1. Life’s under no obligation to give us what we expect. 人生没有义务给我们想要的东西。
2. Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which
I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night.
3. It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. 成长,成为真实的自己,需要勇气。
4. And so it is. Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn't stop for anybody.
5. I'm the same person I was back then. I just have a little more experience now.
夏洛的网里一些简单的单词和句子第一篇:夏洛的网里一些简单的单词和句子夏洛的网里一些简单的单词和句子1.Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦.(第一四个trouble是动词,第二三个trouble是名词.)2.I think that that that that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong.我认为那个学生写在黑板上的那个“that”是错误的..(第一个that是连词,引导宾语从句;第二五个that是指示代词“那个”;第三个that在这儿相当于名词;第四个that是关系代词,引导定语从句.)3.I know.You know.I know that you know.I know that you know that I know.我知道.你知道.我知道你知道.我知道你知道我知道..(谁知道?知道什么?看懂了你就知道了.)4.We must hang together,or we'll be hanged separately.我们必须团结在一起,否则我们将被一个个绞死.(这是一句双关语.前面的hang together 是团结一致的意思,后面的hang 是绞死的意思.)5.The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.那只敏捷的棕色狐狸跳过了一只懒惰的狗.(这个句子包含了英语中的26个字母.)6.Was it a bar or a bat I saw?我看到的是酒吧还是蝙蝠?(这是一句回文句.顺着读和倒着读是一样的.类似“上海自来水来自海上”.)7.上联:T o China for china ,China with china,dinner on china.去中国买瓷器,中国有瓷器,吃饭靠瓷器.下联:Go front door to buy Front Door,front door no Front Door,behind door with Front Door.到前门买前门,前门没前门,后门有前门.(这是一副对仗工整、妙趣横生的英汉对联.下联中的第二、四、五个“前门”指“大前门”香烟.)8.2B or not 2B,that is a这是一种文字简化游戏.它的意思是:T o be or not to be,that is a question.(生存还是毁灭,那是一个问题.)9.He never saw a saw saw a saw.他从来没见过一把锯子据另一把锯子.第二篇:夏洛的网《夏洛的网》班级读书会活动方案【作品分析】《夏洛的网》,一首关于生命,友情,爱与忠诚的赞歌!一部傲居“美国最伟大的十部儿童文学名著”首位的童话!风行世界五十年,发行千万册。
中英⽂对照《夏洛的⽹》Chapter 1 Before Breakfast 早餐前“Where’s Papa going with that ax?” said Fern to her mother as they were sitting the table for breakfast.“爸爸拿着那把斧⼦是要去哪⼉?”芬恩对母亲问道,这时候她们正在桌⼦旁张罗着准备吃早餐。
“Out to the hoghouse,” replied Mrs. Arable. “Some pigs were born last night.”“爸爸是去猪圈了,”阿拉布尔太太回答说:“昨晚上啊,出⽣了⼀窝⼩猪仔哦。
”“I don’t see why he needs an ax,” continued Fern, who was only eight.“我可不明⽩这跟斧⼦有什么关系?”芬恩感到很奇怪,她还只有⼋岁呢。
“Well,” said her mother, “one of the pigs is a runt. It’s very small and weak, and it will never amount to anything. So your father has decided to do away with it.”“是这样的,宝贝。
”“Do away with it?” shrieked Fern. “You mean kill it? Just because it’s smaller than the others?”“处理掉?”芬恩尖声叫道:“您是说要杀掉它吗?只是因为它⽐其它那些⼩猪要弱⼀些?”Mrs. Arable put a pitcher on the table. “Don’t yell, Fern!” she said. “Your father is right. The pig would probably die anyway.”阿拉布尔太太端来⼀罐奶油放在桌上。
夏洛的网英语经典语录(中英文版)1、A rat is a rat2、I know more about raising a litter of pigs than you do. A weakling makes trouble. Now run along3、When I'm out here,there's no place to go but in. When I'm indoors, there's no place to go but out in the yard.4、Go down through the orchard, root up the sod! Go down through the garden, dig up the radishes! Root up everything! Eat grass! Look for corn! Look for oats! Run all over! Skip and dance, jump and prance! Go down through the orchard and stroll in the woods! The world is a wonderful place when you're young.5、An hour of freedom is worth a barrel of slops.6、I'm really too young to go out into the world alone7、Nothing is absolutely the limit of nothingness. It's the lowest you can go. It's the end of the line.8、 If there were something that was less than nothing, then nothing would not be nothing, it would be something--even though it's just a very little bit of something. But if nothing is nothing, then nothing has nothing that is less than it is.9、I have nothing at all on my mind, but I've too many things under my behind. Have you ever tried to sleep while sitting on eight eggs?"中英文版:1.Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦.(第一四个trouble是动词,第二三个trouble是名词.)2.I think that that that that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong. 我认为那个学生写在黑板上的那个“that”是错误的..(第一个that是连词,引导宾语从句;第二五个that是指示代词“那个”;第三个that在这儿相当于名词;第四个that是关系代词,引导定语从句.)3.I know.You know.I know that you know.I know that you know that I know. 我知道.你知道.我知道你知道.我知道你知道我知道..(谁知道?知道什么?看懂了你就知道了.)4.We must hang together,or we'll be hanged separately.我们必须团结在一起,否则我们将被一个个绞死.(这是一句双关语.前面的hang together 是团结一致的意思,后面的hang 是绞死的意思.)5.The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. 那只敏捷的棕色狐狸跳过了一只懒惰的狗. (这个句子包含了英语中的26个字母.)6.Was it a bar or a bat I saw?我看到的是酒吧还是蝙蝠?(这是一句回文句.顺着读和倒着读是一样的.类似“上海自来水来自海上”.)7.上联:T o China for china ,China with china,dinner on china.去中国买瓷器,中国有瓷器,吃饭靠瓷器.下联:Go front door to buy Front Door,front door no Front Door,behind door with Front Door.到前门买前门,前门没前门,后门有前门.(这是一副对仗工整、妙趣横生的英汉对联.下联中的第二、四、五个“前门”指“大前门”香烟.)8.2B or not 2B,that is a这是一种文字简化游戏.它的意思是:T o be or not to be,that is a question.(生存还是毁灭,那是一个问题.)9.He never saw a saw saw a saw .他从来没见过一把锯子据另一把锯子夏洛的网英语经典语录(英文版)Wilbur: [Wilber bangs his head into the fence and runs]Golly the Goose: [Flies to the fence, lands on it and stops] Run pig! Be free! I would if I could.Gussy the Goose: [Golly goes back inside the barn] Golly, did I hear you say you would be free if you could?Golly the Goose: I meant if I were a pig.----------------------------------------------------------------------[last lines]Narrator: It is not often someone comes along that's a true friend and good writer. Charlotte was both.----------------------------------------------------------------------Charlotte A. Cavatica: Oh, Wilbur... don't you know what you've already done? You made me your friend and in doing so, you made a spider beautiful to everyone in that barn...----------------------------------------------------------------------Templeton: You're a pig! Pig equals slop. The rat is happy!Wilbur: My name's Wilbur! Do you have a name or is it just 'The Rat'?Templeton: Did you say 'just the rat'? For your information, pig: The rat rules! We were here long before your kind and we'll be here long after. So, you just keep that in mind next time you feel like reducing me to just 'the rat'.Wilbur: You called yourself 'The Rat'.Templeton: I can call me that. You can't.----------------------------------------------------------------------Wilbur: So you eat flies?Charlotte A. Cavatica: No... no, no. I drink their blood.Ike: [faints]----------------------------------------------------------------------Charlotte A. Cavatica: [climbs down to Ike's face]Ike: Please, don't hurt me.Charlotte A. Cavatica: Well, since you said please. Hehe.----------------------------------------------------------------------Templeton: Look at her! Don't you think she's a little... uh... what's the word? EW!Wilbur: I think she's beautiful.----------------------------------------------------------------------Charlotte A. Cavatica: Wilbur... we're born, we live, and when our time comes, we die. It's just a natural cycle of life.Wilbur: No! Just climb down! I'll carry you the rest of the way! We'll go back to the barn and I'll take care of you!Charlotte A. Cavatica: No, Wilbur... I don't even have the strength to climb down.----------------------------------------------------------------------Charlotte A. Cavatica: No, my webs were no miracle, Wilbur.I was only describing what I saw. The miracle is you.----------------------------------------------------------------------Charlotte A. Cavatica: Goodbye... my sweet, sweet Wilbur.Wilbur: Goodbye, Charlotte. I love you.----------------------------------------------------------------------Homer Zuckerman: Well, what can I say about this pig thathasn't already been said? I know a lot of you folks have come out to the farm and you've seen the words, and a lot of you have asked me, 'how could this have happened?'. I don't know, but it has happened... at a time when we really don't see many miraculous things. Maybe we do. Maybe they're all right there around us everyday, we just don't know where to look. There's no denying that our own little Wilbur... he's part of something that's bigger than all of us. And life on that farm's just a whole lot better with him in it. He really is some pig.----------------------------------------------------------------------[repeated line]Templeton: The rat rules!----------------------------------------------------------------------Homer Zuckerman: How could this have happened? A miracle, in a time when we don't see many miraculious things!----------------------------------------------------------------------Wilbur: Since you said Salu-what, does this mean your my friend?Charlotte A. Cavatica: Well, let me think... Hmmm... Well... Yes.Wilbur: Ya-hooo!----------------------------------------------------------------------Brooks: I am gonna get me some rat!----------------------------------------------------------------------[repeated line]Wilbur: Great name!----------------------------------------------------------------------Charlotte A. Cavatica: You're very kind.Templeton: Don't go spreading it around.----------------------------------------------------------------------Wilbur: Templeton, Charlotte is very sick.Templeton: Yeah, and twisted.----------------------------------------------------------------------Mr. Arable: [Mr. Arable looks at pigs, finds a runt, a picks up ax]Fern: What are you doing?Mr. Arable: Nothing, now go back to bed.Fern: You're not going to kill it, are you?Mr. Arable: It's a runt.----------------------------------------------------------------------Mrs. Zuckerman: I mean it was clear as day. T-E-R-R-I-F-I-C, I mean can you believe a spider wrote that? I didn't learn how to spell that word until I was in the 10th grade!----------------------------------------------------------------------Charlotte A. Cavatica: Templeton, haven't you ever heard that good things come to those who wait?Templeton: No. Good things come to those who find it and shove it in their mouth!----------------------------------------------------------------------Wilbur: [looking at Charlotte's new web, at the fair] But is isa good word, Charlotte? I mean, is it a TRUE word? I don't feel like I deserve all of the great words you've written about me...Charlotte A. Cavatica: Then, Wilbur, it's a PERFECT word.[Charlotte looks at the web, which says "HUMBLE"]《夏洛的网》作者简介E·B·怀特(E.B.White)(1899-1985),二十世纪美国最杰出的随笔作家,美国当代著名散文家、评论家,以散文名世,“其文风冷峻清丽,辛辣幽默,自成一格”。
Chat 聊天 Lonely 孤独的 Alone 独自 Fly 苍蝇
《夏洛特的网》,是个关于友谊、磨难的 故事 。
可爱的小猪威尔伯出生在一个快乐丛生的农场。 这里有鹅、牛、羊等为数众多的家禽伙伴。可是, 当它来到这个世界的第一天起,心里就对一件事 情担心不已——因为它知道,自己总有一天,会变 成饭桌上的熏肉或香肠。还好,幸运的威尔伯遇 到了善良且同样可爱的农场主的小女儿弗恩,央 求父亲把可爱的小猪送给她做了贴身宠物来喂养。 幸福的威尔伯也从此有了自己的保护伞和好朋友。 此后,长大了的小猪威尔伯,渐渐地在农场结识 了更多的好伙伴:老山羊塞缪尔、小老鼠坦普尔 顿、白马艾克….其中威尔伯最喜欢的,就是每天 在门框上织网的美女蜘蛛夏洛特。快乐的日子一 天天过去,威尔伯也越来越胖了。有一天,老山 羊塞缪尔带来一个可怕的消息--农场主朱克曼先生, 计划把威尔伯当作今年圣诞大餐的主菜。而夏洛 特用自己神奇的网救了威尔伯一命,而自己却死 了……
Charlotte's Web
1. How many animals are there in the film?
2. Write down the animals in English. 3. Introduce the film for us.(故事简介,生 词,精彩对白)
夏洛的网英文版好词好句摘抄1. Life is always a rich and steady time when you are waiting for something to happen or to hatch.当你在等待一件事发生或孵化的时候,生活总是富足而安定的。
2. The old sheep spoke to him about his size one day.'You would live longer',said the old sheep,'if you ate less.' 'who want's to live forever?'sneered the rat.'I am naturally a heavy eater and I get untold satisfaction from the pleasures of the feast.He patted his stomach, grinned at the sheep, and crept upstairs to lie down.有一天,老羊就它的个子对它说:“如果你吃得少一点,你就可以活得长一点。
3.' Do you want a friend, wilbur?' it said."I'll be a friend of you.I've watched you all day and I like you."“你要一个朋友吗,威尔伯?”那声音说,“我可以做你的朋友。
”4.It often had a sort of peaceful smell,as though nothing bad could happen ever again in the world.谷仓闻上去让人感到天下太平,什么坏事都不会再发生。
猪:黄人:红母鹅:绿公鹅:灰25鼠:蓝羊(总):粉红牛(总):紫马:绿字11900:11:35,890 --> 00:11:37,858Homer!霍默!12000:11:38,826 --> 00:11:40,054Lurvy!乐维!12100:11:40,728 --> 00:11:42,593- Pig's out!- Pig's out, pig's out, pig's out!猪跑出去了猪出去了,猪出去了!12200:11:42,697 --> 00:11:45,632- How about you walk a little faster? - Wait your turn!你能不能走快一点?别插队12300:11:45,767 --> 00:11:48,463Wait! Wait! Fern, come back!等等,芬恩,回来!12400:11:49,604 --> 00:11:50,798Just run!跑吧12500:11:50,905 --> 00:11:54,397Run, pig! Be free! I would if I could. 跑吧,猪,奔向自由如果是我,我一定跑12600:11:54,509 --> 00:11:55,533 Retreat!跑回来了12700:11:55,643 --> 00:11:57,907- Retreat!- Don't retreat, pig! Giddyup!跑回来了!别往回跑啊,猪,驾!12800:11:58,012 --> 00:12:00,810- Oh, no! Not the smokehouse!- No! Not the smokehouse!不是吧,别去熏肉房不,别去熏肉房12900:12:04,886 --> 00:12:07,081- Is he looking?- Yeah, he's seen it.他在看吗?是的,他看到了13000:12:07,188 --> 00:12:08,917- Think he knows what it is?- Of course not.他知道那是什么吗?他不可能知道13100:12:09,023 --> 00:12:11,651He's a spring pig.He doesn't know anything.他是头蠢猪,什么都不知道13200:12:13,561 --> 00:12:16,462 Here, pig, pig, pig!这里,猪,这边,这边来13300:12:18,800 --> 00:12:21,769Don't fall for it. You're out.不要留恋这些吃的,你已经在外面了13400:12:22,603 --> 00:12:24,195And you're back in.唉,还是回来了13500:12:24,305 --> 00:12:25,932Here you go, piggy.乖,小猪13600:12:26,808 --> 00:12:28,571 Attaboy. Eat it up.好样的,吃吧13700:12:28,676 --> 00:12:32,772Sold out for slop.I'd have been to the county line by now. 为了泔水出卖了自己要是我,现在已经跑到县城了13800:12:32,880 --> 00:12:34,905He'd have made itif you'd have just let me talk.如果你让我指挥,他早就成功了13900:12:35,016 --> 00:12:37,484- Made it to where? He's a pig!- He's a pig.-成什么功?他是头猪-他是头猪14000:12:37,985 --> 00:12:42,012Sorry I made such a fuss.Your suggestions were really good,对不起,添乱了,你们的建议都很好141 00:12:42,123 --> 00:12:45,854but I think I'd better stay here. Ferrs going to be back soon, anyway. 不过,我想还是呆在这,芬恩早晚会回来14200:12:45,960 --> 00:12:48,451He's just stupid as a stick, poor thing. 他简直蠢得像根木头,可怜的家伙14300:12:48,563 --> 00:12:50,656- Should we speak to him?- Certainly not!要不要和他说话?当然不要14400:12:50,765 --> 00:12:51,789 Certainly not.当然不要14500:12:51,899 --> 00:12:54,595 Sweetheart, it sounded-oundedalmost like you said亲爱的,你刚刚说14600:12:54,702 --> 00:12:56,533you'd run and be free if you could.要是你,就一定会跑掉去寻找自由14700:12:56,637 --> 00:12:59,162I meant if I were a pig.我是说如果我是猪的话14800:12:59,273 --> 00:13:01,400You know what happens to pigsaround here.你知道猪是什么下场14900:13:01,509 --> 00:13:04,808Yes, I do.And it should never, ever be spoken of. 对,我知道,我不会提起这事15000:13:16,390 --> 00:13:18,187I'm gonna miss you today.我今天会想你的15100:13:18,593 --> 00:13:20,493See you when I get back, okay?我一回就来看你,好吗?15200:13:23,164 --> 00:13:25,962All right, I gotta go, okay? See you later.好了,我得走了,待会见15300:13:33,775 --> 00:13:34,742Bye.拜15400:13:50,725 --> 00:13:53,193 Goodbye, Fern. Hurry back.再见,芬恩,快点回来15500:13:57,698 --> 00:13:59,165Hi.嗨15600:13:59,267 --> 00:14:00,632My name's Wilbur.我叫韦伯157 00:14:01,335 --> 00:14:02,962 Anyone want to play?有谁想去玩吗?15800:14:03,704 --> 00:14:04,932 Anyone?有谁吗?15900:14:06,073 --> 00:14:09,366It's raining, you know.And you know what you get with rain? 下雨了,知道下雨会带来什么吗?16000:14:09,777 --> 00:14:11,074- Lightning.- Typhoons.闪电台风16100:14:11,179 --> 00:14:12,476- Cholera.- Dysentery.霍乱痢疾16200:14:12,580 --> 00:14:14,207- Frizzy hair.- That sad feeling.卷曲的毛发那感觉很糟糕16300:14:14,315 --> 00:14:15,612No, mud!都不对,是泥巴16400:14:15,716 --> 00:14:17,775What the heck is he doing now?他又在干什么蠢事了?16500:14:18,319 --> 00:14:20,480Hey, come on. You wanna join me? Come on! Let's go!来,想玩吗?来吧,我们一起玩16600:14:20,588 --> 00:14:22,146Let's go, let's go, let's go!来吧,来啊,快来16700:14:22,256 --> 00:14:25,384Let's not.How many times must I tell you? 不,究竟得和你说多少次?16800:14:25,493 --> 00:14:29,259Just because we're sheep,it doesn't mean we have to follow. 我们是羊,并不意味着我们要盲从16900:14:29,530 --> 00:14:31,122 Think for yourselves.你自己好好想想吧17000:14:31,232 --> 00:14:32,199- Yourselves. Quite right!- Look at me!你自己,没错看我17100:14:32,300 --> 00:14:34,564- No, no, no. Yourselves.- Myself?不,不,你自己我自己?17200:14:36,337 --> 00:14:39,465 Hey, kid, this is a barn.We don't play, we work.小子,畜棚不是玩的地方,我们得工作17300:14:39,574 --> 00:14:41,542- Some of us, anyway.- "Some of us"?至少有些人得工作“有些人”?17400:14:41,642 --> 00:14:44,611Are you implying, lke,that we don't work?艾克,你是想说我们没在工作吗?17500:14:44,712 --> 00:14:48,341Because we work bloody hard,thank you!因为我们如此的呕心沥血,谢谢!17600:14:48,449 --> 00:14:50,508Hard? You grow hair!呕心沥血?你们只是长长毛而已!17700:14:51,886 --> 00:14:53,683"Grow hair." Good one!“长毛”,没错17800:14:53,955 --> 00:14:55,445Excuse me.抱歉17900:14:55,556 --> 00:14:59,492And is that your contribution to society,you gassy rib eyes?你对社会的贡献,就是你那肉眼牛排么?18000:14:59,594 --> 00:15:01,084Filthy hairball!臭毛球!18100:15:01,195 --> 00:15:03,356- Rib eyes!- Dirty lintball!牛眼臭毛球18200:15:03,464 --> 00:15:04,522Zip it.闭嘴18300:15:04,632 --> 00:15:05,724- They're at it again.- Rib eyes! Rib eyes!又说上了牛眼,牛眼18400:15:05,833 --> 00:15:08,529It's really slippery. That's the fun part!真滑啊,就是这样才好玩!18500:15:08,636 --> 00:15:11,503Little itty-bitty pig,could you come here, please?小猪仔,你能过来下,好么?18600:15:13,274 --> 00:15:15,333You said your name is Wilbur, right? 你说你叫韦伯,是吗?18700:15:15,443 --> 00:15:17,206That's right. What's your name?是的,你叫什么名字?18800:15:17,311 --> 00:15:18,835- Gussy.- Gussy? 古昔古昔?18900:15:18,946 --> 00:15:21,176- Great name!- Thank you, Wilbur.好名字谢谢你,韦伯19000:15:21,282 --> 00:15:24,911Now, you're so cute and pink,but you're wasting your time.你真是头可爱的小粉猪,但你却是在浪费时间19100:15:25,019 --> 00:15:26,247These animals won't play.这些动物们不会去玩的19200:15:26,354 --> 00:15:28,015- What about you?- Me?-那么你呢?-我?19300:15:28,122 --> 00:15:30,590Well, I have to stay on my eggs.我必须要坐在蛋上面19400:15:30,725 --> 00:15:32,784Oh, wow! Look at that!噢,看啊19500:15:33,094 --> 00:15:35,460 Otherwise, of course, I'd love to play. 要不然,我也会去玩19600:15:35,563 --> 00:15:37,497So, why can't you play?你为什么不去玩呢?19700:15:37,598 --> 00:15:41,193Because what's good for the gooseis good for the gander.雌鹅的责任,就是雄鹅的责任19800:15:41,302 --> 00:15:43,998What about the rest of you?Don't any of you like to play?那其它人呢?你们也都不想玩吗?19900:15:44,105 --> 00:15:46,073Can't play on three empty stomachs.肚子饿着不能玩20000:15:46,173 --> 00:15:50,735Well, for us there's this wholesmell-of-wet-wool business. Ghastly! 不能把羊毛弄湿,所以我们也不能玩20100:15:50,845 --> 00:15:54,042See? I'm afraidit's just not a play kind of place.看到了么?恐怕在这你玩不起来20200:15:54,248 --> 00:15:55,806But you're all friends, right?但你们彼此是朋友,对吗?20300:15:55,917 --> 00:15:58,442Sure. We've been here togetherour whole lives.当然,我们这辈子一直生活在一起20400:15:58,552 --> 00:16:02,716I'm not so sure being in the same place is the same as being friends.我不认为在一起生活就等同是朋友20500:16:07,895 --> 00:16:10,887I'm not hungry.I just wanted someone to play with me. 我一点都不饿,只想有人能和我玩20600:16:12,333 --> 00:16:13,630What's that?那是什么?20700:16:14,302 --> 00:16:15,599What is...是什么…20800:16:18,105 --> 00:16:19,265Could it be?怎么会是…20900:16:20,942 --> 00:16:22,307Slops!泔水!21000:16:22,410 --> 00:16:26,676Oh, joy. It seems the pig slophas brought out the rodent.好玩,看来猪的泔水把啮齿动物给引来了21100:16:26,781 --> 00:16:28,772Moldy cheese. Oh, yeah.发霉的奶酪,喔,太好了21200:16:31,752 --> 00:16:34,312Did I have salami last night?昨天晚上我有吃意大利腊肠吗?21300:16:36,424 --> 00:16:38,415 Yep. I guess I did.对,我猜我是吃了21400:16:38,526 --> 00:16:41,256 - Oh, charming.- Disgusting creature!-喔,真迷人-恶心的东西21500:16:41,362 --> 00:16:42,659 Hi, there.嘿,那里21600:16:44,198 --> 00:16:45,597 Oh, you're a pig.哦,是头猪21700:16:47,001 --> 00:16:48,628 You're a pig.你是头猪21800:16:49,070 --> 00:16:50,628 Pig equals slop.有猪就会有泔水21900:16:52,506 --> 00:16:54,633 The rat is happy.鼠辈很高兴22000:16:54,875 --> 00:16:56,103 My name's Wilbur.我叫韦伯22100:16:56,210 --> 00:16:58,906 Do you have a name?Or is it just "the rat"?你有名字吗?还是就叫你“鼠辈”?22200:17:04,085 --> 00:17:06,212Did you say "just the rat"?你是说就叫我“老鼠”?22300:17:06,988 --> 00:17:10,287For your information, pig, the rat rules.听着,猪,我老鼠是你老大22400:17:10,391 --> 00:17:14,487We were here long before your kind, and we'll be here long after.比起你们来,我们老鼠早就诞生于世而且还会繁衍很久很久22500:17:14,595 --> 00:17:16,153So, you just keep that in mind你可要记住这一点22600:17:16,263 --> 00:17:19,596next time you feel likereducing me to "just the rat."下次再说“鼠辈”可是对我的不敬22700:17:19,700 --> 00:17:21,497You called yourself "the rat."可你自称鼠辈啊?22800:17:21,769 --> 00:17:24,602I can call me that. You can't.我可以这么叫,但你不可以22900:17:25,106 --> 00:17:27,074 So you don't have a name?这么说,你没有名字了?23000:17:28,442 --> 00:17:30,910 Of course I do. It's Templeton. 当然有,我叫坦普顿23100:17:31,178 --> 00:17:33,043 Templeton? Great name!坦普顿?好名字!23200:17:33,147 --> 00:17:36,344 - Oh, gee, thanks.谢谢。
夏洛特的网 十分钟配音台词
![夏洛特的网 十分钟配音台词](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1dc06725eefdc8d376ee32f0.png)
韦伯儿:Charlotte, look how happy she is! Isn't that great?夏洛特:Yes, it's wonderful.韦伯儿:Hey, what's that?夏洛特:This, is my magnum opus.韦伯儿:What's a magnet opus?夏洛特:Magnum opus. It means "great work." It's a nutrient-filled, waterproof egg sac.韦伯儿:Really? There's eggs in there?夏洛特:My babies, 514 of them.韦伯儿:Wow! With 514 baby spiders all over the place, it's going to be really radiant in the barn!夏洛特:Wilbur, I'm afraid they're not going to make it back to the barn.韦伯儿:What?What are you talking about? You're not going to leave them here alone, are you?I have no choice. I'm languishing.What does that mean?It means I'm dying.韦伯儿:What? You can't die!夏洛特:Wilbur, we're born, we live,and, when our time comes, we die. It’s just the natural cycle of life.韦伯儿:No! No, just climb down. I'll carry you the rest of the way. We'll go back to the barn, and I'll take care of you.夏洛特:No, Wilbur. I don't even have the strength to climb down.韦伯儿:You have to. You've done so much for me!And it was my great pleasure.Please come down, Charlotte. Please. There must be something l can do.夏洛特:No, Wilbur. Don't you know what you've already done? You made me your friend, and, in doing so, you made a spider beautiful to everyone in that barn.韦伯儿:I didn't do anything, Charlotte. You did it all.夏洛特:No. My webs were no miracle, Wilbur. I was only describing what l saw. The miracle is you.韦伯儿:Templeton! Charlotte is very sick.邓普顿:Yeah, and twisted.韦伯儿:She's dying! She can't go home with us. So, l need you to help me take her egg sac with us.Did you say eggs?韦伯儿:It's an egg sac. And it's right up there, and it has her children in it. And l can't just leave it here. What if something happened to them? Now, l can't reach it, so l need you to get it for me. And l need you to do it now.邓普顿:I don't think l like your tone.韦伯儿:Can't you just once in your life think of someone other than yourself?邓普顿:Once? Once? A little further. Keep coming.韦伯儿:Come on.邓普顿:No, you come on! Who got his hindquarters pecked to make you "radiant," huh? Templeton, that's who. And who interrupted the gorging of a lifetime so you could be "humble"? Why, l think it was Templeton! Templeton! Templeton! Templeton! And do l get thanked? No! Well, has it ever occurred to you that even a rat might like a little appreciation? A little, dare l say, love?韦伯儿:Do it and you'll get dibs on my slop for the rest of my life.邓普顿:Done.韦伯儿:Hurry! Up in the corner on the ledge. Templeton! Come on!夏洛特:Thank you, Templeton, for everything.韦伯儿:It's okay, just drop it. Hurry!Here you go. Here's your medal. In you go. Time to go home, Wilbur. All right. Close her up, Lurvy. Okay, easy now.夏洛特:Goodbye, my sweet, sweet Wilbur.韦伯儿:Goodbye, Charlotte. I love you.Is that our lovely-ovely-ovely little Wilbur?And he's got a medal! Strong work, kid. He looks so grown up. I always knew he could do it. Never had a doubt. Welcome home, Wilbur. Wilbur? Where's Charlotte?I got a bad feeling, Bits. Me, too.旁白:Now, that isn't to say Charlotte was gone forever. She lived on in the hearts of those that knew her, and even those that didn't. Something had changed in Somerset County. It was as if people knew they lived in a special place now. And, in small ways, they started being special people, a little bit kinder, a bit more understanding. And the animals felt different, too. Closer. The warmth of their friendship carried them through the long, cold months. They showed it in little gestures of kindness, unusual patience, and promises kept. Even the hardest of hearts found themselves rising to the occasion. And, finally, the greatest promise of all, a spring pig saw his first snowfall. It was as though Charlotte herself had shaken it out of the sky. The stillness of winter continued to the first thaw, like it always does. And then, the first buds of spring. And, before you knew it, life had come full circle.韦伯儿:They're here! They're here! They're here, everybody! Hey, there. I'm Wilbur. I'm a friend of your mom's. Boy, are we glad to see you!So creepy! And cute! Just like their mother. They're so, so beautiful. Oh, I just want to scoop them up and hug them all.韦伯儿:Wow, you can fly! Look at you go!Now that, is something to follow.Go, little spiders! Be free! I wish l could. I'm kidding, honey. I thinkl got one inside my beak. Thanks, baby.That's my Golly-olly-olly.韦伯儿:Wow! I can't believe they're really here.So pretty. Yeah, Bits.You doing okay over there, eh?I'm okay with it. I'm okay with it, Bets. I'm okay with it. Spiders are nice. Spiders are my friend. Spiders won't hurt me.韦伯儿:Wait! What's happening? What are you doing?Bye! --Bye!韦伯儿:Please don't go.Goodbye! Bye!韦伯儿:Wait! Wait!Goodbye! --Bye~韦伯儿:Where are you going?We're setting forth.We take to the breeze. We go as we please. We take to the breeze! Bye!韦伯儿:But you can't go! I had so much l wanted to tell you! And someone l wanted to tell you about.。
夏洛的网英文版经典语录夏洛的网英文版经典语录1、a rat is a rat2、i know more about raising a litter of pigs than you do. a weakling makes trouble. now run along3、when i'm out here,there's no place to go but in. when i'm indoors, there's no place to go but out in the yard.4、go down through the orchard, root up the sod! go down through the garden, dig up the radishes! root up everything! eat grass! look for corn! look for oats! run all over! skip and dance, jump and prance! go down through the orchard and stroll in the woods! the world is a wonderful place when you're young.5、an hour of freedom is worth a barrel of slops.6、i'm really too young to go out into the world alone7、nothing is absolutely the limit of nothingness. it's the lowest you can go. it's the end of the line.8、 if there were something that was less than nothing, then nothing would not be nothing, it would be something--even though it's just a very little bit of something. but if nothing is nothing, then nothing has nothing that is less than it is.9、i have nothing at all on my mind, but i've too many things under my behind. have you ever tried to sleep while sitting on eight eggs?"夏洛的网中英文版经典语录 1.never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦.(第一四个trouble是动词,第二三个trouble是名词.)2.i think that that that that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong. 我认为那个学生写在黑板上的那个“that”是错误的..(第一个that是连词,引导宾语从句;第二五个that是指示代词“那个”;第三个that在这儿相当于名词;第四个that 是关系代词,引导定语从句.)3.i know.you know.i know that you know.i know that you know that i know. 我知道.你知道.我知道你知道.我知道你知道我知道..(谁知道?知道什么?看懂了你就知道了.)4.we must hang together,or we'll be hanged separately.我们必须团结在一起,否则我们将被一个个绞死.(这是一句双关语.前面的hang together 是团结一致的意思,后面的hang 是绞死的意思.)5.the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. 那只敏捷的棕色狐狸跳过了一只懒惰的狗. (这个句子包含了英语中的26个字母.)6.was it a bar or a bat i saw?我看到的是酒吧还是蝙蝠?(这是一句回文句.顺着读和倒着读是一样的.类似“上海自来水来自海上”.)7.上联:to china for china ,china with china,dinner on china.去中国买瓷器,中国有瓷器,吃饭靠瓷器.下联:go front door to buy front door,front door no front door,behind door with front door.到前门买前门,前门没前门,后门有前门.(这是一副对仗工整、妙趣横生的英汉对联.下联中的第二、四、五个“前门”指“大前门”香烟.)8.2b or not 2b,that is a这是一种文字简化游戏.它的意思是:to be or not to be,that is a question.(生存还是毁灭,那是一个问题.)9.he never saw a saw saw a saw .他从来没见过一把锯子据另一把锯子《夏洛的网》作者简介e·b·怀特(e.b.white)(1899-1985),二十世纪美国最杰出的随笔作家,美国当代著名散文家、评论家,以散文名世,“其文风冷峻清丽,辛辣幽默,自成一格”。
第一句:“Nobody messes with my family.”(没人能欺负我的家人)。
第二句:“You don’t need wings to fly.”(你不需要翅膀也能飞翔)。
第三句:“We stick together, no matter what.”(无论发生什么,我们都会在一起)。
第四句:“Piglet, I was so worried about you.”(猪小弟,我对你可真担心。
最后一句:“If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart. I’ll stay there forever.”(如果有一天我们不能再在一起,把我留在你的心中,我会永远留在那里)。
夏洛特的网中英文对照台词夏洛特的网台词There was nothing special about Somerset County.苏塞特郡没什么与众不同It was a deeply ordinary place.是一个非常平凡无奇的地方No astonishing thing ever happened there.没有发生过惊天动地的事The people who lived there were just regular people.住的都是些凡夫俗子And the animals...Well, they were just plain old animals.至于动物们...也是再普通不过的了They didn't question the order of things他们从来也不多想什么So, the days passed, one very much like the other.生活就这么日复一日年复一年But, one spring, on a small farm,然而某个春天在一个小农场里a little girl did something,有个小女孩做了一件了不起的事something that would change everything.这件事改变了一切What are you doing?你要干什么Fern, go back to bed.菲恩回去睡觉吧You're not going to kill it, are you?你不会是要杀了它吧It's a runt. Now, go back to bed这只太瘦小了你快回去睡觉No, it's not fair! It can't help being born small.不这不公平它也不想这样的Careful.小心If I'd been born small, would you have killed me? 如果我出生时也很瘦小你会杀了我吗Of course not.当然不会A little girl is one thing.A runty pig is another.瘦小的女孩是一回事,瘦小的猪仔是另一回事There's no difference!This is unfair and unjust.没有差别这样不公平How could you be so heartless?你怎么能这么狠心I want to show you something.过来让你看些东西You see that? You see?看到了吗There's 11 pigs and only 10 teats.有11只小猪但是只有10只乳头Sow can't feed it, honey.猪妈妈没法喂养它Then I will.那我来27I'll feed you and take care of you and...我会喂你照顾你而且......absolutely will not let you kill him....绝对不会让你杀了它- Hey! When did Fern get a pig?- 嗨菲恩什么时候得到了一头猪- Avery, it's rude to point. Give me that.- 艾弗里这样指人是不礼貌的把它给我Come, sit, eat your breakfast. The bus will be here any minute. 过来坐下吃早饭校车就快到了Good morning.早上好Hey, Pop, can I have a pig, too?嗨爸爸我也能有一头猪吗No. I only give pigs to early risers.不行早起的小孩才有猪猪抱Fern was up before dawn, ridding the world of injustice.菲恩天没亮就起床抗争不公正的世界Fern, put that pig downand get to school.菲恩放下小猪去上学Avery.艾弗里-See ya.- Bye, Pop.--再见- 爸爸再见Have a good one, buddy.过的开心Says here we're gonna geta lot of rain this month.据说这个月经常要下雨啊Fern! Your books!菲恩你的书Bye.再见Class, these are some of the questions同学们这里的题目that you're likely to be askedin the exam this week.是本周考试题的一部份So, please take particular noteof every one.所以你们要详细地记下每一道题You got to be quiet, okay?You're gonna get me in trouble.安静一点好吗?不然我会有麻烦的Drink that.喝吧So, it's just a matter offollowing these questions 所以只要理解这些题目and learning the answers.而且要知道如何解答Fern, what's going on?菲恩发生什么事了Nothing没事Fern, what's in your desk?菲恩桌子里是什么-Nothing.- Open it.--没什么- 打开桌子Thank you, Mrs. Arable.谢谢你Arable太太Fern, you know better.菲恩你自己知道It's a pig, okay?It's not a toy, not a doll, not a baby. 这是一只猪,不是玩具不是洋娃娃更不是小孩子A pig.是一只猪And you need to starttreating it like one.你必须把它当猪对待This is going too far.这太离谱了I know she loves animals,but you have to tell her. 我知道她喜爱动物但是你必须让她知道-I know. She's just so happy with it.- I know.--我知道但是她很开心- 我知道Doesn't that feel good?感觉舒服吗Fern, I'm really sorry, honey,but it's been long enough.菲恩宝贝我很抱歉但是已经够久了What?什么Look, he's not a baby anymore.你看它已经不是小猪仔了I can't have you keeping what will soonbe a 300-pound pet around the house. 我不能让你在家里养一只将会长到300磅的宠物No.不Can't he stay in the barn? Please, Dad?它不能住在谷仓里吗求你了爸爸-No.- Please?--不行- 求你了No. Fern, look.You know I've been selling the animals不行菲恩你知道我们一直靠出售牲口to get the new harvesting equipment.来购买新的耕种器具Pretty soon there's gonna be no place in the barn for a pig.很快谷仓里就放不下猪了I promised I'd take care of him.我答应过要照顾它Well, I'm letting you out of your promise.我同意你不守承诺7I didn't promise you. I promised Wilbur.我不是答应你我答应过威尔伯What about Homer?给霍默吧He has animals.他养动物的Uncle Homer?霍默叔叔I'm sure he could make room for a pig.我确定他有地方可以养一头猪Yeah.是啊He'd be right across the road.他就在路对面Go to sleep, my little one睡觉吧,我的小宝贝The sun has said goodbye for now太阳已经下山了The moon shines on your beautiful face月亮照耀着你美丽的脸盘My mom used to sing that to meto make me feel safe.妈妈过去常唱给我听让我觉得安心Good night,晚安Wilbur.威尔伯Fern had walked across the road to her uncle's barn hundreds of times before, 菲恩曾经无数次穿过马路去霍默叔叔的谷仓but it had never felt so far away.从来没觉得有这么远It was just a big red barnfull of typical stuff.这只是一个装满普通杂物的红色大谷仓Come to think of it, it couldn't have been more ordinary.它再普通不过了But sometimes,when you take two ordinary things但是有时候在适当的时机and put them together at just the right time,将两样普通的东西放在一起there's a chance they'll become two less ordinary things. 可能它们就不会那么普通了That runty pig, for instance,and that big old smelly barn. 比如说那只瘦小的猪和那个年代久远发臭的大谷仓One sniff, and you knew it was a place full of living things. 嗅一下你会发现这里住了很多活物But that didn't necessarily mean it was full of life.并不是说这里充满生机It's okay. It's okay.这里还可以Nope. For that, this barn needed a pig.不对因此这里需要一头猪This isn't so bad.这里还行Only no one knew it yet.只是现在还没谁知道Don't be afraid.别害怕You'll be okay.你会过得好的I'll come see you every day.我会每天都来看你I'll be around so much you'll be sick of me.我一直过来直到你腻为止I love you.Avery, the bus is here!艾弗里校车来了-Did you remember your sister's lunch?- Got it!--别忘了你姐姐的午饭- 我知道What the hay?它在干什么- What's he doing?- Probably-obably something smart.-它在干什么- 大概是什么聪明的事吧-Pigs are smart.- Pigs are not smart!--猪是聪明的- 猪才不聪明呢Apparently, they're as intelligent as dolphins.显然它们和海豚一样聪明Advantage dolphin.聪明的海豚-He's going to knock himself out.- Yeah! That's using your head!- -他会撞昏自己的- 对啊那可是你的头啊How many times is he going to try that?它打算这样试多少次-Pig's out!- I told you pigs are smart.--猪出去了- 我早说了猪是聪明的That's going to leave a mark.会留下痕迹的- Oh, look, Bits. Pig's out.- Sure is out.-马你看猪出去了- 肯定是出去了Out of his mind!它疯了Homer!霍默Lurvy!- Pig's out! - Pig's out, pig's out, pig's out! –猪跑了- 猪跑了猪跑了猪跑了-How about you walk a little faster? - Wait your turn!- -你不能走快点吗- 你来啊Wait! Wait! Fern, come back!等等等等菲恩回来Just run!快跑Run, pig! Be free! I would if I could.快跑猪你自由了换作我就快点跑Retreat!回头- Retreat!- Don't retreat, pig! Giddyup!-回头- 不要回头猪快跑- Oh, no! Not the smokehouse!- No! Not the smokehouse!- 哦不别去熏制室- 别别去熏制室- Is he looking? - Yeah, he's seen it.-它在看吗- 对它看到了-Think he knows what it is? - Of course not.--你认为它知道那是哪里吗- 当然不知道He's a spring pig. He doesn't know anything.它是春天的猪什么都不懂Here, pig, pig, pig!过来Don't fall for it. You're out.别上当你已经出去了And you're back in.你又回来了Here you go, piggy.过来小猪Attaboy. Eat it up.好孩子吃吧Sold out for slop. I'd have been to the county line by now. 给你泔水我本该在去县里的路上了He'd have made it if you'd have just let me talk.如果你让我说完它现在肯定就成功了-Made it to where? He's a pig!- He's a pig.--怎么成功? 它不过是头猪- 它是一头猪Sorry I made such a fuss. Your suggestions were really good, 很抱歉我搞得一团糟你们的建议都很好but I think I'd better stay here. Fern's going to be back soon, anyway. 但是我觉得最好还是留在这里无论如何菲恩很快就会回来了He's just stupid as a stick, poor thing.它跟棒子一样笨可怜的孩子-Should we speak to him?- Certainly not!--我们该跟它说话吗- 当然不Certainly not.当然不了Sweetheart, it sounded-ounded almost like you said亲爱的好像你说you'd run and be free if you could.如果你自由了你会跑的I meant if I were a pig.我是说如果我是猪You know what happens to pigs around here.你知道这里的猪下场是什么吗Yes, I do. And it should never, ever be spoken of.我知道这点谁都不能提I'm gonna miss you today.我会想你的See you when I get back, okay?回来再来看你好吗All right, I gotta go, okay? See you later.好了我该走了好吗晚点见Bye.再见Goodbye, Fern. Hurry back.再见菲恩早点回来Hi.你们好My name's Wilbur.我叫威尔伯Anyone want to play?要不要一起玩?Anyone?有人一起来吗It's raining, you know. And you know what you get with rain? 你看正在下雨你知道随雨而来的是什么吗It's raining, you know. And you know what you get with rain? 你看正在下雨你知道随雨而来的是什么吗- Lightning.- Typhoons.-闪电- 台风- Cholera.- Dysentery.-霍乱- 痢疾-Frizzy hair.- That sad feeling--卷毛- 忧伤No, mud!错了是泥泞What the heck is he doing now?它现在究竟在干什么Hey, come on. You wanna join me?Come on! Let's go!嗨过来你们要加入吗过来一起玩吧Let's go, let's go, let's go!一起玩吧一起玩吧一起玩吧Let's not. How many times must I tell you?不要要跟你说多少次Just because we're sheep, it doesn't mean we have to follow. 不能因为我们是羊我们就得人云亦云- Yourselves. Quite right! - Look at me!为自己想想- Yourselves. Quite right! - Look at me!-自己太多了- 看看我- No, no, no. Yourselves. - Myself?-不不不自己- 自己Hey, kid, this is a barn. We don't play, we work.嗨孩子这里是谷仓我们不是来玩的是要工作的-Some of us, anyway.- "Some of us"?--至少我们中的一些- 我们中的一些Are you implying, lke,that we don't work?阿刻你是不是暗示我们不工作Because we work bloody hard, thank you!我们工作非常努力谢谢Hard? You grow hair!努力你们就是长毛"Grow hair." Good one!长毛说的好1Excuse me.对不起And is that your contribution to society, you gassy rib eyes?你那气鼓鼓的圆眼睛就是对社会的贡献?Filthy hairball!肮脏的毛团-Rib eyes!- Dirty lintball!--圆眼睛- 脏毛球Zip it.拉走-They're at it again.- Rib eyes! Rib eyes!--它们又开始了- 圆眼睛圆眼睛It's really slippery. That's the fun part!真的很滑这样最好玩了Little itty-bitty pig,could you come here, please?小猪你能过来吗You said your name is Wilbur, right?你说你叫威尔伯对吗That's right. What's your name?对的你叫什么- Gussy.- Gussy?- 格西- 格西- Great name!- Thank you, Wilbur.- 好名字- 谢谢威尔伯Now, you're so cute and pink,but you're wasting your time.你很可爱粉红粉红的不过在白费力气These animals won't play.这里动物们不会玩得- What about you?- Me?- 那你呢- 我Well, I have to stay on my eggs.噢我得孵蛋Oh, wow! Look at that!Otherwise, of course, I'd love to play.否则我当然想玩So, why can't you play?那你为什么不玩呢Because what's good for the goose is good for the gander.雌鹅干什么雄鹅也该干什么What about the rest of you?Don't any of you like to play?那你们呢没有谁要玩吗Can't play on three empty stomachs.饿着肚子不能玩Well, for us there's this whole smell-of-wet-wool business. Ghastly! 我们得处理湿羊毛的气味问题可怕See? I'm afraid it's just not a play kind of place.看到了吧这里不是个玩乐的地方But you're all friends, right?不过你们都是朋友对吗Sure. We've been here together our whole lives.当然我们一辈子都在这里I'm not so sure being in the same place is the same as being friends. 我不确定在同一个地方就意味着是朋友I'm not hungry. I just wanted someone to play with me.我不饿我只想有谁来陪我玩What's that?那是什么What is...是什么...Could it be?可能是Slops!Oh, joy. It seems the pig slop has brought out the rodent. 真好玩好像猪的泔水引来了老鼠Moldy cheese. Oh, yeah.霉干酪噢太棒了Did I have salami last night?我昨晚吃了腊肠吗Yep. I guess I did.对我想我吃了- Oh, charming.- Disgusting creature!- 噢太棒了- 恶心的动物Hi, there.嗨Oh, you're a pig.哦你是一头猪You're a pig.你是一头猪Pig equals slop.有猪就有泔水The rat is happy.老鼠开心了My name's Wilbur.我叫威尔伯Do you have a name? Or is it just "the rat"?你有名字吗或者只是“老鼠”Did you say "just the rat"?你刚是说“只是老鼠”For your information, pig, the rat rules.给你长点知识猪我们老鼠是老大We were here long before your kind, and we'll be here longafter. 早在你们之前就来了我们待的也比你们久So, you just keep that in mind所以你记好了next time you feel like reducing me to "just the rat."尤其当你想叫我“只是老鼠”的时候You called yourself "the rat."你自己说是“老鼠”I can call me that. You can't.我能这么说但你不能So you don't have a name?那么你没有名字Of course I do. It's Templeton.当然有我叫鄧普頓Templeton? Great name!鄧普頓好名字- Oh, gee, thanks.- Hey! You want to play, Templeton?- 噢谢谢- 嗨鄧普頓你想来玩吗For so many reasons, no.出于许多原因不See, I don't play.知道吗我从不玩乐I gnaw, I spy, I eat, I hide.Me in a nutshell.我啃咬侦查吃躲藏就像在坚果壳里Couldn't you just stay and chat?你就不能留下来聊聊吗Chat? Let me see.聊天让我想想Gnaw, spy, eat, hide.啃咬侦查吃躲藏Nope, "chat" ain't on the list.不行聊天不在清单上The rat is handsome.老鼠真帅Tonight I dream of slop!我晚上会梦到泔水的Fern, you are not going to see that pig again. It's too late.菲恩你不会又想去看那头猪吧太晚了But he's expecting me!但是它在等我And I'm expecting you to finish your homework and go straight to bed. 我也在等你完成作业上床睡觉But, Mom, I always tell him good night!但是妈妈我一直都跟它说晚安的- Not tonight.- He can't sleep if I don't.- 今晚不行- 我不去的话会失眠的Good night.晚安Good night.晚安Good night!晚安Good night.晚安Huh? Who said that?恩谁在说话Who are you?你是谁Where are you? Are you invisible?你在哪里你是隐形的吗No, I'm nocturnal,不我是夜间动物which means I work at night,when you should be sleeping. 你晚上睡觉的时候我出来工作Now, I need to concentrate, so, good night.现在我要集中精力所以晚安了But I can't sleep now! Please, tell me who you are.但是我睡不着告诉我你是谁I'm just really lonely.我只是很孤单So I've seen.看出来了Look, you seem like a very nice pig, so I'll tell you what.你看上去是只很好的小猪所以我跟你说If you go to sleep right nowand let me work,如果你现在就睡觉让我可以专心工作we can converse tomorrow.我们明早可以谈谈- Converse?- I think your word was "chat."- 谈谈- 就是聊天Oh. Great! All right.哦太好了Good night. Good night. Good night.晚安晚安晚安Good night.晚安Okay, he still hasn't moved.他还是没有动We've been here one, wait, two...我们已经在这儿一,等等,是二...We've been here a long time, Elwyn, and that guy ain'tmoving! 爱文我们已经在这里很久了他一直没动He's like a freak of nature.他真是怪人I'm dying, man.I've got to get some corn!老兄我累了我要去吃点玉米I know, Brooksie. Just be patient.我了解布鲁克斯耐心点Come on.来啊Come on.来啊Just a little further.再过来一点Okay, it's morning!好了到早上了- Hey, Bits, I wasn't drooling, was I?- Suck it up, Bets.- 嘿马兄我又没有流口水呀- 吸你的口水贝特Would whoever addressed me last night kindly make yourself known? 昨晚跟我说话的能出来吗What luck! An early riser, and he has things he needs to say.天啊他这么早就起床了还有事情要说Yeah, loud things.对的很吵I'm speaking to whoever spoke to me last night.我在跟昨晚说话的那位说话I suppose that would be me.我想你是指是我吧Okay.好了- I can't see you.- Up here, in the corner.- 我看不见你- 上面在角落里The other corner.另一边I'm sorry. I still can't see you.对不起我还是看不到Move a little closer. I'll come down.靠近一点我下来了Hi. You're a...你好你是...Look, I've got a long day ahead of me and I'm trying to get a little... 我已经累了一整天了我只是想...Spider! Spider! Get it away from me!蜘蛛蜘蛛离我远点Get it away! Get it away!赶走它赶走它All right, keep your distance there.好吧待在那里保持距离- That thing is creepy.- Golly! You're not being rude, are you?- 它真恐怖- 天哪别这么不礼貌No, no, no. I meant "creepy" in a nice way. You know, creepy good. 不不不我是说爬行的好的那种爬行动物Disgusting!太恶心了-They eat their menfolk, you know.- I know-!- 知道吗它们会吃了自己老公- 我知道Well? Still want to chat, or are you gonna join them?这样你还想聊聊吗还是跟它们一样?I've never met a spider before.我从没见过蜘蛛Did you make that?网是你织的吗Is that what you were concentrating on last night?你昨晚一直在织网吗- Yes.- It's amazing.- 对的- 好棒啊Think you could teach me how to make one of those? 你能教我吗Hold that thought, please.你等等- What are you doing?- Making breakfast.-你在干什么- 做早餐- Oh, boy.- Relax.- 噢老兄- 放松点First, I give him a little nip to anesthetize him,我先麻醉它so he'll be more comfortable.使它感觉舒服点It's a little service I throw in.这算我提供的小服务吧Then I wrap him up.然后裹住它Then I just say grace because, well, that's always nice, 接着就很棒了因为它们向来美味and he'll make a perfectly delicious meal.它就成了一份完美的餐点So, you eat flies?你吃飞虫No, no, no.不不不I drink their blood.我喝它们的血- Lying down on the job, eh?- Fainted like a girl.- 它吓昏了- 真像个女孩That's disgusting.真恶心Well, that's easy for you to say.你说的真轻松You have all your meals brought to you in a pail.有人用桶提给你食物I don't get that kind of royal treatment.我可没有这么高级的待遇I am a trapper.我是猎手I have to catch my food. Which is why I make my home near you. 我必须捕捉食物所以我才在你附近安家- Please don't hurt me.- Well, since you said "please."- 求你别伤害我- 还好你说了“求”And just imagine how many bugs there would be in this barn, 想象一下这个谷仓里有那么多飞虫no, actually, in the world,事实上是在这个世界上if spiders didn't catch them.如果蜘蛛不去捉它们Insects would take over the planet!飞虫会占领整个星球The way I see it, I'm doing everyone a favor.依我看我帮了所有人的忙Except for the fly.除了飞虫们Yes. Except for the fly.对除飞虫以外I think now is the time for me to say salutations. 我想我该打个招呼What?什么Salutations.打招呼Okay. I'll leave.好吧我走了No, Wilbur.不威尔伯"Salutations" is just a fancy way of saying hello. “打招呼”是说“你好”的一种方式Oh! Hello.哦你好Hey, you know my name! What's yours?嗨你知道了我的名字那你的呢My name?我的名字My name is Charlotte. Charlotte A. Cavatica.我叫夏洛特夏洛特A 卡维特Charlotte. Great name!夏洛特好名字Thank you. I've always thought so.谢谢我也一直这么认为的Hey, since you've said...嗨既然你说了“打...”You know, that word,你知道的那个词does that mean we're friends?那意味着我们是朋友吗I suppose it does.我想是吧Yeah!太好了Golly, go see what's going-oing on over there.天哪看看发生什么了What's going-oing...Hey, kid, what's going on over here?怎么回事...嗨孩子怎么回事Oh, sorry.I just made a new friend, that's all.哦抱歉我只是刚刚交了个新朋友The spider. Oh, yeah. Good choice.蜘蛛哦对不错的选择Yeah, perfect.对太完美了You picked someone even more despised than me.你选了一个比我还受鄙视的家伙Why would anyone despise Charlotte?为什么大家都鄙视夏洛特She made that amazing web, and she keeps bugs out of the barn. 她织了那么出色的网它赶走谷仓里的虫子Look at her. I mean, don't you think she's a little...看看它你不觉得它是一个小...What's the word?那词是什么来着I think she's beautiful.我觉得它很漂亮I beg your pardon. She is hideous!你说什么她那么丑恶Are we even seeing the same ruddy creature?我们是在说同一个红色的家伙吗I guess not.我想不是Hopeless.没救了What a sorry little friendship that's going to be.那将是一段令人遗憾的短暂友谊There's an old expression that says that ignorance is bliss, 古语有云不知者无过and I'm inclined to believe it's true,我有点开始相信了because, on that late spring day,因为在晚春的那一天Wilbur was as happy as a pig could be.威尔伯像一只猪般快乐And those spring days rolled into summer days,从春天到夏天days filled with endless conversation每天都是无止尽的交谈between the two unlikeliest of friends.在这对最不可能的朋友之间Charlotte, what's a spring pig?夏洛特什么是春天的猪A pig who was born in the spring.出生在春天的猪Oh. And I thought it meant bouncy.哦我原来以为是指生机勃勃That would be a springy pig.那应该是春天般的猪"After Mrs. Mallard had laid eight eggs in the nest,“野鸭太太自从在窝里下了8个蛋”"she couldn't go to visit Michael anymore,“她就再也不能去拜访麦克了”"because she had to sit on the eggs to keep them warm.“因为她必须一直坐在蛋上来保持温度”"She moved off the nest only to get a drink of water, or to have her lunch, “她只有喝水或吃饭的时候才会离开”"or to count the eggs and make sure they were all there.“或者数蛋看蛋又没有少的时候”"One day, the ducklings hatched out. First came Jack, then Kack..."“有一天小鸭子们孵出来了首先是杰克然后是凯克...”Yeah! Yeah! This is going to be great!太棒了这样真棒- Wilbur, what on earth are you doing?- You'll see.- 威尔伯你到底在干嘛- 你来看看That feels marvelous!感觉不可思议Yes, over to the left a bit. Ah, yes.对往左边一点对Is that a breeze I feel? I'm 10 pounds lighter!感觉就像一阵微风我轻了10磅- I'm next!- I'm next!-下一个是我- 下一个是我- I'm next!- I'm next, too!-下一个是我- 下一个是我-Looking pretty good, huh?- Sure is.--看起来很棒是吗- 当然是Hi, there. Are you new to the barn?I'm Wilbur.嗨你是新来的吗我是威尔伯Wilbur, it's me.威尔伯是我Me? Great name!我好名字No, me. Me! Samuel! The sheep!不是我塞缪尔那只羊Wow! What happened to you?哇你怎么啦The world's first pig web! Ta-da!世界上第一个猪织的网嗒嗒I think you'd better leave the web-spinning to me.我想织网的事儿还是交给我吧After weeks and weeks,一周又一周过去了and I'm talking about some long weeks of waiting and expecting,我说的是那样充满等待和期盼的日子all the hard work has finally paid off.所有的努力工作都有了回报Wow! Look at them! They were eggs,哇看看那些蛋and now they're... They're just...Look at them!它们变成了... 它们变成了...看看它们Wow, Gussy, you did a really terrific job!哇鹅你太棒了They don't call me Mother Goose for nothing.鹅妈妈可不是叫着玩的Congratulations.恭喜你Would you look at that!你想看看吗Yes, thank you, thank you!谢谢谢谢It wasn't easy, but I managed.虽然很不容易我还是成功了You managed?你成功了I'm kidding, honey. We managed.开玩笑的亲爱的是我们成功了Six, seven. Weren't there eight eggs?6 7 不是有8个蛋吗Could this be a dud?这个蛋没用吗Golly! Golly!天哪天哪- Golly!- Whoa!- 天哪- 喔Whoa, there, Father Goose! I'm just trying to help the happy couple. 喔那儿鹅爸爸我只是想帮助你们这对开心的夫妻What do you want with a rotten egg, anyway?你为什么要一个没用的蛋I want a rotten egg我想要一个没用的蛋for the simple reason that...You never know.只是因为... 你不知道的This one didn't make it.这只没孵出来I think we have to let it go.我想我们该让它走Oh, take it!哦你拿走吧And add it to that nasty-asty collection of yours.把它加到你那堆肮脏的收集品里吧Last one out is a rotten egg!最新的是一只没用的蛋- Well, I thought it was funny.- I should have pecked him!- 我觉得很有趣- 我本该琢它的Don't you break that egg, rat.老鼠别把蛋弄破A broken rotten egg would make this barn stink to high heaven. 一个破蛋会让谷仓里臭不可遏That would be a change.这有点难度Why are you laughing, Bits? He just said we stink.马兄你在笑什么它刚说我们有臭味Oh, yeah. This is good. This will come in handy.哦这样很好就快好了You really are a handsome devil.你真是个帅气的魔鬼Oh, boy.哦老兄Egg-xactly!蛋准确无误Saw a big old spider in the doorway! Gonna go catch it!看到门口有一只又大又老的蜘蛛了吗我要去抓它No, Avery! Come back here!不艾弗里回来- Here, spidey-spidey.- You can't do that!- 过来- 你不能这么做Stop!停下来- Gotcha!- No, no, Avery!- 抓到了- 不不艾弗里Wilbur, no! Come on, Wilbur, get off! 威尔伯不别这样威尔伯走开Wilbur, Wilbur, why did you do that? 威尔伯威尔伯你为什么这么做Avery! No!艾弗里不要That stinks!好臭啊Oh, that is gross.。
1929 年他和凯瑟琳(Katherine)结婚。
但是,直到他和他的同事兼朋友James Thurber合写的《性是必需的吗?》一书在同年出版后,怀特才真正引起了文坛的注意。
夏洛的网优美句子英文1. 求《夏洛的网》英文好句20句①The Rose ──若是爱。
Some say love it is a riverThat drowns the tender reed.Some say love it is a razorThat leaves your soul to bleed.Some say love it is a hungerAn endless aching need.I say love it is a flowerAnd you it's only seed.It's the heart afraid of breakingThat never learns to dance.It's the dream afraid of wakingThat never takes the chance.It's the one who won't be takenWho cannot seem to give,And the soul afraid of dyin'That never learns to live.When the night has been too lonelyAnd the road has been too long,And you think that love is onlyFor the lucky and the strong,Just remember in the winterFar beneath the bitter snowsLies the seed that with the sun's loveIn the spring becomes the rose.②esay come,esay go。
夏洛的网优美句子中英互译1. 求《夏洛的网》英文好句20句①The Rose ──若是爱。
Some say love it is a riverThat drowns the tender reed.Some say love it is a razorThat leaves your soul to bleed.Some say love it is a hungerAn endless aching need.I say love it is a flowerAnd you it's only seed.It's the heart afraid of breakingThat never learns to dance.It's the dream afraid of wakingThat never takes the chance.It's the one who won't be takenWho cannot seem to give,And the soul afraid of dyin'That never learns to live.When the night has been too lonelyAnd the road has been too long,And you think that love is onlyFor the lucky and the strong,Just remember in the winterFar beneath the bitter snowsLies the seed that with the sun's loveIn the spring becomes the rose.②esay come,esay go。
?夏洛特的网?最卑微的生物也有秀丽和尊严--E·B·怀特?夏洛特的网?Sometimes when you take two ordinary things and put them together at just the right time, there’s a chance they’ll become two less ordinary things.--有时当你把两个很平常的东西在恰当的时间放到一起时,他们有可能变得不再平常了--E·B·怀特?夏洛特的网?“为什么你要为我做这一切?〞他问。
夏洛的网剧本第一次关于圣诞节的对话Wilbur: Charlotte, what are you doing? (疑惑地)Charlotte: Thinking. I do my best thinking upside down. Blood goes to my head and perks me up.(倒立在丝上,沉稳的。
)Wilbur: I've been thinking, too, you know, about Christmas.(看着夏洛,悲伤)Charlotte: Don't worry, Wilbur. We'll figure something out. (往下爬,沉稳的,安慰)Wilbur: Not to be too much trouble, but have you figured something out? (期待的)Charlotte: Not yet, but it's like a web. You make it, you wait, and something always comes. (沉稳,淡定,织网)Wilbur: Good night, Charlotte. (小悲伤)Charlotte: Good night, Wilbur.织网And swing. And stick. And loop. And back up, stick, and...惊讶的人们Worker2: Mr. Zuckerman! Okay, you gotta come see this. (惊奇愣住把泔水桶扔在地上,向后跑,边跑边大喊,上气不接下气,冲到猪圈旁边)Children: Come on, Homer! Come on! (边叫边跑)Worker2: What's a "so me pig"? (惊讶的说不出话来,惊异)Farmer: It's "some pig."Stranger1: There's a word in a spider web at Zuckermars barn!(许多人来参观网上的字)第二次关于圣诞节的对话Narrator: After a few weeks, the phenomenon of the web wore off. Nobody cared anymore, and what was amazingyesterday was suddenly ordinary again today. It looked like Wilbur might not see snow after all. (平静略带悲伤的语气)Sheep1: Excuse me, but why are we here? I mean, yes, barn meeting and so on and so forth. I understand that. But must this concern us? And at such an ungodly hour! (抱怨)Charlotte: You know, Wilbur's not the only one who could end up being Christmas dinner with an apple in his mouth.Ike: Good point. Yes. Carry on, then.Charlotte: Ike, this involves every one of us. (说服)Horse: I just have trouble looking at you. That's all.Charlotte: This isn't about me. It's about Wilbur. And, for the record, my view of you is not exactly a treat, either. As we have all seen, humans have very short attention spans, and there's just too much time between now and Christmas. Certainly enough time for Zuckerman to find his affection for a pig losing out to his hunger for ham.(讽刺,批评)Goose1: That spider can talk! (赞扬)Horse: Yeah. What did she say, exactly?Ike: She said the farmer might possibly still slaughter the pig. Sorry, old chap, but it is a common fate for your ilk. (疑惑)Wilbur: I could just bust through the fence again.Charlotte: No. Once was enough for that. I just have to get the right word written. Something that makes Wilbur so special that Zuckerman will never think about killing him again.Goose1: You need something snappy, like "pig supreme."Cow2: That sounds like a dessert. (讽刺)Cow1: So, what's the point, anyway? It won't work.Goose2: Could you please, just once, say something-something positive?Cow2: Okay. I'm positive it won't work.Sheep: How about "harmoniously proportioned"?Sheep (together): Harmoniously proportioned, yes!Sheep: Stop that! You're following again.Charlotte: Please, all of you! What's the perfect word for Wilbur? (制止他们,生气)Mouse: How about "delicious"? Or "nutritious"? Or "extra crispy"? How about... (调侃,happy)Cow2: Did you get him?Cow1: Yep. Bull's-eye.Goose2: How about "terrific, terrific, terrific"?Charlotte: Good. Much too long, though. I've only got so much web. But one "terrific" might work. Sheep: It simply isn't true. The pig is not terrific. Look at him! He's absolutely average. If you wish to be truthful, then that is the word you should write. "Average."(嫌弃)Charlotte: Wilbur, this only works if the word I write is true. And only you can tell us which word that is. So look around. We've all gathered around to help you. Now tell everyone how you feel.惊奇Worker2: This web thing is really paying off. Mr. Zuckerman! (amazing 愣住把泔水桶扔在地上,向后跑,边跑边大喊,上气不接下气,冲到猪圈旁边)Farmer: There it is, side to side, right in the same place. "Terrific." (宣扬)Worker2: It was the most amazing thing! Last time we had hundreds of people. This time it's going to be thousands! (happy)Stranger: It says "terrific" just as clear as day. T-E-double-R-l-F-l-C. I mean, can you imagine a spider being able to spell that word? I don't think I could spell that word till the 10th grade.Visitor (together): Wow!Farmer: Gather 'round, folks! Remember, you saw it right here at Zuckermars. And, before you leave, don't forget to take some of our berries home with you!威尔伯可能成为熏肉Narrator: As summer ended, so did the excitement about the web. Charlotte needed to think of something special. Special enough to change the way people saw the world, or at least one pig in the world, anyway. The truth is, Charlotte feared she would never find a word that could do all that. And she had to hurry. Time was running out for her. But once a promise is made, it needs to be kept. (平静)Farmer: Still no web, huh?Worker2: Nope. I haven't seen one in, I'd say, at least a month.(遗憾)Farmer: Funny how you get used to all those people being around the place. Kind of quiet without them, isn't it? (出门,边走边说)Worker2: I noticed the hinge pirs busted on the damper in the smokehouse. Want me to order a new one?Farmer: Suppose you better. That's a special order. Better get a jump on that if we're going to smoke any ham before the holidays. We may need another cord of wood, too.第三次关于圣诞节的对话Goose1: I'm just going to throw this out here one more time. "Pig supreme."Goose2: Oh, Golly! Now you're just beating a dead horse.Horse: Hey!Goose2: Sorry.Horse: Look, I don't come across many words in the field,other than "Hyah!" or "Giddyup!" But that rat's always dragging in trash with writing on it.Charlotte: I agree. It's about time Templeton started pulling his weight around here instead of just eating it. I bet he could bring us some choice words. (平静沉稳)Mouse: I've got a choice word for you. A little word called, "Uh-uh."Charlotte: Well, that's two words.Mouse: And here's a few more. Negative. No way. Nothing doing. I ain't breaking my back to try and save "some pig," no matter how "terrific" you think the little lunch meat is.Charlotte: You'll sing a different tune when he's gone and nobody brings around those scrumptious buckets of slop.Sheep: And three, two... Cue the rat!Mouse: Let's get one thing straight. I don't care about the pig. - What I care about is the slop. Charlotte: Of course.Mouse: And since I'll be at the dump anyway, and it won't take any extra effort, maybe, maybe I'll pick something up.Charlotte: You're very kind. (赞美)Mouse: Don't go spreading it around. What? What do you want? (自负)Wilbur: You'll need your strength.Mouse: Thanks. (叼着胡萝卜)。
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夏洛特的网台词There was nothing special about Somerset County.苏塞特郡没什么与众不同It was a deeply ordinary place.是一个非常平凡无奇的地方No astonishing thing ever happened there.没有发生过惊天动地的事The people who lived there were just regular people.住的都是些凡夫俗子And the animals...Well, they were just plain old animals.至于动物们...也是再普通不过的了They didn't question the order of things他们从来也不多想什么So, the days passed, one very much like the other.生活就这么日复一日年复一年But, one spring, on a small farm,然而某个春天在一个小农场里a little girl did something,有个小女孩做了一件了不起的事something that would change everything.这件事改变了一切What are you doing?你要干什么Fern, go back to bed.菲恩回去睡觉吧You're not going to kill it, are you?你不会是要杀了它吧It's a runt. Now, go back to bed这只太瘦小了你快回去睡觉No, it's not fair! It can't help being born small.不这不公平它也不想这样的Careful.小心If I'd been born small, would you have killed me?如果我出生时也很瘦小你会杀了我吗Of course not.当然不会A little girl is one thing.A runty pig is another.瘦小的女孩是一回事,瘦小的猪仔是另一回事There's no difference!This is unfair and unjust.没有差别这样不公平How could you be so heartless?你怎么能这么狠心I want to show you something.过来让你看些东西You see that? You see?看到了吗There's 11 pigs and only 10 teats.有11只小猪但是只有10只乳头Sow can't feed it, honey.猪妈妈没法喂养它Then I will.那我来27I'll feed you and take care of you and...我会喂你照顾你而且......absolutely will not let you kill him....绝对不会让你杀了它- Hey! When did Fern get a pig?- 嗨菲恩什么时候得到了一头猪- Avery, it's rude to point. Give me that.- 艾弗里这样指人是不礼貌的把它给我Come, sit, eat your breakfast. The bus will be here any minute. 过来坐下吃早饭校车就快到了Good morning.早上好Hey, Pop, can I have a pig, too?嗨爸爸我也能有一头猪吗No. I only give pigs to early risers.不行早起的小孩才有猪猪抱Fern was up before dawn, ridding the world of injustice.菲恩天没亮就起床抗争不公正的世界Fern, put that pig downand get to school.菲恩放下小猪去上学Avery.艾弗里-See ya.- Bye, Pop.--再见- 爸爸再见Have a good one, buddy.过的开心Says here we're gonna geta lot of rain this month.据说这个月经常要下雨啊Fern! Your books!菲恩你的书Bye.再见Class, these are some of the questions同学们这里的题目that you're likely to be askedin the exam this week.是本周考试题的一部份So, please take particular noteof every one.所以你们要详细地记下每一道题You got to be quiet, okay?You're gonna get me in trouble.安静一点好吗?不然我会有麻烦的Drink that.喝吧So, it's just a matter offollowing these questions所以只要理解这些题目and learning the answers.而且要知道如何解答Fern, what's going on?菲恩发生什么事了Nothing没事Fern, what's in your desk?菲恩桌子里是什么-Nothing.- Open it.--没什么- 打开桌子Thank you, Mrs. Arable.谢谢你Arable太太Fern, you know better.菲恩你自己知道It's a pig, okay?It's not a toy, not a doll, not a baby.这是一只猪,不是玩具不是洋娃娃更不是小孩子A pig.是一只猪And you need to starttreating it like one.你必须把它当猪对待This is going too far.这太离谱了I know she loves animals,but you have to tell her.我知道她喜爱动物但是你必须让她知道-I know. She's just so happy with it.- I know.--我知道但是她很开心- 我知道Doesn't that feel good?感觉舒服吗Fern, I'm really sorry, honey,but it's been long enough.菲恩宝贝我很抱歉但是已经够久了What?什么Look, he's not a baby anymore.你看它已经不是小猪仔了I can't have you keeping what will soonbe a 300-pound pet around the house. 我不能让你在家里养一只将会长到300磅的宠物No.不Can't he stay in the barn? Please, Dad?它不能住在谷仓里吗求你了爸爸-No.- Please?--不行- 求你了No. Fern, look.You know I've been selling the animals不行菲恩你知道我们一直靠出售牲口to get the new harvesting equipment.来购买新的耕种器具Pretty soon there's gonna be no place in the barn for a pig.很快谷仓里就放不下猪了I promised I'd take care of him.我答应过要照顾它Well, I'm letting you out of your promise.我同意你不守承诺7I didn't promise you. I promised Wilbur.我不是答应你我答应过威尔伯What about Homer?给霍默吧He has animals.他养动物的Uncle Homer?霍默叔叔I'm sure he could make room for a pig.我确定他有地方可以养一头猪Yeah.是啊He'd be right across the road.他就在路对面Go to sleep, my little one睡觉吧,我的小宝贝The sun has said goodbye for now太阳已经下山了The moon shines on your beautiful face月亮照耀着你美丽的脸盘My mom used to sing that to meto make me feel safe.妈妈过去常唱给我听让我觉得安心Good night,晚安Wilbur.威尔伯Fern had walked across the road to her uncle's barn hundreds of times before, 菲恩曾经无数次穿过马路去霍默叔叔的谷仓but it had never felt so far away.从来没觉得有这么远It was just a big red barnfull of typical stuff.这只是一个装满普通杂物的红色大谷仓Come to think of it, it couldn't have been more ordinary.它再普通不过了But sometimes,when you take two ordinary things但是有时候在适当的时机and put them together at just the right time,将两样普通的东西放在一起there's a chance they'll become two less ordinary things.可能它们就不会那么普通了That runty pig, for instance,and that big old smelly barn.比如说那只瘦小的猪和那个年代久远发臭的大谷仓One sniff, and you knew it was a place full of living things.嗅一下你会发现这里住了很多活物But that didn't necessarily mean it was full of life.并不是说这里充满生机It's okay. It's okay.这里还可以Nope. For that, this barn needed a pig.不对因此这里需要一头猪This isn't so bad.这里还行Only no one knew it yet.只是现在还没谁知道Don't be afraid.别害怕You'll be okay.你会过得好的I'll come see you every day.我会每天都来看你I'll be around so much you'll be sick of me.我一直过来直到你腻为止I love you.我爱你Avery, the bus is here!艾弗里校车来了-Did you remember your sister's lunch?- Got it!--别忘了你姐姐的午饭- 我知道What the hay?它在干什么- What's he doing?- Probably-obably something smart.-它在干什么- 大概是什么聪明的事吧-Pigs are smart.- Pigs are not smart!--猪是聪明的- 猪才不聪明呢Apparently, they're as intelligent as dolphins.显然它们和海豚一样聪明Advantage dolphin.聪明的海豚-He's going to knock himself out.- Yeah! That's using your head!- -他会撞昏自己的- 对啊那可是你的头啊How many times is he going to try that?它打算这样试多少次-Pig's out!- I told you pigs are smart.--猪出去了- 我早说了猪是聪明的That's going to leave a mark.会留下痕迹的- Oh, look, Bits. Pig's out.- Sure is out.-马你看猪出去了- 肯定是出去了Out of his mind!它疯了Homer!霍默Lurvy!乐维- Pig's out! - Pig's out, pig's out, pig's out! –猪跑了- 猪跑了猪跑了猪跑了-How about you walk a little faster? - Wait your turn!- -你不能走快点吗- 你来啊Wait! Wait! Fern, come back!等等等等菲恩回来Just run!快跑Run, pig! Be free! I would if I could.快跑猪你自由了换作我就快点跑Retreat!回头- Retreat!- Don't retreat, pig! Giddyup!-回头- 不要回头猪快跑- Oh, no! Not the smokehouse!- No! Not the smokehouse!- 哦不别去熏制室- 别别去熏制室- Is he looking? - Yeah, he's seen it.-它在看吗- 对它看到了-Think he knows what it is? - Of course not.--你认为它知道那是哪里吗- 当然不知道He's a spring pig. He doesn't know anything.它是春天的猪什么都不懂Here, pig, pig, pig!过来Don't fall for it. You're out.别上当你已经出去了And you're back in.你又回来了Here you go, piggy.过来小猪Attaboy. Eat it up.好孩子吃吧Sold out for slop. I'd have been to the county line by now. 给你泔水我本该在去县里的路上了He'd have made it if you'd have just let me talk.如果你让我说完它现在肯定就成功了-Made it to where? He's a pig!- He's a pig.--怎么成功? 它不过是头猪- 它是一头猪Sorry I made such a fuss. Your suggestions were really good,很抱歉我搞得一团糟你们的建议都很好but I think I'd better stay here. Fern's going to be back soon, anyway. 但是我觉得最好还是留在这里无论如何菲恩很快就会回来了He's just stupid as a stick, poor thing.它跟棒子一样笨可怜的孩子-Should we speak to him?- Certainly not!--我们该跟它说话吗- 当然不Certainly not.当然不了Sweetheart, it sounded-ounded almost like you said亲爱的好像你说you'd run and be free if you could.如果你自由了你会跑的I meant if I were a pig.我是说如果我是猪You know what happens to pigs around here.你知道这里的猪下场是什么吗Yes, I do. And it should never, ever be spoken of.我知道这点谁都不能提I'm gonna miss you today.我会想你的See you when I get back, okay?回来再来看你好吗All right, I gotta go, okay? See you later.好了我该走了好吗晚点见Bye.再见Goodbye, Fern. Hurry back.再见菲恩早点回来Hi.你们好My name's Wilbur.我叫威尔伯Anyone want to play?要不要一起玩?Anyone?有人一起来吗It's raining, you know. And you know what you get with rain?你看正在下雨你知道随雨而来的是什么吗It's raining, you know. And you know what you get with rain?你看正在下雨你知道随雨而来的是什么吗- Lightning.- Typhoons.-闪电- 台风- Cholera.- Dysentery.-霍乱- 痢疾-Frizzy hair.- That sad feeling--卷毛- 忧伤No, mud!错了是泥泞What the heck is he doing now?它现在究竟在干什么Hey, come on. You wanna join me?Come on! Let's go!嗨过来你们要加入吗过来一起玩吧Let's go, let's go, let's go!一起玩吧一起玩吧一起玩吧Let's not. How many times must I tell you?不要要跟你说多少次Just because we're sheep, it doesn't mean we have to follow. 不能因为我们是羊我们就得人云亦云- Yourselves. Quite right! - Look at me!为自己想想- Yourselves. Quite right! - Look at me!-自己太多了- 看看我- No, no, no. Yourselves. - Myself?-不不不自己- 自己Hey, kid, this is a barn. We don't play, we work.嗨孩子这里是谷仓我们不是来玩的是要工作的-Some of us, anyway.- "Some of us"?--至少我们中的一些- 我们中的一些Are you implying, lke,that we don't work?阿刻你是不是暗示我们不工作Because we work bloody hard, thank you!我们工作非常努力谢谢Hard? You grow hair!努力你们就是长毛"Grow hair." Good one!长毛说的好1Excuse me.对不起And is that your contribution to society, you gassy rib eyes? 你那气鼓鼓的圆眼睛就是对社会的贡献?Filthy hairball!肮脏的毛团-Rib eyes!- Dirty lintball!--圆眼睛- 脏毛球Zip it.拉走-They're at it again.- Rib eyes! Rib eyes!--它们又开始了- 圆眼睛圆眼睛It's really slippery. That's the fun part!真的很滑这样最好玩了Little itty-bitty pig,could you come here, please?小猪你能过来吗You said your name is Wilbur, right?你说你叫威尔伯对吗That's right. What's your name?对的你叫什么- Gussy.- Gussy?- 格西- 格西- Great name!- Thank you, Wilbur.- 好名字- 谢谢威尔伯Now, you're so cute and pink,but you're wasting your time.你很可爱粉红粉红的不过在白费力气These animals won't play.这里动物们不会玩得- What about you?- Me?- 那你呢- 我Well, I have to stay on my eggs.噢我得孵蛋Oh, wow! Look at that!哦看Otherwise, of course, I'd love to play.否则我当然想玩So, why can't you play?那你为什么不玩呢Because what's good for the goose is good for the gander.雌鹅干什么雄鹅也该干什么What about the rest of you?Don't any of you like to play?那你们呢没有谁要玩吗Can't play on three empty stomachs.饿着肚子不能玩Well, for us there's this whole smell-of-wet-wool business. Ghastly! 我们得处理湿羊毛的气味问题可怕See? I'm afraid it's just not a play kind of place.看到了吧这里不是个玩乐的地方But you're all friends, right?不过你们都是朋友对吗Sure. We've been here together our whole lives.当然我们一辈子都在这里I'm not so sure being in the same place is the same as being friends. 我不确定在同一个地方就意味着是朋友I'm not hungry. I just wanted someone to play with me.我不饿我只想有谁来陪我玩What's that?那是什么What is...是什么...Could it be?可能是Slops!泔水Oh, joy. It seems the pig slop has brought out the rodent.真好玩好像猪的泔水引来了老鼠Moldy cheese. Oh, yeah.霉干酪噢太棒了Did I have salami last night?我昨晚吃了腊肠吗Yep. I guess I did.对我想我吃了- Oh, charming.- Disgusting creature!- 噢太棒了- 恶心的动物Hi, there.嗨Oh, you're a pig.哦你是一头猪You're a pig.你是一头猪Pig equals slop.有猪就有泔水The rat is happy.老鼠开心了My name's Wilbur.我叫威尔伯Do you have a name? Or is it just "the rat"?你有名字吗或者只是“老鼠”Did you say "just the rat"?你刚是说“只是老鼠”For your information, pig, the rat rules.给你长点知识猪我们老鼠是老大We were here long before your kind, and we'll be here long after. 早在你们之前就来了我们待的也比你们久So, you just keep that in mind所以你记好了next time you feel like reducing me to "just the rat."尤其当你想叫我“只是老鼠”的时候You called yourself "the rat."你自己说是“老鼠”I can call me that. You can't.我能这么说但你不能So you don't have a name?那么你没有名字Of course I do. It's Templeton.当然有我叫鄧普頓Templeton? Great name!鄧普頓好名字- Oh, gee, thanks.- Hey! You want to play, Templeton?- 噢谢谢- 嗨鄧普頓你想来玩吗For so many reasons, no.出于许多原因不See, I don't play.知道吗我从不玩乐I gnaw, I spy, I eat, I hide.Me in a nutshell.我啃咬侦查吃躲藏就像在坚果壳里Couldn't you just stay and chat?你就不能留下来聊聊吗Chat? Let me see.聊天让我想想Gnaw, spy, eat, hide.啃咬侦查吃躲藏Nope, "chat" ain't on the list.不行聊天不在清单上The rat is handsome.老鼠真帅Tonight I dream of slop!我晚上会梦到泔水的Fern, you are not going to see that pig again. It's too late.菲恩你不会又想去看那头猪吧太晚了But he's expecting me!但是它在等我And I'm expecting you to finish your homework and go straight to bed. 我也在等你完成作业上床睡觉But, Mom, I always tell him good night!但是妈妈我一直都跟它说晚安的- Not tonight.- He can't sleep if I don't.- 今晚不行- 我不去的话会失眠的Good night.晚安Good night.晚安Good night!晚安Good night.晚安Huh? Who said that?恩谁在说话Who are you?你是谁Where are you? Are you invisible?你在哪里你是隐形的吗No, I'm nocturnal,不我是夜间动物which means I work at night,when you should be sleeping.你晚上睡觉的时候我出来工作Now, I need to concentrate, so, good night.现在我要集中精力所以晚安了But I can't sleep now! Please, tell me who you are.但是我睡不着告诉我你是谁I'm just really lonely.我只是很孤单So I've seen.看出来了Look, you seem like a very nice pig, so I'll tell you what.你看上去是只很好的小猪所以我跟你说If you go to sleep right nowand let me work,如果你现在就睡觉让我可以专心工作we can converse tomorrow.我们明早可以谈谈- Converse?- I think your word was "chat."- 谈谈- 就是聊天Oh. Great! All right.哦太好了Good night. Good night. Good night.晚安晚安晚安Good night.晚安Okay, he still hasn't moved.他还是没有动We've been here one, wait, two...我们已经在这儿一,等等,是二...We've been here a long time, Elwyn, and that guy ain't moving! 爱文我们已经在这里很久了他一直没动He's like a freak of nature.他真是怪人I'm dying, man.I've got to get some corn!老兄我累了我要去吃点玉米I know, Brooksie. Just be patient.我了解布鲁克斯耐心点Come on.来啊Come on.来啊Just a little further.再过来一点Okay, it's morning!好了到早上了- Hey, Bits, I wasn't drooling, was I?- Suck it up, Bets.- 嘿马兄我又没有流口水呀- 吸你的口水贝特Would whoever addressed me last night kindly make yourself known? 昨晚跟我说话的能出来吗What luck! An early riser, and he has things he needs to say.天啊他这么早就起床了还有事情要说Yeah, loud things.对的很吵I'm speaking to whoever spoke to me last night.我在跟昨晚说话的那位说话I suppose that would be me.我想你是指是我吧Okay.好了- I can't see you.- Up here, in the corner.- 我看不见你- 上面在角落里The other corner.另一边I'm sorry. I still can't see you.对不起我还是看不到Move a little closer. I'll come down.靠近一点我下来了Hi. You're a...你好你是...Look, I've got a long day ahead of me and I'm trying to get a little... 我已经累了一整天了我只是想...Spider! Spider! Get it away from me!蜘蛛蜘蛛离我远点Get it away! Get it away!赶走它赶走它All right, keep your distance there.好吧待在那里保持距离- That thing is creepy.- Golly! You're not being rude, are you?- 它真恐怖- 天哪别这么不礼貌No, no, no. I meant "creepy" in a nice way. You know, creepy good. 不不不我是说爬行的好的那种爬行动物Disgusting!太恶心了-They eat their menfolk, you know.- I know-!- 知道吗它们会吃了自己老公- 我知道Well? Still want to chat, or are you gonna join them?这样你还想聊聊吗还是跟它们一样?I've never met a spider before.我从没见过蜘蛛Did you make that?网是你织的吗Is that what you were concentrating on last night?你昨晚一直在织网吗- Yes.- It's amazing.- 对的- 好棒啊Think you could teach me how to make one of those?你能教我吗Hold that thought, please.你等等- What are you doing?- Making breakfast.-你在干什么- 做早餐- Oh, boy.- Relax.- 噢老兄- 放松点First, I give him a little nip to anesthetize him,我先麻醉它so he'll be more comfortable.使它感觉舒服点It's a little service I throw in.这算我提供的小服务吧Then I wrap him up.然后裹住它Then I just say grace because, well, that's always nice,接着就很棒了因为它们向来美味and he'll make a perfectly delicious meal.它就成了一份完美的餐点So, you eat flies?你吃飞虫No, no, no.不不不I drink their blood.我喝它们的血- Lying down on the job, eh?- Fainted like a girl.- 它吓昏了- 真像个女孩That's disgusting.真恶心Well, that's easy for you to say.你说的真轻松You have all your meals brought to you in a pail.有人用桶提给你食物I don't get that kind of royal treatment.我可没有这么高级的待遇I am a trapper.我是猎手I have to catch my food. Which is why I make my home near you. 我必须捕捉食物所以我才在你附近安家- Please don't hurt me.- Well, since you said "please."- 求你别伤害我- 还好你说了“求”And just imagine how many bugs there would be in this barn, 想象一下这个谷仓里有那么多飞虫no, actually, in the world,事实上是在这个世界上if spiders didn't catch them.如果蜘蛛不去捉它们Insects would take over the planet!飞虫会占领整个星球The way I see it, I'm doing everyone a favor.依我看我帮了所有人的忙Except for the fly.除了飞虫们Yes. Except for the fly.对除飞虫以外I think now is the time for me to say salutations.我想我该打个招呼What?什么Salutations.打招呼Okay. I'll leave.好吧我走了No, Wilbur.不威尔伯"Salutations" is just a fancy way of saying hello.“打招呼”是说“你好”的一种方式Oh! Hello.哦你好Hey, you know my name! What's yours?嗨你知道了我的名字那你的呢My name?我的名字My name is Charlotte. Charlotte A. Cavatica.我叫夏洛特夏洛特A 卡维特Charlotte. Great name!夏洛特好名字Thank you. I've always thought so.谢谢我也一直这么认为的Hey, since you've said...嗨既然你说了“打...”You know, that word,你知道的那个词does that mean we're friends?那意味着我们是朋友吗I suppose it does.我想是吧Yeah!太好了Golly, go see what's going-oing on over there.天哪看看发生什么了What's going-oing...Hey, kid, what's going on over here?怎么回事...嗨孩子怎么回事Oh, sorry.I just made a new friend, that's all.哦抱歉我只是刚刚交了个新朋友The spider. Oh, yeah. Good choice.蜘蛛哦对不错的选择Yeah, perfect.对太完美了You picked someone even more despised than me.你选了一个比我还受鄙视的家伙Why would anyone despise Charlotte?为什么大家都鄙视夏洛特She made that amazing web, and she keeps bugs out of the barn. 她织了那么出色的网它赶走谷仓里的虫子Look at her. I mean, don't you think she's a little...看看它你不觉得它是一个小...What's the word?那词是什么来着I think she's beautiful.我觉得它很漂亮I beg your pardon. She is hideous!你说什么她那么丑恶Are we even seeing the same ruddy creature?我们是在说同一个红色的家伙吗I guess not.我想不是Hopeless.没救了What a sorry little friendship that's going to be.那将是一段令人遗憾的短暂友谊There's an old expression that says that ignorance is bliss,古语有云不知者无过and I'm inclined to believe it's true,我有点开始相信了because, on that late spring day,因为在晚春的那一天Wilbur was as happy as a pig could be.威尔伯像一只猪般快乐And those spring days rolled into summer days,从春天到夏天days filled with endless conversation每天都是无止尽的交谈between the two unlikeliest of friends.在这对最不可能的朋友之间Charlotte, what's a spring pig?夏洛特什么是春天的猪A pig who was born in the spring.出生在春天的猪Oh. And I thought it meant bouncy.哦我原来以为是指生机勃勃That would be a springy pig.那应该是春天般的猪"After Mrs. Mallard had laid eight eggs in the nest,“野鸭太太自从在窝里下了8个蛋”"she couldn't go to visit Michael anymore,“她就再也不能去拜访麦克了”"because she had to sit on the eggs to keep them warm.“因为她必须一直坐在蛋上来保持温度”"She moved off the nest only to get a drink of water, or to have her lunch, “她只有喝水或吃饭的时候才会离开”"or to count the eggs and make sure they were all there.“或者数蛋看蛋又没有少的时候”"One day, the ducklings hatched out. First came Jack, then Kack..."“有一天小鸭子们孵出来了首先是杰克然后是凯克...”Yeah! Yeah! This is going to be great!太棒了这样真棒- Wilbur, what on earth are you doing?- You'll see.- 威尔伯你到底在干嘛- 你来看看That feels marvelous!感觉不可思议Yes, over to the left a bit. Ah, yes.对往左边一点对Is that a breeze I feel? I'm 10 pounds lighter!感觉就像一阵微风我轻了10磅- I'm next!- I'm next!-下一个是我- 下一个是我- I'm next!- I'm next, too!-下一个是我- 下一个是我-Looking pretty good, huh?- Sure is.--看起来很棒是吗- 当然是Hi, there. Are you new to the barn?I'm Wilbur.嗨你是新来的吗我是威尔伯Wilbur, it's me.威尔伯是我Me? Great name!我好名字No, me. Me! Samuel! The sheep!不是我塞缪尔那只羊Wow! What happened to you?哇你怎么啦The world's first pig web! Ta-da!世界上第一个猪织的网嗒嗒I think you'd better leave the web-spinning to me.我想织网的事儿还是交给我吧After weeks and weeks,一周又一周过去了and I'm talking about some long weeks of waiting and expecting,我说的是那样充满等待和期盼的日子all the hard work has finally paid off.所有的努力工作都有了回报Wow! Look at them! They were eggs,哇看看那些蛋and now they're... They're just...Look at them!它们变成了... 它们变成了...看看它们Wow, Gussy, you did a really terrific job!哇鹅你太棒了They don't call me Mother Goose for nothing.鹅妈妈可不是叫着玩的Congratulations.恭喜你Would you look at that!你想看看吗Yes, thank you, thank you!谢谢谢谢It wasn't easy, but I managed.虽然很不容易我还是成功了You managed?你成功了I'm kidding, honey. We managed.开玩笑的亲爱的是我们成功了Six, seven. Weren't there eight eggs?6 7 不是有8个蛋吗Could this be a dud?这个蛋没用吗Golly! Golly!天哪天哪- Golly!- Whoa!- 天哪- 喔Whoa, there, Father Goose! I'm just trying to help the happy couple. 喔那儿鹅爸爸我只是想帮助你们这对开心的夫妻What do you want with a rotten egg, anyway?你为什么要一个没用的蛋I want a rotten egg我想要一个没用的蛋for the simple reason that...You never know.只是因为... 你不知道的This one didn't make it.这只没孵出来I think we have to let it go.我想我们该让它走Oh, take it!哦你拿走吧And add it to that nasty-asty collection of yours.把它加到你那堆肮脏的收集品里吧Last one out is a rotten egg!最新的是一只没用的蛋- Well, I thought it was funny.- I should have pecked him!- 我觉得很有趣- 我本该琢它的Don't you break that egg, rat.老鼠别把蛋弄破A broken rotten egg would make this barn stink to high heaven. 一个破蛋会让谷仓里臭不可遏That would be a change.这有点难度Why are you laughing, Bits? He just said we stink.马兄你在笑什么它刚说我们有臭味Oh, yeah. This is good. This will come in handy.哦这样很好就快好了You really are a handsome devil.你真是个帅气的魔鬼Oh, boy.哦老兄Egg-xactly!蛋准确无误Saw a big old spider in the doorway! Gonna go catch it!看到门口有一只又大又老的蜘蛛了吗我要去抓它No, Avery! Come back here!不艾弗里回来- Here, spidey-spidey.- You can't do that!- 过来- 你不能这么做Stop!停下来- Gotcha!- No, no, Avery!- 抓到了- 不不艾弗里Wilbur, no! Come on, Wilbur, get off!威尔伯不别这样威尔伯走开Wilbur, Wilbur, why did you do that?威尔伯威尔伯你为什么这么做Avery! No!艾弗里不要That stinks!好臭啊Oh, that is gross.哦真恶心Man, is that you?老兄是你吗No. I smell a smell, though. Think it's scary guy?不是不过我也闻到臭味了是那个恐怖的家伙吗- He's trying to stink us away from the...- Corn!- 他想用臭味熏得我们离开...- 玉米Guess the yolk's on me.弄得我浑身都是蛋黄That is one ripe egg.那是一只成熟的蛋That stinks good!味道真好That is disgusting!真恶心- We told you not to break that egg.- Now look what you've done, rat! - 我们跟你说过不要弄破那个蛋- 看看你干的好事It saved Charlotte, didn't it?它救了夏洛特是吗Yeah, ingrates. I saved the leggy lady's life.对你这个忘恩负义的家伙我救了那位长腿女士- You mean that as a good thing, right? - Of course.- 那是一件好事对吗- 当然I do have a few eyes, you know,我也看到了不少and I think Wilbur did most of the saving.我觉得很大程度是威尔伯救了我I know. Ironic, isn't it?我知道很讽刺对吗He's saving you, and they're saving him for Christmas.它救了你他们却把它留作圣诞大餐Templeton!鄧普頓What's Christmas什么是圣诞The day you'll be cured.人们腌制你的那天But I'm not sick.可是我没有病I didn't say you were sick.我没说你有病- Uh-oh. That was a mistake.- Yep. Typical rat.- 啊哦这是一个错误- 对真不愧是个老鼠What? You're going to lie to the future football here? Okay.什么你们打算欺骗这个将来会变成肉球的家伙是吗But it's a sad statement when I'm the most honest guy in the place.真不幸我居然是这里最诚实的Templeton, what are you talking about?鄧普頓你在说什么Come winter, the farmer will be checking you到了冬天主人会来看看你into the old smokehouse hotel.然后送你去熏制房And the only checking out that happens is when people gather around and say, 然后人们就会聚集起来并且说"Check out that yummy sausage.尝尝这美味的腊肠"Check out that sizzling bacon."尝尝这烤肉So, that's what that is for.原来如此Ain't for roasting chestnuts.不是做栗子烤肉He wouldn't. Humans love pigs.不会的人类爱猪Well, they love pork.他们爱的是猪肉Well, this is awkward, isn't it?哦这真尴尬不是吗Charlotte!夏洛特Charlotte, is it true?夏洛特这是真的吗Wilbur, few spring pigs get to see the snows of winter.威尔伯很少有春天的猪能活着看到冬天的雪No! I can't believe this. I won't believe it.不我不相信我不会相信的- Oh, Wilbur.- It isn't fair!- 哦威尔伯- 这不公平- I want to live! I want to see the snow!- And you will.- 我想活下来我想看到雪- 你会的I'm making you a promise right now.I am not going to let them kill you.我现在答应你我不会让他们杀了你的You're a spider. You're little. They're huge!你只是蜘蛛你太弱小了他们太强大了How are you going to stop them?你怎么能阻止他们呀I have no idea. But it's a promise,我不知道但是我答应你and promises are something I never break.我从来不会违背诺言Just don't you worry about it, Wilbur.。