



Dearenglishteacher:IamsosorrythatIhaveabsentedyoure nglishclassforthreetimes.butIamnotquitemyselfthen.

IsaysorrythatIdontcometohavetheclass.Iamnotdelibera tely.Ihavefeltthestrongsinsnow.



IFIdoitagain,Iwilldoastheteachersays.AllthingsthatI saycomefrommyheart.pleasepardonme.




Tomr/ms/mrs/professorIwanttosincerelyapologizeforpl ayinggamesinmyelectronicdictionaryduringwednesday's class.

moreimportantly,Ireallywanttoapologizeforpointingfi ngeratyouwhenyousaidyoucouldonlygivemyelectronicdic tionarybackthenextday.

Afterthis,IrealizedhowimpusliveIwas,Ishouldnotdothi ngslikeplayinggamesduringclass,andespecially,pointi ngfingeratsomeonethatIshouldrespect.

pleaseforgivemeforwhatIhavedoneandIpromiseIwillneve rdothingslikethisagain.




写给老师的一封信英语精选5篇 想要给英语老师写一封信,用中文对你来说应该没啥问题吧,但要是想要用英文的形式对她说,你觉得自己可以吗?接下来要给大家提供的是写给老师的一封信英语,希望你认真看完,会对你有帮助的! 英语道歉信范文 英语书信范文10篇 英语文摘精选5篇 给老师的一封毕业信600字 写给老师的一封信英语1 Dear Mrs Hu, I am very glad to write to you about what I think in my mind. First of all, I think I have to admit that you have excellect command of English and teach us much knowledge, which is not only English but also lots of thinking on life . Next,You help us how to see the world and even how to apply for a good job. but I think what impressed me most was the way you work. You do everything so patiently and carefully, which is highly thought of by all the classmates...All of these leads us to respect you very much. Well,AS for me,I think full of humor is your another impressed charactistics.You know, I just regard your class as a very enjoying meal. I guess It’s widely acknowledged that all of your students like It very much. To conclude,I think you are a very good teacher. I hope you will pay more attention to your health and be happy every day. Sincerely, Zhao zhouxing 写给老师的一封信英语2


英语老师上课迟到英语道歉信 Therearesomanyunforgetablethingshappenedduringmyhighlife.One ofthemthatipany,isednottobelateagain.pleaseforgavemeformysincere apology. DearMsehoer,panyplishmentofyourdream.HowIwishIcouldhavethech ancetosharewithyoumypersonalfeelingsandsuggestionsbeforeyouareaw ay!Iherebysendyouagifttowishyougoodluck.pleaseforgiveme. Cordially, LiMing 给英语老师的道歉信 给英语老师的道歉信篇一 尊敬的老师: 对不起,教我们给你带来了许多艰苦的工作。我知道我写这封道歉信 显得有些姗姗来迟了,但实际上我早已经把它写好了,是拖到了今天才交 给您,我希望您能接受我这个迟来的道歉。 从懂事以来,父母就教育我们尊师重道。尊重老师,是每个人应该有 的尊重。尊敬老师应该同爱我们的亲人一样,但是我的行为不好,经常违 反课堂纪律,导致很多让你不快乐的情况发生。是我的错,是我调配捣蛋。有时候,我真的很想给您做一个当面的道歉。也许是青春期的缘故,我们 有这种叛逆的性格。说实话,经过这次犯错之后,我们的心情是悲伤的, 不希望事情会变成这样子。

因此,我们采用了书面道歉的方式,跟老师说一句:我错了,但我真的爱您,希望您能够原谅我的!最后,我决定向老师发誓。今后在课堂上一定遵守课堂纪律,绝对不会再做违反纪律的事了。 xxx xx年x月x日 给英语老师的道歉信篇二 尊敬的班主任老师: 在此,我向您递交我这篇道歉信。最近一段时间以来,我上课经常不认真听讲,上课做小动作,严重地影响了您的教学热情。这期间,我上课经常会拿桌子上的铅笔、钢笔,水彩笔,铅笔盒等物件玩,有时候我还愣愣地看着窗外,似乎在若有所思什么,其实我根本没有思考什么,只是懒惰得发呆了。特别是我在上练习课的时候,我没有认真地抄写你写在黑板上的习题答案,下课以后还要询问您,给您造成了很多困扰。我知道,我这样上课不认真听讲的错误是要不得的,任由我继续这样下去会带来比较不良的后果。 作为一名学生,我也要有一定的学习责任心,自己的学习要向父母负责,向老师负责。更何况老师为了教育我们付出了辛勤汗水,我不能这么得辜负您。这次我错了,我决心加以改正。经过一番思考,我想到了一个改正错误的方法,那就是在以后的上课期间,我要注意时刻提醒自己认真学习。在平时,我要注意培养自己的学习兴趣,特别是针对您所教的这门语文学科,我要认识到将来我有可能成为一名文学家,到时候全然指望着靠着文学混口饭吃,要是现在我不认真听讲,今后不就要饿肚子了。


给英语老师的道歉信 (经典版) 编制人:__________________ 审核人:__________________ 审批人:__________________ 编制单位:__________________ 编制时间:____年____月____日 序言 下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢! 并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如述职报告、调研报告、合同协议、条据文书、演讲致辞、口号大全、规章制度、教学资料、作文大全、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注! Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you! Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays, such as job reports, research reports, contract agreements, documents, speeches, slogans, rules and regulations, teaching materials, essays, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please pay attention!


向老师道歉的话英语作文(一) 向老师道歉的话英语作文(二) 考研英语写作小作文之道歉信 在考研英语的Part A 小作文部分,书信作为考查的重点所在,种类繁多。在前面我们曾就以题目为例,详细地解析过前五种书信:即建议信、投诉信、咨询信、感谢信和祝贺信的写作方法及其注意事项。今天中公考研英语教研组的张玉环老师就对考研英语小作文中的第六类书信——道歉信——进行深入的分析。 道歉信,英文中称为 letter of apology,是由于某事向某人表示歉意的信件,通常是由于自己的过错或不能履行承诺等而做出的道歉。写作时,一定要态度诚恳,提供合理的理由,并需在解释完原因后,尽可能提供一个合适的补救办法。道歉信曾在2008年英语(一)的小作文中考查过。作为英文应用书信的一种,道歉信非常符合考研英语的考查要求,既可考查考生的英语书面表达能力,尤其是应用文的英语表达能力,又可考查到考生对内容要点的归纳、概括、表述能力。 一般来说,在考研英语中,道歉信主体部分的写作可按照三个步骤进行,即“三步走”策略。接下来就以题目为例,具体解析一下这个策略。 例题: Directions: You have just come back from Canada and found a music CD in your luggage that you forgot to return to Bob, your landlord there. Write him a letter to 1) make an apology, and 2) suggest a solution. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address. 题目要求向你在加拿大时的房东Bob写一封信,为自己未能在回国之前归还音乐CD而向他道歉,并提出解决方案。根据上面所提的道歉信写作“三步走”策略,具体操作如下:首段:I am writing to express my apology to you for my failing to return your music CD before I came back.


给老师的英文道歉信 (经典版) 编制人:__________________ 审核人:__________________ 审批人:__________________ 编制单位:__________________ 编制时间:____年____月____日 序言 下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢! 并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如述职报告、工作计划、合同协议、心得体会、策划方案、条据书信、规章制度、教学资料、作文大全、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注! Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you! Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays, such as job reports, work plans, contract agreements, insights, planning plans, policy letters, rules and regulations, teaching materials, complete essays, and other sample essays. If you would like to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please pay attention!


英文道歉信范文六篇 致歉信一般是因自己失误或拒绝,引进对方的不快,以表示赔礼道歉,消除曲解,增进友谊和信赖的信函。下面是关于英文道歉信范文六篇的内容,欢迎阅读! 【道歉信一】 Dear Anne, Thank you for your invitation to dinner at your home tomorrow evening. Unfortunately, it is much to my regret that I cannot join you and your family, because I will be fully occupied then for an important exam coming the day after tomorrow. I feel terribly sorry for missing the chance of such a happy get-together, and I hope that all of you enjoy a good time. Is it possible for you and me to have a private meeting afterward? If so, please don't hesitate to drop me a line about your preferable date. I do long for a pleasant chat with you. Please allow me to say sorry again. Regards, Li Ming 【译文】 亲爱的安: 感谢你邀请我于明日晚上与你和你的.家人共进午餐。可是,我非常遗憾地告诉你我无法赴约,因为我将忙于准备后天的一门重要考试。错过了这么一个欢乐的聚会我深感遗憾,我希望你们能度过一个愉快的时光。对了,在我考试后我们可以见一面么?如果可以的话请随时给我打电话,我非常期待能和你愉快地聊天。 请允许我再一次致歉。 您真诚的, 李明 【道歉信二】


英文道歉信(通用7篇) 英文道歉信1 Dear, I am writing this letter to e某某press my apology that . I feel terribly sorry about this. Once again, I am very sorry for any inconvenience caused. I will be reallyappreciated if you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. Yours Sincerely 英文道歉信2 亲爱的客人: 您好!首先请允许我对您遇到的预定没有房间的问题给您带来的不便致以真诚的道歉。由于近来客人较多,客房紧张,导致有些客人无法入住,我们深感抱歉。 我们可以介绍您去与我们同等档次的酒店,还有不知您方不方便把您的姓名和联系方式留下,如果有了房间我们会在第一时间通知您并免费接您回来,为了表示我们的'歉意,我们决定在您入住时给你一定折扣折并免费提供早餐。 祝您过得愉快! 酒店 20某某年x月x日 英文道歉信3 Dear Mary, I am very sorry that I can not take part in your party . It is pity to me because of my emercy thing need to be dealt e to it on time. If I could do something for your party ,please feel free to contact me . That the party ! Good luck to you all ! Yours truly, Ellen 英文道歉信4


给老师的英语道歉信范文 致歉信要写得坦率、恳切。下面是我为大家整理的给教师的英语致歉信,盼望对大家有协助。 给教师的英语致歉信篇一 Dear Ms Winston, The purpose of this is to convey to you my sincere apologies for any inconvenience you may have experience last month with respect to the installation of your Internet high speed service. I just returned from vacation this week and found your file in my in-basket. As soon as I reviewed your case it was clear that somehow your Jau. 20th request for a change in service had somehow slipped through the cracks. The only possible explanation I can give is that we have recently had a number of key staff changes, which might have resulted in your letter being overlooked. Consequently, I have directed our installation group to contact you by the end of this week to set up a time convenient to you when they could go to your house and install your new router and make the necessary adjustments to your software. Because of this serious oversight, and as a testament to our


英语作文上课玩手机道歉信 英文回答: I am writing this letter to apologize for using my phone during class. I understand that it was disrespectful and disruptive to both the teacher and my classmates. It was a thoughtless action on my part, and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience or distraction caused. Using my phone during class not only shows a lack of respect for the teacher and the learning environment, but it also hinders my own education. I realize now that I missed out on important information and valuable learning opportunities by being distracted by my phone. I understand that it is important to be fully present and engaged in class in order to make the most of my education. I want to assure you that this will not happen again. I have realized the negative impact it has on my own learning and the learning experience of others. I will make a


英语道歉信通用15篇 亲爱的xxx, 我写这封信是为了表达我对你的衷心感谢。 如果没有你的帮助和xx,我担心xx。/没有你的帮助,我不会做xx。在xx__期间,您给予了我慷慨的帮助和xx的持续指导。因此,我非常感谢xx,我希望我可以用xx 来报答您的好意。 最后,我觉得非常有必要再次感谢你。 你真诚的xxx, 李明 此外,根据文章的不同主题,您可以自行添加或删除一些细节。以下句型经常出现在感谢信中,你可以在作文中使用。 1.我写信是为了表达我对…的感谢 2.我谨代表我的全家,向您致以诚挚的谢意... 3.再次衷心感谢。 英语道歉信2尊敬的专利教授: 我很抱歉地通知你,由于几天前突然生病,我没能完成你上周布置的读书报告。在过去的几天里,我一直在医院里发烧,这使我无法进行任何学术活动。我特此提交医生注意。 如果你能再给我一周时间完成这项任务,我将不胜

感激,因为我的健康状况正在好转。 希望你能理解我的处境,接受我的道歉。 你忠实的, 英语道歉信3亲爱的温斯顿女士: 本函的目的是向您转达我诚挚的.歉意,对于您上个月在安装互联网高速服务方面可能遇到的任何不便。 我这周刚度假回来,在我的收件箱里发现了你的文件。我一审查你的案子,很明显你的Jau。第20次变更服务的请求不知怎么就被忽略了。我能给出的唯一可能的解释是,我们最近有一些关键的人员变动,这可能会导致你的信被忽略。 因此,我已经指示我们的安装团队在本周末之前与您联系,为您安排一个方便的时间,让他们去您家安装您的新路由器,并对您的软件进行必要的调整。 由于这一严重的疏忽,为了证明我们对您作为我们的客户的感谢,我们将免费为您提供前三个月的高速服务。因此,你的账户要到今年6月才会开出账单。 温斯顿女士,让我向你保证,在你的情况下发生的事情不是有线电视网的典型。的客户服务水平。我们将继续致力于为您和我们所有的客户提供业内最高标准的服务。 如果您有任何问题,请不要。请随时打电话给我。 xx


上课玩手机道歉信英语作文 I would like to express my sincere apologies for playing with my phone during class, which not only disrupts the class atmosphere but also shows disrespect to the teacher. 我想对在课堂上玩手机表示诚挚的道歉,这不仅打扰了课堂氛围,也表现出对老师的不尊重。 I understand the importance of focusing in class and actively participating in discussions to enhance my learning experience. However, I made a poor choice by allowing distractions to take away my attention from the lesson. 我明白在课堂上集中精力和积极参与讨论对提高学习体验的重要性。然而,我犯了一个错误,让自己的注意力被干扰物所吸引,无法集中在课堂上。 I recognize that my behavior not only affects my own learning progress but also sets a bad example for my classmates. I realize that it is important to show respect for the learning environment and the efforts of our teachers.


带零食去学校被老师罚的作文英文回答: I remember the time when I got in trouble for bringing snacks to school. It all started when I woke up late one morning and didn't have time to eat breakfast at home. So I quickly grabbed a bag of chips and a candy bar from the pantry and stuffed them in my backpack. I thought I could sneak a bite during recess or lunch to curb my hunger. However, my plan backfired when my teacher caught me munching on the chips during class. She scolded me for breaking the school rules and confiscated my snacks. I was so embarrassed and felt like a fool for getting caught. I never thought something as harmless as bringing snacks to school would get me in trouble. I tried to explain to my teacher that I was just hungry and didn't have time for breakfast, but she wouldn't listen. She said that eating in class was disruptive and


老师英文道歉信 由于道歉主体不同,对人称的使用也有所差别。下面是wtt为大家整理的老师英文道歉信希望对大家有帮助。 老师英文道歉信篇一 Dear Charlie, Kindly e_cuse me for my not being able to see you off at the airport this Saturday as I have promised. A major business partner of our pany will be attending an important conference in _iamen this weekend, and my boss finally chooses me to acpany him there to negotiate about a new transaction. I have just been informed of this plan and am happy about the decisionthis is an opportunity to both display and enhance my abilities, so I am afraid I cannot be present at the airport. Pursuing study overseas is an essential step in the acplishment of your dream. How I wish I could have the chance to share with you my personal feelings and suggestions before you are away! I hereby send you a gift to wish you good luck. Please forgive me. Cordially,


见字如面作文写给老师 英文回答: As a teacher, you play a crucial role in shaping our future. Your dedication and passion for education inspire me to work harder and strive for success. Your guidance and support have helped me grow both academically and personally. I appreciate the time and effort you put into teaching and mentoring me. I remember a time when I was struggling with a difficult math problem. Instead of giving me the answer right away, you encouraged me to think critically and work through the problem on my own. This approach not only helped me solve the problem, but also taught me the importance of perseverance and problem-solving skills. Your kindness and patience have made a lasting impact on me. Whenever I face challenges or setbacks, I remember your words of encouragement and it gives me the strength to


关于高中考试道歉信题目推荐(通用3篇) 关于高中考试题目推荐篇1 一.致歉信常用词汇: apologize v.道歉 inconvenience.n.不便 make up for my fault 弥补我的过失 e_cuse me for my carelessness. I’m sorry for 二.常用句式: 1. Much to my regret,I am unable to… 让我感到极为遗憾的是自己不能…… 2. E_cuse me for my not being able to… 请原谅我不能…… 3. I would like to give you my apology for... 对于……,我向您道歉。 4. I must apologize to you for…就......,我必须向您道歉。 5. I'm really sorry and I hope you will be back soon. 真的很抱歉,希望你不久就回来。 6. I’m sorry to tell you that I can’t... 对未能做……,我表示遗憾。 7. Please accept my sincere apology for... 请接受我关于……的真诚道歉。 8. Please accept my sincere apologies for this unhappy e_perience.对于这次不愉快的经历,请接受我诚挚的歉意。 9. We assure you that such a matter will never happen again.我们向您保证,此类事件不会再发生。 10. I would be very much appreciated if you could……如果你能。。。我将万分感激 11. I'm afraid what I have done has caused much inconvenience to you. 12. Let’s not put a little misunderstanding between us.别让我们之间存在哪怕一点点的误解。


英文道歉信(精选10篇) 英文道歉信1 Dear, I am writing this letter to express my apology that . I feel terribly sorry about this. Once again, I am very sorry for any inconvenience caused. I will be really appreciated if you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. Yours Sincerely 英文道歉信2 Dear, I am writing this letter to express my apology that . I feel terribly sorry about this. Once again, I am very sorry for any inconvenience caused. I will be really appreciated if you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. Yours Sincerely 英文道歉信3 Dear Sir or Madam, I’m writing this letter to apologize to you. I’m so sorry that we made a mistake about the shipment of vacuum cleaners. Those vacuum cleaners we sent to you were meant to be sent to European countries, but as the old worker was retired, the new one wasn’t so ex perienced. Besides, the model number and the price of goods in March and July are so similar that the worker mistaken them. I am awfully sorry for this and we promise you a replacement shipment. We will also give a 10% discount to compensate. I do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and I


给英语老师的一封信英文带翻译精选10篇 亲爱的老师,您就象那春天的细雨,滋润着我们的心田。您给予我们的爱和关怀将鼓舞着我们走过艰难困苦。想了解相关精彩内容请参考小编为大家精心准备的文章:给英语老师的一封信英文带翻译精选10篇 给英语老师的一封信英文带翻译1 Dear Miss Liang, I am writing to thank you for your hard work for me. With your help, I make great progress in my study. A year ago, my study was bad and I didn’t want to learn, but you never give me up. You told me that I was clever. As long as I work hard, I would be great. In this year, you cared much about my study and helped me a lot. When I made mistakes, you always pointed them out and helped me to correct. Now, my study is much better than before, and I want to express my gratitude to you. Hope you everything goes well. Sincerely yours, Lily 亲爱的梁老师: 您好!我写信是想要感谢你为我做出的努力。在你的帮助下,我在学习上取得了很大的进步。一年前,我的学习成绩很差,我不想再学习了,但是你从来没有放弃我。你告诉我我很聪明。只要努力,我一定很棒。近年,你很关心我的学习,帮了我很多。当我犯错的时候,你总是指出错误并帮我更正。现在,我的学习比以前好多了,我想向你表达我的感激。祝您一切顺利。 给英语老师的一封信英文带翻译2 Dear Ms Zhang, I’m writing to express my sincere gratitude to you. You are the very person who gave me a hand when necessary.


延迟交期英文道歉信 篇一:延迟交货道歉信怎么写(共8篇) 篇一:0708 交货延期的道歉 0708 交货延期的道歉 ● email 范例1 ● dear mr. robert, i would like to apologize for the delay in shipping your order. due to excessive demand last month, it seems impossible for us to process all the orders in time. however, we sent your order earlier this morning, and we are sure you will receive them by tomorrow. please accept our sincere apologies again for any inconvenience we have caused you. thank you very much for your consideration. yours truly, nkc co. 亲爱的罗伯特先生: 我想要对此次的交货延迟道歉。 您真诚的, nkc 公司 ● email 范例2 ●

dear mr. karl, the delay resulted from a minor malfunction in our inventory system. however, we have had it resolved now. your shipment will be sent out this afternoon. we are sure you will get them tomorrow. we hope that you will forgive our minor mistake and we can continue our cooperation. yours sincerely, ks co. 亲爱的卡尔先生: 此次延迟是由于我们的存货系统出了一点小故障,但是现在问 题已经解决了。您的货我们将于今天下午发出。 您真诚的, ks 公司 ●如果这样写也可以!● i am really sorry for delaying delivering your products during transportation. we will send the goods you ordered as soon as possible. please accept our wholehearted apologies for delaying delivery of your goods. please accept my sincere apology for our carelessness during the shipment.
