
”20XX年3月,VMware宣布推出新的合作伙伴计划VMware Partner Connect,以代替执行了10年的VMware Partner Network,王冰峰,VMware大中华区合作伙伴及业务拓展总经理在接受采访时强调:对于VMware来讲,合作伙伴计划的调整,“最主要的核心原因是为了适应用户”,满足其通过应用不断涌现的新技术,实践数字化转型的发展需求。

对于虚拟化有初步需求, 同时对于环境的管理非常 看重,并且愿意支付价值 ,是比较优质的客户
用户对于产品不是很熟悉, 属于实验性质或者较少需求
Enterprise Non-vSphere & Hybrid Cloud
vRealize Suite
vR Business ADV/ENT
vR Log Insight vR Automation vR Ops
vCloud Suite
vR Ops Insight (vR Ops ADV + vR Log Insight) VMware Integrated Openstack vR Business vCenter Site Recovery Manager vR Automation vR Ops vSphere
1.VMware的第一印象 2.VMware的产品理念、市场状态 3.VMware产品线概述与简要分析 4.VMware分销代理商、项目代理商的生态环境和业务关键 5.VMware渠道政策简介 6.最终用户销售指南、渠道客户销售指南
1.VMware的第一印象 2.VMware的产品理念、市场状态 3.VMware产品线概述与简要分析 4.VMware分销代理商、项目代理商的生态环境和业务关键 5.VMware渠道政策简介 6.最终用户销售指南、渠道客户销售指南
渠道销售第二步: “他”对产品究竟有多了解?


v s p5v m a w a r e试题答案(总32页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--Q:以下哪项是对虚拟机的最佳描述(选择一个正确答案)A:执行虚拟化软件测试程序的物理机。
)A: ABCD封装性隔离性兼容性独立于硬件Q:作为 VMware 于 1999 年发布的第一款产品,Workstation 率先实现了以下哪些?(请选择所有适用选项。
)A: ACDxx ABCDXX AD实现 x86 计算机的虚拟化。
在虚拟机中运行 Microsoft Windows。
Q:VMware 之旅的第 2 阶段的优势有哪些?A: ABXXX ABD内部客户能够立即获得所需的资源。
Chargeback 凸显了 IT 在组织中的价值。
Q:以下关于 VMware 的说法中哪一项是正确的(请选择所有适用选项)。
A: ABVMware 是公认的全球虚拟化领导者。
VMware 研发了 x86 平台上的虚拟化技术。
VMware 在 20 世纪 60 年代研发了大型机虚拟化技术。
VMware 是由 5 位计算机科学家在 20 世纪 80 年代创办的。
Q:以下哪种说法最能准确地描述虚拟基础架构(请选择其中一项)A:物理数据中心中驻留的运行 VMware Workstation 的 x86 计算机。
存在于 IT 基础架构中的所有软件。
Q:在 VMware 之旅中,典型的关键业务应用程序的虚拟化发生在哪个阶段?(请选择一个正确答案)A:第 1 阶段第 2 阶段第 3 阶段VMware 之旅结束时Q:阅读以下说法并选择与其对应的属性:“无需对设备驱动程序、操作系统或应用程序进行任何更改,即可在不同类型的 x86 计算机之间自由移动虚拟机。

恒・ 、群联 电子和 海力 士合 作
恒忆半导体 ( mo y ) 群联 电 Nu n x 、 子 (hsnEet nc op)和海力 P i l r is r. o co C
士 ( y i)宣 布 签 署一 份合 作 开 发协 H nx
刷 这 张 卡 ;去 超 市 购 物 ,还 是 刷这 张
直 在 不 断 地 推 陈 出 新 ,将 晶灵 卡 系列
量存储需求 ,提高无线设备和嵌入式 应用的整个系统级性能 。根据这项协
议 ,恒 忆 、群 联 电子 和 海 力 士 将 利 用
产品不断完善 ,使每位持卡人拥有它
就 如 同 握 着 一 把 城 市 生 活 的 钥 匙 , 即 享受便利又乐在其中。
电子将 向恒忆和海力士独家供应合作 开发的控制器 ,新的控制器将会强化 恒忆和 海力士 的 NAND 闪存 产品组 合 。e MMC是一种嵌人式非 易失性存 储器系统 ,由闪存和 闪存控制器 两部
组 成 。新 的 e MMCV .在 原 标 准 基 础 44
标准 , 而且还支持包括 Zg e R iB e O网 P
下 载 的 软 件 与 工 具 , 以 确 保客 户 能 获
速度和 更低 的系统成本 ,从而缩短 了
测 试 时 间 ,特 别 适 合 于 频 谱 管 理 、 雷 达 、 电子 对 抗 和 无 线 电通 信 应 用 。
NA ND闪存所共 同开发的产品 ,将于
20 年底前上市。 09
得进行全面系统开发所需的全部支持 。 T 高性 能模拟业务部高级副总裁 I
合 的 需 求 正 不 断 增 长 ,这 带 来 了 包 括
捷 德助 力扬 州首发 纪念版 晶灵卡 ArG og 说:“ C 50 t ere C 2 3 解决方案专 为

66软件和集成电路产业纵横Industry VerticalS OFTWARE A ND I NTEGRATED C IRCUIT本刊记者/曹亚菲VMware坚持在新一代企业云、云原生应用、5G和边缘计算等领域贡献自己的创新技术和解决方案,加速中国企业的数字化转型步伐,为中国的数字化基建添砖加瓦。
随着众多企业不断向云转型并开启应用现代化,V M w a re早早察觉到了市场的变化。
2020年10月22日-23日,V M w a r e举行了V M w o rl d 2020 C h i n a,以“P o s s i b l e To geth er”为主题,通过云端的方式分享了公司过去一年在技术方面的进展以及对未来技术发展方向的思考。
此外,VMware发布了Project Monterey,重塑混合云架构以支持新应用。
这一技术预览聚焦于提升数据中心、云和边缘架构,从而满足新一代应用不断变化的各种需求,包括AI 、机器学习和5G应用。
胸怀大局 构建多云未来值得注意的是,和一年前发布的P ro j e ct Pacific向广度发展不同,Project Monterey 是向深度发展。
Project Pacific的重点是能够让vSphere在软件层面集成Kubernetes,而Project Monterey则旨在利用SmartNIC技术来打造更加高效的下一代数据中心。
在过去的环境当中,从网络、安全再到存储等工具都是运行在标准化CPU和标准NIC之上的,在这种情况下,有30%的C P U都在处理与应用本身无关的任务。

Microsoft Partner Incentives Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) Indirect Provider Incentive Guide July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017ContentsIndirect Provider Overview (4)Executive summary (4)Incentives summary (4)Partner eligibility (5)MPN requirements (5)Microsoft Partner Network (MPN) agreement (5)Microsoft agreements and/or authorizations (5)Managed Partner List (5)Cloud Distributor Solution Accelerator (CDSA) eligibility (6)MPN requirements (CDSA) (6)Eligibility monitoring and management (8)Loss of eligibility (8)Enrollment (9)Invitation period (9)Onboarding process (9)Partner Incentives Experience account set-up (10)Program structure & rates (10)Global incentives (10)Local accelerators (10)Co-op (11)Earnings & calculation (12)Eligible revenue rules (12)CDSA eligible revenue (13)Payment (14)Payment cadence (14)Payments details (14)Payment compliance (14)Payment earnings reporting (15)Dispute and resolution (15)2Overpayment (15)Support & Resources (15)Support channels (15)Partner resources (16)Useful links (16)Appendix A: Emerging & Mature Markets (18)3Indirect Provider OverviewExecutive summaryThe Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) program is a sales model that allows partners to resell or bundle their own services in addition to Microsoft Cloud Services as a complete solution, and gives customers the payment flexibility with pay-as-you-go billing.The Microsoft CSP Indirect Provider (formerly known as CSP 2-Tier Distributor) incentive program rewards Indirect Providers for driving the activation and enablement of a resale channel and the sale of Online Services.This guide summarizes the requirements to participate in the Microsoft CSP Indirect Provider incentive. It replaces and supersedes all prior Microsoft CSP Incentive guides for Indirect Providers and any related communications.This guide is not applicable for the People’s Republic of China. Plea se reference the CSP Incentive guide for China Indirect Providers.Incentives summaryCSP Indirect Providers are eligible for an incentive of 10% of monthly billed revenue from sales of online services such as Microsoft Office 365, EMS, Windows Intune, CRM Online and Azure. An amount equal to 50% of the global incentive will be made available as a Co-op.All links referenced throughout the guide will be available in the Support and Resources sections.45Partner eligibilityTo be eligible to participate in the CSP Indirect Provider incentive, a partner must meet the following criteria: EligibilityType Eligibility Requirement Examples of Program Specific CriteriaM P NE n r o l l m e n t Enrollment Status Active MPN Membership P a r t n e rS t a t u s &P e r f o r m a n c e Microsoft Agreement Microsoft Cloud Distributor Agreement (Signed and Active) Microsoft Management StatusManaged Partner (on FY17 Managed PartnerList) Figure 1: Eligibility requirements overviewMPN requirementsEligible partner organizations must hold an active MPN membership.Microsoft Partner Network (MPN) agreementPartners must hold an active MPN Agreement. The Master Channel Incentive Agreement (MCIA) is now presented as part of the FY17 MPN Agreement as Exhibit B.Microsoft agreements and/or authorizationsPartners must hold a valid Cloud Distributor Agreement.Managed Partner ListPartners must be include d on Microsoft’s FY17 Managed Partner List (MPL).6Cloud Distributor Solution Accelerator (CDSA) eligibility To be eligible for the CDSA, the following criteria must be met by August 15, 2016. Eligible partners will start earning CDSA incentives beginning September 1, 2016: EligibilityType Eligibility RequirementProgram Specific Criteria M P N E n r o l l m e n tMembership LevelSilver or Gold CompetencySee below (CDSA Eligibility) Competency Status Active EarnedMPN requirements (CDSA)In order to qualify for the CDSA incentive in one or more of the defined workloads, your organization must achieve and maintain the following: Cross-sell/Up-sell Cloud Solution:One individual must pass one of the following Azure Exams and Technical Assessments:▪ Exam 70-532: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions▪ Exam 70-533: Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions ▪ Exam 70-534: Architecting Microsoft Azure SolutionsAnd▪ Technical Assessment for Using Microsoft Azure for Datacenter Solutions ▪ Technical Assessment for Using Azure for Data Analytics and Data Platform Solutions▪ Technical Assessment for Using Microsoft Azure for ApplicationDevelopmentOne individual must pass the following exams:▪ Exam 70-346: Managing Office 365 Identities and RequirementsAnd▪ Exam 70-347: Enabling Office 365 ServicesOne individual must pass one of the following Technical Assessments:▪Technical Assessment for Enterprise Mobility Suite OverviewAnd▪Technical Assessment for Mobile Device Management or▪Technical Assessment for Identity & Access ManagementCRM Online:▪Cloud CRM Competency;The relevant exams must be certified to be eligible for the related workload accelerator. Partners will only earn while eligible.Indirect Providers in certain regions will be able to earn the required MPN competency in one subsidiary in order to earn CDSA incentive in all subsidiaries in the regional group.CDSA Region Subsidiaries included in regionLATAM New Markets Tier-1 Subs Costa Rica, Panamá, Ecuador, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Trinidad, VenezuelaArgentina, Chile, Uruguay Argentina, Chile, UruguayBenelux Netherlands, BelgiumNordics Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway Germany/Austria/Switzerland Germany, Austria, SwitzerlandBalkans Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Macedonia Baltics Latvia, Lithuania and EstoniaNEPA and Egypt Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, NEPA New Markets (Afghanistan, Iran, Syria), Pakistan and TunisiaSouth East Asia (SEA) New Markets Bangladesh, Brunei, SEA Multi Country (Bhutan, Laos, Nepal), Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka, Maldives)WECA and Nigeria Africa New Markets, Angola, Ghana, IndianOcean Islands, Kenya, Nigeria, RESA and WCA. See detailed list of included countries for the above Bolded subsidiaries below.7Africa New Markets Benin, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Malawi, Niger, Sao Tome and Principe, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, St Helena, Ascension, Tristan da Cunha, Sudan, TogoIndian Ocean Islands Comoros, Djibouti, French Polynesia, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mayotte, New Caledonia, Reunion, SeychellesRESA - Rest of East & South Africa Botswana, Ethiopia, Namibia, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, ZimbabweWCA – West and Central Africa Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Gabon, Mali, SenegalEligibility monitoring and managementPartner eligibility requirements for this Microsoft CSP Indirect Provider incentive must be met before partners are invited to the incentive platform. Partners must meet these criteria and onboard to the Partner Incentives Experience platform (PIEX)1 before Microsoft can approve and release incentive payments. If a partner becomes eligible during the earning period, eligible revenue will be included from the start of the earning period. The Payment section of this guide includes a comprehensive set of conditions required for payment approval and release. Cloud Distributor Solution Accelerator (CDSA) incentive eligibility varies depending on whether the subsidiary in which the partner operates is classified as a “Mature Market” or “Emerging Market.” The market classification of each Microsoft subsidiary is provided in Appendix A of this guide.Loss of eligibilityPartners must be eligible in order to be onboarded onto the Partner Incentives Experience platform. Microsoft will check incentive eligibility 30 calendar days prior to the end of the earnings period and will notify partnersif they have lost eligibility. This is the only notification partners will receive. Partners must ensure they are eligible at all times during the program period.1 Web based Microsoft tool used for viewing of incentive earnings and activity.8Reconsideration for resolution of Loss of Incentive EligibilityAt the end of the earnings period, partners who have not becomecompliant will forfeit their incentive earnings for the whole semester.Partners meeting eligibility requirements after the H1 earnings period has ended will only be considered for the H2 earning period. EnrollmentInvitation periodPartners who meet all eligibility requirements will be invited to the Partner Incentives Experience platform at the beginning of the Microsoft fiscal year and then monthly for new Partners.Eligible partners will receive an invitation to log into the Partner Incentives Experience platform. Invitations are non-transferrable and the Partner Administrator is defined as the primary contact provided on Partner Center during the CSP program onboarding process. Each partner must be successfully enrolled in Partner Incentives Experience prior to the end of the program period in order to receive incentive payments.Onboarding processPartners must meet all eligibility criteria and complete the enrollment process by program (even if active in PIEX for another incentive) to become active in the Partner Incentives Experience platform. This is a critical step for partners to gain visibility to incentive calculation and receive payment information.Microsoft will invite partners per eligible MPN HQ or Location ID to participate in the CSP Indirect Provider incentive by means of an email with a company domain (for example: @). Onboarding must be completed for each invitation.Partners who onboarded onto the Partner Incentives Experience platform in a previous fiscal year do not need to re-onboard onto PIEX but must continue to meet eligibility requirements in order to earn and be paid incentives for the current fiscal year.9Partner Incentives Experience account set-upVisit aka.ms/partnerincentives to review the Partner Incentives Experience Guide for details on entering information such as bank and tax details and MPN ID partners are transacting under.Program structure & ratesThis incentive includes global, local, and Co-op components. Global incentivesIncentive RateCore 4% of monthly billed revenue with a 50/50 split between Rebate and Co-opAccelerator 6% of monthly billed revenue with a 50/50 split between Rebate and Co-opCloud Distributor Solution Accelerator (CDSA) 10% of monthly billed revenue with a 50/50 split between Rebate and Co-opLocal acceleratorsIn addition to the global incentive outlined above, Microsoft subsidiaries have the option to offer additional local accelerators. These local accelerators may augment levers within the global incentive, or may reward partner engagement toward the specific local market need. Not all local accelerators are available in each subsidiary. Participation in a local accelerator is subject to the terms and conditions set forth by the local subsidiary and provided to Partners.Local accelerator terms will be sent to partners by the Regional Operations Centers (ROCs) in each subsidiary for accelerators available in that subsidiary. Incentives from local accelerators will be paid as 100% Rebate (no Co-op). See the following option:Cloud Revenue AcceleratorRewards partners with an incremental incentive of billed revenue from sales of eligible Online Services. This accelerator is paid in addition to the incentive earnings for qualified sales and will be paid out as Rebate.10Co-opPartners participating in the CSP Indirect Provider incentive will earn 50% of the global incentive as Co-op. This allows partners to perform specific marketing, demand generation, and readiness activities in accordance with the Partner Incentives Co-op Guidebook.The global incentives are split between Rebate and Co-op as follows:Incentive Rebate Co-opCore 50% 50%Accelerator 50% 50%CDSA 50% 50%Co-op funds must be claimed during the usage period that follows the earnings period. Co-op funds not used during the usage period will be forfeited after the end of the period.Earning and usage periodsThe incentive funds for Indirect Providers are earned and paid out as follows:FY16 Earning Period 2 Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun FY17 Earning Period 1Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | DecFY17 Earning Period 2Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | JunEarning Earn 2 Earn 1Usage Usage/Claim 2 Usage/Claim 1 “Earning Period” is the 6 months during which Partners earn Rebates and Co-op. “Usage Period” refers to the 6 months that immediately follow the “Earning" period. Partners perform co-op activities and submit claims during the Usage Period. There is a 45-day grace period after the end of the Usage Period for Partners to complete their claim submissions. If funds are not claimed by the conclusion of the grace period, they will be forfeited and retired with no possibility of reinstatement.The Co-op Guidebook on the Partner Incentives MPN Portal is the primary source to provide the mechanics, requirements and executional logistics for all eligible Co-op activities.11Earnings & calculationEligible revenue rulesEligible revenue is determined by Microsoft’s internal sales tools as invoiced sales of qualifying products during the earning period.CSP Indirect Providers must provide a valid HQ or Location MPN ID of the Indirect Reseller to whom they have sold Microsoft Online Services in order for that revenue to qualify for this incentive. The reseller ID cannot be controlled or part of the Indirect Provider’s internal organization.The following restrictions apply:▪Revenue from subscriptions of Exchange Lite and other adjustments such as Internal Use Rights or Trial seats is excluded.▪Not all Microsoft Online Services are available in all markets. New services and offers may be rolled out in new markets and current services andoffers may be discontinued. As these service changes occur, customerconsumption of Microsoft Online Services will also change, resulting indifferent incentive earnings for partners.12CDSA eligible revenueWorkload definitions and minimum requirements to earn incentives for each workload are described below.Minimum requirements for Emerging Markets are lower than Mature Markets. Emerging and Mature Markets are listed in Appendix A.Solution MPN Compe tency(Silver or Gold)Eligibility for MatureMarketsEligibility for EmergingMarketsO365 Up-sell See MPNRequirements (CDSA)section above fordetailsAny customer with $750 inexisting CSP O365 revenue(excluding BusinessPremium, E3, E5) and addsminimum of one of thefollowing during the 6-month program period:▪$300 of O365 BusinessPremium (~5 seats) or▪$500 of O365 E3 (~5seats)▪$900 of O365 E5 (~5seats)Any customer with $500 inexisting CSP O365 revenue(excluding BusinessPremium, E3, E5) and addsminimum of one of thefollowing during the 6-month program period:▪$200 of O365 BusinessPremium (~3 seats) or▪$300 of O365 E3 (~3seats)▪$600 of O365 E5 (~3seats)EMS Cross-sell See MPNRequirements (CDSA)section above fordetailsAny customer with $750 inCSP O365 SKUs consistingof Business Premium, E3, E5and adds minimum of oneof the following during the6-month program period:▪$200 of EMS (~5 seats)Any customer with $500 inCSP O365 SKUs consistingof Business Premium, E3, E5and adds minimum of oneof the following during the6-month program period:▪$150 of EMS (~5 seats)Azure Consumption See MPNRequirements (CDSA)section above fordetails▪Any customer with apurchase of $100 ofPowerBI▪Any customer with $500or more of net newAzure Revenue▪Any customer with apurchase of $100 ofPowerBI▪Any customer with $500or more of new AzureRevenueCRM See CRM Onlinesection under MPNrequirements (CDSA)section above fordetails$1,200 of CRMOL (5 seats ofprofessional)$700 of CRMOL (3 seats ofprofessional)13PaymentPartners can only receive payments after completing enrollment to the Partner Incentives Experience platform and continuing to meet incentive eligibility requirements at the time of payment calculation.Payment cadencePayment will be disbursed to the partner along the following schedule:Type How Often Expect payment withinRebate 2 payments perprogram year▪45 days after the end of the earningperiod (Earning period 1: July 2016 –December 2016; Earning period 2:January 2017 – June 2017)▪Payment will be in the form of creditmemo or wire transferCo-op Monthly ▪By the end of the month for claimsapproved by 15th of that monthMinimum payment threshold▪If the incentive earnings are below the minimum threshold of $200 USD, those earnings will be carried over to H2 and the partner will not receivepayment.▪Incentive earnings under $200 USD at the end of the program period will be forfeited.Payments detailsFor a detailed summary of payment details visit the Partner Incentive Experience Guide at aka.ms/partnerincentives.Payment compliancePayment compliance means that 100% of all Microsoft invoices billed to the partner must be paid by the due date during each month of the earnings period. If this obligation is not met, the partner will not receive payments for incentives earned for the month(s) of non-compliance.14Payment earnings reportingPartners can view their earnings, co-op information, and payment activities via the Partner Incentives Experience platform. Data is updated on a daily basis. Click here to view payment information on the Partner Incentives Experience platform for CSP Indirect Providers.Click here to view earnings information on the Partner Incentives Experience platform for CSP Indirect Providers.Dispute and resolutionIf partners find a discrepancy with their incentive payouts, they can follow the below:▪Earning disputes can be disputed for up to 30 days after the earning period ends.▪Payment disputes can be disputed for up to 30 days after payment date. All disputes must be submitted in writing to Microsoft within the above time frames to the respective alias in the Support and Resource section below. OverpaymentIn the event of an overpayment, Microsoft will proceed with the recovery of an overpayment in accordance with the Microsoft Channel Incentive Agreement (MCIA).Microsoft will generally attempt to recover overpayment by offsetting against future incentive payments earned. If for any reason such approach cannot be executed (e.g. partner is no longer participating in an incentive), Microsoft reserves the right to invoice partner for the overpaid amount directly. Support & ResourcesUseful resources for all incentives can be found on the Microsoft Partner Network at aka.ms/partnerincentives (partner authentication required).Support channelsSupport for the partner incentive program is available in the support hub of the Partner Incentives Experience by clicking ‘Support’ in the header. The support hub 15provides a centralized location for all channel incentives and Partner Incentives Experience queries.Additional incentive program support is available by contacting the appropriate alias below for your region:▪North America: *******************▪Latin America: **********************▪Asia Pacific including Greater China: *********************▪Japan: *******************▪Europe Middle East & Africa (EMEA): ********************* Partner resourcesAll of the resources below are available through the Microsoft Partner Network. Program Assets DescriptionIncentive Guide Guide containing CSP Indirect Provider incentive overview, including product rate, and eligibility guidelinesPartner Incentives Experience Guide Guide providing instructions on how partners can view incentive earnings, make claims and submit proof, do payment reconciliations and manage users, all from one single secure Partner Incentives Experience portal.Co-op Guidebook Guide providing partner incentive details regarding eligible Co-op activities and requirements for claimTemplates DescriptionCSR Template Template to submit proof of execution requirement for Co-op claims. To be used in place of, or in addition to, an invoice for specific Co-op executionOn Site Champ Reporting Template Template to facilitate reporting/proof of execution for On Site Champ activityUseful links▪Microsoft Partner Network: https:// o Program membership, products, licensing, training & event information▪Partner Incentives MPN Portal: aka.ms/partnerincentiveso Includes all Partner-facing incentives materials16▪Partner Incentives Experience: https:// o A dashboard providing program information, notifications and support▪Partner Center: https:///en-us/partner/home o Support, Partner Community and Partner Services Site ▪Partner Incentives Experience guide: aka.ms/partnerincentiveso This guide summarizes requirements for participating in Microsoft CSP incentive program(s)17Appendix A: Emerging & Mature Markets Asia PacificEmerging Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Bangladesh Cambodia Myanmar Bhutan Laos NepalSri Lanka Thailand Vietnam Canada MatureAustraliaKoreaNew ZealandBruneiSouth Asia HQSingaporeMatureCanadaFranceGermanyGreater ChinaEmergingChinaIndiaEmergingIndiaJapanLatin AmericaEmergingArgentinaUruguayBrazilChileColombiaBahamas, TheBelizeBermudaCayman IslandsJamaicaTurks and CaicosIslandsBoliviaCosta RicaDominican RepublicEcuadorEl SalvadorGuatemalaHondurasNicaraguaPanamaMatureFranceMatureGermanyMatureHong KongTaiwanMatureJapanMaturePuerto RicoAnguillaAntigua andBarbudaArubaBarbadosCubaDominicaFrench GuianaGrenadaGuadeloupeGuyanaHaitiMartiniqueMontserratNetherlandsAntillesSaint MartinSt MaartensSt. Kitts and NevisSt. LuciaCentral and Eastern EuropeEmerging Kazakhstan Romania Ukraine Albania Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Kyrgyzstan Mongolia Tajikistan Uzbekistan Georgia Kosovo Latvia Lithuania Mature Czech Republic Greece Hungary Poland Slovakia Croatia Cyprus Estonia Malta Slovenia1819 Macedonia (FYROM) Moldova Montenegro SerbiaTurkmenistan RussiaMiddle East and Africa Emerging Egypt Algeria IraqGaza StripJordanPalestinian AuthorityWest BankLebanon LibyaMoroccoAfghanistanIranSyriaPakistan Tunisia Nigeria South Africa TurkeyAfrica New Markets Gambia Angola GhanaIndian Ocean Islands Kenya Botswana Ethiopia NamibiaRest of East & Southern Africa Zimbabwe Cameroon Ivory Coast SenegalUnited Kingdom Mature United Kingdom United States Mature United StatesMatureKuwait Bahrain Oman Qatar United Arab Emirates Yemen Israel Saudi Arabia Paraguay Venezuela Mexico PeruWestern Europe MatureAustria Belgium Luxembourg Denmark Iceland Finland Ireland ItalyNetherlands Norway Portugal Spain Sweden SwitzerlandSt. Vincent and Grenadines SurinameTrinidad & Tobago Virgin Islands,British。

详细内容如下:1. 背景介绍在这一部分,我们将对您当前的IT基础设施进行描述,包括硬件设备、操作系统、网络架构等。
2. 方案概述在这个章节中,我们将概括性地介绍VMware方案,并明确您想要实现的目标。
3. 硬件规划本章将详细介绍建议的硬件配置,包括服务器、存储设备、网络设备等。
4. 软件部署在这一章节中,我们将详细介绍VMware软件的部署过程。
5. 虚拟机迁移和管理在这个章节中,我们将介绍如何进行虚拟机的迁移和管理。
6. 容灾和备份在这一部分,我们将详细介绍如何实现容灾和备份,以确保您的虚拟化环境具备高可用性和数据保护能力。
7. 性能监控和调优在这个章节中,我们将介绍如何对您的VMware环境进行性能监控和调优。
8. 费用和收益分析在这一部分,我们将详细分析您的虚拟化环境的费用和收益。

)A: ABCD封装性隔离性兼容性独立于硬件Q:作为VMware 于1999 年发布的第一款产品,Workstation 1.0 率先实现了以下哪些?(请选择所有适用选项。
)A: ACDxx ABCDXX AD实现x86 计算机的虚拟化。
在虚拟机中运行Microsoft Windows。
Q:VMware 之旅的第2 阶段的优势有哪些?A: ABXXX ABD内部客户能够立即获得所需的资源。
Chargeback 凸显了IT 在组织中的价值。
以下关于VMware 的说法中哪一项是正确的?(请选择所有适用选项)。
A: ABVMware 是公认的全球虚拟化领导者。
VMware 研发了x86 平台上的虚拟化技术。
VMware 在20 世纪60 年代研发了大型机虚拟化技术。
VMware 是由5 位计算机科学家在20 世纪80 年代创办的。
Q:以下哪种说法最能准确地描述虚拟基础架构?(请选择其中一项)A:物理数据中心中驻留的运行VMware Workstation 的x86 计算机。
存在于IT 基础架构中的所有软件。
Q:在VMware 之旅中,典型的关键业务应用程序的虚拟化发生在哪个阶段?(请选择一个正确答案)A:第 1 阶段第 2 阶段第 3 阶段VMware 之旅结束时Q:阅读以下说法并选择与其对应的属性:“无需对设备驱动程序、操作系统或应用程序进行任何更改,即可在不同类型的x86 计算机之间自由移动虚拟机。
VMware 如何支持渠道合作伙伴

VMware 如何支持渠道合作伙伴在介绍VMware 与合作伙伴共同遵守的行为准则之前,大家需要了解一点,培育合作伙伴体系已经成为VMware 核心文化和经营理念的一部分。
在全球范围内,我们平均86% 的收入都是通过渠道实现的,帮助渠道合作伙伴取得成功一直都是我们市场营销战略的关键组成部分。
同时,渠道合作伙伴都在非常积极地寻求VMware 许可证销售机会,因为我们的技术是IT 业界最炙手可热的技术之一,我们年复一年、季复一季持续、强劲的许可证销售收入即可证明这一点。
下面,让我们了解一些重要数字,这些数字凸显了VMware 渠道合作伙伴的收入机会,以及有多少合作伙伴参与取得能力认证以有效地销售VMware 解决方案。
VMware 2009 年收入大约为20 亿美元,其中86% 的收入来自于渠道。
我们取得了190,000 名客户的信任,合作伙伴可以看到我们的技术已为各种各样的组织所接受。
合作伙伴看到了这一机会,纷纷成为我们的增值代理商,根据最近的统计,解决方案提供商超过25,000 个。
在这些合作伙伴组织的人员中,很大一部分人更进一步地接受了培训,以便销售VMware 解决方案及交付解决方案支持服务。
适用于一般销售人员的VSP、适用于销售工程师的VTSP 以及VCP 数量均持续增加,使新认证的合作伙伴数量每年以数万级别增长。
合作伙伴也知道,销售机会并不仅限于VMware 软件许可证的销售收入。
VMware 许可证销售收入中的每一美元都会引起客户在支持服务、网络连接、存储、安全产品以及软件和专业服务等方面产生大量消费。
如果对所有合作伙伴的收入加以平均,可看出在VMware 销售机会中,许可证收入每增加一美元,将带来超过10 美元的其他收入。

)A: ABCD封装性隔离性兼容性独立于硬件Q:作为VMware 于1999 年发布的第一款产品,Workstation 1.0 率先实现了以下哪些?(请选择所有适用选项。
)A: ACDxx ABCDXX AD实现x86 计算机的虚拟化。
在虚拟机中运行Microsoft Windows。
Q:VMware 之旅的第2 阶段的优势有哪些?A: ABXXX ABD部客户能够立即获得所需的资源。
Chargeback 凸显了IT 在组织中的价值。
以下关于VMware 的说法中哪一项是正确的?(请选择所有适用选项)。
A: ABVMware 是公认的全球虚拟化领导者。
VMware 研发了x86 平台上的虚拟化技术。
VMware 在20 世纪60 年代研发了大型机虚拟化技术。
VMware 是由5 位计算机科学家在20 世纪80 年代创办的。
Q:以下哪种说法最能准确地描述虚拟基础架构?(请选择其中一项)A:物理数据中心中驻留的运行VMware Workstation 的x86 计算机。
存在于IT 基础架构中的所有软件。
Q:在VMware 之旅中,典型的关键业务应用程序的虚拟化发生在哪个阶段?(请选择一个正确答案)A:第1 阶段第2 阶段第3 阶段VMware 之旅结束时Q:阅读以下说法并选择与其对应的属性:“无需对设备驱动程序、操作系统或应用程序进行任何更改,即可在不同类型的x86 计算机之间自由移动虚拟机。

所有申请成为 VMware 合作伙伴的公司,需要按照要求填写,并提交申请表,同意合作伙伴计划的相关协议, 该协议全球适用。需要特别注意: 请用英文填写 Solution provider application form 表格信息:如贵公司没有英文名称,可使用汉语拼 音代替英文 Email 地址的域名需要和 URL(公司的网站域名)使用相同的域名后缀 点击 next 后,数字签名格式要与示例严格相同,不允许进行任何更改。 仔细阅读协议,并在线同意协议内容。只有在同意协议的情况下,您才会收到 VMware 发出的确认函, 并正式成为 VMware Registered 合作伙伴。
如何注册成为 VMware 合作伙伴
1.注册申请为 VMware Solution Provider(注册级解决方案提供商)的步骤
1) 2) 3) 4) 登录 Partner Central 首页 /partners/partners.html 选择 Partner Program Solution provider Apply Now 填写 Solution provider application form 表格 同意相关协议
申请成功的通知发送给合作伙伴的主要联系人信箱 分配合作伙伴 ID 发送欢迎函
பைடு நூலகம்
合作伙伴福利和专区已激活 可以注册个人账户 可以参加在线的免费的 VSP 或者 VTSP 的培训
3.晋级为更高级别合作伙伴, 具体要求可参考下图中 VMware 大中华区各级别合作伙伴的要 求。
4. 升级操作
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 登录 /partners/partners.html 点击 Program Forms 主要联系人点击升级链接:Solution Provider Progression From: Registered to Professional 同意协议, 并点击 Apply or Submit 如果是升级到企业级的合作伙伴 48 小时会收到交年费的通知 当后台收到年费后,会把级别提升。

Multi-Factor Authentication User GuideIMPORTANT DISCLAIMER 1)The VMware partner login page is the following link. Correct URL :URL:https:///partnerconnect/PC_Login?ec=302&startU RL=%2Fpartnerconnect%2Fs%2F)2)For any reason if the screen for login is showing as below (Carpathia URL), please trythe following steps. Incorrect URL :(https:///Carpathia/login?ec=302&inst=2H&startURL=% 2FCarpathia%2Fidentity%2Ftwofactor%2FaddTwoFactorOnly.apexp ):a)Clear Cache and try opening the login URL in an incognito window. i.e. STEP 1URLb)Try opening a different browser from the current used browser.c)If both the above options do not work, please re-try after an hour.d)Please do no request for password reset if the below screen is coming up.Resetting the password will not helpUsing SFDC Authenticator If you are currently logged into the Partner Connect Portal, please go ahead and logout prior to setting up Multi-Factor AuthenticationStep 1: Login to the Partner Portal using your username and passwordAfter logging in, you will be shown a page with instructions on how to download the Salesforce authenticator application.Note - If you choose to use a different third-party authenticator application click on “Choose Another Verification Method” on the b ottom of the screen. More information can be found here.**If you are trying to allow multiple users to login to one Partner Portal account using the same username and password, please click here for the browser method.Step 2: Download the Salesforce application on the mobile deviceStep 3: Open the authenticator and click on Add an AccountA two-phrase code will be shown on the mobile appNOTE: If you are using a group username and password and you are the first to setup MFA, you will be the default approver for all logins using the group username and password. Please see the browser option below for group logins.Step 4: Type the code in the browser and click on connectThere will be a push notification which will be sent to the Mobile Device. The browser will look as belowStep 5: Click on Connect to bind the device with the account.After the connection has been made, you will see a confirmation on the mobile application If for some reason you receive a login error message, please clear your cache and try again. If the problem persists, try using an incognito window to login instead. If problems continue to exist, please reach out to *************************Browser will show the success messageOnce this is done, you will be logged into the community.After Initial Setup:On a re-login, there will a push notification which is sent to your mobile device.You can either approve or deny the request from the deviceOn approval, you are logged into the communityUsing a Different Mobile Authenticator ApplicationIf you choose to use a different third-party mobile authenticator application other than Salesforce – please see below.Step 1: Click on “Choose Another Verification Method”Step 2: Select the option “Use v erification codes from an authenticator app”NOTE: If you are using a group username and password and you are the first to setup MFA, you will be the default approver for all logins using the same group username and password. Please see the browser option below.Step 3: Scan the generated QR code within the authenticator application and typein the one-time password that is generated. Click connect.If for some reason you receive a login error message, please clear your cache and try again. If the problem persists, try using an incognito window to login instead. If problems continue to exist, please reach out to *************************You will then be logged into the Partner Portal.After Initial Setup:On a re-login, all you will need to do is open the third-party application that you chose to setup Multi-Factor Authentication with and enter in the 6-digit totp code that is shown.After clicking “Verify”, you will then be logged into the Partner Portal.Using A Web Browser Application (totp.app)If multiple users are sharing one Partner Connect Portal account (not recommended), you do not have a corporate issued mobile device to download an application to, or you are not allowed to bring a corporate device onsite with a customer – please use this method Step 1: Click on “Choose Another Verification Method”Step 2: Click on “Use verification codes from an authenticator app”Step 3: Click on “I Can’t Scan the QR Code”device for this method):Step 4: On a separate browser window, head over to “totp.app”Step 5: Click on the “Add” button on the top left of your screenStep 6: Enter in the Unique Key that was displayed on your Partner Portal page, then click “Add”Your Partner Portal account will now be connected to the totp.app website.A temporary one-time password (totp) will be displayed on the top left of your screen.Step 7: Please enter in this passcode on your Partner Portal window and click connect.You will then be logged into the Partner Portal:After Initial Setup:On a re-login, all you will need to do is enter in the totp that is generated on totp.app.Step 1: Login to your Partner Portal accountStep 2: Head over to totp.app and copy the totp that is displayedStep 3: Enter the totp into your Partner Port al and click “Verify”You will then be logged into the Partner Portal:If you are sharing a Partner Portal account, please share the Unique Key with other users and they will be able to enter in the same key on their browser on the totp.app website. They will be able to login to the Partner Portal using their browser once they have the unique key. NOTE: This is not a recommended method. Be careful who you share the key with as your account contains sensitive data.To find the Unique Key once again, please go back to the totp.app website.Click on the 3 lines displayed with your current totp:Click “Show secret”:Your Unique Key will then be displayed. Please share this key with any users who also need to login to the Partner Portal account:FAQQ. Who should I contact if I am having problems logging into the Partner Portal using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?A: Please reach out to ************************* if there are any issues logging in.Q. Will all users need to use MFA when logging in?A: Yes. If you are currently a partner that has an account in the Partner Portal, you will need to use MFA when logging in.Q. Do I need to enter a phrase every time I login using SFDC Authenticator?A: You will only need to enter in a phrase on your first login using the SFDC Authenticator. After your initial setup, you will only need to approve or deny the login request on your mobile device.Q. What is the purpose of MFA?A: Using MFA adds a second layer of protection for your sensitive data. The first being your username and password when logging into the Partner Portal, the second being a third-party authenticator app. We want to be sure sensitive data stays secure and is only visible to those who have access to view it.Q. Does the mobile device I have matter when using the authenticator?A: Authenticators will work on both iPhone and Android devices. If you do not have a device that fits these parameters, please use our browser option.Q. Do I need to use a specific authenticator when logging into the Partner Portal?A: Salesforce Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), Google MFA, and Microsoft MFA are our recommended mobile authenticators to use when using a mobile application. If you are using the browser option, please use totp.app.Q: If I am using a group username and password to access the partner portal, how does this impact me?A: If you have multiple users leveraging the same username and password to access the portal, you will need to either designate one user to approve all attempted logins through their mobile device OR use the browser option (totp.app) to allow group logins. If for some reason that user leaves the company, changes their mobile device, loses their device, or you lose the unique key to your account when using the browser option - reach out to************************* for a MFA reset.Q: What should I do if I receive a login error message when trying to connect my authentication application with my partner account?A: If for some reason you receive a login error message, please clear your cache, and try again. If the problem persists, try using an incognito window to login instead. If problems continue to exist, please reach out to *************************。

ESX服务器硬件配置考虑要点- 网络基本组件
---参见Best Practices for Successful VI Design
物理网卡/口与物理交换机 同一个虚拟交换机上的不同物理网卡/口应连接到不同的物理交换机上 将一个集群中所有服务器的VMotion功能端口组所使用的物理网卡/口都连到同一套物理交换机上 同样遵循上述第一条规则
应用实施范围考虑 服务器采购考虑 虚拟机部署考虑 管理维护考虑
应用实施范围考虑 服务器采购考虑 虚拟机部署考虑 管理维护考虑
不适合采用虚拟化的应用 具有特殊硬件访问要求的应用 高性能图形显卡 --- 不适用虚拟化 特殊的串/并行加密设备 ---不适用虚拟化 USB设备连接需求 --- 可能不适用,可采用外置USB设备代替,需经过测试 即使在高配置的服务器上仍然具有很高负载的应用 --- 可能不适用,需分析当前服务器配置情况 可以采用虚拟化的应用 除上述不适合采用虚拟化的应用之外的所有应用 可根据应用迁移的复杂程度决定虚拟化先后顺序 较易实现P2V的应用可先做迁移,如可用Converter工具直接迁移的应用 较难或不能做P2V迁移的应用可考虑采用重新安装方式后迁 根据管理的需要决定是否做虚拟化 虚拟化转变过程对现有业务的影响程度 转变为虚拟化后对现有管理的影响程度 部门之间协调的难易程度


第二条 VMware管理制度的适用范围包括:公司所有员工、管理者以及相关合作伙伴。
第三条 VMware的管理目标是建立一个有序、高效、公正和透明的工作环境,促进员工的发展和公司的长期发展。
第五条 VMware保留对管理制度的进行修订和解释的权利,修订和解释后的管理制度自发布之日起生效。
第二章人事管理第六条 VMware将根据公司的发展需要,制定合理的人事计划和流程,进行招聘、培训、晋升和离职管理。
第九条 VMware将根据员工的绩效和能力,进行晋升和薪酬调整。
第三章绩效管理第十一条 VMware将建立绩效考核制度,对员工的工作绩效进行定期评估和考核。
第四章奖惩管理第十四条 VMware将建立奖惩制度,对员工的表现给予适当的奖励。

其次,VMWare提供了vCloud Suite,该套件集成了一系列的产品,包括vSphere、vRealize、NSX等,为用户提供了全面的云管理和安全功能。
此外,VMWare还推出了vCloud Air产品,用于提供弹性的公有云服务,帮助用户快速上云并实现企业级的安全和性能要求。

1. 第一周:
- 进行项目需求调研
- 与团队成员讨论并确定项目目标和范围 - 编写项目计划书和可行性分析报告
- 与相关部门协调资源需要
2. 第二周:
- 设计虚拟机架构和网络拓扑
- 确定虚拟机配置和性能需求
- 安装和配置虚拟化管理软件
- 创建虚拟机模板
3. 第三周:
- 根据需求创建虚拟机实例
- 安装和配置操作系统及相关软件
- 部署应用程序和服务
- 进行基础设施和安全性测试
4. 第四周:
- 测试虚拟机的性能和稳定性
- 进行系统优化和调整
- 编写相关文档和操作手册
- 与团队成员一起完成项目验收
- 每周安排统计和进度跟踪会议
- 随时与相关部门沟通和协调资源需求- 及时记录和解决项目中的问题和风险- 保持团队间的有效沟通和协作。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
VMware 合作伙伴计划和激励首先,让我们先来回顾 VMware 合作伙伴网络中不同解决方案提供商合作伙伴级别的要求。
我们将自下而上讲解此图,首先是 VMware 注册级合作伙伴。
只需注册即可成为 VMware 注册级合作伙伴,具体方法为提交申请并接受合作伙伴协议。
VMware 专业级合作伙伴组织中必须具有 1 名 VMware 销售专家和 1 名 VMware 技术销售专家,并且每年支付250 美元的计划费用。
VMware 企业级合作伙伴组织中必须具有 2 名 VMware 认证专家 (VCP)、2 名 VMware 销售专家和 2 名 VMware 技术销售专家。
VMware 企业级合作伙伴组织还必须获得基础架构虚拟化能力认证,并且每年支付 1,500 美元的计划费用。
VMware 核心级合作伙伴组织中必须具有 4 名 VMware 认证专家、4 名 VMware 销售专家和 4 名 VMware 技术销售专家,获得基础架构虚拟化能力认证和其他两项 VMware 解决方案能力认证,并且每年支付 1,500 美元的计划费用。
获得 VSP、VTSP 或 VCP 认证的确有助于有效提高 VMware 现场销售额。
纵观历史,全球合作伙伴平均销售额的情况是:拥有 VSP 的合作伙伴的销售额是没有 VSP 的合作伙伴的 3 倍之多,拥有 VCP 的合作伙伴的销售额是没有VCP 的合作伙伴的 11 倍左右,而拥有 VTSP 的合作伙伴的销售额是没有VTSP的合作伙伴的 7 倍左右。
获得 VTSP 认证的人员可以从技术角度更深入地理解 vSphere 的工作原理,而且还可以更深入地理解新平台提供的一系列解决方案,如桌面虚拟化解决方案、灾难恢复解决方案等,此外还可以深入了解新的云计算体系结构的各种潜在能力。
这些认证只是您培训中的第一步,VMware 希望您根据自己的意愿更深入了解我们的产品和解决方案。
VMware 可提供多种面向客户的解决方案能力认证。
想要获得 VMware 解决方案能力认证的组织需要具有 1 名 VSP、1 名 VTSP 和 1 名 VCP,而且这些人员均需完成必需的培训和测试。
此外,基础架构虚拟化能力认证合作伙伴必须具备 1 个获准的客户案例;其他能力认证则需要具备 1 个获准的客户案例或该解决方案领域的 3 个潜在客户。
如果我们观察这些要求需要付出的资金成本和时间成本,它们可分为以下几部分:对于 VSP,合作伙伴参加可自行控制进度的在线培训时,无需支付额外费用;这也适用于 VTSP。
对于 VCP,合作伙伴需额外参加有导师指导的培训,有些培训可通过在线方式完成,具体取决于组成解决方案的特定产品。
如需参加有导师指导的培训课程,每个解决方案能力认证的费用不会超过 3,000 美元。
VSP 和 VTSP 培训所需的时间约为 1.5 天;VCP 培训所需的时间为 2 到 4 天,具体取决于解决方案。
因此,合作伙伴要获得一项解决方案能力认证,共需投入大约 5 天的培训时间和 3,000 美元的费用。
这些数字表明 VMware 做了大量工作来努力降低获得解决方案能力认证所需的成本,并且简化了相应的培训过程。
除了可通过高级培训获得收入收益外,VMware 合作伙伴网络计划还对影响收益的能力提供丰厚的奖励。
内部和外部推广,如果我们知道您是一个“优先推荐”的合作伙伴,已通过获得能力认证证明自己具备相应的技能,我们会使用包括新的 Partner Locator 在内的多种工具帮助您进行推广。
除了刚刚介绍的来自 VMware 的销售、市场营销和产品支持,获得相应能力认证和订购服务的合作伙伴可以访问制定该解决方案领域虚拟化实践所需的全部资产。
这些解决方案支持工具包 (SET) 可真正实现解决方案的产品化,从而帮助合作伙伴抓住销售机会并提供相应服务。
例如,基础架构虚拟化工具包包括用于 vSphere JumpStart、vSphere Upgrade 的交付指南、工具包和模板,以及如何在 VMware 云计算基础架构中部署 SAP。
获得解决方案能力认证最佳的动力莫过于 VMware 解决方案奖励计划。
合作伙伴获得 VMware 解决方案能力认证资格并通过 Partner Central 同意接受该计划的条款和条件后,即可获得 VMware 按季度发放的解决方案奖励返点。
若要进一步了解解决方案奖励计划的全部条款和条件,请访问 Partner Central 或咨询您的 VMware 合作伙伴业务经理或分销商。
将以上全部优势与收入方面的收益加起来,您会发现投入 5 天和 3,000 美元获得一项解决方案能力认证非常合算。
举例来说,在市场营销支持方面,VMware 提供市场营销工具、一站式研讨会、市场营销开发资金、研讨会和活动支持以及市场营销规划和其他多种支持。
Advantage+ 是 VMware 的机会注册计划,用于激励合作伙伴在 Partner Central 中注册机会并鼓励合作伙伴寻找新的业务机会以及向客户宣传 VMware 的价值。
通过在 Partner Central 中注册最低交易额为 10,000 美元的机会,合作伙伴便可开始获得这些计划好处。
我们可以按照以下方式将此计划分为几个部分:OppReg 适用于获批准的合作伙伴达成的新机会,最多提供 12 个积分Influence 将在某个获批注册项目由其他合作伙伴完成的情况下为注册该项目的合作伙伴提供 6% 的返款。
最后一个是 Safeguard,合作伙伴通过 Safeguard 可注册并保护交易,不受完成该交易的渠道的影响。
所有这些部分都旨在使 VMware 合作伙伴的销售过程尽量获得更多回报、更为透明和简化,并且有助于确保对所有合作伙伴的售前投资提供适当的保护。
如果我们进一步分析 Advantage+ 可带来的收益,就会发现可参与该计划的 VMware 合作伙伴在进行价值销售时最多可获得 12% 的额外激励。
所有机会的最低交易额要求为 10,000 美元,随着合作伙伴在 VMware 培训和解决方案能力认证方面加大投入以提升到 VMware 合作伙伴网络中的企业级和核心级状态,其收益也会提高。
对于适用于 VMware 新机会的 oppreg 而言,如果合作伙伴提供的是价值销售,则企业级合作伙伴最多可获得 10 个积分,核心级合作伙伴最多可获得 12 个积分。
对于适用于由其他合作伙伴达成交易的 Influence 而言,核心级和企业级合作伙伴最多可获得 6 个积分。
此外,合作伙伴还可以注册他们期望作为 OEM 捆绑解决方案一部分实现的机会,享受 Safeguard 提供的机会保护,从而在保护售前投资的同时提供灵活性。
请注意,由于合作伙伴的类型不同,享受的计划收益可能会有所不同,您需要访问 Partner Central 或咨询您的VMware 合作伙伴业务经理或分销商,以熟悉 Advantage+ 计划的全部条款和条件。
这里介绍 Advantage+ 的一些优势以及如何使用该计划。
在 Partner Central 的“Opportunity Registration”(机会注册)选项卡上,选择 advantage+。
填写表单并单击“Save”(保存)按钮,然后单击“Submit for Approval”(提交供审批)。
当地的 VMware 销售团队将审核表单并确定机会是否合格。
资格标准包括其他合作伙伴是否已经注册相同的机会;合作伙伴是否参与了该机会的价值销售,如客户演示方案、演示、概念证明或试点;以及机会大小是否超过许可收入中的 10,000 美元阈值。
如果获准,注册将保持 120 天,如机会在销售周期中已推进,则可以在此时间段后重新注册。