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48 % 44 %
59 %
Purpose of Investment Support 投资支持设立的目 的 To provide good sales and finance environment, and assist DS dealers to shorten the period of return of investment on DS Store project. 经销商提供良好的销售及财 务环境,协助经销商提高DS Store项目投资回报率并缩 短投资回报期限。 CAPSA
4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 A Class 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 A Class DS B Class C Class 22.22% 20.00% 8 B Class C Class 45.00% 15 12 38.46% 13 40.00% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% 3.2 8.57% 3.5 8.57% 3.2 3.5 8.57% 3.2 3.5 9.00% 8.00% 7.00% 6.00% 5.00% 4.00% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% Cost per M² KRMB 每平方米成本 (千人民币) 6000 5000 4300 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 A Class Investment Cost MRMB 投资成本(百 万人民币) Current 现行标准 Orginal 初始标准 Decrease % 成本减少率 B Class C Class 23.21% 2200 13.95% 4300 3700 3700 5600 40.54% 45.00% 40.00% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% Current 现行标准 Orginal 初始标准 Decrease % 成本减少率 Size M² 平方米
A级店进场台次(台) A level Entrance(unit)
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 28 14 2012进场台次 2013进场台次 2012 Entrance 2013 Entrance 88 49% 50 48% 46% 44% A level Entrance % on BP A级店进场台次占 BP比 50% 54% 52% Nanjing Entrance 南京进场台次 57% 56% 58% A level BP Entrance进场台次 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 17 67 20% 37 10% 6 2013进场台次 2013 Entrance 0% A level Entrance % on BP A级店进场台次占 BP比
顾客折扣大于预期 , 影响销售收入 Discount to customer is higher than BP forecast which impacts on sales income. BP 预测2012年不给予客户折扣,但南京和无锡都给予了客户折扣, 分别是0.33和0.5百万人民 币。2013年,BP预测A级店和B级店给予顾客折扣是1.29和0.97百万元。实际上,南京和无锡的客 户折扣分别是1.86和1.21百万元人民币,均高于BP预测.BP forecast that dealer will not give discount to customer in the first operation year. In 2012, both Nanjing and Wuxi gave discount to customer, which are respectively 0.33 and 0.5 MRMB. In 2013, Nanjing and Wuxi provide customer higher discount than BP forecast, which are respectively 1.96 MRMB and 0.89 MRMB.
B级店进场台次(台) B level Entrance(unit)
60% 54%
40% 36% 30%
A level BP Entrance 进场台次
A级店顾客折扣 A level Discount to customer
1.86 2012顾客折扣2012 Discount to Customer
B级店顾客折扣 B level discount to customers
1.4 1.21 1 0.97 0.6 0.5 2012顾客折扣2012 Discount to Customer
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
Current 现行标准
Orginal 初始标准 Decrease % 成本减少率


After some experience with existing DS store, the new policy on DS Store’s investment cost and size has been introduced in February 2013. The major change of the new policy is the size-down of the DS store while the standard of DS store remains the same 在经历部分DS Store的 经验后,在2013年的2月推出了关于DS Store新的投资 及规模的政策,新政策的主要变化在于DS Store在规模 上的缩小然而DS Store的规模并没有因此而降低 Size of the DS Store has been decreased significantly as much as 40% DS Store的规 模大幅度的降低最高达到40% Cost per M² has been decreased by 8.57% compares to original standard 每平方木的成本 CAPSA 相比原来降低了8.57%
Main factors have impacts on the dealer profitability
Investment cost on DS Store DS Store 的投资 Launching support and investment support 开业支持及投资支持 ① ② ③ New Car Sales Activity 新车销售业务 Sales volume and income 销量及收入 Discount to customer 客户折扣 Gross margin on new car 新车销售毛利
Factors to affect dealer profitability— Gross Margin from New Car Sales 影响经销商盈利的因素--新车销售毛利
• 较大的客户折扣降低了新车销售毛利率。2012年,南京和无锡的销售毛利分别是-0.71%和 2.5%。2013年,此两家的新车销售毛利仅为3.04%和3.68%,远低于预期。Higher discount to customer and lower vehicles sales margin. In 2012, vehicles sales margin of Nanjing and Wuxi were respectively -0.71% and 2.5%. In 2013, vehicles sales margin of Nanjing and Wuxi are 3.04% and 3.68%.
Factors affect dealer profitability -Sales volume 影响经销商盈利的因素--销量
销量远低于预期 Sales volumes is lower than BP forecast 2012年,南京大道和无锡鸿达的销量分别只达到预期的49%和36%。2013年,销量有所上升但仍 与预期有差距,2013年此两家店的销量分别是预期的58%以及61%。In 2012, sales of Nanjing and Wuxi are 49% and 36% respectively of BP forecast. In 2013, sales has risen but it still has large gap with BP forecast
Aftersales Activity 售后服务业务 ① Entrance 进场台次 ② Aftersales income and gross margin 售后收入及毛利
Decreased investment cost & size on DS Store
降低的DS Store投资及规模
1.5 1.29 1
0.5 0 A level BP A级预测 0.33 Nanjing南京 2013顾客折扣2013 Discount to Customer
0.2 0 -0.2 B level BP B级预测 Wuxi 无锡
2013顾客折扣2013 Discount to Customer
A级店销量对比 Comparison of sales for A level
A level BP A级预测 400 58% 56% 200 200 49% 68 44% 2012 DS 2013 52% Nanjing南京 % on BP 实际销量占预测% 60% 300
B级店销量对比 Comparison of Sales for B level
B level BP B级预测 Wuxi无锡 % on BP 实际销量占预测% 61% 252 50%
153 300 100 174 48% 36% 25%
139 0
2012 2013
Factors to affect dealer profitability—Discount to customer 影响经销商盈利的因素--顾客折扣
Launching Support+ Investment support 开业支持+投资支持
Purpose of Launching Support 开业支持基金设立 的目的: To support DS dealers to enhance DS brand awareness and boost sales 支持经销商在最短的 时间内建立DS品牌知名度, 促进地区销售量
Factors to affect dealer profitability—Aftersales Entrance 差异的主要影响因素---售后进场台次
售后服务进场台次收入低于预期。 Aftersales entrance is lower than BP forecast which impact on aftersales income. 销量不佳影响进场台次。2012年,南京的进场台次只有预测的49%,无锡的进场台次只有36%。 2013年,南京和无锡的进场台次分别是预测的49%和36%。Unfavorable sales performance impact s on aftersales entrance. In 2012, entrance of Nanjing and Wuxi are respectively 36% and 53% of BP forecast. In 2013, entrance of these 2 dealers are 57% and 54% of BP.