Wars of the Roses玫瑰战争
Wars Of The Roses玫瑰战争(课堂PPT)
Name and symbols
The White Rose of the House of York
The Red Rose of the House of Lancaster
Commanders and leaders
House of York
1455-1460 In the initial stage
The main stages of the armed conflict between the Wars of the Roses occurred in 1455 and 1485.
1460年7月10日的北安普敦战役(Battle of Northampton) 对于兰开斯特家族是灾难性的。沃里克伯爵理查·内维尔带 领的约克军队,在兰开斯特家族的叛军的帮助下,抓住了 亨利国王并作为俘虏带往伦敦。
Act of Accord
A compromise was struck in October 1460 with the Act of Accord,
1455年5月22日,约克公爵理查领一支小部队 前往伦敦,在伦敦北面的圣奥尔本斯碰到赶来 的亨利六世的部队。相对规模较小的第一次圣 奥尔本斯战役是内战的第一次公开冲突。
Summary of events
York returned to the country and became Protector of England, but was dissuaded from claiming the throne. Margaret and the irreconcilable Lancastrian nobles gathered their forces in the north of England, and when York moved north to suppress them, he and his second son Edmund were killed at the Battle of Wakefield in December 1460.
主要英国国家概况英国诺曼征服(Norman Conquest)以法国北部诺曼底公爵威廉为首的法国封建主对英国的征服。
《大宪章》(Great Charter),1215年6月15日(一说1213)英王约翰被迫签署的宪法性的文件。
百年战争(Hundred Years' War)是指英国和法国,以及后来加入的勃艮第,于1337年 - 1453年间的战争,是世界最长的战争,断断续续进行了长达116年。
英国历史重大历史事件英国重大历史事件1、《大宪章》(Magna Carta/Great Chart)于1215年由约翰王 (King John)签署。
英国重大历史事件2、英法百年战争(The Hundred Years'' War)14四世纪时,法国尚未统一。
英国重大历史事件3、黑死病(Black Death)1348年,横扫欧洲的黑死病(一种鼠疫),几乎夺去了英国人口的一半,导致劳动力缺乏,粮价上涨,但国王爱德华三世却于1394年颁布敕令,规定工人仍按黑死病前的工资受雇。
英国重大历史事件4、宗教改革(The Reformation)14世纪英国城乡矛盾激化,出现了改革教会运动。
牛津大学神学院教授约翰·威克利夫(John Wycliffe) 及其他一些教士提出了符合下层人民要求的改革教会的主张,如反对教会征收捐税、否认教士特殊地位、消灭封建贵族等,为泰勒起义作了思想准备。
英国重大历史事件5、泰勒起义(Tyler''s Revolt)1381年5月,为反对增加税收,英国东南部发生了以泥瓦匠瓦特.泰勒(Wat Tyler) 为领袖的农民起义。
玫瑰战争玫瑰战争(Wars of the Roses),又称为“蔷薇战争”或者“红白玫瑰战争”,当时英国的两大贵族家族约克家族与兰开斯特家族因为英格兰国王王位继承的问题产生了巨大的分歧,这分歧也激发了两大家族由来已久的矛盾,最终酿成多年的内战。
两个家族之间的对立始于英王理查二世,理查二世被他堂弟,兰开斯特公爵亨利·博林布鲁克(Henry Bolingbroke)在1399年推翻,兰开斯特公爵亨利·博林布鲁克即后来的亨利四世。
当国王亨利在1453年遭受第一轮精神病时,摄政理事会建立了,由强大的约克家族的首领约克公爵理查·金雀花(Richard Plantagenet,Duke of York)任摄政王。
1455-1460 In the initial stage
The main stages of the armed conflict between the Wars of the Roses occurred in 1455 and 1485.
Battle of Northampton
The essence of the Wars of the Roses is a cruel power struggle between two English ruling classes. During the wars, the two big feudal families went to their doom, and a great deal of feudal aristocrats were killed or executed in mutual slaughters. Their powers in society were severely decreased. To fill the gap of power, the new aristocracies and bourgeoisie grew rapidly during the war and became the mainstay of autocratic monarchy which was established by Tudor. Postwar England, with strong royal sovereignty, stable political situation, and prosperous economy, saw the bud of capitalism. In this sense, the Wars of the Roses can be regarded not only as a historical event with a far-reaching effect, but also as the symbole of dawn for England to walk out the Middle Ages. The Wars of the Roses heralded the end of the medieval period in England and helped England move towards the Renaissance
Wars of the Roses&
Wars of the Roses&T he Enclosure MovementBY—陈青青叶文君陆方方Wars of the Roses▪The Wars of the Roses were a series of dynastic wars fought between supporters of two rival branches of the royal House of Plantagenet: the houses of Lancaster and York(whose heraldic symbols were the “red” and the “white” rose, respectively) for the throne of England. They were fought in several sporadic episodes between 1455 and 1485, although there was related fighting both before and after this period.▪玫瑰战争(1455年–1487年),或称蔷薇战争,通常指英国兰开斯特王朝(House of Lancaster)和约克王朝(House of York)的支持者之间为了英格兰王位的断续内战。
▪The final victory went to a relatively remote Lancastrian claimant, Henry Tudor, who defeated the last Yorkistking Richard III and married Edward IV's daughter Elizabeth of York to unite the two houses. The House of Tudor subsequently ruled England and Wales for 117 years.the House of Yorkthe House of Lancaster▪该战争大部分由马上骑士和他们的封建随从组成的军队所进行。
大学生英语竞赛C类词汇语法专项强化真题试卷11(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.1.I______to be present at your birthday party, but business interfered. I hope you will forgive me.A.am to have intendedB.was to intendC.was to have intendedD.ought to intend正确答案:C2.Above all, they want to study a______question; Are humans actually aware of the world they live in?A.contraryB.fundamentalC.solemnD.progressive正确答案:B3.Lance returned to cycling and training only five months after he was______diagnosed with cancer.A.aggressivelyB.drasticallyC.exactlyD.initially正确答案:D4.They called in an electrician______he could put a finger on the cause of the short circuit.A.to hopeB.to be hopingC.hopingD.to have hoped正确答案:C5.There was once a town in this country______all life seemed to live in______with its surroundings.A.which; coincidenceB.at which; uniformC.where; harmonyD.that; alliance正确答案:C6.______is this piece of equipment to be removed from the building.A.On no accountB.AbsolutelyC.ScarcelyD.Not at all正确答案:A解析:任何情况下都不要拆除这一设备。
玫瑰战争(又称蔷薇战争;英语:Wars of the Roses;1455年─1485年)是英王爱德华三世(1327年-1377年在位)的两支后裔:兰开斯特家族和约克家族的支持者为了争夺英格兰王位而发生断续的内战。
此名称源于两个家族所选的家徽,兰开斯特的红蔷薇Rosa gallica和约克的白蔷薇Rosa ×alba。
Joan of Arc
French military leader and heroine. Inspired and directed by religious visions, she organized the French resistance that forced the English to end their siege of Orléans(1429). The same year she led an army of 12,000 to Rheims and had the dauphin crowned Charles VII. Captured and sold to the English by the Burgundians (1430), she was later tried for heresy and sorcery and was burned at the stake in Rouen. She was canonized in 1920.
The First Stage
the British Army won the Battle
of Crecy.
the British Army won the Battle of
Poitiers 1348
the British beat French in the Battle of Sluys.
French people beat British in the Battle of Orleans under the command of Joan of arc. That brought a bright future to French people.
The period of the Wars of the Roses began in 1455 and ended in 1485,which was considered as the transition to the British modern age.The House of Lancaster and the House of York were the two branches of the Plantagenet family and they were all Edward Ⅲ’s descendents. They all wanted to get the crown. As a result, the internal war broke out, that’s Wars of the Rose. The House of Lancaster symbolized by the red rose and the House of York symbolized by the white.Firstly, I want you to meet several major figures at that times of Wars of the Roses. They are Henry Ⅵand his wife Queen Margaret of Anjou, Henry Ⅶ,Duke of York Richard and his two sons Edward Ⅳand Richard Ⅲ.Next, let’s get to know the developmental process of this war. Henry Ⅵwas the last king of England of Lancaster Dynasty. His father HenryⅤdied when he was just a nine-month baby. Therefore, he inherited the throne and became the king of England while he was not interested in policy. Because of this, he almost lost all policy enforce points of England in France,including the point that his father HenryⅤwon in the Hundred Years’War with France. Consequently, he was taken as a incompetent emperor. Even so, he was so lucky to have an awesome wife Queen Margaret of Anjou with beauty and wisdom who did her best to ensure his throne and became the real leader of the House of Lancaster. Richard, Yorkist leader, Duke of York, was appointed as Protector attempted to usurp the throne. Queen Margaret of Anjou would not like to have his way, so she fought back. She formed an alliance to counter Richard and conspired to reduced his influence with other nobles. Duke of York was not willing to reconcile this situation, so he waged war on the House of Lancaster. Hence,the Wars of the Roses broke out.Because the first war of St. Albans Duke of York Richard was predominant in military, he argued greatly with the House of Lancaster about whether he or Henry Ⅵ’s son Prince Edward could inherit the throne. Queen Margaret of Anjou wanted to ensure his son’s throne, and then she persuaded his husband Henry Ⅵto terminate Duke of York’s position.However, Henry Ⅵdidn’t anticipate that he was captured in1460. In order to save Henry Ⅵ, Queen Margaret of Anjou waged a battle to killed Duke of York, and then she suspended the head of Duke of York in the gate of York Country. But soon she was defeated by Duke of York’s son Edward Ⅳ.With “King’s Maker”1st Earl of Warwick Richard Neville’s help, Edward Ⅳtook the throne and became the first king of York Dynasty.In 1470, Earl of Warwick helped Henry Ⅵtake back his own throne as a result of conflicting with Edward Ⅳ. But in the next year, Edward Ⅳbeat Henry Ⅵand killed Henry Ⅵ. Queen Margaret of Anjou was imprisoned until her father Louis XI ransomed her in 1475. Edward Ⅳwas a excellent emperor and he held the throne until he passed away in 1483.Yet his younger brother Richard Ⅲusurped the throne as soon as Edward Ⅳdied. Richard Ⅲjust held the throne for two years because he got killed by Henry Tudor in the last war of 1485. Henry Tudor was the final winner in the Wars of the Roses. With the purpose of consolidating power, he married Edward Ⅳ’s daughter Elizabeth , holding the throne and becoming the Henry Ⅶ. That meant Wars of Roses was over, and TudorDynasty, a new dynasty, was coming.From the Wars of the Roses feudalism received its death blow. The great medieval nobility was much weakened and discredited. Hence, the king’s power became supreme.。
Unit 6 The Wars of the Roses 玫瑰战争
The Wars of the Roses
The Outcome Major Kings Involved
The Hundred Years’ War
The Duration The Reason for its name The Warring Parties The Causes 1337-1453 The war stretched for more than 100 years, hence the name “the Hundred Years’ War” The England and The France Edward intended to regain the lost territory in France by claiming the French throne, because his mother was a sister of the late French king. The war ended in failure for the Normans in 1453. Edward III; Richard II; Henry IV; Henry V;
The War of the Roses (1989)
A black comedy about a wealthy couple involved in a bitter divorce. Unable to reach an agreement about who will keep the house and everything in it, the Roses become engaged in a battle to the death over the possession of their material objects.
英国玫瑰战争的故事玫瑰战争(又称蔷薇战争;英语:Wars of the Roses;1455年─1485年)是英王爱德华三世(1327年—1377年在位)的两支后裔:兰开斯特家族和约克家族的支持者为了争夺英格兰王位而发生断续的内战。
绯闻女孩第四季第7集 (1)
绯闻女孩第四季第7集:玫瑰之战片名解析:War at the Roses来自于The War of the Roses《玫瑰战争》,说的是夫妻之间的战争,是不是很贴这集的主题?夫妻反目的时候可以彼此憎恶到什么程度?看看本片的例子,足以教人不寒而栗。
Rise and shine, Upper East Siders.Rise and shine 起床啦常用口语,起身rise,士兵穿上闪亮shining的靴子,不是指阳光闪亮哈。
A signed copy of "This I Remember." What a fitting gift.This I Remember是罗斯福总统夫人回忆录。
What a fitting gift!好合适的礼物!非常实用的一句话。
I know the first wedding anniversary's supposed to be paper, but that's not really an excuse to... to eat out of cartons.按照美国的传统,paper纸制的礼物是适合在结婚一周年的时候送的,包括相册、书本、球票、音乐会票之类的。
这是比较传统的方式,现代人会改送钟,对中国人来说很难接受吧?I'm gonna head off.head off 离开That would be fear of Chuck and Blair 101.101 基本条例这里读作one oh one,而不是one hundred and one。
The period of the Wars of the Roses began in 1455 and ended in 1485,which was considered as the transition to the British modern age.The House of Lancaster and the House of York were the two branches of the Plantagenet family and they were all Edward Ⅲ’s descendents. They all wanted to get the crown. As a result, the internal war broke out, that’s Wars of the Rose. The House of Lancaster symbolized by the red rose and the House of York symbolized by the white.Firstly, I want you to meet several major figures at that times of Wars of the Roses. They are Henry Ⅵand his wife Queen Margaret of Anjou, Henry Ⅶ,Duke of York Richard and his two sons Edward Ⅳand Richard Ⅲ.Next, let’s get to know the developmental process of this war. Henry Ⅵwas the last king of England of Lancaster Dynasty. His father HenryⅤdied when he was just a nine-month baby. Therefore, he inherited the throne and became the king of England while he was not interested in policy. Because of this, he almost lost all policy enforce points of England in France,including the point that his father HenryⅤwon in the Hundred Years’War with France. Consequently, he was taken as a incompetent emperor. Even so, he was so lucky to have an awesome wife Queen Margaret of Anjou with beauty and wisdom who did her best to ensure his throne and became the real leader of the House of Lancaster. Richard, Yorkist leader, Duke of York, was appointed as Protector attempted to usurp the throne. Queen Margaret of Anjou would not like to have his way, so she fought back. She formed an alliance to counter Richard and conspired to reduced his influence with other nobles. Duke of York was not willing to reconcile this situation, so he waged war on the House of Lancaster. Hence,the Wars of the Roses broke out.Because the first war of St. Albans Duke of York Richard was predominant in military, he argued greatly with the House of Lancaster about whether he or Henry Ⅵ’s son Prince Edward could inherit the throne. Queen Margaret of Anjou wanted to ensure his son’s throne, and then she persuaded his husband Henry Ⅵto terminate Duke of York’s position.However, Henry Ⅵdidn’t anticipate that he was captured in1460. In order to save Henry Ⅵ, Queen Margaret of Anjou waged a battle to killed Duke of York, and then she suspended the head of Duke of York in the gate of York Country. But soon she was defeated by Duke of York’s son Edward Ⅳ.With “King’s Maker”1st Earl of Warwick Richard Neville’s help, Edward Ⅳtook the throne and became the first king of York Dynasty.In 1470, Earl of Warwick helped Henry Ⅵtake back his own throne as a result of conflicting with Edward Ⅳ. But in the next year, Edward Ⅳbeat Henry Ⅵand killed Henry Ⅵ. Queen Margaret of Anjou was imprisoned until her father Louis XI ransomed her in 1475. Edward Ⅳwas a excellent emperor and he held the throne until he passed away in 1483.Yet his younger brother Richard Ⅲusurped the throne as soon as Edward Ⅳdied. Richard Ⅲjust held the throne for two years because he got killed by Henry Tudor in the last war of 1485. Henry Tudor was the final winner in the Wars of the Roses. With the purpose of consolidating power, he married Edward Ⅳ’s daughter Elizabeth , holding the throne and becoming the Henry Ⅶ. That meant Wars of Roses was over, and TudorDynasty, a new dynasty, was coming.From the Wars of the Roses feudalism received its death blow. The great medieval nobility was much weakened and discredited. Hence, the king’s power became supreme.。
大学生英语竞赛C类词汇语法专项强化真题试卷8(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.1.—Did you get any information from Peter?—He______an expert, but he doesn’t seem to know much.A.believes to beB.is supposed to beC.thought to beD.is claimed being正确答案:B解析:他被认为是一个专家,但是他似乎知道的并不多。
be supposed to be 被认为是…,A和C选项为主动语态,believe to be相信是,thought to be认为是,而D项的claim常用于主动语态,和介词to搭配,意为“声称…”。
2.We must firmly follow the path of development that is______China’s national conditions.A.comparable toB.familiar withC.consistent withD.similar to正确答案:C解析:我们必须坚定不移地走与中国国情相符的发展道路。
consistent with 符合,与…一致。
comparable to可比较的,比得上的。
familiar with熟悉,了解。
similar to跟…类似的,与…同样的。
3.The______driver thinks that accidents only happen to other people.A.generalB.usualC.commonD.average正确答案:D4.Einstein’s theory of relativity seemed hard to believe at the time______.A.when he first introducedB.that he first introduced itC.he first introducedD.which he first introduced it正确答案:B5.It’s said that there is so much land in Australia that the government doesn’t know______.A.what to do itB.to do what with itC.it what to do withD.what to do with it正确答案:D解析:句意:据说澳大利亚有太多土地,以至于政府都不知道用土地来做什么。
Edward Ⅲ died in 1377.His eldest son had died of theplague in 1376.So his grandson,Richard became king. But the new king just ten years old.His uncle ruled the country. In 1399,John of Gaunt died and Richard Ⅱ confiscated the land he had owned.John of Gaunt's son,Henry,took the throne as Henry Ⅳ Henry managed to keep his place on the throne amd when he died in 1413, the country was at peace and his son,Henry Ⅴ,succeeded without problem.
The essence of the Wars of the Roses is a cruel power struggle between two English ruling classes. During the wars, the two big feudal families went to their doom, and a great deal of feudal aristocrats were killed or executed in mutual slaughters. Their powers in society were severely decreased.
The Impact of the Wars on English Social Development
此后他还把⾃⼰的⼥⼉,嫁给了苏格兰的詹姆斯四世(James IV of Scotland)。
其⼦亨利⼋世也(Henry VIII)继续了这⼀策略。
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Act of Accord
A compromise was struck in October 1460 with the Act of Accord, which recognised York as Henry's successor, disinheriting Henry's sixyear-old son, Edward. York accepted this compromise as the best offer.
House of Lancaster
Richard, Duke of York(Killed in action)
Edward IV of England Richard III of England
(Killed in action)
Henry VI of England Margaret of Anjou Edward of
1455-1460 In the initial stage
The main stages of the armed conflict between the Wars of the Roses occurred in 1455 and 1485.
The battle of Bosworth
In 1471-1483, the country restored peace. Edward IV (Yorkist) punished the big nobles cruelly for their disobedience.
Edward IV’s brother, Richard III(1483-1485) became king after he died in April 1483. he continued the brutal practice of Edward IV, which pushed the Lancaster and York joined together around Harri Tudor, Earl of Richmond to go against him.
Aftermath and effects
1485年,亨利·都铎的军队在Bosworth Field之战击败理查的 军队,亨利成了国王亨利七世。然后亨利通过娶爱德华四世 的长女,约克家族最佳的继承人约克的伊丽莎白为妻来巩固 他的统治。这样,他重新统一了两个王族,把红玫瑰和白玫 瑰这两个对立的符号合并到红白都铎玫瑰的徽章中。
In August 1485, Richard III was defeated by Tudor in the battle of Bosworth. Richard III died in the battle and the War of the Roses ended eventually.
Westminster(Killed in action) Henry VII of England
Fight for succession
Richard II
Origins 1433
Henry IV
Henry of Bolingbroke had established the House of Lancaster on the throne in 1433 when he deposed his cousin Richard II and was crowned as Henry IV.
PPT制作:zs 演讲:
Name and symbols
The White Rose of the House of York
The Red Rose of the House of Lancaster
Commanders and leaders
House of York
ordered the heads of all three placed on the gates of York.
1460年圣诞,理查在韦克平原附近的桑德尔城堡采取守势。虽 然玛格丽特的军队的人数是理查的军队的两倍以上,12月30日, 约克还是下令他的部队离开城堡出击。他的军队在韦克菲尔德 战役中惨败。理查在战斗中被杀,而萨尔茨堡和理查17岁的儿
Edward IV's official coronation took place in June 1461 in London where he received a rapturous welcome from his supporters.
1469–1471年间冲突的继 续
Warwick's rebellion and the death of Henry VI
Henry VII
Henry VII (Harri Tudor) strengthened his very tenuous Lancastrian claim to the throne by promptly marrying Elizabeth, a daughter of Yorkist Edward IV. This union of the Houses of Lancaster and York was marked by a new symbol, the Tudor Rose. This remarkable man began a line of remarkable rulers, known as Tudors.
1455年5月22日,约克公爵理查领一支小部队 前往伦敦,在伦敦北面的圣奥尔本斯碰到赶来 的亨利六世的部队。相对规模较小的第一次圣 奥尔本斯战役是内战的第一次公开冲突。
Summary of events
York returned to the country and became Protector of England, but was dissuaded from claiming the throne. Margaret and the irreconcilable Lancastrian nobles gathered their forces in the north of England, and when York moved north to suppress them, he and his second son Edmund were killed at the Battle of Wakefield in December 1460.
The death of Richard,
Duke of York 兰开斯特家族的反击
On 30 December, York’s forces left the castle and attacked the Lancastrians in the open, although outnumbered. The ensuing Battle of Wakefield was a complete Lancastrian victory. Richard of York was slain in the battle, and both Salisbury and York's 17-year-old second son, Edmund, Earl of Rutland, were captured and executed. Margaret
Many English noblemen were killed in a chain of important events called the War of the Roses;
English control of France was nearly eliminated;
1464年又有两次兰开斯特叛乱。第一次冲突是4月25日的Hedgeley荒 原战役,第二次是5月15日的Hexham战役。两次叛乱都由沃里克的 弟弟约翰·内维尔(John Neville, 1st Marquess of Montagu)所平定。
Edward IV
Buckingham's revolteign.
Richard III
Having been crowned in a lavish ceremony on 6 July, Richard then proceeded on a tour of the Midlands and the north of England, dispensing generous bounties and charters and naming his own son as the Prince of Wales.
Yorkist triumph 约克家族的胜利
爱德华四世的正式加冕于1461年6月在伦敦举行。在北方,爱德华在 1464年之前没有取得完全的控制,除了几次叛变,几个兰开斯特指 挥官占据了几个城堡数年。最后一个投降的兰开斯特的城堡是强大 的堡垒Harlech(在威尔士)。废黜了的国王亨利在1465年被捕,囚于
It gave him much of what he wanted, particularly since he was also made Protector of the Realm and was able to govern in Henry's name.