音乐教育英文文献综述范文Music Education: A Comprehensive Literature ReviewMusic is a fundamental aspect of human culture, woven into the fabric of our social, emotional, and cognitive experiences. It has long been recognized as a powerful tool for personal and collective expression, as well as a vital component of education. In recent decades, there has been a growing body of research exploring the multifaceted benefits of music education, its impact on student development, and its role within the broader educational landscape. This comprehensive literature review aims to synthesize and analyze the existing scholarly literature on the subject of music education, providing a holistic understanding of its significance and potential implications for educational practices.The Importance of Music EducationThe value of music education extends far beyond the development of musical skills and appreciation. Numerous studies have demonstrated the positive impact of music education on various aspects of student development. Cognitively, music has been shown to enhance spatial-temporal reasoning, language skills, and overall academic performance. Psychologically, music education cancontribute to improved emotional regulation, social skills, and overall well-being. Moreover, music education has been linked to the development of creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities, all of which are essential for success in the 21st-century workforce.Cognitive Benefits of Music EducationOne of the most extensively researched areas in music education is its impact on cognitive development. Several studies have consistently found a strong correlation between music education and improved academic performance. For instance, a longitudinal study by Kinney (2008) examined the academic achievement of students who participated in school-based music programs compared to those who did not. The findings revealed that students involved in music education demonstrated significantly higher scores in standardized tests, particularly in the areas of mathematics and reading. Similarly, a meta-analysis by Hille and Schupp (2015) concluded that music education can lead to enhanced cognitive abilities, including increased memory, attention, and language processing skills.The neurological underpinnings of these cognitive benefits have also been explored. Researchers have discovered that musical training can induce structural and functional changes in the brain, particularly in areas associated with language, executive function, and spatial-temporal reasoning (Gaser & Schlaug, 2003; Moreno et al., 2011). These neuroplastic changes suggest that the cognitive benefits of music education extend beyond the musical domain, positively impacting a wide range of cognitive abilities.Emotional and Social Benefits of Music EducationIn addition to its cognitive advantages, music education has been shown to contribute to the emotional and social development of students. Numerous studies have found that participation in music programs can lead to improved emotional regulation, self-esteem, and social skills (Rickard et al., 2012; Schellenberg, 2004). Music can provide an outlet for emotional expression, fostering a sense of community and belonging among students (Kokotsaki & Hallam, 2007). Furthermore, music education often involves collaborative activities, such as ensemble performance, which can enhance teamwork, communication, and empathy (Hallam, 2010).The emotional and social benefits of music education are particularly relevant in the context of child and adolescent development. During these formative years, individuals undergo significant emotional and social changes, and music can play a crucial role in helping them navigate these challenges. By providing a supportive and nurturing environment, music education can contribute to the development of emotional intelligence, social competence, and overall well-being (Schellenberg, 2006).Music Education and the Development of Creativity and Critical ThinkingAlongside its cognitive and socio-emotional benefits, music education has been recognized as a powerful tool for fostering creativity and critical thinking skills. The process of music creation, performance, and analysis requires the application of divergent and convergent thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making (Burnard, 2012). Engaging in musical activities can enhance students' ability to think outside the box, consider multiple perspectives, and develop innovative solutions to complex problems.Furthermore, the study of music can cultivate critical thinking skills, as students are required to analyze, interpret, and evaluate musical works and their underlying elements (Elliot, 1995). This critical thinking process can be transferred to other academic domains, contributing to overall academic success and the development of21st-century skills.Music Education and the 21st-Century WorkforceAs the global economy and workforce continue to evolve, the importance of developing a diverse set of skills, including creativity, collaboration, and adaptability, has become increasingly recognized. Music education can play a vital role in preparing students for the demands of the 21st-century workforce.The skills acquired through music education, such as problem-solving, communication, and teamwork, are highly valued in the modern workplace (Biasutti, 2013). Employers in various industries are seeking individuals who can think critically, work effectively in teams, and demonstrate innovative thinking – all of which are fostered through music education. By integrating music education into the curriculum, schools can better equip students with the necessary skills and competencies to thrive in an ever-changing, global landscape.Challenges and Considerations in Music EducationDespite the well-documented benefits of music education, there are several challenges and considerations that must be addressed. One of the primary challenges is the issue of accessibility and equity. Music education programs are not equally available or accessible to all students, often disproportionately benefiting those from higher socioeconomic backgrounds (Elpus & Abril, 2011). Addressing this disparity is crucial to ensuring that the transformative power of music education is made available to all students, regardless of their socioeconomic status or background.Another challenge is the perceived prioritization of core academic subjects, such as mathematics and language arts, over the arts, including music (Abril & Gault, 2008). This perception can lead to themarginalization of music education within the curriculum, with limited resources and funding allocated to these programs. Advocating for the integration of music education as an essential component of a well-rounded education is crucial to ensuring its sustainability and widespread adoption.ConclusionThe existing body of research on music education presents a compelling case for its inclusion and expansion within educational systems. The cognitive, emotional, social, and creative benefits of music education have been well-documented, highlighting its potential to contribute to the holistic development of students. As the demands of the 21st-century workforce continue to evolve, the skills fostered through music education, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration, become increasingly valuable.However, challenges related to accessibility, equity, and the perceived prioritization of core academic subjects over the arts must be addressed to ensure that all students have the opportunity to experience the transformative power of music education. By advocating for the integration of music education as an essential component of a comprehensive curriculum, educators, policymakers, and communities can work towards a future where the benefits of music education are accessible to all students, empowering them toreach their full potential and thrive in the ever-changing global landscape.。
陈 真 教授 南京师范大学公共管理学院哲学系 2014年6月10日
席勒(Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller)
国诗人,历史学家,剧 作家和美学家。 席勒认为人从自然的人 (感性的人)到道德的 人(理性的人,自由的 人)生成的必要条件便 是审美教育。
以道德的内容,当然也就很容易转化为道德的情感。 《论语· 八佾》记载:‚子语鲁大师乐,曰:‘乐其可知 也:始作,翕[xī]如也;从之,纯如也,皦如也,绎[yì ]如 也,以成。’‛ 奏乐的道理是可以知道的:开始演奏, 各种乐器合奏,声音繁美;继续展开下去,悠扬悦耳, 节奏分明,连续不断,最后完成。孔子的话描述了音乐 的整个演奏过程,‚纯‛(美好和谐)、‚皦‛(音节 分明)、‚绎‛(连绵不绝)都是指听音乐时人所感受 到的那种愉悦美好的感觉。正是因为音乐等艺术形式本 身就具有打动人的力量,故用来培养道德情感比单纯的 道德说教效果要好。
复礼‛为己任,认为‚克己复礼为仁。‛(《论 语· 颜渊》)又由于他精通于《诗经》和音乐,故 他将诗歌、礼仪、音乐和仁义道德联系起来。 他说:‚兴于《诗》,立于礼,成于乐。‛ (《论语· 泰伯》)意思是说,《诗经》可以激发 人的善恶情感,礼能使人循规蹈矩,而音乐则可 以使规矩化为人自觉的行为,完成修养。
子是孔子反对季氏违反‚礼‛的规定,八佾舞庭。 ‚孔子谓季氏:‘八佾舞于庭,是可忍也,孰不 可忍也?’‛(《论语· 八佾》)因此,孔子也忽 略了文艺本身的美学价值,毕竟,《武》虽不尽 ‚善‛,但却尽美,也可以给人带来愉悦的享受。 由于‚美‛和‚善‛毕竟不是一回事,‚美‛有 自身发展的一些规律,如果过分强调为‚善‛服 务,则有可能为了服务于‚善‛而破坏了‚美‛ 自身的规律,其结果也未必能够达到服务‚善‛ 之目的。
课程教育研究 外语外文 ·20· follow her footstep and being deserted by her husband, we can conclude that Amanda’s miserable sufferings and tragic fate is doomed as long as she lives in the patriarchal society. And to make things even more pathetically, women in this play, including Laura, they didn’t realize the bondage and limitation the patriarchal society imposed on them. Williams’ reveal of the tragic fate of Amanda attract our attention to study feminism and advocate to build a equal society. Reference: [1]Beauvoir,Simone de. The Second Sex. Trans. Constance Borde and Sheila Malovany-Chevallier.Random House: Alfred A. Knopf,1949. [2]Bloom, Harold. Tennessee Williams. New York: Chelsea House Publishers,1987. [3]Showalter, Elaine.1995. The New Feminist Criticism[M]. New York: Pantheon Books. [4]Williams, Tennessee.1987. The Glass Menagerie[M]. New York: Penguin Group. [5]柏 棣.2007.西方女性主义文学理论[M].桂林:广西师范大学出版社。
Dance Anthropology与 Ethnochoreology
Dance Anthropology与 Ethnochoreology江东【摘要】As a burgeoning field of dance studies,Ethnochoreology and Dance Anthroplogy,which are popu-lar topics in the world,are usually overlapped and confused in terms of concepts and understandings.These two disciplines all originated from the USA,which reflects the“non-European mainstream dance”research perspective and orientation that these disciplines established in the field of music studies in the early years. Except the overlap,we still can see the individual theoretical appeals these two disciplines argue for in the field of music studies.The overlap can be attributed to the fact that these two disciplines are close to each other in terms of research object and methodology.However,the situation is complicated.In regard to the Chinese dance cultural practice,these new disciplines brought us with innovative research perspective and methods.Therefore,the understanding and studies of these concepts will enable us to better understand the connotation and differences between these disciplines.%作为新兴的舞蹈研究领域,在世界范围内方兴未艾的“民族舞蹈学”(Ethnochoreol-ogy)和“舞蹈人类学”(Dance Anthropology)彼此有交叉也容易有概念和认识上的混淆。
The Dance Bible 舞蹈圣经The Dance Bible 舞蹈圣经摘译( 一)译文:Diana H. Dai (戴安娜)The Dance Bible - The World’s favorite couple Luca and Loraine Baricchi[/I],[/I]The Dance Bible is the most advanced and comprehensive piece of Ballroom dance teaching Material. Which has wide range of contents presented with practical exerciseses? The all aspects of ballroom dancing balance, movement, rhythm, volume, mechanical forces, music, purpose and even emotional dancing. It will surely satisfy every dancer from beginners to champions.[/I]舞蹈圣经是由卢卡.洛兰讲习的最先进的,最全面的摩登舞基本功教材,阐述了摩登舞的平衡,动作,节奏,体能,技巧,音乐,效果,甚至情绪方面的全新的教学理念,借助道具的训练模式。
Chapter 1 - Balance第一章平衡(一)Personal balance and Exercises 个人的平衡和练习l In this video when we discuss balance, you must think of vertical weight在这片碟片中,当我们讨论平衡时,你必须想到是垂直的重心。
l Balance relates to our body, you must understand there are two parts, upper part and lower part. Our lower part works as table works, if you put down the weight, on the table, the weight should goes down and leg go up with. This is normal way naturally carry our body平衡在我们身体中分为上半部分和下半部分。
儿童教育外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:The Role of Parents and Community in the Educationof the Japanese ChildHeidi KnipprathAbstractIn Japan, there has been an increased concern about family and community participation in the child’s educat ion. Traditionally, the role of parents and community in Japan has been one of support and less one of active involvement in school learning. Since the government commenced education reforms in the last quarter of the 20th century, a more active role for parents and the community in education has been encouraged. These reforms have been inspired by the need to tackle various problems that had arisen, such as the perceived harmful elements of society’spreoccupation with academic achievement and the problematic behavior of young people. In this paper, the following issues are examined: (1) education policy and reform measures with regard to parent and community involvement in the child’s education; (2) the state of parent and community involvement at the eve of the 20th century.Key Words: active involvement, community, education reform, Japan, parents, partnership, schooling, supportIntroduction: The Discourse on the Achievement GapWhen western observers are tempted to explain why Japanese students attain high achievement scores in international comparative assessment studies, they are likely to address the role of parents and in particular of the mother in the education of the child. Education mom is a phrase often brought forth in the discourse on Japanese education to depict the Japanese mother as being a pushy, and demanding home-bound tutor, intensely involved in the child’s education due to severe academic competition. Although this image of the Japanese mother is a stereotype spread by the popular mass media in Japan and abroad, and the extent by which Japanese mothers are absorbed in their children is exaggerated (Benjamin, 1997, p. 16; Cummings, 1989, p. 297; Stevenson & Stigler, 1992, p. 82), Stevenson and Stigler (1992) argue that Japanese parents do play an indispensable role in the academic performance of their children. During their longitudinal and cross-national research project, they and their collaborators observed that Japanese first and fifth graders persistently achieved higher on math tests than American children. Besides reciting teacher’s teaching style, cultural beliefs, and organization of schooling, Stevenson and Stigler (1992) mention parent’s role in supporting the learning conditions of the child to explain differences in achievement between elementary school students of the United States and students of Japan. In Japan, children receive more help at home with schoolwork (Chen & Stevenson, 1989; Stevenson & Stigler, 1992), and tend to perform less household chores than children in the USA (Stevenson et al., 1990; Stevenson & Stigler, 1992). More Japanese parents than American parents provide space and a personal desk and purchase workbooks for their children to supplement their regular text-books at school (Stevenson et al., 1990; Stevenson & Stigler, 1992). Additionally, Stevenson and Stigler (1992) observed that American mothers are much more readily satisfied with their child’s performance than Asian parents are, have less realistic assessments of their child’s academic perform ance, intelligence, and other personality characteristics, and subsequently have lower standards. Based on their observation of Japanese, Chinese and American parents, children and teachers, Stevenson and Stigler (1992) conclude that American families can increase the academic achievement of their children by strengthening the link between school and home, creating a physical and psychological environment that is conducive to study, and by making realistic assessments and raising standards. Also Benjamin (1997), who performed ‘day-to-day ethnography’ to find out how differences in practice between American and Japanese schools affect differences in outcomes, discusses the relationship between home and school and how the Japanese mother is involved in the academic performance standards reached by Japanese children. She argues that Japanese parents are willing to pay noticeable amounts of money for tutoring in commercial establishments to improve the child’s performance on entrance examinations, to assist in ho mework assignments, to facilitate and support their children’s participation in school requirements and activities, and to check notebooks of teachers on the child’s progress and other school-related messages from the teacher. These booklets are read and written daily by teachers and parents. Teachers regularly provide advice and reminders to parents, and write about homework assignments of the child, special activities and the child’s behavior (Benjamin, 1997, p. 119, p. 1993–1995). Newsletters, parents’ v isits to school, school reports, home visits by the teacher and observation days sustain communication in later years at school. According toBenjamin (1997), schools also inform parents about how to coach their children on proper behavior at home. Shimahara (1986), Hess and Azuma (1991), Lynn (1988) and White (1987) also try to explain national differences in educational achievement. They argue that Japanese mothers succeed in internalizing into their children academic expectations and adaptive dispositions that facilitate an effective teaching strategy, and in socializing the child into a successful person devoted to hard work.Support, Support and SupportEpstein (1995) constructed a framework of six types of involvement of parents and the community in the school: (1) parenting: schools help all families establish home environments to support children as students; (2) communicating: effective forms of school-to-home and home-to-school communications about school programs and children’s progress; (3) volu nteering: schools recruit and organize parents help and support; (4) learning at home: schools provide information and ideas to families about how to help students at home with homework and other curriculum-related activities, decisions and planning; (5) decision making: schools include parents in school decisions, develop parent leaders and representatives; and (6) collaborating with the community: schools integrate resources and services from the community to strengthen school programs, family practices, and student learning and development. All types of involvement mentioned in studies of Japanese education and in the discourse on the roots of the achievement gap belong to one of Epstein’s first four types of involvement: the creation of a conducive learn ing environment (type 4), the expression of high expectations (type 4), assistance in homework (type 4), teachers’ notebooks (type 2), mother’s willingness to facilitate school activities (type3) teachers’ advice about the child’s behavior (type 1), observ ation days by which parents observe their child in the classroom (type 2), and home visits by the teachers (type 1). Thus, when one carefully reads Stevenson and Stigler’s, Benjamin’s and other’s writings about Japanese education and Japanese students’ high achievement level, one notices that parents’ role in the child’s school learning is in particular one of support, expected and solicited by the school. The fifth type (decision making) as well as the sixth type (community involvement) is hardly ever mentioned in the discourse on the achievement gap.In 1997, the OECD’s Center for Educational Research and Innovation conducted a cross-national study to report the actual state of parents as partners in schooling in nine countries, including Japan. In its report, OECD concludes that the involvement of Japanese parents in their schools is strictly limited, and that the basis on which it takes place tends to be controlled by the teacher (OECD, 1997, p. 167). According to OECD (1997), many countries are currently adopting policies to involve families closely in the education of their children because (1) governments are decentralizing their administrations; (2) parents want to be increasingly involved; and (3) because parental involvement is said to be associated with higher achievement in school (p. 9). However, parents in Japan, where students already score highly on international achievement tests, are hardly involved in governance at the national and local level, and communication between school and family tends to be one-way (Benjamin, 1997; Fujita, 1989; OECD, 1997). Also parent–teacher associations (PTA, fubo to kyoshi no kai ) are primarily presumed to be supportive of school learning and not to participate in school governance (cf. OECD, 2001, p. 121). On the directionsof the occupying forces after the second world war, PTA were established in Japanese schools and were considered with the elective education boards to provide parents and the community an opportunity to participate actively in school learning (Hiroki, 1996, p. 88; Nakata, 1996, p. 139). The establishment of PTA and elective education boards are only two examples of numerous reform measures the occupying forces took to decentralize the formal education system and to expand educational opportunities. But after they left the country, the Japanese government was quick to undo liberal education reform measures and reduced the community and parental role in education. The stipulation that PTA should not interfere with personnel and other administrative tasks of schools, and the replacement of elective education boards by appointed ones, let local education boards believe that parents should not get involved with school education at all (Hiroki, 1996, p. 88). Teachers were regarded to be the experts and the parents to be the laymen in education (Hiroki, 1996, p. 89).In sum, studies of Japanese education point into one direction: parental involvement means being supportive, and community involvement is hardly an issue at all. But what is the actual state of parent and community involvement in Japanese schools? Are these descriptions supported by quantitative data?Statistics on Parental and Community InvolvementTo date, statistics of parental and community involvement are rare. How-ever, the school questionnaire of the TIMSS-R study did include some interesting questions that give us a clue about the degree of involvement relatively compared to the degree of involvement in other industrialized countries. The TIMSS-R study measured science and math achievement of eighth graders in 38 countries. Additionally, a survey was held among principals, teachers and students. Principals answered questions relating to school management, school characteristics, and involvement. For convenience, the results of Japan are only compared with the results of those countries with a GNP of 20650 US dollars or higher according to World Bank’s indicators in 1999.Unfortunately, only a very few items on community involvement were measured. According to the data, Japanese principals spend on average almost eight hours per month on representing the school in the community (Table I). Australian and Belgian principals spend slightly more hours and Dutch and Singaporean principals spend slightly less on representing the school and sustaining communication with the community. But when it comes to participation from the community, Japanese schools report a nearly absence of involvement (Table II). Religious groups and the business community have hardly any influence on the curriculum of the school. In contrast, half of the principals report that parents do have an impact in Japan. On one hand, this seems a surprising result when one is reminded of the centralized control of the Ministry of Education. Moreover, this control and the resulting uniform curriculum are often cited as a potential explanation of the high achievement levels in Japan. On the other hand, this extent of parental impact on the curriculum might be an indicator of the pressure parents put on schools to prepare their children appropriately for the entrance exams of senior high schools.In Table III, data on the extent of other types of parental involvement in Japan and other countries are given. In Japan, parental involvement is most common in case of schools volunteering for school projects and programs, and schools expecting parents to make sure that thechild completes his or her homework. The former is together with patrolling the grounds of the school to monitor student behavior most likely materialized through the PTA. The kinds and degree of activities of PTA vary according to the school, but the activities of the most active and well-organized PTA’s of 395 elementary schools investigated by Sumida (2001)range from facilitating sport and recreation for children, teaching greetings, encouraging safe traffic, patrolling the neighborhood, publishing the PTA newspaper to cleaning the school grounds (pp. 289–350). Surprisingly, less Japanese principals expect from the parents to check one’s child’s completion of homework than principals of other countries. In the discourse on the achievement gap, western observers report that parents and families in Japan provide more assistance with their children’s homework than parents and families outside Japan. This apparent contradiction might be the result of the fact that these data are measured at the lower secondary level while investigations of the roots of Japanese students’ high achievement levels focus on childhood education and learning at primary schools. In fact, junior high school students are given less homework in Japan than their peers in other countries and less homework than elementary school students in Japan. Instead, Japanese junior high school students spend more time at cram schools. Finally, Japanese principals also report very low degrees of expectations toward parents with regard to serving as a teacher aid in the classroom, raising funds for the school, assisting teachers on trips, and serving on committees which select school personnel and review school finances. The latter two items measure participation in school governance.In other words, the data support by and large the descriptions of parental of community involvement in Japanese schooling. Parents are requested to be supportive, but not to mount the territory of the teacher nor to be actively involved in governance. Moreover, whilst Japanese principals spend a few hours per month on communication toward the community, involvement from the community with regard to the curriculum is nearly absent, reflecting the nearly absence of accounts of community involvement in studies on Japanese education. However, the reader needs to be reminded that these data are measured at the lower secondary educational level when participation by parents in schooling decreases (Epstein, 1995; OECD, 1997; Osakafu Kyoiku Iinkai, unpublished report). Additionally, the question remains what stakeholders think of the current state of involvement in schooling. Some interesting local data provided by the Osaka Prefecture Education Board shed a light on their opinion.ReferencesBenjamin, G. R. (1997). Japanese lessons. New York: New York University Press.Cave, P. (2003). Educational reform in Japan in the 1990s: ‘Individuality’ and other uncertainties. Comparative Education Review, 37(2), 173–191.Chen, C., & Stevenson, H. W. (1989). Homework: A cross-cultural examination. Child Development, 60(3), 551–561.Chuo Kyoiku Shingikai (1996). 21 seiki o tenbo shita wagakuni no kyoiku no arikata ni tsu-ite [First Report on the Model for Japanese Education in the Perspective of theCummings, W. K. (1989). The American perception of Japanese parative Education, 25(3), 293–302.Epstein, J. L. (1995). School/family/community partnerships. Phi Delta Kappan , 701–712.Fujita, M. (1989). It’s all mother’s fault: childcare and the socialization of working mothers in Japan. The Journal of Japanese Studies , 15(1), 67–91.Harnish, D. L. (1994). Supplemental education in Japan: juku schooling and its implication. Journal of Curriculum Studies , 26(3), 323–334.Hess, R. D., & Azuma, H. (1991). Cultural support for schooling, contrasts between Japanand the United States. Educational Researcher , 20(9), 2–8, 12.Hiroki, K. (1996). Kyoiku ni okeru kodomo, oya, kyoshi, kocho no kenri, gimukankei[Rights and duties of principals, teachers, parents and children in education. InT. Horio & T. Urano (Eds.), Soshiki toshite no gakko [School as an organization](pp. 79–100). Tokyo: Kashiwa Shobo. Ikeda, H. (2000). Chiiki no kyoiku kaikaku [Local education reform]. Osaka: Kaiho Shup-pansha.Kudomi, Y., Hosogane, T., & Inui, A. (1999). The participation of students, parents and the community in promoting school autonomy: case studies in Japan. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 9(3), 275–291.Lynn, R. (1988).Educational achievement in Japan. London: MacMillan Press.Martin, M. O., Mullis, I. V. S., Gonzalez, E. J., Gregory, K. D., Smith, T. A., Chrostowski,S. J., Garden, R. A., & O’Connor, K. M. (2000). TIMSS 1999 Intern ational science report, findings from IEA’s Repeat of the Third International Mathematics and ScienceStudy at the Eight Grade.Chestnut Hill: The International Study Center.Mullis, I. V. S., Martin, M. O., Gonzalez, E. J., Gregory, K. D., Garden, R. A., O’Connor, K. M.,Chrostowski, S. J., & Smith, T. A.. (2000). TIMSS 1999 International mathemat-ics report, findings from IEA’s Repeat of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study at the Eight Grade.Chestnut Hill: The International Study Center. Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture (2000).Japanese government policies in education, science, sports and culture. 1999, educational reform in progress. Tokyo: PrintingBureau, Ministry of Finance.Monbusho Ed. (1999).Heisei 11 nendo, wagakuni no bunkyoshisaku : Susumu kaikaku [Japanese government policies in education, science, sports and culture 1999: Educational reform in progress]. Tokyo: Monbusho.Educational Research for Policy and Practice (2004) 3: 95–107 © Springer 2005DOI 10.1007/s10671-004-5557-6Heidi KnipprathDepartment of MethodologySchool of Business, Public Administration and TechnologyUniversity of Twente P.O. Box 2177500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands译文:家长和社区在日本儿童教育中的作用摘要在日本,人们越来越关心家庭和社区参与到儿童教育中。
A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. (H.B.Adams, American historian)教师的影响是永恒的;无法估计他的影响会有多深远。
(美国历史学家亚当斯H B)And gladly would learn, and gladly teach. (Chaucer, British poet)勤于学习的人才能乐意施教。
(英国诗人乔叟)Better be unboun than untaught, for ignorance is the root of misfortune. (Plato, Ancient Greek phiosopher)与其不受教育,不知不生,因为无知是不幸的根源。
(古希腊哲学家柏拉图)Dancing in all its forms cannot be excluded from the curriculum of all noble education: dancing with the feet, with ideas, with works, and ,need I add that one must also be able to dance with the pen? (Friedrich W.Nietzsche, German philosopher)所有高尚教育的课程表里都不能没有各种形式的跳舞:用脚跳舞,用思想跳舞,用言语跳舞,不用说,还需用笔跳舞。
(德国哲学家尼采 F W)Education commences at the mother's knee, and every word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards the formation of character. (Hosea Ballou British cducator)教育始于母亲膝下,孩童耳听一言一语,均影响其性格的形成。
学术天地艺术与美学·ART AND AESTHETICS36 PACKAGING Collection 2015舞蹈是人类生命中最为重要、最活跃、最充分直接的情绪,是人类历史上最基本古老的艺术,它表现了人肢体运动的艺象美。
2 独创美独创美赋予舞蹈作品一个独立可行的空间,无论是题材还是主题,都必须展现与众不同的一面,这就要求作者在艺术构思过程中紧紧抓住创新点,不能死搬硬套舞蹈艺术的固有模式。
2021舞蹈学论文(优秀范文8篇)范文 舞蹈是一门动觉艺术,是无声的美,它是人的生命力的具体体现,是人体美的具体反映。
舞蹈学论文第一篇:中国舞蹈学理论的历史积淀、方法与构成 摘要:文章从中国舞蹈理论体系形成的哲学基础、舞蹈学理论的历史积淀与发展、舞蹈学研究方法、舞蹈学学术话语体系建构及成就、舞蹈学科制度建设等方面,提出舞蹈学中国学派形成的根基、历史脉络与主要内涵。
由于哲学观影响, 世界舞蹈体系至少由古希腊-罗马舞蹈体系、古代印度舞蹈体系、古代中华舞蹈体系几大体系构成, 在观照、应对身与心、人与自然、人与神、自我与他者的关系中, 三种体系分别体现出对抗的、超越的、圆融的思维方式、行为方式及独特的话语体系。
中国几千年绵延不断、56个民族丰富多彩且自成体系的舞蹈文化传统积淀, 是舞蹈学中国学派形成的实践基础。
梳理清楚历史上舞蹈学研究中的中国学术传统, 了解其形成的过程、内涵、特点等, 有助于认清中国舞蹈学自身的特点和价值, 也有助于充实和丰富世界舞蹈学理论体系。
关键词:“中国学派”;中国舞蹈学; 阴阳; 气; “舞+”; Formationand Direction of Chinese School of Dance Studies DENGYou-ling BeijingDance Academy Abstract:Thispaper suggests the concept of Chinese school of dance studies and its foundation, history and essence in the perspective of philosophical foundation of Chinese dance theoretical system, history and development of dance theory, dance study methodology, dance academic discourse and construction of dance as a discipline. Influenced by philosophy, dance system worldwide is composed of ancient Greek-Roman dance system, ancient Indian dance system and ancient Chinese dance system. Interrelated among the relationships of mind and heart, human and nature, people and god and self and others, these three systems confront, surpass and integrate with one another through mindsets, behaviors, expressions and unique discourse systems. Chinese school of dance studies is based on the traditional Chinese philosophy, and it practically stems from 56 Chinese ethnic minority groups and thousands of years of dance cultural traditions. The essence covers abundant dance images, documentations, musics, dance plus and systematic academic terms. Reviewing Chinese academic tradition of dance studies and its formation, essence and characteristics would help us clarify the uniqueness and value of China dance studies and supplement world dance study. 一、舞蹈学中国学派的提出 关于“中国学派”,笔者在中国知网以“中国学派”为关键词进行搜索, 得到627条信息, 其中主题信息为“中国学派”的文献有474多条。
文献出处:Field T. Emotional wellbeing and childcare quality in preschool education [J]. Child Development, 2015, 6(3): 63-80.原文Emotional wellbeing and childcare quality in preschool educationField TAbstractPreschool age is human social behavior, mood, emotion, personality and cognitive aspects of the key stage of development, is also one of the fastest growing, most plastic time in their life. Preschool education and related research results show that conservation is very important to the individual's physical and mental development, in the person's lifelong development also plays an important role. “Research has shown that high quality pre-school education and care to children's language ability, cognitive ability and the development of social behavior and their later in the long-term school and society's achievements in life has a positive impact. In addition, the pre-school education and care for the development of education, family happiness and social stability and progress also plays an important role. Keywords: pre-school education, child care, mental healthIntroductionSince the 1990 s, preschool education is being paid attention to by the countries all over the world, and gradually become the world's one of the important topics of education reform. Governments through perfecting the legislation of preschool education, increase financial investment and so on, gradually increase the intensity of support for preschool education, and through a series of means and measures, improve the quality of the country's pre-school education, and promote the pre-school education fair. At present, the social education to the health of preschool children, only stay in the range of health, the mental health education, especially to cultivate children's sound personality, including healthy emotion, strong will, coordination behavior, moderate reaction, and normal interpersonal relationship is still insufficient attention.Literature reviewFrancis & and Alan Hayes in the OECD on pre-school education policy project review (2000) review summarizes the development of preschool education in the background, historical origin, the regulations and policy guidance, etc., points out that preschool education is facing many challenges, they think the government should fully realize that children are the future of the country and the importance of preschool education on children development and take measures to improve the quality of preschool education, strengthen the pre-school education and conservation organizations contact with family and community.Alison Elliott in his study of the preschool education - all children to quality and fair path "(2006), analyzes the current pre-school education and care system operation mode, a summary of the results of our predecessors' studies, think should reform of preschool education and care to give their children a better future, and puts forward some reform Suggestions: at the end of the policy on the condition of education and conservation division; Overall, cooperation plan implementation; To establish a national curriculum system, and so on.Mailing says, mental health refers to people for the environment and to each other with the highest efficiency and happy to adapt to the situation. Mental health who can adapt to the external world stable emotion, in all kinds of psychological quality has a pleasant disposition. English points out that mental health is a kind of psychological status of the participants in that case can do good, has the vigor of life, and can fully develop the potential of body and mind, it is a positive case, not just from mental illness.Katz and column think, mental health refers to the person's mood is stable, wisdom and good social adaptation.Jieming bloom in 1964 by the eight children's physical, mental and psychological development of longitudinal study, found that for children aged eight, because in a good environment and grow in the bad environment, both the difference between the IQ of up to 16 points, in order to produce the stand or fall of juvenile stage provide environment for children to a large extent influence the development of their IQ.Sally Tomlinson and Kathy's wedding on child care has carried on the thorough analysis and research. They believe that a country's strategy of early childhoodeducation should be for at least two goals: one is for all the family can put their children in a good environment for the development of education and health; 2 it is to have a good selection of preschool education, and the choice of parents should be able to get respect, etc. Finally they also point out that, in order to achieve these goals, the government should increase the preschool funding projects and adjust tax distribution, to reform the system of state aid in close cooperation and strengthen the central and local, and ensure that investment in young children makes it possible for families to take care of, so that you can let the children to get healthy development.Brian brown in the Choice For Parents, the Best Start For Children - a ten - year strategy For childcare: a Case Study of New Sure Start, UK "(2005), the content of the background, For child care, etc. The analysis and research are discussed in detail. Ann bout and Gordon MacDonald in the Parents and a ten - year strategy for childcare Evaluation: Suggestions for partnership "(2006), this Angle is mainly from the family and community resources, studied the content of the child care.Preschool education in child carePreschool education and conservation organizationsDifferent families can choose according to their own situation and the child's needs a pre-school institutions, also can choose a variety of preschool institutions at the same time. According to various preschool institutions function is divided into three categories: mainly for 3-5 years old children preschool education preschool/kindergarten, mainly provide pre-school children 0-5 years old conservation service conservation organizations as well as the remote areas and children with special needs of mainstream pre-school institutions.Conservation organizations are all day care and home care agencies: the whole facility is mainly geared to the needs of children aged 0 to 5, generally at 7:30 am to 6 PM open, open at least 10 hours a day, five days a week (from Monday to Friday), at least 48 weeks each year; Family day care is to point to by professional nanny in their own homes for children, provide flexible pre-school teaching and care services, including the day of custody, part time and temporary custody hosting, mainly for children aged 0 to 6, family day care nurse to day care in the family registrationsystem, family day care system is responsible for recruiting and training the nanny, conservation of regulatory quality and provide professional advice and support for the parents and information, etc., with a range of pre-school education qualifications of preschool teachers can be independent of the home care system and separate family day care institutions.Quality promotion and certification system and family day care institutions of quality assurance system requirements for the whole day care and family day care for children and they adapt to the development of preschool education and conservation programs, but there is no prescribed course.Preschool education and conservation supervisionAt the federal level, the education, employment, and labor relations department is responsible for the jurisdiction of pre-school education and care of related transaction, its functions are: for the whole day care, family day care, some temporary trustee institution, formulate related policies, through family help office to issue childcare subsidies and child night tax return, overseeing all day care and home care quality certification system and supporting indigenous children's pre-school education; State and territory governments bears the major responsibility for the preschool education and conservation of this area, is mainly responsible for: the jurisdiction of the regulation and funding preschool/kindergarten and some is beyond the scope of the federal government to support conservation organizations, according to the jurisdiction of the pre-school education and conservation organizations set up regulatory requirements, monitor their behavior and issue business licenses.The defects of preschool education and conservation systemIn recent years, more and more studies show that children's first five years of experience, learning, and to the health of their future social development plays a decisive role. Children started from the birth of learning, the federal government will pre-school education from pre-school conservation fund and regulatory practices against the development of children. And in the actual operation, the preschool education and preschool boundaries also gradually tends to be fuzzy. In some jurisdictions, some conservation organizations also provide preschool education forchildren, conservation agencies in 2006 census data show that the country's 2068 is about 48% in the whole facility for meat to provide pre-school education. Because families choose conservation organizations can get the federal government's subsidies, conservation agencies and more on service when asked to meet the needs of the parents, many parents are willing to send children to conservation of preschool education, in 2007-2008, about 526000 children aged 4, including about 200000 in conservation agency preschool education.Preschool institutions no consistent curriculum, teachers' qualification, regulation and support standards, this is bad for children in a variety of transition between pre-school institutions, is unfavorable to the parents to choose the appropriate for children pre-school institutions; And government regulatory requirements also do not take the pre-school institutions especially conservation organizations to provide the quality of preschool education and conservation, leaving many children receive less than high quality pre-school education and care; Layers of government regulation of preschool education and conservation, caused the pre-school education and preservation system policy, funding and develop parties, such as the complexity and multilayered; The federal government and the district government regulatory conservation organizations, and creates some regulatory overlap, increased the regulatory burden of conservation organizations, make a conservation organization staff have to shoulder some of the unnecessary administrative work, and have no time to plan and prepare for children education activities; And the independent regulation of the jurisdiction of preschool education, and the development level and the quality is uneven, unfavorable to pre-school education and conservation of fair; Preschool workers have different qualifications, and many conservation agency workers have no formal qualifications, statistics show, only 7% of the whole day care staff across the country has degree or higher qualifications, 39% of staff have no formal qualifications, this is not conducive to the development of children.ConclusionResearch proves that high quality pre-school education and care to children's language ability, cognitive ability and the development of social behavior and theirlater in the long-term school and society's achievements in life has a positive impact. In addition, the pre-school education and care for the development of education, family happiness and social stability and progress also plays an important role. And the quality is the lifeline of the preschool education career, it is directly related to the level of children's physical and mental development, quality and high quality pre-school education can effectively promote the sound development of children.译文学前教育阶段的心理健康与儿童保育质量Field T摘要学前期是人的社会性行为、情绪情感、性格和认知等方面发展的关键阶段,也是人一生中发展最快、可塑性最强的时期。
当代外国学前教育 英文
当代外国学前教育英文In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, preschool education has emerged as a crucial phase in the cognitive, emotional, and social development of young children. This article delves into the contemporary practices and trends in foreign preschool education, particularly in the Western hemisphere, and explores the implications for early childhood education globally.**The Shift towards Play-Based Learning**In recent years, there has been a significant shift towards play-based learning in preschool education. This approach emphasizes the importance of hands-on experiences and free play in fostering children's creativity, critical thinking, and social skills. Preschools in countries like the United States, Europe, and Australia have incorporated more open-ended play areas, allowing children to explore, experiment, and collaborate freely. This trend recognizes the importance of allowing children to learn through play, rather than traditional didactic teaching methods.**The Integration of Technology**With the rise of technology, preschool education has also seen an increasing integration of digital tools and resources. While the use of technology in preschoolsettings raises concerns about screen time and child development, it also presents unique opportunities for learning. Interactive educational apps, virtual reality experiences, and online collaboration platforms have become common in many preschools, enhancing children's learning experiences and engaging them in innovative ways.**The Emphasis on Inclusion and Diversity**Inclusion and diversity have become central themes in contemporary foreign preschool education. Preschools are increasingly recognizing the importance of providing an environment that is welcoming and inclusive of children from different backgrounds, abilities, and learning styles. This includes creating curricula that reflect diverse cultural perspectives, hiring teachers who represent a range of backgrounds, and implementing inclusive practices that cater to the needs of all children.**The Role of Parents and Communities**In foreign preschool education systems, parents and communities play a crucial role in supporting children's learning and development. Preschools actively engage parents in the educational process, providing opportunities for collaboration and communication. Community partnerships and outreach programs also play a significant role in enhancing preschool education, as they provide additional resources and experiences for children.**Implications for Global Preschool Education**The trends and practices in contemporary foreign preschool education hold important implications for early childhood education globally. The emphasis on play-based learning, integration of technology, and inclusion of diversity can serve as valuable models for preschools in other countries. Additionally, the recognition of the role of parents and communities in supporting children's learning highlights the need for stronger community engagement and collaboration in preschool education systems worldwide.**当代外国学前教育:全球视角**在教育快速发展的今天,学前教育已成为儿童认知、情感和社会发展的重要阶段。
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文献信息:文献标题:Motivations and Barriers in Promoting Preschool Education (推进学前教育的动因与障碍)国外作者:A.Güler Küçükturan,Sadegül Akbaba Altun文献出处:《Kuram Ve Uygulamada Egitim Bilimleri》,2017,17(4):1433–1450字数统计:英文2785单词,15301字符;中文4524汉字外文文献:Motivations and Barriers in Promoting Preschool Education Abstract This study is designed to explore the reasons for sending and not sending preschool age children to preschools at an early age by exploring the motivations for and barriers towards promoting preschool education in Turkey. It aimed to determine various stakeholders’ perceptions, attitudes, and knowledge related to preschool education in order to promote high-quality and comprehensive preschool education. The research was conducted with 224 participants in five cities in Turkey. Qualitative data was collected through individual and focus group interviews and interpreted by content analysis and descriptive analysis. The findings indicated that families put forward the following reasons for sending their children to preschool: preschool education prepares children for school and helps form the habit of attending school, teachers’ efforts in convincing parents to send their children to preschool, providing the care for the children of working mothers with preschool teachers , and preschool helps children develop social behavior. The following factors were reasons families did not send their children to preschool: economic conditions, perceiving the child as too young, concerns over practices at school, perceptions about the mother’s role, and distrust of the transportation system. The results will help decision makers develop policies and strategies to heighten the general public’s awareness of the need for early education, as well as better provide early educationopportunities.Keywords:Preschool education; Motivation; Barrier; Pre-schooling; Dissemination of preschool educationIntroductionResearch is well established in showing that access to a high-quality early childhood education has a direct and permanent effect at every stage of human development (Avila & Baldwin, 2007; Barnett, 2008; Blau & Currie, 2005; Heckman & Masterov, 2007; Reynolds, 1992; Reynolds, Mehana, & Temple, 1995). For this reason, in order to provide early education policies, countries determine their equality in opportunity policies and form new strategies. Many countries regulate their early childhood education practices through the state legislature and as part of the education system according to the socio-political developments of the country. These legislative regulations determine basic core values in areas like curriculum, institutional process, teacher education, personnel requirement, monitoring and finance, and parent-teacher cooperation (Banković, 2014; Karila, 2008; Kuisma & Sandberg, 2008; Sheridan, Williams, Sandberg, & Vuorinen, 2011).Likewise, preschool education and the preschool teacher training system have been changed and developed in Turkey. Even though kindergartens opened before 1908, they became organized and widespread following the Temporary Preschool Law dated 23 September 1913. After two years, the Law Primary school bylaws were issued in 1915.Accordingly, kindergartens were opened, whether attached or unattached to primary schools, in order to provide education for children aged four to seven (Akyüz, 1989; Cicioğlu, 1989). With the opening of kindergartens, the need for trained teachers in these schools arose. In the same year as the issuance of the bylaws, a kindergarten teacher education school providing one year of education was opened in Istanbul, but it was closed after four years of operation in 1919. In this period, 370 preschool teachers were educated (Oğuzkan & Oral, 1987) and preschool education took its institutional place in the education process in real terms.However, for many years, the insufficient quality and quantity of early education, the changing position of women within the family and their active roles in real life due to rapid socio-cultural and economical changes, and, most importantly, the positive impact of early education on a child’s development as proven by educational studies and brain surveys demonstrate the necessity to take certain measures in the early stages of care and education of children.Early education gained f unctionality with the “Preschool Curriculum and Regulations,” “Temporary Teacher Training Regulation,” and “Preschool Regulation,” all of which were issued in 1952 and cover the voluntary education process for students not at elementary school age. Today, early education is given by the Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Family and Social Politics, Ministry of Labor, Universities, and voluntary agencies in kindergartens, implementation classrooms, nurseries, and day care centers for care and educational purposes. This multi-headed structure prevents education from reaching its desired quality level.Educational programs for early education were prepared by the Ministry of National Education (MoNE) and Board of Education in order to give high-quality training to teachers. Program developments were made at various times to troubleshoot and practice new applications that were presented by scientific studies. Accordingly, current education programs were updated under the Education of Early Education Strengthening Project that was introduced by the Ministry of National Education, financed by the European Community, and technically supported by UNICEF. Currently, applied education programs are prepared separately for 0–36 months old and for 37–72 months old. An educational approach based on the Developmental Appropriate Program is adopted. In this approach, it is essential to consider the active participation of the child and the family, suitability of the requirements, and environmental properties. Thus, it aims to raise a child’s behaviors in all development areas to a higher level by meeting his requirements and supporting interactions with each other in his development areas. Teachers who have graduated from the undergraduate program in early education from faculties of education are responsible for the implementation of this program in the preschool educationinstitutes. Training is given in separate classrooms, formed according to their ages (3, 4, and 5). Classes are composed of 20–24 groups of children composed equally of each gender.When the current structure of education in Turkey is assessed in terms of program, equipment, and teacher education, it appears that they have several characteristics in common with EU and OECD member countries. However, even though the starting age for early education in OECD countries varies, if early education is evaluated in terms of schooling rates, 71% of three-year-old children and 86% of four-year-old children participated in this non-compulsory education in 2014. The participation of four-year-old children at 94% was significantly higher in 2016. At least 90% of children aged three to four were enrolled in early childhood education in OECD countries—such as Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Island, Israel, Italy, Norway, Spain, and Sweden—and in most of the OECD countries have full enrollment in ECEC for five year olds (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD], 2016). Even though the targeted schooling rate is set to 50% for three to five (37–72 months) years of age and 100% for five (60–72 months) years of age in the Ninth Development Plan for the year 2013 and despite all the efforts for promoting preschool education, at the beginning of the academic year of 2015/2016 the schooling rate for Turkey is 11.74% for three years of age, 33.56% for four years of age and 67.17% for five years of age (MEB, 2015). These rates indicate that the desired and targeted levels in early education have not yet been met.However, this transition is not always smooth and fast in nature for major stakeholders, who include preschool age children, their families, teachers, mukhtars, prayer leaders, representatives of the Board of National Education, municipality, and written/visual press. In order to promote preschool education, it is important to determine how those stakeholders perceive what their own attitudes are and what they think of not sending children to preschools. In addition, in order to increase schooling rates to acceptable levels at the preschool level, it is crucial to define and understand the context that policy makers deal with.Therefore, this study has been conducted to determine the stakeholders’motivations for sending or not sending their children to preschool education. The results may inform decision or policy-makers at all levels as they develop policies and strategies to increase the general public awareness of the need for preschool education, as well as provide preschool education opportunities by increasing awareness about how different stakeholders perceive preschool education.MethodThis study was designed as a qualitative case study in order to explore the reasons the participants considered in sending or not sending their children to preschool. Case studies are used for describing an intervention or phenomenon and its real-life context when posing questions like “how” or “why” (Yin, 2003).ParticipantsThe sampling process included criterion and maximum sampling procedures (Patton, 1990). Variables including geographical regions, migration patterns (incoming-outgoing), and schooling rates were considered the main factors affecting preschool education attendance; therefore, based on these criteria, five cities were determined. When selecting the participants, it was also ensured that both rural and urban settlements were represented. Finally, a total of 224 participants representing parents, preschool teachers, preschool students, imams (prayer leaders), mukhtars (head of village or neighborhood), and branch directors of provincial national education bodies (DoPNE) responsible for preschool education were included in the study (See Table 1). Selection of those participants was based on maximum sampling procedures.Table 1 Demographics of ParticipantsParticipantsNumber of ParticipantsAdana Konya Van Erzurum Ordu TotalParents 23 28 25 28 19 123 Mukhtar and imam 5 5 4 4 5 23 Student 15 5 18 5 4 47 Rep from DoPNE 1 2 1 1 1 6 Teacher 5 5 5 5 5 25Total 49 45 53 43 34 224 Data Collection Tools and AnalysisThis study is part of a larger project based on mixed method analysis. In this paper, only qualitative data was used. Qualitative data was gathered from interviews and focus group discussions held with families, mukhtars, imams, preschool aged children, preschool education teachers, representatives from the Ministry of National Education, and representatives from the media.The qualitative data was analyzed through content analysis. Face-to-face meetings and focus group discussions were transcribed and frequently repeated terms and words were determined. While coding the data, these concepts were used as keywords during data coding. After the completion of coding, concepts were determined and grouped under a common theme. Coding procedures were completed by three different researchers. Later on, those codings were compared. Based on the similarities between them, a final decision was made to determine the categories and themes. In order to establish credibility and internal validity, peer debriefing was used throughout the research. Thick description was also used as the validation strategy. The analysis results were reported verbatim from the data along with visual representations.FindingsThis research aimed to determine stakeholders’ reasons for sending or not sending children for preschool education according to a qualitative paradigm. Themes and categories were formed and named according to the emerging patterns gathered from families, mukhtars, imams, and preschool aged children, preschool education teachers, representatives from the Ministry of National Education, and representatives from the media. The themes and categories that emerged are presented in Table 2.Table 2 Themes and Categories in FindingsMotivation BarriersPreparing children for school: “He should get used to school”Contribution to Language Development: “They learn and speak Turkish correctly”Efforts of Convincing: “Their teacher came and asked him to come to school”Women’s Participation in Business Life: “I work; therefore, I send my child to s chool”Transferring the Child’s Care: “S/he shouldn’t stay at home in an ‘overcrowded’ house”Gaining Social Behavior: “He should learn how to share”Economic Conditions: “We couldn’t afford it” Perceiving the child too young: “I pity him” Concerns over Pr actices at School: “They teach the wrong things”Perception about the Mother’s role: “The mother is already home; she can give good care to them” Distrust in Transportation System: “I can’t trust the transportation system”Lack of Knowledge of Preschool Education: “People don’t know the importance and necessity of preschool education in our country”.Conclusion and DiscussionPreschool education has the power to reduce the developmental inequalities of groups at risk as well as to support the healthy development of children. For this reason, countries determine national policies for preschool education. This study, which aimed at determining the barriers to children’s access to preschool education was conducted in cities where the preschool education schooling rate was low. The findings of this study indicate that the problems in promoting preschool education are multifaceted and should be approached from different perspectives. The perceived needs of preparing children for schooling and of children to gain social behaviors, the efforts of convincing campaign through local and central administrations, women’s participation in business life, and the contextual conditions (including economic and social factors) lead families to send their children to preschool. However, the economic conditions, perceiving the child as too young, concerns over practices at preschools, perception about the mother’s role, distrust in the transportation system, and a lack of knowledge of preschool education seem to hinder parents from enrolling their children in preschool.In Turkey, there has been a decrease in schooling statistics in preschool education due to the changes made according to the regulation number 222 dated 01/05/1961. Downgrading the schooling age to 66-month-olds and leaving it up to the parents to decide if their 60-month-old is to start school led to a drastic decrease of schoolingrates from 65.16% in 2011/2012 academic year to 39.72% in 2012/2013 (MEB,2015).This situation can be explained simply by the nature of compulsory education, but it can also be explained with the attitudes of parents who believed that 6 years of age is too early to send their children to preschool. On the other hand, parents’ views of “a child should go to school at the age of 6, it is too early before that age” might lead to a concern that their children would not get any preschool education at all. On the other hand, as also stated among the reasons to send children to preschool education, “gaining sharing behavior,” which could be discussed in terms of emotional regulation, peer acceptance, self-control, and taking precautions. However, it should be noted here that there is a contradiction in this study between the reasons parents posit for sending their children to preschool and their appreciation of year 5 and above as the appropriate age for starting preschool education in this study. This contradiction can be explained by the barriers families face, such as the household budget. Families are requested to contribute tuition since early education is costly and expensive to operate.The finding related to parents’ unwillingness to send their children to preschool at the age of 6 is quite remarkable. The downgrade of compulsory education to 66 months old and families’ perceptions re garding this age level seemed to be the main barriers to early childhood development. The research is well established to show that early childhood education has a tremendous impact on a child’s later development (Carneiro & Heckman, 2003; Cunha & Heckman, 2007; Cunha, Heckman, Lochnerand, & Masterov, 2005; Heckman 2006; Shonkoff & Philips, 2000). It is noteworthy that disadvantaged families and their children would benefit at the maximum level from preschool education and that it helps to bridge the opportunity gaps they suffer from (Halle et al., 2009; Heckman, 2008). In particular, Campbell and Ramey’s (1994) study showed how preschool education impacts children’s cognitive and academic development. Therefore, it is important to take necessary steps to reverse the existing notions about age, to establish the requirement for starting preschool education at earlier ages, and to (re-)educate parents.According to a recent report prepared by the World Bank titled “TheDevelopment and Dissemination of Preschool Education in Turkey,” it has been emphasized that the dissemination of preschool education is only possible by a comprehensive and/or focused approach in practice. The report proposes two models for Turkey: Sweden’s model, which is a model for nationwide practice, and New Zealand’s model, which focuses on earlier childhood education with a special emphasis on minority groups (i.e., Maori). However, in this report, the Chilean model is a more comprehensive model for children under supervision and is a kind of combination of the previous two models (World Bank, 2013). This model aims at both disseminating preschool education and reaching disadvantaged groups. However, several measures must be taken to prevent misapplications and their repercussions, such as negative attitudes about and decreased demand for preschooling. The participants in this study have stated that a determined focus on disseminating preschool education, increasing awareness, meeting the demands, and conducting ongoing assessments are needed. Based on these results, it is suggested that certain measures need to be taken and policies set.中文译文:推进学前教育的动因与障碍摘要本研究的目的是通过分析推进土耳其学前教育的动因和障碍,来探讨将学龄前儿童送到或不送到幼儿园的原因。
毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译译文一:文献出处:Int J Digit Libr (2004) 4: 64–68/Digital Object Identifier (DOI)10.1007/s00799-003-0059-3走进数字博物馆展览智能化:模块化的框架,艺术审美的超媒体摘要在目前基于Web的超媒体环境下,建设和维持一个大规模的互动展览超媒体是一项艰巨的任务。
音乐教育与审美教育外文翻译中英文英文Person Oriented Aesthetic Education In The System Of Life-Long MusicEducationDyganova,KarkinaAbstractThe purpose of the research is the analysis of tools of aesthetic education. The methodological basis of the study was person oriented approach. Results of the study showed that the introduction the integration of words and music as the means of education on the basis of personal-oriented approach ensures successful operation of this process. On the basis of the received and experimentally confirmed results it was conclude that the implementation of the innovative educational course «The Art of words in music as a means of student-oriented aesthetic education will enhance the efficiency of this process, and also will allow to organize the work of the higher educational institution as a link unified system of life-long aesthetic education.Keywords: Life-long education, person-oriented approach, system of aesthetic education, self-educational cultureIntroductionThe object of this paper is the system of life-long aesthetic education, whose structure in the Russian system of education are schools,universities, courses of improvement of qualification of teachers of music. Subject of research is aesthetic education of future teachers-musicians. The purpose of the research is the analysis of tools of aesthetic education, implementation of which will allow considerably increase the efficiency of this process. The methodological basis of the study was person-oriented approach, to enhance personal functions and development of self-educational culture of the future teacher-musician.Nowadays introduction of new methodological approaches in the education system is a necessary condition for implementing relevant pedagogical principles in the XXI century - humanism, free self-development and selfactualization of personality, upbringing of a person of culture, which is capable of assuming responsibility for the moral choice on the basis of spiritual ideals. One of the most promising ways of improving the system of education is the introduction of the person-oriented approach. However, this trend has not received sufficient lighting in science yet. It can be noted in the context of primary school the certain aspects of this approach were studied in the researches of person-oriented aesthetic education by Aryabkina, V olcegorskaya. At the same time, there is a shortage of learning opportunities for improvement through the implementation of person-oriented approach as individual units, and the entire system of life-long esthetic. The object of this research is the system of life-long education of musician-teacher, whichincludes a number of stages in the Russian Federation: pre-school, general, initial professional, average professional, higher professional, post-graduate education. The subject of research is the aesthetic education of future teachers-musicians in the University, as one of the important links in the system of lifelong education. The purpose of this research is the study of the means of aesthetic education, implementation of which will greatly improve the efficiency of the process. To conduct the study were the following objectives: to highlight the main indicators of continuous aesthetic education; create training tools to facilitate the effective achievement of the selected indicators. The methodological basis of the study was person-oriented approach, which allows the use of the process of teaching and professional activities to strengthen their personal potential and develop a culture of self-education of the future teacher-musician. The experimental base of the research is represented by the High school of arts of KFU in Kazan. In the modern reality in the most developed countries of the world as a means of guaranteeing the successful socio-economic progress, proclaimed the principle of continuity in training. The essence of continuous education and training, ways and conditions of its development have been substantiated in the works of scholars such as Сorrea Dave R., Elliott W., Hartung H., Kidd D., Robins Y., Ruhadze N., Stiemerling P., etc. Analysis of the essential contents of the characteristics of the concept of life-long education wasmade by the Soviet scientist Shchedrovitsky P.. Among the key problems of the given scientific direction were allocated to the problems of personality development. Scientist noted, the terms «education»and «life-long» should be recognized not identical to each other. It means that the implementation of administrative measures, the organization of a unified system of continuous education, representing the articulation of all links: preschool institutions, schools, higher education institutions and the system of postgraduate education will not provide a solution of the essential tasks of the given scientific problem.The core of continuous education in the context of modern progressive trends Shchedrovitsky allocates the free development of the personality, which requires the elimination of any restrictions for lifelong learning: age, organizational, social. Shchedrovitsky highlights the main indicators of successful organization of continuous training as allowing everyone «on the individual problem areas and fields, necessary for the development of its initiatives and the formation of his independent judgment»(Schedrovitskiy, 1993). Thus, initiative and independent judgments trainees can be taken as indicators of efficiency of organization of continuous aesthetic education of the whole system of continuous education, or an individual member. At the same time, the authors of the study founded that for the successful implementation of the pace requirements are fulfilled, prevents the insufficient development oftheoretical and methodological foundations for implementation in practice of the educational process, personoriented approach to detecting the correlation in the main focus on self-development and self-actualization of personality» (Valeeva, 2013).Modern trends in the development of scientific thought in the field of education can be characterized by the increased interest in the personal-oriented teaching concepts. Theoretical and methodological foundations of personal-oriented approach in Russia developed by such scientists as Alekseev N., Balashov M., Bondarevsraya E., Gusinsky E., Kulnevich S., Lukyanova M., Serikov V., Stepanov E., Turchaninov I., Yakimanskaya I., etc. The essence of this approach is in the ability of providing the identity of the right to free self-development, not limited by ideological or other principles. Personal-oriented approach argues ideas of respect for the child's personality, individualization of education, the relations of partnership and cooperation, dialogue. The system of education, based on this approach, does not aim personality formation with desired properties in the form of knowledge and skills, but to create conditions for full realization of the internal forces of individual development are seen as a value in itself. Personal-oriented education is aimed at activation of personal features, the subjective experience; uses subject-subject dialogic learning. Still introduction of personal-oriented approach in music pedagogy was not implemented.As an example of implementation of personal-oriented approach in educational process of higher musicalpedagogical education in the Higher school of arts, Kazan (V olga) Federal University (KFU) was developed and introduced experimentally tested an innovative educational course «The art of word in music»(author is Karkina S.). The content of this course is to integrate the words and music throughout the history of the development of musical art from the Ancient world to the present day, as well as modern research in this field. Leverage integration words and music as a means of personal-oriented aesthetic education received justification in studies of the twentieth century in the field of musicology and General musical-aesthetic education. The importance of literary and poetic words for the perception of music emphasized the outstanding scientist in the field of musical and aesthetic education Kabalevsky D.. Awareness of music as an important and valuable part of human life is mostly contributes to the discovery and development of its deep internal ties with other arts, among which, in his opinion, cinema and literature share the first place, with the closest relations with the phenomena of reality. Kabalevsky D. singled out the role of words in music as an important means of musical and aesthetic education, which helps significantly easier to detect connection of music with specific phenomena real life, and to realize the importance of music as aesthetic value. The music has repeatedly been put verses of Russian poets ofLermontov M. («Clouds»Dargomyzhsky A., Cui Z., Petrov A., Rimsky-Korsakov N., Rubinstein A., and others), Tolstoy A. («Don't believe me, friend»composers Rakhmaninov S., Rimsky-Korsakov N., Tchaikovsky P.). Frequency of references to the works of Russian composers of a poet, one should highlight the poetry of Pushkin A.. The text of the poem «Arion» was written music composers such as Balakirev M., Borodin A., Glinka M., Dargomyzhsky A., Prokofiev S., Rachmaninov S., Rimsky-Korsakov N., Sviridov G., Tchaikovsky P.. Not less popular in the chamber-vocal genre was the poem «On the hills of Georgia», which found a musical embodiment in the work of Gabicvadze R., Zherbin M., Korepanov A., Petrov A., Taktakishvili O., Hotinov V., Yudakov S. and other. Study of music through the prism of integration with literary-poetic word represents the broadest field of implementation of creative imagination of the composer, the listener, the criticism. At the Higher school of arts future musicians-teachers have the opportunity the study the aspects of integration of words and in practice, the study of such subjects as «The Art of words in music», «The Class of solo singing», «Choral class», «Class of choral conducting», «Class in accompaniment», «Class of the main musical instrument»and other. The introduction of new training tools integration words and music was performed in the process of developing demand in the musical-pedagogical selfeducation, enhanced internal forces of individual development of students within thediscipline of the art word in music. The concept of «self-education»is understood by the authors of the article as «systematic, purposeful learning activity subject on the basis of the formed motives and voluntary motives, which promotes the development of personal qualities, carried out in educational and free time»(Dyganova, 2011). For the system organization of self-education for future teachers-musicians was used e-course «The Art of words in music»implemented in the system MOODLE (Modular Object-Oriented Dinamic Learning Environment).During the lessons on the course of the art word in music students were offered jobs to perform the aim of which was to study the interpretation of the poetic text by the contractor when creating an artistic image of a piece of music. Student Anastasia Ch. fulfilled the proposed job on the example of the comparative analysis of the two performing interpretations romance Glinka M. on the poems by Pushkin A. «I remember a wonderful moment» in the records of Arkhipova I. and Bilan D.. She noted that these interpretations are contrasting each other in terms of the artistic conception of the performers.In the course of comparison of the same phrases poetic text, which performers sing in different ways, the student has identified different shades of the main artistic image in each of interpretations. For example, Anastasia Ch. generalized image of the lyrical hero. In the performance of Bilan D. this young dreamy young man, a little giddy. In theinterpretation of the Arkhipova I. created the image of an adult man, possessing a rich inner world, with a serious and responsible attitude to everything. According to the remark of students Bilan D. focuses in the first sentence the word «me»and not «you», giving the listener the impression that the hero, not the female image is the object of his adoration. Allocation of Arkhipova I. words «pure beauty» shows that the hero sees not only external but also internal beauty of the heroine.The results of the analysis show that in the process of work, organized with the assistance of personal-oriented approach were intensified subjective experience and personal function of criticism, collisions, genre, providing the level of spirituality of life. The student was taken the initiative in choosing romance for detailed study and expressed their independent judgement, showing the depth of understanding of the subject. Based on the principles of correct organization of life-long learning allocated by Shchedrovitsky, (1993) it should be noted that the initiative and the formulation of independent judgments are desired performance.ConclusionThus, we can conclude that in the process of the research the objectives were achieved. Among the main indicators of successful organization of life-long education and aesthetic education highlighted the principles of the initiative and the formulation of independentjudgment in the problem area and field of activity. As an effective means of education developed electronic course aimed at self study of integration of words and music in musical works. The research results proved that the introduction of these means of education on the basis of person-oriented approach, provides realization of subject-subject relations of participants of educational process and use dialog forms in the educational process, contributes to enhancing the subjective experience and personal functions. On the basis of the received and experimentally confirmed results we can conclude that the implementation of the innovative educational course «The Art of words in music as a means of student-oriented aesthetic education will enhance the efficiency of this process, and also will allow to organize the work of the higher educational institution as a link unified system of life-long aesthetic中文终身音乐教育体系中的人本审美教育摘要研究的目的是分析审美教育的工具。
《舞蹈美学基础》的英文Fundamentals of Dance Aesthetics.Dance, a form of art that involves rhythmic movement of the body, has always held a unique place in the cultural landscape of humanity. It transcends linguistic andcultural barriers, communicating emotions, ideas, and stories through a language of motion and gesture. At the core of this expressive art lies the concept of dance aesthetics, which explores the beauty, principles, and values inherent in dance performances.1. Defining Dance Aesthetics.Dance aesthetics is the study of the principles and values that govern the creation, performance, and appreciation of dance. It examines the aesthetic qualities of dance, such as its form, content, and the emotional impact it has on the viewer. This field of study intersects with other disciplines like musicology, theater studies,and kinesiology, drawing upon theories and perspectives from these areas to offer a comprehensive understanding of dance as an aesthetic experience.2. Elements of Dance Aesthetics.a. Movement and Choreography: Movement is the fundamental building block of dance. Choreography, the art of arranging and composing these movements, is crucial in creating a visually appealing and emotionally charged performance. The choice of movements, their flow, and the overall structure of the dance contribute significantly to its aesthetic value.b. Musicality and Rhythm: Dance is often closely associated with music, as the rhythmic pulse of the latter provides a framework for the former. The integration of music and dance creates a harmonious experience, where the movements sync with the melody, harmony, and rhythm of the music, enhancing the overall aesthetic impact.c. Costume and Staging: Visual elements like costumes,lighting, and staging play a crucial role in setting the mood and tone of a dance performance. These elements contribute to creating a visually appealing and immersive experience for the viewer.d. Expression and Emotion: Dance, being a highly expressive art form, allows dancers to communicate a range of emotions and ideas through their movements. The authenticity and intensity of this emotional communication are integral to the aesthetic experience of dance.3. Principles of Dance Aesthetics.a. Unity and Diversity: Dance performances oftenexhibit a balance between unity and diversity. Unity refers to the coherence and consistency of the performance, while diversity refers to the variety and contrast within it. This principle encourages dancers and choreographers to create performances that are both harmonious and dynamic.b. Balance and Symmetry: These principles guide the arrangement and composition of movements in a dance.Balanced and symmetrical compositions often evoke a sense of stability and harmony, while asymmetric compositions can create a sense of tension and dynamism.c. Contrast and Repetition: Contrast, achieved through variations in movement, music, and staging, adds interest and depth to a dance performance. Repetition, on the other hand, reinforces key ideas and emotions, creating a powerful impact on the viewer.4. Appreciation of Dance Aesthetics.Appreciating dance aesthetically involves understanding the principles and values discussed above and applying them to the analysis of dance performances. It requires an open mind and a willingness to engage with the emotional and intellectual content of the dance. Appreciating dance aesthetically can be an enriching and transformative experience, allowing us to connect deeply with the art form and its creators.In conclusion, dance aesthetics is a multifaceted fieldthat explores the principles, values, and emotional impact of dance. It encourages us to engage with dance performances not just as spectators but as active participants in the aesthetic experience. As we delve deeper into the world of dance, we discover its infinite possibilities and the unique ways it can move us emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually.。
Key Dance Terms and Translations
2. 起源于拉丁美洲的充满活力和有节奏的舞蹈风格
3. Odissi (Odia): a classical dance form from the Indian state of Odisha, characterized by its intricate footwork and expressive gestures
Themes in Dance
1. Love and Romance
1. 爱与浪漫
Love and romance are common themes in many forms of dance, fromclassical ballet to contemporary dance. Dancers use movement, gestures, and facial expressions to convey the emotions associated with love and relationships. Whether it's a passionate pas de deux or a sultry tango, love and romance in dance often captivate audiences and evoke strong emotions.
subject three 舞蹈
一. 为什么舞蹈是一门艺术舞蹈是一门以身体语言为主要表达方式的艺术形式。
二. 舞蹈在不同文化中的意义1. 舞蹈作为一种文化传统在许多文化中,舞蹈是一种具有深厚历史传统的艺术形式。
2. 舞蹈作为文化交流的桥梁随着全球化进程的加速,舞蹈也成为不同文化之间交流和交融的桥梁。
三. 舞蹈对个体的身心健康的积极影响舞蹈作为一种身体活动,对个体的身心健康具有积极影响。
1. 锻炼身体舞蹈能够有效锻炼身体各个部位的肌肉,增强体质,提高协调性和灵活性。
2. 放松心情舞蹈在动作和音乐的配合下,能够让人放松心情,减轻压力,改善心理健康。
四. 舞蹈在当下的发展现状1. 舞蹈受到更多重视随着人们生活水平的不断提高,对文化艺术的需求也逐渐增加。
2. 舞蹈表演的机会增多随着文化产业的兴起,舞蹈表演的机会也越来越多。
五. 舞蹈的发展前景舞蹈作为一种具有独特魅力的艺术形式,其发展前景十分广阔。
1. 在教育领域的应用随着人们对身心健康的重视,舞蹈正在逐渐被引入到教育领域中。
The Impact of American Culture on English Teaching
2016年2月中旬刊The Impact of American Culture on English Teaching吴超(天津现代职业技术学院天津300000)【Abstract】Culture can be most simply defined as a set of shared ideas,or the customs,beliefs,and knowledge that characterized a way of nguage is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it.In teaching,teachers should attach importance to cultural differences and study these differences.【Key Words】American Culture;English Language;English Teaching【中图分类号】H31【文献标识码】A【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)02-0117-011.Concept of cultureAll of the customs,beliefs,values,knowledge and skills that guide a people’s behavior along shared paths are part of their culture.Culture can be divided into material aspects(the products of a people’s arts and technology)and nonmaterial aspects(a people’s customs,beliefs,values,and patterns of communication). People throughout the world have different cultures.Thus their standards for behavior often differ.We tend to assume that certain behaviors have pretty much the same meaning around the world, and we anticipate that other people will act as we do.But this is clearly not the case.2.Relationship between English language and American cultureLanguage is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it.On the one hand,without language,culture would not be possible.On the other hand,language is influenced and shaped by culture.It reflects nguage and culture interact and understanding of one requires understanding of the other.Learning English well means more than merely mastering the pronunciation, grammar,words and idioms.It means learning also to see the world as native speakers of that language see it,learning the ways in which their language reflects the ideas,customs,and behavior of their society,learning to understand their“language of the mind”. Learning a language,in fact,is inseparable from learning its culture.In our daily life,when we communicate with the Americans, it’s fairly common for us to face the embarrassment.Because of cultural differences,misunderstandings may arise,although the English language used in communication may be faultless.The same words or expressions may not mean the same thing to different peoples.Because of cultural differences,a serious question may cause amusement or laughter;a harmless statement may cause displeasure or anger.Because of cultural differences,jokes by an American maybe received with blank faces and stony silence.3.Importance of American cultural background knowledge in English teachingReading English articles requires a certain language basis,but the competence of reading comprehension is not entirely related to one’s language level.Knowledge of American cultural background is also important.Reading is a process affected by integration of one’s language knowledge,cultural background knowledge and other professional knowledge,and a process of continuous guesses and corrections according to available language material,cultural background and logical reasoning.Generally speaking,Chinese people study Chinese without the difficulties aroused by cultural background.However,when we read English articles,differences between Chinese and American culture often bring us many difficulties.Idiom is an important part of English and American culture. They are often hard to understand and hard to use correctly.They are almost impossible to understand from the meanings of the individual words.And with English idioms,even the same words may have different meanings.Difficulties in reading cannot be completely solved by one’s language knowledge,because works of a people cannot be separated from the people’s cultural tradition. So,in teaching reading,a teacher should explain grammatical difficulties as well as expound cultural background.4.The teaching methods of American cultural background knowledgeIt is not easy to teach American cultural background knowledge. Firstly,teachers must be acquainted with the differences between Chinese and American cultures.Teachers can provide cultural information,as well as make students express themselves correctly in different occasions,and the latter is more important.A proportion of American material and authentic material should be used,especially dialogues,because it’s more authentic and reflects cultural behavior followed by speakers.Authentic material refers to material selected from authentic activities concerning social factors.Next,teachers should explain cultural factors involved in the material with purpose.Secondly,encourage students to read extensively,including American novels,magazines, and newspapers etc.Thirdly,in the classroom,teacher should pay attention to proper language forms as well as suitable use of language.Fourthly,use good native English videotapes and films in teaching,and then organize discussions.Fifthly,encourage students to communicate with American speakers.Sixthly,hold some lectures about American cultures and customs,comparing Chinese culture with American culture.5.ConclusionAmerican culture includes many different aspects.In teaching, teachers should attach importance to cultural differences and study these differences.As English teachers,we should not only help students to learn English language,but also to learn American social and cultural background knowledge.Only so,students can widen their knowledge and thus further learn English well.Reference:[1]胡文仲,《文化与交际》,外语教学与研究出版社,1994[2]Paul Davies and Eric Pearse,Success in English Teaching, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2002作者简介:吴超(1980-),女,天津市人,天津现代职业技术学院,副教授,主要从事英语教学与翻译的研究。
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舞蹈教育与审美教育外文翻译中英文英文Theoretical Arguments for Dance as a Means of Providing AestheticEducation in Primary SchoolSabina Macovei, Mihaela Zahiu, Roxana Sulea AbstractBuilding autonomous and creative personalities is one of the ideals of integral education that also includes aesthetic education. One of its components is the education for self-expression through movement which can be achieved in school by means of physical education activities. The most representative artistic field enabling the development of an aesthetic posture through movement is dancing, and this is why we have chosen to dedicate our study to the formative-educative value of dancing and the importance of including it in primary school curricula, considering that the years spent in primary school are particularly significant in laying the foundations for the further development of the pupils’ personality.Keywords: dance, aesthetic education, expressivity, motricity1 IntroductionAesthetics or “the science of artistic beauty”, as defined by Vianu (1936), is a cultural value that leaves its mark on human personality development. One of its manifestation forms is represented by dance, a human activity with many facets, from the simple pleasure of joiningtogether movement, music and feeling to the perfectionism of artistic performance.From an educational perspective, this science prepares the human being to perceive, understand and promote artistic beauty. Essentially, it shapes the individual’s personality and behavior, by constructing hi s aesthetic attitude towards life and the surrounding world (Vianu, 1936; Dobrescu, 2008).The role of aesthetic education in school has already been recognized and described in detail, as demonstrated by the rich specialized literature focusing on this to pic. In this context, Neacșu (1988) emphasizes that “the aesthetic component in the human personality structure” is achieved by educating the pupils’ sensitivity “for and through the beautiful”. The author highlights that aesthetic education has a well-def ined role in building the pupils’ personality, and it includes elements that go beyond the aesthetic and the artistic and can be traced back to philosophical, psychological, anthropological, ideological or cultural roots.Along the same lines, Cristea draws a distinction between aesthetic education and other educational forms and methods used in school, specifying that the former develops sensitivity to beauty in art and nature, in society and in various artistic fields. Cultivating artistic attitude is one of the premises of pre-university education and it involves twofundamental aspects: “education for art” and “education through art” (Cristea, 1947). The former aims at developing the pupils’ artistic sense and their desire to learn how to appreciate beauty in art and nature and to be receptive to values. Education through art is designed to develop the pupils’ personality, which will later incorporate new perspectives in adult age.Physical education can also be included among the subjects whose goal is, among others, to achieve aesthetic education. Physical education is recognized to have formative-educative valences that contribute, along with the development of both motor and psychomotor behaviors and various bio-motor capacities, to ensuring a constant and consistent enhancement of creativity (Stănescu, 2002). Motor activities performed in schools contribute to achieving the pupils’ education for and through movement, thus directly contributing to the integral development of their personality.2. Purpose and hypothesisThe purpose of our theoretical approach is to argue in favour of the formative-educative value of dance, as a means used to achieve aesthetic education, as well as in favour of the important role it plays in fulfilling the objective of physical education.Our reference to primary school relies on both ontological and pedagogical considerations, this being a period in the pupils’ life that iscrucial for the construction of movement fundamentals, in parallel with the development of creativity and artistic sensibility. We start from the theoretical hypothesis that the implementation of the means of dancing into various sequences of physical education classes can contribute to achieving the goals of aesthetic education and to increasing the attractiveness of those classes.3. Current state of playPrimary school, as the first schooling cycle, induces deep modifications in the children’s life and significantly influences their evolution over the years. This is a period of fundamental changes, with an influence on the further development of the personality because, due to its eminently educative function, primary education ensures the acquisition and the basis for “the construction of knowledge and skills later on in life” (Golu, 2010).From the point of view of physical education, the beginning of primary school coincides with the time when children start acquiring the specialized motor skills specific to various motor or sports activities. The children’s future competences related to movement, t o motor learning and to self-expression through movement will depend on their experiences accumulated during primary school. According to Puran and Stănescu (2010), if movement patterns, along with motor communication and expression patterns, fail to be developed at the appropriate age, this willhave a limiting effect on the individual’s skill acquisition capacities.During primary education, the formative purpose of pedagogical intervention targets the acquisition of abilities, capacities and intellectual operations, while physical and motor education aims at improving coordination (Golu, 2010). Among the elements making up motor capacity, coordination is a component that can be developed starting with an early age. Weineck (1994) noted that deficiencies in the manifestation of this capacity are not necessarily due to some insufficient hereditary predisposition, but rather to the inappropriate attention given to its development already in the first years of life. This capacity ensures the accuracy, fluidity and deftness of overall body movement and the movement of body segments or, to be more specific, it is the prerequisite for the best execution of the motor program (Manno, 1992). If we refer to dancing, we can state that coordination-related aspects are maximally involved in any dance, due to the variety and diversity of movements associated with music they include.4. Perspectives in the fieldAccording to pedagogical literature, aesthetic education in school pursues the following objectives (Cristea, 1994):∙ to build up and educate sensibility to beauty;∙to cultivate taste and aesthetic judgments and to configure the aesthetic attitude;∙ to develop creativity;∙ to develop the capacity for social integration and receptivity to the environment.Within physical education, aesthetic education can be achieved through expressive corporal activities, such as dance, rhythmic gymnastics, aerobics, aesthetic gymnastics, pantomime, eurhythmics etc. These activities have a self-shaping role on the body, with effects upon (Epuran, 2006):∙ the creation of a real self-image, as compared to the ideal image;∙ the increase of self-confidence, due to enhanced body awareness, self value and social awareness;∙the development of the capacity to use non-verbal language through bodily motor communication;∙ the improvement of the capacity to cope with different situations.In practice, the didactic approach can be oriented towards the development of two categories of competences, some of them of a motor-behavioral type, reflected by the execution capacities, others of a psycho-creative type, reflected by the creation capacities, as showed in Table below (Levieux, Levieux, 1997).Within the formative-educative process, dance can be practiced in schools as a form of cultural and recreational education or as a method for developing motor skills, with an emphasis on the coordination-relatedaspects. These elements result from the general modalities of dance practice that are oriented towards two types of activity:∙ Physical-artistic activities – performed for fun, with a recreational or an educative-formative goal. We can include here educational approaches within physical education classes.∙Cultural-artistic performance activities –carried out in public. Dance, as a cultural activity with a stage presence, involves a purposeful communication, where both the expression and the motor aspects are performance-related. We can include here school feasts and participation in various festivals.The objectives of aesthetic education through dance are equally focused on the motor, psychomotor, intellectual and creative aspects. We have listed below some of the aspects that can be developed through dance practice (Dobrescu, 2006):∙artistic attitude and execution, which ensure a correct body posture;∙ corporal expressivity, plasticity and elegance in movement;∙ musical sense, through the development of motor rhythmicity and musicality;∙ corporal scheme and movement fundamentals;∙different types of coordination, through the utilization of a wide range of movements;artistic personality, imagination and creativity.Not accidentally, some definitions of dance formulated by specialists in physical education reflect these desiderata:“Dance is the aesthetically evaluated rhyth mic movement through which different emotional states and feelings are expressed and where motor symbols are consciously composed for the pleasure and satisfaction of the execution, for the creation of some exquisite movement forms, of knowledge, expression and communication through body language” (Vișan, 2005). “Dance is a group of corporal rhythmic movements performed to a melodic rhythm, used as a means of communication, motor education, physical development and health preservation, socialization and con fidence building.” (Năstase, 2011).School dancing, in parallel with the development of an aesthetic attitude and of motor skills, enables pupils to overcome their inhibitions and develop their musical sensibility. It will thus contribute to the achievement of the competences pursued by self-expression activities through movement: voluntary desire for motor expression, for communication with other people and for using one’s own body as an expressive object (Usmer and Rollet, 1995). In an attempt to provide a more memorable definition of dancing, we have composed an acrostic that is shown in Table 2 below. We cannot claim, however, that our little word game satisfies all the rules usually associated with this poetic form.5. Practical applicationsDance, as a motor-artistic activity, makes use of a varied and complex motor repertoire. Its accessibility depends on the target group and the objectives pursued. Through its judicious gradual implementation, it can be included in the content of physical education classes since the very first years of school. The acquisition of the specific motor content depends on the type of dance selected, on the school facilities available and last, but not least, on the te acher’s specialized knowledge (Vișan, 2005).Physical education curricula for the primary cycle specify neither reference objectives for aesthetic education, nor examples of activities to be used for learning how to dance. However, some of the curricula do include similar skills, for instance some steps specific to gymnastics. If we consider the recommendation that movement should be associated with music, we think that the introduction of some step types taken from folk dancing or dance sport would be most welcome. On the other hand, we should not overlook the contribution dancing can have to the education of movement fundamentals. From this perspective, it is important to emphasize the particular contribution it can have to the education of a correct body posture, an essential element to be developed in the first school years.Correct posture represents a warranty for the health of the locomotorapparatus and it depends on both the positioning of the body’s centre of gravity and on muscular activity. Building up the right posture and the bearing specific to various motor activities represents a prerequisite for each individual’s motor personality, its effects being reflected throughout his lifespan (Macovei and Vasile, 2009). If we analyze the reference objectives stipulated in the physical education curricula for the primary grades, we find that most of those objectives can also be achieved through means specific to dancing, whose educative offer also has the added value of being more attractive, due to the association between movement and music.Practical and methodological experience has proved that the means of dancing, through their various and attractive contents, can be implemented into different parts of physical education classes, as they contribute to the education of aesthetic movement, the fulfilment of operational objectives, the increased diversity and attractiveness of the learning content (Vișan, 2005; Macovei, Buțu, 2008). In this context, we have developed a proposal that we present in Table below.6. ConclusionsThe implementation of the means of dancing in the content of physical education classes in primary school contributes to the achievement of the goals of aesthetic education, by ensuring the early construction of the aesthetic attitude in movement and the development ofthe capacity for motor expression. Through dancing, children will be educated to freely express themselves, to repress their inhibitions, to know themselves and to communicate through their bodies. Dancing contributes directly to the education of a correct posture and builds up an aesthetic attitude of the body in motion, which eventually leads to harmonious physical development, in parallel with the development of coordination capacities.中文舞蹈作为审美教育的一种手段的理论论证摘要建立自主性和创造力的人格是教育的理想之一,其中还包括审美教育。