




、金斯特林格方程可适用至转化率) ?1?)、大多数固相反应是由扩散速度所控制的。






7.成核--生成相变亚稳区G< 0 ,斯宾那多分解的不稳区G>0。








(A)化学位梯度(B)热力学因子小于零 2、熔体是物质在液相温度以上存在的一种高能量状态,在冷却的过程中可以出现(A)、(B)和(C)三种不同的相变过程。









一、晶向指数 二、晶面指数 三、六方晶系的晶向指数和晶面指数 四、晶带 五、晶面间距
钯的PDF卡片-----Pd 89-4897
crystal system,space
图 2 CdS纳米棒的TEM照片(左)和 HRTEM照片(右)
图2 选区电子衍射图
图1. La(Sr)3SrMnO7的低 温电子衍射图
晶向:空间点阵中行列的方向代表晶体中原子排 列的方向,称为晶向。
晶面:通过空间点阵中任意一组结点的平面代表 晶体中的原子平面,称为晶面。
1、晶向指数:表示晶体中点阵方向的指数,由晶向上结点的 坐标值决定。
2、求法 1)建立坐标系。 以晶胞中待定晶向上的某一阵点O为原点,
联系:一般情况下,晶胞的几何形状、大小与对应的单胞是 一致的,可由同一组晶格常数来表示。
不区分 图示
晶 胞

•NaCl晶体的晶胞,对应的是立方面心格子 •晶格常数a=b=c=0.5628nm,α=β=γ=90°
大晶胞:是相对 于单位晶胞而言 的
① 所选取的平行六面体应能反映整个空间点阵的对称性; ② 在上述前提下,平行六面体棱与棱之间的直角应最多; ③ 在遵循上两个条件的前提下,平行六面体的体积应最小。
原点:单胞角上的某一阵点 坐标轴:单胞上过原点的三个棱边 x,y,z 点阵参数:a,b,c,α,β,γ
是一种介于晶体和非晶体之间的固体。准晶具有长程定向有 序,然而又不具有晶体所应有的平移对称性,因而可以具有 晶体所不允许的宏观对称性。



普遍类型:一般合金有序-无序转变、铁磁性-顺磁性转变、超 导态转变等。
二级相变实例 特例 混合型相变: 特点: 同时具有一级相变 和二级相变的特征 例如:压电陶瓷BaTiO3 有居里点,理论上是二级相 变,但是也有较小的相变潜 热。
*二、按相变方式分类 成核-长大型相变:由程度大,但范围小的浓度起伏开始发生 相变,并形成新相核心。如结晶釉。 连续型相变(不稳分相):由程度小,范围广的浓度起伏连续长 大形成新相。 如微晶玻璃。 三、按质点迁移特征分类 扩散型:有质点迁移。 无扩散型:在低温下进行,如:同素异构转变、马氏体转变

H . T 2 2 T 0 2 4 n . . r 8 n . r 0 r K H . T GV T0
+ G2 G 0 T2 rK -G1 rK T1 r T3
1、rK是临界晶胚半径。 rK愈小 ,愈易形成新相。 2、 rK与温度关系。要发生相变 必须 过冷。TT0时, T愈小, rK愈大,越不易形成新相。 (熔体析晶,一般rK =10~100nm) 3、 影响rK的因素分析。 rK
1、相变过程的不平衡状态及亚稳区 A X 结论 B T g a、亚稳区具有不平衡状态。 C b、在亚稳区要产生新相必须 L O D 过冷。 E c、当加入杂质,可在亚稳区 V Z 形成新相,此时亚稳区 s 缩小。 P/ P 说明:阴影区为亚稳区
原因:当发生相变时,是以微小液滴或晶粒出现,由于颗粒很小, 因此其饱和蒸汽压和溶解度>>平面态蒸汽压和溶解度,在相平衡温 度下,这些微粒还未达到饱和而重新蒸发和溶解。



《材料科学基础》课后习题答案第一章材料结构的基本知识4. 简述一次键和二次键区别答:根据结合力的强弱可把结合键分成一次键和二次键两大类。





6. 为什么金属键结合的固体材料的密度比离子键或共价键固体为高?答:材料的密度与结合键类型有关。




9. 什么是单相组织?什么是两相组织?以它们为例说明显微组织的含义以及显微组织对性能的影响。













1) 问此反应能否进行?为什么?
2) 写出合成位错的柏氏矢量,并说明合成位错的类
❖ 12.已知柏氏矢量b=0.25nm,如果对称倾侧晶界的
1.金属间化合物 答案
❖ 5.计算位错运动受力的表达式为,其中是指什么?
❖ 6.位错受力后运动方向处处垂直于位错线,在运动
❖ 7.位错线上的割阶一般如何形成?
❖ 8.界面能最低的界面是什么界面?
❖ 9. “小角度晶界都是由刃型位错排成墙而构成的”这
为0.124nm, Fe为0.126 nm。
❖ 6.已知Cd,Zn,Sn,Sb等元素在Ag中的固熔度 (摩尔分数)极限分别为
❖ 10. 根据下图所示,Al-Mg-Mn系富Al一角的投影图, ①写出图中两个四相反应。 ②写出图中合金Ⅰ和Ⅱ的凝固过程。



第一章8.计算下列晶体的离于键与共价键的相对比例(1)NaF (2)CaO (3)ZnS解:1、查表得:X Na =0.93,X F =3.98根据鲍林公式可得NaF 中离子键比例为:21(0.93 3.98)4[1]100%90.2%e ---⨯=共价键比例为:1-90.2%=9.8% 2、同理,CaO 中离子键比例为:21(1.00 3.44)4[1]100%77.4%e---⨯=共价键比例为:1-77.4%=22.6%3、ZnS 中离子键比例为:21/4(2.581.65)[1]100%19.44%ZnS e --=-⨯=中离子键含量共价键比例为:1-19.44%=80.56%10说明结构转变的热力学条件与动力学条件的意义.说明稳态结构与亚稳态结构之间的关系。





第二章1.回答下列问题:(1)在立方晶系的晶胞内画出具有下列密勒指数的晶面和晶向:(001)与[210],(111)与[112],(110)与 [111],(132)与[123],(322)与[236](2)在立方晶系的一个晶胞中画出(111)和 (112)晶面,并写出两晶面交线的晶向指数。

(3)在立方晶系的一个晶胞中画出同时位于(101). (011)和(112)晶面上的[111]晶向。

解:1、2.有一正交点阵的 a=b, c=a/2。

某晶面在三个晶轴上的截距分别为 6个、2个和4个原子间距,求该晶面的密勒指数。



第8章 习题答案8.2 什么叫相变?按照相变机理来划分,可分为哪些相变?相变:随自由能变化而发生的相结构的变化。


8.10为什么在成核一生成机理相变中,要有一点过冷或过热才能发生相变? 什么情况下需过冷,什么情况下需过热,试证明之。

解:由热力学可知,在等温、等压下有:G H T S ∆=∆-∆在平衡条件下,0G ∆=,则有00H T S ∆-∆=,0/S H T ∆=∆式中: 0T 是相变的平衡温度;H ∆为相变热。

若在任意温度T 的不平衡条件下,则有0G H T S ∆=∆-∆≠若H ∆与S ∆不随温度而变化,将上式代入上式得:0000/T T T G H T H T H H T T -∆∆=∆-∆=∆=∆ 可见,相变过程要自发进行,必须有0G ∆<,则0/0H T T ∆∆<。

若相变过程放热(如凝聚、结晶等)0H ∆<。

要使0G ∆<,必须有0T ∆>,00T T T ∆=->,即0T T >,这表明系统必须“过冷”。

若相变过程吸热(如蒸发、熔融等)0H ∆>,要满足0G ∆<这一条件则必须0T ∆<,即0T T <,这表明系统要自发相变则必须“过热”。

8.13 铁的原子量为55.84 ,密度为 7.32 克 /cm 3,熔点为 1593 ℃,熔化热为 11495 J/mol ,固液界面能为 2.04×10-5 J/cm 2,试求在过冷度为 10 ℃、 100 ℃时的临界晶核大小并估计这些晶核分别由多少个晶胞所组成(已知铁为体心立方晶格,晶格常数a =3.05 nm)解: 当过冷度为10℃时337.311495108.0555.841866m V m H Tg cm J mol G J cm MT g mol ρ∆∆-⨯∆==⨯=-℃℃ 52*6322 2.0410 5.110518.05LS V r J cm r cm nm G J cm--⨯⨯=-=-=⨯=∆- 晶核体积:()3*143V r π= 晶胞体积:32V a = 因此,晶胞个数:()()3*373344 3.145133 1.95100.305r n a π⨯⨯===⨯个 当过冷度为100℃时 337.31149510080.555.841866m V m H Tg cm J mol G J cm MT g mol ρ∆∆-⨯∆==⨯=-℃℃ 52*7322 2.0410 5.110 5.180.5LS V r J cm r cm nm G J cm--⨯⨯=-=-=⨯=∆- 因此,晶胞个数:()()()33*43344 3.14 5.133 1.95100.305r n a π⨯⨯===⨯个 8.14 熔体析晶过程在 1000 ℃时,单位体积自由焓变化418 J/cm 3 ;在 900 ℃时是 2090 J/cm 3 。



(完整版)材料科学基础-张代东-习题答案第1章习题解答1-1 解释下列基本概念⾦属键,离⼦键,共价键,范德华⼒,氢键,晶体,⾮晶体,理想晶体,单晶体,多晶体,晶体结构,空间点阵,阵点,晶胞,7个晶系,14种布拉菲点阵,晶向指数,晶⾯指数,晶向族,晶⾯族,晶带,晶带轴,晶带定理,晶⾯间距,⾯⼼⽴⽅,体⼼⽴⽅,密排⽴⽅,多晶型性,同素异构体,点阵常数,晶胞原⼦数,配位数,致密度,四⾯体间隙,⼋⾯体间隙,点缺陷,线缺陷,⾯缺陷,空位,间隙原⼦,肖脱基缺陷,弗兰克尔缺陷,点缺陷的平衡浓度,热缺陷,过饱和点缺陷,刃型位错,螺型位错,混合位错,柏⽒回路,柏⽒⽮量,位错的应⼒场,位错的应变能,位错密度,晶界,亚晶界,⼩⾓度晶界,⼤⾓度晶界,对称倾斜晶界,不对称倾斜晶界,扭转晶界,晶界能,孪晶界,相界,共格相界,半共格相界,错配度,⾮共格相界(略)1-2 原⼦间的结合键共有⼏种?各⾃特点如何?答:原⼦间的键合⽅式及其特点见下表。

类型特点离⼦键以离⼦为结合单位,⽆⽅向性和饱和性共价键共⽤电⼦对,有⽅向性键和饱和性⾦属键电⼦的共有化,⽆⽅向性键和饱和性分⼦键借助瞬时电偶极矩的感应作⽤,⽆⽅向性和饱和性氢键依靠氢桥有⽅向性和饱和性1-3 问什么四⽅晶系中只有简单四⽅和体⼼四⽅两种点阵类型?答:如下图所⽰,底⼼四⽅点阵可取成更简单的简单四⽅点阵,⾯⼼四⽅点阵可取成更简单的体⼼四⽅点阵,故四⽅晶系中只有简单四⽅和体⼼四⽅两种点阵类型。

1-4 试证明在⽴⽅晶系中,具有相同指数的晶向和晶⾯必定相互垂直。

证明:根据晶⾯指数的确定规则并参照下图,(hkl )晶⾯ABC 在a 、b 、c 坐标轴上的截距分别为h a 、k b 、l c ,k h b a AB +-=,l h c a AC +-=,lk c a BC +-=;根据晶向指数的确定规则,[hkl ]晶向c b a L l k h ++=。

利⽤⽴⽅晶系中a=b=c ,ο90=γ=β=α的特点,有0))((=+-++=?k h l k h b a c b a AB L 0))((=+-++=?lh l k h c a c b a AC L 由于L 与ABC ⾯上相交的两条直线垂直,所以L 垂直于ABC ⾯,从⽽在⽴⽅晶系具有相同指数的晶向和晶⾯相互垂直。






8、试将下列材料按金属、陶瓷、聚合物或复合材料进行分类:黄铜钢筋混凝土橡胶氯化钠铅-锡焊料沥青环氧树脂镁合金碳化硅混凝土石墨玻璃钢9、 Al2O3陶瓷既牢固又坚硬且耐磨,为什么不用Al2O3制造铁锤?晶体结构1、解释下列概念晶系、晶胞、晶胞参数、空间点阵、米勒指数(晶面指数)、离子晶体的晶格能、原子半径与离子半径、配位数、离子极化、同质多晶与类质同晶、正尖晶石与反正尖晶石、反萤石结构、铁电效应、压电效应.2、(1)一晶面在x、y、z轴上的截距分别为2a、3b、6c,求出该晶面的米勒指数;(2)一晶面在x、y、z轴上的截距分别为a/3、b/2、c,求出该晶面的米勒指数。





MgO的熔点为2800℃,NaC1为80l℃, 请说明这种差别的原因。



47、 、非决化定学晶较计界量构,化型试合的物因指结 素构出(缺界在陷面(能这半与导种晶体界铅)能的玻相璃互关中系)铅离子所在的位置。(其中原子量分别为 63、 、空烧间结点的O阵推:的动16概力,念(、过S剩1i4的:种表2布8面拉,能维格PGb子):(2P0、7I)、F。、C格子)
(L1、L2、L3、L4、L6、C、P) 15、如果要合成MgAl2O4,可提供选择的原料为MgCO3、Mg(OH)2、
7、影响成核速率的因素:核坯的数目、质点加到核坯上的速率 Iv=P·D
8、均匀成核、非均匀成核,选择成核剂的要求。 9、晶体生长速率 10、成核与晶体生长相比,需要更大的△T
11、分相现象、分相的概念及判断 12、无扩散型相变的特点
由于存在均匀切变,使晶体发生外形变化 由于相变过程无扩散,新相与母相的化学成分相同 母相与新相之间具有一定的取向关系 相变速度极快 13、试讨论非均匀成核的活化能与接触角θ的关系,并证明当接触角 θ为90度时,非均匀活化能的是均匀成核活化能的一半。
1、烧结的概念、定义 2、烧成与烧结、烧结与固相反应 3、烧结的推动力(过剩的表面能G) 4、烧结的模型
蒸发-凝聚传质过程的特点(△L/L=0) 6、液态烧结的类型、特点、公式(与时间、粒径的关系) 、计算 7、液相烧结与固相烧结的异同点 8、晶粒生长与二次再结晶的概念(烧结中后期)
8、界线、连线的概念,以及他们的关系 1、晶体的表面双电层与表面能的关系,固体是如何降低其表面能的?
71、6、晶浓胞度的差概会念引正、起晶扩硅胞散参酸,数扩铅(散计是P算b否)S总i是O从4玻高浓璃度处的向密低浓度度处为进7行.?36g/cm3,求这种铅玻璃中氧的密度 7种、类影、响形成成为核条速多件率、少的缺因陷?素的:如计核算果坯等的将数目它、与质点熔加到融核石坯上英的速玻率璃(密度为2.2g/cm3)中的氧密度相比

材料科学基础 第8章PPT课件

材料科学基础 第8章PPT课件
第20页/共34页 固相中的非均匀形核 固态相变时,各种晶体缺陷,如晶界、位错、
相界、空位、层错等都可以作为择优形核的位置, 这些晶体缺陷本身具有较高的能量,在这些位置 形核,可以降低形核功,因此非均匀形核比均匀 形核要容易得多,固态相变时的形核通常是非均 匀形核。
界面能和体积应变能是固态相变过程的阻力,但在不同条 件下,所起的主导作用不同。 当新旧两相形成共格界面或半共格界面时,相变阻力主要 是体积应变能。 当新旧两相形成非共格界面时,相变阻力主要是界面能。
8.2.4 相的非均匀形核 液相中的非均匀形核
液态金属过冷后,主要的形核障碍是晶核的液-固相 界面使系统自由能升高。
第13页/共34页 固相中的均匀形核
界面能的大小取决于界面的结构和界面成分的变化。固态 相变中形成的界面结构有三种形式,即共格界面、半共格界 面和非共格界面。
固态相变中,体积应变能来自新旧两相的比容差和界面结 构两个因素。应变能由两项组成,一项是由新相和旧相比容 不同所产生的弹性应变能;另一项是由界面上两相晶格不匹 配而产生的弹性应变能。
数学表达式:X = 1 - exp[ - (kt)n ] (式8-12)
构造等温转变图 32 第32页/共34页

第八章 习题答案 1 固态相变时形核的阻力,来自新相晶核与

第八章 习题答案 1 固态相变时形核的阻力,来自新相晶核与

第八章 习题答案1.固态相变时形核的阻力,来自新相晶核与基体间形成界面所增加的界面能Eγ,以及体积应变能(即弹性能)Ee。










4.脱溶顺序为:T1温度,α- θ’- θ;T2温度,α- θ”- θ’- θ。





NJ University of Technology
1、相变的概念(相的概念等) 2、相变的分类 3、一级相变、二级相变 4、固态相变 马氏体相变、有序-无序相变 5、相变过程中的亚稳态 6、晶核的形成条件、临界晶核rk。(要有△T) 7、影响成核速率的因素:核坯的数目、质点加到核坯上的速率 Iv=P· D 8、均匀成核、非均匀成核,选择成核剂的要求。 9、晶体生长速率 10、成核与晶体生长相比,需要更大的△T
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9、固相反应的定义、泰曼温度 10、固相反应的转化率 11、固相反应的一般动力学关系(反应的总阻力=各个分阻力之和) 12、固相反应的特点 (化学反应动力学范围、扩散动力学范围) 13、杨德尔方程 G<0.3 14、金斯特林格方程 G<0.8 15、如果要合成MgAl2O4,可提供选择的原料为MgCO3、Mg(OH)2、 MgO、Al2O3· 3H2O、γ-Al2O3、α- Al2O3,从提高反应速率的角度 出发,选择什么原料较好? 16、浓度差会引起扩散,扩散是否总是从高浓度处向低浓度处进行? 为什么?
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6、玻璃形成的热力学观点 7、玻璃的结构学说(二种玻璃结构学说的共同之处和不同之处) 8、玻璃的结构参数 Z可根据玻璃类型定,先计算R,再计算X、Y 注意网络中间体在其中的作用。 9、硼的反常现象 10、硅酸盐晶体与硅酸盐玻璃的区别 11、容易形成玻璃的物质,在熔点附近有较高的粘度、Tg/Tm>2/3 12、玻璃的组成为13wt%Na2O、13wt%CaO和74wt%SiO2,试计算其
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9、晶粒生长的计算公式:D2-Do2=kt 10、晶粒生长与二次再结晶的区别 11、造成二次再结晶的原因以及防止方法 12、在有杂质(或烧结添加剂存在下)的晶粒生长:G3-Go3=kt 13、约束晶粒生长的因素、烧结过程中晶界移动的情况(三种) 14、下列过程中哪一个能使烧结体强度增大,而不产生坯体宏观上的 收缩? 试说明之。 (a)蒸发-冷凝; (b)体积扩散; (c)粘性流动; (d)溶解-沉淀


第一章 金属固态相变特征 1 说明成分、相、结构和组织四个概念的含义,并讨论 45#钢室温平衡状态下的成分、相、 结构和组织。 成分:组成材料的化学元素和相对含量(Fe-0.45%C) 相:体系中具有相同物理与化学性质的、且与其他部分以界面分开的均匀部分(铁素体 F 和渗碳体 Fe3 C) 结构:晶体的结构和类型(体心立方和复杂斜方) 组织:一定温度条件下,合金系统中相的形状、大小和分布等形貌特征(珠光体 P 和铁素体 F) 2 试述金属固态相变的主要特征。 具有相界面、位相关系、惯习面、具有应变能、晶体缺陷的影响、原子的扩散、可以形成过 渡相 3 哪些基本变化可以被称为固态相变? 晶体结构的变化、化学成分的变化、固溶体有序化程度的变化 4 简述固态相变过程中界面应变能产生的原因。 (1)新相和母相的比容不同,新相形成时的体积变化将受到母相的约束而产生弹性应变,引 起应变能 (2)两相界面的不匹配也引起弹性应变能,共格界面最大,半共格次之,非共格界面为零。 5 简述固态相变形成新相的形状与界面能和界面应变能的关系。 (1)由比容差引起的应变能与新相粒子的几何形状有关,圆形的应变能最小,其次是针状, 球面应变能最大。 (2)新相和母相共格时可以降低界面能, 但使共格应变能增大。 不共格时, 盘状应变能最低, 但界面能较高;球形的界面最低,而应变能却最大。 (3)过冷度很大时, 临界晶核尺寸很小单位体积新相面积很大, 巨大的界面能增加了形核功, 界面能成主导;过冷度很小时,界面能补气主导作用,形成非共格界面,若比容大,形成盘 状降低应变能,若比容小,形成球状新相降低界面能。 6 扩散型相变和无扩散型相变各有哪些主要特点? 无扩散型相变的特点: (1)存在由于均匀切变引起的形状改变,因为相变过程中原子为集体的协同运动,晶体发生 外形变化(表面浮凸) (2)相变不需要扩散,新相和母相之间的化学成分相同 (3)新相和母相之间存在一定的晶体学位相关系 (4)相界面移动速度极快,课接近声速 扩散型相变的及基本特点: (1)相变过程中有原子的扩散运动,转变速率受扩散控制,即决定于扩散速率 (2)在合金中,新相和母相的成分往往不同 (3)只有新相和母相比容引起的体积变化,没有形状变化。 第二章 钢中奥氏体形成






8、试将下列材料按金属、陶瓷、聚合物或复合材料进行分类:黄铜钢筋混凝土橡胶氯化钠铅-锡焊料沥青环氧树脂镁合金碳化硅混凝土石墨玻璃钢9、Al2O3陶瓷既牢固又坚硬且耐磨,为什么不用Al2O3制造铁锤?第二章晶体结构1、解释下列概念晶系、晶胞、晶胞参数、空间点阵、米勒指数(晶面指数)、离子晶体的晶格能、原子半径与离子半径、配位数、离子极化、同质多晶与类质同晶、正尖晶石与反正尖晶石、反萤石结构、铁电效应、压电效应.2、(1)一晶面在x、y、z轴上的截距分别为2a、3b、6c,求出该晶面的米勒指数;(2)一晶面在x、y、z 轴上的截距分别为a/3、b/2、c,求出该晶面的米勒指数。





MgO的熔点为2800℃,NaC1为80l℃, 请说明这种差别的原因。



SOLUTIONS FOR CHAPTER 81. FIND: When a phase transformation occurs such as a liquid phase transforming to asolid below its melting temperature, what are the two steps involved in the process?Briefly describe each.SOLUTION: During a phase transformation such as a liquid transforming to solid, there are two steps involved in the process. They are:1. nucleation of the new phase, and2. growth of the phase.Nucleation relates to the formation of the new phase and the development of theinterface seperating the two phases. Nucleation can either occur randomly throughout the structure - termed homogeneous nucleation or at specific sites such as interfaces - termed heterogeneous nucleation.Growth - Once the phases has nucleated, it begins to grow. The growth process iscontrolled by diffusion and undercooling. As in the nucleation step, there may becompeting processes that lead to a maximum growth rate at an intermediate temperature.2. FIND: We presented a derivation in Section 8.2.3 showing that the barrier for nucleation,∆G*, decreases with increasing undercooling following the proportionalityBy starting with an expression for the free energy of a distribution of spherical particles of radius r, derive equation 8.2-9a. Explain each step in the derivation. Explain anyassumptions that are made.SOLUTION: To determine the barrier to the nucleation process, ∆G* we begin bynoting that the free energy as a function of particle size for homogeneous nucleation has two terms, one that increases with r2, the interfacial energy per unit volume term, and one that decreases with r3. A maximum occurs in ∆G(r) at some r*. These graphicalrelationships are sketched below.The dependence of the various free energy terms associated with nucleation as a function of temperature: (a) the relationship between cluster radius and surface energy of agrowing spherical solid phase in liquid, (b) the relationship between the cluster radius and(c) the sum of (a) and (b). Instal l Equa tion E ditor a nd do uble -click h ere to view equat ion.The change in free energy can be written as:In this equation we assume that the nuclei can be considered as a random distribution of spheres. To locate the maximum of a function we equate the first derivative of thefunction with respect to the parameter which is the variable to zero. Here we assume thatr is the only variable. The is SL is independent of size and orentation.Using equation 8.2-4 for Instal l Equa tion E ditor a nd do uble -click h ere to view equat ion.we have:In writingwe have assumed that the heat capacity difference between the liquid and solid phases is zero. (Note: Although this may be a reasonable assumption at small undercoolings, i.e.small ∆T’s, at the large under coolings that are typical for homogeneous nucleation thatapproximation may not be valid and a more complex term is required. But for a firstorder approximation this assumption is reasonable.)In order to determine the value of ∆G(r) at r*, we introduce the expressionintoRearranging,If all the terms in parentheses are constant then,3. FIND: Explain the simultaneous influence that undercooling has on the barrier tonucleation and the atomic rearrangements necessary to initiate the transformation. Show how these competing effects lead to classical C-curve behavior in the nucleation ofdiffusional transformations.SOLUTION: With larger undercoolings, both r* and ∆G* decrease, suggesting thatsimply lowering the temperature of the system allows nucleation to occur ever morereadily. However, there are practical kinetic limits to this effect. For example, withdecreased temperature there is a corresponding reduction in atomic mobility. The random fluctuations in the local arrangements of atoms is the process that provides the clusters.Since the formation of the clusters depends on atomic mobility, a reduction in thetemperature reduces the rate of clustering. Thus, as shown in Figure (a) below, theoverall nucleation rate exhibits a maximum at an intermediate temperature. Themaximum in the nucleation rate leads to a minimum in the time required to nucleate aphase, as shown in Figure b. Because of its shape, this curve is known as a C-curve.(a) The influence of temperature on the mobility term and the nucleation barrier term.The opposing processes result in a maximum in the nucleation rate at anintermediate temperature.(b) Since the time for nucleation is inversely related to the nucleation rate, the timecurve exhibits a minimum at an intermediate temperature. Because of its shape,this curve is often referred to as a C-curve.4. FIND: Explain how the value of interfacial energy between the parent phase and thetransforming phase affects the critical radius and the barrier to nucleation.SOLUTION: Equation 8.25 gives the change in free energy as a function of r when aliquid transforms to a solid, for example. In the development of that equation it wasassumed that the transforming phase was spherical and the interfacial energy, γSL, wasisotropic. That equation consists of two terms on the right hand side, i.e.∆G(r) = (4πr2) γSL + 4/3 πr3 (∆G v)Since γSL > 0 and ∆G V < 0 for ∆T > 0, the first term increases with radius, and the second decreases. Figure 8.2-3 illustrates that there is a maximum that occurs at some r wedesignated as r* and a corresponding ∆G, we designated as ∆G* wherer* = (-2γSL)/∆G vandBoth the critical radius, r*, and the barrier to the nucleation process contain γSL in thenumerator. Thinking in terms of the barrier to nucleation, ∆G*, there is a cubicdependence on interfacial energy. The larger the S-L interfacial energy, the larger thebarrier to nucleation and hence the more difficult. The use of nucleating agents is basedon the principle of introducing particles with lower interfacial energies to stimulatenucleation.5. FIND: Compare homogeneous nucleation and heterogeneous nucleation.SOLUTION: The process of homogeneous nucleation occurs at random locations in the parent phase. The distribution of the transforming phase occurs without regard to specific sites, such as mold walls in solidification. Heterogeneous nucleation occurs at specificsites. In the case of solidification they can be at mold walls, unintentional additions such as ceramic inclusions from crucibles or it may occur at nucleating agents which areintentionally added to control the solidification microstructure.6. FIND: What is the difference between the following interfaces?a. coherentb. partially coherent, andc. incoherentSOLUTION: A coherent interface is one in which there is a one-to-one correspondence of atomic planes across the interface. This type of interface occurs when the latticeparameters in the two phases are the same or very close. When the lattice parameters are different in the two phases, the increase in strain energy that will occur as the particlegrows necessitates the periodic insertion of dislocations at the interface to accommodatethe misfit. This type of interface is referred to as partially coherent. An incoherentinterface occurs between two phases of different crystal structures and sufficientlydifferent atomic spacings that can not be accommodated by dislocations.7. FIND: How does interfacial energy vary with coherency?SOLUTION: Interfacial energy is sensitive to the nature of the interface separating thetwo phases. The interfacial energy increases going from coherent to partially coherent to incoherent, i.e. γincoh. > γpart.coh. . γcoh..8. FIND: Based upon your answer to question 7, explain how the probability forheterogeneous nucleation changes as the type of interface changes from coherent to partially coherent to incoherent.SOLUTION: Since the barrier to nucleation, ∆G*, is related to γα/β in the following way:∆G* ∝γα/β3increasing γα/β would increase the barrier to homogeneous nucleation. Consequently, the probability for heterogeneous nucleation would increase as interfacial energy increases. 9. FIND: Figure 5.3-5 contains a schematic illustration of a twin boundary in a crystal.From the point of view of coherency, what is the nature of the type of twin boundaryillustrated in the figure? Comment on the relative energy of a twin boundary compared with a random grain boundary in a polycrystalline material.GIVEN:Figure 5.3-5 illustrates a schematic of a twin in a matrix showing the two twin boundaries separating the matrix from the twin and Figure 8.2-10 illustrates an incoherent interface separating the matrix from a precipitate.Schematic of a twinMatrixPrecipitateSchematic of an incoherent boundarySOLUTION: Atoms that are on the twin plane are part of the stacking sequence in the matrix above the twin plane as well as the stacking of atoms below the twin plane. Sincea coherent interface is an interface that occurs when there is a one-to-one correspondenceacross the interface, then the twin illustrated in this figure would be classified as acoherent twin boundary. Array The incoherent boundary illustrated above occurs in asystem when there is not amatch across the boundaryseparating two phases. Since a general grain boundaryrepresents a situation where theorientation of two grains across a boundary are not the same, we would therefore expect that there would not be a match ofatoms across the boundary.Thus, a coherent twin plane would have lower interfacial energy than the interfacialenergy associated with grain boundary separating two randomly oriented grains.10. FIND: In certain nickel-base superalloys, a second phase can precipitate coherently fromthe matrix during aging because the lattice parameters of the two phases are very closeand both phases are cubic. For a coherent precipitate in this system, what is the mostlikely relationship between the crystallographic axes in the matrix phase and that of theprecipitate? Explain, using sketches.GIVEN: The matrix and precipitate are both cubic with similar lattice parameters.SOLUTION: The best match between two similar cubic structure with similar latticeparameters occurs when the two cubes are aligned with the two sets of orthogonal axesparallel to one another. Thus, the x-axis in the matrix, x m, would be parallel to the x-axis in the precipitate, x p, and the y-axis in the matrix, y m, parallel to the y-axis in theprecipitate, y p. This orientation relationship is sometimes referred to as cube//cubeorientation. That is, the two cubes defining the two crystal structures are oriented x-axisto x-axis and y-axis to y-axis.Furthermore, because the lattice parameters of the two phases are very close, the distances between the atoms in the matrix and theprecipitate match very closely.11. FIND: The transition precipitate γ'(Al2Ag) in the aluminum-silver system is a hexagonalclose-packed structure. The a axis of the HCP phase is 0.2858 nm, and the c axis is0.4607 nm. What crystallographic plane and direction in the aluminum matrix definesthe coherent interface between matrix and precipitate?GIVEN: Crystal structure of aluminum is fcc and that for γ' is hcp. Atomic radius foraluminum is 0.143 nm from Appendix C and the a and c lattice parameters for γ' are0.2858 nm and 0.4607, respectively.SOLUTION: Both structures are close-packed structures. The two structures have the same packing factor and coordination number. Both have sets of planes with the highest possible planar density, the close-packed planes. In the fcc structure these are the {111} and in the hcp they are the {0001}. Both structures have directions with the highestpossible linear density. In the fcc the highest linear density is in the 〈110〉 and in the hcp structure 〈1000〉 . The best potential match between the two structures is across the two highest packing planes. Thus the {0001} of the precipitate and the {111} of thealuminum matrix would form a boundary.Recall that the packing sequence for an fcc structure is ......ABCABCABC....., and thatfor the hcp structure is .....ABABABABAB...... . A schematic of the two structures with a common plane would be:To complete the analysis, the atomic spacings in a 〈111〉 direction of the fcc aluminummatrix must be calculated to determine if a match can be made with these planes andthose of the dense packed planes in the 〈0001〉 directions in the hcp structure of γ'.From Appendix C the atomic radius for aluminum is 0.143 nm, since the atoms touchalong 〈110〉 directions, see accompanying figure, in a fcc structure the lattice parameter, a o , for aluminum is:a o = 0.4045 nm.Schematic showing the dense packed arrangement of atoms in an fcc material like aluminum.For fcc stacking ( .....ABCABCABC.....) the distance between equivalent positions A positions can be determined using the above sketch:= ( 2a o 2 + a o2 ) ½ = a o √3 = 0.7006 nmThus the spacing between the adjacent dense packed layers in the fcc structure is= 0.7006/3 = 0.2335 nm.A schematic showing a comparison between the fcc aluminum and the hcp γ' structures are shown below.Thus the atomic spacing in the dense packed planes are similar, and the spacing between the dense packed planes for the two structures are similar.12. FIND: The expression: X = 1 - exp [ - (kt)n ] , equation 8.2-1, in the text, is a powerfulempirical function that is useful in describing the kinetics of diffusional transformations.In the equation, X is the fraction transformed, k is a rate constant having units ofreciprocal time, t is time and n is a unitless constant. Sketch the behavior of this function over a range of times that demonstrate why this expression is useful for describingmicrostructural changes like recrystallization, or the decomposition of austenite to form pearlite.SOLUTION: At the start of the transformation, t = 0, we expect no transformed phase, hence, X = 0. At very long transformation times, t →∞, we expect thetransformation to be complete, i.e. X= 1. Examining equation 9.2-1 at these twoextremes:At t = 1X = 1 - exp - (k ⋅ 0)n= 1 - 1 = 0, andAt t →∞X = 1 - exp - (k ⋅∞)n= 1 - 0 = 1.Over a range of values the function would behave like the sketch shown below:13.The value of n and k for the decomposition of a particular steel has been investigated by following the fraction transformed versus time. From the experimental data, values for n and k were determined at two temperatures. Plot the fraction transformed as a function ofo o SOLUTION: Using the equation:where X is fraction transformed, and k and n are as given in the table, to calculate the fraction transformed as a function of time.Typical values are summarized in the table below and the behavior of the function is plotted and shown on the next page.-1-114. FIND: Explain how the data from problem 10 could be used to determine the location ofthe start and finish times for the transformation.SOLUTION: Since it is often difficult to decide exactly when a reaction begins and iscompleted, the "start" and "finish" points on an isotherm transformation diagram areusually chosen when, for example, 1% of the parent phase has transformed to indicate thestart of transformation, and 99% has transformed for the finish.The start of the transformation:At 400o C0.01 = 1 - exp [ - (0.028)2 t s2]0.01 - 1 = - exp [ - (0.028)2 t s2]0.99 = exp [ - (0.028)2 t s2]- 0.01 = - (0.028)2 t s20.01 = 0.000784 t s212.75 = t22 ;t = 3.6 sec.At 360o C0.01 = 1 - exp [ - (0.085)2 t s2]0.01 = 0.007 2 t s2t s = 1.4 Sec.For the finish of the transformationAt 400o C0.99 = 1 - exp [ - (0.028)2 t f2]4.605 = 0.0078 t f2t f = 76.6 Sec.At 360o C0.99 = 1 - exp [ - 0.085)2 t f2]4.605 = 0.0072 t f2t f = 25.4 Sec.15. FIND: When fraction transformed as a function of the logarithm of time, plotted at twodifferent temperatures, results in two curves that are parallel (same n but different k), the mechanisms for the transformation are the same. Sometimes we refer to the process asbeing isokinetic. For the kinetic data shown below, plot fraction transformed versus time for the two temperatures. Does the process appear to be isokinetic?Isothermal Transformation Isothermal Transformationo oSOLUTION: The data are plotted in the form of fraction transformed versus time and shown belowSince the curves are parallel the processes appear to be isokinetic.16. FIND: The value of k in equation 8.2-12, for a set of kinetic data, can be determined bynoting:X = 1 - exp - (kt)n, andwhen kt = 1X = 1 - exp (-1) - 1 - 1/e orX = 0.632.What are the values for the rate constants for the data in problem 12 ?SOLUTION: To find the value of k, we need to find the time (t*) at which kt =1. The data is nearly linear at X = .632, therefore we can find this time by@ 415o Ct* = 10.5 sec.kt* = 1 k (10.5) = 1 k = 0.095@ 375o Ct* = 23.9 kt* = 1 k = 0.04217. FIND: When the mechanisms controlling a particular transformation are independent oftemperature, we can define an empirical activation energy, Q, for the process by noting:k = A exp (-Q/RT).Determine the empirical activation energy for the data given in problem 12 .SOLUTION: Since we have two value of k for two different temperatures we can solvetwo equations for Q.from problem 13:k 1 = .042 k 2 = .095 T 1 = 648 K T 2 = 688 KR = 8.314 J/(mole K)Q = 75,600 J/mole.18. FIND: The value of n from a set of data can be found by noting:X = 1 - exp - (kt)n 1-X = exp - (kt)n ln (1 - x) = - (kt)n-ln (1 - x) = ln (1/(1-x)), then ln (1/(1-x)) = (kt)nln ln (1/(1-x)) = n lnt + n lnk.Determine n at the two temperatures from the data in problem 12.SOLUTION: We have data for X vs t and we have already determined k at each temperature (problem 13). Computeand ln(t) for each data point. The slope of a plot of Instal l Equa tion E ditor a nd do uble -click h ere to view equat ion. vs ln(t) is equal ton.@ 415o C n = 2.08@ 375o Cn = 2.0819.FIND: In a diffusion-controlled transformation, the time t at different temperatures to yield the same fraction transformed X is as follows:uble -SOLUTION: By noting that the time for a given fraction transformed is inversely related to the rate of the reaction if the processes have the same activation energy. Then using the Arrhenius:Rate = constant exp (-Q/RT)where Q is the required activation energy, R the gas constant and T the absolute temperature, the activation energy is determined graphically by plotting, ln 1/t versus 1/T.From the graph: slope = - 3629.9Then, Q/R = 3629.9R = 8.314 Joules/mole⋅KQ = 30,180 Joules/mole⋅K20. FIND: Using the data from Problem 19, calculate the time required to yield the samefraction transformed at 125︒C.GIVEN: Data from problem 19.SOLUTION: Least squares fit of the experimental data give an equation of the form y (ln(reciprocal of the time)) = m⋅x (1/T) + bWith the values the expression becomes:y = -3630 ⋅ ( 1/ T ) + 9.8572To calculate the time at 125︒Cy = -3630 ⋅ ( 1/ (125 + 273)) + 9.8572y = 0.7366Taking the inverse ln gives:1/t = 2.089,or, t = .4787 hours21. FIND: The precipitation of carbides in certain steels can increase their strength. Shownbelow are data relating time to reach peak strength and the isothermal hold temperature.From the data, determine the activation energy for the precipitation process. Compareyour results with the activation energy for diffusion of carbon in bcc iron. Explain why the similarities between the two activation energies are not too surprising.T (︒C)Time to Peak Hardness (min.)353 0.9375 3.0400 4.0425 10.0450 20.0Applications to Engineering Materials (8.3)22. FIND: Sketch an isothermal transformation (IT) diagram for a plain carbon eutectoid steel. Label theSOLUTION: An IT diagram for a plain carbon eutectoid steel should contain thefollowing information:1. The temperature of the eutectoid - 727o C.2. The start and finish lines for the diffusional reactions:γ→ pearlite and γ→ bainite.3. The start and finish lines for the athermal martensitetransformation.Shown below is the IT diagram.23. FIND: Sketch a section of the Fe - Fe3C diagram over the composition range 0 to 2 wt%carbon and over the temperature range from 900o C to room temperature. Label the phase fields and compare the information that can be extracted from the phase diagram and the IT diagram.SOLUTION: An IT diagram such as that for a steel provides kinetic information that is, how rapidly austenite decomposes into a particular microstructure. It also provides theinformation regarding the morphology of the phases present. For example, dependingupon the quench temperature either coarse pearlite or fine pearlite may form. These are the same microstructures except for the scale. The lower the transformation temperature, the finer the lamellar spacing. Alternatively, rather than pearlite forming the austenitemight decompose into an alternative two phase structure of finely dispersed carbides in ferrite.Also noted on an IT diagram is the presence of metastable phases such as martensite. On an IT diagram, the temperature range (M s - M f) of the metastable phase is presented.In contrast, the equilibrium diagram provides no information regarding kinetics,morphology or the the presence of metastable phases. Since the diagram is constructed on the requirement of equilibrium, only equilibrate phases will be present.24. FIND: Explain experimentally how you would determine an IT diagram for a particularsteel.SOLUTION: Isothermal transformation (IT) diagrams are constructed by following the isothermal changes in microstructure at different temperatures. Since it is difficult todecide exactly when a reaction starts and is completed the start and finish lines on an IT diagram are arbitrarily defined. The microstructural changes occurring can be followed by monitoring microstructural changes directly using metallographic techniques ortracking a property such as electrical resistivity which is affected by the amount of solute in solution or hardness, which is controlled by the nature of the microstructure. As many microstructure sensitive properties as possible are used to provide sufficient collaborative information for a desired degree of accuracy.25. FIND: Based upon the methods you outlined in question 19, explain the limitations ofusing such a diagram. In particular, explain why the application of an IT diagram isrestricted and may not be applied directly to the production environment.SOLUTION: Since an IT diagram is constructed from numerous samples transformed under isothermal conditions, they can only be used that way. In general, the data for ITdiagrams are collected using thin specimens in order to assure that the requirement ofinstantaneous quench are realized. When larger pieces are considered, especially when considering a production environment where a variety of cross-sections are cooled,instantaneous temperature changes can not be realized. Depending upon the mass of the part, slow cooling may be achieved at the center, whereas rapid cooling may occur near the surface. If the cooling rate is slow, then some microstructural changes will occur as the sample cools down to the desired temperature. Consequently, the continuous cooling (CC) curves were established. These curves recognize that the effects of time andtemperature must be integrated.26. FIND: In our discussions in Chapter 7, we introduce the concept of a phase, and in thischapter we have been concerned with the microstructure of an alloy and ultimately how a particular microstructure affects properties. Explain the difference between the concept of a phase and the phases that are present, and the microstructure of the material.SOLUTION: A phase is a homogeneous portion of matter. A particular microstructure such as 100% martensite can be a single phase microstructure. The microstructure iscomposed of martensite and only martensite. However, a microstructure can bemultiphase. For example, pearlite is a two-phase microstructure which consists oftwophases that form as alternate lamellae of ferrite and cementite. So the concept of amicrostructure includes information about the phase or phases present and theirdistribution.27. FIND: Using the concepts associated with phases and microstructure, explain what ismeant by the terms:a. austeniteb. ferritec. pearlited. bainitee. martensitef. cementite, andg. spheroiditeSOLUTION:(a) austenite - The face-centered cubic (FCC) form of iron.(b) ferrite - The body-centered cubic (BCC) form of iron.(c) pearlite - A two-phase microstructure of alternate ferrite and cementite lamellaeoccurring in some steels. Pearlite forms by the decomposition of austenite.(d) bainite - A two-phase microstructure of ferrite and cementite. Bainite forms whenan austenitic steel is quenched to a temperature below the pearlite region, butabove the martensite start, M s, temperature.(e) martensite - Metastable body-centered tetragonal (BCT) iron phase that issaturated in carbon. Iron carbon martensite forms when austenite is rapidlyquenched to low temperatures. (Note: A wide variety of martensite-liketransformations occur in other systems. Consequently, the term martensite hastaken on a more general concept.)(f) cementite - An iron carbide phase, Fe3C.(g) spheroidite - A two-phase microstructure consisting of spheroidized carbide inferrite, which is formed by heat-treating pearlite, bainite, or martensite at atemperature below the eutectoid temperature.It should be noted that in this list of terms there is a distinction between single-phasematerials - austenite, ferrite, martensite and cementite and microstructures which can be combinations of phases such as pearlite and spheroidite.Problems 28 - 31 can be solved using Figures 8.3-6 and 8.3-11.28. FIND: Thin specimens of a plain carbon steel having eutectoid composition are held at800o C and have been at that temperature long enough to have achieved a complete andhomogeneous austenitic structure. Describe the phases present and the microstructuresthat would occur using the quench paths given below.a. Instantaneous quench to 650o C, hold at that temperature for 200 seconds, andquench to room temperature.b. Instantaneous quench to 300o C, hold for 1000 seconds, and quench to roomtemperature.c. Instantaneous quench to room temperature.d. Instantaneous quench to 500o C, hold for 3 seconds and quench to roomtemperature.SOLUTION: When a eutectoid steel containing approximately 0.8 wt% carbon is taken to 800o C and held, whatever microstructure was present prior to the 800o C exposure isreplaced by single phase, austenite containing 0.8% C.(a) When austenite containing 0.8 wt% carbon is instantaneously quenched to 650o Cand held for 200 seconds it forms the two-phase pearlite microstructure. Since allthe austenite has transformed to pearlite at this temperature and time, no othermicrostructures can form on the quench to room temperature. Consequently, themicrostructure consists of alternate ferrite and cementite lamellae - termed pearlite.The microstructure contains 100% pearlite.(b) When austenite containing 0.8% C is quenched to 300o C and held for 1000seconds approximately 75% of the austenite has transformed to bainite. Theremaining austenite transforms to martensite when the material is quenched toroom temperature. Consequently, the microstructure contains 75% bainite and25% martensite.(c) When the 0.8% C alloy is quenched from 800o C to room temperatureinstantaneously, all the austenite transforms to martensite. Consequently, themicrostructure is 100% martensitic.(d) When the 0.8% C alloy is instantaneously quenched from 800o C to 500o C andheld for 3 seconds, approximately 50% of the austenite transforms to amicrostructure that consists of fine pearlite. The remaining austenite transformsto martensite when the material is quenched to room temperature. Consequently,the microstructure is a mixture of 50% fine pearlite and 50% martensite.29. FIND: Using the same initial conditions outlined in problem 23, describe the phasespresent and the microstructures that would occur using the quench paths given below.a. Instantaneous quench to 650o C, hold for 15 seconds, and quench to roomtemperature.b. Instantaneous quench to 500o C hold for 60 seconds and quench to roomtemperature.c. Instantaneous quench to 170o C hold for 100 seconds and quench to roomtemperature.d. Instantaneous quench to 170o C and hold at that temperature.SOLUTION:。



材料科学基础练习题参考答案第一章原子排列1. 作图表示立方晶系中的(123),(012),(421)晶面和[102],[211],[346]晶向.附图1-1 有关晶面及晶向2. 分别计算面心立方结构与体心立方结构的{100},{110}和{111}晶面族的面间距, 并指出面间距最大的晶面(设两种结构的点阵常数均为a).解由面心立方和体心立方结构中晶面间的几何关系, 可求得不同晶面族中的面间距如附表1-1所示.附表1-1 立方晶系中的晶面间距晶面{100} {110} {111} 面间距FCC2a24a33aBCC2a22a36a显然, FCC中{111}晶面的面间距最大, 而BCC中{110}晶面的面间距最大.注意:对于晶面间距的计算, 不能简单地使用公式, 应考虑组成复合点阵时, 晶面层数会增加.3. 分别计算fcc和bcc中的{100},{110}和{111}晶面族的原子面密度和<100>,<110>和<111>晶向族的原子线密度, 并指出两种结构的差别. (设两种结构的点阵常数均为a) 解原子的面密度是指单位晶面内的原子数; 原子的线密度是指晶面上单位长度所包含的原子数. 据此可求得原子的面密度和线密度如附表1-2所示.晶面/晶向{100} {110} {111} <100> <110> <111>面/线密度BCC21a22a233a1a22a233aFCC22a22a2433a1a2a33a可见, 在BCC中, 原子密度最大的晶面为{110}, 原子密度最大的晶向为<111>; 在FCC 中, 原子密度最大的晶面为{111}, 原子密度最大的晶向为<110>.4. 在(0110)晶面上绘出[2113]晶向.解详见附图1-2.附图1-2 六方晶系中的晶向5. 在一个简单立方二维晶体中, 画出一个正刃型位错和一个负刃型位错. 试求:(1) 用柏氏回路求出正、负刃型位错的柏氏矢量.(2) 若将正、负刃型位错反向时, 说明其柏氏矢量是否也随之反向.(3) 具体写出该柏氏矢量的方向和大小.(4) 求出此两位错的柏氏矢量和.解正负刃型位错示意图见附图1-3(a)和附图1-4(a).(1) 正负刃型位错的柏氏矢量见附图1-3(b)和附图1-4(b).(2) 显然, 若正、负刃型位错线反向, 则其柏氏矢量也随之反向.(3) 假设二维平面位于YOZ坐标面, 水平方向为Y轴, 则图示正、负刃型位错方向分别为[010]和[010], 大小均为一个原子间距(即点阵常数a).(4) 上述两位错的柏氏矢量大小相等, 方向相反, 故其矢量和等于0.6. 设图1-72所示立方晶体的滑移面ABCD平行于晶体的上下底面, 该滑移面上有一正方形位错环. 如果位错环的各段分别与滑移面各边平行, 其柏氏矢量b(设位错环线的方向为顺时针方向)图1-72 滑移面上的正方形位错环 附图1-5 位错环移出晶体引起的滑移解 (1) 这种看法不正确. 在位错环运动移出晶体后, 滑移面上下两部分晶体相对移动的距离是由其柏氏矢量决定的. 位错环的柏氏矢量为b , 故其相对滑移了一个b 的距离.(2) A ′B ′为右螺型位错, C ′D ′为左螺型位错, B ′C ′为正刃型位错, D ′A ′为负刃型位错. 位错运动移出晶体后滑移方向及滑移量见附图1-5.7. 设面心立方晶体中的(111)晶面为滑移面, 位错滑移后的滑移矢量为[110]2a .(1) 在晶胞中画出此柏氏矢量b 的方向并计算出其大小.(2) 在晶胞中画出引起该滑移的刃型位错和螺型位错的位错线方向, 并写出此二位错线的晶向指数.解 (1) 柏氏矢量等于滑移矢量, 因此柏氏矢量的方向为[110], 大小为2/2a .(2) 刃型位错与柏氏矢量垂直, 螺型位错与柏氏矢量平行, 晶向指数分别为[112]和[110], 详见附图1-6.附图1-6 位错线与其柏氏矢量、滑移矢量8. 若面心立方晶体中有[101]2a b =的单位位错及[121]6a b =的不全位错, 此二位错相遇后产生位错反应.(1) 此反应能否进行? 为什么?(2) 写出合成位错的柏氏矢量, 并说明合成位错的性质.解 (1) 能够进行.因为既满足几何条件:[111]3a b b ==∑∑后前,又满足能量条件: . 22222133b a b a =>=∑∑后前. (2) [111]3a b =合, 该位错为弗兰克不全位错. 9. 已知柏氏矢量的大小为b = , 如果对称倾侧晶界的取向差θ = 1° 和10°, 求晶界上位错之间的距离. 从计算结果可得到什么结论?解 根据bD θ≈, 得到θ = 1°,10° 时, D ≈, . 由此可知, θ = 10° 时位错之间仅隔5~6个原子间距, 位错密度太大, 表明位错模型已经不适用了.第二章 固体中的相结构1. 已知Cd, In, Sn, Sb 等元素在Ag 中的固熔度极限(摩尔分数)分别为, , , ; 它们的原子直径分别为 nm, nm, nm, nm; Ag 的原子直径为 nm. 试分析其固熔度极限差异的原因, 并计算它们在固熔度极限时的电子浓度.答: 在原子尺寸因素相近的情况下, 熔质元素在一价贵金属中的固熔度(摩尔分数)受原子价因素的影响较大, 即电子浓度e /a 是决定固熔度(摩尔分数)的一个重要因素, 而且电子浓度存在一个极限值(约为. 电子浓度可用公式A B B B (1)c Z x Z x =-+计算. 式中, Z A , Z B 分别为A, B 组元的价电子数; x B 为B 组元的摩尔分数. 因此, 随着熔质元素价电子数的增加, 极限固熔度会越来越小.Cd, In, Sn, Sb 等元素与Ag 的原子直径相差不超过15%(最小的Cd 为%, 最大的Sb 为%), 满足尺寸相近原则, 这些元素的原子价分别为2, 3, 4, 5价, Ag 为1价, 据此推断它们的固熔度极限越来越小, 实际情况正好反映了这一规律; 根据上面的公式可以计算出它们在固熔度(摩尔分数)极限时的电子浓度分别为, , , .2. 碳可以熔入铁中而形成间隙固熔体, 试分析是α-Fe 还是γ-Fe 能熔入较多的碳.答: α-Fe 为体心立方结构, 致密度为; γ-Fe 为面心立方结构, 致密度为. 显然, α-Fe 中的间隙总体积高于γ-Fe, 但由于α-Fe 的间隙数量多, 单个间隙半径却较小, 熔入碳原子将会产生较大的畸变, 因此, 碳在γ-Fe 中的固熔度较α-Fe 的大.3. 为什么只有置换固熔体的两个组元之间才能无限互熔, 而间隙固熔体则不能?答: 这是因为形成固熔体时, 熔质原子的熔入会使熔剂结构产生点阵畸变, 从而使体系能量升高. 熔质原子与熔剂原子尺寸相差越大, 点阵畸变的程度也越大, 则畸变能越高, 结构的稳定性越低, 熔解度越小. 一般来说, 间隙固熔体中熔质原子引起的点阵畸变较大, 故不能无限互熔, 只能有限熔解.第三章 凝固1. 分析纯金属生长形态与温度梯度的关系.答: 纯金属生长形态是指晶体宏观长大时固-液界面的形貌. 界面形貌取决于界面前沿液相中的温度梯度.(1) 平面状长大: 当液相具有正温度梯度时, 晶体以平直界面方式推移长大. 此时, 界面上任何偶然的、小的凸起深入液相时, 都会使其过冷度减小, 长大速率降低或停止长大, 而被周围部分赶上, 因而能保持平直界面的推移. 长大过程中晶体沿平行温度梯度的方向生长, 或沿散热的反方向生长, 而其它方向的生长则受到限制.(2) 树枝状长大: 当液相具有负温度梯度时, 晶体将以树枝状方式生长. 此时, 界面上偶然的凸起深入液相时, 由于过冷度的增大, 长大速率越来越大; 而它本身生长时又要释放结晶潜热, 不利于近旁的晶体生长, 只能在较远处形成另一凸起. 这就形成了枝晶的一次轴, 在一次轴成长变粗的同时, 由于释放潜热使晶枝侧旁液体中也呈现负温度梯度, 于是在一次轴上又会长出小枝来, 称为二次轴, 在二次轴上又长出三次轴……由此而形成树枝状骨架, 故称为树枝晶(简称枝晶).2. 简述纯金属晶体长大机制及其与固-液界面微观结构的关系.答: 晶体长大机制是指晶体微观长大方式, 即液相原子添加到固相的方式, 它与固-液界面的微观结构有关.(1) 垂直长大方式: 具有粗糙界面的物质, 因界面上约有50% 的原子位置空着, 这些空位都可以接受原子, 故液相原子可以进入空位, 与晶体连接, 界面沿其法线方向垂直推移, 呈连续式长大.(2) 横向(台阶)长大方式: 包括二维晶核台阶长大机制和晶体缺陷台阶长大机制, 具有光滑界面的晶体长大往往采取该方式. 二维晶核模式, 认为其生长主要是利用系统的能量起伏, 使液相原子在界面上通过均匀形核形成一个原子厚度的二维薄层状稳定的原子集团, 然后依靠其周围台阶填充原子, 使二维晶核横向长大, 在该层填满后, 则在新的界面上形成新的二维晶核, 继续填满, 如此反复进行.晶体缺陷方式, 认为晶体生长是利用晶体缺陷存在的永不消失的台阶(如螺型位错的台阶或挛晶的沟槽)长大的.第四章 相图1. 在Al-Mg 合金中, x Mg 为, 计算该合金中镁的w Mg 为多少.解 设Al 的相对原子量为M Al , 镁的相对原子量为M Mg , 按1mol Al-Mg 合金计算, 则镁的质量分数可表示为Mg MgMg Al Al Mg Mg 100%x M w x M x M =⨯+.将x Mg = , x Al = , M Mg = 24, M Al = 27代入上式中, 得到w Mg = %.2. 根据图4-117所示二元共晶相图, 试完成:(1) 分析合金I, II 的结晶过程, 并画出冷却曲线.(2) 说明室温下合金I, II 的相和组织是什么, 并计算出相和组织组成物的相对量.(3) 如果希望得到共晶组织加上相对量为5%的β初的合金, 求该合金的成分.图4-117 二元共晶相图附图4-1 合金I的冷却曲线附图4-2 合金II的冷却曲线解(1) 合金I的冷却曲线参见附图4-1, 其结晶过程如下:1以上, 合金处于液相;1~2时, 发生匀晶转变L→α, 即从液相L中析出固熔体α, L和α的成分沿液相线和固相线变化, 达到2时, 凝固过程结束;2时, 为α相;2~3时, 发生脱熔转变, α→βII.合金II的冷却曲线参见附图4-2, 其结晶过程如下:1以上, 处于均匀液相;1~2时, 进行匀晶转变L→β;2时, 两相平衡共存, 0.50.9L β;2~2′ 时, 剩余液相发生共晶转变0.50.20.9L βα+;2~3时, 发生脱熔转变α→βII .(2) 室温下, 合金I 的相组成物为α + β, 组织组成物为α + βII .相组成物相对量计算如下:αβ0.900.20100%82%0.900.050.200.05100%18%0.900.05w w -=⨯=--=⨯=- 组织组成物的相对量与相的一致.室温下, 合金II 的相组成物为α + β, 组织组成物为β初 + (α+β).相组成物相对量计算如下:αβ0.900.80100%12%0.900.050.800.05100%88%0.900.05w w -=⨯=--=⨯=- 组织组成物相对量计算如下:β(α+β)0.800.50100%75%0.900.500.900.80100%25%0.900.50w w -=⨯=--=⨯=-初 (3) 设合金的成分为w B = x , 由题意知该合金为过共晶成分, 于是有β0.50100%5%0.900.50x w -=⨯=-初 所以, x = , 即该合金的成分为w B = .3. 计算w C 为的铁碳合金按亚稳态冷却到室温后组织中的珠光体、二次渗碳体和莱氏体的相对量, 并计算组成物珠光体中渗碳体和铁素体及莱氏体中二次渗碳体、共晶渗碳体与共析渗碳体的相对量.解 根据Fe-Fe 3C 相图, w C = 4%的铁碳合金为亚共晶铸铁, 室温下平衡组织为 P + Fe 3C II + L d ′, 其中P 和Fe 3C II 系由初生奥氏体转变而来, 莱氏体则由共晶成分的液相转变而成, 因此莱氏体可由杠杆定律直接计算, 而珠光体和二次渗碳体则可通过两次使用杠杆定律间接计算出来.L d ′ 相对量: d L 4 2.11100%86.3%4.3 2.11w '-=⨯=-. Fe 3C II 相对量: 3II Fe C 4.34 2.110.77100% 3.1%4.3 2.11 6.690.77w --=⨯⨯=--. P 相对量: P 4.34 6.69 2.11100%10.6%4.3 2.11 6.690.77w --=⨯⨯=--. 珠光体中渗碳体和铁素体的相对量的计算则以共析成分点作为支点, 以w C = %和w C= %为端点使用杠杆定律计算并与上面计算得到的珠光体相对量级联得到.P 中F 相对量: F P 6.690.77100%9.38%6.690.001w w -=⨯⨯=-. P 中Fe 3C 相对量: 3Fe C 10.6%9.38% 1.22%w =-=.至于莱氏体中共晶渗碳体、二次渗碳体及共析渗碳体的相对量的计算, 也需采取杠杆定律的级联方式, 但必须注意一点, 共晶渗碳体在共晶转变线处计算, 而二次渗碳体及共析渗碳体则在共析转变线处计算.L d ′ 中共晶渗碳体相对量: d Cm L4.3 2.11100%41.27%6.69 2.11w w '-=⨯⨯=-共晶 L d ′ 中二次渗碳体相对量: d Cm L 6.69 4.3 2.110.77100%10.2%6.69 2.11 6.690.77w w '--=⨯⨯⨯=--IIL d ′ 中共析渗碳体相对量: d Cm L 6.69 4.3 6.69 2.110.770.0218100% 3.9%6.69 2.11 6.690.77 6.690.0218w w '---=⨯⨯⨯⨯=---共析 4. 根据下列数据绘制Au-V 二元相图. 已知金和钒的熔点分别为1064℃和1920℃. 金与钒可形成中间相β(AuV 3); 钒在金中的固熔体为α, 其室温下的熔解度为w V = ; 金在钒中的固熔体为γ, 其室温下的熔解度为w Au = . 合金系中有两个包晶转变, 即1400V V V 1522V V V (1) β(0.4)L(0.25)α(0.27)(2) γ(0.52)L(0.345)β(0.45)w w w w w w =+===+==℃℃解 根据已知数据绘制的Au-V 二元相图参见附图4-3.附图4-3 Au-V 二元相图第五章 材料中的扩散1. 设有一条直径为3cm 的厚壁管道, 被厚度为0.001cm 的铁膜隔开, 通过输入氮气以保持在膜片一边氮气浓度为1000 mol/m 3; 膜片另一边氮气浓度为100 mol/m 3. 若氮在铁中700℃时的扩散系数为4×10-7 cm 2 /s, 试计算通过铁膜片的氮原子总数.解 设铁膜片左右两边的氮气浓度分别为c 1, c 2, 则铁膜片处浓度梯度为7421510010009.010 mol /m 110c c c c x x x --∂∆-≈===-⨯∂∆∆⨯ 根据扩散第一定律计算出氮气扩散通量为722732410(10)(9.010) 3.610 mol/(m s)c J D x---∂=-=-⨯⨯⨯-⨯=⨯∂ 于是, 单位时间通过铁膜片的氮气量为 3-22-63.610(310) 2.5410 mol/s 4J A π-=⨯⨯⨯⨯=⨯最终得到单位时间通过铁膜片的氮原子总数为-62318-1A () 2.5410 6.02102 3.0610 s N J A N =⨯=⨯⨯⨯⨯=⨯第六章 塑性变形1. 铜单晶体拉伸时, 若力轴为 [001] 方向, 临界分切应力为 MPa, 问需要多大的拉伸应力才能使晶体开始塑性变形?解 铜为面心立方金属, 其滑移系为 {111}<110>, 4个 {111} 面构成一个八面体, 详见教材P219中的图6-12.当拉力轴为 [001] 方向时, 所有滑移面与力轴间的夹角相同, 且每个滑移面上的三个滑移方向中有两个与力轴的夹角相同, 另一个为硬取向(λ = 90°). 于是, 取滑移系(111)[101]进行计算.222222222222k s cos ,3001111cos ,2001(1)01cos cos ,60.646 1.57 MPa.m mϕλϕλτσ==++⨯++==++⨯-++====⨯=即至少需要 MPa 的拉伸应力才能使晶体产生塑性变形.2. 什么是滑移、滑移线、滑移带和滑移系? 作图表示α-Fe, Al, Mg 中的最重要滑移系. 那种晶体的塑性最好, 为什么?答: 滑移是晶体在切应力作用下一部分相对于另一部分沿一定的晶面和晶向所作的平行移动; 晶体的滑移是不均匀的, 滑移部分与未滑移部分晶体结构相同. 滑移后在晶体表面留下台阶, 这就是滑移线的本质. 相互平行的一系列滑移线构成所谓滑移带. 晶体发生滑移时, 某一滑移面及其上的一个滑移方向就构成了一个滑移系.附图6-1 三种晶体点阵的主要滑移系α-Fe具有体心立方结构, 主要滑移系可表示为{110}<111>, 共有6×2 = 12个; Al具有面心立方结构, 其滑移系可表示为{111}<110>, 共有4×3 = 12个; Mg具有密排六方结构, 主要滑移系可表示为{0001}1120<>, 共有1×3 = 3个. 晶体的塑性与其滑移系的数量有直接关系, 滑移系越多, 塑性越好; 滑移系数量相同时, 又受滑移方向影响, 滑移方向多者塑性较好, 因此, 对于α-Fe, Al, Mg三种金属, Al的塑性最好, Mg的最差, α-Fe居中. 三种典型结构晶体的重要滑移系如附图6-1所示.3. 什么是临界分切应力? 影响临界分切应力的主要因素是什么? 单晶体的屈服强度与外力轴方向有关吗? 为什么?答:滑移系开动所需的作用于滑移面上、沿滑移方向的最小分切应力称为临界分切应力.临界分切应力τk的大小主要取决于金属的本性, 与外力无关. 当条件一定时, 各种晶体的临界分切应力各有其定值. 但它是一个组织敏感参数, 金属的纯度、变形速度和温度、金属的加工和热处理状态都对它有很大影响.如前所述, 在一定条件下, 单晶体的临界分切应力保持为定值, 则根据分切应力与外加轴向应力的关系: σs= τk/ m, m为取向因子, 反映了外力轴与滑移系之间的位向关系, 因此, 单晶体的屈服强度与外力轴方向关系密切. m越大, 则屈服强度越小, 越有利于滑移.4. 孪生与滑移主要异同点是什么? 为什么在一般条件下进行塑性变形时锌中容易出现挛晶, 而纯铁中容易出现滑移带?答:孪生与滑移的异同点如附表6-1所示.滑移孪生相同方面(1) 宏观上看, 两者都是在剪(切)应力作用下发生的均匀剪切变形;(2) 微观上看, 两者都是晶体塑性变形的基本方式, 是晶体的一部分相对于另一部分沿一定的晶面和晶向平移;(3) 两者都不改变晶体结构类型.不同方面晶体中的位向晶体中已滑移部分与未滑移部分位向相同已孪生部分(挛晶)和未孪生部分(基体)的位向不同, 且两部分之间具有特定的位向关系(镜面对称) 位移的量原子的位移是沿滑移方向上原子间距的整数倍, 且在一个滑移面上总位移较大原子的位移小于孪生方向的原子间距, 一般为孪生方向原子间距的1/n 对塑性变形的贡献很大, 即总变形量大有限, 即总变形量小变形应力有确定的临界分切应力所需分切应力一般高于滑移的变形条件一般情况下, 先发生滑移滑移困难时; 或晶体对称度很低、变形温度较低、加载速率较高时变形机制全位错运动的结果分位错运动的结果锌为密排六方结构金属, 主要滑移系仅3个, 因此塑性较差, 滑移困难, 往往发生孪生变形, 容易出现挛晶; 纯铁为体心立方结构金属, 滑移系较多, 共有48个, 其中主要滑移系有12个, 因此塑性较好, 往往发生滑移变形, 容易出现滑移带.第七章 回复与再结晶1. 已知锌单晶体的回复激活能为×104 J/mol, 将冷变形的锌单晶体在-50 ℃进行回复处理, 如去除加工硬化效应的25% 需要17 d, 问若在5 min 内达到同样效果, 需将温度提高多少摄氏度?解 根据回复动力学, 采用两个不同温度将同一冷变形金属的加工硬化效应回复到同样程度, 回复时间、温度满足下述关系:122111exp t Q t R T T ⎛⎫⎛⎫=-- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭ 整理后得到221111ln T t R T Q t =+.将41211223 K,/5/(172460),8.3710 J/mol, 8.314 J/(mol K)4896T t t Q R ==⨯⨯==⨯=⋅代入上式得到2274.7 K T =.因此, 需将温度提高21274.722351.7 T T T ∆=-=-=℃.2. 纯铝在553 ℃ 和627 ℃ 等温退火至完成再结晶分别需要40 h 和1 h, 试求此材料的再结晶激活能.解 再结晶速率v 再与温度T 的关系符合阿累尼乌斯(Arrhenius)公式, 即exp()Q v A RT=-再 其中, Q 为再结晶激活能, R 为气体常数.如果在两个不同温度T 1, T 2进行等温退火, 欲产生同样程度的再结晶所需时间分别为t 1, t 2, 则122112122111exp[()]ln(/)t Q t R T T RTT t t Q T T =--⇒=-依题意, 有T 1 = 553 + 273 = 826 K, T 2 = 627 + 273 = 900 K, t 1 = 40 h, t 2 = 1 h, 则58.314826900ln(40/1)3.0810J/mol 900826Q ⨯⨯⨯=⨯-3. 说明金属在冷变形、回复、再结晶及晶粒长大各阶段的显微组织、机械性能特点与主要区别.答: 金属在冷变形、回复、再结晶及晶粒长大各阶段的显微组织、机械性能特点与主要区别详见附表7-1.附表7-1 金属在冷变形、回复、再结晶及晶粒长大各阶段的显微组织、机械性能显微组织机械性能冷变形随变形量增加, 晶粒沿变形方向被拉长; 变形量很大时, 会出现纤维组织; 随变形量增加, 纤维组织内部形成位错胞构成的变形亚结构/变形亚晶; 变形大时出现形变织构产生加工硬化, 随着变形量增加, 材料强度和硬度逐渐升高, 而塑性及韧性不断下降; 产生各向异性; 变形功的10%转化为残余应力会引起材料变形或开裂, 产生应力腐蚀回复与冷变形时相比无明显变化宏观内应力完全消除, 冷变形阶段的加工硬化效应得到保留再结晶无畸变的等轴晶粒; 变形量很大时有可能出现再结晶织构加工硬化效应完全消除, 强度和硬度下降, 塑韧性显著改善晶粒长大晶粒尺寸较再结晶的大; 正常长大时晶粒尺寸相差不大, 异常长大时晶粒尺寸极不均匀, 少数晶粒超大与再结晶阶段相比, 强度和硬度下降, 塑韧性也有降低第八章固态相变。

材料科学基础(武汉理工大学,张联盟版)课后习题及答案 第八章

材料科学基础(武汉理工大学,张联盟版)课后习题及答案 第八章







8-2镍〔Ni〕在0.1atm的氧气中氧化,测得其质量增量〔μg/cm〕如下表:时间时间温度 1〔h〕 2〔h〕 3〔h〕 4〔h〕 1〔h〕 2〔h〕 3〔h〕 4〔h〕13 23 15 29 20 36 650℃ 29 700℃ 56 41 75 50 88 65 106 22+2+温度 550℃ 9 600℃ 17 〔1〕导出适宜的反响速度方程;〔2〕计算其活化能。



又由转化率的定义,得将式〔1〕代入抛物线速度方程式中,得反响速度方程为:图8-2重量增量平方与时间关系图〔2〕取各温度下反响1h时进行数据处理拟合,如图8-3所示,1/T G(%) ln[1-(1-G)] -3-1(×10K) 1/3T(℃) 550 600 650 700 图8-3数据处理9 17 29 56 1.22 1.14 1.08 1.03 -3.475 -2.810 -2.227 -1.430 由杨德尔方程可得,对数据作线性回归,得(相关系数为0.98839)由上式得活化能kJ/mol8-3由Al2O3和SiO2粉末反响生成莫来石,过程由扩散控制,如何证明这一点?扩散活化能为209kJ/mol,1400℃下,1h完成10%,求1500℃下,1h和4h 各完成多少?〔应用杨德方程计算〕解:如果用杨德尔方程来描述Al2O3和SiO2粉末反响生成莫来石,经计算得到合理的结果,那么可认为此反响是由扩散控制的反响过程。

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4. 当一种纯液体过冷到平衡凝固温度(T0)以下时,固相与液相间的自由焓差越来越负。

试证明在温度T0附近随温度变化的关系近似地为:,式中∆H V<0为凝固潜热。



试证明当T=T 0/3时,exp有极大植。




6. 为什么在成核一生长机理相变中,要有一点过冷或过热才能发生相变?什么情况下需过冷,什么情况下需过热?



7. 何谓均匀成核?何谓不均匀成核?晶核剂对熔体结晶过程的临界晶核半径r *
有何影响? 解:均匀成核——在均匀介质中进行,在整体介质中的核化可能性相同,与界面,缺陷无关 非均匀成核——在异相界面上进行,如容器壁,气泡界面或附着于外加物(杂质或晶核剂)

8. 如在液相中形成边长为a 的立方体晶核时,求出“临界核胚”立方体边长a *和△G *。

为什么立方体的△G *
大于球形△G *
设立方体晶核的临界立方体边长a 0,临界自由焓为△G 0,而球形晶核的临界半径为r p ,临界自由焓为△G p ,当晶核为立方体时边长为a ,则
当晶核为球形时,半径为r ,则:
∆∆236 · a G a G V +=0
12 · 32=+=∂∂γ∆∆a G a a G V V G a ∆γ40-=23
032 · 46 · 4V
V V V G G G G G ∆γγ∆γ∆∆γ∆=-+-=)()(γ
π∆π∆ · 4 · 423r G r G V +=0
· 8 · 3 · 3
2=+=∂∂γπ∆πr G r r G V
由此可见立方晶核的大△G 0 于球形晶核的△G p 。

(另解: 由,得

因为当形成体积相同的核时, 立方体表面积6a 3

9. 在液固相变时,产生球形固相粒子,系

设△G k 为临
界自由焓,V k 为临界晶核的体积。


解: (1)均匀成核
p G r ∆γ2-=γ∆γπ∆∆γπ∆ · )2(
4 · )2( 3
V V p G G G G +-=232316 · 316 V
G G ∆γ∆πγ==γ
r G r G V +=V
k k G V G ∆∆2
图8-2 例题8-6附图
10. 在不均匀成核的情况下,相变活化能与表面张力有关,试讨论不均匀成核的活化能△G h *
时,△G h *

k k V
k V k V V k V k V
k G V G G V G r G G r G G G r r
G ∆∆∆∆π∆∆π∆πγ∆∆γ∆2
32 )(3)21
k V
k V LV k V
k LV V
k G V G G G G G ∆∆θθπγθθ∆πγ∆∆γγ∆γγ***
]3cos cos 32[21 ]4)cos )(1cos 2([)


11. 熔体冷却结晶过程中,在1000℃时,单位体积自由焓变化△G V418J/cm3;在900℃时是2090J/cm3。


温度为1000℃时,J 12. 铜的熔点T m=1385k,在过冷度△T=0.2T m 的温度下,通过均相成核得到晶体铜。


(∆H =1628J/cm3、γ=1.77×10-5J/cm2,设铜为面心立方晶体,a=0.3615nm)

13. 图9-1为晶核的半径r与△G间的关系,现有不同温度的三条曲线,请指出哪条温度最高?哪条温度最低?并说明理由。







