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3 were obtained using the 1 m small chamber at different temperatures. The key parameters, i.e. the initial mobile mass
concentration ρm,0, the diffusion coefficient Dm and the partition coefficient K were calculated by using the emission process and equilibrium concentration in the closed environment chamber at a series of loading degrees and temperatures, and the correlations between emission parameters and temperature were calculated. The results show that quick emission of formaldehyde occurs initially (0−3 h), and tends to decrease over time. Higher temperatures facilitate formaldehyde emission from wood­based panels, and total emissions increase 10%−30% with temperature increase of 5 ℃. The simulated results are in accord with those of experiment, which proves that the emission parameters obtained are accurate and reliable. Key words: formቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱldehyde; wood­based panel; emission parameters; closed environment chamber
系数 K 是影响板材甲醛散发的关键参数,而温度又是 影响这 3 个释放参数的主要环境因素[1−3] ,因此,需 讨论温度与释放参数间的关系。求解甲醛释放参数的 方法包括两大类:1) 从各个参数实际意义出发,通过
[4] 设计相应的实验进行测试计算,如流化床脱附法
基金项目 (Foundation item) : APEC 科技产业合作基金资助项目 (313001022) ;国家自然科学基金资助项目 (20976200) ;长沙市重点科技项目 (2010XK4002)(Project (313001022) supported by Cooperation Fund of APEC Science and Technology Industry; Project (20976200) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China; Project (2010XK4002) supported by Changsha Municipal Key Project of Science and Technology) 通信作者:李立清,男,博士,从事空气污染控制研究;E­mail:liqingli@hotmail.com
Formaldehyde emission parameters of wood­based panels and influence of temperature
CHI Dong, LI Liqing, LIU Zheng, MA Weiwu, YAO Xiaolong
(School of Energy Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China) Abstract: The measurements of formaldehyde emission from plywood, density board, laminate flooring and block board
池东,李立清,刘峥,马卫武,姚小龙 (中南大学 能源科学与工程学院,湖南 长沙,410083)
3 摘要:采用 1 m 的小型环境模拟舱,测试不同温度下胶合板、密度板、复合地板和细木工板中甲醛释放规律。利
用不同温度下板材在密闭环境舱散发过程和平衡状态质量浓度,求解影响板材释放特性的关键释放参数即甲醛可 散发初始质量浓度 ρm,0、扩散系数 Dm 和分配系数 K;讨论释放参数与温度的关系,并推导计算关联式。研究结果 表明:甲醛质量浓度在初始时刻(0~3 h)均迅速增大,随后速度慢慢减小,最后趋于恒定值;温度升高会促进板材 内甲醛释放,温度每升高 5 ℃,甲醛释放量会增加 10%~30%;通过预测 30 ℃下 4 种板材的甲醛释放参数,预测 结果与实验测试结果较吻合。 关键词:甲醛;人造板;释放参数;密闭环境舱 中图分类号:TS67 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672−7207(2015)02−0751−08
第 46 卷第 2 期 2015 年 2 月
中南大学学报(自然科学版) Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology)
Vol.46 No.2 Feb. 2015
DOI: 10.11817/j.issn.1672­7207.2015.02.051
室内挥发性有机物(volatile organic compounds, VOC)质量浓度过高是导致病态建筑综合症的重要原 因,大量被用于装修的建材、装饰材料都存在 VOC 散发问题,室内 VOC 气体中又以甲醛最普遍。板材 中甲醛可散发初始质量浓度 ρm,0、 扩散系数 Dm 和分配