








4、使用刻度尺测量前要三看:一看量程;二看分度值;三看 0刻度线是否磨损。






10、判断记录的测量结果是否正确,我们就看倒数第 1 位的单位和分度值的单位是否一致,如果一致是正确的,如果不一致是错误的。

















25、用密度不同的两种液体装满两个烧杯,两个烧杯完全一样,甲杯中两种液体质量各占一半,乙 杯中两种液体的体积各占一半.若两种液体之间不发生混合现象,这两杯中液体的总质量m甲和m乙 的关系是( )
A.m甲=m乙 B.m甲<m乙 C.m甲>m乙 D.以上情况都有可能
A. 乙车
B. 甲车
D. 树木
6、如图所示,两列火车并排停在站台上,小强坐在车厢中向另一列车厢观望。突然,他觉得自己的 列车开始缓缓地前进了,但是,“驶过”了旁边列车的车尾才发现,实际上他乘坐的列车还停在站台 上。下列说法正确的是 ( )
A.小强感觉自己乘坐的列车前进了是以站台为参照物 B.小强发现自己乘坐的列车还停在站台上是以坐在旁边的小红为参照物 C.小强发现自己乘坐的列车还停在站台上是以坐在旁边列车的车尾为参照物 D.小明先后不同的感觉是因为他选择的参照物不同而造成的
26、小明、小红分别用不同的方法测玻璃球的密度: (1)提供给小明的器材:天平(砝码)、量筒、烧杯、一定量的水、玻璃球若干,调节天平平衡时, 指针偏向分度盘中央红线的左侧,此时应向______移动平衡螺母,才能使天平平衡,用调节好的天平测 玻璃球的质量为(如图)______g,他又用量筒测出它的体积为13cm3,那么玻璃球的密度为______kg/m3 . (2)提供给小红的器材:天平(无砝码)、量筒、两个完全相同的烧杯、足量的水、玻璃球若干 操作步骤如下: ①调节天平使之平衡,______; ②把烧杯中的水倒入量筒中,测其体积为V1; ③______; ④玻璃球的密度表达式为ρ=
2.如图所示,用刻度尺测量一木块的长度,测量的结果是( )



初中物理北师大版《伴你学》参考答案初中物理北师大版《伴你学》参考答案 (1)第八章 (1)第九章机械和功 (4)第十章能及其转化 (5)第十一章简单电路 (7)第十二章欧姆定律 (13)第十三章电功和电功率 (19)第八章第一节A组:1.D2.C3.棱角太尖,压强4. 等于,大于5.D6.A D7. 160-172,500,1.4×104-1.6×1048.(1) 1.4×104 Pa (2) 2m29. 20N,2.5×104 PaB组:1.D2.A B3. ①天平②长和宽,面积s ③M,张数n ④p=Mg/ns4. 量计算式1 物块体积 = a32 物体密度 M/ a33 物体对桌面的压力 mg4 物体对桌面的压强 Mg/ a25. 实验步骤(可用简图说明):将大圆柱体放在泡沫塑料上,然后将小圆柱体竖直放在大圆柱体的正上方,观察泡沫塑料被压下的深浅程度;再将小圆柱体放在泡沫塑料上,然后将大圆柱体竖直放在小圆柱体的正上方,再次观察泡沫塑料被压下的深浅程度。



6.C7. 750 N8. 平放和侧放,理由略。

第二节液体内部的压强A组:1.容器底,容器壁2. 2,5,7,5。

196 Pa,490 Pa,686 Pa,490 Pa。

3. 乙4. 大于5. pA<pB<pC6.B7. (1)刻度尺(2)ABC (3) EF, 大(4)BDE。

8. 3.09×1079. 4.9×103Pa , 0.98N 。

B组:1. 222. 2.4×1023. BC4. (1)同种液体在同一深度,液体向各个方向的压强相等(2)a.将上述实验中的水换为盐水(或其他液体);b.测量并记录橡皮膜在液面下5 cm、10 cm、15 cm时压强计两管的液面差;c.比较盐水(或其他液体)与水在同一深度时记录的数据,得出结论。



第四节 功率A 组1.做功相同,比较做功时间的长短2. 80003. 39.24.A5. 5×104WB 组1.A2.B3.(1) 90km/h 25m/s (2) 1600N4.(1)1400s (2)2.1×105J (3)30N第五节 探究--使用机械能省功吗?A 组1.克服摩擦做功,克服动滑轮重力做功2. 83%3. 100, 80%, 变大4. A5.83%B 组1. (1)70% (2)15s2. 80%3. (1)500N (2) 略4.(1) 2×104W (2) 8333N第六节 测滑轮组的机械效率A 组1. 0.1 0.2 0.1 83%2. (1) 0.3 , 0.03 , 83% (2) <3. >4.(1)略 (2)A ,DB 组1.略2.(1)(2)略 (3)滑轮组的机械效率与提升重物的高度有关,同一滑轮组的机械效率不是固定不变的3.(1) 8000W (2)18.75% (3) 配重质量等于电梯、乘客、货物总质量的一半第九章 单元练习一、选择题1.D2.AD3.A4.C5.D6.B7.A二、填空题8.0 9 . 费,活动范围大(或省距离) 10.3×105, 5×103, 5 11. 30 ,60 12. 3:4 13. 1200, 40, 7.5 14. 360, 变小 15. 小于 16. 1.296×105 , 216 17. 10, 18, 6 18. 600J, D , 3120J三、作图题 略四、实验与探究22.(1)1、圆柱形铅笔做支点,平放在桌面上;2、刻度尺做杠杆,一端放上硬币,调节平衡;3、刻度尺平衡时,读出硬币中心到支点的距离,记为L 1; 读出刻度尺中心到支点的距离,记为L 2。

(2) m 2=21L L ·m 1 五、简答题23、(1)指甲刀:省力杠杆:ACB费力杠杆:DOB FOE(2)垃圾筒:省力杠杆:FED费力杠杆:BAC24. 270N 25.G=320N W 有=1280J P 有=128W W 总=1600J P 总=160Wη=80% ……第十章能及其转化第一节机械能A组1.能 2 动能,质量,运动速度,越大,越大3 重力势能质量被举高度越大越高4 动能,势5 动能6 B , E , AC7. A 8.(1)(4)错误,(2)(3)(5)正确B组1. 动重利势能最低点最高点保持不变 2 动能动能弹性势能3. B4. B5. D 6 B第二节内能A组1 分子永不停息地无规则运动引力和斥力2 自发地进入对方物体内大量分子的无规则运动3 分子动能分子势能分子动能和分子势能的总和4 间隙斥力引力5 做功热传递做功热传递6 减小做功7 B 8 CB组1 C2 C3 B4 C5 B6 AD7 流星与大气摩擦做功,机械能转化为内能,内能增加,温度升高而燃烧第三节探究物质的比热容A组1、热量,焦耳,J2、质量,吸收热量的多少,4.2×103J/(kg·℃), 4.2×103焦每千克摄氏度,1千克的水温度升高1℃要吸收4.2×103J的热量 3、水,比热容4、D5、B6、B7、A8、水的比热容大,相同质量,升高相同温度,水可以吸收更多的热量B组1、3.08×103,1.23×1062、(1)问题:为什么用湖水来缓解热岛效应?解释:利用了水的比热容较大的特点(2)2.1℃3、1.68×106J 实际需要的热量要大于1.68×106J,因为在烧水时有热损失(水壶、空气吸热)4、2.5kg5、B6、B第四节热机A组1、内能转化为机械能2、压缩冲程,做功冲程3、柴油机气缸顶部有一个喷油嘴,而汽油机顶部有一个火花塞;空气,汽油和空气的混合物;压燃式,点燃式4、有用功,完全燃烧5、A6、CB组1、A2、汽油机工作时的有用功占燃料完全燃烧时放出热量的25%3、(1)燃料充分燃烧(2)减小机械摩擦4、B 5、E1+E2+ E3+ E4,E1/ E56、A第五节火箭1、喷气式,不同的,燃烧室内,高温高压,很大的反作用力2、内能,机械能3、空气,火箭,火箭喷气4、液体燃料,功率巨大5、D6、略7、略第六节燃料的利用和环境保护A组1、化学,内能2、放出的热量,热值,1.4×108J/kg,1.4×108焦每千克,1千克的氢完全燃烧放出1.4×108J的热量3、有效利用,完全燃烧放出的热量(1)用风吹进燃烧室(2)热损失4、内能,大量的有害气体5、1.7×1076、1.5×106,3×107 J/kg7、完全燃烧,1.28、1.5×1010 J,1.05×1010 JB组1、提高燃料的利用率,将煤转化为煤气再进行燃烧利用;燃烧品种和燃烧方式,可提高燃料利用率,减小污染2、3.9m, 6.5×1010 kg3、4.6×106 kg3、综合知识与技能测评(单元练习)一、选择题1、BD 2、D 3、B 4、C 5、B D 6、C 7、A 8、D 9、AD 10、C二、填空题11、动能,重力势能,最低点,最高点,不变12、斥,引13、彼此进入对方,分子不停地做无规则运动,分子间有空隙14、做功,热传递,做功15、吸气冲程,压缩冲程,做功冲程,排气冲程16、(1)机械,相互(2)电(3)增大,减小(4)不能,没有大气压且温度很低(5)机械,内三、简答题、实验题17、(1)甲,甲,速度越大,动能越大(2)①相同②远,多,多,质量越大,动能越大(3)质量,速度,质量,速度18、手感到筒壁发烫。



苏教版八年级下册物理伴你学答案1、3.物体的速度很大,则F合很大.[判断题] *对错(正确答案)2、4.高速行驶的磁悬浮列车,因为速度很大,所以加速度一定也很大.[判断题] *对错(正确答案)3、人潜水的深度不能太大,这是因为大气压随着水的深度的增加而增大[判断题] *对错(正确答案)答案解析:液体压强随着水的深度的增加而增大4、下列四个实例中,能够使蒸发减慢的是()[单选题]A.将湿衣服晾在通风向阳处B.将新鲜的黄瓜装入保鲜袋(正确答案)C.将湿手伸到干手器下方吹D.将新收获的玉米摊开晾晒5、55.关于粒子和宇宙,下列说法中错误的是()[单选题] *A.分子间只存在相互作用的吸引力(正确答案)B.宇宙是一个有层次的天体结构系统C.电子的发现揭示了原子是可分的D.分子是由原子构成的,分子间有空隙6、30.小霖发现夏天爸爸开车时,需要打开汽车的空调给车内降温。

当空调开了一会后发现,在前挡风玻璃板靠近空调口的地方会形成小水珠,影响开车视线,关于水珠的形成下列说法正确的是()[单选题] *A.水珠会形成在前挡风玻璃板的车内侧B.水珠会形成在前挡风玻璃板的车外侧(正确答案)C.水珠是由于车外的水蒸气遇冷凝华而成的D.水珠是由于车内的水蒸气遇冷液化而成的7、21.关于声现象,下列说法正确的是()[单选题] *A.人听到声音是否响亮只跟发声体发声时的振幅有关B.人们可以用声学仪器接收到超声波判断地震的方位和强度C.倒车雷达是利用回声定位探测车后的障碍物(正确答案)D.用大小不同的力敲击同一音叉是为了探究音调与频率的关系8、8.小张同学在学习了“地球太阳系”一节后,整理的知识结构如图所示。

在有下划线的四项内容中,归类不正确的是()[单选题] *A.1B.2(正确答案)C.3D.49、86.关于物质的密度,下列说法正确的是()[单选题] *A.一罐氧气用掉部分后,罐内氧气的质量变小密度不变B.铜的密度是9×103kg/m3,表示1m3铜的质量为9×103kg(正确答案)C.一块砖切成体积相等的两块后,砖的密度变为原来的一半D.密度不同的两个实心物体,其质量一定不同10、80.在“用托盘天平测物体质量”时,小明用已调节好的天平在测物体质量过程中,向右盘加入砝码后,发现指针在分度盘的中央刻度线右边,去掉其中最小砝码,发现指针指在分度盘的中央刻度线左边一点,这时他应该()[单选题] *A.将右端平衡螺母向右旋出一些B.将右端平衡螺母向左旋进一些C.把天平右盘的砝码减少一些D.将游码向右移动直至横梁重新水平平衡(正确答案)11、磁场和磁感线都是客观存在的[判断题] *对错(正确答案)答案解析:磁场客观存在,磁感线不存在12、5.合力的作用可以替代原来那几个力的作用,它与那几个力是等效替代关系.[判断题] *对(正确答案)错13、81.如图是A、B、C三种物质的质量m与体积V的关系图线,由图可知,A、B、C三种物质的密度ρA、ρB、ρC和水的密度ρ水之间的关系是()[单选题] *A.ρA≥ρB>ρC且pA<ρ水B.ρA<ρB<ρC且ρC>ρ水C.ρA<ρB<ρC且ρA>ρ水D.ρA>ρB>ρC且ρB=ρ水(正确答案)14、两个共点力的合力与分力的关系,以下说法中正确的是()*A.合力的作用效果与两个分力共同作用的效果相同(正确答案)B.合力与分力是同时存在的C.合力的大小一定等于两个分力的大小之和D.合力的大小可以小于它的任一个分力(正确答案)15、47.夏天刚从冰箱中取出冰棒后,发现以下四种现象:①冰棒上粘着“白粉”;②剥去纸后冰棒会冒出“白雾”;③冰棒放进茶杯后,一会儿杯的外壁就会“出汗”;④冰棒放进嘴里变成“糖水”。



班级姓名考场_________________座位号______________ 装订线内不要答题 ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆2019-2020学年八年级上学期伴你学期末卷 八年级物理 ( 满分70分) 一、选择题(本题共8个小题,每小题只有一个选项最符合题意,每小题2分,共16分) 1.甲、乙两车都做匀速直线运动,甲、乙两车通过的路程之比为5:3,所用时间之比1:2,则两车的速度大小之比为( ) A .10:3 B .5:6 C .3:10 D .2:15 2.宋代诗人陈与义在《襄邑道中》一诗中写到“飞花两岸照船红,百里榆堤半日风。


”关于诗中所描述的运动及参照物,以下说法正确的是( ) A .以船为参照物,诗人是运动的 B .“云不动”是以两岸“飞花”为参照物 C .以“两岸”为参照物,船是静止的 D .“云与我俱东”是以两岸“榆树”为参照物 3.如图所示的四种物态变化的实例中,属于熔化的是( ) A .冰雪消融 B .草叶上形成白霜 C .干手器将手 D .水开时冒出白气 4.关于声现象,下列说法正确的是( ) A .高速公路两旁设置隔音板,是为了在声源处减弱噪声 B .水中倒立的花样游泳运动员随着音乐表演,说明水能传播声音 C .逢年过节,当社区举行一些文艺表演活动时,从高音喇叭传出的歌声一定不是噪声 D .声音在真空中的传播速度是340 m/s 5.如图所示,关于光现象的说法中,正确的是( ) A .海市蜃楼是由于光的直线传播形成的 B .太阳穿过森林在地上形成“光斑”,是由于光的反射形成的C.中国古代,人们使用“日晷”判断时间,是利用了光的折射D.当太阳倾斜照射时,背对太阳光站立,用喷雾器将水喷成雾状,在一个合适的角度可以看到彩虹,是光的色散现象6.小超同学用相机拍摄下了八中校徽,如图,下列说法正确的是()A.照相机镜头是凹透镜B.照相机成的是正立缩小的虚像C.乙照片比甲照片的像距大D.在焦距不变的情况下,拍摄乙照片,应将照相机适当远离校徽7.小明从平面镜里看到镜子对面石英挂钟和电子钟所成的像如图所示,这时的时刻分别对应的是()A.02:35和20:01 B.09:25和10:21 C.09:25和10:05 D.02:35和10:05 8.如图所示是甲和乙两种物质的质量与体积关系图象,分析图象可知()A.若甲、乙的质量相等,则甲的体积较大B.若甲、乙的体积相等,则甲的质量较小C.乙物质的密度为0.5 kg/m3 D.甲、乙两种物质的密度之比为4:1第Ⅱ卷二、填空作图题(本题共6个小题,第14小题作图2分,其余每空1分,共12分)9.如图所示中国正在修建世界上最高速的风洞,以模拟飞机秒速达12 km 的高超音速飞行条件。



2019-2020最新八年级物理(粤沪版)上册八年级物理上册学案答案word版——教学资料参考参考范本——2019-2020最新八年级物理(粤沪版)上册八年级物理上册学案答案word版______年______月______日____________________部门第一章走进物理世界参考答案第一节希望你喜爱物理四、达标训练1、B;2、B;3、略;4、略;五、课堂测评A、BD、C、E;第二节测量长度和时间四、达标提高1、米、m、刻度尺、秒、s、停表;2、量程、分度值、尺面、最小分度值、单位;3、测量值、真实值、不能、减少、错误;4、m、mm、h、s;5、2.45;6、A;7、D;8、B;9、C;10、D;11、A;12、C;13、3、4;14、略;15、B;16、法一、用卷尺测出一层楼的高度,然后乘以12;法二、用刻度尺测出一台阶的高度,数出一层楼的台阶数,计算出楼的高度;法三、在地面的竖立一米尺,测出其影长,再测出楼的影长,利用相似三解形计算出楼的高度;法四、找一大量程卷尺直接测出高度;六、课堂测评1、1cm;2、17.82cm;3、多次测量、平均值、误差;4、零刻线没有对准被测物体边缘、视线没有垂直刻度尺、刻度尺没有沿被测物体长度放置;5、A、1mm、2.20;6、B;7、D;8、C;1.3 长度和时间测量的应用四、达标训练1、104 、10-4、2.3×105 、5×10-3106 、 10-6 、7.8×10-6○34.7×10-5 、5×10-3 0.25、900;;2、1:108、6950千米;3、46ml、10cm3;4、N∏D;5、D;6、C;7、C;8、C;9、A;10、先数出物理课本纸的张数记为n;用刻度尺测出物理课本的厚度L;计算出一张纸的厚度为L/n;六、课堂测评1、量程为2m的钢卷尺;量程为20m的皮卷尺;量程为25cm 的钢卷尺;2、1mm、1mm、1dm、1mm;3、C;4、法一、用一根细棉线在其一端作记号,使棉线沿着曲线盘绕,在末端再作一记号,伸直棉线用刻度尺测出棉线的长度即可;法二、用一圆规固定好两脚之间的距离,用刻度尺量出两脚之间的距离,然后用圆规在曲线上分线段,数出所等分线段的段数,计算出曲线的长度;5、法一、用棉线绕硬币一周,用刻度尺测出伸直棉线的长度,再计算出直径;法二、用两把直角三角板和一把直尺,如下图放置。



努力学习!!!!!!!!!!!!有答案!嘿嘿第七章运动和力第一节力A组1、力的作用点,作用效果 2 ACD 3 BCD 4 、守门员,球,球5、略B组1、手压铅笔笔尖的同时,手受到笔尖的压力而感到疼 2 D 3(1)a,b (2)a,c(3)a,d (4)力的大小,力的作用点,力的作用效果,力的方向,控制变量4、形变,运动状态5、提示:人会远离墙运动,力的作用是相互的,人推墙时,墙也会给人作用力。




从记录中可以看出,前5次结果是符合正比于的,但第6次明显就不是了,说明已经超出了弹簧的弹性限度,因而若用此弹簧制成测力计,其最大测量值是2.5N 3、略第三节重力A组1、A2、竖直向下,水平3、0.002kg ,1470N4、不能5、图略B组1、地球上的物体都受到重力作用2、人可以轻易地悬在空中;人可以跳离地球;水平抛出的物体不会落回地面3、1/64、见下表5、图略G=10(N/kg) m第四节同一直线上二力的合成A组1、0.5×104N ,竖直向上2、300 ,水平向右,100,水平向左3、D4、105、相同B组1、D2、C3、(1)F=F1-F2(2)形变量,F ,F1和F2共同4、用两个弹簧测力计同时用互成角度的两个力F1与F2 拉动弹簧或橡皮筋,使其伸长达到某一位置,记录次位置。




八年级物理上册全册课后习题(共26套北师大版)一、物态变化温度知能演练提升 ZHINENG YANLIAN TISHENG能力提升 1.关于液体,下列说法不正确的是( ) A.有一定的体积B.没有一定的形状 C.具有流动性 D.液体无法变为固体 2.下列关于固体的说法正确的是( ) A.具有一定体积的物体肯定是固体 B.固体可以变成液体或气体 C.有一定的形状和体积的物体不一定是固体 D.以上说法都不对 3. 右图是实验室常用温度计,关于它的说法正确的是( ) A.该温度计的示数为39 ℃ B.该温度计的分度值是0.1 ℃ C.常用温度计是根据固体热胀冷缩的性质制成的 D.在使用该温度计测量物体温度时,可以离开被测物体读数 4.某老师在引导学生理解固体、液体和气体的微观结构时,带领学生做游戏,用人群的状态类比物体的状态。

如图所示甲、乙、丙三种情景分别对应的是( ) A.固态、液态、气态 B.气态、固态、液态 C.液态、气态、固态 D.固态、气态、液态 5.使用玻璃管温度计,为了防止管内液体膨胀时胀破玻璃管,必须注意( ) A.温度计的量程 B.温度计的分度值 C.温度计的长度 D.温度计玻璃泡的大小 6.用温度计测量烧杯中液体的温度。

如图所示的几种做法正确的是( ) 7.下图是温度计的一部分,甲温度计的分度值和读数分别是和;乙温度计的分度值和读数分别是和。

8.在实验室里,三组同学测得标准大气压下水沸腾的温度分别为97 ℃、93 ℃、102 ℃;有同学猜想导致这种现象的原因是各组用的温度计有偏差。

请你设计一个简单的方法验证这种猜想: 。




(1) 。

(2) 。

(3) 。



八年级上册物理伴你学答案46页1、1.这一秒末的速度比前一秒初的速度小5 m/s. [判断题] *对错(正确答案)2、2.物体的末速度越大,位移越大.[判断题] *对错(正确答案)3、3.一个力F和它的两个分力都是物体实际受到的力.[判断题] *对错(正确答案)4、5.推着自行车前行时前轮和后轮所受摩擦力的方向相同.[判断题] *对(正确答案)错5、马德堡半球实验测出了大气压,其大小等于760mm高水银柱产生的压强[判断题]对错(正确答案)答案解析:托里拆利实验最早测出了大气压强6、图62所示的电路中,电阻阻值R1>R2。


下列判断正确的是()A.U1B.U1>U2(正确答案)C.I1 < I2D.I1 > I27、59.1911年,卢瑟福在α粒子散射实验的基础上,提出了原子核式结构模型。

下列关于这个模型的说法中正确的是()[单选题] *A.原子核位于原子的中心(正确答案)B.电子静止在原子核周围C.原子核带负电D.原子核占据了原子内大部分空8、2.在探索微小粒子的历程中,科学家们用一系列高能物理实验证实了大量微小粒子的存在,下列微粒按空间尺度从大到小的顺序排列的是()[单选题] *A.质子、夸克、原子核、电子B.原子、原子核、电子、质子C.原子、原子核、质子、电子(正确答案)D.夸克、质子、原子核、原子9、下列事例中,属于用热传递的方式改变物体内能的是()[单选题]A.用锯条锯木头,锯条温度升高B.用炉灶烧水,水温升高(正确答案)C.气缸内气体被压缩,温度升高D.用力搓手,手会发热10、下列物体中,质量约为2×105mg的是()[单选题] *A. 一颗图钉B. 一本初二物理课本(正确答案)C. 一张课桌D. 一支黑水笔11、40.小明家的厨房里有一个恰好能装下1kg水的玻璃瓶子,现有汽油、酒精和硫酸三种液体,它能够装下1kg的哪种液体()(已知ρ汽油<ρ酒精<ρ水<ρ硫酸)[单选题] *A.汽油B.酒精C.硫酸(正确答案)D.都能装下12、C.分子间存在着间隙(正确答案)D.分子在永不停息地做无规则运动(正确答案)答案解析:扩散现象是一种物质的分子进入另一种物质内部的现象,因而说明分子间有间隙,且分子在永不停息地做无规则运动下列关于布朗运动的叙述,正确的有()*A.悬浮小颗粒的运动是杂乱无章的(正确答案)13、5.“神舟”七号的返回舱打开降落伞后减速下降时处于平衡状态.[判断题] *对错(正确答案)14、关于家庭电路和安全用电,下列说法正确的是()[单选题]A.我国家庭电路电压为380VB.发生短路会导致家庭电路中总电流过大(正确答案)C.用湿布擦正在发光的台灯D.在未断开电源开关的情况下更换灯泡15、下列说法中正确的是()*A.水可以浸润玻璃,水银不能浸润玻璃(正确答案)B.热管是利用升华和汽化传递热量的装置C.布朗运动是指在显微镜下直接观察到的液体分子的无规则运动。



物理伴你学八年级上册答案第四章透镜及其应用一、1.(1)ABD,中间比边缘厚 CE中间比边缘薄(2)会聚会聚发散发散(3)凸焦点焦点2.D3.凸面镜、凹透镜凹面镜、凸透镜凹面镜、凸透镜凸面镜、凹透镜凸透镜、凹透镜凸面镜、凹面镜平面镜、凸面镜、凹面镜凸透镜、凹透镜4.凸透镜焦点5.C6.C7.C8.略9.凸透镜会聚10.手指变粗变大了11.取大小适合的一块冰,首先将冰磨制成一块中间厚边缘薄的凸透镜,然后利用太阳光找到冰凸透镜的焦点,便可利用此冰凸透镜引燃燃料取火.凸透镜对光线有汇聚作用.二、1.B 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.B9.光的折射虚右虚10.C11.略12(1)下(2)能倒立放大实像右(3)不能左正立放大虚像不能13.B14.(1)等大光屏上的像最清晰(2)< (3)完整变暗(4)上下(5)光源不会晃动,成在光屏上的像稳定,便于比较像和物的大小,不便于比较物和像的左右关系15.(1)最小最亮 10.0(2)蜡烛到光屏距离较小(3)左 > 倒立放大16.(1)f>20cm (2)25cm不合适17.因为前后两人与摄像机镜头的距离即物距不同,所以成的像的像距也不同,距镜头近的人像距大,距镜头远的人的像距小,但胶卷只能在其中一个人成像的位置上,所以这个人的画面清晰,另一个人的画面就是模糊的,当人物离镜头较远,(特别是u>10f)不同远近的人成像的像距很接近,都比较靠近焦点,都可以在橡胶圈上呈现较清晰的像.三、1.凸实像 0.252.放大倒立改变光的传播方向会聚光增大下3.C4.C5.D6.C7.B8.D9.A10.B 凸透镜成正立、放大的虚像11.优点:(1)拍照之后可以立即看到图片,从而提供了对不满意的作品立刻重拍的可能性,减少了遗憾的发生.(2)只需为那些想冲洗的照片付费,其他不需要的照片可以删除.(3)色彩还原和色彩范围不再依赖胶卷的质量,胶卷的质量.(4)感光度也不再因胶卷而固定光电转换芯片能提供多种感光度选择.缺点: (1)由于通过成像元件和摄像处理芯片的转换,成像质量相比光学相机缺乏层次感.(2)由于各个厂家的摄像处理芯片技术的不同,成像照片表现的颜色与实际物体有不同的区别.(3)目前我国缺乏核心技术,后期使用维修成本较高。



物理伴你学八年级下册答案问题导学1、24.运用你学过的物理知识进行“特殊测量”,下面的几种方法中()①用天平、水测出墨水瓶的容积;②用天平、刻度尺测出一卷细铜丝的长度;③用量筒、水测出小钢珠的质;④用量筒测出20g酒精. [单选题] *A.只有①③正确B.只有②④正确C.只有①②③正确D.①②③④都正确(正确答案)2、32.体积和质量都相同的铝球、铁球和铜球,已知ρ铜>ρ铁>ρ铝,则下列说法中正确的是()[单选题] *A.铝球可能是实心的,而铁球和铜球一定是空心的(正确答案)B.铝球可能是空心的,而铁球和铜球是实心的C.铜球可能是实心的,铁球和铝球也是实心的D.铜球可能是空心的,铁球和铝球是实心的3、4.电火花计时器接学生电源直流输出端.[判断题] *对错(正确答案)4、假如人们已研制出常温下的超导体,则可以用它制作电炉子的电阻丝[判断题] *对错(正确答案)答案解析:电炉丝利用电流的热效应,需要有电阻,不能用超导体。

超导体适合做导线5、人推木箱没有推动,是因为人对木箱的推力小于地面对木箱的摩擦力[判断题] *对错(正确答案)答案解析:木箱没有被推动,处于静止状态,合力为零。


这四种现象形成过程中放热的有()[单选题] *A.①②③(正确答案)B.②③④C.①②④D.①③④7、49.由甲、乙两种物质分别制成体积相等的甲、乙两种实心球,按照如图所示方式摊放在已调节平衡的天平左右盘内,天平仍平衡。

则甲、乙物质的密度之比为()[单选题] *A.3:2(正确答案)B.4:3C.2:3D.1:28、电饭锅、电烤箱和微波炉都利用了电流的热效应[判断题] *对错(正确答案)答案解析:微波炉没有利用电流热效应9、51.下列不是光源的是()[单选题] *A.萤火虫B.太阳C.月亮(正确答案)D.燃烧的火把10、下列说法正确的是()*A.一定质量的理想气体,放热的同时外界对其做功,其内能可能减少(正确答案)B.单晶体有固定的熔点,多晶体和非晶体没有固定的熔点C.热量能够自发地从高温物体传递到低温物体,但不能自发地从低温物体传递到高温物体(正确答案)D.当分子间的距离增大时,分子之间的引力和斥力均同时减小,而分子势能一定增大11、夏天从冰箱里取出的可乐瓶上有小液滴,是可乐瓶周围的空气液化形成的[判断题]*对错(正确答案)答案解析:是周围的水蒸气液化形成的12、公路旁安装隔音墙是为了在声源处减弱噪声[判断题] *对错(正确答案)答案解析:在传播过程中13、59.1911年,卢瑟福在α粒子散射实验的基础上,提出了原子核式结构模型。








伴你学单元达标测试卷八年级上册物理2一、选择题1、下列各物体的长度接近10厘米的是( )a.的直径b.的直径c.手掌的宽度d.物理课本的长度2、下面几个有趣的物理现象中,属于热现象的是( )a、在地热喷泉架一个锅,能煮熟食物b、年在我国山东蓬莱海面出现一次奇特的日出景象,双日重叠,蔚为壮观c、下雨时,天上先出现闪电而后听到雷声d、每年八月,钱塘江口出现大潮,此时海水像千军万马,以排山倒海之势扑来4、一次课堂计算比赛中,四位同学的计算过程中正确的是〔〕a. mm= mm = mb.15m= =1.5×μmc. km= km cm= cmd. cm= m= m5、小玲用分度值为1mm的刻度尺测物体,记录中正确的是( )a、cmb、18.4cmc、1.84cmd、.0cm6、某刻度尺的刻度大于标准刻度,用它测量长度时,测量值和真实值相比较( )a、偏大b、偏小c、一样大d、无法判断7、小新三次测量课桌的宽度,结果分别为48.17cm,48.15cm,48.15cm,则测量结果应记为( )a.48.14cmb.48.17cmc.48.15 cmd.48.16cm8、在用刻度尺测量物体长度时,下列要求中错误的是( )a.测量时刻度尺不能歪斜b.测量必须从刻度尺的左端零刻度线开始量起c.读数时视线应垂直于刻度尺d.记录测量结果时必须在数字后面注明单位9、分别用分度值为1m、1dm、1cm、1mm四种直尺,测量同一物体的长度,并用米为单位作记录,则记录数据中小数点后面的位数最多的是( )a.用米尺测量的结果b.用分米尺测量的结果c.用厘米尺测量的结果d.用毫米尺测量的结果10.下列情况只中是因为误差而引起结果不准确的`是( )a.测量时物体的边缘未对准“0”刻度线b.刻度尺本身刻度不均匀c.观察时视线未能与刻度尺垂直d.读数时没有再估读一位数字11.商场内的营业员量服装时,最好应选用( )a.分度值为1cm的1m长的直尺b.分度值为1mm的1.5m长的直尺c.分度值为1mm的1m长的直尺d.分度值为1cm的1.5 m长的直尺12.关于误差,下列说法中不正确的是( )a.误差的产生与测量工具有关b.真实值与测量值之间的差异始终存在c.误差不能避免,但是可以尽量减小d.以上说法都不正确二、填空题13、在单位制中,长度的主单位是,时间的主单位是,实验中,测量长度常用的工具是,测量时间的工具是。



八年级上册物理伴你学答案一、选择题(单项选择,每题2分,共30分)1、流星落在地球上会产生巨大的声音,但它落在月球上,即使宇航员就在附近也听不到声音,这是因为()A.月球表面受到撞击时不发声 B.撞击声太小,人耳无法听到C.月球表面没有空气,声音无法传播 D.撞击月球产生的是超声波2.下面是一些正在振动的物体:甲:手臂以每秒1次的频率上下挥动;乙:蝙蝠的嘴发出频率为105Hz的振动;丙:用小锤敲音叉,音叉发生256Hz的振动,以下说法正确的是()A.我们只能听见音叉发出的声音,所以丙是声源,其他不是声源B.甲、乙、丙都是声源,我们都能听到它们发出的声音C.甲、乙、丙都是声源,我们只能听到丙发出的声音D.甲和丙是声源,我们能看见振动或听到声音;乙不是声源,因为我们既看不见振动,也听不到声音3.下列关于声音的说法中不正确的是()A.俗话说“隔音有耳”,说明固体也能传声 B.“震耳俗聋”主要说明声音的音调高C.“闻其声而知其人”主要根据音色来判断的 D.声音在真空中不可以传播4.下列说法不正确的是()A.镜面反射遵从光的反射规律 B.平行光束经平面镜反射后,仍然是平行光束C.漫反射不遵从光的反射规律 D.漫反射中入射的平行光束经反射后,不再是平行光束5.潜望镜观察的像是下列情况中的哪一种()A.正立缩小的实像 B.正立等大的实像C.倒立放大的虚像 D.正立等大的虚像6.下列说法中正确的是()A.月亮是一个巨大的光源 B.光在真空中的速度是340m/sC.影子的形成是由于光的直线传播 D.漫反射不遵守光的反射规律7.下列说法中正确的是()A.猴子看见水中的“月亮”,水中的“月亮”到水面的距离等于井中水的深度B.利用照相机照相时,人离镜头的距离应在一倍焦距到两倍焦距之间C.幻灯机投影灯片时,银幕到镜头的距离应大于两倍焦距D.用焦距为10cm的放大镜去观察邮票。



















(1)在比赛过程中,你是如何判断谁跑得快的?(2)运动员跑完全程后,裁判员是怎样计算成绩的?你与裁判员所用的方法一样吗?为什么?(3)小聪同学的100m 跑成绩为17s,小明同学的50m跑成绩为8s,要知道他俩谁跑得快,应该怎样办?(p19)解答:(1)通过相同时间所跑得路程来判断谁跑的快的。



初中物理八上参考答案第一节走进神奇1.A.C.D.E B.F 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.能6.向上弯折7.右脸8.大9.如:水为什么会向低处流?第二节探索之路1.B2.(1)d e (2)b d f (3) a b c d (4)d (5)b3.D4.空气5.如:自行车外胎为什么要有凸凹不平的花纹自行车哪些地方安有钢珠?为什么安钢珠?自行车轮为什么是圆的?自行车座垫下为什么有弹簧?自行车的轴为什么要上润滑油?自行车为什么用充气橡胶胎?等6.如:跳闸是指灯线断了吗?跳闸之后我们应采取什么措施等聚沙成塔:(1)太阳光可以分解。

理由是太阳光是白光,白光可以分解成红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、靛、紫等不同颜色的光(2)人们看到物体有不同的颜色第三节站在巨人的肩膀上1.(1)哥白尼 (2)伽利略 (3)牛顿 (4)爱因斯坦2.(1)提出问题 (4)进行实验与收集证据 (7)交流与合作3.(1)尊重客观规律、不迷信权威、敢于坚持真理 (2)孜孜不倦、刻苦认真、坚强自信(3)合作与交流、修正或放弃4.C .D5.体会一:牛顿非常谦虚,没有否认别人的成就体会二:科学探究需要合作体会三:要善于总结别人的经验,吸取教训,丰富自己的成果聚沙成塔:(1)在陆地上使用气浮法不但会激扬起大量尘土,而且会产生很大的噪音,会对环境造成很大的污染,因而不宜采用。



综合测试答案1.现代通讯;航天;材料2.C 3.A 4.C 5.科学家姓名成就爱因斯坦狭义相对论牛顿牛顿第一定律法拉第电磁感应定律焦耳焦耳定律欧姆欧姆定律6.思维程序是:提出问题;设计实验和进行实验;分析得出结论7. (1)探究课题:撕物体时力的作用效果是否与缺口的大小有关(2)猜想:撕物体时力的作用效果与缺口的大小有关(或:无关)(3)设计实验方案实验器材:六张相同的纸,三张有缺口,三张无缺口实验步骤:(1)将纸分成三组,每组分别有一张有缺口的和一张无缺口的(2)实验第一组:沿缺口撕那张有缺口的纸张,感觉一下用力的大小;然后用同样的方法撕那张无缺口的纸张,感觉一下用力的大小(3)实验第二、三组:用同样的方法撕其余两组有缺口和无缺口的纸张,感觉一下每一次用力的大小并将结果记入下表实验记录表格实验组次撕开无缺口的纸张用力大小撕开有缺口的纸张用力大小第一组第二组第三组预测实验:如果猜想正确,将会出现的现象是:撕每一组纸张时用力的大小均不同。

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2002年1月英语六级真题Part I Listening Comprehension(20minutes) Section ADirections:In this section,you will hear10short conversations.At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said.Both the conversationand the question will be spoken only once.After each question there will be apause.During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A),B),C)and D),and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on theAnswer Sheet with a single line through the center.Example:You will hear:You will read:A)2hours.B)3hours.C)4hours.D)5hours.From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they will start at9 o’clock in the morning and have to finish at2in the afternoon.Therefore,D)“5hours”is the correct answer.You should choose[D]on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line throughB)The plane crashed in the night.C)No more survivors have been found.D)It’s too late to search for survivors.2.A)Its results were just as expected.B)It wasn’t very well designed.C)It fully reflected the students’ability.D)Its results fell short of her expectations.3.A)He believes dancing is enjoyable.B)He definitely does not like dancing.C)He admires those who dance.D)He won’t dance until he had done his work.4.A)His computer doesn’t work well.B)He isn’t getting along with his staff.C)He didn’t register for a proper course.D)He can’t apply the theory to his program.5.A)Reading on the campus lawn.B)Depositing money in the bank.C)Applying for financial aid.D)Reviewing a student’s application.6.A)A new shuttle bus.B)A scheduled space flight.C)An airplane flight.D)The first space flight.7.A)The deadline is drawing near.B)She can’t meet the deadline.C)She turned in the proposals today.D)They are tow days ahead of time.8.A)By going on a diet.B)By having fewer meals.C)By doing physical exercise.D)By eating fruit and vegetables.9.A)He enjoyed it as a whole.B)He didn’t think much of it.C)He didn’t like it at all.D)He liked some parts of it.10.A)It looks quite new.B)it looks old,but it runs well.C)It needs to be repaired.D)Its engine needs to be painted.Section BDirections:In this section,you will hear3short passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear some questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choicesmarked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheetwith a single line through the center.Passage oneQuestion11to13are based on the passage you have just heard.11.A)Experience in negotiating.B)A high level of intelligence.C)The time they spend on preparation.D)The amount of pay they receive.12.A)Study the case carefully beforehand.B)Stick to a set target.C)Appear friendly to the other party.D)Try to be flexible about their terms.13.A)Make sure there is no misunderstanding.B)Try to persuade by giving various reasons.C)Repeat the same reasons.D)Listen carefully and patiently to the other party.Passage TwoQuestions14to16are based on the passage you have just heard.14.A)They eat huge amounts of food.B)They usually eat twice a day.C)They usually eat to their hearts’content.D)They eat much less than people assume.15.A)When it is breeding.B)When it feels threatened by humans in its territory.C)When its offspring is threatened.D)When it is suffering from illness.16.A)They are not as dangerous as people think.B)They can be as friendly to humans as dogsC)They attack human beings by nature.D)They are really tame sea animals.Passage ThreeQuestions17to20are based on the passage you have just heard.17.A)Because people might have to migrate there someday.B)Because it is very much like the earth.C)Because it is easier to explore than other planets.D)Because its atmosphere is different from that of the earth.18.A)Its chemical elements must be studied.B)Its temperature must be lowered.C)Big spaceships must be built.D)Its atmosphere must be changed.19.A)It influences the surface temperature of Mars.B)It protects living beings from harmful rays.C)It keeps a planet from overheating.D)It is the main component of the air people breathe.20.A)Man will probably be able to live there in200years.B)Scientists are rather pessimistic about it.C)Man will probably be able to live there in100,000years’time.D)Scientists are optimistic about overcoming the difficulties soon.Part II Reading Comprehension(35minutes) Direction:There are4passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B)C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter onthe Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions21to25are based on the following passage:Navigation computers,now sold by most car-makers,cost$2,000and up.No surprise,then, that they are most often found in luxury cars,like Lexus,BMW and Audi.But it is a developing technology—meaning prices should eventually drop—and the market does seem to be growing.Even at current prices,a navigation computer is impressive.It can guide you from point to point in most major cities with precise turn-by-turn directions—spoken by a clear human-sounding voice,and written on a screen in front of the driver.The computer works with an antenna(天线)that takes signals from no fewer than three of the 24global positioning system(GPS)satellites.By measuring the time required for a signal to travel between the satellites and the antenna,the car’s location can be pinned down within100meters.The satellite signals,along with inputs on speed from a wheel-speed sensor and direction from a meter,determine the car’s position even as it moves.This information is combined with a map database.Streets,landmarks and points of interest are included.Most systems are basically identical.The differences come in hardware—the way the computer accepts the driver’s request for directions and the way it presents the driving instructions. On most systems,a driver enters a desired address,motorway junction or point of interest via a touch screen or disc.But the Lexus screen goes a step further:you can point to any spot on the map screen and get directions to it.BMW’s system offers a set of cross hairs(瞄准器上的十字纹)that can be moved across the map(you have several choices of map scale)to pick a point you’d like to get to.Audi’s screen can be switched to TV reception.Even the voices that recite the directions can differ,with better systems like BMW’s and Lexus’s having a wider vocabulary.The instructions are available in French,German,Spanish, Dutch and Italian,as well as English.The driver can also choose parameters for determining the route:fastest,shortest or no freeways(高速公路),for example.21.We learn from the passage that navigation computers________.A)will greatly promote sales of automobilesB)may help solve potential traffic problemsC)are likely to be accepted by more driversD)wills soon be viewed as a symbol of luxury22.With a navigation computer,a driver will easily find the best route to his destination________.A)by inputting the exact addressB)by indicating the location of his carC)by checking his computer databaseD)by giving vocal orders to the computer23.Despite their varied designs,navigation computers used in cars________.A)are more or less the same priceB)provide directions in much the same wayC)work on more or less the same principlesD)receive instructions from the same satellites24.The navigation computer functions________.A)by means of a direction finder and a speed detectorB)basically on satellite signals and a map databaseC)mainly through the reception of turn-by-turn directionsD)by using a screen to display satellite signals25.The navigation systems in cars like Lexus,BMW and Audi are mentioned to show________.A)the immaturity of the new technologyB)the superiority of the global positioning systemC)the cause of price fluctuations in car equipmentD)the different ways of providing guidance to the driverPassage TwoQuestions26to30are based on the following passage:“The world’s environment is surprisingly healthy.Discuss.”If that were an examination topic, most students would tear it apart,offering a long list of complaints:from local smog(烟雾)to global climate change,from the felling(砍伐)of forests to the extinction of species.The list would largely be accurate,the concern legitimate.Yet the students who should be given the highest marks would actually be those who agreed with the statement.The surprise is how good things are,not how bad.After all,the world’s population has more than tripled during this century,and world output has risen hugely,so you would expect the earth itself to have been affected.Indeed,if people lived, consumed and produced things in the same way as they did in1900(or1950,or indeed1980),the world by now would be a pretty disgusting place:smelly,dirty,toxic and dangerous.But they don’t.The reasons why they don’t,and why the environment has not been ruined, have to do with prices,technological innovation,social change and government regulation in response to popular pressure.That is why today’s environmental problems in the poor countries ought,in principle,to be solvable.Raw materials have not run out,and show no sign of doing so.Logically,one day they must: the planet is a finite place.Yet it is also very big,and man is very ingenious.What has happened is that every time a material seems to be running short,the price has risen and,in response,people have looked for new sources of supply,tried to find ways to use less of the material,or looked for a new substitute.For this reason prices for energy and for minerals have fallen in real terms during the century.The same is true for food.Prices fluctuate,in response to harvests,natural disasters and political instability;and when they rise,it takes some time before new sources of supply become available.But they always do,assisted by new farming and crop technology.The long-term trend has been downwards.It is where prices and markets do not operate properly that this benign(良性的)trend begins to stumble,and the genuine problems arise.Markets cannot always keep the environment healthy. If no one owns the resource concerned,no one has an interest in conserving it or fostering it:fish is the best example of this.26.According to the author,most students________.A)believe the world’s environment is in an undesirable conditionB)agree that the environment of the world is not as bad as it is thought to beC)get high marks for their good knowledge of the world’s environmentD)appear somewhat unconcerned about the state of the world’s environment27.The huge increase in world production and population________.A)has made the world a worse place to live inB)has had a positive influence on the environmentC)has not significantly affected the environmentD)has made the world a dangerous place to live in28.One of the reasons why the long-term trend of prices has been downwards is that________.A)technological innovation can promote social stabilityB)political instability will cause consumption to dropC)new farming and crop technology can lead to overproductionD)new sources are always becoming available29.Fish resources are diminishing because________.A)no new substitutes can be found in large quantitiesB)they are not owned by any particular entityC)improper methods of fishing have ruined the fishing groundsD)water pollution is extremely serious30.The primary solution to environmental problems is________.A)to allow market forces to operate properlyB)to curb consumption of natural resourcesC)to limit the growth of the world populationD)to avoid fluctuations in pricesPassage ThreeQuestions31to35are based on the following passage:About the time that schools and others quite reasonably became interested in seeing to it that all children,whatever their background,were fairly treated,intelligence testing became unpopular.Some thought it was unfair to minority children.Through the past few decades such testing has gone out of fashion and many communities have indeed forbidden it.However,paradoxically,just recently a group of black parents filed a lawsuit(诉讼)in California claiming that the state’s ban on IQ testing discriminates against their children by denying them the opportunity to take the test.(They believed,correctly,that IQ tests are a valid method of evaluating children for special education classes.)The judge,therefore,reversed,at least partially,his original decision.And so the argument goes on and on.Does it benefit or harm children from minority groups to have their intelligence tested?We have always been on the side of permitting,even facilitating, such testing.If a child of any color or group is doing poorly in school it seems to us very important to know whether it is because he or she is of low intelligence,or whether some other factor is the cause.What school and family can do to improve poor performance is influenced by its cause.It is not discriminative to evaluate either a child’s physical condition or his intellectual level.Unfortunately,intellectual level seems to be a sensitive subject,and what the law allows us to do varies from time to time.The same fluctuation back and forth occurs in areas other than intelligence.Thirty years or so ago,for instance,white families were encouraged to adopt black children.It was considered discriminative not to do so.And then the style changed and this cross-racial adopting became generally unpopular,andsocial agencies felt that black children should go to black families only.It is hard to say what are the best procedures.But surely good will on the part of all of us is needed.As to intelligence,in our opinion,the more we know about any child’s intellectual level,the better for the child in question.31.Why did the intelligence test become unpopular in the past few decades?A)Its validity was challenged by many communities.B)It was considered discriminative against minority children.C)It met with strong opposition from the majority of black parents.D)It deprived the black children of their rights to a good education.32.The recent legal action taken by some black parents in California aimed to________.A)draw public attention to IQ testingB)put an end to special educationC)remove the state’s ban on intelligence testsD)have their children enter white schools33.The author believes that intelligence testing________.A)may ease racial confrontation in the United StatesB)can encourage black children to keep up with white childrenC)may seriously aggravate racial discrimination in the United StatesD)can help black parents make decisions abut their children’s education34.The author’s opinion of child adoption seems to be that________.A)no rules whatsoever can be prescribedB)white families should adopt black childrenC)adoption should be based on IQ test resultsD)cross-racial adoption is to be advocated35.Child adoption is mentioned in the passage to show that________.A)good will may sometimes complicate racial problemsB)social surroundings are vital to the healthy growth of childrenC)intelligence testing also applies to non-academic areasD)American opinion can shift when it comes to sensitive issuesPassage FourQuestions36to40are based on the following passage:Not too many decades ago it seemed“obvious”both to the general public and to sociologists that modern society has changed people’s natural relations,loosened their responsibilities to kin (亲戚)and neighbors,and substituted in their place superficial relationships with passing acquaintances.However,in recent years a growing body of research has revealed that the “obvious”is not true.It seems that if you are a city resident,you typically know a smaller proportion of your neighbors than you do if you are a resident of a smaller community.But,for the most part,this fact has few significant consequences.It does not necessarily follow that if you know few of your neighbors you will know no one else.Even in very large cities,people maintain close social ties within small,private social worlds. Indeed,the number and quality of meaningful relationships do not differ between more and lessurban people.Small-town residents are more involved with kin than are big-city residents.Yet city dwellers compensate by developing friendships with people who share similar interests and activities.Urbanism may produce a different style of life,but the quality of life does not differ between town and city.Nor are residents of large communities any likelier to display psychological symptoms of stress or alienation,a feeling of not belonging,than are residents of smaller communities.However,city dwellers do worry more about crime,and this leads them to a distrust of strangers.These findings do not imply that urbanism makes little or no difference.If neighbors are strangers to one another,they are less likely to sweep the sidewalk of an elderly couple living next door or keep an eye out for young trouble makers.Moreover,as Wirth suggested,there may be a link between a community’s population size and its social heterogeneity(多样性).For instance, sociologists have found much evidence that the size of a community is associated with bad behavior including gambling,drugs,rge-city urbanites are also more likely than their small-town counterparts to have a cosmopolitan(见多识广者的)outlook,to display less responsibility to traditional kinship roles,to vote for leftist political candidates,and to be tolerant of nontraditional religious groups,unpopular political groups,and so-called undesirables. Everything considered,heterogeneity and unusual behavior seem to be outcomes of large population size.36.Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the first paragraph?A)Two contrasting views are presented.B)An argument is examined and possible solutions given.C)Research results concerning the quality of urban life are presented in order of time.D)A detailed description of the difference between urban and small-town life is given.37.According to the passage,it was once a common belief that urban residents________.A)did not have the same interests as their neighborsB)could not develop long-standing relationshipsC)tended to be associated with bad behaviorD)usually had more friends38.One of the consequences of urban life is that impersonal relationships among neighbors________.A)disrupt people’s natural relationsB)make them worry about crimeC)cause them not to show concern for one anotherD)cause them to be suspicious of each other39.It can be inferred from the passage that the bigger a community is,________.A)the better its quality of lifeB)the more similar its interestsC)the more tolerant and open-minded it isD)the likelier it is to display psychological symptoms of stress40.What is the passage mainly about?A)Similarities in the interpersonal relationships between urbanites and small-town dwellers.B)Advantages of living in big cities as compared with living in small town.C)The positive role that urbanism plays in modern life.D)The strong feeling of alienation of city inhabitants.Part III Vocabulary and Structure(20minutes) Directions:There are30incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line throughthe center.41.The lady in this strange tale very obviously suffers from a serious mental illness.Her plotagainst a completely innocent old man is a clear sign of______.A)impulse B)insanityC)inspiration D)disposition42.The Prime Minister was followed by five or six______when he got off the plane.A)laymen B)servantsC)directors D)attendants43.There is no doubt that the______of these goods to the others is easy to see.A)prestige B)superiorityC)priority D)publicity44.All the guests were invited to attend the wedding______and had a very good time.A)feast B)congratulationsC)festival D)recreation45.The price of the coal will vary according to how far it has to be transported and howexpensive the freight______are.A)payments B)chargesC)funds D)prices46.The manager gave her his______that her complaint would be investigated.A)assurance B)assumptionC)sanction D)insurance47.Although the model looks good on the surface,it will not bear close______.A)temperament B)contaminationC)scrutiny D)symmetry48.We are doing this work in the___of reforms in the economic,social and cultural spheres.A)context B)contestC)pretext D)texture49.While a full understanding of what causes the disease may be several years away,________leading to a successful treatment could come much sooner.A)a distinction B)a breakthroughC)an identification D)an interpretation50.Doctors are often caught in a________because they have to decide whether they should telltheir patients the truth or not.A)puzzle B)perplexityC)dilemma D)bewilderment51.To________important dates in history,countries create special holidays.A)commend B)memorizeC)propagate D)commemorate52.His successful negotiations with the Americans helped him to________his position in thegovernment.A)contrive B)consolidateC)heave D)intensify53.Please do not be________by his offensive remarks since he is merely trying to attractattention.A)distracted B)disregardedC)irritated D)intervened54.Once you get to know your mistakes,you should________them as soon as possible.A)rectify B)reclaimC)refrain D)reckon55.He wouldn’t answer the reporters’questions,nor would he________for a photograph.A)summon B)highlightC)pose D)marshal56.The club will________new members the first week in September.A)enroll B)subscribeC)absorb D)register57.If you don’t________the children properly,Mr.Chiver,they’ll just run riot.A)mobilize B)warrantC)manipulate D)supervise58.Already the class is________about who our new teacher will be.A)foreseeing B)speculatingC)fabricating D)contemplating59.We should________our energy and youth to the development of our country.A)dedicate B)caterC)ascribe D)cling60.Just because I’m________to him,my boss thinks he can order me around without showingme any respect.A)redundant B)trivialC)versatile D)subordinate61.Many scientists remain________about the value of this research program.A)sceptical B)stationaryC)spacious D)specific62.Depression is often cause by the________effects of stress and overwork.A)total B)increasedC)terrific D)cumulative63.A human’s eyesight is not as________as that of an eagle.A)eccentric B)acuteC)sensible D)sensitive64.It is________that women should be paid less than men for doing the same kind of work.A)abrupt B)absurdC)adverse D)addictive65.Shoes of this kind are________to slip on wet ground.A)feasible B)appropriateC)apt D)fitting66.We’ll be very careful and keep what you’ve told us strictly________.A)rigorous B)confidentialC)private D)mysterious67.The members of Parliament were________that the government had not consulted them.A)impatient B)tolerantC)crude D)indignant68.Some American colleges are state-supported,others are privately________,and still othersare supported by religious organizations.A)ensured B)attributedC)authorized D)endowed69.The prison guards were armed and ready to shoot if________in any way.A)intervened B)incurredC)provoked D)poked70.Many pure metals have little use because they are too soft,rust too easily,or have some other________.A)drawbacks B)handicapsC)bruises D)blundersPart IV Error Correction(15minutes) Directions:This part consists of a short passage.In this passage,there are altogether10mistakes, one in each numbered line.You may have to change a word,add a word or delete aword.Mark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided.If youchange a word,cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank.Ifyou add a word,put an insertion mark(∧)in the right place and write the missingword in the blank.If you delete a word,cross it out and put a slash(/)in the blank. Example:Television is rapidly becoming the literatures of our periods. 1.time/times/period Many of the arguments having used for the study of 2./___________As a school subject are valid for∧study of television. 3.the___________ Sporting activities are essentially modified forms ofhu n t i n g beh av i o r.View in g bi o lo g i cal ly,th e mo d ern S1.__________ footballer is revealed as a member of a disguised huntingpack.His killing weapon has turned into a harmless footballand his prey into a goal-mouth.If his aim is inaccurate and he S2.__________ scores a goal,enjoys the hunter’s triumph of killing his prey.To understand how this transformation has taken place we S3.__________must briefly look up at our ancient ancestors.They spent over a S4.__________ million year evolving as co-operative hunters.Their very survival S5.__________depended on success in the hunting-field.Under this pressuretheir whole way of life,even if their bodies,became radicaily S6.__________ changed.They became chasers,runners,jumpers,aimers,throwers and prey-killers.They co-operate as skillful male-group S7.__________ attackers.Then,about ten thousand years ago,when this immensely S8.__________long formative period of hunting for food,they becamefarmers.Their improved intelligence,so vital to their oldhunting life,were put to a new use—that of penning(把S9.__________……关在圈中),controlling and domesticating their prey.Thefood was there on the farms,awaiting their needs.The risks anduncertainties of farming were no longer essential for survival.S10.__________Part V Writing(30minutes) Directions:For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic:A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus You shouldwrite at least120words,and base your composition on the outline given inChinese below:假设你是李明,请你就本校食堂的状况给校长写一封信,内容应涉及食堂的饭菜质量、价格、环境、服务等,可以是表扬,可以是批评建议,也可以兼而有之。
