大学英语综合教程1 Unit 5课后习题答案
新标准大学英语 综合教程1 课后练习答案 Unit 5-10

I, feeling concerned, asked her to phonemethenext day.
2 When Judith fell asleep she was clingingtoherteddy bear.
9 not bright (dim)
5 Completethesentenceswith the correct form of the words in Activity 4.
1 I’ve been faithful to my husband all my life.
2 I’d like to give this as a present.Couldyouwrap it for meinsilverpaper, please?
5 I can’t see very well in here.Thelight’sratherdim.
6 When I saw my reflection in the mirror this morning I got a shock.
6 Answerthequestionsabout the words.
10 to say the opposite of what someonehassaidis true (contradict)
Now check (¸) the reporting verbs which givemostinformationabout emotions.
exclaim, weep, sob, pledge,sigh,contradict
2 If you are having adoze, are you (a) asleep, or (b) working?

题目:The underlined word "it" in the sentence "The
company has a policy of promoting employees from
within, and it has never had to advertise for external applicants"
A. to give a
title to
B. to have the
right to
C. to name
D. to show
respect for
题目:The word "eliminate" in the sentence "The
company has eliminated the need for paperwork by using digital technology" means _____. A. to remove
大学英语综合教程Unit课 后习题答案
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文章主要讲述了 大学生英语综合 教程Unit中的阅 读理解题目及答
文章对每个题目 进行了详细的解
句子翻译题答 案
句子翻译题解 析
句子翻译题考 点

新视界大学英语综合教程1练习题答案句子翻译Unit 11. 她是个好学生,但她很害羞,又缺乏自信。
(lack confidence)She is a good student, but she is shy and lacks confidence.2. 他承认自己设定的目标不够现实,因此考试成绩也不够理想。
(confess; realistic)He confessed that he had not set realistic targets / goals, so he did not do as well in the exams as he had expected.3. 如何组织时间,如何结交新朋友是大学新生面临的挑战。
(challenge; faced with)How to organize time and how to make friends are challenges that freshmen are faced with.4.直到大学毕业我才认识到,学习并不是大学生活的全部,大学生活本可以更加丰富多彩。
(it wasn’t until …that …; could have been)It wasn’t until graduation that I realized college life was not all about studying. It could have been more colorful.5.大学是人生中最美好的时光。
(enjoy life) College years are the best years of a person’s life. Enjoy your college life because these moments will never come again.Unit 21. 令很多家长感到困惑的是,为什么孩子们对洋快餐那么感兴趣。

大学英语综合教程课后习题答案(含翻译)Part one : Keys of clozeUnit 1Cloze P. 311、academic2、priorities3、conducted4、principles5、begin6、priority7、compromised8、addition9、filing 10、speaking 11、formula 12、participation/participating 13、based 14、least 15、way 16、pressureUnit 2Cloze P.591、doubt2、efficient3、where4、advantage5、afford6、claim7、fluently8、qualified9、extent 10、ridiculous 11、perfect 12、as13、because 14、individualUnit 3Cloze P.881、recent2、surprise3、sad/solemn4、keeping5、disturbing6、inquiries7、admitted8、occurred9、surgery 10、options 11、tightly 12、soaking13、scent 14、gatheringsUnit 7Cloze P. 2291、dealing2、significant3、attention4、scold5、impatient6、settle7、blame8、defend9、hurting 10、encountered 11、miserable 12、sincerely13、assistance 14、enthusiasmUnit 8Cloze P.2611、Gender2、compete3、boasting4、masculine5、Feminine6、concerned7、influence8、reflects9、Commands 10、bossy 11、status 12、earning 13、Gossip 14、emphasizePart two : Working with words and expressionsUnit 1P.23-27Working with words and expressions2)1、compromise2、self-induced3、steered4、frame5、demonstrated6、employ7、promote8、impressed9、contribution 10、deliberately 11、financial 12、economic3)1、makes a point of2、refresh my memory3、lead to4、at hand5、working out6、under pressure7、Last but not least 8、took…down 9、In addition to10、were involved in 11、in other words 12、pointed out13、pay off4)1、scored2、scheduled3、assigned4、motivate5、crucial6、promote7、performed8、debate9、scanned 10、devised 11、advocated 12、clarify13、priorities 14、compromised 15、context 16、undertook academic excellenceIncreasing Your Word Power1)1、principal/major2、top3、major4、top5、principal6、major7、schedule8、advocate/have advocated9、top 10、approach 11、blame 12、major/principal 13、advocate 14、schedule 15、blame 16、approaching 17、pressure 18、pace 19、pressured 20、paceUnit 2P.54-58Working with words and expressions2)1、obtain2、confident3、communicate4、advantage5、relevant6、helpful7、extreme8、enjoyable9、means 10、process 11、particularly 12、characters 13、astonished 14、apparently1、fond of2、is…related to3、find out4、To a certain extent5、vice versa6、no doubt7、rid…of8、cleared up9、or else 10、at all costs 11、sure enough 12、let alone13、In his hurry 14、It’s no use 15、in my view 16、was worth Increasing Your Word Power1)c d b b b d2)1、highly/very2、quite/very3、quite/very/increasingly4、quite/simply/very3)1、logician2、magician3、mathematician4、journalist5、industrialist6、environmentalist7、laborer8、murderer9、conqueror 10、survivorUnit 3P.82-87Working with words and expressions2)1、awkward2、relief3、occur4、options5、disturbing6、released7、pausing8、scattered9、swallowed 10、wipe 11、treat 12、recall3)1、became well acquainted with2、took us by surprise3、gather our thoughts4、turned out5、fight back6、hang up on7、ran away 8、take care of 9、hemmed and hawed 10、turned into 11、keep…from 12、soaking up Increasing Your Word Power1)a e c eb d d b2)1、focus2、fears3、focus4、attack5、fears6、attacks7、visits visited8、touched9、chat 10、touch 11、match 12、chats13、match 14、fear1、guilty2、adaptable3、handy4、imaginable5、predictable6、panicky7、faulty8、picky9、reliable 10、portableUnit 7P.221-225Working with words and expressions2)1、delivered2、released3、permission4、rented5、miserable6、exploded7、pressed8、motion9、enthusiasm 10、blessed 11、trembled 12、attached13、inquired 14、deserve3)1、go wrong2、broke down3、on my way to4、by himself5、in time6、deal with7、breezed through8、had gone by9、To my surpriseIncreasing Your Word Power1)1、miserable2、respond3、career4、required5、wearily6、assisted7、gift8、stubborn9、serious 10、merry 11、departs 12、scolded13、significant2)1、safety2、miserably3、cheerfully4、carelessly5、absolutely6、desperately7、blame8、wealthy9、boring/dull 10、succeeded3)1、slapped2、present3、lit4、burden5、slap6、presented7、ordered8、light9、combat 10、motioned 11、strain 12、order13、strained 14、burden 15、motion 16、volunteered17、combat 18、volunteerUnit 8P.255-257Working with words and expressions2)1、hooked2、cultural3、block4、barely5、whipped6、fairly7、tolerate8、wane9、balance 10、female 11、relatives 12、follower13、identify3)1、found our way2、take my turn3、get the floor4、hungered for5、hang on to6、far too7、give up 8、gave away 9、face to face10、poured our heart out 11、open up 12、get the upper hand13、was flooded with 14、whipped…into line/shapeIncreasing Your Word Power1)e c b a d e b e2)c b e d aPart three : translation(unit 12378)新世纪综合教程1课文翻译Unit 1优等生的秘诀1 一位研究教育的老师针对成绩优异的学生做过重点研究,发现最聪明的学生不见得总能得高分。
全新版 大学英语 第二版 综合教程 1 翻译 答案 Unit 5

Unit 5Text A翻译(黑体字是课后填空题)The company man公司的人Ellen Goodman艾伦·古德曼1He worked himself to death, finally and precisely, at 3:00 A.M. Sunday morning.最终,他于星期天凌晨3点工作致死。
2The obituary didn't say that, of course. It said that he died of a coronary thrombosis--I think that was it--but everyone among his friends and acquaintances knew it instantly. He was a perfect Type A, a workaholic, a classic, they said to each other and shook their heads--and thought for five or ten minutes about the way they lived.当然,讣告上没有这样写。
3This man who worked himself to death finally and precisely at 3:00 A.M. Sunday morning--on his day off--was fifty-one years old and a vice-president. He was, however, one of six vice-presidents, and one of three who might conceivably--if the president died or retired soon enough--have moved to the top spot. Phil knew that.这个男人最终在星期天凌晨三点整工作致死。
新编大学英语综合教程Unit 5课后练习答案

新编大学英语综合教程Unit 5Differences between American and Chinese Classes课后练习答案vocabulary and StructureⅠ. The prefix "re-" means "do again", usually added to verb, Fill in each of the following blanks with an appropriate word from the list. Change the form if necessary.Ⅰ. 前缀“re-”的意思是“重做,改做,再来一次”,通常加在动词的后面,用列表中适当的单词填空。
replace rebuild rediscover replayrepay retell recycle review1. The desk is worn, please ____ it with another one for me. worn 用坏的;用旧的;疲惫的。
wear的过去分词replace 代替; 取代; 替换; 接替; 更换; 更新这张桌子坏了,请给我换一张2. Let us ____ the facts. Review. 让我们回顾一下事实。
3. Please ____ the fairy story in English. retellfairy 英[ˈfeəri]n. (故事中的) 小仙人,仙子,小精灵.请用英语复述这篇童话故事。
4. They ____ empty tins so as to use the metal.recycletin 英[tɪnz]锡;罐;白铁桶;罐装物metal 英[ˈmetl]n.金属v.用金属做;用金属包;用碎石筑(路)。
5. He ____ the tape so that we can understand more clearly. replay 重赛;重放。
全新版大学英语综合教程一课一练答案加解析Book 1 Unit 5

Book 1 Unit 5VocabularyDirections: Choose the ONE that best completes each sentence from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).1.We are __ at the rapid progress Mark has made in this semester.A) distinguished B)astonished C)annoyed D)scored解析:astonished意为“感到惊讶的”,“distinguished”意为“卓越的,杰出的”,“annoyed”意为“烦恼的,生气的”,“scored意为“折叠的,刮伤的’’翻译:我们对Mark在这个学期突飞猛进的分数感到惊讶(其他选项的意思代入都不符合)2.The wind was strong all day , but it __ after sunset.A)modest B)modified C)moderated D)is moderated解析: modest adj谦虚的;适度的;端庄的;有节制modify v. 修改(重建) ,调整,使更合适; moderated (moderate的过去分词)adj. 慢化的,适中的n.指该讨论区设有信件区管理人;moderate adj.中等的,适度的,温和的v.缓和,使适中n.持温和观点者(尤指政见)翻译:风一整天都很大,但在日落之后就缓和下来了。
(A为形容词,明显是错的;D是现在时,而题目是过去时,所以D错,根据句意,B也排除)3.All the memories of his childhood had __ from his mind by the time he was 65A)faded B)illustrated C)confined D)concerned解析:fade v. 褪色,消失,凋谢illustrate v.(用示例,图画等)说明,解释;加插图于…;表明…真实; confine v 限制,闭居n.界限,边界;限制,约束 concern n.,关系, 关切的事,忧虑v.涉及,关系到,使担忧翻译:到了他65岁时,他的所有童年记忆都已经从他的脑海中消失了。

新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程1详细答案第二版综合教程1详细答案Unit 1Active Reading 1Reading and Understanding2 1,2,43 a, d, d, d, a, aDealing with Unfamiliar Words4 barely spill ignorant intelligent Sip peered impressive5 stumbled across rent out stretched out run out of checked in6 b, b, a, a, b, a, a, a,Active Reading 24 detect admirable subway inadequate scribbling persecution5 a, a, a, b Language in UseWith + present participle1 the first sentence: bthe second sentence: a2 1 With my father waiting in the corridor2 with me waiting in the queue3 With the rain pouring down4 With the music playing loudly5 With the lecture running late6 With my head spinning with ideasIt occurs to…that…3 1 It occurs to my father that the barely big enough for one person, so he leaves.2 It had never occurred to me that my handwriting is so bad that I can’t read it.3 It occurs to me that Ive run out of clean clothes.4 Has it occurred to him that he doesn’t know what to write for his term paper?5 It occurs to him that he could speak in an American accent so they wouldnt recognize him as a foreignerCollocations5 1 spilt out of 2 burst into tears 3 clean language 4 easier said than done 5 climb through6 signed up for7 burst into bloom8 clean licence9 easy on the eyeUnit 2Active Reading 12 1(b) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a) 5(c)Dealing with unfamiliar words3 1 juicy 2 frank 3 perception4 nonsense5 resort6 gloomy7 yummy8 innocence4 1 enormous 2 clung (The weather was very stormy so they dung to each other as they walked to the seaside restaurant.)3 region4 discarded5 implements; crack; scrape6 baking7 slippery5 1 emotion 2 despair 3 complain 4 frown 5 nasty6 teaseReading and Interpreting课后练习答案Unit 1Active Reading 1Reading and Understanding2 1,2,43 a, d, d, d, a, aDealing with Unfamiliar Words4 barely spill ignorant intelligent Sip peered impressive5 stumbled across rent out stretched out run out of checked in6 b, b, a, a, b, a, a, a,Active Reading 24 detect admirable subway inadequate scribbling persecution5 a, a, a, bLanguage in UseWith + present participle1 the first sentence: bthe second sentence: a2 1 With my father waiting in the corridor2 with me waiting in the queue3 With the rain pouring down4 With the music playing loudly5 With the lecture running late6 With my head spinning with ideas It occurs to…that…3 1 It occurs to my father that the barely big enough for one person, so he leaves.2 It had never occurred to me that my handwriting is so bad that I can’t read it.3 It occurs to me that Ive run out of clean clothes.4 Has it occurred to him that he doesn’t know what to write for his term paper?5 It occurs to him that he could speak in an American accent so they wouldnt recognize him as a foreignerCollocations5 1 spilt out of 2 burst into tears 3 clean language 4 easier said than done 5 climb through6 signed up for7 burst into bloom8 clean licence9 easy on the eyeUnit 2Active Reading 12 1(b) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a) 5(c)Dealing with unfamiliar words3 1 juicy 2 frank 3 perception4 nonsense5 resort6 gloomy7 yummy8 innocence4 1 enormous2 clung (The weather was very stormy so they dung to each other as they walked to the seaside restaurant.)3 region4 discarded5 implements; crack; scrape6 baking7 slippery5 1 emotion 2 despair 3 complain 4 frown 5 nasty6 teaseReading and Interpreting课后练习答案Unit 1Active Reading 1Reading and Understanding2 1,2,43 a, d, d, d, a, aDealing with Unfamiliar Words4 barely spill ignorant intelligent Sip peered impressive5 stumbled across rent out stretched out run out of checked in6 b, b, a, a, b, a, a, a,Active Reading 24 detect admirable subway inadequate scribbling persecution5 a, a, a, bLanguage in UseWith + present participle1 the first sentence: bthe second sentence: a2 1 With my father waiting in the corridor2 with me waiting in the queue3 With the rain pouring down4 With the music playing loudly5 With the lecture running late6 With my head spinning with ideasIt occurs to…that…3 1 It occurs to my father that the barely big enough for one person, so he leaves.2 It had never occurred to me that my handwriting is so bad that I can’t read it.3 It occurs to me that Ive run out of clean clothes.4 Has it occurred to him that he doesn’t know what to write for his term paper?5 It occurs to him that he could speak in an American accent so they wouldnt recognize him as a foreignerCollocations5 1 spilt out of 2 burst into tears 3 clean language 4 easier said than done 5 climb through6 signed up for7 burst into bloom8 clean licence9 easy on the eyeUnit 2Active Reading 12 1(b) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a) 5(c)Dealing with unfamiliar words3 1 juicy 2 frank 3 perception4 nonsense5 resort6 gloomy7 yummy8 innocence4 1 enormous2 clung (The weather was very stormy so they dung to each other as they walked to the seaside restaurant.)3 region4 discarded5 implements; crack; scrape6 baking7 slippery5 1 emotion 2 despair 3 complain 4 frown 5 nasty6 teaseReading and Interpreting课后练习答案Unit 1Active Reading 1Reading and Understanding2 1,2,43 a, d, d, d, a, aDealing with Unfamiliar Words4 barely spill ignorant intelligent Sip peered impressive5 stumbled across rent out stretched out run out of checked in6 b, b, a, a, b, a, a, a,Active Reading 24 detect admirable subway inadequate scribbling persecution5 a, a, a, bLanguage in UseWith + present participle 1 the first sentence: bthe second sentence: a2 1 With my father waiting in the corridor2 with me waiting in the queue3 With the rain pouring down4 With the music playing loudly5 With the lecture running late6 With my head spinning with ideasIt occurs to…that…3 1 It occurs to my father that the barely big enough for one person, so he leaves.2 It had never occurred to me that my handwriting is so bad that I can’t read it.3 It occurs to me that Ive run out of clean clothes.4 Has it occurred to him that he doesn’t know what to write for his term paper?5 It occurs to him that he could speak in an American accent so they wouldnt recognize him as a foreignerCollocations5 1 spilt out of 2 burst into tears 3 clean language 4 easier said than done 5 climb through6 signed up for7 burst into bloom8 clean licence9 easy on the eyeUnit 2Active Reading 12 1(b) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a) 5(c)Dealing with unfamiliar words3 1 juicy 2 frank 3 perception4 nonsense5 resort6 gloomy7 yummy8 innocence4 1 enormous2 clung (The weather was very stormy so they dung to each other as they walked to the seaside restaurant.)3 region4 discarded5 implements; crack; scrape6 baking7 slippery 5 1 emotion 2 despair 3 complain 4 frown 5 nasty 6 teaseReading and Interpreting课后练习答案Unit 1Active Reading 1Reading and Understanding2 1,2,43 a, d, d, d, a, aDealing with Unfamiliar Words4 barely spill ignorant intelligent Sip peered impressive5 stumbled across rent out stretched out run out of checked in6 b, b, a, a, b, a, a, a,Active Reading 24 detect admirable subway inadequate scribbling persecution5 a, a, a, bLanguage in UseWith + present participle1 the first sentence: bthe second sentence: a2 1 With my father waiting in the corridor2 with me waiting in the queue3 With the rain pouring down4 With the music playing loudly5 With the lecture running late6 With my head spinning with ideasIt occurs to…that…3 1 It occurs to my father that the barely big enough for one person, so he leaves. 2 It had never occurred to me that my handwriting is so bad that I can’t read it.3 It occurs to me that Ive run out of clean clothes.4 Has it occurred to him that he doesn’t know what to write for his term paper?5 It occurs to him that he could speak in an American accent so they wouldnt recognize him as a foreignerCollocations5 1 spilt out of 2 burst into tears 3 clean language 4 easier said than done 5 climb through6 signed up for7 burst into bloom8 clean licence9 easy on the eyeUnit 2Active Reading 12 1(b) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a) 5(c)Dealing with unfamiliar words3 1 juicy 2 frank 3 perception4 nonsense5 resort6 gloomy7 yummy8 innocence4 1 enormous2 clung (The weather was very stormy so they dung to each other as they walked to the seaside restaurant.)3 region4 discarded5 implements; crack; scrape6 baking7 slippery5 1 emotion 2 despair 3 complain 4 frown 5 nasty6 teaseReading and Interpreting课后练习答案Unit 1Active Reading 1Reading and Understanding2 1,2,43 a, d, d, d, a, aDealing with Unfamiliar Words 4 barely spill ignorant intelligent Sip peered impressive5 stumbled across rent out stretched out run out of checked in6 b, b, a, a, b, a, a, a,Active Reading 24 detect admirable subway inadequate scribbling persecution5 a, a, a, bLanguage in UseWith + present participle1 the first sentence: bthe second sentence: a2 1 With my father waiting in the corridor2 with me waiting in the queue3 With the rain pouring down4 With the music playing loudly5 With the lecture running late6 With my head spinning with ideasIt occurs to…that…3 1 It occurs to my father that the barely big enough for one person, so he leaves.2 It had never occurred to me that my handwriting is so bad that I can’t read it.3 It occurs to me that Ive run out of clean clothes.4 Has it occurred to him that he doesn’t know what to write for his term paper?5 It occurs to him that he could speak in an American accent so they wouldnt recognize him as a foreignerCollocations5 1 spilt out of 2 burst into tears 3 clean language 4 easier said than done 5 climb through6 signed up for7 burst into bloom8 clean licence9 easy on the eye Unit 2Active Reading 12 1(b) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a) 5(c)Dealing with unfamiliar words3 1 juicy 2 frank 3 perception4 nonsense5 resort6 gloomy7 yummy8 innocence4 1 enormous2 clung (The weather was very stormy so they dung to each other as they walked to the seaside restaurant.)3 region4 discarded5 implements; crack; scrape6 baking7 slippery5 1 emotion 2 despair 3 complain 4 frown 5 nasty6 teaseReading and Interpreting。
Unit five 完整答案- 新目标大学英语《综合教程》 第一册

Listening and SpeakingText AReading Comprehension 1.Pronouns or phrases What they refer tothis news (Line 2, Para. 6)the news that my mother may have passed awayC.1) My peripheral world was puzzled by her actions.2) By the time I accepted that I had emotions that needed to be grieved, I had already arrived on Duke’s campus.2.My mom was said to be a good mom until one day in my ninth year, she left my two brothers and me forever. What she did puzzled me and changed everything in my life, though I never shed a tear. My dad did what he could to keep our life as normal as possible,prompting us to remain grateful to God. The revisiting of the memory of my mom during my senior year of high school made me understand that I neededto grieve my mom so that I could move on to a new chapter of my life. I couldn’t find anyone to whom to discharge my emotions until I participated in Kathy Rudy’s Baldwin Scholars freshman seminar in Duke, where I learned to let go of my mother and was able to make sense of some of the things in my life. Notice of the speculation of my mother’s death left me shockingly unaffected, for the grief and the pressures imposed upon my life by my mom were already released. The whole issue taught me that people need to deal with the past by understanding it,then leaving it behind, and most importantly,acknowledging pain as an opportunity for growth.Reading and DiscussingLanguage in Use4.1) proclaim2) scar3) speculation4) discharging5) clarity6) contacted7) compromise8) grieved9) affirmed10) prompted5.1) If you don’t know what you want, you might end up with something you don’t want.2) It is the time of year when the island nations of the Caribbean normally expect their hotels and beaches to be crammed with sun-seekers.3) I can teach you about kindness, but I cannot impose graciousness on/upon you.4) When parents find it hard to let go of bitterness or anger, or if they are depressed about the changes brought on by divorce, they can find help from a counselor or therapist.5) As the preferred candidate for this job he has no shortcoming other than his lack of experience.6.in hand(在手头;在掌控中)a long the way(一路上;沿途)by hand(用手)on the way to …(在去……的路上)at hand(在手边)in the way(妨碍人的;挡道的)on hand(现有;在现场)out of the way(偏远的)by the way(顺便说说)under way(进行中)1) in hand2) by hand3) on hand4) at hand5) along the way6) out of the way7) in the way8) on the way to9) By the way10) under way7.For referencefirm reaffirm; infirm; affirmantspec; spect suspect; aspect; respect; spectacle; retrospect; perspective claim; clam declaim; clamor; disclaimpose dispose; compose; oppose; proposestru; struct structure; instruct; reconstructfac; fic, fact; fect e ffect; infect; defect; factory; factorsci scientific; scientist; prescienceport import; portable; support; reportceed; ced; cess succeed; process; procedurevert; vers invert; revert; diverse; vertical; extrovert; introverttract distract; subtract1) B2) A3) A4) A5) A6) C7) A8) C8.1) 在哭闹了5分钟之后,我最终妥协了,心想如果明天妈妈一大早就来接我,那我现在就进去。

新标准大学英语1课后习题翻译题答案P111Unit1P11.Finally,with my mother red in the face and short of breath,we find Room8,I unlock the door,and we all walk in.等我们终于找到8号房的时候,妈妈已经涨红了脸,上气不接下气。
2.She impresses me,and I feel so ignorant that I shouldn't even breathe the same air as her.她给我留下了深刻的印象,我觉得自己太无知了,甚至不配跟她呼吸同样的空气。
3.I don't know why I have to be introduced to literature but the woman in the admissions office says it's a requirement even though I've read Dostoyevsky and Melville and that's admirable for someone without a high school education.我不知道为什么我非得了解文学。
4.I'm in heaven and the first thing to do is buy the required textbooks,cover them with the purple and white NYU book jackets so that people in the subway will look at me admiringly.我乐得飘飘然了,第一件事就是去买所需要的课本,然后用纽约大学紫白相间的护封把它们套起来,这样地铁里的乘客就会向我投来艳羡的目光了。

大学英语综合教程1Unit5课后习题答案Text ComprehensionI.BII.T T F T TIII.1.Refer to Paragraphs 4,9,12. They are, first, to stand firmly foryour convictions in the face of personal pressure; second, always to give others credit that is rightfully theirs; and third, to be honest and open about what you really are2.Refer to Paragraph 8. the author concludes that you can’t give inwhen you know you are right.3.Refer to Paragraph 9. This example shows that you should appreciateand accept those who are smarter and brighter than you are.4.Refer to Paragraph 12. They usually rely on external factors. Theydo so because, neglecting the development of their inner value and personal growth, only their looks or status can make them feel good.5.Refer to Paragraph 14 They are self-respect and a clear conscience.6.Refer to the last paragraph. A life of principle will always winthe day without succumbing to the seductive sirens of an easy morality, and will take you forward into the 21st century without having to check your tracks in a rearview mirror.IV. 1. Integrity means having one’s own norms and rules ofjudging what is right, what is wrong, which one should not give up for immediate personal advantages. o2. Integrity is rare at present.3. An explanation was given for how all instruments and material wereused and located during an operation.4. When you are right, you should insist.5. Unavoidably they will do everything possible to keep their looks andstatus.Vocabulary exercisesI. 1. that is current2. difficult to find or obtain3. make an effort to attain4. Insist on/ Stick to; despite/when faced with5. Always recognize and praise rightly other s’ achievement6. behave in a way that is natural, or normalII. 1. appointed 2. politically 3. account for 4.succumbed to5. ensured6. instinctively7. tough8. object9. challenge 10. seductiveIII. D A B C B A C AIV. 1. Morality; morality; ethics; ethics2. demands; asked; asking; demanded3. real; genuine; real; genuine4. preserve; preserve; save; saveV.1. truthful, upright, frank2. outer, external, exterior3. rare, uncommon, scant4. fire, sack, dismiss5. resolutely, determinedly, unyieldingly6. fearless, dauntless, brave, bold7. unpleasant, disagreeable8. unfashionable, old-fashioned, outdated VI.1. inexperienced2. rightful3. impoliteness4. handful5. heady6. straightening7. sleepy8. beggarGrammar exercisesI.1. Giving instruction.2. Expressing a wish.3. Making a suggestion.4. Giving an order.5. Giving an order and expressing anger.6. Inviting.7. Warning.8. Forbidding.II.1.Take a break.2.Let’s not stay here any longer.3.Stop criticizing others.4.Have another biscuit, please.5.In this play you be the princess and I be the witch.6.Go and buy yourself a new pair of shoes.7.Don’t you ever be late again!/Never be late again.8.Let us never forget the brave men and women who made the ultimatesacrifice.III.1. will/ can/ can’t you2. will/won’t you3. will you4. shall we5. will/could/can you6. will/won’t/can’t you7. will you8. shall weIV. 3 5 4 8 7 2 1 6V.1. another2. another3. others4. other5. another6. the other7. the others 8. another, othersVI.And that is exactly what her parents expected her to be--- a world-famous ballerina.Translation exercisesI.1. 人的一生就像被刚降下的雪覆盖的田野,无论在哪儿走过都会留下自己的足迹。

大学英语综合教程一Unit 1 Growing UpPart II Language FocusVocabularyⅠ.1.respectable2.agony3.put…down4.sequence5.hold back6.distribute7.off and on8.vivid9.associate10.finally11.turn in12.tackle2.1.has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office.2.was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not.3.a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’ time.4.gave the command the soldiers opened fire.5.buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out.3.1.reputation, rigid, to inspire2.and tedious, What’s more, out of date ideaspose, career, avoid showing, hardly hold back Ⅱ.posed2.severe3.agony4.extraordinary5.recallmand7.was violating8.anticipateⅢ.1.at2.for3.of4.with5.as6.about7.to8.in, in9.from10.on/uponComprehensive Exercises Ⅰ. Cloze1.hold back2.tedious3.scanned4.recall5.vivid6.off and on7.turn out/in8.career2.st2.surprise3.pulled4.blowing5.dressed6.scene7.extraordinary8.image9.turn10.excitementⅡ. Translation1.1.As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to.2.His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold.3.Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production.4.It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. /Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules.5.It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. /The local government is reported to havetaken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage.2.Susan lost her legs because of / in a car accident. For a time, she didn’t know how to face up to the fact that she would never (be able to) walk again.One day, while scanning (through) some magazines, a true story caught her eye /she was attracted by a true story. It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer. Greatly inspired, Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be bale to lead a useful life.Unit 2 FriendshipI. Vocabulary1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given in the box.1) absolutely2) available3) every now and then4) are urging/ urged5) destination6) mostly7) hangs out8) right away9) reunion10) or something11) estimate12) going ahead2. Rewriting1) It seemed that his failure in the examination was still on his mind.2) He was completely choked up by the sight of his team losing in the final minutes of the game.3) She was so lost in study that she forgot to have dinner.4) Something has come up and I am afraid I won’t be able to accomplish the project on time.5) The cost of equipping the new hospital was estimated at $2 million.3. Complete the sentences.1) were postponed the awful is estimated2) reference not available an kind of3) not much of a teacher skips go aheadII. Collocation1.to2.for3.at4.from5.in6.to on7.on8.withIII. Usage1.more or less2.kind of/ sort of3.something4.kind of/ sort of5.more or less6.or somethingComprehensive exercisesI. Cloze1.text-related1)choked up2)awful3)practically4)neighborhood5)correspondence6)available7)destination8)reunion9)Mostly10)postponing11)absolutely2.Theme-related1)how2)savings3)embarrassment4)phone5)interrupted6)touch7)envelop8)signed9)message10)neededII. Translation1.Translate the sentences.1) Half an hour had gone by, but the last bus hadn’t come yet. We had to walk home.2) Mary seems to be very worried about the Chinese exam because she hasn’t learned the texts by heart.3) Since the basketball match has been postponed, we might as well visit the museum.4) He stayed in Australia with his parents all the way through WWⅡ.5) Since I graduated from Nanjing University in 1985, I have kind of lost touch with my classmates.2.Translate the passage.It is not easy to keep in touch with friends far away. This is true in my case.It has been a couple of years since I left my old neighborhood and all the friends there. I have been meaning to write to them but things come up and I just don’t seem to find the time. They are always on my mind, however, and I think I will certainly make an effort to keep up correspondence with them in the future.Unit 3I Vocabulary11) brief 2) in terms of 3) cut off 4) tend 5) anyway 6)precise 7)in the form of 8) initiative9) convey 10) in two minds 11) concept 12) grasp21) has ensured their team a place in the Cup final.2)medical workers’ responsibility to heal the wounded and rescue the dying.3)entertain as well as educate the learner.4)can do without air and water.5)is likely to be held in June.31)lies in contact between2)basis of is likely sufficient at the moment3)the steady will be highlyII Word Formation1 regained2 undecided3 undersupplied4 disabled5 precondition6 foresight7 mispronounced8 enrichIIIAntonyms1) majority 2) accepted 3)increased 4)weaknesses 5) local 6) late 7)wrong 8)false Comprehensive exercisesI Close1.Text-related1)highly 2)bring about 3)evident 4)rate5)sufficient6)put across 7)proportion 8)Hence 9)ensure2. Theme-related1)understand 2)travel 3)practical 4)use5)Another6)likely 7)affect 8)developments 9)supply 10) SomedayII Translation1) As is predicted by scientists, global pollution has become one of the most serious problems humans are faced with.2) Competition for these jobs is very tough –we have five times as many applicants this year as we did last year/ there are five times as many applicants this year as there were last year.3) As the facts show, educational programs need to fit into the national plan for economical development. 4) The car burns too much gas, and moreover, the price is almost twice as much as I intend to pay.5) To understand a great international event, we, first of all, need to consider the historical and political background to it.2 It is hard to imagine how our forefathers could dowithout so many conveniences that modern technology has brought about. Back then only a small proportion of the population enjoyed the comforts of life. The majority didn’t even have sufficient food, not to speak of/ let alone the privilege of being educated. However, many people blame modern technology for creating so many problems. They want to slow down the rate of progress. But no one can put the clock back.Unit 4Vocabulary1) wreck 2) balance 3) approaching 4) handle5) discard 6) Above all 7) diet 8) do with9) checked on 10) cleaned up 11) weekly 12) principles2.1) to look for survivors were abandoned after it hadbeen/was determined that all the people in the sunken ship had died.2) was amazed that Bob left a well-paid job travel around the world.3) for a loan has been turned down by many a bank as her business is small and she could provide no guarantee.4) express her thoughts with precision, so people often misunderstand her.5) will weaken our determination to modernize our country in the shortest possible time.3.1) for sale hunting for be amazed by2) become skilled handle their loans3)character by calling on he passed awayII Confusable words1.1) personal 2) personnel2.1) sometime 2) Sometimes 3)some time 4) sometimeIII Euphemismde hcgabfComprehensive ExercisesI Close1. Text-related1)sponsored 2)determination 3) turned away 4) assumed 5) capacity6)skilled 7)loan 8) character 9) hunting 10) for sale 11) send for2. Theme-related1)save 2)recent 3)modest 4) grow 5) dream6) immigrants 7)business 8) engineering 9)invest 10) richIII Translation1)It is reported that UN mediators have worked out a plan which they hope will be acceptable to both sides.2)Doris walked in the forest cautiously, afraid of being attacked by giant snakes.3)Earthquakes, typhoons and other natural disasters cannot be prevented, but action can be taken to protect life and property.4)I bought a new issue of my favorite sports magazine and hurried home, anxious to amuse myself readingit.5)Helen lacks confidence. I’ve never known anyone so unsure of herself.2.After graduating from college, Tony decided to start his own business. At the beginning, many a bank turned down his request for a loan. But he was not a bit discouraged, and continued to call on one banker after another seeking help. Impressed by his determination and optimism, one banker finally agreed to loan him the money. Now he has become a wealthy businessman. Talking about his amazing achievement, Tony says that it is important to create rather than wait for opportunities.Unit 5VocabularyI.11) monthly 2) acquaintances 3)classic 4) look; in the eye 5)manufactured 6) options 7)finance8) replacement 9) survived 10) pick out 11) married 12)grabbed at2.1) survived a car crash that killed both her parents.2) almost embarrassed to death when Sarah read my poem out to the whole class.3) of the Children’s Hospital will care for the seriously injured pupils.4) several phone calls making inquiries about the position of the Chief Financial Officer.5) straighten out all your financial problems if you join our club.3.1) inquiry; died of hunger; people survied2) Instantly; give up his; retire; replace him; executive 3) his beloved; odd jobs; and all thatII Word Formation1.embarrassment2. survivors3. newly4. marketable5. monthly6. competition7. conceivable8.respectableIII. Usage1.the poor2. The deceased/The dead3. the disabled4. the French5. The accused6. the young7. theunemployed 8. the latter…the former…Comprehensive ExercisesI.Cloze1.Text-related1)died of 2) instantly 3) classic 4)ask around 5) surviving 6) retire 7)executive 8) replacement9)stock 10) look…in the eye2.Theme-related1)impressed 2) diligence 3) Instead 4) Contrary 5) professionally 6) perform 7) personal8) balance 9) commitment 10) revealedII. Translation1.1) I’m not sure where you can find a good carpenter---you’d better ask around.2) Feeling a little embarrassed, he quickly cleared his throat and looked up at the painting on the wall.3) Michael was survived by three sons, two daughters, and his wife Elizabeth.4) As a financial expert, William advised us to invest our money in the stock market.5) We small retailers can’t compete withsupermarkets in pricing and sales.2.My dad is a hard-working executive of a manufacturing firm. He works six days a week. Every day he has to straighten out various kinds of problems so that he often stays up late/nights. However, he tries his best to balance/maintain balance between work and family. On Sundays my dad usually stays at home and cares for us as much as he can. To my greatest joy, he cooks our favorite dished and plays ball with us.Unit 6VocabularyⅠ1.1)Fertile2)Reflected3)Overseas4)Slim5)Split6)Sustained7)Glow8)Thrust9)Keen10)Bud11)Previous12)Whichever2.1) The sickly smell of carpets and furniture in the bedroom disgusts me.2) Mary stopped corresponding with Henry after the death of her mother.3) A radio transmitter is best located at an isolated place far from cities.4) I was so absorbed in the game on TV that I didn’t hear Martin come in.5) The rough surface of the basketball helps players grip the ball.3.1) to broaden; make their way2) disgusts; take a chance on3) the grand; and overseas; reflectedⅡ1. 1) frightened 2) afraid/ frightened2. 1) alike/similar 2) similar3. 1) alive 2) living4. 1) sleeping 2) asleepⅢ1.1) disappointed 2) disappointment 3) disappointing 4) disappoint5) disappointingly 6) disappointing2. 1) attractive 2) attract 3) attraction 4) attractively 5) unattractively6) unattractiveComprehension ExercisesⅠCloze1.Text-related1)Identifying 2) gripped 3) margins4)corresponding 5) overseas 6)little 7)hesitate 8)grateful 9) made my way 10) going my way 2. Theme-related1)first 2)ring 3)Nor 4) another 5) threw 6) deliberately 7) reasoned 8) himself9) restaurant 10) matterⅡTranslation1.1) Before I went off to university, my grandfather gave me a few words of wisdom which impressed me deeply.2)Never tell my parents about my injuries and I’ll be very grateful to you (for it).3)At the meeting some of our colleagues put forward sensible suggestions about improving our working environment.4)The management has/have agreed to grant the workers a 10% pay rise in response to union pressure.5)It was very thoughtful of the hostess to give the house a thorough cleaning before we arrived.2.Not rich himself, Uncle Li never hesitates to help others. Previous to/Before his retirement, through Project Hope he located the addresses of two country kids who grew up in poor families but had a keen desire to study. From then on he sent them money regularly. Later the two made their way to college, and even got a chance to study overseas.Unit 7Content QuestionsPair Work1.He thinks animals will probably do their best thinking when it serves their own purposes, not when scientists ask them to.2.Because he believes they may encounter animal intelligence in their daily life.3.He regards them as a new window on animal intelligence.4.She wanted to get more pineapple.5.He expanded the money supply by breading chips in two.6.It shows he is clever and sly. He ate up the fruit leaving nothing but stems to share with Miles.7.They say that animals cooperate when they learn it is in their interest to do so.8.The author thinks that what behaviorists say is right,but he doesn’t think their explanation is satisfactory enough.9.Because Orky was the most intelligent animal she had worked with.10.Corky is a female whale because she is Orky’s mate and delivered a baby whale.11.Because she thought the orange must have rolled off somewhere inaccessible.12.Towan hid his orange underneath his foot. The act reveals some animals are intelligent enough to know how to deceive.Text Organization1.Eugene Linden wants to tell the reader that animals do have, at least, some limited intelligence, and the personal experiences of those who are in close contact with animals are more convincing evidence than that any experiments can provide.2.Let’s Make a Deal: Some animals are intelligent enough to know how to bargain with people.Tale of a Whale: Animals like whales can assess a situation and act accordingly.Primate Shell Game: Animals can attempt to deceive.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) controversy (2) consciousness (3) explore (4)serves their own purposes(5) encounter (6) lack of it (7) convinced (8)mental feats (9) captivity (10) humansLanguage FocusI.Vocabulary1.1) go (very) far 2) has expanded 3) in the interest(s) of 4) only to5) encountered 6) has cooperated 7) assessed 8) (had) switched9) horizons 10) gaze 11) disaster 12) wiped out 2.1) … a long/long running controversy over whether the book should be published or not2) … felt relieved after her first meeting with Tom had gone smoothly3) ... suddenly went wrong with my computer when I was in the middle of writing the essay4) … is obvious that our company is still maintaining its composition as market leader in software.5) … give in until they give her a pay rise3.1) have undertaken, original, to explore2) evidence convinced, underneath, extending to3) to negotiate, encounter, to figure out, explore II.Confusable Words1. firstly2. first, first3. At first4. First/Firstly5. first6. First7. at first8. firstage1. animal intelligence whose2. zoo keeper where3. eye contact through what4. money supply of what5. killer whale what kind6. baby whale how old7. family member of what8. sea turtle what kind/whereComprehensive ExercisesI.Cloze1.(1) emergency (2) evidence (3) original (4) sizing up(5) negotiates (6) reveal (7) make a deal (8)dominant(9) in their interest(s) (10) deceiving (11) controversy(12) judgment (13) explore2.(1) protect (2) However (3) type (4) situation (5) sights(6) together (7) rang (8) associate (9) without (10) environmentII.Translation1.1) A local business undertook the project but went bankrupt before it was completed.2) Let’s make a deal—you wash my car, and I’ll let you use it tonight.3) We got to the village which we thought must have been wiped out in the severe earthquake, only to find it slightly damaged.4) My garden is dry and shady—few plants thrive in that condition5) Mystery still surrounds the exact truth behind the film star’s death/exact circumstance of the film star’s death.2.When I was young I used to visit the zoo in myhometown. There what attracted me most was a couple of tigers, especially the male. They were dept in a huge iron cage at first, but later were released from it and moved to a place called Tiger Hill. Twenty years later I revisited the zoo and was relieved to find Tiger Hill was still there, but greatly extended. Moving around now were six tigers, old and young, instead of two!Unit 8Pair work1.She was amazed at the author’s ability to do mental calculation.2.Children can’t spell correctly; their knowledge of word history and geography is non-existent3.He didn’t want to compete with the hard-working Asians at U.C.L.A. He preferred a less intellectually challenging life.4.A modern industrial state cannot function with an idle, ignorant labor force.5.To use the media to dramatize and drive home themessage to today’s teenagers.6.He is fed up with the book he is forced to red.7.They can’t read or write. They place their hopes on their children.8.He works as a cleaner in a factory owned by the Japanese.9.Because he has no education, no useful skill, and no discipline.10.Americans stop demanding good education foe children. Machines do all the complex work and there is little manual work to be done. America is poorer than Japan and European countries.11.Hard work education, saving and discipline help a nation rise from the ashes.12.He finally comes to realize the importance of study.Work on your own1.Part one paras.1-10Teenagers’ idleness and ignorance will produce serious effects on all concerned and society as a whole. Part two paras.11-24Kevin 1990 comes to realize in his dream how greatly lack of education costs his forebears, himself, his children and the society they live in, and how important it is to study hard.2.Part oneTeenagers’ intellectual laziness and ignorancePart twoKevin 1990, his forebears(with the exception of his intellectual father),and his children lead a poor, miserable life.America is on the decline.There is no law and order in the country.America children have no chance to receive a good education.Businesses in America are owned by wealthy Europeans and Asians.Language sense enhancementIndifference (1)Summed up (2)Preferred (3)Financial (4)Accumulated (5)Intellectual (6)Affect (7)Industrial (8)Idle (9)Break down (10)VocabularyI1.1.industrial2.idle3.is functioning4.intellectual5.scared6.handful7.luxury8.private9.work up10.slice11.miracle12.was jammed2.1. to be seriously affected by the rise in gas prices。

BOOK 1 - Unit 5 - Language Focus - Vocabulary1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary.1. A [monthly] statement is a general term for a personalized financial record that regularly informs a recipient about the status of his or her account. It is generally mailed to the recipient on or near the same day each month.2. Over a hundred children came to the annual Christmas party which was a good opportunity for them to gather and renew [acquaintances].3. My parents' marriage was a [classic] of its time —those years of the so-called cultural revolution, with no wedding ceremony and no honeymoon.4. Having failed in the examination, Owen didn't dare [look] his father [in the eye].5. Britain still has a bicycle industry; frames and complete bicycles are [manufactured] here, though most of the components are imported.6. The employees of the company are treated right with handsome paychecks and stock [options].7. San Francisco is one of the largest cities in California and a leading center of culture, [finance], and industry in the United States.8. Steve announced just now that he was leaving, but the coach had already started looking around for a [replacement] weeks before.9. Shortly after he learned of the earthquake, the man hurried back to his hometown, searching high and low to find out whether his parents had [survived] the calamity (灾难).10. I was listening for Grace's voice, but it wasn't easy to [pick] it [out] among all the others.11. The survey reveals that an increasing number of young people claim they enjoy [married] life.12. Someone [grabbed at] the letter I was reading. Looking up, I was delightfully surprised to find that it was my former classmate.2. Rewrite each sentence with the word or phrase in brackets, keeping the same meaning. The first part has been written for you.1. An eight-month-old baby girl was the sole survivor of a car crash that killed both her parents. (survive)Only an eight-month-old baby girl[survived a car crash that killed both her parents].2. Sarah read my poem out to the whole class ─I almost died of embarrassment. (embarrass)I was[almost embarrassed to death when Sarah read my poem out to the whole class].3. The seriously injured pupils will be under the care of doctors and nurses of the Children's Hospital. (care for)Doctors and nurses[of the Children's Hospital will care for the seriously injured pupils].4. Several people have phoned the personnel department to inquire about the position of Chief Financial Officer. (inquiry)The personnel department has received[several phone calls making inquiries about the position of Chief Financial Officer].5. We can help you find a solution to all your financial problems if you join our club. (straighten out)We can help you[straighten out all your financial problems if you join our club].plete the following, using the words or phrases in brackets. Make additions or changes where necessary.1. On further [inquiry], we learned that the earthquake caused heavy casualties (伤亡) and material losses to the inhabitants. Many old people [died of hunger] and thirst after they were trapped for nearly a week. Fortunately most younger [people survived]. (die of, survive, inquiry)2. [Instantly] the news spread among employees of the firm that David had decided to [give up his] current position and [retire]. Thereupon everyone became curious about who would [replace him] as chief [executive] officer. (retire, executive, replace, instantly, give up)3. Brown used to live on his parents. However after [his beloved] father died he had to support himself economically. He did a lot of [odd jobs], including shining shoes, washing dishes, [and all that]. (and all that, beloved, odd)Word FormationA suffix is a letter or group of letters added to the end of a word to form a new one. Unlike prefixes, a suffix frequently alters the part of speech of the word. For example, the verb replace, by the addition of the suffix -ment, is changed into a noun replacement.Complete the following sentences by adding a suffix to the given base in brackets.1. He looked down at the floor in an attempt to hide his [embarrassment]. (embarrass)2. Rescue workers continued to search for [survivors], nearly 72 hours after the collapse of the World Trade Center. (survive)3. A tiny old lady was among a group looking at an art exhibition in a [newly] opened gallery. (new)4. The reality is that we all have [marketable] skills such as writing, consulting, or designing and selling things. (market)5. Many people are now having trouble making their [monthly] house payments (month)6. A spelling bee is a [competition] in which people try to correctly spell words. (compete)7. The total energy given off by the devastating earthquake was many times more than any [conceivable] chemical reaction could produce. (conceive)8. It shocked me to learn that the young man was released simply because he came from a [respectable] middle-class family. (respect)UsageRewrite the parts in italics with "the + adj.".1. Some Democrats believed they lost the election because poor people didn't turn out to vote. [the poor]2. Those who had died were completely innocent victims of the bomb. [The deceased / The dead]3. The governor has guaranteed health care for pregnant women, preschool children, and disabled people. [the disabled]4. Do you know why French people are skinnier than Americans? It is because French people stop when they're full, Americans stop when the plate is empty (or the TV show ends). [the French]5. The person who was accused denied stealing his student's ideas and publishing them. [The accused]6. In our city living together without getting married is not common among young people. [the young]7. People who are not employed will receive a monthly payment from the local government. [The unemployed]8. Where unemployment and crime are high, it can be assumed that crime is due to unemployment.[the latter ... the formerCloze1. Complete the following passage with words chosen from the Words and Phrases to Drill box. Change the form where necessary.I hear poor Phil has [died of] (1) a heart attack. Died [instantly] (2), I believe. Mind you, if you were looking for a heart attack victim, he was a [classic] (3) case. You need only [askaround] (4) to hear everyone say that he worked all hours, never taking a break. That sort of person all too often risks not [surviving] (5) long enough to [retire] (6) on a pension. No doubt the chief [executive] (7) is already looking around for Phil's [replacement] (8). I know you can't afford to be sentimental in business, not with [stock] (9) holders breathing down your neck all the time. Still, he must have found it difficult to look Phil's widow [in the eye] (10) at the funeral after allowing him to overwork like that.2. Read the following passage carefully until you have got its main idea, and then select one appropriate word for each gap from the box.One summer evening, shortly after I arrived at my new assignment, my boss walked by my house and saw my wife and children sitting on our front porch. He asked her where I was. My wife told him I was still at the office. When she told this to me, in the corner of my heart I secretly hoped he was [impressed] (1) by my work ethic (职业道德).The next morning, my boss called me. I expected a verbal pat on the back for my [diligence] (2) and hard work. [Instead] (3), he asked me what I was doing so late at the office and inquired if I had been doing that every night since taking over. I told him I had indeed been working late every night.[Contrary](4) to what I expected, he told me anyone could be a workaholic and achieve great things [professionally] (5). Yet he had hired me to [perform] (6) and excel (干得出色) in not one but two areas: my professional and personal life.This incident caused me to do a lot of introspection (沉思). I examined my professional, family and[personal] (7) life and found that they weren't in [balance] (8). So I made a [commitment] (9) to myself to work on achieving a better balance in these three areas. This is what my little voyage of self-discovery [revealed] (10) to me.3. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases in brackets.1. 我不太清楚哪儿你能找到个好木工(carpenter)——你最好四处打听打听。
新世纪大学英语(第二版)综合教程1翻译答案--UNIT 5

《新世纪大学英语》(第二版)第一册Unit 5Translation1、威廉非常喜欢那个女孩子,所以他尽力讨好她,并且很有信心可以赢得她的心。
William likes the girl a lot so he tries very hard to impress her and is optimistic that he will win her heart.2、他有创造性,对未来也有很好的判断力,可就是喜欢秘而不宣。
He is very creative and has a good vision of the future ,but he likes to keep things to himself.3、他们来自一个贫穷的小山村,那里人们远离现代文明。
They came from a poor village where people were shut off from modern civilization.4、我们要努力工作,争取达到我们所定下的目标。
We must work hard and make an effort to achieve the goals that we have set.5、我们应该满足于我们所拥有的一切,不该对周围的事情太吹毛求疵。
We should learn to be content with all that we have and should not be too critical about things around us.6、他们经常代表学校参加辩论比赛;今晚我们将聚会庆祝他们的成功。
They often represent our school in debating competitions; tonight we will throw a party to celebrate their success.7、通过读书他不仅开阔了视野,而且学会了不断地完善自己的人格。

(完整版)新世纪大学英语(第二版)综合教程第一册UNIT5~UNIT8习题答案(完整版)新世纪大学英语(第二版)综合教程第一册UNIT5~UNIT8习题答案Unit 5 > Key to Book ExercisesListen and RespondTask One Focusing on the Main IdeasChoose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences according to the information contained in the listening passage.1) The first main point the speaker talks about is ________.A) what personality meansB) when a person’s personality starts to developC) h ow to express one’s personalityD) how to solve personality problems2) According to the speaker, psychologists ________.A) often emphasize the importance of friendshipB) often like to find similarities among peopleC) usually find it hard to explain personalityD) usually interpret personality differently3) People can be roughly put into ________.A) 5 categories B) 4 categoriesC) 3 categories D) 2 categories4) To put people into different categories and compare them, psychologists often ________.A) use tests B) talk to peopleC) observe people D) do a lot of reading5) With the aid of knowledge about personality, we can ________.A) provide more help to each otherB) conduct some research on our ownC) improve our relationship with othersD) have better communication with othersTask Two Zooming In on the DetailsListen to the recording again and fill in each of the blanks according to what you have heard.1) Different psychologists explain personality in different ways.2) Introverts are people who are quiet or like to spend time at home reading and doing their own things whereas extroverts are those who enjoy going out and spending time with other people.3) If we know a person’s personality, we will be able to understand him / her better, which will help to make our relationship with this person stronger.4) One way to help an introvert is to make him / her feel comfortable when he / she is with a group of people he / she has never met before.5) We can change and improve ourselves if we know our own personality.Text ATask One Discovering the Main Ideas1 Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text A.1) Does the writer support the idea that “one’s personality can be summed up in a word”? (Para. 2) What evidence in the text can you find to support your answer?No. The writer does not support the idea. In fact, he says that when we take a closer look at personality, we will see that it is notas simple as that.2) Of the two main factors (heredity and environment) that influe nce one’s personality, which one has a greater influence?The writer does not indicate which of the two factors has a greater influence because no one really knows. In addition, the combination of both influences may vary from one person to another.3) How does family environment affect a child’s personality?Home life affects a child’s growth. A child who feels loved and secure at home is more likely to develop positive traits than those who grow up in a troubled family.4) According to the writer, when is the best time for a person to develop his / her personality? Why?The writer thinks that the best time to develop a person’s personality is during his / her adolescence. This is because it is easier for one to absorb new things when one is learning.2 There are two main ideas about personality in Text A. Point them out and list the supporting ideas that help develop each main idea. Main Idea 1:What is personality or the definition of personality.Supporting Ideas:Three elements of personality: emotional, social, intellectual Main Idea 2:The two factors that influence personality development are heredity and environment.Supporting Ideas:Heredity and its influence; Environment and its influence; Best stage / life phase to develop personalityTask Two Reading Between the LinesRead the following statements and then decide whether eachof them is true or false based on the information in the text. Write T for True and F for False in the space provided before each statement. 1) T A person’s look and perso nality make him / her unique (独特).2) F Because we experience the same emotions, we express them in almostthe same way.(Though we experience the same basic emotions, we respond to them individually.)3) T People who enjoy being alone instead of being in the company of othersare unsociable.4) F We will not know the true personality of a person just by looking at theway he / she behaves.(We will know the true personality of a person by looking at how he / she behaves as the emotional, social, and intellectual traits of personality become apparent to others through behaviors.)5) T There is a greater possibility that children who grow up in brokenfamilies develop less desirable personalities.6) T Building personality traits is comparable to building any other skills that one wants to learn or cultivate.Read and ExploreChecking Your Vocabulary1 Play detective and find the required word or phrase in TextB according to the clues given. Then, make at least two sentences with each of the words or phrases you have found. The number of the paragraph in which the target word or phrase appears isgiven in brackets.1) A noun meaning “a liking for one thing rather than another”: (Para. 2) Write down the target word here: preferencea. It is really difficult to tell you how much salt to add to this dish as it depends on individual preference.b. Please indicate your preference in the registration form so that the organizer knows which workshop you would like to attend.2) A verb meaning “to increase in size, number, volume, degree, etc.”: (Para. 3)Write down the target word here: expanda. After three years of profit making, he expanded his grocery shop into a supermarket.b. If you do not watch what you eat, your waist will expand.3) A phrase meaning “safe from; untroubled or uncontrolled by”: (Para. 4)Write down the target phrase here: free froma. I am thinking of quitting my job in the city and moving to the countryside to lead a carefree life, free from pollution and stress.b. To be happy is to be free from worries.4) An adjective meaning “chief;main; principal”: (Para. 5)Write down the target word here: primarya. The primary objective of this research is to find out how regularly people in different age groups exercise.b. The police have just arrested the primary suspect of a murder case.5) An adverb meaning “as a result; therefore”: (Para. 5)Write down the target word here: consequentlya. The serious soil pollution is a danger to agriculture andconsequently to human health.b. We are confronted with a lot of problems; consequently no one in our group is free from worry.6) An adverb meaning “connected with or happening in the mind”: (Para. 6) Write down the target word here: mentallya. The boy is physically healthy and strong, but mentally he is not sound and healthy.b. It’s going to be a tough competition, but I’m mentally prepared for it.7) A phrase meaning “to be anxious or worried about sth. or sb.”: (Para. 7)Write down the target phrase here: be / become concerned abouta. My mother has been sick for the past few weeks and I am so concerned about her health.b. The boss is very concerned about the way his secretary carries out her duties.8) A noun meaning “faithfulness or a devotion to a person, country, group,or cause, etc.”: (Para. 9)Write down the target word here: loyaltya. The prize is seen as a reward for his loyalty to the company.b. Their loyalty to the cause had never been in doubt.9) A phrase meaning “to be satisfied or quietly happy”: (Para. 9)Write down the target phrase here: be content witha. My parents always tell me that in order to be happy, we must learn to be content with what we have.b. James is not content with his current job so he is actively looking for another one.10) A verb meaning “to lose or give up, es pecially for a good purpose or to gain a desirable result”: (Para. 9)Write down the target word here: sacrificea. In some ancient cultures, human beings were sacrificed as gifts to gods.b. Because the talk on mental health is important, I have to sacrifice my lunch to attend it.11) An adjective meaning “giving equal attention to all sides or all opinions”: (Para. 10)Write down the target word here: balanceda. The news report presents a balanced view of the two sides of the conflict.b. In today’s news paper there is a balanced and impartial report of the election campaign.12) An adverb meaning “usually; in the usual or ordinary way”: (Para. 10) Write down the target word here: normallya. I normally go to bed early, but I stayed up last night.b. Though he has failed in the mid-term exam, he is now behaving rather normally.2 Rewrite each of the following sentences with a phrase that appears in Text B. Focus on the italicized parts. The number of the paragraph in which the target phrase appears is given in brackets.1) They did not have enough fund for the research project and they were short of hands then, but they accepted the unsatisfactory situation cheerfully and managed as well as they could. (Para. 3)They did not have enough fund for the research project and they were short of hands, but they managed to make the best of it.2) Joe is unable to get away from a relationship that he doesn’t enjoy. (Para. 6)Joe is stuck in a relationship that he doesn’t enjoy.3) I bought this car six years ago and it is still in good condition; I don’t think I need to buy a new one now. (Para. 7)I bought this car six years ago and it is still in good shape; I don’t think I need to buy a new one now.4) Jenny has made a choice of studying film-making instead of computer science. (Para. 7)Jenny has opted for studying film-making instead of computer science.5) Since the fight with his parents a few days ago, he has stopped listening to them and closed himself off from everything. (Para. 8)Since the fight with his parents a few days ago, he has shut himself off from everything.6) At your age, you should know what you want to do in life and what you want to achieve instead of letting your parents make decisions for you.(Para. 9)At your age, you should be in (total) control of your life instead of letting your parents make decisions for you.7) She got a divorce and finally got rid of the control of her abusive husband. (Para. 9)She got a divorce and finally broke away from her abusive husband.8) The forecasters say more snow is due to come in the near future. (Para. 10)The forecasters say more snow is on the way.Checking Your Comprehension1 Based on the information contained in Text B, match the colors in Column A with the descriptions of personality in Column B. Write down the corresponding letter in the space provided.Column A Column B1) Red b a. sb. who probably likes fairy tales a lot2) Yellow g b. sb. who has a strong will to win3) Green e c. sb. who doesn’t feel safe4) Violet a d. sb. who is happy with whatever he / she has5) Brown c e. sb. who will not give up easily6) Grey h f. sb. who is willing to fight hard to change his / her current life7) Blue d g. sb. who doesn’t like a hectic and bu sy lifestyle8) Black f h. sb. who probably cannot make up his / her mind easily2 Based on the information provided in the text, summarize what each colour says about the person who chooses it as his / her favourite colour. Write down your answers in the space provided.Colour What It RepresentsRed impulsive, sexy and having the will to winYellow ambitious and eager to pleaseGreen persistent, possessive and rather selfishViolet mentally and physically immature, living in a fantasy worldBrown restless and insecureGrey unwilling to make a commitment, choosing to be left aloneBlue sensitive and easily hurtBlack willing to fight against fateOptional Classroom Activities2 Think of a person you know well. He / She could be a family member or a friend. Write down five personality traits that can best describe him / her and give examples to support your description. Personality TraitsHardworkingExamplesHe opened a small grocery shop in a small village.He worked almost 18 hours a day and never took a holiday.Personality Traits KindExamplesHe would allow very poor customers to pay for the things they took on an instalment (分期付款) basis.Personality Traits StrictExamplesHe would not tolerate misbehaviour from his children.He would punish them when they were in the wrong.Personality Traits PersistentAlthough life was tough, he never gave up and persisted in keeping his shop open.Personality Traits SociableHe could get along with almost everyone in his village whether they were children, adults or old people.Enhance Your Language AwarenessWords in ActionWorking with Words and Expressions1 In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary.。
【免费下载】大学英语综合教程第1册第2版 Unit1 5 答案

Key to Unit 1 Never Say GoodbyePage5 Text comprehension1.Decide which of the following best states the author’s purpose of writing.C2.Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1—5 T T T F F3.Answer the following questions1.What made the author’s grandpa cry sadly?The mere thought of his son’s death in that terrible war in Italy made him cry. 2.How long had Grandpa’s son been in the war?Three months.3.What is the implication of the author’s grandpa’s words “Never say goodbye”?They mean “Never give in to sadness”.4.What did Grandpa ask the author to do even if he and his friends had to part?He asked him to always remember the joy and happiness of the times when he first said hello to his friends.5.What caused the author to return to the old house?His grandpa was gravely ill.6.Why do you think the author’s grandpa smiled at him during his last moments?His grandpa must have felt greatly relieved when he realized that the author had finally found out the essence of his words.4.Explain in your own words the following sentences.1.Our big old house had seen the joys and sorrows of four generations of ourfamily.2.I planted these roses a long time ago – before your mother was born.3.Many son left home to fight against fascists.4.Take the first friendly greeting and always keep it deep in your heart.Page 6—9 VocabularyI.Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.1.When I was ten I suddenly found myself faced with the anguish of moving fromthe only home.2.…they all share the same characteristic: sadness.3.…in that place in your heart where summer is an everlasting season.4.Don’t ever let yourself overcome by the sadness and the loneliness of that word.5.Take that special hello and keep it in your mind and don’t ever forget it.II.Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in itsappropriate form.a.instead 2. Confronted with 3. lock away 4. welled up5. summon6. brief7. stared8.whispering9. evil 10. give inIII. Choose a word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.1—4 D B B B 5 – 8 A D B CIV. Fill in each blank with one of the two words from each pair in its appropriate form and note the difference in meaning between them.1.shudder & shakea.shakingb. shudderedc. shakingd. shuddered2.answer & reply1.answer b. reply c. reply d. answeredmon & generala.generalb. generalc. general; commond. common4.small & tinya.smallb. tinyc. tinyd. small5.Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in thesense it is used.IV.anguish: pain, grief, sorrow, agonyV.softly: loudly, harshly, roughlyVI.sadness: sorrow, grief, dismayVII.conspicuously: inconspicuously, unnoticeablyVIII.tiny: small, littleIX.part: meet, gatherX.gravely: seriously, severely, hopelesslyXI.brief: lengthy, long6.Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate form of the givencapitalized word in brackets.1.industrial2. description3. suspicion4.assistant5. unemployed6. proof7.examination 8. FartherPage 10—12 Grammarplete the following sentences using the simple past, past progressive orpastperfect.a.were bathing; were looking; were playingb.was sitting; was readingc.was leaving; was; arrived; learned; had left; found; had usedd.were playing; heard; hid; tooke.was cycling; stepped; was going; managed; didn’t hitf.gave; thanked; said; had enjoyed; knew; had not read; wereg.had played; reached; enteredh.was running; struckplete the following passage with the proper form of the verbs given.left; spent; had been travelling; appeared; was; were crossing; could; arrived; was sleeping; stopped; came; were getting; was; had not arrived; would beIII.Correct the errors, where found, in the following sentences.1.talked → was talking3.had remembered → remembered4.was working → had been working5.had resigned → resigned6.√7.√8.√IV.Fill in each blank with the proper form of the verb in brackets.1.take2. to play3. lifted4. barking5. played6.to say7. beaten8.bite; slither9. drop 10. lyingV.Rewrite the following sentences according to the example.1.Poor as/though he was, he was honest.2.Terrible as/though the storm, we continued our journey.3.Hard as/though he tried, he was unable to make much progress.4.Tired as/though I was, I went on working.5.Much as I would like to help you, I’m afraid I’m simply too busy at the moment.6.Much as I admired him as a writer, I do not like him as a man.7.Strong as/though he was, Tom couldn’t lift it.8.Bravely as/though they fought, they had no chance of winning.Page 13 Translation1.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.a)我十岁那年,突然要搬家,从我唯一知道的家搬走,心中痛苦万分.b)我们似乎有许多不同的方式说再见,但它们都有一个共同之处, 那就是令人感到悲哀.c)有一天,一场可怕的战争爆发了,我的儿子,就像许许多多的儿子, 离乡背井与极大的邪恶战斗去了.d)我在自己的心灵深处搜寻那些构成我们友谊的特殊感情.2.Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and phrasesgiven in brackets.1.He has prepared answers to the questions that he expects to confront during theinterview.2.His sad story touched us so deeply that we nearly cried.3.The two of them are walking hand in hand along the riverbank, chatting andlaughing.4.When he heard the exciting news, tears of joy welled up in his eyes.5.People from Shanghai can understand Suzhou dialect with ease, for Shanghaidialect and Suzhou dialect have much in common.6.Henry and his wife are looking into the possibility of buying a new house withinthree years.7.He finally gave in to his daughter’s repeated requests to further her education8.We locked all our valuables away before we went on holiday.9.Although we have parted from each other, I hope that we’ll remain good friendsand that we will care for and help each other just as we did in the past.10.At that critical moment, the army commander summoned all the officers to workout new strategies and tactics which would make it possible to conquer the enemy. Integrated skillsI.DictationThroughout history / the basic unit of almost every human society / has been the family. / Members of the family live together / under the same roof. / They share the economic burdens of life / as well as its joys. / The family head usually has considerable influence / in arranging marriages, / selecting careers / and determining all important moves and purchases / by any member of the family. / Particularly in conditions / where society or the state / does not give aid / and the responsibilities of the family are greater, / this large group / provides better protection / in times of economic or other emergency.II.Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.ter2.push3.what4.puzzled5.custom6.because7.hosts8.visitor9.table10.howeverListeningGifts and CulturesNarrator: In many countries, people give special gifts at certain times. Sometimes the customs seem unusual. For example, in Australia, a birthday cake for a 21-year-old is often shaped like a key. It means the person is an adult and can come home at any time. In parts of Africa, people give a cow as a wedding present, because they believe that a cow can bring good luck to the newly-weds. Before Korean students take university entrance tests, their friends give them sticky rice candy for luck. The friends hope that the students will pass the test and "stick to" the university. The following short conversations will tell you about different customs in China, Argentina, Switzerland, Italy and Japan.Number 1: ChinaWoman: Did I tell you I'm going to China?Man: China? Great.Woman: Yes. I'm going to Shanghai on business. I have to buy some gifts.Man: Good idea. What are you going to take?Woman: I was thinking of bringing some handkerchiefs. They're colorful, beautiful? also lightweight. I don't want to carry anything heavy.Man: Ah, I don't think you should give handkerchiefs. They aren't a good gift in Chinese culture.Woman: Why not?Man: A handkerchief is a symbol of saying goodbye.Woman: Saying goodbye?Man: Yeah, like when you're going away ... and people are crying, so they need a handkerchief. Actually, I've heard that one of the best things to give is a dinner -- not a present, but a big dinner. It's good for business.Number 2: ArgentinaWoman: This is interesting. Did you know that in Argentina you should never give clothing unless you know the person really well?Man: Don't give clothing? Why not?Woman: Clothing -- even things like ties -- are too personal. Only good friends give them. Man: Huh? I never thought of a tie as being personal ... just uncomfortable. What should you bring?Woman: I don't know. Maybe something for the house.Number 3: SwitzerlandMan: We're meeting Mr. Mertz and his wife for dinner. Maybe I should take flowers or something ... Yeah, I'll pick up some red roses.Woman: You'd better not give them roses. In Switzerland, they could be a symbol of love and romance.Man: Oh, I didn't know that.Woman: I think candy or chocolate might be better.Number 4: ItalyWoman: I'd like some flowers. Uh ... those. About ten, I guess.Man: Ma'am, I don't think you should give ten flowers. In Italy, even numbers -- 2, 4, 6, andso on -- are bad luck.Woman: Even numbers are bad luck? OK, I'll take nine flowers then.Number 5: JapanWoman: May I help you?Man: I'm going to stay with a family in Japan. I need to get something for them.Woman: Pen sets are always a good gift.Man: Oh, that's a good idea. Let's see ... There are sets with a pen and pencil ... and bigger sets with four pens.Woman: You said you're going to Japan?Man: Yeah.Woman: Don't give a set of four pens -- in fact, don't give four of anything.Man: Why not?Woman: The Japanese word for "four" sounds like the word for "death." It's bad luck.Man: Thanks for telling me. I'll take the pen and pencil set.Woman: Good choice. These sets make very good gifts. After all, pens write in any language! Man: Uh ... yeah. Right.Key Unit 2 The Fun They HadText ComprehensionI. AII. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. TIII.IV.1. Her mother asked the County Inspector to come over.2. The mechanical teacher worked out the mark very quickly.3. Tommy looked at Margie with an air which suggested he knew far better about school than others.4. A teacher has to make necessary changes about what to teach and how to teach so as to meet the needs of different pupils.VocabularyI.1. have finished reading2. by looking from behind his shoulder3. is capable of providing4. asked the Country Inspector to come over5. disassembled the machine / mechanic teacher6. didn’t like / want toII.1. in no time2. crinkly3. scornful4. neighbourhood5. awfully6. adjusting7. tuck8. nonchalantly9. punched10. fitIII.1. D2. A3. B4. B5. A6. C7. C8. BIV1. a. funny b. interesting c. interesting d. funnyFunny is a very informal word, focusing mainly on whatever results in laughter because of oddness, abnormality, or inappropriateness. Interesting refers to something that that attracts people’s attention, usually because it is exciting, unusual and deserves their observation and study.2. a. silent b. silent c. still d. stillStill, suggests an unruffled or tranquil state, and often refers to a moment of calm between periods of noise and movement, and during this moment there is no sign of activity. Silent simply means becoming speechless or being without noise; it does not necessarily suggest serenity or motionlessness.3. a. dispute b. arguing c. disputing d. arguingDispute is often used as a transitive verb, meaning to say that something is incorrect or untrue, to fight passionately for control or ownership of something. Argue usually refers to a reasoned presentation of views or to a heated exchange of opinion; very often when used intransitively, it is followed by prepositions like “with,” “for/against,” “about” etc.4. a. usual b. usual c. Regular d. regularUsual is applied to whatever recurs frequently and steadily, referring to natural happenings as well as to occurrences based on the customs of the community or the habits of an individual, while regular emphasizes a conformity to the established or natural order of things, referring to events that happen often, or events that have equal amounts of time between them, so that they happen at the same time, for example, each day or each week.V.1. Synonym: actual, genuine, true2. Antonym: moving, movable, mobile, restless3. Synonym: rough, coarse, uneven4. Antonym: like, love, enjoy5. Synonym: disdainful, contemptuous6. Antonym: inferior, subordinate, secondary7. Synonym: indifferently, coldly, coolly, casually, offhandedly8. Antonym: irregular, uncertain, randomVI.1. pointless2. reproduction3. unreliable4. generosity5. apologetic6. disobedience7. employer…employees8. encouragementGrammarI.1. the, the2. a3. a, a, /4. a5. the6. /, the7. The, the, /8. the, the9. a, a, a10. a, a, aII.1. /, /, /2. /3. the, /4. the, /5. /, /6. The7. the8. the, the9. the, /10. /III.1. light2. a noise3. very good weather4. bad luck5. president6. The vegetables7. war8. All the books9. coffee 10. poetryIV.1. /2. the3. /4. the5. the6. /7. /8. theV.1. A Briton falls to his death on the Matterhorn.2. An Olympic silver medalist dies in a crash.3. Callaghan recalls the British Ambassador from Chile.4. The army ends the chaos in the capital.5. A college student wins the first prize.TranslationI.1. 玛吉的爷爷曾经说过,小时候他的爷爷告诉他,过去故事都是印刷在纸上的。

You can think about it and let me know your decision later. 你可以把这事考虑一下,以后再把你的决定告诉我。 你可以把这事考虑一下,以后再把你的决定告诉我。 CF: reflect 所表示的“思考”含有这样的意思:被思考的 所表示的“思考”含有这样的意思: 事物是过去发生过的,或者是现在存在的; 事物是过去发生过的,或者是现在存在的;这个词一 般表示严肃认真地、静悄悄地考虑问题。例如: 般表示严肃认真地、静悄悄地考虑问题。例如: Take your time to reflect before doing important things. 在做重大的事情之前要从容不迫地思考一下。 在做重大的事情之前要从容不迫地思考一下。
Collocation: make away with make up make believe make out make of make off 携…而逃;除去,杀死 而逃;除去, 弥补; 弥补;赔偿 假装 书写;开列; 书写;开列;拼凑 了解, 了解,明白 离开; 离开;逃走
take sth. off (sth.): 1) lift and move sth. from (sth.) to another position 把你的手从我肩膀上拿开。 把你的手从我肩膀上拿开。 Take your hand off my shoulder. 2) deduct an amount of money from (sth.) 她和小贩讨价还价,直到他同意减了 便士 便士。 她和小贩讨价还价,直到他同意减了50便士。 She bargained with the trader till he agreed to take 50p off the price.
大学跨文化英语 综合教程I Unit 5 Giving and Receiving 课后习题参考答案

Text AReading Comprehension2. 1) C 2) A 3) C 4) D 5) D3. 1) A 2) B 3) B 4) A 5) ALanguage Practice1. 1) guilty译文:有时候我对花时间玩游戏感到非常内疚。
2) further译文:她接受了这项新工作以进一步发展她的事业。
3) foster译文:我们努力在这个部门创造一个开放的交流环境。
4) privileged译文:最后,请允许我再说一遍,此次访问贵国,我们感到特别的愉快和荣幸。
5) remarked译文:所有的朋友都在戏谑地谈论着他结婚后发生的变化。
6) awareness译文:政府正努力提升公众的环保意识。
7) carefree译文:我怀念我们一起泡酒吧的那些无忧无虑的日子。
8) lack译文:因为缺氧,他们夜里无法入睡,还要忍受疼痛的煎熬。
9) accomplish译文:我们现在正让员工寻找达成目标的最好方法。
10) passionate译文:尽管薪酬很低,他对自己的工作仍充满热情。
11) blame译文:经济危机不能全怪政府。
12) comprehend译文:他看起来还不了解情况的严重性。
13) burden译文:不要紧张。
14) uncertainty译文:因为有这么多的不确定性,现在还远不是启动这个项目的好时机。
15) entirely译文:我们不会做任何决定。
2. 1) A 2) B 3) B 4) D 5) C 6) C 7) D 8) A 9) B 10) B3. 1) with identify with 认同2) in be in a position to do sth. 能够做某事3) on down on one’s luck 运气不好4) on have an impact on 对……产生影响5) in involvement in 参与4. 1) overcrowded 过度拥挤的2) superpowers 超级大国3) outnumber (数量上)超过4) extracurricular 课外的5) hyperlink 超链接6) byproducts 副产品7) extrasolar 太阳系之外的8) overload 超负荷5. 注解:本单元的语法内容有关情态动词表示推测,主要关注must和may,以及不同时态下表示推测的方式。
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Text ComprehensionI.BII.T T F T TIII.1.Refer to Paragraphs 4,9,12. They are, first, to stand firmly foryour convictions in the face of personal pressure; second, always to give others credit that is rightfully theirs; and third, to be honest and open about what you really are2.Refer to Paragraph 8. the author concludes that you can’t give inwhen you know you are right.3.Refer to Paragraph 9. This example shows that you should appreciateand accept those who are smarter and brighter than you are.4.Refer to Paragraph 12. They usually rely on external factors. Theydo so because, neglecting the development of their inner value and personal growth, only their looks or status can make them feel good.5.Refer to Paragraph 14 They are self-respect and a clear conscience.6.Refer to the last paragraph. A life of principle will always winthe day without succumbing to the seductive sirens of an easy morality, and will take you forward into the 21st century without having to check your tracks in a rearview mirror.IV. 1. Integrity means having one’s own norms and rules of judging what is right, what is wrong, which one should not give up for immediate personal advantages. o2. Integrity is rare at present.3. An explanation was given for how all instruments and material wereused and located during an operation.4. When you are right, you should insist.5. Unavoidably they will do everything possible to keep their looks andstatus.Vocabulary exercisesI. 1. that is current2. difficult to find or obtain3. make an effort to attain4. Insist on/ Stick to; despite/when faced with5. Always recognize and praise rightly other s’ achievement6. behave in a way that is natural, or normalII. 1. appointed 2. politically 3. account for 4.succumbed to5. ensured6. instinctively7. tough8. object9. challenge 10. seductiveIII. D A B C B A C AIV. 1. Morality; morality; ethics; ethics2. demands; asked; asking; demanded3. real; genuine; real; genuine4. preserve; preserve; save; saveV.1. truthful, upright, frank2. outer, external, exterior3. rare, uncommon, scant4. fire, sack, dismiss5. resolutely, determinedly, unyieldingly6. fearless, dauntless, brave, bold7. unpleasant, disagreeable8. unfashionable, old-fashioned, outdatedVI.1. inexperienced2. rightful3. impoliteness4. handful5. heady6. straightening7. sleepy8. beggarGrammar exercisesI.1. Giving instruction.2. Expressing a wish.3. Making a suggestion.4. Giving an order.5. Giving an order and expressing anger.6. Inviting.7. Warning.8. Forbidding.II.1.Take a break.2.Let’s not stay here any longer.3.Stop criticizing others.4.Have another biscuit, please.5.In this play you be the princess and I be the witch.6.Go and buy yourself a new pair of shoes.7.Don’t you ever be late again!/Never be late again.8.Let us never forget the brave men and women who made the ultimatesacrifice.III.1. will/ can/ can’t you2. will/won’t you3. will you4. shall we5. will/could/can you6. will/won’t/can’t you7. will you8. shall weIV. 3 5 4 8 7 2 1 6V.1. another2. another3. others4. other5. another6. the other7. the others 8. another, othersVI.And that is exactly what her parents expected her to be--- a world-famous ballerina.Translation exercisesI.1. 人的一生就像被刚降下的雪覆盖的田野,无论在哪儿走过都会留下自己的足迹。
2. 他们本能地明白:为人正直意味着具有个人道德和伦理的标准,那就是决不迁就权宜之计,也不为眼前的形势所左右。
3. 那些缺乏真正的根本价值观的人依赖于外因---自己的长相或地位---以获得良好的自我感觉。
4. 为人正直就意味着凡事都因其正确而为之,并非仅仅是为了赶时髦或趋炎附势。
II.1) That psychiatrist, who had talked about his patients, was charged with violating professional ethics.2) Hanging on the walls of the classroom are some famous sayings, which inspire and urge people to exert themselves.3) All kinds of commodities are available (to you). Nothing is in short supply.4) We all trust the president of the board of directors, who is a man of absolute integrity.5) Before we vote for him, we want to know what he stands for.6) The defendant couldn’t account for the fact that the money was found in his house.7) When I saw that he was right, I had to back down.8) She has been appointed sales manager, for she is both clever and diligent.9) One of the biggest challenges faced by the present government is that of creating more jobs.10) The enemy succumbed soon after our soldiers stormed its stronghold.Exercises for integrated skillsI.In order to learn to be one’s true self, it is necessary to obtaina wide and extensive knowledge of what has been said and done in the world;critically to inquire into it; carefully to consider it; clearly to analyze it; and earnestly to carry it out.It matters not what you learn, but when you once learn a thing, you must never give it up until you have thoroughly understand it. It matters not what you try to think of, but when you once try to think of a thing, you must never give it up until you have done it thoroughly and well.If another man succeeds by one effort, you will use a hundred efforts.If another man succeeds by ten efforts, you will use a thousand.II. how, based, leads, chose, discoveries, responses, what(ever), state, direct, BecauseWriting1.Although commercials are necessary for business, they can be annoyingto the public.2.Health is above wealth because the latter cannot give so much happinessas the former.3.The manager wrote down the name of the new software for fear that heshould/would forget it.4.He still won the game even though he had broken his wrist.5.My teacher seems to have a ready-made answer, no matterwhen/whenever/every time I ask him.6.No matter how/however much money you are making, you will never be ableto buy your time back.7.One can not learn a foreign language well unless he studies hard.8.The lecturer raised his voice so that/in order that we could hear himclearly.9.People do not know the value of health until they lose it.10.Just as one cannot judge a person by his appearance, so one cannot judgea book by its cover.。