意大利房地产市场 Italian Real Estate Market
安楹苑售樓資料簡介 - 房屋委員會说明书

單位 Flat 1–14, 19–24
1–24 1–15, 18–24
香港房屋委員會 (下稱「房委會」) 居屋銷售小組 九龍橫頭磡南道3號房委會客戶服務中心 第一層平台
Venue for Flat Selection
The Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) Home Ownership Scheme Sales Unit Podium Level 1, HA Customer Service Centre, 3 Wang Tau Hom South Road, Kowloon
施工中 Works in progress
安泰邨 O安n泰T邨 ai EOsntaTteai Estate
Works 施 in 工pr中ogress Works in progress
Wo施 rk工 s i中n progress
Works in progress 安茵街
O安 N 茵YA街N
no omitted floor number)
B座 28層 (地下(住宅大堂,長者鄰舍中心及 商舖)、1樓至26樓及天台;
Block B 28 storeys (G/F (Domestic Lobby, Neighbourhood Elderly Centre & Shops), 1/F to 26/F and roof; no omitted floor number)
Number of Residential Properties
26.2 (282) – 44.4 (478)

大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷201(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Who were most of the victims according to the news?2. What are the militants in Balochistan dissatisfied with?1.A.Armed men.B.Militants.C.Civilians.D.Hard-liners.正确答案:C解析:受害者大部分是巴士上的女性和儿童,因此选C项“平民,百姓”.预读选项时可发现选项A、B、D分别是持武器的人、武装分子和不妥协者,只有C项“平民”是处于弱势地位的群体,最有可能是victims。
2.A.The parked passenger bus.B.The armed men on motorcycles.C.The central government.D.The Islamic rebels.正确答案:C解析:新闻中提到,武装分子多年来一直埋怨中央政府(central government)忽略他们和他们的经济需求。
听力原文: A UN agency says there are major funding gaps in efforts to help the agricultural sector adapt to climate change. The Food and Agriculture Organization, the FAO, says this could affect food security. The warning comes as the UN Climate Change Conference continues in Cancun, Mexico. The World Bank estimates it will cost about $2.5 billion a year—for the next 40 years—to help agriculture in developing countries adapt to climate change. Other estimates say costs could run as high as $14 billion a year. However, the FAO says, “Available financing mechanisms are substantially insufficient to meet the climate change and food security challenges faced by the agricultural sector.” This, despite the fact that the FAO says there are many examples of how agriculture can become more.3. According to the world bank, how much does it cost to tackle agricultural challenges yearly?4. According to FAO, what is the problem faced by the agricultural sector?3.A.$14 billion.B.$40 billion.C.$2.5 billion.D.$25 billion.正确答案:C解析:新闻中指出,世界银行估计在今后的40年时间里,协助发展中国家的农业适应气候变化,每年得花费25个亿。

全球储蓄过剩(GSG)HERA 住房及经济复苏法案The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan 日本外国特派员协会Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS)美国卫生及公共服务部Social Security Administration (SSA)美国社会保障局ADBI Asian Development Bank InstituteAIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndromeASEAN Association of South-East Asian NationsASEAN+3 ASEAN + China, Japan and the Republic of KoreaBIMSTEC Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation CIS Commonwealth of Independent StatesCMI Chiang Mai InitiativeDAC Development Assistance Committee of the OECDEAS East Asia SummitESCAP Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the PacificFAO Food and Agriculture OrganizationFDI foreign direct investmentFTA free trade agreementGDP gross domestic productHIV human immunodeficiency virusID identityILO International Labour OrganizationIMF International Monetary FundLAC Latin America and the CaribbeanLDCs least developed countriesLLDCs landlocked developing countriesMDB multilateral development bankMDGs Millennium Development GoalsNGO non-governmental organizationODA official development assistanceOECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and DevelopmentPPP purchasing power paritySAARC South Asian Association for Regional CooperationSIDS Small island developing statesSPC Secretariat of the Pacific CommunityTB TuberculosisUNDP United Nations Development ProgrammeUNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationUNFPA United Nations Population FundUNICEF United Nations Children’s FundUNIFEM United Nations Development Fund for WomenVAT value added taxWDI World Development IndicatorsWFP World Food ProgrammeWHO World Health OrganizationWTO World Trade Organization美国铝业(AA)美国银行(BAC)全球五大风电企业之一的西班牙歌美飒(Gamesa)世界银行行长佐利克(Robert Zoellick)海峡两岸经济合作框架协议(ECFA)乔治-索罗斯(George Soros)欧洲人权法院(European Court of Human Rights)法国兴业银行(Societe Generale SA)(GLE)东京三菱日联银行(Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd)信用违约掉期(CDS)中海油总公司(CNOOC)渣打银行集团首席经济学家、全球研究部主管李籁思(Gerard Lyons)个人消费者金融保护局(Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection)United States Congress Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs美国参议院银行、住房和城市事务委员会FSMA2000=英国《金融服务及市场法令》Financial Service and Market Act 2000 CFD=Contract For Differece 差价合约FSA=英国金融服务管理局抵押贷款保险公司(mortgage insurer)新世纪金融公司(New Century Financial Corporation)寿险公司(life insurance companies)次级抵押贷款支持证券(RMBS)金融担保保险公司(financial guarantee insurance companies)国际财务报告标准(IFRSs)美国通用会计准则(US GAAP)公允价值(fair value)私募股权投资基金(private equity)经合组织保险和私人养老金委员会(IPPC)爱尔兰联合银行 Allied Irish Banks爱尔兰银行 Bank of Ireland PLC奥地利第一储蓄银行 Austria’s Erste Group Bank德国邮政银行 Deutsche Postbank AGWorld investment prosepects survey wips (联合国贸发会《世界投资前景调查》)IPA investment promotion agency 投资促进机构TNC Transnational company 跨国公司Promising investor-countries 最有投资价值的投资,这里的promising是有希望的、有前途、大有可为的意思Pay-as-you-go 现收现付Mobile capital流动资本Advers scenario 负面假设(场景、情形)Health care 公共卫生服务Medicaid:医疗补助(medic+aid)Medicare:医疗保险(medic+care)Social security contributions 社会保险缴款Social security tax 社会保险税Primary spending 基础支出(扣住利息支付的财政支出)Primary Fiscal Gap 基本财政缺口Public finance 公共财政(要比翻译成公共金融好)PIT personal Income Tax 个人所得税CIT Corporation Income Tax 企业所得税VAT Value Added Tas 增值税Commonwealth 联邦Commonwealth-state Relations 联邦-州关系General government spending 一般政府支出ARRA—American Recovery and Reinvestment Act(2009年美国复苏与再投资法案) 澳洲壳牌能源控股有公司(Shell Energy Holdings Australia)日本国土交通大臣前原诚司韩国文化体育观光部长官柳日本财政大臣野田佳彦(Yoshihiko Noda)纽约梅隆银行(Bank of New York Mellon)congressional budget office 美国国会办公室中国预托凭证(CDR)非银行金融机构(NBFCS)资产重组公司(ARCs)邓白氏(Dun & Bradstreet)咨询公司美国证券交易委员会(SEC)IPO(首次公开募股)摩根士丹利(MS)、摩根大通(JPM)、美国银行(BAC)和花旗集团(C)巴克莱银行(BCS)、瑞士信贷集团(CS)、德意志银行(DB)、高盛集团(GS)、加拿大皇家银行(RY)、和瑞士银行(UBS)纽约证券交易所(NYSE)美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)主席加里·詹斯勒(Gary Gensler)摩根士丹利(MS)、摩根大通(JPM)“多德-弗兰克法案”(Dodd-Frank Act)德国央行行长阿克塞尔-韦伯(Axel Weber)NBER(Naitonal Bureau of Economy Research)美国国家经济研究局全美独立企业联合会(National Federation of Independent Business——NFIB)本·伯南克(Ben S. Bernanke)、副主席威廉·达德利(William C. Dudley)、詹姆斯·布拉德(James Bullard)、伊丽莎白·杜克(Elizabeth A. Duke)、唐纳德·科恩(Donald L. Kohn)、桑德拉·皮亚纳托(Sandra Pianalto)、埃里克·罗森格林(Eric S. Rosengren)、丹尼尔·塔鲁洛(Daniel K. Tarullo)和凯文·瓦尔许(Kevin M. Warsh);托马斯·霍利格(Thomas M. Hoenig)“格林斯潘对策”(―Greenspan put‖,有时也称之为“伯南克对策”,―Bernanke put‖)世贸组织《政府采购协定》(GPA )地方政府实体(Sub-Central Government Entities)(直译是下级中央政府实体,也有称次中央政府实体),财政报告 call report房价波动 housing price volatility定价机制 pricing mechanism上市银行 listed bank票据产业 bill industrycash bond market 现券市场日均成交量 average daily turnover融资融券 securities borrowing and lendingAgricultural biomass industry 农村生物质能产业ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nation 东南亚国家联盟,简称“东盟”CDM Clean Development Mechannism 清洁发展机制CHP combined heat and power 热气联产CIAD-Center for integrated Agricultural Development 综合农业发展中心CIDA- Canadian International Development Agency 加拿大国际开发署CSPCB-Crop Straw Pricing Consultation Board 秸秆定价磋商GEF- Global Environment Facility 全球环境基金会GHG- Greenhouse Gas 全球环境基金会GTZ-German Agency for Technical Cooperation 德国技术合作公司Kfw—德国复兴开发银行LPG-Liquefied petroleum gas 液化石油气LPOG-Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Devepment国务院扶贫开发领导小组SIDA-Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency 瑞士国际开发合作署USAID-United States Agency for International Development 美国国际开发援助署EIRR=economical internal rate of return 经济内部回报率(收益率)FIRR=financial internal rate of return 财务内部回报率(收益率)O&M=operation and maintenance 运行与维护TSP= total suspended particles 总悬浮颗粒TCE= ton of coal equivalent 吨煤当量“现收现支(pay-as-you-go)”原则日本首相菅直人(Naoto Kan)“利差交易”(Carry Trade)西班牙首相何塞·刘易斯·罗德里格斯·萨帕特罗(Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero) 麦格理证券(Macquarie Securities)德国邮政银行(Postbank)葡萄牙商业银行(BCP)法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)瑞典北欧斯安银行(SEB)瑞典诺迪亚银行(NORDEA)奥地利厄斯特银行(Erste Bank)法律英语:Regulation 条例、规章Rule 规则Clause 泛指条款Section 节,也译作条Article 条 Articles 条例Provision 多指规定Stipulation 约定(而非法律规定)Part 编Chapter 章Section 节Article 条Paragraph 款Subparagraph 项Item 目中国海洋石油有限公司(CNOOC Ltd., CEO, 简称:中国海洋石油)欧洲央行(ECB)执委会成员汤普古格罗(Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell)太平洋投资管理公司(PIMCO)比尔·格罗斯(Bill Gross)大卫·卢森博格(David Rosenberg)查德·克拉里达(Richard Clarida)所谓“就业不足率”(Under-employment Rate),是指包括更希望获得全职岗位的兼职人员以及希望工作但却放弃寻找的人员在内的失业率。

专业术语:人际交往能力interpersonal skills 弹性工作制 flexible working hours 股票经纪人 stock broker债券经纪人 bond broker收购和兼并 acquisition and merger 定金down-payment成交信号buying signal卖点 selling point强行推销hard-sell负债liabilities资产assets售后服务after-sales service自我激励self-motivated工作绩效job performance破产go bankrupt债务人debtor债权人creditor决策者decision maker强行推销hard-sell附加值added value工作寻找者job seeker预期寿命life expectancy接收接管take over 受众receptive audience不动产房地产real estate应付账款accounts payable应收账款account receivable一般管理费overheads行政成本administrative costs 执行董事executive director新手 recruit老手veteran开发商developer企业挂牌上市go public婚姻状况marital status毛(重 )rough weight净(重)net weight生增长Organic growth非生增长Non-organic growth固定成本fixed cost可变成本variable cost达成交易 close the sale总部headquarters海外子公司overseas subsidiary 固定工作permanent job汉译英1.只要资产价值的增长超过债务的增长,就不会有问题。
As long as asset values rise faster than debt, there is no problem.2.我了解我的竞争对手以及他们产品的优缺点。

入境 边境
在全国卫生保健局登记 (SSN) 医疗证
居留 居留许可
临时出现的外国人 (STP) 教育
自雇/自业性工作 进入意大利的劳动市场
高级科技专业教育培训 学习文凭的承认
-第 3 页- 共 51 页-
第二节 社会伦理关系
第二十九条 共和国承认在婚姻基础上的自然结合的家庭的各项权利。婚姻应以夫妻双方在道义上和法律上的平等为基 础,并应遵守法律规定的各种限制,以保证家庭的稳固。 第三十条 父母有对子女进行抚养、教导和教育的义务和权利,包括非婚生子女。在父母无力履行其义务的情况下, 法律采取措施直至解除其义务。 第三十一条 共和国以经济措施和其他措施帮助建立家庭和相关义务的履行,特别要对多子女家庭给予特殊照顾。共和 国促进建立必要的机构以保护母亲、儿童和少年。 第三十二条 共和国将健康作为个人的基本权利和集体利益予以保护,并确保对贫困者进行免费治疗。 第三十三条 艺术与科学是自由的,其教育也是自由的。共和国颁布有关教育的一般法规,并设立各类各级国立学校。 第三十四条 学校对所有人开放。至少为期 8 年的初级教育为义务免费教育。有能力以及有长处的人即使无力就学,也 有权受到最高等级的教育。
-第 5 页- 共 51 页-
在边境会发生什么事? 外国人在意大利边界要接受关税、现金和健康检查。通过这些检查后,边境当局在护照上加盖入境章,上 有过境日期和地点。 什么人会被拒绝入境? 不符合进入意大利边界条件的外国人将被警察拒绝;没有经过边境检查在入境时或入境后不久被查到的外 国人、因急救需要获准暂时入境的外国人将被拒绝并押送出境。 什么人不能在边界被拒绝入境? 如下外国人尽管没有证件也不符合进入意大利的条件,将不能被拒绝入境: • 寻求政治庇护; • 拥有难民身份; • 18 岁以下未成年青少年;选择跟随被驱逐出境的父方/母方或法定委托人的情况除外 • 因人道原因暂时享受保护的人。

2016年12月大学英语四级考试真题(第三套)Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. Suppose you have two options upon graduation : one is to find a job somewhere and the other to start a business of your own . You are to make a decision. Write an essay to explain the reasons for your decision. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes)(说明:本次四级考试全国共考了两套听力,为避免重复,特补充了一套模拟听力,供同学们练习。
)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.1.A) Armed men.B) Militants.C) Civilians.D) Hard-liners.2.A)The parked passenger bus.B)The armed men on motorcycles.C)The central government.D)The Islamic rebels.Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news·item.3.A)$ 14 billion.B)$ 40 billion.C)$ 2.5 billion.D)$ 25 billion.4.A) Lack of knowledge of climate change.B) Not enough examples to follow.C) Shortage of agricultural experts.D) Insufficient financing mechanisms.Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item5. A) It will rise.B) It will be stable.C) It will be lowered down.D) It will change from time to time.6. A) To boom up real estate market.B) To lower unemployment rate.C) To finance car industry.D) To off er food to more people.7. A) Students with bank loan.B) Home buyers with bank loan.C) Low income workers.D) People with savings accounts.Section BDirections:In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation you will hear four questions. Both the conversations and the question-s will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.8. A) Waiter and customer.B) Good friends.C) Husband and wife.D) Colleagues.9. A) The man does her a favor.B) The man recommends her many good foods.C) The man is very patient to her question.D) The man decides to treat her to a meal.10. A) There were not many Chinese restaurants before.B) Many people emigrated out of his country.C) It is famous for the different recipes.D) It prevents foreign languages from getting in.11.A)He cannot understand why she always speaks nonsense.B)He does not think the woman knows how to enjoy herself.C)He believes the woman is capable of being promoted soon.D)He hates to choose between Chinese cuisine and French cuisineQuestions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12.A)T-bone steak& beer.B)Fried chicken steak & Sprite.C)Boiled chicken & salad.D)Roast beef & rice.13. A) French. B) Italian. C) Ranch. D) Germany.14. A) For its salad. C) For its cheese.B) For its pies. D) For its fries.15.A)The baker was hurt at work and can‟t prepare them.B)The oven is broken and hasn‟ t been repaired.C)They are served only on Sundays.D)The pies have been sold out.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.16. A) They want to attract attention. C) They appear respectable in such clothes.B) It is fashionable to wear such clothes. D) Riding a motorcycle makes onedirty.17. A) It is efficient. C) It is convenient.B) It is exciting.D) It is dangerous.18.A)If he always wears protective clothing.B)If he can see everything around him clearly.C)If he is very careful.D)If he has a lot of defenders.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.19.A) Making noises.B) Our own system of language.C) Combinations of different sounds.D) A group of sentences upon our own creations.20.A)It does good to communication between people.B)It encourages people to speak out their thoughts.C)It enlarges the vocabulary of a particular language.D)It hinders communication among individuals.21.A) Words.B) Tone of voice.C) Sentence structures.D) Sounds.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.22.A)William Smart.B)Mrs. Dodd.C)President Lyndon Johnson.D)President Nixon.23. A) In 1910. B) In 1906. C) In 1966. D) In 1972.24.A)First Sunday in June.B)Second Sunday in June.C)Third Sunday in June.D)Decided by each Presiden25.A)To honor only your father.B)To honor all fathers around you.C)To honor father like figures.D)To honor Mrs. Dodd ‟ s father.Part III Reading Comprehension ( 40 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.When someone commits a criminal act , we always hope the punishment will match the off ense. But when it comes to one of the cruelest crimes animal fighting things 26 work out that way. Dog-fighting victims are 27 and killed for prof it and “ sport ,” yet their criminal abusers of ten receive a 28 sentence for causing a life time of pain. Roughly half of all federally-convicted animal fighters only get probation (缓刑).Some progress has been made in the prosecution (起诉)of animal fighters. But federal judges often rely heavily on the U. S. Sentencing Guidelines when they 29 penalties , and in the case of animal fighting , those guidelines are outdated and extremely 30The U.S. Sentencing Commission, which 31 these sentencing guidelines, is revisiting them, proposing to raise the minimum sentence from 6-12 to 21-27 months. This is a step in the right 32 , but we‟d like to see the U.S. Sentencing Commission make further changes to the guidelines.Along with this effort , we're working with animal advocates and state and federal lawmakers to 33 anti-cruelty laws across the country , as well as supporting laws and policies that assist overburdened animal 34 that care for animal fighting victims. This help is 35 important because the high cost of caring for animal victims is a major factor that prevents people from getting involved in cruelty cases in the first place.A) convenientB) createsC) criticallyD) determineE) directionF) hesitateG) inadequateH) inspiredI) methodJ) minimalK) rarelyL) sheltersM) strengthenN) sufferingsO) torturedSection BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.When Work Becomes a GameA)What motivates employees to do their jobs well? Competition with coworkers, forsome. The promise of rewards, for others. Pure enjoyment of problem solving, for a lucky few.B)Increasingly , companies are tapping into these desires directly throughwhat has come to be known as “gasification'': essentially , turning work into a game. “Gasification is about understandingwhat it is that makes gamesengaging and what game designers do to create a great experience in games, and taking those learning‟s and applying them to other contexts suchasthe workplace and education ,” explains Kevin Wabash , agasification expert who teachesAt the Wharton School of Business at theUniversity of Pennsylvania in the United States.C)It might mean monitoring employee productivity on a digital leaderboard and off erringprizesto the winners , or giving employees digital badges or stars for completing certain activities. It could also mean training employees how to do their jobs through video game platforms. Companies fromGoogle to L‟ Ordeal to IBM to Wells Fargo are known to use some degree of gasification in their workplaces. And more and more companies are joining them. A recentReport suggests that the global gasification market will grow from $ 1.65 billion in 2015 to $ 11.1 billion by 2020.D)The concept of gasification is not entirely new , Werbach says.Companies , marketers and teachers have long looked for fun ways to engage people ‟s reward seeking or competitive spirits. Cracker Jackshas been “gamifying” its snack food by putting a small prize inside for more than 100 years , he adds , and the turn-of-the-century steelmagnate (巨头)CharlesSchwab is said to have often come into his factory and written the number of tons of steel produced on the past shift on the factory floor, thus motivating the next shift t of workers to beat the previous one.E)But the word “gasification ” and the widespread , conscious applicationof the concept only began in earnest about five years ago , Wabash says. Thanks in part to video games, thegeneration now entering theworkforce is especially open to the idea of having their workgasified. “We are at a point where in much of the developedworld the vast majority ofyoung people grew up playing video games , and an increasingly high percentage of adults play these video games too ,” Werbach says.F) A number of companies have sprung up GamEffective ,Bunchball and Badgeville ,to name a few一in recent years off eringgamification platforms for businesses. The platforms that are most effective turn employees' ordinary job tasks into part of a rich adventure narrative.“What makes a game game like is that theplayer actually cares about the outcome ,”Werbach says. “ Theprinciple is about understanding what is motivating to this group of players, which requires some understanding of psychology. ”G)Some people, Werbachsays , are motivated by competition. Sales people of ten fall intothis category. For them , the right kind of gamification might be turning their sales pitches into a competition with other team members , complete with a digitalleaderboard showing who is winning at all times. Others are more motivated bycollaboration and social experiences. One company Werbach has studied usesgamification to create a sense of community and boost employees' morale (士气).When employees log in to their computers , they‟re shown apicture of one of their coworkers and asked to guess that person ‟s name.H)Gamification does not have to be digital. Monica Cornetti runs a company that gamifiesemployee trainings. Sometimes this involves technology, but of ten it does not. Sherecentlydesigned a gamification strategy for a sales training company with a storm chasing theme. Employees formed “storm chaser teams”and competed in storm-themed educational exercises to earn various rewards. "Rewards do not have to be stuff ,” Cornetti says.“Rewards can be flexible working hours.” Another training , this one for pay roll law , used a Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs theme. “Snow White”is available for everyone to use ,but the “ dwarf s" are still under copyright , so Cornetti invented sound-alike characters ( Grumpy Gus, Dopey Dan) to illustrate specific pay roll law principles.I)Some people do not take naturally to gamified work environments, Cornetti says. Inherexperience , people in positions of power or people in finance orengineering do not te nd to like the sound of the word. “ If we are designing for engineers, I‟m not talking about a … game' atall ,” Cornetti says. I‟ m talking about a simulation ' (模拟)' I‟m talking about… being able to solve this problem.J)Gamification is “not a magic bull et,” Werbach warns. A gamification strategy that is not sufficiently thought through or well tailored to its players may engage people for a little while , but it will not motivate people in the long term. It can also be exploitative, especially when used with vulnerablepopulations. For workers, especially low-paid workers , who desperatelyneed their jobs yet know they can be easily replaced , gamification may feel more like the Hunger Games. Werbach gives the example ofseveral Disneyland hotels in Anaheim, California, which used large digital leaderboards to display how efficiently laundry workers were working compared to one another. Some employees found the board motivating. To others, it was the opposite of fun. Some began to stop taking bathroom breaks,worried that if their productivity fell they would be fired. Pregnant employees struggled to keep up. In a Los Angeles Times article, one employee referred to the boar d as a “digital whip.” “It actually had a very negative effect onmorale and performance ,” Werbach says.K)Still , gamification only stands to become more popular , he says ,“as more and more people come into the workforce who are familiar with the structures and expressions of digital games.” “We are far from reaching the peak ,”Cornetti agrees. “There is no reason this will go away.”36. Some famous companies are already using gamification and more are trying to do the same.37. Gamification is not a miracle cure for all workplaces as it may have negative results.38. To enhance morale, one company asks its employees to identify their fellow workers when starting their computers.39. The idea of gamification was practiced by some businesses more than a century ago.40. There is reason to believe that gamification will be here to stay.41. Video games contributed in some ways to the wide application of gamification.42. When turning work into a game, it is necessary to understand what makes games interesting.43. Gamification in employee training does not always need technology.44. The most successful gamification platforms transform daily work assignments into experiences.45. It is necessary to use terms other than “gamification” for some professions.Section CDirections :There are 2 pass ages in this section . Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinishedstatements . For each of them there are four choices marked A ) , B ) , C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre .Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Recently I attended several meetings where we talked about ways to retain students and keep younger faculty members from going elsewhere.It seems higher education has become an industry of meeting-holders whose task it is to “solve” problems- real or imagined. And in my position as a professor at three diff erent colleges , the actual problems in educating our young people and older students have deepened ,while the number of people hired not to teach but to hold meetings- has increasedsignificantly. Every new problem creates a new job for an administrative fixer. Take our Center for Teaching Excellence. Contrary to its title , the center is a clearing house (信息交流中心)for using technology in classrooms and in online courses. It‟ s an administrative sham (欺诈)of the kind that has multiplied over the last 30 years.I offer a simple proposition in responsez Many of our problems- class attendance , educational success , student happiness and well-being- might be improved by cutting down the bureaucratic(宫僚的)mechanisms and meetings and instead hiring an army of good teachers. If we replaced half of our administrative staff with classroom teachers , we might actually get a majority of our classes back to 20 or f ewer students per teacher. This would be an environment in which teachers and students actually knew each other.The teachers must be free to teach in their own way the curriculum should be flexible enough so that they can use their individual talents to achieve the goals of the course. Additionally, they should be cllowed to teach , and be rewarded for doing it well. Teachers are not people who are great at and consumed by research and happen to appear in a classroom. Good teaching and research are not exclusive, but they are also not automatic companions. Teaching is an art and a craft , talent and practice ; it is not something that just anyone can be good at. It is utterly confusing to me that people do not recognize this , despite the fact thatpretty much anyone who has been a student can tell the difference between their best and worst teachers.46.What does the author say about present-day universities?A)They are effectively tackling real or imagined problems.B)They of ten fail to combine teaching with research.C)They are over burdened with administrative staff.D)They lack talent to fix their deepening problems.47. According to the author , what kind of people do universities lack most?A)Good classroom teachers.B)Efficient administrators.C)Talentedresearchers.D)Motivated students.48. What does the author imply about the classes at present?A)They facilitate students' independent learning.B)They help students form closer relationships.C)They have more older students that before.D)They are much bigger than is desirable.49. What does the author think of teaching ability?A)It requires talent and practice.B)It is closely related to research.C)It is a chief factor affecting students' learning.…D)It can be acquired through persistent practice.50. What is the author's suggestion for improving university teaching?A)Creating an environment for teachers to share their teaching experiences.B)Hiring more classroom teachers and allowing them to teach in their own way.C)Using high technology in classrooms and promoting exchange of information.D)Cutting down meetings and encouraging administrative staff to go to classrooms. Passage TwoQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.The secret to eating less and being happy about it may have been cracked years ago-by McDonald ‟ s. According to a new study from Cornell University ‟s Food and Brand Lab , small non-food rewards- like the toys in McDonald ‟ s Happy Meals- stimulate the same reward centers in the brain as food does.The researchers , led by Martin Reimann , carried out a series of experiments to see if people would choose a smaller meal if it was paired with a non-food item.They found that the majority of both kids and adults opted for a half sized portion when combined with a prize. Both options were priced the same.Even more interesting is that the promise of a future reward was enough to make adults choose the smaller portion. One of the prizes used was a lottery ticket (彩票), with a $ 10 ,$ 50 or $ 100 payout , and this was as effective as a tangible gif t in persuading people to eat less.“The fact that participants were willing to substitute part of a food item for the mere prospect of a relatively small monetary award is interesting ,”says Reimann.He theorizes that it is the emotional component of these intangible prizes that make them effective. In fact, vaguely-stated possibilities of winning a prize were more effective than options with hard odds included.“O ne explanation for this finding is that possible awards may be more emotionally provoking than certainty awards ,”says Reimann. “The uncertainty of winning provides added attraction and desirability through emotional … thrills. ‟ The possibility of receiving an award also produces a state of hope- a state that is in itself psychologically rewarding. ” In other words , there's a reason why people like to gamble.How might this knowledge be used to help people eat more healthily?One possibility is a healthy option that offers the chance to win a spa (温泉疗养)weekend. Or maybe the reward of a half sized portion could be a half-sized dessert to be claimed only on a future date. That would get you back in the restaurant- and make you eat a little less.51. What do we learn about McDonald ‟ s inclusion of toys in its Happy Meals?A)It may shed light on people ‟ s desire to crack a secret.B)It has proved to be key to McDonald's business success.C)It appeals to kids‟ curiosity to find out what is hidden inside.D)It may be a pleasant way for kids to reduce their food intake.52. What is the finding of the researchers led by Martin Reimann?A)Reducing food intake is not that difficult if people go to McDonald ‟ s more.B)Most kids and adults don‟t actually f eel hungry when they eat halfof their meal.C)Eating a smaller portion of food does good to the health of kids and adults alike.D)Most kids and adults would choose a smaller meal that came with a non-food item.53. What is most interesting in Martin Reimann's finding?A)Kids preferred an award in the form of money to one in the form of a toy.B)Adults chose the smaller portion on the mere promise of a future award.C)Both kids and adults felt satisfied with only half of their meal portions.D)Neither children nor adults could resist the temptation of a free toy.54. How does Martin Reimann interpret his finding?A)The emotional component of the prizes is at work.B)People now care more about quality than quantity.C)People prefer certainty awards to possible awards.D)The desire for a future reward is overwhelming.55.What can we infer from Martin Reimann‟ s finding?A)People should eat much less if they wish to stay healthy and happy.B)More fast f ood restaurants are likely to follow McDonald ‟s example.C)We can lead people to eat less while helping the restaurant business.D)More studies are needed to find out the impact of emotion on behavior.Part IV Translation (30 minutes)Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minted to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.在中国文化中,黄颜色是一种很重要的颜色,因为它具有独特的象征意义。



因此,意大利可以称得上开放的经济体:意大利国际贸易额在 7大工业国总额中占8.9%,比GDP所占的比率高得多。
1950-1963年间,意大利GDP平均年增长5.9%,1961 高峰年增长8.3%。

Lesson 2 Inquiry and offer
In foreign trade, inquiry and offer are two important steps to begin the business. Inquiries are usually made by the buyers without engagement to get information about the goods to be ordered, such as price, catalogues, delivery date and other terms. In response to an inquiry, an offer or quotations may be sent. In making a firm offer, the time of shipment and the mode of payment should be mentioned. In addition, the exact description of the goods should be given, if possible, sample or pattern be sent.
c. Proper introductions guarantee a good meeting.
Always say the name of the most important person first, and then the name of the person being introduced. For example, “Mrs. Anderson, I’d like you to meet my son.”
Generally speaking, negotiation is a bargaining situation in which two or more players have a common interest to cooperate, but at the same time have conflicting interests over exactly how to share. In other words, the player can mutually benefit from reaching an agreement on an outcome from a set of possible outcomes, but have conflicting interests over the set of outcomes.
新世纪大学英语阅读教程第四册 文章翻译 Unit 5

他们交谈的热门话题,当然,关系:男子不愿作出承诺,妇女的独立性,并时有孩子- 或者说,逐渐是否有他们所有。
“经过多年来我有一个孩子下去的机会,说:”Eirini Petropoulou,一个37岁的美联社的行政助理。
像Petropoulou这样的年轻希腊人,婴儿是伟大的- 如果时间是正确的。


1比例与尺度 proportion and scale2黄金分割 golden section3折衷主义eclecticism 4功能主义 functionalism5后现代主post-modernism 6极简抽象派艺术 minimalism7解构主义 deconstruction, deconstructivism8哥特教Gothic cathedral 9哥特复兴Gothic Revival10希腊神庙 Greek temple 11凯旋门 triumphal arch12意大利文艺复兴 Italian Renaissance 13公爵府邸 ducal mansion14多立克柱式,爱奥尼柱式,科林斯柱式Doric order, Ionic order, Corinthian order 15古典主义classicism16装饰美学 ornamental aesthetics17注册建筑师 licensed architect18注册规划师 licensed planner19电气工程师electrical engineer20注册结构工程师 licensed structural engineer21设备工程plant engineer 22机械工程师 mechanical engineer23景观建筑师 landscape architect24景观规划landscape planning25场地规划site planning 26总体规general planning27方案设schematic design 28初步设计 preliminary design29购物中shopping center30住宅组团housing cluster/group31市政中心 civic center32居住区 residential community 33居住密度 residential density34施工图与施工说明书 working drawings and the specifications35标准层平面 typical floor plan36立面与剖面elevation and section37投标价格bid price 38详图detail drawing39工程监理 project supervision40项目管理 project management41工程预 project budget42咨询服务 consulting service43设计荷载 design load44自然通风 natural ventilation45标准荷载 standard load46剖断线 section line47空气调节系统 air-conditioning system 48建筑合同 building contract49三维空间 three-dimensional space 50能源消耗 energy consumption51供暖与通风 heating and ventilation52给水排水 water supply and drainage53暖气管道 thermal flue, heating pipe54建筑实践architectural practice55环境质量quality of environment56给水管 supply pipe57挑出压顶projecting coping58落水管drain pipe59过梁与悬臂梁 lintel and cantilever 60屋檐与山墙eaves and gable61压力与拉力 compression and tension 62亭子pavilion63天窗dormer window 64避雷针 lightning rod65落地窗 French window 66凸窗bay window67上下推拉窗 sash-window 68百叶窗 louver window69材料特性nature of material 70钢过梁steel lintel71钢筋混凝土柱子 reinforced concrete column72混凝土梁concrete beam73钢筋混凝土楼板 reinforced concrete slab 74混凝土薄壳concrete shell75承载 bearing strength 76楼梯踏步stair step77承重墙bearing wall 78楼梯厅stair hall79砖石结构masonry construction 80楼梯井stairwell81超大型建筑结构(巨型结构) megastructure82楼梯平台stair landing83钢框架结构 steel-frame construction 84楼梯栏杆 stair railing85地下地质构造 subsurface geological formation86房间布置 room layout 87日光浴室 solarium88建筑创作architectural creation 89太阳能板solar panel90建筑草图architectural sketch 91投资成本capital cost92建筑构思architectural conception 93建筑成本construction cost94建筑布局 architectural layout 95拱跨度 arch span96绘图比例尺 drafting scale 97绘图板 drafting board98旧建筑改造 renovation of old building 99声学设计 acoustic design100照明设计 lighting design, illumination design 101人行道 pedestrian walkway 102过街楼bridge gallery103展览馆exhibition building 104体育馆 gymnasium 106体育场 stadium107保龄球 bowling alley 108排式平房 row houses109半独立式住宅 semi-detached house 110独立式住宅 detached house112大城市形态的决定因素 crucial elements of metropolitan form113中央商务区 central business district 114地标与节点landmark and node115外部形态 external form and image 116壁画与雕塑mural and sculpture117建筑工业化 building industrialization 118现有建筑 existing building119场所感的缺失 absence of a sense of place 120房地产 real estate121交通流线与停车场 circulation and parking 122交通量load of traffic123绿地覆盖率 green coverage ratio 124周边地区 peripheral area125持久的平衡 sustainable equilibrium 126城市更新 urban renewal127多功能高层建筑 multi-use high-rise building128低层中密度住宅群 low-rise medium-density cluster housing129城市改造 urban redevelopment 130城市布局 city layout131过境交通 through-traffic highway132城市化与郊区化 urbanization and suburbanization133城市分区规划 city district planning 134城市膨胀 urban expansion135城市管理 city administration, 136城市规划管理局city planning and administration bureau 137城市发展模式urban development pattern 138城市规模 city size139公共设施分布 utility distribution 140城市设计 urban design141城市防灾规划disaster planning, calamity precaution planning142城市抗震规划 seismic planning, 143城市风貌 cityscape, city style and features 144城市城乡规划urban and rural planning, town and country planning145城市天际线 city skyline, skyline of town146城市景观 cityscape, city appearance147城镇群(集合城市)conurbation148城市噪声 city noise 149城市生态urban ecology150城市学urbanology 151城市设施 urban facilities152城市散乱发展,城市扩张urban sprawl 153城市网架 urban network154城市复苏 urban revitalization 155城市建设 urban construction156城市垃圾 city refuse, town refuse 157城镇cities and towns158城市规划委员会city planning commission, urban planning commission159建筑规范 building code 160绿色建筑 green building161摩天大楼设计 skyscraper design 162现代建筑 modern architecture。

国际商业地产顾问服务“五大行”目录戴德梁行 (3)公司成立背景 (3)戴德梁行业务范围 (5)服务范围 (5)商铺代理及顾问 (5)物业管理 (5)研究顾问 (5)企业住宅服务 (5)企业办公及项目顾问代理 (5)评估及顾问服务 (6)酒店管理顾问 (6)戴德梁行在中国 (6)戴德梁行所获部分殊荣 (6)仲量联行 (7)简介 (7)公司历史 (8)企业使命及表现标准 (10)发展 (10)高力国际 (14)高力国际办事处网络 (14)高力国际客户 (14)高力国际在中国 (14)公司历史介绍 (15)世邦魏理仕 (17)简介 (17)管理团队 (17)产品与服务 (18)CBRE 策略顾问 (18)CBRE 酒店 (19)CBRE 项目管理部 (19)CBRE 研究 (19)CBRE住宅 (20)办公楼服务 (21)资本市场部 (21)工业及物流服务 (23)估值及咨询服务 (23)跨国公司服务 (25)日本部 (26)商业服务 (27)投资物业 (27)业主项目服务部 (28)发展简史 (28)主要新闻 (29)《财富》 (29)《商业周刊》 (29)《新闻周刊》 (29)《欧元》 (30)《全国房地产投资商》 (30)《工程新闻记录》 (30)Lipsey (30)IAOP (31)物业大摸底 (31)第一太平戴维斯 (32)背景 (32)业务范围 (32)主有客户 (33)戴德梁行戴德梁行是国际房地产顾问“五大行”之一,在全球45个国家200间分公司共有11,000余名员工为客户提供跨国房地产服务。
公司的成立可追索至一七八四年,当时,其中一家参与合资组成DTZ的Chesshire Gibson 公司于英国伯明翰正式开业。

国际商务环境与运作案例分析报告班级:09级国商一班姓名:刘泽华学号:20095375目录1.意大利市场环境分析1.1政治坏境 (3)1.2经济环境1.2.1经济发展水平 (3)1.2.2收入消费状况 (3)1.2.3人口分布2.2价格变化趋势 (3)2意大利纺织品产品市场分析2.1产品发展趋势 (4)2.2价格变化趋势 (4)2.3供给与分销 (4)2.4购买动机与消费倾向 (4)3.对比其他意大利本地纺织品或入口纺织品,我们的产品特点 (5)4根据上述产品特点,试作产品的市场定位 (5)5促销方法及促销方法涉及资源开展与预期促销成效 (5)1.意大利市场环境分析1.1政治坏境意大利共和国是议会制共和国。
欧盟对华经贸政策与经贸关系实绩形成了相互促动的良性循环,1984年- 2000年间,中欧贸易额增长了近12倍。


2022届青海省海东市高三第一次联考英语试题一、阅读理解Trying to book a holiday that will attract everyone in the family is so difficult. Check out the full guide to the best UK holiday parks below and it will give you a helping hand.Yorkshire: Thornwick Bay Holiday ParkActivities include Segway rides, football and an all — weather Activity Barn that’s sure to be a hit (成功) with the kids, and the heated indoor pool with water slides never fails to be a hit either.How much? Each night break starts from £179.55 for the whole family, based on a trip in July.Dorset: Warmwell Holiday ParkFancy a trip to the slopes (斜坡)? This award — winning resort near Weymouth has its own dry ski slope, and you’ll find skiing lessons, snowboarding as well as an indoor pool with a flume (水滑道) and a wave machine.How much? Two-night break starts from £329 based on a trip in July.Porthcawl: Trecco Bay Holiday ParkKids will love the outdoor wet play area at Parkdean Resorts’ Trecco Bay Holiday Park. On-site attractions include an indoor poolw ith the pirate ship, adventure golf and a kids’ play area. In the evening there are discos and bingo.How much? Three to four night breaks start from £305 based on a trip in July.Hampshire: Sandy Balls Holiday ParkOn the edge of the New Forest, this family-owned park allows you to get close to nature, with cycle trails, horse-riding, and thenwelcomes you back into the warmth with a pizza restaurant, indoorplay facilities (设施), including a pool plus a spa.How much? Camping tents usually start from £40 each night in August.1. Which park might attract the family who enjoy music? A.Porthcawl: Trecco Bay Holiday Park.B.Hampshire: Sandy Balls Holiday Park.C.Yorkshire: Thornwick Bay Holiday Park.D.Dorset: Warmwell Holiday Park.2. How much will your family spend at least travelling for a week in July?A.£379.55. B.£610. C.£329. D.£1,151.5.3. What activity might the four holiday parks have in common? A.Skiing. B.Playing football.C.Horse-riding. D.Swimming.Legendary French fashion designer Pierre Cardin, one of the first designers to capitalize on the business-side of fashion, becoming a household name thanks to powerful branding, has died at the age of 98.Pierre Cardin was born in a small town in northeast Italy in 1922. In order to escape festival, his family-was forced to move to France two years later.When he was young, he began to step into fashion in Paris, wherehe worked on the costumes of Jack Cocteau’s film version of “Beauty and the Beast”. Four years later, at the age of 28, Cardin foundedhis own fashion brand, first designing theater costumes, then moving into have couture(高级女式时装业) in 1953.In the1960s, Cardin combined his interest in space explorationwith a fascination for technical fabrics by creating the groundbreaking space age unisex(男女皆宜的) collections.Displaying an early business talent, Cardin was among the first foreign designers to open shops in Japan, China and Russia. He pioneered modern branding by lending his name to a variety of products. including perfumes, watches, cigarettes and even frying pans—raising eyebrows in the traditional fashion world and earning serious money that he invested in real estate(房地产).One of his outstanding garments, a pink dress comprised of molded 3D shapes and made from a father of his own creation, was famously worn by actress Lauren Bacall in 1968.Both of Cardin’s home countries offered him recognition: In 1987, Italy named him a Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, while in 1991, France made him an Officer of the Legion q Honour. The same year, UNESCO made the designer a goodwill ambassador.4. What does the underlined part “capitalize on” mean in Paragraph 1?A.Write in capital letters. B.Draw advantages from. C.Supply with capital. D.Estimate the value of.5. What do you know about Pierre Cardin according to the passage? A.He founded his own fashion brand in 1968.B.He gave his name to a variety of products in 1953.C.He created the groundbreaking space age unisex collections.D.He designed a green dress comprised of molded 3D shapes.6. What made Pierre Cardin recognized by his motherlands?A.His contribution. B.Hischaracters.C.Hisdesign.D.Hisachievements.7. What is the best title for this passage?A.Pierre Cardin, a goodwill ambassadorB.Pierre Cardin, a legendary French fashion designerC.Pierre Cardin, an Officer of the Legion of HonourD.Pierre Cardin, a Grand Officer of the Order of MeritThere are people living in almost every corner of our crowded planet. From the tops of mountains to deep underground, we’ve always been able to find habitable places to make a home. But with space at apremium (稀少), we’ve started to look even deeper for somewhere to live.Throughout history, people have been fascinated by the idea of living underwater. More recently, the effects of human activity on the land have led some to look to the oceans for natural resources. Oceanographers and architects have looked at designing vessels, labs and underwater habitats to enable people to live and work in a underwater world. But, while dreams of an underwater city have remained a fantasy, how close are we to making our home on the seabed a reality?The pioneer of undersea living was Ian Koblick. He claimed technology already existed to create underwater colonies supporting up to a hundred people. He even opened La Chalupa, once the largest and most advanced underwater habitat and research facility in the world.A more recent and ambitious design for an underwater city is Ocean Spiral. Designed by the Japanese Shimizu Corporation, it’s-a huge transparent globe attached to the seabed. It’s got a tower running through it to the surface, providing space for homes, offices and even an amusement park for five thousand residents.Of course, there are engineering challenges in constructing an oceanic metropolis. And living underwater would have major effects on the human body, especially as there is an increase in atmospheric pressure, which could lead to the bends. So, maybe it’s too soon to be packing our bags and setting up a new life three thousand metres under the sea!8. Why are people looking forward to living underwater?A.Space on land is in short supply. B.Living underwater is very easy.C.The world underwater is fantastic. D.They are tired of living on land.9. What’s the author’s attitude towards living underwater? A.Indifferent. B.Critical. C.Negative. D.Objective. 10. What can we infer from the passage?A.Living underwater does harm to the human body.B.Ocean Spiral can contain five thousand residents.C.People can look forward to the future of underwater life.D.We can pack our bags and set up a new life underwater.11. Where is this text most likely from?A.A journal of history. B.A science website.C.An international newspaper. D.A travel guidebook.The latest video of a group of robots dancing to the song “Do You Love Me” has-been popular on the Internet and received more than 23 million views during its first week.The performance shows two Boston Dynamics (an American technology company) humanoid robots called Atlas, doing several dance moves—such as the twist, the mashed potato and others.Speaking to The Associated Press, Boston Dynamics founder and chairman Marc Raibert admits the video is fun to watch. But he said the real success behind the experiment was the valuable lessons the project taught his team.“It turned out that we needed to improve the robots in the middle of development,” Raibert said. He said that step was necessary for the robots to be strong enough and have enough energyto do the whole performance without stopping. “So that was a real benefit to the design,” he added.The difficulty of teaching robots to dance also pushed Boston Dynamics engineers to develop better notion- programming tools. These tools helped the robots do several things (balance, bounce and perform dance moves without breaks).Some social media users who watched the video commented that the robots’ dancing was so similar to a human that they could not believe the ir eyes. Some praised the robots’ moves and the technology, Dowering them. Others suggested that what they were seeing was probably computer-generated imagery(图像), or CGI.But Raibert said it was all real, the result of long and hard work, and fueled by a strong desire to Program a robot that could dance to the beat. “We wanted it to do human dancing and. when a human dances, the music has a beat and their whole body moves to it—their hands, their body, and their head.”Raibert added: “It looked like the ro bot was having fun andreally moved with the music. And I think that had a lot to do with the result of the production.”12. What has the success of dancing robots brought to Raibert’s team? A.The large profit. B.The experts’ attention.C.The precious experience. D.The larger market.13. How does the author introduce dancing robots?A.By making some comparisons. B.By listing some figures.C.By describing the performances. D.By designing some powerful parts.14. Which of the following can best describ e Raibert’s team? A.The early bird catches the worm.B.Don’t judge a book by its cover.C.Lost years are worse than lost dollars.D.Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.15. What do Raibert’s words imply in the last paragraph?A.The team has gained many awards.B.The team has a long way to go.C.The dancing robots are popular with people.D.The dancing robots have replaced the actors.二、七选五We’re lucky to live in an age when the sum total of human knowledge is pretty available at th e click of a button. We’ve never had access to so much information. 16 . So here are a few strategies to sharped your critical thinking.Beware of confirmation prejudice. 17 . In repeated experiments, psychologists have shown we’re much more likely to accept something as evidence if it confirms what we already think we know. And we’re much more likely to discount information if it contradicts our views, which will affect our ability to process information.Acknowledge small difference. In life, most situations aredifferent and complicated. Acknowledge that can enrich the way thatwe view the world. For example, what colour is the sky? Well, the obvious answer is blue. But at sunrise or sunset, it can be red. On a cold misty morning, white or grey. 18 .Practise intellectual humility (谦逊). One approach to, well, arguing, is to let go of the idea of being “right”. Or at least seriously consider that you might actually bewrong. 19 . Really try to understand where the other person is coming from. Arguing is just to waste somebody’s time.20 . It’s more important than ever to know where your information is coming from.Engaging in critical thinking isn’t as fun as picking up a pitchfork, or f eeling like you’re fundamentally right. But in the long run, it leads to a more curious, educated and harmonious society. which is the biggest win of all.A.Avoid mistakesB.Check your sourcesC.We all enjoy feeling like we’re rightD.So pay attention to differences in many situationsE.But not all of what’s out there is quite what it seemsF.So don’t rush to decide, and be actively prepared to change your mindG.Putting yourself in the other person’s shoes can lead to much more productive outcomes三、完形填空Zeng Xi, a member of post-90, pursues dreams of flower art making after graduation. She has succeeded in turningher 21 into a career in Chengdu for many years of hard struggle. Majoring in mathematics, Zengwas 22 to work in the financial sector by her parents but she decided to 23 another kind of life by following her 24 .“One’s life is just that 25 . Why should we live a life by 26 too much about what others think and say?” said Zeng, who found flower art making a wayto 27 pressure as a freshman in a university. in Toronto Canada. At the same time, afterfinding 28 potential of flower art making in market, Zeng 29 a studio in Hong Kong in 2018.After 30 enough experience, Zeng decided to return to her home in Chengdu to 31 flower art design, decoration projects and teach more people floriculture (花卉园艺学).Bringing her 32 from Toronto to Hong Kong and then Chengdu, Zeng, the 25-year-old girl, arrangedher 33 “Blooming Flowers” at an exhibition area in Chengdu and communicated 34 of a flower exhibition at the exhibition area. Her efforts 35 and she makes 250,000 yuan(838, 609.46)a month when her businessgoes 36 .Currently, Zeng is trying to 37 her business into landscape art design, attempting to break time andspace 38 .“What I dream to do is to 39 nature and to contribute to Chinese culture and 40 creativity industry with flowers as a medium,” she said.21.A.intention B.hobby C.goal D.experience22.A.devoted B.hoped C.expected D.admitted23.A.refuse B.provide C.pick D.choose24.A.shoulder B.foot C.heart D.hand25.A.long B.tough C.difficult D.easy26.A.caring B.hearing C.proving D.receiving27.A.increase B.release C.accept D.decrease28.A.unique B.formal C.fresh D.great29.A.established B.occupied C.built D.decorated30.A.collecting B.accumulating C.piling D.gathering 31.A.develop B.shorten C.acquire D.conquer32.A.emotion B.approach C.dream D.treasure33.A.exhibition B.flower C.studio D.artwork34.A.lights B.details C.photos D.positions35.A.paid for B.paid in C.paid back D.paid off36.A.wild B.mild C.fast D.well37.A.increase B.expand C.decrease D.extend38.A.explanation B.expression C.limitation D.translation 39.A.protect B.create C.cover D.beautify40.A.political B.medical C.financial D.cultural四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Aact 扮演装作actor男演员actress女演员add添加增加afraid害怕的afternoon 下午air空气air---conditioner 空调airplane飞机airport 机场album照片簿alligator 鳄鱼allow同意允许alphabet字母表ambulance救护车America美国angel天使angry生气的animal动物ant蚂蚁apartment公寓,住宅apple 苹果April四月April Fool’s Day 愚人节arm 胳膊armchair 扶手椅子Army Day 建军节art 艺术artist 画家astronaut 太空人,宇航员ATM 自动取款机August八月aunt 阿姨,姑母,婶母,伯母,舅母Australia 澳大利亚autumn 秋天avenue 大街,林荫道awake 醒着的award 奖品,奖励Bbaby 婴孩,婴儿back 背backpack背包badge 徽章badminton 羽毛球bag包ball 球ball pen 圆珠笔ballet 芭蕾舞,芭蕾舞剧balloon 气球bamboo竹子banana香蕉bandana 花色丝质大手帕bank 银行banyan榕树bar 酒吧间,条〔状物〕barbecue 烤肉,野餐barber 理发师baseball 棒球baseball player棒球运动员basket篮子basketball 篮球bathroom 浴室bathtub 浴缸beach 海滩bean 豆,豆形果实beanstalk 豆茎bear 熊beard 胡须beautiful 漂亮的bed 床bedroom 卧室,寝室bee 蜜蜂beef steak 牛排beg 请求,乞求Beijing Beijing opera 京剧believe 相信bell铃belt皮带bike自行车bill 帐单bird鸟birthday生日biscuit 饼干bite咬black 黑色blackboard 黑板blanket 毛毯,毯子blocks 积木blood 血blouse 宽松的上衣,女式衬衫blow 吹blue蓝色bluebell 风铃草board 写字板boat小船body身体boil 煮沸bone骨,骨头book书bookcase 书架bookmark 书签books 书〔复数〕bookshop 书店bookstore 书店boots 靴子〔复数〕bottle 瓶子bottom 底部box 盒子,箱boy男孩branch 树枝;分枝bread面包breakfast 早餐brick 砖头bridge 桥bronze 青铜色的brother 哥哥,弟弟,兄弟brown 棕色bug 臭虫building建筑物bull 公牛burn 燃烧,烧焦bus 公共汽车bus stop 汽车站butcher 屠夫,屠户butter 黄油butterfly 蝴蝶butterflies蝴蝶〔复〕button 纽扣bye 再见Ccabbage卷心菜cabin 小屋café咖啡馆cage笼子cake 蛋糕calculation 计算calendar 日历call 打,呼叫camel 骆驼camera 照相机camp 野营,营地campsite 野营地,露营地Canada 加拿大candle 蜡烛candy 糖果canteen 餐厅cap 帽子,鸭舌帽cape 斗蓬,披肩capital 首都captain 队长,首领car 汽车card 纸牌Caribbean 加勒比海carpenter 木匠carrot 胡萝卜cartoon 卡通片,动画片cartoonist 漫画家carve 雕刻,切开castle 城堡cat 猫cattle 牲畜celery 芹菜center 中央,中心cereal 谷类食品,谷类chair 椅子chameleon 变色龙champion 冠军cheese 奶酪cheetah 猎豹chef 厨师chess 棋chick 小鸡chicken 小鸡,鸡鸡肉children 孩子〔复数〕children’sDay 儿童节chili 红辣椒chimney 烟囱China 中国Chinese 汉语chips 薯条〔复数〕chocolate 巧克力chopsticks 筷子Christmas Day 圣诞节Christmas tree 圣诞树Cinderella 灰姑娘cinema 电影院circle 圆,圆圈circus 马戏表演,马戏团city 城市city flower 市花clap 拍手,鼓掌class 班级classmate 同学classroom 教室clean 打扫cleaner 清洁工clerk 办事员climb 攀登,爬clinic 诊所clock 钟表close 关闭closet 壁厨clothes 衣服cloud 云,云彩clown小丑coach 马车coat 外套,大衣cock 公鸡cocoa 可可粉coconut 椰子cod 鳕鱼coffee 咖啡coin 硬币cola 可乐cold 冷的coleslaw 凉拌卷心菜colours 颜色comb 梳子come 来comic book 漫画书computer 电脑computer game 电脑游戏concert 音乐会cone 圆锥体congratulation 祝贺,庆贺cookies 饼干cool 凉爽的,酷costume 全套服饰,戏装count 数,数数字country 国家,乡村court 法庭cousin 堂表兄弟,堂表姐妹cow 母牛,奶牛cowboy 牛仔crab 螃蟹crawl 爬行crayon 蜡笔cream 乳酪,奶油crocodile 鳄鱼crow 乌鸦crowded 拥挤的cry 哭,喊叫cuckoo布谷鸟cup 杯,杯子,茶杯cupboard 柜橱curly 卷曲的,卷毛的curtain 窗帘curtains 窗帘〔复〕cut 切,剪,削,割cute 可爱的DDad 爸爸dance 跳舞dancer 舞蹈演员,舞蹈教练,舞蹈者dangerous 危险的date 日期daughter 女儿December 十二月decorate 装饰,装点deer 鹿delicious 美味的dentist 牙科医生desk 书桌,办公桌dessert 甜点diamond 菱形;菱形的diary 日记,日记簿dictionary 字典dig 挖,掘dining-room 餐厅dinner 晚餐;正餐dinosaur 恐龙dirty 脏的disaster 灾难dive 跳水,潜水diving 跳水dock 码头doctor 医生dog 狗doll 洋娃娃dolly 洋娃娃dolphin 海豚Donald Duck 唐老鸭donkey 驴donut 油炸圈饼door 门doorbell 门铃doorway 门口,出入口dot 圆点dragon 龙dragonfly 蜻蜓draw 画; 拽,拉drawer 抽屉dress 连衣裙dresses 连衣裙〔复〕drink 喝driver 司机driveway 车道drop 珠;滴〔液体的〕drum 鼓duck 鸭,鸭子dumpling 饺子Eear 耳朵ears 耳朵〔复〕earphone 耳机earth 地球;陆地;泥土eat 吃egg 蛋,鸡蛋eggplant 茄子Egypt 埃与eight 八eighteen 十八eighty 八十elephant 大象eleven 十一email 电子emperor 皇帝;君主engineer 工程师England 英国,英格兰English 英语entrance 入口entry 进入,入口eraser 橡皮escalator 自动扶梯estate 物业小区exit 出口eye 眼睛eyes 眼睛〔复〕eyebrow 眉毛Fface 脸factory 工厂fairy 似仙子的;优美的fairy tale 童话fall 秋天family 家庭fan 风扇,扇子farm 农场farmer 农民fashion 时装fashion show 时装表演fast 快的fat 胖的,肥father 父亲faucet 旋塞,水龙头feather 羽毛February 二月fence 篱笆,栏杆field 田地fifty 五十film 胶卷;电影fin 鱼鳍finger 手指finish line 终点线fire 炉火fire station 消防站firecracker 鞭炮fireman 消防员fish 鱼;鱼肉fishing 钓鱼five 五flag 旗子,旗帜flat 公寓flour 面粉flower 花flute 笛子foggy 有雾的fold 折,折叠food 食物,食品foot 脚〔复数为feet 〕football 足球forest 森林fork 叉forty 四十fountain 喷泉four 四fourteen 十四fox狐狸foxes 狐狸〔复〕frame 框架France 法国freeway 高速公路French fries 炸薯条Friday 星期五fridge 冰箱fried 油炸的friend 朋友fries 薯条frog 青蛙fruit 水果fruit stand水果滩fume 烟fur 毛皮furniture 家具fuse 保险丝Ggame 游戏garden 花园geography 地理学,地理get up 起床giant 巨人gift 礼物giraffe 长颈鹿girl 女孩glass 玻璃glasses 眼镜glove 手套glue 胶水goddess 女神gold 金子,金色,金的Goldilocks 金发姑娘good 好,棒good—bye 再见goose 鹅gorilla 大猩猩gown 礼服grandma 祖母,外祖母grandpa 祖父,外祖父grape 葡萄graph 图表grass 草;草地grate 磨碎green 绿色green tea 绿茶ground 地面guitar 吉他gum 口香糖gun 枪gym 体育馆Hhair 头发hairdresser 理发师,美容师ham 火腿hamburger 汉堡hammer 锤子hamster 仓鼠hand 手handbag 手提包hat 帽子he 他head 头heat 把...加热hedgehog 刺猬helicopter 直升飞机hello 你好,您好helmet 头盔,安全帽help 帮助,救命hen 母鸡high jump 跳高hill 小山hippo 河马history 历史,历史学hit 打击hole 洞home 家honey 蜜,蜂蜜Hong Kong hood 头巾hook 钩hop 单脚跳,跳跃horse 马hospital 医院host 主持人hot 热的hot dog 热狗hotel 饭店;旅馆house 房子huge 巨大的,庞大的humid 潮湿的;湿润的hurdle 跨栏hut 小屋IIc card Ic卡ice 冰ice cream 冰淇淋ice lollipop 冰棒iceberg 冰山ID card igloo 圆顶建筑iguana 蜥蜴in 在...里India 印度ink 墨水insect 昆虫interview 采访island 岛Italian 意大利的Jjacket 短上衣;夹克〔衫〕jam 果酱January 一月Japan 日本jar 罐jeans 牛仔裤jeep 吉普车jellyfish 水母jewellery[总称]珠宝jug 水壶juggle 杂耍juggler 杂技演员juice 果汁July 七月jump 跳jumper 毛衣June 六月jungle 丛林Kkangaroo 袋鼠key 钥匙key ring 钥匙链keyboard [计]键盘kid 儿童king 国王kit 工具箱kitchen 厨房kite 风筝knee 膝盖knife 刀knock 敲;敲击Llaboratory 实验室lady 女士;夫人ladybug 瓢虫,七星瓢虫lake 湖lamp 灯language 语言lantern 灯笼laptop 膝上型电脑laugh 笑lawn 草地leaf 叶子left 左,左边leg 腿lemon 柠檬lemonade 柠檬水leopard 豹letter 信lid 盖子lift 举起,抬起lightning 闪电lily 百合花line 绳子line up 排队lion 狮子lip 嘴唇listen 听living room 起居室lizard 晰蜴lock 锁log 原木lollipop 棒棒糖London 伦敦long jump 跳远look 看lorry 卡车lot 许多love 爱lunch 午餐lunchbox 午餐盒lunchtime 午餐时间lute 琵琶lychee 荔枝Mmall 购物商场mango 芒果map 地图March 三月mark 分数marker 水彩笔market 市场mask 面具mast 桅杆,旗杆mat 垫子math数学May 五月May Day 国际劳动节me 我〔宾格〕measles [医]麻疹,风疹meat 肉medal 奖牌medicine 药melon 甜瓜member 成员men 男人〔复数〕单数为man menu 菜单message 信息;消息messy 乱七八糟的Mexico 墨西哥Mickey Mouse 米老鼠Mid---Autumn Day 中秋节middle 中间milk 牛奶millionaire 百万富翁mirror 镜子Miss 小姐mistake 错误model 模型model plane 飞机模型Monday 星期一money 钱;金钱monkey 猴子Monkey King 美猴王monster 怪兽,怪物month 月份;月moon 月亮moon cake 月饼mop 拖把more 多,更多morning 早上mother 母亲motor cycle 摩托车mountain 山;〔mountains 〕山脉mourn 哀悼mouse 鼠,老鼠moustache 小胡子;八字须mouth 嘴move 移动movie 电影Ms 女士MTR 地铁mud 泥,泥浆mug 杯子mule 骡mushroom 蘑菇music 音乐mutton 羊肉Nname 名字National Day 国庆节national flag 国旗neck 颈部necklace 项链nest 鸟窝new 新的New Year’s Day 元旦New York 纽约news 新闻,消息newspaper 报纸nib 钢笔尖nice 漂亮的night 晚上nine 九nineteen 十九ninety 九十nose 鼻子notebook 笔记本November 十一月number 数字nurse 护士nut 坚果OOctober 十月octopus 章鱼office 办公室oil 油omelette 煎蛋one 一one hundred 一百onion 洋葱open 开着的,打开的ostrich 鸵鸟owl 猫头鹰ox 公牛PP.E.体育棵packet 小包裹,袋page 书页pail 桶paintbrush 画笔pajamas 睡衣palace 宫殿palm 手掌pan 平底锅panda 熊猫pants 裤子paper 纸parents 父母Paris 巴黎park 公园party 聚会,派对path 路,小道peaches 桃子peacock 孔雀peanuts 花生pear 梨pearl 珍珠pen 钢笔pencil 铅笔pencil---box 铅笔盒penguin 企鹅people 人,人们pet 宠物photo 照片piano 钢琴pick 摘picnic 野餐picture 图画pie 馅饼pig 猪pillow 枕头pilot 飞行员pin 别针pine tree 松树pineapple 菠萝pink 粉红色pit 坑pizza 比萨饼plane 飞机planet 行星plant 植物plate 盘子play 玩;戏剧;剧本plenty 丰富,大量pod 豆荚poem 诗point 指polar bear 北极熊police station 警察局policeman 警察policewoman 女警察pool 水池pop 汽水pop singer 流行歌手popcorn 爆米花pork猪肉porridge 粥;糊post card 明信片post office 邮局pot 锅potato 土豆potato chips 马铃薯片pretzels 脆饼干prince 王子princess 公主prison 监狱prize 奖品prove 证明puke 呕吐pull---up 引体向上pumpkin 南瓜punch 拳击,用拳头猛击punctuation 标点符号pupil小学生puppet 玩偶,手偶purple 紫色purse 钱包pyramid 金字塔play the piano 弹钢琴play football 踢足球play the computer game 玩电脑游戏plane 飞机Qqueen 女王;王后question 问题quick 快的quilt 棉被Rrace 赛跑radio 收音机rag 抹布rain 雨;下雨rainbow 彩虹raincoat 雨rat 老鼠reading room 阅览室recipe 食谱rectangle 长方形red 红色reindeer 驯鹿repairman 修理工revision 复习rice 米饭ride 骑,乘ring 戒指,指环river 河流RMB 人民币road 道路,街道robot 机器人roll 滚动roller coaster 过山车rollerblade 溜冰鞋roller blade 滑旱冰romantic浪漫的room 房间rope 绳索rose 玫瑰round 圆的row 划〔船〕rug 垫子ruler 尺子rulers 尺子〔复〕run 跑Ssad 伤心的sailboat 帆船sailfish 旗鱼sailor 海员salad 色拉,沙拉salt 盐same 同样的sand 沙滩,沙子sandals 凉鞋sandcastle 沙堡sandwich 治Santa Claus 圣诞老人Saturday 星期六sauce 酱汁,调味汁sausage 香肠say 说scarf 围巾,头巾school 学校schoolbag 书包science 科学science museum 科学博物馆Scientist 科学家scissors 剪刀〔复数〕sea 大海sea food 海鲜sea lion 海狮seal 海豹seashell 贝壳seashore 海岸,海滩seat 座位second 秒seed 种子September 九月seven 七seventeen 十七seventy 七十shark 鲨鱼sharp 锋利的sharpener 卷笔刀shave 剃,刮she 她sheep 绵羊shelf 书架ship 船,舰shirt 衬衫shoes 鞋子shoot 射击shop 商店short 矮的shoulder 肩膀shout 喊shovel 铲;铁铲sides 侧Singapore 新加坡sink 下沉,沉没sister 姐妹six 六sixty 六十size 尺寸,大小skate 溜冰,滑冰skateboard 滑板ski 滑雪skirt 裙子,短裙sky 天空skyscraper 摩天大楼sleep 睡觉Sleeping Beauty 睡美人sleepy 困的sleigh 雪撬slice 片;薄片slide 滑梯slow 慢的smile 微笑snake 蛇snow 雪Snow white 白雪公主snowman 雪人soap 肥皂soccer ball 英式足球socks 袜子sofa 〔长〕沙发soft 软的;柔和的soil 土壤son 儿子song 歌曲sorry 对不起soup 汤sox 短袜spaceship 宇宙飞船speak 说special 特色菜spicy 辛辣的,有风味的spider 蜘蛛spinach 菠菜spoon 勺子sports 体育运动sports car 跑车,运动型跑车spring 春天Spring Festival 春节sprout 苗;芽;嫩芽square 广场,正方形squirrel 松鼠stall 货摊stamp 邮票stapler 订书机star 星形;星形物;星星starlit 星光灿烂的station 车站Statue of Liberty 自由女神像stew 炖菜stick 粘stocking 长袜stone 石头stool 凳子stop 停车站,停,停下store 商店,店铺straight 直的;笔直的stream 〔小〕河;〔小〕溪string 线strong 强壮student 学生study 书房stupid 愚蠢的subway 地铁sugar 糖summer 夏天summer camp 夏令营sun 太阳Sunday 星期日sunflower 向日葵sunglasses 太阳镜sunny 晴朗的sunrise 黎明,拂晓sunshine supermarket 超市surfer 冲浪运动员Surf the Net 上网suspect 嫌疑犯swan 天鹅sweater 毛线衫,毛衣sweep 打扫,清扫sweets 糖果〔复数〕swimming 游泳swimming pool 游泳池swing 秋千syrup 糖浆snack 零食,点心,小吃Sir 先生steam 蒸汽Ttable 桌子tablecloth 桌布tadpole 蝌蚪tag 标签tail 尾巴talk 交谈,说tall 高的tap 水龙头tape 带子taro 芋头,香芋taxi 出租车tea 茶teacher 教师Teacher’s Day 教师节teach 教teacher’s desk 讲台team 队teapot 茶壶teaspoon 茶匙telephone telescope 望远镜television 电视机temple 庙ten 十tent 帐篷Thailand 泰国Thanksgiving’s Day 感恩节The Party’s Birthday 建党节The Great Wall 长城theme park 主题乐园thick 厚的thin 瘦的thing 物品,东西thirty 三十three 三Thursday 星期四ticket 票tiger 老虎time 时间timetable 时间表tire 轮胎toad 癞蛤蟆toast 烤面包,吐司toe 脚趾〔复数为toes 〕tofu 豆腐toilet 厕所tomato 西红柿tool 工具tooth 牙齿toothbrush 牙刷toothpaste 牙膏top 顶端tourist 旅行者;旅游者towel 毛巾town 城镇toy 玩具traffic light 交通灯train 火车trash 垃圾,废物tree 树triangle 三角形trousers 〔常复〕裤子trumpet 小号T-shirt T恤衫tub 浴盆,浴缸tube 管子Tuesday 星期二tulip 郁金香turn 转;转向turtle 海龟,乌龟TV 电视〔缩写〕TV reporter 电视台记者twelve 十二two 二typhoon 台风Uumbrella 雨伞,伞uncle 叔叔;伯伯;姨父;姑父;舅父under在...下uniform 制服Vvan 小货车vase 花瓶vegetables 蔬菜vest 汗衫,背心vet 兽医village 村庄violet 紫罗兰violin 小提琴volleyball 排球,排球运动Wwaiter 男服务员;男侍者waitress 女服务员;女侍者walk 步行,散步,走wall 墙wallet 皮夹子want 想,打算warm 温暖的;暖和的watch 手表water 水water bottle 水壶;水瓶watermelon 西瓜way 路;道We 我们web 网Wednesday 星期三weight 哑铃welcome 欢迎;受欢迎的whale 鲸wheat 小麦wheel 轮子whisker 胡须whistle 口哨white 白色Window of the World 世界之窗wing 翅膀winter 冬;冬季wolf 狼women 女人,女士〔复数〕单数为woman Women’s Day 妇女节wood 木头,木材,树木wool 毛线,羊毛world 世界XX-ray X射线Yyacht 游艇,快艇yard 院子yellow 黄色yoyo 溜溜球Zzebra 斑马zero 零zipper 拉链zoo 动物园。

下面是一些具体的用法和中英文对照例句:1. 房屋所有者 - house owner- 我是这栋房子的所有者。
I am the owner of this house.2. 企业所有者 - business owner- 他是一家小型企业的所有者。
He is the owner of a small business.3. 物品所有者 - property owner- 我是这辆汽车的所有者。
I am the owner of this car.4. 土地所有者 - landowner- 这片土地的所有者是一个富有的农场主。
The landowner of this plot is a wealthy farmer.5. 股份所有者 - shareholder- 这些股份所有者拥有公司的一部分股权。
These shareholders own a portion of the company's stocks.6. 资产所有者 - asset owner- 作为资产所有者,你有责任合理管理你的财产。
As an asset owner, you have a responsibility to manage your property wisely.7. 房地产开发商 - real estate developer- 这家公司是一个知名的房地产开发商。
This company is a well-known real estate developer.8. 商店老板 - shop owner- 这位商店老板经营着一家小型杂货店。
The shop owner runs a small grocery store.9. 酒店业主 - hotel owner- 这家豪华酒店的业主为客人提供高品质的服务。
The hotel owner provides high-quality services to the guests in this luxury hotel.10. 餐厅老板 - restaurant owner- 这位餐厅老板经营着一家受欢迎的意大利餐厅。
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Italy: a reliable country thanks to economic stability
UNEMPLOYMENT: The Italian economy trend is particularly positive among European standards, leading also into the decrease of unemployment dropped to 7.8%, under European average of 8.0%, and much more under the countries: ain (9.9%), France (9.0%) and Germany (10.5%).
Italy: a reliable country thanks to economic stability
The €uro was introduced in January 2002, the single European currency (1 € = 1.27 US$). The old Italian Lira (Lit) was retired, as were most of the European currencies. The Maastricht Treaty introduced regulations for a common policy, aimed particularly at containing public debt, regulations that led to a clear-cut improvement of the Italian economy and a reduction in unemployment, and put inflation under control. The Schengen Treaty introduced the concrete demolition of internal European borders, making possible the free circulation of people, goods and capitals.
Located in Southern Europe, extending into the center of the Mediterranean Sea. Close to the Balkans and Africa ___________
The power of the Italian real estate market
The Italian Real Estate Market
Why and How Investing in Italy New Orleans November 13, 2006
Edited by Alberto Capanna Vice President FIAIP.
Italy: General Information
Reliability of our Country Italy’s gorgeous attractions unique worldwide Constant growing trend Low interest rates Guarantee of disinvestment Open and safe investments for foreigners
Italy: a reliable country thanks to political stability
Since 1994, with the introduction of the majority system, the government has succeeded in retaining power for the entire fiveyear mandate. The problem of political fragmentation into dozens of small and large parties has been solved by coalitions in the two Left and Right Wing fronts (Republican and Democratic, Conservative and Labour).
*(U.S.A. 4,6%)
Italy: a reliable country thanks to security
The struggle against the Mafia and organized crime, carried out in recent years, gave satisfactory results. The heads of organized crime were imprisoned and there is maximum attention and repression towards new outbreaks. Recent laws aimed at containing clandestine immigration are giving good results. Requests for collaboration by the Italian Government towards European partners for better guarding of the thousands of miles of Italian coastline will achieve better control in guaranteeing the Schengen Treaty. Internal Terrorism actually no longer exists, as it has been permanently wiped out for the past twenty years. Drastic measures have also been adopted towards international terrorism, with the recent capture of important Al Queda exponents in Italy. Important forefront diplomatic action in Middle East matters leaves hope for relative calm, even though the potential of the terroristic aim posed by the presence of the Pope in Rome hasn’t been neglected.
Political stability: majority system Economic stability: come into force in the €uro system Security: -Mafia repression -control of clandestine immigration -repression of internal terrorism -privileged relationships with Middle East Countries