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温馨提示:同学们,月考是对你这一个月所学的知识进行阶段性的检 验,你一定要仔细读要求,认真书写,展示出最棒的自己。

( )1. A. big B. s[x C. nice

( )2. A. work B. wall C. whose

( )3. A. sorry B. brother C. some

( )4. A. hear B. pear C. ear

( )5. A. map

B. stamp

C. face

单词拼写。根据汉语,写出对应的单词。(每此1分, 共10分)

汉堡包 鸭子 照耀


楼梯 享用





、 选出不同类的一项(每小题2 分,共10分)

( )1.A.warm B.sunny


D. wi ndy

( )2.A.hot B.cold



( D A.twe nty B.thirtee n C.twelve D.half

( )4.A.wa nt B.whe n C. what D.where


)5.A. Friday

B.Mo nday



四、 单项选择题。


)1 、 What do you want ?

A. eat

B. eat ing

C. to eat )2 、How

is it ? It ' s $ 20.

A. many

B. much C .old )3 、Look , it ' s

outside .

A. raining

B. rai ny

C .rain

( ( ( 找出划线部分读音与众不同的单词。(10分)

A in

B on

C at

are you going to go to school? At half past seve n.

Four colas, please.



()1、Here you are .


A. When

B. What

C. Where

colas do you want? )4 、lam sending some __ . A .photo

B. photos C .photoes )5、 Childre n are jump ing


water .


A. How many

B. How much

C. How )8、 I want

rice and chicke n .

A some

B any


a cola and Sam a hot dog .

A. wan ts; want

B. want; wants

C. wan ts; wants )10、The birds are

in the trees .

A. sing

B. sings


五、根据以下城市的天气状况填入适当的单词 (每小题2分,共12分) Look!lt's going to

in Harbi n.

in Guan gzhou. It's going to

It's going to 环 in Beiji ng.

It's going to

in Shan ghai. It's going to

in Xi ' an.lt's going to _

& in Hanzhou.

Yes, it ' s great .

)2 、What do you want to eat? )3 、What do you want to do ?

)4 、How much is it ?

D 、 I want to eat fish

)5、Do you want to have a picnic ?

从方框中选出正确的句子,将句子序号填写在横线上 .(每小题 2


共 10 分)

B 、 Thank you .

C 、It 's five yuan . 七、 E 、 I want to swim .


B.It 's twenty yuan.

C.A cola, please.

D.Thank you.

E.Yes, we have.

Waitress: Hello. Can I help you?

Tom: _________ . Have you got a hot dog?

Waitress: _________

Tom: OK. A hot dog, please.

Waitress: What do you want to drink?

Tom: __________ . How much is it?.

Waitress: _________

Tom: Here you are.

Waitress: _________ .Enjoy your meal!

八、阅读理解。判断正(门误(F)。(每小题3分,共18 分)

On Sunday morning. The sun is shining. We have no classes. We are playing in the park. Some girls are singing and dancing under a big tree. Some boys are climbing the hill. Tom is drawing

n ear the lake.

Mike and Joh n are swimmi ng in the lake. Where are Betty and Mary?

They are sitti ng un der a small tree. They are readi ng a book.

We are very happy.

( )1. Today we have n't got classes .

( )2.We are playing in the park.
