Join in英语六年级下册课本-电子版

义务教育教科书英 语(三年级起点)六年级下册Günter Gerngross(奥) Herbert Puchta(奥) 刘兆义 主编致 同 学同学们好!我是托比,以后就叫我Toby吧。
欢迎大家与我一起开始学习英语!我们所学教材的英语名字是Join In,是“参与”的意思。
衷心祝愿小朋友,好好学习,天天向上,都成为聪明的好孩子!你们的“老”朋友刘兆义ContentsStarter unit Join us 2 Unit 1 My cousins and I 8 Unit 2 Food and health 14 Unit 3 Mary's diary 20 Revision 126 Unit 4 My heroes 32 Unit 5 I love reading 38 Unit 6 The world of my dreams 44 Revision 2 50 Supplementary activities 58 Word list 71 Vocabulary75 Proper names81Join us21Listen to the poem.What I want to beMy teacher comes and says to me,"What do you want to bein ten years' time from now?"And then I sit and thinkand think and think and blinkuntil she says,"Well, you could be a doctor,or a teacher,or a pilot or a clown,a sheriff or a cowboy,or the boss of a big town."But I don't want to be a doctor,or a teacher,or a pilot or a clown,a sheriff or a cowboy,or the boss of a big town.I want to be a tiger,or a pony or a train,a spacecraft or an elephant,a supersonic plane.I want to be,I want to be ...Well, I don't really know.Ah! There's the bell — goodbye for now,I really have to go.32 Circle () the food words.1. Where is Simon from?6. When did he get up yesterday?2. How old is he?7. When did he get to school?3. What does he love?8. What did he do from 3 to 5 pm?4. Who is Simon’s friend?9. What did he do from 7 to 9 pm?5. What do they often do?3 Look at the pictures and answer the questions aboutSimon.Join us44 Look at the pictures. Write thewords under each of the headings in your notebook. things in a roombody school things feelings colours sports and hobbies things you can collect buildings animals things you can put on things you can eat and drink55Play the game.Do you know what I want to be? It starts with "D".That’s right!Join us66Trueor False.1. There is a basketball on the floor.2. There are three books under the desk.3. There are some pictures on the walls.4. There are two frogs under the desk.5. There are two red sweaters on the chair.6. The trousers are in the wardrobe.7. The shoes are in the wardrobe.8. The socks are on the floor between the bed and thewardrobe.True False778Read Chen Zihan’s letter. Then write a reply........................ and friends.What about other subjects?I also like ....................... . I love to run a lot for exercise. It makes me so ............................ .Dear Chen ZihanMy cousins and I 11b12 Answer the questions about you and your family.3b Describe people you know with the words in 3a .e.g.Liza is pretty and clever. She is outgoing, too.GROUPWORKAsk each other the questions in 2. Write down their answers.Write a report about your friends and their families.1. Where were you born?2. How many people are there in your family?3. Who are they?4. What does your father do?5. What does your mother do?6. What do you like?3a Listen and circle ( ) the words you hear.Then learn the words.East or west, home is best.My cousins and I14aListen and read. Then tick () True or False .Li Ying: Hi, Ma Tao. Did you have a good time at Spring Festival?Ma Tao:Oh yes, it was great! My auntie’s family all came here from Australia.We had a happy Spring Festival together.Li Ying: Your auntie? I never knew you had an aunt.Ma Tao:She’s my father’s little sister. She went to Australia before I was born.So it was the first time I saw her! She’s a nurse at a hospital in Sydney.Li Ying: What about her family? Has your aunt got any children?Ma Tao:My uncle Martin isn’t Chinese. He’s from Australia. He can speak a littleChinese. He learns from my aunt. They’ve got two children, Liza and Bill.Li Ying: Oh good! Your cousins must speak good English!Ma Tao: Liza speaks English, but Bill can’t speak. He’s a little baby!Li Ying: A baby boy? Hah, hah ...!Ma Tao:I took many photos at our big family get-together. Come to my placeand have a look, will you?Li Ying:OK.1. Martin’s family had a happy Spring Festival in China.2. Ma Tao’s aunt came back to China this year.3. Ma Tao’s aunt is his mother’s sister.4. Martin is learning Chinese.5. Martin has got two children, a girl and a boy.6. Ma Tao’s cousins speak good English.7. Bill can speak a little Chinese.8. Ma Tao had fun at Spring Festival.True False15a Listen and match. When and where were they born?5b Fill in your answers. Then practise the dialogues in pairs.4b Read again. Then answer the questions.1. Where2. When3. What4. Who5. How children are there in Martin’s family?6. Why PAIRWORK1. Practise 4b in pairs.2. Tell your partner something about Ma Tao’s aunt. Then change roles.Jack Maryon October 1, 2005on May 4, 2006in Chengdu in Beijing— Where were you born?— When were you born? — I was born. — I was born.5c Write where and when your partner was born.My cousins and I16Listen and read.Hello! I am Liza, a girl from Australia. What do you know about Australia? Here are some facts about my country.AustraliaAustralia is the world’s sixth biggest country. It is also the world’s biggest island.Its capital is Canberra, a modern city by a lake. There are about 670 000 Chinese Australians in the country.KoalasThe koala is a cute animal from Australia.It looks like a grey bear, but it is not a bear. It has got no tail. Koalas climb trees and eat leaves. They sleep for 20 hours a day, and eat for two hours.SydneyMy home town Sydney is a beautiful city. It is the biggest city in Australia. There are many gardens and parks around the city. You can also see many street trees. You are welcome to visit Sydney.Australia Day is on January 26.17 Look at the family tree below. Then answer thequestions about the family.8 Complete the table and report it to the class.What is my brother's name? Who is my father?What is my grandmother's name? What are my cousins' names? andWho is my aunt?What is my mother's name?William KatherineSarah Robert Jeremy Me Tracy AndrewMeganAlexFood and health21aListen and number Nick’s answers.1b Listen again and match Ann’s questions withNick’s answers in 1a .PAIRWORK1. Role-play the dialogue.2. Discuss how we can be fit and strong.Do you eat a lot every day? Hi, Nick! Why are you so fit and strong? Oh, I mostly eat junk food, and I often get ill. I want to be fit. But what can I do? What sports do you usually do?Hi, Nick! Why are you so fit and strong?You are what you eat.22bListen, point and learn the food words in 2a .2a Listen and circle() the junk food.milk fruit vegetableshamburger chips chocolateswholemeal bread candies sugary drinksbrown rice chicken and eggsjuiceGROUPWORKDiscuss which foods are good for health, and which foods are bad for health.Food and health23aRead and underline all the food words.3bRead the Healthy Eating Plate. Then tick () orcross ().If you eat a plate of foods for dinner, the HEALTHY EATING PLATE – shows:1. you have to eat more vegetables than other foods;2. half of your food should be vegetables and fruits;3. a quarter of your food should be whole grains;4. you need a very big plate for dinner;5. you have to eat some fish, chicken, or meat.Use healthy oils for cooking, and at the table.The morevegetables, the better.Eat plenty of different fruits.Drink water or tea (with little or no sugar). Drink 1-2 cups of milk a day, and a small glass of juice. Don’t drink many sugary drinks.Eat whole grains (like brown rice, whole-wheat bread).Eat less white rice and white bread.Choose fish, chicken, beans and nuts. Eat less red meat.Healthy Eating PlateDo you want to be fit and strong? Can you look after yourself well?Read the Healthy Eating Plate, and you will learn a lot.2D R I N K SF R U I T SS T A Y A C T IV EVE G E T A B L E S WHOLE GRAINS H E A L T H Y P R O T E IN4Read and label the healthy eating tips.GROUPWORK1. Discuss what and how we have to eat.2. Make your own healthy eating tip cards.Y o u s h o u ld e a t s om e f o o d sw it h h e a lt h y p r o te in .Y o u r b o d y n e e d s pr o t e int o g r o w a n d b e s tr o n g .Drink water, or drink tea with little or no sugar.Drink one or two cups of milk, and a small glass of juice every day.D o m o r e e x e r c is e!It ’s p a r t o f t h e s e c r e tt o g o o d h e a lt h .Eat plenty ofdifferent fruits!You should eat grain foodsfor each meal.Eat more whole grains!T h e m o re v e g e ta b le s y o u e a t, t h e b e tt er!Food and health 25aListen and read the text.Auntie Pang is kind and warm-hearted. Shelikes working in her kitchen and she can cookwonderful dishes.But her eating habits are not healthy! Shelikes eating junk food — pizza, hamburgers, and ice cream. She eats too much and drinkstoo many sugary drinks every day. She doesn’t watch her weight at all.1. What and how does Auntie Pang usually eat?2. How does she spend most of her day?3. Does she exercise every day?4. What does the doctor say to Auntie Pang?5. What do you think of Auntie Pang’s habits?5b Read again and underline Auntie Pang’s bad habits.Then answer the questions.Auntie Pang doesn’t exercise. She sits infront of the TV most of the day. So sheoften gets ill and goes to see a doctor.“You have to look after yourself,” thedoctor says to Auntie Pang. “You have tochange your eating habits. And you haveto exercise every day!”26 Below is a healthy eating pyramid. Let's see what is in your meal today. Draw an X in each of the sections that you have in your meal today.GROUPWORKTalk with your friends if your meal today is healthy.Butter,Red meat Salt,Sugar DairyNuts, Seeds and Beans Fish, Poultry and EggsVegetables and Fruit Healthy Fats and Oils Whole GrainsMary's diary31a Listen and read.1b Tell your partner about Mary. Then change roles.I’m Mary. I live in Scotland. My home town is a beautiful place, and there’s a big castle on the lake. I like reading and writing very much. I keep a diary every day. In my diary I write about my family, my good friends, my feelings and my dreams. “Keep a diary, and it’ll keep you someday.” That is my favourite saying.Look, this is from my first diary.keeping a diary when I was seven.32Read Mary’s web diary. Then tell why she was sad.3 Read Mary's another web diary. Then tell what Mary dreamed about.15 May, 2014Maths is difficult for me, and I don’t like it.This morning Mr Brown gave us five sums todo, but I got two wrong! I felt very sad! Peteris my friend. He is good at maths. He says heis going to help me. I will work harder!20 August, 2014 CloudyYesterday I had a great time! I visited the old castle withUncle Sam and my cousin Dick. The castle is 800 yearsold. Some people say there is a ghost in the tower. ButI don’t think it is true. Last night, I dreamed about Dickand the ghost. The ghost loved ice cream and ate Dick’sice cream. It was so funny!Mary's diary3This castle is 800years old. In the tower there's a ghost.What's his name?My ice cream!Stop shouting!Oswald.An ice cream, please.I love ice cream.What flavour?Vanilla,chocolate and strawberry.Help!Let me go,Oswald.What can I wear?Later Sorry.Now I'm the guide.That's one pound.Sorry, I haven't got any money.No money, no ice cream.4A story — Ice cream for Oswald.3Now,ladies and gentlemen,this was Jessica theBeautiful.You can come out now.And this is howHenry the Horriblekilled the people he didn't like.Pull the rope, please.Thank you.That was wonderful.Great show!Best tourin my life.Excellent.87 ice creams,please!Mary's diary 35 Put the sentences in the correct order.PAIRWORKAsk and answer.1. How do you think of the story about the old castle?2. If you hear an interesting story, would you like to write it down in your diary or share it with friends on your weibo or weixin?3. How is weibo or weixin different from diary?Oswald loves it and goes to town to buy an ice cream.Oswald wants to make some money.Oswald is happy. Now he can buy lots of ice cream. Oswald eats a boy’s ice cream.He shows the visitors how Henry the Horrible killed people.Oswald doesn’t get his ice cream, because he hasn’t got any money.They like it and give Oswald money.Oswald locks the guide in a room.13PAIRWORKAsk your partner what he/she is going to do this weekend.Then change roles.6a Listen and number what Sally will do in the correct order.1. She ___________________________________ early in the morning.2. She ___________________________________ at half past eleven.3. She ___________________________________ after lunch.4. She ___________________________________ after dinner.6b Listen again. Then fill in what Sally will dothis Saturday.7 Look and answer what Simon is going to do this weekend.Saturday morning Saturday evening Sunday afternoon Sunday evening play football watch TVplay table tennis paint listen to music go riding do maths exercisesread1R E V I S I O N 2 Read 1a , 4a and 6 of Unit 1.Then write about Liza’s family in your notebook.Liza is a girl from Australia. ...PAIRWORK1. Tell your partner about Liza and her family. Then change roles.2. Show your family tree to your partner, and tell him or herabout you and your family. Then change roles.1. Bill is Liza’s ___________. Mao Tao is Liza’s __________.2. Liza’s dad has got a _____________. She is Liza’s aunt.3. Liza’s mum has got a ____________. He is Liza’s uncle.5. Ma Tao’s dad is Liza’s _______, and his mum is her _______.They are also Liza’s 1 Study Liza’s family tree. Then fill in the correct words.1R E V I S I ON3 Read the words. Then circle () in matchingcolours.PAIRWORKAsk and and drink family members jobsnoodlesfather worker parents sisteregg mother banana nursedoctor tea grandfather chickenfarmer driver policeman auntpotato brother ice-cream applecousin teacher grandmother breadjuice tomato vegetablesmilk uncle cake crayonsMr Lee Mr Black Ms White1R E V I S I O Noil, salt, sugar, sweets, fatmilk, fish, chicken, meat, eggsvegetables and fruits grain foods:rice, noodles, breadWhat makes ahealthy diet?54Food riddles. Write the name and draw a pictureof the food in the box.We learn from the picture1. what foods to eat and how to eat well every day.2. what foods we shouldn’t eat.3. eating different kinds of foods a day is wrong.4. too much salt and sugar is bad for our health.5. we have to eat more vegetables and fruits.6. eating grain foods each day is good for our health.1. I am round and red. My meat is a l s o r e d. S o m e people think I am a vegetable but I am really a fruit. People like to use me in a salad. Who am I?2. I am a fruit. I am yellow and long. M o n keys l i ke to eat me and so do humans. Who am I?3. I am some people’s favourite food. I am very sweet. You get me at Halloween. Who am I?1R E V I S I ON6Match and fill in the numbers. Then listenand check.7 Look, write and read.1. When did Mary start keeping a diary?2. Where does Mary live?3. What does Mary do every day?4. What subject is difficult for Mary?5. Who will help Mary with her maths?6. Who did Mary dream about one night?HI , M E E T M E T O N I G H T AT T W E L V E U N D E R T H E B I G T R E E B E H I N D T H E C A S T L E .DO N ’T B E A F R A I D . IA L W A Y S C A R R Y M Y H E A D UN D E R M Y A R M .QU E N T I N , T H E G H O ST1R E V I S I O N8Listen and read the text.9Look and complete the sentences.What is the boy doing in the pictures? He isn’t washing the apples. He is playing a game! The game is Apple Bobbing. Children in the UK and USA play it at parties on Halloween. They put apples in a big bowl of water. Then they try toeat the apples. But they can’t use their hands. Isn’t it fun?Answer the questions.1. What is the boy doing in the pictures?2. Who likes playing the game?3. When do children play the game?What is Toby doing?1ride Toby ___________ a horse.2write Toby _________________.3read Tody ___________ a book.4sleepToby _____________ in bed.13241R E V I S I O N10 Fill in the verbs.11Look and then answer the questions.arehasliveeats likelooks sleepsKoalasin Australia. Peoplethem because theycute. The koalalike a bear, but it got no tail. It leaves. Itfor 20 hoursevery day.Peter has very good eating habits. He does exercise every day. The pictures show what he is going to eat tomorrow.1. What is he going to eat for breakfast?2. Is he going to drink milk for lunch? What is he going to drink?3. What grain food is he going to have for lunch?4. Is he going to eat any fruit?5. What is he going to eat for supper?BreakfastLunchSupperMy heroes41aListen and read.About a hundred children are having a Summer Holiday Camp in Beijing.Some are from the USA, the UK and Australia. Others are from China. Sally, Li Yu, Bill and Chen Zihan are talking about their heroes.Yuan Longping is my hero. He is China’s Father of Hybrid Rice. He is famous around the world. Mum is a great woman in my eyes! She’s very busy at work, but she also looks after the family Anne Frank is my hero. She died long ago, but her diary lives on BillChen ZihanSallyLi Yu41b Listen and read again. Then match.1c Tell who your heroes are and share their storieswith each other.2 Read. Then tell each other about Nottingham.Sally’s hero is Li Yu’s hero is Bill’s hero is Chen Zihan’s hero isa world top footballer.a famous scientist.the writer of a diary.her mother.Nottingham is a beautiful city in the middle of England. It is famous for Robin Hood, a great hero in the hearts of English people. He lived in a big forest near Nottingham around the year 1180. There are many stories aboutRobin Hood. Here is one of them.My heroes4Run, Robin, run!We live in the woods.All right, come with me.I must help him. Please show me the way to Nottingham.Your father is not dead. The Sheriff's men tookhim away.We hide from the Sheriff of Nottingham and his soldiers.Who are you?An hour laterWe've got him.Help!Look, there's one of the Sheriff's soldiers.Bye-bye, Robin. Take care and good luck. Will you come back?Yes, but only with my father.Let's wait until he is very close.3A story — Robin's father.4What do you want?Father, it's me, Robin. Come with me.The Sheriff wants this man. Help me get on the horse.Hold on, Father, we're almost there.Thank you, my friends. I'll stay with you. We'll fight the Sheriff and help the poor.Hooray!Leave me here. They blinded me. I can't see.The man who killed the King's deer. The Sheriff wantshim.Father, please, come on. I've got a plan.Where are you going?Stop! Where are you going?Come back!My heroes44Listen and read.“Miss Deng came here two years ago.She was very friendly to us.But at that time we were too shy to speak.We couldn’t even speak putonghua .”“She gave us the first English class. She taught us to sing and dance, too. Now we all like learning English!”“She is warm and kind. It feels good to bearound her. We love her!”“Now we have got lots of changes! We’re becoming more confident!”Miss Deng is a young teacher of a village school. She left college two years ago, but she didn’t stay in the city. She came to a village school. She teaches English. And she also teachesChinese and Music.She is kind to her pupils and they all love her.Now let’s hear what her pupils said about their hero Miss Deng.45 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.6Listen what people say about Robin Hood and talk with your friends if there are any people like Robin Hood in Chinese history.1. Miss Green is ____________ us a lesson in the library.3. I am _________ a story of my hero.2. The pupils are _______ stories of their heroes.I love reading 51Listen and sing the song.I love reading, reading, reading.Yeah, I love reading books.It is true that I’m a bookworm.My books are my best friends.I read and read and read and read. Until a story ends.There are lions, there are horses. There are monsters, big and small.I just open up a book.And I can see them all.There are islands, there are castles. There are people, short and tall.I just open up a book.And I can see them all.A house without books is like aroom without windows.I love reading52a Listen and tick ( ) the correct answers.2b Listen again. Then talk about Fiona and Mike’sfavourite comic.a thirteen-year-old girl. a sixteen-year-old girl. a brother. a sister.reading.swimming.the people in a village. the panda on a hill. shy, but strong. short, but clever. Mike.the hero’s name.Tell your partner about yourself and your favourite book. Then change roles.PAIRWORKFiona is She has got She lovesMike’s favourite comic is about The hero in the comic is The comic’s name is alsoThis is a programme for young listeners. Now, please listen carefully.I love reading 5For three years, nobodysaw Robin Hood.But people told a lot ofstories about him.He will comeback one day.And he will help us.I can sit down here andrest for two or three hours.Then I can go back.I can tell people that RobinHood is dead. When the Sheriff openedhis eyes, he had a shock.He saw Robin's men.Welcome toSherwood Forest,dear Sheriff.But Robin Hood was not dead. His men saw the sleeping Sheriff.Stop, Robin.The Sheriff is a bad man,but please let him go!Take his clothes and hishorse and send him backto Nottingham.When the people inNottingham saw the Sheriff, they all laughed. The Sheriff was very angry.The Sheriff heard this.Three hours laterRobin will be happy to see you.Please,don't kill me!Look at the Sheriff.Kill him.Nonsense!Robin Hood is dead.I'm going to SherwoodForest. I'm going alone.I'm not scared.3 A story — The Sheriff’s trick.5And the winner is the man in the green hood.The winner must be Robin Hood.Catch him when I tell you.How can I catch Robin Hood? Ah, I have an idea ...I'll win the firstprize!Don't go, Robin.This is a trick!Come on, men, catch him!On the day of the competitionLet's go back to the forestand celebrate!The Sheriff's men caught Robin. But Robin's friends came to help him. They jumped out from behind the trees and bushes. There was a long fight. But in the end, Robin's menwere the winners.I love reading54 Read the story of 3 again. Then tick ( ) True or False .1. Robin Hood helped people, so he was a hero.2. People hated the Sheriff because he was a bad man.3. Robin and his men lived in Sherwood Forest.4. Robin’s men caught and killed the Sheriff in the forest.5. One day the Sheriff and his men caught Robin in the forest.True False5a Listen and complete the story.5b Listen and check your answers.Then tell the story in pairs.Peng Haitao is a good pupil at school. He loves reading, and usually reads books in the library after school. Yesterday afternoon he back home from the library. He a big box on his desk, and the boxvery heavy!“What’s in it?” He the box.There ten new storybooksin it! Then heDad and Mumcome in. “Happy birthday, Haitao! These are for you.” “Wow, great!” Haitaoupwith joy!“Thank you, Mum. Thank you, Dad.”5 6 Read the two posters. Then discuss in groups.Which sentence is the most important in each book?Underline the sentences.Write your own poster.My favourite story/cartoon is ...The hero/heroine is a boy/girl ...He/She is ... years old.The book/cartoon isfull of interesting stories/a lot of fun/a very good read.The world of my dreams61Listen and read.2Listen and number.1In my dream I see a wonderful world. I never dream about wars.I dream there are parks and flowers everywhere. I often have dreams at night. I dream all people help each other.In my dream people from different countries live together in peace.6 3 Talk about the world of your dreams.... there are ... there are ... children have thenot manynoa lot ofbigfriendlymorefewerbiggerfriendliermore beautifulmore expensivebettermost beautifulfriendliestbestmost the world of my dreams ...The world of my dreams6I wantto see the ocean.Don't go.It's too far.Don't go.It's too dangerous.I'll get you!I'm glad I'm fasterthan the lion.Come with me. I'll show you.Rabbit for breakfast, yummy!Rabbit for dinner, mmm.Excuse me.How do I get to theocean?Excuse me.Can you tell me the wayto the ocean?Sorry, I can't hear e closer.Phew! That was close.Got you!Oh, no!4A story — The rabbit’s dream.6What's that?I'm scared.Who are you?I'm a rabbit.I want to seethe ocean. Can youtell me the way?Can youtell me the wayto the ocean?Sure,it's this way.Wow, the ocean.It looks beautiful. I wish my friends could see it.No, thank you.The next daySorry,I can't help you.Ask the owl.I can take you there.It was night. The sky was full of stars. The rabbit was very tired. He remembered all the dangerous situations, but he was very happy. Then he closed his eyes, made his bed in the sand and started to dream.。
剑桥(join in)版小学英语六年级下册配套教案(全册)

教案设计教案设计Unit 1 My cousins and I教学设计(第1课时)【教学内容】Part 1, Part 2, Part 3【教学目标】(一)知识与技能1.能借助图片听懂、读懂介绍自己、家庭成员以及家乡的短文,并完成填空等练习;2.能读懂询问个人及家庭的问句,进行简单交流,并能简单记录和书面表达朋友及其家庭信息;3.能听懂描述个人外貌及性格特征的句子,并能准确认读和书写形容词nice,kind,pretty,lovely,friendly,outgoing,tall,short,strong,cool,clever,beautiful等。
【教学准备】教材相配套的录音带【教学过程】Step 1 Warming up1.利用照片、课件创造情境,引导学生猜测单词词义。
2.呈现本课人物图片,引导学生提问,如“Who’s she? Where is she from? How old is she? What does she look like?”等。
Step 2 Listen and read老师播放录音,学生跟读课文,训练学生口语。
Step 3 Listen and practice1.老师再次播放录音,补充一些问题引导学生进一步理解短文。
如:Answer the questions:1) Where was she born?2) How old is she?3) What does she like?4) When did she start playing the piano?5) How many people are there in her family? Who are they?6) Where is her dad from? What about her mum?7) What do her parents do? And there where do they work?8) How old is her brother?2.学生独立完成1b练习,师生共同核对答案。
六年级下册英语教案- Unit 2 Food and health join in 剑桥英语

1.Do you know different colours of foods are good for different parts of our body?
My favourite red food is apples.
Red fruit and vegetables are good for your heart.
B类 学以致用
Ss can give some eating suggestions to other describe food freely.
A类 学会理解:
Apples are healthy. Cola is unhealthy.
2. I am a fruit. I am yellow and long. Monkeys like to eat me and so do humans. Who am I? ________________
六年级下册英语教学设计-Module 2第二课时Unit 1 3~4 外研版

六年级下册英语教学设计-Module 2 第二课时 Unit 1 3~4 外研版课时目标•学生能够听懂、说出有关学校设施的词汇;•学生能够运用目标语言描述学校设施;•学生能够完成有关学校设施的问答。
教学步骤Step 1. 导入新知1.教师向学生展示学校平面图,并用简单的英语介绍每个学校设施的名称和位置。
For example, the library is on the second floor. The gym islocated on the right side of the playground.2.教师可以针对每个设施的名称和位置进行提问,让学生更好地理解和掌握。
Step 2. 语言训练1.教师引导学生练习目标语言的发音和词汇。
For example, library, gym, playground, laboratory, music room, computer room, swimming pool, art room, classroom, etc.2.学生可以在小组或分组中进行朗读、听写等活动,以加深对目标语言的印象。
Step 3. 练习活动1.教师会为学生提供图片或平面图,并让学生在上面写出设施的名称和位置。
For example, draw a picture of the school playground and label where the gym and music room are.2.学生可分角色进行问答游戏,其中一方担任问答者,另一方通过回答问题得到分数。
For example,–Q: Where is the library?–A: The library is on the second floor.–Q: Where is the gym?–A: The gym is located on the right side of the playground.Step 4. 总结归纳1.教师在讲解和练习后,可以向学生梳理今天所学的目标语言和知识点。

外研版(一起)六年级英语下册《Module 3 Unit 2》教案设计一、教学目标1. 知识与技能目标:学生能够理解并运用本课的单词和短语,如“take part in”、“draw pictures”等;能够理解并运用There be 句型描述某地有某人或某物;能够理解一般将来时态的用法,并在适当情境中运用。
2. 过程与方法目标:通过图片展示、情景模拟、小组讨论等方式,提高学生的英语听说能力和小组合作能力;通过本课的学习,提高学生的描述和叙述能力。
3. 情感态度与价值观目标:培养学生对英语学习的兴趣,激发学生的学习积极性;培养学生热爱生活、热爱集体的情感。
二、教学内容1. 词汇:take part in、draw pictures、read books、have a picnic、clean the park等。
2. 句型:There will be a school trip this Sunday. We will take part in the school trip. Will you read books? Yes, Iwill. No, I won't.3. 语法:一般将来时态。
三、教学重点与难点1. 教学重点:词汇和句型的掌握,一般将来时态的运用。
2. 教学难点:There be句型的运用,一般将来时态的构成及意义。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:多媒体课件、图片、卡片。
2. 学具:英语课本、练习本、彩笔。
五、教学过程1. 导入:通过图片展示各种活动,引导学生复习相关词汇,为新课的学习做好铺垫。
2. 新课展示:通过多媒体展示本课的词汇和句型,引导学生跟读并模仿,理解其意义。
3. 情境模拟:创设情境,让学生运用本课的词汇和句型进行模拟对话,提高学生的口语表达能力。
5. 练习巩固:设计相关的练习题,让学生独立完成,巩固所学知识。
六、板书设计1. Module 3 Unit 22. 词汇:take part in、draw pictures、read books、have a picnic、clean the park等。
Join in 六年级下册教案 Unit 6 The world of my dreams

Unit 6 The world of my dreams1st period part1 and part2Ⅰ. Teaching contentsUnit 6 Part1 Listen and readPart 2 Listen and numberⅡ. Teaching aimsTo help the ss understand the texts of the dreams.To help them finish the exercise.To help them improve the abilities of listening and reading.Ⅲ. Key point and difficult pointTo make sure they can understand the texts about dreams.To make sure the ss can read the texts.To help them number the sentences correctly.Ⅳ. Teaching steps(1)Warming upThe teacher asks some questions about dreamsWhat do you often dream?Let them listen to the tape and think about the questionWhat are the three children talking about?Then learn the title of unit 6. The world of my dreams.(2)PresentationThe teacher let the ss listen to the three texts one by one, asks them to find out the scenes accordingly.Then, helps the ss read the texts, get information about their world of dreams.The teacher asks a question“What is it like in the world of their dreams?”Let the ss read by themselves and underline key words and phrases on their books.Then check the answer and teach them new words and phrases.“Beautiful houses with big gardens, friendly, each other, live together in peace, no wars.”Listen again,let the ss read the texts after the tape.Then, read the texts group by group and read them together.(3)PracticeThe teacher gives an example of her world of dreams.Let the ss learn the text and write a new text.Asks the ss to work in groups, talk about their worlds of dreams.Choose several groups to present in front of the class.The teacher gives help if necessary.(4)Listen and numberLet the ss read the six sentences on page44.Listen to the several times and number the sentences.Check the answers.Asks the ss to read the sentences in correct order.Choose some ss to read the sentences and give comments.(5) HomeworkRead three texts of part 1.2nd period part3Ⅰ. Teaching contentUnit 6 Part 3 Talk about the world of your dreamsⅡ. Teaching aimsTo help the ss understand the new words and phrases of part3.To help them master the original level, comparative and superlative degree of adjectives.To help them talk about the world of their dreams.Ⅲ. Key point and difficult pointTo make sure the ss can use the original level, comparative and superlative degree of adjectives. To make sure they can talk about the world of their dreams clearly.Ⅳ. Teaching steps(1)Revision and warming upThe teacher asks the ss to read the texts of part1.Then asks some ss to read the texts loudly in front of the class.(2)PresentationThe teacher shows the pictures of robots, computers, gardens and playgrounds.The teacher introduces her world of dreams.Presents the original level, comparative and superlative degree of adjectives.Let the ss know th e meaning of “big bigger biggest/ friendly friendlier friendliest”Then the teacher helps the ss talk about their world of dreams.Asks some ss to show their dreams in front of the class.(3)PracticeLet the ss talk about their dreams with their partner.The teacher gives them help when they need.Asks the ss to read the content of part 3,helps them understand “bigger biggest, more beautiful,most beautiful”with the help of pictures and gestures.Divide whole class into groups of two. Let them talk about their dreams in pairs.The teacher gives help if necessary.Asks several ss to show in front of the class.(4). HomeworkRead part3. Write a text about their dreams.3rd period part 4Ⅰ.Teaching contentUnit 6 Part 4 A story-The rabbit’s dreamⅡ. Teaching aimsTo help the ss understand the story.To help them learn the new words in the story.To help the ss improve the ability of listening.Ⅲ. Key point and difficult pointTo make sure the ss can understand the new words.To make sure they can understand the plot of the story.To help them retell the story.Ⅳ.Teaching steps(1)Warming upThe teacher asks the ss to answer “What’s your dream?”Let the ss talk about their dreams.(2)PresentationThe teacher shows the picture of rabbit. Let the ss listen to the story and answer the question. “What’s the rabbit’s dream?”Let the ss got a general idea about the story.Listen again. Let the ss answer “How many animals does the rabbit meet?”Ask one student to answer.Then ask them to fill in the table.Let the ss read picture one to four, and then answer the following questions:①What does the rabbit ask?②How does the lion answer?③What does the lion want to do?④What does the rabbit do?Let the ss fill in the table.Check the answers.(3)PracticeLet the ss read the rest of the pictures, find out the ending of the story by themselves.Asks the ss to listen to the story sentence by sentence, and imitate the pronunciation and intonation.Read the story together.Ask some ss to act out the story and the teacher gives comments.Then, the teacher asks the ss to retell the story, and asks some ss to show in front of the class. Gives praise.(4)HomeworkRead the story4th period part 5Ⅰ.Teaching contentUnit 6 part 5 Listen and sing the songⅡ.Teaching aims1.Make sure the Ss can understand the song.2.Make sure the Ss can read and sing the song.3.Make sure they like this song and then talk about their own dreams.Ⅲ. Key points and difficult points1.To help the Ss understand and sing the song.2.To help them talk about their own dreams.Ⅳ Teaching processesStep 1 warming up1.Free talk.2.Read the poem ------What I want to be.Step 2 Presentation and practice1. T: What do you want to be?What’s your dreams?Ss: Superstar, boss, doctor...T: Now, let’s listen to a girl’s dream and an swer this question: What is her dream about?Play the recorder and Ss listen.2. Ask some SS to answer the question. T can help if necessary.3.T can show her dream with the help of ppt and teach some new words: enough, wood, meet, kids and grown-ups.4.Listen to the song again and try to understand the whole song.5.Learn the song part by part, sentence by sentence.6.Sing the song after the recorder, and then sing the song in diverse ways.Step 3 ConsolidationJust now we know the girl’s dream. What about your d ream? Talk about your dream about the world and people, with the sentence structures below;I see...There are...Step 4 Homework1.Sing the song for your parents.2.Write your dream.5th period Part 6 Part 7I. Teaching contentsUnit 6 Part 6 Look and fill in the letters. Then listen and repeat.Part 7 Listen and read the dialogueII. Teaching aims1.Make sure the Ss can finish part 6 correctly.2.Make sure they can use the dialogues.3.Make sure they can read the dialogues in part 7.4.Make sure the Ss can understand the comparative degree and the superlative degree.III. Key points and difficult points1.The Ss can understand and read the conversations.2.The Ss can ask the way.3.The Ss can master the comparative and superlative degree of adjectives.IV. Teaching processesStep 1 revision1. Free talk.2.Read the passage of Beijing and Wuhan.Step 2 Presentation and practice1.Let’s look at other cities. Show some pictures of Nanjing, Wuhan and Shanghai.T can introduce those cities and teach some useful adj:small, big, friendly ,good, many, beautiful, expensive.Ask some Ss to describe those cities with those adj.2.T shows the area of the three cities and asks: Which city is the smallest, Shanghai, Wuhan or Nanjing? Teach the superlative degree.T can give some examples:Tom is the tallest in our class.This box is the biggest.Ask some Ss to make sentences. Then answer the question above.3. Show the area of Wuhan and Nanjing and ask: Which is smaller, Wuhan or Nanjing?Teach the comparative degree in the same way.4.T asks: Which city is the biggest, Shanghai, Wuhan or Nanjing?Ask some Ss to answer.T: Which is bigger, Wuhan or Nanjing?Ask some Ss to answer5.T: If you are new in a city. You want to the museum. How to ask the way?Ss: ...You want to buy an ice cream. What can you say?Ss:...Practice the remaining two scenarios in the same way.6.Fill in the letters in part 6.Then listen and repeat.7.T and Ss act the dialogues and the let the Ss make dialogues like this.Step 3 HomeworkRead the dialogues in part 6 and part 7.。
牛津版英语六年级下册教案 6B Module2 Unit3(4)

While-task procedure
Post-task activities
1. About your trip plan
1.Now listen!
e.g. Where are we going to visit?
Asking ‘How’ questions to find out price
e.g. How much does it cost?
Key Points: What time are we going to get there?
Difficult Points: How much does it cost?
2 Invite different groups to report back about their plan to the rest of the class. Choose some of the plans for future class outings.
1. Photocopiable page 97 to each student. Listen to Kitty and Eddie’s conversation about what activities they usually do with their cousins.
e.g. It’s going to be a super afternoon.பைடு நூலகம்
Asking ‘How’ questions to find out means
e.g. How are we going to get there?
英语(Join In)(三年级起点)(六年级下册)(Revision 2)

250R E V I S I O N2Put the sentences in the correct order.First the rabbit meets a lion. The lion wants to eat him.The rabbit wants to see the ocean.Then he meets a snake. The snake wants to eat him, too.His friends say, "Don't go. It's too dangerous."The elephant can't tell him the way. He is very tired, but he is happy. The next day the rabbit gets to the ocean.The owl shows him the way.1 Find the four sentences. Write them in your notebook.样书251R E V I S I ON3b Listen again. Then read it out loud.The sweetest smells,The nicest songs,The most colourful flowers,The loveliest peopleAnd the most helpful teachers.All these you can findIn the world of my dreams.The biggest pizzas,The sweetest ice creams,The most wonderful fruit And the best drinks.All these you can findIn the world of my dreams.Now write your own poem.The .......................................................,The .......................................................,The ........................................................And the ................................................ .All these you can findIn the world of my dreams.3aListen to the poems.样书252R E V I S I O NEach pupil needs a marker to show where they are on the board.markers4 Play in groups and see who is the first to FINISH .样书253R E V I S I O NHow do youEach member moves their marker from START inturn. When the marker lands on a square, answer the question. If the answer is right, move the marker on by one square.样书255R E V I S I O NCan you tell mebecoming a scientist?They’re listening to music.What are the children the way to the hospital?Tomorrow evening.Where did yourfamilyto have your get-together?We went to our grandparents’.Do you sometimesdream of doing under the big tree?Go straight ahead. It’s beside thepark.When are yougoinggo on New Year’s Day?Yes, I do.7 Draw lines. Then write the questions and answersin your notebook.6Look and tick () the answers.MikeKateSam1. Which is the biggest ?2. Who is the tallest ?3. Who is the oldest?GrandpaTimFathervolleyballbasketball football样书256R E V I S I ON8 Look and fill in beside , between , behind or in front of .— Who is Elena?— Elena is the girl ____________ John and Andy. — Who is Peter?— Peter is the boy ___________ John. — Where is the duck?— It is ___________ John.— Where is their football? — It is ___________________ John.样书257R E V I S I O N9 Write about yourself.样书。
Join in 六年级下册教案 Unit 3 Mary's diary

Unit 3 Mary’s diary单元教学目标:1.掌握不规则动词的过去试wrote, was,went,ate,gave,got,felt,had 等。
3.能听懂谈论周末计划想对话,并借助图片理解、认读单词或词组:listen to music ,go riding, do mathsexercise, read, play football, watch TV,play table tennis, paint.完成排序和补充句子的练习。
5.能借助图片读懂故事Ice cream for Oswald,并正确朗读表演。
单元课时安排:六课时Period oneTeaching contents: 1 and PairworkTeaching aims:1.Knowledge:diary, wrote, keep,ate. Keep a diary, and someday it’ll keep you.Understand the diary.2.Skills: Understand how to write a diary and learn to write.3.Emotion: Keep a hobby of writing diaries.Teaching important and difficulties:Understand the diary and learn to write.Teaching steps:Step 1.Warming upShow a diary ,intr oduce the word “ diary ”Learn to read.Step2.Presention.Task 1Show Mary’s first diary ,ask questions to understand:1.What’s this?2. What’s the weather like on Sunday?3. Where did they go ?4. How was he feeling?5. Did the dog eat hamburger ?Teach “ate”.Task 2Play the recording ,Ss just listen.Play the recording again,Ss listen and look ,then complete the table with the teacher.Check the answer. Learn the new words:Scotland,wrote,Keep a diary,and someday it’ll keep you .Step3.Practice.1.Match the words.Go is eat writeWas ate went wrote2.Learn to read.Step4.Consolidation .Talk about Mary with the teacher.Ss Talk about Mary with their partners.Show the pairwork to the class.第二课时教学内容:part 2 ,part 3教学目标;1.掌握不规则动词的过去式gave,got,felt,had2.理解认读新词或词组difficult,sum,wrong,be good at ,work harder3.初步了解日记的书写格式,理解日记内容。
外研社英语Join in六年级下册文档(课外词汇):unit 2 Food and health

Unit 2 Food and Health重点词句一般句式:1. What’s your favorite food? Why? 你最喜欢的食物是什么?为什么?2. What’s your favorite beverage? Why? 你最喜欢的饮料是什么?为什么?3. What’s your favorite fruit? Why?你最喜欢的水果是什么?为什么?4. In what ways do you want to cook your food? 你喜欢什么样的烹饪方式?5. What did you eat for supper? 你晚饭吃了什么?6. What kinds of eating habits are improper? 哪些饮食习惯是不好的?7. What kinds of eating habits are healthy? 哪些饮食习惯是好的?8. How do you think of the canteen in our university? 我校的食堂如何?9. What is healthy food? 什么是健康食品?10. Do you love junk food like KFC, McDonalds or Pizza Hut?你喜欢垃圾食品如麦当劳吗?11. Are you a vegetarian? 素食主义者吗? How do you think of it? 你如何看待?12. How many different Chinese cuisines are there in China? 中国有多少菜系?13. How to make our Chinese food acceptable for foreigners?如何让中国菜被外国人接受?14. What’s your view on genetic food? 你如何看待转基因食品?15. How to solve the problem of food security in china?如何解决中国的食品安全问题?16. Different food contains different nutrients? 不同食物包含不同的营养素17. Are you good at cooking? Do you have any specialties(拿手好菜)? Narrate the recipes/formula(菜谱/配方), the steps and key points.你擅长烹饪吗?有什么拿手好菜?介绍一道菜的菜谱。
外研社《join in3》六年级全一册unit2 28part1

T:Emma’s mascots every where. What are they?Guess?(出示物品背影图)
Ss:They’re soft.(在教师有趣的动作引导下学生边模仿动作边说出词汇)
StepⅡ.Learn to say new words andsingthe song words(soft,mascot)andPart1of the song
T:There arefull ofsoft toys in the bag. Look, soft elephant,soft------
一、Warming up
·Say a chant:My room
·Free talk
Have students talk about theirroom.

三、教材分析本册教材是新版Join In剑桥英语,共有6单元,知识跨度大,难度较大。
英语六年级下册 U 2 L 3 教案

Unit2 Last weekend第三课时B Let’s t ry Let’s talk【学习内容】B部分Let’s try 和Let’s talk【课标与教材分析】本部分通过John和Amy相约去书店的的场景呈现了核心句型“What did you do last weekend? I stayed at home all weekend and slept.”,让学生能够运用此句型询问并表达别人在过去的时间做过什么并回答,句型难度不大,比较容易接受。
【学习目标】:一、能力目标1.能够在图片、实物或情景的帮助下运用句型“What did you do last weekend? I stayed at home all weekend and slept.”询问或谈论在过去的时间做过什么并回答。
2. 能够熟练朗读并模仿本节课对话。
3. 能够表演本节课对话。
二、知识目标1、能够听、说、认读What did you do last weekend? I stayed at home all weekend and slept.2. 掌握固定短语:saw a film had a cold slept3. 了解知识点:What did you do..? 询问在过去的时间做过什么?4. 了解知识链:see a film—saw a film --- I saw a film. – Did you see a film?5. 语篇提升:I had a cold last weekend. So I stayed at home all weekend and slept. Today I want to buy the new film magazine. Did you read it?三、情感目标培养学生学会与人沟通、交流个人信息的能力以及他们的合作意识。
【学习重、难点】教学重点:What did you do last weekend? I stayed at home all weekend and slept.教学难点:动词过去式的发音,如:read, talked, stayed, slept【学情分析】:学生在A部分已经学过What did you do这个句型。

Copy ,translate and recite the words.
e.g. e—came see—saw…
Unit 5
e—came see—saw am,is—was
open—opened hear—heard jump--jumped
六年级英语教案Unit 5
Unit 5
My favourite story / cartoon is…
The hero / heroine is a boy / girl…
He / She is…years old.
The book / cartoon is full of a lot of fun
9.listen 2b and check the answers. the listen material about 2b, then read and understand
Read the listening materials loudly.
Copy, translate and recitethesentences
and understand the sentences:
A house without books is like a room without
1.Show the examples:
2.Read the examples
3.Make sentences with there be
How does Toby read books

- She enjoys reading books. → She read books last night.
- They are going to the cinema. → They went to the cinema yesterday.
- I am learning English. → I learned English last week.
- I will visit my grandparents next week.
- She will have a party on her birthday.
牛津版英语六年级下册教案 6B Module2 Unit3(1)

e.g. Where is Dragon Bay?
Using prepositional phrases to indicate place
e.g. It’s near/far away from…
Using adverbs to express frequency
2 . Uptown is near City Center. Wood Bay is far away from City Centre. Invite different students to compare places on the map. Prompt them where necessary.
Module 2 Unit 3 Period 1
Teaching Aims:
Asking: ‘Wh-‘ questions to find out various kinds of specific information about a person
e.g. What do you usually do at weekends?
2. Look and read
3.About you
1 Exercise
Read and write.
3 Talk with the students about things to do at weekends, e.g. go shopping in East Point market, eat at a restaurant in Golden Bay.
看地图记地名,并通过quick response等练习,来巩固地名的认知
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
教学 要求
教学 重难 占 八、、
教 学 过 程
第 1 课时 Teach ing conten ts: Part 1
Teaching Aims :
1. listen and sing the song
recite the food words
Importa nt points
and sing the song the food words Difficult points
Read the words of the song correctly and sing.
Warming-up 1. Greetings
2. Free talk
1. the students listen to the song, they can un
dersta nd the song with the pictures 2. learn the title: Try new foods, and read
3. Ask the question:
What' s your favourite food Then continue to say: Try carrot sticks and celery. Maybe they can be your favourites. And lear n new thin gs: carrot stick,celery 4. com muni cate about the favourite food, and
lear n new thi ngs:
grape, cherry,
corn-on-the-cob, stri ng bea n …
5. Open the books ,listen to the song and point
to the pictures or the words of the song,then lear n to sing the song 6. sing the whole song
板书 设计
Unit 2
apple pear celery cherries stri ng bea ns grapes carrot sticks cherries
教 学 过 程
make senten ces:
If you like …,try …,you can try new foods, someth ing new to you.
Homewor k Copy and recite the food words.
第3 课时Teachi ng conten ts:
Part 4 &exercises books &suppleme ntary
activities 1
Teaching Aims :
1. Look at the pictures and read the words, then recite.
2. Read and understand the dialogues.
3. Discuss which foods are good for health, and which foods are bad for health.
4. do exercises correctly
Importa nt points
at the pictures and read the words, the n recite.
and un dersta nd the dialogues.
Difficult points
do exercises
Warmi ng-up
Greeti ngs
Exercise books:
Page 20 l:Liste n and
Page 17: II: Liste n and
1. look at the pictures, read the food words
2. divide into two categories
be good for our health
be bad for our health
3. look at the chart on the board and make senten
ces to talk
…be good for our health
…be bad for our health
…be healthy
…be not healthy
4. Page 61,do exercises:
Tick what's good for your health
Exercise books:
I:Listen and number.
Practices III: Liste n and tick of cross.
Exercise books:
Homework Page 18 V: Look and write
The n recite the words
板书Unit 2
设计…is/are good for our health …is/are bad for our
health …is/are healthy …is/are not healthy
第6课时7 & 8。