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/ 13 高考复习必看短文改错专项训练15篇(附答案) 1 Dear Jack, Next Saturday will my birthday.I’m going to hold a birthday party at home on the evening.It will start at 7:30.Some classmates as good as some foreign friends have been invited.The activities include singing,dancing and sharing interesting experiences.Surely,we’ll have a good time.I would feel honoring if you could come.I live at 656 Minzu Street.You can take Bus No.11 or No.15 and got off at the stop of Guang Ming High School.Justly on the opposite side is my house,what is red with a white door.I’m sure of you can’t miss it.I do hope they will come. Best wish. Yours, Li Hua 2 (2017·昆明市高三复习教学质量检测) I’m one of the students in our class who has ever been to st summer I was lucky enough to be sent there to study.As soon as I arrived on England by plane.I was picked up by the Smiths,which I would live with for the next two weeks.We felt like a fish out of water when I got there.The Smiths did what they could make me feel at home.I study at an international school,where I met friend from all over the world.I seized the opportunity to practise my speak English.Soon I made such a rapid progress that I received highly praise from all the people around. 答案 I’m one of the students in our class who hashave ever been to st summer I was lucky enough to be sent there to study.As soon as I arrived onin England by plane.I was picked up by the Smiths,whichwhom I would live with for the next two
/ 13 weeks.WeI felt like a fish out of water when I got there.The Smiths did what they could make me feel at home.I studystudied at an international school,where I met friendfriends from all over the world.I seized the opportunity to practise my speakspoken English.Soon I made such a rapid progress that I received highlyhigh praise from all the people around. 3 When news came that I was not chosen as the member of the volleyball team,I was such frustrated that I almost decided to give up.However,my best friend Miranda analyzed my problems,pointed out that my laziness and poor preparation led my failure.From then on,I devoted all my spare time to practice playing and consulting his teachers about skills every day.When another chance came up,I had got fully prepared.As a result of,I was selected and became one of the most important player in our school team.From this story,I am definite convinced that the better prepared we are,the much likely we are able to achieve our goals. 4 (2017·太原市高三模拟) Last week,a football match was hold between Class One and us.The player from both sides are all excellent football players,so the match went on fierce at first.At last our team lost the match,so we didn’t lose a heart.Since we all tried our best,we had no regretful.In our life we may meet much failures,but so long as we try your best,there

’s no need to feel regretful for these failures.We should analyze the reasons for the failures avoid the same mistakes in the next competition.In a word,success is important,and such is failure,because it’s the mother of success. 5 (2017·东北三省四市教研联合体高考模拟) Of all the teachers in my primary school,the one which impressed me most was Mrs.Huang.She was my 5th grade teacher.She was able to making learning fun and I
/ 13 liked her classes very much.Besides,she made me leader of many group project,which gave me confidence.That was with her help that I soon became top student in our class.Looked back on it,I’m very proud for having such an excellent teacher.The reason why I did so good was that she made me to feel confident.I am really grateful to her and I hoped one day I will become a teacher like her. 6 Some of my classmates hate them when they have to get up early in the morning.However,I’m one of those early birds.Get up early,in my opinion,is of greatly importance to our health,our study and our life.Every day I do morning exercise keep fit.After morning exercise,I spend some time reading aloud in the open air,which help me memorize that I’ve learned in class.Some of my classmates are in the habits of skipping breakfast.By getting up early,I had enough time for breakfast before going to school.In the word,I benefit a lot of from getting up early. 7 My parents run teahouse near the square of our ancient st Sunday I was helping out here when two foreign visitors came in.By talked to them with simple English,I learned they were from Canada.Because they had a deep interest in Chinese culture,so they came to Beijing to study Chinese last year.They come to our ancient town to travel.Attracted by the beauty of our town,they decided to stay for other three days.In fact,they even told me they’d like to introduce our beautifully town to friend around them.They both praised me for my spoken English,that gave me a lot of confidence. 8 (2017·郑州市高中毕业班第二次质量检测) It was on a hot afternoon that I serve as a volunteer collecting money for a badly injured farmer by sell newspapers.With a pile of newspapers in his hands,I walked along the street to find none who would like to buy one copy.I tried,wearing a big smile,explain my purpose to the passer-by.Many of them were generous and kind enough to give me too more money than the newspaper cost.Eventually,an injured person received a timely operation with the money I collected and recovered
/ 13 complete.Help is of very significance to every receiver. 9 (2017·石家庄高中毕业班第一次模拟) Jane and Jack are high school students.Both of them work hard but they have different learning method.Jane listens to her teachers attentively and make notes carefully,trying to catch everything the teachers saying in class.She often asks her teachers question

s if she felt puzzled,so she spends little time on her homework than others.It’s certain that she can go to bed earlier,so she always keeps energetically in the day.However,Jack likes to stay up late at night doing his homework,so he often falls sleepy in class.As consequence of this,he misses lots of key points and it usually takes up him more time to finish his homework.It is difficult of him to manage his study. 10 (2017·绵阳市高中第二次诊断性考试) A funny thing happened my sister Tina last month.In Japan,people usually don’t wear his outdoor shoes in the house or at school,and a lot of buildings had places for shoes.Her school has a special place for shoes,either.It’s a shoe box.Tina teaches English in the evening.One Friday,she went to school and put her shoes in the shoe boxes as usual.After class she got ready to leave.But to the surprise,her shoes weren’t in the box.There were only one pair of shoes there,and they weren’t her shoes!She had to leave with a hurry,so she put on the shoes and left off.On Monday,in her next English class,her shoes were in a shopping bag on her desk.There was a note saying,“I’m so sorry.I take your shoes by mistake!” 11 When I was a little child,my parents took me to Dalian,an attractively city by sea.The moment I saw the sea,I fell in love with them.We walked slowly along the shore,having a lot of funs.Everything there had left too deep an impression on me that I was eager to see the city again.For the beginning of this month,together with my parents I went to Dalian for a trip.Great changes have been taken place in the past
/ 13 years.I met some foreigners there and talked with them.Only then had I realize the importance of learn English.After staying there for ten days,we returned home,tired or happy. 12 Chen Yang,one of my best friend,is a top student.Not only she fond of singing and dancing,but also she has a gift on languages.In a word,I can’t speak too high of her.Before giving a performance in the school hall yesterday,he went to the hospital with me to see my mother.It was the first time my mother has seen Chen Yang.My mother,who was ill in the bed,didn’t seem to like Chen Yang.She kept silent all the time,that made us feel embarrassed.When asking later,my mother said,“Don’t you see the nose ring she had?”“She wore it because she would give a performance,”I answered. 13 Many students fail to perform well in an exam not because of they lack ability,but because of the unique pressure in the exam room—the tense atmosphere,the ticking clock on the wall,the teacher walk around,and the thought that their future will be decided by the exam. It’s not just students which will face pressure.Human beings are competitive animal and we tend to evaluate each other,whether in exams or in job interviews,so all of us occasional get nervous.Remove pressure from life is a

impossible dream.Therefore,there are some ways that can help reduce our pressure.It turn out that we are more likely overcome the pressure when we are familiar with the situation we are about to face. 14 Dear classmates, I think it was very necessary for us to talk about friendship at the meeting today.As a member of society,we need friend and friendship.Healthy friendship may help people get on well and benefit one another.On contrary,unhealthy friendship
/ 13 may bring up bad things.For example,some so-called friends often smoke or drinking together.They never point out of each other’s mistakes.So deeds are against school rules.In fact,they are doing harms to their friends.In mine opinion,friends should help each other.Additional,we should encourage each other so that we may learn well and achieve great success. 15 Books bring us knowledges which makes our lives meaningful.As a book lover,I loved the feel of books and its smell.Believe it or not,my dream is to open a bookshop for my own.In my bookshop,there will have all kinds of books waited to be picked out.Readers can sit down and read their favorite books.Even if they don’t buy the books,they can enjoy the wonderfully moment in my shop.So far,I’ve made list of names for my dream bookshop.When I have enough money or find a perfect place,I will start my bookshop.I’m sure the dream will come out true. 高考复习必看短文改错专项训练15篇答案 1 Dear Jack, Next Saturday will my birthday.I’m going to hold a birthday party at home onin the evening.It will start at 7:30.Some classmates as goodwell as some foreign friends have been invited.The activities include singing,dancing and sharing interesting experiences.Surely,we’ll have a good time.I would feel honoringhonored if you could come.I live at 656 Minzu Street.You can take Bus No.11 or No.15 and gotget off at the stop of Guang Ming High School.JustlyJust on the opposite side is my house,whatwhich is red with a white door.I’m sure you can’t miss it.I do hope theyyou will come.
/ 13 Best wishwishes. Yours, Li Hua 2 I’m one of the students in our class who hashave ever been to st summer I was lucky enough to be sent there to study.As soon as I arrived onin England by plane.I was picked up by the Smiths,whichwhom I would live with for the next two weeks.WeI felt like a fish out of water when I got there.The Smiths did what they could make me feel at home.I studystudied at an international school,where I met friendfriends from all over the world.I seized the opportunity to practise my speakspoken English.Soon I made such a rapid progress that I received highlyhigh praise from all the people around. 3 When news came that I was not chosen as thea member of the volleyball team,I was suchso frustrated that I almost decided to give up.However,my best friend Miranda analyzed my problems,pointedpointing out that my lazin

ess and poor preparation led my failure.From then on,I devoted all my spare time to practicepracticing playing and consulting hismy teachers about skills every day.When another chance came up,I had got fully prepared.As a result ,I was selected and became one of the most important playerplayers in our school team.From this story,I am definitedefinitely convinced that the better prepared we are,the muchmore likely we are able to achieve our goals. 4
/ 13 Last week,a football match was holdheld between Class One and us.The playerplayers from both sides are all excellent football players,so the match went on fiercefiercely at first.At last our team lost the match,sobut we didn’t lose heart.Since we all tried our best,we had no regretfulregret.In our life we may meet muchmany failures,but so long as we try yourour best,there’s no need to feel regretful for these failures.We should analyze the reasons for the failures avoid the same mistakes in the next competition.In a word,success is important,and suchso is failure,because it’s the mother of success. 5 Of all the teachers in my primary school,the one whichthat或who impressed me most was Mrs.Huang.She was my 5th grade teacher.She was able to makingmake learning fun and I liked her classes very much.Besides,she made me leader of many group projectprojects,which gave me confidence.ThatIt was with her help that I soon became top student in our class.LookedLooking back on it,I’m very proud forof having such an excellent teacher.The reason why I did so goodwell was that she made me feel confident.I am really grateful to her and I hopedhope one day I will become a teacher like her. 6 Some of my classmates hate themit when they have to get up early in the
/ 13 morning.However,I’m one of those early birds.GetGetting up early,in my opinion,is of greatlygreat importance to our health,our study and our life.Every day I do morning exercise keep fit.After morning exercise,I spend some time reading aloud in the open air,which helphelps me memorize thatwhat I’ve learned in class.Some of my classmates are in the habitshabit of skipping breakfast.By getting up early,I hadhave enough time for breakfast before going to school.In thea word,I benefit a lot from getting up early. 7 My parents run teahouse near the square of our ancient st Sunday I was helping out herethere when two foreign visitors came in.By talkedtalking to them within simple English,I learned they were from Canada.Because they had a deep interest in Chinese culture, they came to Beijing to study Chinese last year.They comecame to our ancient town to travel.Attracted by the beauty of our town,they decided to stay for otheranother three days.In fact,they even told me they’d like to introduce our beautifullybeautiful town to friendfriends around them.They both praised me for my spoken English,thatwhich gave me a lot of confide

nce. 8 It was on a hot afternoon that I serveserved as a volunteer collecting money for a badly injured farmer by sellselling newspapers.With a pile of newspapers in hismy hands,I walked along the street to find nonesomeone who would like to buy one copy.I tried,wearing a big smile, explain my purpose to the passer-bypassers-by.Many
/ 13 of them were generous and kind enough to give me more money than the newspaper cost.Eventually,anthe injured person received a timely operation with the money I collected and recovered completecompletely.Help is of verygreat significance to every receiver. 9 Jane and Jack are high school students.Both of them work hard but they have different learning methodmethods.Jane listens to her teachers attentively and makemakes notes carefully,trying to catch everything the teachers sayingsay in class.She often asks her teachers questions if she feltfeels puzzled,so she spends littleless time on her homework than others.It’s certain that she can go to bed earlier,so she always keeps energeticallyenergetic in the day.However,Jack likes to stay up late at night doing his homework,so he often falls sleepyasleep in class.As consequence of this,he misses lots of key points and it usually takes him more time to finish his homework.It is difficult offor him to manage his study. 10 A funny thing happened0020 my sister Tina last month.In Japan,people usually don’t wear histheir outdoor shoes in the house or at school,and a lot of buildings hadhave places for shoes.Her school has a special place for shoes,eithertoo.It’s a shoe box.Tina teaches English in the evening.One Friday,she went to school and put her shoes in the shoe boxesbox as usual.After class she got ready to leave.But to theher
/ 13 surprise,her shoes weren’t in the box.There werewas only one pair of shoes there,and they weren’t her shoes!She had to leave within a hurry,so she put on the shoes and left .On Monday,in her next English class,her shoes were in a shopping bag on her desk.There was a note saying,“I’m so sorry.I taketook your shoes by mistake!” When I was a little child,my parents took me to Dalian,an attractivelyattractive city by sea.The moment I saw the sea,I fell in love with themit.We walked slowly along the shore,having a lot of funsfun.Everything there had left tooso deep an impression on me that I was eager to see the city again.ForAt the beginning of this month,together with my parents I went to Dalian for a trip.Great changes have taken place in the past years.I met some foreigners there and talked with them.Only then haddid I realize the importance of learnlearning English.After staying there for ten days,we returned home,tired orbut happy. 12 Chen Yang,one of my best friendfriends,is a top student.Not only she fond of singing and dancing,but also she has a gift onfor languages.In a word,I can’t speak too highhighly

of her.Before giving a performance in the school hall yesterday,heshe went to the hospital with me to see my mother.It was the first time my mother hashad seen Chen Yang.My mother,who was ill in bed,didn’t seem to like Chen Yang.She kept silent all the time,thatwhich made us feel embarrassed.When askingasked later,my mother said,“Don’tDidn’t you see the nose ring she had?”“She wore it because she would
/ 13 give a performance,”I answered. 13 Many students fail to perform well in an exam not because they lack ability,but because of the unique pressure in the exam room—the tense atmosphere,the ticking clock on the wall,the teacher walkwalking around,and the thought that their future will be decided by the exam. It’s not just students whichwho/that will face pressure.Human beings are competitive animalanimals或在are后加a and we tend to evaluate each other,whether in exams or in job interviews,so all of us occasionaloccasionally get nervous.RemoveRemoving pressure from life is aan impossible dream.ThereforeHowever,there are some ways that can help reduce our pressure.It turnturns out that we are more likely overcome the pressure when we are familiar with the situation we are about to face. 14 Dear classmates, I think it wasis或去掉was very necessary for us to talk about friendship at the meeting today.As a member of society,we need friendfriends and friendship.Healthy friendship may help people get on well and benefit one another.On contrary,unhealthy friendship may bring upabout或去掉up bad things.For example,some so-called friends often smoke or drinkingdrink together.They never point out each other’s mistakes.SoSuch deeds are against school rules.In fact,they are doing harmsharm to their friends.In minemy opinion,friends should help each other.AdditionalAdditionally,we should encourage each other so that we may learn well and achieve great success.
/ 13 15 Books bring us knowledgesknowledge which makes our lives meaningful.As a book lover,I lovedlove the feel of books and itstheir smell.Believe it or not,my dream is to open a bookshop forof my own.In my bookshop,there will havebe all kinds of books waitedwaiting to be picked out.Readers can sit down and read their favorite books.Even if they don’t buy the books,they can enjoy the wonderfullywonderful moment in my shop.So far,I’ve made list of names for my dream bookshop.When I have enough money orand find a perfect place,I will start my bookshop.I’m sure the dream will come true.
