
12.我更喜欢听流行音乐,周杰伦(Jay Chou)是我最喜欢的歌手。
13.我爸爸送我一台Ipad, 它很方便,很有用。

高中英语情景对话理解单项选择题60题1. —I'm really nervous before the exam.—______. You can do it well.A. Take it easyB. Don't mention itC. That's all rightD. Thanks a lot答案:A。
A 选项“Take it easy”意思是“别紧张”,符合安慰考试前紧张的情景。
B 选项“Don't mention it”通常用于回应别人的感谢,表示“不客气”,不符合此情景。
C 选项“That's all right”用于回答别人的道歉或感谢,意为“没关系”“不用谢”,在此处不恰当。
D 选项“Thanks a lot”表示“非常感谢”,与语境不符。
2. —I'm sorry I'm late. The traffic was terrible.—______. Come in, please.A. It doesn't matterB. You're welcomeC. That's rightD. No problem答案:A。
在这个情景中,A 选项“It doesn't matter”意思是“没关系”,用于回应他人的道歉,符合语境。
B 选项“You're welcome”常用来回应感谢,意思是“不客气”,不符合此处。
C 选项“That's right”意思是“那是对的”,不符合道歉的回应。
D 选项“No problem”也可表示“没关系”,但在这种正式道歉的情景中,“It doesn't matter”更常用。
3. —Could you please pass me the pen?—______. Here you are.A. Yes, I couldB. Of courseC. No, I couldn'tD. Sorry, I can't答案:B。

中考英语口语情景对话单选题60题1. —Hello! Nice to meet you.—________.A. Fine, thank you.B. Nice to meet you, too.C. How are you?D. Good morning!答案:B。
解析:当别人说“Nice to meet you.”时,应回答“Nice to meet you, too.”表示“见到你也很高兴”。
A 选项“Fine, thank you.”通常用于回答“How are you?”;C 选项“How are you?”是询问对方近况;D 选项“Good morning!”用于早上打招呼。
2. —Hi! How are you?—________.A. I'm fine, thanks.B. Hello!C. Nice to see you.D. Good afternoon!答案:A。
解析:“How are you?”的常见回答是“I'm fine, thanks.”表示“我很好,谢谢”。
B 选项“Hello!”只是打招呼;C 选项“Nice to see you.”通常在见面时说;D 选项“Good afternoon!”用于下午打招呼。
3. —Good morning!—________.B. Good afternoon!C. Good night!D. Good morning!答案:D。
解析:当别人说“Good morning!”时,应同样回复“Good morning!”表示早上好。
A 选项“Good evening!”用于晚上打招呼;B 选项“Good afternoon!”用于下午打招呼;C 选项“Good night!”用于晚上分别时说。
4. —Good afternoon!—________.A. Good morning!B. Good evening!C. Good night!D. Good afternoon!答案:D。

中考口语情景对话训练(1) Class___________Name_________1.史密斯先生离开伦敦三个月了,他将于一周后返回。
5.山姆大叔下周一回纽约,航班号是UA 306。
11. 露希下周六将去伦敦出席一个国际会议。
12. Black认为这部电影很有趣,他已经看过三遍了。
13. Lily自从六年前开始学英语,就一直觉得英语有趣。
14. 他正在阅览室复习迎考。
15. 这个寒假,史密斯一家人打算去哈尔滨滑雪。
16. 昨晚,由于大雨发生了一起车祸。
17. 我表哥加入英语俱乐部差不多三年了,现在他的英语说得不错。
18. 上周五约有两百个人出席了Johnson先生的生日晚会。
19. 目前他们正忙于那个工程,工程将于六个月后完成。
20. 我最好的朋友汤姆擅长打篮球,他长大后想周游世界。
21. 俱乐部每个星期举办一次篮球比赛,票价是10元。
23. 你推荐了海伦为俱乐部的负责人,她总是积极参加俱乐部活动。
25. 每周两次,汤姆帮助奶奶打扫房子。
26. 昨天米莉买了一条漂亮的连衣裙,给妈妈作为生日礼物。
27. 你们将乘长途汽车去湿地公园,车程约为一个半小时。
28. 昨天汤姆牙疼,医生叫他每天服三次药。
29. 十月一日是我生日,妈妈将给我买一双新运动鞋。
30. 我今天早上遇到了凯特,我自从一月份以来就没有见过她。

口语中的情景对话练习题第一部分:在餐馆点菜A: 您好,请问有什么可以帮助您的吗?B: 你们的特色菜有什么?A: 我们的特色菜有红烧肉、宫保鸡丁和麻婆豆腐。
B: 我想尝试宫保鸡丁和麻婆豆腐,请给我一份每道菜的味道介绍。
A: 宫保鸡丁是一道传统川菜,鸡肉片炒得嫩滑多汁,搭配花生米和辣椒,口感麻辣香脆。
B: 听起来都很不错,我都想尝试一下。
A: 好的,请稍等。
第二部分:在银行办理业务A: 您好,请问您是办理什么业务的?B: 我想存取一点现金,请问哪个柜台可以办理?A: 存款和取款业务都可以在这个柜台办理。
请问您要存入还是取出?B: 我要存入2000元。
A: 好的,请您填写一下这份存款单。
B: 好的,这是填好的存款单和2000元现金。
A: 谢谢,请您稍等一下,我帮您处理一下。
第三部分:在火车站买票A: 下一班去北京的火车是几点?B: 下一班去北京的火车是14:30分发车。
A: 麻烦请问此次列车还有票吗?B: 什么座位类型?A: 我需要一张硬卧票,请问还有吗?B: 对不起,硬卧票已经售完了,只剩下硬座票了。
A: 那好吧,我就买一张硬座票吧。
B: 好的,请给我您的身份证信息。
A: 这是我的身份证。
第四部分:在旅游景点问路A: 对不起,我想去故宫,可以告诉我怎么走吗?B: 当然,你需要先往前走,然后左转,在第一个红绿灯处右转,继续直走,最后左转就能到达故宫了。
A: 谢谢!还有,故宫的入口在哪里?B: 故宫的入口在正门的东侧。
A: 好的,谢谢你的帮助。
B: 不客气,祝你旅途愉快!第五部分:与朋友约会A: 你好,最近有空吗?我们可以一起去看电影吗?B: 当然可以,我这周三晚上有空。
你想看哪部电影?A: 我听说最近上映了一部很好看的爱情电影,你有兴趣看吗?B: 当然,我也听说过那部电影。
我们约定在电影院门口见面可以吗?A: 可以,我们约定在电影院门口见面。

高中英语情景对话理解练习题60题1. A: Can I help you?B: Yes, I'm looking for a dress for the party.Question: Where are they?A. At a supermarketB. At a clothing storeC. In a parkD. At a library答案:B。
A 选项“At a supermarket”是超市,一般不卖裙子;C 选项“In a park”是公园,不是购物的地方;D 选项“At a library”是图书馆,更不可能卖裙子。
B 选项“At a clothing store”是服装店,符合寻找聚会裙子的场景。
2. A: How was your trip to Beijing?B: It was wonderful. I visited many famous places.Question: What did they talk about?A. A partyB. A tripC. A shopping experienceD. A book答案:B。
从对话中“A: How was your trip to Beijing?”以及“B: It was wonderful. I visited many famous places.”可以明确他们在谈论旅行。
A 选项“聚会”未提及;C 选项“购物经历”对话中没有提到;D 选项“一本书”与对话内容无关。
3. A: Let's have a party this weekend.B: That sounds great! But where shall we have it?Question: What are they going to do this weekend?A. Go shoppingB. Have a partyC. Take a tripD. Read books答案:B。

小升初英语情景对话单选题60题1. In the library, Tom wants to borrow a book about animals. He says to the librarian, "Excuse me. ______"A. Do you have a book about animalsB. Where is the book about animalsC. I like animals very muchD. How much is the book about animals答案:A。
2. In the classroom, the teacher asks a question, but Lucy doesn't know the answer. She should say, "______"A. I'm sorry, teacher. I don't knowB. I don't want to answerC. Let me think. It's easyD. I know, but I won't tell you答案:A。

高中英语情景对话理解单项选择题60题1. You are at a party. Someone asks you, "Would you like some juice?" You don't like juice. What would you say?A. Yes, please.B. No, thanks.C. I don't know.D. It doesn't matter.答案:B。
当别人问你是否想要某物,而你不想要时,应礼貌地回答“No, thanks.”,A 选项“Yes, please.”表示想要,C 选项“I don't know.”不符合礼貌回应,D 选项“It doesn't matter.”通常用于回应道歉等情况,与当前情景不符。
2. Your friend shows you a new dress and asks, "How do you like it?" You think it's not very nice. What would you say?A. It's wonderful.B. I don't like it.C. Well, it's OK.D. That's too bad.答案:C。
当对朋友的东西不太满意但又不想太直接时,可以说“Well, it's OK.”表示一般,A 选项“It's wonderful.”是表示非常喜欢,B 选项“I don't like it.”过于直接可能会不礼貌,D 选项“That's too bad.”用于对不好的事情表示遗憾,不符合此处情景。
3. You are in a restaurant. The waiter asks, "What would you like toeat?" You want to have pizza. What would you say?A. I'd like some pizza.B. I don't know.C. Anything is OK.D. I don't like pizza.答案:A。

情景对话的练习练习1:在咖啡馆A: 早上好!你是不是Lisa?B: 是的,你就是Tom吧?A: 是的,很高兴见到你。
你喜欢咖啡吗?B: 是的,我很喜欢咖啡。
你喜欢喝什么呢?A: 我这次尝试了一种新的拿铁咖啡,很好喝。
你要不要尝尝?B: 当然,我也点一杯拿铁咖啡吧。
练习2:在商场购物A: 你看,这件衬衫很适合你。
B: 是的,我也觉得它很不错。
请问有没有M号的?A: 让我看看……是的,有一件。
B: 好的,请拿给我试试看。
A: 这是您的衬衫。
怎么样,合适吗?B: 是的,和我想象的一样。
练习3:在机场A: 打扰一下,请问这个航班的登机口在哪里?B: 它在2号登机口,您只需顺着这条走道直走。
A: 谢谢你!请问这个航班几点起飞?B: 它计划在14:30起飞,请您提前到达登机口。
练习4:在餐厅用餐A: 这是我们的菜单,请问需要些时间吗?B: 我们还没有决定,请给我们几分钟时间。
A: 没问题,请您慢慢看。
B: 我们决定了,我要一份牛排,她要一份意大利面。
练习5:在火车站买票A: 请问去北京的火车票还有吗?B: 抱歉,目前只有晚上9点的一趟票。
A: 好的,请给我两张。
B: 这是您的票,一共是200元。
练习6:在医生办公室A: 医生,我感觉头痛和喉咙痛。
B: 让我给你听听呼吸声。
A: 那我该怎么办?B: 我会给你开些药物来减轻症状。
练习7:在旅游中心咨询A: 你好,请问你们这里有哪些旅游景点?B: 我们这里有古城、博物馆、和自然公园等。
A: 我对自然公园很感兴趣。
请问它们在哪里?B: 有一个在市中心,还有一个在离市区不远的山区。
练习8:在银行办理业务A: 我想办理一个存款账户,请问需要什么材料?B: 您需要提供身份证明和地址证明。
A: 这是我的身份证和水费账单。
B: 好的,请等一下,我会为您办理。
练习9:在学校图书馆借书A: 借书证怎么办理?B: 您需要填写一份表格,提供您的身份证明和学生证。

五年级英语情景对话理解单选题60题1. John is at home. His mother asks him, "Can you help me clean the room?" John says, "_____"A. Sure, I'm busy.B. No, I can't. I'm playing games.C. Yes, I can. Let's do it together.D. I don't know.答案:C。
A 选项“Sure, I'm busy.”,意思是“当然,我很忙”,前后矛盾;B 选项“No, I can't. I'm playing games.”直接拒绝且在玩游戏,不礼貌;C 选项“Yes, I can. Let's do it together.”表示愿意帮忙并一起做,符合礼貌和家庭互助的情景;D 选项“I don't know.”回答模糊,不符合对话情境。
2. Mom is cooking in the kitchen. She says, "The soup is too salty. What should I do?" You say, "_____"A. Add some water.B. Add more salt.C. Put some sugar.D. Do nothing.答案:A。
A 选项“Add some water.”加水可以稀释盐分,是合理的解决办法;B 选项“Add more salt.”加更多盐会让汤更咸,错误;C 选项“Put some sugar.”放糖不能解决汤咸的问题;D 选项“Do nothing.”什么都不做无法解决问题。

情景对话练习题一、选择题1. 在以下哪个情景中,使用“Excuse me, could you help me?”是合适的?A. 向陌生人询问时间B. 向朋友借东西C. 向服务员点餐D. 向老师请教问题2. 当你的朋友邀请你参加一个聚会,但你不能去,你应该说:A. "I'd love to, but I can't make it."B. "I don't want to go."C. "I'm not interested."D. "I'll think about it."3. 如果你想表达对某人的赞美,你可以说:A. "You are so great."B. "You are so bad."C. "You are so ugly."D. "You are so stupid."4. 当你在商店购物时,发现商品价格标签不见了,你应该:A. 直接拿走商品B. 询问店员价格C. 猜测商品价格D. 离开商店5. 如果你想建议别人做某事,你可以说:A. "You should do that."B. "You must do that."C. "You can do that."D. "You could do that."二、填空题6. 当你遇到一个外国人,想要开始一段对话,你可以说:"Hi, nice to meet you. My name is ________."7. 如果你在餐厅点餐时,想要询问服务员推荐,你可以说:"Excuse me, do you have any ________?"8. 当你想要表达对某人的感谢,你可以说:"Thank you so much for ________."9. 如果你想要拒绝一个邀请,你可以说:"I appreciate the invitation, but I'm afraid I can't ________."10. 当你想要表达对某事的同意,你可以说:"I agree with you. That's a good ________."三、情景对话题11. 假设你是图书馆的管理员,一位学生来借书,但他不知道如何使用自助借书机。

情景交际1.你想知道别人星期日干什么,你应该问:()A.What are you going to do this Sunday ?B.What do you do on Sundays ?C. What do you have on Sundays ?2.你想知道别人上什么课你应该问:()A.What classes do you like ?B.What class are you in ?C.What do you have on Sundays ?3.你想知道该不该上课了,你应该问:()A.It’s time for class .B.Is it time to have class ?C.When does the class begin ?4.如果你想告诉别人,班上新来的男孩很滑稽,你应该说:()A.The boy is funny .B.The boy is happy .C.The boy is young .5.把东西给别人,你应该说:()A.Give you .B.Here you are .C.Get it down .6.怎样询问别的长相或性格()A.What does she like ?B.What’s he like ?C.What does she like to do ?7.别人说:“Let’s play computer games .”你回答:()A.Good idea .B.No ,thanks .C.Yes ,please .8.询问时间应该说:()A.What,s time is it ?B.When do you know ?C.Do you have a watch ?9.初次见面时怎样问好:()A.Hello .How are you ?B.Nice to meet you .C.Nice to meet you again .10.想知道今天几月几日,应该问:()A.What day is it today ?B.what is the date today ?C.What time is it now ?11.当你的朋友建议和你一起去公园时,应该说:()A.Do you like the zoo ?B.I would like to .C.Let's go to the zoo .12.当你想知道别人的卧室怎么样时,你应该问:()A.What,s your bedroom like ?B.What about your bedroom ?C.May I see your new bedroom ?1 / 513.你想问别人午饭吃什么时,你应该问:()A.What do you have for lunch ?B.What would you like for lunchC.What do you have for dinner ?14.你想知道谁的生日在三月,你会问:()A.When is your birthday ?B.Is your birthday in March ?C.Who has a birthday in March ?15.你想问什么时候去香港,你会问:()A.When is the best time to Hong kong ?B.When do you go to Hong kong ?C.When is the best time to Macao ?16.当你需要考虑下回答时,你会说:()A.Let,s have a look .B.Let me see .C.Let,s go to school .17.如果你是超市工作人员,看到顾客进来,你应该说:()A.Welcome !How are you ?B.Can I help you ?C.See you later .18.如何表达你想尝试做一件事情:()A.I like it very much .B.I would like to have a try .C.It’s good .19.你想知道新来的老师是谁,你应该问:()A.What,s your new teacher ?B.Who,s your new teacher ?C.What’s you new teacher ?20.你想知道别人最喜欢的季节,你应该问:()A.What do you like ?B.Which season do you like best ?C.What,s your favourite sport ?21.你想知道Rabbit的房间有什么,你应该问:()A.What,s the rabbit room like ?B.What can you see in rabbit,s room ?C.What,s in the rabbit,s room ?22.别人不小心撞到你,你应该说:()A.You are right .B.It doesn,t matter .C.I am angry .23.你想了解别人爸爸身体怎样你应该说:()A.How is your father ?B.What,s your father doing ?C.What,s your father ?24.过马路,你叫别人小心,你应该说:()A.Watch out .B.Look at me .C.Don,t go .初中60条情景对话练习题复习(无答案)25.你想知道别人是否会游泳,你应该说:()A.Can you swim ?B.Are you swimming ?C.What can you do ?26.你介绍你朋友给爸爸认识你应该说:()A.I have a new friend .B.My friend,s name is Jack .C.This is my friend .27.如你在电话里介绍自己,你应该说:()A.I am John .B.My name is John .C.This is John .28.如果介绍Mike给你妈妈认识,你应该说:()A.This is my mom ,Milk .B.Mom ,this is Mike .C.Do you know Mike ?29.打电话时你想知道对方是谁,你应该问:()A.Who are you ?B.Who is that ?C.What are you ?30.如果你想请某人随便吃你应该说:()A.Help yourself .B.please eat .C.Enjoy yourself .31.如果你想告诉别人,你来不及了,应该说:()A.I can,t wait .B.I don,t want to wait .C.I can hardly wait .32.想知道别人以什么方式上学,应该问:()A.How do you go to school ?B.When do you go to school ?C.How do you do ?33.如果你想知道别人怎样去Australia时,应该说:()A.Do you go to Australia by plane ?B.How do you go to Australia ?C.Where is Australia ?34.你想知道今天的天气你应该问:()A.What,s the weather like today ?B.What,s the weather ?C.What,s the weather like in Beijing ?35.做错了事要表示歉意时,应该说:()A.I am OK .B.Sorry .C.Excuse me .36.你叫妹妹把衣服放好,你应该说:()A.Put on your clothes .B.Put down your clothes .C.Put away your clothes .37.如你想知道Mr Black会不会使用电脑应该问:()A.Can you use a computer ?B.Let,s use the computer .C.Here,s a computer .38.你想询问客人是否需要喝杯果汁你应该说:()A.Do you like a glass of Juice ?B.Would you like a glass of juice ?3/5初中60条情景对话练习题复习(无答案)C.Would you like to juice ?39.你想看看别人新的MP3你请求说:()A.I want to see your new MP3 .B.May I have a look at your new MP3 ?C.Give me your MP3 ?40.你想为校报采访校长,你应该说:()A.Certainly .B.Can I interview you for the school newspaper ?C.Can I speak to you ,principal ?41.圣诞节朋友对你说:Merry Christmas !你应该说:()A.Thank you .B.You,re the same .C. Merry Christmas !42.怎样提醒别人记住交通规则?()A.Look at the traffic lights .B.Remember the traffic rules .C.Go at a green light .43.别人跟你说Happy new year !你应该说:()A.No ,thanks .B.The same to you .C.Happy birthday .44.别人打电话找你妈妈,你接电话时应说:()A.Hold on ,please .B.No ,she isn,t .C.I don,t want to speak t o you .45.打电话的时候,你介绍自己应该说:()A.I am Mike .B.That,s Mike .C.This is Mike .46.你想和Tom通话,你应该说:()A.Can I spent to you ?B.Can I speak to Tom ?C.Are you Tom ?47.当你想买一双新鞋时,你应该说:()A.Can I help you ?B.I am going to the shoe store .C.I want to buy a pair of new shoes .48.当你想吃薯条时,问道:()A.Can I have some French fries ?B.Have some French fries .C.I want some French fries .49.Mike告诉你他今天不舒服,你应该说:()A.You don,t feel well today .B.I am sorry to hear that .C.You are so bad .50.你想知道Mike妈妈的职业,你应该说:()A.What,s your mom like , Mike ?B.What does your mom like , Mike ?C.What does your mom do , Mike ?初中60条情景对话练习题复习(无答案)51.你问Mike长大了想做什么,该说:()A.What are you going to do ?B.What do you do ?C.What do you want to be ?52.你想知道别人的假期过得如何,你可以问:()A.How was your holiday ?B.When was your holiday ?C.How was you holiday ?53.看见某人不舒服,应该问:()A.What are you doing ?B.What do you feel ?C.What,s wrong ?54.你想告诉别人,你爸爸比妈妈年龄大,应该说:()A.My father is heavier than my mother .B. My father is funnier than my mother .C. My father is older than my mother .55.当别人告诉你他数学不及格你应该说:()A.Oh ,good !B.I am glad to hear that .C.I am sorry to hear that .56.想知道对方的爱好应该问:()A.What,s your like ?B.What does you like to do ?C.What,s your hobby ?57.你是医生,你应该怎样问病人?()A.What,s the matter with you ?B.Stay in bed for a few days ?C.Why do you come here ?58.想知道北京的天气如何应该问:()A.Where is Beijing ?B.What,s the weather like in Beijing ?C.When is the best time to Beijing ?59.买香蕉时,询问价格应该说:()A.How many bananas are there ?B.How many do you want ?C.How much are they ?60.当你想知道这些物品是谁的时候:()A.Whose are these ?B.Whose are those ?C.Who are they ?5/5。

A: 早上好!你好吗?
B: 早上好!我很好,你呢?
A: 我也很好,谢谢。
B: 天气有点冷,但是阳光很明亮。
A: 是的,冬天的阳光总是特别温暖。
B: 我打算去图书馆借几本书,然后去健身房锻炼一下。
A: 我打算在家休息,看看电影。
B: 那听起来很不错。
A: 最近刚上映的一部喜剧片很好笑,我觉得你会喜欢。
B: 那太好了!我也正好想看喜剧片。
A: 好的,咱们晚上七点在电影院门口见面,一起去买票好吗?
B: 没问题,我准时到达。
A: 好的,等会儿见!祝你有个愉快的一天!

对话练习题大全练习一:购物对话A: 你好,请问你们这里有运动鞋吗?B: 当然有了,请问您喜欢哪个品牌的运动鞋?A: 我比较喜欢耐克和阿迪达斯。
B: 我们这里有各种品牌的运动鞋,您可以随便挑选。
A: 好的,能给我看一下这双耐克的运动鞋吗?B: 当然可以,请跟我来。
A: 这款鞋的价格是多少?B: 这双鞋的原价是200美元,但是现在正在打折,只需150美元。
A: 那我想试穿一下,有没有我的尺码?B: 请稍等,我去为您找一下。
A: 谢谢你,我觉得这双鞋很合适,我想买下它。
B: 很高兴您对我们的商品感兴趣,请问您是现金还是刷卡付款?A: 我想用信用卡付款。
B: 好的,请您刷卡输入密码。
A: 好的,谢谢你的帮助。
B: 不客气,祝您购物愉快!练习二:饭店订餐对话A: 你好,请问现在还有空桌吗?B: 当然还有,请问您是几位?A: 我们是两个人。
B: 很好,请跟我来这边。
A: 谢谢你,这个位置很好。
B: 这是菜单,请您点菜。
A: 我想吃一份鱼香肉丝和一碗宫保鸡丁。
B: 好的,您还需要点些饮料吗?A: 我们想要两杯冰水。
B: 好的,我会尽快为您上菜。
A: 谢谢你的帮助。
B: 不客气,祝您用餐愉快!练习三:旅行对话A: 你好,请问去机场的公交车在哪里等?B: 公交车站就在这个路口的对面。
A: 谢谢你,我还有一个问题,怎么去火车站?B: 从这里坐2路公交车,可以直接到达火车站。
A: 那我应该在哪个站下车?B: 您可以在终点站下车,那就是火车站。
A: 好的,谢谢你的帮助。
B: 不客气,祝您旅途愉快!练习四:学校询问对话A: 你好,请问这里是XXX学校吗?B: 是的,您找这里有什么事情吗?A: 我想咨询一下报名的事宜。
B: 好的,请您跟我来校办公室。
A: 谢谢你,我对这所学校很感兴趣。
B: 欢迎您来参观我们的学校。
A: 我想了解一下学费和课程设置。
B: 我们可以为您提供详细的资料,请稍等片刻。
A: 好的,谢谢你的帮助。
B: 不客气,如果您有任何问题,请随时咨询我们。

六年级英语情景对话单选题60题1. -Hello! How are you?-_____A. Fine, thank you.B. I'm five.C. I'm a student.D. I'm tall.答案:A。
“How are you?”是询问身体状况的常用语,A 选项“Fine, thank you.”表示“很好,谢谢”,是常见且恰当的回答。
B 选项“I'm five.”意思是“我五岁”,与问题无关。
C 选项“I'm a student.”意思是“我是一名学生”,不符合问题。
D 选项“I'm tall.”意思是“我很高”,也不符合问题。
2. -Nice to meet you.-_____A. I'm fine.B. Nice to meet you, too.C. Thank you.D. You're welcome.答案:B。
当别人说“Nice to meet you.”时,礼貌的回应是“Nice to meet you, too.”,意思是“见到你也很高兴”。
A 选项“I'm fine.”是回答“How are you?”的。
C 选项“Thank you.”用于感谢。
D 选项“You're welcome.”用于回应“Thank you.”。
3. -This is my friend, Tom.-_____A. How old is he?B. Nice to meet you, Tom.C. What's his name?D. Goodbye.答案:B。
当别人介绍朋友时,应该表示友好并说“Nice to meet you, Tom.”。
A 选项“How old is he?”是询问年龄。
C 选项“What's his name?”是询问名字,已经介绍过名字了所以不合适。
D 选项“Goodbye.”是告别用语,不符合此时情境。

情景对话专练1. —Will it snow any more?— _______ .We have had enough this year.A.I hope soB.I hope notC.I think soD.I think not2. —You’re going to have a rise this month,aren’t you?—Yes,only$100.—Well,______ .A.the more,the betterB.easier said than doneC.better than neverD.better than nothing3. — Could you be so kind to close the window?— ________ .A. Go aheadB. Help yourselfC. Yeah, with pleasureD. Yes, please4. —I'm sorry. I'm afraid I was mistaken.—________.A. All rightB. Excuse meC. That's allD. Don't worry about it5. —Shall I give you a ride as it is so late?—Thank you. __________ .A. It’s up to youB. It couldn’t be betterC. It all dependsD. If you prefer6. —You seem to have lost your way. ______?—Yes. I’m looking for Sunny Street.A. What are you looking forB. Are you looking for somethingC. Need helpD. Where are you going7. —Sue,see , what did I find ?— Oh , my lost keys !________A.Where did you find it ? B.I am really grateful for you .C.What a nice temper you have ! D.I can’t thank you enough .8. —I’m taking my mathematics test tomorrow morning.—_________!A. CheersB. Good luckC. Come onD.Congratulations9. —It’s wrong of a student to do whatever his teacher says.—It’s true. ______.A. It doesn’t matterB. No problemC. That’s all rightD. I can’t agree more10. —Hello! Is Mr. Fred available?— __________A. I am Mr Fred.B. SpeakingC. Who are you?D. Who are you looking for?11. —How do you find your new car?—_________.A It is indeed greatB By chanceC In the newly-opened car marketD An old friend recommended it to me12. --- ______?--- Nothing serious, but a bit tired.A. Anything the matter with youB. Is that allC. Anything elseD. What’s this13. —Do remember to charge the battery 12 hours when you first use it.— ________. .A.Made it B.Got itC.Understood it D.Remembered it14. — Do you think I should join the singing group, Mary?— _____ .If I were in your shoes, I certainly would.A. None of your business B.It dependsC.Why not D.I don’t think so15. —So you missed the meeting.—____. I got there five minutes before it finished.A. Not at allB. Not exactlyC. Not especiallyD. Not really16. --- Is there anything wrong with my heart?--- ______ . Take it easy.A. Nothing seriousB. That’s rightC. Don’t mindD. Keep calm17. —Excuse me, could you please spare me a few minutes to explain this?—Sorry, but I must go to a meeting now.—_______________.A.Thanks a lot B.What a pityC.I am sorry to hear that D.Thanks anyway18. --- What about having a drink?--- _______.A. Good ideaB. Help yourselfC. Go ahead, pleaseD. Me, too19. --- I’m sorry I’ve brought you too much trouble.--- _________.A. All rightB. That’s rightC. That’s OKD. You’re welcome20. --Whose advice do you think I should follow?---____.A. No problemB. Come onC. It’s up to youD. Well, that’s life21. ---Can you turn down the radio, please?---________.A. Oh, I knowB. I'm sorry; I didn't realize it was that loudC. I'll keep it down next time.D. Please forgive me22. ---I’m not good at basketball, you know.---_______ We’re playing for fun. Just try and you’ll see you can do it.A. Well, it depends.B. Take your time.C. Come on!D. That’s OK.23. —I've never found a better job and I’m so glad.— _________ .A. I don't think soB. Too badC. CongratulationsD. Don't worry24. —Shall I give you a hand with this as you are so busy now?—Thank you. _______.A. Of course you canB. If you likeC. It’s up to youD. It couldn’t be better25. --- I really had a good journey in the summer holiday.--- ________. .A. It's very nice of youB. CongratulationsC. It's pleasureD. I'm glad to hear that26. —Don’t interrupt me while I’m explaining the key points to you.—All right. .A. Wait a momentB. Go aheadC. Take your timeD. Forget it27.---I can’t finish the paper until tomorrow, I’m afraid.---That’s OK, there’s ______.A. no problemB. no hurryC. no doubtD. no wonder28. —Do you mind if I turn off the MP3 player ?— ________. We are all expecting to listen to some pop music.A .I’m afraid I do B. Of course not.C. Why not?D. Never mind.29. ---There is still an hour to go. Could we seat somewhere to have a drink?--- __________A. Let’s have a try.B. Sure.C. That’s right.D. No, we couldn’t.30.—I have just narrowly passed my exam.I feel so relieved now.— _________ !A.Cheer upB.That’s all rightC.What a pityD.Well done31. —The terrible earthquake made 15 million people homeless.—_________ .A.CertainlyB.I agree with youC.It’s OKD.That’s the case32. .—I really don’t know how to thank you enough.—_______ .A.No problemB.Think nothing of itC.With pleasureD.Glad to hear that33. —Let’s go and have a good drink tonight.—______. Have you got the first prize in the competition?A.What for?B.Thanks a lot.C.Yes.I’d like to.D.Why not?34. —I’d rather have some wine,if yo u don’t mind.—_________. Don’t forget that you’ll drive.A.I’m sorry,but you’d better not.B.Not at all,anything you want.C.Thank you all the same.D.Yes,never mind.35.—I think you should have more healthy food and take more exercise if you want tolose weight.— _________.A.That’s all rightB.Thank you for your advice.C.It’s very nice of you to say so.D.I don’t believe so.36. —Cliff,I lost your pen at school,I suppose I pay for it.—Oh. _________ .It was just an old pen anyway.A.Forget itB.Take it easyC.By no meansD.You got it37. —Do you let your kids travel alone at night?— __________ !A.Forget itB.Go aheadC.Absolutely notD.At any time38. —John,stop complaining about others. __________ !—Please let me explain.A.I have had enoughB.That’s all rightC.You’re welcomeD.Don’t mind it39. -- Excuse me, Sir, is the swimming pool open all day?--______. Only from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm.A. That's right.B. Yes, of courseC. Sorry, I am not sureD. Sorry, I'm afraid not40. .—Pardon me,sir. And is it time for us to set off now?—____________ .We’ll have to wait for one more hour.A.Certainly,it isB.That’s all rightC.Sorry,it’s too longD.Sorry,I am afraid not41.---Do you think that the exams are very tiring.--- ________. In fact, they offered me good chances studyA. It’s up to youB. Don’t mention itC. It just dependsD. Not in the least42. —Mary has been trained hard for the last two years.—______she did so well at the track and field meet yesterday.A,No doubt B.No question C.No wonder D.No problem43. ---Rose, mind your step! Aunt Jane slipped over on the wet floor and broke her leg yesterday.--- ________ .A.It’s none of your business B.It doesn’t matter to meC.Thank you for your reminding D.I will remember your words44. —Alex has lost his job.—________? As far as I know, he is devoted to his work.A. What forB. So whatC. How’s thatD. How come45. ---Putting on a happy face not only helps us make friends but also makes us feelbetter.--- ___________.A. I’d love to.B. I’m with you on that.C. It’s up to you .D. It’s my pleasure.46. —The earthquake has killed over two thousand people in Yushu.—________.A. OKB. CertainlyC. I agreeD. That’s the case47. —Make sure you have turned off the air conditioners before going out.—_______________.A. Heard itB. Made itC. Forgot itD. Got it48. ----How do you find the concert in the Beijing Grand Theatre last night?----_______.But the conductor was perfect.A.I couldn’t agree more B.I don’t think much of itC.I was crazy about it D.I really like it49. —Where’s your assignment?— ____A. I had already handed it in.B. It was handed in.C. It’d been handed in.D. It’s been handed in. 50. —You won’t believe it, Sam.I was chosen as an exchange student to China.— Congratulations! _______A.That’s something.B.You did a good job.C.That’s al l right.D.You got it.51.—I’m terribly sorry to keep you waiting for so long.— _______.A.Never mind.B.That’s right. C.You are welcome.D.Don’t mention it.52.— Good-bye ! I’m going back to my hometown this afternoon.—________A. Have a nice trip.B. Congratulations!C. Take your time.D. I couldn’t agree more.53. —Shall I keep an eye on your house when you are on holiday?—_________ .A.It's up to you B.Of course you shouldC.If you should like D.I would appreciate that.54. —Bob, can you spare me a few minutes right now? I have to ask you somequestions.— __________.A. It’s a pleasureB. Ask, pleaseC. Help yourselfD. Yes, go ahead55. —I don’t think I will win a lottery (彩票) of 5,000,000 dollars in all my life.—Well, ______. Everything can happen.A. you can never tellB. you’re kiddingC. what you sayD. you made it56.—We’d better go downstairs right now for lunch.—__________ They serve food 24 hours a day.A. Hurry up!B. Take your time.C. No way!D. It doesn’t matter.57. —See the gathering clouds outside? Please take th is umbrella with you.—________.A.Thanks.Take it easy B.OK, just in caseC.Well, it just depends D.All right.I'll try my luck58. ---Let me help you cross the street.--- ________ ! I’m not that old.A.Take your time B.No way C.Come on D.Go ahead59. —You hate Lee,don’t you?—_________. I just think he’s a bit annoying,that’s a11.A.Not exactly B.Not really C.Not a little D.Not at all60. —You’re not ang ry then?—______. I’ve never laughed so much in my life.A. You’re jokingB. You’ve made itC. That’s all rightD. Far from it61. ----- I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have shouted at you the other day.-----__________. I was a bit out of control myself.A. That’s rightB. Got itC. Forget itD. All right62. ---I’m thinking of the test tomorrow. I’m afraid I can’t pass this time.--- ________.I’m sure you’ll make it.A. Go aheadB. Good luckC. No problemD. Cheer up63.–Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away?–Thank you. ___________.A. It couldn’t be betterB. Of course you canC. If you likeD. It’s up to you64. -I’m sorry I’m late. I got held up in the traffic on my way here.-________ .A. Don’t be late next timeB. You should be blamedC. It doesn’t matter, I’m also lateD. Never mind. Come and sit down65. —Do you want me to get you a chair?—No, _________.A.it’s nice of you B.I can manage itC.don't bother D.I am glad to hear that66. --- Could you fetch me my glasses from the kitchen?--- ___________.A.It’s a pleasure B.At your serviceC.It doesn’t matter D.That’s my pleasure67. —Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bank is, please?—______ Oh yes! It's past the office, next to a big market.A. Mm, let me think.B. Oh, I beg your pardon?C. You're welcome.D. What do you mean?68. ---It might be nice to see a film this weekend.---________That’s what I have got in mind.A.My pleasure.B.Why not? C.Come on! D.Go ahead!69. --- Oh, must you? Stay a bit longer. ____.--- Thanks anyway. I’ve got an early start tomorrow morning.A. It’s been such fun having you.B. Maybe you can have supper here.C. We welcome you with open arms.D. Let’s have another chat.70. —I'd rather have some wine, if you don't mind.— ____.A. No, you'd better notB. Not at all, anything you wantC. Thank you all the sameD. Yes, but not good71. —Everybody is going to climb the mountain . Can I go too , mom ?— ______ Wait till you are old enough ,dear.A. Will youB. Why not ?C. I hope so .D. I’m afraid not.72. —Was he sorry for what he’d done ?—_______.A. No wonderB. Well doneC. Not reallyD. Go ahead73. —Do you think their team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games?—_________. Ours is much stronger than theirs.A. Of courseB. It dependsC. Don’t mention itD. By no means74. —Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me?—Sure. _________ ?A. What helpB. What is thisC. What is itD. What do you want75. ---- _______?----That would be great !Please drop me off at the libraryA. could you bring me the billB. would you like me to give you a liftC. Could you tell me the postcode forD. would you like to have my e-mail address76. —Do you think you could do without help?—______. This is not the first time for me.A. Take careB. Hurry upC. Not exactlyD. Don’t worry77. ---What’s the noise ? It sounds as if it comes from upstairs.---______ . It must be the window-cleaner working, next door.A. I’m not sureB. I hope notC. I’d rather notD. I don’t think so78. ---Is it all right if I keep this photo?---_____________.A. No . you don’tB. No. it shouldn’tC. I’m afraid notD. Don’t keep it79. --- It took me ten years to build up my business, and it almost killed me.--- Well, you know what they say. _________.A. There is no smoke without fireB. Practice makes perfectC. All roads lead to RomeD. No pains, no gains80. —We’re organizing a party next Saturday, and I’d like you to come.— _______! I have another one that day. Thank you just the same.A.Good luckB. What a pityC. Never do it againD. Well done。

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1. 我们国家最重要的传统节日是春节,那时我们会走亲访友。
Which is the most important traditional festival in your country?The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival.How do you celebrate it? We usually visit friends and relatives at that time.2. 我家离学校大约五公里远,所以我通常乘坐公共汽车去上学。
How far is it from your home to the school?It’s about five kilometers from my home to the school.How do you usually go to school?I usually go to school by bus. ( I often take a bus to school.)3. 城市的空气污染越来越严重,我们出行应该经常坐公交车。
What do you think of the air in our city?Air pollution is more and more serious in our city.What suggestion can you offer? We should take a bus when going out.4. 我更喜欢旅游,旅游能让我放松身心。
Which do you prefer, staying at home or going on a trip? I prefer going on a trip. How do you feel when traveling? I feel relaxed when traveling.5. 我喜欢听流行音乐,周杰伦是我最喜欢的歌手。
What kind of music do you like? I like popular music.Who is your favourite singer? Jay Chou is my favourite singer.6. 我爸爸送我一台ipad, 它很方便很有用。
What did your father give you? My father gave me an ipad.How do you find the present? I find it convenient and useful.7. 我的圣诞礼物是一张明信片,上面有一只可爱的大熊猫。
What is your Christmas gift? It’s a post card.What does it look like? There is a lovely panda on that card.8. 我的电脑出故障了,我明天会请人修一下。
What has happened to you ? Something is wrong with my computer.How will you deal with the problem? I will ask someone to repair it tomorrow.9. 现在我的手表显示时间是10点30分,火车10点45分开。
What’s the time now by your watch? It’s ten thirty .When does the train leave? The train leaves at ten forty-five.10. 今天是9月9日,明天是教师节。
What’s the date today?It’s September the ninth.What festival is it tomorrow? It is Teachers’ Day.11. 我是三年级二班的学生,家住在学校附近的第九街。
Which class and which grade are you in? I’m in Class Two, Grade Three.Where do you live? I live in the Ninth Street near the school.12. 单词Panda 的意思是中国四川一种吃竹子的动物。
How many letters are there in the word “panda”?There are five letters in the word. What does the word mean?It m eans “A kind of animal eating bamboo s living in Sichuan Province , China.13. 中国的面积是960万平方公里,有55个少数民族。
What’s the area of China?Its area is nine million six hundred thousand square kilometers.How many minorities are there in China? There are fifty-five minorities in China.14. 去医院应该沿着街走,在第一个拐角处往左转。
Can you tell me the way to the hospital?Yes. Go down the street, and turn left at the first corner.How far is it from here? It’s about ten minutes’ walk from here.15.我们班有49个学生,其中男生有22个。
How many students are there in your class? There are 49 students in my class. How many girl students? There are twenty-seven girl students in my class.16. 我一般早上六点起床,早饭吃面包、喝牛奶。
What time do you get up? I usually get up at 6 o’clock in the morning.What do you have for breakfast? I usually eat some bread and drink some milk. 17. 我喜欢阅读,尤其是关于中国历史的书籍。
What’s your hobby?I like reading.What kind of book do you prefer? I prefer books about Chinese history.18. 美国的首都是华盛顿,最大的城市是纽约。
Which city is the capital of America? Washington D.C. is the capital of America. Which city is the biggest in America? New York City is the biggest in America. 19. 我最喜欢的季节是冬天,可以堆雪人。
What’s your favourite season?My favourite season is winter.What can you do in winter? I can make a snowman20. 我的宠物狗很聪明,它认识回家的路。
How do you like your dog? I think my dog is clever.Why do you think so? Because it can find its way back home.31. 轮到我打扫房间了,我要先去擦窗户。
Whose turn is it to clean the room? It’s my turn .What will you do first? I’ll clean the windows first.32. 我明天去图书馆借书,我想借一本有关电脑的杂志。
What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m going to borrow a book from the library. Which kind of book do you want to borrow?I want to borrow a magazine about(on) computer.33. 我在学校门口,我和Lucy一块儿去放风筝。
Where are you ? I’m at the school gate.What are you going to do? I’m going to fly kites with Lucy.34. 我暑假将去香港旅游,要在那里呆一周。
What are you going to do for summer holidays?I am going to visit Hong Kong for summer holidays.How long will you stay there? I’ll stay there for a week..35. 我今天必须完成家庭作业,明天将要去北京旅游。
Can you play basketball with me now?Sorry, but I have to finish my homework today.Why can’t you finish it tomorrow?I will travel to Beijing tomorrow.(I plan to travel to Beijing tomorrow.)36. 我昨天晚上看了《变形金刚》这部电影,觉得它很感人。
When did you watch the movie Transformers? I watched it yesterday evening. What do you think of the movie? It’s really(quite) moving.37. 我在南京工作,坐飞机到北京需两个小时。
Where do you work? I work in Nanjing.How far is it from Beijing? It takes two hours to fly to Beijing.38.这台新电脑是Tom的,价格是8000元。