly valuable commercial plant,grown throughout the world. ___ (46)Sugar became a vital ingredient in all kinds of things, from confectionery (糖果点心)to medicine, and, as the demand for sugar grew, the industry became larger and more profitable.___(47) Many crops withered (枯萎)and died, despite growers, attempts to save them, and there were fears that the health of the plant would continue to deteriorate.In the 1960s,scientists working in Barbados looked for ways to make the commercial species stronger and more able to resist disease. They experimented with breeding programmes, mixing genes from the wild species of sugar cane, which tends to be tougher, with genes from the more delicate, commercial type. ___ (48) This sugar cane is not yet ready to be sold commercially, but when this happens, it is expected to be incredibly profitable for the industry.___ (49) Brazil, which produces one quarter of the world’s sugar, has coordinated an international project under Professor Paulo Arrudo of the Universidade Estaudual de Campinas in Sao Paulo. Teams of experts have worked with him to discover more about which parts of the genetic structure of the plant are important for the production of sugar and its overall health.Despite all the research, however, we still do not fully understand how the genes function in sugar cane. ___ (50) This gene is particularly exciting because it makes the plant resistant to rust, a disease which probably originated in India, but is now capable of infecting sugar cane across the world. Scientists believe they will eventually be able to grow a plant which cannot be destroyed by rust.A Eventually, a commercial plant was developed which was 5 percent sweeter than before, butalso much stronger and less likely to die from disease.B Since the 1960s, scientists have been analysing the mysteries of the sugar cane,s geneticcode.C One major gene has been identified by Dr. Angelique D’Hont and her team in Montpelier,France.D The majority of the world's sugar now comes from this particular commercial species.E Sugar cane is now much more vigorous and the supply of sugar Is therefore more guaranteed.F Unfortunately, however, the plant started to become weaker and more prone to disease.第6部分:完形填空(第51~65题,每题1分,共15分)下面的短文有15处空白,请根据短文内容为每处空白确定1个最佳选项。




1. Come out, or I’ll bust the door down.A shutB breakC setD beat2. The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town.A nakedB blindC cautiousD private3. The rules are too rigid to allow for human error.A generalB inflexibleC complexD direct4. It seemed incredible that he had been there a week already.A rightB unbelievableC obviousD unclear5. These animals migrate south annually in search of food.A exploreB inhabitC preferD travel6. Rumors began to circulate about his financial problems.A sendB hearC confirmD spread7. She came across three children sleeping under a bridge.A found by chanceB passed byC took a notice ofD woke up8. I have little information as regards her fitness for the post.A aboutB atC withD from9. As a politician, he knows how to manipulate public opinion.A expressB divideC influenceD voice10. He was tempted by the high salary offered by the company.A taughtB keptC changedD attracted11. He paused, waiting for her to digest the information.A withholdB exchangeC understandD contact12. Make sure the table is securely anchored.A repairedB clearedC bookedD fixed13. She gets aggressive when she is drunk.A offensiveB worriedC sleepyD anxious14. There was something peculiar in the way he smiles.A differentB strangeC wrongD funny15. The contract between the two companies will expire soon.A shortenB endC startD resume参考答案: 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.A 8.A 9.C 10.D 11.C 12.D 13.A 14.B 15.B第2部分:阅读判断(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分)下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。



xx年职称英语《理工B》真题及答案(完整版)1.【题干】The revelation of his past led to his resignation.A.imaginationB.disclosureC.confirmationD.recall【答案】B2.【题干】Jensen is dangerous man, and can be very brutal.A.carelessB.cruelC.strongD.hard【答案】B3.【题干】You'll have to sprint if you want to catch the train.A.jumpB.escapeC.runD.prepare【答案】C4.【题干】We are worried about this fluid situation full with uncertainty.A.changebleC.suitableD.adaptable【答案】A5.【题干】The new garment fits her perfectly.A.haircutB.purseC.clothesD.necklace【答案】C6.【题干】The phobia may have its root in a childhood trauma.A.fearB.joyC.hurtD.memory【答案】C7.【题干】They have built canals to irrigate the desert.A.decorateB.waterC.changeD.visit【答案】B8.【题干】Her overall language proficiency remains that of a toddler.B.pupilC.teenagerD.baby【答案】D9.【题干】The coastal area has very mild winter, but the central plains remain extremely cold.A.warmB.severeC.hardD.dry【答案】A10.【题干】The details of the costume were totally authentic.A.realB.outstandingC.creativeD.false【答案】A11.【题干】We are aware of the potential problems.A.globalB.possibleC.ongoingD.central【答案】B12.【题干】The idea was quite brilliant.A.positiveB.cleverC.keyD.original【答案】B13.【题干】Stock market price tumbled after rumor of a rise in interest rate.A.regulatedB.increasedC.maintainedD.fell【答案】D14.【题干】The course gives you basic instruction in car maintenance.A.coachingB.ideaC.termD.aspect【答案】A15.【题干】All houses within 100 meters of the seas are at risk of flooding.A.in dangerB.out of controlC.between equalsD.in particular 【答案】A。



第三篇 Citizen Scientists (C级) 第三篇公民科学家Understanding how nature responds to climate change will require monitoring key life cycle event—flowering, the appearance of leaves, the first frog calls of the spring —all around the world. But ecologist s can’t b e everywhere so they’re turning to non-scientists, sometimes called citizen scientists, for help.理解大自然对气候变化有怎样的反应需要监视世界各个角落的关键生命周期事件——花开、叶子的出现、第一只青蛙叫出春天的到来。


frog n. 蛙ecologist n. 生态学家1.life cycle:生命周期,即生物发展过程的系列变化。

respond [英] [rispɔnd][美] [rɪspɑnd]vt.& vi.回答,响应vi.作出反应,响应;回报或回复turning [英] [tɜ:nɪŋ][美] [tə:nɪŋ]n.旋转;转向;转弯处;车工工艺v.转动;扭转;(使)变成;“turn”的现在分词复数:turningsClimate scientists are not present everywhere. Because there are so many places in the world and not enough scientists to observe all of them, they’re asking for your help in observing signs of climate change across the world. The citizen scientist movement encourages ordinary people to observe a very specific research interest —birds, trees, flowers bud ding, etc. —and send their observations to a giant database to be observed by professional scientists. This helps a small number of scientists track a large amount of data that they would never be able to gather on their own. Much like citizen journalists helping large publications cover ahyper-local beat, citizen scientists are ready for the conditions where they live. All that’s needed to become one is a few minutes each day or each week to gather data and send it in.气象科学家不可能足迹遍及天下。





第一篇Starting a New TraditionShantelle Davis is a nine-year-old gir1 in New York. On a cold night in December, her family is standing around the kitchen table while she lights a candle. The table is decorated with baskets of fruits and vegetables and ears of corn for Shantelle and her two brothers." This candle represents umoja, an African word that means being together," Shantelle says. "That's the most important thing for a family. "Tonight is the first night of Kwanzaa, and Shantelle is spending me holiday with her family. More than 5 million African Americans celebrate Kwanzaa every year from December 26 until January 1. Its a time when they get together with their families to think about their history and their ancestors in Africa.Kwanzaa is very unusual because it was started by one man. In 1966, an American named Maulana Karenga wanted a holiday for African-Americans to honor they culture and traditions. So he used words and customs from Africa to create a new celebration. He took the name Kwanzaa from the words for "first fruits" in Swahili, an African language. At first , a few American families had small celebrations at home. Now there are also Kwanzaa events in schools and public places, and Kwanzaa has spread to other countries like Canada and Jamaica.The main symbol of Kwanzaa is a candleholder with seven candles, one for each of the principles of Kwanzaa. Each night, a family member lights one of the candles and talks about the idea it represents: being together, being yourself, helping each other, sharing, having a goal, creating, and believing. The candles are red, black, and green, the colors of Kwanzaa. The parents also pour drinks to honor family members who have died, On the last night of Kwanzaa, there is a big dinner with African food , and children receive small presents.Today people can buy Kwanzaa greeting cards and special Kwanzaa clothes. Stores sell Kwanzaa candles and candleholders. Some people don't believe that Kwanzaa is a real holiday, because it's so new. But other people say that customs and celebrations are always changing and that Kwanzaa shows what is important in people's lives.Shantelle Davis says she likes Kwanzaa because it's fun. "But I also learn new things every year,’she says.词汇:ancestor n. 祖宗,祖先be decorated with 由……所装饰honor vt. 尊敬,使荣幸;n. 荣誉,尊敬ears of corn 玉米穗candleholder n. 烛台注释:1.It's a time when they get together with the families to think about their history and their ancestors in Africa. 这段时间里他们和家人待在一起缅怀他们的历史和非洲的祖先。





第一篇Taking Pictures of the WorldMeet Annie Griffiths Belt, a National Geographic photographer. Belt has worked for National Geographic since l978,and has taken pictures on almost every continent in the world.In fact,Antarctica is the only continent Belt hasn’t seen yet.Belt’s photographs are well known for their beauty and high quality.They also reflect very different cultures and regions of the world.Belt has photographed the ancient city of Petra,Jordan,as well as the green landscapes of the Lake District in England.Recently,her pictures appeared in a book about undeveloped natural places in North America.Everywhere that Belt goes,she takes pictures of people.Belt has found ways to connect with people of all ages and nationalities even when she does not speak their language.“The greatest privilege of my job is being allowed into people’s lives.”she has said.“The camera is like a passport,and I am often overwhelmed by 1 how quickly people welcome me!”Knowing how to break the ice has helped to make Belt a successful photographer.but experts say that anyone can learn to connect with new people.When people speak the same language,greetings and small talk can make strangers feel more comfortable with each other.When people don’t speak the same language,a smile is very helpful.Having something in common can also help break the ice 2.For example,Belt has traveled with her two children,so when she takes pictures of children or their parents,they all have that family connection in common.Even bad weather can help people to connect when they are experiencing it together.Belt has some advice if you are thinking about a career in photography.You can volunteer to take pictures for a local organization that can’t afford to hire a professional photographer.You can also take a good,honest look at your best photographs.If you’re a real photographer,your photos are good because of your personal and technical skills.Belt also recommends studying and learning from photos taken by professional photographers.Remember,the next time you look at a beautiful photograph,you might be looking at the work of Annie Griffiths Belt.And the next time you meet a new person,don’t be afraid to break the ice.The connection you make could be very rewarding.词汇:landscape /'lændskeip/n.风景,风景画rewarding/ri'wɔ:diŋ/aaj.值得的,有益的,有报酬的privilege/'privilidʒ/ n.特权,优惠nationality/,næʃə'næləti/n.国籍,民族think about考虑overwhelm/,əuvə'welm/vt.征服;使受不了,使不知所措注释:1.I am often overwhelmed by…我常常被……搞得不知所措。

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第十一篇When Our Eyes Serve Our StomachOur senses aren’t just delivering 汪strict view of what’s going on in the world;they’re affected by what’s going on in our heads. A new study finds that hungry people see food-relatedwords more clearly than people who’ve just eaten.Psychologists have known for decades that what’s going on,inside our head affects our senses. For example, poorer children think coins are larger than they are, and hungry people think pictures of food are brighter. Remi Radel of University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis,France,wanted to investigate how this happens. Does it happen right away as the brain receives signals from the eyes or a little later as the brain’s high-level thinking processes get involved.Radel recruited 42 students with a normal body mass index. On the day of his or her test, each student was told to arrive at the lab at noon after three or four hours of not eating. Then theywere told there was a delay. Some were told to come back in 10 minutes; others were given an hour to get lunch first. So half the students were hungry when they did the experiment and the other half had just eaten.For the experiment, the participant looked at a computer screen. One by one, 80 words flashed on the screen for about l/300th of a second each. They flashed at so small a size that the students could only consciously perceive. A quarter of the words were food-related. After each word,each person was asked how bright the word was and asked to choose which of two words they’d seen —a food-related word like cake or a neutral word like boat. Each word appeared too briefly for the participant to really read it.Hungry people saw the food-related words as brighter and were better at identifying food- related words. Because the word appeared too quickly for them to be reliably seen, this means that the difference is in perception ,not in thinking processes, Radel says.“This is something great to me. Humans can really perceive what they need or what they strive for. From the experiment, I know that our brain can really be at the disposal of our motives and needs,” Radel says.词汇:threshold n.起点,开端;门槛disposal n.处理,处置;配置neutral adj.中性的;中立的motive n.动机,目的strive v.努力,力求;斗争注释:1. Our senses aren’t just delivering a strict view of ... in our heads:这个句子的大概意思是:我们的五官感觉不仅仅让我们感知世界;五官感觉还受大脑活动的影响。

2. University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis:法国尼斯•索菲亚•安提波利斯大学,简称尼斯大学,1965年经法国政令正式宣布成立。

尼斯大学在尼斯市设有7处主校园,另外,还在索菲亚•安提波利斯市(Sophia Antipolis)、戛纳市(Cannes)和芒东市(Menton)设有校区。


3. body mass index:身体质量指数4. at the threshold of:当……快要开始时5. in perception:感知6. at the disposal of:受到……的控制练习:1. What does the new study mentioned in Paragraph 1 find?A Hungry people see every word more clearly than ordinary people.B Hungry people are always thinking of food-related words.C Hungry people are more sensitive to food-related words than stomach-full people.D Hungry people do not have lower-level of thinking process.2. Why was there a delay on the day of the experiment?A Because hungry people needed time to fill their stomach.B Because Radel wanted to create two groups of testees, hungry and non-hungry.C Because noon was not the right time for any experiment.D Because Radel needed time to select participants in terms of body mass index.3. What does the writer want to tell us?A Human9s senses aren’t just delivering a strict view of what’s going on in the world.B What’s perceived by our senses affects our way of thinking.C Human brains can really be at the disposal of our motives and needs.D Thinking processes guarantee the normal functions of our senses.4. What did the results of the experiment indicate?A 80 words flashed on the screen too fast for the participant to intentionally perceive.B Hungry people were better at identifying neutral words.C People who had just eaten were better at identifying food-related words.D The participants could barely perceive what they needed or what they strived for.5. What can we infer from the passage?A 42 participants are too small a number for a serious investigation.B An experiment with hungry and non-hungry participants is not reliable.C Our thinking processes are independent of our senses.D Humans can perceive what they need without involving high-level thinking processes.答案与题解:1. C第一段第二句是本题答案的依据。

饥肠辘辘的人只是看food-related words比较清楚,选项C的句意与上述句子的意思完全一致,是答案。

选项A说的是every word, 所以不是答案。


2. B答案的根据可在第三段找到。

