
北师大五年级下册英语全册教课设计Unit 7Days of the week第一课教课目的:在本课结束时 .学生能:1.在插图帮助下 .读懂故事主要内容;2.模拟并朗诵故事人物对话;3.在图片的帮助下 .指认和说出礼拜的名称;4.在故事情境中 .咨询或说明当日是礼拜几:What day is it today? It’s教课要点:在插图的帮助下理解故事主要内容.模拟朗诵人物对话。
教课准备配套多媒体教课光盘.故事图片 .人物面具。
教课过程:Step1. Get Ready1.猜一猜、说一说(1)教师出示某几日的课程表.让学生依据课程安排猜想分别是哪一天。
联合学生猜想 .利用月历体现、示范礼拜的名称。
T:Look at the timetable. What day is it today?(2)出示当日的日历 .让学生说一说是礼拜几。
T: What day is it today?Ss: Today is...(3)取出以上步骤体现的礼拜词汇 .教师示范朗诵 .学生跟读词汇。
取出词汇卡 . 让学生朗诵。
2.图文般配(1)利用课程表 .指此中一天 .发问 What day is it today?让学生回答。
T: Which one is Monday?3.师生问答(1)取出课程表或日历 .指此中的日子 .让学生说出是礼拜几。
(2)指当日的日期 .让学生说一说是礼拜几。
Step2. Enjoy the Story1.导入故事体现故事第一幅插图 .指引学生看图猜想故事发生的时间和人物准备做的事情。
T: Look at the picture. What time is it? What are Kan and Ann going to do? What does Mocky want to do?2.学习故事(1)师生问答 .展望分享故事率领学生一同看插图 1.指 Mocky 说 Mocky 的问话 .指引学生回答 Ken 和 Ann 能否能和 Mocky 一同玩。

新北师大版小学五年级下册英语教案(全册)第一单元: Health and Fitness课时一: Introduction to Health and Fitness- 课程目标:通过介绍健康和健身的概念,使学生了解保持身体健康的重要性。
- 教学内容:- 词汇: health, fitness, exercise, nutrition- 句型: What do you usually do to stay healthy? I usually...- 教学步骤:1. 导入活动:观看一段有关健康和健身的视频。
2. 引入词汇:通过图片、实物等方式展示并研究健康和健身相关的词汇。
3. 练句型:师生对话练句型"What do you usually do to stay healthy? I usually..."4. 表演对话:组织学生进行对话表演,分享他们的保持健康的方式。
5. 小结:总结当天所学的词汇和句子,并展示学生所制作的英语海报。
课时二: Exercise and Sports- 课程目标:通过介绍不同的运动和体育项目,激发学生对运动的兴趣,并研究相关的英语词汇和句子。
- 教学内容:- 词汇: basketball, soccer, swimming, running, jumping- 句型: I like playing basketball. / Do you like swimming? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.- 教学步骤:1. 导入活动:播放有关不同运动项目的视频,引发学生对运动的兴趣。
2. 引入词汇:通过图片、标志等方式展示不同的运动项目,并教授相关的英语词汇。
3. 练对话:师生对话练句型"I like playing basketball. / Do you like swimming? Yes, I do. / No, I don't."4. 合作活动:组织学生分组进行小组讨论,分享彼此喜欢的运动项目。

【北师⼤版】⼩学五年级下册英语全册教案北师⼤版五年级下册英语教学计划 ⼀、指导思想 紧紧围绕着本校的教学⼯作计划,结合本学期⼯作要点,认真贯彻落实“备、教、批、辅、考“五个环节⼯作。
⼆、主要⼯作任务 1.认真学习“新课程理念”,了解新的教育教学动态,利⽤⽹上资源查阅相关教学活动信息,观看学校组织的课堂教学实录及教学理论讲座录像,学习新的英语学科课程标准,写好⾃学笔记,并有⼀定的质量,全学期8次。
三、英语教学⼯作 在本学期我担任五年级的英语教学。
本学期的英语教学,我从以下⼏个⽅⾯做起: (⼀)教学⽬的任务 1.能按四会、三会的要求掌握所学单词。
(⼆)教材重点难点 1.能按四会、三会的要求掌握所学单词。

北师大版英语三起五年级下册教案5篇北师大版英语三起五年级下册教案篇11、能够识别单词:list airport shoe ticket toothbrush.2、学习目标语句:Where are you going to go What are you going to take When are you going to go Who’s going to go with you3、功能:能够谈论旅行前的准备和具体事宜。
2、能够口头运用 Where are you going to go What are you going to takeWhen are you going to go to the airportWho’s going to go to the airport这类问句就具体信息提问。
教学难点:能够和同学用“where、 what、when、who”这四个单词开头的疑问句谈论旅行前的准备。
教学用具:录音机、PPT教学过程:Step1、Warm-up师生之间相互问候Step2、Presentation Free talkT:the summer holiday is coming ,so Where are you going to go in your summerholidays When are you going to go there What are you going to take What are you going to do there Who is going to go with you (生逐一回答后,师总结):I think you had a lovely time, Yes 由此活动引出Where, When, What, Who等特殊疑问词,并带领同学们复习一般将来时的用法。
教学目标:1、能够识别单词:list airport shoe ticket toothbrush.2、学习目标语句:Where are you going to go What are you going to take When are y ou going to go Who’s going to go with you3、功能:能够谈论旅行前的准备和具体事宜。

北师大版五年级下册英语全册教案Unit 7 Days of the week第一课教学目标:在本课完毕时,学生能:1.在插图帮助下,读懂故事主要容;2.模仿并朗读故事人物对话;3.在图片的帮助下,指认和说出星期的名称;4.在故事情境中,询问或说明当天是星期几:What day is it today? I t’s…教学重点:在插图的帮助下理解故事主要容,模仿朗读人物对话。
教学过程:Step1.Get Ready1.猜一猜、说一说(1)教师出示某几天的课程表,让学生根据课程安排猜想分别是哪一天。
T: Look at the timetable. What day is it today?(2)出示当天的日历,让学生说一说是星期几。
T: What day is it today? Ss: Today is...(3)拿出以上步骤呈现的星期词汇,教师示朗读,学生跟读词汇。
2.图文匹配(1)利用课程表,指其中一天,提问What day is it today?让学生答复。
T: Which one is Monday?3.师生问答(1)拿出课程表或日历,指其中的日子,让学生说出是星期几。
Step2.Enjoy the Story1.导入故事呈现故事第一幅插图,引导学生看图猜想故事发生的时间和人物准备做的事情。
T: Look at the picture. What time is it? What are Kan and Ann going to do? What does Mocky want to do?2.学习故事(1)师生问答,预测分享故事带着学生一起看插图1,指Mocky说Mocky的问话,引导学生答复Ken 和Ann是否能和Mocky一起玩。

新北师大版英语五年级上册全册教案第一单元课时一:Unit 1 Good Habits教学目标:- 研究并理解与惯和规则相关的词汇和短语- 能在日常生活中运用所学内容描述自己和他人的惯和规则- 学会正面表达和赞美他人的惯和规则教学重点:- 研究并能正确运用以下词汇:good habits, bad habits, rules, class rules, school rules, safety rules- 学会描述自己的惯和规则- 学会肯定地表达他人的惯和规则教学准备:- PPT幻灯片- 学生课本和练册- 卡片和图片教学过程:1. 导入:利用图片和卡片引发学生对惯和规则的讨论。
2. 新授词汇:通过幻灯片介绍、讲解和示范单词的发音和意思。
3. 练活动:在学生课本和练册上进行有关惯和规则的练活动,例如填空、配对和描述图片等。
4. 综合运用:让学生使用所学的词汇和句型描述自己和他人的惯和规则,并鼓励他们肯定地表达他人的好惯和规则。
5. 小结:复所学内容,提醒学生形成良好的惯和遵守规则的重要性。
6. 作业布置:要求学生用英语书写一份关于自己的好惯和规则的作文。
课时二:Unit 2 My School Day教学目标:- 研究并掌握描述日常学校活动和时间的词汇和句子- 能够用英语描述自己的学校日常生活- 学会用一般现在时描述日常活动和时间教学重点:- 研究并能正确运用以下词汇和短语:school day, subjects, breakfast, lunch, break, playground- 学会用一般现在时描述自己的学校日常活动- 学会用英语询问他人的学校日常活动教学准备:- PPT幻灯片- 学生课本和练册- 卡片和图片教学过程:1. 导入:通过幻灯片展示学生的日常学校活动,引发学生的讨论。
2. 新授词汇:通过幻灯片介绍、讲解和示范单词的发音和意思。
3. 练活动:在学生课本和练册上进行有关学校日常活动的练活动,例如填空、配对和描述图片等。

【北师大版】小学五年级下册英语教案Unit 1 Jobs单元教学目标1.能指认、说出本单元呈现的职业名称。
知识目标1.语音:能了解元音字母a, e, I, o及元音字母组合ea, ee, oa 在单词中的不同发音。
2.词汇:话题词汇:能够指认、说出所学的职业词汇:farmer, policeman, nurse, student, singer, doctor, worker, taxi driver, vet, teacher, singer.情景词汇:能在话境中理解job, juggler, Miss, telephone,call的含义。
3.句型:能够运用What do you do? I am a\an…. What does she\he do? She\he is a\an….询问及说明某人的职业;能够运用Are you a\an…? Yes, I am\No, I`m not. Is she\he a \an…? Yes, she\he is.\No, she\he isn`t.猜测或确认某人的职业。
3.能在故事情境中,理解What does she\he do? She\he is a\an….等询问、说明某人职业的句型。
教学重点1.在情境中理解What does she\he do? She\he is a\an….2.借助插图理解并正确朗读故事。
教学过程:Get Ready1.猜谜游戏教师出示一些不完整的职业图片,学生通过观察和联想,猜职业、说词汇。

以下是带来的北师大版小学五年级英语下册教案内容,感谢您的阅读,希望能帮助到您!北师大版小学五年级英语下册教案1学习目标1. 能听、说、读、写单词“sing”,“song”,“kung fu”,“dance”和词组“sing English songs”,“playthe pipa”,“do kung fu”,“draw cartoons”。
2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“What can you do?”,“I can …”。
3. 能听懂、会唱歌曲“What can you do?”。
4. 能完成“Do a survey”部分的对话任务。
5. 鼓励学生了解身边同学的能力,做生活中的有心人。
学习重难点1. 能听、说、读、写单词“sing”,“song”,“kung fu”,“dance”和词组“sing English songs”,“playthe pipa”,“do kung fu”,“draw cartoons”。
2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“What can you do?”,“I can …”。
教学难点1. 新词汇和词组的学习。
2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“What can you do?”,“I can …”。
教学过程二次备课一、课前热身(Warm-up)1. Free talkT: Good morning, everyone. Welcome back to school. How are you today?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: I’m fine, too. Are you ready for our class?Ss: Yes.2. 热身活动T: Now let’s do some warming-up practice. All of you, listen to me, please.Stand up and follow me. Run, I can run (read, jump, swim, fly, clean, draw…).二、课前预习(Preview)学习歌曲“What can you do?”T: You can jump, run, swim … You’re so great. Now let’s learn a song called“What can you do?”.第一次播放歌曲录音,全班学生跟着录音唱歌曲。

北师大版五年级下册英语全册教案Unit 7 Days of the week第一课教学目标:在本课结束时,学生能:1.在插图帮助下,读懂故事主要内容;2.模仿并朗读故事人物对话;3.在图片的帮助下,指认和说出星期的名称;4.在故事情境中,询问或说明当天是星期几:What day is it today? It’s…教学重点:在插图的帮助下理解故事主要内容,模仿朗读人物对话。
教学过程:Step1.Get Ready1.猜一猜、说一说(1)教师出示某几天的课程表,让学生根据课程安排猜测分别是哪一天。
T: Look at the timetable. What day is it today?(2)出示当天的日历,让学生说一说是星期几。
T: What day is it today? Ss: Today is...(3)拿出以上步骤呈现的星期词汇,教师示范朗读,学生跟读词汇。
2.图文匹配(1)利用课程表,指其中一天,提问What day is it today?让学生回答。
T: Which one is Monday?3.师生问答(1)拿出课程表或日历,指其中的日子,让学生说出是星期几。
Step2.Enjoy the Story1.导入故事呈现故事第一幅插图,引导学生看图猜测故事发生的时间和人物准备做的事情。
T: Look at the picture. What time is it? What are Kan and Ann going to do? What does Mocky want to do?2.学习故事(1)师生问答,预测分享故事带领学生一起看插图1,指Mocky说Mocky的问话,引导学生回答Ken 和Ann是否能和Mocky一起玩。

2023新版北师大版五年级上册英语教案教学设计一、教学目标1. 通过本课的研究,使学生学会使用问句和答句来询问和提供信息。
2. 培养学生的听、说、读、写的综合语言能力。
3. 帮助学生更好地理解和运用本课所学的词汇和句型。
二、教学内容本节课的教学内容主要包括以下方面:1. 课文:阅读并理解课文内容。
2. 语法:研究和掌握问句和答句的用法。
3. 词汇:研究新的词汇,并灵活运用在对话中。
4. 听力:通过听力练提高学生的听力水平。
三、教学重点1. 研究和掌握问句和答句的基本用法。
2. 理解并正确运用课文中的词汇和句型。
四、教学方法1. 师生互动:通过师生问答和组织小组活动等互动形式,提高学生的参与度和研究兴趣。
2. 游戏活动:利用游戏的方式,激发学生研究英语的兴趣和积极性。
3. 合作研究:通过小组合作研究的方式,培养学生的合作精神和团队意识。
五、教学过程1. 创设情境:通过图片、视频或故事等引入新的话题,激发学生的兴趣,为研究打下基础。
2. 呈现新知:介绍新的单词、句型及语法知识,并通过多种形式帮助学生理解和掌握。
3. 合作研究:组织学生进行小组合作研究,进行角色扮演、对话练等活动,提高学生的口语表达能力。
4. 巩固练:通过练题、听力理解等形式巩固学生对所学内容的掌握。
5. 拓展延伸:组织学生进行相关拓展活动,如口语比赛、写作练等,拓宽学生的英语运用领域。
六、教学评价1. 通过教学过程中的师生互动,对学生研究情况进行实时评价和反馈。
2. 利用考试、测验等形式评估学生对所学内容的掌握程度。
3. 鼓励学生之间的互评和自评,促进学生的自我发展和提高。
七、教学资源1. 课本和教辅资料:使用《北师大版五年级上册英语教材》及相关辅助教材。
2. 多媒体设备:使用投影仪、音响等设备辅助教学过程。
3. 课堂活动道具:准备图片、小道具等资源,便于教学展示和互动。

北师大版五年级下册英语全册教案Unit 7 Days of the week第一课教学目标:在本课结束时,学生能:1.在插图帮助下,读懂故事主要内容;2.模仿并朗读故事人物对话;3.在图片的帮助下,指认和说出星期的名称;4.在故事情境中,询问或说明当天是星期几:What day is it today I t’s…教学重点:在插图的帮助下理解故事主要内容,模仿朗读人物对话。
T: Look at the timetable. What day is it today(2)出示当天的日历,让学生说一说是星期几。
T: What day is it today Ss: Today is...(3)拿出以上步骤呈现的星期词汇,教师示范朗读,学生跟读词汇。
2.图文匹配(1)利用课程表,指其中一天,提问What day is it today让学生回答。
T: Which one is Monday3.师生问答(1)拿出课程表或日历,指其中的日子,让学生说出是星期几。
the Story1.导入故事呈现故事第一幅插图,引导学生看图猜测故事发生的时间和人物准备做的事情。
T: Look at the picture. What time is it What are Kan and Ann going to do What does Mocky want to do2.学习故事(1)师生问答,预测分享故事带领学生一起看插图1,指Mocky说Mocky的问话,引导学生回答Ken 和Ann是否能和Mocky一起玩。

T:Whose schoolbag is this?
T:Right. Limei’s we can say hers.
Whose schoolbag is this?
2、基本掌握核心词汇mine, his ,hers ,yours ,ours, theirs, sorry, backpack, suitcase, trip, get, come back, go home
3、基本掌握句型Whose pen is this?
This pen is mine. (his ,hers ,yours ,ours, theirs)
Ss:It’s Limei’s.
I wanted to read a book.

北师大版五年级下册英语全册教案Unit 7 Days of the week第一课教学目标:在本课结束时,学生能:1.在插图帮助下,读懂故事主要内容;2.模仿并朗读故事人物对话;3.在图片的帮助下,指认和说出星期的名称;4.在故事情境中,询问或说明当天是星期几:What day is it today? It’s…教学重点:在插图的帮助下理解故事主要内容,模仿朗读人物对话。
T: Look at the timetable. What day is it today?(2)出示当天的日历,让学生说一说是星期几。
T: What day is it today? Ss: Today is...(3)拿出以上步骤呈现的星期词汇,教师示范朗读,学生跟读词汇。
2.图文匹配(1)利用课程表,指其中一天,提问What day is it today?让学生回答。
T: Which one is Monday?3.师生问答(1)拿出课程表或日历,指其中的日子,让学生说出是星期几。
the Story1.导入故事呈现故事第一幅插图,引导学生看图猜测故事发生的时间和人物准备做的事情。
T: Look at the picture. What time is it? What are Kan and Ann going to do? What does Mocky want to do?2.学习故事(1)师生问答,预测分享故事带领学生一起看插图1,指Mocky说Mocky的问话,引导学生回答Ken和Ann是否能和Mocky一起玩。

北师大版五年级下册英语全册教案Unit 7 Days of the week第一课教学目标:在本课结束时,学生能:1.在插图帮助下,读懂故事主要内容;2.模仿并朗读故事人物对话;3.在图片的帮助下,指认和说出星期的名称;4.在故事情境中,询问或说明当天是星期几:What day is it today? It’s…教学重点:在插图的帮助下理解故事主要内容,模仿朗读人物对话。
教学过程:Step1.Get Ready1.猜一猜、说一说(1)教师出示某几天的课程表,让学生根据课程安排猜测分别是哪一天。
T: Look at the timetable. What day is it today?(2)出示当天的日历,让学生说一说是星期几。
T: What day is it today? Ss: Today is...(3)拿出以上步骤呈现的星期词汇,教师示范朗读,学生跟读词汇。
2.图文匹配(1)利用课程表,指其中一天,提问What day is it today?让学生答复。
T: Which one is Monday?3.师生问答(1)拿出课程表或日历,指其中的日子,让学生说出是星期几。
Step2.Enjoy the Story1.导入故事呈现故事第一幅插图,引导学生看图猜测故事发生的时间和人物准备做的事情。
T: Look at the picture. What time is it? What are Kan and Ann going to do? What does Mocky want to do?2.学习故事(1)师生问答,预测分享故事带领学生一起看插图1,指Mocky说Mocky的问话,引导学生答复Ken 和Ann是否能和Mocky一起玩。

北师大版英语五年级下册全册教案课题 Unit 7Today is Monday 课型新授时数9教学目标(重点☆难点△)一、知识目标与能力目标☆学生能够认读、听辨、默写 Words to learn 中的个单词;☆能够认读、听辨单词表中相关词汇;☆学生能够听辨、认读并使用功能句型☆能够认读、听辨字母组合的发音;△能够整体感知text,能力水平较高的学生能够表演;△能够独立完成阅读;△能感知story time,能力水平较高的学生能够表演能够说唱歌谣,并理解其含义。
板书设计Unit 7Today is Monday课后小结第一课时中,学生整体把握课文较好,但是对于星期几的详细认识较为薄弱。
作业设计1. Read the text 5 times.2. Copy the new words.3. Preview next lesson.选做:小组表演课文或者背诵课文Text基础设计集备后修改、补充Step 1 Warm upLet's sing: The days of weekStep 2 Set the SceneFree talk :Step 3 Talk about the story第一遍阅读:1. Who are they in the story?2. What day is it today?3. Where are Ann and Ken going?第二遍阅读:P1: Can you play today?P2:Isn’t today a holiday?P3: What do you do On Tuesday?P4: Do you go to school every day?P5: There are only seven days in a week. P6: Come back tomorrow, Mocky.P7: Saturday is a holiday.P8: Preposition “on” is used before “days of the week”第三遍阅读:用Yes, No判断句子对错:第四遍阅读:watch the video or listen to the tape.第五遍:Imitate the voice of the text.Step 4、Post readingTeamwork:Try to act.Step 5 Homework1. Recite the story.2. Tell the story to your family 教学中需要注意的知识点:1. can (Book 4 Unit 11)Can you play today?I can’t remember all the days!2. Isn’t today a holiday?3. Key structure: (Present tense)What do you do On Tuesday?Do you go to school every day?We don’t go to school on Saturday and Sunday.4. “There be”There are only seven days in a week.5. Commands:Come back tomorrow, Mocky.(Attention to th e new word “tomorrow”, which will appear in Unit 11)6. statements:Saturday is a holiday.7. Preposition “on” is used before “days of the week”Words to learn,Uncle Booky’s Blackboard教学过程集备后修改、补充Step 1 Warm up1. Sing the song:2. Free talk:Step 2. words to learn1. listen and point2. listen and repeat3. English ---Chinese translate4. words gameStep 3 Uncle Booky's blackboard1. Read the sentences after the teacher.2. Have the Ss translate into Chinese and then say a new sentence(each sentence)3. Have the Ss spell the word.4. Have the Ss recite the sentences in two minutes.5. Dictate these two sentences and have twoSs come to the blackboard and write.6. Check the answers.Step 4. Summary作业设置:1.Copy and recite the new words 4-12.Copy the key sentences twice with translation twice3.Preview the text of unit 14.Take a photo of your family to school nextclass 教学中需要注意的知识点:Students are required to master not only the words but also the verbal phrases. Specially focus on “play with”, “holiday” and “visit”.Uncle Booky’s BlackboardKey structure:What do you/they do on …?I/We/They go to ….What does he/she do on …?He/She goes to ….Listen to this,Let’s sing!(Play the gam e),Talk together,Listen and Match基础设计集备后修改、补充Step1 Warm upReview the words:Step 2 listen to this1. Listen and repeat.2. Listen and judge3. Check the answers.Step 3 Play the game:Play the game in teams.Step4 Sing a song1. Listen to the song.2. Listen and clap hands.3. Listen and repeat.4. Try to sing along.Step 5 talk together:Practice in pairs.Step5 Listen and match:1. Tell all the animal names before listening.2. Listen and repeat.3. Listen and match.4. Check the answers.Step 3 ConsolidationReview the new words.Step4 Homework1.Copy the new words 4 English 1 Chinese.Preview next lesson. 教学中需要注意的知识点:Listen to thisStructure: Sb. does sth.e.g.: (pic 1) Ken goes to the supermarket on Friday.Let’s sing!Theme: Days of the weekTell the students “Sunday is the first day of the week.”as the western custom.Focus on two words: start (appear in Unit 10), again (Book 5 Unit 1)Talk togetherStructure: What day is it today?It’s….Listen and MatchStructure: What does Ann do on …?She goes to the ….Reading Comprehension基础设计集备后修改、补充Step1 Warm upReview the words:Play a game.Step2、Reading Comprehension1) Ask the Ss what they know about it.2) Elicit the details from the text.3) Look at the pictures and try to describe.4) Read the text slowly.The students just listen.5) Explain each sentences of the text and asksimple questions to check their understanding.Answer simple questions about the text.6) Let the Ss read by self.7) Find the right picture and text.8) Answer the questions.9) Check the answers.Step 3 ConsolidationReview the text.Step 4 Homework1.Color the pictures on P18.2.Tell their parents about the story. 教学中需要注意的知识点:Reading Comprehension: Mike’s week 1. Mike is a Canadian boy.“Canadian” is a word for nationality. Another word we learnedfor nationality is “Chinese”(Book 5 Unit 5), which was used as a word for subject.Words for Nation learned:(Book 3 Unit 3 text) Britain, China, Canada, America(Book 3 Unit 5 Self-assessment) Australia, Japan,(Name for city) H.K.(Book 7 Unit 6 Reading Comprehension) England2. “From Monday to Friday, he goes to school.”Focus on the meaning of “from”.3. “After school, he does many things.”Understand “after school”4. Preposition “on” is used before “days of the week”5. “every Tuesday evening”Understand this expression. Focus onthe usage of the word “every”.6. Focus on all the verbal phrases appeared in this passage. Understandtheir meanings. And the third person singular form is involved. Help students understand the ending “s”.7. Exercise 1 on textbook: Match theday to the activity.Have the students retell the story with the pictures after matching.Study the new word “July” on each picture.8. Exercise 1 on textbookComplete answers are demanded.教学过程第( 5 )课时Touch, Ask and Answer,Writing Exercises,Let’s chant!基础设计集备后修改、补充Step 1 Warm-up1. Act the text.2. Play a guessing game.Step2 Presentation1. Touch, ask and answer.Ask and answer in pairs.2. Read and write1) Open the books at P10 read and complete the exercise.2) Read the question by each word. Have the children repeat the question as they touch eachword in their books.3) Practice these questions and answers.3. Let’s chant1) Look at the picture and answer:What does he/she do?2) Read the chant sentence by sentence.3) Listen to the tape and repeat.4) Try to act in teams.Step3 ConsolidationReview the sentences.Step4 Homework1. Copy the sentences 4E1C.2. Preview next lesson. 教学中需要注意的知识点:Touch, Ask and Answer Structure:1. What does he do on Sunday?He goes to ….2. What do you do in a week?Have the students write daily routine. (Like the column in “Words to learn”.)Writing ExercisesQ&A: What does she do on Thursday?________________________. Focus on the third person singular.(Don’t worry! Only “goes” is involved.)Let’s chant!1. Structure: What do you doon … and …?2. Understand the meaning andthe structure of “Together we go to school.”3. Grasp the phrase “sta y at home”, which will appear inUnit 12.教学过程第( 6 )课时Ask and find out,Sounds and Letters基础设计集备后修改、补充Step 1 Warm up1. Let’s chant:2.Game:3. Free talk :Step 2. Let’s find out.1) Introduce the activity.2) Read the example sentences.3) Group work:Interview at least 3 children for their parents’ job and take note.Take turns to carry out the interviews, report theirfindings.6) Listen and Repeat.Step 3 Sounds and Letters1. Observe the words.T: Look, there are some words. Observe them carefully, then find out the same letters.Show the words:Have the Ss find out the same letters:2.Read the wordsT: Who can read these words?Have two Ss read these words.Have the Ss find out the same sound.Read after the T.Read after the tape.3. Show some cases.hurt / turnHave two Ss come to the blackboard.T read the words and have the two Ss listen for their sounds then pat the right phonetic symbol.Step 4 Practice1. Pat the words.Write down the two phonetic symbols [ :] and [ ] on the blackboard.petition in groups.3. Listen for the sounds1) Have Ss read the words together.2) Play the tape and have the Ss listen and distinguish.3) Have the Ss cross the word that doesn't belong.4) Check the answers.4. Read with Uncle BookyRead after the video. 教学中需要注意的知识点:Ask and find outThis activity is divided into two parts.1. Survey for “class schedule”2. Survey for “daily routine”Sounds and Letters “ow”, “ou”Another sound for “ow”: yellow, follow, sparrow教学过程第( 7 )课时Uncle Booky’s Story time基础设计集备后修改、补充Step1 Warm upLet’s chantStep2、Presentation1. Uncle Booky’s story time:1) read by self.2) Point to the pictures:Who are they?Where are they?Listen and repeat.3) Listen and repeat2. Snap Game:Spread the small cards face down on a table.Play in pairs:If two cards same, the first one says “Snap, on!”The winner is the child with the most cards at the end of the game.3. Bingo Game.4. Self-assessment:5. ReflectionFinish in pairs.T checks the answer.Step3 Practice1. Bingo game: use 9 job names.2. Pass message:Step 4 SummaryRead the words of Unit 1.Step5 Homework1. 熟读Story Time。
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北师大版小学五年级英语下册教案2023pep 五年级英语上册全英文教案下面是我整理的北师大版小学五年级英语下册教案2023 pep五年级英语上册全英文教案,以供参考。
北师大版小学五年级英语下册教案2023 1Butterflies教学目标:1.知识与能力技能目标(1)掌握生词: lay , caterpillar , become .(2)读懂语篇,学习蝴蝶的有关知识。
2. 过程与方法目标在自主与合作交流的学习过程中,感受蝴蝶蜕变的美,学习有关蝴蝶的知识3.情感态度价值观目标培养学生热爱自然的美好情感;激发学生的探知热情,让学生体验合作的愉快,培养学生的创造力与想象力以及跨学科学习的能力。
教具准备:课件、录音带、蝴蝶蜕变过程视频教学过程:一、自主式导读Warming up:T: Nice to meet you ! Do you like insects ? Which insect do you know?Ss: ants, ladybirds, flies, butterflies…T: Among all the insects, which one is the most beautiful?S1: Butterflies.T: Yes , butterflies are one of the most beautiful insect in the world. I have some pictures about butterflies . Do you want to have a look ?in this lesson we are going to talk about butterflies.板书课题Module4Unit2 Butterflies(学生齐读课题)出示学习目标:(齐读学习目标,明确本节课的学习目的)1、我能听所读写单词: lay , caterpillar ,become .2、我能读懂语篇,学习蝴蝶的有关知识。
T: Do you known how about a butterfly grows ?Let’s watch a video together !Ss: Ok !T: It’s so magical !Do you want to talk about it by yourself ?Ss: Yes .T: You shoud rely the teaching outline to learn the text .导学提纲Where does a butterfly lay eggs?How are the eggs?What do the eggs become?What do they eat?What does this big and fat caterpillar make?What colour is it?it opens, what comes out? How about it ?What makes it dry?学生自学通过导学提纲的引领认真阅读文本内容,将导学提纲中出现的问题及生词勾画出来。
由小组长负责带领组员进行学习(小组长要给于组员一定的任务,做到人人有事做、人人有问答)T: 在学生合作学习的同时及时给于一定的帮助,引导让学生思维都动起来。
三、探究式点拨师生讨论1、Play the tape and tell the students to listen to the tape carefully .2、Please answer the questions .3、Read the sentences to introduce the growth ofa butterfly..让学生读句子,介绍蝴蝶的生长过程。
四、强化式拓展1.根据板书重新回顾本课的重点内容:A butterflies lays eggs .The eggs become small caterpillars.The caterpillar makes a house .It is a cocoon .The cocoon opens . A butterfly comes out.2.Please study hard you can be a beautiful butterfly one day.Assignment:制作有关昆虫的资料册、手抄报北师大版小学五年级英语下册教案2023 2教材分析:1、本模块学习用how many和how much问数量多少,并会表演在商场购物的简单会话。
教学目标:1、学习句型How many bananas do you want?How much cheese do you want?Do you like cheese,Lingling?No, I don,t ,I like cheese.2、使用how many, how much询问多少。
2、使用how many , how much问多少。
二、课文导入问一个学生的.书包是在哪里买的,多少钱,引出单词shop how much yuan need等。
B、 SB活动1先听录音,然后解释句子意思,并解释how many ,how much的用法及区别,提出可数名词和不可数名词,并详细解释让学生分清楚。
北师大版小学五年级英语下册教案2023 3教学目标:1.知识目标Words :when back those ice cream with finish hurry wp wait drop(2个词组2个过去式 came dropped)Sentences: When did you come backWe came back last Sunday.i dropped my ice cream.2.能力目标(1)学生能认读并拼写本课单词(2)掌握动词的过去式形式3.情感目标运用过去式描述过去发生的事情教学重点:动词过去式的形式及相关句型教学难点:1.一般现在时一般过去时一般将来时的区别2.含有动词过去式的特殊疑问句的构成教学过程:一、Warm-upT: Hello,boys and girls. How are youS: I'm fine thank you.T: Today Let's talk something about summer holiday, OKi have three questions.Number1Where did you goS: I went to...T: Olny yourself And your mother and farther. Yes! So you can say. I went to...with...(设计目的:复习go的过去式went.同时引出with这个单词!What did you buyi bought…。
(设计目的:复习buy的过去式bought.)When did you come back1.用come here学come back帮助学生理解2.I went to Henan in Summer holiday.Now it's September.I came back last month.(利用日历学习)用last month帮助理解when,进一步学习3 对比学习come---cameAsk and answer in pairs(设计目的:不仅学会回答,也掌握问句)Summary: 总结过去时go--went do—didCome--came buy—bought二、以ice cream 引出所学内容,(1) T: Boys and girls are very clever,so today I bring some presents. Oh,look ,it's an...(板书ice cream并教授,教师拿着卡片问Do you like these ice creams S: Yes.T:look at those ice creams. They're nice.(板书those.并对比学习these-those(2)出现bus的图片,边做动作边讲hurry up,通过挥手讲wait for usfinish吃完(找几个学生,发给他们几块小东西,很快能够完成的)1 教师先模仿,吃完手中的东西说:I finished my ..2 对一个学生说Please finish your..这个学生再对下一个学生重复同样的句子3 全班同学一起说Please finish your..Drop-dropped 通过动作。
i dropped my pen/book....三、review the words1. Look at the blackboard and read together2. Look at the word cards and read.3. Play a game: I say a word to a student quietly, let otherstudents guess.(设计目的:练习单词的发音)4.Play a game:用单词卡只露第一个字母。