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l e s s o n-65-详细笔记

Lesson 65 Jumbo versus the police 小象对警察

First listen and then answer the question.


Why did the police have to push Jumbo off the main street?

Last Christmas, the circus owner, Jimmy Gates, decided to take some presents to a children's hospital. Dressed up as Father Christmas and accompanied by a‘guard of honour’of six pretty girls, he set off down the main street of the city riding a baby elephant called Jumbo. He should have known that the police would never allow this sort of thing. A policeman approached Jimmy and told him he ought to have gone along a side street as Jumbo was holding up the traffic. Though Jimmy agreed to go at once, Jumbo refused to move. Fifteen policemen had to push very hard to get him off the main street. The police had adifficult time, but they were most amused .‘Jumbo must weigh a few tons,’said a policemen afterwards, ‘soit was fortunate that we didn't have to carry him. Of course, we should arrest him, but as he has a g ood record, we shall let him off this time.’

New words and expressions:

1. versus['və:səs]prep.对

2. approach [ə'prəutʃ] v. 走近

3. Christmas ['krisməs] n.圣诞节

4. ought [ɔ:t] modal verb应该

5. circus ['sə:kəs] n.马戏团

6. weigh [wei] v.重

7. present ['prezənt] n.礼物

8. fortunate ['fɔ:tʃənit] adj.幸运的

9. accompany [ə'kʌmpəni] v.陪伴,随行


去年圣诞节,马戏团老板吉米•盖茨决定送些礼物给儿童医院。他打扮成圣诞老人,在由6个漂亮姑娘组成的“仪仗队”的陪同下,骑上一头名叫江伯的小象,沿着城里的主要街道出发了。他本该知道警察绝不会允许这类事情发生。一个警察走过来告诉吉米,他应该走一条小路,因为江伯阻碍了交通。虽然吉米同意马上就走,但江伯却拒绝移动。 15个警察不得不用很大的力气把它推离主要街道。警察虽然吃了苦头,但他们还是感到很有趣。“江伯一定有好几吨重,”一个警察事后这样说,“值得庆幸的是它没让我们抬它走。当然,我们应该逮捕它,但由于它一贯表现很好,这次我们饶了它。”


1. versus['və:səs]prep.对


Eg:The big match tonight is England versus Spain. 今晚的大赛是英格兰对西班牙。

Robinson versus Brown鲁宾逊对布朗的诉讼


the problem of determinism versus freedom 决定论与自由论相抗衡的问题2. approach [ə'prəutʃ] v. 走近

(1)接近,靠近come nearer and nearer

The old man approaches 80 years old.这个老人将近80岁了。

He cautiously approached the house. 他小心地走近那房子。

approach sb

Eg:He is approaching me.他正向我逼近。


He approached the question as a scientist. 他从科学家的角度来处理这一问题。


I like her approach to the problem. 我喜欢她解决这个问题的方法。

we have found an approach to success.

3. Christmas ['krisməs] n.圣诞节

[扩展] 欧美国家的节日:

April Fool's Day

Thanksgiving Day

Christmas Eve 圣诞前夕(12月24日)

Father Christmas:圣诞老人

Santa Claus:圣诞老人

4. ought [ɔ:t] modal verb应该

(1) (表示义务、责任等)应当,应该

Students ought to study hard. 学生应该努力用功。


You ought to read his novels. 你应该读读他的小说。


It ought to be a fine day tomorrow. 明天该是好天气。

(4)区别ought to do sth和should do sth


ought to:应该(义务上)
