



Amplification (增译法)
• 英汉两种语言在词法和句法结构方面存在很大的 差异。例如,英语中有词形变化,汉语中没有; 英语中有大量用连词、介词、关系代词等等,而 汉语中各成分往往通过内在的关系贯串在一起, 不一定或很少使用连词和介词,也没有关系代词。 增词(译)法就是指在翻译时按照修辞句法上的 需要在译文中增加一些原文中虽无但有其意的词。 增译的目的是为了更加忠实通顺地表达原文的内 容,而决不是无中生有地随意增加。所以,要通 顺忠实地译出原文的涵义,译文中势必有所增减。 这一节,将对增译法作简要讨论。
• 1). Don’t get angry. I’m just making fun of you. • 不要生气嘛!我不过开开玩笑罢了。
2). As for me, I didn’t agree from the very beginning. 我呢,从一开始就不赞成。 3). They (the eyes) were the same colour as the sea,
• to persuade • 说服 • to prepare • 准备 • backward • 落后 • tense • 紧张 • arrogant • 自满 • mad • 疯狂
persuasion 说服工作
preparation 准备工作
backwardness 落后状态
poured out. 他一坐下来就讲开了,滔滔不绝地讲个没完。
4). She lingered long over his letter.
她反反复复地回味着他的来信。 5). In the films of those days,alal tlolotoofoteno时fte常n it


1) According to the lecture, what conditions can be treated by using points on the lung channel?
After You Listen
Please discuss with your partner the following questions and give your presentation to the class.
After You Listen
Please discuss with your partner the following questions and give your presentation to the class.
2) Review what you have learned in the previous units and illustrate the functions and characteristics of the lung.
• In the Chapter 8 of Su Wen, it says that the lung holds the office of prime
minister and is the 1) ____i_s_s_u_e_r______of management and 2) __r_e_g_u_la_t_i_o_n__. It means that the lung is the prime minister to the heart, and the heart is the emperor and 3) _____r_e_i_g_n_s_____over everything,



2. Translation Practice
Read the following words fro m Wu You, a 14-year-old schoolboy. Then translate his words into English.
昨天是我14岁的生日。我邀请了五个好朋友去肯德基 吃晚餐,丁逸是其中之一。可是,让我吃惊的是, 张方和
晚上,在出席音乐会、观看乒乓球表演之后, 爱德华还得准备第二天的发言。
1.2 增加名词
英语中的不及物动词后面不跟宾语。在翻译中遇 到这种情况时,汉语译文常常需要增补宾语。
2. Every day you can see her doing housework cooking, sweeping, and cleaning.
He forgot his old friends when he became rich.
She risked her life trying to save the drowning child.
4. 她不小心把裙子夹在门缝里,把裙子撕破了。
She accidentally shut her skirt in the door and tore it.
一种新型的飞机正越来越引起人们的注意——这种 飞机体积小、造价低、无人驾驶。
在翻译某些名词(特别 是 由动词和形容词派生 的抽象名词)时也需要在该词后增加一个名词,使 译文表达更加符合中文习惯。
1. The leader is not satisfied 备工作不满意。

英汉互译教程unit 7

英汉互译教程unit 7

精神文化包括政治制度、文学艺术、宗教信仰、价值 观念等 菲尔普斯在奥运会期间大出风头,马上出现了 Phelpsian 一词,意为菲尔普斯式的; greenwashing表面看起来是使用绿色洗涤剂,实际上 是指有些生产厂家把非环保产品粉饰成环保产品; Obama-mania 的含义很明显,就是指为奥巴马发狂的 人; 现在全世界正遭受金融危机,美国更是深陷其中,与 金融有关的词成了热门词汇,如foreclosure 因为无力 还贷,房子被提前没收;subprime次级信贷; bailout 救市。
宗教文化 :英语国家主要信仰基督教或天 主教,Christian, Catholic, Jesus Christ ,Bible 而在中国,儒释道占据了主要地位,儒家 Confucian Thoughts、道家思想Taoist Thoughts,阴阳yin yang 。
7.3 文化因素与翻译策略
译者通常采用归化或者异化的策略处理. 归化是指在翻译时尽量用目的语中的表 达方式来再现原语,同时尽量关照目的 语读者 异化是指在翻译时尽量保留原语中的表 达方式,尊重原语言的读者。这两种翻 译策略实际上代表了对待文化的两种不 同方式。
世人都晓神仙好……(红楼梦) 译文1:All men long to be immortals… (杨译) 译文2: Men all know that salvation should be won…(霍译)
谋事在人,成事在天。(红楼梦) 译文1:Man proposes, Heaven disposes. (杨译) 译文2: Man proposes, God disposes. (霍译) There’s more of Sampson than of Solomon in him. 译文1: 与其说他是所罗门,还不如说他是参孙。 译文2: 四肢发达,头脑简单。

unit 7 小说翻译PPT课件

unit 7 小说翻译PPT课件
❖ 1933年,美国女作家赛珍珠翻译《水浒传》是西方 最好的全译本
❖ 中西方古典小说翻译史 ---汉语典小说英译欧美各国注重对明清小说的翻译 19世纪初,始译《三国演义》的片段 译者多为在华外交官,汉学家 1925年,英国汉学家邓罗完成第一部《三国演
义》英文全译本 San Guo or Romance of the Three Kingdoms
❖ 西方小说的发展历程
植根于希腊罗马及北欧神话 《荷马史诗》《伊索寓言》 起源于中古英语时期的的民间传说和骑士传奇 《亚瑟王的传奇》 萌芽于文艺复兴时期 卜伽丘的《十日谈》,塞万提斯的《堂吉诃德》
发展于 17、18世纪的古典小说和启蒙主义小说 德国歌德的《浮士德》,英国笛福的《鲁滨逊飘流
记》,斯威夫特的《格列佛游记》 蓬勃于19世纪的浪漫主义小说,现实主义小说和
Translation of Classical Fiction
❖ 小说的基本特征 ❖ 中西方古典小说的艺术特征 ❖ 中西方古典小说的翻译原则
❖ 小说(fiction)的定义 小说是通过塑造人物、叙述故事、描写环境来 反映生活、表达思想的一种文学体裁。
E.M. Forster in Aspects of the Novel cites the definition of a Frenchman named Abel Chevalley: "a fiction in prose of a certain extent"
❖ 小说的分类
--按篇幅分:微型小说、短篇小说、长篇小说、 中篇小说


场经济运作的重要手段。 3.商务合同是运用经济手段和法律手段来管理经
济活动的产物,对签约双方都必然有经济上和 法律上极强的约束力和促进力。 4.促进对外贸易的发展,扩大对外开放和经济交 流,吸引外资、引进先进技术,增强我国的经 济实力。
• 3)商务合同的种类 • 时间:长期合同、中期合同、短期合同、年度合同、季度合同、月份合同、
作为应用文体,商务合同少不了一些格式化的套用句式或 结构。
例4 :Both parties shall act in accordance with the provisions of the agreement . (双方都应按照协 议条款办事。)
例5 :Subject to the procurements of necessary permit s in Hong Kong and Nigeria. (本合同能否执 行取决于在香港和尼日利亚取得必要的各种许可证)
Purchaser shall purchase from the Seller 50 (Fifty) units of the goods at the price of US $12 (US
Dollars Twelve) per unit . 另外, allowance 一词的常意是“允许”、“津
• 涉外商务合同的种类繁多,涉及面广。合同涉及的内容不同,使用的专业术语也不同。 • 财经类术语:inventory财产清单,商品目录;balance sheet资产负债表;verify查
证,核实; account账户。 • 商务类术语:ocean bills of lading 海运提单; blank endorsed 空白背书;royalty


2) It also helped to promote the exchange of science and technology between east and west.
3) The Silk Road served as the main channel for ancient China to open up to the outside world, as well as for fresh impulses from other cultures to enter the country, which cre to the shaping of Chinese culture.
• Emperor Wu appointed Zhang Qian to lead a team of more than 100 envoys (使者) to the Western Regions. The mission was to unite the Indo-Scythic people against the Huns.
the Mesopotamian plains: 美索不达米亚平原(西南亚一地区)
“两河流域”,即底格里斯和幼发拉底两河流域平原,在叙利亚东 部和伊拉克境内。
To be continued>>>
What is the significance of the Silk Road?
Note Ferdinand von Richthofen
贾迪南德·冯·李希特霍芬(1833—1905) 德国地理学家、地质学家,对地理学方法和 地貌学研究有贡献,曾到中国和日本旅行, 著有《中国:旅行成果和根据成果的研究》。

Unit 7转换译法

Unit 7转换译法

Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the conversion of sentence elements. 1.在那场战争中,这道城墙开始出现许多裂痕。 2.发生了这样的事不是你的错。 3.她,一个瘦弱多病的女孩子,以她坚强的毅力写 出了一部部催人奋进的小说。 4.她认真热情,一字不漏地记下了所说的话。 5.东西越小,地心对它的吸力就越小,重量也就越 轻。 6.一直在一旁观看的小学生们开始鼓起掌来。 7.会议没能取得一致意见就结束了。
Comment on Week 5’s Homework
Sentence translation: (论语)
The End
Homework: 庆祝神舟五号成功发射 2003年10月15日上午9时,中国的航天计划又前进 了一步:神舟五号载人飞船在全国人民万众瞩目之下 升空。每个中国人都兴高采烈,全世界聚焦甘肃酒 泉。毫无疑问,对任何中国人、亚洲人而言,神舟五 号的升空都是值得欢庆的。一个亚洲的发展中国家变 成了空间大国,跻身能将人发射到太空的大国俱乐 部。我同千千万万的留学生一样为中国的这一历史时 刻充满自豪。我们中国人为神舟五号而骄傲,这是理 所当然的。同时我们还必须指出,中国的航天事业也 将促进各国的科技交流,促进世界和平。
又如:他亲眼目睹了美国战后第六次后果严重的波 及各领域的经济危机。 (He witnesses the sixth post-war economic crisis of serious consequence that prevailed in various fields in the USA.) 5.状语的排列顺序: 12) 我们为顾全大局于同年秋末在第三方的调停下 开诚布公地多次强烈要求贵方赔偿我们的一切损 失。


Notes and Explanations
缩合词,由view + urinal [5juErinl]构成,
可译为“视 频便池”
Digtal View
n. 街角商店
Liquid-crystal display technology 液晶显示技术
On the other hand, a loo sophisticated enough to be at risk of computer hackers is not necessarily in progress.
而另一方面,设施过于先进的洗手间有遭电脑黑客破坏的风险,因此没有必要考 虑修建。
数码视图公司已将广告视屏引入商场、公交车、列车以及其他一些特殊场所。 A few nightclubs now sport Digital View’s cigarette machines with built-in
televisions, to advertise different parts of the venue. 目前,一些夜总会利用嵌入式电视来炫耀数码视图公司的一些香烟出售机,用广
数码视图公司还打算在出租车和现金出纳机上安装显示屏,甚至准备在啤酒唧筒 侧面安装小型显示屏以促销各类饮料。
Will Viewrinals catch on? Advertisers can keep a tab of how many times each advert is seen.
“视屏便池”能流行于世吗?广告商可以密切注视各个广告究竟看了多少次。 catch on: To understand; perceive; to become popular: Skateboarding caught on quickly.

新英汉翻译课件教程 Chapter 词义的处理

新英汉翻译课件教程 Chapter 词义的处理
• 例1:The capacity to use a raw material depends on various factors, such as means of access, methods of extraction, and techniques of processing.
• 【译文】使用原料的规模大小取决于各种因素,比如获取 原料的手段、开采方法和加工技术。
b) 给表示现象、动作、状态、方法或过程的名词添加范畴。 • 例1:He was described as impressed by Teng’s
• 【译文】据说他为邓灵活的态度所感动。 • 例2:At the same time, inequality has become worse,
poverty has increased absolutely.
• 【译文】同时贫富不均的现象变得更加严重,贫穷者的绝 对数增加了。
• 例3:The Chinese delegation will never accept such dictation.
• 【译文】中国代表团决不同意这种独断专行的做法。 • 例4:The gathering gloom of a November evening
• A.我们不能为了国家的安全而花太大的代价。 • B.为了国家的安全花再大的代价也值得。

换言之 翻译教程 第七章 笔记

换言之 翻译教程 第七章  笔记

Chapter 7 Pragmatic equivalenceWe need to get away form the linguistic organization and look at reality, precisely because that reality is encoded in situations and texts for the translator and not in languages.The text cannot be considered as a static specimen of language, but essentially as the verbalized expression of an author's intention as understood by the translator as reader, who when recreates this whole for another readership in another culture.In this chapter we conclude our discussion of language and translation with a brief look at how a given text comes to make sense to a given readership. Here, we will be concerned with the way utterances are used in communicative situations and the way we interpret them in context, known as pragmatics.Pragmatics is the study of meaning, not as generated by the linguistic system but as conveyed and manipulated by participants in a communicative situation.Coherence and implicature explore the question of making sense and in highlighting areas of difficulty in cross-cultural communication.7.1. Coherence7.1.1. Coherence VS cohesionLike cohesion, coherence is a network of relations which organize and create a text:.cohesion is the network of surface relations which links words and expressions to other words and expressions in a text, and coherence is the network of conceptual relations which underlie the surface text.In the case of cohesion, stretches of language are connected to each other. In the case of coherence, they are connected by virtue of conceptual or meaning depdendencies as perceived by language users.Hoey sums up the differences between them as follows:We will assume that cohesion is a property of the text and that coherence is a facet of the reader's evaluation of a text. In other words,cohesion is objective,capable in principle of automatic recognition, while coherence is subjective and judgements concerning it may vary from reader to reader.We could say that cohesion is the surface expression of coherence relations, that it is a device for making conceptual relations explicit.Generally speaking, the mere presence of cohesive markers cannot create a coherent text; cohesive markers have to reflect conceptual relations which make sense.What actually gives texture to a stretch of language is not the presence of cohesive markers but our ability to recognize underlying semantic relations which establishing continuity of sense.The main value of cohesive markers seems to be that they can be used to facilitate and possibly control the interpretation of underlying semantic relations.7.1.2. Is coherence a feature of text or situation?No text is inherently coherent or incoherent. In the end, it all depends on the receiver, and on his ability on interpret the indications present in the discourse so that, finally ,he manages to understand it in a way which seems coherent to him.The ability to make sense of a stretch of language depends on the hearer's of reader's expectations and experience of the world.The coherence of a text is a result of the interaction between knowledge presented in the text and the reader's own knowledge and experience of the world.Even a simple cohesive relation of co-reference cannot be recognized, and therefore cannot be said to contribute to the coherence of a text.Blum-Kulka's definition of coherence as a covert potential meaning relationship among parts of a text, made overt by the reader or listener through processes of interpretation implies that she sees meaning , or coherence as a property of a ext, even though it is only accessible through processes of interpretation.Sinclair(personal communication) similarly states that processes such as the recall of past experience and knowledge of the world...are not part of the meaning of a text, but part of the human apparatus for working out the meaning of a text, which again suggests that meaning exists in texts but can only be accessed through various processes of interpretation on the part of the reader.Firth asserts that meaning is a property of the mutually relevant people, things, events in the situation.Kirsten Malmkjaer(personal communication) does not accept the view that meaning is in text and suggests instead that meaning arise in situation involving language.A reader's cultural and intellectual background determine how much sense she or he gets out of a text.Regardless of whether meaning is a property of text or situation, coherence is not a feature of text as such but of the judgement made by a reader on a text.A translator has to take account of the range of knowledge available to his or her target readers and of the expectations they are likely to have about.We can only make sense of new information in terms of our own knowledge, beliefs, and previous experience of both linguistic and non-linguistic events.7.2. Coherence and processes of interpretation: implicatureThe difference between supplemental interpretations and explanatory interpretations is that the former never lead to the explication of a thematic continuity, whereas the latter justify this continuity.One of the most important notions which have emerged in text studies in recent years is that of implicature, which refers to what the speaker means or implies rather than what she or he literally says.Grice suggests that a speaker can signal an implied meaning conventionally and non-conventionally. To signal an implied meaning conventionally, a speaker uses the textual resources which are conventionally understood to signal certain relationships between propositions. Grammatical structure is another.Grice suggests that discourse has certain important features:for instance, it is connected; it has a purpose; and it is a co-operative effort. These features give rise to a general principle of communication, the Co-operative Principle(CP).Implied meaning which is not signalled conventionally derives from the Co-operative Principle and a number of maxims associated with it: quantity, quality, relevance and manner.Grice's maxims provide a point of orientation for participants even when they are flouted, so that flouting them is recognized as a way os exploiting the convention in order to convey anintended meaning.Apart from observing the maxims, a language user can deliberately flout a maxim and in doing so produce what Grice called a conversational implicature.例证:do you know what time it is?分析:it may means"I don's know the time""I wish to know the time. Levinson calls this type of meaning a standard implicature. It could convey a meaning such as "you are very late", this is what Grice would call a conversational implicature.Conversational implicature can be conveyed by flouting any or several of the maxims.7.3. Coherence, implicature, and translation strategies7.3.1. The conventional meanings of words and structures and the identity of references7.3.1.1. The conventional meanings of words and structuresAs well as the conventional meaning of words, each language also employs conventionalized expressions and patterns of conveying implicatures. In other words, in every language there will be conventional associations between certain linguistic patterns and certain inferable meanings.Typographic features also play a role in conveying certain implicatures. The identity of any references that may be involvedThe English translator attempts to bridge the gap between the textual world and the world of the target reader by explaining the unfamiliar in terms of the familiar.Identifying reference is not just a question of identifying roughly who or what the referent is but, crucially, of knowing enough about the referent to interpret the particular associations it is meant to trigger in our minds in a given context.It is the ability to interpret the significance of a given reference and the way it links with other features of the context and co-text that contributes to the continuity of sense or coherence of a text and enables us to draw any intended implicatures.The ability to identify a referent may also be influenced by one's perspective.7.3.2. The Co-operative Principle and its maximsGrice suggests that the CP and its maxims are not arbitrary but are a feature of any rational behaviour, be it linguistic or non-linguistic.CP and its maxims are universal, on the assumption that linguistic behaviour is just one type of rational behaviour and that all human beings are rational.A certain type of implicature, say quality implicature, is never used by the speakers of a particular language, or that the contexts in which a type of implicature will be used will differ from one language community to the next.Even within the same cultural and linguistic community, there are sometimes special contexts in which one or more of the maxims do not apply.The four maxims do not represent an exhaustive list and suggested that other maxims such as "be polite" may be added. It would suggest that the maxim of quality and manner are easily overrien by considerations of politeness in some cultures.Hatim and Mason's comment on quantity that what is required for any given communicative purpose within a TL cultural environment is...a matter for the translator's judgement.An important factor which seems to override Grice's maxims and support the possibility that they are both language- and culture-specific relates to norms of discourse organization and rhetorical functions in different languages.Weakness of definition aside, it is interesting that Grice's maxims seem to reflect directly notions which are known to be valued in the English-speaking world, for instance sincerity, brevity, and relevance. These do not necessarily have the same value in other cultures, nor should they be expected to represent any ideal basis for communication.A more plausible suggestion would be that all discourse, in any language, is essentially co-operative and that the phenomenon of implicature(rather than the specific maxims suggested by Grice) is universal. In other words, the interpretation of a maxim or the maxims themselves may differ from one linguistic community to anther, but the process of conveying intended meaning by means of exploiting whatever maxims are in operation in that community will be the same.7.3.3. The context, linguistic or otherwise, of the utteranceThe context in which an utterance occurs determines the range of implicatures that may sensibly be derived from it.Sperber and Wilson suggest that the context does much more than filter out inappropriate interpretations; it provides premises without which the implicature cannot be inferred at all.The inability to relate a piece of information to his or her own context can lead the reader to draw the wrong inferences from a text.When a person describe something, recounts an event, or lists a number of items, she or he will normally follow a preferred sequence rather than a random one.Levinson relates the question of normal ordering of events in the real world to the sub-maxim of manner, “be orderly”. He suggests that it is because we expect participants in a discourse to respect the maxim"Be orderly" that we expect them to recount events in the order in which they happened.T emporal order may be a widespread or universal ordering strategy, but there are other types of preferences for ordering strategies which tend to be language- and culture-specific.The "sense of apropriateness" could provide the context for interpreting the additional maxim 'Be polite' posited earlier.7.3.4.. Other items of background knowledgeThere is a great deal of overlap between identifying reference and accessing relevant background information.The study of implicature may provide a practical solution to the well known problem of deciding what parts of the original shared context should be built into the text of the translation and what should be provided separately, for example in footnotes. Information essential to the success of conversational implicatures should be included in the text if the translation is to be coherent and sensible. It is unrealistic and working against the pragmatic nature of language to put such information into footnotes.As well as expanding a text to provide the necessary background information, a translator may decide to delete information that the target readership can be assumed to be familiar with .In any act of communication, a text does not necessarily have to conform to the expectations of its readership. Readers' versions of reality, their expectations, and their preferences can be challenged without affecting the coherence of a text, provided the challenge is motivated and the reader is prepared for it.7.3.5. The availability of all relevant items falling under the previous headingsIn order to convey an intended meaning, the speaker or writer must be able to assume that the hearer or reader has access to all the necessary background information, features of the context...The less the writer assumes that the reader has access to the more she or he will provide in the way of explanation and detail.In translation, anything that is likely to violate the target reader's expectations must be carefully examined and, if necessary, adjusted in order to avoid conveying the wrong implicatures or even failing to make sense altogether.Unless motivated, a deviant configuration at any linguistic level may block a participant's access to the conventional meaning of the words and structures used and can directly affect the coherence of a text.Any disturbance to the normal organizational patterns of language must therefore be motivated, otherwise the reader will not be able to make sense of it.Most professional translators appreciate the need to fulfil a reader's expectations about the organization of the target language in order to maintain the coherence of a text and avoid giving rise to unwanted implicatures.Reader's expectation do not necessarily have to be fulfilled.We are normally prepared to accept a great deal of unusual and even bizarre linguistic behaviour provided it can be justified, for instance on the basis of poetic creativity or humour.The suggestion that deviations form normal patterning have to be motivated implies that they have to occur in a context that is interpretable by the hearer or reader.Blackmore suggests that a speaker or writer who wants his or her utterance to be interpreted in a certain way must expect it to be interpreted in a context that yields that order to maintain coherence translators often have to minimize discrepancies between the model of the world presented in the source text and that with which the target reader is likely to be familiar. The extent of intervention varies considerably and depends in the final analysis on 2 main factor:①The first is the translator 's ability to access the knowledge and expectations of the target reader--the more the target reader is assumed to know, the less likely that the translator will be inclined to intervene with lengthy explanations likewise, the more harmony is assumed to exist between the model of the world presented in the source text and the target culture's version os the world, the more inclined the translator will be to remain invisible, i.e.refrain from direct intervention.②The second factor is the translator's own view of his or her role and of the whole question of where his or her loyalties ought to lie--whether they ought to lie with the source text or with the target reader.The main difficulties seem to be concerned with the ability to assess the target reader's range of knowledge and assumptions about various aspects of the world, and to strike a reasonable balance between, on the one hand, fulfilling their expectations and, on the other hand, maintaining their interest in the communication by offering them new or alternative insights.Brown and Y ule suggest that the principle of analogy and local basis of the assumption of coherence in our experience of life in general, hence in our experience of discourse as well.In attempting to fill gaps in their reader's knowledge and fulfil their expectations of what is normal or acceptable, translator should be careful not to 'overdo' things by explaining too much and leaving the reader with nothing to do.。


3. Critical reading:
Reading between the lines to understand the author’s view despite their indirect expressing.
4. English-Chinese Translation skills:
His reaction
(Paras.26~30) He phoned the police station.
His reflection
(Paras.31~34) He called upon the whole society to find out the depths of youth crimes and prevent from their crimes.
A were absent
B bee absent
C had been absent D being absent
(3)All flights __A____ because of the terrible weather,
they had to go there by train.
A having been canceled B had been canceled
drug abuse, mugging, bribery, prostitution, etc.
Recognize Different Guns
Air gun Shotgun
Sniper rifle Machine gun Submachine gun
Pre-reading activity
very angry and I think he means __B__ trouble.



Critical Thinking
To develop students' ability to analyze, evaluate, and create texts.
To promote teamwork and communication skills through group activities and projects.
学生需要识别文本的风格,包括语言、修辞和文体等,以 便更好地理解文本的表达方式和特点。
Language points in the text
词汇学习 学生需要学习文本中的新词汇和短语,
包括发音、拼写、意义和用法等。 语法学习
学生需要学习文本中的语法知识,包 括句子结构、时态、语态和语气等。
7th grade English Volume 1 Unit7 courseware
• Unit Overview • Vocabulary learning • Grammar Focus • Text Analysis • Practice and Activities • Unit Summary
Reading comprehension exercises
本练习旨在提高学生的阅读理解能力。 学生需阅读一篇文章,然后回答关于细 节、主旨和推理的问题。通过这种方式 ,学生可以锻炼阅读技巧和批判性思维 能力。
此练习侧重于阅读技巧的训练,如预测情 节发展、总结段落大意等。学生将阅读一 篇文章,并根据所给的问题预测情节发展 或总结段落大意,然后验证自己的答案是 否正确。
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Literal translation:
In the court action, Alan sprang his trump card by calling a surprise witness.
在法庭诉讼中,阿兰突然打出了他的王牌—— 请
sentence or a whole text word for word. ➢Do not mistake dead translation for
literal translation.
Literal translation: make some necessary adjustment; smooth, clear & natural; can have almost the same feeling as the SLR. Acceptable, good translation
Translating poetry:
The translation of poetry is the field where most emphasis is normally put on the creation of a new independent poem, and where literal translation is usually condemned.
Chapter 7 --- literal translation
073010234 Ana
According to the linguistic theory of discourse analysis, any deviation from literal translation van be justified in any place appealing to the text as an overriding authority.
For Peter Newmark, a translation can be inaccurate, it can never be too literal.
The Red Wheelbrrow 红色手推车
Willian Carlos Williams
So much depends Upon
Word-for-word translation: translate word by word without making any adjustment, starchy, stiff, unintelligible (死板, 生硬, 难理解) Unacceptable, unqualified translation
➢Being not only faithful in thought but smooth in language is a basic demand of a translator.
➢It is impossible for one to translate every
It does not mean that any more or less contextfree SL word must always be translated one-toone or literally by its “usual” TL equivalent.
A) be used more frequently (within the register) B) have a wider semantic range than the corresponding TL word
Word-for-word translation: Every atom of your flesh is as dear to me as my own; in pain
and sickness it would still be dear. 你的肉中的每一个原子,对我来说,都像我自己的一样
Literal translation ranges from one word to one word, group to group, collocation to collocation, clause to clause, sentence to sentence.
It is to be the basic translation procedure, both in communicative and semantic translations, in that translation starts from there.
So much depends Upon A red wheel Barrow Glazed with rain Water Beside the white Chickens.
雨洗红手车 油油焕光彩。 车旁走白鸡, 此境有诗在。
---ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ悦光 译
Constraints on Literal Translation:
A red wheel Barrow
Glazed with rain Water
Beside the white Chickens.
威廉 ·卡洛斯 ·威廉姆斯
那么多东西 依靠 一辆红色 手推车 雨水淋得它 晶亮 旁边是一群
The Red Wheelbarrow
By W. C. Williams
In fact, literal translation is correct and must not be avoided, if it secures referential and pragmatic equivalence to the original.
Difference between word-for-word translation and literal translation: