



印度直接还原铁行业发展分析1 印度铁源影响因素印度长期的钢铁生产目标、天然气消费、环境法规、企业自有矿山开采和矿石储量是影响印度市场铁源的主要因素。


但是,印度粗钢产能和粗钢产量的目标是到2030/31财年分别达到3亿吨和2.55亿吨,且预计电炉炼钢的份额将下降到4 0%。



例如,正在奥里萨邦的凯翁加尔(Keonjhar)地区满负荷运营一座产能达39万吨/年煤基直接还原铁厂的塔塔海绵铁公司(Tata Sponge Iron,印度塔塔钢铁公司的子公司),已获得印度环境和森林部的批准将产能增加3.5万吨/年。

最近,印度京德勒西南钢铁公司(JSW)在印度卡纳塔克邦的Vijaynaga r地区投产了一座产能为120万吨/年的基于气基Corex工艺的Midrex直接还原铁厂。



尽管如此,印度产能为1260万吨/年的直接还原铁行业通过使用进口天然气和从当地信实工业公司(Reliance Industries)购买的燃料,能够在2016/17财年将直接还原铁产量从上一财年的392万吨提高79.47%至703.2万吨。




【摘要】Zimmet公司日前表示,已赢得替印度Indo Rama Synthetics建设投资额达1.8l亿美元的聚酯联合休项目合同。

1.Zimmer公司在印度建大型聚酯装置 [J], 钱伯章
2.印度Indo Rama聚酯增扩与Zimmer签约 [J], 山田(译)
3.日本东洋工程赢得印度首套SBR装置建设合约 [J], 庞晓华
4.纺织经济:印度——Zimmer:聚酯新厂 [J],
5.印度Jindal聚酯薄膜公司扩大聚酯薄膜和BOPP能力 [J], 钱伯章

非凡公司与印度签订MPS 3750生料磨合同

非凡公司与印度签订MPS 3750生料磨合同
减 法 测 定其 中 的 Mg O时 ,只 需 在 消
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X— 6 ). 【. 7
75 . 6
85 .7 1 .6 25
76 .8
85 .8 1 .8 24
76 J4
8 A3 I 51 2.
76 .7
84 .0 1 .5 24
76 ,6
表 1 分 析结 果及 其 精 密 度 与 准 确 度
标 准 偏 差
样 品 过 硫 酸 铵 氧 化 法 编 号 X1 -
). 【2 X-3 X- 4
氟 化 铵掩 蔽 钙镁 法
( )本 方 法 对 一 氧 化 锰 含 量 在 3 05 4 %的试 样 中 Mn 的测 定 , .%~ 0 O 能 得 到满 意 的结 果 。
33 结 果 表 示 -

配 合 物 的 生 成 速 度 缓 慢 ,仍 有 生 成 Mn ( )沉 淀 的可 能 。 O OH ( ) 样 溶 液 加入 盐酸 羟 胺 和 指 3试 示 剂 后 , 立 即 滴 定 , 置 过 久 Mn 应 放 易被 重 新 氧 化 而 引入 误 差 , 入 盐 酸 加
了一 项 MP 7 0 B 立 磨 合 同 , 是 S 35 这
羟胺 , 拌 使 其 溶 解 , 入 适 量 的 K 搅 加 — B混 合 指 示 剂 , 液 呈 酒 红 色 , 即 溶 立 用 00 5 l / E T .1 Ⅱ0 L D A标 准滴 定溶 液 滴 l 定 至 纯蓝 色 。
氧 化 锰 的 质 量 百 分 数 按 下 式
羟 胺 后 的 操 作 在 5 n内完 成 ,终 点 mi
时 滴定 速 度放 慢 , 强搅 拌 。 加



2024年标准版铁矿石国际贸易合同中英对照本合同目录一览1. 定义与术语解释1.1 合同双方1.2 铁矿石1.3 交货1.4 价格1.5 质量与数量1.6 支付1.7 违约1.8 争议解决1.9 法律适用1.10 一般条款2. 交易细节2.1 产品规格2.2 交货期限2.3 交货地点2.4 运输方式2.5 保险3. 价格与支付条件3.1 价格条款3.2 支付时间表3.3 货币3.4 利息4. 质量与数量保证4.1 质量标准4.2 检验4.3 数量争议5. 交付与运输5.1 交付责任5.2 运输条款5.3 运输文件5.4 风险转移6. 保险与税费6.1 保险责任6.2 税费责任7. 违约与责任7.1 卖方违约7.2 买方违约7.3 损害赔偿8. 争议解决8.1 协商解决8.2 调解8.3 仲裁8.4 法律诉讼9. 一般条款9.1 完整协议9.2 可转让性9.3 通知9.4 期限9.5 默认9.6 语言9.7 签署10. 附加条款10.1 技术参数10.2 特殊交货条件10.3 额外费用11. 合同的生效与终止11.1 生效条件11.2 终止条件11.3 后果12. 保密条款12.1 保密义务12.2 例外情况12.3 期限13. 环境与安全13.1 环境标准13.2 安全要求14. 附件14.1 产品样本14.2 检验报告14.3 保险单14.4 运输文件第一部分:合同如下:1. 定义与术语解释1.1 合同双方1.2 铁矿石1.3 交货交货指卖方按照本合同的约定,将货物运输到买方指定的交货地点,并完成卸货的行为。

1.4 价格本合同铁矿石的价格为(价格条款),价格应以(货币)计价。

1.5 质量与数量1.5.1 质量标准货物应符合本合同附件中规定的质量标准。


1.5.2 数量争议双方应共同核对货物数量,如出现争议,应以实际卸货数量为准。

1.6 支付1.6.1 买方应按照本合同附件中规定的支付时间表向卖方支付货款。



的投 资 计 划 对钢 铁 的刺 激 ,还 只是 在 心理 层 面. 真
正 的 拉 动 效 应 预 计 到 2 0 年 6 月 份 后 才 会 体 现 出 09
铁 增 值 税 从 5 提 高 到 1 % 的 影 响 。 增 值 税 的 提 % 0 高预 计 将 提 高钢 铁 价 格 约 5 0万 越 南 盾 /。 瑞 士 信 t 贷 ( rdtu se 分 析 称 2 0 C e i is S 0 9年 世 界 钢 铁 需 求 将 由 于 持 续 的 经 济 下 滑 而 减 少 1 %。 0
武 钢 中信 证 券 分 析 师 李 宏 亮认 为 , 钢 材价 格 近 期 连 续 上 涨 , 前 期 过 度 下 跌 之 后 的合 理 恢 复 。 是
钢 坯 基 金 , 研 究 符 合 WT O、AF TA 和 东 盟 协 议 规
定 , 合 理 提 高 部 分 钢 坯 、 建 筑 钢 材 、 焊 管 和 冷 轧 板 卷 进 口税 等 。 ( 自 中 国建 材 资 讯 ) 摘
Aso it n s cai ), 2 0 年 越 南 消 费 和 出 口 钢 铁 约 4 5 o 08 4 万 t 比 20 , 0 7年 减 少 了 3 万 t 为 平 稳 2 0 年 钢 0 。 09 材 市 场 , 越 南 钢 铁 协 会 还 向 政 府 和 国 会 提 议 修 改
环 境 保 护 法 第 四 十 二 条 和 四 十 三 条 , 出 台 有 助 于
2 0 年 生 铁 需 求 估 计 约 为 4 0万 t 大 概 2 0万 t 09 9 , 9 将来 自国 内的生产 。 为 平 衡 供 给 和 需 求 , 工 贸 部 最 近 要 求 钢 铁 行 业 仔 细 检 查 其 生 产 和 贸 易 计 划 。 除 了开 发 铁 矿 石



印度多种商品交易所钢材期货交易1、印度多种商品交易所的钢板、钢锭期货合约印度多种商品交易所MCX(Multi Commodity Exchange of India)于2004年3月推出了近年来的第一份钢材期货。


表1-1 印度多种商品交易所的钢材期货合约交易品种钢板钢锭交割方式实物交割实物交割交易标的厚度:2mm;宽度:1250mm/910mm(卖方决定);品级:IS11513 Grade D/SAE1008,仅限卷板交割软钢锭:3 ×4 in;碳:小于0.25%;锰:大于0.45%;标的物必须在物理上完好、没有凹陷、没有斑点、没有倾斜交易单位 25t/手 15t/手交割单位标准仓单25t/手,卖方交货±1.5t标准仓单15t/手,卖方交货±1.5t交割月份 1月~12月初始交易日交割月N-4的月份16日最后交易日交割月N月份的15日报价单位卢比/t最小变动价位 10卢比/t交易时间周一至周五:10:00~11:30;周六:11:30~14:00最大报价单位 200t持仓限制个人投资者:不大于10万机构投资者:不大于市场总份额的25%涨跌停板幅度 4%保证金 5%交割地点位于Taloja/Kalamboli的交割库交割保证金买方申请交割,保证金提高到25%资料来源:印度多种商品交易所2、印度多种商品交易所期货简介印度多种商品交易所推出了两种标的物的钢材期货合约:钢板和钢链。







收购印度工厂协议书甲方(买方):_____________________地址:_________________________________法定代表人:_________________________职务:_________________________________乙方(卖方):_____________________地址:_________________________________法定代表人:_________________________职务:_________________________________鉴于乙方拥有位于印度的工厂(以下简称“目标工厂”)的全部权益,甲方有意收购该目标工厂的全部或部分权益,经双方协商一致,达成如下协议:第一条收购标的及价格1.1 甲方同意收购乙方所拥有的目标工厂的_______%的股份或全部资产(以下简称“收购标的”)。

1.2 收购价格为人民币/美元(大写):____________________(¥/$)。

第二条支付方式及时间2.1 甲方应按照以下时间表向乙方支付收购款项:- 首期付款:签订本协议后____天内支付收购价格的____%;- 第二期付款:完成目标工厂交接后____天内支付收购价格的____%;- 余款:在满足本协议约定的所有条件后____天内支付完毕。

2.2 付款方式为银行转账至乙方指定账户。

第三条交接事宜3.1 乙方应于本协议签订后____天内完成目标工厂的交接工作,包括但不限于资产清单、财务报表、员工名单等。

3.2 交接过程中,乙方应保证目标工厂的运营不受影响,并协助甲方完成员工的平稳过渡。

第四条保证与承诺4.1 乙方保证所提供的目标工厂信息真实、准确、完整,不存在任何隐瞒或误导。

4.2 甲方承诺按照本协议约定的条件和时间完成收购款项的支付。

第五条违约责任5.1 如甲方未能按时支付收购款项,应按未付款项的____%向乙方支付违约金。



印度合同范本《合同名称》合同编号:[具体编号]签订日期:[年/月/日]签订地点:[具体地点]甲方(卖方/服务提供方):公司名称:[甲方公司名称]法定代表人:[甲方代表姓名]注册地址:[甲方注册地址]联系电话:[甲方联系电话]乙方(买方/服务接受方):公司名称:[乙方公司名称]法定代表人:[乙方代表姓名]注册地址:[乙方注册地址]联系电话:[乙方联系电话]一、合同标的2. 产品/服务的质量标准应符合[相关标准或双方约定的标准]。

二、价格与支付方式1. 总价款为:[具体金额,以印度卢比或其他约定货币表示]2. 乙方应在[具体日期]前向甲方支付[预付款或定金的金额];在甲方交付产品/完成服务并经乙方验收合格后的[具体日期]内,乙方支付剩余款项。

3. 支付方式为:[例如银行转账、支票等]三、交付与验收1. 甲方应在[具体日期]前将产品交付至乙方指定地点,或完成服务。

2. 乙方应在收到产品/服务后的[具体天数]内进行验收。


3. 若产品/服务不符合合同约定,甲方应在[合理期限]内负责整改或更换,直至符合要求。

四、双方权利与义务1. 甲方权利与义务有权要求乙方按照合同约定支付款项。



2. 乙方权利与义务有权要求甲方按照合同约定交付合格的产品/提供优质服务。



五、违约责任1. 若甲方未能按时交付产品/提供服务,每逾期一天,应按照合同总价款的[约定比例]向乙方支付违约金;逾期超过[约定天数]的,乙方有权解除合同,并要求甲方返还已支付款项,承担违约责任。

2. 若乙方未能按时支付款项,每逾期一天,应按照未支付款项的[约定比例]向甲方支付违约金;逾期超过[约定天数]的,甲方有权解除合同,并要求乙方支付已交付产品/已提供服务的款项,承担违约责任。






其中,新兴重工有限公司以现汇出资630万美元,占35%;中国五金制品进出口公司以现汇出资360万美元,占20%;印度MNS公司出资432万美元,占24%;印度KGC公司出资180万美元,占10%;美国IPI公司及GOPI、Prakash 公司出资198万美元,占11%。









中印贸易合作协议书范本甲方:中华人民共和国__________公司乙方:印度共和国__________公司鉴于甲方和乙方均致力于促进两国之间的贸易合作与发展,扩大双边贸易规模,提高双方经济效益,经友好协商,达成以下合作协议:第一条合作领域1.1 双方将在包括但不限于农产品、纺织品、电子产品、机械设备、化工产品、矿产品、手工艺品等领域的贸易进行合作。

1.2 双方同意根据市场需求和双方优势,逐步扩大合作领域,并在合适的时候探讨其他领域的合作可能性。

第二条贸易规模与方式2.1 双方约定在合作期间内,力争实现贸易总额达到一定数额。


2.2 双方将通过边境贸易、双边贸易、跨境电商等多种方式进行货物交易。

2.3 双方将共同努力简化贸易程序,降低贸易成本,提高贸易便利化水平。

第三条价格与支付3.1 双方同意按照国际市场价格进行货物交易,并根据市场变化适时调整。

3.2 双方约定采用人民币或印度卢比进行支付,也可以根据双方同意的其他货币进行结算。

3.3 双方将在合作期间内建立人民币-印度卢比货币兑换机制,以稳定汇率。

第四条技术与信息交流4.1 双方将加强在贸易领域的技术交流与合作,共同研究新产品、新技术、新材料等。

4.2 双方将积极交换市场信息,包括市场需求、价格动态、行业标准等,以帮助企业更好地了解对方市场。

第五条风险管理与争端解决5.1 双方将建立风险管理机制,共同应对贸易中的各种风险,包括但不限于汇率风险、信用风险等。

5.2 双方约定通过友好协商解决在合作过程中发生的争端。


第六条合作期限与终止6.1 本协议自双方签署之日起生效,有效期为____年。

6.2 在合作期限内,如双方同意提前终止本协议,可签订补充协议予以终止。

第七条其他条款7.1 本协议未尽事宜,双方可签订补充协议,以完善合作内容。

7.2 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。



印度政企合作协议书范本---协议名称:印度政府与企业合作框架协议签署日期: [填写日期]签署地点: [填写地点]甲方(政府方): [政府机构名称]乙方(企业方): [企业名称]协议目的:本协议旨在明确甲乙双方在印度[具体项目或领域]的合作意向、权利义务、合作方式及其他相关事宜,以期达到共同发展的目的。

一、合作内容:1. 甲方将提供必要的政策支持和行政便利,以促进乙方在印度的投资和运营活动。

2. 乙方承诺按照印度法律法规进行投资和经营活动,并致力于提升当地社区的经济发展和社会福祉。

3. 双方将共同探讨在[具体领域]的合作机会,包括但不限于技术交流、市场拓展、人才培养等。

二、合作方式:1. 双方将定期举行会议,就合作进展、存在问题及解决方案进行沟通。

2. 乙方应定期向甲方提交项目进展报告,并接受甲方的监督和评估。

3. 双方可根据合作需要,建立专项工作组,负责具体事务的执行和管理。

三、权利与义务:1. 甲方应保障乙方依法享有的投资和经营权利,并提供必要的公共服务和支持。

2. 乙方应遵守印度的法律法规,尊重当地文化习俗,保护环境,履行社会责任。

3. 双方应本着互利共赢的原则,公平公正地处理合作中出现的任何问题。

四、保密条款:1. 双方应对在合作过程中获知的商业秘密和技术信息予以保密。

2. 未经对方书面同意,任何一方不得向第三方泄露合作内容及相关敏感信息。


六、其他事项:1. 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效。

2. 本协议未尽事宜,由双方另行商定。

3. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。




铁矿石资源长期供应协议(2024年版)本合同目录一览第一条定义与解释1.1 合同术语1.2 具体定义第二条供应范围与数量2.1 供应矿种2.2 供应数量2.3 供应时间第三条质量与规格3.1 质量标准3.2 规格要求3.3 质量检测第四条价格与支付4.1 定价机制4.2 支付方式4.3 支付时间第五条运输与交付5.1 运输方式5.2 交付地点5.3 交付时间第六条检验与索赔6.1 检验标准6.2 索赔条件6.3 索赔程序第七条违约责任7.1 违约情形7.2 违约责任7.3 违约解决第八条争议解决8.1 争议方式8.2 争议管辖8.3 仲裁机构第九条合同的生效、变更与终止9.1 生效条件9.2 合同变更9.3 合同终止第十条保密条款10.1 保密内容10.2 保密期限10.3 泄密责任第十一条法律适用与争议解决11.1 法律适用11.2 争议解决第十二条合同的完整性与修改12.1 合同完整性12.2 合同修改第十三条合同的附件13.1 附件清单13.2 附件效力第十四条其他条款14.1 不可抗力14.2 合同解除14.3 附加义务第一部分:合同如下:第一条定义与解释“矿石”指乙方根据本协议供应给甲方的铁矿石。





第二条供应范围与数量2.1 乙方同意向甲方供应特定品种的铁矿石,具体品种、规格和质量标准详见附件一。

2.2 乙方应按照甲方的要求,在约定的时间内向甲方供应矿石,具体数量和交付时间详见附件二。

2.3 乙方应在合同约定的交付日期前将货物运输至甲方指定的交付地点。

第三条质量与规格3.1 乙方应确保供应的矿石符合本协议约定的质量标准,具体质量标准详见附件三。

3.2 矿石的规格要求详见附件三,包括但不限于尺寸、形状、色泽等。

3.3 乙方应按照甲方提供的质量检测方法对供应的矿石进行自检,并将检测报告提交给甲方。



印度合同范本合同编号:IN-2023-0001合同名称:印度合同范本一、合同背景1.1 甲方为一家在中国注册的公司/个人,从事____业务。

1.2 乙方为一家在印度注册的公司/个人,从事____业务。

二、合同内容2.1 合作事项(1)甲方负责提供____产品/服务。


2.2 合作期限本合同自双方签署之日起生效,有效期为____年,自合同生效之日起计算。

2.3 合作费用(1)甲方支付给乙方的合作费用为____(币种)。


2.4 合作权益1. 乙方在印度市场推广甲方产品/服务的过程中,不得损害甲方品牌形象和商业利益。

2. 甲方有权对乙方在印度市场的推广活动进行监督和指导。

1. 乙方有权在印度市场独家代理甲方产品/服务。

2. 乙方有权根据市场需求调整产品/服务的价格。

三、合同履行3.1 双方应按照本合同的约定履行各自的义务,如有违约行为,应承担相应的违约责任。

3.2 双方应保守在合作过程中获知的对方商业秘密,未经对方同意,不得向第三方披露。

3.3 双方应按照合同约定的费用支付方式及时支付合作费用。

四、合同变更、解除和终止4.1 本合同经双方协商一致,可以书面形式进行变更、解除或终止。

1. 双方完成合作事项。

2. 法律、法规发生变化,导致本合同无法履行。

1. 一方严重违约,经另一方书面催告后在合理期限内仍未履行。

2. 一方发生重大违约行为,导致合同目的无法实现。

五、争议解决5.1 双方在履行本合同过程中发生的争议,应通过友好协商解决。

5.2 如果协商无果,任何一方均有权向合同签订地人民法院提起诉讼。

六、其他事项6.1 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。

6.2 本合同自双方签字(或盖章)之日起生效。































2024年印度俄货币互换协议书范文范本甲方: _________________(以下简称“甲方”)乙方: _________________(以下简称“乙方”)鉴于甲方和乙方均为合法注册的金融机构,且双方均有意愿进行货币互换交易以促进双边贸易和投资,经友好协商,双方根据以下条款和条件达成如下协议:第一条定义1.1 “货币互换”指甲方和乙方根据本协议约定的条件和条款,相互交换一定数量的各自国家的货币,并在约定的未来日期以约定的汇率和利率进行反向交换的行为。

1.2 “交易日”指本协议约定的货币互换交易开始的日期。

1.3 “到期日”指本协议约定的货币互换交易结束的日期。

1.4 “汇率”指本协议约定的甲方货币与乙方货币之间的兑换比率。

1.5 “利率”指甲方和乙方就各自货币交换部分所约定的利率。

第二条交易条款2.1 交易日:本协议项下的货币互换交易将于2024年____月____日进行。

2.2 到期日:本协议项下的货币互换交易将于2024年____月____日结束。

2.3 交易金额:甲方将向乙方提供金额为____(大写:________________)的印度卢比(INR),乙方将向甲方提供金额为____(大写:________________)的俄罗斯卢布(RUB)。

2.4 汇率:本协议项下的汇率为1 INR兑换____ RUB。

2.5 利率:甲方将对乙方提供的RUB金额支付年利率为____%的利息,乙方将对甲方提供的INR金额支付年利率为____%的利息。

第三条交易执行3.1 双方应在交易日之前完成所有必要的法律和监管程序。

3.2 双方应在交易日按照本协议约定的汇率和金额进行货币交换。

3.3 双方应在到期日按照本协议约定的汇率和利率进行反向货币交换。

第四条违约责任4.1 如一方未能在交易日或到期日履行其义务,该方应向另一方支付违约金,违约金的计算方式为:违约金额×违约天数×____%。





第二条合作内容1. 甲方同意提供[具体服务或产品]给乙方。

2. 乙方同意按照本协议约定的条件购买甲方提供的[具体服务或产品]。

第三条合作条件1. 合作期限:自[起始日期]至[结束日期]。

2. 价格及支付方式:乙方应按照双方约定的价格向甲方支付[具体服务或产品]的费用,支付方式为[具体支付方式]。

3. 质量标准:甲方提供的[具体服务或产品]应符合双方约定的质量标准。

第四条权利与义务1. 甲方权利义务:a. 甲方应按照约定的时间、地点和方式提供[具体服务或产品]。

b. 甲方应保证所提供[具体服务或产品]的质量符合约定标准。

2. 乙方权利义务:a. 乙方应按照约定的时间和方式支付相应的费用。

b. 乙方应按照约定的条件使用甲方提供的[具体服务或产品]。

第五条违约责任1. 如甲方未能按时提供[具体服务或产品]或所提供[具体服务或产品]不符合约定标准,甲方应承担违约责任,并赔偿乙方因此遭受的损失。

2. 如乙方未能按时支付费用,乙方应承担违约责任,并支付违约金。


第七条协议的变更和解除1. 本协议的任何变更或补充,应经双方协商一致,并以书面形式确认。

2. 双方均可在提前[提前通知天数]书面通知对方的情况下解除本协议。

第八条其他1. 本协议的解释、适用及争议的解决均适用印度法律。

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CONTRACT AGREEMENTTHIS CONTRACT NO. _______________________ made this ______________ Day of February, Two thousand seven at Rourkela.BETWEENSTEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA LIMITED, a Company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at Ispat Bhavan, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110 003, India, having one of its plants Rourkela Steel Plant at Rourkela (hereinafter referred to as the "Employer") which term or expression unless excluded by or repugnant to the context or the meaning thereof, shall be deemed to include its successors and permitted assigns, OF THE ONE PART,ANDM/s.Sinosteel Engineering Design & Research Institute, a Company incorporated and existing under the laws of China and having its Registered Office at 108 Huaian East Street, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, 050021 China(hereinafter referred to as "Contractor"), which term or expression unless excluded by or repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, shall be deemed to include its successors and permitted assigns, OF THE OTHER PARTAND WHEREASa) The Employer has decided to set-up Coal Dust Injection unit in Blast Furnace #4at Rourkela Steel Plant, (hereinafter referred to as the " Facilities "), andb) The Contractor has declared that the Contractor has valuable and specialised knowledge andexpertise for design & engineering, civil engineering work, dismantling of buildings, structures & equipment, fabrication & supply of steel structures, manufacture & supply of plant and equipment, manufacture & supply of refractories, intermediate storage, insurance & handling, erection work, testing, pre-commissioning, start-up & commissioning and demonstration & establishment of performance guarantee parameters of the Facilities on divisible turnkey basis, andc) The Contractor has declared that the Contractor is in a position to disclose, impart, deliver andtransfer the requisite engineering data, drawings and documents of those items which are in the scope of the Contractor in this Contract, to the Employer for the engineering of the Facilities and for erection, start-up and commissioning of the Facilities with the aim to manufacture product as specified in the Contract, andd) The Contractor has obtained clarifications on technical and commercial aspects, inspected the siteand surroundings of Facilities and has examined and considered all other matters, conditions and things, probable contingencies including delays, hindrances and interferences and generally all matters incidental thereto and ancillary thereof, affecting the execution and completion of the Facilities, ande) The Contractor has agreed to undertake design & engineering, civil engineering work, dismantling ofbuildings, structures & equipment, fabrication & supply of steel structures, manufacture & supply of plant and equipment, manufacture & supply of refractories, intermediate storage, insurance & handling, erection work, testing, pre-commissioning, start-up & commissioning and demonstration & establishment of performance guarantee parameters of the Facilities, andf) SAIL, Centre for Engineering & Technology, Ranchi shall be the Consultant for the Facilities.NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows :Article 1. Contract Documents 1.11.2Definitions (Reference GCC Clause 1)Contract Documents (Reference GCC Clause 2)The following documents shall constitute the Contract between the Employerand the Contractor, and each shall be read and construed as an integral partof the Contract :(a) This Contract Agreement and Appendices hereto(b) Special Conditions of Contract and Annexures hereto(c) General Conditions of Contract and Annexures hereto(d) Technical Specifications(e) General Technical Specifications(f) Safety Code(g) Wage circular1.3 Order of Precedence (Reference GCC Clause 2)In the event of any ambiguity or conflict between the Contract Documentslisted above, the order of precedence shall be the order in which the ContractDocuments are listed in Article 1.2 (Contract Documents) above.Article 2. Contract Price and Terms of Payment 2.1 Contract Price (Reference GCC Clause 11 & Appendix-1)The Employer hereby agrees to pay to the Contractor the Contract Price inconsideration of the performance by the Contractor of its obligationshereunder. The Contract Price shall be the aggregate of US Dollar FourMillion Eight Hundred Sixteen Thousand and Four Hundred Fifty only[ US$ 4,816,450.00] and Indian Rupees Two Hundred Twenty One MillionNine Hundred Thirty Seven Thousand and Five Hundred Seventy Sixonly [ Rs. 221,937,576.00]or such other sums as may be determined inaccordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract.2.2 Terms of Payment (Reference GCC Clause 12 & Appendix-3)The terms of payment are given in Clause 12 of GCC and Appendix-3.2.3 Price Adjustment due to Variation in Price Indices(Reference GCC Sub-Clauses 11.3.3 & 11.4.1, Clause 11.5 & Appendix-4)Where the Contract period [excluding the Defect Liability Period, i.e., twelve(12) months from the date of issue of commissioning certificate as indicated inthe Clause 30 of GCC] exceeds twelve (12) months as specified in Sub-Clause 11.3.3 of GCC, the price payable to the Contractor, in accordance withthe Contract shall be subject to adjustment during performance of the Contractdue to variation in price indices. Price adjustment due to variation in priceindices shall be in accordance with the provisions given in the Appendix-4 andClause 11.5 of GCC subject to a ceiling of 15% of total Base Price forrespective heads as specified in Sub-Clause 11.4.1 of GCC.Article 3. Effective Date 3.1 Effective Date (Reference GCC Clause 1)The Effective Date of Contract is the date of signing the Contract.Article 4. Scope of Facilities 4.1 Scope of Facilities (Reference GCC Clause 7 & Technical Specifications)The Contract is for the execution of Scope of Facilities as specified in theGCC Clause 7 and Technical Specifications, on divisible turnkey basis. Thephysical quantities of civil work and weights of the mechanical equipmentincluding technological structures, building structures and refractories as givenin Tables in Appendix-1, are indicative only for the purpose of makingprogress payments on pro-rata basis as per Sub-Clause 2.3 of Appendix-3. 4.2 Should the actual physical quantities and weights differ from the indicatedones, neither the Contractor shall be entitled to get any additional price fromthe Employer nor the Employer is entitled to deduct any amount from theContract Price due to variation in physical quantities and weight.Article 5. Time for Completion 5.1 Time for Completion (Reference GCC Clause 8 & Appendix-2)Time is the most important feature of the contract.The Facilities will be completed in Seventeen(17) months from the EffectiveDate of the Contract. The Facilities shall be considered as completed whencommissioning certificate has been issued by the Employer. Performanceguarantee parameters will be established by the Contractor within a period ofsix (6) months from the date of issue of commissioning certificate. TheFacilities shall be considered as completed in all respects only afterestablishment of performance guarantee parameters and completion of DefectLiability period of twelve (12) months from the date of issue of commissioningcertificate. Bar Chart indicating the Time Schedule for completion of theFacilities is given in Appendix-2.The Contractor shall arrange for supplies of the plant & equipment, structuresand refractories in the logical sequence required for erection at site within theoverall delivery schedule of the Contract as per Sub-Clause 11.7.2 of GCC.Article 6. Consultant 6.1 Consultant (Reference GCC Clause 1)The Consultant in relation to the Contractor, shall have such functions as aredelegated to him in the Contract or as may be delegated to him by theEmployer from time to time. Employer shall keep the Contractor informed ofsuch delegation.6.2 If there is any difference between the Contractor and the Consultant on anymatter about the implementation of this Contract, the matter shall be referredto the Employer, whose decision shall be final and binding on the Contractorand the Consultant.Article 7. Subcontract ing 7.1 Subcontracting (Reference GCC Clause 19)The Contractor shall engage only those Sub-Contractors / Vendors which areapproved by the Employer and included in the list of approved Sub-Contractors / Vendors (Appendix-6) forming part of the Contract Agreement.The Contractor may from time to time propose any addition to or deletion fromapproved list to the Employer for its approval in sufficient time so as not toimpede the progress of work on the Facilities. Such approval by the Employerfor any of the Sub-Contractors / Vendors shall not relieve the Contractor fromany of its obligations, duties or responsibilities under the Contract.Article 8.Use of SAIL Steel 8.1 Use of SAIL Steel (Reference GCC Sub-Clause 11.2.11)The Contractor shall have to use such items of steel as are manufactured bySteel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) and which are required for execution ofall civil and building structural work including sheeting, technologicalstructures, pipelines, etc. Such items of steel as are made by SAIL andrequired for the work shall be procured from SAIL-Stockyards / Plants toensure availability of steel items required for the Facilities, the Contractor hasto give at least six (6) weeks advance intimation of such requirement. In nocase without obtaining a prior “No Objection” from the Engineer, any item ofsteel other than made by SAIL shall be used by the Contractor.Article 9. Liquidated Damages 9.1 Liquidated Damages (Reference GCC Clause 27 & 29) LD shall be applicableon the Base Contract price including escalation but excluding taxes andduties.9,1.1Liquidated Damages due to Delay in Completion of Facilities(Reference GCC Sub-Clause 29.2)If the Contractor fails to attain “Completion of the Facilities” as defined inClause 1 of GCC within the Time for Completion or any extension thereofunder Clause 42 (Extension of Time for Completion) of GCC due to reasonsnot attributable to the Employer, the Employer shall recover the amount ofLiquidated Damages, but not by way of penalty, by making deductions fromthe Contractor’s account or by encashment of Contractor’s Bank Guarantees(as per Sub-Clause 13.1.2 of GCC), at the rate of 0.5% of the total ContractPrice plus escalations, if any, paid or payable to the Contractor, per week ofdelay or part thereof up to a maximum of 5% of the Contract Price plusescalation if any, paid or payable to the Contractor, but excluding taxes andduties as specified in the Clause 29.2 of GCC.In case, the Contractor is a Consortium, the Employer shall recover theamount of Liquidated Damages, but not by way of penalty, by makingdeductions from the account of each member of Consortium, or byencashment of their Bank Guarantees as per above clause, up to a maximumof 5% of the Contract Price of the respective Scope of Facilities as specified inSub-Clause 7.11.1 of GCC. However, each member of Consortium, shall bejointly and severally bound to the Employer for paying Liquidated Damages.The Employer shall recover Liquidated Damages due to delay in completion offacilities from the account of Contractor or each member of consortium at thetime of payment due upon issue of Commissioning Certificate and if requiredthereafter.9.1.2 Liquidated Damages for Non-fulfilment of Performance Guarantee Parametersof Facilities (Reference GCC Clause 27)If, for reasons not attributable to the Employer, the performance guaranteeparameters specified in Appendix-5 to the Contract Agreement are not meteither in whole or in part, the Contractor shall at its cost and expense makesuch changes, modifications and / or additions to the Facilities or any partthereof as may be necessary to meet performance guarantees parameters.The Contractor shall notify the Employer upon completion of the necessarychanges, modifications and / or additions, and shall request the Employer toallow the Contractor to repeat the performance guarantee test (2nd test) so asto establish the performance guarantee parameters.If, for reasons not attributable to the Employer, the performance guarantees specified in Appendix-5 to the Contract Agreement are not attained either in whole or in part, after first performance guarantee test as per Sub-Clause 27.2 of GCC, the Contractor shall be allowed by the Employer to repeat the performance guarantee tests twice after first test and the Contractor must establish the performance guarantee tests during second or third test, within a period of six months from the date of commissioning certificate as indicated in Appendix-5.In case the Contractor expresses its inability to achieve the performance guarantee parameters but attains above the minimum acceptance level of performance guarantee parameters, specified in Appendix-5, either in whole or in part in spite of second and third performance guarantee tests conducted by the Contractor within a period of six months from the date of commissioning, the Employer shall recover the amount of Liquidated Damages, but not by way of penalty, by making deductions from the Contractor’s account or by encashment of Contractor’s Bank Guarantees (as per Sub-Clause 13.1.2 of GCC), at the rates specified in the Appendix-5 for respective items, subject to a maximum of 7.5% of the Contract Price, in respect of the failure to meet the minimum level of Performance Guarantees in accordance with the provisions in Appendix-5 to the Contract Agreement.In case, even after all possible repairs and replacements the Contractor fails to attain the minimum level of performance guarantee parameters in third test conducted within a period of 6 months from the date of commissioning the Employer may at its option reject the Facilities and recover the entire cost paid to the Contractor or alternatively the Employer may proceed for commercial settlement with the Contractor for acceptance of the Facilities at the negotiated Price.9.1.3 In case, the Contractor is a Consortium, the Employer shall recover the amount of Liquidated Damages, but not by way of penalty, by making deductions from the account of each member of Consortium, or by encashment of their Bank Guarantees as per above clause, up to maximum of 7.5% of the Price of the respective Scope of Facilities as specified in Sub-Clause 7.11.1 of GCC. However, each member of Consortium, shall be jointly and severally bound to the Employer for paying Liquidated Damages to the Employer.The ceiling on Liquidated Damages on account of delay (maximum 5%) and non-fulfilment of Performance Guarantee parameters (maximum 7.5%) will be limited to maximum 10% of the contract price.Article 10.Arbitration10.1 Arbitration (Reference GCC Clause 6)Any disputes, differences, whatsoever, arising between the parties out of orrelating to the construction, meaning, scope, operation or effect of thisContract shall be settled between the Employer and the Contractor amicably.If however, the Employer and the Contractor are not able to resolve theirdisputes / differences amicably as aforesaid the said disputes / differencesshall be settled by Arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration ofthe Indian Council of Arbitration and the award made in pursuance thereofshall be binding on the parties.The arbitration shall be governed and regulated in all respect according to thelaws of India and the Arbitration proceedings shall be regulated and governedby Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 or such modifications or re-enactment thereof. The venue of Arbitration shall be New Delhi, India forContracts with Overseas Contractors and for indigenous contractors venueshall be the place where plant is situated i.e. Rourkela.Article 11. Liability of Govt. of India 11.1 Liability of Govt. of IndiaIt is expressly understood and agreed between the Contractor and theEmployer that the Employer is entering into this Agreement solely on its ownbehalf and not on behalf of any other person or entity. In particular, it isexpressly understood and agreed that the Govt. of India is not a party to thisAgreement and has no liabilities, obligations or rights hereunder. It isexpressly understood and agreed that the Employer is an independent legalentity with power and authority to enter into Contracts solely on its own behalfunder the applicable laws of India and general principles of Contract Law. TheContractor expressly agrees, acknowledges and understands that theEmployer is not an agent, representative or delegate of the Govt. of India. It isfurther understood and agreed that the Govt. of India is not and shall not beliable for any acts, omissions, commissions, breaches or other wrongs arisingout of the Contract. Accordingly, the Contractor hereby, expressly waives,releases and foregoes any and all actions or claims, including cross claims,impleader claims or counter claims against the Govt. of India arising out of thiscontract and covenants not to sue the Govt. of India as to any manner, claim,cause of action or thing whatsoever arising of or under this agreement.Article 12. Appendix The following Appendices shall be deemed to form an integral part of this Contract Agreement. Reference in the Contract to any Appendix shall mean the Appendices attached hereto, and the Contract shall be read and construed accordingly.1 Price Schedule2 Time Schedule3 Terms of Payment4 Price Adjustment due to Variation in Price Indices5 Performance Guarantees6 List of Approved Sub-Contractors / VendorsArticle 13.No modifications of this Contract including Appendices hereto, shall be validunless the same is agreed to in writing by the parties and issued asamendments to the Contract.IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Employer and the Contractor have caused this Agreement to be duly executed by their duly authorised representatives the day and year first above written.Signed by for and on behalf of the Contractor Signed by for and on behalf of the Employer[Signature][Signature] [Designation] [Designation]In the presence of In the presence of1) [Signature]1) [Signature][Designation][Designation]2) [Signature]2) [Signature][Designation][Designation]。
