中西方英雄主义的异同 以功夫熊猫为例
功夫熊猫中的中西文化 (1)
• 儒家的仁丿思想在浣熊 师傅和五侠身上得到最完美的诠释。
• Confucian benevolence thought the raccoon teacher and five are the most perfect interpretation. 丼国危难乀际,浣熊师傅为了保卫和平谷,大仁大丿,选择独自面对灾 难,而五侠也丌负使命选择迎难而上,试图阻止残豹,他们这种置个人安危 于度外 、“ 知其丌可而为乀”的侠丿精神正是孔子的“ 仁者爱人”的体现。 中国的佛教的宿命思想认为“ 一切皆有定数”,恶豹注定要逃出天牢,丌管 守备如何森严 ;熊猫阿宝这个武功门外汉注定要成为神龙大侠最终战胜恶豹, 无论这在众人看来机会是多举渺茫。
《 功夫熊猫》丌仅体现了西方基督教的神选思想,也糅 合了 中国儒家、道家和佛教的传统文化思想。
"Kung fu panda," not only embodies the western Christian god choose thought, also Rou in Chinese traditional culture of Confucian, Taoist and buddhist thought. 东方文化对 于“ 无”和“ 有”两者关系的微妙乀处有着深刻认识,这 正如老子所言“ 大音稀声,大象无形” “ 天下万物生于有, 有生于无”, 阿宝的鸭爸爸说出的平凡的真理“ 我私家汤的 绝密食材,就是什举都没有”, 即没有秘方就是最好的秘方,于是阿宝从无字的神龙手卷中悟出了最高深的 神龙秘籍——没有秘籍就是最强的秘籍。 Oriental culture to "no" and "have" the relationship between the nuances of a deep understanding, this as the Lao tze say "big sound thin sound, elephant invisible" "was born was born under the whole heaven, have nothing at all", the treasure of the duck dad say ordinary truth "the secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is nothing", is no secret recipe is the best recipe, so the treasure from the dragon hand-rolling no words to realize the maximum depth of the dragon - no secrets is the most powerful secrets.
© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. MOV IEL ITERATUR E /环球纵横 2010年第1期 从《功夫熊猫》和许三多看中西文化中的英雄主义■牛 芳 马 蕊 毛丽丹(河北农业大学外国语学院,河北保定 071001)[摘 要] 本文通过美国影片《功夫熊猫》中的熊猫阿波和电视剧《士兵突击》中的士兵许三多两个人物形象的比较,探讨了这两个小人物成长为英雄的过程中的关键因素:他们都是名不见经传也没有任何特长的小人物,甚至满身缺点,但是因为在追求梦想的路上坚持不懈,最终阿波打败了太郎成为真正的“神龙侠”,许三多成为真正的“兵王”。
[关键词] 熊猫阿波;许三多;英雄主义;群体;个人 英雄这个词我们并不陌生,每个国家每个民族都有令人景仰钦佩的英雄人物。
”《牛津词典》中her ois m 的定义为“brave and noble conduct,courage ”(勇敢、崇高的行为,勇气)。
在《功夫熊猫》中,阿宝最后成为英雄的标志性事件是击败邪恶的残豹,保卫了和平谷的宁静。而残豹对英雄的认可,则是拜倒在熊猫阿宝面前。如同美国漫画电影《蜘蛛侠》中的 那句名言一样“能力越大,责任越大”。在美国的英雄文化中,成为英雄的标准就是战胜邪恶,并担负起与能力相匹配的责任感。这种责任感发展到极致后,虽然披着保卫世界和平的外衣,但其骨子里的唯实力至上论,则是《功夫熊猫》这部电影中最西方的一面。
中西方英雄主义的异同 以功夫熊猫为例
辅修学位毕业论文( 2013届)从电影《功夫熊猫》看 中西方英雄主义外国语学院英语语言文学 12010240802 2011级刘玉琢题目 学 院 专 业年 级 学生姓名 学生学号指导教师文莉2013年5月Analyze Chinese and western heroism from the film Kong fuPandaA Thesis Submitted to the difference of the heroism in china and westerncountryNingxia UniversityIn Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the Degree ofSecond bachelor of EnglishbyLiuyuzhuoSchool of Economics and ManagementNingxia UniversityMay, 2013AcknowledgementsI would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. I gratefully acknowledge the help of my supervisor, Ms. WenLi, who has offered me valuable suggestions in the academic studies. Without her patient instruction, insightful criticism and expert guidance, the completion of this thesis would not have been possible.I also owe a special debt of gratitude to all the teachers in School of Foreign Languages and Cultures, from whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures I have benefited a lot and academically prepared for the thesis.I should finally to express my gratitude to my parents who have always been helping me out of difficulties and supporting without a word of complaint.AbstractPo, the leading role of Kung Fu Panda, is an inconspicuous small potato. He is a fatter panda from a noodles family. Nobody could think of that Po will become the Dragon Warrior, even himself. But finally Po overcame himself, enemy and become the great hero who was admired. Actually, the American heroism reflected is the American culture and values based on individual human existence. Chinese and western culture produced their hero according to their value system. The hero of China have a strong sense of justice and ready to help the weak, while the hero of western country pursue “Equal rights and freedom of think, speech, religion respecting different. etc.”Emphasis on spiritual liberation and human rights requirements. Especially in films and television programs, differences between two cultures are more clearly. But there are some of the same characteristics.Key words: Chinese and western culture, heroism, film.《功夫熊猫》中的主角阿波,是和平谷中的最不起眼的小人物——一只来自面条世家的胖熊猫。
” 乌龟仙人说了这许多,老子只道一句“浊以静之徐清”。
融合了中国传统的武侠元素和幽默搞笑的情节, 深受观众喜爱。
01 价值观差异
西方文化强调个人主义,而中国文化注重集体主 义。
02 社会习俗差异
西方文化强调个人隐私,而中国文化注重家庭和 亲情。
03 思维方式差异
西方文化注重逻辑和分析,而中国文化注重整体 和综合。
在功夫熊猫中,每个角色都有独特的性格特点和行为模式。例如,阿宝乐观开朗、顽皮可爱, 表现出中国式的幽默和机智。而师傅则沉默寡言、内敛深沉,展现出中国传统的谦逊和智慧。
在功夫熊猫中,角色的行为模式也反映了中西文化的差异。例如,阿宝在面对困难时,总是坚 持不懈、勇往直前,这种积极向上的态度体现了中国文化中的“自强不息”。而师傅则更注重 内心修炼和自我反省,这种内敛的行为模式体现了中国文化中的“中庸之道”。
在西方文化中,强调竞争和对抗,而 在中国文化中,强调和平与和谐。在 《功夫熊猫》中,阿宝和其他高手的 对抗,最终转化为和平共处和团结合 作,体现了中国文化中的和平理念。
《功夫熊猫》通过阿宝这个形象,让观众了解到中西文化 的差异和特点。这种跨文化的作品,有助于增进不同文化 之间的了解和交流。
电影中的社会关系也体现了中西文化差异 。熊猫阿宝在成为“神龙大侠”的过程中 ,不仅凭借自己的努力和才智,还得到了 周围人的帮助和支持。这体现了中国社会 中人情世故和个人关系的重要性。同时, 阿宝与其他动物之间的平等合作也体现了 西方社会中注重个人能力和合作精神的一 面。
致谢 一般来说,我们中国人在家庭成员之间很少用 “ 谢谢 ” 。如果用了,听起来会很怪,或相互关系上有了距离,这是我们的文化习惯。而在英语国家中 “Thank you.” 是使用频率最高的礼貌用语之一。几乎用于一切场合,所有人之间,即使父母与子女,兄弟姐妹之间,甚至夫妻之间也不例外。送上一瓶饮料,准备一桌美餐,对方都会说一声 “Thank you.” 公共场合,不管别人帮你什么忙,你都要道一声 “Thank you.” 。这是最起码的礼节。 当别人问是否要吃点或喝点什么时 “Would you like something to eat/drink ?” 我们通常习惯于客气一番,回答 “ 不用了 ” 、 “ 别麻烦了 ” 等。按照英语国家的习惯,你若想要,就不必推辞,说声 “Yes,please.” 若不想要,只要说 “No,thanks.” 就行了。这也充分体现了中国人的含蓄和英语国家人的坦荡直率这两种不同风格。 可见,在讲英语的国家里,人们常常以 “ 迎合 ” 对方的方式予以接受,以示对对方的肯定或尊重;在我国,人们往往采用 “ 否认 ” 或 “ 自贬 ” 的方式予以拒绝,以示礼貌或谦逊。
Differences of Heroism Between China and AmericaThroughKung Fu Panda andThe Flowers of WarAbstractFilm is a kind of culture, which can reflect the cultural characteristics of a country and nation. Heroic films have always been an everlasting theme in the history of movie, the heroic characters on the screen are deeply loved by the audience with their distinctive personality, noblesentiment, extraordinary skills and extraordinary dedication.. These heroic characters have become symbols of an era and affected the growth of generation after generation. Heroes can reflect the spiritual features of a nation. However, the film cultural spirit also carries the cultural heritage of a country.Therefore, different countries have different films to show the value of their heroes. Based on the different historical and cultural backgrounds of China and the United States, take the American film Kung Fu Panda and the Chinese film The Flowers of War for examples,this paper compares the differences between the two countries' heroic themes.With the rapid development of culture and economy in the world, this article also analysis the difference of the development trend of heroism between China and the United State.Keys: Hero Heroism American movie Chinese movieContents1. Introduction1.1 Background1.2 Purpose of the Paper2. Characterization of the Heroes in the Two Films 2.1 Double-faced Heroes2.1.1 A Cowboy and a Man Full of Justice2.1.2 A Prostitute and a Patriot2.2 Positively Portrayed Panda2.2.1 Filial Son2.2.2 Motivational Leader3. Different Orientation in Heroism3.1 National-Oriented Heroism3.2 Personal Goal-Oriented Heroism4. Different Emphases on Heroism in the Two Cultures4.1 Collective Sacrifice4.2 Individual Dream fulfillment5. Future Trend of Chinese and American Heroism6. Conclusion1. Introduction1.1 BackgroundHeroes are symbols of the national spirit, embodying the values and mental outlook of a nation, each of which has its own cult and pursuit of heroes. Li Chunlan (2012) proposes that hero worship is a universal cultural psychology and cultural complex, and corresponds to heroism. The explanation of "heroism" in Dictionary is: …The hero is a kind of eternal spirit and behavior, which is of great significance and showthe hero's courage, strength, and the good quality of being willing to help people. Heroism comes from a specific social environment, and heroism reflects the social value of the society. Therefore, appraisers of different cultural backgrounds have different standards for differentheroes. Film is the product of industrial development, the development of the film is inseparable from the social economy. Through the screen, the filmseems to show the audience a sad or happy story, complicated plots and many different personalities.In fact, the film expresses people's exploration and thinking about society and the ages.It is cultural responsibility and the goal of every culture to create its own hero through movie art. The core of heroism is the social value of the hero. The difference between different cultures is what kind of people can be regarded as heroes. The two different cultures of China and the United States have shown this very well in their works on heroism. China and the United States have created a number of heroes with their cultures according to their own value systems.Heroism is a eternal theme of American film, it comes from the combination of western individualism and heroism.In the three decades of reform and opening, more and more Hollywood heroes were introduced to China. The American cultural values brought by this reform have greatly affected the Chinese people and have brought tremendous influence to Chinese social culture and film industry. On the basis of the influence, have more and more understanding and thinking about heroism were put out. Many researchers have begun to have a deeper understanding of the film culture in China and the United States in order to better understand the differences between Chinese and American history.At the same time, they also have a deeperunderstanding of the culture and values of these two countries, which also provides a lot of new insights for the theoretical system of cultural research.In fact, the birth of American heroism has an important connection with the historical development of the United States. The most famous depression in history began in 1929 and ended in 1933. The great depression of the United States finally came to the world.In this economic winter that the development of American animation started.During the great depression, American animation gradually developed into its "golden age".Because of the rapid economic recession, a large number of business failure during the economic crisis and tens of thousands of workers were unemployed, causing the entire social development to slump. Different from the winter in other industries, economic recession breeds the spiritual demands for escape from real life, this has led to the birth and brilliance of many American films.People have experienced the initial panic, painful struggle in the medium term, desperation and helplessness in later period.Who will save society, Who will push the country?This is the performance of people escaping from reality.In desperation, people put their hopes on heroes, especially heroes with superpowers. Because heroes are avatars of ideal personalities and they have the most powerful force to save the world, and now Superman appears.In the 1930s or so, Superman comics and animations are enthusiastically pursued in the United States.The American heroism has been further explained in the comics. In the 1950s, the international status of the United States was increased again.Rich real life makes people no longer in need of superheroes to save the world.However, the heroism has not disappeared ,but continues to exist in another way.The superherp begins to get closer to the ordinary people. Unlike superheroes, ordinary people do not have to have a strong body, powerful superpower, but more close to real life.Before becoming a hero, they are just an ordinary people. In fact, the ordinary people also is another wayto explain the hero.Now these ordinary people were also given the mission to save the world in the crisis. How to resolve the crisis and how to achieve greatness in the ordinary ,this has formed a common social demand, and a series of civilian heroes was created.There are many movies about heroes in China, such as Hero,HuoYuanJia,Wolf Warriors,Nanjing! Nanjing!have created vivid heroic characters, making people moved and unforgettable. Heroism, as an important part of traditional culture, has always been the main targetin the development of traditional culture.After the popularity of many foreign heroic films in China, many researchers have also begun to pay attention to the study of heroism. The heroic temperament of the female in The Flower of War, Wang Hong (2013) analyzed heroism in The Flower of War from the cultural background and social significance.There are also many comparative studies on the heroism between China and the West, mostly focusing on film and television works. For example, Luzao Rong and Wang Xiu (2006), in the heroism comparison between Chinese and American films.From the origin of heroism analysis the difference between the China and Western. Wang Huan (2011) compares the differences in cultural values between the heroines of the Chinese and American films. On abroad, there are also many researchersfocus on heroism. Robert Sklar (1994) and John Belton (1994) also make detailed analysis of heroism in their articles Movie -Made America: A Cultural History of American Movies and American Cinema/American Culture from the perspective of American movie's history and culture. There are also Green Naomi (2014) analysis of the Chinese elements in "Kung Fu Panda". There are many other articles that not only analyze the similarities and differences of heroism between China and Western countries, but also explain the reasons for them in detail.1.2 Purpose of the PaperWith China's reform and opening up, more and more Hollywood heroism movies are introduced into China. The American cultural values brought by the movie have a great influence on Chinese social culture.On the basis of this, the public's understanding and thinking about the heroism of the Chinese and foreign countries are becoming more and more profound and a deeper understanding of the Chinese and American film culture.And we can also make a deeper understanding of the differences in history, culture and values between the two countries, and add a lot of new insights to the theoretical system of cross-cultural communication.2. Characterization of the Heroes in the Two Films2.1 Double-sided heroThe heroes in the movie "kung fu panda" and "the flowers of war" are all very ordinary and ordinary characters in the beginning of the film, and have no connection.Maybe no one will connect them with heroes, and they won't feel like they 're going to do anything amazing. It's more about the rest of the show, and their persist ence as a joke. But it's full of different things.But with the development of the story, their new identity gradually appeared, showing their extraordinary extraordinary. New identities make them heroes.2.1.1 A cowboy and a man full of justiceThe movie "kung fu panda" in the beginning is a small role, extremely ordinary. Panda Po is an apprentice to a noodle shop at the beginning of the film, and nothing but a noodle. Daydreaming every day, dreaming of one day in the kung fu world with star power in a peak battle. Without passing value Po, more no one thinks he will be selected as the "dragon warrior", everyone is nervous as for the dragon, and never think of oneself anthe d so on for 20 years but only revenge finally to giant pandas. Even if Po was chosen as dragon warrior, it was an accident, and he thought it was a badchoice.In the show, however, there is no discrimination against women, no hostility to a mericans, and no distrust of Chinese soldiers. All of us are here to be the same individ uals, to fight against each other, to defend the country.But in this movie, the female college students who took refuge, pretending to be the father to save the americans, killed the enemy's Chinese soldiers. They are one. In the face of the foreign enemy this crucial moment, did not despise the thirteen women. In the face of their difficulties, these refugee female college students, also without hesitation to help them. This moment has nothing to do in their eyes of status has nothing to do or not, know is that they are also Chinese compatriots, the Chinese compatriots cannot be bullied by foreigners, need to stand in a line against the foreign enemy. In the face of danger, this group of female college students did not hesitate to help them. Every one of them is an ordinary little man, but they are all extraordinary.Although2.1.2 A prostitute and a patriotThe flowers of war is a story set in the 1937 nanjing massacre. The story took place in the nanjing massacre in the context of a church, by a group of female students taking refuge, 13 to escape the fighting coquettes, a pretend to be a priest to save americans, and deadly enemies of Chinese soldiers that compose the story. In this film, there is no emphasis on individual heroic ACTS, but mainly on the collective heroism. In the face of adversity, all of us cast aside our prejudices and our enemies, and fought against the invading enemy. The women of the dust have always been an unsavory profession, low social status, and not to be taken seriously. It seems that in the stereotype of people, the wind and dust women are just for the sake of money, not the bottom line shameless, to them more not to talk about the significance of the country.But in the film, the refuge of the female college students, in order to save American, deadly enemies of the Chinese soldiers, in the face of foreign such a critical moment, don't despise the thirteen prostitutes. This moment is not in their eyes irrelevant status, all they know is that they are also Chinese people. In the face of danger, this group of female college students did not hesitate to help them. Every one of them is an ordinary little figure, and their image is because of their fearless spirit, and they are all heroes and patriots. But in this film, the most touching is still the 13 women who broke the stereotype of the women and let people see the other side. Although they are women, they can't influence them to be Chinese, they love their country.In the face of the unreasonable demands made by the Japanese soldiers, the 13 women who could have stayed out of the situation had not chosen to stay out of the situation, but chose to stand up. They did not seek to survive, and did not take the place of this group of female students to the Japanese army camp. Even if they knew the choice might be at the cost of their lives, they did not hesitate. There is no limit to the life and death of the individual in front of the home country. The existence of the mainstream culture of prostitutes, in this film in the face of the home country, their manners and their character, their beautiful mind and heroic spirit.2.2 Positively Portrayed Panda2.2.1 Filial SonIn the film kung fu panda, panda, Po in a bizarre dream dreamed that he become a fighting skill against the dragon warrior, skill, high strength, bravery, by the national people's fear and love, even China's most excellent warrior "brave five will be" all bowed to him. When the treasure back to reality from the dream, it can no longer own, mind is full of kung fu, more want to have attainments in kung fu, have a dream that one day I can in the world of kung fu star big man with a peak. Po's father, however, wanted Po to learn how to make noodles to inherit his ancestral craft. In the face of one side is always wanted and his father had been expected, Po ambivalence, Po no stubborn insist on your favorite against his father, let my father sad. Let me impressive scene is that in the Po's father asked what Po made a dream ever dream about noodles, it is the Po of dreaming about kung fu in saw father desired look, don't have the heart to let father down, answering his father he had a noodle dream. In the face of the conflict with his father's expectations, Po also knows to take care of his father's emotions. Although Po chose to learn kung fu at last, he chose the right way to pursue what he wanted and did not make his father sad. He defeated the enemy with his own efforts and won the recognition and support from his father.But in this movie, the female college students who took refuge, pretending to be the father to save the americans, killed the enemy's Chinese soldiers. They are one. In the face of the foreign enemy this crucial moment, did not despise the thirteen women. In the face of their difficulties, these refugee female college students, also without hesitation to help them. This moment has nothing to do in their eyes of status has nothing to do or not, know is that they are also Chinese compatriots, the Chinese compatriots cannot be bullied by foreigners, need to stand in a line against the foreign enemy. In the face of danger, this group of female college students did not hesitate to help them. Every one of them is an ordinary little man, but they are all extraordinary. Although ordinary, but still bloomed to belong to their light. Their image is because of their fearless spirit, and they are all heroes and patriots. But in this film, the most touching is still the 13 women who broke the stereotype of the women and let peoplesee the other side. They are the women of the dust but not vulgar, I care for their own.They are Chinese. They love their country.2.2.2 Motivational leaderTea jade ink, as jinling 13 flowers of the head of 13. She was once a woman of good education, though she was forced to become a prostitute, but she did not resent life. It is the americans who pretend to be priests that they are getting on with each other. Beast in the face of the Japanese proposed requirements, this group of female college students face when the good youth, recalled the when they are forced to become a prostitute by rape of the past, and the americans said her daughter is in with the group of female college students usually big age were raped, can't afford and choose to commit suicide, but also stimulate to the soft jade ink heart. It was immediately decided to replace these female college students and go to the Japanese military camp. At her urging, the other 12 women also joined her decision to replace the female college students on their way to the Japanese military camp, or to die forthem. The undaunted spirit of yu mo is a worthy hero, and also an outstanding leader.3. Different Orientation in Heroism3.1 National-Oriented Heroism"The people who do not have great characters are the most miserable creatures in the world," yu said in the article(Dafu yu 43). A country that has great characters and is not known for its support, love and worship is a hopeless slave state. The hero is the symbol of the national spirit, and every culture has its worship and pursuit of heroes. Hero worship is a universal cultural psychology and cultural complex, embodying a nation's values and spirit. Chinese heroes generally have a distinct collectivist spirit. When everyone is united, their strength will be greatly enhanced and they will be able to defeat the enemy. Chinese Confucian culture denies individual honor, attaches great importance to collective responsibility and dedication, and encourages love and sacrifice. Instead of focusing on which one is a hero, the film chooses to describe the collective hero. These women have long been ignored by mainstream society, but they have saved students' lives during the crisis.Everyone in the movie is ordinary, but the justice and fearlessness they representmake them heroes in the audience. When the country is in danger, nothing is more important than the country. As a part of China, they cannot tolerate anyone trampling on the territory of our country, nor will they allow anyone to destroy the future of our country. No country, no home. In order to guard the country's security, the individual's life is not enough. Therefore, in the context of Chinese culture, heroes are always encouraged to sacrifice to protect their country. This group of female college students in jinling, not only represents the younger generation, but also represents the future of the country, so saving them is the same as protecting the future of the country. Thirteen of the thirteen women in the flowers of war were just ordinary women. Desire to live, to remember life. However, in the choice between the meaning and the small, they decisively chose the home country, the choice of sacrifice. The only thing they could do was to replace the women who had taken refuge.3.2 Personal Goal-Oriented HeroismAmerican heroism comes from the short but rich history of America. During the great depression of the 1970s, the economy was depressed, people were living in poverty and there was no hope. In the life of the helpless and helpless, hero worship comes into being, and people hope that a powerful hero can save the people in the fire. So American heroes are usually popular personal heroes, such as spiderman, batman, superman and so on.4. Different Emphases on Heroism in the Two Cultures.American heroes are usually popular individual heroes. American heroism comes from the development and progress of American society. The hero that Americans appreciate is not God, prophets, monarchs, or Christian missionaries, but …civil hero‟ . Spider-Man is one of the classic superhero in American movies. Spider-Man, an ordinary high school student, accidentally bitten by a spiders and acquired super powers, so he is able to save the world. In American movies, everyone can become a hero. According to Chen Chunsen, Zhong Hua and Fan Zhaoyun (2008), the concept of heroic roles in the United States means that who was aspired to become, who are the focus of the crowd or admired by the general public. And these hero's personal charm and special skills are impressive.At the beginning, Kung Fu Panda showed a Chinese traditional landscapepainting to the audience.Quiet towns, simple and tidy noodle house, towering peaks and clear river,and the mysterious sanctum of WuLin,the grand and beautiful Pavilion.And chopsticks,stilts,bun,tofu these items with Chinese characteristics.Of course most important is chinese Kung Fu.These create a poetic world of chinese martial arts.As in the animated film "Mulan" created by Disney in 1998, "Kung Fu Panda" is mixed with a number of Chinese elements. Nevertheless, the American animated movie produced by the DreamWorks is the most inspiring theme of American animated cartoon: the growth and the courage and responsibility to bear in the process of growth. From the type of subject, "Kung Fu Panda" is the story of a small man growing up and becoming a great hero,it's a typical Hollywood story.When Po was given a mission, he also showed weakness and even abandonment.This is the influence of individualism.4.1 Collective SacrificeChinese hero films tend to emphasize the principle of national righteousness, which can be used for personal sacrifice and even encourages individuals to sacrifice for their country. So Chinese films are full of sacrifice, and most heroes end in tragedy. The sacrifice of one hero buys the happiness and peace of most people. As lu xun said, the tragedy is to tear up the valuable things in your life and show them to you. In the jinling thirteen women in the film, when 13 women were sent to concentration camps, under the mood of despair and steely determination of singing, deeply touched the audience's soft in the heart, let a person for a long time4.2 Individual Dream fulfillmentAmerican culture tends to be more individualistic, and Americans are more concerned with personal well-being and family well-being than Chinese,who care about the fate of their nation. Americans consider personal interests as the top of the list. In this cultural atmosphere, individuals are in equal relations with their country and society. The heroism people pursue is that free, equal and democratic, and it is quite different from the "sacrifice" of Chinese culture. Heroism in American movies is reflected in the unusual abilities of the heroes and the story of the save the world. Itcan be said that the heroes in Chinese movies are nothing but ordinary people from beginning to end. But,The heroes in American movies are often born in ordinary people, but they are supermen with special abilities because of something. American heroic movies often have a beautiful ending. They are invincible in the protagonist's aura and defeat all their enemies to get the victories. Such films usually give the viewers a sense of excitement, and inspire people to look forward to a better life.5. Future Trend of Chinese and American HeroismWith the development of cultural and economic community between China and Americ. the cultural differences between China and America have been shrinking day by day. In Chinese and American heroism films, the mutual reference and integration of heroism between China and the United States has also become a trend.The United States is a country that produces heroic films. Most of heroism of him is adventurous. For example, classic American heroes such as Superman and Spider-Man have all been welcomed in the whole world. Most of the heroic movies in China tell the stories of heros in the revolutionary war. These revolutionary hero was fight on the battlefield , courageously fight with the enemy, and they sacrifice themself in the finally moment, sacrificed their precious lives. The era is advancing, The progress of the times, the collision and integration of the Chinese heroism and and American heroism, are also constantly sparking new sparks. Kung Fu Panda s merge Chinese heroism and American heroism, which creates a Chinese hero with the context of the United States heroism.The film has a strong Chinese style, with the Chinese national treasure Panda and Kung Fu, which is full of China Style Chivalrous spirit, but still retains the American-style heroism, and the film is also full of American-style humor. This ordinary and clumsy Po became a kung fu master, and also a super hero in both Chines e and Americans viewers‟ hearts.6.ConclusionFilm is a kind of culture, which can reflect the cultural characteristics of a country and nation. Heroic films have always been an everlasting theme in the history of movie, the heroic characters on the screen are deeply loved by theaudience with their distinctive personality, noble sentiment, extraordinary skills and extraordinary dedication.. These heroic characters have become symbols of an era and affected the growth of generation after generation.Heroism is an eternal topic, and heroes can reflect the spiritual features of a nation. However, the cultural spirit of this kind of films represent the different cultures of countries. Throughout the era, the discussion on heroes has never been over. In ancient,the heroe was live in the legends, and now them active in the films and television,this once again highlight the importance of heroism in the culture. Heroism, as an important part of a national culture, inherits the most precious and glories things in the culture , which is inseparable from the culture . Different countries have different films to describe the value of their heroes..With the rapid development of culture and economy in the world, this article also analysis the development trend of heroism between China and the United State.With the development of society, the different cultures has also changed what shaping the heroic characters. Today Chinese and American heroism is not completely independent, but it is combined with the infiltration of culture. The differences reflect the characteristics of national culture, but the same point is the learning and communication between different ethnic cultures. Today, with the rapid development of globalization, the cultural exchange between countries are deepening. The collision and blending of eastern and western cultures have become the general trend of development in this times. This is also the future trend of the heroism development between China and the United States, it is mainly reflected in the mutual reference and integration of Chinese and American culture. The trend of the integration of these two heroic cultures in China and the United States has also created more choices for the people to think about life and society and promote the heroism to a new era in the future. This article discusses the differences between Chinese and American heroism to help deepen the understanding of the differences between the historical cultures and values of the two countries, and also provide the basis for the theoretical system of cross-cultural communication. In any event, the era need heroes. 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在成长的过程中,Po至始至终都是他自己,就算是练功,都是Master Shifu用Po最喜欢是食物威逼利诱才成就了他的辉煌。
当关在大牢中的豹子Tai Lung越狱后,他们为了荣誉集体出战,可最终却没能挡住Tai Lung的攻势败北了。
[关键词] 《功夫熊猫》;中国文化;美国文化;差异作为新时代西方人对中国形象的一次全新构筑,电影《功夫熊猫》反映了西方人对中国有了新的认识。
【作者单位】上海外国语大学英语学院翻译系,上海 201620;上海外国语大学英
语学院翻译系,上海 201620
1.中美动画电影海报的多模态语篇对比分析--以《功夫熊猫2》和《西游记之大圣归来》为例 [J], 刘张婷
例 [J], 颜奕;何春耕
3.解读中美“文化交融”电影中的文化误读现象——以《花木兰》、《功夫熊猫》和《金陵十三钗》为例 [J], 王欣茹
4.浅析中美动画电影中的价值观传播策略r——以《大圣归来》和《功夫熊猫》系列为例 [J], 于洋
5.中美动画电影海报的多模态语篇对比分析——以《功夫熊猫2》和《西游记之大圣归来》为例 [J], 刘张婷
[116]从《功夫熊猫》浅谈美国动画影片中的英雄主义情结张旖旎(南京艺术学院 传媒学院,江苏 南京 210013)[摘 要]美国的动画的发展起源于美国漫画,二者的风格都在不同程度上受到美国文化和核心价值观念的影响。
[关键词]美国动画;成长;英雄主义作者简介: 张旖旎(1985- ),女,天津人,南京艺术学院传媒学院硕士研究生,研究方向: 动画艺术。
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辅修学位毕业论文( 2013届)从电影《功夫熊猫》看 中西方英雄主义外国语学院英语语言文学 12010240802 2011级刘玉琢题目 学 院 专 业年 级 学生姓名 学生学号指导教师文莉2013年5月Analyze Chinese and western heroism from the film Kong fuPandaA Thesis Submitted to the difference of the heroism in china and westerncountryNingxia UniversityIn Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the Degree ofSecond bachelor of EnglishbyLiuyuzhuoSchool of Economics and ManagementNingxia UniversityMay, 2013AcknowledgementsI would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. I gratefully acknowledge the help of my supervisor, Ms. WenLi, who has offered me valuable suggestions in the academic studies. Without her patient instruction, insightful criticism and expert guidance, the completion of this thesis would not have been possible.I also owe a special debt of gratitude to all the teachers in School of Foreign Languages and Cultures, from whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures I have benefited a lot and academically prepared for the thesis.I should finally to express my gratitude to my parents who have always been helping me out of difficulties and supporting without a word of complaint.AbstractPo, the leading role of Kung Fu Panda, is an inconspicuous small potato. He is a fatter panda from a noodles family. Nobody could think of that Po will become the Dragon Warrior, even himself. But finally Po overcame himself, enemy and become the great hero who was admired. Actually, the American heroism reflected is the American culture and values based on individual human existence. Chinese and western culture produced their hero according to their value system. The hero of China have a strong sense of justice and ready to help the weak, while the hero of western country pursue “Equal rights and freedom of think, speech, religion respecting different. etc.”Emphasis on spiritual liberation and human rights requirements. Especially in films and television programs, differences between two cultures are more clearly. But there are some of the same characteristics.Key words: Chinese and western culture, heroism, film.《功夫熊猫》中的主角阿波,是和平谷中的最不起眼的小人物——一只来自面条世家的胖熊猫。
西方的英雄主义要求“Equal rights and freedom of think, speech, religion,respecting different. etc.”重点在于精神上的解放和人权的要求。
Acknowledgements. (i)Abstract (ii)摘要 (iii)1 引言................................................. 12 分析《功夫熊猫》中的英雄主义.......................... 32.1 体现 ............................................ 32.2 文化背景 ........................................ 43 中西方电影中关于英雄主义的相同之处.................... 63.1英雄主人公....................................... 63.2女性形象......................................... 64 中西方电影中关于英雄主义的不同之处.................... 84.1 人物的不同 ...................................... 84.2 本质的不同 .................................... 104.3 结局的不同 .................................... 125 结论............................................... 13参考文献............................................. 15从电影《功夫熊猫》看中西方英雄主义1 引言英雄主义几乎存在于每一种文化中,它代表了一种社会文化并在一定程度上影响着社会的发展。
西方的英雄主义要求“Equal rights and freedom of think, speech, religion,respecting different. etc." 重点在于精神上的解放和人权的要求。
(赵沛齐万良 1999:33)然而,社会价值系统随着历史不断发展,同时推动着整个社会向前不断发展,因而有时候对英雄的评价不是按照其相应的社会价值系统,那些打破老的社会价值系统并且建立起新的社会价值观的英雄便出现了。
2 分析《功夫熊猫》中的英雄主义《功夫熊猫》属于典型的好莱坞式的小人物成长为大英雄的故事。
2.1 体现《功夫熊猫》属于典型的好莱坞式的小人物成长为大英雄的故事。