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all the four teachers 前中后
all your threeLeabharlann Baidubooks 前中后
all these last few days 前中后后 如果只有上述两类限定词,其搭配关系仍按照上述顺序
half his lecture 前中
those last few months 中后后
all other students 前后
eg. A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan. 四. 疑问限定词 五. 关系限定词 六. 不定代词 不定代词及其基本用法 1.all, each, both,either, neither, some, any, one, (a) little, (a) few, many, much, other(s), another, 主语,宾语,表语,定语(既可用作名词,也可用作形容词) 2. everyone, everybody,everything; somebody, someone,something; anyone ,anybody ,anything; nobody,nothing, no one 主语,宾语,表语,可以后跟 else ,而且可用作所有格(-’s 形式) 3.none 主语、宾语,表语 4.every, no(这两个只是形容词) 定语 6/10 不定限定词与各类名词的搭配
三、限定词与限定词之间的先后顺序关系 在名词词组中心词之前如果有两个或两个以上限定词出现时,就会产生限定词的先后顺 序问题。按其不同的搭配位置,限定词可分为 前位限定词:all, both, half;double,twice, three times; one-third, two fifths; what, such (a /an) „ 中位限定词: (1) 定冠词和不定冠词; (2) 物主限定词(my, your„ (3)指示限定词(this, that, these,those); (4) ’s 属格名词; (5) 不定数量词(如 some, enough ,no, any, every, each, either, neither); (6) 疑问限定词 what, which, whose; (7) 关系限定词 which, whose; (8) 带 ever 的 wh-词,如 whatever, whichever, whoever。 后位限定词(1): (1) 基数词; (2) 序数词和一般序数词 next, last, (an) other, additional, further; (3) 封闭数量词(a) few, fewer, several, most, more, many, much, (a) little, less, least; 后位限定词(2): plenty of, a bit of , a lot of , lots of, a great deal/quantity/amount /number of … 如果一个名词词组带有上述三类限定词,其搭配关系总是 按照“前位—中位—后位”的顺序排列。如:
限定词以及不定限定词的具体用法搭配详解 阅读人数:573人页数:10页 限定词(determiner) 限定词是在名词词组中对名词中心词起特指、泛指、定量或不定量等限定作用的一类词。 一、英语限定词种类 1.定冠词,不定冠词,零冠词。如:the, a 2.名词属格。 如:my friend’s, Tom’s „ 3.物主限定词。如: my, your „ 4.指示限定词。如:this, that, these, those, such„ 5.疑问限定词。如:what, whose, which„ 6.关系限定词。如:which, whose„ 7.不定限定词。如:some, any, each, every, either, neither, all 8.数词 (基数词、序数词、倍数词、分数词) 9.量词。如:a lot of, lots of , a great/good deal of , a great/large/good number of … 1/10 二、限定词与三类名词的搭配关系 限定词按它词汇意义可分为特指限定词、泛指限定词、定量限定词、不定量限定词四大 类。这四类限定词有的能与单数、复数可数名词搭配,也可与不可数名词搭配 1)能与三类名词搭配的限定词主要有: the; my, John’s, the old man’s„; some, any, no, all, other, such, wha(t ever), which (ever), whose„ eg. the book----the books----the money, my book----my books----my money John’s book--- John’s books---- John’s money 2) 能与单数名词搭配的限定词。如: a (n) , each, every, another, either ,one, neither, many a, such a (n) … eg. each worker, every student,either book,another book 3) 能与复数名词搭配的限定词。如: both, two, another two (three), many,(a) few, several, these, those, a (great) number of „ 如: two girls,(a)few words,several students 4) 能与不可数名词搭配的限定词,如: a bit of, a large amount of, a great deal of, (a) little much, less, (the) least… a bit of water,a large amount of money, much noise 5) 能与单复数名词搭配的限定词。如: the first, the second, the last, the next, the other… the first rose,the first roses,the last man, the last men the next meeting,the next meetings,many a ship,many ships… 注意:用了 many a +单数可数名词作主语,尽管是复数意义,其后的动词还是要用单数 形式。 6) 能与单数名词和不可数名词搭配的限定词。如(the)least,this, that„ the least knowledge, this/that work, this/that job
无论是做疑问代词还是疑问限定词,which (哪个,哪些)和 what 所指的范围不同。what 所指的范围是无限的,而 which 则指在一定的范围内,例如: 1.Which girls do you like best? 你喜欢哪几个姑娘? 2.What girls do you like best? 你喜欢什么样的姑娘? 3.Which university do you like best? 4.What university do you like best? 关系代词 whose 既充当引导词的作用,又对先行词起限定作用,在定语从句中作先行词 的定语。
1.Come any day you like. 2.Any time you want me, just send for me . c. any+ 复数可数名词/不可数名词,表“一些” any books, any water d. any+单数可数名词,表示“every”的含义 Any child could answer that question. 3)no 可修饰单复数可数名词和不可数名词。用法如下: a)用于 there is (are), have (has), have(has) got 之后, 等于 not any 1.There are no letters for you today. 2.He has no books I’v got no home. b) 用于连系动词之后,等于 not a ,但语气很强. 1.The girl was no beauty. 2.He is no friend of mine. c) 用于其他动词之后 1.I took no part in these negotiations. 2.He could expect no sympathy from Joan. d) 用于修饰其他句子成分 1.No boy at school had ever seen the sea. 2.I’m in no mood for jokes. e) 用于警告、命令等标识 No smoking!
all, each, both,either, neither, some, any, one, (a) little, (a) few,many, much, other(s), another, 1.只与复数可敉名词搭配的不定限定词 both, many, (a) few 2.只与不可敉名词搭配的不定限定词 much, (a) little 3.只与单数可敉名词搭配的不定限定词 each (every, one), either, neither, many a, 4.既可与复数可敉名词,又可与不可敉名词搭配的不定限定词 all, some, any, many, other, another, 不定限定词的具体用法 some 和 any 既可用作限定词,也可用作不定代词,起名词词组的作用;但 no 只能用作限定 词,不能单独使用。 1) some a.some 主要用于肯定句。但当说话人期待肯定回答时,
7) 能与复数名词和不可数名词搭配的限定词。如: a lot of, lots of, plenty of, enough, more, most, such, other„. 如: a lot of books, a lot of money, lots of chairs, lots of food, such men, such bread…
such a misfortune 前中
some such alloy 中后
such 既属于前位限定词,又可归纳后位限定词。在 such a„和 such an „搭配中属于前位限 定词,而在与其他限定词 some, any, no, all, one, many 等搭配时, such 则是后位限定词。 由上述例子可以看出,中位限定词之间和前位限定词之间是互相排斥的,即一个名词中 心词之前不可并用两个中位限定词或两个前位限定词。所以“我的那本书”不是“my that book”而是 that book of mine,因为 my 和 that 同是中位限定词,不可同时并列。 但后位限定词的使用却不受此限制。如: many more copies, three other girls, his last two books, the first two chapters 等都是后位限 定词重叠使用的实例。
some 也能用于疑问句。 Are there some letters for me ? I’m expecting some. b. 当购物时向售货员提问或主人询问客人表示款待时,也可 在疑问句中用 some。 Could I have some letters for me Would you like some chocolate cake? c.当 some 与单数可数名词连用时,相当于acertain 某(一)个”的意思。 Some boy has broken a window d.当 some 修饰复数可数名词或不可数名词,表“几个”,“一些”的意思。如 some questions , some children , some water , some ink 2) any a.any 主要用于否定句、疑问句、条件句、if 或 whether 引导的宾语从句,或用于带有 半否定词或具有否定含义的动 词、形容词或介词的句子。如: 1. Are they any stamps in the drawer? 2.You haven’t any work to do 7/10 3. He never had any luck 4.Let me know if you hear any news 5. If you have any news, call me up right away. b. any 也用于肯定句,意味“任何”。通常重读,修饰单数可 可数名词和不可数名词。如: