国海事局2002年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第28期)科目:轮机长业务 试卷
![国海事局2002年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第28期)科目:轮机长业务 试卷](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/048ac80876c66137ee061985.png)
中华人民共和国海事局2002年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第28期)科目:轮机长业务试卷代号:812适用对象:750-3000KW船舶轮机长(本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟) 答题说明: 本试卷试题均为单项选择题,请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在其相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑。
A.4/6 B. 5/6 C. 3/3 D. 5/32.轮机长应做好的主要协调工作有______。
Ⅰ.轮机员之间的协调Ⅱ.轮机员与机工之间的协调Ⅲ.机工之间的协调Ⅳ.轮机员与驾驶员之间的协调A.Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ B.Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ C.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ D.Ⅱ+Ⅲ3.航行中轮机长每天须向船长递交______。
A.油耗量报告 B.主机转速报告 C.滑失率报告 D.正午报告4.当值轮机员错记轮机日志时,处理方法是______。
A.每周/每半个月/2 B.每月/每月/3 C.每半个月/每半个月/3 D.每周/每周/2 6. STCW 78/95公约关于保持轮机值班的指导中规定,_____轮机长需根据情况提供操作性指导。
I.特殊类型的推进装置或辅助设备II.载运有害、危险、有毒货物III.船舶过运河时A.I + II B. II + III C.I + III D.I +II+III7.在航行中轮机长应每日查阅轮机日志,对记载栏内一昼夜的______进行核对并签署。
Ⅰ.燃料耗存量Ⅱ.航速、航行时间Ⅲ.主机平均转速及副机运转时间A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅱ+ Ⅲ C.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+ ⅢD.Ⅰ+ Ⅲ8.轮机长调动交接班中,按一般规定应实物交接的有______。
Ⅰ、轮机部行政负责人Ⅰ、全船机械、动力及电器设备(除通导和甲板部的电子仪器外)的技术总负责人Ⅰ、全船所有机电设备总负责人Ⅰ、对其他部门使用有关设备在技术上进行指导Ⅰ、仅次于船长的行政负责人A.Ⅰ / ⅠB.Ⅰ / ⅠC.Ⅰ / Ⅰ+ⅠD.Ⅰ / Ⅰ+Ⅰ5.【单选题】在大风浪中航行,轮机长对轮机部工作的指导中心应是:A.亲临机舱值守B.保证动力装置正常运转C.指导检修设备D.勤换燃油滤器6.【单选题】对于实施循环检验的船舶,轮机长的职责是:Ⅰ、应熟知当年内应检验的项目,这些项目安排在那个月Ⅰ、验船师检验前,应安排好相关设备的解体与清洁Ⅰ、凡验船师检验的项目轮机长可以不在现场Ⅰ、验船师到船进行确认检查需要做效用试验的,必须安排操作人员A.Ⅰ +ⅠB.Ⅰ +Ⅰ+ⅠC.Ⅰ +ⅠD.Ⅰ +Ⅰ+Ⅰ7.【单选题】在接新船时,如有可能轮机长应组织分管轮机员参加设备的检验,如有问题其正确的处理方法是:A.与施工人员直接交涉B.向验船师提出C.书面向监造组和验船师提出D.书面向监造组提出8.【单选题】新造船舶在开航后的三个月内,轮机长应组织轮机员做好下列工作:Ⅰ、所有应急设备的试验Ⅰ、所有设备的操作规程及相关规章制度整理张贴Ⅰ、校核自动控制显示数据与温度表、压力表的实际值Ⅰ、根据运行状态,选择一台副机进行解体检查A.仅仅是ⅠB.Ⅰ +ⅠC.Ⅰ ~ⅠD.Ⅰ ~Ⅰ9.【单选题】船上安全管理的要求是实现“本质化管理”,即运用安全科学,从根本上消除形成事故的_______,采取尽可能的防护措施,形成某种条件下的_______。
2001年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第26期)科目:轮机工程基础 试卷代号:821
![2001年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第26期)科目:轮机工程基础 试卷代号:821](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/37b1bad13186bceb19e8bb7e.png)
1. 标志物体内部微观粒子热运动激烈程度的参数是______。
A.温度B. 压力C. 比体积D. 比熵2. 空气或燃气的定压比热与定容比热之差等于空气或燃气的______。
A.吸热量B.放热量C.气体常数D.体积增加量3. 第一类永动机是造不出来的,因为它违反了______。
A.卡诺定理B.熵增原理C.热力学第一定律D.热力学第二定律4. 下列哪一组工质全部可以作为理想气体?A.氮气、燃气、造水机中的水蒸汽B.烟气、燃气、空气中的水蒸气C.氧气、氢气、氨D.氟里昂、燃气、氧气5. 蒸汽压缩逆向卡诺循环中,压缩机易发生现象。
A.敲缸B.泄漏C.液击D.热阻增大6. 叶轮式压气机按其出口压力的高低分为通风机、鼓风机和______。
A.压缩机B.径流机C.轴流机D.风扇7. 废气涡轮机的吸热过程是怎样的过程?A.定容过程B.等温过程C.等压过程D.绝热过程8. 其它条件不变,蒸气压缩制冷循环的制冷系数随低温热源温度的提高而______。
A.降低B.升高C.不变D.无法确定9. 下列材料中,导热系数最小的材料是______。
R e 中华人民共和国海事局2023 年第 1 期海船船员适任统考试题〔总第47 期〕科目:轮机长业务试卷代号:811 适用对象:3000KW 及以上船舶轮机长l . 不属于轮机长职责范畴。
A .负责审核修船打算和航次修理打算B .核算燃润料消耗C .负责制订预防检修打算并指导预防检修打算的实施D .主持轮机部安全活动 2. 轮机部档案包括 。
I 、航次报告 II 、设备证书、规章制度III 、修船打算、报销单据IV 、检修及测量记录。
A. I +II +IV B .I +III +IV C .II +III D .I +II +III3. 符合安全操作规定的作业是 。
I 、在砂轮上进展作业时应带手套,并与砂轮旋转方向略偏一个角度 II 、拆装舱底泵浦时必需戴安全帽 III 、高层作业应穿软底鞋并系安全带 IV 、起吊作业时觉察吃力应马上停顿作业 V 、操作者在进展车、钻床作业时袖口应收紧并带防护眼镜A 、 I ~VB .III+IV +VC .I ~IVD .II ~V4. 接船船员进厂后的工作有 。
I 、轮机长应组织轮机人员参与分管设备的试验 II 、轮机长应组织分管轮机员了解试航工程,并做好相关记录 III 、接船船员应充分利用试航,生疏分管设备操作及维护 IV 、在生疏设备过程中对分管设备可以进展操作性能试验V 、船长应组织全部船员对应急设备进展操作试验A. I +II +III +IV B .I +II +III C .I +II +III +V D .I +II +V5. 《中华人民共和国海船船员值班规章》规定:船舶在港内停靠的时间安排应始 终遵守 。
I 、国际公约的规定 II 、船旗国的规定III 、港口国的规定A. I +II B .I +III C .II +III D .I +II+III6. 现代科学治理的方法已越来越融入轮机治理,它的主要内容是 。
I .行政治理、思想教育治理 II .法律治理、经济治理 III .决策治理、关心治理 IV .技术治理、询问治理A. I +II +III B .II +III +I C .I +II +IV D .I +III +IV7. 《中华人民共和国海船船员适任考试、评估和发证规章》规定,适任考试和评 估成绩的有效期是 ,凡通过轮机长适任考试和评估者在 内,可在职务期间完成海事治理机构核发的《船上见习记录簿》中所规定的船上见习工程和 内容。
中华人民共和国海事局2001年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第26期)科目:轮机长业务试卷代号:811适用对象:3000KW及以上船舶轮机长(本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟) 答题说明:本试卷试题均为单项选择题,请选择一个最适合的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在其相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑,每题1分,共100分。
A.5年 B.4年 C.3年 D.2年2.对于非油轮船舶,下列哪项作业不记入油类记录簿?A.油料的加装 B.废油的焚烧处理 C.船上油舱间的驳油 D.舱底污水的处理3.根据1998年1月1日起实施的<<中华人民共和国海船船员值班规则>>的规定,值班轮机员在判断机电设备发生下列哪种损坏或破坏时,应立即报告轮机长?Ⅰ.推进机械遭到破坏Ⅱ.监视系统遭到破坏Ⅲ.调节系统遭到破坏A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ4.在正常情况下,船舶提出的备件申请,最后应经______审核后向供应商进行报价。
A.由起动至全功率所需时间 B.发动机燃油的消耗量C.发动机最低稳定转速 D.主机可能连续换向的次数7.影响主机加速时间的主要因素是______。
A.70%~100% B.60%~100% C.80%~105% D.80%~110%9.在偶然故障期内,故障是否发生______。
A.可以预测 B.可以防止 C.有一定规律 D.无法预测10.船舶月度核算,首先必须填报的是______。
A.临时的组织机构/ 代表船东对船舶质量进行把关B.常设的组织机构/ 确认和审核施工图纸C.临时的组织机构/ 确认技术规格书D.常设的组织机构/ 确认和审核施工图纸并安排接船船员2.【单选题】在调动交接班中,交班轮机长应办理好:A.新上船人员的工作分配B.有关机损事故报告C.下次修船的修理报告D.下航次备件定购单的填写3.【单选题】新上船工作的船员应:Ⅰ、接受安全教育Ⅰ、熟知应变部署Ⅰ、了解船舶工作注意事项A.Ⅰ+ⅠB.Ⅰ+ⅠC.Ⅰ+ⅠD.Ⅰ+Ⅰ+Ⅰ4.【单选题】轮机部的台帐一般分为三大部分,主要是指:Ⅰ、法定记录Ⅰ、船公司根据SMS规定的各种台帐、报表Ⅰ、航次报告Ⅰ、船舶各种设备操作规程A.Ⅰ +Ⅰ+ⅠB.Ⅰ +ⅠC.Ⅰ +Ⅰ+ⅠD.Ⅰ +Ⅰ5.【单选题】轮机长的技术能力是()的决定条件。
Ⅰ、调动轮机人员积极性Ⅰ、提高轮机管理水平Ⅰ、增进船舶经济效益A.Ⅰ+ⅠB.Ⅰ+ⅠC.Ⅰ+ⅠD.Ⅰ+Ⅰ+Ⅰ6.【单选题】轮机长在实施轮机值班制度时,正确的做法是:Ⅰ、与船长协商安排的值班应确保安全值班Ⅰ、根据轮机部特殊情况可自行安排,无须得到船长的同意Ⅰ、指导并监督轮机部人员严格遵守机舱工作制度A.仅仅是ⅠB.Ⅰ +ⅠC.Ⅰ ~ⅠD.Ⅰ +Ⅰ7.【单选题】机舱应急吸入阀,应______检查开关活络情况,_______打开检查清洁保养、涂油保养、彻底检查。
A.1 个月/6 个月B.3 个月/ 一年C.3 个月/6 个月D.6 个月/ 一年8.【单选题】轮机长在填写轮机部航次报告时下列正确的是:A.主机平均转速是本航次主机“转速计”累计转速除以航行时间B.船舶燃、润料消耗应是动力装置在正午实测数据C.船舶燃、润料消耗是指主机在正午时的计算数据D.船舶平均理论航速应是主机累计转速与螺距的乘积9.【单选题】船上安全管理的要求是实现“本质化管理”,即运用安全科学,从根本上消除形成事故的_______,采取尽可能的防护措施,形成某种条件下的_______。
A.燃油性能指标报告B.冷却水化验报告C.气缸油性能指标报告D.主、辅机系统滑油化验报告3.开航前,轮机长不必向船长报告的项目是:A.机电设备情况B.燃油存量C.炉水存量D.润滑油存量4.在新造船舶交接前,轮机长应作好下列组织工作:Ⅰ、组织轮机员参与分管设备检验Ⅱ、组织轮机人员尽快熟悉设备性能特点及运行参数Ⅲ、组织编写设备特别的补充操作规程Ⅳ、作好备件、工具清点及法定备件的定位A.Ⅰ +ⅡB.Ⅰ +Ⅱ+ⅣC.Ⅰ ~Ⅳ5.新船投入营运后,轮机长应组织轮机员结合新船特点建立健全基础工作,其中有:Ⅰ、尽快掌握轮机所有设备使用、操作和管理,确保安全航行Ⅱ、确保航行设备的工况调节、参数校核操作正确Ⅲ、开航后完成对所有机电设备的测试A.仅仅是ⅠB.仅仅是ⅡC.Ⅰ +ⅡD.Ⅰ ~Ⅲ6.轮机长职责范围内的常规工作之一是A.及时汇总轮机部机械动力设备方面的物料、工具及劳保用品的申领计划B.负责轮机部安全设备处于随时可用状态C.厂修期间落实轮机部安全防护措施,组织监修和验收D.在维护保养时协调检修人员并配合调试7.下列属于轮机长职责范围的工作是Ⅰ、经常亲自检查机电设备工作情况,纠正异常工况参数Ⅱ、航行中每日正午检查轮机日志记录情况Ⅲ、航行中每天正午审签炉水处理报告表及冷却水处理记录Ⅳ、厂修期间落实各种安全防护措施A.报告船长征得其同意,并对参加吊缸工作人员进行安全教育B.亲自指挥吊缸工作C.吊缸前检查起吊及其他要用的工具D.在操纵台上挂上“正在检修、不准动车”警示牌8.接新船,在轮机设备安装调试过程中,如允许轮机人员参加检验时,其正确的做法是:Ⅰ、了解设备试验方法和要求Ⅱ、尽可能参加操作调试Ⅲ、不得擅自使用测试设备Ⅳ、验证符合规范或说明规定A.仅仅是ⅠB.Ⅲ +ⅣC.Ⅰ +Ⅲ+ⅣD.Ⅰ ~Ⅳ9.在轮机长的常规管理工作中,应注意保管好各种票据及电函文书,其主要目的是A.应对公司的检查B.应对船舶安全检查C.证实执行上级指示情况D.加强经济管理、提高经济效益、完善管理制度10.轮机长在常规管理工作中应负责_____。
Ⅰ、主机Ⅱ、副机Ⅲ、锅炉A.Ⅰ+ⅡB.Ⅰ+ⅢC.Ⅱ+ⅢD.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ9.负责值班的轮机员:Ⅰ、对驾驶台所有命令应迅速执行Ⅱ、对主推进装置的变向应做记录Ⅲ、对主推进装置的变速应做记录A.Ⅰ对B.Ⅱ对C.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+ⅢD.Ⅱ+Ⅲ10.使用蒸汽的船舶,甲板蒸汽各阀由______操作:A.甲板部人员B.大管轮C.二管轮D.值班机匠11.柴油机冷却水化验和投药处理由______负责.A.轮机长B.大管轮C.二管轮D.三管轮12.按传动功率方式的不同,可列为船舶推进装置型式的是:Ⅰ、调距桨Ⅱ、定距桨Ⅲ、电力传动A.Ⅰ+ⅡB.Ⅰ+ⅢC.Ⅱ+ⅢD.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ13.低速柴油机的最低稳定转速一般为标定转速的:A. 20%B. 1/4~1/3C. 50%D. 1/6~1/514.柴油机制造商提供的柴油机布置区内每一点都可供设计者选用,在布置区域内同一航速:A.如选用高转速、小直径螺旋桨,就必须增加功率B.如选用低转速、大直径螺旋桨,就必须增加功率C.如选用大缸径、低转速柴油机,螺旋桨直径可以小一些D.如选用小缸径、高转速柴油机,螺旋桨直径就必须大15.采用轴带发电机的推进装置主要目的是:Ⅰ、提高经济性Ⅱ、减少发电柴油机的台数Ⅲ、降低发电柴油机的磨损A.Ⅰ+ⅡB.Ⅰ+ⅢC.Ⅱ+ⅢD.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ16.当主机转速在标定转速的______范围内变化时,轴带发电机可以正常工作。
一、单项选择题1. 在轮机管理工作中,“船舶机电设备维修保养月度报告”主要记录机电设备的______,由______填写。
A. 使用维修情况,未完成的维修项目,现存问题及合理建议/轮机长B. 使用维修情况,未完成的维修项目/大管轮C. 按计划完成的修理项目,突发事件及处理过程/轮机长及各主管轮机员D. 使用维修情况,未完成的维修项目,现存在的问题及合理建议/大管轮2. 验船师的验船报告是船舶的_______,轮机部的验船报告应由_______负责保管。
A. 技术资料 /轮机长B. 档案 /大管轮C. 设备证书 /轮机长D. 技术资料 /大管轮3. 轮机长调动交接制度中规定,有关海损索赔报告:A. 不得移交给接班轮机长代行,应由移交轮机长自行办理B. 由船长接受办理C. 移交给大管轮办理D. 向接任轮机长交代清楚4. 新造船舶在试航结束后,轮机长首先要做的工作是:A. 法定备件的验收及定位工作B. 尽快汇集整理存在的问题,以书面形式提交监造组C. 检查存油种类、数量,及时申报油料D. 了解轮机部船员对设备熟悉程度5. STCW78/95公约的附则和STCW规则的主要精神及法律地位:Ⅰ、附则是对海员适任的非强制性最低标准Ⅱ、STCW规则A部分是对海员适任的强制性最低标准Ⅲ、STCW规则B部分是对海员达到适任标准的建议或指导Ⅳ、附则是对海员适任的强制性的最低要求Ⅴ、STCW规则B部分是对海员达到适任标准的强制性指导A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+ⅢB. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+ⅤC. Ⅱ+Ⅲ+ⅣD. Ⅱ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ6. 轮机长在技术上负有领导责任,为了使船舶处于良好运行状态,轮机长必须组织轮机员制定切实有效的:A. 技术措施、修理计划及操作规程B. 培训计划C. 应变部署训练计划D. ISM实施计划7. 中华人民共和国海事机构对以下______行为,实施违法记分管理。
海事局2001年第2期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第27期)科目:轮机长业务 试卷代号:812
![海事局2001年第2期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第27期)科目:轮机长业务 试卷代号:812](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9a43922a7375a417866f8f79.png)
中华人民共和国海事局2001年第2期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第27期)科目:轮机长业务试卷代号:812适用对象:750-3000KW船舶轮机长(本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟) 答题说明:本试卷试题均为单项选择题,请选择一个最适合的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在其相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑,每题1分,共100分。
A.船长 B.驾驶员 C.部门长D.轮机员2.电气设备的绝缘测量记录,至少多长时间应测量登记一次?A.每个航次 B.一年 C.半年 D.一个季度3.轮机长应保管的票据有。
I.燃、润油加油收据 II.备件、物料收据 III.污油水排岸收据A. I+II B. I+III C. II+III D. I+II+III4.未经许可,任何人不得随意将警报点切除。
A.公司技术主管 B.船长 C.轮机长 D.大管轮5.轮机长可决定存留或分发有关人员保管的技术资料是。
A.各种技术图书 B.各设备说明书 C.检验报告 D.检修测量记录6. 1998年1月1日起实施的<<中华人民共和国海船船员值班规则>>规定,严禁船员酗酒,值班人员在值班前小时内禁止喝酒,且血液中的酒精含量不得超过。
A.2 / 0.08% B.2 / 0.008% C.4/ 0.008% D.4/0.08%7. STCW78/95公约规定,轮机长应保证做到将通知负责值班的轮机员。
A.值班时的修理工作 B.主、副机技术状态 C.设备的维修工作 D.船舶动态8. 1998年1月1日起实施的<<中华人民共和国海船船员值班规则>>规定:负责值班的轮机员:Ⅰ.对驾驶台所有命令应迅速执行Ⅱ.对主推进装置的变向和变速应作记录A.Ⅰ正确 B.Ⅱ正确 C.Ⅰ.Ⅱ都正确 D.视具体情况而定9.当船长做出撤离机仓决定时,轮机长待机舱工作完善后,最后撤离机舱,并携带。
1. 通常船用柴油机的排气温度的最高值应控制在______。
A.<550℃B. 600~700℃C. 800~900℃D.>1000℃2. 提高柴油机功率的途径之一是______。
A. 提高压缩比B. 采用增压技术C. 提高进气温度D. 提高燃油质量3. 在缸套表面承受的机械应力分析中,正确的是______。
A. 内表面承受的切向应力最大,径向应力最小B. 内表面承受的切向应力最小,径向应力最大C. 内表面承受的切向应力最大,径向应力最大D. 内表面承受的切向应力最小,径向应力最小4. 缸套外侧冷却水腔中的死水区周围产生的腐蚀损坏是______。
A. 电化学腐蚀B. 化学腐蚀C. 空泡腐蚀D. 氧浓差腐蚀5. 活塞顶烧蚀的主要原因是______。
A. 雾化不良B. 喷油正时不当C. 油束射程过大D. 频繁变负荷6. 中、高速强载筒形活塞式柴油机连杆的材料与杆身横断面通常是______。
A. 合金钢、工字形断面B. 优质碳钢、工字形断面C. 优质碳钢、圆形断面D. 合金钢、圆形断面7. 为改善四冲程柴油机连杆大端螺栓工作的可靠性,常采用______。
A. 加粗螺栓杆身直径以提高抗疲劳强度B. 采用柔性结构以提高抗疲劳强度C. 粗牙螺纹连接以提高螺纹承受应力的能力D. 多加装防松垫圈8. 柴油机曲柄臂与曲柄销的抗弯强度比较是______。
A. 曲柄臂比曲柄销弱B. 曲柄臂比曲柄销强C. 两者相同D. 随曲轴结构而定9. 正置式主轴承与倒挂式主轴承比较,其特点错误的是______。
2002 年第 2 期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第 29 期)
试卷代号: 811
适用对象: 3000KW及以上船舶轮机长
( 本试卷卷面总分 100 分,及格分为 70 分,考试时间 100 分钟 )
答题说明 : 本试卷试题均为单项选择题,请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡
A. Ⅰ对
B . Ⅱ对
C.Ⅰ、Ⅱ都对 D . Ⅲ对
30. 柴油机在较高负荷时经济性最高,其负荷范围约:
A. 75%左右
B.85附%近 C . 90%左右 D
. 95%附近
44. 柴油机运行中,喷射设备工况的好坏,通常可通过
A. 听、摸喷油器的声响和温度
. 测量压缩压力和爆炸压力
C. 检查排气温度或开示功阀看D火.焰冷却水、活塞冷却液出口温度
D.船员的责任事故,应由轮机长填写“报告” ,非船员的责任事故由船长填写
38. 轮机管理是针对 ______ 的管理. A. 主推进装置 B . 电力装置
C.船舶动力装D置. 辅助装置
52. 大型低速柴油机扫气箱着火,又不允许停车,只能维持暂时慢车航行时首先应减速,然后:
A. 向扫气箱喷射 CO2 灭火
C . 无法知晓
D . 无法预测
21. 船舶较长时间的安全航行记录可以:
A. 载入船名录
B. 减少保险费
C . 树立典型
D . 减少海损事故
22. 假定燃油储备量 Σ m为常数,动力装置燃油消耗率不变,则续航力与航速:
A. 成正比
B . 成反比
C . 平方成正比
海事局2003年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第30期)科目:轮机英语 试卷代号:802
![海事局2003年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第30期)科目:轮机英语 试卷代号:802](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b96ea74ccf84b9d528ea7a78.png)
一、单项选择题:1. ______ power is the power developed within the cylinder and can be measured by an engineindicator.A. The shaftB. The mechanicalC. The electricD. The indicated2. If your vessel burns 8 tons of fuel per hour at 15 knots, how many tons per hour will it burn at 18knots?A. 13.82 tonsB. 15.61 tonsC. 16.00 tonsD. 16.37 tons3. Care and cleanliness are required when installing diesel fuel filters ______.A. to prevent the fuel system from becoming air-boundB. to prevent the fuel system becoming clogged with dirty particlesC. Both of the above .D. to prevent the lubricating oil from leaking out of the filter element4. About half an hour before the engine is required, cooling water at _____ must be circulated inprinciple.A. more than the working temperatureB. less than the working temperatureC. the working temperatureD. the same as the surrounding temperature5. The function of a lubricating oil is ______ to lubricate the running surface ______to carry away agreat deal of heat.A. not/butB. neither/norC. either/orD. not only/but also6. Which of the following statements describes the relationship between viscosity and specificgravity?A. Liquids with different viscosities will always have the same specific gravity.B. Liquids with different viscosities will never have the same specific gravity.C. Viscosity and specific gravity are directly proportional.D. Viscosity and specific gravity are not related in that one does not define or limit the other.7. Cooling makes the engine metals _____their mechanical properties.A. remainB. to remainC. retainD. to retain8. On opposite ends of a single shaft of a turboblower are a gas driven ______ and a air compressor,which are sealed each other.A. charge air receiverB. scavenging air beltC. turbineD. air cooler9. Uniflow is the most efficient scavenging system but requires ______ an opposed pistonarrangement _____ an exhaust valve in the cylinder head.A. neither, norB. both, andC. either, orD. not only ,but also 10. A sealing arrangement is provided at ______ of the tail-shaft with the propeller and conecompleting the arrangement.A. both endsB. neither endC. the outboard endD. either end11. Wake varies considerably with the form of the vessel, but , generally speaking, the bluffer theship_____ the wake value.A. the higherB. the lowerC. the fasterD. the slower12. In a diesel engine, the main bearings are used between the ______.A. connecting rod and the crankshaftB. wrist pin and the connecting rodC. camshaft and the engine blockD. crankshaft and the engine block13. ______ are commonly used in mechanical-hydraulic governor to sense engine speeds.A. BulbsB. BulksC. FlyweightsD. Flywheels14. When ______is compressed, its temperature rises so that it ignites the fine spray of fuel injectedinto the cylinder.A. the oilB. the airC. the fresh waterD. the steam15. A reduction in load on a diesel engine results in ___ of speed of the crankshaft.A. a reductionB. an increaseC. an outingD. a downwards16. The indicated power of an engine can be obtained by taking the ___.A. precautionsB. rpmC. indicator cardsD. B and C17. _____, the following possible causes should be investigated.A. Should the engine stop without apparent reasonB. The engine should stop without apparent reasonC. The engine stops without apparent reasonD. The engine is stopped without apparent reason18. A large low speed main propulsion diesel engine may become overloaded by ______. I. a heavilyfouled hull II. strong head winds and heavy seasA. I onlyB. II onlyC. both I and IID. neither I nor II19. A gear pump belongs to ___ according to its working principle.A. reciprocating pumpsB. positive displacement pumpsC. centrifugal pumpsD. centripetal pumps20. A feed pump for an auxiliary boiler might lose suction if the ______.A. boiler water level is lowB. feedwater is too hotC. boiler steam demand is lowD. feedwater is too cold21. A check valve is another name for ______.A. a test valveB. an inspection valveC. a stop valveD. a non-return valve22. ______ provides the head of pressure to supply the domestic water where required.A. The compressed airB. The compressing airC. The transfer pumpD. The head tank23. If the fire goes out in an automatically fired auxiliary boiler and the burner continues to supplyfuel, there is a potential danger of ______.A. overpressure and dry firingB. a severe furnace explosionC. spalling damage to the brickworkD. heat damage to the atomizer24. When an auxiliary boiler is panting and emitting black smoke, you should ______.A. increase the fuel oil temperatureB. decrease the fuel oil temperatureC. decrease the fuel oil supply pressureD. increase the air supply25. For a purifier, changing to a gravity disc with larger hole diameter will move the interface towardsthe ______.A. bowl peripheryB. bowl centerC. upper surfaceD. lower surface26.A class … C' fire is burning ______.A. diesel oilB. magnesiumC. dunnageD. electrical insulation27. For many years marine centrifuges were designed for ___ operation, that is the machines wererun for a period during which solids accumulated in the bowl.The machine was stopped when the accumulated solids began to impair its performance.A. purifyingB. batchC. long periodD. temporary28. In a complete oil/water separator, more oil will separate out onto the underside of these plates andtravel outwards until it is free to rise into the oil c ollecting space. What‟s the meaning of “it” in the sentence above?A. a separatorB. oilC. waterD. an oil collecting space29. The device used for low-pressure control and high-pressure cutout on a compressor is called a______.A. cutoutB. controller switchC. pressure controllerD. cutout switch30. ______ are used to handle anchors and chains.A. Cargo winchesB. Mooring winchesC. WindlassesD. Cargo hatches31. Topping wires fix the height of the derricks and _____ to the deck may be used to prevent foreand aft movement.A. staysB. winchesC. barrelsD. brakes32. The hand steering is a method by which the motion of the rudder is controlled with ______.A. a motor-driven steering wheelB. a pneumatic steering wheelC. a hand-driven steering wheelD. an electric steering wheel33. If a heavy sea strikes the rudder, the shock is transmitted through the tiller to ___.A. the tiller armsB. the swivel blocksC. hunting gearsD. the rams34. With reference to rules governing steering gear, which one of the following rules is incorrect ?A. It is required that all ships are provided with two independent steering gear systems that is onemain and one auxiliary.B. The auxiliary gear could be power operated in passenger ships.C. The auxiliary gear must be of adequate strength and sufficient to steer a ship at navigablespeed.D. All moving parts of the steering gear must be guarded against any possible damage.35. Compressed air is supplied by air compressors to ______.A. the air receiversB. the starting valvesC. the cylinder coversD. the distributors36. Which of the following statements is true concerning any evaporator?A. High conductivity of the distillate indicates distillate salinity is excessive.B. Increasing the absolute pressure of the shell will increase the distiller's capacity.C. Mesh separators are used in evaporators to filter the distillate.D. Reducing the brine density will reduce the heat lost overboard.37. It is important that the two condensate drain cocks, fitted to the underside of the scavenging box,______ until the engine is placed on full load.A. remain openB. remain closeC. retain openD. retain close38. The effect of high vapor superheat in a refrigeration system, is a/an ______.A. increased capacity of the compressorB. more efficient operation of the thermal expansion valveC. decreased capacity of the compressorD. loss of receiver capacity39. The cooler as the liquid becomes, _____.A. the faster it will evaporateB. the slower it will condenseC. the slower it will evaporateD. the faster it will flow40. Most air conditioning units have ______ for adjusting the ratio of recirculated fresh air. Care mustbe taken not to reduce the fresh air so that stuffiness or smells arise.A. catch platesB. dampersC. regulating valvesD. fans41. The main causes of fire on board ships are ______.A. oil leakage in engine-roomB. hot work (welding, cutting, etc. )C. static electricityD. All of the above.42. An increasing head pressure in a refrigeration system, without any corresponding change in thecooling water inlet temperature, would probably be caused by ______.A. restriction in refrigerant pipingB. air and non-condensable gases in the condenserC. water in the refrigerantD. flooding back of liquid refrigerant from the evaporator43. Current changing in direction and rising and falling in value is ______.A. A.CB. D.C. C. generatorD. fresh water generator44. The staring current of an a.c. motor is ______ the rated current.A. the same asB. much larger thanC. less thanD. equals45. Any electric motor can be constructed to be ______.A. short proofB. ground proofC. explosion proofD. overload proof46. Moisture in a D.C. motor would cause ______.A. short circuitB. speed upC. slow downD. hunting47. Loss of lubricating oil pressure to the main propulsion diesel engine will actuate a/an ______.A. overspeed tripB. audible/visual alarmC. the ships/boats general alarmD. reserve oil storage tank48. The ______ is a crystal which, under pressure, produces an electric current which varies with thepressure.A. alternatorB. glass thermometerC. burdon tubeD. piezoelectric pressure transducer49. A main propulsion diesel engine is normally shut down by ______.A. shutting off the air supplyB. over-speeding the engineC. securing the fuel supplyD. securing the ignition system50. Engine protection by means of an alarm or shutdown control can be obtained with devices that aresensitive to ______.A. temperatureB. pressureC. engine speedD. All of the above.51. Which of the following statements represents the main difference between a relay and a contactor?A. Contactors control current and relays control voltage.B. A relay is series connected and a contactor is parallel connected.C. Contactors can handle heavier loads than relays.D. Contactors are made from silver and relays are made from copper.52. The greatest detrimental effect on idle electrical equipment, such as cargo pump motors, is the______.A. loss of residual magnetismB. absorption of moisture in the insulationC. insulation varnish flakingD. dirt collecting on the windings53. The crank-room cover should not be opened until at least ______ minutes after the engine stops.A. 10B. 15C. 20D. 3054. When deciding the composition of the engineering watch, which may include _____appropriately,many factors shall be taken into account.A. satisfied engineersB. qualified ratingsC. satisfied chief engineerD. qualified chief engineer55. Administrations should bear in mind the significance of ______ in maintaining safety of life andproperty at sea and in preventing marine pollution.A. advanced nautical equipmentB. advanced performance main enginesC. emergency equipmentD. communication and language skills56.The order“Bow thrust stop.”means“_____”.A. Bow thrust full to portB. Bow thrust full to starboardC. No bow thrust revolutionsD. No stern thrust revolutions57. The Port State Control officer may witness a fire drill carried out by the crew assigned to theseduties on the _____.A. Navigation Log BookB. Engine Room Log BookC. Oil Record BookD. Muster List58. In order to ensure the safety of the ship and its equipment during UMS operation, certain essentialfunctions _____.A. must be providedB. may be providedC. have providedD. can be provided59. A fire in a pile of dunnage would be classified as a ______.A. class AB. class BC. class CD. class D60. The fire drill must, as far as practicable, be conducted as if _____.A. there is a minor emergencyB. there is an actual emergencyC. there were a minor emergencyD. there were an actual emergency61. Duty officer informs us that the vessel is out of harbor and in “Full Ahead”. We are going to run_____.A. diesel oil instead of fuel oilB. fuel oil instead of diesel oilC. diesel oil instead fuel oilD. fuel oil instead diesel oil62. Auxiliary machinery covers everything onboard except______.A. main enginesB. main boilersC. pipes and fittingsD. A and B63. In cleaning up an oil spill, the use of chemical agents would ______.A. absorb the oil for easy removalB. remove the oil from the waterC. disperse or dissolve the oil in the waterD. not affect the oil64. The three basic elements necessary for any fire are ______.A. heat, gas, and flamesB. fuel, heat, and oxygenC. heat, nitrogen, and fuelD. fuel oil, nitrogen, and oxygen 65. Which of the following gases represents the greatest threat to personnel safety in an engine roomwhere the exhaust is leaking from a diesel engine?A. Carbon dioxideB. Carbon monoxideC. Carbon trioxideD. Hydrogen sulfide66. The direct cause of a crankcase explosion can be attributed to______.A. extremely hot scavenge airB. excessive cooling water temperatureC. an overheated bearingD. excessive lube oil in the crankcase67. ______ may have two emergency source of power, thus requiring two emergency switchboards.A. Large passenger vesselsB. General cargo shipsC. Container shipsD. Oil tankers68. The minimum number and capacity of bilge pumps and fire pumps and their dispersement withinthe ship is governed by______.A. Classification Society RulesB. National requirementsC. The IMO International Convention for the Safety of Life at SeaD. All of the above.二、关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项)第一组:The CO 2 fire extinguishing installation may incorporate a smoke sampling system so that fire can be detected in the early stage at the smoke detecting cabinet, which is situated in the wheelhouse. Each cargo compartment is individually connected to the smoke detecting cabinet with small bore piping and, by a suction fan mounted on the wheelhouse roof, samples of the air in each cargo space are continually drawn up to the smoke detecting cabinet and discharged into the wheelhouse or the atmosphere through a diverting valve. Thus smoke from a fire in any cargo space can be immediately detected.69. The CO 2 fire extinguishing system may combine with to detect fire in the early stage of firedevelopment.A. a smoke detecting systemB. a wheelhouseC. a cargo compartmentD.a crew‟s cabin70. The function of the smoke sampling system is ______.A. to analyze smoke componentsB. to detect fire in the early stageC. to prevent the wheelhouse from catching a fireD. to ventilate each cargo compartment71. According to this paragraph, which of the following statements is true?A. The smoke sampling system consists of the CO 2 fire extinguishing installation and smokedetecting cabinet.B. The smoke detecting cabinet is located on the wheelhouse roof.C. The suction fan draws samples of the air from cargo spaces.D. Samples of the air flow into the detecting cabinet at regular intervals.72. Which of the following devices does the smoke sampling system consist of?(1)fire extinguishing installation (2) smoke detecting chamber (3) wheelhouse(4) cargo compartment (5) suction fan (6) diverting valveA.(1)、(2)、(5)B. (2)、(4)、(5)C. (3)、(4)、(6)D. (2)、(5)、(6)第二组:Governing prime movers, particularly diesel engines, require careful consideration. The cyclic variations of a diesel cycle can be passed i nto the governor drive if it is too …stiff‟. That is, the cyclicvibrations will be imposed on the internal gearing etc. inside the governor housing. To prevent this, some form of damper should be used on the drive into the governor. The mounting point for the governor should be rigid; a vibration mounting would soon downgrade even the best of governors. Chain or belt drives should be avoided as far as possible, as slapping of the belt or chain produces speed variations causing malfunction of the governor. Similarly the drive from the end of the camshaft is subject to torsional vibrations, and governors should not be located at that point. They should be located as close as practicable to the fuel pumps, thereby limiting the mass/inertia of operating linkage. In all cases, the governor should be matched to the engine requirements in terms of droop, load limiting, response time etc. On large engines there is an inertial resistance to acceleration within the masses of reciprocating and rotating elements of the engine, so that during acceleration fuel could be released to the cylinders at a faster rate than efficient combustion can burn it. In an attempt to compensate for this, and to maintain acceptable combustion during acceleration, a tapping from the scavenge space may be taken and the pressure used to regulate the rate of fuel released to the engine. This process is incorporated into the governor operating system so that the governor releases a quantity of fuel commensurate with the increase in air pressure in the scavenge space.(during deceleration the problem is not so great, as excess air can be tolerated far more easily than can the incomplete combustion associated with insufficient air.)73. This passage is mainly about __.A. mounting the governorsB. the scavenge pressure limit to the governorC. A and BD. how the governor regulates the fuel index74. The drive to the governor ___.A. should be rigidB. should use damperC. should use chains or beltsD. should be from the end of the cam shaft75. The governor should be mounted close to the fuel pumps ___.A. for limiting the inertia effectB. for limiting the loadC. to ensure speed droopD. to cut down the cost76. It can be inferred that with scavenge pressure limit ___.A. the engine can be accelerated rapidlyB. the engine can be decelerated rapidlyC. the governor will supply fuel oil efficientlyD. the combustion will be more complete三、中译英(共2题,请将答案写在答题纸上)77.PSC官员如果发现大量的临时修理,例如管路卡箍和水泥堵漏箱,则表明船舶不愿意进行永久性修理。
海事局海船船员适任证书全国统考试卷:35812 轮机长业务
![海事局海船船员适任证书全国统考试卷:35812 轮机长业务](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/409ca802ad51f01dc381f1d3.png)
中华人民共和国海事局2004年第3期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第35期)科目:轮机长业务试卷代号:812适用对象:750~3000KW船舶轮机长(本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟)答题说明: 本试卷试题均为单项选择题,请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在其相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑。
2023年海船船员考试《轮机长》考试历年真题摘选附带答案第1卷一.全考点综合测验(共20题)1.【单选题】根据轮机长职责规定,在加装燃油时轮机长应负责:Ⅰ、确保加油全过程提取油样,必要时索取油品特性样本Ⅰ、在即将满舱时注意空挡变化,必须亲自调整油舱转换工作Ⅰ、亲自通知木匠作好落水孔堵塞等防污染工作Ⅰ、通知大副加油舱位及加油数量A.仅仅是ⅠB.Ⅰ +Ⅰ+ⅠC.Ⅰ +ⅠD.Ⅰ ~Ⅰ2.【单选题】在下列作业中符合安全操作规定的是:Ⅰ、在砂轮上进行磨制作业时应带手套,并与砂轮旋转方向略偏一个角度Ⅰ、拆装舱底泵浦必须戴安全帽Ⅰ、高层作业应穿软底鞋并系安全带Ⅰ、起吊作业时发现吃力应立即停止作业Ⅰ、操作者在进行车、钻床作业时袖口应收紧并带防护眼镜A.Ⅰ ~ⅠB.Ⅰ +Ⅰ+ⅠC.Ⅰ~ⅠD.Ⅰ ~Ⅰ3.【单选题】在开航前的备车工作中轮机长必须了解主机的下列机构和测试完好。
Ⅰ、操纵台的传动机构和操纵手柄灵活Ⅰ、机旁操作试车良好,控制部位的转换可靠Ⅰ、连锁安全装置正常可靠,安保系统动作准确Ⅰ、试车无异常现象Ⅰ、必须亲自测量主机滑油循环柜油位A.Ⅰ ~ⅠB.Ⅰ ~ⅠC.Ⅰ +ⅠD.Ⅰ +Ⅰ+Ⅰ4.【单选题】下列不属于轮机长常规管理工作的是:A.帮助新上任轮机员尽快熟悉和掌握设备性能和操作B.了解新任轮机员技术业务水平和实际工作能力C.指导其他部门正确使用相关机电设备D.配合大副调整船舶压载5.【单选题】人员的安全素质应包括:Ⅰ、职业道德素质Ⅰ、身心素质Ⅰ、技术素质及能力素质Ⅰ、语言素质Ⅰ、响应素质A.Ⅰ +Ⅰ+ⅠB.Ⅰ ~ⅠC.Ⅰ ~ⅠD.Ⅰ +Ⅰ6.【单选题】轮机长在实施“CWBT”时其职责是:Ⅰ、根据CWBT滚动操作程序定时将维护项目工作卡布置给主管人Ⅰ、每月将反馈工作卡内容及完成情况记入维修执行记录中Ⅰ、应根据工程内容排出月度维修保养计划A.仅仅是ⅠB.Ⅰ +ⅠC.Ⅰ +ⅠD.Ⅰ +Ⅰ7.【单选题】执行“CWBT”的船舶,柴油机臂距差测量应遵循:Ⅰ、远洋船每次开航前做一次测量Ⅰ、近海船每3个月测量一次Ⅰ、进厂修船前、后各测量一次A.Ⅰ+ⅠB.Ⅰ+ⅠC.Ⅰ+ⅠD.Ⅰ+Ⅰ+Ⅰ8.【单选题】实施CWTB的船舶,冷却水处理月度报表应由大管轮_____化验和投药处理,如使用乳化防锈油每月还要化验_______。
海事局2002年第2期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第29期)科目:轮机长业务 试卷代号:812
![海事局2002年第2期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第29期)科目:轮机长业务 试卷代号:812](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/40ff4f5c7c1cfad6195fa7c7.png)
海事局2002年第2期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第29期)科目:轮机长业务试卷代号:812中华人民共和国海事局2002年第2期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第29期)科目:轮机长业务试卷代号:812 适用对象:750-3000KW船舶轮机长(本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟)答题说明: 本试卷试题均为单项选择题,请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在其相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑。
1.不能列为轮机部档案的文件资料是:A. 设备证书B. 规章制度C. 函件D.船舶资料薄2.轮机人员的技术水平是______的重要条件。
Ⅰ、搞好轮机管理Ⅱ、降低运输成本Ⅲ、确保安全生产A. Ⅰ+ⅡB. Ⅰ+ⅢC. Ⅱ+ⅢD.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ3.监督轮机部门一般船员交接工作的是:A. 轮机长B. 大管轮C. 船长D. 政委4.轮机长在管理中应知道安全行为的的激励机制,从而引发人们采取安全的行为,那么激励的方法包括领导者:Ⅰ、因势利导,设法满足其不同层次的需要Ⅱ、避免使人产生不公平感Ⅲ、采取强硬与温和相结合的管理方法A.Ⅰ对 B.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ C.Ⅰ+Ⅱ D.Ⅰ+Ⅲ5.当机舱处于备车状态时,负责值班的轮机员应保证一切在操纵时可能用到的______处于随时可用的状态。
A. 机械设备B. 机器和设备C. 遥控设备 D. 手动设备6.机舱天窗、烟囱百叶窗速闭装置,每______个月进行开关试验并记录。
A. 1B. 3C. 6D. 127.船舶应急发电机按规定应做到:中国海事服务中心试卷29812 第2页共14页Ⅰ、每月起动试验1次并记录Ⅱ、每月效用试验1次并记录Ⅲ、每月起动试验、效用试验各两次A. Ⅰ+ⅡB. Ⅰ+ⅢC. Ⅱ+ⅢD.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ8.不属于机舱行政管理手段的是:A. 营运效益B. 命令C. 指令性计划D. 规章制度9.未配备冷藏员的船上,______应兼职作冷藏员。
海船船员适任证书全国统考试题-轮机英语 适用对象:沿海航区3000KW及以上船舶轮机长
![海船船员适任证书全国统考试题-轮机英语 适用对象:沿海航区3000KW及以上船舶轮机长](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f7ebc1aef524ccbff12184f9.png)
一、单项选择题:1.The position of______ on the crosshead on a large diesel engine is determined by dowel pins.A. the guidewayB. the piston rodC. the crosshead shoesD. the interlocked circlip2.The main function of tie rods in the construction of large, low speed diesel engines is to____.A. stiffen the bedplate in way of the main bearings to increase the engine's longitudinalstrengthB. accept most of the tensile loading that results from the firing forces developed duringoperationC. mount the engine frame securely to the hull to prevent shaft coupling misalignmentD. connect the crosshead solidly to the piston rod3." Before disconnecting the oil pipe , would you flush the oil retained in the pipe ______? "asked the oil barge owner.A. by using of fresh waterB. with compressed airC. by using of sea waterD. with chemical compound4. A slow-speed two-stroke diesel is usually arranged to operate continuously on heavy fuel oiland has available a ______supply for manoeuvring conditions.A. lubricating oilB. diesel oilC. residual oilD. hydraulic oil5.The oil lubricating diesel engine cylinders usually contain additives formulated to impart ahigh degree of alkalinity to______ the acid conditions.A. invadeB. provideC. detergentD. neutralize6.The function of a lubricating oil is ______to lubricate the running surface ______to carryaway a great deal of heat.A. not/butB. neither/norC. either/orD. not only/but also7.______ allows for expansion and water make up in the water cooling system.A. A top tankB. A head tankC. A head valveD. A drain tank 8."Stand by an engine" means ______.A. "prepare to stop the engine"B. "assemble an engine on its bedplate"C. "make an engine ready for starting"D. "dismantle an engine"9.Charging is the filling of the engine cylinder with a supply or charge of fresh air ______compression.A. to needB. ready forC. want toD. going to be10.What is the function of the thrust bearing?A. Prevents lateral movement of the slow speed gear.B. Transmits propeller thrust to the hull.C. Keeps spring bearings in line.D. Prevents main reduction gear axial movement.11.The linear motion of a diesel engine piston is converted to the rotary motion required to drivegears, propeller shafts, and generators by the ______.A. flywheelB. crankshaftC. journal bearingsD. camshaft12. A crankshaft whose center of gravity coincides with its center line is said to be______.A. dynamically balancedB. statically balancedC. counter balancedD. resonantly balanced13.The rotating range of the low speed diesel engine is usually lower than ______.A. 100 rpmB. 200 rpmC. 300 rpmD. 500 rpm14.The overspeeding of the diesel engine driving an electric generator could cause______.A. low voltage trip to tripB. reverse power trip to tripC. damage to windingsD. excessive exhaust temperatures15.On most diesel engines, the governor controls the output speed by______.A. controlling the amount of fuel injected into the cylindersB. varying the speed of the turbochargerC. adjusting the compression ratioD. changing the timing of the fuel injection camshaft16.Bearing knocks are likely to occur from______.A. less clearanceB. dirty lube oilC. overloadD. bearing wear17.If ____ are taken at regular intervals, any unequal distribution of load will be easily found out.A. differential of crank-websB. indicator diagramsC. lube oil reading outD. misalignment of crank-throws18.If an auxiliary diesel engine does not shut off, the trouble may be______.A. leaky fuel injectorsB. low firing pressureC. high firing pressureD. seizure of pistons19. A vane pump belongs to ______according to its working principle.A. reciprocating pumpB. positive displacement pumpC. centrifugal pumpD. centripetal pump20.Throttling in the ______line of a centrifugal pump involves the risk of the pump cavitation.A. suctionB. exhaustC. pressureD. discharge21. A check valve is another name for ______.A. a test valveB. an inspection valveC. a stop valveD. a non-return valve22.The water level in the gauge glass when a boiler is operating is ______when the boiler is shutdown.A. lower thanB. higher thanC. belowD. equal to23.The boiler feed water check valves are located on the______.A. feed pump suction lineB. hot wellC. shell of the feed heaterD. feed lines to the boiler24.If in doubt as to the true water level of the lowest when a boiler is being oil-fired, youshould______.A. take no measuresB. extinguish the fire as soon as possibleC. feed water to the boilerD. open the blow down valve25.The ______is used to treat bilge water.A. oil centrifugeB. oily water separatorC. incineratorD. distiller26.When a clarifier is running the impurities and water collect at the bowl ______.A. centerB. peripheryC. inletD. upper parts27.When a centrifuge is arranged to separate impurities, it is known as a ______.A. clarifierB. separatorC. filterD. purifier28.The Oil Record Book must be maintained onboard the vessel for ______.A. not less than 3 years and be readily available for inspectionB. 6 months and then submitted to the nearest Marine Safety Office for reviewC. an annual inspectionD. the duration of the ship's active employment29.An International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (IOPP) for a ‘ new ’ vessel ceases to bevalid if ______.A. it exceeds 3 years from date of issueB. an alteration approved by the Captain of the Port is madeC. an intermediate survey has not be conducted within 12 months from the date that the IOPPwas issuedD. the vessel is transferred to the flag of another country 30.______ are used for cargo handling.A. CranesB. Mooring winchesC. WindlassesD. Foreman31.External and internal leakage in hydraulic systems may be caused by ______.A. unusual vibrationB. excessive worn partsC. abnormal pressureD. any of the above32.Hydraulic pumps most commonly used in steering systems are of the ______.A. lobe typeB. screw typeC. axial piston typeD. volute type33.The hand steering is a method by which the motion of the rudder is controlled with ______.A. a motor-driven steering wheelB. a pneumatic steering wheelC. a hand-driven steering wheelD. an electric steering wheel34.If a heavy sea strikes the rudder, the shock is transmitted through the tiller to______.A. the tiller armsB. the swivel blocksC. hunting gearsD. the rams35.The purpose of the evaporation is to ______.A. absorb latent heat of vaporizationB. absorb latent heat of fusionC. transfer latent heat of vaporizationD. transfer latent heat of fusion36.______ is the production of pure water from sea water by evaporation and re-condensing.A. EvaporationB. CirculationC. CondensationD. Distillationpressed air is used on board ship______.A. for starting diesel enginesB. in pneumatic control systemC. in pneumatic toolsD. All the above are true.38.The starting air bottle should be pumped up to maximum pressure by the ______before startof the engine.A. air compressorB. refrigeration compressorC. vacuum pumpD. purifier39.The principle of mechanical refrigeration is ______.A. the conversion of a liquid to a gasB. the absorption of temperature under heat, pressure, compression and expansionC. the compression of a liquid under temperature and expansionD. the absorption of heat under temperature, pressure, compression and expansion40.The heat used to change a liquid to a vapor is called______.A. latent heat of fusionB. latent heat of vaporizationC. specific heat of vaporizationD. latent heat of the gas41.Increasing the moisture content of conditioned air is known as ______.A. moisturizingB. dehumidificationC. dampeningD. humidification42. A ruptured diaphragm in a thermostatic expansion valve will cause the valve to______.A. openB. closeC. remain in its positionD. flood the evaporator with refrigerant43.The flash point of a petroleum product is an indication of its ______.A. viscosityB. pour pointC. volatilityD. lower explosive limit44. A combination combustible gas and oxygen indicator is an instrument that measures the______ of both combustible gas and oxygen ; each is indicated on a separate meter.A. puritiesB. combinationsC. concentrationsD. filters45.Ammeter is to measure the ______.A. currentB. voltageC. powerD. frequency46.One factor that determines the frequency of an alternator is the ______.A. number of turns of wire in the armature coilB. number of magnetic polesC. strength of the magnets usedD. output voltage47.Any electric motor on deck can be constructed to be ______.A. short proofB. ground proofC. water proofD. overload proof48.Current measuring instruments must always be connected in ______.A. series with a circuitB. parallel with a circuitC. series-parallel with a circuitD. delta with the shunt49.In ______the control action is independent on the output.A. a closed loop control systemB. an open loop control systemC. a boiler control systemD. a steering gear control system50.In order to accurately measure very low pressures, which of the instruments listed should beused?A. Compound gageB. Bourdon tubeC. ManometerD. Deadweight gage51. A manometer is used to measure______.A. pressureB. temperatureC. volumeD. specific gravity52.Domestic water pump is started automatically by ______which operates as the water levelfalls to a predetermined level.A. a level controllerB. a temperature switchC. a floating ballD. a pressure switch53.The greatest detrimental effect on idle electrical equipment, such as cargo pump motors, is the______.A. loss of residual magnetismB. absorption of moisture in the insulationC. insulation varnish flakingD. dirt collecting on the windings54.After the trouble of the automatic control system has been completely eliminated, assistanceis ______required.A. remainedB. stillC. no longerD. much more55.UMS stands for ______.A. ultra muchB. universal medium systemC. unit machined spaceD. unattended machinery space 56.Oil mist detectors are usually used on board to detect oil mist density within ______.A. the engine crankcaseB. the engine scavenge boxesC. drain tanksD. fuel tanks57.Main diesel engine control can be obtained by the bridge ______.A. at any timeB.only after the engine room control station is switched to ‘ bridge control ’C.whenever the secondary station is switched to ‘ bridge control ’D.whenever the engine side control station is switched to ‘ bridge control ’58.On the other hand it is a ______for an engineer to be out of sight, sound and smell of theengine room all good sense with which to detect trouble.A. disadvantageB. advantageC. methodD. means59.Bridge orders must be ______and a record of any required changes in speed and directionshould be kept.A. slowly carried awayB. carried out with a period of delayC. promptly carried outD. paid by the captain60.In the engine department, the ______is looked upon to provide the leadership that is needed.A. captainB. chief engineerC. chief officerD. chief motorman61.Duty officer informs us that the vessel is out of harbor and in “Full Ahead”.We are going torun______.A. diesel oil instead of fuel oilB. fuel oil instead of diesel oilC. diesel oil instead fuel oilD. fuel oil instead diesel oil62.The order“______” means “Maximum maneuvering engine revolution for ahead propulsion.”A. Full AheadB. Half AheadC. Full AsternD. Half Astern63.After the order “_____”is given, the air system is shut down, the turning gear put in, all drainsand indicator cocks opened, and the cooling water and lubricating oil systems kept running.A. Stand-by EngineB. Stop EngineC. Finished With EngineD. Dead Slow Ahead64.If liquid freon should come in contact with your shin, you should ______.A. wash with salt waterB. wash with sterile mineral oilC. treat it like frostbiteD. treat it like any burn65. A ______sometimes called filters, is a device designed to prevent the passage of unwantedsolids into the system.A. Steam trapB. Check valveC. SeparatorD. Strainer66.Before entering a fuel tank that has been cleaned, it should be checked with an oxygenindicator and a/an ______.A. Orsat apparatusB. flame safety lampC. Halide torchD. combustible gas indicator67.The ship should be operated by a company which is issued a(an) ______relevant to ship.A. ISMB. DOCC. SMCD. PSC68. A vessel is required to carry an Oil Record Book Part I to log entries in the book regarding the______.A. discharge of ballast or cleaning water from fuel tanksB. sounding levels of all fuel tanks on a daily basisC. grade and specific gravity of all fuel oil carriedD. fuel consumption rates on a weekly basis二、关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项)第一组:Generally people use diesel engines, gasoline engines or electrical motors to drive a modern ship.But none of them can work without oils. The burning of the oil in the cylinders of the diesel engine or gasoline engine provides the ship with driving power. The electrical motor runs on the electrical power. But the generator also consumes oil to produce this kind of power. Beside, the lube oil can reduce the friction between the moving parts of the engine and has much to do with its working condition.69.What do people use to drive a modern ship?A. the windB. the sailC. the oarsD. the machines70.Which of the following does not directly burn oil?A. A gasoline engineB. A diesel engineC. An electrical motorD. None of them71.What does a generator provide?A. driving powerB. a great deal of heatC. frictionD. electricity72.What’s the function of the lube oil?A. to take away the heatB. to reduce frictionC. to remove the detritusD. all of the A.B.C第二组:The field current supply in older machines comes from a lower voltage direct current generator or exciter on the same shaft as the alternator. Modern machines however are either statically excited or of the high-speed brush-less type. The exciter is required to operate to counter the effects of power factor for a given load. The power factor is a measure of the phase difference between voltage and current and is expressed as the cosine of the phase angle.With a purely resistance load the voltage and the current are in phase, giving a power factor of one. The power consumed is therefore the product of voltage and current. Inductive or capacitive loads, combined with resistance loads, produce lagging or leading power factors which have a value less than one. The power consumed is therefore the product of current, voltage and power factor. The alternating current generator supplying a load has a voltage drop resulting from the load. When the load has a lagging power factor this voltage drop isconsiderable.Therefore the exciter, in maintaining the alternator voltage, must vary with load current and also the power factor. The speed change of the prime mover must also be taken into account.73.The word “machines” in the passage refers to ______.A. the direct current generatorB. the alternating current generatorC. the exciterD. the prime mover74.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage ?A. With a purely resistance load, the power factor is zero.B. Inductive loads combined with resistance loads produces leading power factors.C. Capacitive loads combined with resistance loads produces lagging power factors.D. With a purely resistance load, the phase angle is zero.75.When the load has a lagging power factor this voltage drop is considerable. This sentencemeans that _____.A. with a purely resistance load, the voltage drops too muchB. there is a considerable voltage drop in the capacitive load combined with resistance loadC. when the load is the capacitive load combined with resistance load, the voltage drops tozeroD. when the load is the inductive load combined with resistance load, the voltage drop isfairly large76.The exciter must vary with : Ⅰ. load current. Ⅱ. the power factor. Ⅲ. speed change of theprime mover.A. onlyⅠB. only ⅡC.Ⅰand ⅡD.Ⅰ, Ⅱand Ⅲ三.中译英77. 螺旋桨需拆卸,尾轴拉出检查修理,所有拆卸部件重新装妥。
2002年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第28期)科目:船舶辅机 试卷代号:842(28842)
![2002年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第28期)科目:船舶辅机 试卷代号:842(28842)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f9e41f718e9951e79b89279b.png)
中华人民共和国海事局2002年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第28期)科目:船舶辅机试卷代号:842适用对象:750~3000KW船舶轮机长/大管轮(本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟) 答题说明:本试卷试题均为单项选择题,请选择一个最适合的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在其相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑,每题1分,共100分。
A. 压力低B. 气流速度太快C. 气流脉动大D. 都不是2.空压机的卸载可以通过来实现。
A. 顶开吸气阀B. 开启气液分离器泄放阀C. 开启级间冷却器后泄放阀D. A或B或C3.研究单级活塞式空气压缩机理论循环时, 错误的假定是______。
A.气缸没有余隙容积 B. 工作过程没有压力波动C. 工作过程没有漏泄 D.气缸与外界没有热交换4.级差式空压机活塞环漏会引起______。
A.上部环漏,二级空气漏至一级,使吸气量下降B. 上部环漏,一级空气漏至曲轴箱,使滑油温度上升C. 上部环漏,二级空气漏至曲轴箱,使排气量下降D. 下部环漏,二级空气漏至一级,使吸气量下降5.管理中若发现空压机排气量减少, 较合理的检查步骤是: 1)气阀2)活塞环3)滤器4)冷却A.1→2→3→4 B. 4→1→2→3 C. 2→1→3→4 D. 3→4→1→26.以下有关空压机润滑叙述不当的是______。
A.曲轴箱油位宁高勿低 B. 滴油杯油位不低于1/3高C. 压力润滑油压不低于0.1MPaD. 滑油温度不高于70℃7.决定活塞式空气压缩机之维修周期的主要因素经常是的工作寿命。
A.空气滤清器 B. 气阀 C. 活塞 D. 轴承9.水冷式空压机经济性的评价标准是______。
A. 机械效率B. 绝热效率C. 指示效率D. 等温效率10.调速阀流量特性比普通型节流阀好的原因是______。
A.节流口前后压差固定不变 B.节流口前后压差自动随负载变化C.节流口前后压差随负载变化自动调整保持不变 D.A与C11.电液换向阀换向不到位的主要原因有______。
A.大管轮/ 轮机长B.轮机长/ 轮机长C.各轮机员/ 轮机长D.各轮机员/ 大管轮正确答案:B2.【单选题】轮机长可决定存留或分发有关人员保管的技术资料是:A.检修测量记录B.检验报告C.各设备说明书D.各种技术图纸正确答案:A3.【单选题】轮机长在主持轮机部每月安全活动日时,主要内容应包括:Ⅰ、检查潜伏性事故及不安全因素Ⅱ、分析事故原因及经验教训Ⅲ、全面检查各设备的技术状态及操作规程执行情况Ⅳ、分析各主管轮机员实际业务能力并检查“检修记录簿”A.Ⅰ +ⅡB.Ⅰ +ⅢC.Ⅰ +Ⅱ+ⅣD.Ⅰ +Ⅳ正确答案:C4.【单选题】在调动交接班中,交班轮机长应办理好:A.新上船人员的工作分配B.有关机损事故报告C.下次修船的修理报告D.下航次备件定购单的填写正确答案:B5.【单选题】在对机舱水密门进行开关试验时,每______个月进行一次并记录,应进行______等试验。
A.6/ 就地两侧操作、机舱外遥控、声光报警及关闭时间B. 3/ 机舱外遥控、声光报警及关闭时间C.6/ 机舱外遥控、声光报警及关闭时间D. 3/ 就地两侧操作、机舱外遥控、声光报警及关闭时间正确答案:D6.【单选题】接船船员在试航时应积极参与分管项目的试验,对轮机人员来说应作好下列工作:Ⅰ、了解设备性能特点Ⅱ、记录运行参数Ⅲ、掌握设备使用方法Ⅳ、观察轮机设备基本技术状况A.Ⅰ +Ⅱ+ⅣB.Ⅰ ~ⅣC.Ⅰ +ⅣD.Ⅰ +Ⅲ正确答案:B7.【单选题】轮机长的常规管理工作应包括:Ⅰ、负责贯彻执行技术操作规程Ⅱ、在实施维护保养工作中应有效的控制成本支出Ⅲ、拟订轮机部专用工具、精密仪表申请计划Ⅳ、长航线的船舶,在航次结束应填写柴油机工况报告A.Ⅱ +ⅣB.Ⅰ +Ⅱ+ⅣC.Ⅱ +Ⅲ+ⅣD.仅仅是Ⅱ正确答案:B8.【单选题】轮机长在常规管理工作中应负责_____。
1. 现代船用低速柴油机的结构特点有:Ⅰ、钻孔冷却Ⅱ、电子控制柴油机无凸轮轴Ⅲ、电子控制柴油机无喷油泵Ⅳ、采用薄壁瓦轴承Ⅴ、采用独立气缸润滑系统Ⅵ、采用旋转排气阀A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ+ⅥB. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ+ⅥC. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+ⅣD. Ⅰ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ+Ⅵ2. 柴油机实际工作循环的压缩终点压力与理想循环绝热压缩终点压力在数值上:A. 两者相等B. 前者较大C. 后者较大D. 随机型而变3. 十字头式柴油机活塞裙上安装承磨环的主要目的是:A. 磨合初期防止拉缸B. 防止缸套与活塞接触C. 在运行中起导向作用D. 减轻振动,防止撞击4. 气缸盖在高频应力作用下引起的疲劳裂纹出现在:A. 气缸盖触火面B. 气缸盖底面冷却水面C. 气缸盖周缘D. 气缸盖底面气阀孔周围5. 气缸盖工作条件恶劣主要原因是:Ⅰ、气体力使它产生弯曲变形Ⅱ、高温燃气使它产生热应力Ⅲ、触火面燃气的腐蚀Ⅳ、水冷面的穴蚀Ⅴ、结构复杂而产生的应力集中Ⅵ、承受气缸盖安装预紧力A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+ⅤB.Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ+ⅥC. Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ+ⅥD. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅴ+Ⅵ6. 现代大功率中速四冲程柴油机的连杆大端均采用斜切口式,在常规吊缸保养检修时,对这种连杆在装复前应特别注意检查:A. 大小端轴承中心线是否平行B. 在摆动平面内是否弯曲变形C. 大小端轴承中心线的距离是否正确D. 轴承座与轴承盖结合面的锯齿有否损伤变形7. 最容易引起连杆损坏的是:A. 柴油机飞车B. 紧急制动C. 螺旋桨绞渔网D. 各缸负荷不均8. 现代大型低速柴油机的机座多采用的型式是:A. 铸铁浇铸的深型整体结构B. 钢板焊接的浅型分组式结构C. 钢板焊接的深型分组式整体结构D. 铸铁浇铸的整体式分组式结构9. 关于气缸盖螺栓预紧力说法正确的是:Ⅰ、预紧力过大容易在气缸盖底板产生裂纹Ⅱ、预紧力过大容易在气缸盖顶板产生裂纹Ⅲ、气缸盖与气缸套结合面漏气时,气缸盖螺栓的预紧力最多可增加10% Ⅳ、用液压拉伸器拆卸气缸盖螺帽时,在油压至规定压力还不能旋动螺帽时,最多可将油压增加10% Ⅴ、只要保证预紧力达到说明书要求,对上紧次序就没有要求A.Ⅱ、ⅣB.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、ⅣC. Ⅰ、Ⅳ、ⅤD. Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ10. 现代新型超长行程柴油主机的推力轴的结构与连接型式一般是:A. 推力轴单独制造并位于飞轮输出端B. 推力轴单独锻造并位于飞轮输入端C. 推力轴与曲轴一体锻造并位于机架内部D. 推力轴与曲轴一体锻造并位于机架外部11. 在船舶使用的滑动式(单环式)推力轴承中推力块与推力环之间有一定间隙,其目的是:A. 保证形成油膜B. 保证推力块摆动灵活性C. 保证供应滑油D. 方便推力块安装与检查12. 按照十字头滑块与导板副的形式不同,十字头组可分为:A. 单导板式、双导板式B. 单导板式、圆筒导板式C. 双导板式、圆筒导板式D. 单导板式、双导板式、圆筒导板式13. 关于主轴承与十字头轴承的油槽论述中,正确的是:A. 主轴承下瓦的高压区必须开油槽B. 十字头轴承上瓦必须开油槽C. 十字头轴承下瓦必须开纵横油槽D. 十字头轴承上瓦可开纵横油槽14. 下列论述错误的是:A. 燃油中灰分对柴油机产生磨料磨损B. 从使用观点来讲,燃油的使用温度应至少高于浊点3~5℃C. 从使用观点来讲,燃油的使用温度应至少高于倾点3~5℃D. 船用燃油的闭口闪点应不得低于60~65℃15. 通常,燃油的密度、馏分均与燃油的分子结构有关,它们的关系是:A. 密度越大,重馏分越多,芳香烃含量越多B. 密度越大,重馏分越多,芳香烃含量越少C. 密度越大,重馏分越少,芳香烃含量越少D. 密度越大,重馏分越少,芳香烃含量越多16. 燃油粘度过高引起的影响有:Ⅰ、起动困难Ⅱ、滞燃期减小Ⅲ、净化容易Ⅳ、滞燃期增长Ⅴ、粘度指数高Ⅵ、喷射延迟阶段增长A. Ⅰ+Ⅲ+ⅤB. Ⅰ+ⅣC. Ⅰ+Ⅲ+ⅥD. Ⅱ+Ⅴ17. 在燃烧室内部局部过量空气系数a分布不均,其中 a 最大处是:A. 油束内部B. 油束外部C. 燃烧室富油区D. 燃烧室四周贫油区18. 柴油机过量空气系数 a 小表示:Ⅰ、气缸内热负荷大Ⅱ、气缸内强化程度低Ⅲ、气缸内热负荷小Ⅳ、经济性差Ⅴ、工作可靠Ⅵ、空气利用率高A. Ⅰ+Ⅴ+ⅥB. Ⅲ+Ⅳ+ⅤC. Ⅰ+Ⅳ+ⅥD. Ⅱ+Ⅴ+Ⅵ19. 燃油喷射过程中的喷射延迟阶段与尾喷阶段的变化规律是:A. 如延迟阶段长则尾喷亦长B. 如延迟阶段长则尾喷短C. 两者变化无内在联系D. 转速升高则两者均相应缩短20. 喷油泵供油始点和供油终点与喷油器的喷油始点和终点均不在同一时刻的原因是:Ⅰ、燃油有可压缩性Ⅱ、喷油设备结构不同Ⅲ、燃油粘温性能Ⅳ、高压油管弹性Ⅴ、高压油管压力波动Ⅵ、燃油高粘度A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+ⅤB. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅳ+ⅤC. Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+ⅥD. Ⅱ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ+Ⅵ21. 柴油机发生二次喷射的原因有:Ⅰ、喷孔部分堵塞Ⅱ、出油阀卸压作用减弱Ⅲ、高压油管刚性变小Ⅳ、高转速大负荷工况A. Ⅰ+ⅡB. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+ⅢC. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+ⅣD. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ22. 燃油雾化质量的最主要指标之一是:A. 锥角B. 射程C. 油粒直径D. 雾化均匀度23. 影响喷油规律的主要因素有:Ⅰ、凸轮外形Ⅱ、喷射背压Ⅲ、高压油管尺寸Ⅳ、柱塞直径与喷孔直径Ⅴ、柴油机转速Ⅵ、燃油品质A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+ⅤB. Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+ⅤC. Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+ⅥD. Ⅱ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ+Ⅵ24. 当转动偏心轴增大回油阀始终点调节式喷油泵的循环供油量时,其进、回油阀的正确动作是:A. 进油阀滞后关闭,回油阀滞后打开B. 进油阀滞后关闭,回油阀提前开启C. 进油阀提前关闭,回油阀滞后打开D. 进油阀提前关闭,回油阀提前开启25. 回油阀式喷油泵,改变某缸供油定时的正确方法是:A. 转动调节螺钉B. 转动偏心轴C. 转动柱塞D. 转动凸轮26. 液压启阀式喷油器的启阀压力取决于:A. 喷油泵的排出压力B. 喷油器内的油压C. 针阀弹簧预紧力D. 高压油管长度与内径27.若某缸喷油器针阀因咬死而不能开启,则产生的后果是:Ⅰ、该缸熄火Ⅱ、发动机转速下降Ⅲ、排温下降Ⅳ、该缸喷油泵发热Ⅴ、高压油管发热Ⅵ、高压油管接头漏油A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+ⅤB. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ+ⅥC. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+ⅤD. Ⅱ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ+Ⅵ28. 具有VIT调节机构的喷油泵在运转时,随负荷的变化供油定时自动调节的基本规律是:A. 降低负荷时增大供油提前角以提高最高爆发压力B. 提高柴油机负荷时逐步增大供油提前角以维持最高爆发压力不变C. 低负荷时增大供油提前角以提高爆压,高负荷时减小供油提前角以降低爆压D. A+B29. 关于电子示功装置论述正确的是:Ⅰ、频响特性好Ⅱ、可测取P-Ⅴ示功图Ⅲ、可测取P-ф示功图Ⅳ、其压力传感器通常为压电式和电阻式Ⅴ、可测取P-Ⅴ转角示功图A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+ⅤB. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+ⅣC.Ⅱ+Ⅲ+ⅣD.Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ30. 根据分段燃烧理论分析,在缓燃阶段内的主要特点是:Ⅰ、近似等压燃烧Ⅱ、缸内达到最高燃烧温度Ⅲ、燃烧速率逐渐降低Ⅳ、为不可控燃烧Ⅴ、最大问题是燃烧不完全Ⅵ、按放热规律本阶段亦称扩散燃烧阶段A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅴ+ⅥB. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+ⅤC. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+ⅥD. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ+Ⅵ31. 研究绝热发动机主要可以减少:A. 排气热损失B. 冷却热损失C. 中冷器热损失D. 滑油热损失32. 柴油机废气中的有害成份主要有:Ⅰ、NO x Ⅱ、CO Ⅲ、HC Ⅳ、SO2Ⅴ、颗粒Ⅵ、CO2A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅴ+ⅥB. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+ⅤC. Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+ⅥD. Ⅱ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ+Ⅵ33. 随着柴油机转速的增高,柴油机气阀的角面值的变化规律是:A. 增大B. 减小C. 不变D. 随机34. 关于排气阀定时的错误认识是:A. 排气阀开启过早将损失部分膨胀功B. 排气阀关闭过迟废气将被吸入气缸C. 排气阀在活塞位于下止点后打开D. 排气阀关闭过迟气阀重叠角会增大35. 柴油机在实际循环中,充量系数的数值范围:A. 总是大于1B. 总是小于1C. 总是等于1D.随机型而定36. 哪些参数减小可提高柴油机的充量系数?Ⅰ、进气温度Ⅱ、残余废气系数Ⅲ、柴油机转速Ⅳ、过量空气系数Ⅴ、进气阀开启提前角Ⅵ、进气压力A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+ⅢB. Ⅱ+Ⅲ+ⅤC. Ⅰ+Ⅳ+ⅤD. 以上全部37. 废气中脉冲动能与定压能的比值,随着增压压力的:A. 提高而提高B. 提高而降低C. 提高而不变D. 随机型而定38. 有利于降低气口高度的增压系统:A. 并联增压系统B. 单独增压系统C. 串联增压系统D. 串联旁通增压系统39. 与四冲程柴油机相比,二冲程不易实现单独涡轮增压系统的原因是:Ⅰ、扫气过程对增压压力依赖小Ⅱ、扫气过量空气系数小Ⅲ、换气质量差Ⅳ、低负荷、起动时,废气能量小A. Ⅰ+ⅡB. Ⅱ+ⅢC. Ⅲ+ⅣD.Ⅰ+Ⅳ40. 下面有关对现代柴油机增压形式的论述中,论述正确的是:A. 不论四冲程还是二冲程柴油机均采用等压增压B. 不论四冲程还是二冲程柴油机均采用脉冲增压C. 四冲程柴油机一般采用脉冲增压,二冲程柴油机一般采用等压增压D. 四冲程柴油机一般采用等压增压,二冲程柴油机一般采用脉冲增压41. 在下列有关喘振的说法中,正确的是:A. 喘振发生在涡轮机端B. 喘振是由涡轮不正常冲击引起的C. 单独增压系统易在低负荷时发生喘振D. 喘振是由转子的离心力引起的42. 引起增压器压气机喘振的因素有:Ⅰ、扩压器脏污Ⅱ、扫气箱漏气Ⅲ、空气冷却器漏气Ⅳ、进、排气口结炭Ⅴ、废气锅炉脏堵Ⅵ、进气滤器脏堵A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+ⅤB. Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+ⅤC. Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+ⅥD. Ⅰ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ+Ⅵ43. 在筒形活塞柴油机运转中,其曲轴箱油的有机酸与强酸值变化是:A. 有机酸与强酸值均增加B. 有机酸增加,强酸值减小C. 有机酸减小,强酸值增加D. 有机酸与强酸值均减小44. 通常滑油的粘度指数大表示:A. 该油品的粘度随压力的增大变化幅度大B. 当压力升高时,该油品的粘度变化幅度小C. 当温度升高时该油品粘度变化大D. 当温度升高时该油品粘度变化小45. 柴油机气缸采用飞溅润滑的特点是:Ⅰ、不需专设润滑系统与润滑设备Ⅱ、气缸油与曲轴箱油为同一油品Ⅲ、溅在缸壁滑油收回并循环使用Ⅳ、飞溅滑油量不可控Ⅴ、仅限用于筒形活塞式柴油机Ⅵ、活塞裙部有刮油环A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+ⅣB. Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅴ+ⅥC. Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+ⅤD. 以上全部46. 如果从活塞杆填料函处取气缸油的残油化验其TBN>10,则表明气缸油:A. TBN太高B. TBN太低C. TBN适当D. 碱性太高47. 如发现缸套两注油孔之间的铸铁缸套表面发暗则表示:A. 发生酸性腐蚀B. 发生局部烧蚀C. 发生局部熔差磨损D. 发生局部漏气48. 当前新型超长行程柴油机均采用随负荷调节式气缸注油器,当负荷降低时该注油器的注油量变化是:A. 为减少气缸油耗量而减小注油量B. 为保证可靠润滑而加大注油量C. 按其柴油机转速变化量降低注油量D. 随机型不同而异49. 筒形活塞式柴油机当燃烧产物漏入曲轴箱油后发生变质时会出现:Ⅰ、滑油总酸值增加Ⅱ、固体沉淀物增加Ⅲ、闪点降低Ⅳ、滑油变质速度加快Ⅴ、曲轴箱爆炸危险Ⅵ、滑油中炭渣颗粒增多A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+ⅣB. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ+ⅥC. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+ⅤD. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅴ+Ⅵ50. 曲轴箱油在使用中,发生乳化现象,腐蚀金属表面,其原因是:A. 滑油中漏入海水或淡水B. 漏入燃油C. 漏入燃烧产物D. 滑油产生泡沫51. 对柴油机冷却水进行水处理的主要目的是:Ⅰ、增加冷却水的比热Ⅱ、增大冷却水的传热系数Ⅲ、防止产生水垢Ⅳ、防止冷却水对部件的腐蚀Ⅴ、冲淡冷却壁面Ⅵ、防金属表面产生碱性腐蚀A. Ⅰ+ⅡB. Ⅲ+ⅣC. Ⅴ+ⅥD. Ⅲ+Ⅳ+Ⅵ52. 曲柄连杆机构的惯性力:Ⅰ、与柴油机类型有关Ⅱ、与柴油机负荷有关Ⅲ、与柴油机曲轴转角的变化有关Ⅳ、与柴油机转速有关Ⅴ、与曲柄连杆机构质量有关Ⅵ、与曲柄连杆机构速度有关A. Ⅲ+Ⅳ+ⅤB. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+ⅤC. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+ⅢD. Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅵ53. 作用在柴油机机体上的倾覆力矩可由______来平衡。
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中华人民共和国海事局2002年第2期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第29期)科目:轮机长业务试卷代号:811适用对象:3000KW及以上船舶轮机长(本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟)答题说明: 本试卷试题均为单项选择题,请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在其相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑,每题1分,共100分。
1.轮机长在管理中应知道安全行为的激励机制,从而引发人们采取安全的行为,那么激励的方法包括领导者:Ⅰ、因势利导,设法满足其不同层次的需要Ⅱ、避免使人产生不公平感Ⅲ、采取强硬与温和相结合的管理方法A.Ⅰ对 B.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ对 C.Ⅰ+Ⅱ对 D.Ⅰ+Ⅲ对2.轮机部档案内的文件部分存船几年后,如无需要可送公司保存:A.5年 B. 4年 C. 3年 D. 2年3.轮机设备检修记录薄,各船负责填写并保管的人员是:A.轮机长 B.主管轮机员 C.机务主管 D.设备检修负责人4.STCW78/95公约规定,负责值班的轮机员是:A.轮机长的代表 B.不受轮机长的约束C.船长的代表 D.轮机部的代表5.STCW78/95规则第A-Ⅲ/2节规定:轮机长实际知识应达到对电气、电子控制设备的_____水平。
Ⅰ、操作Ⅱ、测试和保养Ⅲ、故障诊断A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ6.STCW78/95规则规定,当船员在下列情况下将不允许值班:Ⅰ、被发现受到吸毒的影响时Ⅱ、被发现受到酗酒的影响时Ⅲ、被发现受到赌博的影响时A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ7.为保证船舶顺利通过PSC检查,我国对开往PSC检查重点港口的船舶以及在国内PSC中曾被强行要求修理的船舶,事实:A.采取更详细的检查 B.船舶自查 C.开航前安全检查 D.A或B或C8.在调动交接班中,交班轮机长应办理好:A.新上船人员的工作分配B.有关机损事故报告C.下航次修船的修理报告 D.下航次物料定购单9.无人机舱,在何种情况下轮机长必须到机舱亲自指挥?Ⅰ、值班轮机员有疑难要求前往时Ⅱ、机电设备发生故障危及安全运转时Ⅲ、遥控装置进行模拟实验时A.仅Ⅰ对 B.仅Ⅱ对 C.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ10.当______时,值班驾驶员应及时将情况通知值班轮机员。
Ⅰ、过浅滩Ⅱ、等引航员Ⅲ、进出港A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ11.推进装置的间接传动方式的主要优点有:A.维护管理最方便 B.轴系布置比较自由C.经济性最好 D.传动效率高12.启航时间的长短主要与为主机服务的____温度上升速度有关。
Ⅰ、油系统Ⅱ、水系统Ⅲ、主机机体A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ13.与燃气轮机、蒸汽轮机动力装置相比,柴油机动力装置的优点是:A.热效率高 B.对燃油适应性好C.单机功率大 D.振动小、噪声低14.减速器齿轮啮合面若发现有很多麻点,在不能进行表面再生处理的情况下,作为临时补救的措施是:A.研磨啮合面至麻点消失 B.焊补麻点处后,研磨齐平C.可适当提高滑油粘度 D.以上都正确15.为了使主机选型设计从一开始就能尽量符合实际情况,少走弯路,人们越来越重视首先利用:Ⅰ、详细资料进行精确计算Ⅱ、统计资料进行初步计算Ⅲ、参考资料进行估算A.Ⅰ对 B.Ⅱ对 C.Ⅲ对 D.Ⅰ或Ⅱ对16.船舶发电原动机总数的最小功率p g=w g/ηg.ηt(KW),式中:Ⅰ、ηg--原动机和发电机间的传动效率Ⅱ、ηt--发电机效率Ⅲ、Wg--电站总容量A.Ⅰ对 B.Ⅱ对 C.Ⅰ+Ⅱ对D.Ⅲ对17.可靠性中所提到的“规定条件”是指:Ⅰ、外界环境条件Ⅱ、维护条件Ⅲ、使用工况IV、质量控制V、使用方法VI、人员培训A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+ IV+V B.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+ VI+ VI C.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+ V D.Ⅱ+ IV+ VI 18.船舶机动航行时,其故障率应按:Ⅰ、工作时间来确定Ⅱ、工作次数来确定Ⅲ、工作能力来确定A.Ⅰ对 B.Ⅱ对 C.Ⅲ对 D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ19.产品在规定的条件下,按照预定的程序进行维修,使之在规定的时间内,能恢复其规定功能的概率称为:A.维修度 B.维修率 C.维修性 D.维修量20.在偶然故障期内,故障是否发生:A.可以预测 B.可以预防 C.无法知晓 D.无法预测21.船舶较长时间的安全航行记录可以:A.载入船名录B.减少保险费 C.树立典型 D.减少海损事故22.假定燃油储备量Σm为常数,动力装置燃油消耗率不变,则续航力与航速:A.成正比 B.成反比 C.平方成正比D.平方成反比23.并非航速越小越经济,因为船舶的运输费用有:Ⅰ、燃油费用Ⅱ、其它费用Ⅲ、保险费用A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ24.节能收益的净现值NPV:Ⅰ、正值,则表明可获得计算中规定的收益利率Ⅱ、负值,则说明达不到计算中收益利率Ⅲ、负值,则说明短期达不到计算中收益利率A.Ⅰ对 B.Ⅱ对C.Ⅰ+Ⅱ D.Ⅲ对25.船舶导热油系统:Ⅰ、回收排气能量可达12% Ⅱ、初置费用比蒸汽装置少25% Ⅲ、管理方便A.Ⅰ+Ⅲ B.Ⅱ+Ⅲ C.Ⅰ+Ⅱ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ26.对轮机管理和维修来讲,其主要目标是:Ⅰ、安全营运Ⅱ、减少停航天数Ⅲ、提高营运率和货物周转量A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ27.二冲程低速柴油机废气涡轮增压器的排气背压一般不超过:A. 2000Pa B. 2500Pa C. 3000Pa D. 3500Pa28.船舶能量利用效率ηch =3600P p /B.Hu,式中P p为:A.柴油机指示功率 B.柴油机有效功率 C.推进轴总指示功率D.螺旋桨吸收的功率29.柴油机动力装置的可靠性不足,可能会导致:I.海损 II.严重的海洋污染 III.增加维修费用IV.延长停航修理时间 V.减少营运天数 VI.增加燃油费用A. 全部正确B.I+II+III+IV+VC.II+III+V+VID.III+IV+VI30.柴油机在较高负荷时经济性最高,其负荷范围约:A. 75%左右B.85%附近 C. 90%左右 D. 95%附近31.螺旋桨推力与吸收的功率和船速的关系是:A.推力与吸收的功率、船速成正比 B.推力与吸收的功率、船速成反比C.推力与吸收的功率成正比,与船速成反比D.推力与吸收的功率成反比,与船速成正比32.下列关于螺旋桨静力不平衡说法错误的是:A.螺旋桨静力不平衡,在运转时将会产生离心力B.螺旋桨静力不平衡,运转实时尾部振动,严重时将导致尾轴弯曲C.螺旋桨静力不平衡,是由于桨的重心在桨的轴线上造成的D.螺旋桨静力不平衡,是由于每片桨叶的重量不相等或桨叶间的夹角不相等造成的33.由于主机曲拐箱爆炸引起机舱火灾,按1990年实施的《海上交通事故调查处理条例》,船长还应申请______做最后鉴定。
A.船舶检验局 B.船级社C.公安消防监督机关D.港务监督34.高压油管越长,喷油持续时间:A.越长 B.越短C.基本不变 D. A、B兼有35.在航行阻力增加时,为使主机不超负荷并保持原转速不变,对调距桨应当:A.调大螺距 B.调小油门 C.调小螺距 D.调大油门36.螺旋桨叶的______直径可叫做螺旋桨的直径。
A.叶根圆B.叶梢圆 C.分度圆 D.节圆37.在倒车工况时,中间轴法兰联接螺栓受的力是:A.拉应力 B.压应力 C.剪应力D.拉剪交变应力38.轮机管理是针对 ______的管理.A.主推进装置 B.电力装置C.船舶动力装置 D.辅助装置39.Simplex改进型密封装置主要改进的是:A.密封圈增多 B.密封圈改型和改变固定方式C.唇部加箍紧弹簧 D.密封装置的冷却40.尾轴与中间轴法兰连接螺栓为:A.单头螺栓 B.双头螺栓 C.双头紧配螺栓D.单头紧配螺栓41.下列对事故发生时的处理原则正确的是:Ⅰ、应迅速采取有效措施制止事故的扩大和蔓延Ⅱ、除非抢救所必需,在查清事故前设法保护现场A.Ⅰ、Ⅱ都正确 B.Ⅰ正确 C.Ⅱ正确 D.Ⅰ、Ⅱ都不正确42.离心式转速表精度不高,其相对误差在______范围内。
A. 1 ~ 2% B. 1 ~ 4% C. 1 ~ 6% D. 1 ~ 8%43.在船舶柴油机上通常使用的压力表精度为______级.A. 0.5 B. 1.5 C. 2.5 D. 3.544.柴油机运行中,喷射设备工况的好坏,通常可通过______来判断。
A.听、摸喷油器的声响和温度 B.测量压缩压力和爆炸压力C.检查排气温度或开示功阀看火焰 D.冷却水、活塞冷却液出口温度45.监视主机主轴承运行状态的特征的方法有:Ⅰ、滑油油温Ⅱ、滑油分析Ⅲ、机器的噪声和振动A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ46.故障报警装置设置的是______传感器。
A.模拟量B.开关量 C.数字量 D.模糊量47.导致主机扫气箱着火的主要原因是:Ⅰ、扫气箱污垢过多Ⅱ、冷却水不足使气缸过热Ⅲ、主机负荷过大A.Ⅰ对 B.Ⅱ对 C.Ⅰ+Ⅱ D.Ⅲ对48.工况监测与故障诊断相比较,所用的仪器具有______的特点。
Ⅰ、较简单,便宜Ⅱ、易于掌握Ⅲ、对人员技术水平要求不高A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ49.轻微的拉缸在柴油机运转中有时难以发现,一般表现为:Ⅰ、柴油机转速下降Ⅱ、增压器转速下降Ⅲ、柴油机气缸和活塞冷却液排出温度高A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ50.当柴油机的______时,需立即停止透平增压器的运转。
A.排气管漏气 B.增压器发生喘振C.曲轴红套滑移 D.增压器发生振动,轴承损坏51.按交通部《运输、港口船舶机电设备损坏管路办法》规定,船舶发生机损后:A.凡属船员的责任事故,应由轮机长填写“报告”,船长签字B.凡属非船员的责任事故,应由轮机长向上级公司报告损坏情况C.不论事故性质如何,均由轮机长填写“报告”,船长签字D.船员的责任事故,应由轮机长填写“报告”,非船员的责任事故由船长填写52.大型低速柴油机扫气箱着火,又不允许停车,只能维持暂时慢车航行时首先应减速,然后:A.向扫气箱喷射CO2灭火 B.停止引起着火缸高压油泵供油C.加强冷却水量降温 D.加强气缸油润滑53.不能用何种方法检查气缸油的总碱值是否符合要求?A.化验气缸中的残油的总碱值B.取曲轴箱油样化验C.通过气口检查气缸内部 D.吊缸时检查缸套表面情况54.何种原因对轴承所形成的磨损属于摩擦磨损?Ⅰ、轴承承受负荷性能差Ⅱ、轴承温度太高Ⅲ、滑油粘度高A.Ⅰ对 B.Ⅱ对 C.Ⅰ+Ⅱ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ55.下列有关润滑的说法中哪些是错误的?Ⅰ、飞溅润滑方式多用于中、高速柴油机Ⅱ、液体动力油膜润滑是最好的润滑方式Ⅲ、气缸套是液体静力油膜润滑 IV、十字头采用液体静力油膜润滑V、增压器都是采用重力 强力润滑 VI、活塞销轴承的润滑条件优于主轴承A.I+II+VI+V B. II +III+V+VIC.III+VI D. I+VI56.柴油机滑油,采用纯矿物油(没有添加剂)机油,发现有强酸值出现,应急措施是:A.换油 B.水洗分油 C.兑部分好油D.掺入部分可混兑的碱性气缸油57.船用软管在使用时,应注意:Ⅰ、耐温极限Ⅱ、曲折性能Ⅲ、抗拉性能A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ58.液压工具所使用的油,必须是洁净的:Ⅰ、液压油Ⅱ、透平油Ⅲ、气缸油A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ59.需订购的备件已做了新的改型,当订购时应注意的主要方面是:A.质量好坏 B.可靠性 C.价格变化D.适用性60.船舶建造入级检验中,不需要提供的资料是:A.轴系扭振计算书B.主柴油机安装报价单C.螺旋桨液压装配图 D.锅炉附件布置图61.尾轴直径为300毫米,则白合金尾轴承的安装间隙可以是:A. 0.7毫米 B. 0.8毫米 C. 0.9毫米 D. 1.0毫米62.超速保险装置,当机器转速超过标定转速______时起作用。