
2017五年级语文下册重要词语句子归类2017浜斿勾绾ц鏂囦笅鍐岄噸瑕佽瘝璇彞瀛愬綊绫?涓€銆佽闊崇粏鍒嗙被銆€銆€骞宠垖闊筹細钃憇u艒閱墇u矛銆€銆€缈樿垖闊筹細妫箊h脿o姣h膩n铓眤h脿婢刢h茅n锟戒箰锟絲h墨閬畓h 膿閿刢h煤鍌籹h菐鐥碿h墨銆€銆€鍓嶉蓟闊筹細姣h膩n鍟僰臎n鎮u脿n 銆€銆€鍚庨蓟闊筹細鍡膿n锟界儥锟統墨n锟借厞锟絙脿n锟借幈锟絚h茅n锟借鞍锟絡i菕n锟藉┆锟絝菐n锟斤拷銆€銆€闆跺0姣嶏細濯巓琚勄巓銆€銆€鏁翠綋璁よ锛氭ūy墨n锟借幈锟絚h墨銆€銆€浜屻€佸瓧褰㈣寰楃墷銆€銆€婢勶細鍙充笂閮ㄧ殑椤烘槸妯拠銆佺偣銆佸啀鍐欎袱鎾囷紝鎹猴紱銆€銆€鍗革細9鐢伙紝绗?绗旀槸鈥滄彁鈥濓紱銆€銆€鍌伙細鍙充笂閮ㄥ垎閲岄潰鏄€溍椻€濅笉鏄€滃鈥濄€?銆€銆€涓夈€佸闊冲瓧鍒嗗緱娓?銆€銆€ju茅鍜€鍤尖攢鈹€ji谩o鍤肩儌x矛n锟芥爮鍜濇嫶銇夛拷x墨n锟戒浆鏈旓拷b脿n锟借厞闅圭銇夛拷b猫n锟借厞闇撅拷銆€銆€j矛绯婚瀷甯︹攢鈹€j矛鍏崇郴b膩o鍓ヨ幉钃攢鈹€b艒鍓ュ墛hu菐n锟界儌楠颁綅鎯熴亯锟絟u脿n锟介槕鍛筹拷銆€銆€yu猫娓呭钩涔愨攢鈹€l猫蹇箰zu膩n閽荤爺鈹€鈹€zu脿n閽荤煶w煤浜¤禆鈹€鈹€w菐n锟芥氮鍔筹拷銆€銆€p奴閾鸿矾鈹€鈹€p霉褰撻摵ch茅n锟借幈鍚绘繝銇夛拷d猫n锟借幈绱婏拷銆€銆€鍥涖€佸舰杩戝瓧鐪嬩粩缁?銆€銆€钃?钃戣。
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^| You have to believe, there is a way. The ancients said:" the kingdom of heaven is trying to enter". Only when the reluctant step by step to go to it 's time, must be managed to get one step down, only have struggled to achieve it.-- Guo Ge Tech在学习本大法前一定要坚信,日本人的智商只适合模仿,所以他们的语言是最容易上手的,然后才能练就一眼看透神功。
!i% g{/ぁあ V12[<Cj"|!上面一个十字,象不象粪叉子?下面一根绳子打了个结,这一围一捆,是不是拿,东西被人拿了,你就“a”一声吧!ゔゕ \Jg%J _K口腔上部平行,舌头下垂到半圆,模仿一下,这个就是前面的ぁ *Z~[gF^ xぃいx2D<k右面是小手指,左面的当然是你了,很鄙视的发“i”。
:ゖlI`+{U8前面我们用很鄙视的语气表达过“你”,这里的半个你自然就是ぃ Z6D7N/3kぅう 6YZ\t-%7f这就是屁股已经到达板凳上空,还未贴板凳的前一刹那,弯腰那一刹那当然要把肚子里的气挤出来,所以轻轻的和我一起说“u”。
~OHU3z1{G<这个与字母变化不大,不过是前面加了一双手,屁股与腿成原来的角度,没边,ぅy n<bjgr ぇえ obI~5,!'4我就说日本人就这么几下了,在小板凳上坐实了,自然就“安”,“an”了。
エェ ,nv9E_p Z坐实了,腰直了,工整了,就ぇ了。
<5L5Wuぉお `w#ynjAg!哦,我姓李,李字的草体就是这样了,日本人为什么要这么敬重姓李的人呢?大家就“o”一下就当纪念我祖先吧。

Owner’s ManualTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction (3)The Front Panel (4)The Rear Panel (5)Important Information About Tubes and Tube Products (6)A Brief History of Tubes (6)Tube Types and Usage (6)The Nature of Tubes: Why (and When) to Replace Them (7)The Importance of Proper Biasing (8)Survival Tips for Tube Amplifiers (9)System Block Diagram (10)Service Information (11)Technical Specifications (12)2IntroductionCongratulations! You are now the proud owner of a Crate V5 tube guitar amplifier. This combo amplifier packs a whole lot of vintage tube sound into its compact cabinet, providing you with an amp that is portable and easy to operate, yet still produces incredible sounds!The V-Series amps offer the versatility required for many different musical styles, and have the unique tonal purity of a hot-rodded tube amp. The V5 is a single-channel amplifier with a mas-ter volume control and a tone control. It cranks out 5 watts from a single EL84 output tube in a Class A single-ended configuration into one 10” internal speaker. It provides a wide range of clean to overdriven sounds, making it ideal for recording as well as a practice amp.Like all Crate products, your V5 amplifier is designed by musicians and built using only the best components. Each amplifier is tested to confirm that it meets our specifications, and we believe that this amplifier is the absolute best that it can be.In order to get the most out of your new amplifier, please read this manual before you begin playing.And thank you for choosing Crate.Here are some of the features packed into your new V5 Combo Amplifier:• EL84 power vacuum tube for smooth overdrive sound• 5 watts rms power output• 1 x 10" ceramic magnet speaker• Volume control• Tone control31. INPUT: Use this jack to connect yourguitar to the amplifier using a shieldedinstrument cable.2. VOLUME: Use this to adjust the gainand channel overdrive. With the controlturned counter-clockwise, the gain islow and very little distortion is present.As you rotate it clockwise, the gainincreases, producing more overdrivedistortion, and a higher output volumelevel.3. TONE: This adjusts the overall tone ofthe sound. Turning the control clockwiseincreases the higher frequencies for abrighter, crisper sound. Turning the con-trol counterclockwise reduces the higherfrequencies for a darker sound.4. LAMP: This illuminates when the ampli-fier is turned on.5. ON/OFF SWITCH: Use this switch toturn the amplifier on and off.46. AC LINE CO R D: The grounded powercord should only be plugged into agrounded power outlet that meetsall applicable electrical codes, and iscompatible with the voltage, power, andfrequency requirements stated on theV5 rear panel. Do not attempt to defeatthe safety ground connection.7.FUSE: This protects the unit fromdamage due to overload conditions orpower line surges. If the fuse blows,replace it only with the same size andtype as listed on the chassis.8. Voltage Select Switch: Set this switchto “115” for 120 VAC mains, and to“230” for 220-240 VAC mains.With the amplifier power cordunplugged, use the tip of a small flat-blade screwdriver to slide this switch tothe proper position.9. SPEAKE R8 OHMS: The V5 is shippedwith a cable connected from this jack tothe internal 10-inch 8-ohm speaker.5Important Information about Tubes and Tube Products:A Brief History Of The Tube:In 1883, Edison discovered that electrons would flow from a suspended filament when enclosed in an evacuated lamp. Years later, in 1905, Fleming expanded on Edison’s discovery and created the “Fleming Valve.” Then, in 1907, Dr. Lee de Forest added a third component– the grid – to the “Fleming Valve” and the vacuum tube was a fact of life. The door to elec-tronic amplification was now open.During World War II, data gleaned from their intensive research on the detectors used in radar systems, led Bell Telephone Laboratories to the invention of the transistor. This reliable little device gained quick support as the new component for amplification. The death of the vacuum tube seemed imminent as designers, scientists, and engineers reveled in the idea of replacing large, fragile glass tubes with these small, solid-state devices.However, there were (and still are) many serious listeners who realized that the sound pro-duced by a “transistor” amplifier is significantly different from that produced by a tube ampli-fier with identical design specifications. They considered the sound produced by these new solid-state devices to be hard, brittle, and lifeless. It was determined that solid-state devices produced a less musical set of harmonics than tubes. When pushed past their limits, they tend to mute the tone and emphasize the distortion.Tubes, on the other hand, produce a more musical set of harmonics, the intensity of which can be controlled by the player. This characteristic adds warmth and definition to the sound which has become the hallmark of tube amplifiers. When tubes are driven into clipping, the harmonic overtones can be both sweet and pleasing or intense and penetrating, depending on the musician’s musical taste and playing technique.Over the years, application engineers have designed a number of outstanding solid-state amplifiers that sound very, very good. Some use special circuitry which enables them to simu-late the distortion characteristics of a tube amplifier. However, the tube amplifier, still held in the highest esteem by many musicians, offers a classic “vintage” sound in a contemporary market.Tube Types And Usage:Tube amplifiers are based primarily on two types of tubes – preamplifier tubes and power tubes. The tubes used in preamplifiers (12AX7, 12AU7, 12AT7, etc.) are smaller than the power tubes. These tubes amplify the signal from your instrument and shape the sound. They are inherently microphonic (they can mechanically pick up and transmit external noises). Since these tubes are used in the critical first stages of a tube amplifier’s circuitry, it is very impor-tant to use high-quality, low noise/low microphonic tubes for this application. Although tubesof this quality may be difficult to find and typically cost more than “off-the-shelf” tubes, the improvement in performance is worth the investment.Preamplifier tubes are also used to drive the power tubes. When used in this application, a12AX7 will produce a more distorted tone than a 12AT7, which produces a clearer, sweeter sound. A 12AU7 is even cleaner and brighter than a 12AT7, giving more definition to the sound. (In some cases it is possible to change the sound by changing the type of preampand/or driver tubes. When making any modification to your equipment, it is highly recommend-ed that you consult with a qualified service center.)6The power tubes are the largest tubes used in an amplifier. These tubes convert the low-level, conditioned signal from the preamplifier into a level that is sufficient to drive the speakers. There are several types of power tubes available, each of which offers a different perfor-mance/sound characteristic. For example, the EL34 power tube produces a great classic rock sound. When an EL34 is driven into distortion, it produces a unique sound (“crunch”). When compared to the 6L6, the EL34 distorts more quickly, exhibits a “looser” low-end response and produces more harmonics at mid and high frequencies (“creamier” sound). These differ-ences become more noticeable at higher volumes.The EL84 is similar to the EL34 but produces less output power. It can be easily driven into distortion and is characterized by a smooth, sweet tone with excellent touch sensitivity.6L6 tubes produce a big low-end thump and have a very good dynamic range. They offer a more traditional “American Rock” sound. The 6V6 tubes produce a creamy sound with nice distortion. On the other hand, the KT88 produces a big low-end but sounds more like an EL34 in the mid and high frequencies.6550 power tubes are more rugged and stay cleaner-sounding even at full power. When they do distort, the sound produced is more solid and has a tighter low end; more of a “heavy metal” type distortion with lots of power.Some tubes are available in matched sets. These tubes have been extensively tested for opti-mum performance and longevity.The Nature Of Tubes — Why (And When) To Replace Them:Tubes are made up of a number of fragile mechanical components that are vacuum-sealed in a glass envelope or bubble. The tube’s longevity is based on a number of factors which include how hard and often the amplifier is played, vibration from the speakers, road travel, repeated set up and tear down, etc.Any time you notice a change in your amplifier’s performance, check the tubes first.If it’s been a while since the tubes were replaced and the sound from your amplifier lacks punch, fades in and out, loses highs or lows or produces unusual sounds, the power tubes probably need to be replaced. If your amplifier squeals, makes noise, loses gain, starts to hum, lacks “sensitivity”, or feels as if it is working against you, the preamplifier tubes may need to be replaced.The power tubes are subjected to considerably more stress than the preamplifier tubes. Consequently, they almost always fail/degrade first. If deteriorating power tubes aren’t replaced they will ultimately fail. Depending on the failure mode, they may even cause severe damage to the audio output transformer and/or other components in the amplifier. Replacing the tubes before they fail completely has the potential to save you time, money and unwanted trouble. Since power tubes work together in an amplifier, it is crucial that they (if there is more than one) be replaced by a matched set. If you’re on the road a lot, we recommend that you carry a spare matched set of replacement power tubes and their associated driver tubes. After turning off the power and disconnecting the amplifier from the power source, carefully check the tubes (in bright light) for cracks or white spots inside the glass or any other appar-ent damage. Then, with the power on, view the tubes in a dark room. Look for preamplifier tubes that do not glow at all or power tubes that glow excessively red.7Whenever you replace the power tube(s):• Always have the amplifier’s bias voltage checked by a qualified service center. Improper bias voltage will cause degradation in performance and possibly damage the tubes and/or the amplifier. (See “The Importance of Proper Biasing”, below for more information).• We highly recommend that you replace the driver tube(s) as well. The driver tube deter-mines the shape and amplitude of the signal applied to the power tube(s) and has to work almost as hard as the power tube(s).You can check your preamplifier tubes for microphonics by turning the amplifier on, turning up the gain and tapping lightly on each tube with the end of a pencil or a chop stick (my favorite). You will be able to hear the tapping through your speakers, which is normal. It is not normal for a tube to ring like a bell after it’s tapped. If it does ring then it’s microphonic and should be replaced. Remember to use only high quality, low microphonic tubes in the preamplifier section.Even though power tubes are rarely microphonic, you should check them anyway. The power tubes can be checked for microphonics just like pre-amp tubes.In the case of very high gain amps, you may be able to reduce the amount of noise generated by simply swapping the preamp tubes around.The Importance Of Proper Biasing:For the best performance and longest tube life, proper biasing is imperative. Bias is the nega-tive voltage which is applied to the power tube’s control grid to set the level of idle current. We cannot over emphasize the difference in warmth of tone and dynamic response that come with proper biasing. If the bias is set too high (over biased), the sound from the amp will be distorted at all levels. If the bias is set too low, (under biased) the power tubes will run hot (the plates inside the tubes may glow red due to excessive heat) and the sound from the amplifier will lack power and punch. The excessive heat greatly reduces tube life – from a few days to as little as a few hours in extreme cases. Setting the bias on your amp is like setting the idle on your car. If it’s too high or hot it’s running away with you and if it’s too low or cold it will choke when you step on it.The bias is adjusted at the factory in accordance with the type of power tube(s) installed in your amplifier. It is important to point out that tubes of the same type and specification typi-cally exhibit different performance characteristics. Consequently, whenever power tubes are replaced, the bias voltage must be checked (unless the amplifier is equipped with “self-biasing”circuitry) and readjusted to accommodate the operating parameters of the replacement tubes. Depending on the model and amplifier type, there may be hum balance controls, trim pots, or bias adjustment controls on its rear panel. However, the bias adjustment should be performed only by qualified service personnel with the proper, calibrated test equipment.8Survival Tips For Tube Amplifiers:To prolong tube life, observe these tips and recommendations:• Match the impedance of your speaker cabinet(s) to your amplifier. Improper impedance matching will contribute to early tube degradation and may cause premature tube failure.• Make sure the speaker(s) are properly connected prior to turning on the amplifier.• After playing the amplifier, allow sufficient time for it to properly cool down prior to moving it. A properly cooled amplifier prolongs tube life due to the internal components being less susceptible to the damage caused by vibration.• Allow the amplifier to warm up to room temperature before turning it on. The heat gener-ated by the tube elements can crack a cold glass housing.• Replace the output tube(s) before the performance degrades or the tubes fail completely.Replace the tube(s) on a regular basis (at least once per year or as often as every 4 to 6 months if you play long and hard every day).• Always have the bias checked after replacing the output tubes (unless the amplifier is equipped with “selfbiasing circuitry”). This should be done ONL Y at a qualified servicecenter. Improper biasing could result in the tubes running too hot, which greatly reduces the life of the tubes – or too cold, which results in distorted sound regardless of level settings. Do not play the amplifier if it exhibits these symptoms – get the bias checked/ adjusted immediately to prevent tube failure and/or other damage.• If the locating notch on the base of a power tube breaks off, replace the tube. This signifi-cantly reduces the risk of damaging your amplifier by incorrectly inserting the tube.• Protect the amplifier from dust and moisture. If liquid gets into the amplifier proper, or if the amplifier is dropped or otherwise mechanically abused, have it checked out at an authorized service center before using it.• Proper maintenance and cleaning in combination with routine checkups by your authorized service center will insure the best performance and longest life from your amplifier. CAUTION: Tube replacement should be performed only by qualified service personnel who are familiar with the dangers of hazardous voltages that are typically present in tube circuitry.910System Block Diagram INPUT V1AV1B 8 OHM INTERNAL SPEAKER EL8411Declaration Of ConformityManufacturer: LOUD Technologies Inc.16220 Wood-Red Rd. NEWoodinville, WA 98072, USAProduct Name: Crate V5Product Type: Audio AmplifierComplies with Standards:LVD: 92/31/EEC, 93/68/EEC, & 73/23/EWGSafety: EN60065EMC: EN55013, EN55020, EN55022, EN55103, EN61000-3-2, & EN61000-3-3The official Declaration of Conformity for this product is kept on file at:LOUD Technologies Inc., 16220 Wood-Red Road NE, Woodinville, WA 98072 • Tel: 1-866-858-5832Service InformationIf you are having a problem with your V5, you can go to our website () and click on Support for service information, or call 1-800-898-3211 during business hours (7 am to 5 pm PST, Monday-Friday). If you are outside of the U.S., contact your local distribu-tor for technical support and service.The V5 is covered with a durable fabric-backed vinyl material. Wipe it clean with a lint-free cloth.Never spray cleaning agents onto the cabinet. Avoid abrasive cleansers which would damage the finish.Crate continually develops new products, as well as improves existing ones. For this reason, the specificationsand information in this manual are subject to change without notice.“Crate” is a registered trademark of LOUD Technologies Inc. All other brand names mentioned are trademarks orregistered trademarks of their respective holders and are hereby acknowledged.12V5 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSOutput Power Rating5 W rms @ 5% THD, 8 ohm load, 120 VAC Input Impedance700 kohms Signal-to-Noise Ratio42 dB, Typical Gain58 dB, all controls @ 10Tone±30 dB @ 10 kHz Speaker Specs1 x 10", 5 W, 8 ohm, ceramic magnet Preamp Tubes(1) 12AX7A Power Tubes(1) EL84Power Requirements90-132 VAC, 60 Hz, 30 watts220-240 VAC, 50 Hz, 30 watts Size (H x W x D)13.75 in/34.9 cm x 14.25 in/36.2 cm x8.11 in/20.6 cm Weight 19.2 lb/8.7 kgPart No. 0024538 Rev. A 07/07。
KIT-Z100 快速入门指南说明书

Scan for full manualKIT-Z100 Quick Start GuideThis guide helps you install and use your KIT-Z100 for the first time.Go to /downloads/KIT-Z100 to download the latest user manual and check if firmware upgrades are available.Step 1: Check what’s in the packageECU-Z1001 19V DC power adapter and cord 1 Quick start guide KT-107Z/KT-107ZRB (with restricted BW, up to 5.35GHz) 1 5.2V power adapter and cord Tabletop mount On-wall mount unit 1 C-USB/Micro B cableInstallation screwsPanel Mount plate1 right-angle OTG USB cableStep 2: Get to know your KIT-Z100ECU-Z100KT-107Z/KT-107ZRBBoth Table-top mount and wall mount include the following connectors: • A power connector, when notusing the PoE Ethernet port. • PoE RJ-45 Ethernet Port toconnect to an Ethernet cable. • A USB connector:▪ For the table-top mount, aMicro-USB port, forconnecting an external USB device (for example, a headset or memory disk). ▪ For the wall mount, a Type AUSB port is available using the right-angle OTG USB cable (included).Step 3: Mount ECU-Z100Install ECU-Z100 using one of the following methods:• Attach the rubber feet and place the unit on a flat surface.• Fasten a bracket (included) on each side of the unit and attach it to a flat surface(see /downloads/KIT-Z100).• Mount the unit in a rack using the recommended rack adapter(see /product/KIT-Z100).• Ensure that the environment (e.g., maximum ambient temperature &air flow) is compatible for the device. • Avoid uneven mechanical loading.• Appropriate consideration of equipment nameplate ratings should be used for avoiding overloading of the circuits.• Reliable earthing of rack-mounted equipment should be maintained.Step 4: Mount KT-107Z/KT-107ZRBMounting on a table using one of the following options:Portable Mount: place the tabletop mount on the table. Connected cables remain visible and the table remains intact. Secure Mount: secure the tabletop mount to the table as follows:1. Measure the exact location on the surface of the table where you want to install the KT-107Z/KT-107ZRB.2. Drill a hole in the table and optionally cut the cable pass-through opening according to the cut-out dimensions definedin the user manual.3. Secure the tabletop mount to the table using the M5x60 secure screw.4. Connect the Ethernet port to a PoE-enabled source. Optionally, you can connect the power adapter too (as backup).5. Replace the appropriate cover and place the KT-107Z/KT-107ZRB over the tabletop mount (the is magnetically heldin place), by first inserting the lower part of the then carefully laying the KT-107Z/KT-107ZRB in place.6. Wait for the Home-page to load and then secure the KT-107Z/KT-107ZRB to the tabletop mount from the rear side(using 2 M2x4 screws, supplied with the unit).7. Optionally, lock the tabletop mount with a Kensington locker (not supplied).Mounting on the wall:Before mounting KIT-Z100 on a wall, install an in-wall junction box (recommended boxes are listed in the user manual)1. Attach the on-wall mount unit to the installed junction box (top side up see indication arrows on unit).Connect Ethernet and/or power cables and optionally, insert the right-angle USB cable (supplied) for connecting to an adjacent external USB device.2. Screw the 4 wall-mounting screws (supplied) through the screw openings.The various screw openings fit various types of wall junction boxes.3. On the rear side of the KT-107Z/KT-107ZRB, remove the screwcover and the cover (by slightly pressing downwards and thenpulling out) and set aside.4. Attach the panel mount plate to the rear side of theKT-107Z/KT-107ZRB (using 4 M2x4 screws, supplied).5. Connect the flat cable from the on-wall mount (attached to thein-wall junction box) to the connector on the rear ofKT-107Z/KT-107ZRB.6. Hang the KT-107Z/KT-107ZRB on the wall by sliding the tabs onthe attached panel mount plate over the grooves on the on-wallmount unit.Step 5: Connect inputs and outputsAlways switch OFF the power on each device before connecting it to your KIT-Z100.To achieve specified extension distances, use the recommended Kramer cables available at/product/KIT-Z100. Using third-party cables may cause damage!Microphone and speakers can be connected to ECU-Z100 in the following ways:•Speakers can be connected via LINE OUT connector and/or USB ports.•Microphones cab be connected via MIC IN connector (via amp) and/or USB ports.•Speakerphones (combining a speaker and a microphone) can be connected via USB ports.KT-107Z/KT-107ZRB can be powered in any of the following ways:•Using the power adapter when connected by LAN (without PoE support).•Using the power adapter when connected to LAN by Wi-Fi•By PoE when connecting to Ethernet by PoE-supporting LAN.Step 6: Connect powerConnect the power cord to ECU-Z100 and plug it into the mains electricity.If required, connect the power adapter on the KT-107Z/KT-107ZRB to the Power 2-pin terminal block connector on the tabletop mount and to the mains power.Safety Instructions (See for updated safety information)Caution:•There are no operator serviceable parts inside the unit.Warning:•Use only the power cord that is supplied with the unit.•Disconnect the power and unplug the unit from the wall before installing.•Do not open the unit. High voltages can cause electrical shock! Servicing by qualified personnel only.•To ensure continuous risk protection, replace fuses only according to the rating specified on the product label which located on the bottom of the unit.Step 7: Set and operate KIT-Z100Before setting up the application on KT-107Z/KT-107ZRB, you need to acquire Zoom Rooms licenses.To set and operate the application, go to the Zoom Rooms website at /hc/en-us.To use the Zoom Rooms widget on Kramer Control, go to Zoom Rooms settings at/manuals/kramer/kramer-control/1/en/topic/zoom-room-module.。
HP PageWide Pro MFP 477系列用户指南说明书

User GuideCopyright and License© 2016 Copyright HP Development Company, L.P.All rights reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation of this material is prohibited without prior written permission of HP, except as allowed under copyright laws.The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.Edition 1, 2/2016Trademark CreditsAdobe®, Acrobat®, and PostScript® are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Intel® Core™ is a trademark of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.Java™ is a US trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows® XP, and Windows Vista® are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.UNIX® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.ENERGY STAR and the ENERGY STAR mark are registered trademarks owned by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.Table of contents1 Product basics (1)Product features (2)Environmental features (3)Accessibility features (3)Product views (4)Front left view (4)Front right view (5)Back view (5)Cartridge door view (6)Power on and off (7)Turn the product on (7)Manage power (7)Turn the product off (8)Use the control panel (9)Control panel buttons (9)Control panel home screen (10)Control panel dashboard (11)Control panel application folders (11)Control panel shortcuts (12)Help features (12)Printer information (13)Help animations (13)Quiet Mode (14)To turn Quiet Mode on or off from the control panel (14)To turn Quiet Mode on or off from the EWS (14)2 Connect the product (15)Connect the product to a computer or a network (16)To connect the product using a USB cable (16)To connect the product to a network (17)Supported network protocols (17)Connect the product using a wired network (17)ENWW iiiConnect the product using a wireless network (wireless models only) (17)To connect the product to a wireless network using the Wireless SetupWizard (18)To connect the product to a wireless network using WPS (18)To connect the product to a wireless network manually (19)Use Wi-Fi Direct to connect a computer or device to the product (20)To turn on Wi-Fi Direct (20)To print from a wireless-capable mobile device (20)To print from a wireless-capable computer (Windows) (20)To print from a wireless-capable computer (OS X) (20)Install HP printer software for a wireless product already on the network (22)Open the printer software (Windows) (22)Manage network settings (22)View or change network settings (22)Set or change the product password (23)Manually configure TCP/IP parameters from the control panel (23)Link speed and duplex settings (23)3 Printer management and services (25)HP Embedded Web Server (26)About the EWS (26)About cookies (26)Open the EWS (27)Features (27)Home tab (27)Scan tab (28)Fax tab (29)Web Services tab (29)Network tab (29)Tools tab (29)Settings tab (30)Web Services (31)What are Web Services? (31)HP ePrint (31)Print apps (31)Set Up Web Services (31)Use Web Services (32)HP ePrint (32)Print apps (33)Remove Web Services (34)HP Web Jetadmin software (34)iv ENWWProduct security features (34)Security statements (35)Firewall (35)Security settings (36)Firmware updates (36)HP Printer Assistant in the printer software (Windows) (36)Open the HP Printer Assistant (36)Features (36)Connected tab (37)Print, Scan & Fax tab (37)Shop tab (37)Help tab (38)Tools tab (38)Estimated Levels tab (38)HP Utility (OS X) (38)AirPrint™ (OS X) (38)4 Paper and print media (39)Understand paper use (40)Supported media sizes (41)Supported paper and print media sizes (41)Supported envelope sizes (42)Supported card and label sizes (42)Supported photo media sizes (42)Supported paper types and tray capacity (43)Tray 1 (multipurpose) on left side of the product (43)Tray 2 (default tray) and Tray 3 (accessory tray) (44)Configure trays (44)Load media (45)Load Tray 1 (45)Load Tray 2 (46)Load optional Tray 3 (48)Load envelopes (49)Load letterhead or preprinted forms (51)Load the automatic document feeder (52)Load the scanner (53)Tips for selecting and using paper (55)5 Cartridges (56)HP PageWide cartridges (57)HP policy on non-HP cartridges (57)ENWW vManage cartridges (57)Store cartridges (58)Print with General Office mode (58)Print when a cartridge is at estimated end of life (58)Check the estimated cartridge levels (58)Order cartridges (59)Recycle cartridges (60)Replace cartridges (60)Tips for working with cartridges (62)6 Print (63)Print from a computer (64)To print from a computer (Windows) (64)To print from a computer (OS X) (65)To set up printing shortcuts (Windows) (66)To set up printing presets (OS X) (66)To adjust or manage colors (67)Choose a preset color theme for a print job (67)Adjust the color options for a print job manually (67)Match colors to your computer screen (68)Control access to color printing (69)Print from the control panel (69)Print using job storage (69)To enable job storage (69)Disable or enable job storage (Windows) (69)Disable or enable job storage (OS X) (69)To apply job storage to one or all print jobs (70)Apply job storage to one or all print jobs (Windows) (70)Apply job storage to one or all print jobs (OS X) (71)To print a job stored on the printer (71)To delete a job stored on the printer (71)Print from a USB device (72)Print with NFC (72)Print with HP ePrint (72)Print off site by sending an email with the HP ePrint app (32)Print from an on-site computer or mobile device (73)Print with AirPrint (OS X) (73)Tips for print success (74)Cartridge tips (74)Paper loading tips (74)vi ENWW7 Copy and scan (76)Copy (77)Copy settings (77)Adjust lightness or darkness for copies (77)Select a paper tray and paper size for copies (77)Reduce or enlarge a copy (77)Load and copy identification cards (78)Copy photos (79)Load and copy mixed-size originals (80)Copy on both sides automatically (80)Cancel a copy job (80)Scan (81)Scan to a USB drive (81)Scan to a computer (81)To set up scan to computer (81)Set up scanning to a computer (Windows) (82)Set up scanning to a computer (OS X) (82)To scan to a computer from the control panel (82)Scan to email (82)To set up scan to email (82)To scan a document or photo to email (83)Scan a document or photo to email from the control panel (83)Scan a document or photo to email from the printer software (83)To change account settings (83)Scan to a network folder (83)To set up scan to a network folder (84)Set up scan to a network folder in the EWS (84)Set up scan to a network folder in the HP Printer Assistant (84)To scan to a network folder (84)Scan to a network folder from the control panel (84)Scan to a network folder from the printer software (84)Scan to SharePoint (85)To set up scan to SharePoint (85)To scan to SharePoint (85)Scan using HP scanning software (85)Scan using other software (86)To scan from a TWAIN-compliant program (86)To scan from a WIA-compliant program (86)ENWW viiGuidelines for scanning documents as editable text (87)To scan a document to editable text (Windows) (88)To scan documents as editable text (OS X) (89)Tips for copy and scan success (90)8 Fax (91)Set up fax (92)Connect fax to a telephone line (92)Configure fax settings (92)To configure fax settings from the control panel (92)To configure fax settings using the HP Digital Fax Setup Wizard (Windows) (93)Set up HP Digital Fax (93)HP Digital Fax requirements (93)To set up HP Digital Fax (94)Set up HP Digital Fax (Windows) (94)Set up HP Digital Fax (OS X) (94)Set up HP Digital Fax in the EWS (94)To modify HP Digital Fax settings (94)Modify HP Digital Fax settings (Windows) (94)Modify HP Digital Fax settings (OS X) (94)Modify HP Digital Fax settings in the EWS (94)To turn off HP Digital Fax (95)Fax programs, systems, and software (95)Supported fax programs (95)Supported phone services - analog (95)Alternate phone services - digital (95)DSL (95)PBX (95)ISDN (96)VoIP (96)Set fax settings (96)Send-fax settings (96)Set pauses or flash hooks (96)Set a dialing prefix (97)Set tone-dialing or pulse-dialing (97)Set autoredial and the time between redials (97)Set the light/dark setting (98)Set the default resolution (98)Use cover-page templates (99)viii ENWWSet fax forwarding (99)Block or unblock fax numbers (100)Set the number of rings-to-answer (100)Set distinctive ring (101)Use autoreduction for incoming faxes (102)Set the fax sounds volume (102)Set stamp-received faxes (102)Send a fax (102)Send a fax from the control panel (103)Use speed dials and group-dial entries (103)Send a standard fax from the computer (103)Send a fax from the software (104)Send a fax using monitor dialing (105)Send a fax using printer memory (105)Receive a fax (106)Receive a fax manually (106)Fax memory (107)Reprint a fax (107)Delete faxes from memory (107)Use the phone book (107)Create and edit individual speed-dial entries (108)Create and edit group-dial entries (108)Delete speed-dial entries (108)Use reports (108)Print fax confirmation reports (109)Print fax error reports (110)Print and view the fax log (110)Clear the fax log (110)Print the details of the last fax transaction (111)Print a Caller ID Report (111)View the Call History (111)9 Solve problems (112)Problem-solving checklist (113)Check that the product power is on (113)Check the control panel for error messages (113)Test print functionality (113)Test copy functionality (114)Test the fax-sending functionality (114)Test the fax-receiving functionality (114)ENWW ixTry sending a print job from a computer (114)Test the plug-and-print USB functionality (114)Factors that affect product performance (114)Information pages (115)Factory-set defaults (116)Cleaning routines (116)Clean the printhead (117)Clean the scanner glass strip and platen (117)Clean the document feeder pick rollers and separation pad (118)Clean the touch screen (118)Jams and paper-feed issues (119)The product does not pick up paper (119)The product picks up multiple sheets of paper (119)Prevent paper jams (119)Clear jams (120)Jam locations (120)Clear jams from the document feeder (121)Clear jams in Tray 1 (multipurpose tray) (122)Clear jams in Tray 2 (122)Clear jams in optional Tray 3 (123)Clear jams in the left door (124)Clear jams in the output bin (125)Clear jams in the duplexer (126)Cartridge issues (127)Refilled or remanufactured cartridges (127)Interpret control panel messages for cartridges (127)Cartridge Depleted (127)Cartridge Low (128)Cartridge Very Low (128)Counterfeit or used [color] cartridge installed (128)Do not use SETUP cartridges (128)Genuine HP cartridge installed (128)Incompatible [color] (129)Incompatible cartridges (129)Install [color] cartridge (129)Non-HP cartridges installed (129)Printer Failure (130)Problem with Print System (130)Problem with Printer Preparation (130)Problem with SETUP cartridges (130)Use SETUP cartridges (130)x ENWWUsed [color] installed (131)Printing issues (131)The product does not print (131)The product prints slowly (132)Plug-and-print USB issues (132)The Memory Device Options menu does not open when you insert the USBaccessory (132)The file does not print from the USB storage device (132)The file that you want to print is not listed in the Memory Device Options menu (133)Improve print quality (133)Check for genuine HP cartridges (133)Use paper that meets HP specifications (133)Use the correct paper type setting in the printer driver (134)Change the paper type and size setting (Windows) (134)Change the paper type and size setting (OS X) (134)Use the printer driver that best meets your printing needs (134)Align the printhead (135)Print a print-quality report (135)Scan issues (135)Fax issues (136)Fax troubleshooting checklist (136)Change error correction and fax speed (137)Set the fax-error-correction mode (137)Change the fax speed (137)Fax logs and reports (137)Print individual fax reports (137)Set the fax error report (138)Fax error messages (138)Communication error. (138)Document feeder door is open. Canceled fax. (139)Fax is busy. Canceled send. (139)Fax is busy. Redial pending. (139)Fax receive error. (140)Fax Send error. (140)Fax storage is full. Canceling the fax receive. (141)Fax storage is full. Canceling the fax send. (141)No dial tone. (141)No fax answer. Canceled send. (142)No fax answer. Redial pending. (142)No fax detected. (142)Solve problems sending faxes (143)ENWW xiAn error message displays on the control panel (143)Document feeder paper jam (143)Scanner error (143)The control panel displays a Ready message with no attempt to send the fax. (143)The control panel displays the message "Receiving Page 1" and does not progressbeyond that message (144)Faxes can be received, but not sent (144)Unable to use fax functions from the control panel (144)Unable to use speed dials (144)Unable to use group dials (144)Receive a recorded error message from the phone company when trying to senda fax (145)Unable to send a fax when a phone is connected to the product (145)Solve problems receiving faxes (145)An error message displays on the control panel (145)The fax does not respond (145)Voice mail is available on the fax line (145)The product is connected to a DSL phone service (146)The product uses a fax over IP or VoIP phone service (146)Sender receives a busy signal (146)A handset is connected to the product (146)A phone line splitter is being used (146)Cannot send or receive a fax on a PBX line (146)Solve general fax problems (146)Faxes are sending slowly (146)Fax quality is poor (147)Fax cuts off or prints on two pages (147)Connectivity issues (147)Solve USB direct-connect problems (147)Solve network problems (148)Poor physical connection (148)The computer is using the incorrect IP address for the product (148)The computer is unable to communicate with the product (148)The product is using incorrect link and duplex settings for the network (149)New software programs might be causing compatibility problems (149)The computer or workstation might be set up incorrectly (149)The product is disabled, or other network settings are incorrect (149)Wireless network issues (149)Wireless connectivity checklist (149)The product does not print, and the computer has a third-party firewall installed (150)The wireless connection does not work after moving the wireless router or product (150)xii ENWWCannot connect more computers to the wireless product (150)The wireless product loses communication when connected to a VPN (151)The network does not appear in the wireless networks list (151)The wireless network is not functioning (151)Product software issues (Windows) (151)Product software issues (OS X) (153)The printer driver is not listed in the Print & Scan list (153)The product name does not appear in the product list in the Print & Scan list (153)The printer driver does not automatically set up the selected product in the Print & Scan list (153)A print job was not sent to the product that you wanted (153)When connected with a USB cable, the product does not appear in the Print & Scan list afterthe driver is selected. (153)You are using a generic printer driver when using a USB connection (154)10 Service and support (155)Customer support (156)HP limited warranty statement (157)UK, Ireland, and Malta (158)Austria, Belgium, Germany, and Luxemburg (158)Belgium, France, and Luxemburg (159)Italy (160)Spain (160)Denmark (161)Norway (161)Sweden (161)Portugal (162)Greece and Cyprus (162)Hungary (162)Czech Republic (163)Slovakia (163)Poland (163)Bulgaria (164)Romania (164)Belgium and the Netherlands (164)Finland (165)Slovenia (165)Croatia (165)Latvia (165)Lithuania (166)Estonia (166)Russia (166)ENWW xiiiAppendix A Technical information (167)Product specifications (168)Print specifications (168)Physical specifications (168)Power consumption and electrical specifications (168)Acoustic emission specifications (168)Environmental specifications (168)Environmental product stewardship program (170)Protecting the environment (171)Ozone production (171)Power consumption (171)European Union Commission Regulation 1275/2008 (171)Paper (171)HP PageWide printing supplies (171)Plastics (171)Electronic hardware recycling (172)Material restrictions (172)General battery information (172)Battery disposal in Taiwan (172)California Perchlorate Material Notice (172)EU Battery Directive (172)Battery notice for Brazil (173)Chemical substances (173)EPEAT (173)Disposal of waste equipment by users (173)Toxic and hazardous substance table (China) (174)Restriction on hazardous substances statement (Turkey) (174)Restriction on hazardous substances statement (Ukraine) (174)Restriction of hazardous substance statement (India) (174)China energy label for printer, fax, and copier (175)China SEPA Eco Label user information (175)Regulatory information (176)Regulatory notices (176)Regulatory model identification number (176)FCC statement (176)VCCI statement (Japan) (177)Power cord instructions (177)Power cord statement (Japan) (177)EMC statement (Korea) (177)Visual display workplaces statement for Germany (177)European Union Regulatory Notice (178)xiv ENWWEuropean Union Regulatory Notice (178)Wireless models only (178)Models with fax capability only (178)Additional statements for telecom (fax) products (179)New Zealand telecom statements (179)Additional FCC statement for telecom products (US) (179)Industry Canada CS-03 requirements (180)Notice to users of the Canadian telephone network (181)Australia wired fax statement (181)Notice to users of the German telephone network (181)Additional statements for wireless products (182)Exposure to radio frequency radiation (182)Notice to users in Brazil (182)Canadian statements (182)Japan statement (183)Notice to users in Korea (183)Taiwan statement (183)Mexico statement (183)Index (184)ENWW xvxvi ENWW1Product basics●Product features●Product views●Power on and off●Use the control panel●Quiet ModeENWW1Product featuresPageWide Pro MFP 477dnD3Q19A, D3Q19B, D3Q19C,D3Q19D Tray capacity (75 GSM or 20–lb Bond paper)●Tray 1: 50 sheets ●Tray 2: 500 sheets ●Optional Tray 3: 500 sheets ●Automatic Document Feeder(ADF): 50 sheets●Standard output bin: 300sheetsPrint ●Simplex speeds up to 40 pagesper minute (ppm) for both color and black with Professional quality●Duplex speeds up to 21 ppmfor both color and black with Professional quality●Up to 55 ppm in General Officemode●Walkup Plug-and-Print USBDevice port●Walkup printing of MS Officedocuments Copy ●Simplex speeds up to 40 ppm in black and color ●Single-pass, two-sided copying for speeds up to 26 ppm in black and color ●50-sheet ADF supports page sizes up to 356 mm (14.0 in) in length and 216 mm (8.5 in) in width Scan●Duplex speeds up to 26 ppm for both color and black ●Scan to walkup USB device, email address, network folder, or SharePoint site ●Glass supports page sizes up to 356 mm (14.0 in) in length and up to 216 mm (8.5 in) in width ●HP software enables scanning a document to a file that can be edited ●Compatible with TWAIN, WIA, and WS-Scan programs Fax●Fax to email address ornetwork folder●Fax from walkup control panelor from program on connected computer●Fax archive, fax log, junk-faxblocking, non-volatile fax memory, fax redirect featureConnectivity ●802.3 LAN (10/100) Ethernet port ●Host USB Type A and Type B ports (back)●USB 2.0 Device port (front)PageWide Pro MFP 477dw D3Q20A, D3Q20B, D3Q20C, D3Q20D Has the same features as the PageWide Pro MFP 477dn, and includes the following:●Embedded wireless capability ●802.11n 5GHz dual bandsupport●HP ePrint—send documents tothe product email address for printing●HP Wireless Direct support ●NFC-enabled (Near FieldCommunications); walkup printing from smart phones and tablets●Scan to smart phone 2Chapter 1 Product basics ENWWEnvironmental featuresFeature Environmental benefitDuplex printing Automatic duplex printing is available on all models of HP PageWide Pro MFP477dn/dw series. Duplex printing saves the environment and saves you money.Print multiple pages per sheet Save paper by printing two or more pages of a document side-by-side on onesheet of paper. Access this feature through the printer driver.Copies multiple pages per sheet Save paper by copying two pages of an original document side-by-side on onesheet of paper.Recycling Reduce waste by using recycled paper.Recycle cartridges by using the HP Planet Partners return process.Energy savings Sleep modes and timer options enable this product to quickly go into reducedpower states when not printing, thus saving energy. Accessibility featuresThe product includes several features that aid users with limited vision, hearing, dexterity or strength.●Online user guide that is compatible with text screen-readers.●Cartridges can be installed and removed using one hand.●All doors and covers can be opened using one hand.ENWW Product features3Product views●Front left view●Front right view●Back view●Cartridge door viewFront left viewLabel Description1USB device connection port2Cartridge door3Tray 1 extension4Tray 15Power button6Tray 2–main paper tray7Control panel8Scanner glass4Chapter 1 Product basics ENWWFront right viewLabel Description1Automatic document feeder (ADF) cover2Main output door3ADF paper guides4ADF loading area5ADF output bin6ADF output bin stop7Main output bin stop8Main output binBack viewLabel Description1Ethernet connection port2Fax connection ports3USB Type A and USB Type B ports4Power cord connectionENWW Product views5Label Description5Left door6DuplexerCartridge door viewLabel Description1Cartridge slots2Product serial number and product number3Cartridge part numbers6Chapter 1 Product basics ENWWPower on and offNOTICE:To prevent damage to the product, use only the power cord that is provided with the product.●Turn the product on●Manage power●Turn the product offTurn the product on1.Connect the power cord that is provided with the product to the connection port on the back of theproduct.2.Connect the power cord to a wall outlet with an adequate voltage rating.NOTE:Make sure that your power source is adequate for the product voltage rating. The product useseither 100-240 Vac or 200-240 Vac and 50/60 Hz.3.Press and release the power button on the front of the product.Manage powerHP PageWide Pro MFP 477dn/dw series printers include power-management features that can help reducepower consumption and save energy.●Sleep Mode puts the product in a reduced power-consumption state if it has been idle for a specificlength of time. You can set the length of time before the product enters Sleep Mode from the controlpanel.●Schedule On/Off enables you to turn the product on or off automatically at days and time that you setfrom the control panel. For example, you can set the product to turn off at 6 p.m. on Monday throughFriday.Set the Sleep Mode time1.Open the control panel dashboard (swipe the dashboard tab at the top of any screen downward, ortouch the dashboard area on the home screen).2.On the control panel dashboard, touch .ENWW Power on and off73.Touch Power Management, and then touch Sleep Mode.4.Select one of the time-interval options.The product switches into a reduced power-consumption state when it has been idle for the amount of timethat you select.Schedule the product to turn on or off1.Open the control panel dashboard (swipe the dashboard tab at the top of any screen downward, ortouch the dashboard area on the home screen).2.On the control panel dashboard, touch .3.Touch Power Management, and then touch Schedule Printer On/Off.4.Turn the Schedule On or Schedule Off option on.5.Select the Schedule On or Schedule Off options at the bottom of the screen, and then select the day andtime that you want to schedule.The product switches on or off at the time you select on the day you select.NOTE:The product cannot receive faxes when it is turned off. Faxes sent during a scheduled off interval willprint when the product is turned on.Turn the product offNOTICE:Do not turn off the product if a cartridge is missing. Damage to the product can result.▲Press and release the power button on the front of the product to turn off your HP PageWide Pro MFP 477dn/dw series printer.A warning message appears on the control panel if you attempt to turn the product off when one ormore cartridges are missing.NOTICE:To prevent print-quality problems, turn off the product by using the power button on the frontonly. Do not unplug the product, turn off the powerstrip, or use any other method.8Chapter 1 Product basics ENWWUse the control panel●Control panel buttons●Control panel home screen●Control panel dashboard●Control panel application folders●Control panel shortcuts●Help featuresNOTE:The small text on the control panel is not designed for prolonged viewing.Control panel buttonsButtons and indicator lights on the control panel of HP PageWide Pro MFP 477dn/dw series printers appear litwhen their function is available, and are darkened if their function is not available.1Home button.Touch to view the control panel home screen.2Wireless network indicator.Solid blue when the product is connected to a wireless network. Blinks when the product is searching for awireless connection. Off when the product is connected to a wired network or by a USB cable.3NFC (Near Field Communications) indicator.The product can be enabled for walkup printing from tablets and smart phones.4Back or Cancel button.Touch to return to the previous screen, or to cancel the current process.5Help button.Touch to view the Help menu options.ENWW Use the control panel9。

YAMAHA S500音色和伴奏中英文对照表面板音色一览表Piano(钢琴)001. Live! Grand Piano 现场大钢琴002. Bright Piano 亮音钢琴003. Live! WarmGrand 现场温暖华丽004. Harpsichord 拨弦古钢琴005. GrandHarpsi 豪华古钢琴006. HonkyTonk 酒吧钢琴007. MidiGrand 华丽mini008. Oct.Piano1 八度音钢琴1009. Oct.Piano2 八度音钢琴2010. CP80 击弦电拾音钢琴E.Piano(电钢琴)001. Cool! GalaxyEP 超酷银河电钢琴002. Cool! SuitcaseEP 超酷便携电钢琴003. PolarisEP 北极星电钢琴004. JazzChorus 叠奏爵士005. HyperTines 超级泰因键盘006. Cool! E.Piano 超酷电钢琴007. PhaseEP 逐级电钢琴008. NewTines 新泰因键盘009. FunkEP 抑郁电钢琴010. DX Modern dx摩登电钢琴011. VintageEP 最佳电钢琴012. VenusEP 维纳斯电钢琴013. ModernEP 温和电钢琴014. TremoloEP 颤音电钢琴015. SuperDX 超级dx016. StageEP 舞台电钢琴017. Clavi 电翼琴018. WahClavi 沃尔电翼琴Organ(风琴)001. Cool! Organ 超酷风琴002. Cool! JazzOrgan 超酷爵士风琴003. Cool! RotorOrgan 超酷电驱风琴004. Cool! FullRocker 超酷醇厚摇滚风琴005. StadiumOrg 运动场风琴006. RotaryDrive 转风琴007. RockOrgan1 摇滚风琴008. DanceOrgan 跳跃风琴009. JazzOrgan1 爵士风琴1 010. PurpleOrg 紫风琴011. an 电子风琴012. DrawbarOrg 拉杆风琴013. JazzOrgan2 爵士风琴2 014. RockOrgan2 摇滚风琴2 015. ClickOrgan 旷音风琴016. GospelOrg 福音风琴017. MellowDraw 圆润拉杆风琴018. BrightDraw 明亮拉杆风琴019. 60'sOrgan 60年代风琴020. JazzOrgan3 爵士风琴3 021. Tibia 16+4 16+4笛022. Tibia Full 醇厚的笛023. ChapelOrgn1 教堂风琴1 024. ChapelOrgn2 教堂风琴2 025. ChapelOrgn3 教堂风琴3 026. PipeOrgan管风琴027. ReedOrgan 簧片风琴Strings(弦乐)001. Live! Strings 现场弦乐002. Live! Orchestra 现场管弦乐队003. Allegro Strings 快速弦乐004. Symphon.Str 交响乐005. Sweet! Violin 甜美小提琴006. Strings 弦乐007. OrchStrings 管弦乐队008. AnalogStrs 模拟弦乐009. ChamberStrs 室内弦乐010. BowStrings 弓弦乐011. SlowStrings 慢速弦乐012. TremoloStrs 颤音弦乐013. MarcatoStrs 强劲弦乐014. SynStrings1 合成弦乐1 015. PizzStrings 披萨弦乐016. Viola 中提琴017. Cello 大提琴018. Contrabass 低音大提琴019. Harp 竖琴020. Hackbrett 大洋琴021. Fiddle 小提琴022. Banjo 斑鸠五弦琴023. Sitar 印度西塔琴024. Koto 十三弦日本古筝025. Shamisen 日本三味线026. SoloViolin 独奏小提琴027. Orch.Hit 管弦乐齐奏Choir(合唱)001. AirChoir 气息合唱002. GothicVox 哥特式唱音003. SweetHeaven 甜美空灵004. DreamHeaven 梦幻空灵005. Choir 合唱006. VoxHumana 深情的唱音Brass(铜管乐)001. Live! PopBrass 现场流行铜管乐002. Hyper Brass 超级铜管乐003. OctaveBrass 八度音铜管乐004. Live! FrenchHorns 现场法国号005. BrassCombo 管乐合奏006. BrassSection 管乐齐奏007. Sforzando 强劲的008. BigBrass 大号009. BallroomBrs 大舞厅铜管乐010. BrightBrass 亮音铜管乐011. MellowBrass 圆润铜管乐012. 80'sBrass 80年代铜管乐013. SoftBrass 轻柔铜管乐014. FullHorns 醇厚的号015. SmoothTromb 平滑的长号016. HighBrass 激昂铜管乐017. OberBrass 奥伯铜管乐018. TrumpetEns 英国小号019. MellowHorns 圆润的号020. BigBandBrs 管乐团021. PopBrass 流行铜管乐022. AnalogBrs 模拟管乐023. Trb.Section 部分管乐组合024. SmallBrass 小型铜管乐025. SoftAnalog 模拟轻柔020. FunkyAnalog 模拟暗淡027. TechnoBrass 扩音快节奏铜管乐028. SynthBrass 管乐组合Trumpet(小号)001. Sweet! Trumpet 甜美小号002. Sweet! Trombone 甜美长号003. JazzTrumpet 爵士小号004. SoloTrumpet 独奏小号005. FlugelHorn 粗管短号006. Trombone 长号007. SoftTromb 轻柔的长号008. SoloTromb 独奏长号009. MellowTromb 圆润长号010. MutedTrump 弱音小号011. BaritonHorn 中音号012. BaritonHit 中音齐奏013. Tuba 大号014. AlpBass 力度低音号Saxophone(萨克斯)001. Sweet! TenorSax 甜美次中音萨克斯002. Sweet! AltoSax 甜美中音萨克斯003. Sweet! SopranoSax 甜美高音萨克斯004. GrowlSax 轰鸣的萨克斯005. BaritoneSax 上低音萨克斯006. SopranoSax 高音萨克斯007. TenorSax 次中音萨克斯008. AltoSax 中音萨克斯009. WoodwindEns 英国木管乐器Flute/Clarinet(长笛和单簧管)001. Sweet! Flute 甜美长笛002. Sweet! Clarinet 甜美单簧管003. Sweet! PanFlute 甜美排萧004. EnglishHorn 英国号005. Bassoon 巴松管006. Class.Flute 高品级长笛007. Piccolo 短笛008. Clarinet 单簧管009. Oboe 双簧管010. Flute 长笛011. PanFlute 排萧012. Whistle 口哨013. EthnicFlute 牧笛014. Shakuhachi 尺八(日本5孔竹笛) 015. Recorder 竖笛(舌簧八孔直笛) 016. Ocarina 奥卡里那埙(陶制的卵形笛)017. Bagpipe 苏格兰风笛Guitar(吉他)001. Dynamic Nylon 尼龙弦活力吉他002. Steel Guitar 钢弦吉他003. Cool! JazzGuitar 超酷爵士吉他004. Cool! Elec.Gtr 超酷电吉他005. Sweet! Mandolin 甜美曼陀林006. Dyno Steel 倍音钢弦007. Cool! Stratsphere 超酷滑音效果008. Cool! VintageLead 超酷典型主音009. 12Strings Guitar 12弦吉他010. Cool! PowerLead 超酷大功率主音011. Dynamic Steel 活力钢弦012. Cool! BluesGuitar 超酷布鲁斯吉他013. Cool! CleanGuitar 超酷纯音吉他014. Classic Guitar 古典吉他015. PedalSteel 踏板钢弦016. RockGuitar 摇滚吉他017. VintageStrum 最佳弹拨乐器018. PowerChord 力度弦019. 60'sClean 60年代纯音020. SmoothLead 平滑主音021. VintageAmp 最佳电吉他022. CrunchGtr 嘎吱吉他023. CampfireGtr 营火会吉他024. SolidGuitar 硬吉他025. VintageOpen 最佳空旷音026. VintageMute 最佳哑音020. LeadGuitar 主音吉他028. ChorusGtr 叠奏吉他029. VintageTrem 最佳颤音030. OctaveGtr 8度音吉他031. DeepChorus 深沉的叠奏032. TremoloGtr 颤音吉他033. HeavyStack 迟重的齐奏034. WahGuitar 沃尔吉它035. Distortion 失真036. Elec.12Str 12弦电吉它037. FeedbackGtr 回音吉他038. MutedGuitar 弱音吉他039. FunkGuitar 抑郁吉他040. VodooLead Vodoo主音041. FolkGuitar 民间吉他042. Overdrive 夸张弹奏Bass(贝司)001. Cool! FingerBass 超酷指弹贝司002. Aco.Bass 和谐贝司003. PickBass 弹拨贝司004. Cool! Fretless 超酷无品贝司005. SlapBass 打弦贝司006 SubBass 潜音贝司007. HardBass 坚实的贝司008. ResoBass 背景贝司009. SuperFretles 超级无品贝司010. FusionBass 混合贝司011. Bass&Cymbal 铙钹贝司012. AnalogBass 模拟贝司013. DrySynBass 干音复合贝司014. 80'sSynBass 80年代复合贝司015. HiQBass Hi-Q贝司016. FunkBass 抑郁贝司017. ClickBass 和音贝司018. MellowFinger 圆润的手法Perc./Drum kit(鼓组)001. Vibraphone 电颤琴002. JazzVibes 爵士电颤琴003. Marimba 马林巴琴004. Xylophone 木琴005. SteelDrums 钢鼓006. Celesta 钢片琴007. Glocken 钟琴008. MusicBox 音乐盒009. TubularBell 管钟010. Kalimba 非洲克林巴琴011. Dulcimer 德西马琴012. Timpani 定音鼓013. StandardKit1 标准组1014. StandardKit2 标准组2015. JazzKit 爵士组016. BrushKit 轻触组017. RoomKit 室内组018. RockKit 摇滚组019. ElectroKit 数码组020. AnalogKit 模拟组021. DanceKit 跳跃组022. SymphonyKit 交响组023. CubanKit 古巴组024. PopLatinKit 流行拉丁组025. ArabicKit 阿拉伯组026. SFXKit1 特技效果组1027. SFXKit2 特技效果组2Accordion(手风琴)001. Musette 缪赛特手风琴002. Steirisch 施蒂里亚手风琴003. TuttiAccrd 手风琴齐奏004. SmallAccrd 小室内手风琴005. Accordion 手风琴006. TangoAccrd 探戈手风琴007. Bandoneon 班多钮手风琴008. SoftAccrd 轻柔的手风琴009. ModernHarp 现代竖琴010. BluesHarp 蓝调竖琴Pad(长音)001. Insomnia 无眠002. NeoWarmPad 古典温情的长音003. CyberPad 电子长音004. Wave2001 波浪2001005. Atmosphere 大气圈006. XenonPad 氙气长音007. Equinox 春的气息008. Fantasia 幻想009. DX Pad DX长音010. Symbiont 共生011. Stargate 星辰012. Area51 领域51013. DarkMoon 昏暗的月球014. Ionosphere 电离层015. GoldenAge 金色年华016. Solaris 沐浴阳光017. Millennium 太平盛世018. Dunes 沙滩Synth(合成器)001. Oxygen 氧气002. Matrix 派生003. WireLead 无线电004. HipLead 嘻皮主奏005. HopLead 跳跃主奏006. FireWire 火线007. Analogon 模拟008. Blaster 爆破009. Skyline 地平线010. SquareLead 方波主奏011. Saw.Lead 锯齿波主奏012. TinyLead 微小波主奏013. FunkyLead 暗淡主奏014. Paraglide 滑翔015. Portatone 轻音色016. BigLead 大主奏017. Warp 变形018. Fargo 远去019. Adrenaline兴奋020. Stardust 星辰021. AeroLead 飞行主奏022. MiniLead 小型主奏023. Impact 冲击024. SunBell 阳光地带025. UnderHeim 在家里026. HiBias 夏威夷声线027. Vinylead 从生主奏XGlite音色/XGlite可选音色*一览表(Piano &E. Piano钢琴和电钢琴)001. Grand Piano 大钢琴002. Grand Piano KSP 大钢琴ksp003. Piano Strings 钢琴弦乐004. Dream 梦幻般美妙005. Bright Piano 明亮钢琴006. Bright Piano KSP 明亮钢琴ksp007. Electric Grand Piano 电子大钢琴008. Electric Grand Piano KSP 电子大钢琴ksp 009. Detuned CP80 简化击弦电拾音钢琴010. Honky-tonk Piano 夜总会钢琴011. Honky-tonk Piano KSP 夜总会钢琴ksp 012. Electric Piano 1 电钢琴013. Electric Piano 1 KSP 电钢琴ksp014. Chorus Electric Piano 1 叠奏电钢琴015. Electric Piano 2 电钢琴2016. Electric Piano 2 KSP 电钢琴ksp017. Chorus Electric Piano 2 叠奏电钢琴2018. DX + Analog Electric Piano dx+模拟电钢琴019. Harpsichord 拨弦古钢琴020. Harpsichord KSP 拨弦古钢琴ksp021. Harpsichord 2 拨弦古钢琴2022. Clavi 翼琴023. Clavi KSP 翼琴ksp024. Celesta 钢片琴025. Glockenspiel 钟琴026. Music Box 音乐盒(Orgel风琴)027. Orgel 风琴028. Vibraphone 电颤琴029. Vibraphone KSP 电颤琴ksp030. Marimba 马林巴琴031. Marimba KSP 马林巴琴ksp032. Sine Marimba 正弦马林巴033. Balimba 巴林巴琴034. Log Drums 木鼓035. Xylophone 木琴036. Tubular Bells 管钟037. Church Bells 教堂钟038. Carillon 大钟琴039. Dulcimer 杜西码琴040. Dulcimer 2 杜西码琴2041. Cimbalom 钦巴龙琴042. Santur 山特琴043. Drawbar Organ 拉杆风琴044. Detuned Drawbar Organ 简化拉杆风琴045. 60's Drawbar Organ 1 60年代拉杆风琴1 046. 60's Drawbar Organ 2 60年代拉杆风琴2 047. 70's Drawbar Organ 1 70年代拉杆风琴1 048. 60's Drawbar Organ 3 60年代拉杆风琴3 049. 16+2'2/3050. Organ Bass 低音风琴051. 70's Drawbar Organ 2 70年代拉杆风琴2 052. Cheezy Organ 尺泽风琴053 Drawbar Organ 2 拉杆风琴2054. Percussive Organ 打击风琴055. 70's Percussive Organ 70年代打击风琴056. Percussive Organ 简化打击风琴057. Light Organ 亮音风琴058. Percussive Organ 2 打击风琴2059. Rock Organ 摇滚风琴060. Rotary Organ 转风琴061. Slow Rotary 慢转风琴062. Fast Rotary 快转风琴063. Church Organ 教堂风琴064. Church Organ 3 教堂风琴3065. Church Organ 2 教堂风琴2066. Notre Dame 圣母玛丽亚067. Organ Flute 长笛风琴068. Tremolo Organ Flute 颤音长笛风琴069. Reed Organ 簧片风琴070. Puff Organ 吹气风琴070. Accordion 手风琴072. Harmonica 口琴073. Harmonica 2 口琴2074. Tango Accordion 探戈手风琴075. Tango Accordion 2 探戈手风琴2(Guitar吉他)076. Nylon Guitar 尼龙弦吉他077.Velocity Guitar Harmonics 力度吉他和声078. Ukulele 尤克里里四弦琴079. Steel Guitar 钢弦吉他080. 12-string Guitar 12弦吉他081. Nylon & Steel Guitar 尼龙弦和钢弦吉他082. Steel Guitar with Body Sound 主音钢弦吉他083 Mandolin 曼陀林琴084 Jazz Guitar 爵士吉他085 Jazz Amp 爵士电吉他086 Clean Guitar 纯音吉他087 Chorus Guitar 叠奏吉他088 Muted Guitar 弱音吉他089 Funk Guitar 抑郁吉他090 Muted Steel Guitar 弱音钢弦吉他091 Jazz Man 爵士音乐家092. Overdriven Guitar 夸张吉他093. Guitar Pinch 吉他基音094. Distortion Guitar 失真吉他095. Feedback Guitar 回音吉他1096. Feedback Guitar 2 回音吉他2097. Guitar Harmonics 吉他和声098 .Guitar Feedback 吉他回声099. Guitar Harmonics 2 吉他和声2(Bass贝司)100. Acoustic Bass 原音贝司101. Jazz Rhythm 爵士韵律102. Velocity Crossfade Upright Bass力度垂直转换贝司103. Finger Bass 指弹贝司104. Finger Dark 指弹沉音105. Bass & Distorted Electric Guitar贝司和失真电吉他106. Finger Slap Bass 指弹击弦贝司107. Finger Bass 2 指弹贝司2108. Modulated Bass 移调贝司109. Pick Bass 拨片贝司110. Muted Pick Bass 弱音拨片贝司111. Fretless Bass 无品贝司112. Fretless Bass 2 无品贝司2113. Fretless Bass 3 无品贝司3114. Fretless Bass 4 无品贝司4115. Slap Bass 1 击弦贝司1116. Punch Thumb Bass 拇指弹拨贝司117. Slap Bass 2 击弦贝司2118. Velocity Switch Slap 快速掌击119. Synth Bass 1 合成贝司1120. Techno Synth Bass 电子合成贝司121. Synth Bass 2 合成贝司2122. Mellow Synth Bass 圆润合成贝司123. Sequenced Bass 时序贝司124. Click Synth Bass 融洽的合成贝司125. Synth Bass 2 Dark 深沉的合成贝司*126. Modular Synth Bass 标准合成贝司127. DX Bass DX贝司(Strings 弦乐)128. Violin 小提琴129. Slow Violin 慢速小提琴130. Viola 中提琴131. Cello 大提琴132. Contrabass 低音大提琴133. Tremolo Strings 颤音弦乐134. Slow Tremolo Strings 慢速颤音弦乐135. 45 Suspense Strings 含糊的弦乐136. Pizzicato Strings 拨奏弦乐137. Orchestral Harp 竖琴弦乐138. Yang Chin 扬琴139. Timpani 定音鼓140. Strings 1 弦乐1141. Stereo Strings 立体声弦乐142. Slow Strings 慢速弦乐143. 60's Strings 60年代弦乐144. Orchestra 管弦乐队145. Orchestra 2 管弦乐队2146. Tremolo Orchestra 颤音管弦乐147. Velocity Strings 力度弦乐148. Strings 2 弦乐2149. Stereo Slow Strings 立体声慢速弦乐150. Legato Strings 弦乐联奏151. Warm Strings 温和的弦乐152. Kingdom 极品153. Synth Strings 1 合成弦乐1154. Synth Strings 2 合成弦乐2(Choral) 合唱155. Choir Aahs 啊唱音156. Stereo Choir 立体声唱乐157. Mellow Choir 圆润的唱乐158. Choir Strings 唱音弦乐159. Voice Oohs 嗓音160. Synth Voice 合成嗓音161. Synth Voice 2 合成嗓音2162. Choral 合唱163. Analog Voice 模拟嗓音(Brass 铜管乐)164. Orchestra Hit 管弦乐齐奏165. Orchestra Hit 2 管弦乐齐奏2166. Impact 冲击167. Trumpet小号168. Warm Trumpet 温暖的小号169. Trombone 长号170. Trombone 2 长号2171. Tuba 大号172. Muted Trumpet 弱音小号173. French Horn 法国号174. French Horn Solo 独奏法国号175. French Horn 2 法国号2176. Horn Orchestra 号角管弦乐队177. Brass Section 铜管乐器组合178. Trumpet & Trombone Section 小号长号组合179. Synth Brass 1 合成铜管乐1180. Resonant Synth Brass 共鸣合成铜管乐181. Synth Brass 2 合成铜管乐2182. Soft Brass 轻柔的铜管乐183. Choir Brass 教堂铜管乐(Saxophone 萨克斯)184. Soprano Sax高音萨克斯185. Alto.Sax 中音萨克斯186. Sax Section 组合萨克斯187. Tenor Sax 次中音萨克斯188. Breathy Tenor Sax 喘息次中音萨克斯189. Baritone Sax 中音萨克斯(Clarine 管乐)190. Oboe 双簧管191. English Horn 英国号192. Bassoon 巴松管193. Clarinet 单簧管194. Piccolo 短笛195. Flute 长笛196. Recorder 竖笛197. Pan Flute 排萧198. Blown Bottle 吹瓶199. Shakuhachi 尺八200. Whistle 口哨201. Ocarina 奥卡里那埙(Synth 合成器)202. Square Lead 方波主奏203. Square Lead 2 方波主奏2204. LM Square LM方波205. Hollow 空洞音206. Shroud 恐怖笼罩音207. Mellow 柔和音208. Solo Sine 正弦独奏209. Sine Lead 正弦主奏210. Sawtooth Lead 锯齿波主奏211. Sawtooth Lead 2 锯齿波主奏2 212. Thick Sawtooth 厚重的锯齿波213. Dynamic Sawtooth 动态锯齿波214. Digital Sawtooth 数字锯齿波215. Big Lead 大主奏216. Sequenced Analog 音序模拟器217. Calliope Lead 汽笛风琴主奏218. Pure Lead 纯拍击主奏219. Chiff Lead 雪纺主奏220. Charang Lead 沙朗主奏221. Distorted Lead 失真主奏222. Voice Lead 嗓音223. Fifths Lead 五度音224. Big Five 大五度225. Bass & Lead 低音和主音226. Big & Low 高音和低音227. Fat & Perky 丰满活泼228. Soft Whirl 轻柔委婉229. New Age Pad新世纪长音230. Fantasy 幻觉231. Warm Pad 温暖长音232. Poly Synth Pad 多合成长音233. Choir Pad 唱音234. Itopia 埃特皮亚235. Bowed Pad 弯曲长音236. Metallic Pad 金属长音237. Halo Pad 光环长音238. Sweep Pad 掠过长音(Analog 模拟音)239. Rain 雨240. African Wind 非洲风241. Carib 加勒比242. Sound Track 脚步声243. Prologue 序幕244. Crystal 水晶245. Synth Drum Comp 合成排鼓246. Popcorn 爆玉米花247. Tiny Bells 小铃248. Round Glockenspiel 钟琴249. Glockenspiel Chimes 编钟250. Clear Bells 响亮的钟251. Chorus Bells 叠奏钟252. Soft Crystal 悦耳的水晶253. Air Bells 悠扬的钟声254. Bell Harp 竖琴和铃255. Gamelimba 木琴256. Atmosphere 大气层257. Warm Atmosphere 温暖的大气258 .Hollow Release 沉闷的虚空259. Nylon Electric Piano 尼龙弦钢琴260. Nylon Harp 尼龙弦竖琴261. Harp Vox 竖琴声262. Atmosphere Pad 大气长音263. Brightness 明亮264. Goblins 小妖265. Goblins Synth 合成小妖266. Creeper 曼草267. Ritual 宗教仪式268. To Heaven 向往天堂269. Night 黄昏270. Glisten 闪光271. Bell Choir 教堂钟272. Echoes 回声273. Sci-Fi 科幻274. Sitar 西塔琴275. Detuned Sitar 消音西塔琴276. Sitar 2 西塔琴2277. Tamboura 鼓278. Banjo 斑鸠琴279. Muted Banjo 弱音斑鸠琴280. Rabab 拉博281. Gopichant 歌尚282. Oud 乌德琴283. Shamisen 沙玛什284. Koto 日本筝285. Taisho-kin 小泰首286. Kanoon 卡农琴287. Kalimba 卡林巴琴288. Bagpipe 苏格兰风笛289. Fiddle 小提琴290. Shanai 山奈291. Tinkle Bell 电话铃292. Bonang 波南293. Altair 祈祷294. Gamelan Gongs 加麦兰锣295. Stereo Gamelan Gongs 立体声加麦兰锣296. Rama Cymbal 罗摩钹297. Agogo 阿果果298. Steel Drums 钢鼓299. Glass Percussion 玻璃打击乐300. Thai Bells 泰国钟301. Woodblock 木鱼302. Castanets 响板303. Taiko Drum 泰柯鼓304. Gran Cassa 葛兰卡萨305. Melodic Tom 旋律鼓306. Melodic Tom 2 旋律鼓2307. Real Tom 实心鼓308. Rock Tom 摇滚鼓309. Synth Drum 合成鼓310. Analog Tom 模拟鼓311. Electronic Percussion 电子打击乐器312. Reverse Cymbal 背钹313. Fret Noise 急促的噪声314. Breath Noise 呼吸音315. Seashore 海滨316. Bird Tweet 鸟鸣317. Telephone Ring 电话铃318. Helicopter 直升机319. Applause 鼓掌320. Gunshot 枪声321. Cutting Noise 切割声322. Cutting Noise 2切割声323. String Slap 击弦324. Flute Key Click 鸣笛325. Shower 阵雨326. Thunder 雷鸣327. Wind 风声328. Stream 河流329. Bubble 冒水泡330. Feed 输送331. Dog 犬332. Horse 马333. Bird Tweet 2 鸟鸣2334. Maou 猫335. Phone Call 大声打电话336. Door Squeak 门轴吱嘎声337. Door Slam 关门声338. Scratch Cut 刮擦声339. Scratch Split 劈裂声340. Wind Chime 风铃341. Telephone Ring 2 电话2342. Car Engine Ignition 发动汽车343. Car Tires Squeal 尖厉的车胎噪音344. Car Passing 汽车经过345. Car Crash 撞车346. Siren 警报器347. Train 火车348. Jet Plane 喷气式飞机349. Starship 宇宙飞船350. Burst 爆炸351. Roller Coaster 船轴352. Submarine 潜水艇353. Laugh 笑声354. Scream 尖叫声355. Punch 冲压机356. Heartbeat 心跳357. Footsteps 脚步358. Machine Gun 机关枪359. Laser Gun 雷射枪360. Explosion 爆破361. Firework 焰火带星号(*)的音色编号是XGlite可选音色。
Polycom VVX 业务媒体电话系列说明书

Polycom ® VVX ® Business Media Phones PortfolioThe Polycom family of VVX series business media phones offer high-quality audio and video communications experience for busy professionals.Entry LevelThe Polycom ® VVX ® 201 business media phone is a two-line SIP for small businesses and medium-sized organizations phone that delivering Polycom ® HD™ Voice technology.Application targetsIdeal for retail environments, call centers or shared/common areas, such as lobbies,hallways and break rooms• 2 line• LCD screen• Polycom HD Voice up to 7 kHz on all audio paths (speaker, handset, headset)• 2 x ethernet 10/100• Hard Keys: 12-key dialpad, home, speaker, mute, headset, volume•4-way navigation cluster with center “select” keyApplication targetsHome office or shared/common areas, such as lobbies, hallways and break rooms• 1 line• LCD screen• G.722 support up to 7 kHz on all audio paths (speaker, handset, headset)• 1/100 ethernet• Hard Keys: 12-key dialpad, home, speaker, mute, headset, volume•4-way navigation cluster with center “select” keyEntry LevelThe Polycom ® VVX ® 101 business media phone is a one-line SIP phone for a home office or shared/common areas deliveringenterprise grade sound quality.Mid-rangeThe Polycom ® VVX ® 401/411 business media phone is a color mid-range business media phone is designed for today’s office workers and attendant consoles delivering crystal clear communications.Application targetsSOHO, call center, cubicle, office desk• 12 lines or speed dials• 3.5” color TFT• 320 x 240 pixel resolution• Polycom HD Voice up to 7 kHz on all audio paths (speaker, handset, headset)and Acoustic Fence(TM) technology• 2x Ethernet 10/100 for network pass-through (VVX 401)• 2x GigE 10/100/1000 for high-performance network pass-through (VVX 411)• RJ9 Headset support with electronic hook switch• Asian character support• Hard Keys: 12-key dialpad, home, speaker, mute, headset, volume,messages, hold, transfer• 4-way navigation cluster with center “select” key• Supports Polycom VVX Expansion Module and Polycom VVX ColorExpansion Module (expandability up to 3 modules)•1 x USB for headset connectivity, storage and call recording (VVX 401 and 411)Application targetsCommon areas, dorm rooms, wall-mounted deployments, cubicle, office desk• 6 lines or speed dials• 208 x 104 pixel resolution• Polycom HD Voice up to 7 kHz on all audio paths (speaker, handset, headset)• 2 x Ethernet 10/100 for network pass-through (VVX 301)• 2 x GigE 10/100/1000 for high-performance network pass-through (VVX 310/311)• Asian character support• Hard Keys: 12-key dialpad, home, speaker, mute, headset, volume,messages, hold, transfer• 4-way navigation cluster with center “select” key• Supports Polycom ® VVX ® Expansion Module and Polycom ® VVX ® ColorExpansion Module (expandability up to 3 modules)BasicThe Polycom ® VVX ® 301/ 311 business media phone is a powerful entry-level phone for today’s cubicle workers handling a low tomoderate volume of calls delivering crystal clear communications.Application targetsKnowledge worker, busy professional’s office, call center• 12 lines appearances or speed dials• 320 x 240 pixel resolution• 3.5’’ color touch screen• Immersive capacitive touch UI• Video playback and video conferencing via USB camera accessory• Streaming media video playback• Full browser• Polycom HD Voice up to 14 kHz on all audio paths (speaker, handset, headset)and Acoustic Fence technology• 2x GigE 10/100/1000 for high-performance network pass-through• RJ9 Headset support with electronic hook switch• 2 x USB ports• Business applications integration• Supports Polycom VVX Expansion Module and Polycom VVX ColorExpansion Module (expandability up to 3 modules)• Video conferencing via optional USB cameraPerformanceThe Polycom ® VVX ® 501 is a performance business media phone that delivers best-in-class desktop productivity and unifiedcommunications for busy professionals.Application targetsExecutive, knowledge worker, busy professional’s office• 16 lines appearances or speed dials• 480 x 272 pixel resolution• 4.3’’ color touch screen• Polycom® HD Voice™ and Acoustic Fence™ technology• Immersive, capacitive touch UI• Video playback and video conferencing via external USB camera• 2x GigE 10/100/1000 for high-performance network pass-through• 2 x USB 2.0 host• RJ9 Headset support with electronic hook switch• Asian character support• Business applications integration• Microsoft ® SfB interoperability• Supports Polycom VVX Expansion Module and Polycom VVX Color• Expansion Module (expandability up to 3 modules)• Bluetooth support for wireless headset connectivityExecutiveThe Polycom ® VVX ® 601 UC executive business media phone delivers rich voice and applications experience for busy corporateexecutives and managers.WirelessThe Polycom® VVX D60 Wireless Handset is a cost-effective scalable, SIP-based, on premise, mobile communications systemApplication targetsVVX DECT solution is ideal for busy users who need to be reachable whether they areat their desk or elsewhere in their immediate workspace.• Support pairing up to 5 DECT handsets (for VVX 300, 400, 500 and 600) and1 DECT handset (VVX 101 and VVX 201)• Provisioning and Management through host phone via Ethernet• 2” TFT (178x220) color display with backlit LCD• Support for 4 simultaneous calls• HD Voice support• Range: 50m(165ft) indoor/300m(980ft) outdoor• 10/100 POE Base Station with Pass-through• DECT 1.92GHz - 1.93GHz (US), 1.88GHz-1.90GHz (EU)• 10 hours talk time, 100 hours standby• Dedicated 2.5 mm headset port (external 2.5mm to 3.5mm adapter)VVX video accessoryThe Polycom® VVX® Camera is a high quality USB video camera, designed as an easy add-on that complements the Polycom VVX 501 or VVX 601 desktop phones. The Polycom VVX Camera enables busy professionals to collaborate interactively with the best in class personal video communications experience.Application targetsExecutive, knowledge workers, busy professionals• High quality business grade video• Transmits Polycom HD Video resolution (720 p 30 fps) H.264 compression• Matches elegantly look and feel of the VVX 501 and VVX 601• Camera lens shutter for privacy• Lens mechanical adjustability to change camera angle for eye-level video calls• USB plug-and-play• Flexible—for use with VVX phone© 2018 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. All Polycom® names and marks associated with Polycom products are trademarks or service marks of Polycom, Inc. and are registered or common law marks in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. No portion hereof may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, for any purpose other than the recipient’s personal use, without the express written permission of Polycom.35980-0918Polycom, Inc.1.800.POLYCOM Polycom Asia Pacific Pte Ltd +65 6389 .sg Polycom EMEA +44 (0)1753 About PolycomPolycom helps organizations unleash the power of human collaboration. More than 400,000 companies and institutions worldwide defy distance with video, voice and content solutions from Polycom. Polycom and its global partner ecosystem provide flexiblecollaboration solutions for any environment that deliver the best user experience and unmatched investment protection.Paper-based• 40 multifunctional line keys configurableas line registration, call appearance,speed dial, DSS, or BLF• Dual-color (red or green) illuminated LEDsfor line status information LCD-based• 4.3 in. LCD (480 x 272 pixel resolution)• Color graphical user interface• 28 multifunctional line keys configurableas line registration, call appearance,speed dial, DSS, or BLF• Dual-color (red or green) illuminated LEDsfor line status information• 3 page keys for additional lineappearances (up to 84 in total)Expandability • Up to three VVX Expansion Modules can be attached to any VVX phone • Provided by Polycom VVX host phone • Host phone powering options: IEEE802.3 (af/at) PoE or using a compatibleexternal AC adapter• Power Expansion modulesThe Polycom ® VVX ® expansion modules turn your VVX business media phone into a high-performance attendant console.Application targetsTelephone attendant’s desk, front desk, team manager’s deskCompatible with Polycom VVX 301, 311, 401, 411, 501, 601。

This product is for professional use only. It is not for household use. It presents risks of lethal or severe injury due to electric shock. Read this user manual before powering or installing the Modules, follow the safety precautions listed below and observe all warnings in this manual and printed on the product If you have questions about how to operate the product safely, please contact your Martin supplier or call the Martin 24-hour service hotline on +45 8740 0000, or in the USA on 1888-tech-180.
GigMaster 30 管理指南 管道电子吉他放大器说明书

Operator's ManualTube Guitar AmplifierPlease, first read this manual carefully!GigMaster 30Front Panel FeaturesGigMaster 30. This compact tube-driven amp delivers to-die-for tone in a phenomenally portable package! Either version, Combo or Head, is your perfect sidekick for playing gigs, recording in studios, and practicing at home. It comes loaded with a bevy of convenient sound-sculpting features designed to make your musical life easier and more rewarding, including a built-in spring reverb, Gain Boost, and Master Volume Boost. This M.V.B. lets you access two different master volume levels on the fly via footswitch, for example, one for rhythm and the other for leads.Four EL84 pentode power tubes serve up the amp's sweet fundamental sound, while the preamp's ECC83 double triode dishes out lashings of overdrive and distortion. What's more, the GigMaster 30 sports two channels, Clean and Lead, to give you an even wider variety of tonal flavors. And its Mid Boost switch accentuates those middle frequencies that mean so much to the sound of an electric guitar. Six sound-shaping may be controlled remotely via footswitch, which gives you lots of tonal flexibility paired with utmost handling ease! This ingenious little amp is sure to delight with its warm, bluesy tone and assertive mids. But don't take our word for it - plug in, play, and enjoy!You'll find guidelines on care and maintenance of tube amps handling in certain places of this manual. Please read and heed these before operating your amp. You'll also come across boxes shaded grey throughout the manual. These are located between the descriptions of the amp's functions and contain handy tips on the preceding function. All critical information pertaining to the operation of this amp is preceded by "NOTE" or "CAUTION." Please pay particular attention to these safety tips. The ENGL team wishes you all the best —may you and your amp enjoy a "harmonically rich" future together!1 Input: ¼" unbalanced input jack. Plug your guitar in here using a shielded cord.2 Input Gain: This knob controls the preamp's input sensitivity. Use to dial in the desired amount of gain for the Clean and Lead channels. It and the Master (12) knob determine the Clean channel's amount of preamp distortion in Lead mode.Note: The amp's noise floor will increase appreciably if you crank both the Lead Drive and Input Gain knobs!CAUTION: Extremely high gain and volume levels in Lead mode can produce powerful feedback. Avoid feedback squeals; they can lead to hearing loss and damage speakers! At higher volumes, 5 Middle: Mid-range voicing control of the preamps ´s passive EQ.7 Reverb: Reverb intensity knob. Twist it to adjust the amount of reverb for Clean and Lead. Turn the Reverb control knob clockwise to increase the effect's intensity. The signal remains completely dry when the knob is set to the 7 o'clock position or if Reverb is deactivated via a footswitch. You can switch the reverb unit on and off using a footswitch connected to jack 18. The reverb unit is always on if you do not plug a footswitch into jack 18.8 Lead Volume: Volume control for the Lead channel (pre-FX loop, influences the Send level).The red LED above the channel switching selector (11) indicates Lead operating mode.Use this knob to dial in the desired balance of levels between the Lead and Clean channels.9 Mid Boost: This voicing feature operates globally, affecting both channels by boosting specificmidrange frequencies when activated. The LED above the button lights up to indicate Mid Boostis activated. It may also be switched using a footswitch connected to jack 19.above the button lights up to indicate Gain Boost is engaged. You can also control Gain BoostThis function can also be activated via the respective footswitch connected to jack 20.Once a footpedal is connected, the channel selector pushbutton is deactivated.12 Master: This master volume knob controls the power amp's output (it is located post FX Loop).M.V.B. (Master Volume Boost): This feature increases the master volume level, giving you instant access to two different volume levels for different musical situations, for instance, one for rhythm parts and the other for lead lines.You can control this feature via a footswitch connected to port 19.13 Power Tube Fuse: This red LED lights up to indicate one of the internal power tube fuses hasblown. You can continue playing, but the amp's performance will be diminished. Normally theloss of a power tube results in an unbalanced signal.Be sure to have a specialist look over the power amp as soon as possible; the fuse probably blew because of a defective power tube. Once a fuse has blown, it must be replaced by a new fuse.14 Stand By: Power amp standby switch: Use this switch to silence (0 position) the amp when youtake a break. The amp's tubes stay warm, which means that it is ready to roll immediatelywhen you switch it back to full power. The standby switch is also well-suited for muting the ampPlease note: ensure that the Stand By switch (14) is set to Stand By (0 position) before you switch the amp on. Let the tubes heat up for about 30 seconds before you activate the power amp. This procedure spares the tubes.CAUTION: After an extended period of operation and higher ambient temperatures the amps'schassis can become very hot, therefore avoid touching the rear panel surface !16 Mains Connector (AC Power Inlet; IEC - C14 connector)Plug the mains cord in here. For European models, use a standard non-heating equipment connector cable.CAUTION: Make sure you use an intact mains line cord with a grounded plug! Before you power the amp up, ensure the voltage value printed alongside the mains socket is the same as the current of the local power supply or wall outlet.Please also heed the guidelines set forth in the separately included pamphlet, Instructions for the Prevention of Fire, Electrical Shock and Injury.17 Mains Fuse Box: The rear chamber contains the mains fuse and in the front chamber, a spare fuse. CAUTION: ALWAYS make sure replacement fuses are of the same type and have the same ratings as the original fuse! Please refer to the fuse ratings table.18 Footswitch FX Off/On; Reverb: Use this ¼" Stereo jack to connect a conventional footswitch with two switching functions, for example, the ENGL Z-4 (2 x off/on - Single Pole Single Throw or SPST for short). This type of footswitch lets you switch the FX Loop and Reverb off and on. One of the two switches activates the FX Loop; the other engages the internal Reverb.The FX Loop and the Reverb system are activated by default if you do not connect a footswitch to this jack. Note also that a footswitch may be equipped with LEDs indicating the given switching status. Each of the two switches is provided with about 10 milliamperes of current, which suffices to power a standard LED. The jack's mono terminal (the tip) switches the FX Loop off and on, and the stereo terminal (the ring) switches Reverb off and on. For pin assignments, see "Wiring of Principal Connectors".19 Footswitch Mid Boost; M.V.B. (Master Volume Boost): Use this ¼" Stereo jack to connect a conventional footswitch with two switching functions, for example, the ENGL Z-4 (2 x off/on - Single Pole Single Throw or SPST for short).One of the two switches activates Mid Boost; the other engages Master Volume Boost.Plugging a footswitch into this jack disables onboard Mid Boost (9) switching. Note also that a footswitch may be equipped with LEDs indicating the given switching status. Each of the two switches is provided with about 10 milliamperes current, which suffices to power a standard LED. The jack's mono terminal (the tip) switches Mid Boost, while the stereo terminal (the ring) switches M.V.B. For pin assignments, see "Wiring of Principal Connectors".20 Footswitch Clean/Lead; Gain Boost: Use this ¼" Stereo jack to connect a conventional footswitch with two switching functions, for example, the ENGL Z-4 (2 x off/on - Single Pole Single Throw or SPST for short). This type of footswitch lets you access the two channels and Gain Boost. One of the two switches activates Clean or Lead; the other engages Gain Boost.Plugging a footswitch into this jack disables onboard channel (11) and Gain Boost (10) switching. Note also that a footswitch may be equipped with LEDs indicating the given switching status. Each of the two switches is provided with about 10 milliamperes current, which suffices to power a standard LED. The jack's mono terminal (the tip) selects Clean or Lead, while the stereo terminal shortest possible shielded cord equipped with ¼" plugs.22 FX Loop Return: Use a shielded cord equipped with ¼" jack plugs to connect an effects device's output or send jack to this input. You can control the FX Loop remotely via a footswitch connected to port 18. The FX Loop is active (on) by default when no footswitch is connected to port 18. Remark: The FX Loop is located between the preamp and power amp in the signal path. Inserting a ¼" jack plug into the Return port interrupts the circuit between the preamp and power amp.Rear Panel Features23 Line Out - 0 dB Poweramp Signal: This port taps the power amp's output to provide a line out signal configured at a level of about 0 dB. The frequency response is identical to that of the power amp output signal. In other words, its frequency response has not been compensated or corrected.You can feed this signal to another linear power amp. Another option is to patch it through an outboard filter to emulate a speaker, for example, a 4x12 cabinet simulation, and feed this externally processed signal to a recording device or PA system.24 Poweramp Output 8 Ohms, internal speaker: This 8-ohm speaker out is wired in parallel with port 25. Connect an 8-ohm cabinet or, in the case of the E300 Combo, its internal speaker to it.25 Poweramp Output 8 Ohms parallel: This 8-ohm speaker out is wired in parallel with port 24. Use it in combination with port 24 to connect two 16-ohm cabinets.26 Poweramp Output A -16 Ohms serial: 16-ohm speaker out, connected internally in series withOutput B (jack 27). Connect a 16-ohm cabinet here (Output A). Two 8-ohm speakers are connected to Output A (jack 26) and Output B (jack 27), for example a combination of the internal 8-ohm speaker of the Combo E300 and an external 8-ohm cabinet, e.g. the ENGL models E112 or E412. CAUTION: If you intend to use a 16-ohm cabinet only, make absolutely certain you connect it to Output A (jack 26).Output B (jack 27) is only enabled when a speaker is connected to Output A (jack 20).27 Poweramp Output B - 16 Ohms serial: This is an auxiliary output connected in series with Output A (jack 26). This output is designed for one application for only —when you are driving a combination of two 8-ohm cabinets/speakers. This output may only be used when an 8-ohm speaker is connected to Output A (jack 26).NOTE: Never operate the amplifier without a sufficient load, otherwise you may damage or destroy the power amp!Speaker/ cabinet options:You can connect one 8-ohm cabinet (or the Combo's internal speaker) to the 8-Ohm Output (24); or two 16-ohm cabs to the two 8-Ohm Outputs (ports 24 and 25); or one 16-ohm cab to Output A (port 26);or two 8-ohm cabs to Output A and B (ports 26 and 27).Tube array:Reverb Connector:red plug:reverb spring inputblack plug:reverb spring outputHandling and Care* Keep the amp safe from hard knocks and shocks. Tubes are fragile and tend to suffer when exposed to mechanical stress!* Let the amp cool down before you transport it. Ten minutes or so will spare the tubes.* Tubes take some 20 seconds to warm up after you switch the power on, andabout two to three minutes before they are able to pump out full power. Make a habit of giving your amp plenty of time to get toasty and flipping the Standby switch for short breaks.* In order to spare the power tubes and prolong their lifetime, we recommend to set theStand By switch to Stand By (0 position, that is) before you switch the amp on. After a period of 30 seconds you may activate the poweramp by flipping the Stand By switch.* Avoid storing the amp in damp or dusty rooms to spare jacks, switches and potentiometers. If you don't use the amp all the time, I recommend that you drape a covering over it to prevent the intrusion of dust. Even better, keep it in a transport cover or flight case.* Never use caustic or scouring detergents to clean the amp's housing, front or rear panels.Use a soft, damp cloth or sponge with diluted soapsuds or a standard brand of mild dishwashing liquid instead. Never use solvents they can corrode the amp's vinyl skin and dissolve the front and rear panel labels. Keep liquids well away from the amp, particularly the interior of the housing.* Make sure air can circulate at the rear and top of the amp to allow for adequate cooling, which increases component life.* Never operate the amp without an adequate load (a speaker, cabinet or suitable terminating resistor).* High ambient temperatures place an additional strain on diverse components; so if at all possible, avoid operating the amp at temperatures far higher than 30°C (86°F) for longer periods.Running the amp at mains voltages exceeding the nominal mains input voltage over longer periods can also shorten component life.* Replace tubes with selected tubes that satisfy ENGL selection criteria to forestall microphonic properties, undesirable noise and unbalanced power amp signals.Because power tubes' idle current (bias) must checked and possibly adjusted when replacing tubes, this is a job best left to experienced and authorized specialists.Technical DataRated power: approx. 30 watts at 8 or 16 ohms;Input sensitivity level Input, Clean channel: -20 dBInput sensitivity FX Return: -10 dB, approx. +10 dB max.;Output level FX Send, level range: -10 dB to approx. +5 dB peak;Tubes: V1: ECC 83 (12AX7) selected; V2, V3, V4, V5: EL 84 (6BQ5) matched set.Fuses:Mains fuse: 0.63 ATL (slow) for the 230 Volt model;1.25 ATL (slow) in the 100 and 120 Volt models.Power Tube Fuses (internal): 4 x 0.063 AM (63 mA medium blow)Important: Replace fuses only against same type and rating!Power Consumption: approx. 138 watts max.Dimensions: Head - E305 approx. 49.5 x 22 (24) x 25 cm; 19.5" x 8.7" x 9.8"; (W x H x D) Combo - E300 approx. 49.5 x 43 (45) x 25 cm; 19.5" x 17" x 9.8"; Weight: Head - E305 approx. 12 kg; 26.5 lbs; Combo - E300 approx. 18 kg; 39.7 lbs;Speaker in Combo E300: 12" Celestion;Tube replacement report:Replaced on: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20 _ _ _ Replaced by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Replaced tubes V1: O V2: O V3: O V4: O V5: OReason: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Troubleshooting* The amp does not power-up after you have switched the power on.The control lamp inside the power switch (15) does not light.-> Is the mains cord connected to the receptacle / live power source ?-> Is the power cable you are using intact ? Try another equal mains cable.-> Is the mains lead properly connected to the AC Power Inlet (16) at the amp ?-> Possibly the mains fuse (17) has blown, unplug the mains cord from the mains connectorand the receptacle and check the mains fuse.* The amp fails to respond when you try to control switching functions remotelyusing a footboard such as the Z-4 or a MIDI switcher such as the ENGL Z-11.-> Are the footpedals (or the switching loops) connected to the correspondingfootswitch jacks (18, 19, 20) ?-> Are the cords you are using stereo, intact, and wired properly ?(Refer to "Wiring of Principal Connectors" for pin assignments.)-> If you are using footswitches other than an ENGL Z-4 or Z-11, are the switches or relays inside the boards or switching loop systems off / on Single Pole Single Throw (SPST) switches? In other words, do these switches continuously connect to GND when you wish to activate the given function?If you're unsure about the answers to these questions, consult an authorized service centeror a professional specialist.* The amp is not providing an output signal / no sound is emanatingfrom the speaker.-> Is at least one speaker connected to the speaker outputs 8 ohms (24, 25) or 16 ohms (26) ?-> Is the power amp activated (Standby switch to ON) ?-> Are all cords (guitar, effect, and speaker) connected properly and are they functional ?-> Unplug connected effectors and see if the amp works fine without these peripheral devices.-> Are the Master, Lead Drive or Lead Volume knobs set to a value greater than 0 ?If any of these knobs is fully down, no signal is routed to the amp's outputs.-> You may be looking at a faulty tube or another defect. (the internal power tube fuses blown, etc.) In this case, be sure to take the preamp to an authorized, professional service center.* The speaker is emitting humming noises:-> Is there a connection (for example, via a shielded circuit, e.g. Line Out) between the ampand another device that is grounded via a power plug of its own?Two or more circuits sharing a common electrical ground line can cause audible hum.If low-frequency noise is emanating from your rig, be sure to consult a specialist.-> The amp and mains grounds are not connected properly or are altogetherdisconnected. Have an experienced specialist check this.-> Cords connected to the input or effect loops may not be shielded properly.Replace them to check if this is indeed the case.-> The amp or speaker cords may be picking up interference from powerfulmagnetic fields (for example, of nearby power transformers or electrical motors).Reposition the amp and connector cables.-> The amp or speaker cords may be picking up radio signals, for example,from activated mobile telephones or powerful local transmitting stations nearby.Switch off mobile phones while troubleshooting noise problems.CAUTION! Please read and heed the following:You'll find an ancillary pamphlet accompanying this owner's manual entitledInstructions for the Prevention of Fire, Electrical Shock and Injury.Be sure to read it before you plug in and power up the amp!1. Use a dual footswitch such as the ENGL Z-4, connecting it to the amp via a stereo cord equippedwith ¼" jack plugs. You can switch channels and Gain Boost via the dual footswitch connected to port 20, Mid Boost and M.V.B. via the dual footswitch connected to port 19, and FX Loop Off/On and Reverb Off/On via the dual footswitch connected to port 18.2. Use a MIDI switcher such as the ENGL Z-11, c onnecting it to the amp via three stereo cordsequipped with ¼" jack plugs. The buttons on the switcher can serve to control Clean/Lead, Gain Boost, Mid Boost, M.V.B., the FX Loop, and Reverb.You can also program all kinds of switching setups to the various MIDI program locations. Here's just one example: You could configure MIDI Preset #1 so that the Clean channel, Gain Boost, and Reverb are on, while Mid Boost, M.V.B., and the FX Loop are off. Then you could set MIDI Preset #2 up so that Lead channel, Mid Boost, and M.V.B. are on, while Gain Boost, the FX Loop, and Reverb are off.Whatever setups you decide to program, you can easily activate the desired configuration directly viaa MIDI board such as the ENGL Z-9, Z-12, or Z-15.This type of control option is extremely versatile; we recommend it highly if you intend to use the amp in conjunction with any MIDI system, including MIDI effects devices.Stereo1/4" jacktip: refer to*Tring: refer to *Rsleeve: Ground (Shield)Use a stereoplug only!Stereo1/4" plug*Rtip *TWiring of Principal Connectors: Footswitch (18, 19, 20)Your options for controlling the GigMaster 30 amp remotely:Technical specifications are subject to change without notice.ENGL Gerätebau GmbHInternet: Text, design, graphics and layout byHorst Langer, ENGL Amp DesignerFootswitch jack (20):*R: A switch connected to this terminal controlsGain Boost: off <--> on;*T: A switch connected to this terminal controlsChannel switching: Clean <--> Lead;Footswitch jack (18):*R: A switch connected to this terminal controlsReverb: off <--> on;*T: A switch connected to this terminal controlsFX Loop: off <--> on;Footswitch jack (19):*R: A switch connected to this terminal controlsM.V.B. off <--> on (low / high level);*T: A switch connected to this terminal controlsMid boost: off <--> on;。

ハッピーシンセサイザ君の胸の奥まで届くようなメロディ奏でるよ(Happy Synthesizer kimi no mune no oku made todoku youna merodei kanaderuyo)儚く散った淡い片思い笑い話だね今となれば見る物全て輝いて見えたあの日々がキレイに笑ってるよ(hakanaku chitta awai kataomoi waraibanashi dane ima tonarebamiru mono subete kagayaite mietaano hibi ga kirei ni waratteruyo)我慢する事だけ覚えなきゃいけないの?「大人になって頂戴ね?」ならなくていいよ知らない事ばかり知らないなんて言えなくて「大変お似合いで」ウソついてゴメンね(gaman suru koto dake oboe nakyaikenaino? "otona ninatte choudaine?" naranakute iiyo shiranai koto bakari shira nainante ie nakute "taihen o niai de" usotsuite gomenne)ハッピーシンセサイザ君の胸の奥まで届くようなメロディ奏でるつまらない「たてまえ」やヤな事全部消しであげるからこの音で何の取り柄もない僕に唯一つ少しだけど出来る事心躍らせる飾らない言葉電子音で伝えるよ(Happy Synthesizer kimi no mune no oku madetodoku youna merodei kanaderuyotsumaranai "tatemae" ya ya na koto zenbukeshite agerukara kono oto denanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsusukoshi dakedo dekiru kotokokoro odoraseru kazaranai kotobadenshion de tsutaeruyo)好きになる事理屈なんかじゃなくて「こじつけ」なんていらないんじゃない?時代のせいと諦めたらそこまで踏み出さなくちゃ何も始まらない(suki ninaru koto rikutsu nankajanakute "kojitsuke" nante iranainjanai?jidai noseito akirametara sokomadefumidasa nakucha nanimo hajimaranai)「ゴメンね夜遅く寝るところだったでしょ?」「驚いた私もかけようとしてた」心の裏側をくすぐられてるような惹かれあう2人に幸せな音を("gomenne yoruosokuneru to korodattadesho?" "odoroita watashi mo kakeyoutoshiteta"kokoro no uragawa wo kusugurareteru youna hikareau futari ni shiawasena oto wo)ハッピーシンセサイザほらね楽しくなるよ涙拭うメロディ奏でるよ強がらなくたっていいんじゃない?別に自分に素直になればいい(Happy Synthesizer horane tanoshi kunaruyo namida nuguu merodei kanaderuyotsuyogaranakutatte iinjanai? betsunijibun ni sunao ninarebaii)何の取り柄も無い僕に唯一つ少しだけど出来る事ちょっと照れるような単純な気持ち電子音で伝えるよ(nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu sukoshi dakedo dekiru kotochotto tereruyouna tanjunna kimochi denshion de tsutaeruyo)ハッピーシンセサイザ君の胸の奥まで届くようなメロディ奏でるつまらない「たてまえ」やヤな事全部消しであげるからこの音で(Happy Synthesizer kimi no mune no oku made todoku youna merodei kanaderuyo tsumaranai "tatemae" ya ya na koto zenbu keshite agerukara kono oto de)何の取り柄もない僕に唯一つ少しだけど出来る事心躍らせる飾らない言葉電子音で伝えるよ(nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu sukoshi dakedo dekiru kotokokoro odora serukazaranai kotobadenshion de tsutaeruyo)ハッピーシンセサイザほらね楽しくなるよ涙拭うメロディ奏でるよ強がらなくたっていいんじゃない?別に自分に素直になればいい(Happy Synthesizer horane tanoshi kunaruyo namida nuguu merodei kanaderuyo tsuyogaranakutatte iinjanai? betsunijibun ni sunao ninarebaii)何の取り柄も無い僕に唯一つ少しだけど出来る事ちょっと照れるような単純な気持ち電子音で伝えるよ(nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu sukoshi dakedo dekiru kotochotto tereruyouna tanjunna kimochidenshion de tsutaeruyo)。
Native Instruments MASCHINE MIKRO MK3用户手册说明书

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Native Instruments GmbH. The software described by this docu-ment is subject to a License Agreement and may not be copied to other media. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or otherwise transmitted or recorded, for any purpose, without prior written permission by Native Instruments GmbH, hereinafter referred to as Native Instruments.“Native Instruments”, “NI” and associated logos are (registered) trademarks of Native Instru-ments GmbH.ASIO, VST, HALion and Cubase are registered trademarks of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH.All other product and company names are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their re-spective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.Document authored by: David Gover and Nico Sidi.Software version: 2.8 (02/2019)Hardware version: MASCHINE MIKRO MK3Special thanks to the Beta Test Team, who were invaluable not just in tracking down bugs, but in making this a better product.NATIVE INSTRUMENTS GmbH Schlesische Str. 29-30D-10997 Berlin Germanywww.native-instruments.de NATIVE INSTRUMENTS North America, Inc. 6725 Sunset Boulevard5th FloorLos Angeles, CA 90028USANATIVE INSTRUMENTS K.K.YO Building 3FJingumae 6-7-15, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0001Japanwww.native-instruments.co.jp NATIVE INSTRUMENTS UK Limited 18 Phipp StreetLondon EC2A 4NUUKNATIVE INSTRUMENTS FRANCE SARL 113 Rue Saint-Maur75011 ParisFrance SHENZHEN NATIVE INSTRUMENTS COMPANY Limited 5F, Shenzhen Zimao Center111 Taizi Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, GuangdongChina© NATIVE INSTRUMENTS GmbH, 2019. All rights reserved.Table of Contents1Welcome to MASCHINE (23)1.1MASCHINE Documentation (24)1.2Document Conventions (25)1.3New Features in MASCHINE 2.8 (26)1.4New Features in MASCHINE 2.7.10 (28)1.5New Features in MASCHINE 2.7.8 (29)1.6New Features in MASCHINE 2.7.7 (29)1.7New Features in MASCHINE 2.7.4 (31)1.8New Features in MASCHINE 2.7.3 (33)2Quick Reference (35)2.1MASCHINE Project Overview (35)2.1.1Sound Content (35)2.1.2Arrangement (37)2.2MASCHINE Hardware Overview (40)2.2.1MASCHINE MIKRO Hardware Overview (40) Section (41) Section (42) Section (43) Section (45) Section (46) Panel (50)2.3MASCHINE Software Overview (51)2.3.1Header (52)2.3.2Browser (54)2.3.3Arranger (56)2.3.4Control Area (59)2.3.5Pattern Editor (60)3Basic Concepts (62)3.1Important Names and Concepts (62)3.2Adjusting the MASCHINE User Interface (65)3.2.1Adjusting the Size of the Interface (65)3.2.2Switching between Ideas View and Song View (66)3.2.3Showing/Hiding the Browser (67)3.2.4Showing/Hiding the Control Lane (67)3.3Common Operations (68)3.3.1Adjusting Volume, Swing, and Tempo (68)3.3.2Undo/Redo (71)3.3.3Focusing on a Group or a Sound (73)3.3.4Switching Between the Master, Group, and Sound Level (77)3.3.5Navigating Channel Properties, Plug-ins, and Parameter Pages in the Control Area.773.3.6Navigating the Software Using the Controller (82)3.3.7Using Two or More Hardware Controllers (82)3.3.8Loading a Recent Project from the Controller (84)3.4Native Kontrol Standard (85)3.5Stand-Alone and Plug-in Mode (86)3.5.1Differences between Stand-Alone and Plug-in Mode (86)3.5.2Switching Instances (88)3.6Preferences (88)3.6.1Preferences – General Page (89)3.6.2Preferences – Audio Page (93)3.6.3Preferences – MIDI Page (95)3.6.4Preferences – Default Page (97)3.6.5Preferences – Library Page (101)3.6.6Preferences – Plug-ins Page (109)3.6.7Preferences – Hardware Page (114)3.6.8Preferences – Colors Page (114)3.7Integrating MASCHINE into a MIDI Setup (117)3.7.1Connecting External MIDI Equipment (117)3.7.2Sync to External MIDI Clock (117)3.7.3Send MIDI Clock (118)3.7.4Using MIDI Mode (119)3.8Syncing MASCHINE using Ableton Link (120)3.8.1Connecting to a Network (121)3.8.2Joining and Leaving a Link Session (121)4Browser (123)4.1Browser Basics (123)4.1.1The MASCHINE Library (123)4.1.2Browsing the Library vs. Browsing Your Hard Disks (124)4.2Searching and Loading Files from the Library (125)4.2.1Overview of the Library Pane (125)4.2.2Selecting or Loading a Product and Selecting a Bank from the Browser (128)4.2.3Selecting a Product Category, a Product, a Bank, and a Sub-Bank (133) a Product Category, a Product, a Bank, and a Sub-Bank on theController (137)4.2.4Selecting a File Type (137)4.2.5Choosing Between Factory and User Content (138)4.2.6Selecting Type and Character Tags (138)4.2.7Performing a Text Search (142)4.2.8Loading a File from the Result List (143)4.3Additional Browsing Tools (148)4.3.1Loading the Selected Files Automatically (148)4.3.2Auditioning Instrument Presets (149)4.3.3Auditioning Samples (150)4.3.4Loading Groups with Patterns (150)4.3.5Loading Groups with Routing (151)4.3.6Displaying File Information (151)4.4Using Favorites in the Browser (152)4.5Editing the Files’ Tags and Properties (155)4.5.1Attribute Editor Basics (155)4.5.2The Bank Page (157)4.5.3The Types and Characters Pages (157)4.5.4The Properties Page (160)4.6Loading and Importing Files from Your File System (161)4.6.1Overview of the FILES Pane (161)4.6.2Using Favorites (163)4.6.3Using the Location Bar (164)4.6.4Navigating to Recent Locations (165)4.6.5Using the Result List (166)4.6.6Importing Files to the MASCHINE Library (169)4.7Locating Missing Samples (171)4.8Using Quick Browse (173)5Managing Sounds, Groups, and Your Project (175)5.1Overview of the Sounds, Groups, and Master (175)5.1.1The Sound, Group, and Master Channels (176)5.1.2Similarities and Differences in Handling Sounds and Groups (177)5.1.3Selecting Multiple Sounds or Groups (178)5.2Managing Sounds (181)5.2.1Loading Sounds (183)5.2.2Pre-listening to Sounds (184)5.2.3Renaming Sound Slots (185)5.2.4Changing the Sound’s Color (186)5.2.5Saving Sounds (187)5.2.6Copying and Pasting Sounds (189)5.2.7Moving Sounds (192)5.2.8Resetting Sound Slots (193)5.3Managing Groups (194)5.3.1Creating Groups (196)5.3.2Loading Groups (197)5.3.3Renaming Groups (198)5.3.4Changing the Group’s Color (199)5.3.5Saving Groups (200)5.3.6Copying and Pasting Groups (202)5.3.7Reordering Groups (206)5.3.8Deleting Groups (207)5.4Exporting MASCHINE Objects and Audio (208)5.4.1Saving a Group with its Samples (208)5.4.2Saving a Project with its Samples (210)5.4.3Exporting Audio (212)5.5Importing Third-Party File Formats (218)5.5.1Loading REX Files into Sound Slots (218)5.5.2Importing MPC Programs to Groups (219)6Playing on the Controller (223)6.1Adjusting the Pads (223)6.1.1The Pad View in the Software (223)6.1.2Choosing a Pad Input Mode (225)6.1.3Adjusting the Base Key (226)6.2Adjusting the Key, Choke, and Link Parameters for Multiple Sounds (227)6.3Playing Tools (229)6.3.1Mute and Solo (229)6.3.2Choke All Notes (233)6.3.3Groove (233)6.3.4Level, Tempo, Tune, and Groove Shortcuts on Your Controller (235)6.3.5Tap Tempo (235)6.4Performance Features (236)6.4.1Overview of the Perform Features (236)6.4.2Selecting a Scale and Creating Chords (239)6.4.3Scale and Chord Parameters (240)6.4.4Creating Arpeggios and Repeated Notes (253)6.4.5Swing on Note Repeat / Arp Output (257)6.5Using Lock Snapshots (257)6.5.1Creating a Lock Snapshot (257)7Working with Plug-ins (259)7.1Plug-in Overview (259)7.1.1Plug-in Basics (259)7.1.2First Plug-in Slot of Sounds: Choosing the Sound’s Role (263)7.1.3Loading, Removing, and Replacing a Plug-in (264)7.1.4Adjusting the Plug-in Parameters (270)7.1.5Bypassing Plug-in Slots (270)7.1.6Using Side-Chain (272)7.1.7Moving Plug-ins (272)7.1.8Alternative: the Plug-in Strip (273)7.1.9Saving and Recalling Plug-in Presets (273) Plug-in Presets (274) Plug-in Presets (275) a Default Plug-in Preset (276)7.2The Sampler Plug-in (277)7.2.1Page 1: Voice Settings / Engine (279)7.2.2Page 2: Pitch / Envelope (281)7.2.3Page 3: FX / Filter (283)7.2.4Page 4: Modulation (285)7.2.5Page 5: LFO (286)7.2.6Page 6: Velocity / Modwheel (288)7.3Using Native Instruments and External Plug-ins (289)7.3.1Opening/Closing Plug-in Windows (289)7.3.2Using the VST/AU Plug-in Parameters (292)7.3.3Setting Up Your Own Parameter Pages (293)7.3.4Using VST/AU Plug-in Presets (298)7.3.5Multiple-Output Plug-ins and Multitimbral Plug-ins (300)8Using the Audio Plug-in (302)8.1Loading a Loop into the Audio Plug-in (306)8.2Editing Audio in the Audio Plug-in (307)8.3Using Loop Mode (308)8.4Using Gate Mode (310)9Using the Drumsynths (312)9.1Drumsynths – General Handling (313)9.1.1Engines: Many Different Drums per Drumsynth (313)9.1.2Common Parameter Organization (313)9.1.3Shared Parameters (316)9.1.4Various Velocity Responses (316)9.1.5Pitch Range, Tuning, and MIDI Notes (316)9.2The Kicks (317)9.2.1Kick – Sub (319)9.2.2Kick – Tronic (321)9.2.3Kick – Dusty (324)9.2.4Kick – Grit (325)9.2.5Kick – Rasper (328)9.2.6Kick – Snappy (329)9.2.7Kick – Bold (331)9.2.8Kick – Maple (333)9.2.9Kick – Push (334)9.3The Snares (336)9.3.1Snare – Volt (338)9.3.2Snare – Bit (340)9.3.3Snare – Pow (342)9.3.4Snare – Sharp (343)9.3.5Snare – Airy (345)9.3.6Snare – Vintage (347)9.3.7Snare – Chrome (349)9.3.8Snare – Iron (351)9.3.9Snare – Clap (353)9.3.10Snare – Breaker (355)9.4The Hi-hats (357)9.4.1Hi-hat – Silver (358)9.4.2Hi-hat – Circuit (360)9.4.3Hi-hat – Memory (362)9.4.4Hi-hat – Hybrid (364)9.4.5Creating a Pattern with Closed and Open Hi-hats (366)9.5The Toms (367)9.5.1Tom – Tronic (369)9.5.2Tom – Fractal (371)9.5.3Tom – Floor (375)9.5.4Tom – High (377)9.6The Percussions (378)9.6.1Percussion – Fractal (380)9.6.2Percussion – Kettle (383)9.6.3Percussion – Shaker (385)9.7The Cymbals (389)9.7.1Cymbal – Crash (391)9.7.2Cymbal – Ride (393)10Using the Bass Synth (396)10.1Bass Synth – General Handling (397)10.1.1Parameter Organization (397)10.1.2Bass Synth Parameters (399)11Working with Patterns (401)11.1Pattern Basics (401)11.1.1Pattern Editor Overview (402)11.1.2Navigating the Event Area (404)11.1.3Following the Playback Position in the Pattern (406)11.1.4Jumping to Another Playback Position in the Pattern (407)11.1.5Group View and Keyboard View (408)11.1.6Adjusting the Arrange Grid and the Pattern Length (410)11.1.7Adjusting the Step Grid and the Nudge Grid (413)11.2Recording Patterns in Real Time (416)11.2.1Recording Your Patterns Live (417)11.2.2Using the Metronome (419)11.2.3Recording with Count-in (420)11.3Recording Patterns with the Step Sequencer (422)11.3.1Step Mode Basics (422)11.3.2Editing Events in Step Mode (424)11.4Editing Events (425)11.4.1Editing Events with the Mouse: an Overview (425)11.4.2Creating Events/Notes (428)11.4.3Selecting Events/Notes (429)11.4.4Editing Selected Events/Notes (431)11.4.5Deleting Events/Notes (434)11.4.6Cut, Copy, and Paste Events/Notes (436)11.4.7Quantizing Events/Notes (439)11.4.8Quantization While Playing (441)11.4.9Doubling a Pattern (442)11.4.10Adding Variation to Patterns (442)11.5Recording and Editing Modulation (443)11.5.1Which Parameters Are Modulatable? (444)11.5.2Recording Modulation (446)11.5.3Creating and Editing Modulation in the Control Lane (447)11.6Creating MIDI Tracks from Scratch in MASCHINE (452)11.7Managing Patterns (454)11.7.1The Pattern Manager and Pattern Mode (455)11.7.2Selecting Patterns and Pattern Banks (456)11.7.3Creating Patterns (459)11.7.4Deleting Patterns (460)11.7.5Creating and Deleting Pattern Banks (461)11.7.6Naming Patterns (463)11.7.7Changing the Pattern’s Color (465)11.7.8Duplicating, Copying, and Pasting Patterns (466)11.7.9Moving Patterns (469)11.8Importing/Exporting Audio and MIDI to/from Patterns (470)11.8.1Exporting Audio from Patterns (470)11.8.2Exporting MIDI from Patterns (472)11.8.3Importing MIDI to Patterns (474)12Audio Routing, Remote Control, and Macro Controls (483)12.1Audio Routing in MASCHINE (484)12.1.1Sending External Audio to Sounds (485)12.1.2Configuring the Main Output of Sounds and Groups (489)12.1.3Setting Up Auxiliary Outputs for Sounds and Groups (494)12.1.4Configuring the Master and Cue Outputs of MASCHINE (497)12.1.5Mono Audio Inputs (502) External Inputs for Sounds in Mix View (503)12.2Using MIDI Control and Host Automation (506)12.2.1Triggering Sounds via MIDI Notes (507)12.2.2Triggering Scenes via MIDI (513)12.2.3Controlling Parameters via MIDI and Host Automation (514)12.2.4Selecting VST/AU Plug-in Presets via MIDI Program Change (522)12.2.5Sending MIDI from Sounds (523)12.3Creating Custom Sets of Parameters with the Macro Controls (527)12.3.1Macro Control Overview (527)12.3.2Assigning Macro Controls Using the Software (528)13Controlling Your Mix (535)13.1Mix View Basics (535)13.1.1Switching between Arrange View and Mix View (535)13.1.2Mix View Elements (536)13.2The Mixer (537)13.2.1Displaying Groups vs. Displaying Sounds (539)13.2.2Adjusting the Mixer Layout (541)13.2.3Selecting Channel Strips (542)13.2.4Managing Your Channels in the Mixer (543)13.2.5Adjusting Settings in the Channel Strips (545)13.2.6Using the Cue Bus (549)13.3The Plug-in Chain (551)13.4The Plug-in Strip (552)13.4.1The Plug-in Header (554)13.4.2Panels for Drumsynths and Internal Effects (556)13.4.3Panel for the Sampler (557)13.4.4Custom Panels for Native Instruments Plug-ins (560)13.4.5Undocking a Plug-in Panel (Native Instruments and External Plug-ins Only) (564)14Using Effects (567)14.1Applying Effects to a Sound, a Group or the Master (567)14.1.1Adding an Effect (567)14.1.2Other Operations on Effects (574)14.1.3Using the Side-Chain Input (575)14.2Applying Effects to External Audio (578)14.2.1Step 1: Configure MASCHINE Audio Inputs (578)14.2.2Step 2: Set up a Sound to Receive the External Input (579)14.2.3Step 3: Load an Effect to Process an Input (579)14.3Creating a Send Effect (580)14.3.1Step 1: Set Up a Sound or Group as Send Effect (581)14.3.2Step 2: Route Audio to the Send Effect (583)14.3.3 A Few Notes on Send Effects (583)14.4Creating Multi-Effects (584)15Effect Reference (587)15.1Dynamics (588)15.1.1Compressor (588)15.1.2Gate (591)15.1.3Transient Master (594)15.1.4Limiter (596)15.1.5Maximizer (600)15.2Filtering Effects (603)15.2.1EQ (603)15.2.2Filter (605)15.2.3Cabinet (609)15.3Modulation Effects (611)15.3.1Chorus (611)15.3.2Flanger (612)15.3.3FM (613)15.3.4Freq Shifter (615)15.3.5Phaser (616)15.4Spatial and Reverb Effects (617)15.4.1Ice (617)15.4.2Metaverb (619)15.4.3Reflex (620)15.4.4Reverb (Legacy) (621)15.4.5Reverb (623) Room (623) Hall (626) Reverb (629)15.5Delays (630)15.5.1Beat Delay (630)15.5.2Grain Delay (632)15.5.3Grain Stretch (634)15.5.4Resochord (636)15.6Distortion Effects (638)15.6.1Distortion (638)15.6.2Lofi (640)15.6.3Saturator (641)15.7Perform FX (645)15.7.1Filter (646)15.7.2Flanger (648)15.7.3Burst Echo (650)15.7.4Reso Echo (653)15.7.5Ring (656)15.7.6Stutter (658)15.7.7Tremolo (661)15.7.8Scratcher (664)16Working with the Arranger (667)16.1Arranger Basics (667)16.1.1Navigating Song View (670)16.1.2Following the Playback Position in Your Project (672)16.1.3Performing with Scenes and Sections using the Pads (673)16.2Using Ideas View (677)16.2.1Scene Overview (677)16.2.2Creating Scenes (679)16.2.3Assigning and Removing Patterns (679)16.2.4Selecting Scenes (682)16.2.5Deleting Scenes (684)16.2.6Creating and Deleting Scene Banks (685)16.2.7Clearing Scenes (685)16.2.8Duplicating Scenes (685)16.2.9Reordering Scenes (687)16.2.10Making Scenes Unique (688)16.2.11Appending Scenes to Arrangement (689)16.2.12Naming Scenes (689)16.2.13Changing the Color of a Scene (690)16.3Using Song View (692)16.3.1Section Management Overview (692)16.3.2Creating Sections (694)16.3.3Assigning a Scene to a Section (695)16.3.4Selecting Sections and Section Banks (696)16.3.5Reorganizing Sections (700)16.3.6Adjusting the Length of a Section (702) the Length of a Section Using the Software (703) the Length of a Section Using the Controller (705)16.3.7Clearing a Pattern in Song View (705)16.3.8Duplicating Sections (705) Sections Unique (707)16.3.9Removing Sections (707)16.3.10Renaming Scenes (708)16.3.11Clearing Sections (710)16.3.12Creating and Deleting Section Banks (710)16.3.13Working with Patterns in Song view (710) a Pattern in Song View (711) a Pattern in Song View (711) a Pattern in Song View (711) a Pattern in Song View (711) a Pattern in Song View (712) a Pattern in Song View (712) a Pattern in Song View (712)16.3.14Enabling Auto Length (713)16.3.15Looping (714) the Loop Range in the Software (714) or Deactivating a Loop Using the Controller (715)16.4Playing with Sections (715)16.4.1Jumping to another Playback Position in Your Project (716)16.5Triggering Sections or Scenes via MIDI (717)16.6The Arrange Grid (719)16.7Quick Grid (720)17Sampling and Sample Mapping (722)17.1Opening the Sample Editor (722)17.2Recording Audio (724)17.2.1Opening the Record Page (724)17.2.2Selecting the Source and the Recording Mode (725)17.2.3Arming, Starting, and Stopping the Recording (729)17.2.5Checking Your Recordings (731)17.2.6Location and Name of Your Recorded Samples (734)17.3Editing a Sample (735)17.3.1Using the Edit Page (735)17.3.2Audio Editing Functions (739)17.4Slicing a Sample (743)17.4.1Opening the Slice Page (743)17.4.2Adjusting the Slicing Settings (744)17.4.3Manually Adjusting Your Slices (746)17.4.4Applying the Slicing (750)17.5Mapping Samples to Zones (754)17.5.1Opening the Zone Page (754)17.5.2Zone Page Overview (755)17.5.3Selecting and Managing Zones in the Zone List (756)17.5.4Selecting and Editing Zones in the Map View (761)17.5.5Editing Zones in the Sample View (765)17.5.6Adjusting the Zone Settings (767)17.5.7Adding Samples to the Sample Map (770)18Appendix: Tips for Playing Live (772)18.1Preparations (772)18.1.1Focus on the Hardware (772)18.1.2Customize the Pads of the Hardware (772)18.1.3Check Your CPU Power Before Playing (772)18.1.4Name and Color Your Groups, Patterns, Sounds and Scenes (773)18.1.5Consider Using a Limiter on Your Master (773)18.1.6Hook Up Your Other Gear and Sync It with MIDI Clock (773)18.1.7Improvise (773)18.2Basic Techniques (773)18.2.1Use Mute and Solo (773)18.2.2Create Variations of Your Drum Patterns in the Step Sequencer (774)18.2.3Use Note Repeat (774)18.2.4Set Up Your Own Multi-effect Groups and Automate Them (774)18.3Special Tricks (774)18.3.1Changing Pattern Length for Variation (774)18.3.2Using Loops to Cycle Through Samples (775)18.3.3Load Long Audio Files and Play with the Start Point (775)19Troubleshooting (776)19.1Knowledge Base (776)19.2Technical Support (776)19.3Registration Support (777)19.4User Forum (777)20Glossary (778)Index (786)1Welcome to MASCHINEThank you for buying MASCHINE!MASCHINE is a groove production studio that implements the familiar working style of classi-cal groove boxes along with the advantages of a computer based system. MASCHINE is ideal for making music live, as well as in the studio. It’s the hands-on aspect of a dedicated instru-ment, the MASCHINE hardware controller, united with the advanced editing features of the MASCHINE software.Creating beats is often not very intuitive with a computer, but using the MASCHINE hardware controller to do it makes it easy and fun. You can tap in freely with the pads or use Note Re-peat to jam along. Alternatively, build your beats using the step sequencer just as in classic drum machines.Patterns can be intuitively combined and rearranged on the fly to form larger ideas. You can try out several different versions of a song without ever having to stop the music.Since you can integrate it into any sequencer that supports VST, AU, or AAX plug-ins, you can reap the benefits in almost any software setup, or use it as a stand-alone application. You can sample your own material, slice loops and rearrange them easily.However, MASCHINE is a lot more than an ordinary groovebox or sampler: it comes with an inspiring 7-gigabyte library, and a sophisticated, yet easy to use tag-based Browser to give you instant access to the sounds you are looking for.What’s more, MASCHINE provides lots of options for manipulating your sounds via internal ef-fects and other sound-shaping possibilities. You can also control external MIDI hardware and 3rd-party software with the MASCHINE hardware controller, while customizing the functions of the pads, knobs and buttons according to your needs utilizing the included Controller Editor application. We hope you enjoy this fantastic instrument as much as we do. Now let’s get go-ing!—The MASCHINE team at Native Instruments.MASCHINE Documentation1.1MASCHINE DocumentationNative Instruments provide many information sources regarding MASCHINE. The main docu-ments should be read in the following sequence:1.MASCHINE MIKRO Quick Start Guide: This animated online guide provides a practical ap-proach to help you learn the basic of MASCHINE MIKRO. The guide is available from theNative Instruments website: https:///maschine-mikro-quick-start/2.MASCHINE Manual (this document): The MASCHINE Manual provides you with a compre-hensive description of all MASCHINE software and hardware features.Additional documentation sources provide you with details on more specific topics:►Online Support Videos: You can find a number of support videos on The Official Native In-struments Support Channel under the following URL: https:///NIsupport-EN. We recommend that you follow along with these instructions while the respective ap-plication is running on your computer.Other Online Resources:If you are experiencing problems related to your Native Instruments product that the supplied documentation does not cover, there are several ways of getting help:▪Knowledge Base▪User Forum▪Technical Support▪Registration SupportYou will find more information on these subjects in the chapter Troubleshooting.Document Conventions1.2Document ConventionsThis section introduces you to the signage and text highlighting used in this manual. This man-ual uses particular formatting to point out special facts and to warn you of potential issues.The icons introducing these notes let you see what kind of information is to be expected:This document uses particular formatting to point out special facts and to warn you of poten-tial issues. The icons introducing the following notes let you see what kind of information canbe expected:Furthermore, the following formatting is used:▪Text appearing in (drop-down) menus (such as Open…, Save as… etc.) in the software andpaths to locations on your hard disk or other storage devices is printed in italics.▪Text appearing elsewhere (labels of buttons, controls, text next to checkboxes etc.) in thesoftware is printed in blue. Whenever you see this formatting applied, you will find thesame text appearing somewhere on the screen.▪Text appearing on the displays of the controller is printed in light grey. Whenever you seethis formatting applied, you will find the same text on a controller display.▪Text appearing on labels of the hardware controller is printed in orange. Whenever you seethis formatting applied, you will find the same text on the controller.▪Important names and concepts are printed in bold.▪References to keys on your computer’s keyboard you’ll find put in square brackets (e.g.,“Press [Shift] + [Enter]”).►Single instructions are introduced by this play button type arrow.→Results of actions are introduced by this smaller arrow.Naming ConventionThroughout the documentation we will refer to MASCHINE controller (or just controller) as the hardware controller and MASCHINE software as the software installed on your computer.The term “effect” will sometimes be abbreviated as “FX” when referring to elements in the MA-SCHINE software and hardware. These terms have the same meaning.Button Combinations and Shortcuts on Your ControllerMost instructions will use the “+” sign to indicate buttons (or buttons and pads) that must be pressed simultaneously, starting with the button indicated first. E.g., an instruction such as:“Press SHIFT + PLAY”means:1.Press and hold SHIFT.2.While holding SHIFT, press PLAY and release it.3.Release SHIFT.1.3New Features in MASCHINE2.8The following new features have been added to MASCHINE: Integration▪Browse on , create your own collections of loops and one-shots and send them directly to the MASCHINE browser.Improvements to the Browser▪Samples are now cataloged in separate Loops and One-shots tabs in the Browser.▪Previews of loops selected in the Browser will be played in sync with the current project.When a loop is selected with Prehear turned on, it will begin playing immediately in-sync with the project if transport is running. If a loop preview starts part-way through the loop, the loop will play once more for its full length to ensure you get to hear the entire loop once in context with your project.▪Filters and product selections will be remembered when switching between content types and Factory/User Libraries in the Browser.▪Browser content synchronization between multiple running instances. When running multi-ple instances of MASCHINE, either as Standalone and/or as a plug-in, updates to the Li-brary will be synced across the instances. For example, if you delete a sample from your User Library in one instance, the sample will no longer be present in the other instances.Similarly, if you save a preset in one instance, that preset will then be available in the oth-er instances, too.▪Edits made to samples in the Factory Libraries will be saved to the Standard User Directo-ry.For more information on these new features, refer to the following chapter ↑4, Browser. Improvements to the MASCHINE MIKRO MK3 Controller▪You can now set sample Start and End points using the controller. For more information refer to ↑17.3.1, Using the Edit Page.Improved Support for A-Series Keyboards▪When Browsing with A-Series keyboards, you can now jump quickly to the results list by holding SHIFT and pushing right on the 4D Encoder.▪When Browsing with A-Series keyboards, you can fast scroll through the Browser results list by holding SHIFT and twisting the 4D Encoder.▪Mute and Solo Sounds and Groups from A-Series keyboards. Sounds are muted in TRACK mode while Groups are muted in IDEAS.。
富士施乐彩色复印机机故障维修代码 2

第2 章故障诊断1 维修呼叫程序呼叫流程……………………………………………………………………………… 2-13002-xxx HDD002-770 作业模板处理-HD 满RAP……………………………………………… 2-15003-xxx IPS-ESS 通讯003-318 IIT 软件故障RAP ……………………………………………………… 2-17003-319 IIT 视频驱动程序检测故障RAP ……………………………………… 2-17003-320 IISS-ESS 通讯故障1 RAP …………………………………………… 2-18003-321 IISS-ESS 通讯故障2 RAP …………………………………………… 2-18003-322 IISS-ESS 通讯故障3 RAP …………………………………………… 2-19003-323 IISS-ESS 通讯故障4 RAP …………………………………………… 2-19003-324 IISS-ESS 通讯故障5 RAP …………………………………………… 2-20003-325 IISS-ESS 通讯故障6 RAP …………………………………………… 2-20003-326 IISS-ESS 通讯故障7 RAP …………………………………………… 2-21003-327 IISS-ESS 通讯故障8 RAP …………………………………………… 2-21003-328 IISS-ESS 通讯故障9 RAP …………………………………………… 2-22003-329 IISS-ESS 通讯故障10 RAP ………………………………………… 2-22003-330 IISS-ESS 通讯故障11 RAP ………………………………………… 2-23003-331 IISS-ESS 通讯故障12 RAP ………………………………………… 2-23003-332 IISS-ESS 通讯故障13 RAP ………………………………………… 2-24003-333 IISS-ESS 通讯故障14 RAP ………………………………………… 2-24003-334 IISS-ESS 通讯故障15 RAP ………………………………………… 2-25003-335 IISS-ESS 通讯故障16 RAP ………………………………………… 2-25003-336 IISS-ESS 通讯故障17 RAP ………………………………………… 2-26003-337 IISS-ESS 通讯故障18 RAP ………………………………………… 2-26003-338 IISS-ESS 通讯故障19 RAP ………………………………………… 2-27003-339 IISS-ESS 通讯故障20 RAP ………………………………………… 2-27003-340 IISS-ESS 通讯故障21 RAP ………………………………………… 2-28003-341 IISS-ESS 通讯故障22 RAP ………………………………………… 2-28003-342 IISS-ESS 通讯故障23 RAP ………………………………………… 2-29003-343 IISS-ESS 通讯故障24 RAP ………………………………………… 2-29003-345 X PIO 未锁定故障1 RAP ……………………………………………… 2-30003-346 X PIO 未锁定故障2 RAP ……………………………………………… 2-30003-750 书本双面-原稿不够RAP ……………………………………………… 2-31003-751 PANTHER 容量低下(扫描)RAP …………………………………… 2-31003-753 扫描不能超过300dpi RAP …………………………………………… 2-32003-760 扫描设置故障RAP……………………………………………………… 2-32003-761 不正确的纸盘尺寸RAP………………………………………………… 2-33003-763 未发现调整表RAP……………………………………………………… __________2-33 003-780 扫描图像压缩故障RAP………………………………………………… 2-34003-795 AMS 限制错误RAP …………………………………………………… 2-34003-942 原稿尺寸自动检测故障RAP…………………………………………… 2-35003-944 图像重复计数RAP……………………………………………………… 2-35003-945 放大倍率不适合RAP…………………………………………………… 2-36003-946 每个方向都矛盾(复印APS)RAP…………………………………… 2-36003-947 返回原稿计数错误RAP………………………………………………… 2-37003-948 返回原稿不匹配RAP…………………………………………………… 2-37003-949 原稿不适当(图像覆盖)RAP………………………………………… 2-38003-950 混合原稿尺寸错误RAP………………………………………………… 2-38003-955 原稿尺寸交换错误RAP………………………………………………… 2-39003-956 原稿尺寸不明错误RAP………………………………………………… 2-39003-957 原稿尺寸错误RAP……………………………………………………… 2-40003-963 无APS 目标纸盘RAP ………………………………………………… 2-40003-965 ATS/APS 无纸(IIT 检测)RAP ……………………………………… 2-41003-966 ATS/APS 无目标(IIT)RAP ………………………………………… 2-41003-970 传真行存储器溢出RAP………………………………………………… 2-42003-972 最大存储页溢出RAP…………………………………………………… 2-42003-973 各个方向都矛盾………………………………………………………… 2-43003-974 下一原稿规格RAP ……………………………………………………… 2-43003-976 传真行存储器溢出(N up)RAP ……………………………………… 2-44003-977 原稿不匹配(多重扫描)RAP ………………………………………… 2-44003-980 装钉位置错误RAP ……………………………………………………… 2-45003-981 装钉尺寸错误RAP ……………………………………………………… 2-45005-xxx DADF005-121 CVT 输送传感器On 卡纸RAP………………………………………… 2-47005-122 CVT 单面/面1 预定位On 卡纸RAP ………………………………… 2-48005-123 CVT 单面/面1 定位卡纸RAP ………………………………………… 2-49005-125 CVT 定位传感器Off 卡纸RAP………………………………………… 2-50005-131 CVT 翻转On 卡纸RAP………………………………………………… 2-51005-132 CVT 翻转On 卡纸2RAP ……………………………………………… 2-52005-134 CVT 翻转传感器Off 卡纸(翻转器)RAP …………………………… 2-53005-135 CVT 面2 预定位On 卡纸RAP………………………………………… __________2-54 005-136 CVT 面2 定位On 卡纸RAP…………………………………………… 2-55005-139 CVT 翻转传感器Off 卡纸RAP………………………………………… 2-56005-145 CVT 定位传感器Off 卡纸(翻转器)RAP …………………………… 2-57005-146 CVT 预定位传感器Off 卡纸RAP……………………………………… 2-58005-147 CVT 预定位传感器Off 卡纸(翻转器)RAP ………………………… 2-59005-194 在FF 混合尺寸中SS 尺寸不匹配卡纸RAP ………………………… 2-60005-196 CVT 尺寸不匹配卡纸(无混合)RAP………………………………… 2-61005-197 禁止组合尺寸卡纸RAP………………………………………………… 2-62005-198 太短尺寸卡纸RAP……………………………………………………… 2-63005-199 太长尺寸卡纸RAP……………………………………………………… 2-64005-280 DADF EEPROM 故障RAP …………………………………………… 2-65005-283 DADF 高度传感器逻辑故障RA P……………………………………… 2-65005-284 DADF APS 传感器故障RAP ………………………………………… 2-66005-285 DADF 轻推辊提升故障RAP…………………………………………… 2-67005-286 DADF 输出传感器故障RAP…………………………………………… 2-68005-302 DADF 输送器盖联锁打开RAP………………………………………… 2-69 005-304 CVT 稿台联锁打开RAP ……………………………………………… 2-70 005-305 CVT 输送器联锁打开(运行)RAP…………………………………… 2-70 005-307 CVT 稿台联锁在运行中打开RA ……………………………………… 2-71 005-906 CVT 输送传感器静态卡纸RAP ……………………………………… 2-71 005-907 CVT 预定位传感器静态卡纸RAP……………………………………… 2-72 005-908 CVT 定位传感器静态卡纸RAP………………………………………… 2-72 005-913 CVT 翻转传感器静态卡纸RAP………………………………………… 2-73 005-915 CVT APS No1 传感器静态卡纸RAP ………………………………… 2-73 005-916 CVT APS No2 传感器静态卡纸RAP ………………………………… 2-74 005-917 CVT APS No3 传感器静态卡纸RAP ………………………………… 2-74 005-942 DADF 中放置的原稿故障RAP ………………………………………… 2-75 005-943 DADF 盘提升故障RAP ………………………………………………… 2-76 010-xxx 定影器2nd Version 09/2004 状态-指示-维修DC236/286 2-1010-313 控制热敏电阻故障RAP………………………………………………… 2-77 010-314 侧端热敏电阻故障RAP………………………………………………… 2-77 010-318 热-下跌恢复故障RAP ………………………………………………… 2-78 010-320 热辊过热故障RAP……………………………………………………… 2-78 010-327 定影器On 时间故障RAP……………………………………………… 2-79 010-398 定影器锁位故障RAP…………………………………………………… 2-80 012-xxx 装订器012-111 装订器H-传输入口传感器Off 卡纸RAP……………………………… 2-81 012-112 装订器H-传输入口传感器On 卡纸RAP……………………………… 2-82 012-121 H-传输出口传感器Off 卡纸RAP ……………………………………… 2-83 012-126 H-传输入口传感器Off 卡纸RAP ……………………………………… 2-84 012-151 编辑盘入口传感器Off 卡纸RAP ……………………………………… 2-85 012-152 编辑盘入口传感器On 卡纸RAP ……………………………………… 2-86 012-161 装订器压板卡纸RAP…………………………………………………… 2-87 012-162 H-传输出口传感器On 卡纸RAP……………………………………… 2-88 012-211 堆积盘故障RAP………………………………………………………… 2-89 012-212 堆积盘上限故障RAP…………………………………………………… 2-90 012-221 前对齐板原位传感器On 故障RAP…………………………………… 2-91 012-223 前对齐板原位传感器Off 故障RAP…………………………………… 2-92 012-224 后对齐板原位传感器Off 故障RAP…………………………………… 2-93 012-260 排出压板原位传感器On 故障RAP…………………………………… 2-94 012-263 后对齐板故障RAP……………………………………………………… 2-95 012-282 排出压板原位传感器Off 故障RAP ………………………………… 2-96 012-283 放置压板原位传感器On 故障RAP ………………………………… 2-97 012-284 放置压板原位传感器Off 故障RAP ………………………………… 2-98 012-291 装订器故障RAP …………………………………………………… 2-99012-293 装订前角传感器On 故障RAP ………………………………………… 2-100 012-294 装订前角传感器Off 故障RAP ………………………………………… 2-101012-295 装订移动传感器On 故障RAP ………………………………………… 2-102 012-296 装订移动传感器Off 故障RAP ………………………………………… 2-103 012-301 装订器顶盖打开RAP …………………………………………………… 2-104 012-302 装订器前盖打开RAP …………………………………………………… 2-104 012-303 装订器H-传输盖打开RAP …………………………………………… 2-105 012-901 装订器H-传输入口传感器静态卡纸RAP……………………………… 2-105 012-902 H-传输出口传感器静态卡纸RAP……………………………………… 2-106 012-903 纸张留在编辑盘入口传感器RAP……………………………………… 2-106 012-905 编辑盘纸张传感器静态卡纸RAP……………………………………… 2-107 012-923 H-传输入口传感器静态卡纸B RAP…………………………………… 2-107 016-xxx 传真服务016-210 SW 选项故障(HDD 不存在)RAP…………………………………… 2-109 016-211 SW 选项故障(系统存储器不足)RAP ……………………………… 2-109 016-212 SW 选项故障(页存储器不足)RAP ………………………………… 2-110 016-213 SW 选项故障(打印机卡不存在)RAP ……………………………… 2-110 016-214 SW 选项故障(传真卡不存在)RAP ………………………………… 2-111 016-215 SW 选项故障(JPEG 板不存在)RAP ……………………………… 2-111 016-311 扫描器未安装RAP……………………………………………………… 2-112 016-315 IIT 接口故障RAP ……………………………………………………… 2-112 016-316 未检测到页存储器RAP………………………………………………… 2-113 016-317 页存储器中止-标准RAP ……………………………………………… 2-113 016-318 页存储器中止-选项RAP ……………………………………………… 2-114 016-321 传真模块故障RAP …………………………………………………… 2-114 016-322 JBA 帐户满RAP………………………………………………………… 2-115 016-450 SMB 主机名重复RAP ………………………………………………… 2-115 016-454 DNS 动态更新故障RAP ……………………………………………… 2-116 016-455 SNTP 服务器超时RAP ………………………………………………… 2-116 016-456 SNTP 时间异步RAP …………………………………………………… 2-117 016-503 SMTP 服务器重定向故障RAP………………………………………… 2-117 016-504 POP 服务器重定向故障RAP ………………………………………… 2-118 016-505 POP 重定向验证故障RAP …………………………………………… 2-118 016-600 KO 验证锁定RAP ……………………………………………………… 2-119 016-601 非法访问检测RAP……………………………………………………… 2-119 016-701 ART EX 内存不足RAP………………………………………………… 2-120 016-702 页缓冲器不足RAP……………………………………………………… 2-120 016-703 E-mail 至无效邮箱RAP………………………………………………… 2-121 016-704 邮箱满RAP……………………………………………………………… 2-121 016-705 安全打印故障RAP……………………………………………………… 2-122 016-706 最大用户数超出RAP…………………………………………………… 2-122 016-707 样本打印故障RAP……………………………………………………… 2-123 016-708 HD 因注解/水印图象而满RAP………………………………………… 2-123 016-709 ART EX 命令故障RAP………………………………………………… 2-124 016-710 延时打印故障RAP……………………………………………………… 2-124 016-711 E-mail 传输尺寸限制超出RAP………………………………………… 2-125016-712 PANTHER 能下低下(I-Formatted)RAP…………………………… 2-125016-716 TIFF 数据溢出RAP …………………………………………………… 2-126016-718 超出PCL6 存储器RAP………………………………………………… 2-126016-719 超出PCL 存储器RAP ………………………………………………… 2-127016-720 PCL 命令故障RAP……………………………………………………… 2-127016-721 其它错误RAP…………………………………………………………… 2-128016-722 作业被装订位置NG 删除RAP………………………………………… 2-128016-728 不支持TIFF 数据RAP ………………………………………………… 2-129016-729 TIFF 数据尺寸太大RAP ……………………………………………… 2-129016-730 不支持ART 命令RAP ………………………………………………… 2-130016-731 无效TIFF 数据RAP …………………………………………………… 2-130016-732 表格未注册RAP………………………………………………………… 2-131016-735 更新作业模板RAP……………………………………………………… 2-131016-736 远程目录加锁错误……………………………………………………… 2-132016-737 远程加锁目录卸载错误………………………………………………… 2-132016-746 不支持PDF 文件RAP ………………………………………………… 2-133016-748 HD 满RAP ……………………………………………………………… 2-133016-749 JCL 语法错误RAP……………………………………………………… 2-134016-751 PDF 故障RAP ………………………………………………………… 2-134016-752 PDF 内存不足RAP……………………………………………………… 2-135016-753 PDF 命令不匹配RAP…………………………………………………… 2-135016-754 PDF LZW 未安装RAP ………………………………………………… 2-136016-755 PDF 打印被禁止RAP ………………………………………………… 2-136016-756 审计-禁止服务RAP …………………………………………………… 2-137016-757 审计-无效用户RAP …………………………………………………… 2-137016-758 审计-禁止功能RAP …………………………………………………… 2-138016-759 审计-达到限制RAP …………………………………………………… 2-138016-760 PS 解压缩故障RAP …………………………………………………… 2-139016-761 FIFO 空RAP …………………………………………………………… 2-139016-762 打印语言未安装RAP…………………………………………………… 2 - 1 4 0状态-指示-维修09/2004 2nd Version2-2 DC236/286016-764 SMTP 服务器连接故障RAP…………………………………………… 2 - 1 4 0016-765 SMTP 服务器HDD 满RAP …………………………………………… ___________2 - 1 4 1 016-766 SMTP 服务器文件系统RAP…………………………………………… 2 - 1 4 1016-767 无效的E-mail 地址RAP ……………………………………………… 2 - 1 4 2016-768 无效的发送者地址……………………………………………………… 2 - 1 4 2016-769 SMTP 服务器不支持DNS RAP ……………………………………… 2 - 1 4 3016-771 扫描数据贮藏室(DNS 地址)错误RAP …………………………… 2 - 1 4 4016-772 扫描数据贮藏室(DNS 库)错误RAP ……………………………… 2 - 1 4 4016-773 无效的IP 地址RAP …………………………………………………… 2 - 1 4 4016-774 HD 满-压缩转换RAP…………………………………………………… 2 - 1 4 5016-775 HD 满-图像转换RAP…………………………………………………… 2 - 1 4 5016-776 图像转换错误RAP……………………………………………………… 2 - 1 4 6016-777 图像转换错误RAP……………………………………………………… 2 - 1 4 6016-778 HD 满-扫描图像转换RAP……………………………………………… 2 - 1 4 7016-779 扫描图像转换错误RAP………………………………………………… 2 - 1 4 7016-780 HD 访问错误-图像转换RAP…………………………………………… 2 - 1 4 8016-781 扫描服务器连接错误RAP……………………………………………… 2 - 1 4 8016-782 扫描服务器登录错误RAP……………………………………………… 2 - 1 4 9016-783 无效的服务器路径RAP………………………………………………… 2 - 1 4 9016-784 服务器写错误RAP……………………………………………………… 2 - 1 5 0016-785 服务器HD 满RAP……………………………………………………… 2 - 1 5 0016-786 HD 满-扫描写入错误RAP……………………………………………… 2 - 1 5 1016-787 无效的服务器IP 地址RAP …………………………………………… 2 - 1 5 1016-788 检查浏览器故障RAP…………………………………………………… 2 - 1 5 2016-789 HD 满-作业存储器RAP………………………………………………… 2 - 1 5 2016-791 文件检索故障RAP……………………………………………………… 2 - 1 5 3016-792 未发现指定作业RAP…………………………………………………… 2 - 1 5 3016-793 MF I/O HD 满RAP……………………………………………………… 2 - 1 5 4016-798 No Trust Marking 选择RAP…………………………………………… 2 - 1 5 4016-799 PL W 打印指令故障RAP ……………………………………………… 2 - 1 5 5016-981 HDD 访问错误RAP …………………………………………………… 2 - 1 5 5016-982 HDD 访问错误2 RAP ………………………………………………… 2 - 1 5 6016-985 数据尺寸溢出(扫描到E-mail)RAP………………………………… 2 - 1 5 6021-xxx 传真021-360 EP 附件故障RAP……………………………………………………… ___________2-15 7 021-361 EP 附件各类配置错误RAP…………………………………………… 2-15 7021-732 EP 附件-服务被禁用RAP …………………………………………… 2-15 8021-733 EP 附件-服务受彩色模式限制RAP ………………………………… 2-15 8021-750 用过零件请求处理故障(EP-SV)RAP …………………………… 2-15 9021-751 维护请求故障(EP-SV)RAP………………………………………… 2-1 5 9021-770 用过零件请求处理故障(EP-SV)RAP……………………………… 2-1 6 0021-771 维护请求故障(EP-DX)RAP………………………………………… 2 - 1 6 0021-772 EP-DX-安装/卸载故障RAP…………………………………………… 2-16 1021-941 EP-扫描服务因禁用而暂行RAP……………………………………… 2-16 1021-942 EP-扫描服务因彩色模式而暂行RAP………………………………… 2-16 2021-943 EP-打印服务因禁用而暂行RAP……………………………………… 2-16 2021-944 EP-打印服务因彩色模式而暂行RAP………………………………… 2-16 3021-945 EP-服务因禁用而暂行RAP…………………………………………… 2-16 3021-946 EP-服务因彩色模式而暂行RAP……………………………………… 2-16 4024-xxx IOT-ESS 通讯024-340 IOT-ESS 通讯故障1 RAP……………………………………………… 2-165024-341 IOT-ESS 通讯故障2 RAP……………………………………………… 2-165024-342 IOT-ESS 通讯故障3 RAP……………………………………………… 2-166024-343 IOT-ESS 通讯故障4 RAP……………………………………………… 2-166024-345 IOT-ESS 通讯故障5 RAP……………………………………………… 2-167024-346 IOT-ESS 通讯故障6 RAP……………………………………………… 2-167024-347 IOT-ESS 通讯故障7 RAP……………………………………………… 2-168 024-348 IOT-ESS 通讯故障8 RAP……………………………………………… 2-168 024-349 IOT-ESS 通讯故障9 RAP……………………………………………… 2-169 024-350 IOT-ESS 通讯故障10 RAP …………………………………………… 2-169 024-351 IOT-ESS 通讯故障11 RAP …………………………………………… 2-170 024-354 IOT-ESS 通讯故障14 RAP …………………………………………… 2-170 024-356 IOT-ESS 通讯故障16 RAP …………………………………………… 2-171 024-362 页面同步非法启动RAP………………………………………………… 2-171 024-363 页面同步非法停止RAP………………………………………………… 2-172 024-364 DMA 传输故障RAP …………………………………………………… 2-172 024-367 解压缩其他故障RAP…………………………………………………… 2-173 024-368 PCI 错误RAP…………………………………………………………… 2-173 024-370 标志码检测故障RAP…………………………………………………… 2-174 024-371 IOT-ESS 通讯故障21 RAP …………………………………………… 2-174 024-372 IOT-ESS 通讯故障22 RAP …………………………………………… 2-175 024-373 IOT-ESS 通讯故障23 RAP …………………………………………… 2-175 024-375 IOT-ESS 通讯故障23 RAP …………………………………………… 2-176 024-746 打印请求故障—纸张RAP……………………………………………… 2-176 024-747 打印指令故障RAP……………………………………………………… 2-177 024-910 纸盘1 尺寸不匹配RAP………………………………………………… 2-177 024-911 纸盘2 尺寸不匹配RAP………………………………………………… 2-178 024-912 纸盘3 尺寸不匹配RAP………………………………………………… 2-179 024-913 纸盘4 尺寸不匹配RAP………………………………………………… 2-180 024-916 混合满堆积盘RAP……………………………………………………… 2-181 024-917 堆积盘装订超出计数RAP……………………………………………… 2-182 024-919 面朝上盘关闭RAP……………………………………………………… 2-183 024-946 纸盘1 不在位RAP …………………………………………………… 2-183 024-947 纸盘2 不在位RAP……………………………………………………… 2-184 024-948 纸盘3 不在位RAP……………………………………………………… 2-184 024-949 纸盘4 不在位RAP……………………………………………………… 2-185 024-950 纸盘1 空RAP ………………………………………………………… 2-185 024-951 纸盘2 空RAP…………………………………………………………… 2-186 024-952 纸盘3 空RAP…………………………………………………………… 2-186 024-953 纸盘4 空RAP…………………………………………………………… 2-187 024-954 MSI 空RAP …………………………………………………………… 2-187 024-958 MSI 尺寸故障RAP …………………………………………………… 2-188 024-959 纸盘1 尺寸不匹配RAP ……………………………………………… 2-188 024-960 纸盘2 尺寸不匹配RAP………………………………………………… 2-189 024-961 纸盘3 尺寸不匹配RAP………………………………………………… 2-189 024-962 纸盘4 尺寸不匹配RAP………………………………………………… 2-190 024-964 装订器张数超出RAP…………………………………………………… 2-190 024-965 ATS/APS 无纸(IOT 检测)RAP …………………………………… 2-191 024-966 ATS/APS 元目标错误RAP …………………………………………… 2-192 024-967 不同宽度混合纸张检测(装订器作业) RAP …………………………… 2-1922nd Version 09/2004 状态-指示-维修DC236/286 2-3024-976 装订器装订静态NG RAP ……………………………………………… 2-193 024-977 装订器输送准备故障RAP……………………………………………… 2-193 024-979 装订器接近空RAP……………………………………………………… 2-194 024-980 装订器堆积盘满RAP…………………………………………………… 2-194 024-982 堆积盘下安全警告RAP………………………………………………… 2-195 024-985 MSI 输送故障RAP……………………………………………………… 2-196 024-986 打印全部确认RAP……………………………………………………… 2-197 025-xxx 诊断HDD025-596 诊断HDD 维护故障RAP ……………………………………………… 2-199 025-597 诊断HDD 初始化故障RAP …………………………………………… 2-199 027-xxx MAIL027-452 重复IP 地址RAP ……………………………………………………… 2-201 027-500 SMTP 服务器邮件I/O 故障RAP……………………………………… 2-201 027-501 POP 服务器邮件I/O 故障RAP………………………………………… 2-202 027-502 POP 邮件I/O 验证故障RAP…………………………………………… 2-202 027-700 媒体故障RAP…………………………………………………………… 2-203 027-701 未找到媒体RAP………………………………………………………… 2-203 027-702 媒体数据未找到/不支持RAP ………………………………………… 2-204 027-703 媒体读出器故障/未连接RAP ………………………………………… 2-204 027-710 因效S/MIME 邮件错误RAP…………………………………………… 2-205 027-711 S/MIME 邮件发送者证书未找到RAP ………………………………… 2-205 027-712 S/MIME 邮件发送者证书无效RAP …………………………………… 2-206 027-713 S/MIME 邮件被改变RAP……………………………………………… 2-206 027-714 S/MIME 邮件发送者假冒RAP………………………………………… 2-207 027-715 S/MIME 邮件证书不被支持RAP……………………………………… 2-207 027-716 禁止接收没有签名的E-mail RAP……………………………………… 2-208 027-720 未找到扩展服务器主机RAP…………………………………………… 2-208 027-721 未找到扩展服务器RAP………………………………………………… 2-209 027-722 扩展服务器时故障RAP …………………………………………… 2-209 027-723 扩展服务器验证故障RAP……………………………………………… 2-210 027-724 扩展服务器访问故障故障RAP………………………………………… 2-210 027-725 扩展服务器操作故障RAP……………………………………………… 2-211 027-726 扩展服务器未知状态RAP……………………………………………… 2-211 027-727 扩展服务器请求无效参数RAP………………………………………… 2-212 027-737 模板服务器读取错误RAP……………………………………………… 2-212 027-739 无效模板服务器路径RAP……………………………………………… 2-213 027-740 模板服务器登录错误RAP……………………………………………… 2-213 027-741 模板服务器连接故障RAP……………………………………………… 2-214 027-742 HD 文件系统满RAP …………………………………………………… 2-214 027-743 模板服务器安装错误RAP……………………………………………… 2-215 027-744 模板服务器地址错误(CDNS 带)RAP ……………………………… 2-215 027-745 模板服务器地址错误(CDNS 地址)RAP …………………………… 2-216027-746 作业模板服务器未准备RAP…………………………………………… 2-216 027-750 传真文件不适合RAP…………………………………………………… 2-217 027-751 作业模板分析错误RAP………………………………………………… 2-217 027-752 要求的用户输入未输入RAP…………………………………………… 2-218 027-753 作业流服务请求禁止RAP……………………………………………… 2-218 027-796 E-mail 不打印RAP……………………………………………………… 2-219 027-797 无效输出目标RAP……………………………………………………… 2-219 033-xxx 传真控制033-363 传真卡复位(重新引导)RAP …………………………………………… 2-221 033-710 原稿不存在RAP………………………………………………………… 2-221 033-711 文档中存在非法页面RAP……………………………………………… 2-222 033-712 系统内存溢出RAP……………………………………………………… 2-222 033-713 未指定链-环RAP ……………………………………………………… 2-223 033-714 扫描错误(未指定文档)RAP ………………………………………… 2-223 033-715 不能启动作业RAP……………………………………………………… 2-224 033-716 无指定MAILBOX RAP ………………………………………………… 2-224 033-717 不正确口令RAP………………………………………………………… 2-225 033-718 邮箱中无文档RAP……………………………………………………… 2-225 033-719 被删除传真作业不能恢复RAP………………………………………… 2-226 033-720 文档创建故障RAP……………………………………………………… 2-226 033-721 页面创建故障RAP……………………………………………………… 2-227 033-724 传真接收存储器溢出RAP……………………………………………… 2-227 033-725 HDD 空间不足RAP …………………………………………………… 2-228 033-726 不能打印双面RAP……………………………………………………… 2-228 033-727 不能旋转图像RAP……………………………………………………… 2-229 033-728 删除自动打印RAP……………………………………………………… 2-229 033-730 传真服务恢复错误RAP………………………………………………… 2-230 033-731 指令不一致RAP………………………………………………………… 2-230 033-732 打印作业被强制轮询删除RAP………………………………………… 2-231 033-733 传真文档号获取错误RAP……………………………………………… 2-231 033-734 传真打印悬置RAP……………………………………………………… 2-232 033-735 传真存储器地址分配超时RAP………………………………………… 2-232 033-736 IFAX Off Ramp 错误RAP……………………………………………… 2-233 033-737 传真卡作业删除RAP…………………………………………………… 2-233 033-738 JBIG 信息故障RAP…………………………………………………… 2-234 033-740 传真直接接收打印删除RAP…………………………………………… 2-234 033-741 传真页面读取打开超时RAP…………………………………………… 2-235 033-742 传真页面读取关闭超时RAP…………………………………………… 2-235 033-743 传真页面写入打开超时RAP…………………………………………… 2-236 033-744 传真页面写入关闭超时RAP…………………………………………… 2-236 033-745 传真数据写入超时RAP………………………………………………… 2-237 033-746 传真数据读取超时RAP………………………………………………… 2-237 033-747 传真服务不能启动RAP………………………………………………… 2-238 033-748 传真服务非法顺序RAP………………………………………………… 2-238033-749 传真卡内存错误RAP…………………………………………………… 2-239 033-750 传真格式错误RAP……………………………………………………… 2-239 033-790 EP-DX 呼叫等待(不重拨计数)RAP …………………………………… 2-240 033-791 EP-DX 呼叫等待(重拨计数)RAP ……………………………………… 2-240 033-792 EP-DX 呼叫停止RAP ………………………………………………… 2-241 034-xxx 传真通讯034-211 传真选项槽1 板故障RAP……………………………………………… 2-243 034-212 传真选项槽1 板故障RAP……………………………………………… 2-243 034-500 不正确拨号数据RAP…………………………………………………… 2-244 034-501 所连通道拨号错误RAP………………………………………………… 2-244 034-502 传真内部不可缺少参数错误RAP……………………………………… 2-245 034-503 传真内部高层服务错误RAP…………………………………………… 2-245 034-504 传真储存存储器溢出RAP……………………………………………… 2-246 034-505 传真工作存储器溢出RAP……………………………………………… 2-246 状态-指示-维修09/2004 2nd Version2-4 DC236/286034-506 不支持远程功能RAP…………………………………………………… 2-247 034-507 口令检查错误RAP……………………………………………………… 2-247 034-508 通过DTMF 删除传输RAP …………………………………………… 2-248 034-509 DTMF 非法程序错误RAP……………………………………………… 2-248 034-510 DTMF 程序错误RAP…………………………………………………… 2-249 034-511 远程机器不能发送文件RAP…………………………………………… 2-249 034-512 检测到无尽循环RAP…………………………………………………… 2-250 034-513 接收命令错误RAP……………………………………………………… 2-250 034-514 请求的功能不支持RAP………………………………………………… 2-251 034-515 非法命令被接收RAP…………………………………………………… 2-251 034-519 接收数量超出RAP……………………………………………………… 2-252 034-520 服务数量超出RAP……………………………………………………… 2-252 034-521 内部I/F 错误RAP ……………………………………………………… 2-253 034-522 无手动发送线路RAP…………………………………………………… 2-253 034-523 传真服务被禁止RAP…………………………………………………… 2-254 034-524 不能删除操作RAP……………………………………………………… 2-254 034-525 指定的链-环不存在RAP ……………………………………………… 2-255 034-526 不正确的链-环值RAP ………………………………………………… 2-255 034-527 拨号控制错误RAP……………………………………………………… 2-256 034-528 不能执行手动发送RAP………………………………………………… 2-256 034-529 无打印的纸张尺寸R AP………………………………………………… 2-257 034-530 DTMF I/F 超时RAP …………………………………………………… 2-257 034-700 G3 节Dicep 超时RAP ………………………………………………… 2-258 034-701 软件复位RAP…………………………………………………………… 2-258 034-702 无指定目标RAP………………………………………………………… 2-259 034-703 D 信道与网络连接切断RAP…………………………………………… 2-259 034-704 ISDN D 信道数据连接错误RAP ……………………………………… 2-260 034-705 ISDN 层1 停止-电源ON ……………………………………………… 2-260034-706 ISDN 层1 停止-电源OFF……………………………………………… 2-261 034-707 FRMR 被接收…………………………………………………………… 2-261 034-708 非法帧接收N(R)…………………………………………………… 2-262 034-709 非法帧接收……………………………………………………………… 2-262 034-710 …………………………………………………………………………… 2-263 034-711 等待连接超时…………………………………………………………… 2-263 034-712 内部错误(中断)……………………………………………………… 2-264 034-713 超时-传输删除…………………………………………………………… 2-264 034-714 线路断开-超时T305 …………………………………………………… 2-265 034-715 线路断开-超时3082 …………………………………………………… 2-265 034-716 连接超时(T313)……………………………………………………… 2-266 034-717 Resume 超时…………………………………………………………… 2-266 034-718 正常断开………………………………………………………………… 2-267 034-719 无空闲和有效线路……………………………………………………… 2-267 034-720 超时(60s,T330,309,301,310)……………………………………… 2-268 034-721 错误(格式化,内容)………………………………………………… 2-268 034-722 悬挂超时………………………………………………………………… 2-269 034-723 无指定计时器RAP……………………………………………………… 2-269 034-724 非法顺序RAP…………………………………………………………… 2-270 034-725 L3 任务内部错误RAP ………………………………………………… 2-270 034-726 HD81501 I/F 缓冲器忙RAP…………………………………………… 2-271 034-727 任务无响应(对1,300Hz 输入呼叫为3 秒)RAP ………………… 2-271 034-728 无效的目标RAP………………………………………………………… 2-272 034-729 线路切断,内部通道PB 发送RAP…………………………………… 2-272 034-730 输入和输出呼叫冲突…………………………………………………… 2-273 034-731 传真网络切断(设置错误)…………………………………………… 2-273 034-732 传真网络因超时而被切断……………………………………………… 2-274 034-733 不正确顺序,呼叫状态………………………………………………… 2-274 034-734 HI 任务内部错误RAP ………………………………………………… 2-275 034-735 只与ISDN D 信道连接………………………………………………… 2-275 034-736 来自传真网络的错误通知……………………………………………… 2-276 034-737 输入呼叫响应错误RAP………………………………………………… 2-276 034-738 层1 启动错误…………………………………………………………… 2-277 034-739 层1 不同步……………………………………………………………… 2-277 034-740 帧传输错误……………………………………………………………… 2-278 034-741 不能发送帧……………………………………………………………… 2-278 034-742 帧发送低速被检测……………………………………………………… 2-279 034-743 不正常发送帧DMA RAP ……………………………………………… 2-279 034-744 不能接受的信道RAP…………………………………………………… 2-280 034-745 呼出信道设置…………………………………………………………… 2-280 034-746 无可使用线路…………………………………………………………… 2-281 034-747 转换设备拥挤…………………………………………………………… 2-281 034-748 指定线路无法使用……………………………………………………… 2-282 034-750 网络错误………………………………………………………………… 2-282034-751 临时网络错误…………………………………………………………… 2-283 034-752 目标终端忙……………………………………………………………… 2-283 034-753 目标不应答……………………………………………………………… 2-284 034-754 无来自目标的响应……………………………………………………… 2-284 034-755 目标拒绝呼叫…………………………………………………………… 2-285 034-756 目标故障………………………………………………………………… 2-285 034-757 其它(正常,半正常)………………………………………………… 2-286 034-758 不正确目标传真拨号号码……………………………………………… 2-286 034-759 无中转网络路由………………………………………………………… 2-287 034-760 无到目标线路…………………………………………………………… 2-287 034-761 不正确格式目标传真号码……………………………………………… 2-288 034-762 设备拒绝………………………………………………………………… 2-288 034-763 通讯能力不允许………………………………………………………… 2-289 034-764 通讯能力未被配置……………………………………………………… 2-289 034-765 服务,性能限制带来的错误…………………………………………… 2-290 034-766 所选择的通讯不执行…………………………………………………… 2-290 034-767 所选模式不执行………………………………………………………… 2-291 034-768 只有有限数字信息……………………………………………………… 2-291 034-769 服务,性能产生的错误………………………………………………… 2-292 034-770 应答状态查询…………………………………………………………… 2-292 034-771 访问信息被放弃………………………………………………………… 2-293 034-772 工作之间连接错误……………………………………………………… 2-293 034-773 指定拨号号码无效……………………………………………………… 2-294 034-774 指定的线路无效………………………………………………………… 2-294 034-775 其他(无效信息类)…………………………………………………… 2-295 034-776 所需信息不够…………………………………………………………… 2-295 034-777 不明确的信息类型……………………………………………………… 2-296 034-778 不正确信息或类型……………………………………………………… 2-296 034-779 无信息或未定义………………………………………………………… 2-297 034-780 无效信息………………………………………………………………… 2-297 034-781 呼叫状态,信息不匹配………………………………………………… 2-298 034-782 因超时而被错误清除…………………………………………………… 2-298 2nd Version 09/2004 状态-指示-维修DC236/286 2-5034-783 其它错误(操作等)…………………………………………………… 2-299 034-784 目标号码改变…………………………………………………………… 2-299 034-785 不兼容目标……………………………………………………………… 2-300 034-786 呼叫识别码不在使用中………………………………………………… 2-300 034-787 呼叫识别码在使用中…………………………………………………… 2-301 034-788 显示其它原因…………………………………………………………… 2-301 034-789 G4 表示层非法事件…………………………………………………… 2-302 034-790 线路1 未被连接RAP…………………………………………………… 2-302 034-791 线路0(分机)未被连接RAP ………………………………………… 2-303 034-792 线路2 未被连接RAP…………………………………………………… 2-303034-793 线路3 未被连接RAP…………………………………………………… 2-304034-794 线路4 未被连接RAP…………………………………………………… 2-304034-795 线路5 未被连接RAP…………………………………………………… 2-305034-796 拨号错误(不正确传真号码2)RAP ………………………………… 2-305034-797 通讯参数错误RAP……………………………………………………… 2-306034-798 数据参数错误RAP……………………………………………………… 2-306034-799 自动拨号无拨号数据RAP……………………………………………… 2-307035-xxx 传真网络035-700 Modem 故障RAP ……………………………………………………… ___________2-309 035-701 T1 传输超时RAP ……………………………………………………… 2-309035-702 目标接收被拒绝RAP ………………………………………………… 2-310035-703 以相位B 发送时接收到DCN RAP …………………………………… 2-310035-704 目标轮询错误RAP……………………………………………………… 2-311035-705 DCS/NSS 重新发送超限RAP ………………………………………… 2-311035-706 减速运行错误RAP …………………………………………………… 2-312035-707 错误的口令/接收错误RAP …………………………………………… 2-312035-708 后-信息重发超限RAP ………………………………………………… 2-313035-709 RTN 接收RAP ………………………………………………………… 2-313035-710 PIN 接收RAP…………………………………………………………… 2-314035-711 DCN 接收在相位D RAP ……………………………………………… 2-314035-712 3 NSC 后无响应RAP ………………………………………………… 2-315035-713 发送FTT 之后T2 超时RAP…………………………………………… 2-315035-714 NSC/DTC 之后接收到DCN RAP……………………………………… 2-316035-715 错误口令-轮询错误RAP ……………………………………………… 2-316035-716 无后信息-T2 超时RAP ………………………………………………… 2-317035-717 RTN 发送RAP ………………………………………………………… 2-317035-718 接收T1 超时RAP ……………………………………………………… 2-318035-719 检测到忙音RAP………………………………………………………… 2-318035-720 不能被远程机器接收RAP……………………………………………… 2-319035-721 DCN 接收在相位B RAP ……………………………………………… 2-319035-722 错误的300bps 帧长度RAP …………………………………………… 2-320035-723 接收标记之后无CD RAP ……………………………………………… 2-320035-724 发送FTT 之后接收DCN RAP ………………………………………… 2-321035-725 远程机器没有邮箱/中继RAP ………………………………………… 2-321035-726 相位C 不能接收-10 秒RAP…………………………………………… 2-322035-727 G3 接收期间50%错误RAP…………………………………………… 2-322035-728 C EOL 不能在10 秒之内接收RAP…………………………………… 2-323035-729 检测到载波减弱RAP…………………………………………………… 2-323035-730 相位C 高速无CS RAP………………………………………………… 2-324035-731 传真V.8 错误RAP ……………………………………………………… 2-324035-732 传真V.34 PCH CD Off RAP ………………………………………… 2-325035-733 传真V.34 C/PCH CS 无RAP………………………………………… 2-325035-734 远程V8 程序轮询错误RAP …………………………………………… 2-326035-735 轮询箱V8 程序中无文件RAP ………………………………………… 2-326035-736 发送CTC 之后无应答DCN R AP……………………………………… 2-327 035-737 发送EOR 之后无应答DCN RAP……………………………………… 2-327 035-738 发送RR 之后无应答DCN RAP ……………………………………… 2-328 035-739 传真15 超时RAP ……………………………………………………… 2-328 035-740 E-OR 发送之后发送停止RAP ………………………………………… 2-329 035-741 ECM 相位C 标记超时RAP …………………………………………… 2-329 035-742 EOR 发送或接收RAP ………………………………………………… 2-330 035-743 远程机器不能接收SUB RAP ………………………………………… 2-330 035-744 远程机器不能接收口令RAP…………………………………………… 2-331 035-745 PTX 无SEP 功能RAP ………………………………………………… 2-331 035-746 忙-不能检测拨号音RAP ……………………………………………… 2-332 035-747 拨号时中止R AP………………………………………………………… 2-333 035-748 传输期间中止RAP……………………………………………………… 2-333 035-749 无来自远程站的应答RAP……………………………………………… 2-334 035-750 传输期间电源Off RAP ………………………………………………… 2-334 035-751 文件发送操作被删除RAP……………………………………………… 2-335 035-752 作业数限制错误RAP…………………………………………………… 2-335 035-753 传真存储器满RAP……………………………………………………… 2-336 035-754 文件管理存储器满RAP………………………………………………… 2-336 035-755 文件加页错误RAP……………………………………………………… 2-337 035-756 不能加页RAP…………………………………………………………… 2-337 035-757 无接收页RAP…………………………………………………………… 2-338 035-758 无指定文件或页RAP…………………………………………………… 2-338 035-759 无指定作业RAP………………………………………………………… 2-339 035-760 文件公共处理错误RAP………………………………………………… 2-339 035-761 文件其它处理错误RAP………………………………………………… 2-340 035-762 ISDN 期间线路切断RAP ……………………………………………… 2-340 036-xxx 传真参数036-500 非法PDRP 参数………………………………………………………… 2-341 036-501 非法RDPBP 参数……………………………………………………… 2-341 036-502 非法RDPBN 参数……………………………………………………… 2-342 036-503 非法RDCLP 参数……………………………………………………… 2-342 036-504 非法RDGR 参数………………………………………………………… 2-343 036-505 未定义响应……………………………………………………………… 2-343 036-506 不可协商………………………………………………………………… 2-344 036-507 在容量满时接收RDPBN ……………………………………………… 2-344 036-508 RDPBN 接收终端错误………………………………………………… 2-345 036-509 RDPBN 接收其它……………………………………………………… 2-345 036-510 RDGR 接收……………………………………………………………… 2-346 036-511 非法程序1551 RAP …………………………………………………… 2-346 036-512 非法CDS 参数………………………………………………………… 2-347 036-513 非法CDC 参数………………………………………………………… 2-347 036-514 非法CDE 参数………………………………………………………… 2-348 036-515 非法CDD 参数………………………………………………………… 2-348。
Yamaha THR100XG电子吉他电钢器说明书

*Notes :Any specification’s update will not be amended in this manual.Part No:620010639PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDINGFCC certificationThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:This device may not cause harmful interference.This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.ConnectionsBefore connecting the device or disconnecting it, be sure to turn off the power and other equipment, which will help to avoid malfunction and damage to otherequipment. Also, make sure that all cables and power cords are disconnected before moving the unit.Power SupplyUse the correct AC outlet to connect the power adapter.Please use a negative internal 24V (± 10%) power transformer, otherwise it will cause damage to equipment, fire or other problems.When unused or thunderstorms please unplug the power supply.Electrical interferenceWhen using the unit, the radio and the TV may cause interference. Use the unit away from the radio and the TV.Direct sunlight Magnetic fields Excessively dusty or dirty location Strong vibration or shockExtreme temperature or humidity High humidity or moisture Heat sourcesPlace the placeTo prevent deformation, discoloration, and other serious damage, avoid the following:CleanPlease use a dry, soft cloth to clean the unit. If necessary, wipe with a slightly moist cloth. Do not use rough clean powder, alcohol, paint thinner, wax, solvent, detergent and chemical agents such as impregnated wipes.OperatingDo not use the switch and control elements violently.Do not allow paper, metal, and other objects to fall into the machine.Be careful not to fall, do not subject it to shock and excessive pressure. 30 Watt maximum power outputMaster volume control can provide smooth post stage overdrive WARM/BRIGHT switch to adjust the power stage presence Built in overcurrent protectionCan be connected to speaker cabinets with a load of 8 Ohm or 16 Ohm1.Connect the DC 24V 2A power supply to the DC IN of Baby Bomb2.Connect the output of your Preamp or pedalboard to the INPUT of Baby Bomb3.Connect the SPEAKER OUT of Baby Bomb to the input of your guitarspeaker cabinet using an unbalanced speaker cable. DO NOT connect to a speaker unless it has and input impedance of 8 Ohms or 16 OhmsNote: For best results connect your Overdrive and Distortion effects before your preamp in the signal chain. Connect your modulation and time based effects (Delay, reverb, etc.) after the preamp and before the BABYBOMB in your signal chain.Model: B aby B o mb 30Output load: 8-16 Ohms Output power: 30WPower supply: DC 24V, 2A DC ,Size: 93.5mm (D) x 42mm (W) x 52mm (H)Weight:144gAccessories: User manual,Micro Power1.IN:Connect the output of yourpreamp or pedalboard to the INPUTusing a standard 1/4" jack cable 2.SPEAKER OUT:Connect to a guitar speaker cabinetinput rated at 8 Ohms or 16 Ohmsusing an unbalanced speaker cable 3.MASTER:Adjusts the output volume 4.LED:When the Baby Bomb has power connected the LED will illuminate 5.WARM/BRIGHT :Adjusts the presence of the Baby Bomb output 6.DC IN:Connect a DC 24V 2A power supply。

To aid users the index includes a reference to the supplement in which the latest version of a text can be found. For example : Amikacin sulfate...............................................7.5-4579 means the monograph Amikacin sulfate can be found on page 4579 of Supplement 7.5. Note that where no reference to a supplement is made, the text can be found in the principal volume.
English index ........................................................................ 4707
Latin index ................................................................................. 4739
Numerics 1. General notices ................................................................... 7.5-4453 2.1.1. Droppers...................

FULLY-FEATURED NVRS• High decoding capability for Ultra 4K HD viewing and recording • View 4/8/16 channels simultaneously with synchronized real-time playback on your monitor (depending on your model)• Up to 8 MP (4K) resolution live view, preview and playback •Up to 8 channels at 1080p H.265/H.264 decodingDYNAMIC, ACCESSIBLE MONITORING• Mobile apps provide anytime, anywhere access for both Apple® and Android™ devices (smartphones, tablet computers, and laptops)• Protect the NVR’s video and network setup with password-protected access•Conceal up to 4 areas of a scene from viewing and recordingCONVENIENT, FLEXIBLE STORAGE OPTIONS• Internal storage supports 2 HDDs expandable up to 20 TB (10 TB each), HEN040*3V only support one HDD• Store video clips and snapshots to external storage, such as the client’s PC, through the Internet connection• Store video clips and snapshots to external network storage servers, such as an FTP site•Store video clips and snapshots to a USB memory device store video clips and snapshots to a USB memory deviceEASY TO USE• The Quick wizard and PoE support (up to 4/8/16 channels) enable a fast and efficient set up• Quick installations utilizing an intuitive NVR design and easy-to-understand quick installation guides •Simple remote configuration and firmware update through the Honeywell Viewer web client and the Honeywell Config toolMARKET OPPORTUNITIESThe flexible storage options, high recording and networking performance of the Embedded NVRs make these NVRs perfect for a wide range of security applications.Introducing Honeywell’s Performance Series Embedded NVRs, our newest affordable, fully-featured NVRs offer Ultra 4k HD video resolution. Choose between a 4, 8 , or 16 channel NVR, with multiple hard drive options and up to 20 TB of internal storage, for an ideal and flexible solution to fit your surveillance needs.PERFORMANCE SERIES HEN040*3V HEN041*3V HEN081*3V HEN161*3V4/8/16 Channel Embedded NVRs• H.265/H.264 codec decoding •HDMI/ VGAsimultaneous video output• Supports recording a video clip of events for distribution• Supports uploading still images at the time of the event through email and/or FTP •Supports visual or auditory notifications (a flashing light, bell, or siren)• Supports Smart Face detection search• Supports up to 4 alarm input channels and 2 alarm relay output channels, except HEN040*3V•Supports sending notifications through email or P2P• Configurable to automatically detect and respond to motion in the scene, alarm inputs, and network failure or tampering•Maximum incoming bandwidth of 160Mbps, 80Mbps for HEN040*3VFEATURES & BENEFITSHEN040*3VHEN041*3V/HEN081*3V/HEN161*3VThese fully featured attractive cameras are perfect for outdoor installations that require excellent picture quality at minimal bandwidth while offering maximum protection against dust, dirt, and water. Boasting a sleek, modern design and offering two different lens options, the cameras are suited for a wide range of applications.SYSTEM DIAGRAMHEN041*3V* = hard drive capacity in TB.1. Power Switch2. Power Input Port3. PoE Ports4. Network Port5. VGA Port6. Mic Out7. Mic In8. HDMI Port9. USB Port 10. Alarm Input/OutputHEN081*3V* = hard drive capacity in TB.1. Power Input Port2. Power Switch3. PoE Ports4. Network Port5. VGA Port6. Mic Out7. Mic In8. HDMI Port9. USB Port 10. Alarm Input/OutputHEN161*3V* = hard drive capacity in TB.1. Power Input Port2. Power Switch3. PoE Ports4. NO1 C1/CTRL P5. HDMI Port6. VGA Port7. USB Port8. RS232 Port9. Network Port 10. AUDIO OUT, RCA Connector 11. AUDIO IN, RCA ConnectorHEN040*3V* = hard drive capacity in TB.1. DC Power Input2. PoE Ports3. Network Port4. VGA Port5. AUDIO IN, RCA Connector6. AUDIO OUT, RCA Connector7. HDMI Port8. USB PortDIMENSIONS HEN040*3VHEN041*3VHEN081*3V/HEN161*3VTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS² Some development might be required in specific user cases tosupport some of these protocols in the field, as protocols will matureover time.³ Supports up to 4 alarm input channels and 2 alarm relay output channels,except HEN040*3V* = hard drive capacity in TB.HSV-HENxxxx3V-01-US(0921)DS-YD © 2021 Honeywell International Inc.Honeywell reserves the right, without notification, tomake changes in product design or specifications.¹Visit the Honeywell website for new camera support informationFor more information/security Honeywell Commercial Security 715 Peachtree St. NE Atlanta, GA 30308Tel: +1 800 323 4576。
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几种发电机100%定子接地保护的应用孙 琦(上海阿海珐电力自动化有限公司 上海市 201315)【摘要】 简要介绍几种发电机100%定子接地保护装置的原理、应用效果和试验维护。
【关键词】 100%定子接地保护 原理 运行比较 应用和维护【数据库分类号】 SZ090 概述单相接地是发电机常见的故障,发电机接地保护是发电机的主保护之一。
我国G B/T142582 2006《继电保护及安全自动装置设计技术规程》规定:“100MW及以上大型发电机必须装设100%定子接地保护”。
所以,国标G B/T1428522006《继电保护及安全自动装置设计技术规程》中对发电机定子接地电流允许值应按制造厂的规定值,如无制造厂提供的规定值可参照表1所列数据。
1 当前电网中运行的几种100%定子接地保护当前,我国电网中运行着多国、多种型号的100%定子接地保护。
表1 发电机定子绕组单相接地故障电流允许值发电机额定电压/kV发电机额定容量/MW 接地电流允许值/A 6.3≤50410.5汽轮发电机50~100水轮发电机10~100313.8~15.75汽轮发电机125~200水轮发电机40~22521)18~20300~6001 注:1)对于氢冷发电机2.5A盘山2×500MW 、伊敏2×500MW 、营口2×300MW 、汕头2×300MW 、绥中2×800MW 发电机组安装有前苏联БРЭ1301.01型发电机定子接地保护装置;山西河津、福建后石等电厂运行着瑞士ABB 公司的REC 2216/GIX104型等数字接地保护装置;山西漳泽发电厂苏制210MW 发电机组上匹配了苏制EP31310型100%定子接地保护装置;一些发电厂配备了南自公司的WFBZ 201、许昌的BD 210型等100%定子接地保护装置。
图1 中性点双频保护信号定子接地保护装置1.1 中性点双频保护信号定子接地保护装置这种定子接地保护装置的原理框图如图1所示。
被保护发电机中性点通过匹配变压器接地,接地保护信号中基波零序电压取自发电机中性点P T ,能保护发电机机端到中性点90%~85%的范围。
三次谐波取自发电机机端P T 和中性点P T ,保护中性点附近10%~30%的绕组。
图2 保护信号分别取自机端和中性点的100%定子接地保护装置1.2 保护信号分别取自机端和中性点的100%定子接地保护装置这种定子接地保护装置的原理框图如图2所示。
被保护发电机中性点通过匹配变压器接地,接地保护基波零序电压取自发电机中性点P T 。
保护的电源和三次谐波信号取自发电机出口V 型接线P T 的二次专用线圈电压。
用基波零序电压U N 和三次谐波电压U S 之差作为三次谐波组件的工作电压,用基波电压U N作为三次谐波制动量。
负序滤过器信号取自P T 的二次专用线圈电压。
1.3 外加低频注入电源的100%定子接地保护装置这种定子接地保护装置的原理框图如图3、图4所示。
图3 外加12.5Hz 低频注入电源的100%定子接地保护装置图4 外加20Hz 低频注入电源的100%定子接地保护装置发电机中性点接匹配变压器,变压器二次接有抽头的阀片电阻,外加低频信号注入电源,注入到配电变压器的二次电阻和发电机定子绕组内。
图5 机端母线匹配变压器100%定子接地保护装置1.4 机端母线匹配变压器100%定子接地保护装置这种定子接地保护装置的原理框图如图5所示。
发电机在机端母线上设置1台匹配变压器,其二次绕组采用不对称接线,通过匹配变压器在发电机电势中感应出固定的中性点偏移电压△U 用于100%定子接地保护。
2 几种100%定子接地保护原理的特点2.1 中性点双频保护信号定子接地保护装置这种接地保护是基于发电机三次谐波电压在正常运行和故障运行时变化趋势正好相反,基波零序电压3U 0在单相接地时接地点离中性点越远电压值越高的特点而设计的。
发电机正常运行时中性点三次谐波电压U N 3总是大于机端三次谐波电压U D 3,只有发电机出线端开路时U N 3=U D 3。
而在发电机中性点单相接地时,中性点三次谐波电压U N 3为零,机端三次谐波电压U D 3等于相电压。
发电机机端单相接地时中性点三次谐波电压U N 3等于相电压,机端三次谐波电压U D 3等于零,中性点的三次谐波电压U N 3随着接地点离开中性点的距离越大三次谐波电压越高,而机端三次谐波电压U D 3随着接地点离开中性点的距离越大三次谐波电压越低(如图6所示)。
图6 U N3和U D3随接地点α变化的变化曲线 基波零序电压动作值一般取10V ~15V 能保护发电机机端到中性点90%~85%的范围。
动作量为发电机中性点三次谐波电压和机端出口三次谐波电压差值的绝对值,即|U N 3|-|U D 3|。
制动量为发电机中性点三次谐波电压绝对值,即|U N 3|。
保护的动作特性为:发电机在正常运行方式时不考虑泄漏电阻的影响,机端和中性点三次谐波电压U D 3和U N 3都和相电压E 3同相。
由于动作量|U N 3|-|U D 3|很小,制动量|U N 3|相对较大,保护可靠闭锁不动作。
而发电机定子绕组发生金属性接地时,动作量|U N 3|-|U D 3|接近于相电压E 3,而制动量|U N 3|在靠近中性点区域已变得很小,保护动作更加灵敏。
2.2 保护信号分别取自机端和中性点的100%定子接地保护装置零序基波电压保护按躲过发电机相电压曲线正弦波畸变所产生的不平衡量和高压侧单相接地短路通过变压器耦合电容传递到发电机的零序电压整定,动作电压取15V ,能保护发电机机端到中性点85%的范围。
保护采用5.5V 负序电压及延时2s 作为防止高压侧故障对接地保护影响的闭锁。
三次谐波组件用基波电压U N 和三次谐波电压U N 3之差作为三次谐波组件的工作电压。
保护动作量为发电机中性点三次谐波电压和出口三次谐波电压绝对值的差值,即|U N 3|-|U D 3|。
制动量为发电机中性点三次谐波电压绝对值,即|U N 3|。
2.3 外加低频注入电源的100%定子接地保护装置定子接地保护由95%定子接地保护和100%定子接地保护两部分组成。
当中性点附近有接地故障且接地故障电流小于5A 时,低频信号电流骤增,100%定子接地保护按预定逻辑动作。
当中性点附近有接地故障且接地故障电流大于5A 时,低频信号电流中断,中性点配电变压器二次绕组上的基波零序电压作为95%定子接地保护的动作量切除故障。
保护整定值设置为:95%定子接地保护5V/1.00s 跳闸,100%定子接地保护5k Ω/2.00s 报警,1k Ω/1.00s 跳闸。
2.4 机端母线匹配变压器100%定子接地保护装置保护配置了1台匹配变压器,接于机端出口母线上,其二次绕组的接线是不对称的,通过匹配变压器的不对称接线在发电机电势中感应出固定的中性点偏移电压△U。