1/10/2016 A卷小作文:柱图男女同学在课外参加体育运动的时长比例。
B卷:表格,讲述八个国家1990年和2000年千人拥有摩托车的数量A卷大作文:Difference between countries are becoming less evidentrecently. People can see the same films, brands, fashion, advertisementsand TV channels. To what extent do disadvantage outweighadvantages?B卷大作文:Some people think government should invest more moneyin teaching science than other subjects in order for a country to developand progress. To what extent do you agree or disagree?1/14/2016 小作文:大作文:A recent newspaper article reports that a 14-year-old boywho seriously destroyed his school got a punishment to clean streetsinstead of sent to the prison, do you think this is right? Or the youngcriminals should be sent to the jail.1/23/2016 小作文:Bar chart描述英国2003年到2006年,5个不同年龄段人用互联网的比率。
大作文:The leaders or directors of organizations are often olderpeople. But some people say that young people can also be a leader. Towhat extent do you agree or disagree?1/17/2016 小作文:三个饼图描述咖啡的生产、消费、和利润流向大作文:The news media have become more inflential in people'slives, some people think it's a negative development, to what extend doyou agree or disagree?1/30/2016 小作文:地图题一个office building的现构造和设计改造后的样子大作文:In some cities, the government has tried to reduce traffic. Forinstance, they imposed a congestion tax during rush hour. Do you thinkthis development is positive or negative?2/13/2016 小作文:柱图大作文:In some countries, there has been an increase in the numberof parents who educate their children themselves at home instead ofsending them to school. Do you think the advantages of this outweighthe disadvantages?2/18/2016 小作文:线图大作文:Human activities have negative effects on plants and animalspecies. Some people think that it is too late to do anything about thisproblem. Other people believe that effective measures can be taken toimprove this situation. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 2/20/2016 小作文:混合线图加饼图大作文:Nowadays, there is a large amount of advertising aimed atchildren. Some people think they have negative effects on children andshould be banned. Do you agree or disagree?2/27/2016 小作文:线图大作文:In many countries women are allowed to take maternityleave from their jobs during the first few months after the birth of theirbaby. Does advantages outweigh disadvantages?3/5/2016 小作文:线图大作文:We can get knowledge from news. But some people even think weshould not trust the journalists. What do you think? And what do youthink are the important qualities that a journalist should have?3/12/2016 小作文:表格大作文:In modern life, it is no longer necessary to use animals asfood and in other products like clothing and medicines. To what extentdo you agree or disagree?3/19/2016 小作文:柱状Distribution of employment among agriculture, services, industries inthree countries in 1980 and projected distribution in 2020.大作文:Some people think health care should be free for everyone, while othersthink they should pay medical costs for themselves. Discuss both sidesand give your own opinion.3/31/2016 小作文:表格:英国某城市不同地区居住不同类型的房子所占得百分比大作文:Today many children spend a lot of time playing computer games andlittle time on sports. Why is it? Is it a positive or negative development? 4/2/2016 小作文:柱状关于人均看电视的时间的研究大作文:Multicultural societies, where people of different ethnic groups livetogether, can bring more benefits than drawbacks to a country. To whatextent do you agree or disagree?4/16/2016 小作文:表格大作文:There are more new towns nowadays. It is more important to includepublic parks and sports facilities than shopping centres for individual tospend their free time. To what extent do you agree or disagree?4/21/2016 小作文:表格:五个国家的对比大作文:The increase in the production of consumer goods results in damage tothe natural environment. What are the causes of this? What can be doneto solve this problem?4/30/2016 小作文:混合图。
1/7/2017 流程smoked fish制作过程:大作文:Art classes, like painting and drawing, are not as important asother subjects, so some people think that it should not be a compulsorysubject at high school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?1/12/2017 小作文:柱状图,四个国家留学申请的人数比例大作文:Many cities have vehicle-free days, when people are requiredor encouraged to take a bus, cycle or travel by taxi. Do advantages ofthis outweigh disadvantages?1/14/2017Some people think job satisfaction is more important than job security.Others think that people cannot always expect enjoying jobs becauseworking permanently is more important. Discuss both views and giveyour own opinion. =20111119=20141025The best solution to traffic congestion in cities is offering free transport 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To what extent do you agree or disagree?In modern society, ambition is more and more important. Howimportant is ambition for being successful in life? Is ambition a positiveor negative characteristic?2/16/2017Some people think that ‘vertical city’ is the best, where people live andwork in tall buildings. Others think that ‘horizontal city’ is better,where there are few tall buildings. Discuss both views and give youropinions.Some people want the government to spend money on looking for other life on other planets, but others think it is a waste of public money, because there are many problems need to be solved on the Earth. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.Young people usually have a negative attitude towards learning afterleaving school. What are the reasons? What can be done to turn theirattitude from negative to positive?3/18/2017 The first chart below shows the value of goods that Australia imported from China and those exported to China from Australia.The second chart shows the types of goods imported from China in2003 and 2004.Some people believe that children can learn effectively by watching TVand they should be encouraged to watch TV both at home and school.To what extent do you agree or disagree?3/25/2017 The chart below shows the percentage of dependent people(children under 15 and elders above 65) among 5 countries and the world averagepercent by 2000 and will be in 2050.In the past, the role of teacher was to provide information. Today,students have access to wide sources of information. There is, therefore,no role of teacher in modern education. Do you agree or disagree?3/30/2017 The chart shows the percentages of both males and females who ate 5 kinds of fruits and vegetables per day of 7 age groups in the UK in2006.In the past, people store knowledge in the books. Nowadays peoplestore knowledge on the Internet. Do you think the advantages outweighthe disadvantages?4/8/2017In some countries around the world men and women are having babieslate in life. What are the reasons? Do the advantages outweigh thedisadvantages?4/20/2017 The plans below show the information on the first floor of a particular library in 1995 and the same area at the present time. Select the mainfeatures shown below and give comparison where relevant.In the past, people lived in the same place in their life. However, it iscommon that now people change their place where they live severaltimes during their life. What are the reasons for this? Is it a positive ornegative development?4/22/2017Some people say that advertising has positive economic effect. Othersthink that it has negative social effect. Discuss both side and give youropinion.4/29/2017Children today are difficult to concentrate or pay attention in schools.What do you think causes this problem? What do we need to do tosolve this problem?5/6/2017 The chart below gives information about the possession of newer technologies by different age groups in UK in 2009.Summarize important information, and make comparison and contrast.Some young people commit serious crimes, such as robbery or violentattacks,some people think they should be punished in the same way asadults. To what extent do you agree or disagree?5/13/2017In some countries, it is possible for people to have a variety of food thathas been transported from all over the world.5/20/2017The government should control the amount of violence in films and ontelevision in order to decrease the level of violent crime in society. Towhat extent do you agree or disagree?5/25/2017Detailed description of crimes on newspaper and TV can have badconsequences on society, so this kind of information should berestricted on media. To what extent do you agree or disagree with thisstatement?6/3/2017 The pie chart below shows the reasons for which undergraduates and postgraduates choose to study at Parker University. Summarize theinformation by selecting and reporting the main features and makecomparisons where relevant.Some people think living in big cities is bad for people's health. Towhat extent do you agree or disagree?6/8/2017 The maps below show the layout of a shopping mall before and after the construction. Summarize the information by selecting and reportingthe features, and make comparisons where relevant.Some people think that university should not provide theoreticalknowledge because universities should focus on practical subjects. Towhat extent do you agree or disagree?6/17/2017Some people think a country benefits from a large proportion of youngpeople university educated, others think sending young people touniversities only leads to graduate unemployment. Discuss both viewsand give your own opinion.6/24/2017Government funding should only provide scholarships for best students.All other funding should come from student fees and privateorganisations. To what extent do you agree or disagree?7/8/2017 The chart below shows the health spending among five differentcountries in 2002.In many parts of world, children have more freedom than they used tohave. Is this a positive or negative development?7/15/2017 The table below shows the percentage of people living in three types of dwellings in Australia in 2001 and 2006Some people think parents should read or tell stories to children. Othersthink parents needn’t do that as children can read books or watch T V,movies by themselves. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 7/20/2017 The charts and the pie show the number of students at university in a particular European country, the government’s annual spending on eachstudent between 1984 and 2009, and the percentages of students’economic family background.More attention is paid to being “responsible tourists” in order topreserve the cultural and environmental aspects of tourist places.However, some people think it is impossible to be a “respo nsibletourist” in the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?7/29/2017 The pie charts show the class size in primary schools in four states in Australia in 2010.In many cities, planners tend to arrange shops, schools, offices, andhomes in specific areas and separate them from each other. Do youthink the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?8/3/2017 The map shows the escape plan in second floor of a studentaccommodation.Students in university should be specializing in one subject rather thanto develop a wider range of many different subjects. To what extent doyou agree or disagree with this statement?8/12/2017 表格:2000年美国三个州的18岁以下65岁以上人均工资和低于贫困人口的比例Some groups of people have benefited from modern communicationtechnology. However, some think they do not have any benefit fromthis. To what extent do you agree or disagree?8/19/2017 The table gives information about European people of different age groups who went to gym once a month or more.In recent years pressure on school and university students has beenincreasing and they are pushed to work very hard from a young age. Doyou think this is a positive or negative development?8/26/2017 The charts show pollutants entering a particular area of ocean in 1997 and in 2007Full-time university students should spend a lot of time in studying, butit is essential to be involved in other activities.To what extend do youagree or disagree?9/9/2017 The table shows information about the numbers of Australian people who visited the seven most popular destinations in 1999 and 2009.Some people think that any money spent by the government insupporting artist (such as painters, musicians and writers) should bespent on more important things.To what extant do you agree ordisagree?9/16/2017 The bar chart below shows the production of energy produced by wind in four different countries from 1985 to 2000.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main featuresand make comparisons where relevant.An increasing number of people change their career and place ofresidence several times during their lives. It is positive or negativedevelopment?9/21/2017Some people think that governments should do more to make theircitizens have a healthy diet. Others, however, believe that individualsshould be responsible for their own diet and health. Discuss both viewsand give your own opinions.9/30/2017 The diagram shows how soft cheese is made.In some countries, the widespread use of the Internet has given peoplemore freedom to work or study at home, instead of travelling to work orcollege. Do the advantages outweigh disadvantages?10/5/2017 柱状图; 五个不同地区城市与农村人口变化It is not necessary to travel to other places to learn about culture andpeople, because people can learn from books, films or the Internet, doyou agree or disagree?10/14/2017Some people believe the purpose of education is to prepare people to beuseful members for society. Others say that the purpose of education isto achieve personal ambition. Discuss both views and give your ownopinion.10/21/2017Some people think young people are not suitable for importantpositions in the government, while other people think it is a good ideafor young people to take on these positions. Discuss both views andgive your own opinion.Today, people in many countries choose to work and live whereverthey like thanks to communication technology and transport. Do theadvantages outweigh the disadvantages?11/2/2017 线图Some people believe that it is a good idea to continue to work at theirold age. Do you agree or disagree?11/4/2017Some people say that government should spend money on measures tosave languages that are used by few speakers, while others believe thatit is a waste of financial resources. Discuss both views and give youropinion.Online shopping is replacing shopping in stores. Do you think this is apositive or negative development?11/25/2017 The diagram below describes how to change organic waste in to garden fertilize. Describe the process.As major cities around the world are growing fast and many problemsoccur. What problems that young people live in cities are caused bycontinued growth? What solutions do you suggest?12/2/2017 The pie charts below show the proportion graduate with science degree and art degree in a company in 1990 and 2010.Too much money is spent on looking after and repairing old buildings.Some people think money should be spent on building new modernbuildings. To what extent do you agree or disagree with these views. 12/9/2017 The bar charts show the average retirement age in 6 countries in 2004 and 2008. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting themain features and make comparisons where relevant.A rise in the standard of living in a country often seems to only benefitcities rather than rural areas. What problems might this differencecause? How might these problems be reduced?12/14/2017 The table below shows the percentage of adults in seven Australian cities taking public transport when going to work or study in 1996 and2006. The table also shows the change between that period.In many countries, more and more men are staying at home to lookafter their children when women work full-time. What are the reasons?Is it a positive or negative development?12/16/2017 The graph below shows the percentage of GDP government spending on health, education and road &railways from 2000 to 2025 in aparticular country.Many people believe that social networking sites (Facebook) have hada negative impact on individuals and society. To what extent do youagree or disagree with this statement.。
2017雅思A类写作大作文真题范文1.07教育类Task:Artclasses,likepaintinganddrawing,arenotasimportantasothersubj ects,sosomepeoplethinkthatitshouldnotbeacompulsorPsubjectath ighschool.TowhateGtentdoPouagreeordisagree? Schoolsareplaceswherestudentsacquireknowledgeandskillsneede dforfurtherachievements.Giventhepressurethatstudentsarefacing, somecannothelpwonderingwhetherartclassesshouldstillbecompu lsorP. ThoseholdingtheviewthatartclassesshouldnotbecompulsorPmigh tthinkthatartconsumestoomuchofstudents'time.Fiercecompetition sstudentswillfacewhenapplPingforuniversitiesnecessitatetotaldev otiontoacademicsubjects.Collegestudentswhointendtotakescienc eastheirmajorareeveneGpectedtobefluentinforeignlanguagesnow sothatessaPswrittenbPforeignscholarsarenotbarriersintheiracade micpursuit.Inotherwords,highschoolstudentsaresupposedtoshow higherlevelsofacademiccompetence,whichseeminglPmakesartun essential.However,artclassesarebPnomeansonlPintendedforentertainment. Childrenevendabblinginarttendtobemorecreativeinmind.Thosesk illedinmusicorpaintingcaninterprettheworldinawaPthatwecannot eGpectfromalaPman.ThiskindofingenuitPisalsoararequalitPconst antlPfoundingreatscientists,whosecontributionshaveservedtocrea teatotallPnewfieldforthelattergenerations.InhisreplPtoaquestiona boutdeath,AlbertEinsteinconsideredhisdeparturefromthemortalw orldtobeforeverfarewelltoanothergreatmusician.Withasighheans wered"IcannotlistentoMozartanPmore".Thus,canwesimplPregar dartclassestobeselective?Inconclusion,althoughstricteracademicrequirementsareimp osedonstudents,thiscannotbeaneGcuseforeGcludingartsubjectsfr omtheircurricula.Whateverkindofartcanstimulateandinspirestude nts,pavingwaPfortheirfutureacademicattainment.1.12城市类Task:Somecitieshavevehicle-freedaPs,whenprivatecars,trucks,motorc PclesarebannedinthecitPcenter.Publictransportationslikebuses,taGisandmetrosareadvised.TowhateGtentdoPouthinktheadvantage soutweighthedisadvantages. Insomecitiesaroundtheworld,peoplearenotallowedtouseprivateve hiclesonsomeparticulardaPsandonlPpublictransportsareavailable .FrommPpointofview,thispracticebringsmorebenefitsthandrawba cks. ThisapproachdoesleadtosomeinconvenienceforcitizensespeciallP paredwithtakingbusorsubwaP,itismoreco nvenientandcomfortabletodriveone’sowncar.Withmorepeopletakingbusesormetrosonvehicle-freedaP s,itwilladdtotheburdensofthealreadPoverloadedpublictransportsP stem.ThebusterminalmaPbejam-packedwithcommuters,whichwi llmakepeoplemorediscontent.Nevertheless,wecannotdenPthecontributionitbringstopollutionre ductionandenergPsaving.Asweknow,airpollutionhasbecomeasev ereproblem,sinceitiscausingirreversibledamagetotheenvironment inmanPcountriesandtheeGhaustfumeemittedbPvariouskindsofve hiclesisoneoftheculpritsofairpollution.Inthissense,iftherewerefe wvehiclesontheroad,itwillrelievethisproblematsomeeGtent.Inter msofenergPsaving,fuelsareinsuchshortsupplPthatwehavetodoeve rPthingwecantosaveenergP.Apartfromthis,anotherbenefitliesinth efactthatitwillremindpeopletotakepublictransportationinsteadofu singprivatevehicles.DefinitelPmoreattentioncouldbepaidtothead vantagesbroughtbPusingpublictransportswiththeimplementation ofthismeasure.Allinall,itisawisepracticesincealltheinconvenienceanddiscontenti stemporarPaslongasgovernmentsinvestmoremonePonthedevelop mentofpublictransportinfrastructure.Andwhatismoreimportantist hatlesspollutionwillbeproducedandmoreenergPwillbesaved,whic hwillbenefitthehumanbeingsinalongterm.(299words)1.14社会类Task:SomepeoplesaPjobsatisfactionismoreimportantthanjobsecu ritP,othersthinkpeoplecannotalwaPsenjoPtheirjobs.Sohavingaper manentjobismoreimportant.DiscussbothviewsandgivePourowno pinion.InmodernsocietP,therehasbeenagrowingawarenessamongmanPp eople,especiallPthePouththatundertakingajobwhichenablesthemt oachievesatisfactioncountsmore.However,othersadvocatethatitis wisetodoonejobaslongasthePcan.Itisunderstandablethatpeoplefro mdifferentbackgroundsputdifferentinterpretationonthesameissue .Ononehand,thereareseveralmainreasonsapprovingofthesignifica nceofjobsatisfaction.ThefirstoneisthatemploPeesaremorelikelPto devotethemselvesinworking.Asisknowntous,onlPwhenpaintersar efondofdrawingcanthePcreatemasterpieces,sodoesthejob.Providi ngthatstaffsarediscontentedwithsalaries,regulationsofcompanies orthebonussPstem,howcouldthePsparenoefforttodealingwithtoug hproblemsarisingfromwork.Inaddition,itisobviousthatself-motivationisnotonlPbeneficialfora chievingpersonalpotential,butalsomakescontributionstotheincrea seofcompanP’sprofits.SincepersonnelarewillingtotackletheirtasksactivelPandti melP,evendoeGtraworkvoluntarilP,theworkingefficiencPhasbee ndrasticallPstimulated,inwhichcase,thereisnodoubtthattheirempl oPerscouldearnalargefortunate.Inthisscenario,thesocietPmaPgain economicbenefitsfromtheboomofindustries.ConverselP,thosewhoprefertodothesamejobmaintainmoreadvant agescanbeobtained,amongwhichtherelativelPstableincomeandles scompetitivenessstressarethemostpivotal.Inpursuitofjobsatisfacti onsometimesisattheriskoflackingmonePformealsorcompetingwit hthousandsforonepositionoradeal.Besides,astheirworkingeGperi enceincreases,itismorepossibleforthemtoacquirepromotionorhav etheirpaPraised.What’smore,someenterprisesprovidespecialpensionforlifelongworkers asarewardfortheirloPaltP.Inconclusion,asfarasIamconcerned,whethertopursueapermanentj oborasatisfactorPjobdependsonjobseekers’ambition.Ialsobelievethatpeoplehadbettertodosomethingthatreall Pintereststhemandregarditasalifetimecareertoearnbothreputation andwealth.(353words)1.21社会类Task:ThebestwaPforthegovernmenttosolvetrafficcongestionistoprovid efreepublictransport24hoursadaPand7daPsaweek.DoPouagreeor disagree? AneffectivewaPforthegovernmenttoeasetrafficcongestionistoenc ouragethepublictotakemorepublictransport,butIdoquestionthefea sibilitPofofferingitfree24hoursadaPand7daPsaweek. TheoreticallP,providing24/7freepublictransportcouldproduceso medesirableoutcomes.MorepeoplewouldchoosetotakethesubwaP orthebusandtheremightbelessdependenceonprivatevehicles.Also, itcouldmakeitespeciallPeasiertothosefinanciallPdisadvantagedpe ople.However,thevaliditPofthepolicPneedtobechallenged. MostcountriesareoperatingpublictransportsPstemasapublicservic ewithgovernmentalsubsidP,andthereforefreepublictransportwoul dbefinanciallPimpossible.Besides,theefficiencPofthesPstemcoul dsufferinearlPmorningsandatlatenightsforverPfewpeoplewoulda ctuallPusepublictransport,whichisagreatwasteofpublicfunds. Tosolvetrafficgridlock,reasonablesupportforthepublictransportsP stemisneeded.Butinsteadofmakingit24/7freeofcharge,theavailabi litPofconvenientandreliabletransportoptionscouldbepromotedan dpeopleneedtobeabletoaffordthem.Inaddition,certainrestrictionss houldbeputonunnecessarPcaruse,forinstanceshortjournePswithin alreadPcongestedareas.MoreimportantlP,thegovernmentneedtoi mplementreasonablecitProadplan,becauseabigproportionoftraffi cjamsarecausedbPinappropriateroadconstruction. Toconclude24/7freepublictransportisfarfromavalidsolutiontoreso lvetrafficcongestioninthelongrun,thusotheralternativestrategiesn eedtobeconsidered.(260words)2.11社会类Task:InmodernsocietP,ambitionismoreandmoreimportant.Howimport antisambitionforbeingsuccessfulinlife?Isambitionapositiveorneg ativecharacteristic?范文一Inthecurrentera,manPindividualsshowtheirambitiontosuccess,su chasgainingpowerorearningalotofmoneP.InmPopinion,ambitioncancontributetosuccesstosomedegree,butitoftenturnstobeanegati vecharacteristic. Ambitioncanassistindividualstofulfilltheirtargetsasoneofthemost significantmotivationfactors.EverPoneusedtohaveorhastheirlifet argets,butonlPafewofthemarepotenttoreallPachievetheirdreams.I tisbecausethereeGistalotofobstaclesthathinderpeoplefromconcen tratingontheircareers,suchaslackingmonePorlackingtime.Stronga mbitionforcareerprogressioncouldservetospirituallPsupportpeopl etoovercomedifficultiesthePencounter.Nevertheless,admittingthe significanceofambitionisnotassumingthatitispositivetoindividual sinallconditions.Tobeginwith,beingambitiousinsuccessmaPleadtoimbalancebetw eenworkandpersonallife.Itistruethatambitioncanmotivateindivid ualstoworknonstop,butworkisnottheonlPcontentoflife.Whenwor kaholicsspendalloftheirtimeonwork,otheraspects,suchaseGercise orfamilPmembers,willbeinevitablPneglected.EvenifthePachievet heirdreams,thePmaPgetsomediseaseslikeobesitPorhPpertensiono rfeellonelPsincethePhavenotimeforfamilPactivities.Thus,ambitio nmaPmakepeopleoccupiedbPworkallthetime.Inaddition,peoplewhoareambitioustobesuccessfuloftendonotcare details.Alotofpeople,especiallPPoungsters,intendtobecomeleader soforganisationsorenterprises.However,suchpositionsrequirecan didatestonotonlPhavestrongambitionbutalsohaveabundantworki ngeGperience.ManPleadersoffamousenterprisesusedtobesalesme nwhohadtopromotetheirproductsbutnoteverPambitiouspersonisw illingtocarrPoutsomebasictasksatthebeginning.Thus,ambitiouspe oplemaPloseinterestsinperformingsomeseeminglPtrivialtasks,wh ichinturndeprivesthemoftheopportunitPofsuccess. Tosumup,itistruethatpeoplecannotlackambitionasamotivationfac torifthePintendtobesuccessful,butmoreoftenthannot,ambitionimp actsnegativelPsinceambitiouspeoplemaPignoreotheraspectsoflife anddislikedoingbasictasks.范文二InthiscontemporarPerawhichfeatureshighpressureandfiercecomp etitions,ambitionisapowerfuldrivingforceonmodernpeople’swaPtosuccess.Astheproverbgoesthatmostpeoplewouldsucceedi nsmallthingsifthePwerenottroubledwithgreatambitions.ItisbelievedthatambitionisputtingaladderagainstskP.IfNewtonha dnoambitiontofigureoutwhPapplesfalldownontheearthratherthan flPingtotheskP,gravitPcanneverbediscovered;IfSalvadorDalihad noambitiontodrawwhatisinhismindordreamsnomatterhowdistort editis,surrealismcanneverbethoughthighlPof;Ifthealliednationsin WorldWarTwohadnoambitiontodefeattheNazismledbPHitler,ma ssiveslaughterwouldberecordedinhumanhistorP.Itisambitionthat enablesindividualstoequipwithself-motivationandself-disciplinet hataredeemedasindispensablefactorsforovercomingbarriersaswel lasresistingtemptationwhendevotingtoworkorstudies.Unfortunat elP,peoplewholoseambitionsarehardlPtopursuetheirgoalsormake themselvescomeoutonthetopeveniftheirinspirationspringupeverP second. AlthoughaheavPambitionisoftenthoughttobeconnectedwiththegr eedoranaddictiontopower,itisnotthecase.Ambitiouspeoplehaveco urageandpersistencetochallengetaskswhichcannotbecompletedb PordinarPpeople;haveaspirationtobreakdowntheroutineaswellast ofightforwhatthePbelievein.Inalargescale,thecivilizationofmanki ndwouldnotthrivesupposingthathumansrefusetoadmitorachievet heirambitions.Inaword,ambitionisoneofthemostcrucialcharacteristicsforhuman beings.Itgivesusgoalsandpushesustoleadalifefilledwithsatisfactio nandglorP.However,itisworthmentionthattherealizationofperson alambitioncanneverattheeGpenseofviolatingothers’interest. (320words)2.16城市类Task:Somepeoplethinkit’sbesttoliveinthe ‘verticalcitPwheretherearealotoftallbuildings,otherpeoplethink weshouldliveinthehorizontalcitPwheretheParefewtallbuildings. Peopleholddivergentopinionsaboutwheretolive.Somecitizenspref ertoliveincitieswithhigh-risebuildingswhileothersbelievecitieswi thmoreflatbuildingsarebetterforus. MuchspacecanbesavedifpeopleliveinskPscrapers.Asweallknow,t hereisarisingdemandforhousinginmanPcountries,especiallPincou ntrieswithlargepopulationlikeChinaandIndia.Thelandissolimitedt hatpeoplemustmakethebestofit.Inthiscase,constructingmoretallb uildingsisaperfectwaPtoachieveefficientlanduse.Apartfromthis,italsoaddstotheappearanceofacitP,creatinganimpressiveskPline.Cit ieslikeNewPorkandShanghaiarefamousfortheirlivelPskPline. Ontheotherhand,itisalsounderstandablewhPsomepeopleprefertoli veincitieswithfewhigh-risebuildings.SkPscraperslookmodernbuti mpersonalandsomepeoplefeeldisconnectedfromnaturewhenlivin ginbuildingsmadefromglassandsteel.BPcontrast,quiteanumberofl ow-risebuildingsareoldbuildingsofculturalsignificanceandpeople livinginthemfeelmoreconnectedtothepast.TheSihePuan(quadran glecourtPard)inBeijingisatPpicaleGampleofthiskindofbuilding. InmPviewpoint,bothkindsofbuildingsareneededtocaterforthecha ngingdemandofmodernlife.Intermsofrecreationalareasandcomm ercialdistricts,whereovercrowdinghasbecomeaproblem,theresho uldbemoreskPscraperswhileregardingtoresidentialareas,Ibelievel ivinginlow-risebuildingsisbetter.Thefunctionandcomfortlevelsho uldbetakenintoconsiderationwhencitPplannersdesignthecitP. (268words)2.18科技类Task:SomepeoplethinkthetechnologPmakeslifecompleG,soweshould makelifesimplerwithoutusingthetechnologP.TowhateGtentdoPo uagreeordisagree?OverthepastcenturP,scienceandtechnologPhasbeendevelopingun precedentedlPandchangingeverPaspectofpeople'slives.InmPpoin tofview,technologPbringsabouthigherefficiencPandgreaterconve nience,eventhoughitcausesconfusionanddisorderundersomecircu mstances. Thebenefitsofmoderntechnologiesaremultiple.Automationiswide lPusedontheassemblPline,settingfreemillionsofpeoplefromtheard uousandrepetitivework.ThankstothewidespreaduseoftheInternet, peoplehaveeasieraccesstoinformationthaneverbefore.Insteadofgo ingtothelibrarPtoconsultreferencebooks,thePcanacquireanPinfor mationthePwantviatheInternet.Moreover,emailsandmobilephone senablepeopletostaPintouchmoreconvenientlPandefficientlP,co mparedwiththeolddaPswhenthePhadtogotothepostofficeorvisitot hersinperson.Despitetheabove-mentionedbenefits,wecannotdenPthefactthattec hnologPmaPleadtocompleGitPandinconvenienceinsomecases.Forinstance,someoldpeoplefinditdifficulttousepublicfacilitiesequip pedwithelectronic-devices.However,thisissuecanbeaddressedwit hclearinstructionsprovided.AnothereGampleiscPberfraud,whichi sdifficulttopreventasthefalseinformationcanspreadverPfastonthe web.ThosewhogetdeceivedmaPcomplainthatthevirtualspacegene ratesmorecrimes.Overall,thereisnodenPingthatsomeproblemsandtroublesmaPoccu rwhenvariousnewtechnologiesareappliedtopeople'slives.Howeve r,returningtoasimplelifewithouttechnologPisnotasolutionandIbeli eveabetterfutureofmankindlieswiththefurtherprogressofsciencea ndtechnologP.(268words)。
2018年雅思大作文题目汇总A Deep Dive into IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics in 2018 The year 2018 saw a diverse range of topics gracing the IELTS Writing Task 2 section, challengingtest-takers to showcase their analytical prowess and argumentative skills. These topics spanned across various societal themes, prompting candidates to delve into issues of education, technology, environment, globalization, and cultural values. One prominent theme explored the impact of technology on modern life. Questions centered around the implications of automation on employment, the influence of social media on human relationships, and the potential benefits and drawbacks of artificial intelligence. For instance, one prompt asked whether the advantages of robots outweigh the disadvantages, requiring candidates to weigh the efficiencyand productivity gains against potential job displacement and ethical concerns. Another recurring theme revolved around education and its evolving role in society. Questions explored the merits of traditional versus modern teaching methods, the significance of a university education in the 21st century, and the ideal balance between academic and practical skills. For example, one prompt questioned the effectiveness of standardized testing in evaluating student abilities, prompting candidates to consider its limitations and propose alternative assessment strategies. Environmental issues also featured prominently in the 2018 topics. Candidates were tasked with analyzing the causes and consequences of climate change, evaluating the effectiveness of various environmental protection measures, and proposing solutions to pressing issues like pollution and deforestation. A particularly challenging prompt asked whether economic growth should beprioritized over environmental protection, compelling candidates to grapple with the complexities of sustainable development. Globalization and its multifaceted impact on societies formed another key area of focus. Questions explored the economic, cultural, and political ramifications of interconnectedness, prompting candidates to consider issues like migration, cultural homogenization, and therise of global trade. One specific prompt asked whether globalization has made the world a better place, requiring candidates to critically analyze its benefits and drawbacks across various societal spheres. The 2018 topics also delved into the realm of cultural values and societal norms. Questions explored the changingnature of family structures, the influence of advertising on consumer behavior, and the importance of preserving cultural heritage in a rapidly evolving world. For instance, one prompt asked candidates to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in a multicultural society, requiring them to weigh the benefits of diversity against the challenges of integration and cultural preservation. Overall, the IELTS Writing Task 2 topics in 2018 presented a diverse and challenging landscape for test-takers. The questions required candidates to engage with complex societal issues, analyze opposing viewpoints, and articulate their arguments with clarity and coherence. By demanding a nuanced understanding of global trends and the ability to critically evaluate different perspectives, the 2018 topics served as a true testament to the candidates’ analytical and communicative abilities.。
9月8In countries where there is a high rate of unemployment, most pupils should be offered only primary education. There is no point in offering secondary education to those who have no hope of finding a job. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?Nowadays people always throw old things away. What causes this problem? What effects does the phenomenon lead to? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.8月25For school children, their teachers have more influence on their intelligence and social development than their parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Some people say that children should go to school as young as possible, while others believe that children should go to school of at least 7 years old. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.8月18In modern society, it is possible to go shopping, work and communicate via the Internet without face-to-face contact with one another. To what extent do you think this is a positive or negative development?Some people think schools should stop teaching students by using books, because students find them boring and that children can learn from films, TV, video games and computer instead. To what extent do you agree?8月11Some animals have came to extinction. There is no reason of protecting them. Do you agree or disagree?Nowadays a large amount of advertising aiming at children should be banned because of thenegative effects. To what extent do you agree or disagree?7月28Some people think that news media have become much more influential in people’s lives today and that this is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later, some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students the danger of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?7月21In some countries, students studying in university live with their family, whereas in others countries, students choose to study in another city. Do you think the benefits outweigh the disadvantages? Some businesses find that when new employees join them after finishing their education, they lackbasic interpersonal skills such as the ability to work with their colleagues as part of a team. What do you think are the causes of this problem and what measures could be taken to solve it?(问题类)7月7Students in school or university learn more from classes of teachers than other resources(e.g. Internet or TV), do you agree or disagree?People have different views on how to reduce traffic congestion. Some think that governments should build more train and subway lines, while others think that building more and wider roads will reduce traffic congestion. Discuss both views and give your opinion.6月30Large shopping centers and supermarkets become more popular than small market. Do you think this development is positive or negative?An increasing number of people are changing their career during their working time. What causes this trend and is it a positive or negative development?6月23Some people think the lifestyles changing rapidly has affecting their family relationships. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Give your opinion.More and more people want to buy famous brands of clothes, cars and other items. What are the reasons? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?6月2Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Many people today prefer to socializing online to spending time with friends in local community. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?5月19Some people believe that the range of technology available to individuals is increasing the gap between the rich people and the poor people. Others think this has an opposite effect. Discuss both view and give your own opinion.赠送以下资料考试知识点技巧大全一、考试中途应饮葡萄糖水大脑是记忆的场所,脑中有数亿个神经细胞在不停地进行着繁重的活动,大脑细胞活动需要大量能量。
course satisfaction- percentage of first-year
students rating xxx as "very good"/satisfaction
大作文:Some people think that the age limit for driving should be increased in order to make driving safer. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
小作文:The table and chart show the time spent at leisure and household activities in 2008.
大作文:Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists, not local people. Why? What can be done to attract local people?
大作文:Some people think that it is more important to plant more trees in open area which in towns and cities than build more housing. To what extend do agree or disagree?
大作文:Some students take one year off between finishing school and going to university, in order to travel or to work. Do you thinkadvantages outweigh disadvantages?
1.10/1.12/2.2/2.14/2.23/4.5/4.12/4.24/5.10/5.22/6.5/6.14/6.28 等共计13道为原来已考过题目的原题回放或变体。
祝所有雅友好运!1.10 Some people think children's spending time on TV, video and PC games is good, while others think it is bad. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(旧题回放)1.12 Some people think that criminalsshould be given longer terms in prison, so as to reduce the crime rate. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(旧题回放)1.19 Old generations often hold some traditionalideas on the correct way of life, thinking and behavior. However, some people think that it is not helpful for the young generations to prepare for modern life in the future. What's your opinion?(新题初现)1.26 Unemployment is getting increasingly serious in many countries. Some people think students only need to get primaryeducation, while others think secondary education is necessary. What's your opinion?(新题初现)2.2 Some people think people can exploit animals for any purpose they need, while others do not think so. What is your opinion?(语义升格)2.14 An increasing number of people choose to live in big cities. What problems will this bring about? Should the government encourage people to live in small towns?(语义降格)2.16 An American film actor once said,“Tomorrow is important and precious.”Some people think individuals and society should pay more attention to the future than to the present. Do you agree or disagree?(新题初现)2.23 Some people think imported food exerts positive impacts on our lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(语义升格)3.1 Schools offer a wide range of courses such as physical education, music, economics, philosophy, math, English,geography, physics and history. Among all these subjects, which one do you think is the most important and which one is the least important?(新题初现)3.8 The number of cars keeps increasing, so road systems should be expanded. Some people think the government should pay for it, while others think the car owners should pay for it. What's your opinion?(新题初现)3.13 People should look after their health as a duty to the society they live in rather than personal benefits. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(新题初现)3.29 Some people think government should ensure the healthy lifestyle. of people, but others argue that it should be decided by individuals. Discuss both views and give your opinion.(新题初现)4.5 Aircraft uses more fuel than cars and produces more pollution. Some people suggest the non-essentialuse of aircraft like international travel should be discouraged. Do you agree or disagree?(旧题回放)4.12 More working people are busy with work and have no enough time to spend with their family and friends. Why does this happen? What are the effects on family life and society as a whole?(语义升格)4.19 Figures show that some countries have an ever-increasing proportion of the population who are aged 15 or younger. What do you think are the current and future effects of this may be for those countries?(新题初现)4. 24 Teachers used to convey information, but now with wide resourcesof information, there is no role for teachers to play in modern education. Do you agree or disagree?(语义升格)5.10 Some children can learn efficientlyby watching TV. Therefore, they should be encouraged to watch TV both at home and at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(旧题回放)5.22 Some people think that schools should concentrateon academic classes, because they are helpful for future career. But they think music and sports classes are not useful. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(旧题回放)5.31 Some people argue thatthefittest and strongest individuals and teams can achieve the greatest success in sports. But other people think the success is much related to the mental attitude. Discuss both views and give your opinion.(新题初现)6.5 Some people think that university students should specialize in one subject, while others think universities should encourage students to learn a rang of subjects. Discuss both views and give your opinion.(旧题回放)6.14 Some people think the cheap air flight gives ordinary people more freedom. However, others think the cheap air flight should be banned because it pollutes the air and brings many other problems. Discuss both views and give your opinion.(语义升格)6.21 Some people think that children should obey rules or do what their parents and teachers want them to do, but others think that children controlled too much cannot deal with problems well by themselves. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(新题初现)6.28 With technology speeding up, more and more young people begin to use mobile phones and the Internet, but old people have little chance to be exposed to them.What ways could mobile phone and the Internet be useful to old people? How do old people be encouraged to use this new technology? (语义降格)备注说明,非正文,实际使用可删除如下部分。
雅思考试A类大作文内容如下:[-1-9]The best way for a government to solve the problem of traffic congestion is to provide free public transport 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.To what extent do you agree or disagree?[-1-11]Nowadays many young people in the workforce change their jobs or careers every few years.What do you think are the reasons for this?Do the advantages of this outweigh its disadvantages?[-1-18]Many children find it difficult to concentrate on or pay attention to their studies at school.What are the causes?What are the possible solutions to this problem?[-1-25]The international community must act immediately to ensure that all countries reduce their consumption of fossil fuels, such as gas and oil.To what extent do you agree or disagree?[-2-1]Some people believe that the best way to produce a happier society is to ensure that there are only small differences between its richest and poorest members.To what extent do you agree or disagree?[-2-13]More and more people are now living in cities and towns. Some people believe that the government should spend money on putting in more art works such as paintings and statues there to make them better places to live in.Do you agree or disagree?[-2-15]Some people think that success of life is based on hard work and determination. Others, however, believe that there are more important factors such as having money or good appearance.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.[-2-22]Children s education is expensive. In some countries, the government pays for some of or all of the costs involved.Do the advantages of this practice outweigh its disadvantages?[-3-1]Some people think that living in big cities is bad for people s health.To what extent do you agree or disagree?[-3-8]Some people think that all young people should be required to have full-time education until they are at least 18 years old.To what extent do you agree or disagree?[-3-13]Some people think that printed books are no longer needed in a digital era because all writing can be stored electronically. Others think that printed books will still play an important role.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.[-3-15]It is important for all towns and cities to build outdoor public places such as squares and parks.Do you agree or disagree?[-4-5]An increasing number of people change their career and places of residence several times during their life. Is this a positive or negative development?[-4-12]Some people think that the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society. Others think that the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to achieve personal ambitions.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.[-4-24]Nowadays there are many television advertisements aimed at children.What effects do they have on children? Should TV advertising be controlled?[-4-26]In some countries,the development of the Internet gives people the freedom to work and study at home instead of travelling to their workplace or school.Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?[-5-10]Today in many countries, both women and men work full-time. Logically, women and men should share household tasks equally.To what extent do you agree or disagree?[-5-15]Employers should give their staff at least 4 weeks holiday every year to make them perform better at their jobs.To what extent do you agree or disagree?[-5-17]Children can learn effectively from watching TV. Therefore, they should be encouraged to watch TV regularly both at home and at school.To what extent do you agree or disagree?[-5-24]Many young people leave school with a negative attitude.What are the reasons?What can be done to encourage young people to study with a positive attitude?[-6-7]Some people believe that if a police force carries guns, it will encourage the level of violence in the society.To what extent do you agree or disagree?[-6-19]Some people think that adults should learn practical skills by themselves, while others believe that learning from a teacher in a classroom is better.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.[-6-21]An increasing number of people change careers in their working life.What are the causes?Do you think it has a positive or negative effect on the development of society?[-6-28]With the increasing demand for energy such as oil and gas, people start to look for their sources in remote and untouched places.Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?[-7-10]Some countries have achieved international success, building specialised sports facilities for top athletes to train instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use.Is this a positive or negative development?[-7-12]Some people think that younger people are not suitable for important positions in government. Others think that it will be a good idea for younger people to take on these positions.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.[-7-19]Some people think that governments should do more to make their citizens eat a healthy diet. Others, however, believe that individuals must take responsibility for their own diet and health.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.[-7-26]Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Others, however, believe that these problems cannot be solved if individuals do not take actions.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.。
2018 雅思作文真经考题
![2018 雅思作文真经考题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/295b027a0b4c2e3f57276394.png)
2018.01.06小作文:地图变迁大作文:in many countries today, people buy a range of household goods (television, microwave oven and rice cookers ). Is it a positive or negative development?(科技)2018.01.13小作文:饼图动态大作文:employers should not be concerned about the way their employees dress at work. They should only care about the quality of their work. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(社会)2018.01.18小作文:柱状动态大作文:lectures were used to be a way to teach large numbers of students, but with the technology available for education, there is no longer justification for lectures. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (教育+科技)2018.01.20小作文:线图动态大作文:people are surrounded by advertising. This both affects what people think is important and has a negative impact on people’s lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(媒体)2018.02.01小作文:混合(线+柱)大作文:figures show that in some countries, there is an increasing proportion of population aged 15 or younger. What do you think the current and future effects it may have in those countries?(社会)2018.02.03小作文:柱静大作文:the restoration of old buildings in major cities throughout the world often involves numerous government expenditure. This money will bring more benefits if it is used to provide new housing or road development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(政府)2018.02.10小作文:线大作文:some people think that people who prefer read for pleasure will have better imagination and language skills than people who like watching TV. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(教育)2018.02.24小作文:表格静.大作文:As countries develop, more and more people buy and use private cars. Do the advantages of this trend for individual outweigh disadvantages for the environment? (科技)2018.03.03小作文:饼静(age/gender/best selling types)大作文:in most countries, prison is the most common solution for the problem of crime. However, the more effective solution is to provide people with better education so that they do not become criminals. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?(犯罪)2018.03.10小作文:柱动静(snow depth)大作文:some people think that one of the best ways to solve environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuels for cars and other vehicles.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?(社会)2018.03.15小作文:柱静(gender house task)大作文:some countries spend a lot of money preparing competitors to take part in majorcompetitions such as olympic games or football world cup. Some people say that it would be better to spend this money encouraging children to take up sports at a young age. To what extent do youagree or disagree?(社会)2018.03.24小作文:线大作文:some people think newspapers are the best way to read news, while others think it is more effective to use other media. Discuss both views and give your opinion.2018.04.07小作文:地图变迁大作文:some people think the most important thing about being rich is that give person an opportunity to help other people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2018.04.14小作文:表格大作文:governments should make people responsible for looking after their own local environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2018.04.21小作文:线大作文:in modern world, it’s possible to shop, work and communicate with people via internet and without any face-to-face contact with others. is this a positive or negative development?2018.04.26小作文:组合(表大作文:some parents think that they can teach their children at home rather than sending to the school. Do advantages outweigh the disadvantages?2018.05.05小作文:线大作文:traffic and housing problems can be solved by moving large companies, factories and their employees to the countryside. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2018.05.12小作文:饼动态大作文:some people say arts, such as music and painting, cannot directly improve the quantity ofpeople’s life, so the government should spent money on other areas. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2018.05.18小作文:流程美国考驾照大作文:in many countries, people like to eat a wide variety of food that can be grown in otherareas. As a result, people eat more food produced in other regions than local food. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh its disadvantages?2018.05.24小作文:动态柱+表大作文:children are experiencing the increasing educational, social and commercial pressures. What are the causes? What measures can be taken to reduce them?2018.06.02小作文:地图大作文:many people today prefer socializing online to spending time with friends on local community. Do advantages outweigh the disadvantages?2018.06.07小作文:静表格大作文:today many young people change their jobs or careers every few years.What do you think are the reasons for this?Do you think the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?2018.06.23小作文:地图大作文:more and more people want to buy famous brands of clothes, cars and other items.What are the reasons?Do you think it is a positive or negative development?2018.06.30小作文:动态柱大作文:an increasing number of people are changing careers during their working life.What are the reasons?Is it a positive or negative development for society?2018.07.07小作文:静柱大作文:people have different views on government how to reduce traffic congestion. Some think it can be solved by building more train and subway lines, while others think that building more roadsand widening existing roads will reduce traffic congestion. Discuss both views and give your opinion.2018.07.19小作文:静柱大作文:these days an increasing number of people in many cities know little about their neighborsand do not have a sense of community. What do you think are the causes and what solution can you suggest?2018.07.21小作文:流程大作文:some businesses find that new employees finishing their education lack basicinterpersonal ability such as working with others as a part of a team. What do you think are the causes of this problem? How to solve this problem?2018.07.28小作文:静柱大作文:some people who have been in prison become good citizens later, and it is often arguedthat these are the best people to talk to teenagers about the dangers of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2018.08.02小作文:动线大作文:some people say modern children’s games do not develop a wide range of skills, whiletraditional games can be much better for developing such skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2018.08.11.小作文:动柱大作文:nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think this canhave negative effects on children and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2018.08.18小作文:map大作文:some people think that schools should stop teaching students by using books, becausestudents find them boring and that children can learn from films, tv, video games and computer instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2018.08.25小作文:动表格大作文:some people think young children should get formal study at school as early as possible.However, others believe that children should not go to school until 7 years old.Discuss.2018.09.08小作文:动表格+饼大作文:nowadays, people are living in a “thrown-away ” society where they use things for a short time and then throw away. What cause this and what problem it may lead to?2018.09.13小作文:动线大作文:Some people think that scientific research is a waste of time and money. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?2018.09.15小作文:柱动大作文:in many countries nowadays, more and more women have full-time jobs as men, so thereis logic that men and women should share the housework tasks equally. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2018.09.29小作文:柱大作文:group/ team activities can teach more important skills for life than those activities which are played alone. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2018.10. 11小作文:线大作文: students from rural areas often find it difficult to access the university education. Somepeople think that it should become easier for them to access higher education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?condense2018.10. 13小作文:地图大作文:in many countries women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first months after the birth of their baby. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages?2018.10. 20小作文:静柱大作文:reports show that it is increasingly expensive to keep museums open to the public. Find the best way to fund them (government business or individuals)2018.10. 27小作文:地图大作文:some people think that young people should spend more of their free time at home withtheir families, and spend less time entertaining outside. Others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion.2018.11.01小作文:动柱大作文:public transport should be funded by the government so that it can be free for the people to use it. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?2018.11.03小作文:静表格大作文:it is shown that many criminals have a low level of education. Some people argue that thebest way to reduce crime is to educate criminals in prison to help them find jobs when they leave prison. Do you agree or disagree?2018.11.10小作文:表格大作文:some employers are giving increased importance to employing people with good socialskills in addition to good qualifications. Do you agree or disagree social skills are as important as good qualification for success in their jobs?2018.11.17小作文:线大作文:the qualities a person needs to become truly successful cannot be learned at a university or similar academic institution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2018.12.01小作文:柱大作文:some people believe that spending money on developing technology for spaceexploration is unjustifiable, there are more beneficial ways to spend money. To what extent do you agree or disagree?。
雅思A类大作文2018真题范文汇总 【已完结】
![雅思A类大作文2018真题范文汇总 【已完结】](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6bad3f0125c52cc58ad6be3c.png)
2018-12-28: Task 2 (Sri Lanka)Some people believe all the wild animals should protect while others think only some animals need to be saved. Discuss both views and give your opinion.Questions and samples related to topic “ANIMAL”2018-12-22: Task 2 (Canada)Some people work hard than others? What are the reasons? Is it positive or negative?Questions and samples related to topic “WORK”2018-12-15: Task 2 (Philippines; Vietnam)Some school leavers tend to go to travel or work for a period of time before entering university directly. What do you think the advantages and disadvantages to their studies?Questions and samples related to topic “EDUCATION,UNIVERSITY”2018-12-15: Task 2 (UK; Russia; Italy)Children and youngsters who commit crimes have increased. What is the reason? Why? How should they be punished?Questions and samples related to topic “SOCIETY”2018-12-15: Task 2 (Nepal)Nowadays, many people aim to create a balance between their work and other aspects of life. However only few achieve it. What are the problems in doing this? What are the solutions you can give to this.Questions and samples related to topic “LIFESTYLE”2018-12-15: Task 2 (Canada)Research has shown that business meetings and training are increasingly taking place online. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?Questions and samples related to topic “BUSINESS,INTERNET”2018-12-13: Task 2 (Hungary; KSA)In some countries, young people are not only richer, but also safer and healthier than ever before. However, they are less happy. What do you think the reasons are forthis? What can be done to prevent it?2018-12-13: Task 2 (Iran)Some believe that men should not have equal role in police force, military or army, others have opposite view. Discuses both and give your opinion.Questions and samples related to topic “PEOPLE”2018-12-08: Task 2 (Iran)Today people are living in a “throwaway society” that they use things for a short time and then throw it away.What are the causes? And what problems can it lead to?Questions and samples related to topic “LIFESTYLE”2018-12-08: Task 2In many countries the shops open long hours every day of week. Discuss the positive or negative effect to the shopper and local community.Questions and samples related to topic “BUSINESS”2018-12-01: Task 2 (Nigeria; Scotland; Bulgaria)Films and computer games with violence are popular. Some people say it is the negative effect on the society and should be banned. Others see it has recreation and entertainment. Discuss both views and give your opinion.Questions and samples related to topic “VIOLENCE,SOCIETY”:2018-12-01: Task 2 (Canada; Brazil)Some people believe that all students have to study history. Others think they should learn other subjects instead. Discuss both views and give your opinion.Questions and samples related to topic “EDUCATION”:2018-12-01: Task 2 (Australia)Some people think that high school students should be kept in group to study. Support and explain your views with example.Questions and samples related to topic “EDUCATION”:2018-11-17: Task 2 (Philippines)The tendency of news reports in the media is to focus more on problems and emergencies rather than on positive of developments to individual and to the society as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree.Questions and samples related to topic “MEDIA”:2018-11-17: Task 2 (Qatar; Pakistan)Some people believe family has the highest influence on a child, others believe TV, friends, music have the most influence on them. Discuss both views and give your opinion.Questions and samples related to topic “CHILDREN”:2018-11-17: Task 2 (India)Today food travels many miles from farms to reach consumers. Some people believe that people should eat food from local farmers. It is good for environment and economy. Does the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?Questions and samples related to topic “FOOD”:2018-11-10: Task 2 (Australia)People believe government should spend money for fast transportation, while other believe that important concerns as cost and environment should be considered. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.Questions and samples related to topic “TRANSPORT”:2018-11-10: Task 2 (India)The quality of life in large cities is becoming worse. Explain the causes for this and suggest some measures in this context.Questions and samples related to topic “LIFESTYLE”:2018-11-10: Task 2 (Canada)It is important for children to act independently and make decisions by themselves. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your opinion and your own experiences and knowledge.Questions and samples related to topic “CHILDREN”:2018-11-10: Task 2 (Italy; England)Nowadays young adults seem to prefer to spend their leisure on shopping, Why? Is it positive or negative in the development?2018-11-03: Task 2 (UAE)Some people argue that the fittest, strongest individuals and teams can achieve the greatest success in sports. But other people think that success is much related to the mental attitude. Discuss both views and give your opinion.Questions and samples related to topic “SPORT”:2018-11-03: Task 2 (Myanmar)All over the world, adults can work directly from home, meanwhile students can learn from home as the computer technologies become more advanced and cheaper. Is it positive or negative development?Questions and samples related to topic “TECHNOLOGY,COMPUTER”:2018-11-03: Task 2 (Philippines)Some people think it is better to give a larger wage to teachers and doctors. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Questions and samples related to topic “EMPLOYMENT”:2018-11-01: Task 2 (Saudi Arabia)Some people say supermarkets should have the responsibility to reduce the amount of packages for products they sell. others say it is responsibility of consumers by avoiding such products. Discuss both views and provide examples.2018-11-01: Task 2There are more cars an less bicycles now. Why people use bicycle less? What ways can encourage people to use bicycles?Questions and samples related to topic “ENVIRONMENT”:2018-10-27: Task 2Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to control growing numbers of car on the road.To what extent do you agree or disagree?Questions and samples related to topic “PETROL,TRAFFIC”:2018-10-27: Task 2 (Ireland; Pakistan)Many famous sports players advertise sports products. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh disadvantage?Questions and samples related to topic “AD,SPORT”:2018-10-20: Task 2 (Az?rbaycan Respublikas?; Pakistan)Why does society pay less attention to women’s sports as compared to men’s sports? Is this a negative or a positive trend?Questions and samples related to topic “SPORT”:2018-10-20: Task 2 (Brazil)Tourism is encouraged in many countries. Does tourism brings more advantages or disadvantages to a country?Questions and samples related to topic “TOURISM”:2018-10-20: Task 2 (Philippines)In many countries, people decide to have a child in later age than in the past. Why is this? Do the advantage of development outweigh the disadvantages?Questions and samples related to topic “CHILDREN”:2018-10-13: Task 2 (Bangladesh; Sri Lanka; Ukraine)Some people believe that people who read for pleasure have more developed imagination and better language skills than people who prefer to watch TV. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?2018-10-13: Task 2 (Australia; Philippines)Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists, but not local people. Why this is the case? What can be done to attract more local people to visit these places?2018-10-12: Task 2Some students tend to play computer games rather than do sports. Why is this? What can be done to solve the problem?。
雅思A类大作文真题范文——来自环球雅思张嵩老师雅思A类大作文真题题目:Some people say that all young people should be required to stay in full-time education until they are at least 18 years old.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(Word count=275)雅思A类大作文真题范文:Education has always been the most experienced profession and industry in the world, anddiscussions on it have always found a new angle.Receiving full-time education prior to adulthood(18 years old as a general practice)is held as truth, which this essay almost fully roots for.It is true that continuous schooling before 18 years old benefits learners and their families.In reality, education helps as much the growth of professional skills as the development of character, both of which will most likely bring material life comforts and higher life purposes.Consequently, with personal development guaranteed, domestic situations—be they of the families individuals are from or will create—will be bettered in due course.It is also true that countries and governments will benefit from national talents.The young are the future, and thus are paid attention to by means of education.Without knowledge and skills, which are likely acquired at schools at different levels, the prospects of national advances arein jeopardy.Thus, lasting education for young people is of necessity.However, it would not be nitpicking to statethat a dozen years of education sometimes might seem only wishful.With regional differences within a country or beyond boarders, certain families are still stricken by starvation, warfare, or poverty, and their younger generation are forced out of the luxury of education at all, let alone a continuous one before the beginning of adulthood.Globally, it is not rare that children or teenagers are willingly joining the labour force to sustain family economy, or are helplessly enlisted in military forces.In sum, the statement in question shows goodwill that might be shattered by reality.以上就是环球雅思老师为大家带来的雅思A类大作文真题范文,希望大家仔细研读,值得借鉴!环球雅思祝你成功!第二篇:最新雅思G类阅读真题最新雅思G类阅读真题G类阅读一篇说员工出差的报销问题:不确定能不能报销的先找line manager(可能是其他人这个记不清了);报销要保存帐单;车票和国内国际机票国内机票只能经济舱国际的可以其他;住宿旅馆要求经常去的地区只能住单位联系的酒店有折扣其他地区3星级或多少钱以下;其他文具啥的费用怎么样忘了另一篇超市招聘长期员工,面试后给feedback,店内不让查电子邮件,要提供有住址的帐单,其他不记得了还有一篇说的几个房屋广告:楼层高的那个不适合老人和残疾人;天花板高的那个有储物空间;附近有学校的适合家庭带小孩;有一个房子下面有双车库,另一个外边有双车库是迷惑项;有个房子internal需要decorate,题目里说需要painting;另一个房子是房间已经update过了;还有一个房子是很小但是可以扩大,并且有风格特色,忘了是不是前面其中的一个。
17.FCar park开始往北靠着X house
18.DCar park往北一点,分岔路朝左拐到的
19.BCar park往北到T字路口,周围三个park中最小的一个
20.H地图中间小路往东拐 过了一些树的那个garden
Section Three
题型:单选5 配对5
28.DTake up opportunities(原文:built bean house)
29.AOffer coffee (原文:first café)
30.EOffer new product(原文:organic coffee)
Section Four
内容概述: 介绍 penguins(顺序可能不对)
类型 社会类
题目:Employers should not be concerned about the way their employees are dressed at work. They should only care about the quality of their work. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
4. T
5. F
6. F
8.问第一个石油大亨创建了什么公司?standard oil
9. 问除了这个公司大亨还有什么?25 refiners提炼器
10. 因为什么原因这个大亨投资到其它方面?medical research
2018-04-21: Task 2 (Malaysia)Organised tours are going to remote places and communities more and more.Do you think this a positive or negative development for the local people and the environment?In recent decades, travelling to rural regions have been organized at an increasing rate, causing some public controversy. Although this may bring several downsides for the locals, the returns are entirely justifiable on environmental grounds.On the one hand, the increase of remote tourism which has been a contributing factor in the sustainable development of environmental issues should not be underestimated. In fact, there are plenty of negative activities which have dramatically degraded ecosystems and habitats, suggesting an significant causal relationship between negative activities and preserved biodiversity. For example, in order to enormously expand into the highway that is within the nation’s infrastructural investment, most regions may sacrifice trees such as logging forests, which directly correlates with the soil erosion and the intensification of global warming. Secondly, although visitors and government have derived benefits from the tour industrialization, there is growing evidence that environmental issues are being threatened by air and water pollution, especially introducing toxic discharge from tertiary industry and dumping waste from unconscious activities of visitors.On the other hand, I support the view of those who believe that the advantages of exploring distant areas outweighs the disadvantages. Firstly, residents’ lives are much more convenient thank to reap benefits of these faraway tourism, which means that people can easily achieve a success in doing daily routine. A clear illustration of this is that commuting between their home and workplace relies on the modernised infrastructure and facilities, regarding subways and aircraft. In addition, such citizens are able to become great manpowers whether an entry-level job or a white-collar job because of the need of the improvement of services and logistics belong to travelling. This reduces an enormous amount of the unemployed locals and has resulted in driving the country’s economy.In conclusion, despite the drawbacks of arriving at unknown destination being produced in unsustainable ways, I believe the benefits overwhelm the disadvantages and that government should heavily invest its resources and finance in the improvement of far-off lands.。
(图表暂缺)The following chart shows the amount of tea and coffee (in tonnes) imported by Canada, the UK, the USA and Germany.2018/01/20The graphs show the number of yearly visits (in millions) from France and North America to the U.K., for holiday and business reasons.2018/02/01The graphs show the changes of temperature in Canberra and Brisbaneand the average number of days with rainfall in the two cities.2018/02/03The graph below gives information about the common activities children of different ages in the United States do as part of their bedtime routines.2018/02/10The graph shows the size of ozone layer hole in Antarctic and the production of three kinds of ozone-damaging gases from 1980 to 2000.2018/02/24The table below shows the percentage of government spending in education and training and participants between 18 and 24 year olds infive European countries in 2002.2018/03/03The following charts illustrate the information about players of electronic games in South Korea in 2003.The chart below shows the average snow depth in Canada during the 6 months. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant.2018/03/15The charts below show the percentage and exact time (weekly)males and females spent on house tasks in 2010 of a country.The graphs below show the performance of the trains in a train company in October and November in 2008.2018/04/07The plans below show the South Wing of Walton Museum in 2008 and 2012 after it was redeveloped. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant.2018/04/14The table gives information of 5 types of product exported from HongKong in 2009 and 2010.2018/04/21The graph below shows the number of new homes built in a particularregion in the UK from 2010 and the number predicted for 2020.2018/04/26The table and bar chart give the information about the UK cruise passengers in 1995 and 2003.2018/05/05The graph below shows the average heights of men from four countries between 1775 and 1975.2018/05/12The charts show the total water use in different sectors in Sydney, Australia in 1997 and 2007.2018/05/19The diagram below shows the process of applying for American driving license.2018/05/24The chart and table show the population size and life expectancy of three countries.2018/06/02The maps below show the layouts of the museum in 1998 and 2008.The table below shows the use of water by four different countries.2018/06/23The maps show the campus layout now and a plan for development.2018/06/30The chart below shows the percentage of males and females who were overweight in Australia between 1980 and 2010.2018/07/07The chart below compares the resources used to make 10,000 paper cups and polystyrene cups.The chart below shows the average class size in six countries in 2006, and compares them with world average class size.2018/07/21The diagram above shows the process of recycled paper production.The chart below shows the percentage of boys and girls who participate in different sports activities in 2010.2018/08/02The graph below shows the production of main fuels in UK between 1968 and 2000.The chart shows the percentage of the total world population in four countries in 1950, 2002 and 2050.2018/08/18The maps show the riverside park in 2010 and riverside park now.2018/08/25This table provides information about the daily production of petroleum measured in barrels in four African nations from 2000 to 2004.2018/09/08The table and charts below give information on total value of fish imports to the U.S. and sources of fish imports to the U.S. from 1998 to 2007. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.2018/09/13The tabl e and graph bel ow show the number of cinema visits in Australia from 1994 to 2002. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where rel evant.2018/09/15The chart shows the changes in the percentage of households with cars in a European country between 1971 and 2001. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.2018/09/29The graph bel ow shows percentages of different types of household waste, which were recycl ed in one city between 1992 and 20012. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.2018/10/11The graph bel ow shows the percentage of househol ds with different kinds of technology in the UK from 1997 to 2001. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant. Summarize the information by sel ecting and reporting the main features. Makecomparisons where relevant.2018/10/13The diagram shows how an office building looks at present and the plan for its future development. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisonswhere relevant.2018/10/20The chart shows how people are satisfied with three different hospitals. Summarize the information by selecting and reportingthe main features. Make comparisons where relevant.2018/10/27The graph shows the development of a particular college campus from 1975 to 2002 and the proposed devel opment of 2022. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.2018/11/01The chart bel ow shows the average time that 16-22-year ol ds spent on playing video games in four different countries between 1992 and 2002. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.2018/11/03The tabl e bel ow shows the percentage of water used in three sectors in 6 different countries in 2003. Summarize the information by sel ecting and reporting the main features. Makecomparisons where relevant.The tabl e bel ow shows the number of people having private cars in every 1000 people in six countries in 2009, 2010 and 2011. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.(六个国家分别是Monaco, New Zealand, The United States, Singapore, Thailand 和Australia, 表格待补充)2018/11/17The graph below shows the production in the forest industry in a European county. The production is respectively related to timber, pulp and paper during the years between 1980 and 2000. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.The chart bel ow shows the percentage of people who can drive to various services in 15 minutes or less in one region in the UK. The chart compares the people living in urban areas and living in rural areas. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.2018/12/08The pie chart and tabl e below show the information about tourist from different regions and countries going to a holiday resort in Australia. Summarize the information by sel ecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.2018/12/13The diagram bel ow shows the process to make green tea, black tea and small leaf black tea through few simple steps. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.2018/12/15The charts bel ow show the distribution of empl oyment among agriculture, services, industries in three countries in 1980 and the projections of distribution in 2020. Summarize the information by sel ecting and reporting the main features. Makecomparisons where relevant.。
201806 英语应用能力 A级 翻译写作 真题
![201806 英语应用能力 A级 翻译写作 真题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0b5193c1c9d376eeaeaad1f34693daef5ef713f1.png)
in the second half of the year. It was agreed that the focus of the second half year was to develop new
products and exploit overseas markets.
We would like to know whether it is necessary to hold a meeting to inform all department managers of the
We held a meeting at 2 p. m. on June 17, 2018 in the first meeting room of the
company's office building, and all the staff of the sales department attended the
smartphones and social media negatively affects children's mental and
physical health.
negatively 负面地 affect 影响 mental and physical health 身心 健康 online promotion 在线促销 electronic products 电子产品 manufacture 生产制造
剑桥雅思作文题目-大作文目录IELTS 8 (2)Test 1 (2)Test 2 (2)Test 3 (2)Test 4 (2)IELTS 7 (2)Test 1 (2)Test 2 P165 (3)Test 3 P167 (4)Test 4 (5)IELTS 6 (5)Test 1 (5)Test 2 (6)Test 3 (7)Test 4 P99 P168 (7)IELTS 5 (8)Test 1 (8)Test 2 (8)Test 3 (9)Test 4 P99 P169 (9)IELTS 4 (9)Test 1 (9)Test 2 (9)Test 3 (10)Test 4 (10)IELTS 3 (11)Test 1 (11)Test 2 (11)Test 3 (12)Test 4 (12)IELTS 8Test 1Task 1 Pie chart TableTask 2 Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.Test 2Task 1 Pie chartTask 2 Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed become of technology.In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships people make?Has this become a positive or negative development?Test 3Task 1 Process diagramTask 2 Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problem.To what extent do you agree or disagree?What other measures do you think might be effective?Test 4Task 1 Line graphTask 2 In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing.What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?IELTS 7Test 1Task 1 TableTask 2 It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talent, for instance for sport or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician.Discuss both these view and give your own opinion.范文:The relative importance of natural talent and training is a frequent topic of discussion when people try to explain different levels of ability in, for example, sport, art or music.Obviously, education systems are based on the belief that all children can effectively be taught to acquire different skills, including those associated with sport, art or music. So from our won school experience, we can find plenty of evidence to support the view that a child can acquire these skills with continued teaching and guided practice.However, some people believe that innate talent is what differentiates a person who has been trained to play a sport or an instrument, from those who become good players. In other words, there is more to the skill than a good learned technique, and this extra talent cannot be taught, no matter how good the teacher or how frequently a child practices.I personally think that some people do have talents that are probably inherited via their genes. Such talents can give individuals a facility for certain skills that allow them to excel, while more hard-working students never manage to reach a comparable level. But, as with all questions of nature versus nurture, they are not mutually exclusive. Good musicians or artists and exceptional sports stars have probably succeeded because of both good training and natural talent. Without the natural talent, continuous training would be neither attractive nor productive, and without the training, the children would not learn how to exploit and develop their talent.In conclusion, I agree that any child can be taught particular skills, but to be really good in areas such as music, art or sport, then some natural talent is required. (282words)Test 2 P165Task 1 Line graphTask 2 Some people believed that there should be fixed punishment for each type of crime. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on punishment.Discuss both these view and give your own opinion.范文:This is a thoughtful and well-argued response to the task. The candidate examines the opposing views of the topic and gives a clear opinion that is well developed and supported. To reach the highest band a more clearly-signaled conclusion would be needed. The argument is well organized and linking is well-managed throughout. The development of the answer is not helped, however, by poor control of paragraphing which sometimes confused the links across different sections. This is a weak feature of the script which limits the overall rating. In contrast, an excellent range of vocabulary is used with a sophisticated level of control and only rare slips. The range of structures is also wide and most sentences are accurate and precise, but there are some errors and omissions. These, however, are only minor and do not affect communication.Band 7.5 score:Fixing punishments for each type of crime has been a debatable issue. There are many arguments supporting both views, those for and those against fixed punishments.On the one hand, fixed punishments will have a deterring effect on society. Individuals knowing that they will be subject to a certain punishment if they are convicted with a given crime will reconsider committing this act in the first place.This deterring effect also leads to social stability and security, through minimizing the number of crimes committed.If people knew they would be able to convince the court or the jury of a reason for having committed the crime they are accused of, penal decisions would be largely arbitrary. This would result into criminals getting away with their crimes and into a high level of injustice caused by the subjective approach of different courts.On the other hand, taking the circumstances of a crime and its motivation into consideration is a prerequisite for establishing and ensuring justice and equity.A person killing in self-defense cannot be compared to a serial killer, moving from one victim to the next. In my opinion an intermediary position between both solutions is the perfect way to establish and ensure justice and equity.There have to be fixed punishments for all crimes. However, criminal laws have to provide for a minimum and a maximum for the punishment and the laws also have to foresee certain cases of exemptions.An example for setting minimum and maximum penalties is Competition Law where a person being held liable of a crime under this law will be convicted to pay a fine, according to the harm caused by the violation and the profit gained by the violator through committing the crime.As for the exemptions, in some countries the law exempts thiefs stealing food during a period of famine taking into consideration the distress and hunger.Also, a person killing in self-defense will be exempted from punishment. (325)Test 3 P167Task 1 Bat chartTask 2 As most people spend a major of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual wellbeing.What factors contribute to job satisfaction?How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?范文:Nowadays many adults have full-time jobs and the proportion of their lives spent doing such jobs is very high. So feelings about one’s job must reflect how an individual feels about his or her life as whole, and because of this, job satisfaction is indeed very important for the wellbeing of that person.Employees get job satisfaction in a number of ways. Firstly, a person needs to feel that they are doing valued and valuable work, so positive feedback from superiors is very important in this respect. A sense of fulfillment is also encouraged if a worker feels the job is worth doing because it contributes to the society or the economy as a whole. Secondly, when someone feels they are improving or developing their skills through training opportunities, for example, then there is as sense of progression and purpose that rewards a worker. The sense of belonging to a team or a working community also contributes to job satisfaction because colleagues help each other to enjoy their working lives. Satisfaction is also increased by a sense of responsibility for and loyalty to a team.Of course not everyone enjoys heir work. Hard economic realities mean that many people have little choice in the kind of job they can get. In some cases an employee is working in a job that suits neither their skills nor their personality. Some jobs are repetitive and boring, and labour relations may be poor and lead to resentment and insecurity rather than to job satisfaction.However, even though it is unlikely that all workers do feel happy in their work, I think it is not unrealistic to promote more job satisfaction in any job. If the factors identified above are implemented, then any job can be improved and more workers can feel greater degrees of job satisfaction. (303)Test 4Task 1 Pie chartTask 2 Some people think that university should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the work place. Others think that the true function of university should be to give access to knowledge for their own sake, regardless of whether the course is useful to an employer.What, in your opinion, should be the mine function of a university?范文:IELTS 6Test 1Task 1 Line graphTask 2 Today, high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sole.To what extent do you agree or disagree?范文:Nowadays, there are lots of advertisements on television or on the streets. Some people think that the advertising boosts the sales of goods and it encourages people to buy things unnecessarily. This arguments may be true. In my country, many advertising companies produce advertisements with famous and popular actors or singers. People, especially youngsters, buy goods that their favourite singer advertise, although they do not really need the products.Also, on the television screen, a product may look gorgeous and good quality. As a result of it, people often buy goods without enough consideration. Consumers may not actually need it but they buy goods impulsively soon after they watch the advertising. Furthermore, as many customers buy a particular product due to its advertising campaign, the other people may be affected by the trend, even if the product is not of the real needs of the society.On the other hand, there are various aspects against these arguments. Moreover, it is people’s choice to make a decision to buy goods. Advertising may be not a cause of customers’ buying habits. Individuals have their own spending habits. If they have got enough disposable income, then the right to make a decision is given to them. No one actually can judge whether the goods sold are the real needs of the society or not.In addition, as there should be a limited amount of disposable income consumers are able to spend, people try to allocate their budgets. They cannot be simply swayed by those advertisements.In conclusion, as customers have their own strong opinions and standard of good quality goods, it is better to leave them to make their own decision in buy goods. It is fairly difficult to say everyone is swayed by advertising and buy good impulsively. However, in sensitive area of businesses such as toy industries, it may be necessary to band advertising to those children as children have not got enough ability to control themselves or to know what they need. (332 words)Test 2Task 1 TableTask 2 Successful professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both these view and give your own opinion.考官范文:As a result of constant media attention, sports professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities, and those at the top are paid huge salaries. Just like movie stars, they live extravagant lifestyles with huge houses and cars.Many people find their rewards unfair, especially when comparing these super salaries with those of top surgeons or research scientists, or even leading politicians who have the responsibility of governing the country. However, sports salaries are not determined by considering the contribution to society a person makes, or the level of responsibility he or she holds. Instead, they reflect the public popularity of sport in general and the level of public support that successful stars can generate. So the notion of ‘fairness’ is not the issue.Those who feel that sports stars’ salaries are justified might argue that the number of professionals with real talent are very few, and the money is a recognition of the skills and dedication a person needs to be successful. Competition is constant and a player is tested every time they perform in their relatively short career. The pressure from the media is intense and there is little privacy out of the spotlight. So all of these factors may justify the huge earnings.Personally, I think that the amount of money such sports stars make is more justified than the huge earnings of movie stars, but at the same time, it indicates that our society places more value onsport than on more essential professions and achievements.翻译:在媒体不断地推波助澜下,我国的许多职业运动员已成为了明星和名人。
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1/6/2018 The maps show changes of a school in 1985 and now. Summarise information and make comparisons when necessary.People in many countries today have a wide range of householdgoods(e.g. television, microwave ovens and rice cookers) than everbefore. Is it a positive or negative development?1/13/2018 The graphs below show the changes in age structure of population in a European country from 1901 to 1981 and a projection in 2021.Some people believe that employers should not be concerned aboutdress, while others think the working quality is the most important. Towhat extent do you agree or disagree?1/18/2018 The chart below shows amount (in tonnes) of coffee and tea importedto four countries in 2007.Lectures were used in the past with many students. With moderntechnology available for education, there is no justification for this wayof teaching. To what extent do you agree or disagree?1/20/2018 The graphs show the number of yearly visits from France and North America to the U.K., for holiday and business reasons.People are now surrounded by advertising. This both affects whatpeople think is important and has a negative impact on people’s lives.To what extent do you agree or disagree?2/1/2018 混合型:折线+柱状折线图:布里斯班和堪培拉平均最高气温和最低气温对比柱状图:布里斯班和堪培拉平均降水天数的对比Figures show that in some countries, there is an ever-increasingproportion of population aged 15 or younger. What do you think theeffect of current and future in those countries?2/3/2018The restoration of old buildings in major cities in the world spendsnumerous government expenditures. This money should be used in newhousing and road development. To what extent do you agree ordisagree?2/10/2018 The graphs show the size of ozone layer hole in Antarctic and the production of three kinds of ozone-damaging gases from 1980 to 2000.Some people think that people who prefer to read for pleasure will havebetter imagination and language skills than people who like watchingTV. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2/24/2018 The pie chart illustrates what the residential water used for in the years1988 and 2008.More and more people buy and use their own car. Do you think theadvantages of this trend for individuals outweigh its disadvantages forenvironment?3/3/2018 The following charts illustrate the information about players ofelectronic games in South Korea in 2003.Write a passage about thecharts.In many countries, prison is the most common solution to the problemof crime. However, another effective way is to provide people withbetter education so that they can not become criminals. To what extentdo you agree or disagree?3/10/2018 The chart below shows the depth of snow(cm) in a particular ski resort in Canada in three individual years.Some people think that one of the best ways to solve environmentalproblems is to increase the cost of fuels for cars and other vehicles. Towhat extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?3/15/2018 The bar chart shows the percentage and exact time (weekly) males and females spent on house tasks in 2010 of a country. Summarise theinformation by selecting and reporting the main features and makecomparisons where relevant.Many country invest money to prepare competitors to join topcompetitions like Olympic Game and the World Cup. It is necessary tooffer money to encourage children to exercise. To what extent do youagree or disagree?3/24/2018Some people believe that newspaper is the best way to learn aboutnews, while others believe that more effective way is through othermedia. Discuss both views and give your opinion.4/7/2018 The two maps compare what the layout of the South Wing of Whelton Museum looked like in two separate years 2008 and 2012.Some people think the most important thing about being rich is thatgive person an opportunity to help other people. To what extent do youagree or disagree?4/14/2018 The table gives information of 5 types of product exported from Hong Kong in 2009 and 2010.Governments should make people responsible for looking after theirown local environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?4/21/2018People today can shop, work, and communicate with others via theinternet. They don’t need to do these face to face. Is it a positive ornegative development?4/26/2018In some countries, increasing number of parents choose to educate theirchildren at home by themselves instead of sending them to school. Arethe advantages of home education outweigh the disadvantages?5/5/2018 The chart below shows the average height in different countriesbetween 1775 and 1975.Traffic and housing problems in major cities can be solved by movinglarge companies, factories and their employees to the countryside. Towhat extent do you agree or disagree?5/12/2018 The charts show the total water use in different sectors in Sydney, Australia in 1997 and 2007.Some people think that art (such as painting and music) does notdirectly improve quality of people's life, so government should spendmoney on other areas. To what extent do you agree or disagree?5/19/2018 The diagrams below show the process of applying for a driver license in America.People can eat a wide variety of food that can be grown in other areas.As a result, people eat more food produced in other regions than localfood. Do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh thedisadvantages?5/24/2018 The chart and table show the population size and life expectancy of three countries.Summarize the information by selecting key featuresand making comparison where is relevant.Children are face educational, social and commercial pressures. Whatare the causes of these pressures? What measures should be taken toreduce them?6/2/2018 The chart shows changes in the functional area of a museum from 1998 to 2008.Many people today prefer socializing online to spending time withfriends in the local community. Do the advantages of this trendoutweigh the disadvantages?6/7/2018 Below tables are the use of water by four different countries. Make summaries by selecting and reporting the main features. Makecomparisons where relevant.Today many young people change their jobs or careers every fewyears.What do you think are the reasons for this?Do you think theadvantages outweigh its disadvantages?6/23/2018 The maps show the campus layout now and a plan for development.More and more people want to buy famous brands with clothes,cars andother items.what are the reasons? Do you think it is a positive ornegative development?6/30/2018 The chart below shows the rate of males and females who wereoverweight in Australia from 1980 to 2010.An increasing number of people are changing careers during theirworking life. What do you think are the reasons of this? Is it a positivea negative development?。