
第一题有harbinger这种词,词组有什么latch on to,keep up with这种。
六,作文(30分)Topic writing:which is more important in hunting a job? Social connections or individual qualifications?只需要300words。

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北京环球时代学校 globaltimesschool/ 英语专业考研 MTI翻译硕士 专四专八 汉语国际教育硕 士 日语专业考研等

复旦⼤学考研翻译硕⼠英语真题2015模拟题复旦⼤学2015年翻译硕⼠专业学位研究⽣⼊学考试初试模拟试题考试科⽬:211 翻译硕⼠英语Part I. Vocabulary and grammar (20’)Directions: There are twenty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B,C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET1. A violent revolution having broken out, all the ports of that country were laid under a(n) ______.A. boycottB. embargoC. embarkD. ban2. Since_________ can't work in the United States without a permit, so it is of great importance for them to present their credentials to the government.A. emigrantsB. expatriatesC. migrantsD. immigrants3. Most investors are taught at the very beginning that there is no place for __________in investment markets.A. feelingB. emotionC. passionD. sentiment4. I__________ my ordinary income by doing some part-time work.A. complimentB. ComplementC. supplementD. implement5. Before the statue could be __________to the United States, a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built.A. transformedB. transportedC. transferredD. transmittedA. imposedB. impressedC. compelledD. compressed7. Roger, who __________in courage, is highly respected by all his peers in the villages.A. boundsB. possessesC. declaresD. abounds8. The tourists are told that the remotest village in this area is only_________ by a river.A. accessibleB. availableC. obtainableD. achievable9. He__________ interrupted me by asking irrelevant questions.A. continuallyB. continuouslyC. consistentlyD. constantly10. Being a man of _________ and public spirit. Mr. Russell labored zealously to advance the interest of the community and was much interested in bringing new manufacturing interests to Waterloo.A. firmB. enterpriseC. companyD. corporation11. _____ out of taxi, he was seized by the police.A. To stepB. When steppedC. In his steppingD. On his stepping12. They are ______ arrive in time owing to the serious traffic jam.A. impossibleB. unlikely13.I didn’t know what to do but then an idea suddenly _____ me.A. happenedB. occurredC. enteredD. hit14. Why don’t you bring ______ his attention that you are too ill to go on working.A. that toB. this onC. it toD. one as15. I think there’s no comparison between the two cars, one _____ clearly far better than the other.A. beingB. wasC. having beenD. be16. When people do things wrong we should try hard to forgive them, as the idiom goes, “To ______ is human.”A. referB. conferC. deferD. err17. Although gaining a job as a real __________agent or broker may be relatively easy, beginning agents and brokers may face competition from well-established, more experienced ones.A. propertyB. estateC. houseD. assets18. The constitution of the State required that property should be __________for taxation at its market value.A. estimatedB. appraisedC. evaluatedD. valued19. On June 15, 1909, after Scott finished his rushed plans for his________ to the South Pole, he departed from England.A. tourB. voyage20. The government authority had to __________oil and other products so that it would not run out during war.A. shareB. fareC. provideD. rationPart Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(20*2’+5*4’)Directions: In this section there are five passages followed by a total of 20 multiple-choice questions and 5 short answer questions. Please read the passage and answer the question on the ANSWER SHEET.TEXT A“I'm a little worried about my future,”said Dustin Hoffman in The Graduate.He should be so lucky.All he had to worry about was whether to have an affair with Mrs Robinson.In the sixties,that was the sum total of post-graduation anxiety syndrome.Hoffman's modern counterparts are not so fortunate.The Mrs Robinsons aren't sitting around at home any more,seducing graduates.They are out in the workplace,doing the high-powered jobs the graduates want,but cannot get.For those fresh out of university, desperate for work but unable to get it,there is a big imbalance between supply and demand.And there is no narrowing of the gap in sight.The latest unemployment figures show that 746,000 of 18-24 year-olds are unemployed— a record rate of 18 per cent.Many of those will have graduated this summer.They are not panicking yet,but as the job rejections mount up,they are beginning to feel alarmed.Of course,it is easy to blame the Government and,in particular, the target that Labour has long trumpeted---50 per cent of school-leavers in higher education.That was not too smart.The Government has not only failed to meet its target—the actual figure is still closer to 40 per cent— but it has raised expectations to unrealistic levels.Parents feel as badly let down as the young people themselves.Middle-class families see their graduate offspring on the dole(救济⾦)queue and wonder why they bothered paying school fees.Working-class families feel an even keener sense of disappointment.For many such families,getting a child into university was the fulfillment of a lifelong dream.It represented upward social and financial mobility.It was proof that they were living in a dynamic,economically successful country.That dream does not seem so rosy now.Graduate unemployment is not,ultimately, a political problem ready to be solved.Job-creation schemes for graduates are very low down in ministerial in-trays.If David Cameron's Conservatives had a brilliant idea for guaranteeing every graduate a well-paid job,they would have unveiled it by now.It is a social problem,though a more deep-seated social problem than people perhaps realize.1.The author begins with an episode from The Graduate in order toA.support the fact that more women are working now.B.show that few graduates started working right after graduation.C.demonstrate that there were much fewer graduates than now.D.emphasize the sharp contrast between now and then.2.With regard to job opportunities for young graduates,the author soundsA.pessimistic. B.hopeful. C.indifferent. D.furious.3.The author is ____ the Labour Government's target:50% of school leavers in higher education.4.Which of the following statements about parents’ feelings is CORRECT?A.Working—class parents feel just as disappointed.B.Parents and their children feel equally disappointed.C.Middle—class parents feel more disappointed.D.Parents feel more disappointed than their children.5.Towards the end of the passage,the author implies thatA.there will be job-creation schemes for graduates.B.graduate unemployment is more of a political issue.C.graduate unemployment is both a political and a social issue.D.the Conservatives are doing far from enough to solve the issue.TEXT BNo matter how many times you have seen images of the golden mask of boy king Tutankhamen,come face to face with it in Egypt's Cairo museum,and you will suck in your breath.It was on Nov 4,1923,that British archaeologist Howard Carter stumbled on a stone at the base of the tomb of another pharaoh(法⽼)in Luxor that eventually led to a sealed doorway.Then,on Nov 23,Carter found a second door and when he stuck his head through it,what he saw was to stun the world.Inside lay the great stone coffin,enclosing three chests of gilded wood.A few months later, when a crane lifted its granite cover and one coffin after another was removed, Carter found a solid block of gold weighing 110kg.In it was the mummy(⽊乃伊) of the 19-year-old Tutankhamen,covered in gold with that splendid funeral mask.And all this lay buried for more than 3,000 years.Months after my trip to Egypt, I can relive the rush of emotion I felt and sense the hush that descended on the crammed Cairo museum's Tutankhamen gallery.Cairo,a dusty city of 20 million people,is a place where time seems to both stand still and rush into utter chaos.It is a place where the ancient and contemporary happily go along on parallel tracks.Take the Great Pyramids of Giza,sitting on the western edge of the city.Even as the setting sun silhouettes these gigantic structures against the great desert expanse,a call for prayer floats over semi-finished apartment blocks filled with the activity of city life.While careful planning for the afterlife may lie buried underground in Cairo,it is noise and confusion on the streets.Donkey carts battle for space with pedestrians and the only operative road rule is “might is right.”But it is a city that is full of life—from the small roadside restaurants to the coffee shops where men and women smoke the shisha(⽔烟壶).Donkey carts piled high with flat-breads magically find their way in and out the maddening traffic;young women in long skirts and headscarves hold hands with young men in open collar shirts,while conversations dwell on Kuwait's chances at the soccer World Cup.6.According to the context, “suck in your breath” means “feel a sense of ____".A.awe B.horror C.doubt D.delight7.Which of the following statements about the discovery of the mummy is INCORRECT?A.The mummy was first discovered by a British archaeologist.D.The masked mummy was covered in gold.8.Which word CANNOT be used to describe the city of Cairo?A.Crowdedness. B.Quiet. C.Noise. D.Confusion.9.Which pair of words/phrases indicates contrast?A.Gigantic structure;great desert expanseB.A call for prayer;men and women with the shishaC.Chaos;maddeningD.Coffee shops;pyramids10.What is the author's attitude towards Cairo?A.Positive. B.Objective. C.Negative. D. Not clearTEXT CBut if language habits do not represent classes, a social stratification in to something as bygone as “aristocracy” and “commons”, they do still of course serve to identify social groups. This is something that seems fundamental in the use of language. As we see in relation to political and national movements, language is used as a badge or a barrier depending on which way we look at it. The new boy at school feels out of it at first because he does not know the fight words for things, and awe-inspiring pundits of six or seven look down on him for not being aware that racksy means “dilapidated”, or hairy “out first ball”. The miner takes a certain pride in being “one up on the visitor or novice who calls t h e cage a “lift” or who thinks that men working in a warm seam are in their “underpants” when anyone ought to know that the garments are called hoggers. The “insider” is seldom displeased that his language distinguishes him from the “outsider”. Quite apart from specialized terms of this kind in groups, trades and professions, there are all kinds of standards of correctness at which mast of us feel more or less obliged to aim, because we know that certain kinds of English invite irritation or downright condemnation. On the other hand, we know that other kinds convey some kind of prestige and bear a welcome cachet. In relation to the social aspects of language, it may well be suggested that English speakers fall into three categories: the assured, the anxious and the in different. At one end of this scale, we have the people who have “position” and“status”, and who therefore do not feel they need worry much about their use of English. Their education and occupation make them confident of speaking an unimpeachable form of English: no fear of being criticized or corrected is likely to cross their minds, and this gives their speech that characteristically unself conscious and easy flow which is often envied.At the other end of the scale, we have an equally imperturbable band, speaking with a similar degree of careless ease, because even if they are aware that their English is condemned by others, they are supremely indifferent to the fact. The Mrs Mops of this world have active and efficient tongues in their heads, and if we happened not to like the/r ways of saying things, well, we “can lump it ”. That is their attitude. Curiously enough, writers are inclined to represent the speech of both these extreme parties with -in’ for ing. On the one hand, “we’re goin’ huntin’, my dear sir”; on the other, “we’re goin’ racin’ , ma te.” In between, according to this view, we have a far less fortunate group, the anxious. These actively try to suppress what they believe to be bad English and assiduously cultivate what they hope to be good English. They live their lives in some degree of nervousness over their grammar, their pronunciation, and their choice of words: sensitive, and fearful of betraying themselves. Keeping up with the Joneses is measured not only in houses, furniture, refrigerators, cars, and clothes, but also in speech. And the misfortune of the “anxious” does not end with their inner anxiety. Their lot is also the open or veiled contempt of the “assured” on one side of them and of the “indifferent” on the other. It is all too easy to raise an unworthy laugh at the anxious. The people thus uncomfortably stilted on linguistic high heels sowords and not matter …. It seems to me that Pygmalion’s frenzy is a good emblem m …of this vanity: for words axe but the images of matter; and except they have life of reason and invention, to fall in love with them is to fall in love with a picture.” 11. The attitude held by the assured towards language is ___. A. criticalB. anxiousC. self-consciousD. nonchalant12. The anxious are considered a less fortunate group because ___. A. they feel they are socially looked down upon B. they suffer from internal anxiety and external attack C. they are inherently nervous and anxious people D. they are unable to meet standards of correctness 13. The author thinks that the efforts made by the anxious to cultivate what they believe is good English are ___. A. worthwhileB. meaninglessC. praiseworthyD. irrationalTEXT DFred Cooke of Salford turned 90 two days ago and the world has been beating a path to his door. If you haven’t noticed, the backstreet boy educated at Blackpool grammar styles himself more grandly as Alastair Cooke, broadcaster extraordinaire. An honourable KBE, he would be Sir Alastair if he had not taken American citizenship more than half a century ago. If it sounds snobbish to draw attention to his humble origins, it should be reflected that the real snob is Cooke himself, who has spent a lifetime disguising them. But the fact that he opted to renounce his British passport in 1941 — just when his country needed all the wartime help it could get-is hardly a matter for congratulation. Cooke has made a fortune out of his love affair with America, entrancing listeners with a weekly monologue that has won Radio 4 many devoted adherents. Part of the pull is the developed drawl. This is the man who gave the world “mida tlantic”, the language of the disc jockey and public relations man. He sounds American to us and English to them, while in reality he has for decades belonged to neither. Cooke’s world is an America that exists largely in the imagination. He took ages to acknowledge the disaster that was Vietnam and even longer to wake up to Watergate. His politics have drifted to the right with age, and most of his opinions have been acquired on the golf course with fellow celebrities. He chased after stars on arrival in America, Fixing up an interview with Charlie Chaplin and briefly becoming his friend. He told Cooke he could turn him into a fine light comedian; instead he is an impressionist’s dream. Cooke liked the sound of his first wife’s name almost as much as he admired her good looks. But he found bringing up baby difficult and left her for the wife of hislandlord. Women listeners were unimpressed when, in 1996, he declared on air that the fact that 4% of women in the American armed forces were raped showed remarkable self-restraint on the part of Uncle Sam’s soldiers. His arrogance in not allowing BBC editors to see his script in advance worked, not for the first time, to his detriment. His defenders said he14. At the beginning of the passage the writer sounds critical of ___. A. Cooke’s obscure origins B. Cooke’s broadcasting style C. Cooke’s American citizenship D. Cooke’s fondness of America 15. The following adjectives can be suitably applied to Cooke EXCEPT ___. A. old-fashionedB. sincereC. arrogantD. popular16. The writer comments on Cooke’s life and career in a slightly ___ tone. A. ironicB. detachedC. scathingD. indifferentTEXT E Mr Duffy raised his eyes from the paper and gazed out of his window on the cheerless evening landscape. The river lay quiet beside the empty distillery and from time to time a light appeared in some house on Lucan Road. What an end! The whole narrative of her death revolted him and it revolted him to think that he had ever spoken to her of what he held sacred. The cautious words of a reporter won over to conceal the details of a commonplace vulgar death attacked his stomach. Not merely had she degraded herself, she had degraded him. His soul’s companion! He thought of the hobbling wretches whom he had seen carrying cans and bottles to be filled by the barman. Just God, what an end! Evidently she had been unfit to live, without any strength of purpose, an easy prey to habits, one of the wrecks on which civilization has been reared. But that she could have sunk so low! Was it possible he had deceived himself so utterly about her? He remembered her outburst of that night and interpreted it in a harsher sense than he had ever done. He had no difficulty now in approving of the course he had taken. As the light failed and his memory began to wander he thought her hand touched his. The shock which had first attacked his stomach was now attacking his nerves. He put on his overcoat and hat quickly and went out. The cold air met him on the threshold; it crept into the sleeves of his coat. When he came to the public house at Chapel Bridge he went in and ordered a hot punch. The proprietor served him obsequiously but did not venture to talk. There were five or six working-men in the shop discussing the value of a gentleman’s estate in County Kildare. They drank at intervals from their huge pint tumblers, and smoked, spitting often on the floor and sometimes dragging the sawdust over their heavy boots. Mr Duffy sat on his stool and gazed at them, without seeing or hearing them. After a while they went out and he called for another punch. He sat a long time over it. The shop was very quiet. The proprietor sprawled on the counter reading the newspaper and yawning. Now and again a tram was heard swishing along the lonely road outside.As he sat there, living over his life with her and evoking alternately the two images on which he now conceived her, he realized that she was dead, that she had ceased to exist, that she had become a memory. He began to feel ill at ease. He asked himself what else he could have done. He could not have lived with her openly. He had done what seemed to him best. How was he to blame? Now that she was gone he understood how lonely her life must have been, sitting night after night alone in that room. His life would be lonely too until he, too, died, ceased to exist, became a memory-if anyone remembered him. B. guiltC. griefD. compassion18. It can be inferred from the passage that the reporter wrote about the woman’s death in a ___ manner. A. detailedB. provocativeC. discreetD. sensational19. We can infer from the last paragraph that Mr Duffy was in a(n) ___ mood. A. angryB. fretfulC. irritableD. remorseful20. According to the passage , which of the following statements is NOT t rue? A. Mr Duffy once confided in the woman. B. Mr Duffy felt an intense sense of shame. C. The woman wanted to end the relationship. D. They became estranged probably after a quarrel.TEXT FMost people would be impressed by the high quality of medicine available to most Americans. There is a lot of specialization, a great deal of attention to the individual, a vast amount of advanced technical equipment, and intense effort not to make mistakes because of the financial risk which doctors and hospitals must face the courts if they handle things badly.But the Americans are in a mess. The problem is the way in which health care is organized and financed. Contrary to public belief, it is not just a free competition system. To the private system has been joined a large public system, because private care was simply not looking after the less fortunate and the elderly.But even with this huge public part of the system, which this year will eat up 84.5 billion dollars-more than 10 percent of the U.S. budget-large numbers of Americans are left out. These include about half the I1 million unemployed and those who fail to meet the strict limits on income fixed by a government trying to make savings where it can.The basic problem, however, is that there is no central control over the health system. There is no limit to what doctors and hospitals charge for their services. Over than what the public is able to pay. The number of doctors has shot up and prices have climbed. When faced with toothache, a sick child, or a heart attack, all the unfortunate person concerned can do is pay up.Two-thirds of the populations are covered by medical insurance. Doctors charge as much as they want knowing that the insurance company will pay the bill.The medical profession has as a result become America's new big businessmen. The average income of doctors has now reached $100,000 a year. With such vast incomes the talk in the doctor's surgery is as likely to be about the doctor's latest financial deal, as about whether the minor operation he is recommending at several thousand dollars is entirely necessary. The rising cost of medicine in the U.S.A. is among the most worrying problem facing the country. In 1981 the country's health21. To say that the Americans are in a mess, what is the problem?22. Why do doctors and hospitals try hard to avoid making mistakes because ?23. What do most Americans think about health in the U.S.?24. According to the author, what is the key factor in the rise of health cost in the US?25 What is the situation of medical profession in United States?Part III. Writing (20’)Some people see education simply as going to school or college, or as a means to secure good jobs; other people view education as a lifelong process. In your opinion, how important is education to people in the modern society?Write a composition of about 400 words on your view of the topic.参考答案:partⅠ Multiple choice(20’)1-5. BDDCB 6-10.ADAAB 11-15.DBDCA 16-20.DBBCDPart Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(60’)1-5 DADBC 6-10 ACBAB 11-15 DBDCB 16-20 CACDC21. The problem is the way in which health care is organized and financed.22. Because they fear to be sued by the patients.23. It must be a free competition system24. the lack of government control over the medical prices25. The medical profession has as a result become America's new big businessmen. Doctors trade their professionalism for financial benefitsPart III. Writing (20’)Education as a Lifelong ProcessWhen we talk about education, we can easily think of schools, colleges and young people. As a matter of fact, education is so important in modern society that it can be viewed as a lifelong process.Firstly, it’s the requirement of fast-developing society to receive education despite of your age. Our world is changing dramatically with the development of new science and technology. A person who completed his education at school in the 1970s or the 1980s may have encountered new problems when he is working now. The problems might have something to do with his major or other aspects. For example an accountant now must master the skills of accounting through computers, which is a basic tool for him, so he should also learn how to apply his job in a computer no matter how old he is. Secondly, education creates human character and moralities. Through education,youth may learn how to make contributions to the world. And the old may learn new things to enrich their lives. Through education, a healthy person can become stronger and a disabled person can have a new hope on his life. Man can find great pleasure in education. Thirdly, our modem society has provided everyone with the chance to receive education. As long as you wish you could get education by attending night-schools,adult colleges, training centers and even long-distance education through Internet and TV.In a word, knowledge is boundless, and life is limited. So education is a lifelong process.。

我的QQ 1900836625请注明14年翻译硕士考研全国158所翻译硕士院校翻译硕士考研真题我的QQ 1900836625

翻译英语基础:第一大题:完型,无选项,无首字母,15空,2分一个,讲得大概是人类祖先并非起源于非洲,而是可能从亚洲迁移而来的.EvolutionInto Africa – the human ancestors from AsiaThe human family tree may not have taken root in Africa after all, claimscientists, after finding that its ancestors may have travelled from Asia.By Richard Alleyne, Science Correspondent 7:00PM BST 27 Oct 2010While it is widelyaccepted that man evolved in Africa, in fact its immediate predecessors mayhave 1colonised thecontinent after developing elsewhere, the study says.The claims are madeafter a team 2unearthedthe fossils of anthropoids – the primate group that includes humans, apes andmonkeys – in Libya's Dur At-Talah.Paleontologistsfound that 3amongstthe 39 million year old fossils there were three distinct families ofanthropoid primates, all of whom lived in the 4area at approximately the same time.Few or anyanthropoids are known to have existed in Africa during this 5period, known as theEocene epoch.This could eithersuggest a huge gap in Africa's fossil record – 6unlikely, say the scientists, given the amount ofarchaeological work undertaken in the area –7 or that the species "colonised" Africafrom another continent at this time.As the evolutioninto three species would have 8taken extreme lengths of time, combined with the lack of fossilrecords in Africa, the team concludes that Asia was the most likely 9origin.Writing in thejournal Nature, the experts said they believed migration from Asia to be themost 10plausibletheory.Christopher Beard,of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, said: "11If our ideas are correct,this early colonisation of Africa by anthropoids was a truly 12pivotal event — one ofthe key points in our evolutionary history."At the time,Africa was an island continent; when these 13anthropoids appeared, there was nothing on thatisland that could compete with them."It led to aperiod of flourishing evolutionary divergence amongst anthropoids, and one ofthose lineages 14resultedin humans."If our earlyanthropoid ancestors had not succeeded in migrating from Asia to Africa, wesimply 15wouldn'texist."He added:"This extraordinary new fossil site in Libya shows us that in the middleEocene, 39 million years ago, there was a surprising diversity of anthropoidsliving in Africa, whereas few if any anthropoids are known from Africa beforethis time."This suddenappearance of such diversity suggests that these anthropoids probably colonisedAfrica from somewhere else."Withoutearlier fossil evidence in Africa, we're currently looking to Asia as the placewhere these animals first evolved."第二大题:阅读。

《翻译硕⼠X 语》重点考查考⽣的外语⽔平,总分100分;《X语翻译基础》重点考查考⽣的外汉互译专业技能和潜质,总分150分;《汉语写作与百科知识》重点考查考⽣的现代汉语写作⽔平和百科知识,总分150分。
(考试科⽬名称及代码参见教学司[2009]22号⽂件)三、考试基本要求1. 具有良好的外语基本功,掌握6,000个以上的选考外语积极词汇。
2. 具有较好的双语表达和转换能⼒及潜质。
3. 具备⼀定的中外⽂化以及政治、经济、法律等⽅⾯的背景知识。

1、词汇:多数是形似词,或同类型短语比较;2、改错:主题是关于“distance education”,具体内容大概是分析远程教育主要受众,还有怎么开展大概。
4、完型:我忘了=+=5、作文:命题作文《The Choice You Made Dictate the Life You Lead》400words。
二、翻译基础1.汉译英=70分【关键词:English Major,reader。
原文是《The Ideal English Major》,By Mark Edmundson。
由于目前国内研究生考试的难度水平大致还是处于中初级水平,因此基本上还是可以列出一个有效的资料清单:(1) 报考学校的指定书目(必备)(2) 历年的考试题目历年题是专业课的关键,而融会贯通则是关键中的关键。

这了“乐”和“追求享受”该不是一回事吧?(节选自杨绛《读书苦乐》)二、E-CThe rapid development of the technology has the important knockon effect on the audiovisual translation.New forms of translation are being created,two of which arefansubs and vedio games.Fansubs are(legally rather dubious)the practice of the ametur subtitles and distribution of film,TV series and other film extracts online. Fansubs are used for the mainly Japanese manga and animé.Fansubs are now being proliferated,due to the greater access to and affordibility of subtitle software.XX (2005)......of the addition of neologism and metalinguistic information......and the fact that little work has thus far been done in this area.Ametur translation is not confined to subbing--Harry Potter series appeared in unauthoritive written translation in several languages as German,a collective of fans translated the fifth volume in less than forty-eight hours.A French translation led to the ametur translators of allegead branch copyright.Vedio game is a blend of subtitles translation and games localization........subtitles, dubbing or both.Mangiron and O’Hagan(2006:11)call this type of activity“game localization”,......renaming the elements and characters,using,and delibrate choice of the nonstandard menting on the American version of the game Final Fantasy,Mangiron and O’Hagan(ibid:13)give the example of the weaponfūrinkazan (comprising the Chinese characters‘wind’,‘forest’,‘fire’and‘mountain’)that,is translated by the more concise Conqueror;for humorous(and,we can say, stereotypical)effect,a Cockney London accent is added to the speech of the merchant O’aka,who speaks with standard accent in Japanese.复旦大学翻译硕士研究生入学考试试题考试时间:180分钟命题时间:2015年11月29日试卷分值:150分考试科目:448汉语写作与百科知识一、名词解释1.牛顿;2.马丁·路德·金;3.《雾都孤儿》;4.《老人与海》;5.《格利佛游记》;6.欧洲之星;7.GDP;8.青蒿素;9.葛底斯堡演讲;10.工业革命;11.辛亥革命;12.全面二孩;13.科举制;14.诺曼底登陆;15.莎士比亚四大悲剧;16.中国古典四大名著;17.《独立宣言》;18.十三五规划;19.光伏产品;20.9月3日;21.文化大革命;22.大本钟;23.The Beatles;24.亚历山大·弗莱明。

复旦大学翻译基础科目英汉互译真题双赢Win-win安乐死euthanasia载人空间站manned space station试管婴儿test-tube baby试婚trial marriage闭路电视Closed Circuit Television收视率audience rating物联网Internet of Things; Web of Things水货smuggled goods外汇储备foreign exchange reserve拜金主义money worship禁飞区nofly zone可行性报告feasibility report劳动密集型产业labour intensive industryCPI消费者物价指数(Consumer Price Index)GNP国民生产总值(gross national product)SOHO在家上班族(Small Office/Home Office)non-proliferation不扩散inside trading内线交易;知情人交易anti-dumping反倾销stamp tax印花税industrial dispute劳资纠纷;产业纠纷installment payment分期付款human genome project人类基因组计划geothermal energy地热能desertification (土壤)荒漠化;沙漠化catch-22第二十二条军规Cyberspace网络空间;赛博空间2011广外联合国安理会UN Security Council海基会Straits Exchange Foundation大运会Games for university students上海公报Shanghai Communique儒林外史The Scholars国际先驱论坛报International Herald Tribune海关总署customs head office石油输出国组织OPECassociate press 美联社CFO 首席财务官凯程教育:凯程考研成立于2005年,国内首家全日制集训机构考研,一直从事高端全日制辅导,由李海洋教授、张鑫教授、卢营教授、王洋教授、杨武金教授、张释然教授、索玉柱教授、方浩教授等一批高级考研教研队伍组成,为学员全程高质量授课、答疑、测试、督导、报考指导、方法指导、联系导师、复试等全方位的考研服务。

上海复旦大学考研翻译硕士MTI复试面试真题及答案THE AUTHORITY OF SCIENCE VS. THE AUTHORITY OF THECHURCHA History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell(注:考题未给作者和出处)(The period of history which is commonly called 'modern' has a mental outlook which differs from that of the medi period in many ways. Of these, two are the most important: the diminishing authority of the Church and the increasing authority of science...)The authority of science, which is recognized by most philosophers of the modern epoch, is a very different thing from the authority of the Church, since it is intellectual, not governmental. No penalties fall upon those who reject it; no prudential arguments influence those who accept it. It prevails solely by its intrinsic appeal to reason. It is, moreover, a piecemeal and partial authority; it does not, like the body of Catholic dogma, lay down a complete system, covering human morality, human hopes, and the past and future history of the universe. It pronounces only on whatever, at the time, appears to have been scientifically ascertained, which is a small island in an ocean of nescience. There is yet anotherdifference from ecclesiastical authority, which declares its pronouncements to be absolutely certain and eternally unalterable: the pronouncements of science are made tentatively, on a basis of probability, and are regarded as liable to modification. This produces a temper of mind very different from that of the media dogmatist.(只翻第二段)参考译文一(回溯历史,所谓“现代”时期,其精神姿质,与中古时代迥异。

本文节选自《 瑞普·凡·温克尔》 ( R i pV a nWi n k l e) 。作者是华盛顿·欧文( Wa s h i n g t o nI r v i n g ) ( 1 7 8 9~ 1 8 9 5 ) , 美国浪漫主义作家, 也是一个纯文学作家, 他的写作态度是“ 为快乐而创造, 创造快乐” 。欧文的代表 作有《 见闻札记》 ( S k e t c hB o o k) , 这是第一部伟大的青少年读物, 也是美国本土作家第一部成功的小说。这 篇短篇小说, 《 瑞普·凡·温克尔》 便是摘自《 见闻札记》 。此书使他享誉欧美乃至世界文坛。 2 . I h a v e n e v e r h a dm u c hp a t i e n c e w i t ht h e w r i t e r s w h o c l a i mf r o mt h e r e a d e r a ne f f o r t t o u n d e r s t a n dt h e i r m e a n i n g . Y o uh a v e o n l y t o g o t o t h e g r e a t p h i l o s o p h e r s t o s e e t h a t i t i s p o s s i b l e t o e x p r e s s w i t hl u c i d i t y t h e m o s t s u b t l e r e 1
题1 .T r a n s l a t e t h e f o l l o w i n gp a r a g r a p h s i n t oC h i n e s e . ( 同济大学 1 9 9 9 研, 考试科目: 专业英语〈 含语言学与 英汉互译〉 ) 1 .Wh o e v e r h a s m a d eav o y a g eu pt h e H u d s o nm u s t r e m e m b e r t h eK a a t s k i l l m o u n t a i n s .T h e ya r ead i s m e m b e r e db r a n c h o f t h e A p p a l a c h a i n f a m i l y , a n da r e s e e n a w a y t o t h e w e s t o f t h e r i v e r , s w e l l i n g u p t o a n o b l e h e i g h t a n d l o r d i n g i t o v e r t h e s u r r o u n d i n g c o u n t r y .E v e r y c h a n g e o f s e a s o n , e v e r y c h a n g e o f w e a t h e r ,i n d e e d ,e v e r y h o u r o f t h e d a y ,p r o d u c e s s o m e c h a n g e i n t h e m a g i c a l h u e s a n d s h a p e s o f t h e s e m o u n t a i n s , a n d t h e y a r e r e g a r d e d b y a l l t h e g o o d w i v e s f a r a n dn e a r a s p e r f e c t b a r o m e t e r s .Wh e nt h e w e a t h e r i s f a i r a n ds e t t l e d ,t h e y a r e c l o t h e di nb l u e a n dp u r p l e , a n dp r i n t t h e i r b o l d o u t l i n e s o n t h e c l e a r e v e n i n g s k y ; b u t s o m e t i m e s w h e n t h e r e s t o f t h e l a n d s c a p e i s c l o u d l e s s , t h e y w i l l g a t h e r a h o o do f g r a yv a p o r s a b o u t t h e i r s u m m i t s ,w h i c h ,i nt h e l a s t r a y s o f t h e s e t t i n g s u n ,w i l l g l o wa n dl i g h t u pl i k e a c r o w no f g l o r y . A t t h ef o o t o f t h e s ef a i r ym o u n t a i n s ,t h ev o y a g e r m a yh a v ed e s c r i e dt h el i g h t s m o k ec u r l i n gu pf r o m av i l l a g e w h o s es h i n g l e r o o f s g l e a ma m o n g t h e t r e e s j u s t w h e r e t h e b l u e t i n t s o f t h e u p l a n dm e l t a w a y i n t o t h e f r e s hg r e e no f t h e n e a r e r l a n d s c a p e .I t i s a l i t t l e v i l l a g e o f g r e a t a n t i q u i t y ,h a v i n g b e e nf o u n d e db y s o m e o f t h eD u t c hc o l o n i s t s i nt h e e a r l y t i m e s o f t h e p r o v i n c e ,j u s t a b o u t t h e b e g i n n i n g o f t h e g o v e r n m e n t o f t h e g o o dP e t e r S t u y v s a n t ( m a yh er e s t i n p e a c e ! ) , a n dt h e r ew e r es o m e o f t h eh o u s e s o f t h e o r i g i n a l s e t t l e r s s t a n d i n g w i t h i na f e wy e a r s ,b u i l t o f s m a l l y e l l o w b r i c k s b r o u g h t f r o mH o l l a n d ,h a v i n g l a t t i c e dw i n d o w s a n dg a b l e f r o n t s ,s u r m o u n t e dw i t hw e a t h e r - c o c k s .

1/10【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 12015年考研指导育明教育,创始于2006年,由北京大学、中国人民大学、中央财经大学、北京外国语大学的教授投资创办,并有北京大学、武汉大学、中国人民大学、北京师范大学复旦大学、中央财经大学、等知名高校的博士和硕士加盟,是一个最具权威的全国范围内的考研考博辅导机构。
复旦大学(回忆+原题)翻译硕士英语1.填空题2.改错3.选择(多是基础的语法题)4.阅读理解4篇,20小题5.作文:language 题目自编,内容围绕language 的不同作用。
英语翻译基础1.词汇翻译Desertificationcatch-22non-proliferationCPIGNP2/10【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 2SOHOcyberspace industial dispute installment payment双赢安乐死载人空间站试管婴儿试婚闭路电视收视率物联网2.英译汉:说的是一个作家3.汉译英:是中国文化吸收外来文化的题目百科知识和汉语写作1.短语解释David Cameron论语莎士比亚神舟七号上海世博会G20(去年也考过)Euro TunnelDNA严复次级贷款君主立宪3/10【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 3Encyclopaedia Britannica奥巴马经济全球化Mayflowera nation on wheels全球变暖低碳经济科学发展观生态难民超级细菌蔡元培2.小作文两题可选第一题是写扩招英语翻译专业学生的申请书第二题是举办英语竞赛,向学生征稿的启事。

harbinger,latch on to,keep up with二、改错(10个,10分)给出的材料是关于语言的变迁,英语语言的词汇一直在演变啦被淘汰更新啦,莎士比亚如果还活着也会有多少单词不认识三、用所给词语的适当形式填空(10个,10分)orthodox,paradox,ethnic,convert,enormous四、阅读理解(四篇,20个,30分)第一篇关于杰斐逊和林肯总统的文学爱好之类的,喜欢读莎士比亚,什么戏剧,什么诗歌,结合他们的个人生活。
五、有选项完形填空(20个,10分)六、作文(30分)Topic writing:which is more important in hunting a job? Social connections or indiv idual qualifications?300words。
【357英语翻译基础】一、英译汉(出自Intelligent Life杂志2012年8月31日的文章The British Way with Umb rellas)One of the more prominent features of this sodden British summer has been the um brella, unfurled incessantly against the inclemency, and, moreover, starring in the openin g ceremonies of both the Olympics and Paralympics. The latter is a reminder that the u mbrella is unequalled in instantly conjuring the British character in nearly all of its aspec ts, including the comic, the cautious and the class-conscious, and as such has been utilis ed to fine effect by writers as various as Dickens (Mrs Gamp in "Martin Chuzzlewit"), D efoe ("Robinson Crusoe"), P.L. Travers ("Mary Poppins") and Brian Clemens (John Steed i n "The Avengers").Its adoption and popularity here is at once surprising and not. Obviously, and partic ularly recently, it does rain quite a lot; but why a country which has prided itself on n o-nonsense practicality should take to such a fussy piece of equipment rather than rely on hat and cape is not immediately clear.After all, it's difficult to imagine those brave British forbears at, say, Agincourt carry ing them (the longbow men in particular would have got in quite a tangle). Against that, though, is the example of Major Allison Digby Tatham-Warter at Arnhem, who carried one throughout the engagement because, as he explained, he could never remember pa sswords and the umbrella would make it perfectly clear he was British. The key here, I think, is that much proclaimed but elusive native quality, eccentricity. Nevertheless, the Major disabled an enemy armoured car on at least one occasion by poking his umbrella through a slit and blinding the driver.Even so, Jonas Hanway, the umbrella's populariser in Britain, did not have an entire ly easy ride with his novel contraption, having to endure "the contemptuous gestures of his shocked compatriots" as he strolled about London. It evidently cut no ice that he h ad come across the umbrella among rebellious and quite violent tribesmen in Persia. (In terestingly, some years ago, I encountered a Kurdish guerilla opposed to rule from Tehra n who, in addition to his Kalashnikov and bandolier, also carried a shortie umbrella tuck ed into his belt.)But, despite such heros as Major Tatham-Warter and John Steed, the umbrella has continued to have problems. For what impulsive, devil-may-care fellow takes an umbrella out with him in case of rain? What is prudence among women is pathetic among men. Not even Bulgarian brollies with poisoned tips have countered the image. I suspect, for one, that Hanway has left a long shadow: he was also a campaigner, writer and prolifi c pamphleteer who has been described as "one of the most indefatigable and splendid bores of English history".And, of course, there's class. Not a working man's implement, exactly. Even here, t hough, and as usual, you have to be careful with the nuances. A friend of mine (emplo ying an umbrella, as it happens) once encountered a grand acquaintance dressed in twe ed hurrying to his London home through torrential rain, and rather wet. "Why," asked my friend, pointing to his own, "no umbrella?" The man looked shocked. "What, with c ountry clothes?!" I, however, shall contine to use, and fairly often lose, one, fortified by a fine remark from Major Tatham-Warter when a comrade counselled caution against a concerted mortar attack: "Don't worry, I've got an umbrella."二、汉译英(出自《全国翻译专业资格考试指定教材英语笔译实务2级》Unit 13,《人间天堂杭州》)杭州是一座悠久历史的文化名城。

19.Euro Tunnel
20. the declaration of independence
22.Encyclopedia Britannica
23.a nation on wheels
三、大作文60分,是针对当前翻译界作品粗制滥造良莠不齐发表看法 800字。

There is an inn(hotle ) where I lived one summer,writing my book and observing the tourists .Torcello which used to be lonely as a cloud has recently become an outing from Venice.Many more visitors than it can comfortably hold pour into it,off the regular steamers,off chartered motor-boats,and off yachts,all day they amble up the towpath,looking for what? 我曾花费一年夏天的时间住在一间小旅馆写作,同时观察形形色色的游客。曾经孤独如一片浮云的 Torcello 最近成为从威尼 斯出发的短途旅游热点。游客之多远远超出了 Torcello 的正常接待能力:他们跳下定期汽轮、跳下租借的摩托艇、跳下豪华 游艇,蜂拥而至;他们整天都在运河边的小路上漫步,到底在寻找什么?
swan’s song
Sudan red dye 1
wet blanke
Hale Waihona Puke town-gown community 等。
A canal and a path lead from the lagoon to the village;the vineyards are intersected (分隔的)by canals ;red and yellow sails (帆船) glide slowly through the vines.Bells from the campanile (钟塔)ring out reproaches three time a day ("cloches,cloches,divins reproches")joined by a chorus from the surrouonding islands. 一座运河和一条小道将泻湖和村庄连结起来;运河蜿蜒而过将葡萄园隔开;红色和黄色的船帆缓慢地穿梭于葡萄藤之间。钟 楼每天三次鸣响谴责曲,届时周围岛屿的钟声也会响起,组成一曲大合唱。

复旦英语考研试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The word "phenomenon" can be translated into Chinese as:A. 现象B. 现象学C. 现象论D. 现象界答案:A2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of English phonetics?A. Syllabic consonantsB. StressC. IntonationD. Tones答案:D3. In English grammar, the structure "Noun + Prepositional Phrase" is known as:A. Noun phraseB. Verb phraseC. Adjective phraseD. Adverbial phrase答案:A4. The sentence "He is a man of great learning" uses which figure of speech?A. MetaphorB. SimileC. PersonificationD. Hyperbole答案:A5. The phrase "break the ice" is an example of:A. EuphemismB. OxymoronC. IdiomD. Proverb答案:C6. Which of the following is a common English compound word?A. BlackboardB. GreenhouseC. RedwoodD. Blueberry答案:A7. The tense used in the sentence "I will have finished the project by the end of this month" is:A. Future PerfectB. Present PerfectC. Past PerfectD. Future Simple答案:A8. In English, the word "either" is used to indicate:A. Choice between twoB. All of three or moreC. None of twoD. None of three or more答案:A9. The word "unique" is an example of what type of adjective?A. SuperlativeB. ComparativeC. PositiveD. Irregular答案:C10. The sentence "She is the only one of the students who has been to Paris" uses the:A. Simple present tenseB. Present perfect tenseC. Simple past tenseD. Present continuous tense答案:A二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. The word "economy" can be spelled as both "economy" and _______.答案:economies12. The past tense of "begin" is _______.答案:began13. The comparative form of "big" is _______.答案:bigger14. The phrase "at the same time" means _______.答案:simultaneously15. The infinitive form of "to be" is _______.答案:be16. The word "environment" is often used as a _______.答案:noun17. The phrase "in a hurry" means _______.答案:quickly18. The word "unique" has _______ comparative or superlative form.答案:no19. The word "however" is used to show _______.答案:concession20. The phrase "on the other hand" is used to show _______.答案:contrast三、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)[文章略]21. What is the main idea of the passage?答案:[根据文章内容给出答案]22. According to the author, why is it important to learn English?答案:[根据文章内容给出答案]23. What does the author suggest as the best way to learn English?答案:[根据文章内容给出答案]24. What is the author's opinion on the use of technology in language learning?答案:[根据文章内容给出答案]25. What conclusion does the author draw in the passage?答案:[根据文章内容给出答案]四、翻译题(英译汉,每题5分,共10分)26. Translate the following sentence into Chinese: "The rapid development of technology has changed our lives in many ways."答案:[翻译答案]27. Translate the following sentence into Chinese: "Despite the challenges, she remained optimistic about the future."答案:[翻译答案]五、写作题(共30分)28. Write an essay of about 200 words on the topic "The Influence of Social Media on Modern Society."[写作答案略]注意:请根据具体文章内容和题目要求给出相应的答案。


复旦大学英语试题及答案一、选择题(共20分,每题2分)1. Which of the following is NOT a fruit?A. AppleB. CarrotC. StrawberryD. Banana答案:B2. The word "anonymous" means:A. KnownB. FamousC. UnknownD. Popular答案:C3. The opposite of "advance" is:A. RetreatB. DelayC. ProgressD. Promote答案:B4. In the sentence "He is a man of few words," the phrase "a man of few words" means:A. A man who speaks a lotB. A man who is very talkativeC. A man who speaks very littleD. A man who is very quiet答案:C5. The phrase "break the ice" is used to describe:A. Cooling something downB. Starting a fireC. Making a situation less tenseD. Freezing something答案:C6. Which sentence is grammatically correct?A. She don't like to eat vegetables.B. She doesn't like eating vegetables.C. She don't likes to eat vegetables.D. She doesn't likes eating vegetables.答案:B7. The word "chronic" is often used to describe a condition that is:A. TemporaryB. SevereC. Long-lastingD. Mild答案:C8. In the phrase "hit the books," "hit" means:A. To physically strikeB. To study hardC. To missD. To read casually答案:B9. The word "meticulous" is closest in meaning to:A. CarelessB. ConfusedC. ThoroughD. Indifferent答案:C10. The phrase "a piece of cake" is used to describe something that is:A. DifficultB. ExpensiveC. EasyD. Tasty答案:C二、填空题(共10分,每题2分)11. The _______ of the meeting has been postponed due to bad weather.答案:schedule12. She is an _______ person, always ready to help others.答案:altruistic13. The _______ of the old building was a great loss to the community.答案:destruction14. He has a _______ memory and can remember dates and events with ease.答案:eidetic15. The _______ of the novel was so vivid that the readerfelt as if they were there.答案:description三、阅读理解(共30分,每题6分)16. Read the following passage and answer the question:Passage (略)What is the main idea of the passage?答案:[根据文章内容给出答案]17. What does the author suggest as the best way to deal with stress?答案:[根据文章内容给出答案]18. Why are some people more prone to stress than others?答案:[根据文章内容给出答案]19. What is the relationship between sleep and stress according to the passage?答案:[根据文章内容给出答案]20. How does the author conclude the passage?答案:[根据文章内容给出答案]四、完形填空(共20分,每题2分)21. In the following passage, fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word:Passage (略)[1] _______ [2] _______ [3] _______ [4] _______ [5] _______答案:[1] However [2] Despite [3] Consequently [4] Nevertheless [5] Therefore]五、翻译题(共20分,每题10分)22. Translate the following sentence into English:“随着科技的发展,我们的生活变得越来越便利。
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1. 短语解释 David Cameron 论语 莎士比亚 神舟七号 上海世博会 G20(去年也考过) Euro Tunnel DNA 严复 次级贷款 君主立宪
Encyclopaedia Britannica 奥巴马 经济全球化 Mayflower a nation on wheels 全球变暖 低碳经济 科学发展观 生态难民 超级细菌 蔡元培 2. 小作文两题可选 第一题是写扩招英语翻译专业学生的申请书 第二题是举办英语竞赛,向学生征稿的启事。 3. 大作文 针对一篇新闻报道写感想,报道是关于学生招聘会的,是在武汉的招聘会,有的学生不敢投 复旦北大这些学校,等等。题目自拟。
SOHO cyberspace industial dispute installment payment 双赢 安乐死 载人空间站 试管婴儿 试婚 闭路电视 收视率 物联网 2. 英译汉:说的是一个作家 3.汉译英:是中国文化吸收外来文化的题目
复旦大学(回忆+3. 选择(多是基础的语法题) 4. 阅读理解 4 篇,20 小题 5. 作文:language 题目自编,内容围绕 language 的不同作用。
1.词汇翻译 Desertification catch-22 non-proliferation CPI GNP