1.[单选题]SVM中要寻找和计算的MMH是指()A)最大边缘超平面B)超平面C)最小边缘超平面答案:A解析:2.[单选题]对于神经网络的说法, 下面正确的是 :A)增加神经网络层数, 可能会增加测试数据集的分类错误率B)减少神经网络层数, 总是能减小测试数据集的分类错误率C)增加神经网络层数, 总是能减小训练数据集的分类错误率答案:A解析:深度神经网络的成功, 已经证明, 增加神经网络层数, 可以增加模型范化能力, 即, 训练数据集和测试数据集都表现得更好. 但是, 在这篇文献中, 作者提到, 更多的层数, 也不一定能保证有更好的表现. 所以, 不能绝对地说层数多的好坏, 只能选A3.[单选题]数据预处理对机器学习是很重要的,下面说法正确的是( )。
5.[单选题]以下机器学习中,在数据预处理时,不需要考虑归一化处理的是( )A)逻辑回归B)支持向量机C)树形模型D)神经网络答案:C解析:6.[单选题]关于Logistic回归和Softmax回归,以下说法正确是:A)Logistic回归和Softmax回归都只能处理二元分类问题C)Logistic回归和Softmax回归都可以处理多元分类问题D)Softmax回归可以处理多元分类问题,Logistic回归只能处理二元分类问题答案:D解析:7.[单选题]用户有一种感兴趣的模式并且希望在数据集中找到相似的模式,属于数据挖掘哪一类任务?A)根据内容检索B)建模描述C)预测建模D)寻找模式和规则答案:A解析:8.[单选题]以下几种模型方法属于判别式模型的有1)混合高斯模型2)条件随机场模型3)区分度训练4)隐马尔科夫模型A)1,4B)3,4C)2,3D)1,2答案:C解析:9.[单选题]已知,有如下一个二维数组:Arr2d = np.array([[1, 2, 3],[4, 5, 6],[7, 8, 9]])如果希望获取元素5,则可以使用( )实现。
A)ndimB)a.sizeC)a.ndim()D)a.size()答案:A解析:5.[单选题]在标准化公式z = 中,使用e 的目的是( )A)为了加速收敛B)如果 过小C)使结果更准确D)防止分母为零答案:D解析:6.[单选题]向量 X=[1,2,3,4,-9,0] 的 L1 范数为?A)1B)19解析:L0 范数表示向量中所有非零元素的个数;L1 范数指的是向量中各元素的绝对值之和,又称“稀疏矩阵算子”;L2 范数指的是向量中各元素的平方和再求平方根。
本例中,L0 范数为 5,L1 范数为 19,L2 范数为 √111。
()A)长短期记忆网络B)门控循环单元网络C)堆叠循环神经网络D)双向循环神经网络答案:A解析:8.[单选题]下面关于回归过程的说法,错误的是A)收集数据:采用任意方法收集数据B)分析数据:绘出数据的可视化二维图将有助于对数据做出理解和分析,在采用缩减法求得新回归系数之后, 可以 将新拟合线绘在图上作为对比C)训练算法:找到回归系数D)用算法:使用回归,可以在给定输入的时候预测出一个数值,这是对分类方法的提升,因为这样只可以预测连续型数据答案:D解析:9.[单选题]核矩阵是( )的。
Programming Exercise6:Support Vector MachinesMachine LearningIntroductionIn this exercise,you will be using support vector machines(SVMs)to build a spam classifier.Before starting on the programming exercise,we strongly recommend watching the video lectures and completing the review questions for the associated topics.To get started with the exercise,you will need to download the starter code and unzip its contents to the directory where you wish to complete the exercise.If needed,use the cd command in Octave/MATLAB to change to this directory before starting this exercise.You can alsofind instructions for installing Octave/MATLAB in the“En-vironment Setup Instructions”of the course website.Files included in this exerciseex6.m-Octave/MATLAB script for thefirst half of the exerciseex6data1.mat-Example Dataset1ex6data2.mat-Example Dataset2ex6data3.mat-Example Dataset3svmTrain.m-SVM rraining functionsvmPredict.m-SVM prediction functionplotData.m-Plot2D datavisualizeBoundaryLinear.m-Plot linear boundaryvisualizeBoundary.m-Plot non-linear boundarylinearKernel.m-Linear kernel for SVM[ ]gaussianKernel.m-Gaussian kernel for SVM[ ]dataset3Params.m-Parameters to use for Dataset3ex6spam.m-Octave/MATLAB script for the second half of the exer-cisespamTrain.mat-Spam training setspamTest.mat-Spam test setemailSample1.txt-Sample email1emailSample2.txt-Sample email2spamSample1.txt-Sample spam1spamSample2.txt-Sample spam2vocab.txt-Vocabulary listgetVocabList.m-Load vocabulary listporterStemmer.m-Stemming functionreadFile.m-Reads afile into a character stringsubmit.m-Submission script that sends your solutions to our servers [ ]processEmail.m-Email preprocessing[ ]emailFeatures.m-Feature extraction from emailsindicatesfiles you will need to completeThroughout the exercise,you will be using the script ex6.m.These scripts set up the dataset for the problems and make calls to functions that you will write.You are only required to modify functions in otherfiles,by following the instructions in this assignment.Where to get helpThe exercises in this course use Octave1or MATLAB,a high-level program-ming language well-suited for numerical computations.If you do not have Octave or MATLAB installed,please refer to the installation instructions in the“Environment Setup Instructions”of the course website.At the Octave/MATLAB command line,typing help followed by a func-tion name displays documentation for a built-in function.For example,help plot will bring up help information for plotting.Further documentation for Octave functions can be found at the Octave documentation pages.MAT-LAB documentation can be found at the MATLAB documentation pages.We also strongly encourage using the online Discussions to discuss ex-ercises with other students.However,do not look at any source code written by others or share your source code with others.1Octave is a free alternative to MATLAB.For the programming exercises,you are free to use either Octave or MATLAB.1Support Vector MachinesIn thefirst half of this exercise,you will be using support vector machines (SVMs)with various example2D datasets.Experimenting with these datasets will help you gain an intuition of how SVMs work and how to use a Gaussian kernel with SVMs.In the next half of the exercise,you will be using support vector machines to build a spam classifier.The provided script,ex6.m,will help you step through thefirst half of the exercise.1.1Example Dataset1We will begin by with a2D example dataset which can be separated by a linear boundary.The script ex6.m will plot the training data(Figure1).In this dataset,the positions of the positive examples(indicated with+)and the negative examples(indicated with o)suggest a natural separation indicated by the gap.However,notice that there is an outlier positive example+on the far left at about(0.1,4.1).As part of this exercise,you will also see how this outlier affects the SVM decision boundary.Figure1:Example Dataset1In this part of the exercise,you will try using different values of the C parameter with rmally,the C parameter is a positive value that controls the penalty for misclassified training examples.A large C parametertells the SVM to try to classify all the examples correctly.C plays a rolesimilar to1λ,whereλis the regularization parameter that we were usingpreviously for logistic regression.Figure2:SVM Decision Boundary with C=1(Example Dataset1)Figure3:SVM Decision Boundary with C=100(Example Dataset1) The next part in ex6.m will run the SVM training(with C=1)usingSVM software that we have included with the starter code,svmTrain.m.2 When C=1,you shouldfind that the SVM puts the decision boundary in the gap between the two datasets and misclassifies the data point on the far left(Figure2).Implementation Note:Most SVM software packages(including svmTrain.m)automatically add the extra feature x0=1for you and au-tomatically take care of learning the intercept termθ0.So when passing your training data to the SVM software,there is no need to add this ex-tra feature x0=1yourself.In particular,in Octave/MATLAB your code should be working with training examples x∈R n(rather than x∈R n+1); for example,in thefirst example dataset x∈R2.Your task is to try different values of C on this dataset.Specifically,you should change the value of C in the script to C=100and run the SVM training again.When C=100,you shouldfind that the SVM now classifies every single example correctly,but has a decision boundary that does not appear to be a naturalfit for the data(Figure3).1.2SVM with Gaussian KernelsIn this part of the exercise,you will be using SVMs to do non-linear clas-sification.In particular,you will be using SVMs with Gaussian kernels on datasets that are not linearly separable.1.2.1Gaussian KernelTofind non-linear decision boundaries with the SVM,we need tofirst im-plement a Gaussian kernel.You can think of the Gaussian kernel as a sim-ilarity function that measures the“distance”between a pair of examples, (x(i),x(j)).The Gaussian kernel is also parameterized by a bandwidth pa-rameter,σ,which determines how fast the similarity metric decreases(to0) as the examples are further apart.You should now complete the code in gaussianKernel.m to compute the Gaussian kernel between two examples,(x(i),x(j)).The Gaussian kernel 2In order to ensure compatibility with Octave/MATLAB,we have included this imple-mentation of an SVM learning algorithm.However,this particular implementation was chosen to maximize compatibility,and is not very efficient.If you are training an SVM on a real problem,especially if you need to scale to a larger dataset,we strongly recommend instead using a highly optimized SVM toolbox such as LIBSVM.function is defined as:K gaussian(x(i),x(j))=exp−x(i)−x(j) 22σ2=exp−nk=1(x(i)k−x(j)k)22σ2.Once you’ve completed the function gaussianKernel.m,the script ex6.m will test your kernel function on two provided examples and you should ex-pect to see a value of0.324652.You should now submit your solutions.1.2.2Example Dataset2Figure4:Example Dataset2The next part in ex6.m will load and plot dataset2(Figure4).From thefigure,you can obserse that there is no linear decision boundary that separates the positive and negative examples for this dataset.However,by using the Gaussian kernel with the SVM,you will be able to learn a non-linear decision boundary that can perform reasonably well for the dataset.If you have correctly implemented the Gaussian kernel function,ex6.m will proceed to train the SVM with the Gaussian kernel on this dataset.Figure5:SVM(Gaussian Kernel)Decision Boundary(Example Dataset2) Figure5shows the decision boundary found by the SVM with a Gaussian kernel.The decision boundary is able to separate most of the positive and negative examples correctly and follows the contours of the dataset well.1.2.3Example Dataset3In this part of the exercise,you will gain more practical skills on how to use a SVM with a Gaussian kernel.The next part of ex6.m will load and display a third dataset(Figure6).You will be using the SVM with the Gaussian kernel with this dataset.In the provided dataset,ex6data3.mat,you are given the variables X, y,Xval,yval.The provided code in ex6.m trains the SVM classifier using the training set(X,y)using parameters loaded from dataset3Params.m.Your task is to use the cross validation set Xval,yval to determine the best C andσparameter to use.You should write any additional code nec-essary to help you search over the parameters C andσ.For both C andσ,we suggest trying values in multiplicative steps(e.g.,0.01,0.03,0.1,0.3,1,3,10,30). Note that you should try all possible pairs of values for C andσ(e.g.,C=0.3 andσ=0.1).For example,if you try each of the8values listed above for C and forσ2,you would end up training and evaluating(on the cross validation set)a total of82=64different models.After you have determined the best C andσparameters to use,you should modify the code in dataset3Params.m,filling in the best parametersFigure6:Example Dataset3Figure7:SVM(Gaussian Kernel)Decision Boundary(Example Dataset3) you found.For our best parameters,the SVM returned a decision boundary shown in Figure7.Implementation Tip:When implementing cross validation to select the best C andσparameter to use,you need to evaluate the error on the cross validation set.Recall that for classification,the error is de-fined as the fraction of the cross validation examples that were classi-fied incorrectly.In Octave/MATLAB,you can compute this error using mean(double(predictions~=yval)),where predictions is a vector containing all the predictions from the SVM,and yval are the true labels from the cross validation set.You can use the svmPredict function to generate the predictions for the cross validation set.You should now submit your solutions.2Spam ClassificationMany email services today provide spamfilters that are able to classify emails into spam and non-spam email with high accuracy.In this part of the exer-cise,you will use SVMs to build your own spamfilter.You will be training a classifier to classify whether a given email,x,is spam(y=1)or non-spam(y=0).In particular,you need to convert each email into a feature vector x∈R n.The following parts of the exercise will walk you through how such a feature vector can be constructed from an email.Throughout the rest of this exercise,you will be using the the script ex6spam.m.The dataset included for this exercise is based on a a subset of the SpamAssassin Public Corpus.3For the purpose of this exercise,you will only be using the body of the email(excluding the email headers).2.1Preprocessing Emails>Anyone knows how much it costs to host a web portal?>Well,it depends on how many visitors youre expecting.This can be anywhere from less than10bucks a month to a couple of$100.You should checkout /or perhaps Amazon EC2ifyoure running something big..To unsubscribe yourself from this mailing list,send an email to: groupname-unsubscribe@Figure8:Sample EmailBefore starting on a machine learning task,it is usually insightful to take a look at examples from the dataset.Figure8shows a sample email that contains a URL,an email address(at the end),numbers,and dollar amounts.While many emails would contain similar types of entities(e.g., numbers,other URLs,or other email addresses),the specific entities(e.g., the specific URL or specific dollar amount)will be different in almost every email.Therefore,one method often employed in processing emails is to “normalize”these values,so that all URLs are treated the same,all numbers are treated the same,etc.For example,we could replace each URL in the email with the unique string“httpaddr”to indicate that a URL was present.3/publiccorpus/This has the effect of letting the spam classifier make a classification decision based on whether any URL was present,rather than whether a specific URL was present.This typically improves the performance of a spam classifier, since spammers often randomize the URLs,and thus the odds of seeing any particular URL again in a new piece of spam is very small.In processEmail.m,we have implemented the following email prepro-cessing and normalization steps:•Lower-casing:The entire email is converted into lower case,so that captialization is ignored(e.g.,IndIcaTE is treated the same as Indicate).•Stripping HTML:All HTML tags are removed from the emails.Many emails often come with HTML formatting;we remove all the HTML tags,so that only the content remains.•Normalizing URLs:All URLs are replaced with the text“httpaddr”.•Normalizing Email Addresses:All email addresses are replaced with the text“emailaddr”.•Normalizing Numbers:All numbers are replaced with the text “number”.•Normalizing Dollars:All dollar signs($)are replaced with the text “dollar”.•Word Stemming:Words are reduced to their stemmed form.For ex-ample,“discount”,“discounts”,“discounted”and“discounting”are all replaced with“discount”.Sometimes,the Stemmer actually strips offadditional characters from the end,so“include”,“includes”,“included”, and“including”are all replaced with“includ”.•Removal of non-words:Non-words and punctuation have been re-moved.All white spaces(tabs,newlines,spaces)have all been trimmed to a single space character.The result of these preprocessing steps is shown in Figure9.While pre-processing has left word fragments and non-words,this form turns out to be much easier to work with for performing feature extraction.anyon know how much it cost to host a web portal well it depend on how mani visitor your expect thi can be anywher from less than number buck a month to a coupl of dollarnumb you should checkout httpaddr or perhap amazon ecnumb if your run someth big to unsubscrib yourself from thi mail list send an email to emailaddrFigure9:Preprocessed Sample Email1aa2ab3abil...86anyon...916know...1898zero1899zipFigure10:Vocabulary List869167941077883370169979018221831883431117179410021893136459216762381628968894516631120106216993751162479189315107991182123781018951440154718116991758189668816769929611477715301699531Figure11:Word Indices for Sample Email2.1.1Vocabulary ListAfter preprocessing the emails,we have a list of words(e.g.,Figure9)for each email.The next step is to choose which words we would like to use in our classifier and which we would want to leave out.For this exercise,we have chosen only the most frequently occuring words as our set of words considered(the vocabulary list).Since words that occur rarely in the training set are only in a few emails,they might cause the model to overfit our training set.The complete vocabulary list is in thefile vocab.txt and also shown in Figure10.Our vocabulary list was selected by choosing all words which occur at least a100times in the spam corpus, resulting in a list of1899words.In practice,a vocabulary list with about 10,000to50,000words is often used.Given the vocabulary list,we can now map each word in the preprocessed emails(e.g.,Figure9)into a list of word indices that contains the index of the word in the vocabulary list.Figure11shows the mapping for the sample email.Specifically,in the sample email,the word“anyone”wasfirst normalized to“anyon”and then mapped onto the index86in the vocabulary list.Your task now is to complete the code in processEmail.m to performthis mapping.In the code,you are given a string str which is a single word from the processed email.You should look up the word in the vocabulary list vocabList andfind if the word exists in the vocabulary list.If the word exists,you should add the index of the word into the word indices variable. If the word does not exist,and is therefore not in the vocabulary,you can skip the word.Once you have implemented processEmail.m,the script ex6spam.m will run your code on the email sample and you should see an output similar to Figures9&11.Octave/MATLAB Tip:In Octave/MATLAB,you can compare two strings with the strcmp function.For example,strcmp(str1,str2)will return1only when both strings are equal.In the provided starter code, vocabList is a“cell-array”containing the words in the vocabulary.In Octave/MATLAB,a cell-array is just like a normal array(i.e.,a vector), except that its elements can also be strings(which they can’t in a normal Octave/MATLAB matrix/vector),and you index into them using curly braces instead of square brackets.Specifically,to get the word at index i,you can use vocabList{i}.You can also use length(vocabList)to get the number of words in the vocabulary.You should now submit your solutions.2.2Extracting Features from EmailsYou will now implement the feature extraction that converts each email into a vector in R n.For this exercise,you will be using n=#words in vocabulary list.Specifically,the feature x i∈{0,1}for an email corresponds to whether the i-th word in the dictionary occurs in the email.That is,x i=1if the i-th word is in the email and x i=0if the i-th word is not present in the email.Thus,for a typical email,this feature would look like:x=...1...1...∈R n.You should now complete the code in emailFeatures.m to generate a feature vector for an email,given the word indices.Once you have implemented emailFeatures.m,the next part of ex6spam.m will run your code on the email sample.You should see that the feature vec-tor had length1899and45non-zero entries.You should now submit your solutions.2.3Training SVM for Spam ClassificationAfter you have completed the feature extraction functions,the next step of ex6spam.m will load a preprocessed training dataset that will be used to train a SVM classifier.spamTrain.mat contains4000training examples of spam and non-spam email,while spamTest.mat contains1000test examples.Each original email was processed using the processEmail and emailFeatures functions and converted into a vector x(i)∈R1899.After loading the dataset,ex6spam.m will proceed to train a SVM to classify between spam(y=1)and non-spam(y=0)emails.Once the training completes,you should see that the classifier gets a training accuracy of about99.8%and a test accuracy of about98.5%.2.4Top Predictors for Spamour click remov guarante visit basenumb dollar will price pleas nbspmost lo ga dollarnumbFigure12:Top predictors for spam emailTo better understand how the spam classifier works,we can inspect the parameters to see which words the classifier thinks are the most predictiveof spam.The next step of ex6spam.mfinds the parameters with the largestpositive values in the classifier and displays the corresponding words(Figure12).Thus,if an email contains words such as“guarantee”,“remove”,“dol-lar”,and“price”(the top predictors shown in Figure12),it is likely to beclassified as spam.2.5Optional(ungraded)exercise:Try your own emailsNow that you have trained a spam classifier,you can start trying it out onyour own emails.In the starter code,we have included two email exam-ples(emailSample1.txt and emailSample2.txt)and two spam examples (spamSample1.txt and spamSample2.txt).The last part of ex6spam.mruns the spam classifier over thefirst spam example and classifies it usingthe learned SVM.You should now try the other examples we have providedand see if the classifier gets them right.You can also try your own emails byreplacing the examples(plain textfiles)with your own emails.You do not need to submit any solutions for this optional(ungraded) exercise.2.6Optional(ungraded)exercise:Build your own datasetIn this exercise,we provided a preprocessed training set and test set.Thesedatasets were created using the same functions(processEmail.m and emailFeatures.m) that you now have completed.For this optional(ungraded)exercise,you willbuild your own dataset using the original emails from the SpamAssassin Pub-lic Corpus.Your task in this optional(ungraded)exercise is to download the originalfiles from the public corpus and extract them.After extracting them,youshould run the processEmail4and emailFeatures functions on each emailto extract a feature vector from each email.This will allow you to build adataset X,y of examples.You should then randomly divide up the datasetinto a training set,a cross validation set and a test set.While you are building your own dataset,we also encourage you to trybuilding your own vocabulary list(by selecting the high frequency words 4The original emails will have email headers that you might wish to leave out.We haveincluded code in processEmail that will help you remove these headers.that occur in the dataset)and adding any additional features that you think might be useful.Finally,we also suggest trying to use highly optimized SVM toolboxes such as LIBSVM.You do not need to submit any solutions for this optional(ungraded) exercise.Submission and GradingAfter completing various parts of the assignment,be sure to use the submit function system to submit your solutions to our servers.The following is a breakdown of how each part of this exercise is scored.Part Submitted File Points Gaussian Kernel gaussianKernel.m25points Parameters(C,σ)for Dataset3dataset3Params.m25points Email Preprocessing processEmail.m25points Email Feature Extraction emailFeatures.m25points Total Points100pointsYou are allowed to submit your solutions multiple times,and we will take only the highest score into consideration.。
支持向量机期末试题及答案[注:本文按照试题答案的形式来进行回答]1. 什么是支持向量机(SVM)?它的主要特点是什么?答:支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)是一种在机器学习领域中常用的监督学习模型。
其主要特点如下:- SVM 是一种二分类模型,但也可以扩展到多分类问题;- SVM的目标是寻找一个超平面(或称为决策边界),能够将不同类别的数据样本尽可能地分开,并最大化分类边界两侧的间隔;- SVM使用了一种称为“核函数”的技术,可以将数据映射到高维特征空间,使数据在低维度无法分开的情况下,在高维度中得到有效的分类;- SVM对于训练数据中的噪声和异常点具有较好的鲁棒性。
2. SVM的基本原理是什么?请简要描述其运行过程。
答:SVM的基本原理可以总结为以下几个步骤:- 将训练数据样本通过一个核函数映射到高维特征空间;- 在高维特征空间中,寻找一个超平面,使得不同类别的数据能够被最大化地分开,并使分类边界两侧的间隔最大化;- 对于线性可分的情况,可以直接找到一个超平面将数据完全分开;- 对于线性不可分的情况,通过引入松弛变量和惩罚项,在允许一定的误分类的情况下,寻找一个最佳的超平面;- 在找到超平面后,可以利用其支持向量(距离分类边界最近的样本点)来进行分类。
3. SVM中常用的核函数有哪些?请简要描述每种核函数的特点与使用场景。
- 线性核函数:特点是计算简单,适用于线性可分的情况,当数据特征维度较高时效果较好;- 多项式核函数:通过引入多项式的方式来进行特征映射,在一些非线性问题中表现良好,但计算复杂度较高;- RBF核函数:也称为高斯核函数,通过将数据映射到无限维的特征空间来实现非线性分类,适用于大部分场景。
4. SVM的损失函数是什么?请简要描述其作用并说明优化算法。
答:SVM的损失函数是Hinge Loss(合页损失函数)。
支持向量机matlab例题当涉及到支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,简称SVM)的例题时,我们可以通过MATLAB来实现和解决。
代码如下:matlab.% 生成数据。
rng(1); % 设置随机种子,以确保结果可重现。
n = 100; % 每个类别的样本数量。
X1 = randn(n, 2) + repmat([1, 1], n, 1); % 类别1的数据点。
X2 = randn(n, 2) + repmat([-1, -1], n, 1); % 类别2的数据点。
X = [X1; X2]; % 合并数据。
y = [ones(n, 1); -ones(n, 1)]; % 类别标签。
代码如下:matlab.% 训练SVM模型。
svmModel = fitcsvm(X, y);% 预测分类结果。
y_pred = predict(svmModel, X);现在,我们已经得到了预测的分类结果。
代码如下:matlab.% 可视化结果。
figure;gscatter(X(:, 1), X(:, 2), y, 'rb', 'o');hold on;% 绘制决策边界。
h = svmModel.Beta(1);k = svmModel.Beta(2);x1 = linspace(min(X(:, 1)), max(X(:, 1)), 100);x2 = (-svmModel.Bias h x1) / k;plot(x1, x2, 'k--', 'LineWidth', 2);% 设置图形属性。
SVM1.判断题(1) 在SVM训练好后,我们可以抛弃非支持向量的样本点,仍然可以对新样本进行分类。
(T)(2) SVM对噪声(如来自其他分布的噪声样本)鲁棒。
如果将该点加入到训练集,为什么SVM的决策边界不受其影响,而已经学好的logistic回归会受影响?答:因为SVM采用的是hinge loss,当样本点被正确分类且远离决策边界时,SVM给该样本的权重为0,所以加入该样本决策边界不受影响。
题中D=2.4、SVM 分类。
(第1~5题各4分,第6题5分,共25分)下图为采用不同核函数或不同的松弛因子得到的SVM 决策边界。
(1)、211min , s.t.2Ni i C ξ=⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭∑w()00, 1, 1,....,, T i i i y w i N ξξ≥+≥-=w x其中0.1C =。
线性分类面,C 较小,正则较大,||w||较小,Margin 较大, 支持向量较多(c )(2)、211min , s.t.2Ni i C ξ=⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭∑w()00, 1, 1,....,, T i i i y w i N ξξ≥+≥-=w x其中1C =。
1.[单选题]如果SVM模型欠拟合, 以下方法哪些可以改进模型 :A)增大惩罚参数C的值B)减小惩罚参数C的值C)减小核系数(gamma参数)答案:A解析:2.[单选题]SVM中要寻找和计算的MMH是指()A)最大边缘超平面B)超平面C)最小边缘超平面答案:A解析:3.[单选题]一个SVM存在欠拟合问题,下面怎么做能提高模型的性能:A)增大惩罚参数CB)减小惩罚参数CC)减小核函数系数(gamma值)答案:A解析:C >0称为惩罚参数,是调和二者的系数,C值大时对误差分类的惩罚增大,C值小时对误差分类的惩罚减小。
4.[单选题]最佳分类是曲线下区域面积最大者,而黄线在曲线下面积最大.2、假设你在测试逻辑回归分类器,设函数H为style="width: 211px;" class="fr-fic fr-fil fr-dib cursor-hover">下图中的哪一个代表上述分类器给出的决策边界?A)style="width: auto;" class="fr-fic fr-fil fr-dib">B)style="width: auto;" class="fr-fic fr-fil fr-dib">C)style="width: auto;" class="fr-fic fr-fil fr-dib">答案:B解析:选项B正确。
虽然我们的式子由选项A和选项B所示的y = g(-6 + x2)表示,但是选项B才是正确的答案,因为当将x2 = 6的值放在等式中时,要使y = g(0)就意味着y = 0.5将在线上,如果你将x2的值增加到大于6,你会得到负值,所以输出将是区域y = 0。
A)线性可分数据B)清洗过的数据C)含噪声数据与重叠数据点4.[单选题]逻辑回归常用于解决( )A)回归问题B)分类问题C)优化问题5.[单选题]逻辑回归拟合的函数是()A)sigmoidB)tanhC)relu6.[单选题]回归分析的任务,就是根据()和因变量的观察值,估计这个函数,并讨论与之有关的种种统计推断的问题。
在RNN中,下面哪种方法可以较好地处理梯度爆炸问题( )A)梯度裁剪B)所有方法都不行C)DropoutD)加入正则项8.[单选题]关于Boosting,Bagging和随机森林,以下说法错误的是A)从偏差-方差分解的角度看,Boosting主要关注降低偏差B)从偏差-方差分解的角度看,Bagging主要关注降低方差C)随机森林简单、容易实现、计算开销小D)Boosting不能基于泛化性能相当弱的学习器构建出很强的集成9.[单选题]假设已经使用python第三方库sklearn创建线性模型实例linear_model,则linear_model.coef中,属性coef的作用是( )A)sigmoid函数B)激活函数C)模型的参数D)以上都不是10.[单选题]为了解决如何模拟人类的感性思维,例如视觉理解、直觉思维、悟 性等,研究者找到一个重要的信息处理的机制是()A)专家系统B)人工神经网络C)模式识别D)智能代理11.[单选题]输出门的作用是( )。
1.[单选题]如果一个 SVM 模型出现欠拟合,那么下列哪种方法能解决这一问题?A)增大惩罚参数 C 的值B)减小惩罚参数 C 的值C)减小核系数(gamma参数)答案:A解析:2.[单选题]决策树每个非叶结点表示()A)某一个特征或者特征组合上的测试B)某个特征满足的条件C)某个类别标签答案:A解析:3.[单选题]以下不是开源工具特点的是A)免费B)可以直接获取源代码C)用户可以修改源代码并不加说明用于自己的软件中D)开源工具一样具有版权答案:C解析:4.[单选题]下列核函数特性描述错误的是A)只要一个对称函数所对应的核矩阵半正定,就能称为核函数;B)核函数选择作为支持向量机的最大变数;C)核函数将影响支持向量机的性能;D)核函数是一种降维模型;答案:D解析:5.[单选题]关于 Python 变量的使用,说法错误的是( )。
A)公式B)逻辑C)命题D)规则答案:D解析:10.[单选题]6. AGNES是一种()聚合策略的层次聚类算法A)A自顶向下B)自底向上C)由最近样本决定D)D最远样本决定答案:B解析:11.[单选题]互为对偶的两个线性规划问题的解存在关系()A)原问题无可行解,对偶问题也无可行解B)对偶问题有可行解,原问题可能无可行解C)若最优解存在,则最优解相同D)一个问题无可行解,则另一个问题具有无界解答案:B解析:12.[单选题]过滤式特征选择与学习器(),包裹式特征选择与学习器()。
svm 课程设计 资料 题目
svm 课程设计资料题目
支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,简称SVM)是一种经典的二分类机器学习算法。
多类 svm 的损失计算题例题
多类 svm 的损失计算题例题多类支持向量机(SVM)的损失计算涉及到多个方面,包括多类别分类、间隔和决策函数等。
在多类别SVM中,常用的损失函数是hinge loss。
对于每个类别,我们计算其对应的hinge loss,并将其累加起来作为最终的损失值。
具体计算公式如下:对于第i个数据点(xi, yi),其中xi是特征向量,yi是类别标签,我们的决策函数为f(x)。
那么第i个数据点的hinge loss可以表示为:Li = Σmax(0, maxj≠yi(fj(xi) fi(xi) + Δ))。
总结来说,多类别SVM的损失计算涉及到决策函数的定义和hinge loss的计算。
我们需要针对每个类别训练一个SVM分类器,并计算每个数据点的hinge loss,并将其累加起来得到最终的损失值。
机器学习课程作业(1)提交截止日期:2017年10月10日周二1. 一个优化问题的原问题(Prime Problem )与对偶问题(Dual Problem )定义如下: 原问题Minimize: ()f ωSubject to: ()0,1,2,...,i g i K ω≤=()0,1,2,...,i h i M ω==对偶问题定义()()()()()()()11,,K MT T i i i i i i L f g h f g h ωαβωαωβωωαωβω===++=++∑∑对偶问题为:Maximize: ()(),inf ,,L ωθαβωαβ=Subject to:0,1,2,...,i i K α≥= (a) 证明:如果*ω是原问题的解,*α,*β是对偶问题的解,则有:()()***,f ωθαβ≥(b) 证明 (强对偶定理):如果()g A b ωω=+,()h C d ωω=+,且()fω为凸函数,即对任意1ω和2ω,有()()()()()121211f f f λωλωλωλω+-≤+-, 则有:()()***,f ωθαβ=2. 求下列原问题的对偶问题(a) (1l and 2l -norm SVM Classification) : Minimize: 22121112N N i i i i C C ωδδ==++∑∑ Subject to: 0,1,2,...,i i N δ≥=()1T i i i y x b ωϕδ⎡⎤+≥-⎣⎦(b) (SVM regression): Minimize: ()()222121112N N i i i i i i C C ωδζδζ==++++∑∑ Subject to: (),1,2,...,T i i i x b y i N ωϕεδ+-≤+=(),1,2,...,T i i i y x b i N ωϕεζ--≤+= 0i δ≥, 0i ζ≥(c) (Kernel Ridge Regression): Minimize: 22112N i i C ωδ=+∑ Subject to: (),1,2,...,T i i i y x i N ωϕδ-==(d) (Entropy Maximization Problem):Minimize: ()1log Ni ii x x =∑ Subject to: T x b ω≤11N i i x==∑3. 如图所示,平面上有N 个点12{,,...,}N x x x ,求一个半径最小的圆,使之能包含这些点。
1. 什么是监督学习?举个例子说明其应用。
2. 请解释欠拟合和过拟合的概念。
3. 请描述逻辑回归算法的原理。
4. 解释决策树算法的工作原理。
5. 什么是K均值聚类算法?它的优缺点是什么?K均值聚类是一种常用的无监督学习算法,用于将样本划分为K个簇。
6. 解释支持向量机算法的工作原理。
1.[单选题]如果一个 SVM 模型出现欠拟合,那么下列哪种方法能解决这一问题?A)增大惩罚参数 C 的值B)减小惩罚参数 C 的值C)减小核系数(gamma参数)答案:A解析:2.[单选题]以下哪项是解决NLP用例(如语义相似性、阅读理解和常识推理)的更好选择?A)ELMoB)Open AI’s GPTC)ULMFit答案:B解析:3.[单选题]如果我们说“线性回归”模型完美地拟合了训练样本(训练样本误差为零),则下面哪个说法是正确的?A)测试样本误差始终为零B)测试样本误差不可能为零C)以上答案都不对答案:C解析:根据训练样本误差为零,无法推断测试样本误差是否为零。
A)数据科学B)哲学C)心理学D)人工智能7.[单选题]下面属于Boosting方法的特点是( )A)构造训练集时采用Bootstraping的方式B)每一轮训练时样本权重相同C)分类器可以并行训练D)预测结果时,分类器的比重不同答案:D解析:8.[单选题]能够直观显示出学习器在样本总体上的查全率、查准率的图是()。
1.[单选题]对于神经网络的说法, 下面正确的是 :A)增加神经网络层数, 可能会增加测试数据集的分类错误率B)减少神经网络层数, 总是能减小测试数据集的分类错误率C)增加神经网络层数, 总是能减小训练数据集的分类错误率2.[单选题]支持向量机可以解决()A)分类问题B)回归问题C)分类问题和回归问题3.[单选题]关于SVM泛化误差描述正确的是A)超平面与支持向量之间距离B)超平面与支持向量之间距离C)SVM的误差阈值4.[单选题]下面哪个/些超参数的增加可能会造成随机森林数据过拟合?A)树的数量B)树的深度C)学习速率5.[单选题]下列哪个不是 RDD 的缓存方法 ()。
A)神经元模型B)感知机模型C)概率图模型D)SVM10.[单选题]关于ZooKeeper临时节点的说法正确的是()A)创建临时节点的命令为:create-s/tmpmyvalueB)一旦会话结束,临时节点将被自动删除C)临时节点不能手动删除D)临时节点允许有子节点11.[单选题]情感分析技术可以应用于()A)股票市场分析B)互联网舆情分析与监控C)商品服务质量评估D)以上都是12.[单选题]以下集合是凸集的是A){(x,y) |y=x+1}B){(x,y) | x的平方 + y的平方 = 1}C){(x,y) | x的平方 + y的平方 > 1 }D){(x,y) |x=1 | y=1 }13.[单选题]线性SVM和一般线性分类器的区别主要是( )A)是否进行了空间映射B)是否确保间隔最大化C)是否能处理线性不可分问题D)训练误差通常较低14.[单选题]若1.数据加工、2.数据化、3.数据整齐化、4.数据分析,则在数据科学的基本流程顺序是(__)。
svm 例题
svm 例题
假设我们使用线性SVM,即假设存在一个超平面w·x + b = 0,其中w是一个向量,b 是一个常数。
minimize ||w||^2,subject to y_i(w·x_i + b) ≥ 1 for all i
其中y_i是样本i的类别标签,如果样本i属于类别1,则y_i = 1;如果样本i属于类别-1,则y_i = -1。
对于一个新的样本x,我们可以计算w·x + b的值,然后将其与0进行比较,以确定该样本的类别。
如果w·x + b > 0,则该样本属于类别1;如果w·x + b < 0,则该样本属于类别-1。
其中正样本数据点为 (1,1) 和 (2,2),负样本数据点为(0,0) 和 (-1,0)。
对于二维空间中的数据点,超平面可以用一个方程来表示,例如:ax + by + c = 0。
在这个例子中,有两个正样本点 (1,1) 和 (2,2),以及两个负样本点 (0,0) 和 (-1,0)。
1. a + b + c = 0
2. 2a + 2b + c = 0
3. a - b + c = 0
4. -a + c = 0
1. a + b + c >= 0
2. 2a + 2b + c >= 0
3. a - b + c <= 0
4. -a + c <= 0
最终,我们得到的超平面方程为:x - y = 0。
具体地,对于任何一个在直线x - y = 0上的点 (x, y),如果x > y,那么该点属于正样本类别;如果x < y,那么该点属于负样本类别。
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SVM1.判断题(1) 在SVM训练好后,我们可以抛弃非支持向量的样本点,仍然可以对新样本进行分类。
(T)(2) SVM对噪声(如来自其他分布的噪声样本)鲁棒。
如果将该点加入到训练集,为什么SVM的决策边界不受其影响,而已经学好的logistic回归会受影响?答:因为SVM采用的是hinge loss,当样本点被正确分类且远离决策边界时,SVM给该样本的权重为0,所以加入该样本决策边界不受影响。
题中D=2.4、SVM 分类。
(第1~5题各4分,第6题5分,共25分)下图为采用不同核函数或不同的松弛因子得到的SVM 决策边界。
(1)、211min , s.t.2Ni i C ξ=⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭∑w()00, 1, 1,....,, T i i i y w i N ξξ≥+≥-=w x其中0.1C =。
线性分类面,C 较小,正则较大,||w||较小,Margin 较大, 支持向量较多(c )(2)、211min , s.t.2Ni i C ξ=⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭∑w()00, 1, 1,....,, T i i i y w i N ξξ≥+≥-=w x其中1C =。
线性分类面,C 较大,正则较小,||w||较大,Margin 较小 支持向量的数目少(b )(3)、()1111max ,2N N N i i j i j i j i i j y y k ααα===⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭∑∑∑x x1s.t. 0, 1,....,, 0Ni i i i C i N y αα=≤<==∑其中()()2,T T k '''=+x x x x x x 。
二次多项式核函数,决策边界为二次曲线 (d)(4)、()1111max ,2N N N i i j i j i j i i j y y k ααα===⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭∑∑∑x x 1s.t. 0, 1,....,, 0Ni i i i C i N y αα=≤<==∑其中()21,exp 2k ⎛⎫''=-- ⎪⎝⎭x x x x 。
RBF 核函数,决策边界为曲线, σ=1较大,曲线更平滑 (a)(5)、()1111max ,2N N N i i j i j i j i i j y y k ααα===⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭∑∑∑x x 1s.t. 0, 1,....,, 0Ni i i i C i N y αα=≤<==∑其中()()2,exp k ''=--x x x x 。
RBF 核函数,决策边界为曲线, σ=sqrt(1/2)较小,曲线更弯曲 (e)(6)考虑带松弛因子的线性SVM分类器:211min , s.t.2Ni i C ξ=⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭∑w ()00, 1, 1,....,, T i i i y w i N ξξ≥+≥-=w x 下面有一些关于某些变量随参数C 的增大而变化的表述。
如果表述总是成立,标示“是”;如果表述总是不成立,标示“否”;如果表述的正确性取决于C 增大的具体情况,标示“不一定”。
(1) 0w 不会增大 (不一定)(2) ˆw 增大(不一定)(3) ˆw 不会减小(是)(4) 会有更多的训练样本被分错(否)(5) 间隔(Margin)不会增大(是)5、考虑带松弛因子的线性SVM 分类器:()2T 011min , s.t. 1, 2Ni i i i i C y w i ξξ=⎛⎫++≥-∀ ⎪⎝⎭∑w w x 。
在下图中,0.1, 1, 10, 100C =,并且已经标出分界面和支持向量。
请给每幅图标出最可能的C 的取值,并分析原因(20分)。
答:()2T 01, subject to 1, 2i i i i iC y w i ξξ++≥-∀∑w w x 等价于()2T 01, subject to 1, 2i i i i iy w i Cξξ++≥-∀∑w w x 所以221, ,C ↑↑↓w w,即margin 减小(当C 增大到一定程度时,Margin 不再变化),不允许错分太多样本(对错分样本的惩罚大),支持向量(落在Margin 内的样本和错分的样本)的数目减少。
6. SVM(1) 下面的情况,适合用原SVM 求解还是用对偶SVM 求解。
1) 特征变换将特征从D 维变换到无穷维。
(对偶)2) 特征变换将特征从D 维变换到2D 维,训练数据有上亿个并且线性可分。
(原)(2) 在线性可分情况下,在原问题形式化中怎样确定一个样本为支持向量?在原问题中,给出了w ,w 0,支持向量满足:()**01T i i y w x +=w 。
7.SVM 和松弛因子。
考虑如图给出的训练样本,我们采用二次多项式做为核函数,松弛因子为C 。
(1) 当C →∞时,决策边界会变成什么样?答:当C 很大时,错分样本的惩罚会非常大,因此模型会尽可能将样本分对。
(记住这里决策边界为二次曲面)C →∞ C →0(2) 当C →0时,决策边界会变成什么样? 可以错分少量样本,但Margin 大(3) 你认为上述两种情况,哪个在实际测试时效果会好些?我们不能过于相信某个特定的样本,因此C →0的效果会好些,因为它最大化样本云团之间的Margin.(4) 在图中增加一个点,使得当C →∞时,决策边界会不变。
(5) 在图中增加一个点,使得当C ∞时,该点会显著影响决策边界。
当C 很大时,错分样本的惩罚会非常大,因此增加一个不能被原来分类器正确分类的样本会影响决策边界。
8.对outlier 的敏感性。
我们知道在SVM 用于回归时,等价于采用ε不敏感的损失函数(如下图所示),即SVM 的目标为:()()()2,,11ˆmin ,2..0,0Ni ii i i i i i i i i C s ty f y f ξξεξεξξξ+-+-=+-+-=++≤++≥--≥≥∑w ξξw w x x 。
课堂已经讨论L2损失对outliers 比较敏感,而L1损失和huber 损失相对不敏感些。
(1) 请说明为什么L2损失比较L1损失对outliers 更敏感。
Outlier 为离群点,因此其预测残差r 会比较大。
L2损失为残差r 的平方r 2,L1损失为残差r 的绝对值|r|。
当r>1时,r 2>|r|,从而L2损失在outliter 样本点的值会非常大,对结果影响更大。
(2) 请给出一个outlier 影响预测子的例子。
(3) 相比于L2损失和L1损失,分析SVM 的ε不敏感的损失函数对outliers 敏感性。
ε不敏感的损失函数对outliers 的敏感性更接近于L1损失,因此比L2损失更不敏感。
初看起来,ε不敏感的损失函数在区间[-ε,ε]不施加惩罚,似乎比L1对outliers 更不敏感。
但实际上outliers 对应的残差通常很大,所以不会落在区间[-ε,ε],所以ε不敏感的损失函数对outliers 的敏感性和L1损失相似。
(4) SVM 也等价于MAP 估计,则该MAP 估计对应的先验和似然是什么?同岭回归类似,先验为0均值得高斯分布,但方差为2C ,同时各维独立,即()()0,2jp C =∏w N ,似然函数在区间[-ε,ε]为常数,其他地方为Laplace 分布:()()1022|,1exp 22T T y p y y otherwiseεεε⎧-≤⎪⎪+=⎨⎪---⎪+⎩w x w x w x9. 多个数据源的SVM假设你在两天内用两个不同的仪器收集了两批数据,你觉得数据集1标签的可信度为数据集2的两倍。
我们分别用(){}111,N iii y ==x D 表示数据集1,(){}221,N iii v ==u D 表示数据集2,数据集1的松弛因子表示为ξ,数据集2的松弛因子表示ζ,二者的Lagrange 乘子分别表示为α和β。
张三:将数据集1的松弛惩罚乘以2,因此优化问题为:(){}(){}{}{}112,,11T 01T 02121min 22subject to1, 1,2.,,,,, 1, 1,2.,,,,,0, 1,2.,,,,, 0, 1,2.,,,,,N N i j i j i i i j j j i j C C y w i N v w j N i N j N ξςξςξςξς==+++≥-∀∈+≥-∀∈≥∀∈≥∀∈∑∑w w w x w u李四:将数据集1的Lagrange 乘子乘以2,因此优化问题为:{}{}12111222121111111112111max 22αα,2α,,2subject to20, 1,2.,,,,, 0, 1,2.,,,,,20N N N N N N N N i j i j i j i j i j i j i j i j i j i j i j i j i j i j i j N N i ijji j C C y y y v v v c i N c j N y vαββββαβαβ==========+---≥≥∀∈≥≥∀∈+=∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑α,βx x x u u u王五:将数据集1的数据点复制一份(即数据集1中的每个样本点变成2个),然后照常处理。
解:我们从张三的建议的对偶表示开始,即()()()()(){}{}1212122011TT001111121,,,,22 11subject to1,2.,,,,, 1,2.,,,,,0, 0, 0N N i ji j N N N N i i i i i i i i i i i ii i i i i j i L w C C y w v w e f i N j N e ξςαξβςξςαβ=======++-+-+-+-+---∀∈∀∈≥≥≥∑∑∑∑∑∑αβe,f w w w x w u (){}(){}()()T 01T 02T0T 0, 01, 1,2.,,,,, 1, 1,2.,,,,, 0, 010,10j i i i j j j i i j j i i i i j j j j f y w i N v w j N e f y w v w ξςξςαξβς≥+≥-∀∈+≥-∀∈==⎡⎤+-+=⎣⎦⎡⎤+-+=⎣⎦w x w u w x w u优化0,,w e,f w ,目标函数对0,,w e,f w 求导等于0,12110N N i i i i i i i i L y v αβ*==∂=⇒=+∂∑∑w x u w ,(1) 1211000N N i i i i i i Ly v w αβ==∂=⇒+=∂∑∑, (2) 02i i iLC e αξ∂=⇒=-∂, (3) 0i i iLC f βς∂=⇒=-∂, (4) 由于有约束0, 0, 0, 0 i j i j e f αβ≥≥≥≥,公式(3)(4)变成 20, 0,i j c c αβ≥≥≥≥。