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五、Listen and judge(根据你在录音中听到的内容判断句子的对错,相符的在相应题号下的括号内打“√” , 不相符的打“×”,每小题2分,共10分)


( )1.Liu Yun is from China.

( )2.Liu Yun is a Grade four student.

( )3.There are many tall building in Guangzhou.

( )4.We can see Do ngfeng Park through Liu Yun’s bedroom window.

( )5.Liu Yun’s school is near her home.


( )1.Mr Black is going to visit China this summer holiday.

( )2.The Great Wall is in Jiangxi.

( )3.Mr Black likes taking pictures.

( )4.Tom is Mr Black’s son.

( )5.Mr Black is from UK.


( )1. Joan comes from China.

( )2. Joan’s father is a university teacher and her mother is an engineer. ( )3. Joan has Chinese lessons on weekends.

( )4. Joan likes to play with her Chinese friends.

( )5. We teach Joan Chinese and Joan teaches us English.


( )1.Mr Brown lives in the village with his family.

( )2.Mrs Brown is a writer.

( )3.Sam goes to school on foot.

( )4.The Browns often get up early and do sports in the morning.

( )5.Sam has lunch at home.


( )1.Li Ming live in the city.

( )2.Li Ming’s cousin met him at the bus station.

( )3.Li Ming and his cousin went to Guanhzhou Zoo.

( )4.LI Ming and his cousin bought some shorts in Tianhe plaza.

( )5.Li Ming had a good time yeaterday.


( )1.This is a new classroom.

( )2.There are two windows and six doors in the classroom.

( )3.There is a computer and some books on the teacher’s desk.

( )4.There are forty-five chairs in the classroom.

( )5.The students often clean the classroom after school.


( )1.Li Yang is Sandy’s penpal.

( )2.Sandy likes playing the piano.

( )3.Li Yang is good at the piano and violin.

( )4.Sandy and Li Yang often write letters to each other. ( )5. Sandy will meet Li Yang at the airport.


( )1.Today is Sunday morning.

( )2.There are a lot of people in the zoo.

( )3.There is a dog on the grass.

( )4.Two girls are flying a kite near the tree.

( )5. Some young women are boating on the lake.


( )1.Sarah went to Shanghai by train.

( )2.She was not happy in Shanghai.

( )3.She went shopping on the first day.

( )4.She bought some presents for her parents.

( )5.She came back home on the third day.


( )1.There isn’t a library near the school.

( )2.The school is not near here.

( )3.We can take No.13 bus to the school

( )4.We should get off at the post office and turn right. ( )5.The library is in front of the school.


( )1.Nancy is a student in Grade Six.

( )2.Her mom goes to work by bike.

( )3.Her mom works in a school.

( )4.The sick people likes her father very much.

( )5.Her brother reports the weather.


( )1.Beijing is rainy today.

( )2.Chen Jie wears a new dress.

( )3.She will go to the zoo with Amy tomorrow.

( )4.They can see many horses and sheep tomorrow.

( )5.Chen Jie can ride a hoese tomorrow.


( )1.Sarah went hiking last weekend.

( )2.Amy wasn’t happy, she stayed at home.

( )3.Amy had a headache.

( )4.John took many pictures.
