


【股份、抢答】:每个人的帐户余额即股份,获得区块制造权可以比喻为抢答。会议室有 一块大电子屏幕,最初显示每个人的股份数与抽签的数字,股份数每过一秒翻一倍(例如你 有 1 万个币,一秒之后数字变为 2 万,2 秒之后变为 4 万。当然你实际的帐户余额不会变, 下一轮你还是最初显示 1 万个币)。当某个人抽签的数字小于屏幕上他的股份数字,就按下 抢答器,获得了一页帐单的记帐权。因为抽签有运气的因素,股份最多的人不一定每次都能 最快抢答,但是长期来讲大家运气均等,股份更多的人能拿到更多次数的记帐权。这被称为 纯股权证明。
随机碰撞使得算力最大的人不能每次都最快完成。但是根据概率,长期来说算力更大的 人能拿到更多次数的区块制造权。
【抽签】:随机碰撞可以比喻为抽签。赛车时每个人的规定里程并不相同,每次抽签,有 5 公里、10 公里、15 公里。所以有运气的因素,跑得最快的人不一定每次都能最快跑完抽 签的里程,但是长期来讲大家运气均等,跑得更快的人能拿到更多次数的记帐权。
比特币自诞生以来,尚未有过成功的 51%攻击。大多数矿工是诚实的,而且目前比特币 的算力巨大,一般个人没有攻击的能力。或者在经济角度来看攻击也有风险,诚实的挖矿赚
比特币获得了很大的成功,在 2010 年它首次公开交易的市场价为 1 个比特币兑换 0.03 美 元,到 2013 年 11 月最高达 1 个比特Байду номын сангаас兑换 1242 美元,一度超过一盎司黄金的价格。
为了争夺区块制造权,人们最初用 CPU,后来发现用显卡更有效率,再后来发明了更先 进的 ASIC(专用集成电路),并且持续的改进它。这种现象被称为“算力军备竞赛”,使得 系统算力持续飙升,早已超过全球最快的 500 台超级电脑算力之和。系统更强大更安全,但 是成本也在同步飙升。









与大多数货币不同,比特币不依赖于特定的中央发行机构,使用遍布整个P2P 网络节点的分布式数据库来记录货币的交易,并使用密码学的设计来确保货币流通各个环节安全性。













Disney Star Wars, Disney and myth-makingHow one company came to master the business of storytellingFROM a galaxy far, far away to a cinema just down the road: “The Force Awakens”, the newest instalment of the Star Wars saga, is inescapable this Christmas. The first Star Wars title since Lucasfilm, the owner of the franchise, was acquired by Disney in 2012 for $4.1 billion, it represents more than just the revival of a beloved science-fiction series. It is the latest example of the way Disney has prospered over the past decade from a series of shrewd acquisitions (see article). Having bought Pixar, Marvel and Lucasfilm, Disney has skilfullycapitalised on their intellectual property—and in so doing, cemented its position as the market leader in the industrialisation of mythology. Its success rests on its mastery of the three elements of modern myth-making: tropes, technology and toys.From Homer to Han SoloStart with the tropes. Disney properties, which include everything from “Thor” to “Toy Story”, draw on well-worn devices of mythic structure to give their stories cultural resonance. Walt Disney himself had an intuitive grasp of the power of fables. George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, is an avid student of the work of Joseph Campbell, an American comparative mythologist who outlined the “monomyth” structure in which a hero answers a call, is assisted by a mentor figure, voyages to another world, survives various trials and emerges triumphant. Bothfilm-makers merrily plundered ancient mythology and folklore. The Marvel universe goes even further, directly appropriating chunks of Greco-Roman and Norse mythology. (This makes Disney's enthusiasm for fierce enforcement of intellectual-property laws, and the seemingly perpetual extension of copyright, somewhat ironic.)The internal mechanics of myths may not have changed much over the ages, but the technology used to impart them certainly has. That highlights Disney's second area of expertise. In Homer's day, legends were passed on in the form of dactylic hexameters; modern myth-makers prefer computer graphics, special effects, 3D projection, surround sound and internet video distribution,among other things. When Disney bought Lucasfilm it did not just acquire the Star Wars franchise; it also gained Industrial Light & Magic, one of the best special-effects houses in the business, whose high-tech wizardry is as vital to Marvel's Avengers films as it is to the Star Wars epics. And when Disney was left behind by the shift to digital animation, it cannily revitalised its own film-making brand by buying Pixar, a firm as pioneering in its field as Walt Disney had been in hand-drawn animation. Moreover, modern myths come in multiple media formats. The Marvel and Star Wars fantasy universes are chronicled in interlocking films, television series, books, graphic novels and video games. Marvel's plans are mapped out until the mid-2020s.But these days myths are also expected to take physical form as toys, merchandise and theme-park rides. This is the third myth-making ingredient. Again, Walt Disney led the way, licensing Mickey Mouse and other characters starting in the 1930s, and opening the original Disneyland park in 1955. Mr Lucas took cinema-related merchandise into a new dimension, accepting a pay cut as director in return for all the merchandising rights to Star Wars—a deal that was to earn him billions. Those rights now belong to Disney, and it is making the most of them: sales of “The Force Awakens” merchandise, from toys to clothing, are expected to be worth up to $5 billion alone in the coming year. In all, more than $32 billion-worth of Star Wars merchandise has been sold since 1977, according to NPD Group, a market-research firm. Even Harry Potter and James Bond are scruffy-looking nerf-herders by comparison.Those other franchises are reminders that Disney's approach is not unique. Other studios are doing their best to imitate its approach. But Disney has some of the most valuable properties and exploits them to their fullest potential. It is particularly good at refreshing and repackaging its franchises to encourage adults to revisit their childhood favourites and, in the process, to introduce them to their own children. This was one reason why Pixar, whose films are known for their cross-generational appeal, was such a natural fit. Now the next generation is being introduced to Star Wars by their nostalgic parents. At the same time, Disney has extended its franchises by adding sub-brands that appeal to particular age groups: children's television series spun off from Star Wars, for example, or darker, more adult tales from the Marvel universe, such as the “Daredevil” and “Jessica Jones” series on.Do, or do not—there is no tryWhat explains the power of all this modern-day mythology? There is more to it than archetypal storytelling, clever technology and powerful marketing. In part, it may fill a void left by the decline of religion in a more secular world. But it also provides an expression for today's fears.T he original “Star Wars” film, in which a band of plucky rebels defeat a technological superpower, was a none-too-subtle inversion of the Vietnam war. The Marvel universe, originally a product of the cold-war era, has adapted well on screen to a post-9/11 world of surveillance and the conspiratorial mistrust of governments, large corporations and the power of technology. Inuncertain times, when governments and military might seem unable to keep people safe or stay honest, audiences take comfort in the idea of superheroes who ride to the rescue. Modern myths also have the power to unify people across generations, social groups and cultures, creating frameworks of shared references even as other forms of media consumption become ever more fragmented.Ultimately, however, these modern myths are so compelling because they tap primordial human urges—for refuge, redemption and harmony. In this respect they are like social-media platforms, which use technology to industrialise social interaction. Similarly, modern myth-making, reliant though it is on new tools and techniques, is really just pushing the same old buttons in stone-age brains. That is something that Walt Disney understood instinctively—and that the company he founded is now exploiting so proficiently.迪士尼星球大战,迪士尼和神话创造一个公司如何成为兜售故事的商业传奇从遥远的星际抵达你周边的电影院—《星球大战7:原力觉醒》这部星战系列的最新影片就在圣诞期间上映,不容错过。



















金融英语学习资料 中英文对照

金融英语学习资料 中英文对照

Bitcoin has bounced back in China, helping to push the virtual currency back above $1,000 a unit, as exchanges devise workaround solutions to the regulatory crackdown last month.比特币在中国展开反弹,推动这种虚拟货币的单价重返1000美元上方。


When Chinese regulators banned financial institutions from doing business with Bitcoin exchanges last month, the move was thought by many to spell the end for the virtual currency in China. Would-be buyers were told they would no longer be able to transfer cash on to exchanges via digital payment platforms, in effect making it impossible tobuy Bitcoins.中国监管机构上月禁止金融机构经手比特币交易所的业务后,很多人以为此举标志着这种虚拟货币在中国的前途已被画上句号。


“In the darkest hours we thought everything was going to come crashing down and the game was over,” said Bobby Lee, co-founder of BTC China, one of the country’s top exchanges.“在最黑暗的时刻,我们以为一切将要塌下来,游戏结束了,”中国最大的交易所之一“比特币中国”(BTC China)的联合创始人李启元(Bobby Lee)表示。

经济学家眼中的比特币:风险巨大 具有革命性

经济学家眼中的比特币:风险巨大 具有革命性


以下为文章概要:1、克里斯·罗伯特(Chris Robert),哈佛大学公共政策与经济发展教授:如果聪明人都更信任一套在很大程度上由匿名电脑黑客建立和管理的货币系统,而不相信由真人组成的政府建立和管理的货币系统,那肯定就有问题了。









2、罗伯特·麦克米兰(Robert McMilla)、美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)前经济学家、斯坦福大学前经济学家,现任投资公司HNC Advisors A资产组合主管兼量化研究总监:比特币已死,比特币永生。


不幸的是,了解保罗·克鲁格曼(Paul Krugman)“流动性陷阱”理论的人都知道,由于比特币的供给量有限而且已知,所以它注定无法成为货币的有效替代物。

















(15)《经济学人》中英对照TEXT 1 Rebuilding the American dream chine 重建美国梦机器 Jan 19th xx | NEW YORK From The Economist print edition FOR America's colleges, January is a month of reckoning. Most applications for the next academic year beginning in the autumn have to be de by the end of De mber, so a university's popularity is put to an objective standard: how ny people want to attend. One of the more unlikely offi s to have been flooded with il is that of the City University of New York (CUNY), a public college that lacks, among other things, a famous sports team, bucolic campuses and raucous parties (it doesn't even have dorms), and, until re ntly, academic credibility. 对美国的大学而言,一月是一个清算的月份。






”康内尔大学(Cornell)计算机科学家伊泰·伊亚尔(Ittay Eyal)和埃明·贡·赛尔(Emin Gun Sirer)声称。



















一、什么是比特币?Bitcoin (sign: BTC) is a decentralized digital currency based on an open-source, peer-to-peer internet protocol. It was introduced by a pseudonymous developer named Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009.二、如何获取比特币?•The most common way to buy bitcoins are the Bitcoin Exchanges . •Accept bitcoins as payment for goods or services.•There are several services where you can trade them for traditional currency.•Find someone to trade cash for bitcoins in-person through a local directory.•Participate in a mining pool.三、与传统电子货币的差异1、Bitcoin is decentralized, the traditional electronic money has a service center.This makes bitcoin doesn't exist a separate holes are to be routed, stable system. But this makes the government'sregulatory face greater obstacles.中央银行:the bank of china2、Bitcoin stock is limited, can not casually increase issue, while traditional electronic currency can be unlimited rights issue.This characteristic makes bitcoin hold value is higher.3、Bitcoin code is open source, and the traditional electronic money are closed.Businesses, consumers, investors and service providers,to around the open source system to create a very richservices and financial system.4、Bitcoin because value is derived from the users increased gradually, the traditional electronic currency depend on fiat endorsement.This makes bitcoin value change more space. It means thatmore people use bitcoin, its value will increase more.四、比特币的优势:◆Bitcoins are sent easily through the Internet, without needing to trustany third party.◆Transactions are irreversible by design they are also cost very little,especially compared to other payment networks.◆The supply of bitcoins is regulated by software and the agreement ofusers of the system and cannot be manipulated by any government, bank, organization or individual.五、比特币的不良影响:1、The securityBecause bitcoin produced in the Internet, it is normal for it to meet some network security threat.2、The money launderingAt present, there are some illegal organization use bitcoin to do with laundering dirty money, like drug dealers.3、The legalityUp till now, there is no law to define bitcoin or to restrict it. It means that bitcoin was not recognized in the real world.4、The support of government.总结:In my opinion, Existence in possible,bitcoin would make new wonder only when it can be accepted by the public。



The technology behind bitcoin could■ 本文选自英国《经济学人》杂志2015年10月31日周刊覃凌燕编译 Bitcoin has a bad reputation.The decentralised digital cryptocurrency, powered by a vast computer network, is notorious for the wild fluctuations in i t s v a l u e,t h e z e a l o f i t s s u p p o r t e r s a n d i t s degenerate uses, such as extortion, buying drugs and hiring hitmen in the online bazaars of the “dark net”.比特币有一个坏名声。


T h i s i s u n f a i r.T h e v a l u e o f a b i t c o i n has been pretty stable, at around $250, for most of this year. Among regulators and f i n a n c i a l i n s t i t u t i o n s,s c e p t i c i s m h a s g i v e n way to enthusiasm (the European Union recently recognised it as a currency). But most unfair of all is that bitcoin's shady image causes people to overlook the extraordinary potential of the “blockchain”, the technology that underpins it. This innovation carries a significance stretching far beyond crypto-currency. The blockchain lets peoplewho have no particular confidence ineach other collaborate without having togo through a neutral central authority.Simply put, it is a machine for creatingtrust.这不公平。

英译汉:比特币的未来Bitcoin's future

英译汉:比特币的未来Bitcoin's future

句子结构:单词:短语:翻译技巧:Bitcoin’s futureTHE father has been found in time for his child’s funeral. That would appear to be the sorry state of affairs in the land of Bitcoin, a crypto-currency, if recent press coverage is to be believed. On March 6th Newsweek reported that it had tracked down Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin’s elusive creator. And on March 11th Mt Gox, the Japanese online exchange that had long dominated the trade in the currency before losing $490m of customers’ Bitcoins at today’s prices, once more filed for bankruptcy protection, this time in America.比特币的未来孩子在离开人世的时候发现了生父。






At today’s prices放到了一个括号中,以便翻译时句子不显得啰嗦。

Press coverage报道,appear to be印证了,the sorry state of affairs悲惨现状,crypto-currency密码货币,elusive难懂的;鲜为人知的,track down追踪,Mt.Gox=Mount Gox门头沟交易所Filed for bankruptcy protection申请破产保护完成时省略:Have been found完成时不需要被翻译出来。



比特币闪电网络:可扩展的off-chain即时支付Joseph Poonjoseph@workThaddeus Dryjarx@二零一五年十一月二十日草案版本0.5.9.1摘要如今比特币协议可以涵盖全球金融所有的电子支付系统的交易量,没有单一的一个第三方保管或持有资金,或要求参加者除了有使用宽带连接的计算机之外其他的什么东西。










如果每次比特币交易我们平均用300字节,并假设块大小无限制,达到与Visa峰值47000/TPS 的交易量同等数据容量意味着每十分钟每比特币区块将近8千兆字节数据。





比特币英语作文Bitcoin: A Revolution in Digital CurrencyIn the realm of finance, Bitcoin has emerged as a groundbreaking innovation, challenging traditional notions of currency and financial transactions. Since its inception in 2009 by the enigmatic figure known as Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin has captivated the imagination of tech enthusiasts, investors, and the general public alike.The Concept of Bitcoin:Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency, meaning it operates without a central authority or government backing. Transactions are recorded on a public ledger called the blockchain, which is maintained by a network of computers across the globe. This distributed ledger technology ensures transparency and security, as each transaction is verified by multiple nodes in the network.How Bitcoin Works:To use Bitcoin, one needs a digital wallet, which can be a software program or an online service. Users can obtain Bitcoin through mining, purchasing from an exchange, or as payment for goods and services. The process of mining involves solving complex mathematical problems to validate transactions and add them to the blockchain, for which miners are rewarded with new Bitcoins.Advantages of Bitcoin:1. Decentralization: The lack of central control makes Bitcoin resistant to censorship and manipulation.2. Security: The blockchain's cryptographic nature makes it difficult for hackers to alter transaction records.3. Accessibility: Bitcoin can be used by anyone with an internet connection, providing financial services to the unbanked population.4. Transparency: The public nature of the blockchain allows users to verify transactions and track the flow of funds.Challenges Faced by Bitcoin:Despite its many benefits, Bitcoin is not without its challenges. Volatility is a major concern, as the value of Bitcoin can fluctuate wildly due to market speculation. Additionally, regulatory uncertainty and concerns about its use in illicit activities have led to scrutiny from governments and financial institutions.The Future of Bitcoin:The future of Bitcoin remains uncertain but promising. As more businesses and individuals adopt it, its acceptance and stability may improve. Innovations in the field, such as the development of smart contracts and decentralized finance (DeFi), suggest that Bitcoin and blockchain technology have the potential to reshape the financial landscape.In conclusion, Bitcoin represents a significant shift in how we understand and use money. While it faces challenges and skepticism, its underlying technology and the principles itembodies have the potential to usher in a new era of financial freedom and innovation.。























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18Bitcoin’s future比特币的未来Hidden flipside另一面;反面隐藏的另一面How the crypto-currency could become the internet of money加密货币是怎样变成互联网货币的Mar 15th 2014 | From the print editionBitcoin: the original 比特币的由来1.THE father has been found in time for 及时赶上his child’s funeral. That would appear to be 似乎是,仿佛,显示为the sorry 遗憾的state of affairs 事态,状态,情况好坏in the land of Bitcoin, a crypto-currency, if recent press coverage 新闻报道is to be believed. On March 6th Newsweek新闻周刊(美国一杂志)reported that it had足迹,踪迹tracked down 追踪Satoshi Nakamoto,中本聪Bitcoin’s elusive [ɪ'l(j)uːsɪv]难以捉摸的creator. And on March 11th Mt Gox, the Japanese online exchange 交易所,交换,交流,兑换that had long dominated控制;支配;占优势;在…中占主要地位the trade in the currency before losing $490m of customers’Bitcoins at today’s prices, once more再一次,重新filed 提出for 再一次申请bankruptcy protection, this time in America.“父亲奔赴孩子的葬礼。



日本的在线交易所Mt Gox长期以来一直是比特币行业的佼佼者,而如今,这一平台4.9亿客户的比特币被盗,于是,3月11日Mt Gox又在向美国申请破产保护。

2.In reality, things are rather different. Evidence证据,证明;迹象;明显is mounting 增加;爬上that Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto, whom Newsweek identified as Bitcoin’s father, is not the relevant Satoshi. More importantly, Bitcoin’s best days 得意时代;全盛时代may still be ahead of优于,超过it—if not as a fully fledged成熟的;快会飞的;羽毛丰满的currency, then as a platform for financial innovation金融创新. Much as虽然,尽管(表让步);非常像,和…几乎一样the internet is a foundation for digital services数字化服务, the technology behind Bitcoin could support a revolution革命in the way people own and pay for things. Geeks极客,专业人士of all sorts各种各样的are getting excited—including a growing number of 越来越多的venture capitalists,风险投资家,风险资本家who know a new platform when they see one.事实上,一切都是迥然不同的。

不断增加的证据表明《新闻周刊》的报道是错的,多利安-蒲伦蒂斯-中本聪(Dorian Prentice Satoshi Nakamoto)和比特币之父中本聪并不是同一个人。




3.To understand the enthusiasm in this modern currency, it helps to think about a very old one. Until the early 20th century the people on Yap,[jæp]雅浦岛an island in the Pacific Ocean,太平洋used large stone disks 圆盘,磁盘(pictured) as money货币,钱,钱币for big expenses, 开支;消费;损失,代价such as a daughter’s dowry.嫁妆,陪嫁,天资Being very heavy, they were rarely 很少地;难得;罕有地moved when spent. Instead, they simply changed owners. Everytransaction交易became part of an oral history of ownership,所有权,所有制which allowed islanders 岛民to know the proprietor [prə'praɪətə]业主;所有者;经营者of each stone and made it difficult to spend the same stone twice.在了解比特币这种炙手可热的货币之前,让我们先来了解一下一种古老的货币。




4.Bitcoins also don’t move around when they are transferred. They are best understood as entries 条目,记录,入口,项in a giant ledger, ['ledʒə]分户账,总账,分户总账the “blockchain”, 块环链which contains the transaction history for every Bitcoin in circulation. It is kept up to date with始终跟上the help of cryptography [krip'tɔɡrəfi]密码,密码学,加密and copious 丰富的;很多的;多产的computing power, 计算能力provided by a global network of tens of thousands of 成千上万;数以万计computers. Again,又,此外;再一次;再说;增加openness helps the system remain secure: the blockchain is public so every participant can check whether a transfer 转账,过户,转让comes from the rightful 合法的,正当的owner.同样,比特币在交易时也不会移动。




5.This set-up 设置;配置;计划;组织;机构;装配is the first workable 切实可行的;可经营的;能工作的solution解决方案;溶液to one of the more nagging唠叨的;挑剔的;使人不得安宁的problems扰人/ 烦人的问题of the digital realm: how to transfer something of value from one person to another without middlemen中间人,经纪人,调解人having to make sure that the item is not copied 复制,备份,模仿or, in the case of 至于,在…的情况下money, spent more than once? And Bitcoin does the trick 获得成功,屡试不爽while being open (unlike conventional payment mechanisms,['mekənizəm]机制,原理,途径which aim for 瞄准,对准,致力于security安全,保证,证券(pl)by shielding[ʃi:ld]盾。

保卫,包庇themselves from outsiders). This means that third parties can make use of Bitcoin’s features without having to ask anyone for permission—as is the case with the internet.这种设置首次提出了一种切实可行的方案,用于解决数字领域一个令人头疼的问题,即如何将一种有价商品从一个人转移到另一个人,而这种转移不用借助第三方即可确保条目不可复制或者对货币不会进行二次交易呢?比特币在保持开放性的同时获得了成功(传统支付机制是通过抵抗外界来实现自我保护,从而确保自身安全,而比特币与之不同)。
