高二英语 于细微处见神韵如何运用修辞手法进行细节描写 课后检测

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I. Find out the figure of speech in the following sentences and passage.

1. The noise was loud enough to wake the dead.

2. The old Venice fell asleep again.

3. I beg a thousand pardons.

4. The volcano spit out lava from its mouth.

5. Household and medical supplies streamed in by plane, train, truck and car.

6. When she heard the bad news, a river of tears poured out.

7. Yesterday, I went to the park. I rode my bicycle through the evergreen trees which were as tall as skyscrapers. The sun shone through e clouds, which were floating pieces of cotton candy in the sky. People were laughing and enjoying the company of their families and friends. I rode past a giant garden of beautiful pink, yellow and purple flowers: it was a scented carpet of color. The park is like an oasis in the city.

II. Complete the sentences using the figure of speech we have learnt.

1. It's raining________________(倾盆大雨).

2. Her face was________________ (羞得通红).

3.Fear ______________ (吞噬) him.

4.Anger _______________________ (气得说不出话来).

5. She went away ________________(泪如泉涌).

6. Some books are to be _________(浅尝辄止), others ____________(狼吞虎咽), and some few to be _________________(细嚼慢咽,好好消化).

7.Waiting for the test results, she kept pacing around the room ______________________________ (就像热锅上的蚂蚁).

8. Unforgettable were her eyes that were________________________(钻石般闪闪发光).

9. The scenery along the journey ______________________________(就像一幅美丽的山水画卷).

10. The sun is _________(微笑)and the birds are ________(歌唱). The wind is _________(吹口哨) and the flowers are _______(跳舞).

11. _____________________(过了好久), a car came into our view and then pulled over.

12. We ______________________(万分感谢他) for his timely help and then hit the road.

13. Just at that very moment, a pleasant wind was ruffling the leaves of trees, __________________(好像在为我们喝彩).


I. Find out the figure of speech in the following sentences and passage.

1. 夸张

2. 拟人

3. 夸张



6. 夸张

7. 1). as tall as skyscrapers.明喻2).which were floating pieces of cotton candy in the sky暗喻3). it was a scented carpet of color 暗喻4). The park is like an oasis in the city. 明喻

II. Complete the sentences using the figure of speech we have learnt.

1. cats and dogs

2. burning with shame


4.choked my words

5.in a flood of tears

6. tasted; swallowed; chewed and digested

7. like a cat on hot bricks

8. sparkling like diamonds 9.is just like a breath-taking landscape painting

ughing;singing;whistling;dancing 11. After what seemed to be ages 12. thanked him a million times 13.as if to be cheering us
