关于电影英语演讲稿(精选多篇)正文第一篇:film review 英语电影演讲稿hello everybody,today ,my presentation is about film review.the graduate is an attractive and affecting film.it has a very important place in the america film history,because it reflected the people’s life at that time,1960s.it also a ground-breaking film,had taken a new film type in american film market.mike nichols,is the the director. he is a famous and fruitful director in america,has many movie works ,helped him receive a lot of honors and awards,including the graduate ,which helped him get the oscar awards,the best director .the graduate is a comedy film,theme is about love,premiered in 1967.after that,the film got many awards,such as:best director,best picture,best actor,best actress,and so on.the main stars including dustin hoffman,anne bancroft,katharine ross and others.dustin hoffman plays a graduate ,named benjamin,who is worried about his future,his eyes are confused.anne bancroft,plays mrs. robinson ,a middle-aged woman,although has a rich husband,she dose’t like her husband.katharine ross plays elaine,she is mrs. robinson daughter.ben is a graduate,his father held a party for him and give a beautiful red car as graduate gift.but he had no interested it.at the party,mrs. robinson seduced him.at first,he refused.however ,after several days,he had sex with her in a local hotel.all is going well until mrs. robinson insisted that ben must leave from her daughter elaine.but he didn’t follow what she said and finally fell in love with elaine.others found the truth and elaine decide to leave ben.this time,he was not confused again,finally,he and elaine ran away from elaine’s wedding.i like the film ,because nobody is perfect, and people do improper things at the improper time. the point is whether you are willing to amend it or not. ben should be a good example.when his affair with mrs. robinson,found by others, he was brave enough to face it, courageous enough to purse his true love . from the movie ,we can see ben’s transformation from a confused graduate to a mature man; from the fall to the persistence for true love ; well, this is our graduate, it’s a part of life, it’s the process of growth.the theme music is very popular. let’s enjoin it.thank you !第二篇:英语演讲稿电影美丽心灵the story is based on the life of john forbes nash, jr., a mathematician and nobel laureate who suffered from schizophrenia. the film drawing us into his world and allowing us to see what nash sees.nash in a very early age showed remarkablemathematical talent. 1947 little john - forbes - nashto enter and study at princeton university to study mathematics. he spent his indulgence in one thing: to find a truly innovative theories. he was convinced that this is something he should be doing. nash, 21 years old, one of his article on game theory doctoral dissertation and other related articles, establish the status of his master of the game theory.in the late 1950 , he is a famous scientist in the world. he began to enjoy international reputation.when nash work at the massachusetts institute of technology . he met theradiant alicia .she introduced nash to his never seriously considered the idea ---- love. soon, nash and alicia were married, but unfortunately, he got a paranoid schizophrenia. alicia is terrified, she struggled in the weight of the destruction.as each day seems to bring themnew terror, but alicia still loves the man she found him charismatic, it is also a source of support her commitment to him.by her undying devotion of love and loyalty, nash final decision struggle to that is consideredcan only get better, incurable disease.nash’s goal is very simple, but it is difficult toachieve these goals.under the weight of illness, he was still the exciting mathematical theory of driving,and he determined to find his own way to restore normalcy.through unremitting efforts, in the end he by force of will, in the late 1980, nash convalesce, awakening from the madness.and he regained consciousness seems to be in order to meet a great event in his life: in 1994, hereceived the nobel prize in economics.at the same time,his game theorybecome the most influential 20th century theory, nash has become one not only has good feelings, and has a beautiful soul people.now, nash still continue to study and seekknowledge第三篇:presentation(根据英语经典电影对白ppt的演讲稿2)(ppt在我的文辑里)a:first of all,i want to thank my front teammates.you really told me many movie’s classical dialogs and the character’spostive attitude to life.b:yeal,i agree with you.i learnt a lot too.and now,i want to introduce a movie whichhas a great influence on me for everyone.a:what?b:that is the shawshank redemption.it is about {andydefresne,a successful young banker who issentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife and her lover. andy is sent to shawshank prison. he make a friend named “red“ who has already spent many years inside. over years in the prison, andy gained the respect of the most of the other prisons and guards. more importantly, he never loses hope for the future---a hope he tries to pass on to the other prisoners.}a: enen,{shawshank is a story about hope. it’s about justice. it’s about the struggle to find the meaning of life, to find redemption, and the triumph of the human spirit. thisfilm teaches us, as has been conveniently turned into a tagline, that “ fear “ can hold you prisoner, but hope can set you free” .}b:today i will perform a part of a scene in the movie.it show us although in the prison ,andy never give up his hope.what about you play the role of andy,and i red?a:ok{andy :my wife used to say i‘m a hard man to know. like a closed book(高深莫测的东西). complained about it all the time. (pause) she was beautiful. i loved her. but i guess i couldn’t show it enough. (softly) i killed her, red. i didn‘t pull the trigger(枪). but i drove her away. that’s why she died. because of me, the way i am.red :that don‘t make you a murderer. bad husband, maybe. feel bad about it if you want. butyou didn’t pull the trigger.andy :no. i didn’t. someone else did, and i wound up here. bad luck, i guess.red :bad luck? jesus.andy :it floats around. has to land on somebody. it was my turn, that’s all. i was in the path of the tornado. i just had no idea the storm would go on as long as it has. i just didn’t expect the storm would last as long as it has. think you’ll ever get out of here?red: sure. when i got a long white beard(胡子) and about three marbles left rolling around upstairs(形容神志不清)andy:tell you where i’d go .zihuatanejo.}a:in my opinion,movie is the life.it can affect human’s mind,set us thinking,jolt our menmory.b:what’s more, the movie is also a language school, through watchingmovie, we can expand us our vocabulary , improve our spoken language b: so let us enter the palace of movie.that is all.thank you.第四篇:英语专业电影在嚷叫:阅读好难最难了!当然喽,首先,读都不愿去读,所以词汇量永远爆低!--尤其90后!所谓的听-说-读-写-译,绝不是纸上谈兵paper talk!!!饭菜天天都得吃,饮食男女嘛,其实,听-说-读它们3姐妹或3结义哥们就跟天天饮食男女一样:必须每日读得多+会读,听得多+会听,说得多+说的地道~会说~说得好== 一切的写作+翻译的基础之本!下面这40部遗产性英语片是专门强荐给那些读不进书的人儿,均是英文听力+阅读助力极好的强片,要是不看(我几乎看了1/3),比较地道的纯正听力+口语语感从何而来??读也不读,看又不看,听也不听,正确语境的认知,以及低失误率的大词汇量,高多信息化的阅读理解和真实的生活阅历就永远是句空话emptytalk!!各位千万别挥霍妈老汉儿的血汗钱,不然枉为外语专业生,最后不管你跑到哪儿读专业英语都将等于在浪费几年的tu(我们一定会做的更好)ition ¥¥¥$$$和光阴!1. big fish ii 《大鱼老爸2》;american beauty 《美国丽人》;prettyfriends 《漂亮朋友/ 丽人行》2. forrest gump 《阿甘正传》;the sound of music 《音乐之声》;dances with wolves 《与狼共舞》3. a walk in clouds 《云中漫步》;gone with the wind 《飘/乱世佳人》;jane eyre 《简·爱》4. independent day 《独立日》;superman i-ii 《超人》+《超人归来》;king kong 《金刚》5. mission: impossible i-ii-iii《不可能完成的任务/碟中谍1,2,3》; 或者james bond 007 《007》全集6. congo 《刚果惊魂》;jurassic park i-ii-iii 《侏罗纪公园1,2,3》;man in black ii 《黑衣特战警》7. the pearl harbor 《珍珠港》;the rocks 《石破天惊》;fair game《对抗性游戏》;rainman《雨人》8. titanic《泰坦尼克》;broken arrow《断剑》;air force one 《空军一号》;the fugitive《亡命天涯》9. silence of the lamb 《沉默的羔羊》;lion king《狮子王》;sleepless seatle《西雅图不眠人》;10.shawshank’s redemption 《肖申克的救赎》;seven sins 《七宗罪》;prettywomen 《漂亮女人》11. brave heart 《勇敢的心》;wild geese 《野鹅敢死队》;serpent 《蛇》;last assassin《最后刺客》12. north by northwest 《西北偏北》;cassandra crossing 《卡桑德拉大桥》;roma holiday《罗马假日》13. king solomon’s mine《所罗门王的宝藏》;national treasure 《国家宝藏》;vertical limit 《垂直极限》14. golden pond 《金色池塘》;speed 《生死时速》i-ii-iii;topgun 《壮志凌云》;seawolf 《海狼》;15. bathing beauties 《出水芙蓉》;ring iii《美版--午夜凶铃》;kramer v.s. kramer 《克莱默夫妇之争》16.victory 《胜利大逃亡》;escape to athena 《逃往雅典娜》;robotcop i-ii-iii 《机器战警123》garrison’s gorillas [tv-series] /《加里森敢死队》;the bridges of madison county 《廊桥遗梦》;the waterloo bridge 《魂断蓝桥》。
竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除关于电影的英语演讲稿篇一:英语电影演讲upisawonderfulfilmmadebypixarAnimationstudios(皮克斯动画工作室).ItsaboutacrazyoldmanandalittleboywhoflytosouthA mericainafloating悬浮的housewithalotofballoons气球.upisthefirstpixarfilmtobepresentedinDisneyDigita l数字的3D.upisalsoastoryaboutlove,dreamandcourage.Itsabout theexcitementofflight航行andadventure奇遇.Thefirsttenminutesofthefilmaboutcarl(卡尔)andhislife-longloveareverytouching感人的.Itsheartbreaking心碎的toseehimlosehiswifeevenatoldage.withnothinglefttodotheoldmanheadsforsouthAmerica,buthesnotalone.Alittl eboycomewithhim,theyovercomemuchtroubleandfinallytheyarrivetheparad iseFalls(天堂瀑布电影中的一个目的地).Inconclusion,bothchildrenandadultswillenjoywat ching.Ihighlyrecommend推荐it.篇二:英语电影介绍演讲稿AmericanhorrorstoryAmericanhorrorstorymurderhousehelloeveryone!ThesedaysI’veseenanAmericanTVseriescalled"Americanhorrorstory" ,alsoknownas"thestrangetan".Thisstorytalksaboutwhatafamilysufferedaftermovingto anoldhouse.benbetrayedhiswifeVivienandmadeVivienabo rtion.Inordertoforgettheseunpleasantmemory,benwithh isfamilymovedfrombostontoLosAngeles.《美国恐怖故事》又名《美国怪谭》,(英语:Americanhorrorstory)是美国恐怖电视剧系列。
用英语介绍一部有教育意义的电影演讲稿Dear teachers and studentsThere are many kinds of films, some are comedies, some are tragedies, and some can educate people. Today, I will introduce an educational film Galaxy tutorial.The film tells the story of a father in adversity, how to cultivate his children from learning dregs to learning tyrants. This father is the famous designer of Dongpei bridge. On the day he held up a torch to celebrate, because he was framed, the bridge suddenly collapsed, and collapsed in front of his favorite son. In this way, he spent seven years in prison, missing the golden time for his son to grow up. After he came out, he knew that his son's grades were very poor in school. He played all day, didn't like learning, and was naughty. He took all his bad habits, even to the point that the school wanted to expel him.His father didn't use the education method. Instead, he used the unique method of his engineer to help his son measure his textbook with a ruler and told his son that he only had to read 0 every day. 1 cm book, really not difficult to achieve. Then he took his son tocollect wind in the wild, which made him feel what it was like to "see grass from afar but not near". He also took his son who had sneaked out of school to see the space exhibition and so on, which enabled him to learn knowledge that he could not learn from textbooks and ignited his interest in learning.There is one place that I am very touched by, that is, when there is a flood. Because his son got on the wrong bus and separated from his father, his father kept looking for his son in the storm, but he couldn't find it. The refugees were all in a safe place. He had no choice but to grab the megaphone in the hands of the soldiers and shouted his son's name over and over again. He also kept saying, "son, use your brain and find a way to see what can be used around."But the storm drowned his voice. At the moment of despair, he heard the sound of whistle blowing and saw the light from the flashlight. It was his son sitting on the "Raft" and rowing hard. After his son was rescued, the father and son hugged each other and wept. Seeing this scene, tears rolled in my eyes inexplicably, because I felt a strong father's love. In this way, a father who doesn't play by common sense has cultivated an excellent son - an astronaut whohas attracted worldwide attention. As the saying goes: parents are the best life instructors for children.Learn to stop relying on them.。
关于电影的英语演讲稿Ladies and Gentlemen,Today, I want to talk to you about something that has the power to transport us to different worlds, make us feel a wide range of emotions, and even change the way we see the world around us That something is moviesMovies are more than just a form of entertainment They are a form of art that combines various elements such as storytelling, acting, cinematography, music, and special effects to create a unique experience for the audienceLet's think about the power of storytelling in movies A good story can grip us from the very beginning and keep us on the edge of our seats until the end It can make us laugh, cry, or feel a sense of excitement and adventure Whether it's a love story, a mystery, or a historical drama, the story is the heart of the movie It's what makes us care about the characters and what happens to themThe actors in a movie play a crucial role too Their performances can bring the characters to life and make us believe in their emotions and experiences A great actor can make us feel the pain, joy, or confusion of a character as if it were our own Their talent and dedication can transform a script into a living, breathing storyThen there's the cinematography The way a movie is shot, the choice of colors, the camera angles, and the lighting all contribute to the overall mood and atmosphere of the film A beautiful landscape, a dramatic cityscape, or acloseup of a person's face can all have a profound impact on how we perceive the storyMusic is another element that adds depth and emotion to a movie A wellchosen soundtrack can enhance the tension during a thrilling scene or tug at our heartstrings during a touching moment It has the power to set the tone and stay with us long after the movie has endedMovies also have the ability to educate and raise awareness about important issues They can shed light on social problems, historical events, or cultural differences Through movies, we can learn about different perspectives and gain a better understanding of the world we live inThink about movies like "Schindler's List" which exposed the horrors of the Holocaust, or "Avatar" which raised questions about environmental protection and the relationship between humans and nature These movies not only entertained us but also made us think and reflectMovies can also inspire us They show us characters who overcome great obstacles, follow their dreams, and make a difference in the world They give us the motivation to do the same in our own livesHowever, not all movies are created equal Some are made purely for commercial purposes, with little thought given to the quality of the story or the message it conveys But when a movie is done well, it has the potential to become a timeless classic that is loved by generationsIn conclusion, movies are a powerful medium that has the ability to touch our hearts, expand our minds, and bring people together They are a reflection of our society, our hopes, and our dreams So, the next time you sitdown in a movie theater or at home to watch a film, take a moment to appreciate the artistry and the magic that unfolds before your eyesThank you for listening。
电影观后感英语演讲稿英文回答:The movie I recently watched was "The Shawshank Redemption", and it left a deep impression on me. The film tells the story of Andy Dufresne, a banker who is wrongly convicted of murder and sentenced to life in ShawshankState Penitentiary. Throughout the movie, we witness Andy's resilience, hope, and determination to find freedom and redemption.One aspect of the movie that stood out to me was the incredible performances by the cast. Tim Robbins, whoplayed Andy Dufresne, portrayed the character's quiet strength and intelligence perfectly. Morgan Freeman, as Red, Andy's close friend in prison, delivered a captivating performance with his wise and introspective narration. The chemistry between these two actors was outstanding and added depth to the story.Another element that I found particularly compelling was the theme of hope. Despite the harsh conditions and injustices within the prison, Andy never loses hope and continues to work towards his ultimate goal of freedom. This theme resonated with me deeply and reminded me of the power of hope in even the most difficult circumstances.Additionally, the film explores the themes of friendship, loyalty, and the corrupt nature of the prison system. The relationships that Andy forms with his fellow inmates, particularly with Red, demonstrate the importance of human connection and support in the face of adversity. The movie also sheds light on the flaws and corruption within the prison system, highlighting the need for reform and justice.Overall, "The Shawshank Redemption" is a thought-provoking and emotionally impactful film that explores themes of hope, friendship, and the human spirit. The performances, storytelling, and powerful messages make it a truly unforgettable movie.中文回答:我最近观看的电影是《肖申克的救赎》,它给我留下了深刻的印象。
你最喜爱的英语电影演讲稿As a fan of English movies, I have watched numerous films over the years, but there is one movie that has left a lasting impression on me "The Shawshank Redemption". This film, directed by Frank Darabont and based on a novella by Stephen King, is a timeless classic that has touched the hearts of audiences around the world.The Shawshank Redemption is a story of hope, friendship, and the resilience of the human spirit. Set in the 1940s, the film follows the journey of Andy Dufresne, a banker who is wrongly convicted of murder and sentenced to life in Shawshank State Penitentiary. Despite facing unimaginable hardships and injustices, Andy never loses hope and maintains his dignity and integrity throughout his time in prison.One of the most memorable scenes in the movie is Andy's powerful and inspiring speech to his fellow inmates. In this scene, Andy stands up in the prison yard and delivers a speech that resonates with the audience long after the movie has ended. His words are a testament to the power of hope and the human spirit, and they serve as a reminder that no matter how dire the circumstances may be, there is always a glimmer of hope to hold on to.Andy's speech is a poignant reminder that we have the power to shape our own destinies, regardless of the challenges we face. His unwavering determination and resilience in the face of adversity serve as an inspiration to all who watch the film. The message of hope and redemption is universal, and it is a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit.In addition to its powerful message, "The Shawshank Redemption" is also a masterclass in storytelling and character development. The film's rich and complex characters, as well as its poignant narrative, make it a timeless classic that continues to resonate with audiences of all ages.In conclusion, "The Shawshank Redemption" is my favorite English movie, not only for its compelling story and powerful message of hope, but also for its timeless appealand universal themes. The film's enduring popularity is a testament to its impact on audiences around the world, and it is a movie that I will continue to cherish for years to come.。
我最喜欢的电影英语演讲稿Good morning everyone!Today, I am here to talk about my favorite movie. It is not just any ordinary movie, but a film that has left a lasting impression on me. The movie I am talking about is "The Shawshank Redemption.""The Shawshank Redemption" is a masterpiece directed by Frank Darabont, based on a novella by Stephen King. Released in 1994, it tells the story of Andy Dufresne, a banker who is convicted of a crime he did not commit and sentenced to life imprisonment at Shawshank State Penitentiary.What makes this movie stand out for me is its powerful storytelling and the profound messages it conveys. Firstly, it teaches us about the importance of hope and resilience even in the darkest of times. Andy, played by Tim Robbins, never loses hope and continues to persevere despite the harshconditions he faces in prison. This optimism and determination are truly inspiring.Secondly, "The Shawshank Redemption" explores the theme of friendship and the bonds that can be formed even in the most unlikely places. Andy develops a close friendship with Red, portrayed by Morgan Freeman, a fellow inmate who becomes his confidant and supporter throughout the movie. Their dynamic and the growth of their friendship are heartwarming and demonstrate the power of human connection.Moreover, the movie delves into the concept of redemption and the ability of individuals to change. Through Andy's actions and choices, he proves that one can always find a way to redeem oneself and make a positive impact. This resonates with me as it shows that no matter what mistakes we've madein the past, we always have the opportunity to make amends and become better versions of ourselves."The Shawshank Redemption" is beautifully shot and has an incredible soundtrack that enhances the emotional depth ofthe story. The performances by the cast, especially Robbins and Freeman, are outstanding, bringing the characters to life and making their experiences relatable to the audience.In conclusion, "The Shawshank Redemption" is my all-time favorite movie for its engaging storytelling, powerful themes, and exceptional performances. It has taught me valuable lessons about hope, friendship, and redemption. If youhaven't seen it yet, I highly recommend giving it a watch. Thank you.。
英语演讲稿My Favorite Movie我最喜欢的电影
My Favorite MovieHello everyone, today I want to talk about my favorite movie, "The Lion King"."The Lion King" is a beautiful and heartfelt animated film that tells the story of Simba, a young lion cub who must overcome many challenges to become king of the jungle. The movie has a great message about勇敢面对困难bravery, self-discovery, and the importance of family and friends.I love this movie because of its amazing characters. Simba is a very likeable character who makes mistakes but always learns from them. He has a great personality and is always there for his friends. Other characters like Mufasa, Pumbaa, and Timon are also very funny and provide comic relief.The music in "The Lion King" is also very enjoyable. The songs are catchy and have great lyrics that reflect the story's themes. I love to listen to the soundtrack and sing along to the songs when I'm in a good mood.The animation in "The Lion King" is also very well done. The colors are vibrant and the characters are detailed and expressive. The movie also has a great message about protecting our environment and respecting nature.In conclusion, "The Lion King" is my favorite movie because of its great characters, music, and animation. It has a valuable message that can teach us all a lesson about life. Thank you!我最喜欢的电影大家好,今天我想谈谈我最喜欢的电影《狮子王》。
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关于电影的英语演讲稿(共6篇)篇一:关于电影的英语演讲稿篇一:英语演讲稿(北京国际电影节)hello, everyone. today, my topic is beijing international film festival.beijing international film festival attracts hundreds of domestic and international super stars to walk the red carpet, such as fan bingbing and feng xiaogang, liu yifei, james cameron and his wife, the director of titanic, liu dehua and ling zhiling, zhang ziyi.next part, i will introduce some winners of beijing international film festival. the best film is back to 1942. now you can watch the trailer. back to 1942 is directed by feng xiaogang. zhang guoli, xu fan and chen daoming play main roles in the film. it is a disaster film that during 1942, china was fighting anti-japanese war. at that time, a sudden drought in henan province force tens of millions of people to leave their home and look for food to survive. this film tries to tell the history from four different viewing angles. they are government, international reporter, priest and drought victims. the government should have taken measures to save the victims. but they do nothing, because they don’t have enough time, money and resources. japan has put heavy pressure on them. internationalreporter and priest try to save the victims on their own way. however, the strength of a person is always small. maybe they can save some people, they can’t save all people. as for the victims, theycan’t protect their property, dignity and even life. however, when no one can help them, they show to us their great wisdom and courage, solve the problems, and then get themselves out of the crisis again and again.next winner is cate shortland. she got best director with the film lore. cate shortland was born in australia in 1968. since directing the film called bad cop, bad cop, she has directed many outstanding films, including somersault in 2004 and the silence in 2006.in addition, best actor is terence stamp because of his wonderful performance in the film song for marion. chinese actress yan bingyan gets best actress with the film wanjianchuanxin. sorry i don’t know how to translate.that is all i want to say. thanks for listening.篇二:《电影业对人类文明的影响》英语演讲稿(《电影业对人类文明的影响》英语演讲期末演讲稿附大纲及小卡片)the contribution of films to human civilizationgood morning, ladies and gentlemen!can you imagine a day that you wake up and find all the movietheaters disappeared , and even you cannot search out any information about film on the internet? what would you do then? don’t be afraid. this is a hypothesis. in modern society , actually, the film industry doesn’t disappear, but it also makes a huge contribution to human civilization mainly in politics, economy and culture.second, let’s discuss the aspect of economy. setting up in downtown, every cinema can promote the local economy to a large extent. what’s more, the beautiful sights in the film can leave a profound impression to the audience. therefore, they may travel to the relevant interesting places.ok, to sum up, as i mentioned earlier. the film industry can effect people’s manner, cognition and value. it has already made a huge contribution to human civilizationin three aspects of politics, economy and culture. in the development of human civilization , the film industry will learn widely from other’s strong points and show extraordinary talents in the future.thank you, thank you so much.speaking outlineⅰ.introductionthe film industry has made a huge contribution to humancivilization.can you imagine a day that you wake up and find all the movie theaters disappeared, (停顿)and even you cannot search out any information about film on the internet? what would you do then? (停顿,扫视全场)don’t be afraid. (停顿)this is a hypothesis. (过渡)in modern society , actually, the film industry doesn’t disappear, but it also makes a huge contribution to human civilization mainly in politics, economy and culture.ⅱ.main pointsa. let’s look at the side of politics.b. let’s discuss the aspect of economy.c. i’d like to talk about the field of culture.ⅲ. conclusion(眼神交流)ok, to sum up, as i mentioned earlier. the film industry can effect people’s manner, cognition and value. it has already made a huge contribution to human civilization in three aspects of politics, economy and culture.(眼神交流) in the development of human civilization , the film industry will learn widely from other’sstrong points and show extraordinary talents in the future.main pointstopic: the contribution of films to human civilization.general purpose: to informspecific purpose: to inform my audience about the contribution of films in aspects of the politics, economy and culture.central idea: the film has already made a huge contribution to human beings. and it will learn widely from other’s strong points and show extraordinary talents in the future.main points: introduce the contributions from three aspects.篇三:英语演讲电影today, i bring you the movie named “three idiots”,in myopinion, this is the most wonderful film i have ever seen .the next thing i want to share with you is a story ,i guess you will like it.法兰(马德哈万r madhavan 饰)、拉杜(沙曼·乔希sharman joshi 饰)与兰乔(阿米尔·汗aamir khan 饰)是皇家工程学院的学生,三人共居一室,结为好友。
电影中英语经典演讲稿that took him. This is your ransom. Two million dollars in unmarked bills, just like you wanted.现在全世界都知道我儿子肖恩.马伦三天前因为勒索被绑架的事了。
But this is as close as you'll ever get to it. You'll never see one dollar of this money, because no ransom will ever be paid for my son. Not one dime. Not one penny.但你永远都得不到这笔钱,你永远都见不到这其中的一块钱,因为我不会为我的儿子支付赎金,一分钱都不会。
Instead, I'm offering this money as a reward on your head. Dead or alive, it doesn't matter. So, congratulations. You've just become a two million dollar lottery ticket, except the odds are much, much better. Do you know anyone that wouldn't turn you in for two million dollars? I don't think you do. I doubt it. So, wherever you go and whatever you do, this money will be tracking you down for all time.恰恰相反,我要将这笔钱作为你项上人头的奖金,而且是死是活都无所谓。
关于电影的英语演讲稿【 - 英语演讲稿】There are so many movies I’ve loved that the entire list would be nearly book-length. It’s tough to pick just a few, but I’ll give it a try.Before I start any kind of numbered list, I have to include one film that ... well, it’d be unfair to call it (them, really) my favorite film(s), as they float in the stratosphere above anything like a numerical favorites list. It isn’t fair to list it with others. While I’ll still refer to #1 on the list below as my favorite as follow.Movie:d’Amélie Poulain, Directed by :Jean-Pierre Jeunet.Jean-Pierre Jeunet has created montages of insignificance and triviality only to bring out in an euphemistic way the biggest support one can get in life;love.Every single character,including Amelie herself,has some kind of peculiarity in their characteristics(which often resemble the eccentricity of Dickensian characters)but the one thing binds them together is their agony of being lonely,unnoticed and search for companionship and appreciation.Amelie is like the angel who repairs the missing links in their lives and finds a root of her own.The “All’s Well that Ends Well” motto offairy-tales has been adopted very skilfully in this movie and it rather wakes up the fairy godmother in each of us.For 20 years Jean-Pierre Jeunet collected small astonishing and intriguing moments in his life, taking notes in his diary, not knowing that he was up to co-write and direct one of the most successful film in French film history. Jean-Pierre Jeunet fell in love with the story and the film he titled Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain. But it’s popularity was even a surprise to Jean-Pierre Jeunet himself as he once stated: I guess I have to produce a film like Alien Resurrection (USA 1997) to make a movie like Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain’, obviously not aware of the films potential. Unfortunately the film didn’t win an Academy Award for the best foreign film in 2001 which still puzzles film fans all over the world.I consider Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s film as a masterpiece. In my opinion, it is an outstanding film in film history for its cinematography, the music, the story, but above all the overall atmosphere. Going to the cinema is like meditating. We sit for over one-hour and comfortable chair - our breath slows down and as the lights are switched off, we enter a dream world. We seek to escape our normal world just for a short period of time, toexperience something totally different and yet, we want to find ourselves in this world. Thanks to Jean-Pierre Jeunet I had a wonderful dream, I will never forget.Jean-Pierre Jeunet and his camera man, Bruno Delbonnel, wanted to make the film look like the Spanish painter did his artwork. To establish a dreamlike atmosphere they used mostly red and green, sometimes adding a little blue spot in the picture to set the contrast. Audrey Tautou (Amélie Poulain), mostly wears either red or green dresses, as well as the housekeeper (Yolande Moreau as Madelaine Wallace, concierge), and Amélie’s mother (Lorella Cravotta as Amandine Poulin) in the beginning of the film. Whe n Amélie Poulain sits down to watch the tragedy of her life on her TV, there is an outstanding of a blue lamp in the background. Sometimes the use of color gets very obvious. Amélie’s apartment for example is almost completely red, the underground station and the train station are kept in green and the green grocery store stands out from the grey buildings. Honestly, I haven’t noticed the extreme use of color the first time I watched the movie. I just wondered how Jeunet succeeded in establishing such a fabulous atmosphere.The atmosphere is also supported by the magnificent musicby Yann Tiersen who has composed 19 songs in 15 days for this movie. The principal motive appears in many variations somehow being joyful, yet at the same time sad - slow and sometimes fast and activating. The music supports every moment in the film and becomes the sound of a fabulous world.Camera movement certainly contributes its part to the atmosphere. Balanced and unbalanced pictures contribute to the message of each shot. Right in the begi nning when Amélie’s mother is introduced, the picture is balanced symbolizing her pursuit for correctness and cleanliness. The same can be about the first shots of Amélie’s father. When talking about his dislikes, the shots are unbalanced. But more impressing are some camera movements. For example there is an astonishing high angle shot of Amélie flipping stones on le canal in Paris. The camera shows her leaning on a fence, flying above her head then craning to a low angle shot to show her flipping stones in the direction of the camera. Another one worth mentioning might be the chase of the repairs person. Nino is shown falling up the steps chasing the repairs person for the photo machines. The camera turns to show the man getting in the car driving off. Still in a low angle Nino starts his moped, trying to follow the worker, almost hitting a car. Amélie is entering the picturerunning after Nino. The camera follows her, then turning almost 180° around her to show her hold Nino’s red bag that he lost. When Amélie sits in front of the station, we see her in a long shot, the camera dollies in to fly over her head to an over-the-shoulder shot. Some of these camera movements are really awesome, not only from a technical point of view, but moreover from an aesthetic standpoint. They support the dreamlike atmosphere, adding interesting aspects to ordinary actions.。
英语演讲稿电影篇一:关于电影的英语演讲稿hello,everyone.today,mytopicisbeijinginternationalfilmfestival.ontheeveni ngofapril16,theopeningceremonyofbeijinginternationalfilm festivalhadbeenheldinthetempleofheaven.thedirectoroftheopeningceremo ny integratechineselonghistorysincebeijinginternationalfilmfestivalattractshu ndredsofdomesticand internationalsuperstarstowalktheredcarpet,suchasfanbingbingandfeng xiaogang,liuyifei,jamescameronandhiswife,thedirectoroftitanic,liudehua andlingzhiling,zhangziyi.nextpart,iwillintroducesomewinnersofbeijingint ernationalfilmfestival.thebestfilmisbackto1942.nowyoucanwatchthetrailer.backto1942isdirected byfengxiaogang.zhangguoli,xufanandchendaomingplaymainrolesinthefil m.itisadisasterfilmthatduring1942,chinawasfightinganti-japanesewar.atthat time,asuddendroughtinhenanprovinceforcetensofmillionsofpeopletoleave theirhomeandlookforfoodtosurvive.thisfilmtriestotellthehistoryfrom fourdifferentviewingangles.theyaregovernment,internationalreporter,pries tanddroughtvictims.thegovernmentshouldhavetakenmeasurestosavethevict ims.buttheydonothing,becausetheydon’thaveenoughtime,moneyandresources.japan hasputheavypressureonthem.internationalreporterandpriesttrytosavethe victimsontheirownway.however,thestrengthofapersonisalwayssmall.mayb etheycansavesomepeople,theycan’tsaveallpeople.asforthevictims,theycan’tprotecttheirproperty,dignityandevenlife.however,whennoonecan helpthem,theyshowtoustheirgreatwisdomandcourage,solvetheproblems,an dthengetthemselvesoutofthecrisisagainandagain.nextwinneriscateshortland. shegotbestdirectorwiththefilmlore.cate shortlandwasborninaustraliain1968.sincedirectingthefilmcalledbadcop, badcop,shehasdirectedmanyoutstandingfilms,includingsomersaultin20XX andthesilencein20XX.inaddition,bestactoristerencestampbecauseofhiswonderfulperformance inthefilmsongformarion.chineseactressyanbingyangetsbestactresswiththe filmwanjianchuanxin.sorryidon’tknowhowtotranslate.thatisalliwanttosay.thanksforlistening.篇二:日本影片《情书》英文演讲稿王猛loveletter--toonegirl,loveisuntrue,buttotheothergirlisunknown.inthelastoft hemovie,femaleitsukifujiishoutedagainandagaintowardsthesnow-coveredmountainsmaleitsukifujiievercrashed,‘mr.itsukifujii,how areyoudoing?imissyou--imissyou--imissyou.’inthemeantime,theremote femaleitsukifujiiwithserioussicknessseemstoreceivetheshouting.ithinkthis kindofresponseisahappyrelieftohirokowatanabe,apleasantmemorytofemal e itsukifujiiandthetrueemotionthattwogirlsconveytomaleitsukifujii.thesecret loveiswaitingforthegirltofind.evenifshefindsnothing,she losesnothing.thanksforyourlistening.篇三:《电影业对人类文明的影响》英语演讲稿(《电影业对人类文明的影响》英语演讲期末演讲稿附大纲及小卡片) thecontributionoffilmstohumancivilizationgoodmorning,ladiesandgentlem en!canyouimagineadaythatyouwakeupandfindallthemovietheatersdisappe ared, andevenyoucannotsearchoutanyinformationaboutfilmontheinternet?what wouldyoudothen?don’tbeafraid.thisisahypothesis.inmodernsociety,actually, thefilmindustrydoesn’tdisappear,butitalsomakesahugecontributiontohuman civilizationmainlyinpolitics,economyandculture.second,let’sdiscusstheaspectofeconomy.settingupindowntown,everycinema canpromotethelocaleconomytoalargeextent.what’smore,thebeautifulsights inthefilmcanleaveaprofoundimpressiontotheaudience.therefore,theymaytr aveltotherelevantinterestingplaces.ok,tosumup,asimentionedearlier.thefilmind ustrycaneffectpeople’smanner,cognitionandvalue.ithasalreadymadeahugecontributiontohuman civilizationinthreeaspectsofpolitics,economyandculture.inthedevelopment ofhumancivilization,thefilmindustrywilllearnwidelyfromother’sstrongpointsandshowextraordinarytalentsinthefuture.thankyou,thankyousomuch.speak ingoutlineⅰ.introduction thefilmindustryhasmadeahugecontributiontohumancivilization.canyouima gineadaythatyouwakeupandfindallthemovietheatersdisappeared,(停顿)andevenyoucannotsearchoutanyinformationaboutfilmontheinternet?wh atwouldyoudothen?(停顿,扫视全场)don’tbeafraid.(停顿)thisisahypothesis.(过渡)inmodernsociety,actually,thefilmindustrydoesn’tdisappear,butitalso makesahugecontributiontohumancivilizationmainlyinpolitics,economyan dculture.ⅱ.mainpointsa.let’slookatthesideofpolitics.b.let’sdiscusstheaspectofeconomy.settingupindowntown,everycinemacanprom otethelocaleconomytoalargeextent.(眼神交流)what’smore,thebeautifulsightsinthefilmcanleaveaprofound impressiontotheaudience.therefore,theymaytraveltotherelevantinteresting places.c.i’dliketotalkaboutthefieldofculture.ⅲ.conclusion(眼神交流)ok,tosumup,asimentionedearlier.thefilmindustrycaneffect people’smanner,cognitionandvalue.ithasalreadymadeahugecontributionto humancivilizationinthreeaspectsofpolitics,economyandculture.(眼神交流)inthedevelopmentofhumancivilization,thefilmindustrywilllearnwidelyfromo ther’sstrongpointsandshowextraordinarytalentsinthefuture.mainpoints topic:thecontributionoffilmstohumancivilization.generalpurpose:toinformspecificpurpose:toinformmyaudienceaboutthecontributionoffilmsin aspectsofthepolitics,economyandculture.centralidea:thefilmhasalreadyma deahugecontributiontohumanbeings.and itwilllearnwidelyfromother’sstrongpointsandshowextraordinarytalentsin thefuture.mainpoints:introducethecontributionsfromthreeaspects.篇四:英语演讲电影today,ibringyouthemovienamed“threeidiots”,inmyopinion,thisisthemostw onderfulfilmihaveeverseen.thenextthingiwant tosharewithyouisastory,iguessyouwilllikeit.法兰(马德哈万rmadhavan 饰)、拉杜(沙曼·乔希sharmanjoshi饰)与兰乔(阿米尔·汗aamirkhan 饰)是皇家工程学院的学生,三人共居一室,结为好友。
关于英语电影的演讲稿2.jpg"/>篇二:《电影业对人类文明的影响》英语演讲稿The contribution of films to human civilizationGood morning, ladies and gentlemen!Can you imagine a day that you wake up and find all the movie theaters disappeared , and even you cannot search out any information about film on the Internet? What would you do then? Don’t be afraid. This is a hypothesis. In modern society , actually, the film industry doesn’t disappear, but it also makes a huge contribution to human civilization mainly in politics, economy and culture.First of all, let’s look at the side of politics. After World WarⅠ, German faced a severe social contradiction. But, dominators who monopolized the film industry commanded the cinema to play luxury, historical or musical films.They planed to change every citizen’s attention to the reality. In order to reverse the turbulent social condition after German’s defeat, patriots brought their inner thoughts into the films through that way to criticize the rulers and persuade the masses torecognize the political issues, which made a good effect.Second, let’s discuss the aspect of economy. Setting up in downtown, every cinema can promote the local economy to a large extent. What’s more, the beautiful sights in the film can leave a profound impression to the audience. Therefore, they may travel to the relevant interesting places.At last, I’d like to talk about the field of culture. As we all know, the film industry makes the world communication more convenient. For instance, through the film, Americans can learn Confucian or Kung fu culture from China. On the contrary, we can also know Christianity or the Bible culture from other countries. The film industry plays an increasingly important role in the field of publicity culture.OK, to sum up, as I mentioned earlier. The film industry can effect people’s manner, cognition and value. It has already made a huge contribution to human civilization in three aspects of politics, economy and culture. In the development of human civilization , the film industry will learn widely from other’s strong points and show extraordinary talents in the future.Thank you, thank you so much.Speaking OutlineⅠ.IntroductionThe film industry has made a huge contribution to human civilization.Can you imagine a day that you wake up and find all the movie theaters disappeared, (停顿)and even you cannot search out any information about film on the Internet? What would you do then? (停顿,扫视全场)Don’t be afraid. (停顿)This is a hypothesis. (过渡)In modern society , actually, the film industry doesn’t disappear, but it also makes a huge contribution to human civilization mainly in politics, economy and culture.Ⅱ.Main PointsA. Let’s look at the side of politics.After World WarⅠ, German faced a severe social contradiction. But, dominators who monopolized the film industry commanded the cinema to play luxury, historical or musical films.They planed to change every citizen’s attention to the reality.(停顿,眼神交流)In order to reverse the turbulent social condition after German’s defeat, patriots brought their inner thoughts into the films through that way to criticize the rulers and persuade the masses to recognize the political issues, which made a good effect.B. Let’s discuss the aspect of economy.Setting up in downtown, every cinema can promote the local economy to a large extent. (眼神交流)What’s more, the beautiful sights in the film can leave a profound impression to the audience. Therefore, they may travel to the relevant interesting places.C. I’d like to talk about the field of culture.As we all know, the film industry makes the world communication more convenient. (眼神交流)For instance, through the film, Americans can learn Confucian or Kung fu culture from China.(语速放缓) On the contrary, we can also know Christianity or the Bible culture from other countries. The film industry plays an increasingly important role in the field of publicity culture.Ⅲ. Conclusion(眼神交流)OK, to sum up, as I mentioned earlier. The film industry can effect people’s manner, cognition and value. It has already made a huge contribution to human civilization in three aspects of politics, economy and culture.(眼神交流) In the development of human civilization , the film industry will learn widely from other’sstrong points and show extraordinary talents in the future.Main PointsTopic: The contribution of films to human civilization.General Purpose: To informSpecific Purpose: To inform my audience about the contribution of films in aspects of the politics, economy and culture.Central Idea: The film has already made a huge contribution to human beings. And it will learn widely from other’s strong points and show extraordinary talents in the future.Main Points: Introduce the contributions from three aspects.篇三:电影云图英语介绍演讲稿My presentationToday what I will show you guys is a movie,annnd it’s named Cloud Atlas.This movie consists of six stories,and each story happened in six completely ages.But inthis movie,you will slightly notice that maybe one actor act several characters.In this story,he or she is major one,while later not.Actually one actor did perform as several characters.You can see they are women,but later they’re not;maybe you see he is hero now,but later he just appears in a photo.However,you can’t understand this movie just from what I said,so I got a video about this movie.Ps:Maybe there’s something a little naked and gay for youguys,but I think you guys canhandle it.That’s all.Thanks[关于英语电影的演讲稿]相关文章:1.英语演讲稿介绍电影2.关于爱与信任的英语演讲稿3.关于青春的英语演讲稿4.关于工作的英语演讲稿5.关于动物的英语演讲稿6.关于梦想英语演讲稿7.2016关于爱的英语演讲稿8.关于信任的英语演讲稿9.关于父爱的英语演讲稿10.英语演讲稿关于梦想。
电影《勇敢的心》战前励志英语演讲稿三篇演讲稿1:Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning! It is truly an honor for me to stand here before you today to talk about the movie “Braveheart”. This movie has not only entertained millions of people around the world but has also inspired and motivated them to be brave and courageous in theface of adversity.“Braveheart” tells the story of William Wallace, a Scottish warrior who led his countrymen in the First War of Scottish Independence against King Edward I of England. This film is not just a historical drama, but a powerful tale of bravery, sacrifice,and the fight for freedom.One of the most inspiring aspects of the movie is the character of William Wallace himself. He is portrayed as a fearless leader whois willing to risk everything for the freedom of his people. Wallace’s unwavering determination and courage in the face of overwhelming odds serve as a reminder to all of us that we should never give up on our dreams and beliefs.The movie also highlights the importance of unity and rallying together for a common cause. Wallace’s ability to inspire and unite the Scottish clans is a testament to the power of leadershipand the strength that can be found in community. This message resonates strongly today, as we face numerous challenges in our own lives and in the world around us. It reminds us that together,we are stronger.Furthermore, “Braveheart” showcases the power of perseverance and resilience. Wallace faces numerous setbacks and losses throughout the film, but he never loses sight of his ultimate goal. His determination to continue fighting for his people, despite the hardships, serves as a powerful example for all of us. It teaches us that no matter how difficult the journey may be, we must keep pushing forward and never give up.In conclusion, the movie “Braveheart” is a timeless tale of courage, determination, and the fight for freedom. It reminds us that in the face of adversity, we must stay strong, united, and never give up on our dreams and beliefs. Let us all be inspired by the story of William Wallace and strive to be brave and courageous in our own lives. Thank you.演讲稿2:Dear friends,I am honored to have the opportunity to speak to you today about the movie “Braveheart”. This film is not only a cinematic masterpiece but also a powerful source of inspiration and motivation for all of us.“Braveheart” is set in the 13th-century Scotland and tells the story of William Wallace, a Scottish warrior who leads a rebellion against the tyrannical rule of King Edward I of England. The movie portrays Wallace as a symbol of bravery, heroism, and the indomitable spirit of the human soul.One of the key themes explored in the film is the importance of freedom and the willingness to fight for it. Wallace’s unwavering commitment to the cause of Scottish independence serves as areminder to all of us that we should never take our freedom for granted and that it is worth fighting for.The movie also highlights the power of belief and conviction. Wallace’s strong belief in the righteousness of his cause and his refusal to compromise on his principles inspire us to stay true to our own beliefs, even in the face of opposition or adversity.Moreover, “Braveheart” portrays the strength of the human spirit and the ability to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Wallace’s determination to lead his people to victory, despite being outnumbered and outgunned, reminds us that we are capable of achieving great things if we have the courage to persevere.Additionally, the film underscores the importance of standing up against injustice and oppression. Wallace’s rebellion against the oppressive English rule serves as a reminder that we have a responsibility to fight for justice and equality, not just for ourselves but for those who cannot fight for themselves.In conclusion, the movie “Braveheart” is a powerful testament to the enduring spirit of courage, freedom, and the pursuit of justice. It serves as a reminder to all of us that we have the power to make a difference in the world and that we should never be afraid to stand up for what we believe in. Let us all be inspired by the story of William Wallace and strive to be brave and courageous in our own lives. Thank you.演讲稿3:Ladies and gentlemen,Good afternoon! I am delighted to stand before you today to discuss the movie “Braveheart” and its impact on inspiring and motivating audiences worldwide.“Braveheart” is a historical epic that tells the story of William Wallace, a Scottish warrior who leads a rebellion against the English rule in the 13th century. This film not only captures the essence of the struggle for independence but also serves as a reminder of the importance of self-belief and determination.One of the most profound aspects of the movie is the portrayal of William Wallace as a symbol of bravery and heroism. His unwavering courage in the face of adversity inspires us all to overcome our fears and pursue our dreams with relentless determination.Furthermore, “Braveheart” emphasizes the significance of loyalty and sacrifice. Wallace’s loyalty to his people and his willingness to sacrifice everything for their freedom demonstrate the power of selflessness and the impact it can have on those around us. It reminds us that true heroes are those who put the needs of others before their own.The film also explores the power of love and its ability to drive us to great heights. Wallace’s love for his country and his desire to protect the ones he cares about motivate him to fight against injustice and oppression. This message resonates deeply with audiences, as it reminds us that love can be a powerful force for change and transformation.Moreover, “Braveheart” highlights the importance of resilience and the ability to rise above failures and setbacks. Wallace facesnumerous challenges throughout the film, but he never allows them to deter him from his ultimate goal. His ability to bounce back and keep moving forward serves as a reminder to all of us that failure is not the end but a stepping stone towards success.In conclusion, the movie “Braveheart” is a timeless tale of bravery, loyalty, and the pursuit of freedom. It inspires us to be courageous, selfless, and determined in our own lives, and reminds us that we have the power to make a difference in the world. Let us all be inspired by the story of William Wallace and strive to be brave and courageous in our own lives. Thank you.。
三分钟电影英语演讲稿Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. Today, I would like to share with you the topic of "Three-Minute Movie English Speech".Movies are an important part of our lives. They entertain us, inspire us, and sometimes even change our perspectives on life. As a form of art, movies have the power to convey emotions, tell stories, and bring people together. Today, I want to talk about the impact of movies on our lives and the reasons why we should appreciate and support the film industry.First of all, movies have the ability to transport us to different worlds and experiences. They can take us on a journey through time and space, allowing us to see and feel things that we may never have the chance to in our own lives. Whether it's a science fiction adventure, a romantic comedy, or a historical drama, movies have the power to ignite our imagination and expand our horizons.Secondly, movies have the power to evoke emotions and provoke thoughts. A well-crafted film can make us laugh, cry, or even feel angry. It can also make us reflect on our own lives and the world around us. Through the stories and characters in movies, we can learn about different cultures, traditions, and human experiences. This can help us to become more empathetic and open-minded individuals.Furthermore, movies are a reflection of society and can be used as a platform to raise awareness about important issues. Many filmmakers use their work to shed light on social, political, and environmental issues. Through movies, we can learn about the struggles and triumphs of people from different walks of life, and this can inspire us to take action and make a positive impact in the world.In addition, the film industry plays a significant role in the economy and job creation. It provides employment opportunities for actors, directors, writers, producers, and various other professionals. Furthermore, the production and distribution of movies contribute to the growth of other industries such as tourism, hospitality, and technology.In conclusion, movies are not just a form of entertainment, but also a powerful medium that can influence and shape our lives. They have the ability to educate, inspire, and unite people from all walks of life. Therefore, it is important for us to support the film industry and appreciate the art of filmmaking. Let's continue to embrace the magic of movies and celebrate the creativity and talent of the individuals who bring these stories to life.Thank you for your attention.。
电影观后感英语演讲稿英文回答:After watching the movie, I was deeply moved by the powerful storyline and the exceptional performances of the actors. The movie effectively portrayed the struggles and triumphs of the main character, leaving a lasting impact on me. The cinematography was stunning, with beautiful visuals and well-executed action sequences that kept me on the edge of my seat. The soundtrack also added to the overall experience, enhancing the emotions conveyed in each scene. Overall, the movie was a perfect blend of emotions, action, and storytelling.One of the aspects that stood out to me was thebrilliant character development. The main character went through a transformational journey, facing numerous challenges and overcoming obstacles along the way. This resonated with me personally, as it reminded me of the importance of perseverance and the ability to adapt todifficult situations. The character's growth throughout the movie was inspiring and left me feeling motivated and empowered.Additionally, the movie tackled relevant social issues, shedding light on important topics and sparking conversations. It addressed themes such as inequality, discrimination, and the power of unity. The thought-provoking storyline made me reflect on these issues and consider the impact they have on our society. It served as a reminder that we all have a responsibility to stand up against injustice and work towards a better future.中文回答:看完电影后,我被剧情的强大和演员们出色的表演深深打动。
篇一the story may sound simple, but the truth behind the words is remarkable. when i heard the name of the film first time, i considered the shawshank to be a man’ name, but in fact it is a jail’s name——a hell in the world. not only for the inhumanity of the jailors——they behaved brutally;but also for the jail gnawed at people’heart by keeping them waiting and waiting as life passed. it seemed that only those utterly worthless people who gave upeverything could survive. that’s where the story happened.the part impressed me most is when andy got out of the jail. he extended his arms in front of him in the heavy rain as if he were welcoming the fresh air and the freedom. at that moment, i saw the confidence win the darkness, discharging light dazzling the eyes in the dark blue sky. under the light, i could feel my recreant heart being shivering as his voice said: “remember, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies!”that’s why i like this film: it encourages people to fight to preserve the dignity of human beings, to appreciate the beauty of life, and the most importance is to keep hope forever. he once that is born, that is die. everyone is the same. the only difference is whether busy living or busy dying.the film tells us that even a man can live once, but if he keeps confidence, keeps hope and works his life right, then once is enough.the congfidence is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark, the hope is the chief happiness that this world affords, nd the life should be full of the singing of the bird and the happiness hope brings. " what’s that do you think? it’s the trembling of the heart, the singing of the mind, the flying of the soul and the hope to be free.”篇二the story may sound simple, but the truth behind the words is remarkable. when i heard the name of the film first time, i considered the shawshank to be a man’ name, but in fact it is a jail’s name——a hell in the world. not only for the inhumanity of the jailors——they behaved brutally;but also for the jail gnawed at people’heart by keeping them waiting and waiting as life passed. it seemed that only those utterly worthless people who gave upeverything could survive. that’s where the story happened.the part impressed me most is when andy got out of the jail. he extended his arms in front of him in the heavy rain as if he were welcoming the fresh air and the freedom. at that moment, i saw the confidence win the darkness, discharging light dazzling the eyes in the dark blue sky. under the light, i could feel my recreant heart being shivering as his voice said: “remember, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies!”that’s why i like this film: it encourages people to fight to preserve the dignity of human beings, to appreciate the beauty of life, and the most importance is to keep hope forever. he once that is born, that is die. everyone is the same. the only difference is whether busy living or busy dying.the film tells us that even a man can live once, but if he keepsconfidence, keeps hope and works his life right, then once is enough. the congfidence is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark, the hope is the chief happiness that this world affords, nd the life should be full of the singing of the bird and the happiness hope brings. " what’s that do you think? it’s the trembling of the heart, the singing of the mind, the flying of the soul and the hope to be free.”篇三if you've seen the trailers or read any of the reviews, you already know that chris gardner is a man down on his luck. he has a wife that works double shifts as a waitress and a son who he thinks the world of but is barely able to support. gardner was abandoned by his own father at three and has vowed that his own children will always know their father.but, gardner has sunk his life savings in a "bone density" machine that is barely more efficient than an x-ray machine and far more expensive. his life becomes one "bill collector" nightmare after the other to the point where his wife decides to leave him and his son. after his wife leaves, gardner's life gets even worse as he is kicked out of his apartment.by chance one day, gardner runs into a very happy man with a fancy red car who says he is a stockbroker for a major firm. with no formal training, but with a brilliant mind and a strong will to succeed, gardner gets a chance, albeit a very small chance, to work for the dean witter brokerage firm. while he is studying for the broker test, he and his son are living in abject poverty.篇四helloeverybody,today,mypresentationisaboutfilmreview.thegraduateisanattractiveandaffectingfilm.ithasaveryimportantplaceint heamericafilmhistory,becauseitreflectedthepeople’slifeatthattime,1960s.italsoaground-breakingfilm,hadtakenanewfilmtypeinamericanfilmmarket.mikenichols,isthethedirector.heisafamousandfruitfuldirectorinamerica, hasmanymovieworks,helpedhimreceivealotofhonorsandawards,includingtheg raduate,whichhelpedhimgettheoscarawards,thebestdirector.themainstarsincludingdustinhoffman,annebancroft,katharinerossandother s.dustinhoffmanplaysagraduate,namedbenjamin,whoisworriedabouthisfutur e,hiseyesareconfused.annebancroft,playsmrs.robinson,amiddleagedwoman, althoughhasarichhusband,shedose’tlikeherhusband.katharinerossplayselaine,sheismrs.robinsondaughter.benisagraduate,hisfatherheldapartyforhimandgiveabeau tifulredcarasgraduategift.buthehadnointerestedit.attheparty,mrs.robin sonseducedhim.atfirst,herefused.however,afterseveraldays,hehadsexwith herinalocalhotel.allisgoingwelluntilmrs.robinsoninsistedthatbenmustleavefromherdaughte relaine.buthedidntfollowwhatshesaidandfinallyfellinlovewithelaine.oth ersfoundthetruthandelainedecidetoleaveben.thistime,hewasnotconfusedag ain,finally,heandelaineranawayfromelaine’swedding.ilikethefilm,becausenobodyisperfect,andpeopledoimproperthing sattheimpropertime.thepointiswhetheryouarewillingtoamenditornot.benshouldbeagoodexample.whenhisaffairwithmrs.robinson,foundbyothers,hewasbraveenoughtofaceit,courageousenoughtopursehistruelove.fromthemov ie,wecanseeben’stransformationfromaconfusedgraduatetoamatureman;fromthefalltothepers istencefortruelove;well,thisisourgraduate,it’sapartoflife,it’stheprocessofgrowth.thethememusicisverypopular.let’senjoinit.thankyou!篇五chris gardner is portrayed to perfection by will smith in what is certainly one of the strongest performances of his life. only his acting in "ali" come close to his work here although he has had an extremely successful career ("independence day", "men in black", "wild, wild west", "hitch"). here, smith shows both the strength and the courage of a man who is willing to fight against all odds and he does so without "overacting." we see gardner lose his temper, almost lose his life but never give up on his quest for his and his son's happiness.gardner's son, christopher, is played by will smith's real son, jaden smith, in his first motion picture role. young jaden does a fantastic job as the young boy who can live the life of abject poverty and still praise his father. the naturalness of the portrayal is obvious in every scene which speaks volumes for both father and son's talent.this "naturalness" is also the result of the excellent directing of gabriele muccino, heretofore a director of italian films as well as the fine screenplay by steve conrad ("the weather man"). the source material for the film is the book of the same name by the real chris gardner.i also was impressed by the cinematography of phedon papamichael who shows both the beauty of san francisco's richer sections, and thesqualor of the downtrodden sections of the city.the music composed by andrea guerra ("hotel ruwanda") is perfect for the film and is augmented by music from george benson and other pop songs from the early 80's.i went to the film with my wife and two stepdaughters who are in their early twenties. we don't always agree on the relative merits of the films we see. but all of us agreed that this is one of the best films produced in 2014. it shows the amazing strength of one person but represents the best is the american dream. of course, for all the "chris gardners" in this country, there are countless individuals who don't succeed, but this film gives the hope that can be realized by faith in one's self and hard work.to be honest, i've never seen anyone like forrest gump in a movie before.forrest gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower iq and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can't be successful in doing anything. but, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!forrest gump not only shares his innocence and purity with others, ,he also manages to retain that innocence through some very difficult times. i loveforrest that he doesn't lose hispurity through the movie, or maybe he just can't ,but either way, this shows us don't need to be evil or really intelligent to be recognised or successful.it is just a movie, so maybe it doesn't work like that in reality.a simply means is that the acting and story of this film got a high level like the real . and in my definition that's what a good movie should be able to do.相关文章:1.我最喜欢的电影英语作文带翻译2.有关我喜欢电影的英语作文3.关于我最喜欢的电影英语作文4.我最喜欢的电影初中英语作文5.电影怦然心动的观后感范文5篇6.我最喜爱的一部电影高中英语作文7.我喜欢的电影初二英语作文8.三分钟的简短英语演讲稿带翻译。
金刚川电影的英语演讲稿The movie "Jin Gang Chuan" is a remarkable film that depicts the heroic and touching story of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army during the Korean War. As we all know, the Battle of Triangle Hill, also known as the Battle of Shangganling, was a crucial and fierce battle during the Korean War. The Chinese People's Volunteer Army fought bravely and tenaciously against the aggressive attacks of the United Nations forces, and ultimately achieved a great victory at the cost of heavy casualties.The movie "Jin Gang Chuan" vividly reenacts the heroic deeds and spirit of the soldiers who participated in the Battle of Triangle Hill. It not only portrays the intense and brutal battlefield scenes, but also reveals the deep emotions, camaraderie, and sacrifices of the soldiers. Through the film, the audience can truly feel the indomitable will, patriotism, and courage of the Chinese soldiers, as well as the profound friendship and loyalty among them.In addition to the magnificent battle scenes, "Jin Gang Chuan" also delves into the inner world of the soldiers, showing their love for their motherland, their determination to defend their homeland, and their willingness to sacrifice their lives for the greater good. The film conveys a strong anti-war message, emphasizing the value of peace and the horrors of war. It reminds us that the price of war is immeasurable, and that peace should be cherished and safeguarded at all costs.Furthermore, "Jin Gang Chuan" pays tribute to the heroic martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the peace and stability of the world. It honors their bravery, dedication, and selflessness, and serves as a reminder to future generations to remember and respect the sacrifices of those who came before us.In conclusion, the movie "Jin Gang Chuan" is a masterpiece that not only showcases the historical significance of the Battle of Triangle Hill, but also conveys profound humanistic care and universal values. It is a tribute to the heroic Chinese soldiers who fought bravely in the Korean War, and a reminder of the preciousness of peace. This film is not only a source of national pride, but also a reflection of the universal pursuit ofpeace, justice, and the human spirit. It is a must-see for all audiences, as it not only enriches our understanding of history, but also inspires us to cherish peace and strive for a better future.。
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关于电影的英语演讲稿篇一:关于电影的英语演讲稿篇一:英语演讲稿(北京国际电影节)hello, everyone. today, my topic is beijing international film festival.beijing international film festival attracts hundreds of domestic and international super stars to walk the red carpet, such as fan bingbing and feng xiaogang, liu yifei, james cameron and his wife, the director of titanic, liu dehua and ling zhiling, zhang ziyi.next part, i will introduce some winners of beijing international film festival. the best film is back to 1942. now you can watch the trailer. back to 1942 is directed by feng xiaogang. zhang guoli, xu fan and chen daoming play main roles in the film. it is a disaster film that during 1942, china was fighting anti-japanese war. at that time, a sudden drought in henan province force tens of millions of people to leave their home and look for food to survive. this film tries to tell the history from four different viewing angles. they are government, international reporter, priest anddrought victims. the government should have taken measures to save the victims. but they do nothing, because they don’t have enough time, money and resources. japan has put heavy pressure on them. international reporter and priest try to save the victims on their own way. however, the strength of a person is always small. maybe they can save some people, they can’t save all people. as for the victims, theycan’t protect their property, dignity and even life. however, when no one can help them, they show to us their great wisdom and courage, solve the problems, and then get themselves out of the crisis again and again.next winner is cate shortland. she got best director with the film lore. cate shortland was born in australia in 1968. since directing the film called bad cop, bad cop, she has directed many outstanding films, including somersault in XX and the silence in XX.in addition, best actor is terence stamp because of his wonderful performance in the film song for marion. chinese actress yan bingyan gets best actress with the film wanjianchuanxin. sorry i don’t know how totranslate.that is all i want to say. thanks for listening.篇二:《电影业对人类文明的影响》英语演讲稿(《电影业对人类文明的影响》英语演讲期末演讲稿附大纲及小卡片)the contribution of films to human civilization good morning, ladies and gentlemen!can you imagine a day that you wake up and find all the movie theaters disappeared , and even you cannot search out any information about film on the internet what would you do then don’t be afraid. this is a hypothesis. in modern society , actually, the film industry doesn’t disappear, but it also makes a huge contribution to human civilization mainly in politics, economy and culture.second, let’s discuss the aspect of economy. setting up in downtown, every cinema can promote the local economy to a large extent. what’s more, the beautiful sights in the film can leave a profound impression to the audience. therefore, they may travel to the relevant interesting places.ok, to sum up, as i mentioned earlier. the filmindustry can effect people’s manner, cognition and value. it has already made a huge contribution to human civilizationin three aspects of politics, economy and culture. in the development of human civilization , the film industry will learn widely from other’s strong points and show extraordinary talents in the future.thank you, thank you so much.speaking outlineⅰ.introductionthe film industry has made a huge contribution to human civilization.can you imagine a day that you wake up and find all the movie theaters disappeared, (停顿)and even you cannot search out any information about film on the internet what would you do then (停顿,扫视全场)don’t be afraid. (停顿)this is a hypothesis. (过渡)in modern society , actually, the film industry doesn’t disappear, but it also makes a huge contribution to human civilization mainly in politics, economy and culture.ⅱ.main pointsa. let’s look at the side of politics.b. let’s discuss the aspect of economy.c. i’d like to talk about the field of culture.ⅲ. conclusion(眼神交流)ok, to sum up, as i mentioned earlier. the film industry can effect people’s manner, cognition and value. it has already made a huge contribution to human civilization in three aspects of politics, economy and culture.(眼神交流) in the development of human civilization , the film industry will learn widely from other’sstrong points and show extraordinary talents in the future.main pointstopic: the contribution of films to human civilization.general purpose: to informspecific purpose: to inform my audience about the contribution of films in aspects of the politics, economy and culture.central idea: the film has already made a huge contribution to human beings. and it will learn widely from other’s strong points and show extraordinarytalents in the future.main points: introduce the contributions from three aspects.篇三:英语演讲电影 today, i bring you the movie named “three idiots”,in myopinion, this is the most wonderful film i have ever seen .the next thing i want to share with you is a story ,i guess you will like it.法兰(马德哈万 r madhavan 饰)、拉杜(沙曼·乔希 sharman joshi 饰)与兰乔(阿米尔·汗 aamir khan 饰)是皇家工程学院的学生,三人共居一室,结为好友。