一、纺织服饰行业的竞争力1. 优质原材料供应纺织服饰产品的质量和外观直接依赖于所选用的原材料。
2. 强大的制造能力纺织服饰行业在全球范围内拥有庞大的制造能力。
3. 技术创新和设计能力纺织服饰行业在技术创新和设计能力方面具有较高的竞争力。
二、纺织服饰行业的机遇1. 新兴市场需求增长随着全球经济的发展和新兴市场消费能力的提高,纺织服饰产品在新兴市场的需求也在不断增长。
2. 跨境电商的兴起随着跨境电商的兴起,纺织服饰产品的市场渗透进一步加深。
3. 可持续发展的需求增加在全球关注环境保护和可持续发展的背景下,纺织服饰行业也面临着新的机遇。
文献出处:Tully E. The research of India's textile export competitiveness [J]. Research in International Business and Finance, 2015, 12(2): 17-26.原文The research of India's textile export competitivenessTully EAbstractIndia ranks high in the world in terms of textile production and export, and the textile industry is one of India's manufacturing industries first appeared, played an important role in promoting its economic development. After the international textile trade quotas were banned, free world textile trade rapid growth, participate in the international market countries change their state of textile trade management, on the management more adopted the approach of trade barriers. At the same time, the international textile market is becoming more and fiercer competition, the competition between countries and also increases. India in textile production and export in the world second, India has to develop textile raw material of natural geography and climate conditions; As a large Asian population of India is also have plenty of labor force to develop the domestic textile industry; India’s domestic backwardness of textile market has a broad development space and a series of advantages. Keywords: India textile; Export competitiveness1IntroductionFor most countries, as the country entered the industrialization in the early stage of development is the first of its textile industry, textile industry is a resource-intensive and labor-intensive industries, not only provide abundant raw materials and primary products for other industries, and the development of textile industry also can further promote the development of its other industries and upgrade. And textile industry demand for high-tech technology is relatively low, so in the fierce competition in the international market environment, the textile industry has become one of the few developing countries have a competitive advantage in the industry. The textile industry in creating foreign exchange and balance of payments for a country and stabilize their currencies are play an active and important role. Textile industry isone of the important economic pillars of India, a great contribution to textile exports to India's foreign exchange earnings. India in recent years the rapid development of textile exports, its growth has attracted the attention of the international market. According to the forecast authority, the 2010 India's textile and apparel export scale topped $50 billion. India's textile export growth will lead to the increasing trade friction. The outbreak of the financial crisis has made a resurgence of international trade protectionism, developed countries must use of technical trade barriers to limit the export of textile exporters, including India, so the technical trade barriers on the impact of India's textile export, and how to draw lessons from the experience of the technical barriers to trade deal with India textiles is extremely necessary.2 Literature reviewIn terms of factors that affect industrial international competitiveness, an American economist Michael porter (1990) argue that an industry international competitiveness mainly from four aspects, the influence of factors of production are industry, enterprise strategy structure and characteristics, product demand conditions, related industries and support industries. These four factors on the business environment construction have different effect, but can make more competitive business environment, competitive business environment will further promote enterprise development has the characteristics of enterprise products, formed a unique competitive advantage, and in promoting de-skilled and specialization of the elements of the intermediate products and supply plays an important role. At the same time, companies focus on domestic market change ability and the ability to respond will be formed in an industry international competitiveness plays an important role. Alfonso and ASHLEY had made a research on the international competitiveness of the enterprise (2007) believe that when a country's development in the domestic market plays an important role in the formation of international competitiveness. Generally larger domestic market has a relatively perfect market competition system, develop large-scale domestic enterprises more easily, thus receive benefits in the greater economies of scale, and in developing of enterprises in the market competition for limited resources in the domestic market will be more intense, it will help enterprisesimprove efficiency, William Bayesian and David (2009) to a certain extent the influence factors of international competitiveness of the extension, the introduction of the new factors, he not only covers the research on international competitiveness of porter's theory, will also be enterprise product price and quality, research and development of innovation ability and the need for customers to complete ability and speed range is also included in the study of industry international competitiveness, the industrial international competitiveness theory to carry on the further perfect.With the continuous development of global economy, the connection between the countries continue to strengthen, the way of trade between nations also by a single individual inter-industry trade to intra-industry trade and the change of labor division, and shift faster and faster, and at the same time, the inter-industry trade and division of labor division of intra-industry trade and gradually been cancelled and replaced. Trade between countries gradually from the final product is to intermediate products and semi-finished products, different countries to participate in the same commodity production and manufacturing, the evaluation and analysis on a country's international competitiveness of products easy to shake off the causing factors, the analysis results of the final cause interference. William (2010) study on this problem, the enterprises in the international competition in the market of each country should develop their own different from other national enterprises of industry international competitiveness, in many countries involved in the internationalization of production system to find their own positioning, and on this basis of the country's comparative advantage, forming the difference competitive advantage, different countries in the same division of different on different links of value chain of the development of the international market also has a certain role in promoting. According to the position of the enterprises in the value chain of each country can determine a country in which products have a competitive edge on the production and business operation. Nicky (2009) by the study found that India textile production enterprises for a long period of time distribution of relatively scattered, not formed industrial cluster centers, and production equipment obsolete, labor productivity is low, companies benefit from the market began to be very hard. India to reduce the power consumption of Indian textileindustry form their own competitive advantage to lay the foundation, make its have the strength of enterprise products from domestic market to foreign market to further expand the market, improve the market share. In the integration of international trade, international trade barriers against the background of gradually reduce; country exports ability will directly reflect the country's products and industries in the international market competition ability. In other words, the study of national industrial international competitiveness is ultimately about the national research products in the international market competitiveness. Some scholars also respectively from the Angle of industry, product and the enterprise product competitiveness of enterprises are analyzed and studied. Factors of production in their industry from industry, related and supporting industries and other factors as the starting point for the formation and development of the enterprise product competitive process are analyzed; In terms of product, they are from the structure of the product, price, quality and demand for basic research object, further analyzes the international competitiveness of the enterprise in the process of the formation of the impact of; At last they stood in the perspective of enterprise, from the enterprise innovation ability, the ability to meet customer demand and speed, and the enterprise products on the market possession ability, etc are analyzed and the research, the factors affecting the formation of the enterprise international competitiveness made a comprehensive and detailed analysis.3 export competitiveness related theoryResearch on the theory of international competitiveness in different countries, different period widely exist in both groups, but different structure, the research focus of scholars, research way is different, so that, the concept of international competitiveness also gave different definitions. International competitiveness is a country's creation, improve the added value, and increase the ability of national wealth. From the perspective of international trade, we can understand the export competitiveness of really existing level of macroeconomic environment and industry development, on the basis of a country industrial production of the product or service market development in the international market, the market, and the ability of profit.3.1 The comparative advantage theoryAbout export competitiveness theory, first of all should be the most worth mentioning is the comparative advantage theory, it is the tradition of classic economic theory, has been in the field of industry economics and international trade and its important position and strong competitiveness. The theory was first put forward by Adam Smith, a founding father; in his mind that international trade occurs is the primary basis of the existence of absolute cost differences. Absolute cost is between any two countries that produce a product, an absolute difference of the cost of labor, that is, a country absolute loss by Labor costs less than another country for labor cost. The concept that any country can be and should be exports to the country with absolute cost advantage of related products, so that it can get relatively considerable interests through international trade, which is the interpretation of the previously mentioned absolute advantage.3.2 Competitive advantage theoryComparative advantage theory analysis and explained the basis of the export competitiveness of a country or industry, but didn't really explain whether a country or industry has the real export competitiveness strength, and decided to export competitiveness strength should be relatively competitive advantage. In the 1980 s, the main members of the industry product competitiveness committee - Michael porter published one after another famous at home and abroad between the national competitive advantage ", "competitive advantage" and "competitive strategy" and other books and papers, in these books and academic papers in detail and put forward about the comparative advantage theory of competition. Michael porter thinks of export competitive advantage refers to the one country in the international market has the competitive advantages and strengths, and export competitive advantage is a country the main influence factors and the symbol of the levels of productivity development. To a country in the world market, and the most fundamental condition is to have a competitive advantage and comparative advantage has does not necessarily lead to competitive advantage, have a competitive advantage, the product also is not necessarily a country's comparative advantage, which includes technical progress andmonetary factors both tend to be back. The concept of competitive advantage in a certain extent has a progressive and innovative, because it is based on the Angle of modern market to express and describe the advantages of a country's products.译文印度纺织品出口竞争力研究Tully E摘要印度在纺织品生产和出口方面排在世界前列,而且纺织业是印度的最早产生的生产行业之一,在推动其经济发展中起到了重要作用。
强的 比较优势 ; 如果介于 1 2 ~ . .5 2 5之间 , 明该产业具有 表 较强的 比较优 势; 若介于 0 8 .5之间 , .-1 2 具有 中度 比较优 用各 国进 出口数据计算 RC 结 果如 表 2所示 。 A,
表 2 中 国、 印度 纺 织 品服 装 在 美 国市 场 的显 示 性 比 较 优 势
国出 口产 品 的竞 争 程 度 也 就 越 激 烈 。
表示 j 国出 口到 w 市场 中第 k种商品所 占份额 。 该指数 的 指 数
粪别 20 0 3芷 2 0 0 4芷 2 0 0 5芷 2 0 0 3芷 2 0 0 4芷 2 0 0 年
HS 0 5
HS5l H¥5 2 H¥5 3 HS5 4 H¥5 5 HS H¥5 7 HS 58 H5 ; 59 H¥ 60 HS6l
式 中:RC 表示 i A 国第 j 种商 品在共同市场 ( 国) 美 上 的显示性 比较优势指数 ; 示 i X表 国第 j 种商 品对美 国
度 呢?本 文拟 采用出 口相似度 指数 、 显示性 比较优势指数
和 美 国市 场 占有率 三个 指 标 来 进 行 分 析 。
.Байду номын сангаас
二 中印纺 织品服装 在美国市 场的显 示性 比较 优势
在国际 贸易理论与实证研究 中, 1 常弓 入被世界银行等 国 际组织所 普遍采用 的“ 显示性 比较优势指数 ” 来衡 量产 品的国际竞 争力 , 该指数 能较 好地 反映一国某产业的相对
织品服装进 口的 4 .%和 1%。很显 然, 13 2 在美 国纺织 品服 指数比较
哥、 印度等 国, 当 中, 其值得 关注 的是 同为纺织大 国的 美国市场的 出口相似度指数呈下降趋势 , 这 尤 但下降的绝对值
Challenges and Opportunities Faced by India's Textile and Clothing Industry
1. 印度纺织服装业市场竞争激烈,主要受到中国、孟加拉国等国家的影响。然而,印度纺织业仍然具有一定的优势,比如印度的人口红利、劳动力成 本低等。因此,印度纺织业可以通过不断提升品质、降低成本、加强创新等措施来提高市场竞争力。
1.消费者需求不稳定:由于经济增长不稳定和人口结构变 化,消费者对纺织服装的需求也不断变化,难以预测。 2.国内市场竞争激烈:印度纺织服装业内竞争激烈,品牌 多样化,价格竞争也很激烈,难以维持盈利率。
Competitive Advantages of India's Textile and Clothing Industry
1. 印度纺织业拥有庞大的产能,成为全球最大的纺织品出口国之一。据统计,印度在 纺织品生产方面拥有超过280万台的纺纱机和110万台的织布机,为全球市场提供了 大量的纺织品供应。 2. 印度纺织业拥有广泛的产品线,涵盖棉纺、羊毛纺、丝绸纺等多个领域。其综合产 能远远超过其他国家,能够满足全球市场对各类纺织品的需求。此外,印度纺织业还 具备较高的技术水平和生产效率,能够以大规模的产能输出高质量的纺织品。
1. 由于印度拥有丰富的棉花、丝绸和羊毛等天然纤维资源,加 上相对廉价的劳动力成本,进一步增加了其产能。这使得印度纺 织业在国际市场上具备较高的竞争力,并在全球纺织品贸易中占 据重要地位。
1. 排名全球前列:印度纺织服装业以其庞大的生产规模和出色的质量,在全球市场上稳居前列。根据最新数据, 印度是全球最大的纺织品出口国之一,出口量连续多年位居前三。 2. 多样化的产品:印度纺织品制造商以其多样化的产品范围而闻名。从传统的手工艺品到最新的时尚潮流,印度 纺织服装业可以满足各国不同需求的市场,具有独特的竞争优势。 3. 利用自身资源:印度纺织服装业充分利用国内丰富的纺织原料资源。印度拥有世界上最大的棉花产量,同时也 具备多元化的纺织原料供应链。这使得印度纺织服装业在原材料的提供上更具竞争力,有助于提升产品的质量和 竞争力。
纺织服装出口外文文献Textile and Apparel Export: An AnalysisIntroduction:The textile and apparel industry has always played a significant role in the global economy. The export of textile and apparel products has been a major contributor to the economic growth of many countries. This paper aims to explore the trends, challenges, and opportunities associated with textile and apparel exports.Trends in Textile and Apparel Exports:Over the years, textile and apparel exports have witnessed significant growth. Developing countries, particularly those in Asia, have emerged as key exporters in this sector. China, India, and Bangladesh have become major players in the global textile and apparel trade. These countries benefit from low labor costs, large-scale manufacturing capabilities, and an extensive supply chain network.Challenges Faced by the Textile and Apparel Industry: The textile and apparel industry faces several challenges that impact its export potential. One of the major challenges is the competition from low-costmanufacturing countries. As more countries enter the market, the competition intensifies, leading to price wars and reduced profit margins. Additionally, fluctuations in raw material prices and exchange rates pose challenges for exporters.Environmental and Sustainability Concerns:With the increasing focus on sustainability and environmental conservation, the textile and apparelindustry is facing pressure to adopt sustainable practices. Consumers are becoming more aware of the environmental impact of their clothing choices and are demanding eco-friendly products. Exporters need to invest in sustainable production methods, such as using organic and recycled materials, reducing water and energy consumption, and ensuring ethical labor practices.Opportunities and Strategies for Textile and Apparel Exports:Despite the challenges, there are several opportunities for textile and apparel exports. The growing demand for fashionable clothing, especially in emerging markets, presents significant opportunities for exporters. Additionally, the rise of e-commerce platforms has openednew avenues for selling textile and apparel products globally. Exporters can leverage these opportunities by adopting innovative marketing techniques and expanding their online presence.Furthermore, diversification of product offerings is crucial for sustained export growth. Exporters need to focus on producing high-quality, value-added products that cater to the specific needs and preferences of target markets. Collaborating with designers and investing in research and development can help exporters stay ahead of the competition.Conclusion:Textile and apparel exports continue to be a vital component of many countries' economies. While challenges such as competition, sustainability concerns, and fluctuating prices persist, opportunities for growth and expansion are also present. By adapting to changing market trends, investing in sustainable practices, and embracing innovative strategies, exporters can navigate through the complexities of the global textile and apparel trade and thrive in this highly competitive industry.。
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中国与印度纺织品出口竞争力比较中国与印度是世界两大纺织品服装出口国家,在纺织品配额取消以后, 中国和印度被认为是最大的受益国。
本文依据联合国贸易数据库2006-2010 年的统计数据,从出口竞争力指数( TCI) 、国际市场占有率和出口显性比较优势指数( RCA) 三方面对中国与印度在纺织品服装出口竞争力进行了比较,为中国纺织品服装行业提高竞争力提出了建议。
其中纺织产品的统计口径采用HS2007 的六位税号, 贸易数据来源于联合国近年来,中印纺织品贸易都发展迅速,2006—2010 年中印两国平均增长率分别为10.48%和9.58%,但中国纺织品的出口贸易规模远远大于印度, 详情见柱状图( 见图1) 。
虽然近几年中国与印度的纺织品出口占全部出口额的比重均有所下降, 但纺织品还是两国出口创汇的主要来源。
图12.中印纺织品出口的产品结构十分相似, 表现出竞争性的关系本文通过计算中印各类纺织产品在纺织品总出口中所占的比例, 来比较中印纺织品出口的产品结构。
如下饼状图所示(见图2、图3)图2图3中国与印度除了在52棉花、57 地毯及其他纺织地板覆盖物、60针织或钩编织物这三类产品上存在一定的差异, 其他类型的纺织产品的出口份额都很相近。
61针织或钩编的服装及衣着附件、62非针织或非钩编的服装及衣着附件这两类产品在两国的出口份额中所占的比重都较大, 两者合计中国和印度分别为64%和45%, 但印度的出口份额与中国还存在一定的差距。
因此, 中印出口的纺织产品之间有很强的替代性,表现出竞争性的关系。
本文进一步将这14 类纺织产品按照《纺织服装商品分类》分为纺织原料和制成品, 纺织原料包括50—55 类, 制成品包括56—63类。
1. 创新是市场竞争力的关键在纺织服饰行业,创新是企业获得市场竞争力的关键因素之一。
2. 品牌建设提升竞争力在如今激烈的市场竞争中,品牌建设成为企业获得竞争优势的重要手段之一。
3. 供应链管理提高竞争优势供应链管理在纺织服饰行业中扮演着重要的角色。
4. 多元化渠道拓展市场份额在竞争激烈的纺织服饰行业中,企业需要寻求多元化的销售渠道来拓展市场份额。
本科毕业论文外文翻译外文题目:Outsourcing to India:Crouching set to pounce出处:Deutsche Bank Research作者:Thomas Meyer译文:印度外包:卧虎藏龙印度是世界的后台作为世界上最重要的离岸位置,印度这个次大陆主导了IT外包服务(ITO)和基于IT的业务流程(BPO)的国际市场。
印度目前占领44%的全球IT和BPO 离岸的市场份额,全球市场目前价值约40亿美元。
印度从软件,IT服务,BPO 和硬件的总收入为28亿美元,比2004/05年度英国国民总收入更多。
The Changing World Network of Trade in Textiles andApparelThomas Vollrath,Mark Gehlhar,Stephen MacDonaldU.S.A./amberwavesThomas Vollrath, thomasv@Mark Gehlhar, mgehlhar@Stephen MacDonald, stephenm@The structure of the global textile market is fundamentally changing in response to policy reforms stemming from the 1995 Uruguay Round (UR) of the World Trade Organization. The UR instituted agreements to reduce tariffs on textile and apparel products to levels closer to those found elsewhere in manufacturing. It also established the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC), which stipulates that all bilateral import quotas, sanctioned under the 1974 Multi-Fiber Arrangement (MFA), will be eliminated by 2005.Full implementation of the UR reforms will bring textiles and apparel into greater conformity with internationally accepted rules of trade. Collectively, these reforms should stimulate growth in textile trade, which already outpaces trade in other sectors of the world economy. For example, trade in textiles and apparel in the last decade nearly doubled to $334 billion. These reforms also promise to significantly alter the location of production and the direction of fiber and textile trade.The Bilateral Fiber and Textile Trade database, available on the ERS website (/data/fibertextiletrade/), enables analysts to examine the evolving structure of trade among partners and across commodities and products in the global market. This database, derived from UN Comtrade data, contains information about commodity and product trade flows among exporting and importing countries/regions between 1992 and 2002.The global network of trade in textiles and apparel has shifted significantly, with many low-income countries benefiting from higher sales within the pastdecade. Unlike agricultural production, which depends on the availability of natural resources, the location of textile and, particularly, apparel production is highly mobile and extremely responsive to wage differentials. Textile and apparel production requires substantial labor, is not technologically demanding, and provides employment opportunities for the relatively unskilled laborers who transfer out of subsistence agriculture. It introduces workers to manufacturing and provides them with training opportunities in new and productivity-enhancing activities.Competition from low-cost suppliers in developing countries has put considerable pressure on established exporters of textiles and apparel, particularly those in the newly industrialized countries (NIC) of Asia (Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan). The Asian-NIC share of the global textile and apparel market halved, falling from 24 to 12 percent between 1992 and 2002. In contrast, the market share of developing-country suppliers, excluding the Asian NICs, increased 15 percentage points to 64 percent during this period. China was especially successful, raising its share of the global market to 25 percent in 2002, up 4 percentage points from 1992. Such competitive pressures from low-cost, developing-country suppliers are likely to accelerate following the elimination of MFA quotas by 2005.Textile and apparel trade is strongly influenced by established networks and geographical proximity. Together, Africa, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe dominate the EU market because of preferential trading agreements and the economics of geographical location. In contrast, the most important suppliers to the United States are Latin America, China, and the Asian NICs. With improved market access from the ATC, low-income Asian producers are likely to vie more effectively with these traditional suppliers for foreign market shares in the U.S. and EU markets.The UR reforms are expected to reduce prices for textiles and apparel, increasing worldwide demand for products throughout the fiber-to-clothing supply chain. Demand for textile and apparel imports is already rising rapidly among the industrialized countries (IC). This demand is particularly strong among importers using MFA quotas (Canada, EU, Norway, and the United States). As consumer prices fall due to ATC reforms, imports of clothing, bed linen, carpets, and other products are likely to continue to increase. Envisioned shifts in supply and demand for textile and apparel will enhance labor productivity in the developing countries, leading to income growth and greater global demand for agriculturalproducts, including food and raw fibers, such as cotton.不断变化的世界纺织品服装贸易格局托马斯·瓦拉斯,马克·葛赫哈,史蒂芬·麦克通纳德美国/amberwaves托马斯·瓦拉斯,thomasv@马克·葛赫哈,mgehlhar@史蒂芬·麦克通纳德,stephenm@ 全球纺织品市场结构是根据1995年世界贸易组织举行的乌拉圭回合的政策改革而发生着根本性的变化。
英语作文-印度纺织品店展示最新印花纱巾In the bustling streets of Jaipur, a city renowned for its rich tapestry of history and culture, stands a textile shop that has become the talk of the town. The shop, a treasure trove of traditional Indian textiles, has recently unveiled its latest collection of printed chiffon scarves, each piece a testament to the artistry and craftsmanship of local artisans.As you step into the shop, the first thing that strikes you is the riot of colors that greets your eyes. From the deep reds and bright oranges to the soothing blues and greens, the scarves are a kaleidoscope of hues, each one more vibrant than the last. The delicate fabric, light as air, flutters gently in the breeze that occasionally wafts through the open door, carrying with it the scent of spices from the nearby market.The prints on the scarves are equally captivating. Traditional motifs such as paisleys, florals, and elephants are reimagined in contemporary designs, blending the old with the new in a seamless fusion. The intricate patterns are printed using age-old techniques passed down through generations, involving hand-carved wooden blocks and natural dyes extracted from plants and minerals.Each scarf tells a story, not just of its design, but also of the hands that made it. The artisans, with their skilled fingers, carefully align the blocks and apply the right amountof pressure to transfer the designs onto the fabric. It's a dance of precision and rhythm, honed by years of practice and dedication.The shop owner, a connoisseur of textiles, walks you through the collection, explaining the significance of each pattern and the process behind its creation. He speaks of the challenges faced by the artisans in keeping the traditional methods alive in the face of modern mass-production techniques. Yet, he says, it is the love for their craft and the beauty of the handmade that keeps them going.As you browse through the collection, you can't help but be drawn to a particular scarf. Its print is a stunning display of peacocks, their feathers spread out in a majestic fan,the eyespots on their tails shimmering like jewels. The background is a subtle shade of teal, providing a perfect canvas for the vivid colors of the birds.You run your fingers over the fabric, feeling the softness of the chiffon and the slight texture of the print. It's lightweight, yet it promises warmth, a perfect accessory for both the cool evenings and the warm days. You can already imagine the many ways you could wear it, draped over your shoulders or tied around your neck, adding a touch of elegance to any outfit.As you make your purchase, the shop owner wraps the scarf in delicate tissue paper, sealing it with a sticker that bears the shop's logo—a stylized elephant, symbolizing strength and good fortune. He hands you the package with a smile, and you step out of the shop, the scarf in your bag, a piece of India's textile heritage with you.This shop, with its exquisite collection of printed chiffon scarves, is more than just a retail space. It's a celebration of India's artistic legacy, a showcase of the talent and passion of its people, and a reminder of the beauty that can be found in the handmade. As you walk away, the colors and patterns of the scarves linger in your mind, a vivid memory of a place where tradition and modernity meet in a beautiful embrace. 。
本科毕业论文外文翻译外文题目:Determinants of firm-level export performance: a case study of Indian textile garments and apparel industry出处:J. Int. Trade & Economic Development 10: 1 65-92作者:T. A. Bhavani and Suresh D. Tendulkar译文:企业出口表现的决定因素:印度纺织服装和纺织产业的案例分析任何单一商品出口表现都受这些因素影响:(一)、一国政府进出口的政策制度,(二)、外部需求条件,(三)、在外部市场建立和维护价格质量竞争力的供应反映。
印度纺织服装行业的出口竞争力外文翻译外文翻译原文EXPORT COMPETITIVENESS OF INDIAN TEXTILEAND GARMENT INDUSTRYMaterial Source: Indian Council For ResearchOn International Economic RelationsAuthor:Samar VermaThe international trade in textile and clothing sectors has been a egregious exception to the most favoured nation principle of GATT and, since the early 1960s, has been a case of managed trade through forced consensus. However, the WTO Agreement on Textile and Clothing ATC marked a significant turnaround. According to the ATC, beginning 1st January 1995, all textiles and clothing products that had been hitherto subjected to MFA-quota, are scheduled to be integrated into WTO over a period of ten years. “The dismantling of the quota regi me represents both an opportunity as well as a threat. An opportunity because markets will no longer be restricted; a threat because markets will no longer be guaranteed by quotas, and even the domestic market will be open to competition”. From 1st January2005, therefore, all textile and clothing products would be traded internationally without quota-restrictions. Andthis impending reality brings the issue of competitiveness to the fore for all firms in the textile and clothing sectors,including those in India. It is imperative to understand the true competitiveness of Indian textile and clothing firms in order to make an assessment of what lies ahead in 2005 and beyond.Owing to its significant contribution, the Indian textile and clothing industry occupies a unique place in the Indian economy. It contributes about 4% of GDP and 14% of industrial output. Second largest employer after agriculture, the industry provides direct employment to 35 million people including substantial segments of weaker sections of society. With a very low import-intensity of about 1.5% only, it is the largest net foreign exchange earner in India, earning almost 35% of foreign exchange. This is the only industry that is self-sufficient and complete in cotton value chain- producing everything from fibres to the highest value added finished product of garments. Its growth and vitality therefore has critical bearings on the Indian economy at large.What Is Competitiveness?Competitiveness is about productivity, which in turn is a function of factors related to cost of products, as well as those related to non-price factors such as delivery schedules, reliability of producers, and such intangible factors like image of the country/company and brand equity. Together, they define the competitive sinews of a product tocompete under conditions of free market.However, in order to translate industry competitiveness into sales greater export share in world market, another set of issues- in addition to productivity-need to be examined. These relate to market access conditions. Indeed, industry competitiveness of restrained exporters such as India was not much of an issue during the last almost four decades, ever since the Short Term Arrangement STA of 1961. And the reason lay not in price and non-price factors, but in the“manage”dconditions under which global trade in textile and clothing products took place. In fact, it was precisely because of the price competitiveness of some Asian exporters in the 1950s and the 1960s that the “generally and solemnly agreed rules of post-war policy conduct-including the keystone of the system, the non-discrimination rules- were formally set aside for reasons regarded as pragmatic”. This system of managed trade, however, will come to an end on 31st December 2004.For the purpose of this study, industry has been defined as a group of firms manufacturing products that directly or indirectly competes with each other. It is implied that no nation can be competitive in manufacturing all goods and services. Hence, industry competitiveness of an entire nation is not quite meaningful. Instead, since it is the firms who compete in international markets, the entire framework of competitiveness would revolve around the study of the firm.“…industrial succe ss was founded on behaviour of firms, not on the decisions of governments”. The list of products industries identified is in Appendix A.Objective & Scope Of The StudyThe objective of the project is to evaluate the export competitiveness of Indian textile and clothing sectors. Because Indian textile and clothing sector is predominantly cotton based, this study would focus mainly on the cotton textile and apparel, and look at the entire value chain from fibre to garment and retail distribution.With the aforementioned objective in mind, this study has first identified the products in Indian export basket which have shown a promising growth in value, or in unit value and have a considerable weight in the Indian export basket on the basis of recent performance of Indian exports of textile and clothing sectors in the US and EU markets.Research MethodologyIn order to evaluate the demand-side of Indian textile and clothing exports, the study has analysed the competitive performance of Indian expor ts of the ‘identified’products in the US and EU markets. It has also been used to highlight the role of emerging trade policy environment- specifically, the role of discriminatory rules of origin in Regional Trading Arrangements [RTAs], tariff peaks and environmental and labour standards-as market access issues relevant to textile and clothingexporting countries.To assess the supply-side factors of export competitiveness, a preliminary interview was conducted with a few exporters. The interview sought their views and opinions chiefly in respect of the supply-side bottlenecks that they are facing in India. The supply-side framework is based more on opinions than on data/numbers. The inferences about the supply-side factors are therefore based on the opinions expressed by exporters of identified products.Competitive Performance- Operational DefinitionIn both these markets, competitive performance has been defined through changes in market shares in value terms over the years 1995 and 2000. The following twincriterion was employed to identify export-competitive products.A product is said to be export-competitive if the growth rate in unit value of the product imported from India exceeds average growth rate in unit value of the product from all suppliers in a market US/EU, and Its market share grows over the period 1995-2000.However, there are two additional qualifications that need to be borne in mind.1. To the extent market share is a function of quotas, it may so happen that some countri es’ market share declines over time only because their exports are constrained by quotas.2. Because the market share-based competitive performance has been evaluated in value terms, the effect of exchange rate movements on export competitiveness and revealed in market shares cannot be ruled out a priory.All value data is reported in US$ terms for the two years 1995 and 2000. During this period, the value of US$ declined by almost 13%, if deflated by consumer price index in the US. The data in the tables have been reported in nominal terms, and analysis made on that basis, since they are all reported in US$ and are equally therefore affected.Using the twin-criteria of export-competitiveness, all selected products are classified into the four categories of leaders, gainers, losers and outliers.译文印度纺织服装行业的出口竞争力资料来源: Indian Council For ResearchOn International Economic Relations作者:Samar Verma自1960年早期,纺织服装行业是国际贸易中关贸总协定最惠国之间经过谈判一致同意的,对关贸总协定正常纪律的例外。
棉紡織品出口促進Βιβλιοθήκη 員會會長Prem Malik表示,由於EPCG方案減少的產品進口稅將有利於紡織業現代化,提高生產力。增加重點市場安排的國家數量以及核准對該等國家出口的臨時關稅信貸將有助於擴大出口。
Kamal Nath部長表示,印度希望至2020年印度出口產品的全球市佔率達5%,2008-09年度的出口值目標為2,000億美元,並擬成立聯合工作小組,研析印度成為全球紡織業發展樞紐之計畫。
印度貿工部部長Kamal Nath宣佈年度貿易政策,內容包括抑制物價波動、持續出口成長,並協助受盧比升值侵蝕獲利的紡織成衣業,此外亦包括年度貿易政策補充措施,如延長強化退稅減稅權利義務証書(Duty Entitlement Pass Book,DEPB)方案至2009年5月、降低出口促進信貸擔保(EPCG)方案的關稅由5%降至3%、符合營利事業所得稅法10B章規定的100%的出口企業免徵營所稅至2009年、延長對出口商的銀行利率補貼至6%等方案。
印度Kikani Exports公司向中国出口纱线,采用USTER技术全面控制纱线质量
印度Kikani Exports公司向中国出口纱线,采用USTER技
【摘要】作为印度领先的纱线供应商之一,Kikani Exports公司向中国出口纱线已经有12年的经验。
该公司总经理Vrajesh Kikani先生解释道,由于市场环境变得更加艰难.Kikani Exports公司向中国出口贸易量已经开始下降。
ter公司发布纱线毛羽等级 [J],
2.全面提升纱线质量苏拉(金坛)纺织机械有限公司技术革新侧记 [J], 申香英
3.全面提升纱线质量苏拉(金坛)纺织机械有限公司技术革新侧记 [J], 申香英;
4.现代USTER检测技术对纱线质量的系统监控 [J], 吉宜军;邵国东;崔益怀;乐荣庆;
5.现代USTER检测技术对纱线质量的系统监控 [J], 吉宜军;邵国东;崔益怀;乐荣庆;
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外文翻译原文EXPORT COMPETITIVENESS OF INDIAN TEXTILEAND GARMENTINDUSTRYMaterial Source: Indian Council For ResearchOn International Economic RelationsAuthor:Samar VermaThe international trade in textile and clothing sectors has been a egregious exception to the most favoured nation principle of GATT and, since the early 1960s, has been a case of managed trade through forced consensus. However, the WTO Agreement on Textile and Clothing (ATC) marked a significant turnaround. According to the ATC, beginning 1st January 1995, all textiles and clothing products that had been hitherto subjected to MFA-quota, are scheduled to be integrated into WTO over a period of ten years. “The dismantling of the quota regime represents both an opportunity as well as a threat. An opportunity because markets will no longer be restricted; a threat because markets will no longer be guaranteed by quotas, and even the domestic market will be open to competition”. From 1st January 2005, therefore, all textile and clothing products would be traded internationally without quota-restrictions. And this impending reality brings the issue of competitiveness to the fore for all firms in the textile and clothing sectors,including those in India. It is imperative to understand the true competitiveness of Indian textile and clothing firms in order to make an assessment of what lies ahead in 2005 and beyond.Owing to its significant contribution, the Indian textile and clothing industry occupies a unique place in the Indian economy. It contributes about 4% of GDP and 14% of industrial output. Second largest employer after agriculture, the industry provides direct employment to 35 million people including substantial segments of weaker sections of society. With a very low import-intensity of about 1.5% only, it is the largest net foreign exchange earner in India, earning almost 35% of foreign exchange. This is the only industry that is self-sufficient and complete in cotton value chain- producing everything from fibres to the highest value added finishedproduct of garments. Its growth and vitality therefore has critical bearings on the Indian economy at large.What Is Competitiveness?Competitiveness is about productivity, which in turn is a function of factors related to cost of products, as well as those related to non-price factors such as delivery schedules, reliability of producers, and such intangible factors like image of the country/company and brand equity. Together, they define the competitive sinews of a product to compete under conditions of free market.However, in order to translate industry competitiveness into sales (greater export share in world market), another set of issues- in addition to productivity-need to be examined. These relate to market access conditions. Indeed, industry competitiveness of restrained exporters such as India was not much of an issue during the last almost four decades, ever since the Short Term Arrangement (STA) of 1961. And the reason lay not in price and non-price factors, but in the“manage”dconditions und er which global trade in textile and clothing products took place. In fact, it was precisely because of the price competitiveness of some Asian exporters in the 1950s and the 1960s that the “generally and solemnly agreed rules of post-war policy conduct-including the keystone of the system, the non-discrimination rules- were formally set aside for reasons regarded as pragmatic”. This system of managed trade, however, will come to an end on 31st December 2004.For the purpose of this study, industry has been defined as a group of firms manufacturing products that directly or indirectly competes with each other. It is implied that no nation can be competitive in manufacturing all goods and services. Hence, industry competitiveness of an entire nation is not quite meaningful. Instead, since it is the firms who compete in international markets, the entire framework of competitiveness would revolve around the study of the firm. “…industrial success was founded on behaviour of firms, not on the decisions of governm ents”. The list of products (industries) identified is in Appendix A.Objective & Scope Of The StudyThe objective of the project is to evaluate the export competitiveness of Indian textile and clothing sectors. Because Indian textile and clothing sector is predominantly cotton based, this study would focus mainly on the cotton textile and apparel, and look at the entire value chain from fibre to garment and retail distribution.With the aforementioned objective in mind, this study has first identified the products in Indian export basket which have shown a promising growth in value, or in unit value and have a considerable weight in the Indian export basket on the basis of recent performance of Indian exports of textile and clothing sectors in the US and EU markets.Research MethodologyIn order to evaluate the demand-side of Indian textile and clothing exports, the study has analysed the competitive performance of Indian exports of the ‘identified’products in the US and EU markets. It has also been used to highlight the role of emerging trade policy environment- specifically, the role of discriminatory rules of origin in Regional Trading Arrangements [RTAs], tariff peaks and environmental and labour standards-as market access issues relevant to textile and clothing exporting countries.To assess the supply-side factors of export competitiveness, a preliminary interview was conducted with a few exporters. The interview sought their views and opinions chiefly in respect of the supply-side bottlenecks that they are facing in India. The supply-side framework is based more on opinions than on data/numbers. The inferences about the supply-side factors are therefore based on the opinions expressed by exporters of identified products.Competitive Performance- Operational DefinitionIn both these markets, competitive performance has been defined through changes in market shares (in value terms) over the years 1995 and 2000. The following twincriterion was employed to identify export-competitive products.A product is said to be export-competitive if the growth rate in unit value of the product imported from India exceeds average growth rate in unit value of the product from all suppliers in a market (US/EU), and Its market share grows over the period 1995-2000.However, there are two additional qualifications that need to be borne in mind.1. To the extent market share is a function of quotas, it may so happen that some countries’ market share declines over time only because their exports are constrained by quotas.2. Because the market share-based competitive performance has been evaluated in value terms, the effect of exchange rate movements on export competitiveness (and revealed in market shares) cannot be ruled out a priory.All value data is reported in US$ terms for the two years 1995 and 2000.During this period, the value of US$ declined by almost 13%, if deflated by consumer price index in the US. The data in the tables have been reported in nominal terms, and analysis made on that basis, since they are all reported in US$ and are equally therefore affected.Using the twin-criteria of export-competitiveness, all selected products are classified into the four categories of leaders, gainers, losers and outliers.译文印度纺织服装行业的出口竞争力资料来源: Indian Council For ResearchOn International Economic Relations作者:Samar Verma自1960年早期,纺织服装行业是国际贸易中关贸总协定最惠国之间经过谈判一致同意的,对关贸总协定正常纪律的例外。