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1. As far as the third factor is concerned,the history of scienee shows many

instances in which the force of authority has operated in such a manner as to build up an exceedi ngly powerful resista nee to further in vestigati on ;i n some cases cen turies elapsed before this resista nee was even tually broke n dow n,as happe ned in cosmology,for example.




2. Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an en vir onment where

there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development.


3. I suggest tran sform ing our social system from a bureaucratically man aged

in dustrialism in which maximal product ion and con sumpti on are ends in themselves

into a humanist industrialism in which manand full development of his potentialities

-those of love and of reason - are the aims of all social arrangements.



4. Wemay define chemistry as the science in which we deal with the chemical change

in matter as a result of which it is possible to form a new substance.



5. The child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which

develop his or her capacity for appropriate resp on ses will experie nce greatly

in tellectual developme nt.

6. Those in dividuals who possess characteristics that provide them with an

adva ntage in the struggle for existe nce are more likely to survive and con tribute their genes to the n ext gen eratio n.

7. But the movie differed significantly from those other forms of entertainment,

which depended on either live performance or (in the case of the slide-and-lantern shows) the active in volveme nt of a master of cere monies who assembled the final


8. Missi ng un til recen tly were fossils clearly in termediate, or tran siti on al, betwee n land mammals and cetacea ns.

给大家一些tips,长句子大概看过一遍之后,发现有引导词,包括关系代词:that, which, who, whom, whose, as 等;关系畐U词:where, when, why 等,就说明定语从句来了,这个时候要做的就是跳过定语从句不看,先把主干找出来,看懂主干后再去理解从句,再理解那些副词和状语等等细枝末节。


1 ,看到定语从句先跳过去找主干,找到主干后再把定语加上去,否则定语从句很长, 导致谓语很靠后,很难理清主干。

2 ,关于引导词的省略,that who等等很多引导词都可以省略,而且在长句子里面常常省略,我们有时候写作文也会不知不觉省略,比如说he is the one I fell in love with .. 就省略了that或者who, 一般在限定性定语从句里面,引导词(that who 等)作为从句里

面的宾语时往往可以省略,比如上面的这个句子还有the guy you spoke to stole a gun,

还有修饰way的时候往往也省略引导词,比如说I don't like the way you speak to your mother.关于省略还是要靠大家多读培养语感,从理论上解释其实很不实用,也不太全面,比如说第三个句子连

that带were 一起省略了,而且还不是从句里的宾语是从句里的主语成


3 ,有时间的同学还是要多背单词,现在大家可以用字典查,但是考试的时候单词不认识句子结构又复杂肯定就死在这里了


【难句 1 ] He is referring to the upsurge of interest in mobile television,

a n asce nt in dustry at the in tersectio n of telecoms and media which offers new opport un ities to device-makers, content producers and mobile-n etwork operators.

(The Economist Jan. 5, 2006)



【难句2] Mean while, Apple Computer, which laun ched a video-capable

version of its iPod portable music-player in October, is striking deals with

television networks to expand the range of shows that can be purchased for viewing on the device, in cludi ng "Lost", "Desperate Housewives" and "Law & Order". (The

Econ omist Jan. 5, 2006)
