(汽车行业)汽车悬架设计论文轻型汽车悬架设计THE DESIGN OF A LIGHT TRUCK`S SUSPENSION2009 年6月摘要本文主要研究轻型货车的前后悬架设计分析方法,以及悬架运动与前轮定位参数的变化关系。
关键词:麦弗逊悬架动态特性AbstractThis article is mainly about to study the method of designing a light truck’s front and back suspension, also the article analyze the relation between suspension movement and front wheel alignment parameters.First, it designs the scheme of whole car based on the four parameters which was already been given, this including the whole car’s size parameters, weight parameters, and property parameters. we may choose those parameters refer to national standards or some relative experience parameters. we may also do some work to prove the chosen was correct after those parameters being chosen, as to make every parameters meet the basic demand of every property. when the whole car schemes were already designed, it then comes to choose the scheme of the front and back suspensions, and in this design, we use McPherson type front suspension, Back suspension’s steel spings.and then, we choose the suspension’s property paremeters,including front and back suspension’s frequency, relative viscosity,unsprung mass and roll center height, roll angular rigidity which effect the car’s controllability and stability,besides,we also choose the trim center height which effect the car’s longitudinal control lability. After these basic parameters were chosen, we comes on to calculate the spring of the suspension,(spiral spring in front suspension, leaf spring in back suspension),and the calculation including checking both the springs` stiffness and strength, as to make the spring designed to meet the demand offrequency. And next comes to design the control bars of the front independent suspension, it contains to design the roll center height an trim center height and the locations of the main controlbar.Then,we design shock absorbers to match with the front and the back suspension, including calculate the size of the absorbers and also check the absorbers to see if it meets the demand of strength. Since McPherson type front suspension is lack of roll angular ri gidity, in order to meet the property demands of car’s under steer speciality,Here it also designs a anti-roll bar to improve the front suspension’s roll angular rigidity.As suspension’s kinematics character relates to a whole car’s controllability ,steering agility, ride comfort,tyre life and motion interference in the design of the whole car’s scheme. the kinematics character comes to be a very important question, to make a good suspension structrue,it needs to analyze the kinematics character of the suspension.And in this article, we uses Spatial analytic geometry to discuss McPherson type front suspension’s kinematics character. Because the method is able to use the whole car scheme design coordinate system directly, there is no need to transform the coordinate system. It is more convenient and easy to understand,so,it makes more actual application sense.key words:Mcpherson suspension kinematics character目录第1章绪论 (1)1.1 论文研究的目的和意义 (1)1.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势 (1)1.3 论文主要研究内容 (2)第2章汽车的总体设计 (3)2.1设计参数与设计目标 (3)2.2汽车形式的选择 (3)2.2.1 轴数 (3)2.2.2 驱动形式 (3)2.2.3 布置形式 (4)2.3汽车质量参数的选择 (4)2.3.1 整车整备质量 (4)2.3.2 汽车的总质量 (5)2.3.3 汽车的整备质量利用系数 (5)2.3.4 汽车的轴荷分配 (6)2.4 汽车主要尺寸的确定 (7)2.4.1 轴距 (7)2.4.2 前后轮距和 (8)2.4.3 汽车的外廓尺寸 (8)2.4.4 汽车的前悬和后悬 (9)2.4.5货车车头的长度 (9)2.4.5货车车箱尺寸 (9)2.5 汽车主要性能参数的选择 (10)2.5.1 动力性能参数 (10)2.5.2 燃油经济性指标 (11)2.5.3 汽车的最小转弯半径 (11)2.5.4 通过性几何参数 (11)2.6 汽车发动机的选型与轮胎的选定 (13)2.6.1 发动机基本型式的选择 (13)2.6.2 发动机主要性能指标的选择 (14)2.6.3 轮胎的选定 (17)第3章汽车悬架的结构选型与分析 (20)3.1 悬架的设计要求 (20)3.2 悬架的结构形式分析 (20)3.2.1 悬架结构形式的分类 (20)3.2.2 悬架的组成及各部件作用 (22)3.3 前、后悬架方案的选择 (22)第4章悬架的设计计算 (24)4.1 悬架主要参数的确定 (24)4.1.1 影响平顺性的参数 (24)4.1.2 影响操纵稳定性的参数 (28)4.1.3影响纵向稳定性的参数 (31)4.2 弹性元件的计算 (35)4.2.1 前悬架螺旋弹簧的设计计算 (35)4.2.2 后悬架钢板弹簧的设计计算 (38)4.3 独立悬架导向机构的设计 (51)4.3.1 设计要求 (51)4.3.2 前轮定位参数与主销轴的布置 (52)4.3.3 横臂轴的选型与布置 (54)4.4 减振器的设计 (58)4.4.1 减振器相对阻尼系数 (58)4.4.2 减振器阻尼系数的确定 (59)4.4.3 最大卸荷力的确定 (60)4.4.4 筒式减振器工作缸直径的确定 (61)4.5 横向稳定杆的设计 (62)第5章空间解析法分析麦弗逊悬架运动 (63)5.1 悬架的数学模型 (63)5.2 利用数学模型求解车轮跳动时各定位参数的变化 (67)结论 (69)致谢 (70)参考文献 (71)附录一 (73)第1章绪论1.1 论文研究的目的和意义悬架是现代汽车上重要的总成之一,它把车架(或车身)与车轴(或车轮)弹性连接起来。
关键词:悬架;弹性元件;弹簧;缓冲块;减震ABSTRACTAutomotive vehicle suspension frame and axle or the wheel of all transmission between the general term for connecting devices, and its role is to transfer the role at the wheel and frame and between the torsional force, and uneven pavement from the buffer Biography to the frame or body of the impact, and the attenuation caused by vibration, to ensure the vehicle can travel smoothly. A typical structure of a flexible suspension components, shock absorbers and other agencies, as well as orientation of the individual block structure is also a buffer, such as horizontal Stabilizer. Elastic components and leaf springs, air springs, coil spring, as well as the form of torsion bar spring, and the use of many modern cars suspension coil spring and torsion bar springs, individual car use advanced air springs. Suspension performance is the impact of motor vehicles to motor cars and ride comfort, handling and stability and an important factor in speed. Therefore, the research vehicle vibration, the design of the new suspension system to the minimum level of vibration control is to improve the quality of Hyundai Motor important measures.The main problems discussed in this paper are as follows:(1)Front and rear suspension design of the structure, primarily determine the type of shock absorber.(2)The various dimensions of the suspension parameters were calculated and related parts of the size of the design calculations(3)The guiding mechanism of shock absorber selection calculations to determine the types of shock absorbers.This article is for light goods vehicles, front and rear suspension design and calculation, taking into account the comfort and cargo capacity.Key words:Suspension;Elastic element;Spring;Block buff;Damping目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)第1章绪论 (1)1.1 汽车悬架概述 (1)1.2我国汽车悬架发展的现状 (2)1.3 研究的背景及意义 (3)1.4 毕业论文研究内容 (4)第2章悬架的结构形式分析及选择 (5)2.1 非独立悬架和独立悬架 (5)2.2 前、后悬架方案的选择 (6)2.3 辅助元件 (6)2.4 本章总结 (7)第3章主要参数的选择 (8)3.1 选择的要求及方法 (8)3.2 悬架的静绕度 (8)3.3 悬架动挠度 (9)3.4 悬架弹性特性 (9)3.5 本章总结 (10)第4章弹性元件的计算 (11)4.1 钢板弹簧的布置方案的选择 (11)4.2 钢板弹簧主要参数的确定 (11)4.2.1 满载弧高 (11)4.2.2钢板弹簧长度L的确定 (12)4.3 钢板弹簧总成在自由状态下的弧高及曲率半径计算 (15)4.4 钢板弹簧的刚度验算 (17)4.5 弹簧的最大应力点及最大应力 (18)4.6 弹簧卷耳和弹簧销的强度核算 (19)4.7螺旋弹簧的设计计算 (21)4.7.1螺旋弹簧形式、材料的选择 (21)4.7.2确定弹簧直径及刚度 (21)4.7.3 其他参数的计算 (22)4.7.4弹簧的校验 (22)4.8 本章总结 (23)第5章减振器的设计计算 (24)5.1 减振器的分类 (24)5. 2 主要性能参数的选择 (24)5.2.1 相对阻尼系数ψ (24)5.2.2 减振器阻尼系数的确定 (25)5.2.3 最大卸荷力的确定 (26)5.3 筒式减振器主要尺寸参数的确定 (26)5.4 本章总结 (27)第6章导向机构的设计 (28)6.1导向机构的布置参数 (28)6.2 麦弗逊式悬架导向机构设计 (29)6.3本章总结 (32)结论 (33)参考文献 (34)致谢 (35)附录 (36)第1章绪论1.1汽车悬架概述悬架由弹性元件、导向装置、减振器、缓冲块和横向稳定器等组成。
Abstractsuspension assembly is one of the most important part of modern automotive, it links the frame (or Unibody) and axle (or wheel) . Its main task is to pass the effect of all force and torque between the wheel and the frame, and relax the impact load of the frame passed from rough road to ensure the normal running of the car. The article is to design the primary and secondary spring of rear suspension, and check the design to ensure the design meets automotive safety requirements. The design is first based on the vehicle rear axle load and non-sprung mass to determine the load of each leaf spring, according the different loads of full and no load to distribution the stiffness, while use the vehicle wheelbase to determine calculate the approximate thickness and width. Drawing method can be used to determine the length of each leaf spring. Finally, check the leaf springs to ensure it meet the requirements.Keywords: leaf spring; composite spring; rear suspension⽬录引⾔ (3)1.1 汽车的发展历史 (3)1.2 汽车的构造 (4)1.3 汽车悬架系统的作⽤、组成与分类 (4)1.3.1 汽车悬架系统的作⽤ (4)1.3.2 汽车悬架系统的组成 (5)1.3.3 汽车悬架系统的分类 (6)1.4 该项研究的⽬的与意义 (7)1.5 国内外研究现状、发展动态 (8)1.6 钢板弹簧 (9)1.6.1 钢板弹簧的基本结构和作⽤原理 (9)2 钢板弹簧的布置⽅案及材料选择 (10)3 汽车后悬架系统钢板弹簧的设计计算 (11)3.1 设计给定参数 (11)3.2 钢板弹簧主要参数的确定 (11)3.2.1 前后悬架静挠度和动挠度的选择 (11)3.2.2 钢板弹簧满载弧⾼的选择 (12)3.2.3 钢板弹簧长度的确定 (12)3.2.4 悬架主、副钢板弹簧的刚度分配 (12)3.2.5 钢板弹簧所需的总惯性矩的计算 (14)3.2.6 根据强度要求计算钢板弹簧总截⾯系数 (15)3.2.7 钢板弹簧平均厚度的计算 (16)3.2.8 验算在最⼤动⾏程时的最⼤应⼒ (16)3.2.9 钢板弹簧叶⽚断⾯形状及尺⼨的选择 (17)3.3 钢板弹簧的设计及校核 (19)3.3.1 钢板弹簧各⽚长度的确定 (19)3.3.2 钢板弹簧刚度的验算 (21)3.4 钢板弹簧总成在⾃由状态下的弧⾼和曲率半径计算 (23)3.4.1 钢板弹簧总成在⾃由状态下的弧⾼ (23)3.4.2 钢板弹簧总成在⾃由状态下的曲率半径 (25)3.4.3 钢板弹簧叶⽚在⾃由状态下曲率半径的计算 (25)3.4.4 钢板弹簧各叶⽚在⾃由状态下的曲率半径和弧⾼的计算 (27)3.4.5 钢板弹簧总成弧⾼的核算 (29)3.5 叶⽚端部形状的选择 (31)3.6 钢板弹簧两端与车架的连接 (32)3.7 钢板弹簧弹簧销和卷⽿的设计 (32)3.7.1 弹簧销的设计 (32)3.7.2 卷⽿尺⼨的确定 (33)4结论 (34)参考⽂献 (35)5 致谢 (36)引⾔1.1 汽车的发展历史⾃1886年世界上第⼀辆汽车诞⽣以来,汽车已经历了120多年的发展来历程。
关键词:悬架设计;钢板弹簧;平顺性;货车AbstractWith the development of the Automobile industry, people have been promoting the requirement for the safety and ride comfort quality of the vehicle. As a result, there is a higher demand on the suspension and the shock absorber system of the vehicle. The title of this thesis is the design of front and rear suspension systems of Fukudal truck.The front suspension system is the leaf spring, dependent suspension. The rear suspension system consists of the main spring and the helper spring and it is also the leaf spring, dependent suspension. In the procedure of the design we made certain the structural style of the suspension system in the first, then we made certain the main parameters. In the design of the front suspension we designed the leaf spring firstly, including the selection of section shape of leaf spring, material and allowable stress and the design of scheme, moreover the design of shock absorber. In the design of rear suspension we carried out the design of the main spring and the helper spring.In the final design stage, the MATLAB software is used to analyze the ride comfort of the suspension system by programming. The aim is whether suspension ride quality meets to the performance requirement. The results indicate that there is no uncomfortableness for the car on road. Therefore, it is helpful for the dynamical, economical and handling performances of the vehicle.Key words: Suspension Design; Leaf spring; Ride Comfort; Truck目录第1章绪论 (1)第2章悬架系统的结构与分析 (3)2.1 悬架的功能和组成 (3)2.2 汽车悬架的分类 (3)2.3 悬架的设计要求 (4)2.4 悬架主要参数 (4)f及刚度c (5)2.4.1 悬架的静挠度cf (5)2.4.2 悬架的动挠度d2.4.3 悬架弹性特性 (5)2.4.4 悬架侧倾角刚度及其在前、后轴的分配 (7)2.4.5 钢板弹簧结构 (7)第3章前后悬架系统的设计 (8)3.1前悬架系统设计 (8)3.1.1钢板弹簧的设计 (8)3.1.2.钢板弹簧的验算 (9)3.2后悬架系统设计 (12)3.2.1主、副钢板弹簧结构参数 (12)3.2.2钢板弹簧的验算 (14)第4章减振器设计 (16)4.1减振器分类 (16)4.2前后悬架减振器计算 (16)4.2.1相对阻尼系数和阻尼系数 (16)4.2.2最大卸荷力 (17)4.2.3工作缸直径 (17)第5章平顺性分析和编程 (19)5.1平顺性的概念 (19)5.2平顺性的评价方法 (19)5.3平顺性的分析 (20)第6章结论 (24)参考文献 (25)致谢 (26)附录Ⅰ:程序 (27)附录Ⅱ:外文资料 (30)附录Ⅲ:中文翻译 (33)第1章绪论悬架是汽车的车架与车桥之间的一切传力连接装置的总称。
【关键词】:麦弗逊式悬架;钢板弹簧整体悬架;设计计算;选型The design of Light passenger vehicle Suspension SystemAbstractTime of graduation practice problem is that the light saloon hangs to put up systematic design. As a result, Must satisfy several the following call for: Reliable , sturdy and durable, use cost comparatively low, the low grade is horizontal in oil being consumed being in in the homeland , the technology is horizontal for current main current. The design putting up therefore, hanging ought to select and use the mature technology , component and part , put "three into effect completely spending " principle , comparatively rational cost controls.Maifuxun style has had structure simple , compact independent dangerous rack , has occupied space waiting for a lot of merit for a short time , in modern light automobile to apply broadly. Because of this , this time, going forward designing that , that vehicle hangs to adopt the dyadic independent dangerous Maifuxun rack , rear overhang puts up adopt the dyadic overall of band spring rear overhang rack. Such designs that the angle still is from comfortable angle from economy being able to make this vehicle regardless of , can reach a comparatively ideal result.Graduation practice requires that comparatively, the vehicle overall plan demands , the design being in progress to whose dangerous rack secretly schemes against according to some. For the design setting forth the dangerous rack, process , specifications introduce that from designing that the process calculating the design to dyadic dangerous wheat rack has been in progress. Specifications has set forth dangerous rack middle key component and part first such as: Spiral spring , the design that the shock absorber waits for, choose a type and secretly scheme against; Have analysed the dangerous rack structure characteristic and the physics model moving a characteristic, and being that the basis has built the dangerous rack on this account then.Key words: McPherson suspension;The whole steel spring suspension; design and selection;目录中文摘要 (1)ABSTRACT (2)第一章绪论 (6)1.悬架的功用 (6)2.悬架系统的组成 (7)3.悬架的类型及其特点 (8)3.1非独立悬架的类型及特点 (9)3.2独立悬架的类型及特点 (10)4悬架形式的选择 (13)4.1总评 (13)4.2前后悬架的确定 (14)第二章悬架的设计计算 (14)1.悬架设计要求 (15)2.前悬架的设计计算 (16)2.1弹簧形式的选择 (16)2.2材料的选择 (16)3.弹簧参数的计算 (17)3.1圆柱螺旋弹簧直径d的计算 (17)3.2求有效圈数 (17)3.3其它参数 (18)4.弹簧的校验 (19)5.后悬架的设计计算 (20)5.1弹性元件的选择 (20)5.1.1加工要求 (20)5.2.2材料的参数 (20)6.钢板弹簧参数的设计计算 (21)6.1挠度的确定 (21)6.2各片长度的确定 (22)6.3断面高度及片数的确定 (22)6.4厚度的确定 (23)6.5板簧总成在自由状态下得弧高及其曲率半径 (23)7.钢板弹簧的强度校验 (24)第三章减振器的结构原理及其功用 (25)1.减震器的作用 (26)2.减震器的结构 (27)3.减震器的工作原理 (27)第四章横向稳定器的作用 (28)第五章麦佛逊式悬架导向机构 (30)1独立悬架导向机构 (38)2麦弗逊式悬架系统物理模型的建立 (40)结论 (42)参考文献 (42)致谢 (43)引言此次毕业设计的课题是轻型轿车的悬架系统。
关键词:1.5T货车;悬架设计;钢板弹簧Dgsign carry cargo car of light tack suspensionZhaowei(Vehicle Engineering 2009, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming Yunnan, 650224)Abstract:Automotive suspension is the frame and wheel axle or between all the force of the floorboard of the connected device, Its role is to transfer function between the wheel and the frame of torsional force and force.It is buffered by the uneven pavement on the body and chassis of impact, resulting in reduced vibration, to ensure that the car can run smoothly. The design is mainly 1.5t truck suspension design. My design is based Lifan LFJ3048 basic paramete, According to the requirements of truck suspension systems, suspension systems designed in line with national standard.Suspension design is mainly through the analysis of the main quality parameters of the car, and determine the structure of the original suspension system solutions.Select the leaf spring elastic element, has been calculated to determine the size and structure of the main leaf spring. Through the data to calculate and determine the structure scheme and main parameters of suspension,and using computer drawing drawings .In the design process is to consider the rationality of the design should also consider the simple, low cost factors.Through the calculated data show that suspension system meet the design requirements.Key words:1.5T truck;suspension design;plate sping目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)1概述 (1)1.1 悬架的功用和组成 (1)1.2悬架结构形式的分析 (2)1.3悬架的设计方案 (4)2 悬架基本参数的确定 (5)2.1固有频率 (5)2.2悬架的静挠度 (5)2.3悬架的动挠度 (6)2.4悬架的刚度 (6)2.5悬架弹性特性 (6)2.6后悬架主、副簧刚度的分配 (7)3 钢板弹簧的设计 (9)3.1钢板弹簧结构选择 (9)3.2钢板弹簧主要参数的选择 (9)3.2.1单个钢板弹簧承受的载荷 (9)3.2.2满载弧高 (10)3.2.3钢板弹簧长度L的确定 (10)3.2.4钢板弹簧片数n及厚度h的选择 (12)3.2.5钢板断面尺寸形状的确定 (12)3.2.6钢板弹簧各片长度的确定 (12)3.3 钢板弹簧的刚度验算 (15)3.4钢板弹簧总成在自由状态下的弧高及曲率半径计算 (17)H (17)3.4.1钢板弹簧总成在自由状态下的弧高3.4.2钢板弹簧各片自由状态下曲率半径的确定 (18)3.4.3弹簧的弧高 (21)3.4.4钢板弹簧总成弧高的验算 (21)3.5钢板弹簧的强度验算 (22)3.6钢板弹簧中心螺栓的选定 (23)3.7钢板弹簧衬套的分析和选型 (23)3.8弹簧夹箍的选择 (24)4 卷耳的设计 (26)4.1 卷耳形式的选择 (26)4.2卷耳的强度验算 (26)4.3钢板弹簧销的强度验算 (27)4.4叶片的端部结构 (28)5减振器的设计 (29)5.1减振器的分析和选型 (29)5.2阻尼器基本参数的确定 (30)5.2.1相对阻尼系数ψ (30)δ (31)5.2.2伸张行程的阻尼系数s5.3最大卸荷力F的确定 (31)5.4筒式减振器主要尺寸参数的确定 (32)6 总结 (33)参考文献 (34)指导教师简介 (35)致谢 (36)1 概述1.1 悬架的功用和组成舒适性是货车最重要的使用性能之一。
关键词:1.5T货车;悬架设计;钢板弹簧Dgsign carry cargo car of light tack suspensionZhaowei(Vehicle Engineering 2009, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming Yunnan, 650224)Abstract:Automotive suspension is the frame and wheel axle or between all the force of the floorboard of the connected device, Its role is to transfer function between the wheel and the frame of torsional force and force.It is buffered by the uneven pavement on the body and chassis of impact, resulting in reduced vibration, to ensure that the car can run smoothly. The design is mainly 1.5t truck suspension design. My design is based Lifan LFJ3048 basic paramete, According to the requirements of truck suspension systems, suspension systems designed in line with national standard.Suspension design is mainly through the analysis of the main quality parameters of the car, and determine the structure of the original suspension system solutions.Select the leaf spring elastic element, has been calculated to determine the size and structure of the main leaf spring. Through the data to calculate and determine the structure scheme and main parameters of suspension,and using computer drawing drawings .In the design process is to consider the rationality of the design should also consider the simple, low cost factors.Through the calculated data show that suspension system meet the design requirements.Key words:1.5T truck;suspension design;plate sping目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)1概述 (1)1.1 悬架的功用和组成 (1)1.2悬架结构形式的分析 (2)1.3悬架的设计方案 (4)2 悬架基本参数的确定 (5)2.1固有频率 (5)2.2悬架的静挠度 (5)2.3悬架的动挠度 (6)2.4悬架的刚度 (6)2.5悬架弹性特性 (6)2.6后悬架主、副簧刚度的分配 (7)3 钢板弹簧的设计 (9)3.1钢板弹簧结构选择 (9)3.2钢板弹簧主要参数的选择 (9)3.2.1单个钢板弹簧承受的载荷 (9)3.2.2满载弧高 (10)3.2.3钢板弹簧长度L的确定 (10)3.2.4钢板弹簧片数n及厚度h的选择 (12)3.2.5钢板断面尺寸形状的确定 (12)3.2.6钢板弹簧各片长度的确定 (12)3.3 钢板弹簧的刚度验算 (15)3.4钢板弹簧总成在自由状态下的弧高及曲率半径计算 (17)H.... 错误!未定义书签。
【关键词】:麦弗逊式悬架;钢板弹簧整体悬架;设计计算;选型The design of Light passenger vehicle Suspension SystemAbstractTime of graduation practice problem is that the light saloon hangs to put up systematic design. As a result, Must satisfy several the following call for: Reliable , sturdy and durable, use cost comparatively low, the low grade is horizontal in oil being consumed being in in the homeland , the technology is horizontal for current main current. The design putting up therefore, hanging ought to select and use the mature technology , component and part , put "three into effect completely spending " principle , comparatively rational cost controls.Maifuxun style has had structure simple , compact independent dangerous rack , has occupied space waiting for a lot of merit for a short time , in modern light automobile to apply broadly. Because of this , this time, going forward designing that , that vehicle hangs to adopt the dyadic independent dangerous Maifuxun rack , rear overhang puts up adopt the dyadic overall of band spring rear overhang rack. Such designs that the angle still is from comfortable angle from economy being able to make this vehicle regardless of , can reach a comparatively ideal result.Graduation practice requires that comparatively, the vehicle overall plan demands , the design being in progress to whose dangerous rack secretly schemes against according to some. For the design setting forth the dangerous rack, process , specifications introduce that from designing that the process calculating the design to dyadic dangerous wheat rack has been in progress. Specifications has set forth dangerous rack middle key component and part first such as: Spiral spring , the design that the shock absorber waits for, choose a type and secretly scheme against; Have analysed the dangerous rack structure characteristic and the physics model moving a characteristic, and being that the basis has built the dangerous rack on this account then.Key words: McPherson suspension;The whole steel spring suspension; design and selection;目录中文摘要 (1)ABSTRACT (2)第一章绪论 (6)1.悬架的功用 (6)2.悬架系统的组成 (7)3.悬架的类型及其特点 (8)3.1非独立悬架的类型及特点 (9)3.2独立悬架的类型及特点 (10)4悬架形式的选择 (13)4.1总评 (13)4.2前后悬架的确定 (14)第二章悬架的设计计算 (14)1.悬架设计要求 (15)2.前悬架的设计计算 (16)2.1弹簧形式的选择 (16)2.2材料的选择 (16)3.弹簧参数的计算 (17)3.1圆柱螺旋弹簧直径d的计算 (17)3.2求有效圈数 (17)3.3其它参数 (18)4.弹簧的校验 (19)5.后悬架的设计计算 (20)5.1弹性元件的选择 (20)5.1.1加工要求 (20)5.2.2材料的参数 (20)6.钢板弹簧参数的设计计算 (21)6.1挠度的确定 (21)6.2各片长度的确定 (22)6.3断面高度及片数的确定 (22)6.4厚度的确定 (23)6.5板簧总成在自由状态下得弧高及其曲率半径 (23)7.钢板弹簧的强度校验 (24)第三章减振器的结构原理及其功用 (25)1.减震器的作用 (26)2.减震器的结构 (27)3.减震器的工作原理 (27)第四章横向稳定器的作用 (28)第五章麦佛逊式悬架导向机构 (30)1独立悬架导向机构 (38)2麦弗逊式悬架系统物理模型的建立 (40)结论 (42)参考文献 (42)致谢 (43)引言此次毕业设计的课题是轻型轿车的悬架系统。
轻型汽车前独立悬架的设计分析 汽车毕业设计文献翻译
关键词:汽车;独立悬架;轮胎磨损;定位参数悬架系统原理Kaoru Aoki, Shigetaka Kuroda, Shigemasa Kajiwara, Hiromitsu Sato and Yoshio YamamotoHonda R&D Co.,Ltd.悬架系统虽不是汽车运行不可或缺的部件,但有了它人们可以获得更佳的驾驶感受。
关键词:麦弗逊式独立悬架,悬架,轻型车悬架,横置板簧┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊ABSTRACTAccording to learning the kei and suspension development trend, the main design on the suspension of the definition and importance of a suspension described the role and functions primarily on the type of independent suspension and tectonic particularly detailed introduced Macpherson independent suspension design process, in the spirit of the exercise smoothly vehicles meet the principles of the design of the independent suspension Macpherson various components, and the degree of there. If transversal leaf spring loaded design and calculation, horizontal designed to guide agencies conducted smoothly and analytical, Wang squatting length calculation and shock absorber design.The kei is belong to passenger car, but people regard its suspension as carriage suspension because of the kei widely applying to business commute and urban logistics, etc .Training is a perfect car for the car more difficult to achieve fuel, because it is necessary to meet the suspension of vehicle comfort, but also meet the requirements of the stability of its manipulation, and these two aspects are mutually antagonistic. For example, in order to achieve good sexual comfort, require a significant buffer car shock, which is designed spring-loaded soft farther, but the spring-loaded soft but easy to vehicle braking occurred "nod" and accelerate the "rise" and so serious adverse trends, to the detriment of the vehicle to easily lead to vehicle instability manipulation. How to handle the relationship between these areas before our designers have to face the problem .So if these meet the mission to design a harmonious suspension of a growing number of vehicles involved will bring great benefits. They will understand their outstanding suspension to the comfort of a good, and safe smoothly. I hope the design can satisfy all requirements.It is creativity of the design that it uses transversal leaf spring instead the coil spring at the Macpherson type of independent, to solve the problem of kei that lateral rigidity.The design drawings completed mainly by computer mapping, computer archiving, typesetting, printing out maps and papers. Also completed a number of English translation work.KEY WORDS:Macpherson type of independent suspension, suspension,Kei suspension,Transversal leaf spring┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊目录摘要 0ABSTRACT (1)第一章绪论 (4)1.1课题研究的背景和意义 (4)1.2悬架的现状及发展方向 (4)1.2.1悬架的现状 (4)1.2.2悬架的发展趋势 (5)1.2.3悬架的设计要求 (6)1.3麦弗逊悬架概述 (6)1.4麦弗逊悬架的应用现状与发展趋势 (7)第二章匹配车型选择 (9)第三章悬架的结构分析及选型 (10)3.1悬架的分类 (10)3.1.1非独立悬架优缺点 (10)3.1.2独立悬架优缺点 (11)3.1.3比较选型 (11)3.2独立悬架的分类及比较 (11)3.2.1双横臂式结构及特性分析 (12)3.2.2单横臂式悬架结构及特性分析 (12)3.2.3单纵臂式悬架结构及特性分析 (12)3.2.4单斜臂式悬架结构及特性分析 (12)3.2.5麦弗逊式悬架结构及特性分析 (12)3.2.6扭转梁随动臂式悬架结构及特性分析 (13)3.2.7比较选型 (13)第四章辅助元件的选择 (14)4.1是否需要增加横向稳定杆 (14)4.2 缓冲块设计 (14)第五章:悬架挠度f的计算 (15)5.1 悬架静挠度f c的计算 (15)5.2悬架动挠度f d计算 (15)5.3悬架弹性特性 (15)第六章弹性元件的设计及平顺性校核 (17)6.1板簧的布置方案 (17)6.2横置板簧主要参数的确定 (17)6.3前横置板簧刚度计算 (17)6.4板簧应力计算 (18)第七章导向机构设计 (20)7.1 导向机构设计要求 (20)7.2 麦弗逊式独立悬架导向机构设计 (20)7.2.1 导向机构受力分析 (20)7.2.2横臂轴线布置方式的选择 (21)7.2.3 横臂长度的确定 (21)第八章减振器的结构类型与主要参数的选择 (23)┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊8.1 减振器分类 (23)8.2 双筒式液力减振器工作原理 (23)8.3 减振器计算 (24)8.3.1 相对阻尼系数ψ (24)8.3.2减振器阻尼系数δ的确定 (24)8.3.3减振器最大卸荷力F0的确定 (25)8.3.4减振器工作缸直径D的确定 (25)第九章横向稳定杆的设计 (26)9.1 横向稳定杆作用 (26)9.2 横向稳定杆参数的选择 (27)第十章悬架的结构元件 (28)10.1 控制臂与推力杆 (28)10.2 接头 (29)第十一章车辆稳定性分析 (30)11.1前后悬架频率比 (30)11.2空载侧倾稳定性分析 (31)11.3满载侧倾性能分析 (31)11.4纵倾稳定性计算 (33)第十二章设计技术评价分析 (35)结论 (35)致谢 (36)参考文献 (37)┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊第一章绪论1.1课题研究的背景和意义随着汽车产销量的高速发展,国内汽车的保有量也达到了空前的规模,消费者在购车的时候也不再简单把汽车看成是面子工程,而是越来越关心其汽车的各项性能,尤其是汽车的操控性能受到了极大关注。
汽车悬架设计毕业论文汽车悬架设计毕业论文目录摘要............................................................ a 目录............................................................ I 绪论 (1)1.1汽车悬架概述 (1)1.2论文研究的背景及意义 (2)1.3 毕业论文研究容 (2)第2章汽车悬架概述 (3)2.1悬架基本概念 (3)2.1.1悬架概念 (3)2.1.2悬架最主要的功能 (3)2.1.3悬架基本组成 (3)2.1.4悬架类型 (4)2.2悬架系统研究与设计的领域 (4)2.3悬架设计要求 (4)2.4悬架的主要特性 (5)2.4.1 悬架的垂直弹性特性 (5)2.4.2 减振器的特性 (6)2.5 本章小结 (6)第3章悬架对汽车主要性能的影响 (7)3.1悬架对汽车平顺性的影响 (7)3.1.1悬架弹性特性对汽车行驶平顺性的影响 (7)3.1.2悬架系统中的阻尼对汽车行驶平顺性的影响 (10)3.1.3非簧载质量对汽车行驶平顺性的影响 (11)3.1.4改善平顺性的主要措施 (12)3.2悬架与汽车操纵稳定性 (12)3.2.1 汽车的侧倾 (12)3.2.2侧倾时垂直载荷对稳态响应的影响 (14)3.3本章小结 (16)第4章悬架主要参数的确定 (17)4.1 悬架静挠度的计算 (17)4.2 悬架动挠度的计算 (17)第5章双横臂独立悬架导向机构的设计 (19)5.1 导向机构设计要求 (19)5.2导向机构的布置参数 (19)5.2.1侧倾中心 (19)5.2.2侧倾轴线 (20)5.2.3纵倾中心 (20)5.2.4悬架横臂的定位角 (21)5.2.5纵向平面上、下横臂的布置方案 (21)5.2.6横向平面上、下横臂的布置方案 (22)5.2.7水平面上、下横臂摆动轴线的布置方案 (23) 5.2.8上、下横臂长度的确定 (24)5.3 前轮定位参数与主销轴的布置 (25)5.3.1主销偏移距 (25)5.3.2四个前轮定位参数的初步选取 (26)第6章弹性元件的计算 (28)6.1 螺旋弹簧的刚度 (28)6.1.1螺旋弹簧的刚度 (28)6.1.3弹簧校核 (31)6.2 小结 (31)第7章振器的结构类型与主要参数的选择 (32) 7.1 减振器的分类 (32)7.2 双筒式液力减振器工作原理 (32)7.3 减震器参数的设计计算 (35)7.3.1相对阻尼系数的确定 (35)7.3.2减震器阻尼系数的确定 (35)7.3.3减震器最大卸荷力的确定 (36)7.3.4减震器工作缸直径的确定 (37)第8章横向稳定杆设计计算 (39)8.1 横向稳定杆的作用 (39)8.2 横向稳定杆参数的选择 (39)第9章导向机构的仿真设计 (41)9.1 仿真设计及分析 (41)9.1.2前轮外倾角(camber)变化 (43)9.1.3前轮前束角(toe)的变化 (43)9.1.4主销倾角(kingpin)的变化 (44)9.1.5车轮跳动产生的转向角的变化 (44)9.1.6车轮跳动对轮距的影响 (45)9.1.7抗点头(anti-dive) (45)9.1.8抗举升(anti-lift) (46)9.1.9磨胎半径 (46)第10章CATIA三维软件绘图 (47)结论 (52)致谢 (53)参考文献 (54)附录 (55)绪论1.1汽车悬架概述悬架由弹性元件、导向装置、减振器、缓冲块和横向稳定器等组成[1]。
关键词悬架;振动;稳定性The Design Of Light Truck SuspensionAbstractSuspension fork is one automobile's important units on modern, it connects the frame and the car axle elastically. Its primary mission is transmits the all strength and the moment of force which function between the wheel and frame; Relaxes the impact load which from the road surface pass to frame , weakens load bearing system's vibration which from this causes, guarantees automobile's smooth running; Guarantees wheel has the ideal state of motion when road surface uneven and load change, guarantees the automobile's operation stability, causes the automobile to obtain the ability of high speed .The suspension fork is composed by the elastic element, the guide, the shock absorber, the cushion block and the crosswise stabler and so on .The suspension fork can increase pilot's comfortableness well, reduces the vibrate of automobile, and to go smoothly.Keywords Suspension;Vibration;Stability目录摘要 (I)Abstract ................................................................................................................ I I 目录............................................................................................................... I II 第1章前言.. (5)1.1 悬架研究的目的和意义 (5)1.2 悬架研究的目的和意义............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
力,Fr =K( - )。 此系统运动微分方程为
M +K +C2=K +Cq 由于汽车悬架系统的相对阻尼系数小,又阻尼固有频 率ω d比车身固有频率ω 0只下降3%,所以在此分析悬架系 统,车身振动固有频率按无阻尼自由振动情况考虑。 根据振动方程
M—汽车整车质量 H—汽车质心高度 m—汽车簧载质量 h—簧载质量质心高度
图2 车辆质心位置示意图
M×H = m×h+m1×h1
h =
,h0 = h-h1
汽车作稳态圆周行驶时,车厢侧倾角Ф 确定于侧倾力
矩MФ 与悬架总的角刚度CФ ,即:
X=Asin(ω t+θ )
=Aω cos(ω t+θ )
《汽车电器》2018年 第5期 37
Technical Communication
福克定理:F = -CX 牛顿第二定律:F = m
所以固有频率f0 =
式中:C——弹簧刚度;M——簧载质量;f——悬架 静挠度。
2 前悬架角刚度计算 1)前悬架侧倾刚度 CФF= Sf2 Cf 式中:Sf——前悬架系统弹簧中心矩;Cf——前悬架系
3 横向稳定杆角刚度计算 根据车辆布置空间设计的横向稳定杆的外形尺寸如图3
L 4段的弯曲位能是
《汽车电器》2018年 第5期 38
悬架系统是轻型越野汽车的重要总成之一,它把车辆 的车架与车轴弹性地连接起来,传递作用在车轮和车架之 间的力和力矩,缓和由不平路面传给车身的冲击,衰减由 此引起的承载系统的振动,保证车辆的行驶平顺性,保证 车轮在路面不平和载荷变化时,具有理想的运动特性;保 证汽车的操纵稳定性 , [1-4] 因此悬架系统的设计需满足车 辆良好的行驶平顺性及操纵稳定性要求。
车辆工程技术47车辆技术1 轻型货车悬架结构分析与选择1.1 独立与非独立悬架 通常情况下,独立与非独立悬架是组成汽车悬架系统的两种基础模式。
1.2 常见悬架及优劣势分析1.2.1 双臂独立悬架 该悬架又被称之为双A臂式独立悬挂,顾名思义其实由上下两臂交叉结合而来,所受到的横向力两臂共同承担,而支柱的作用是承载车重,所以总的来说该悬架的有着横向刚度大的特点。
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轻型悬架汽车设计论文轻型汽车悬架设计THE DESIGN OF A LIGHT TRUCK`S SUSPENSION2009 年6月西南交通大学本科毕业设计(论文) 第?页摘要首先根据设计给定的四个参数对整车进行总体设计,包括整车的尺寸参数、质量参数和性能参数,在选择这些参数的时候可以通过国家标准以及相关的经验参数得到,在选择之后进行了相关的验证,保证各参数能达到各项性能的基本要求。
所以为了研究悬架结构的运动学特性,关键词: 麦弗逊悬架动态特性西南交通大学本科毕业设计(论文) 第V页AbstractThis article is mainly about to study the method of designing alight truck’s front and backsuspension, also the article analyze the relation between suspension movement and front wheel alignment parameters.First, it designs the scheme of whole car based on the four parameters whic h was already been given, this including the whole car’s size parameters, weight parameters, and property parameters. we maychoose those parameters refer to national standards or some relative experience parameters. we may also do some work to prove the chosen was correct after those parameters being chosen, as to make every parameters meet the basic demand of every property. when the whole car schemes were already designed, it then comes to choose the scheme of the front and back suspensions, and in this design, we use McPherson type front suspension, Back suspension’ssteel spings.and then, we choose the suspension’s property paremeters,including front and backsuspension’s frequency, relative viscosity,unsprung mass and roll center height, roll angular rigidity which effect the car’s controllability and stability,besides,we also choose the trim center height which effect the car’s longitudinal controllability. After these basic parameters were chosen,we comes on to calculate the spring of the suspension,(spiral spring in front suspension, leaf spring in back suspension),and the calculation including checking both the springs` stiffness and strength, as to make the spring designed to meet the demand of frequency. And next comes to design the control bars of the front independent suspension, it contains to design the roll center height an trim center height and the locations of the main controlbar.Then,we design shock absorbers to match with the front and the back suspension, including calculate the size of the absorbers and also check the absorbers to see if it meets the demand ofstrength. Since McPherson type front suspension is lack of roll angular rigidity, in order to meet the property demands of car’s under steer speciality,Here it also designs a anti-roll bar to improve the front suspension’s rollangular rigidity.As suspension’s kinematics character relates to a whole car’s controllability ,steering agility,ride comfort,tyre life and motion interference in the design of the whole car’s schem e. thekinematics character comes to be a very important question, to make a good西南交通大学本科毕业设计(论文) 第VI页 suspension structrue,it needs toanalyze the kinematics character of the suspension.And in this article, we uses Spatial analytic geometry to discuss McPherson type front suspension’s kinematics character. Because the method is able to use the whole car scheme design coordinate system directly, there is no need to transform the coordinate system. It is more convenient and easy to understand,so,it makes more actual application sense.key words:Mcpherson suspension kinematics character西南交通大学本科毕业设计(论文) 第VII页目录第1章绪论 ..................................................................... . (1)1.1 论文研究的目的和意义 ..................................................................... .. (1)1.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势 ..................................................................... (1)1.3 论文主要研究内容 ..................................................................... . (2)第2章汽车的总体设计 ..................................................................... .. (3)2.1设计参数与设计目标 ..................................................................... . (3)2.2汽车形式的选择 ..................................................................... (3)2.2.1 轴数 ..................................................................... (3)2.2.2 驱动形式 ..................................................................... . (3)2.2.3 布置形式 ..................................................................... . (4)2.3汽车质量参数的选择 ..................................................................... . (4)2.3.1 整车整备质量 ..................................................................... .. (4)2.3.2 汽车的总质量 ..................................................................... .. (5)2.3.3 汽车的整备质量利用系数m0 .....................................................................52.3.4 汽车的轴荷分配 ..................................................................... . (6)2.4 汽车主要尺寸的确定 ..................................................................... (7)2.4.1 轴距L ...................................................................... .. (7)2.4.2 前后轮距B1和B2 ..................................................................... (8)2.4.3 汽车的外廓尺寸 ..................................................................... . (8)2.4.4 汽车的前悬LF和后悬LR ..................................................................... (9)2.4.5货车车头的长度 ..................................................................... .. (9)2.4.5货车车箱尺寸 ..................................................................... (9)2.5 汽车主要性能参数的选择 ..................................................................... .. (10)2.5.1 动力性能参数 ..................................................................... (10)2.5.2 燃油经济性指标 ..................................................................... .. (11)2.5.3 汽车的最小转弯半径 ..................................................................... (11)2.5.4 通过性几何参数 ..................................................................... .. (11)西南交通大学本科毕业设计(论文) 第VIII页2.6 汽车发动机的选型与轮胎的选定 ..................................................................... .. 132.6.1 发动机基本型式的选择 ..................................................................... .. (13)2.6.2 发动机主要性能指标的选择 .....................................................................142.6.3 轮胎的选定 ..................................................................... . (17)第3章汽车悬架的结构选型与分析 ..................................................................... . (20)3.1 悬架的设计要求 ..................................................................... (20)3.2 悬架的结构形式分析 ..................................................................... . (20)3.2.1 悬架结构形式的分类 ..................................................................... (20)3.2.2 悬架的组成及各部件作用 ..................................................................... . (22)3.3 前、后悬架方案的选择 ..................................................................... (22)第4章悬架的设计计算 ..................................................................... (24)4.1 悬架主要参数的确定 ..................................................................... . (24)4.1.1 影响平顺性的参数 ..................................................................... . (24)4.1.2 影响操纵稳定性的参数 ..................................................................... .. (28)4.1.3影响纵向稳定性的参数 ..................................................................... (31)4.2 弹性元件的计算 ..................................................................... (35)4.2.1 前悬架螺旋弹簧的设计计算 .....................................................................354.2.2 后悬架钢板弹簧的设计计算 .....................................................................384.3 独立悬架导向机构的设计 ..................................................................... .. (51)4.3.1 设计要求 ..................................................................... .. (51)4.3.2 前轮定位参数与主销轴的布置 (52)4.3.3 横臂轴的选型与布置 ..................................................................... (54)4.4 减振器的设计 ..................................................................... . (58)4.4.1 减振器相对阻尼系数 ..................................................................... .. (58)4.4.2 减振器阻尼系数的确定 ..................................................................... .. (59)4.4.3 最大卸荷力F0的确定 ..................................................................... (60)4.4.4 筒式减振器工作缸直径D的确定 (61)4.5 横向稳定杆的设计 ..................................................................... .. (62)西南交通大学本科毕业设计(论文) 第IX页第5章空间解析法分析麦弗逊悬架运动 ..................................................................... .. 635.1 悬架的数学模型 ..................................................................... (63)5.2 利用数学模型求解车轮跳动时各定位参数的变化 (67)结论 ..................................................................... ................................................................ 69 致谢 ..................................................................... ............................ 错误~未定义书签。