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1. Trade Terms 贸易术语
2. Departure 启运
3. EXW(Ex Works) 工厂交货
4. Main carriage unpaid 主要运费未付
5. FCA(Free Carrier) 货交承运人
6. FAS(Free alongside Ship) 装运港船边交货
7. FOB(Free on Board) 装运港船上交货
8. Main carriage paid 主要运费已付
9. CFR(Cost and freight) 成本加运费
10. CIF(Cost Insurance and Freight) 成本、保险费的运费
11. CPT(Carriage Paid To)运费付至目的地
12. CIP(Carriage and Insurance Paid To)运费、保险费付至目的地
13. Arrival 抵达
14. DAF(Delivered At Frontier)边境交货
15. DES(Delivered Ex Ship)目的港船上交货
16. DEQ(Delivered Ex Quay)目的港码头交货
17. DDU(Delivered Duty Unpaid)未完税交货
18. DDP(Delivered Duty Paid)完税后交货
19. FIO(Free in and out)船方不负担装卸费
20. FI(Free in)船方不负担装货费
21. FO(Free out)船方不负担卸货费
22. Gross Term 船方负担装卸费
23. Exclusive Sales 包销
24. Agency 代理
25. Agent 代理人
26. Principal 本人
27. Authorization 授权
28. General Agency 总代理
29. Exclusive Agency或Sole Agency 独家代理
30. Commission Agency 佣金代理
31. Consignment 寄售
32. Invitation to Tender 招标
33. To Submit Tender 投标
34. Inernational Competitive Bidding,ICB 国际竞争性招标
35. Open Bidding 公开招标
36. Selected Bidding 选择性招标
37. Negotiated Bidding 谈判招标
38. Two—stage Bidding 两段招标
39. Announcement of Tender 发布招标公告
40. Bidding Documents 编制招标文件
41. Auction 拍卖
42. Auctioneer 拍卖商
43. Bidder 竞买者
44. Dutch Auction 荷兰式拍卖
45. Sealed Bids;Closed Bids 密封递价
46. Futures Transaction 期货交易
47. Selling Hedging 卖期保值
48. Buying Hedging 买期保值
49. Counter Trade 对销贸易
50. Compensation Agreement 补偿协定
51. Compensation System 补偿制
52. Products Buyback 产品回购
53. Trade on Compensatory Basis 补偿基础上的贸易
54. Counter Trade 对销贸易
55. Barter 易货
56. Counter Purchase 互购
57. Production sharing 产品分成
58. Switch 转手贸易
59. Switcher 转手商
60. additional value 附加价值
61. Name of Commodity 商品名称
62. Quality as per Seller's Sample 质量已卖方样品为准
63. Quality as per Buyer's Sample 质量已买方样品为准
64. Counter Sample 对等样品
65. Confirmation Sample 确认样品
66. Description 说明
67. Fair Average Quality 良好平均品质
68. quality to be considerde and being about equal to the sample 交货品质和样品大体相符
69. condition 要件
70. Ounce 盎司
71. Carat 克拉
72. Gross 箩
73. Ream 令
74. Roll、Coil、Reel 卷
75. Length 长度
76. Area 面积
77. Volume 体积
78. Capacity 容积
79. Gross weight 毛重
80. Net Weight 净重
81. Actual Tare或Real Tare 实际皮重
82. Average Tare 平均皮重
83. Standard Weight 标准皮重
84. Customary Tare 习惯皮重
85. Computed Tare 约定皮重
86. Conditioned Weight 公量
87. Legal Weight 法定重量
88. Net Weight 实物净重
89. Each dozen in a cardboard box and 20 dozens in a carton 纸箱装,每箱20打,每打装一盒
90. Flexible Container 集装包