英语试题本试卷分为第I 卷(选择题)和第II 卷(非选择题)两部分。
满分150 分,考试用时120 分钟。
第一部分: 听力(共两节,满分30 分)第一节(共 5 个小题, 每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)听下面5 段对话。
每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A B C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分)第一节(共15 小题, 每小题 2 分,满分30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
AP e r u o ff e r s a va r i e t y o f ex p e r i e n ce s f r o m a n c i e n t r u i n s a nd ce n t u r i e s-o l d Sp a n i s h v ill age s t o t h i c k f o r e s t s,h i g hm o un t a i n s a nd d e s e r t coa s tli n e.T RAV E L P E RU o ff e r s t o u r s f o r a ll age s a nd t a s t e s. T h e f o ll o w i n g t o u r s a r e b a s e d a tC u z co,t h e s it e o f t h e a n c i e n t c a p it a l o f t h e I n ca c i v ili z a ti o n.Tour 1E x p e r i e n ce t h e j un g l e a nd it s d i ve r s e w il d lif e c l o s e up.D u r i n g t h i s f o u r-d ay w a l k i n g t o u r,yo u w ill b e a m a z e d b ym o un t a i n s ce n e r y a nd t h e a n c i e n t r u i n s w e p a ss o n o u r h i k e.O n t h e l a s t d ay,w e a rr i ve a t t h e r u i n s o f M ac hu P i cc hu i nti m e t o s ee t h e s un r i s e o ve r t h e A nd e s.S p e nd t h e d ay v i s iti n g t h e r u i n s o f t h i s a n c i e n t I n ca c it y b e f o r e c a t c h i n g t h e t r a i n b ac k t oC u z co.Tour 2A f u ll-d ay t r i p b y r oa d f r o m C u z co t o P un o w it h f a n t a s ti c v i e w s o f t h e h i g h l a nd co un t r y s i d e.F r o m P un o,w e t r ave lb y b oa t ac r o ss L a k e T iti caca,s t o pp i n g o n t h e w ay a t t h e fl oa ti n g i s l a nd s o f t he U r o s p eo p l e.T h e s e fl oa ti n g i s l a nd s a nd t h eU r o s I nd i a n's h o u s e s a r e m a d e o f t h e w a t e r p l a n t s t h a t g r o w i n t h e l a k e.A f u ll-d ay s t ay w it h a l oca l f a m il y g i ve s yo u a no pp o r t un it y t o l ea r n m o r e a b o u t t h e i r l if e. R e t u r n t o P un o o n t h e f o u r t h d ay f o r y o u r f li g h t b ac k t o L i m a.Tour 3Sp e nd f o u r d ay s h i g h i n t h e A nd e s a t C u z co.L ea r n a b o u t it s h i s t o r y a nd v i s it t h e m u s e u m s.A d m i r e t h e Sp a n i s ha r c h it ec t u r e,e n j oy s o m e exce ll e n t Sp a n i s h c u i s i n e a nd t a k e s o m e ti m e t ob a r ga i n f o r s o m e p r e s e n t s a t t h e co l o u r f u lm a r k e t s.T a k e t h e t r a i n up t o M ac hu P i cc hu f o r a g u i d e d t o u r o f t h e r u i n s a nd t h e r oya l t o m b o f t h e I n ca k i n g.Tour4A s h o r t fli g h t f r o m C u z co t a k e s yo u f r o m t h e A nd e s i n t o t h e l o w l a nd s o f t h e A m a z o n J un g l e.F r o m h e r e yo u'l lt r ave l b y b oa t t o yo u r acco mm o d a ti o n i n a f o r e s t r e s e r ve,w h i c h h o l d s t h e r eco r d f o r t h e m o s t b i r d s i g h ti n g s i n o n e a r ea.F r o m t h e g u e s t h o u s e y o u c a n e x p l o r e t h e j un g l e i n t h e c o m p a n y o f a l oca l g u i d e.21.I f y o u w a n t t o b u y s o m e t h i n g f o r y o u r f r i e nd s,w h i c h t o u r w ill b e y o u r c h o i ce?A.Tour 1B.Tour 2C.Tour 3D.Tour 422.How l ong d oes T our 2l ast ?A.A f ull d ayB.Two d aysC.Three d aysD.Four d ays23.W h e r e d oe s t h e p a ss age m o s t p r o b a b l y c o m e f r o m?A.A s c i e n ce r e p o r t C.A t r ave l b r oc hu r eB.A b oo k r ev i e w D.A r ea li s ti c n ove lBM y t eac h e r,M r.A u g u s t J.B ac h m a nn,w a s t h e m o s t i n fl u e n ti a l t eac h e r I eve r h a d.I h a d go tt e n i n t o t r o ub l e i n h i s c l a ss:A n o t h e r s t ud e n t h a d p u s h e d m e f o r f un,a nd I b eca m e a n g r y a nd b ega n t o h it h i m.M r.B ac h m a nn s t o pp e d t h e fi g h t,bu t i n s t ea d o f s e nd i n g m e t o t h e o ffi ce,h e s a t m e d o w n a nd a s k e d a s i m p l e qu e s ti o n,“P e nn a,w h y a r e yo u w a s ti n g y o u r l if e?W h y a r e n't y o u g o i n g t o c o ll ege?"I d i dn't kn o w a n y t h i n g a b o u t co ll ege s o r s c h o l a r s h i p s.N o o n e h a d eve r co n s i d e r e d t h a t a f a t h e r l e ss b oy f r o m t h e p oo r e s t n e i g hb o r h oo d h a d a f u t u r e.T h a t d ay,i n s t ea d o f r u s h i n g o ff f o r l un c h, h e s t aye d a nd e x p l a i n e d p o ss i b l e e du ca ti o n o p ti o n s t o m e.A t t h e e nd o f o u r t a l k,h e s e n t m e t o s ee a s ec r e t a r y w h o h a d a c h il d a t a s t a t e co ll ege.T h i s w a s i n1962a t E m e r s o n H i g h S c h oo l i n U n i o n C it y, New J ersey.W e ll,53yea r s h ave p a ss e d,a nd w h a t h ave I d o n e w it h t h e kn o w l e d ge h e gave m e?I ga i n e d a P h D f r o m F o r dh a m U n i ve r s it y w h e n I w a s o n l y29.I t a u g h t E n g li s h a nd s oc i a l s t ud i e s a nd t h e n m ove d up t h e c h a i n o f co mm a nd f r o m p r i n c i p a l.I'v e s a t o n t h e b oa r d f o r M ag n e t S c h oo l s o f A m e r i ca a nd r e p r e s e n t e d t h a t o r ga n i z a ti o n a t t h e U n it e d N a ti o n s.I'v ew o n a n u m b e r o f g r ea t e du ca ti o n a l a w a r d s.B u t w h e r e w o u l d I b e i f a t r u l y c a r i n g t eac h e r h a d n o t t a k e n t h e t i m e o u t o f h i sl un c h p e r i o d t o s p ea k t o m e?I t w a s w it h o u t q u e s ti o n o n l y h i s co n fi d e n ce i n m e t h a t h e l p e d m e f o r w a r d.I h ave r e p a i d h i s k i ndn e ss hund r e d s o f ti m e s b y e n co u r ag i n g m i s g u i d e d yo un g s t e r s t o a i m h i g h e r.I f I h ave s ave d a n y c h il d r e n,it i s b eca u s e o f h i m.I f I h ave b ee n a s u cce ss f u l e du ca t o r,it i s b eca u s e I h a d a g r ea t r o l e m o d e l i n M r.B ac h m a nn.24.A ll t h e f o ll o w i n g a r e m e n ti o n e d E X CE PT.A.H e h a s w o n m a n y e du ca ti o n a l a w a r d s.A.H e l i k e d m a k i n g t r o ub l e s i n c l a ss.B.M r.A u g u s t J.B ac h m a nn s e n t m e t o s ee a s ec r e t a r y.C.T h e w r it e r g a i n e d a P h D f r o m F o r dh a m U n i ve r s it y.25.W h i c h o f t h e f o ll o w i n g b e s t d e s c r i b e s M r.B ac h m a nn?A.F a i r. C.I n s p i r i n gB.C o n fi d e n t. D.H u m o r o u s.26.H o w d i d M r.B ac h m a nn i n fl u e n ce t h e w r it e r?A.H e s e t t h e w r it e r o n t h e r i g h t p a t h.B.H e t r i e d t o s e t a g oo d e xa m p l e t o t h e w r it e r.C.H e w a s s t r i c t w it h t h e w r it e r.D.H e h e l p e d t h e w r it e r w it h h i s s t ud y.27.W h a t i s t h e b e s t t itl e f o r t h e t ex t?A.M y a c h i eve m e n t s.C.A n i n fl u e n ti a l t eac h e r.B.M y b i og r a ph y.D.M y s t o r y.CT h e f i dd l e r c r a b(蟹)i s a l i v i n g c l oc k.I t i nd i ca t e s t h e t i m e o f d ay b y t h e c o l o u r o f i t s s k i n,w h i c h i s d a r k b y d ay a nd p a l e b y n i g h t.T h e c r a b's c h a n g i n g c o l o u r f o ll o w s a r eg u l a r t w e n t y-f o u r h o u r p l a n t h a t e xac tl y m a t c h e s t h e d a il y r h y t h m(节奏)o f t h e s un.D oe s t h e c r a b ac t u a ll y k ee p ti m e,o r d oe s it s s k i n s i m p l y a n s w e r t o t h e s un's r ay s,c h a n g i n g co l o u r a cco r d i n g t o t h e a m o un t o f li g h t s t r i k e s it?T o fi nd o u t,b i o l og i s t s k e p t c r a b s i n a d a r k r oo m f o r t w o m o n t h s.E ve n w it h o u t d ay li g h t,t h e c r a b's s k i n c o l o u r c o n ti nu e d t o c h a n ge e xac tl y o n t i m e.T h i s c h a r ac t e r i s ti c(特性)p r o b a b l y d eve l o p e d g r a du a ll y i n a n s w e r t o t h e d a il y r i s i n g a nd s e tti n g o f t h e s un,t o h e l p p r o t ec t t h e c r a b f r o m s un li g h t a nd e n e m i e s.A ft e r m illi o n s o f y ea r s i t h a s b eco m e co m p l e t e l y r eg u l a t e d(受控制)i n s i d e t h e l i v i n g b o d y o f t h e c r a b.T h e b i o l og i s t s n o ti ce d t h a t o n ce eac h d ay t h e co l o u r o f t h e fi dd l e r c r a b i s e s p ec i a ll y d a r k,a nd t h a t eac h d ay t h i s h a pp e n s fift y m i nu t e s l a t e r t h a n o n t h e d ay b e f o r e.F r o m t h i s t h ey d i s cove r e d t h a t eac h c r a b f o ll o w s n o t o n l y t h e r h y t h m o f t h e s un b u t a l s o t h a t o f t h e t i d e s(潮水).T h e c r a b's p e r i o d o f g r ea t e s t d a r k e n i n g i s e xac tl y t h e t i m e o f l o w t i d e o n t h e b eac h w h e r e it w a s c a u g h t!28.T h e c r a b's c h a n g i n g c o l o u r.A.t e ll s t h e c r a b w h a t t i m e i t i sB.p r o t ec t s t h e c r a b f r o m t h e s un li g h t a nd e n e m i e sC.k ee p s t h e c r a b w a r mD.is o f n o r eal u se29.W h e n t h e f i dd l e r c r a b s w e r e k e p t i n t h e d a r k,t h ey.E.did n ot c hange c olourF.c h a n ge d c o l o u r o n t h e s a m e t i m e t a b l eG.c h a n ge d c o l o u r m o r e s l o w l yH.c h a n ge d c o l o u r m o r e q u i c k l y30.T h e c r a b's d a r k e s t c o l o r o f s k i n a pp ea r s w h e n .I.it is c aughtJ.it i s k e p t i n a d a r k r oo mK.it is a ttackedL.t h e l o w t i d e o n t h e b eac h w h e r e i t w a s c a u g h t h a pp e n s31.T h e c r a b's c o l o u r-c h a n g i n g a b ilit y w a s p r o b a b l y d eve l o p e d.A.i n t h e p r oce ss o f e vo l u ti o n(进化)B.o ve r m illi o n s o f y ea r sC.b y t h e w o r k o f b i o l og i s t sD.b o t h A a nd BDM o s t p eo p l e n o w a d ay s a r e p e r s i s t e n tl y s ee k i n g f o r o pp o r t un iti e s t h a t w ill a ss i s t t h e m i n r eac h i n g t h e i r goa l s. M a r k e ti n g y o u r s e lf i s w h e n t h e r e i s a d e m a nd f o r y o u a nd y o u r s e r v i ce s t h a t w ill h e l p y o u achieve y our g oals.M a r k e ti n g yo u r s e lf m ea n s yo u a r e s i m p l y“s e lli n g”yo u r s e lf!T h e co mm o n p r o b l e m i n m a r k e ti n g yo u r s e lf i s t h a t m o s t p eo p l e t h i nk t h a t it i s n a s t y t o d o t h i s.T h ey t h i nk t h a t m a r k e ti n g co n ce r n s o n l y t o a bu s i n e ss.O f co u r s e t h i s i s a b s o l u t e l y n o t t r u e.P eo p l e w h o w a n t t o a tt a i n t h e s u cce ss t h ey d e s i r e m u s t p r o m o t e t h e m s e l ve s.I n e ve r y a tt e m p t yo u m a k e,j u s t t h i nk t h a t m a r k e ti n g yo u r s e lf i s a ve r y u s e f u l t oo l.T h e b e tt e r yo u m a r k e t y o u r s e lf,t h e m o r e o pp o r t un iti e s yo u w ill h ave.M a r k e ti n g yo u r s e lf d oe s n o t r ea ll y m ea n t e lli n g eve r y p e r s o n h o w b ea u tif u l a nd w o nd e r f u l yo u a r e.I t s i m p l y m ea n s t e lli n g yo u r f u t u r e e m p l oye r t h a t yo u ex i s t,t h a t yo u h ave t h e p o ss i b ilit y o f ge n e r a ti n g m u c h g r ea t e r i n co m e t h a n yo u r f u t u r e e m p l oye r m a k e s.O r m ay b e yo u h ave t h e c h a n ce o f d o i n g s o m e t h i n g b e tt e r. T h e r e a r e ac t u a ll y s eve r a l d iff e r e n t w ay s o f m a r k e ti n g yo u r s e lf.B u t t h e r e a r e o n l y t w o p r i m a r y a pp r oac h e s t h a t yo u i m p l e m e n t(实施).T h e first i s y ou f ind w ays t o r each o ut t o o thers a nd t he s econd i s t o c onstruct w ays i n o rder f or t he people t o f i nd y o u a nd m a k e c o nn ec ti o n w it h y o u.I n o r d e r f o r y o u t o r eac h o u t a nd t o u c h t h e li ve s o f o t h e r s,yo u h ave t o b e a goo d p e r s o n a nd a goo d e m p l oyee.I n t h a t w ay yo u r goo d r e pu t a ti o n w ill f o ll o w n a t u r a ll y.H ave a b r i e f a nd co n c i s e(简明的)m e ss age t h a t yo u ca n s h a r e w it h o t h e r s.W h e n y o u m a r k e t y o u r s e lf,y o u t e ll p eo p l e w h o y o u a r e a nd w h a t y o u c a n d o f o r o t h e r s.P l a n w e ll a nd p r ac ti ce yo u r m e ss age.I n c o n s t r u c ti n g w ay s f o r t h e p eo p l e t o n o ti ce a nd m a k e c o nn ec ti o n w it h y o u,yo u m u s t b e o p e n t o t h e m.B ea r i n m i nd t h a t c o mm un i ca ti o n i s a g r ea t o pp o r t un it y t o m a k e a n i m p ac t e s p ec i a ll y w h e n yo u m a r k e t yo u r s e lf.Y o u a l s o co mm un i ca t e b y w h a t yo u a r e w ea r i n g.K n o w t h e a pp r o p r i a t e d r e ss co d e a nd h ave p l e n t y o f ti m e t o d ec i d e w h a t yo u w ill w ea r.J u s t r e m e m b e r t o m a k e a g r ea t fi r s t i m p r e ss i o n!32. A cco r d i n g t o t h e p a ss age,i n g e n e r a l p eo p l e t e nd t o t h i nk m a r k e ti n g y o u r s e lf.A.i s a v e r y u s e f u l t oo lB.w ill m a k e y o u h ave m o r e o pp o r t un iti e sC.is n asty a nd c oncerns o nly t o a b usinessD.i s n atural33.I n o r d e r t o m a r k e t y o u r s e lf w e ll,y o u c a n d o t h e s e t h i n g s E X CE PT.A.praise y ourself g reatlyB.wear a ppropriatelyC.have a b rief a nd c lear m essageD.be o pen t o o thers34.W h a t c a n y o u i n f e r f r o m t h e p a ss age?A.Y o u c a n b e a g oo d e m p l oye r b y m a r k e ti n g y o u r s e lf.B.C o mm un i ca ti o n p l ay s a n i m p o r t a n t p a r t i n m a r k e ti n g y o u r s e lf.C.M a r k e ti n g y o u r s e lf m ea n s y o u c a n e a r n m o r e t h a n y o u r e m p l oye r.D.T h e r e a r e o n l y t w o w ay s o f m a r k e ti n g y o u r s e lf.35.W h i c h i s t h e b e s t t itl e f o r t h i s p a ss age?A.A c h i ev i n g Y o u r G oa l sB.K n o w i n g t h e A pp r o p r i a t e D r e ssC.W ay s o f M a r k e ti n g Y o u r s e lfD.M a r k e ti n g Y o u r s e lf第二节(共 5 小题, 每小题 2 分,满分10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
A. On a farm.
B. At a fruit market.
C. At customs.
第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
14.According to the woman, what is most likely to happen tonight?
A.Spain will lose.
B.Portugal will lose.
C.Ronaldo will score three goals.
15.Why does the man support for Portugal?
D.A large number of face masks will be handed out to people returning to work in Spain.
22.What does the word “lift ” in the passage mean ?
A.Pick up
A.To a snack bar.
B.To a movie theater.
C.To her friend Simon's house.
3.What will the man do next?
A.Fill out another form.
B.Correct his mistake on the form.
A.Becoming the best player.
B.Being a team player.
普集高中2020学年度第二学期高二年级第一次月考英语试题命题范围:英语必修7(1-3单元)考试时间:120分钟总分值:150分第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
1. What job does the man do?A.Film-maker.B.Actor.C.Journalist.2.What are the speakers talking about?A.Their school.B.The new room.C.The air in the room.3.When did Louis set the world record?A.In 1999.B.In 1992.C.In 1990.4.When is the man’s birthday?A.April 1st.B.April 2nd.C.April 3rd.5.What is John doing?A.He is listening to wonderful music.B.He is playing a certain musical instrument.C.He is reading a book on music.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。
听每段对话或独白前,你将有 5 秒钟的时间阅读每小题。
听完后,每小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。
听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。
6.Where is Stephen Hawking from?A.Canada.B.The USA.C.England.7.Why didn’t the man go to the lecture?A.Because the speaker was hard to understand.B.Because he was ill and didn’t come to work.C.Because he thought the lecture was not important.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 9 题。
2019-2020学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试题 Word版含答案
![2019-2020学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试题 Word版含答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2e02e4ef4a7302768f9939d2.png)
5分)例:How much is the shirt?A.£ 19。
15B. £9. 18C. £9. 151. What does the woman want to do?A. Go to hospital. B。
Eat something cool。
Make the man a cup of tea.2. What does the man order?A. Tea。
B. Coffee。
Salad.3. Where are the speakers?A. At a hospital。
B. At a bank. C。
At a school.4. How will the speakers get to the railway station?A. By taxi. B。
By car。
C. By subway。
What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A。
Friends. B。
Salesman and customer. C。
Boss and employee.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22。
What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Chinese tea.B. Famous places in China。
C. Different kinds of tea in the world。
How does black tea taste according to the woman?A. Sweet. B。
AShare with usWould you like to have your writing published in this magazine?Then let us know! We pay for stories, anecdotes and jokes:Anecdotes and Jokes$50What’s made you laugh recently? A funny sign? A colleague’s be haviour? Got a joke? Send it in for Laughter is the Best Medicine!Email: Juliet@Smart AnimalsUp to $100Send us a tale about the strange behaviour of unique pets or wildlife in up 300 words.Email: audry@Power of LoveUp to $150Acts of generosity can change lives or just give you that warm feeling full of love. Share your moments 100—500 words.Email: susan@My Story$350Do you have an inspiring or life-changing story to tell? Your story must be true, unpublished, original and 800-1000words.Email: nanjc@For more information, please visit: ./share21. How much will the magazine pay for a joke to be published?A. $50B. $100C. $150D.$35022. If you want to share a story of your pets with the readers, you need to submit itto .A. Anecdotes and JokesB. Smart AnimalsC. Power of LoveD. My Story23. A story showing people’s generosity should be ema iled to the editor at .A. juliet@B. susan@C. Audrey@D. nanjc@24. An inspiring story sent to the magazine should .A. describe strange behaviourB. contain less than 800 wordsC. be real and originalD. be published beforeBPapa, as a son of a dirt-poor farmer, left school early and went to work in a factory, for education was for the rich then. So, the world became his school. With great interest, he read everything he could lay his hands on, listened to the town elders and learned about the world beyond his tiny hometown. "There's so much to learn," he'd say. "Though we're born stupid, only the stupid remain that way.” He was determined that none of h is children would be denied an education.Thus, Papa insisted that we learn at least one new thing each day. Though, as children, we thought this was crazy, it would never have occurred to us to deny Papa a request. And dinner timeseemed perfect for sharing what we had learned. We would talk about the news of the day; no matter how insignificant, it was never taken lightly. Papa would listen carefully and was ready with some comment, always to the point. Then came the moment—the time to share the day's new learning. Papa, at the head of the table, would push back his chair and pour a glass of red wine, ready to listen. "Felice," he'd say, "tell me what you learned today.” "I learned that the population of Nepal is ....” Silence.Papa was thinking about what was said, as if the salvation of the world would depend upon it. “The population of Nepal. Hmm. Well . . . . ” he’d say. “Get the map; let's see where Nepal is.” And the whole family went on a search for Nepal.This same experience was repeated until each family member had a turn. Dinner ended only after we had a clear understanding of at least half a dozen such facts.As children, we thought very little about these educational wonders. Our family, however, was growing together, sharing experiences and participating in one another's education. And by looking at us, listening to us, respecting our input, affirming our value, giving us a sense of dignity, Papa was unquestionably our most influential teacher.Later during my training as a future teacher, I studied with some of the most famous educators. They were imparting what Papa had known all along—the value of continual learning. His technique has served me well all my life. Not a single day has been wasted, though I can never tell when knowing the population of Nepal might prove useful.25. What do we know from the first paragraph?A. The author's father was born in a worker's family.B. Those born stupid could not change their life.C. The town elders wanted to learn about the world.D. The poor could hardly afford school education.26. The underlined word "it" in the second paragraph refers to ___ .A. one new thingB. a requestC. the newsD. some comment27. It can be learned from the passage that the author __ .A. enjoyed talking about newsB. knew very well about NepalC. felt regret about those wasted daysD . appreciated his father's educational technique28. The author's father can be best described as __ .A. an educator expert at training future teachersB. a parent insistent on his children's educationC. a participant willing to share his knowledgeD. a teacher strict about everything his students didC In ancient Egypt, a shopkeeper discovered that he could attract customers to his shop simply by making changes to its environment. Modern businesses have been following his lead with more tactics(策略).One tactic involves where to display the goods. For example, stores place fruits and vegetables in the first section. They know that customers who buy the healthy food first will feel happy so that they will buy more junk food later in their trip. In department stores, section is generally next to the women’s cosmetics(化妆品) section:while the shop assistant is going back to find the right size shoe, bored customers are likely to wander over cosmetics they might want to try later.Besides, businesses seek to appeal to customers’ senses. Stores notice that the smell of baked goods encourages shopping, they make their own bread each morning and then fan the bread smell into the store throughout the day. Music sells goods, too. Researchers in Britain found that when French music was played, sales of French wine went up.When it comes to the selling of houses, businesses also use highly rewarding tactics. They find that customers make decision in the first few second upon walking in the door, and turn it into a business opportunity. A California builder designed the structure of its houses smartly. When entering the house, the customer would see the Pacific Ocean through the windows, and then the poll through an open stairway leading to the lower level. The instant view of water on both levels helped sell these $10 million houses.29. Why do stores usually display fruits and vegetables in the first section?A. To save customers times.B. To show they are high quality foods.C. To help sell junk food.D. To sell them at discount prices.30. According to Paragraph 3, which of the following encourages customers to buy?A. Opening the store early in the morning.B. Displaying British wines next to French ones.C. Inviting customers to play music.D. Filling the store with the smell of fresh bread.31. What is the California builder’s story intended to prove?A. The house structure is a key factor customers consider.B. The more costly the house is, the better it sells.C. An ocean view is much to the customers’ taste.D. A good first impression increases sales.32. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To explain how businesses turn people into their customers.B. To introduces how businesses have grown from the past.C. To report researches on customer behavior.D. To show dishonest business practices.D FLORENCE, Italy—Svetlana Cojochru feels hurt. The Moldovan has lived here seven years as a caregiver to Italian kids and the elderly, but in order to stay she’s had to prove her language skills by taking a test which requires her to write a postcard to an imaginary friend and answer a fictional job ad.Italy is the latest Western European country trying to control a growing immigrant(移民) population by demanding language skills in exchange for work permits, or in some cases, citizenship.Some immigrant advocates worry that as hard financial times make it more difficult for natives to keep jobs, such measures will become more a vehicle for intolerance than integration(融合). Others say it’s only natural that newcomers learn the language of their host nation, seeing i t as a condition to ensure they can contribute to society.Other European countries laid down a similar requirement for immigrants, and some terms are even tougher. The governments argue that this will help foreigners better join the society and promote understanding across cultures.Italy, which has a much weaker tradition of immigration, has witnessed a sharp increase in immigration in recent years. In 1990, immigrants numbered some 1.14 million out of Italy’s then 56.7 million people, or about 2 percent. At the start of this year, foreigners living in Italy amounted to 4.56 million of a total population of 60.6 million, or 7.5 percent, with immigrants’children accounting for an even larger percentage of births in Italy.Cojochru, the Moldovan caregiver, hoped obtaining permanent residence(居住权) would help her bring her two children to Italy; they live with her sister in Moldova, where salaries are among the lowest in Europe. She was skeptical that the language requirement would encourage integration.Itali ans always “see me as a foreigner,” an outsider, even though she’s stayed in the country for years and can speak the local language fluently, she said.33. Why does Cojochru have to take a language test?A. To continue to stay in Italy.B. To teach her children Italian.C. To find a better job in Italy.D. To better mix with the Italians.34. Some people worry that the new language requirement may ________.A. reduce Italy’s population quicklyB. cause conflicts among peopleC. lead to financial difficultiesD. put pressure on schools35. What do we know about Cojochru?A. She lives with her sister now in Italy.B. She enjoys learning the Italian language.C. She speaks Italian well enough for her job.D. She wishes to go back to her home country.第二节((共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020学年度第二学期第一次月考高二英语试题班级姓名第I卷选择题(满分80分)第一部分阅读理解(共两节,每小题2分,共40分)第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)AThirty years ago I worked in a company. My job was to sell the cars. I was young and strong and I had been to most parts of the world and I spent one fifth of my time in the trains or planes. I liked such a life and sometimes I called myself “traveler”.But one day I got into trouble. It was a cold morning. It blew heavily and the ground was covered with thick snow outside. I was still in bed though it was nine. I finished a long journey the day before and decided to have a good rest. Suddenly the telephone rang and my manager told me to fly to New York to take part in an important meeting. I had to get up and after a quick breakfast I hurried to the airport. The taxi went slowly and I missed the first flight. I had to take the next one. It meant I would wait for nearly five hours in the waiting-room. But five hours later a passenger said the information showed there was a bomb in our plane and the policemen were looking for it. And another five hours passed and most passengers lost their patience before we were allowed to get on the plane. At the entrance each passenger and their baggage had to be examined. A young man who seemed a soldier shoute d at the policemen at the entrance, “If I had a gun in my baggage, I would shoot you two hours ago!”1.The writer called himself “traveler” because he .A.sold cars for his company B.often took trains and cars C.traveled all over the world D.liked traveling in many places2.He didn’t get up until the phone rang because he .A.felt very cold outside B.wanted to have a rest that dayC.was going to have a meeting D.was waiting for the manager’s call3.The taxi went slowly because .A.there was much snow on the roadB.it was very cold that morningC.the driver didn’t know he would fly to New YorkD.the manager told him not to hurry4.The young man became angry because he .A.wouldn’t be examinedB.had a gun in his baggageC.waited for a long time at the airportD.hated the policemen at the entrance5. The young man waited for before getting on the plane.A. five hoursB. ten hoursC. fifteen hoursD. twenty hoursBI think machine power is better than human power because we cannot survive without our daily used machines like bikes, coolers, computers, etc.Started on 14-Apr-2020 By SmithE-mail: rksscet12@Johnson Yes, it’s very clear that machine power is better than6-May-2020 man power. But machine power has its limitations (局限).It cannot survive without electricity and manhandling. Ifit doesn’t have these two then it is completely useless.So man shoul d not completely depend on machines. One morepoint is that because of the use of machines man has becomelazy. This laziness has brought in many problems likeobesity, arthritis (关节炎) and other health problems. ButI am not saying that man should completely turn fromma-chine power to man power. He should have a balance ofboth. Even I can’t think of life without a car, a com puterand a cooler.Sally 9-May-2020Humans only created the machines. So, human power is greater than machine power. To d o the things quickly we created the machines. But machines cannot think. That thinking power beats machine power.Tina17-May-2020But without humans there is no value of any machine. If someone wants to use his machine perfectly then one must have expert labor or man power.Tommy19-May-2020Hi to all, my opin ion is that human power is more powerful than machine power, because human beings created the machines. Human brain works more com-pared to machines.Mike20-May-2020I think human power is better than ma-chine power because even if we travel on foot to near places the money will not be wasted and we can get exercise.6.Who agrees with Smith generally?A. Tommy.B. Tina.C. Sally.D. Johnson.7. According to Johnson, man should ______.A. keep a balance between human power and ma-chine powerB. completely depend on machine powerC. turn from machine power to man power completelyD. live a life without a car, a computer or a cooler8. Sally thinks that human power is better than machine power because ______.A. machines are useless without electricityB. machine power can make people become lazyC. machines can’t think like h uman beingsD. human brain can do things quickly9. Which of the following questions are the speakers talking about in the passage?A. Will machine power defeat human power?B. Which is better, human power or machine power?C. What limitations does machine power have?D. Will machines think in the future?CTracy Caulkins is known as the first American to set an American record and win an American title in each of four swimming strokes: breaststroke, butterfly, backstroke, freestyle.Tracy Caulkins was born in Minnesota and lived in Iowa until she was six. She began swimming when she was eight, after the family had moved to Nashville, Tennessee. While unwilling at first to swim in cold water or get her face wet, she began to train in earnest (认真地) as her talent became clear. Though her father worked for the public schools, the family sent her to a private school when the public schools could not accommodate (适应) her training schedule.At age 13, Tracy Caulkins took part in the trials for the 1976 Olympics, but did not make the team. She continued to win national and international titles, and was disappointed in 1980 when the U.S. didn’t attend the Moscow Olympics. She continued to train and compete.In 1981, Tracy Caulkins began college, graduating in 1985. In college, she continued competing and training, though she had slowed down from her peak (顶峰) years.Caulkins trained especially hard for the 1984 Olympics, and not only made the team, but was captain of the swim team, and at Los Angeles, won three gold medals and was named Sportswoman of the Year by the U.S. Olympic Committee. After that she retired from swimming, and was a commentator (解说员) for swimming events as well as taking advantage of her fame to do business.Tracy Caulkins married Australian swimmer, Mark Stockwell, in 1991, their romance having begun at the 1984 Olympics when he jumped into a warm-up pool to introduce himself. They married in Nashville and moved to Australia, where they had three children who have dual citizenship. Caulkins continued to be professionally involved in sports.10. Where did Tracy Caulkins begin swimming?A. In Los Angeles.B. In Iowa.C. In Minnesota.D. In Tennessee.11. Tracy Caulkins was sent to a private school because _____.A. the schedule of the public school wasn’t suitable for herB. her parents had to work in the schoolC. her family had moved to Nashville, TennesseeD. she showed strong interest in swimming12. Which Olympic Games did Tracy Caulkins attend?A. The 1976 Olympic Games.B. The 1980 Olympic Games.C. The 1984 Olympic Games.D. The 1992 Olympic Games.13. Give the correct order of the following events in Tracy Caulkins’ life.a. She was named Sportswoman of the Year.b. She became a commentator.c. She got married.d. She went to college.e. She attended the Olympics.A. d; e; a; b; cB. d; e; c; b; aC. d; a; e; c; bD. d; e; a; c; bDFor 40 years, the people of London have been happy to discover in their parks a bird that seems to have made its way from the Himalayas to the capital of England. With its shocking green body, red mouth, long tail and noisy screech, the rose-ringed parakeet (长尾小鹦鹉) brought a vivid splash of colour to parks in and around London.However, the parakeets are no longer welcome. The government has suddenly woken up to the fact that there are many more parakeets in and around London making life harder for the local bird population. Government experts put the number of parakeets at around 30,000. They fear that if the number of parakeets keeps rising, these birds will push out local birds like wood-peckers, starlings and nuthatches from trees to build their own nests.Not only that. According to an online report by The Independent, the parakeets will then also get control of most of the food available in the parks —seeds, berries, fruit and nuts. The local bird population will thenhave a hard time staying alive. An organization called the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) has asked the government to investigate (调查) what kind of a threat the parakeet brings to local birds. If the government decides that these birds are indeed a threat to local birds, steps will be taken to control the number of parakeets.The most surprising thing about the case of the rose-ringed parakeet is that no one quite knows how the parakeets came from India and started breeding (繁殖) in areas around London.14. Parakeets are no longer welcome mainly because ______.A. the local birds are being driven outB. the government doesn’t like the birdsC. they a re a threat to people’s healthD. people have a great fear of this kind of birds15. According to an online report by The Independent, ______.A. the parakeets’ future threat is impossibleB. the number of the parakeets is around 3,000C. the parakeets should fly back to the HimalayasD. the local birds won’t have enough food第二节阅读理解七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)第三节根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
2019-2020年高二年级第一次月考(英语)说明:1. 本试卷共10页,包括第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分(满分120分。
2. 在答卷纸的密封线内填写学校,姓名,考号等,密封线内不要答题。
1.What can you learn from the dialogue?A.The plane crashed into the mountain but was damaged slightly.B.Wood was not killed in the air crash.C.Wood lost his life in the air crash.2. How often does the man eat out?A. Not very often.B. Almost every day.C. Nearly every two days3. Where does this dialogue probably take place?A. At a restaurant.B. At a clubC. At home4. What do the scientists think of the advertistments on TV?A. They are boringB. They are good for our eyesC. It is a waste of time to advertise on TV.5. How is the woman in the man’s opinion?A. There is something wrong with her heart.B. She is afraid of exciting games.C. She is in the best of health.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。
例:How much is the shirt?A.£19.15B.£9.18C.£9.15答案是C。
1.What will the woman do this afternoon?A.Do some exercise.B.Go shopping.C.Wash her clothes.2.Why does the woman call the man?A.To cancel a flight.B.To make an apology.C.To put off a meeting.3.How much more does David need for the car?A.$5,000.B.$20,000.C.$25,000.4.What is Jane doing?A.Planning a tour.B.Calling her father.C.Asking for leave.5.How does the man feel?A.Tired.B.Dizzy.C.Thirsty.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6.What does Jack want to do?A.Watch TV.B.Play outside.C.Go to the zoo.———————欢迎下载,祝您学习进步,成绩提升———————7.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.At home.B.In a cinema.C.In a supermarket.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。
1.female A.concrete B.evident C.flexible D.average2.accustom A.pollution B.abuse C.nuclear D.lung3.cough A.sought B.rough C.though D.plough4.pleasure A.cause B.sure C.treasure D.access5.conclusion A.permission parison C.admission D.decision第二节情景对话(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑.选项中有两个为多余选项。
(若选E涂A+B,若选F涂A+C,若选G涂A+D)Jack:Hi,Frank.Frank:Hi,JackJack:6Frank:Yes,I have some books to read,but I can do it later.Jack:I want you to do me a favor.Frank:Go ahead,7Jack:Professor Smith is coming this afternoon.I am expected to meet him at the airport, but I have an important meeting to go to.Frank:I can do it for you.8Jack:He’s about your age,in his early thirties.Tall and handsome.Frank:9Jack:Oh,about three o’clock.He is taking flight number231from Detroit.Thank you.Frank:10A.See you this afternoon.B.How can I recognize him?C.What do you want me to do?D.Are you free this afternoon?E.When should I leave for the airport?F.I am honored to meet the famous professor.G.Are you going to the meeting this afternoon?第三节语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分):从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
⾼⼆下学期第⼀次⽉考英语试卷Word版含答案2019-2020学年⾼⼆下学期第⼀次⽉考英语试题第⼀部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分)第⼀节(共15 ⼩题;每⼩题2 分,满分30 分)阅读下列短⽂,从每题所给的A、B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
AHow to become a conservation officer: Jade's storyPart1 : J ade’s storyHi, I'm Jade. I'm 20 years old and I'm an apprentice conservation officer. Conservation is protecting the natural environment and trying to make it thrive and flourish as much as possible. My job really is to try and get as many people engaged in nature as possible and doing an apprenticeship like this, which is so diverse, really means that I can try every different area of this job out and see which fits me the best. And it means that I also get paid at the same time. I've always been a massive animal lover. I love being so close to them and observing the behaviours and I love the enthusiasm.This job has helped me vastly from day-to-day stress and anxiety, to just general happiness, I'm in such a better place because of it. I'm working with so many amazing supportive people and I really couldn’t be happier right now!Part 2: What to expect if you want to be a conservation officerWhen Jade finishes her apprenticeship, she will be a conservation officer. A role similar to Jade's is a countryside officer.●Countryside officer salary: £18,000 to £50,000 per year●Countryside officer working hours: 39 to 41 hours per week●Typical entry requirements: To do an advanced apprenticeship in environmentalconservation like Jade’s, you'll usually need 5 General Certificates of Secondary Education or equivalent at grades 9 to 4 (A* to C), including English and Maths.Paid or unpaid work experience can be very useful when applying for jobs.Organisations like the Conservation Volunteers, the National Trust and the WildlifeTrusts offer training for volunteers.1.In what ways does the job help Jade?A.By providing her with one-on-one training.B.By improving her confidence in protecting nature.C.By helping her relieve the pressure and stress.D.By training her in finding different types of jobs.2.Why does the text mention the countryside officer salary?A.Because it can attach importance to the job.B.Because it can call on people to apply for the job.C.Because it can show the popularity of the job.D.Because it can remind people to protect nature.3.How can you become a conservation officer?A.Grade 9 to 4 (A* to C) in English or Maths.B.Have paid or unpaid work experience.C.Get 5 General Certificates of Secondary Education.D.Volunteer in organisations like the Wildlife Trusts.BIt's 1944, in occupied Paris. Four friends spend their days in an arrow room atop a Left Bank apartment building. The neighbors think they’re painters- a cover story to explain the chemical smell. In fact, the friends are members of a Jewish resistance cell. They’re operating a secret laboratory to make false passports for children and families about to be deported to concentration camps (集中营). The youngest member of the group, the lab’s technical director, is practically a child himself. Adolfo Kaminsky, age 18.In the summer of 1943, he and his family were arrested and sent to Drancy, the internment camp for Jews near Paris that was the last stop before the death camps. This time, their passports saved them. Argentina's government protested the family's detention, so they stayed at Drancy for three months, while thousands of others were swiftly sent on to die. The Kaminskys were eventually freed, but they weren't safe in Paris, where Jews were under constant threat of arrest.To survive they would have to go underground. Kaminsky's father arranged to get false papers from a Jewish resistance group, and sent Kaminsky to pick them up. Whenthe agent told Kaminsky that they were struggling to erase a certain blue ink from the documents, he advised using lactic acid, a trick he'd learned at the dairy. It worked, and he was invited to join the resistance. Kaminsky's cell was one of many. Historians estimated that France's Jewish resistance networks together saved 7,000 to 10,000 children.Kaminsky never took a penny form forging. He thought the money would ruin his belief. He made a living by taking some commercial photos. To this day, 94-year-old Kaminsky feels guilty he survived the Holocaust, in despite of the fact that his remarkable work as a forger during World War II saved the lives of thousands of Jews. "I saved lives because I can’t deal with unnecessary deaths- I just can’t. All humans are equal, whatever their origins, their beliefs, their skin color."4.What is the main duty of the Jewish resistance cell?A.To provide an apartment building for painters .B.To protect Jewish people from being killed.C.To make fake identities for all families.D.To train students to operate laboratories.5.What happened to Kaminsky in 1943?A. He was sent to a concentration camp.B. He moved to live in Argentina.C. He was swiftly sent on to die.D. He protested his family's detention6.Which of the following words can best describe Kaminsky ?A. Enthusiastic and gentle.B. Expressive and humble.C. Disciplined and modest.D. Courageous and helpful.7.What does the story intend to tell us?A.Don’t raise the white flag quite yet.B.You want to get rough, we can get rough.C.There is always a bit of light even in the darkness.D.No-one hits the bull’s-eye with the first arrow.COn January 27th, in order to win the new pneumonia Resistance Wa(r 抗击新型肺炎战),the Ministry of Education issued a notice on putting off the start time of school in spring 2020. It was said that school should not start before February 17th. The exact start time of school will depend on situations and further notices.However, many parents are very worried that putting off the start of school may affect children’s studies. It they have such a long winter vacation, children will not learn any knowledge, read books or study at all. They may forget what they have learnt before. Staying at home for a long time will make them keep eating, sleeping and playing, which seriously affect their physical and mental health.In short, the close of school influences learning and develops bad habits, so how should we avoid these problems? Local education departments have also issued a notice, that is, to organize online teaching and create a network platform, where necessary courses will be shown every day, and online teaching will be given by excellent teachers of the subject, and students can learn at home through computer or mobile network.It should be said that such a method is very good. It can not only keep students indoors and not worry about the infection of the disease, but also make them study at home, improve their learning ability, and truly achieve “no suspension of classes”. Both the platform itself and the recorded lesson resources are more useful, and are welcomed by parents and teachers.Of course, except for learning at home, it is also necessary to teach children about health knowledge, especially how to keep away from touching virus; at the same time, it is also necessary for children to do some physical exercises or some games, which is good for physical health at home.8.Parents worried about putting off the start time of school because .A.children may be infected by virusB.they don’t like the idea of online learningC.children’s study may be affectedD.parents have no time to look after children9.Except for learning at home, what is also necessary according to the writer?A.To keep playing online games.B.To keep touching different people.C.To do some physical exercise outside.D.To teach children about health knowledge.10.The underlined word “suspension” in Paragraph 4 probably means .A.planB. stopC. growthD. change11.What’s the best title for this passage?A.ASpecial Way to Learn at HomeB.ANew War with a New ChangeC.AWay to Keep Mentally HealthyD.AMethod to Make Parents UnworriedDMoney might not grow on trees, but it seems that furniture does! Gavin Munro, a UK-based designer, has come up with a brilliant alternative to cutting beautiful trees and converting them into furniture.He first came up with the idea of growing furniture when he was working as a gardener in California and also made furniture with washed-up driftwood on the side. After several attempts, he finally managed to develop a model chair using four trees. Munro is now tending to a small 2.5 acre “furniture forest” of 400 trees in a field north of Derby, England. He uses specially designed plastic frames to make young oak and ash trees into the shapes of chairs, tables, frames, or lamps.A forest that grows furniture sounds like a setting right out of Alice in Wonderland, but there’s nothing magical about it, just a lot of hard work. The forest consists of rows upon rows of trees covered in blue plastic molds, converting them into furniture as they grow. Once they take the desired shape, they are cared for until thick, mature and ready for harvest.After harvesting, each piece is planned( 刨平) and finished to show off the wood grain inside. “It’s an art form in itself, keeping track of everything,” Munro said.The entire process takes about four to eight years, resulting in fully functional, organic, eco-friendly furniture, and more long-lasting than anything else on the market. They are grown and grafted(嫁接) into one solid piece without any joints that loosen over time. As Munro puts it, “These pieces of furniture could last for centuries.”Quality isn’t an issue with forest-grown furniture, but maintenance and scalability(可伸缩性) certainly are. For now, Munro expects to grow 50 pieces a year, with the first lot of chairs available for purchase in mid-2017, priced at $3,700 each.12.The first paragraph mainly serves as .A. commentB. praiseC. introductionD. background13.Gavin Munro thought of growing furniture .A. while serving as a gardenerB. while relaxing at homeC. w hile studying in CaliforniaD. when he grow up14.What plays a key role in growing furniture?A. Rich imagination.B. Perfect d esign.C. Large irrigation.D. Hard work.15.The passage is probably taken from .A. an essayB. a reportC. a novelD. a diary第⼆节(共5 ⼩题;每⼩题2 分,满分10 分)根据短⽂内容,从短⽂后的选项中选出能填⼊空⽩处的最佳选项。
咸阳市实验中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解The goal of the "Clean & Green" home recycling initiative (倡议) is to assist households in reducing their environmental footprint by providing step-by-step instructions on effective recycling practices.Understanding Recycling TypesPlastics: These include bottles, containers, and other packaging materials. Always clean plastics before recycling to avoid pollution.Paper: Newspapers, magazines, and cardboard are recyclable. However, soiled or wet paper should be discarded as regular waste.Glass: Bottles and jars of all colors can be recycled. Ensure they are free of food waste.Metals: Common recyclables are aluminum cans and tin foil (锡纸) . Remove any food waste before disposal.Steps for Effective Home RecyclingCollection: Use separate bins for each type. Mark containers to avoid confusion.Preparation: As mentioned above, clean the items. This prevents waste and increases the recyclability of the materials.Storage: Avoid overfilling recycling bins. Overpacked bins might lead to improper sorting at recycling facilities.Drop-Off: If your city doesn't offer roadside pickup, locate your nearest recycling drop-off point.Stay Informed: Recycling guidelines can change. Regularly check city websites for "Clean Green" updates.Recycling DOs and DON'TsDO: encourage neighbors and friends to adopt recycling habits; invest in composting (堆肥) if possible; it's another great way to reduce waste;DON'T: mix different types in one bin; recycle dangerous or electronic waste with regular recyclables;Benefits of Recycling:Reduces landfill (垃圾填埋) waste.Conserves natural resources and energy.Prevents pollution by reducing the need for raw materials.Supports public health by minimizing exposure to harmful things.Join the "Clean Green" initiative today and play your part in creating a bright future for the next generations!1.The primary goal of the "Clean Green" initiative is to _____.A.sell recycling binsB.encourage compostingC.update recycling guidelines frequentlyD.reduce households' environmental footprints2.Which of the following materials needs to be cleaned before recycling?A.Paper.B.Metals.C.Plastics.D.Glass.3.Which of the following statements is TRUE?A.It's important to stay updated on recycling guidelines.B.Electronic waste can be recycled with regular recyclables.C.You should mix different types in one bin to save space.D.Wet paper is preferred for recycling as it's easier to process.Recent research highlights that the last meal of the day can significantly affect our health. The story is not merely about what we consume, but also about when we do so.The debate about dinner timing finds substantial, scientific support with a Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) study, suggesting that early dinners could have much health benefits. And it defined an early dinner as a meal consumed three to four hours before bedtime, in line with our body's circadian rhythm (生理节奏) .The BWH study discovered clear differences in metabolic (新陈代谢的) profiles of early and late diners. Early diners demonstrated lower blood glucose levels, improved fat-burning capacity, better sleep quality, and higher energy levels. Meanwhile, late dinners led to increased hunger, slower calorie burning, and higher fat storage, posing risks for conditions like diabetes (糖尿病) .The exact timing of dinner isn't a one-size-fits-all choice, as people's routines vary widely. Maya Feller, a nutritionist based in Brooklyn, NY, emphasizes that our schedules—ranging from traditional nine-to-five to round-the-clock—are critical when considering "ideal" meal times. Therefore, finding a dinner time that fits into your schedule is essential.Wendy Bazilian, DrPH, offers insightful tips for those whose routines may not permit an early dinner. She recommends consuming meals or snacks every three to five hours. Thisregular eating pattern can help stabilize blood sugar levels, preventing the feeling of hunger. Furthermore, it's advantageous to leave a gap of two to three hours between your last meal and bedtime. This gap ensures your body has sufficient time for most of the digestion process—letting you get adequate rest and repair during sleep.So it's time to reconsider not just the contents of your plate, but also the clock. After all, leading a healthy lifestyle isn't merely about counting calories but also understanding when and how to fuel our bodies.4.What did the Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) study mainly focus on?A.The recommended daily diet.B.Our body's circadian rhythm.C.The drawbacks of early dinners.D.The importance of dinner timing.5.What may be the result of having an early dinner?A.Enjoying a sound night's sleep.B.Having a strong sense of hunger.C.Storing up more fat in your body.D.Having a higher risk of diabetes.6.What advice does Wendy Bazilian give to the late diners?A.They're supposed to grab some food every 6 hours.B.They should allow for digestion process before bedtime.C.They'd better have access to adequate sleep.D.They are advised to keep their blood sugar level stable.7.What is the purpose of the passage?A.To show the benefits of good dietary habits.B.To share the fact that we are what we eat.C.To tell people the healthiest time to eat dinner.D.To show the importance of eating less in the evening.Stress in teenagers can be reduced by a 30-minute online intervention (干预) aimed at encouraging a growth mindset and seeing the body's reaction to stress as a positive. It interprets physical responses such as a racing heart as potentially performance-enhancing.Mental problems among teenagers are on the rise in the United Kingdom, with rates of probable mental health disorders increasing from one in nine (12%) in 2021 to one in five (20%) in 2023, and there are long waits for access to services in some regions.A study involving more than 4,000 secondary school pupils and university students suggests the new approach could be a low-cost, effective treatment for adolescent stress. "We're trying to change teenagers beliefs and their responses to stressful situations, "said Dr David Yeager, first author of the study. "Actually when you're doing something hard and yourbody starts to feel stressed, that could be a good thing."Yeager and colleagues conducted a series of controlled trials. In one trial, half of 166 students were given the intervention while the rest were not. All the students were then surprised with a request to give a speech about their personal strengths and weaknesses in front of peer evaluators who had been trained to create an unsupportive atmosphere by sighing and frowning. Those who had been given the intervention had lower stress responses, based on heart rate and other physical measures.In another experiment, the intervention was shown to influence academic achievement nine months later, with students 14% more likely to pass classes at the end of the academic year. In the final experiment, teenagers who had received the online intervention reported lower levels of general anxiety several months later.Yeager said the new approach went against the "common principle of self-care" that often appears to view stress as uniquely negative and suggests people "go do yoga or have a camomile tea (甘菊茶) ". "That's a way to take your attention away but it doesn't help you deal with the fundamental cause of stress," he said.8.Why does the author mention the figures in Paragraph 2?A.To provide historical information about the study.B.To present the advantages of the online intervention.C.To explain the necessity of providing the public services.D.To stress the severity of mental problems in UK teenagers.9.What is teenagers' misunderstanding of stress?A.It is something negative.B.It is something positive.C.It has no influence on other people.D.It contributes to their growth10.From the controlled experiments, we know the intervention might ______.A.make teenagers more responsible for themselvesB.do good to teenagers' physical and mental healthC.help students evaluate their strengths and weaknessesD.prove efficient in ridding teenagers of stress immediately11.What does Yeager think of the new approach?A.It casts new light on the cause of stress.B.It changes people's perspective on stress.C.It respects people's opinions about self-care.D.It relieves teenagers' stress more effectively.The term "Hudson River school" was applied to the foremost representatives of nineteenth-century North American landscape painting. Apparently unknown during the golden days of the American landscape movement, which began around 1850s and lasted until the late 1860s, the Hudson River school seems to have emerged in the 1870s as a direct result of the struggle between the old and the new generations of artists, each to assert its own style as the representative American art. The older painters, most of whom were born before 1835, practiced in a mode often self-taught and monopolized by landscape subject matter and were securely established in and fostered by the reigning American art organization, the National Academy of Design.The younger painters returning home from training in Europe worked more with figural subject matter and in a bold and impressionistic technique; their prospects for patronage in their own country were uncertain, and they sought to attract it by attaining academicwhat in previous years had been referred to as the American, native, or, occasionally, New York school—the most representative school of American art in any genre—had by 1890s become firmly established in the minds of critics and public alike as the Hudson River school.The sobriquet was first applied around 1879.While it was not intended as flattering, it was hardly inappropriate. The Academicians at whom it was aimed had worked and socialized in New York, the Hudson's port city, and had painted the river and its shores with varying frequency. Most important, perhaps, was that they had all maintained with a certain fidelity a manner of technique and composition consistent with those of America's first popular landscape artist, Thomas Cole, who built a career painting the Catskill Mountain scenery bordering the Hudson River.A possible implication in the term applied to the group of landscapists was that many of them had, like Cole, lived on or near the banks of the Hudson. Further, the river had long served as the principal route to other sketching grounds favored by the Academicians, particularly the Adirondacks and the mountains of Vermont and New Hampshire different ways.12.According to the passage, what was the function of the National Academy of Design for the painters born before 1835?A.It mediated conflicts between artists.B.It supervised the incorporation of new artistic techniques.C.It supported their growth and development.D.It determined which subjects were appropriate.13.Where did the younger generation of painters receive the artistic training?A.In New Hampshire.B.In the Adirondacks.C.In Vermon.D.In Europe.14.The underlined word "factions" is closest in meaning to "______".A.peopleB.sidesC.citiesD.images15.What is the best title for the text?A.Hudson River SchoolB.The Nature's NationC.Early Painters and Their DrawingsD.North American Landscape Painting二、七选五16.What to do about climate change?With scientists warning that 2024 could be the warmest ever, and destructive wildfires tearing through communities, the climate crisis is no longer a distant threat. ①______ Use energy wisely.Using energy with wisdom is one way to cut your carbon footprint. It's not just about how much energy you use, but when you use it. ②______ When demand is low, or during the brightest part of the day, to use solar can help.③______Aviation (航空) brings a significant challenge in achieving net-zero emissions. Despite accounting for just three percent of global emissions, it is a rapidly growing source and difficult to decarbonize (碳减排) . Reducing air travel is recommended until battery and hydrogen planes become practical. ④______ There is also a recovery of Europe's night trains for low-carbon travel.Grow your own.Whether you have a windowsill or a smallholding, growing your own herbs, flowers or vegetables can be beneficial. Not just to pollinators (传粉昆虫) , which can feed off the plants, but to your mental health. Sure, cultivating a garden isn't going to absorb much carbon.⑤______ And the research suggests it is good for our mental health—particularly amid alarming news about the climate.A.Heat water less.B.No-fly travel companies are making overland travel more attractive.C.Avoid the skies.D.Cultivating a garden to absorb carbon.E.Setting timers for appliances to run through the night.F.But it will help you reconnect with nature.G.Listed below are 3 things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint and save yourself from climate despair.三、完形填空(15空)Painting, the execution of forms and shapes on a surface by means of pigment, has been continuously practiced by humans for some 20,000 years. Together with other activities thatof abstract things. Unlike music and dance, however, examples of early forms of paintingeasy for viewers of all nations and civilizations to understand and appreciate.The major existing examples of early painting anywhere in the world are found in Western Europe and the former Soviet Union. But some 5,000 years ago, the areas in whichWestern painting shared a European cultural tradition.Christian and medieval world. The Renaissance (文艺复兴) extended this tradition through a close examination of the natural world and an investigation of balance, harmony, andthe 17th and 18th centuries. The landscape and figurative traditions developed together in theof light and color and the expressive qualities of paint handling.paint and painting through action and form.17.A.realism B.origin C.resource D.silence18.A.abuse B.reputation C.mistake D.understanding19.A.melt B.moderated C.survived D.cheated20.A.universal B.contradictory C.negative D.unusual21.A.admitted B.objected C.replied D.shifted22.A.Therefore B.Nevertheless C.Otherwise D.However23.A.released B.distinguished C.offered D.divided24.A.size B.annual C.form D.figure25.A.nuclear B.religious cational D.economic26.A.linking B.separating C.reforming D.expressing27.A.watercolor B.sand ndscape D.oil28.A.immediately B.increasingly C.rarely D.suddenly29.A.reaction B.action C.interaction D.campaign30.A.relied on B.shaved off C.adapted to D.contributed to31.A.nature B.fault C.rank D.cue四、短文填空32.Chinese screen, also known as pingfeng, is a unique and elegant piece of ①______ (tradition) furniture in Chinese decoration.Typically, it ②______ (make) of wood and features a delicate appearance. Famous for ③______ (it) carvings and paintings, the Chinese screen can block wind and noise from the outside, cover a door and make the room private. When ④______ (decorate) a house, Chinese people attach great importance to the harmony of their living space with the surrounding environment. Architects believe a screen can help to control ⑤______ the energy flows in a room and promote a feeling of peace and calmness.With its roots in Chinese culture and ancient history, the screen is more than just ⑥______ physical barrier. ⑦______ addition to its decorative and practical functions, the Chinese screen is considered a symbol of honor and respect as well. When important guestsvisit, the host often greets them behind the screen as a sign of respect and privacy.Today, Chinese screens are treasured and employed for their multiple ⑧______ (role) . Whether used to divide a room, create privacy, ⑨______ add a touch of traditional elegance to a space, the Chinese screen ⑩______ (remain) a beloved and valuable piece of design.五、书面表达33.假定你是你校学生会的主席李华,近期你校即将举办一系列以“保护海洋”为主题的活动。
陕西省咸阳市实验中学2022-2023学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解Chicago has all the offerings you would expect from a major city. If you plan to spend a wonderful time here, just see the followings:Museum of Science and Industry5700 S. Lake Shore DrivePrice: $21 for adults; $12 for kids 3-17Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry shows more than 35,000 artifacts and a variety of hands-on exhibits. Displays here cater to all types of curious minds: feel the physics of a tornado in “Science Storms” and see baby chicks at the Genetics, etc.Art Institute of Chicago111 S. Michigan AvePrice: $25 for adults; $19 for kids 3-17Home to one of the country's most impressive collections of impressionist art, the Art Institute of Chicago features nearly 300,000 works from all over the world in its collection. Highlights include pieces from famous artists like Van Gogh and Monet.Skydeck Chicago at the Willis Tower233 S. Wacker DrivePrice: $30 for adults; $22 for kids 3-17On the 103rd floor of the 110-story Willis Tower, the third-tallest building in North America, Skydeck Chicago is famous for breathtaking views of the city. Visit on a sunny day and you may be able to see 4 states.Navy Pier600 E. Grand AvePrice: FreeNavy Pier offers a family-friendly entertainment. Kids enjoy their rides on a drop tower while grown-ups catch a show at the Chicago Shakespeare Theater or grab a drink at the Navy Pier Beer Garden. Beautiful fireworks displays light up the skies on Wednesday and Saturday nights.1.Where can impressionist art fans go to appreciate works?A.5700 S. Lake Shore Drive.B.111 S. Michigan Ave.C.233 S. Wacker Drive.D.600 E. Grand Ave.2.How much will a couple with a child aged 6 pay if they enjoy a bird view of Chicago?A.$60.B.$64.C.$69.D.$82. 3.What can people do at Navy Pier?A.Enjoy a beer.B.Make fireworks.C.Observe baby chicks.D.Discover secrets of tornadoes.The publication of A Christmas Carol in 1843 ensured that Charles Dickens’ name would forever be linked with Christmas. However, it is more than a timeless Christmas story. It’s a very Victorian story of urban circumstances: extremes of wealth and poverty, industry and inability. It helped change Victorian society, and that’s why Dickens wrote it.Aside from raising people’s awareness of the plight of the poor in Victorian England, though, Dickens was also in great need of cash to support his large family. “Thinking creatively, he wrote himself out of his predicament,” says historian Catherine Golden.The already well-known writer’s solution worked, to a degree. By the end of the next year, the book had sold more than 15,000 copies. But due to the book’s relatively low price, much of that money didn’t make it back to the author. “What a wonderful thing it is that such a great success should bring me such intolerable anxiety and disappointment!” Dickens wrote.The book did have the cultural impact Dickens was hoping for, though. The writer came from a poor family and is remembered as a friend to the poor throughout his life. In the fall of that year, the author had visited a Samuel Starey’s Field School, which taught poor children. “Dickens easily empathized with children living in poverty, coming, as he did, from a poor childhood himself — a fact that set him apart from many other English authors,” writes Golden.“Even if economics motivated Dickens to write, his story encouraged charity,” writes Golden. “Like Scrooge, a character in his story, Dickens himself was a charitable man. He used his wealth and influence to help those less fortunate.”Dickens may not have gotten rich off of the publication of A Christmas Carol, but he did make the world a little richer.4.Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol _________.A.to make enough money to support his big familyB.to celebrate Christmas with children living in povertyC.to share his poor childhood with other English authorsD.to help change the urban circumstances in Victorian society5.What does the underlined word “plight” probably mean?A.Identification.B.Assumption.C.Dilemma.D.Compromise. 6.How did Dickens actually feel about the sling of the book?A.It was wonderful.B.It was discouraging C.It was satisfying.D.It was unnecessary.7.What is the author’s tone when he talks about Dickens?A.Sharp.B.Admiring.C.Ridiculous.D.Humorous.When Kurt Benirschke, a researcher at the University of California San Diego, started collecting skin samples from rare and endangered animals in 1972, he didn’t have a firm plan on what to do with them. A few years later, he moved his collection to San Diego Zoo, and called it the Frozen Zoo.Benirschke passed away in 2018, but his efforts are very much alive. Today, the Frozen Zoo is the world’s largest animal cryobank (冷库), with samples from over 10,500 individual animals from 1,220 species. It has reached some milestones in the field of genetics (遗传学), starting with the cloning of the first animal — a sheep named Dolly — in 1996.Although cloning isn’t perfect — an Indian ox they cloned only survived for 48 hours, it’s a useful tool to help save endangered species, because it can increase genetic diversity. When the population of a species declines, the remaining animals are forced to reproduce within a closely related group, and thus the genetic pool becomes smaller, which further threatens survival. In a species of animals, the genetic diversity is what gives it flexibility, the ability to bounce back from big natural disasters, virus attacks or disease attacks. That’s because if there are more different types of genetics in a species, there is a higher chance that some will survive.With the current alarming rate of biodiversity loss, all researchers agree that a tighter cooperation between all cryobanks is a necessity. The task is enormous, because there are a million species at risk. “We need 50 different genetic samples from each, so that means 50million samples; for each of those, we need five bottles for each sample, so that’s hundreds of millions of samples that need to be stored,” Ryder says.“If we had a conversation with the future, they would say, please save as much biodiversity as you can, now. Period,” he adds. “And they would say, do that by all means available.”8.Which of the following did Benirschke’s efforts include?A.Collecting endangered animals.B.Rebuilding San Diego Zoo.C.Building an animal cryobank.D.Cloning the first animal Dolly. 9.How does cloning help with animal survival?A.By increasing genetic diversity.B.By boosting animal reproduction.C.By developing genetic technology.D.By fighting against virus attacks. 10.What’s the purpose of Paragraph 4?A.To confirm the importance of the animal cryobanks.B.To explain the supersize of researchers’ future work.C.To reveal the serious impacts of biodiversity loss.D.To raise an assumption to save endangered animals.11.Which is the best title for the text?A.What the Tech of Cloning Can Do for GeneticsB.How Benirschke Dealt with Biodiversity LossC.What a Conversation with the Future SuggestsD.How Frozen Zoos Could Save Dying SpeciesFew items make more of a fashion statement than wearing feathers. In Europe, the trend first came to prominence(引人注目) during the 16th century Renaissance (文艺复兴) period, symbolizing wealth and power. Similarly, nowadays, the feather industry is seen as an expensive decoration for designer items, including handbags and boots.However, the Native American culture falls on the opposite end, viewing feathers as sacred parts of their civilization.Native American is the blanket item for a member of any of the local people of North, Central and South America, many of whom were wiped out by diseases brought over by European colonists. Today, their traditional culture survives to an extent in specific Native American Reserves around the US and Canada, aiming to protect the remaining tribes.Though each tribe has its own culture, feathers are widely seen as a symbol of bravery and are often integrated into the iconic headdress or warbonnet(战冠) designs worm by the most influential and powerful members of a tribe.As a key symbol for a tribe, a warbonnet should reflect a tribe's home. As such, they are usually made up of feathers mainly from the local area, which results in widely differing designs around the US.Of these feathers, an eagle feather is the most highly valued. Within the Native American culture, eagles are regarded for their strength and bravery, meaning anyone who possesses or wears its feathers should also demonstrate these qualities.Despite this spiritual significance, many not associated with the culture continue to wear headdresses with artificial feathers at music festivals and sporting events. Dennis Zotigh, Cultural Specialist, National Museum of the American Indian, said: “This is analogous to casually wearing a purple heart (a US military medal for bravery) that was not earned.”Indeed, the feather is such a meaningful and spiritual part of Native American culture. So maybe the next time we find ourselves buying a shirt with a feather design or colorful feather earrings, we can appreciate the feather's symbolic history.12.Why does the author mention the trend of feathers at the beginning of the text?A.To introduce the origin of the feather industry.B.To contrast the importance of feathers in different cultures.C.To inform readers of the latest fashion trend.D.To discuss the development of the fashion industry.13.What do we know about Native Americans?A.Most of them still live in South America.B.Many of them died from diseases from Europe.C.Headdresses are worn by most members of a tribe.D.Different tribes use the same design for headdresses.14.Why are eagle feathers highly valued by Native Americans?A.Eagles represent wealth and status.B.Eagles remind people of cool fashion.C.Eagles are associated with freedom.D.Eagles stand for strength and courage.15.What's mainly talked about in the passage?A.The development of the feather industry.B.The meaning of feathers in the Native American culture.C.The spiritual significance of feathers in Renaissance.D.The function of feathers in fashion.ChatGPT, launched in November, 2022, has attracted over 100 million monthly users in just two months, which is considered the fastest-growing consumer app. 16 ChatGPT can write emails, computer code, even academic papers and poems. 17 . With various functions, it is suspected to do no good to multiple areas, above all the higher education.So is ChatGPT a benefit or a trouble? 18 . Some universities have banned it due to the warning that it could prompt more students to cheat, especially in exams. By comparison, others regard it as a blessing rather than a curse. Andreas Schleicher, director of education and skills of the Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development, for instance, said he welcomes ChatGPT because “it gives people a chance” to concentrate less on tasks that technology can perform equally well.19 , one-third of the educators said they believe ChatGPT should be banned in schools and universities, while the rest supported students having access to it. The attitude of most students sees a distinct difference. They admitted having sought help from ChatGPT to complete their homework.As a result, the observed value and usefulness of ChatGPT seem to outweigh the risks.20 .A.What we should focus on has shifted to better deal with the chatbot and its developmentB.The worry is that ChatGPT could change the basic training structure of higher educationC.According to a survey covering more than 100 educators and over 1, 000 students D.It is undoubtedly a shocking achievementE.It is widely discussed whether and to what extent AI should be involved in a scientific articleF.The answers vary greatly across the worldG.Also, it has succeeded in passing different kinds of exams二、完形填空My mother used to ask me, “What is the most important part of the body?” Through thevery important to us as humans, so I said, “My ears, Mummy.” She said, “No. Many people28.A.stronger B.taller C.smarter D.older 29.A.passed over B.got ill C.passed away D.got wounded 30.A.duty B.turn C.pity D.chance 31.A.shocked B.satisfied C.interested D.excited 32.A.game B.test C.plan D.secret 33.A.worry B.puzzlement C.regret D.pain 34.A.enjoyed B.found C.disliked D.lived 35.A.shoulders B.feet C.hands D.hair 36.A.how B.because C.why D.whether 37.A.respect B.favour C.love D.fun 38.A.by B.on C.above D.for 39.A.valuable B.useful C.selfish D.precious 40.A.sympathetic B.apparent C.miserable D.objective三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
1. What are the speakers talking about?A. Having a birthday party.B. Doing some exercise.C. Getting Lydia a gift.2. What is the woman going to do?A. Help the man.B. Take a bus.C. Get a camera.3. What does the woman suggest the man do?A. Tell Kate to stop.B. Call Kate’s friends.C. Stay away from Kate.4. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a wine shop.B. In a supermarket.C. In a restaurant.5. What does the woman mean?A. Keep the window closed.B. Go out for fresh air.C. Turn on the fan.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。
陕西省咸阳市试验中学2024-2025学年高二英语上学期第一次月考试题第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。
例:How much is the shirt?A.£ 19. 15B.£9. 18C.£9. 15答案是C。
1. What will the woman do this afternoon?A. Do some exercise.B. Go shopping.C. Wash her clothes.2. Why does the woman call the man?A. To cancel a flight.B. To make an apology.C. To put off a meeting.3. How much more does David need for the car?A. $ 5, 000.B. $20, 000.C. $25, 000.4. What is Jane doing?A. Planning a tour.B. Calling her father.C. Asking for leave.5. How does the man feel?A. Tired.B. Dizzy.C. Thirsty.其次节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6. What does Jack want to do?A. Watch TV.B. Play outside.C. Go to the zoo.7. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At home.B. In a cinema.C. In a supermarket.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。
AThings to Do in AtlantaNeed a run-down of the top things to do next month? Here is what’s going on in Atlanta.In the MoodDate: November 22 through November 26, 2019Time: 2:00 pm ~5: 30 pmPhone: 770-916-2800If you love the music of the 1940s, then here’s what you need to do this Sunday. Go to a 1940s musical show at Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre. The music of Clem Miler has a distinctive sound. No need to ask me twice. Are you “In the Mood”?Party With the PenguinsDate: November 20 through November 25, 2019Time: 11:00 am ~2:00 pmPhone: 404-581-4000Celebrate Penguin Awareness Day at Georgia Aquarium’s annual Party With the Penguin s. The party will feature fun activities, including the chance to see an African penguin up close and learn how to help protect this endangered species.Callanwolde Arts FestivalDate: November 21 through November 22, 2019Time: 10:30 am ~ 5:30 pmPhone: 404-872-5338Located at Callanwolde Fine Arts Center, this event is a festival for artists, and by artists, letting themhave a voice in the creation and operations of the festival. If you are of the artistic persuasion or enjoy a creative scene, don’t miss out.Foolio’s Hoodilly StorytimeDate: November 21 through November 27, 2019Time: 1:00 pm ~ 4: 30 pmPhone: 404-523-3141We make up a brand-new story every week. Come and enjoy a new story each time a Dad’s Garage Theatre. Little ones will get to help provide key parts of the story and even add in their own jokes. Interactive and out-of-the-ordinary fun for kids and parents!1. Where should you go in order to enjoy Glenn Miller’s works?A. Georgia Aquarium.B. Dad’s Garage Theatre.C. Callanwolde Fine Arts Center.D. Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre.2. What do we know about Callanwolde Arts Festival?A. It is an annual event.B. It lasts for a whole week.C. It gets participants involved in its operations.D. It is organized by some world-famous scientists.3. Which number should a family dial if they want to enjoy a good laugh together?A. 404-872-5338.B. 404-523-3141.C. 404-581 -4000.D. 770-916-2800. 【答案】1. D 2. C 3. B【解析】【分析】这是一篇应用文。
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3.本试卷满分 150 分,考试总用时 120 分钟。
第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。
第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。
听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1.W h a t i s t h e m a n l oo k i n g f o r?A.A b oo k.B.H i s i P h o n e.C.A p ay ph o n e.2.W h e r e i s t h e w o m a n go i n g n ex t?A.T o a s n ac k b a r.B.T o a m ov i e t h ea t e r.C.T o h e r f r i e nd S i m o n's h o u s e.3.W h a t w ill t h e m a n d o n ex t?A.F ill o u t a n o t h e r f o r m.B.C o rr ec t h i s m i s t a k e o n t h e f o r m.C.T e ll t h e w o m a n h i s m e d i ca l h i s t o r y.4.W h e n w ill t h e m a n m o s t li k e l y ge t h o m e?A.A t7:00.B.A t a b o u t7:30.C.A ft e r8:00.5.W h e r e d oe s t h e co n ve r s a ti o n p r o b a b l y t a k e p l ace?A.O n a f a r m.B.A t a f r u it m a r k e t.C.A t c u s t o m s.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6.W h a t r e l a ti o n i s t h e w o m a n t o G eo r ge?A.H i s m o t h e r.B.H i s t ea mm a t e.C.H i s coac h.7.W h a t d oe s t h e w o m a n t h i nk i s m o r e i m p o r t a n t?A.B eco m i n g t h e b e s t p l aye r.B.B e i n g a t ea m p l aye r.C.I m p r e ss i n g t h e p a r e n t s.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。
8.W h a t d oe s t h e m a n w a n t t o d o a t t h e r e s t a u r a n t a t fi r s t?A.H o l d a p a r t y.B.W a t c h t h e b i g ga m e.C.B oo k a t a b l e.9.W h y d oe s t h e w o m a n s u gge s t t h e m a n t r y t h e b a r?A.T h e r e s t a u r a n t i s a ll b oo k e d.B.T h ey h ave a d iff e r e n t m e nu t h e r e.C.T h e r e i s r oo m f o r fi ve p eo p l e.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。
10.W h e n d oe s t h e w o m a n h ave t o h a nd i n h e r e ss ay?A.T h i s a ft e r n oo n.B.T o m o rr o w.C.I n a co up l e d ay s.11.W h a t i s t h e w o m a n h av i n g t r o ub l e w it h?A.E nd i n g h e r p a p e r.B.Starting her essay.C.G i v i n g m o r e t h o u g h t s.12.H o w w ill t h e m a n h e l p t h e w o m a n?A.B y co rr ec ti n g h e r m i s t a k e s.B.B y s h o w i n g h e r s o m e exa m p l e s.C.B y r ea d i n g w h a t s h e h a s w r itt e n.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。
13.W h o d o t h e w o m a n's p a r e n t s p r o b a b l y c h ee r f o r?A.E n g l a nd.B.P o r t u ga l.C.Sp a i n.14.A cco r d i n g t o t h e w o m a n,w h a t i s m o s t li k e l y t o h a pp e n t o n i g h t?A.Sp a i n w ill l o s e.B.P o r t u ga l w ill l o s e.C.R o n a l d o w ill s co r e t h r ee goa l s.15.W h y d oe s t h e m a n s upp o r t f o r P o r t u ga l?A.H e li k e s R o n a l d o.B.Sp a i n i s w ay t oo co n fi d e n t.C.P o r t u ga l h a s n't l o s t a s i n g l e ga m e ye t.16.How much money do the speakers agree to bet?A.$10.B.$20.C.$40.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。
17.How many participants are in the festival?A.200.B.700.C.1000.18.W h a t i s d iff e r e n t a b o u t t h i s yea r's f e s ti va l?A.It' s not free.B.T h e r e a r e m o r e p r i z e s.C.D o n a l d T r u m p w ill b e a tt e nd i n g.19.W h a t i s t h e b i gge s t p r i z e? A.“T h e G r a nd P u m pk i n”. B.“C e l e b r it y P u m pk i n”. C.“T h e G r ea t P u m pk i n”.20.W h o m i g h t t h e s p ea k e r b e?A.A n e w s r e p o r t e r.B.A r a d i o a nn o un ce r.C.A participant in the festival.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
AItalyI t a l y—w h i c h h a s w it n e ss e d t h e s eco nd h i g h e s t nu m b e r o f C OV I D-19d ea t h s a ft e r t h e U n it e d S t a t e s—b ega n lifti n g s o m e l oc kd o w n m ea s u r e s o n A p r il14.I t a l y w a s t h e fi r s t co un t r y t ol oc kd o w n i n E u r o p e bu t h a s s ee n a r ece n t d ec li n e i n t h e t o t a l n e w d a il y ca s e s.N o w,s o m e e s t a b li s h m e n t s,s u c h a s b oo k s t o r e s a nd c h il d r e n's c l o t h i n g s t o r e s,h ave b ee n a ll o w e d t o o p e n und e r t h e co nd iti o n t h a t c u s t o m e r s w ea r p r o t ec ti ve m a s k s a nd g l ove s.T h e s e bu s i n e ss e s m u s t e n f o r ce s oc i a l d i s t a n c i n g a nd s a n iti z e t h e i r s h o p s t w i ce a d ay.SpainT h i s w ee k,a n e s ti m a t e d300,000n o n-e ss e n ti a l e m p l oyee s w e n t b ac k t o w o r k i n t h e M a d r i d r eg i o n,a s Sp a i n lift e d s o m e o f it s l oc kd o w n m ea s u r e s w h i c h h ave b ee n i n p l ace s i n ce M a r c h15.C u rr e n tl y,t h e l oc kd o w n w ill r e m a i n i n p l ace un til A p r il26bu t co u l d b e ex t e nd e d.M ea n w h il e, t h e p o li ce a r e d i s t r i bu ti n g m o r e t h a n10m illi o n f ace m a s k s t o t h o s e i nd i v i du a l s r e t u r n i n g t o w o r k.AustriaG a r d e n ce n t e r s a nd s m a ll s t o r e s h ave r eo p e n e d i n A u s t r i a bu t c u s t o m e r s a r e r e qu i r e d t o co n ti nu e s oc i a l d i s t a n c i n g a nd m u s t w ea r m a s k s.A ft e r I t a l y,A u s t r i a w a s t h e fi r s t E u r o p ea n co un t r y t o t a k e l oc kd o w n m ea s u r e s.N o w,it's o n e o f t h e fi r s t E u r o p ea n co un t r i e s t o lift l oc kd o w n m ea s u r e s.DenmarkO n M a r c h12,t h e gove r n m e n t li m it e d ga t h e r i n g s,i n c r ea s e d t e s ti n g a nd s a n iti z i n g e ff o r t s.N o w,c h il d r e n h ave r e t u r n e d t o s c h oo l s a nd s o m e c hu r c h e s w e r e o p e n e d f o r E a s t e r l a s t w ee k e nd.A ll l a r ge ga t h e r i n g s a nd f e s ti va l s,h o w eve r,r e m a i n ca n ce l e d un til t h e e nd o f A u g u s t.21.A cco r d i n g t o t h e p a ss age,w h i c h o f t h e f o ll o w i n g s t a t e m e n t s i s t r u e?A.B oo k s t o r e s h ave b ee n a ll o w e d t o o p e n un co nd iti o n a ll y i n I t a l y.B.A u s t r i a w a s t h e fi r s t E u r o p ea n co un t r y t o t a k e l oc kd o w n m ea s u r e s.C.S o m e l a r ge ga t h e r i n g s ca n b e h e l d b e f o r e t h e e nd o f A u g u s t i n D e n m a r k.D.A l a r ge nu m b e r o f f ace m a s k s w ill b e h a nd e d o u t t o p eo p l e r e t u r n i n g t o w o r k i n Sp a i n.22.W h a t d oe s t h e w o r d“lift”i n t h e p a ss age m ea n?A.P i c k upB.r e m oveC.r a i s eD.i n c r ea s e23.T h e p a ss age i s p r o b a b l y t a k e n f r o m_______A.a r e s ea r c h p a p e rB.a g u i d e b oo kC.a n e w s r e p o r tD.a w e b s it eBW h y d o p eo p l e s p e nd s o m u c h m o n ey o n f a s h i o n?D o t h ey w a n t t o c r ea t e a n i m age o r m a k e sure they are not old-fashioned? Do people really judge each other by the clothes they wear?T h e b illi o n-d o ll a r f a s h i o n i ndu s t r y ce r t a i n l y t r i e s t o co n v i n ce co n s u m e r s t h a t s u c h j ud g m e n t s a r e m a d e.P o ss i b l y,t h ey m ay b e r i g h t.A r ece n t s t ud y u s i n g e l e m e n t a r y s c h oo l s t ud e n t s w a s i n t e r e s ti n g. T h ey s a i d t h a t p eo p l e w ea r i n g C a l v i n K l e i n d e s i g n e r j ea n s w e r e m o r e h a nd s o m e a nd s u cce ss f u l t h a n t h o s e w ea r i n g W r a n g l e r s.L ev i's-w ea r e r s w e r e s ee n a s s p o r t y,f a s h i o n a b l e a nd f un!O b v i o u s l y w e l ea r n ea r l y t h a t“C l o t h e s m a k e t h e m a n.”I n o t h e r w o r d s,c l o t h e s s h o w age, o u tl oo k,s t a t u s a nd i n co m e.H o w eve r,c l o t h e s t h a t l oo k g r ea t o n p r o f e ss i o n a l m o d e l s m ay l oo kt e rr i b l e o n t h e ave r age bu ye r s.A l t h o u g h b ea u t i f u l c l o t h e s d o n't h e l p ph y s i ca ll y,t h ey a r e i m p o r t a n t f o r s oc i a l a nd p s yc h o l og i ca le ff ec t s.E x p e n s i ve c l o t h e s ca n m a k e t h e w ea r e r f ee l li k e p a r t o f t h e h igh s t a t u s g r o up t h a t s e t s t a s t e a nd s t y l e.S o yo u a r e bu yi n g a n i m age o f s u cce ss.Y o u m ay r ea ll y li ve a r o u t i n e li f e,w a k i n g up i n t h e m o r n i n g f ee li n g du ll a nd o r d i n a r y.B u t w h e n yo u d r e ss i n t h e s e ex p e n s i ve c l o t h e s,yo u r m oo d b r i g h t e n s.Y o u f ee l goo d,r ea d y t o f ace a n o t h e r d ay w i t h e n e r gy.S o und c r a z y?P eo p l e w h o l ove c l o t h e s s ay i t's t r u e.O f co u r s e,a l o t o f p eo p l e d o n't li k e h i g h f a s h i o n.T h ey'd r a t h e r s p e nd t h e i r m o n ey o n s o m e t h i n g p r ac ti ca l.I n t h e i r o p i n i o n,w h e n p eo p l e b li nd l y f o ll o w t h e t r e nd o n l y t o s h o w o ff,t h e pu r s u it o f f a s h i o n w ill b eco m e t h e pu r s u it o f l u x u r y,w h i c h w ill b e a w a s t e o f r e s o u r ce s.24.A cco r d i n g t o t h e p a ss age,t h e m a i n r ea s o n w h y p eo p l e s p e nd m u c h m o n ey o n f a s h i o n i st h a t ___ _.A.t h ey j u s t w a n t t o k ee p up w it h t h e l a t e s t f a s h i o nB.they really judge each other by the clothes they wearC.t h e f a s h i o n i ndu s t r y l ea d t h e m t o co n s u m e m o r e o n f a s h i o nD.it i s hu m a n n a t u r e t o bu y m o r e a nd m a k e t h e m s e l ve s b ea u tif u l25.W h a t d oe s“C l o t h e s m a k e t h e m a n”m ea n i n t h e p a ss age?A.T h e m a n o ft e n m a k e s c l o t h e s.B.M a n y p eo p l e li k e o t h e r s b y t h e w ay t h ey d r e ss.C.B e i n g goo d-l oo k i n g m ay p o ss i b l y m a k e a p e r s o n f ee l b e tt e r.D.In m o s t ca s e s,t h e i m p r e ss i o n o f yo u i s d e t e r m i n e d b y yo u r c l o t h e s.26.W h i c h o f t h e f o ll o w i n g s t a t e m e n t i s NO T t r u e?A.G o i n g a ft e r t h e l a t e s t f a s h i o n b li nd l y w ill b e a w a s t e o f r e s o u r ce s.B.C l o t h e s l oo k i n g g r ea t o n m o d e l s m ay b e u g l y o n t h e ave r age bu ye r s.C.P eo p l e w h o l ove c l o t h e s s ay t h a t ex p e n s i ve c l o t h e s b r i g h t e n t h e i r m oo d.D.B ea u tif u l c l o t h e s h ave i m p o r t a n t s oc i a l a nd p s yc h o l og i ca l e ff ec t s o n a ll.27.T h e a u t h o r's a ttit ud e t o w a r d s f a s h i o n i s_____ _.A.p o s iti veB.n e u t r a lC.c r iti ca lD.n ega ti veCA p r il23i s t h e25t h W o r l dB oo k a ndC o p y r i g h tD ay.T h e C h i n e s e A ca d e m y o f p r e ss a nd pub li ca t i o nh a s r e l ea s e d t h e17t h n a t i o n a l r ea d i n g s u r vey.T h e a nnu a l n a t i o n a l r ea d i n g s u r vey s h o w s p eo p l e'sr ea d i n g h a b i t s h ave b a r e l y c h a n ge d ove r t h e p a s t s eve r a l yea r s.T h e s u r vey s ay s a b o u t59p e r ce n t o f t h ea du l t s i n C h i n a r ea db oo k s,w i t h o n e a du l t,o n ave r age,r ea d i n g4-5b oo k s a yea r.T h i s m ea n s a l a r genu m b e r o f p eo p l e d o n't r ea d,a nd t h o s e w h o d o s o r ea d o n l y a f e w b oo k s a yea r.A n e qu a ll y w o rr y i n g f ac t i s t h a t eve n s t ud e n t s,t ee n age r s i n p a r ti c u l a r,s ee m t o b e avo i d i n gb oo k s a s t h ey s p e nd m o r e ti m e a nd e n e r gy s w i p i n g t h r o u g h v i d eo s.T h e r e a r e m a n y r ea s o n s w h y f e w e r p eo p l e t o d ay r ea d b oo k s.T o b eg i n w it h,g i ve n t h ef a s t-c h a ng i n g s oc i a l a t m o s ph e r e,m a n y p eo p l e t o d ay t e nd t o s p e nd ti m e o n h o bb i e s r a t h e r t h a n r ea d i n g.I n a dd iti o n,m a n y s e n i o r f a m il y m e m b e r s h ave b eco m e i nd iff e r e n t t o r ea d i n g,t h e r e b yf a ili ng t o i n c u l ca t e(灌输)th e l ove f o r b oo k s a m o n g t h ei r c h il d r e n a nd g r a nd c h il d r e n.S o s e n i o rf a m il y m e m b e r s,p a r e n t s i n p a r ti c u l a r,s h o u l d c r ea t e a n a t m o s ph e r e t h a t w o u l d p r o m p t t h e i rc h ild re n t o r ea d b oo k s.T h e l ac k of pub li c li b r a r i e s,t oo,m igh t b e r e s p o n si b l e f o r t h e f a lli n g nu m b e r o f r ea d e r s.F o r exa m p l e,C h i n a h a s l e ss t h a n3,300pub li c li b r a r i e s,co m p a r e d w it h m o r et h a n160,000i n t h e U n it e d S t a t e s.A nd un li k e co un t r i e s s u c h a s t h e U S a nd B r it a i n w h i c hp r o m o t e r ea d i n g a m o n g co mm un iti e s,C h i n a l ac k s a w e ll-e s t a b li s h e d pub li c s e r v i ce s y s t e m t op r ov i d e b oo k s f o r r ea d e r s.T o e n co u r age m o r e p eo p l e t o r ea d b oo k s,n e w s p a p e r s a nd m aga z i n e s,gove r n m e n t s a t a ll l eve l s s h o u l d i m p r ove t h e ex i s ti n g pub li c li b r a r i e s,e s p ec i a ll y i n r u r a l a r ea s,a nd s e t up co mm un it y b oo k s t o r e s.P l u s,t h e gove r n m e n t s h o u l d t a k e m ea s u r e s t o e du ca t e t h e pub li c a b o u t t h e a d va n t age s o f s e r i o u s r ea d i n g.P ub li s h i n g h o u s e s s h o u l d f oc u s o n p r i n ti n g b oo k s t h a t a r e goo d b o t h i n co n t e n t a nd p r o du c ti o n va l u e t o a tt r ac t m o r e p eo p l e t o b oo k s.S c h oo l s h o u l d a l s o s e t up f o und a ti o n s t h a t ca n r eco mm e nd va l u a b l e b oo k s t o s t ud e n t s.M o r eove r,gove r n m e n t d e p a r t m e n t s co u l d s e t s o m e s p ec i a l d ay s f o r t h e m e-b a s e d r ea d i n g i n o r d e r t o e n co u r age m o r e p eo p l e t o r ea d b oo k s.28.W h i c h s t a t e m e n t d o yo u ag r ee a b o u t t h e n a ti o n a l s u r vey?A.M o s t a du lt s r ea d4o r5b oo k s m o n t h l y.B.A du lt s a r e m o r e i n t e r e s t e d i n w a t c h i n g v i d eo s.C.S t ud e n t s t e nd t o s p e nd l e ss ti m e r ea d i n g b oo k s.D.A du lt s r ea d bu t j u s t cove r a f e w b oo k s a nnu a ll y.29.W h y d o p eo p l e r ea d f e w e r b oo k s t o d ay?A.T h ey t e nd t o r ea d m o r e o n li n e a r ti c l e s.B.T h ey p ay m o r e a tt e n ti o n t o t h e i r w o r k.C.M o r e p a r e n t s d o n't h ave t h e a b ilit y t o r ea d.D.T h e r e i s a l ac k o f r ea d i n g a t m o s ph e r e a nd pub li c li b r a r i e s.30.W h a t d oe s t h e a u t h o r i n t e nd t o d o i n p a r ag r a ph4?A.T o g i ve a d v i ce o n co n t e n t s t o pub li s h e r s.B.T o p r e s e n t r ea d i n g ac ti v iti e s t o s t ud e n t s.C.T o li s t w ay s o f p r o m o ti n g r ea d i n g b oo k s.D.T o p r ove t h e i m p o r t a n ce o f r ea d i n g b oo k s.31.W h a t ca n b e t h e s u it a b l e titl e f o r t h e t ex t?A.T h e B e n e fit s o f R ea d i n g.B.T h e R ea s o n s f o r R ea d i n g l e ss.C.T h r ee W ay s t o R ea d M o r e B oo k s.D.A n A pp ea l f o r R ea d i n g M o r e B oo k s.DI f w e w a n t a f a i r s h o t a t t r a n s iti o n i n g t o r e n e w a b l e e n e r gy,w e'll n ee d o n e c r iti ca l t h i n g:t ec hn o l og i e s t h a t ca n c h a n ge e l ec t r i c it y f r o m w i nd a nd s un i n t o a c h e m i ca l f u e l f o r s t o r age a ndv i ce ve r s a(反之亦然).C o mm e r c i a l d ev i ce s t h a t d o t h i s ex i s t,bu t m o s t a r e co s tl y a nd p e r f o r m o n l y h a lf o f t h e ex p ec t a ti o n.N o w,r e s ea r c h e r s h ave c r ea t e d s m a ll l a b-s ca l e d ev i ce s t h a t d o b o t h j o b s.I f l a r ge r ve r s i o n s w o r k a s w e ll,t h ey w o u l d h e l p m a k e it p o ss i b l e---a t l ea s t m o r e a ff o r d a b l e —t o r un t h e w o r l d o n r e n e w a b l e s.T h e m a r k e t f o r s u c h t ec hn o l og i e s h a s g r o w n a l o n g w it h r e n e w a b l e s:I n2007,s o l a r a nd w i nd p r ov i d e d j u s t0.8%o f a ll p o w e r i n t h e U n it e d S t a t e s:i n2017,t h a t nu m b e r w a s8%, acco r d i n g t o t h e U.S.E n e r gy I n f o r m a ti o n A d m i n i s t r a ti o n.B u t t h e d e m a nd f o r e l ec t r i c it y o ft e n d oe s n't m a t c h t h e s upp l y f r o m s o l a r a nd w i nd.I n s unn y C a lif o r n i a,f o r exa m p l e,s o l a r p a n e l s r eg u l a r l y p r o du ce m o r e p o w e r t h a n n ee d e d i n t h e m i dd l e o f t h e d ay,bu t n o n e a t n i g h t,a ft e r m o s t w o r k e r s a nd s t ud e n t s r e t u r n h o m e.S o m e co m p a n i e s a r e b eg i nn i n g t o i n s t a ll m a ss i ve r o w s o f b a tt e r i e s i n h o p e s o f s t o r i n g ex t r a e n e r gy a nd b a l a n c i n g t h e fi n a n c i a l s h ee t.B u t b a tt e r i e s a r e co s tl y a nd s t o r e o n l y e n o u g h e n e r gy t o b ac k up t h e p o w e r s y s t e m f o r a f e w h o u r s a t m o s t.A n o t h e r o p ti o n i s t o s t o r e t h e e n e r gy b yt r a n s f o r m i n g it i n t o h y d r oge n f u e l.D ev i ce s ca ll e d e l ec t r o l y z e r s(电解器)d o t h i s b y u s i n g e l ec t r i c it y—i d ea ll y f r o m s o l a r a nd w i nd p o w e r—t o b r ea k d o w n w a t e r i n t o oxyge n a nd h y d r oge n ga s,a ca r b o n-f r ee f u e l.A s eco nd s e t o f d ev i ce s ca ll e d f u e l ce ll s ca n t h e n t r a n s f o r m t h a t h y d r oge n b ac k t o e l ec t r i c it y t o p o w e r ca r s,t r u c k s,a nd bu s e s,o r t o f ee d it t o t h e p o w e r s y s t e m.B u t co mm e r c i a l e l ec t r o l y z e r s a nd f u e l ce ll s u s e d iff e r e n t ca t a l y s t s(催化剂)t o s p ee d up t h e t w o r eac ti o n s,m ea n i n g a s i n g l e d ev i ce ca n't d o b o t h j o b s.T h e r e s ea r c h e r s m u s t co nqu e r t h i s."T h ey d i d a r ea ll y goo d j o b w i t h t h a t"s ay s S o ss i n a H a il e,a c h e m i s t a t N o r t h w e s t e r n U n i ve r s i t y i nE va n s t o n.S t ill,s h e h o l d s a ca u t i o u s v i e w t h a t b o t h h e r n e w d ev i ce a nd t h e o n e f r o m t h e O'H ay r e l a b a r e s m a ll l a b o r a t o r y d e m o n s t r a t i o n s.F o r t h e t ec hn o l ogy t o h ave a s oc i e t a l i m p ac t,r e s ea r c h e r s w ill n ee d t os ca l e up t h e bu tt o n-s i z e d ev i ce s,a p r oce ss t h a t t y p i ca ll y r e du ce s p e r f o r m a n ce.32.W h a t ca n w e l ea r n a b o u t t h e n e w d ev i ce f r o m t h e fi r s t p a r ag r a ph?A.I t s un i ve r s a l u s e r e m a i n s t o b e s ee n.B.I t i s m o r e ex p e n s i ve bu t m o r e p r ac ti ca l.C.I t ca n t r a n s f o r m m o r e r e n e w a b l e e n e r gy.D.I t i s t h e m o s t a d va n ce d a r o und t h e w o r l d.33.W h a t d oe s p a r ag r a ph2m a i n l y t a l k a b o u t?A.T h e r a p i d d eve l o p m e n t o f A m e r i ca n t ec hn o l og i e s.B.T h e p o t e n ti a l m a r k e t f o r e n e r gy t r a n s f o r m a ti o n t ec hn o l og i e s.C.T h e h i s t o r y o f e n e r gy t r a n s f o r m a ti o n t ec hn o l og i e s.D.T h e l ac k o f p o w e r i n C a lif o r n i a.34.W h a t d oe s t h e und e r li n e d w o r d“t h i s”p r o b a b l y r e f e r t o i n p a r ag r a ph3?A.t r a n s f o r m i n g e n e r gy i n t o h y d r oge n f u e lB.t r a n s f o r m i n g h y d r oge n b ac k t o e l ec t r i c it yC.b r ea k i n g d o w n w a t e r i n t o oxyge n a nd h y d r oge n ga sD.u s i n g d iff e r e n t ca t a l y s t s t o s p ee d up t h e t w o r eac ti o n s35.W h a t m ay t h e r e s ea r c h e r s f oc u s o n n ex t?A.L e ss e n i n g co s tl y b a tt e r i e s.B.I n c r ea s i n g t h e e ffi c i e n cy o f t h e t w o r eac ti o n s.C.L oo k i n g f o r o n e s h a r e d ca t a l y s t s f o r t h e t w o r eac ti o n s.D.B r ea k i n g d o w n w a t e r i n t o a ca r b o n-f r ee f u e l w it h o u t u s i n g e l ec t r i c it y.第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。