2. Different views on language.
In the past century, language teaching and learning practices have been influenced by three different views of language, namely, the structural view, the functional view and the interactional view. Different views on language generate different teaching methodologies.
Therefore, learners learn a language in order to do things with it. To perform functions, learners need to know how to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notions that perform the functions.
Structural View:
It sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystem: from phonological, morphological, lexical, etc. to sentence. Each language has a finite number of such structural items. To learn a language means to learn these structural items so as to be able to understand and produce language.
• Effective strategies: These are the strategies that focus on managing emotions and creating a positive learning environment, including stress management, motivation, and self talk
use of knowledge
They include cognitive strategies, metacognitive strategies, effective
strategies, and physiological strategies
Learning strategies are individualized and can vary from
person ategies
Learning strategies refer to the methods and techniques that learners use to facilitate their acquisition, storage, retrieval, and
use of knowledge
They include cognitive strategies, metacognitive strategies, effective
strategies, and physiological strategies
Learning strategies are individualized and can vary from
English is the language of many fields, including science, technology, and the arts To stay up to date with the latest developments in these fields, it is necessary to have a good command of English
use of knowledge
They include cognitive strategies, metacognitive strategies, effective
strategies, and physiological strategies
Learning strategies are individualized and can vary from
person ategies
Learning strategies refer to the methods and techniques that learners use to facilitate their acquisition, storage, retrieval, and
use of knowledge
They include cognitive strategies, metacognitive strategies, effective
strategies, and physiological strategies
Learning strategies are individualized and can vary from
English is the language of many fields, including science, technology, and the arts To stay up to date with the latest developments in these fields, it is necessary to have a good command of English
口语学习策略主要包括:朗读策略、跟读策 略、模拟交际情景策略、大胆开口主动交流策略。
阅读学习策略主要包括:关键字词分析策略、 句型分析策略、主题归纳策略、精读四步法策略、 词义猜测策略、略读策略、速读策略、内容预测策 略、文体识别策略。
写作学习策略主要包括:句子书面表达策略、 连句成文策略、短文写作策略、常见文体范文临摹 策略。
三、归纳和积累英语中一些常见 的句式结构
归纳和积累英语中一些常见的句式结 构可使学生减少阅读理解的障碍。在课上 教师可结合课文中所出现的语法和句型结 构来帮助学生归纳,再补充例子来加以巩 固,像强调句、倒装句等句型也应给学生 补充,只有平时不断的积累,才能使学生 了解尽可能多的句型结构,熟悉英语表达 的思维模式,提高对段落,篇章的理解能 力。
另外,由于词汇记忆在英语学习中占有十分重 要的地位,因此就词汇记忆而言又包含下述策略: 词汇联想记忆策略、字词归类记忆策略、词汇对比 记忆策略、图形记忆策略、构词法学习策略、词不 离句策略、纠正顽固音策略。
1.词汇量少,对词语理解不准确,不全面。 2.背景知识的缺乏,影响对整篇文章的理解。 3.对英语表达的思维模式和句子结构不熟悉,造成 文章理解的困难。 4.不良的阅读习惯,既影响阅读速度,又妨碍学生 获取信息的准确性。 5.缺乏掌握基本的阅读技巧,阅读效果不佳。 6.找出了影响学生阅读能力的主要因素后,就应针 对这些方面采取措施,加强专项训练来提高学生的 阅读能力。
阅读学习策略主要包括:关键字词分析策略、 句型分析策略、主题归纳策略、精读四步法策略、 词义猜测策略、略读策略、速读策略、内容预测策 略、文体识别策略。
写作学习策略主要包括:句子书面表达策略、 连句成文策略、短文写作策略、常见文体范文临摹 策略。
三、归纳和积累英语中一些常见 的句式结构
归纳和积累英语中一些常见的句式结 构可使学生减少阅读理解的障碍。在课上 教师可结合课文中所出现的语法和句型结 构来帮助学生归纳,再补充例子来加以巩 固,像强调句、倒装句等句型也应给学生 补充,只有平时不断的积累,才能使学生 了解尽可能多的句型结构,熟悉英语表达 的思维模式,提高对段落,篇章的理解能 力。
另外,由于词汇记忆在英语学习中占有十分重 要的地位,因此就词汇记忆而言又包含下述策略: 词汇联想记忆策略、字词归类记忆策略、词汇对比 记忆策略、图形记忆策略、构词法学习策略、词不 离句策略、纠正顽固音策略。
1.词汇量少,对词语理解不准确,不全面。 2.背景知识的缺乏,影响对整篇文章的理解。 3.对英语表达的思维模式和句子结构不熟悉,造成 文章理解的困难。 4.不良的阅读习惯,既影响阅读速度,又妨碍学生 获取信息的准确性。 5.缺乏掌握基本的阅读技巧,阅读效果不佳。 6.找出了影响学生阅读能力的主要因素后,就应针 对这些方面采取措施,加强专项训练来提高学生的 阅读能力。
英语学习策略(小学部分)Learning StrategyPPT课件
O'Grady等人(1989)认为学习策略是一种“心理过程”, 包括对输入语言做出某种假设并对这种假设进行检验和 把语言知识应用于交际场合。
母语策略(将母语作为学习或记忆的主要媒介和 方法
我将书中的对话或课文译成汉语 听英语时我在头脑中用汉语记下所听内容 说英语时我先用汉语组织意思再翻译过来
资源策略(学生合理并有效利用多种媒体 进行学习和运用英语的策略)
我尝试阅读英语故事及其他英语课外读物 我通过网络资源学习英语 我看英文光盘 我注意阅读商标、标牌上的英文并记载 我留意街道、建筑物等的英文标志
3)选择学习策略的形式很大程度上取决于学习者内部 因素.
4)教师的教学经验、教学方法、教学步骤以及教材和 教学环境等外部因素也从多角度影响学习者的学习策 略的形成和使用。
一、学习策略的定义(What’s learning strategy?)
Oxford (1990)认为,学习策略是学习者在学习中所采 取的具体行为或行动,从而使语言学习变得更加快捷容 易、更加有趣、更加便于自学、更加容易适应新的环境。
language knowledge language ability( listening,speaking,reading
and writing) emotion and attitude cultural awareness learning strategies
But the learning strategy means that the students adopt various actions and steps for their efficient learning and developing.
definition content
Rebecca Oxford (1990,p.8 )
Some ways of teaching learning strategy
The procedures of teaching learning strategy
Add 5 Partyour title
The apply of learning strategy
The rise of learning strategies
1980s---Classifications of strategies and descriptions of learners The 1980s was marked by efforts to classify strategies. Language educators like O’Malley and Chamot (1990), Oxford (1990), and others created classification schemes that labeled strategies according to whether they had a primarily “metacognitive”, “cognitive”, “social”, “affective”, or other function, drawing primarily on the rich L1 literature about reading strategies.
O’Malley & Chamt (1990)cognitive strategies
resourcing, keyword method, inferencing, note-taking, recombination, translation
metacognitive strategies
(d) Using dictionaries or other reference materials.
(e) Writing down the main idea, important points or outline of the information presented orally or in writing. (f) Putting together smaller meaningful elements into new wholes.
Meta-cognitive Strategies In the 1970s, American psychologist Flavell (1979) first put forward the concept of metacognitive strategy which enriched the theoretical research and training instruction of learning strategy. He thinks metacognitive strategy is the cognition of cognition, the awareness and controlling of a person’s process and result of his own cognition. Metacognition includes three aspects: metacognitive knowledge, metacognitive experience, metacognitive supervision and adjustment, with the last one as the most important. In the learning activities, the cognitive strategy is the indispensable specific knowledge which can improve learning efficiency, but the metacognitive strategy is the supervision and adjustment of the whole learning activities. The use of the cognitive strategy aims to make progress whereas the use of the metacognitive strategy aims to supervise this progress.
高考英语 英语学习思考策略分析课件
• 那么,第二语言与外语究竟有 那么, 什么区别? 什么区别?它们是同一概念不 同风格的用语, 同风格的用语,还是两个截然 不同的概念? 不同的概念?它对英语教学的 效果会产生怎样的作用? 效果会产生怎样的作用? • 其实,我们知道,second 其实,我们知道, 1anguage与first language相对 相对, 与 相对 而foreign 1anguage和non和 native language是与 是与mother 是与 tongue和native 1anguage相对 和 相对 的。
• 我们尽可以看到一些十分成功 的外语教学观摩课, 的外语教学观摩课,在这些观 摩课上英语教师和学生配合的 天衣无缝, 天衣无缝,听说读写的操练样 样俱全,加上朗诵,短剧, 样俱全,加上朗诵,短剧,多 媒体演示,教学者为之兴奋, 媒体演示,教学者为之兴奋, 听课者为之激动。然而, 听课者为之激动。然而,在一 年365天的外语教学中,这样的 天的外语教学中, 天的外语教学中 课又有多少呢? 课又有多少呢?
• 教师的职责一是教给学生知识,二 教师的职责一是教给学生知识, 是教给学生如何获取知识的知识, 是教给学生如何获取知识的知识, 即培养学生获取知识的能力。 即培养学生获取知识的能力。一是 二是“ 授之于鱼, “鱼”,二是“渔”,授之于鱼, 不如教之于渔,外语教学的过程中, 不如教之于渔,外语教学的过程中, 就是发挥学生的主体作用, “渔”就是发挥学生的主体作用, 调动学生学习外语的主观能动性, 调动学生学习外语的主观能动性, 培养学习者的学习策略和学习方法, 培养学习者的学习策略和学习方法, 这远比简单地“授之于鱼” 这远比简单地“授之于鱼”要重要 的多,对学生也有用的多。 的多,对学生也有用的多。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
实践篇 How should vocabulary be taught?:
语词汇教学研究者对词汇教学的途径取 得了广泛的共识:
一是直接教学法,即以词汇教学为教学 目标,对词的结构、意义和用法进行分析、 讲解和操练。其优点是效率比较高,不足 之处是学生从语境中猜测词义的机会较少。
二是间接教学法,即通过阅读、听说等 活动,间接地达到扩大词汇量的目的。其 优点是学生可以从多种不同的语境中学习 词汇的意义和用法,缺点是不够集中,效 率较低。
2.实践课例二:幽默联想找单词间规律,自编自用 3.实践课例三:用头脑风暴和思维导图建词汇库 4.实践课例四:外形联想法记忆 5.实践课例五:用多手段加大语言输入,巩固和扩大词汇 6.实践课例六:配情景图片、用真实语境,促词汇活用 7.实践课例七:在任务型教学中促学词汇
语言学家wil s:
“without grammar,very little can be conveyed.
without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed.”
语言学家LAUFER通过调查发现,外语学习者如拥有5000 词汇量,阅读正确率可达56%,词汇量6400,阅读正确率 63%,5000词汇量是个阅读所需词汇量的下限。美国语言 学家DILLER作过一个统计,如果我们认得25个最常见的 英文单词,那么平均每页纸上的字我们就会认识1/3,如果 我们认识135个常用词,平均每页纸上的字,我们则认得 50%,如果认得2500个单词,则为78%,如果5000个单 词,则为86%,如果10000个单词,则为92%。他同时认
To know which other words you can (or can’t) use with it To use it in the right situation
2、Visual Forms 汉英象形
旦 由
旧 日目
申田 甲
晨旺 旷
昊 阳 昙
里明 但
旬 时 旱
hear bear pear
1.Sounds 音 2.Forms 形 3.Meanings 义
1. Sounds (元音、辅音、重音和变音) 5146712345.91173c95..n.hw.iradcsmpnieibtllvsiodavceloeidtneriatnhdestecdcwlnhoaiaitstrlhpbdieimdeolinoarselsinevimdeva/tanicnysict(lsruaPleiotr.otiPetaonh.r)niyng 55628134602.28406.sn.c.paawedsmlyeotdxeiuerputdpaniharaslodenaird(cainntne.dcs)a(leavoatayum.dwt)lpsmehrtdua/sxieinelsrpstsaidplcoana(idnvtnard.iana)ctteiolyn 55639124713.39517.s.d.pohagbfIpwiltoudsrooaoapctumwlwhmiuryltdi(silhrnmcase.sr)as+r+odawsuifdhsbpltgomochoIruweuwptaliasihrlmuetsa(nldyilirvtcemaoi.aro)nnalintt(yic+a非l 同根词) 556412382440628..C..retbhsJraeeahxiondaosdpouartleawro(doscenlreagysy.ys) h+iCshedbrhxaodreithoenpuaeJidwlarsnsoieudrptegsoyciarsairtncinoeacnsl e 55651234935157.39.p..ribrfmkpsemierolnvdfpaeeuopdejartowrustrhehrsestdsrryibmdkpsirmodnrpearfeuoalijepipenotfwrhatdreehiselrusteauerysdntrnitegorcienal 65661234046628.40.w..solcibdspoinatofagvhumbftutneryidhcorasyaednigcrusec*de+lbocowapsaleofbithiotsfivugohni/ymedcrnetsalireoaeiyagotcntnoleuditesroruyteucstion
2、Visual Forms 汉英象形
旦 由
旧 日目
申田 甲
晨旺 旷
昊 阳 昙
里明 但
旬 时 旱
hear bear pear
1.Sounds 音 2.Forms 形 3.Meanings 义
1. Sounds (元音、辅音、重音和变音) 5146712345.91173c95..n.hw.iradcsmpnieibtllvsiodavceloeidtneriatnhdestecdcwlnhoaiaitstrlhpbdieimdeolinoarselsinevimdeva/tanicnysict(lsruaPleiotr.otiPetaonh.r)niyng 55628134602.28406.sn.c.paawedsmlyeotdxeiuerputdpaniharaslodenaird(cainntne.dcs)a(leavoatayum.dwt)lpsmehrtdua/sxieinelsrpstsaidplcoana(idnvtnard.iana)ctteiolyn 55639124713.39517.s.d.pohagbfIpwiltoudsrooaoapctumwlwhmiuryltdi(silhrnmcase.sr)as+r+odawsuifdhsbpltgomochoIruweuwptaliasihrlmuetsa(nldyilirvtcemaoi.aro)nnalintt(yic+a非l 同根词) 556412382440628..C..retbhsJraeeahxiondaosdpouartleawro(doscenlreagysy.ys) h+iCshedbrhxaodreithoenpuaeJidwlarsnsoieudrptegsoyciarsairtncinoeacnsl e 55651234935157.39.p..ribrfmkpsemierolnvdfpaeeuopdejartowrustrhehrsestdsrryibmdkpsirmodnrpearfeuoalijepipenotfwrhatdreehiselrusteauerysdntrnitegorcienal 65661234046628.40.w..solcibdspoinatofagvhumbftutneryidhcorasyaednigcrusec*de+lbocowapsaleofbithiotsfivugohni/ymedcrnetsalireoaeiyagotcntnoleuditesroruyteucstion
通过口语练习提高表达和交流能 力
口语练习是提高英语表达和交流能力的关键 根据一项研究,通过口语练习,学生在听力、阅读和写作方面的表现都有 显著提高。 口语练习有助于培养良好的英语思维习惯 通过口语练习,学生可以更好地理解和运用英语语法规则,从而提高英语 思维能力。 口语练习可以提高学生的自信心 通过不断地进行口语练习,学生可以逐渐克服语言障碍,增强自信心。
英语学习方法与策略对学习效果的影 响
有效的学习方法和策略可以提高英 语学习效果,为未来学习和职业发 展奠定基础。
英语学习对个人素质的提高 通过学习英语,可以提高个人的沟 通能力、跨文化交际能力和自我学 习能力,从而提高个人素质。
学习和记忆常用的英语单词和 短语
主动学习 根据一项研究,主动学习的学生在英语成绩上比被动学习的学生高出 20%。 多听多说 通过听英语歌曲、看英语电影和与母语为英语的人交流,可以有效提高 听力和口语能力。 记忆单词 使用闪卡法或联想记忆法可以帮助学生更有效地记住英语单词和短语。
Middle School English Learning Methods and Strategies
01 理解英语学习的重要性
02 掌握基础的英语知识
03 提高英语听说能力
04 提升英语阅读和写作技巧
05 利用各种资源进行英语学习
通过写作练习提高表达能力和逻 辑思维
多读英语书籍 根据一项研究,每天阅读30分钟的英语书籍可以提高学生的词汇量和阅读 理解能力。 参加英语角 在英语角中,学生可以与母语为英语的人交流,提高口语表达能力。 观看英语电影 一项研究发现,观看英语电影可以帮助学生更好地理解和掌握英语语法。 写英语日记 写英语日记可以帮助学生提高写作能力和逻辑思维能力。
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English Language Learning Strategies and Study Skills
Foreign Language Department Class Evaluation
Attendance: 20%
Class Performance:20% Homework:30% Final Test:30%
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. ---- Chinese Proverb
A. Defining Language Learning Strategies (LLSs)
Part I: Learning Strategies and Styles
Unit 1 Introduction
Unit 2 Indirect Strategies Unit 3 Direct Strategies Unit 4 Learning Styles
Unit 1 Introduction
C. Selecting LLSs
Learning English is difficult Practice makes perfect If you learn how to learn English, then you do not have to work hard anymore How well you learn English depends mostly on how hard you work at it. You should look up every English word you find when reading The more challenging a phrase in English is, the more you can learn from it To understand what you are reading or hearing, you need to know all the words used Your biggest concern when you are speaking English should be NOT to make mistakes You should first think in your own language to know what you want to say, and then translate into English
Is it necessary to learn language learning strategies? What strategies do you usually use in learning process? What factors will facilitate/ hinder your language learning?
Teaching Objectives
To teach learning strategies on various aspects of language learning, such as reading, writting, speaking, etc.
To help students put these strategies into practice to promote language learning process.
Questions to think about
Do you think your reasons and purposes for learning English influence how you learn and how well you learn?. If yes, how?
English language learning activites
Read 21st Century to practice Watch English films every week Brainstorm with roomates possible topics for writing in English Make positive statements to yourself in order to feel more confident When learning a list of words in English, create a picture in your head of the words and the relationships among them When trying to learn the sounds of English, pay attention to how a native speaker shapes his mouth when talking, then you do the same while looking at a mirror While reading English, constantly look for clues to the meaning Read China Daily to keep up with events
Language Learning Strategies are...
the conscious thoughts and actions that learners take in order to achieve a learning goal specific methods or techniques used by individual learners to facilitate language learning
A. Defining Language Learning Strategies
B. Classifying LLSs C. Selecting LLSs
D. Assessing LLSs Use
E. Summary
Topics to Discuss
What is language learning strategies?
A. metacognitive strategies 1. assessing yourself 2. setting goals and objectives 3. planning 4. seeking practice opportunities B. affective strategies 1. lowering your anxiety 2. encourage yourself 3. taking your emotional temperature C. social strategies 1. asking questions 2. cooperating with others 3. empathizing with others
A. Metacognitive Strategies
Meta-means "beyond or at a higher level",therefore metacognitive strategies are actions which go beyond purely cognitive devices.
The purpose of learning LLSs is not to memorize knowledge about LLSs but to help you become an autonomous language learner
Unit 2 Indirect Strategies
Learning is a matter of attitude not aptitude ----Georgi Lovonov
B. Classifying LLSs
An overview of Language Learning Strategies
Direct 1. memory strategies A. creating mental linkages B. applying images and sounds C. reviewing well D. employing actions 2. cognitive strategies A. practing B. receiving and sending messages C. analying and reasoning D. creating structure for input and output 3. compensation strategies A. Guessing intelligently B. overcoming limitations in speaking and writing Indirect 1. metacognitive strategies A. centering your learning B. arranging and planning your learning C. evaluating your learning 2. affective strategies A. lowering your anxiety B. encourage yourself C. taking your emotional temperature 3. social strategies A. asking questions B. cooperating with others C. empathizing with others
1. Assessing yourself (task one)
My strengths in learning English
My weakness in learning English
Foreign Language Department Class Evaluation
Attendance: 20%
Class Performance:20% Homework:30% Final Test:30%
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. ---- Chinese Proverb
A. Defining Language Learning Strategies (LLSs)
Part I: Learning Strategies and Styles
Unit 1 Introduction
Unit 2 Indirect Strategies Unit 3 Direct Strategies Unit 4 Learning Styles
Unit 1 Introduction
C. Selecting LLSs
Learning English is difficult Practice makes perfect If you learn how to learn English, then you do not have to work hard anymore How well you learn English depends mostly on how hard you work at it. You should look up every English word you find when reading The more challenging a phrase in English is, the more you can learn from it To understand what you are reading or hearing, you need to know all the words used Your biggest concern when you are speaking English should be NOT to make mistakes You should first think in your own language to know what you want to say, and then translate into English
Is it necessary to learn language learning strategies? What strategies do you usually use in learning process? What factors will facilitate/ hinder your language learning?
Teaching Objectives
To teach learning strategies on various aspects of language learning, such as reading, writting, speaking, etc.
To help students put these strategies into practice to promote language learning process.
Questions to think about
Do you think your reasons and purposes for learning English influence how you learn and how well you learn?. If yes, how?
English language learning activites
Read 21st Century to practice Watch English films every week Brainstorm with roomates possible topics for writing in English Make positive statements to yourself in order to feel more confident When learning a list of words in English, create a picture in your head of the words and the relationships among them When trying to learn the sounds of English, pay attention to how a native speaker shapes his mouth when talking, then you do the same while looking at a mirror While reading English, constantly look for clues to the meaning Read China Daily to keep up with events
Language Learning Strategies are...
the conscious thoughts and actions that learners take in order to achieve a learning goal specific methods or techniques used by individual learners to facilitate language learning
A. Defining Language Learning Strategies
B. Classifying LLSs C. Selecting LLSs
D. Assessing LLSs Use
E. Summary
Topics to Discuss
What is language learning strategies?
A. metacognitive strategies 1. assessing yourself 2. setting goals and objectives 3. planning 4. seeking practice opportunities B. affective strategies 1. lowering your anxiety 2. encourage yourself 3. taking your emotional temperature C. social strategies 1. asking questions 2. cooperating with others 3. empathizing with others
A. Metacognitive Strategies
Meta-means "beyond or at a higher level",therefore metacognitive strategies are actions which go beyond purely cognitive devices.
The purpose of learning LLSs is not to memorize knowledge about LLSs but to help you become an autonomous language learner
Unit 2 Indirect Strategies
Learning is a matter of attitude not aptitude ----Georgi Lovonov
B. Classifying LLSs
An overview of Language Learning Strategies
Direct 1. memory strategies A. creating mental linkages B. applying images and sounds C. reviewing well D. employing actions 2. cognitive strategies A. practing B. receiving and sending messages C. analying and reasoning D. creating structure for input and output 3. compensation strategies A. Guessing intelligently B. overcoming limitations in speaking and writing Indirect 1. metacognitive strategies A. centering your learning B. arranging and planning your learning C. evaluating your learning 2. affective strategies A. lowering your anxiety B. encourage yourself C. taking your emotional temperature 3. social strategies A. asking questions B. cooperating with others C. empathizing with others
1. Assessing yourself (task one)
My strengths in learning English
My weakness in learning English