



美国大学申请书3篇篇一:美国大学申请文书范文1I wake up every morning to its rich scent. My parents cannot start the day with out it. I often wait in line and pay $3.85 to buy it. The senior lodge at my school is littered with empty Starbucks cups containing only the remnants of skim lattes, , and mocha frapuccinos. Coffee is a staple of American life that many take for granted, but few take the time to think about how they get it.In the rural village of Cadillo in the Dominican Republic, the people’s livelihood depends on coffee. Rows of green coffee plants line steep hills and scatter the countryside. The people there pick and sell the coffee beans but receive little profit for their hard work. During the week I spent in Cadilloplaying , I witnessed the poverty these coffee farmers endure. Their homes are small and dark, furnished with only a few wooden chairs, a table and a few beds. There is no lawyers and electricity in Cadillo and I especially remember the emptiness of the village at night, when I could only vaguely see the faces I illuminated with my flashlight. I can still see the shiny metal bowl in which they used to bathe, and Jose, a neighbor who was missing several teeth because like most people in Cadillo, he lacks a toothbrush and could not afford a .These images still burn in my mind, but it was the people of Cadillomore than anything who opened my eyes to the importance of social justice. Before I met them it was just a concept I heard about a few times a year at church when a missionary would come to speak about the poor people in Africa or South America and explain why it was our duty to help them. These people were far removed.A small fraction of my weekly allowance, once a year, and I could remove them from my mind. After living for a week with a family in Cadillo, however, I understood for the first time that it was real people leading these lives.The family I stayed with there took me in as part of their family and gave me a taste of their life. I remember my Dominican father, Barilla’s face as he played guitar and how he laughed kindly when I struggled to play the chords he had taught me. I could feel the warmth and sincerity of my Dominican mother, Marsela, when she sat and talked with me about my home and family after a long day of work. And I will always remember how much fun I had playing catch or blowing bubbles with their two children, Jendi and Andisco.I will not forget the images I saw or the people I encountered. They made me realize that my work does not end with the school I helped build, the holes I helped dig, or the roads I helped widen. They showed me that there are real, wonderful people being treated unjustly and that I cannot sit back and let that happen. Icannot be silent when I know that people are getting rich off the coffee Barilla receives so little for. It is my responsibility to be active, to teach what I have learned, to fight injustices in my community and the world.I am not sure if I will ever visit Cadillo again but I do know that I can continue what I started there. I can tell people what I saw and spread awareness about injustice in the world. I can volunteer in my owncommunity to help make changes at home and fundraise to aid third world countries. And tomorrow, after I wake up to the smell of fresh coffee, I can make a difference.啄木鸟教育编译:我每天早晨在它的浓郁的香气中醒来;没有它,我父母就没办法开始新一天的工作生活;我常常排着队,然后付上3.85美元买到它。















































1. 英文书写能力对大部分亚洲学生而言,每天说的、写的语言显然不会是英文。






















2. 选定主题每篇送到评审委员的申论题都必须要有一个主题。






美国大学申请书篇一A Home DestroyedI was seven years old when I saw the ocean for the first time. My grandmother had invited me to visit her near Okinawa, Japan.I will never forget that encounter—the intense sun, the endless horizon, the infinite shades of blue that dissolved any boundary between sky and waves. And most of all, the secret of the water. Swimming in those waters was like diving into a kaleidoscope, deceptively plain on the outside, but a show of colors on the inside, waiting to dazzle me, mesmerize me. Those colors! Coral reefs—pink, green, red, purple—covered the seafloor; streaks of sunlight illuminated them, the swaying water creating a dance of hues. And weaving in and out of the contours of coral swam brilliant fish that synchronized every movement with the water, creating one body, one living entity. I longed to join and flow with them to the music of the wa ves; that’s where I felt I belonged. And leaving was like parting home, not going home.Five years later, I returned. At first, all seemed to match my memory: the crystalline waters and that open horizon with the sun daring to come closer to Earth. But the second I dove in, I knew my home had vanished…white. That’s all I could see around me: bone-white death. I couldn’t accept it. I kept swimming farther out, hoping to catch even the smallest hint of color. But there was no sign of that brilliant garden I remembered, just fragments of bleached coral. It was like looking down ontothe aftermath of a war: a bombed city, with only the crumbles of cement to testify for the great buildings that once stood. But who was the culprit behind this egregious attack?Tho ugh at the age of twelve, I couldn’t even begin to guess, I now know the answer is us. Humans are an impressive species: we have traveled to every continent, adapted to countless environments, and innovated to create comfortable means of living. But in the process, we have stolen the colors from nature all around the globe, just as we did that coral reef. Our trail of white has penetrated the forests, the oceans, the grasslands, and spread like a wild disease. I, too, have left a white footprint, so I have a responsibility to right these wrongs, to repaint those colors, and to preserve the ones that remain. Some question why I should care. The answer is simple: this planet is my home, my birthplace. And that, in and of itself, is an inseparable bond and a timeless connection. Nature has allowed me my life, so I have no right to deny its life. As Jane Goodall once said, “If we kill off the wild, then we are killing a part of our souls.” This is my soul—our soul. I know that I alone cannot protect this soul, so I will not make a promise that I cannot fulfill. But this promise I will make: I will do what I can do.sign:日期:年月日美国大学申请书篇二我是一个精力旺盛的家伙,爬墙是家常便饭。



美国大学入学申请书(精选多篇)english namechinese nametoefl1princeton university(nj)普林斯顿大学 (新泽西)y2harvard university(ma)哈佛大学 (马萨诸塞)y3yale university(ct)耶鲁大学 (康涅狄格)600pbt,250cbt or 100 ibt4california institute of technology (ca)加州理工学院y4stanford university(ca)斯坦佛大学 (加州)not required4massachusetts inst. of technology (ma)麻省理工学院y7university of pennsylvania (pa)宾西法尼亚大学y8duke university(nc)杜克大学 (北卡)600pbt/250cbt/100ibt9dartmouth college(nh)达特茅斯学院 (新罕布什尔)y9columbia university(ny)哥伦比亚大学 (纽约)600pbt,250cbt or 100 ibt9university of chicago (il)芝加哥大学 (伊利诺)600pbt,250cbt or 104ibt or 7.0ielts12cornell university(ny)康奈尔 (纽约)y12washington university in st. louis (mo)圣露易斯华盛顿大学 (密苏里)y14northwestern university(il)西北大学 (伊利诺)600pbt/250cbt/100ibt/ielts 15brown university(ri)布朗大学 (罗德岛)600pbt/250cbt16johns hopkins university(md)约翰斯霍普金斯大学 (马里兰)600pbt/250cbt/99ibt17rice university(tx)莱斯大学 (德克萨斯)y18vanderbilt university(tn)范德堡大学 (田纳西)y18emory university(ga)挨默里大学 (乔治亚)600pbt/250cbt20university of notre dame(in)圣母大学 (印第安那)y21carnegie mellon university(pa)卡内基梅隆 (宾西法尼亚)"≥250 on the computer-based(cbt) or ≥600 on the paper-based(pbt)"21university of california—berkeley * (ca)加州大学伯克利分校"≥220 on the computer-based(cbt) or 550 on the paper-based(pbt) or ibt≥83"23georgetown university(dc)乔治城大学 (华盛顿特区)600pbt24university of virginia * (va)弗吉尼亚大学y24university of michigan—ann arbor * (mi)密歇根大学安阿伯分校y26univ. of california—los angeles * (ca)加州大学洛杉矶分校"≥220 on cbt or 550 on pbt or ibt≥83"27u. of north carolina—chapel hill * (nc)北卡大学教堂山分校≥600 on pbt or ≥250 on cbt27univ. of southern california (ca)南加州大学"≥600 on pbt or ≥250 on cbt ibt≥100"27tufts university(ma)塔夫斯大学 (马萨诸塞)≥250 on cbt30wake forest university(nc)维克森林大学 (北卡)y31college of william and mary(va) *威廉玛丽学院 (弗吉尼亚)≥600 on pbt or≥250 on cbt31brandeis university(ma)布兰迪大学 (马萨诸塞)"≥600 on pbt or≥250 on cbtor ≥100 on ibt"33lehigh university(pa)利哈伊大学 (宾西法尼亚)≥570 on pbt or ≥230 on cbt 34univ. of wisconsin—madison * (wi)威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校"≥550 on pbt or≥213 on cbt≥80 on ibt"34boston college (ma)波士顿学院 (马萨诸塞)"600 on pbt or 250 on cbt or 100 on ibt"34new york university (ny)纽约大学y34university of rochester(ny)罗切斯特大学 (纽约)"550 on pbt or 213 on cbt or 85 on ibt"38case western reserve univ.(oh)凯斯西储大学 (俄亥俄)550 pbt,213 cbt or 80 ibt38univ. of california—san diego * (ca)加州大学圣戈迭分校y38georgia institute of technology * (ga)佐治亚理工学院600pbt,250cbt or 100 ibt 41u. of illinois—urbana - champaign * (il)伊利诺大学香槟分校y42university of washington * (wa)华盛顿大学"580pbt or 237cbt or70ibt(without speaking)"42rensselaer polytechnic inst.(ny)伦斯勒理工学院 (纽约)570pbt or230cbt or 88ibt44university of california—irvine * (ca)加州大学欧文分校550pbt or 213cbt 44tulane university(la)杜兰大学 (路易斯安那州)y44yeshiva university(ny)叶史瓦大学 (纽约)563pbt or 225cbt47pennsylvania state u.—university park * (pa)宾州大学帕克分校550pbt or 213cbt or 80ibt47university of texas—austin * (tx)德州大学奥斯汀分校y47university of california—davis * (ca)加州大学戴维斯分校500pbt47univ. of california—santa barbara * (ca)加州大学圣芭芭拉分校550pbt or 213cbt or 79ibt47university of florida * (fl)佛罗里达大学550pbt or 213cbt or 80ibt52george washington university(dc)乔治华盛顿大学 (华盛顿特区)y52syracuse university(ny)雪城大学 (威斯康辛州)y54pepperdine university(ca)佩珀代因大学 (加利福尼亚)550pbt or 220cbt or 80ibt 54university of miami(fl)迈阿密大学 (佛罗里达)y54univ. of maryland—college park * (md)马里兰大学帕克分校y57ohio state university—columbus * (oh)俄亥俄州立大学哥伦布分校527pbt/197cbt/71ibt57university of pittsburgh * (pa)匹兹堡大学 (宾州)550pbt/213cbt/80ibt 57boston university (ma)波士顿大学 (麻萨诸塞)550pbt/250cbt/60miami university—oxford(oh) *迈阿密大学牛津分校 (俄亥俄)530pbt/200cbt/72ibt60texas a&m univ.—college station * (tx)德克萨斯a&m大学卡城分校550pbt/213cbt/80ibt60university of georgia * (ga)乔治亚大学 (佐治亚)213cbt/80ibt/7.0ielts 60rutgers—new brunswick(nj) *罗格斯大学新伯朗士威校区 (新泽西)y64purdue univ.—west lafayette(in) *普渡大学西拉法叶校区 (印第安纳)y 64university of iowa * (ia)爱荷华大学530pbt/197cbt/71ibt64worcester polytechnic inst.(ma)伍斯特理工学院 (马萨诸塞)550pbt/213cbt/6.5ielts67university of connecticut * (ct)康涅狄格大学yuniversity of delaware * (de)德拉华大学550pbt/213cbt/80ibt67univ. of minnesota—twin cities * (mn)明尼苏达大学twin cities分校213cbt/79ibt 70clemson university(sc) *克莱姆森大学 (南卡罗来纳)y70southern methodist university(tx)南卫理工会大学 (德克萨斯)550pbt/213cbt/6.5ielts70brigham young univ.—provo(ut)杨百翰大学 (犹他)500pbt/173cbt/66ibt70indiana university—bloomington * (in)印地安那大学伯明顿分校560pbt/223cbt 70michigan state university * (mi)密歇根州立大学550pbt/213cbt/79ibt70fordham university(ny)福特汉姆大学 (纽约)y76univ. of california—santa cruz * (ca)加州大学圣克鲁兹分校pbt550,gre1600 77virginia tech * (va)维吉尼亚理工大学y77university of colorado—boulder * (co)科罗拉多大学波尔得分校550pbt/173cbt/61ibt77st. louis university (mo)圣路易斯大学 (密苏里)525pbt/194cbt/6.0ielts 77stevens institute of technology(nj)斯蒂文斯理工学院 (新泽西)/81north carolina state u.—raleigh * (nc)北卡罗来纳州立大学550pbt/213cbt/79ibt 81baylor university(tx)贝勒大学 (德克萨斯)540pbt/207cbt/76ibt81marquette university(wi)马凯特大学 (威斯康新)y81iowa state university * (ia)爱荷华州立大学500pbt/173cbt/5.0ielts81clark university(ma)克拉克大学 (马萨诸塞)550-650pbt/213-280cbt86american university(dc)美国大学 (华盛顿特区)550pbt/213cbt/80ibt86suny—binghamton * (ny)纽约州立大学宾汉姆大学550pbt/213cbt/80ibt 88university of tulsa(ok)塔尔萨大学 (俄克拉荷马)500pbt/173cbt88university of tennessee * (tn)田纳西大学523pbt/193cbt/70ibt88university of vermont * (vt)佛蒙特大学550pbt/213cbt/79-80ibt88university of alabama * (al)阿拉巴马大学500pbt/173cbt/61ibt88auburn university(al) *奥本大学 (阿拉巴马)550pbt/213cbt88univ. of california—riverside * (ca)加州大学河滨分校550pbt/213cbt/79ibt/7ielts88university of denver (co)丹佛大学 (科罗多拉)y88howard university(dc)霍华德大学 (华盛顿特区)y88university of kansas * (ks)堪萨斯大学"subscore57pbt/4.5twe/subscore23cbt and 4.5 on the essay /subscore 23 ibt"88univ. of missouri—columbia * (mo)密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校500pbt/173cbt/61ibt 98university of arizona * (az)亚利桑那大学500pbt/173cbt/61ibt98university of the pacific(ca)太平洋大学 (加州)475-550pbt/150-213cbt98northeastern university(ma)美国东北大学 (马萨诸塞)550pbt/213cbt/79-80ibt/6.0ielts98univ. of massachusetts—amherst * (ma)马萨诸塞大学艾姆赫斯特校区550pbt/213cbt98univ. of nebraska—lincoln * (ne)内布拉斯加大学林肯分校525pbt/193cbt98suny col. of envirnmtl sci. & frstry * (ny)美国纽约州立大学环境科学与林业科学学院550pbt/213cbt/79-80ibt/6.0ielts98suny—stony brook * (ny)纽约州立大学石溪分校550pbt/213cbt/6.5ielts y是表示需要成绩,但没有具体数字, 我用压缩文件把excel发上来吧.另外,08年最新版还没有出来第二篇:申请美国大学入学文书范本申请美国大学入学文书范本i guess it was inevitable that i’d be on hockey skates at some point in mylife, but i did not expect that i’d become one of a rare group of female icehockey officials before i even reached high school. being born into a family ofhockey players and figure skaters, it seemed that my destiny had already beendecided.right from the beginning, my two older brothers and my father strapped meup and threw me onto the ice. i loved it and, in my mind, i was on my way tobecoming a female gretzky! but my mom had to think of something fast to drag herlittle girl away from this sport of ruffians. enter my first hot pink figureskating dress! that was allit took to launch fifteen years of competitivefigure skating. even though figure skating soon became my passion, i always hadan unsatisfied yearning for ice hockey. it took a great deal of convincing frommy parents that competitive figure skating and ice hockey didn’t mix. my compromise became refereeing ice hockey;little did i know that i wasbeginning an activity that would influence my character and who i am today. wheni began, i would only work with my dad and brothers. everyone was friendly andaccepting because i had just started. i soon realized though that to getbetteri needed to start refereeing with people i wasn’t related to,and that’s when myexperience drastically changed. an apologeticsmile and an “i’m sorry” wasn’tgoing toget me through games now. as i began officiating higher-level games anddealing with more arrogant coaches, i suddenly entered a new male-dominatedworld, a world i had never experienced before. my confidence was shot, and all iwanted to do was get through each game and be able to leave. sometimes i waseven too scared to skate along the teams’ benches because i would get upset bywhat the coaches would yell to me. “do you have a hot date tonight, ref?” was atypical comment that coaches would spit at me during the course of a game. intheir eyes, i did not belong on that ice, and they were going to do whateverthey could do to make sure no women wanted to officiate their games. i wasdetermined not to let them chase me off the ice.i made the decision to stand up for myself. i never responded rudelyto thecoaches, but i did not let them walk all over me and destroy my confidenceanymore. i started to act and feel more like the 4-year certified atlanticdistrict official that i am. there were still a few situations that scared me.one time i called a penalty in a championship game during the third overtime andthe team i penalized ended up losing because they got scored on. i knew i hadmade theright call, even though i was unnerved when i saw the losingteams’parents waiting for me at my locker room; for the moment i wished i hadn’tcalled that penalty. although it was scary at the time, i stood my ground andovercame my fears. that was an importantstepping-stone in my officiating careerand in my life.after four years of refereein g, i still can’t say it’s easy. every gamehands me something new and i never know what to expect. now ihave theconfidence and preparation to deal with the unexpected, onand off the ice. inow also know to take everything with a grain ofsalt and not let it get to me.i have learned that life is just like being out on the ice; if i am prepared andact with confidence, i will be perceived as confident. these are the littlelessons that i’m grateful to have learned as a woman referee.things to notice about this essay1. the author tells an interesting story about her experiences as areferee.2. a sense of her personality—determination, flexibility, good humor—comesthrough in the narration.3. details like “do you have a hot date tonight, ref?” make the narration memorable (we’d love to hear more of these kinds of details).4. the essay needs a faster start. the first paragraph (three sentences)says the same thing in both the first and third sen(转载请注明来源)tences—and gives away theessay’s surprise in the second! a good revision would delete all of paragraphone and start at paragraph two.5. there’s too much frame here and not enough picture. the essay needsfurther development, especially about the difficulties ofbecoming and being aref, to keep it vivid.6. the author should “dwell” in the meaning of the experience a little moreat the end—“i wonder about…i also think…sometimes i believe….” significantexperiences like this one, woven through many years of the author’s life, don’tmean just one thing—there are more insights and lessons to explore here.第三篇:大学入学申请书尊敬的校领导您好:学习的压力使我放弃了高考,可对理想的追求并没有停止我求知的步伐!在这个知识经济的时代,学历可以成就一个人的未来!人们都说学历只是一块敲门砖,可是如果没有这块敲门砖我们连门都进不了又何谈去施展才华和抱负呢!在得知贵校职业本科正在招生中,我热切希望贵校能给我这个机会!贵校坐落在历史文化古城开封,有悠久的人文历史和文化内涵,学校打破了传统的高分观念,注重学生的综合素质的发展,这是贵校的一大特色!希望贵校能给我这个机会,让我这颗渴望飞翔的心能有一片广阔的天空!在此祝愿您身体健康,工作顺利! 7.26第四篇:日文版大学入学申请书学長閣下拝具:大阪城を築き、百姓から天下人へと至った豊臣秀吉様の逸話は十六歳の際に初めて本で読みました。







以下是我在学术方面的具体表现:1. 学术成绩:我的高中成绩一直名列前茅,特别是在数学、物理、化学等理工科领域表现出色。


2. 学术竞赛:我曾参加过[具体竞赛名称]竞赛,并荣获[奖项名称]。


3. 学术研究:在高中的最后两年,我积极参与了[具体研究项目名称]项目,并在导师的指导下,独立完成了[具体研究成果]。


二、个人经历1. 社团活动:在高中期间,我担任了[具体社团名称]的副社长,负责组织策划各类活动。


2. 志愿服务:我热衷于参加志愿服务活动,曾参与[具体志愿服务项目名称]项目,为社区居民提供帮助。


3. 实习经历:在大学期间,我曾在[具体公司名称]实习,担任[具体职位]。



三、选择贵校的理由1. 学术声誉:贵校在[具体领域]享有盛誉,拥有一流的师资力量和科研设施。


2. 课程设置:贵校的[具体学位项目名称]课程设置合理,理论与实践相结合,能够满足我对知识的渴求。



准备去美国留学,向学校申请写信的英语作文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Dear Principal,Hi, I hope you're doing well! My name is Timmy and I'm in Grade 6. I am writing this letter because I want to go study in the United States. I have always been interested in learning about different cultures and I think studying abroad will be a great experience for me.I have been studying English for a few years now and I feel confident in my language skills. I want to improve my English even more by immersing myself in an English-speaking environment. I also want to learn about the American education system and make new friends from different countries.I have good grades and I am a responsible student. I promise to follow the rules and regulations of your school and work hard to excel in my studies. I believe that studying in the United States will help me become a better student and person.I hope you will consider my application and give me a chance to study at your school. I am excited about the opportunity to learn in a new environment and I promise to make the most of it.Thank you for your time and consideration.Sincerely,Timmy篇2Dear School,Hi there! My name is Jason and I am a student from China. I am writing this letter to apply for studying in the United States at your school. I am super excited about the opportunity to learn and grow in a new environment!I have always been interested in experiencing different cultures and meeting new friends from all over the world. I believe that studying abroad will help me to broaden my horizons and become more independent. I am also looking forward to improving my English skills and exploring new academic opportunities.I have been preparing for this exciting journey for a long time. I have been studying English diligently and getting good grades in school. I have also been involved in extracurricular activities such as sports and music to develop my talents and skills.I promise to be a good student and a responsible member of your school community. I will respect the rules and regulations, participate in school events, and contribute positively to the school environment.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon and starting this amazing adventure together. Thank you for considering my application.Best regards,Jason篇3Dear School,Hi! My name is Amy and I am a student from China. I am so excited because I am writing to apply to study in your school in America. I have heard so many great things about your school and I really want to be a part of it.I love learning new things and meeting new friends. I think studying in America will give me a chance to experience a different culture and improve my English. I am good at math and science, and I like to read books and play sports. I think your school will be a great place for me to learn and grow.My parents are very supportive of me going to study in America. They believe it will be a good opportunity for me to learn independence and responsibility. They have also helped me prepare for this big adventure by teaching me how to take care of myself and manage my time well.I promise to work hard and be a good student if I am accepted to your school. I will follow the rules and respect my teachers and classmates. I hope you will consider my application and give me a chance to study in America.Thank you for reading my letter. I can't wait to hear from you!Sincerely,Amy篇4Dear School,Hi! My name is Lily and I am in grade 5. I am super excited because I am going to study in America! I want to learn more about the culture and meet new friends. I want to improve my English and learn new things.I have been studying English for a few years now and I think I am ready to study in an English-speaking country. My parents are very supportive and they think it will be a great experience for me.I am a hardworking student and I always try my best in school. I love to read books, especially English books. I also like to play sports and I am a member of the school basketball team.I hope to study at your school and experience a new way of learning. I promise to be a good student and follow all the rules. I also promise to make new friends and learn as much as I can.Thank you for considering my application. I can't wait to start my new adventure in America!Sincerely,Lily篇5Hiya!My name is Amy and I'm in grade 6. I'm super excited because I'm planning to go study in the United States! I've heard that American schools are really cool and I can't wait to experience it myself!I'm writing this letter to apply to your school. I've heard great things about your school and I think it would be the perfect place for me to learn and grow. I'm a hard worker and I always try my best in everything I do. I love reading and writing, and I'm also really good at math.I know that studying in a different country might be a bit scary at first, but I'm not worried at all. I'm really good at making friends and I'm sure I'll fit right in at your school. I'm also excited to learn about American culture and make new memories.I promise to work really hard and make the most of this opportunity. I can't wait to explore all the new things your school has to offer. Thank you for considering my application.Looking forward to hearing from you soon!Best wishes,Amy篇6Dear school,Hi there! My name is Lily and I am super excited to write to you about my plans to study in the United States. I have always dreamed of attending school in America and I really hope I can come to your school!I have been learning English for many years now and I think studying in America will help me improve even more. I love reading books and watching American movies, so I already know a lot about your country. I can't wait to experience the culture, meet new friends, and learn all about your school.I promise to work hard and do my best in all of my classes. I am a good student and I always try my hardest. I will also be very respectful to all of my teachers and classmates. I hope to make lots of new friends and have a great time while I am studying in America.I also want to thank you for considering my application. I know there are a lot of students who want to come to your school, so I feel very lucky to have this opportunity. I promise that if you accept me, I will be a great student and I will make you proud.Thank you so much for reading my letter. I can't wait to hear back from you!Sincerely,Lily篇7Dear School,Hey there! My name is Lily and I am in grade 5. I am writing to tell you that I am super excited because I am planning to go to the United States to study. I have always dreamed of studying in America and now my dream is coming true!I have been preparing for this for a long time. I have been studying English really hard and I even joined an English club at school to practice speaking English with my friends. I know that studying in America will be a big challenge for me, but I am ready to work hard and learn new things.I want to learn about American culture and make new friends from all over the world. I also want to improve my English and become fluent in it. I think studying in America will help me become a better student and a better person.I promise to follow all the rules and study hard at your school. I know that coming to a new country can be scary, but I am really excited to start this new adventure. Thank you for considering my application.I can't wait to meet you all!Love,Lily篇8Hi there,My name is Amy and I am in grade 6. I am writing to tell you that I am really excited to apply to study in the United States. I have always dreamed of living and studying in America, and I believe this opportunity will help me grow and learn in so many ways.I am a hardworking student and always strive to do my best in school. I love to learn new things and I am always eager to explore different cultures and ways of life. I believe studying in America will not only help me improve my English, but also broaden my horizons and give me a chance to meet new friends from around the world.I promise to be a good student and represent my school and country well. I am willing to work hard and follow all the rules and regulations of the school. I am also excited to take part in extracurricular activities and make the most of my time in the United States.Thank you for considering my application. I am really looking forward to this amazing opportunity and I hope to hear back from you soon.Sincerely,Amy篇9Dear School,Hi, my name is Lily and I am really excited to write to you about my dream of studying in the United States. I want to tell you why I would be a great student at your school.First of all, I love learning new things and I am always eager to try new challenges. I think studying in the U.S. will be a great opportunity for me to learn about different cultures and meet new friends. I also believe that studying in an English-speaking country will help me improve my language skills.Secondly, I am a hardworking and responsible student. I always do my homework on time and work hard to get good grades. I believe that with the right support and guidance, I can achieve my goals and succeed in my studies.Lastly, I am a kind and friendly person who gets along well with others. I think that having good relationships with my teachers and classmates is important for my learning experience.I hope you will consider my application to study at your school. I am looking forward to the opportunity to learn and grow in a new environment.Thank you for reading my letter.Sincerely,Lily.篇10Dear School,Hi! My name is Jenny and I am really excited about applying to study at your school in America! I am writing this letter to tell you a little bit about myself and why I want to come and study with you.I am a fifth grader in China and I love learning new things. I have always dreamed of studying in America because I want to improve my English and experience a different culture. I have heard so many great things about your school and I know that I will learn a lot from the teachers and make new friends with students from all around the world.I am a good student and I work hard in all my subjects, especially English and Math. I also enjoy playing sports and I am looking forward to joining your school's soccer team. My parents are very supportive of my decision to study abroad and they will help me with my studies and make sure I have everything I need to succeed.I hope you will consider my application and give me the opportunity to study at your school. I promise to work hard, be a good student, and represent your school with pride.Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I cannot wait to hear back from you!Sincerely,Jenny。





一、学术背景1. 初中教育在我国基础教育阶段,我接受了全面而扎实的教育。



2. 高中教育进入高中后,我开始接触更多专业知识,并逐步明确了自己的兴趣所在。






二、个人经历1. 学术方面(1)高中时期,我担任班级学习委员,负责协助老师管理班级学习事务。



2. 社会实践方面(1)支教活动:在支教期间,我学会了如何与学生沟通,了解了他们的需求,为他们的成长贡献了自己的力量。


三、兴趣爱好1. 爱好阅读我喜欢阅读各类书籍,包括文学、历史、哲学、科普等。


2. 爱好音乐我喜欢弹奏钢琴,音乐是我的精神寄托。



美国留学申请书15篇美国留学申请书 15篇在当今社会高速发展的今天需要使用申请的场合越来越多,利用申请书我们可以表达自己的愿望和诉求。


美国留学申请书 1一、美国本科申请中主要使用两篇文书1、CommonApplication 上的通用文书,我们称之为主文书。














美国本科申请文书范文(实用6篇)I love putting on makeup. There is something extraordinarily satisfying about choosing different colors and textures to put on my face exactly how I please.Whether terrifying or not, makeup is a relaxing and creative way for me to express myself.dear mr. smith,i will be available during the weekdays in the morning for any interviews you may want to give. enclosed is my resume, and hoping for your immediate reply.sincerely yours,bettySome of my hardest decisions take place in the booth of a restaurant, so choosing a major has been an absolutely agonizing process for me. I fancied subject areas from English to chemistry, but I finally (hesitantly) decided on double majoring in mathematics and economics and minoring in French. My most concrete interest, mathematics, originates from my introduction to calculus and the realization that the breadth and depth of the mathematical world extend beyond straight numerical calculations. I believe that MIT’s superior mathematics program will add unimaginably new dimensions to this magical realm that I have only just discovered.【英语要求】美国大学都要求学生在申请时提供英语成绩,基本要求为本科托福不低于500分。



哈佛大学Harvard University 哈佛大学申请范文College: Harvard UniversityA few months ago, I looked in the mirror and saw, as usual, a youngish face, which perceived as about twelve, maybe thirteen years old. But this time I realized a deeper reason for that perception: I actually identified myself, my mind and personality, with the boy I was at that age.So, I struggled with the question, “How do I differ from that seventh-grader?” Distinguishing between my thoughts then and my thoughts now perplexed me: I recalled a similar way of working, intellectual capacity, and motivations. Yet the problem gnawed at me because I knew something fundamental had changed in me. After all, I was looking on that seventh-grader as a distinct personality. But why did I? What distinguished him from me? I realized eventually that the difference between that seventh-grader and me was that, since seventh grade, I ad gained an outlook, a way of examining the broader world I had never considered before. The separation was clear: before the spring of tenth grade, I had lived but had never really examined life. Nigel Calder’s Einstein’s Universe finally ignited my mind with ardent inquiry. Calder’s lucid but mentally taxing explanation of Einstein’s theories forced my perspective to dilate many times over. Instead of thinking in feet and miles, suddenly my fifteen-year-old mind was trying to consider millions of light years, curved space, hopping from star to black hole and back to Earth. Naturally, I was not entirely successful, but more important, the experience plunged me into a new realm of thought, visions of the vast universe floating in my mind. At first, thinking of the astronomical expanse, I delved into the obvious questions of ultimate meaning, an exceedingly elusive goal. Yet because of this errant speculation, my mind was still churning with my new view, an extremely expanded perspective about life on earth which impelled me to find out about the universal principles of existence.Now, more than ever, I gravitated toward scienc e. Before reading Einstein’s Universe and undertaking my mental voyage, I had been interested in science because it was tidy, neat. Suddenly, that interest was ablaze with a passion for truth, knowledge, and not just in science. The hazy ideas that history was a study in human failure and triumph, that literature laid bare the human experience, and that science, science would reveal unifying principles of our chaotic, swirling existence burst from mist into light. In the eleventh grade, the logic of evolution, the wonder of genetics,the grand design of physiology all seemed the more magnificent because they were natural consequences of chemistry. That year, inspired by the potential of biology for finding truth about man, I made my career choice: genetic research, the area in which I think I could make the greatest strides in doing the higher good as human being, contributing to society. My physics teacher this year has taught me an even greater principle: science merely describes the real world and cannot be mistaken for absolute truth.Ultimately, experiencing Einstein’s Universe incited me to contemplate truly for the first time to reevaluate my fundamental beliefs and form those which have made me more confident and peaceful than ever. Recently, I looked in the mirror at a younge st face, still a boy’s, but now that face conceals a vision more expansive than the seventh-grader ever imagined.。



You pretend to work hard, you are the only one who deceives yourself. Never use tactical diligence to cover upstrategic laziness.整合汇编简单易用(页眉可删)美国大学留学申请书要留学美国大学却不知道怎么写留学申请书?下面是为大家准备好的美国大学留学申请书,欢迎大家阅读美国大学留学申请书(1)(一)自我陈诉、开门见山、直入主题型I am applying for admission to the Ph.D. program in Electrical and Computer Engineering, at the University of California, Berkeley. I present my research experience and study objectives in this statement of purpose. I would like to build on my solid education and experience as an engineer for a Ph. D. degree in computer science at a distinguished university. I wish in particular to be trained at an advanced level in software systems, database systems, applied-AI and knowledge-based systems. My ultimate goal is to become a professor teaching computer science at a Chinese university. I believe that advanced training in a quality graduate program will help me realize my goal.。






一、个人背景1. 家庭背景我出生于一个充满书香气息的家庭,父母均为大学教师。


2. 教育经历- [初中学校名称]([入学年份] - [毕业年份]):在校期间,我成绩优异,多次获得奖学金,并担任班级学习委员,积极参与学校组织的各类活动。

- [高中学校名称]([入学年份] - [毕业年份]):在高中阶段,我不仅注重学术成绩,还积极参加各类课外活动,如科技创新、社会实践等。


- [本科学校名称]([入学年份] - [毕业年份]):在本科学习期间,我主修[专业名称],成绩名列前茅,并积极参与科研项目,发表了多篇学术论文。

二、学术成就1. 成绩优异在本科学习期间,我的平均绩点为[具体绩点],排名专业前[具体排名]%。


2. 科研成果在本科期间,我积极参与科研项目,与导师合作完成了[具体项目名称]的研究。


3. 国际交流我曾参加[具体项目或活动名称],赴[具体国家或地区]进行学术交流。


三、实践经验1. 实习经历在本科学习期间,我曾于[公司名称]担任[职位名称]实习生。




美国大学申请文书范文As a high school student, I have always been passionate about learning and exploring new opportunities. Thispassion has led me to pursue a higher education in the United States, where I believe I can receive the best education and experience a diverse and vibrant culture. I am confident that my academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and personal qualities make me a strong candidate for admission to your esteemed university.Throughout my high school career, I have consistently demonstrated strong academic performance. I have maintained a high GPA and have challenged myself with rigorous courses, including Advanced Placement and honors classes. I havealso excelled in standardized tests, scoring in the top percentile on the SAT and ACT. These achievements reflectmy dedication to academic excellence and my ability tothrive in a challenging and competitive environment.In addition to my academic accomplishments, I haveactively participated in a variety of extracurricular activities. I have been a member of the debate team for three years, where I have honed my public speaking and critical thinking skills. I have also served as the president of the student council, organizing events and initiatives to improve the school community. These experiences have taught me valuable leadership and teamwork skills, which I believe will be beneficial in my future academic and professional endeavors.Furthermore, I have a strong passion for community service and volunteer work. I have dedicated my time to various local organizations, including a homeless shelter and a food bank. These experiences have allowed me to develop empathy and compassion for others, and haveinstilled in me a sense of social responsibility. I believe that my commitment to service and my desire to make a positive impact on the world align with the values of your university.Beyond my academic and extracurricular achievements, I possess personal qualities that I believe make me a well-rounded and capable individual. I am a motivated and ambitious student who is eager to take on new challengesand pursue my passions. I am also open-minded and adaptable, and I look forward to embracing the diversity andinclusivity of the university community. I am confidentthat I can contribute positively to the campus culture and engage with my peers in meaningful and impactful ways.In conclusion, I am enthusiastic about the prospect of attending your university and am confident that my academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and personal qualities make me a strong candidate for admission. I am eager to immerse myself in the vibrant and diverse community of your university, and I am committed to making the most of the opportunities it has to offer. Thank youfor considering my application, and I look forward to the possibility of contributing to and learning from your esteemed institution.。



美国申请文书范文申请美国大学的申请文书通常包括个人陈述(Personal Statement)和简答问题(Short Answer Questions)。

以下是一个申请文书的范文示例:个人陈述(Personal Statement):亲爱的招生委员会:我非常荣幸能有机会向您介绍自己,并申请加入贵校的计算机科学专业。






















优秀学生美国留学个人申请书(五篇范文)第一篇:优秀学生美国留学个人申请书毕竟不同国家文化不一样,教育方面也会有差异,所以店铺可以让我们眼界更加开阔,留学申请书该怎样写呢?下面就是小编给大家带来的优秀学生美国留学个人申请书范本,希望能帮助到大家!优秀学生美国留学个人申请书Dear _,With the approach of new century, the developing China is requiring bettertrained and more highly educated men and women than ever before in history.Inorder to make more contributions to the society and, at the same time, satisfymy keen interest in science, I am looking forward to beginning my graduatestudy.I heard of Case Western Reserve University as early as when I was anundergraduate student.She is one of the most highly regarded universities inthe world and is an ideal place for ambitious youth.I plan to study for Ph.D.in Biochemistry at Case Western ReserveUniversity with special interests in metabolism, macromolecular synthesis, andprotein crystal growth.I have had plentiful preparations.First, when being anundergraduate in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Tsinghua University,I got very extensive and intensive education.I took many courses on chemistryand the related subjects, and earned high scores for most of them.Second, mymajor, Polymer, can be put into good use in Biochemistry programs becausePolymer is closely related with biological Macromolecule.Third, I have workingexperience that enriches my theory and laboratory skills.From 1990 to now, I have been engaged as an Assistant Engineer by theResearch institute, Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Corporation(RIBYPC).In thefirst year, I was in charge of a 5-litre reactor for polymerizationofCarboxylated Butadiene-Styene Latex.Then I was transferred to another researchgroup to synthesize PET/PHB copolymer, a kin of polyester, which has theproperty of Liquid Crystal.I am the assistant head of the group.We can preparethe novel polymer with high molecule weight and excellent property in a 2-litrestainless steel reactor.During this monomers, with purity of more than 99.99%;this made my leader very satisfied.More than four years of working experiences expand my capacity.I oftenmake use of NMR, X-ray, DSC and other instrumental methods for research.Amongthem, I am most skilled in NMR reactors, I have experiences on solving problemsof Engineering and Mechanics.What is more, I am familiar with computeroperation and some application software.The above information about myspecialty may be helpful for you to evaluate me.It is said that the 21st century will be the age of Life Science.I hope toenter the esteemed Case Western Reserve University to face this challenge.I amconfident tat I shall be an excellent fellow.After completing my graduatestudy, I would like to return to my homeland and make use of my knowledge toserve the people.By the way, I would like to give thanks to my parents.Being their oldestson, I am offered the most formal education and the deepest love.I never forgetthe 18-year’s life with them.Twelve years in the countryside and six years inShengli Oil Field bestowed me the character of diligence, resolution, andperseverance, as well as the deep love of nature and life.I am also indebted tomy dear wife.Without her never-ended encouragement and support in these years,I could not become closer and closer to the gate of the eminent Case WesternReserve University.Yours sincerely,xuexila在美国怎样降低留学开销一、确认地域环境在美国,不同的州和城市经济的发展水平有差异,物价会受到很大的影响,所以即便是教学水平和实际排名差不多的学校,在专业学习的收费上,也会有比较大的不同。

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Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.“Do you see now” The voice rang in my ears as I shook my head for the umpteenth time. My eyes were tightly shut, trying to hold back the tears of anger and frustration. When I opened them again, the world looked to me as it always did; only now the leaves above seemed to be mocking me as they chuckled in the breeze. Why couldn't I seeI was nine years old, lying under the tree for the third time that week, with my art teacher, Mr. Hayes, sitting beside me. The exercise was starting to feel useless;I was supposed to be learning how to see. “But I already know how to see!” I cried out desperately, hoping that we would go inside and sketch apples instead.“The way an artist sees,” my teacher said calmly, “is not the same as everyone else. You must learn to see from a different angle, see what’s behind, see the light.” Not knowing what he meant, I turned over with a groan, thinking that I would never learn to see like an artist.Yet I found myself under that same tree one afternoon, a few weeks after Mr. Hayes had left me on my own to learn how to see. I was feeling more disheartened than ever, but I refused to believe that I was incapable of the simple task of seeing. My eyes strained so hard that tears were beginning to brim. I closed them for a second, and when I opened them again… the trunk rose majestically, thick and stocky at the bottom but vanishing to a point at its tip. See from a different angle. The leaves melted into a canvas of green as the sky beyond coalesced into splendid shapes of piercing azure. See what’s behind. The canopy above shimmered and glowed in the sun. See the light. Finally I saw. I sat up from the shock. It was all so simple, and a new world stretched before my eyes.Nothing has looked the same since the day I learned to see, but it was not until years later that I realized the greater significance of what I had discovered. The value of seeing does not just apply to art. It holds true for everything in life. Whether I am sitting in the classroom or reading a newspaper article, I strive to see: see differently, see beyond, see the light. When I find a piece of history that interests me, I search for different accounts of it to see from other perspectives. When I meet someone new, I look past his appearance to see what is hidden beneath the facade. When I study a scientific concept, I not only focus on the technicalities, but also dig deeper to see what else it might reflect. Simply by seeking to see, the wonders I discover in the world multiply right before my eyes.The moment of clarity I experienced when I first learned to see will remain with me forever, but it was only the first of many such moments. From learning to see as an artist, I had learned to see as an individual. I aspire to nothing more than to see, and through seeing, live a life more intense and more human. “Do you see now” Those four simple words my art teacher once asked me long ago still resonat e within me, and I know that his question is one I will be asking myself for the rest of my life.评估一个显着的经验,成就,你已经采取的风险,或你已经面临道德困境,其对你的影响。

































